Creating ECA Barcode File - DOE-TL (Testing Labels) The purpose of this data collection is to gather student information used to populate studentlevel information for online testing and barcode labels for the End-of-Course Assessment (ECA), the ISTEP+, IMAST, IREAD-3, and the LAS Links tests… See below: • how to create the ECA subject files • transfer file to your PC • retrieving ECA test results • complete list of MHS and Pierce courses • testing schedule • complete DOE-TL data layout and collection dates “HOW TO” generate ECA Barcode files in the RDS K-12 Student Management software…F9-23-17 There are 3 groups of possible testers... Refer to ECA Testing Schedule: 1. MHS Regular Testers: students currently enrolled in a subject course for the testing window. 2. MHS Retesters: students who have taken the subject course but did not pass or take the ECA subject test. 3. Pierce Regular Testers: students enrolled in Honors Alg IB course in semester 2). These students only test in the spring ECA test window. Example 1… Regular Testers F9-23-17 Screen 1 of 5 –Generate file for Group 1 (MHS any semester) or Group 3 (Pierce Sem 2) You must run each subject separately. Currently there are 3 possible subject areas: ECAALG1 (2520) ECALA10 (1004) ECABIO1 (3024) (check w/MHS Guidance Director to determine what subjects are tested for each test window) Page 1 of 5 F9-23-17 Screen 2 of 5 F/R Lunch fields: Free=F,D,X; Reduced=R,Y Term: 2=Sem1; 5=Sem 2; 8=Sem3 Active as of date: use the date you create the file Test Coord: For ECA, use “#”. The test coordinator must be defined in the F3-1 (Teacher Master File) Type field… Currently for ECA, the Test Coordinator for the district is Linda Christoff… F9-23-17 Screen 3 of 5… Not used for ECA F9-23-17 Screen 4 of 5… Example: courses for Alg IB subject 2520 Subj: State code for subject area… Alg I=2520, English 10=1004, Biology I=3024 Course: Always check with MHS Guidance Director to verify validity of subject course numbers the first collