How to Apply To, Development Commissioner (Industries) New Administrative Building, Madam Cama Road, Opp. Mantralaya, Mumbai 400 032 Tel. No. :- 022 - 22023505 Fax No.:- 022 - 22026826 E-mail :- Website :- Check List of required documents The Agricultural Land Purchase Permission for more than 10 Ha. under Mumbai Tenancy and Agricultural Land Act (BTAL Act) 1948, section 63 (I)(a) for Bonafide Industrial Use Sr. Document Specification No. (A) Necessary Documents (*) Page No. 1. Application Form (*) 2. IEM/LOI/EOU/IL obtain from Central Government or EM from State Government 3. Notarised Affidavit on Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper alongwith List of Gut & Hissa No. of proposed area (*) 4. Project Report /Profile (*) 5. Memorandum & Articles of Association/Registration Certificate of Partnership Firm/Deed or Registration Certificate of Co-operative Society (*) 6. Land use statement(*) 7. Networth Certificate by C. A. (*) 8. Ack. Copy/Consent letter for water supply (*) 9. Ack. Copy/Consent to operate letter from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (*) 10. Ack. Copy/Consent letter for power supply from Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Co. Ltd. (*) Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 1 / 14 Sr. Document Specification No. 11. Layout plan along with Land use statement (*) Page No. 12. Marked Village Map showing Gut & Hissa No. (*) 13. List of Gut & Hissa No. of proposed area (*) 14. Talathi Report regarding crop pattern of proposed land i.e. Single Crop/ Double Crop/Barren/Waste/Khajan/Pot Kharaba/Forest/Eco Sensitive etc. (*) 15. 7/12 Copies of proposed land (*) 16. Zone Confirmation Letter from Town Planning Department and MMRDA Where is applicable (*) 17. Ack. Copy of Change of Zone submitted to Urban Development Department (Excluding SEZ Project & Area falls in Industrial Zone) 18. MMB Clearance, if proposed area falls in the jurisdiction of MMB and costal regulation zone 19. Environment Clearance from Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), Govt. of India, New Delhi (*) 20. Letter of Support issued by Energy Department, Mantralaya (For Thermal/Captive Power Plant Project) (*) 21. Copy of Power Purchase Agreement with Government (For Power Plant) (*) 22. Ack. copy of application for Long Term Coal Linkage (For Power Plant) (*) 23. Ack copy of application submitted for NOC to Construct CHIMNEY from Airports Authority of India (For Power Plant) if proposed land is in the vicinity of Airport. 24. Additional Copy of Project report, Gut & Survey No. List for Proposed area falls in MIDC/MMRDA/MMB juridiction (*) 25. Infrastructure Clearance from MEDA (For Wind Mill Project) (*) 26. Letter of Reasonableness of Land requirement from MEDA (For Wind Mill Project) (*) 27. CWET Chennai certified Micro setting plan (For Wind Mill Project) (*) 28. Grid Connectivity letter from MSETCL (For Wind Mill Project) (*) Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 2 / 14 Sr. Page Document Specification No. No. 29. Letter from Executive Engineer, Public Works Department/Collector regarding Ariel Distance between Existing & Proposed Sugar Factory (Sugar Industry) (*) 30. NOC from MEDA, Pune for co-gen. Plant (Sugar Industry) (*) 31. In principal Approval/Copy of Application for Setting up of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) (*) 32. Whether the Industrial Estate/Park Project to establish is as per MIDC’s norms/standardsS? – (submit remarks from M.I.D.C., Head Office, Mumbai) Additional documents Issued by 33. Location Plan showing project area boundary (with Architect black verge), important landmarks including major road, railway line, river etc. (*) 34. Regional Plan remarks of the land under reference (*) Concerned ADTP office/ MMRDA 35. Development Plan remarks of the land under Concerned reference (Wherever applicable) (*) ADTP office/ Municipal 36. Part Plan of Regional Plan/Development Plan showing the Concerned ADTP surrounding zoning and the details within 500 Mtrs. office/ Municipal Distance from land under proposal (*) 37. Whether the activity is permissible as per DCR of Development Control Regional Plant/ Development Plan indicating the Rules regulation number (alongwith zerox copy) (*) 38. Topography of area whether fully area/ plain area (*) Contour plan 39. Whether water body like lakes, river, comes within the Architect project boundary area (along with plan) (*) 40. Whether the project falls within the catchment Irrigation Department command area of irrigation (with map) (*) 41. Nearest distance of the project boundary from river, Architect dam and other major or minor water course, heritage places, railway, airport (*) 42. Whether the high tension line passes through the Architect project boundary? (*) 43. Whether the project comes within the influence zone Concerned Department Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 3 / 14 Sr. No. Page No. Document Specification of any National Projects such as Tarapur Atomic Energy Project, Places of Archeological importance, National Park, Bird Sanctuary etc. (*) 44. Whether the project falls within eco-sensitive zone ADTP office such as Matheran, Mahabaleshwar, Dahanu etc.? (*) 45. Whether the project falls within Costal Regulation Municipal Corporation / Zone? If yes (alongwith plan) the D.P Remarks of Municipal council/ Municipal Corporation / Municipal Council. (*) ADTP office in case of Regional plan Area. Instructions & Document Required for Integrated Special Township Project 46. Locational Clearance Copy from Urban Development Department /Ack. Copy (Special Township Project) (*) The area shall be one continuous unbroken, uninterrupted and in any case shall not be less than 40 Ha. (100 Acres) at one place. The 100 Acre area shall not include forest, water bodies like river, lakes, creek, canal, reservoir, lands falling within the belt of 500 Mtr. Area, lands falling within the belt of 200 Mtr. From the historical monuments and places of Archeological importance, heritage precincts and places, any restricted zone, gaothan areas or congested areas, truck terminus specially earmarked on Regional Plan, wildlife corridors and biosphere reserves, Eco Sensitive Zone/Area, Quarry Zone and recreational tourism development zone, catchment areas of water bodies, defence areas, cantonment areas, notified area of SEZ, designated Port/Harbour areas, designated Airport areas (*) 47. Notification of declaration Development Department of Hill Station/Tourism from Urban 48. Applicant should scanned all documents and submit soft copy in CD format along with application 49. 50. 51. -: C E R T I F I C A T E :Certified that all the required documents mention above are submitted with Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 4 / 14 this proposal Date:Place:- Application of BTAL permission_REVISED Signature of the Applicant/Developer 5 / 14 APPLICATION FOR PURCHASE OF LAND MORE THAN 10 HECTORES FOR THE PURPOSE OF BONAFIDE INDUSTRIAL USE [AS PER MAHARASHTRA TENANCY AND AGRICULTURAL LANDS LAW] (AMENDED ACT 1994) 1. Project Details 1.1 Name (s) and address of applicant : (s) in Block letters, Surname First (State whether Shri./Smt.) 1.2 Name of Contact Person and his : Telephone No./Fax No./E-Mail Address 1.3 Name of the Firm/Company : 1.4 Proposed location of land Village Taluka District Area in Hectares : : : : 1.5 Constitution of the Firm/ : Company (Except proprietary please enclose the document) 1.6 Product(s) proposed to be : manufactured/SEZ/Power Plant/ : Wind Mill/ Tourism Project : A) Proposed installed capacity (First phase) Export envisaged if any B) 1.7 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ Quantity (s) Value (s) : : Name of raw materials required : for manufacture : : 1. _____________________________ 2. _____________________________ 3. _____________________________ PH-I 0-5 Years PH-2 5-10 Years PH-3 10-15 Years 1.8 1.9 Power requirement of the project Proposed investment in plant and machinery 1.10 Proposed investment in building construction Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 6 / 14 1.11 Cost of land 1.12 Total Project Cost Nos. Nos. Nos. 1.13 Proposed employment Supervisory Skilled Unskilled TOTAL 1.14 Financial arrangements proposed to be made (Please enclose copy of Project Profile) 1.15 Whether IEM/ IL/ Registration is obtained (Please enclosed copy). 2. Own Bank/Fin. Institution YES/NO Land requirement in Square Meter 2.4 2.5 Plinth Area Requirement of land for open storage Any other requirement of land (Please Specify) Total land requirement F.S.I. 3. Details of Land to be acquired 3.1 Details of land such as Gut No. : /Survey No./ Village/ Taluka / District and area of each Gut (Please enclose 7/12 Extract and mutation entries) Detailed Block Plan of land to be : utilised for industrial purpose (First phase only) 2.3 3.2 Total SSI : Phase-I 0-5 Years 2.1 2.2 Other Application of BTAL permission_REVISED Phase-2 5-10 Years Phase-3 10-15 Years 7 / 14 3.3 Present land use : (Please enclose certificate from Town Planning Department regarding Zone and reservation if any and get a certificate that the land is not Government Land.) 4. Other Details 4.1 Water requirement and its sources (If water source is not available indicate the arrangements to be made) Effluent disposals arrangement Whether the consent letter has been taken from M.P.C.B. for proposed activity? (If yes, please enclose the copy of the same) Whether the consent letter has been taken for power distribution from M.S.E.B. for proposed activity? (If yes, please enclose the copy of the same) Zone confirmation Certificate of Town Planning Authority 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 : : : : : Place :- Signature of the applicant(s) With name in capital letter Date :- Status of applicant(s) as an individual/ Partner of a firm or director/ Promoter of a Company Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 8 / 14 The utilisation of land may include the following information:1. Total area of the land to be required/purchased. 2. Total area available for construction. 3. Area to be occupied for main plant/production purpose. 4. Ancillary plant, area, if any 5. Laboratories, if any 6. R & D facilities, if any 7. Storage space required 8. Godown:-excise enclosures etc. 9. Office premises etc. 10. Other amenities to be provided related to the plant like effluent treatment pollution control etc. 11. Area required, if any, for industrial workers. 12. Area required for amenities to be provided for industrial workers. 13. Open space to be left as per the rules. 14. Total built up area 15. Total area required for industrial housing. 16. Total of open area to be left out. 17. Total area for amenities to be provided for industrial workers. 18. Any other use of land related to the industrial activity. Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 9 / 14 Format of Crop Pattern Talathi Report from Talathi of the proposed purchase area 1. Name & address of the Developer :2. Village Name:- Sr. No. Name Survey/ of the Hissa Village No. Taluka :- Total Land (Ha.) District :- Type of the Land Single Double Padik Barren Khajan Pot Eco Kharaba Sensitive 1. 2. 3. 4. Type of the Land/Crop Total Land (Ha.) Single Double Padik Barren Khajan Pot Kharaba Eco Sensitive Land in (Ha.) (%) Total Land Signature of Talathi/Mandal Adhikari/Tahasildar Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 10 / 14 ¨É½ºÉÚ±É Ê´É¦ÉÉMÉÉEòbÚ÷xÉ BEäò®úÒ/nÖù¤ÉÉ®ú/{Éb÷ÒEò/¤Éì®äúxÉ/JÉÉVÉhÉ/ {ÉÉä]õ JÉ®Éú¤ÉÉ/´ÉxÉ/<EòÉä ºÉåʺÉ]õÒ´½þªÉɤÉɤÉiÉSÉä ʴɽþÒiÉ xɨÉÖxªÉÉiÉ ¨ÉÉʽþiÉÒ Ê´ÉEòɺÉEòÉSÉä xÉÉ´É ´É ÊxɪÉÉäÊVÉiÉ |ÉEò±{ÉÉSÉÉ ºÉÆ{ÉÚhÉÇ {ÉkÉÉ:- MÉÉ´ÉÉSÉä xÉÉ´É:- +. Gò. iÉɱÉÖEòÉ:- MÉÉ´ÉÉSÉä ºÉ´½æþ/ʽþººÉÉ xÉÉ´É Gò¨ÉÉÆEò ÊVɱ½þÉ:- VÉʨÉxÉÒSÉÉ |ÉEòÉ®ú BEÚòhÉ ñ IÉäjÉ BEäò®úÒ nÖù¤ÉÉ®ú {Éb÷ÒE ¤Éì®äúxÉ JÉÉVÉhÉ {ÉÉä]õ ´ÉxÉ <EòÉä (½äC]õ®ú) ò JÉ®úɤÉÉ ºÉåʺÉ]õÒ´½ 1. 2. 3. 4. BEÚòhÉ VɨÉÒxÉ BEÚòhÉ (%) BEäò®úÒ Ê{ÉEò nÖù¤ÉÉ®ú Ê{ÉEò VɨÉÒxÉÒSÉä |ÉEòÉ®ú/Ê{ÉEò {Éb÷ÒEò ¤Éì®äúxÉ JÉÉVÉhÉ {ÉÉä]õ JÉ®úɤÉÉ ´ÉxÉ <EòÉä ºÉåʺÉ]õÒ´½) VɨÉÒxÉÒSªÉÉ iɱÉÉ`öÒ/¨ÉÆb÷³ý +ÊvÉEòÉ®úÒ/iɽþʺɱÉnùÉSÉÒ ºÉ½þÒ Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 11 / 14 (On Rs. 100/- Stamp Paper signed by Notary) AFFIDAVIT I Mr. / Mrs. ______________________________________________Years, Managing Director /Proprietor/ Partner/of M/s. ___________________________ having office at ____________________________________________hereby make a declaration on solemn affirmation as under: 1. That our Company/Firm has applied for permission to purchase land situated at Village __________________, Taluka _____________________________ Dist. ___________________, bearing Survey Nos. ________________ having total area of _______________________ Acres, ________________ Gunthas i.e. _______________________ Hectors / Areas for bonafide industrial use. 2. That our Company/Firm proposes to utilise the above said land for the industrial activities of our company / Firm, which will include _______________________________________________________________ _________________________. 3. I have ascertained that the land for which the permission is sought, is not reserved for any public purpose by the Central Govt., State Govt. or any local authority or charity or trust or of any local bodies etc. Similarly, it also does not come under any reservation scheme for town planning, road widening or any similar purpose. According to our information, it is also not proposed to be acquired for any irrigation project or for rehabilitation of project affected persons. 4. I have ascertained that the land for which the permission is applied for does not belong to any member of the Schedule Tribe. Similarly I have ascertained about the title of the land in respect of each Survey No. & satisfied myself about the clear title of the present owners of the said land. 5. That I am fully aware that the liability regarding the title of the land or any reservations, etc. will solely be of our Company/Firm and we will be responsible for any compensation / consequences that may arise for any of these reasons. 6. I am fully aware that our Company/Firm will be required to pay N.A. assessment for the entire area of land for which the permission to purchase is to be granted. 7. I am also aware that the land for which permission to purchase for industrial use is to be granted will have to be put to industrial use within a period of 5 years from the date of purchase, failing which the land will have to be returned to the original owners at the price at which it will be purchased by us. Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 12 / 14 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. “I, on behalf of my above Company, undertake to use the entire land only for the bonafide industrial use as mentioned in the application. Wherever in the project land area, the existing approved land use plan under Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act does not permit industrial use (e.g. CRZ area, forest area, green zone, No Development Zone etc.) Then, I will get the required permission/s from the Competent Authorities of the State Government and Central Government, including that from the Town Planning Authority of the Urban Development Department, before undertaking project implementation.” I, on behalf of my Company, submit that the land proposed in my application is to the critical minimum extent in terms of area required for viability of the project and nothing excess and extra land has been requested. The land is not the Government land or any other such land which can not be used for development of the types of industries as proposed by us. I undertake that I shall purchase the said land within two years from the date of permission order issued by your office failing which my approval would automatically stand cancelled. Whatever is stated above is true and correct to the best of my belief and information. I, _____________________________________________________ undertake that in our --------------------------, employment shall be given to land affected persons and their families as well as to local persons. We have also mad the required financial arrangement to the complete the project as under :(in Rs. Crores) 1. 2. 3. 4. 13. 14. 15. Own Funds FDI Internal Accruals Financial Institutions & Other Borrowings We have the necessary financial capabilities in undertaking the project. The net worth of all the promoters put together is more than Rs.________ Crores. I undertake that rehabilitation package shall be given to the persons who shall be affected while setting up the project and their resettlement shall be done to the satisfaction of the Government. I undertake that the land will not be used for trade not related to industry. I solemnly declare that application for permission to purchase of agriculture land under BTAL Act 1994 (Revised) submitted for _____ Hectares. The existing Application of BTAL permission_REVISED 13 / 14 pattern of use is as below. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 16. 17. 18. 19. Type of Land Extent Percentage of Total (Hectares) Land Waste Land Barren Land Single Crop Land Double Crop Land Forest & Ecological Land if any ? I am well acquainted with the proposed land and also with all the owners of the land proposed in the application. Further, that all the land owners have voluntarily agreed to sell lands to me at market determined price along with the adequate compensation prevailing in that area, with rehabilitation package etc. and no land owners have any objection to it to sell the land to us The land will be purchased with full willingness of the land holders/owners. No land owners of ____________________________________ Taluka __________ have any objection to it, to sale the land to Us. The land will be purchased with full willingness of the land owners/land holders I/We have contacted the office of the regional town planning authority for conversion of the proposed land for Industrial zone for the use of proposed -----------------------------, they have confirmed that it may be converted for Industrial zone. I/We undertake that such conversion of land to industrial zone will be at my/our risk and no activity will be undertaken unless this land zone is converted into industrial zone. We also propose that the above land measure to ______ Hectares will used only for Bonafide industrial purposes--------------------activities as defined in the BTAL Act namely __________________ alone and not for residential nor for other commercial purpose. Date :- __/__/____ Place :- ________ Application of BTAL permission_REVISED Signature 14 / 14
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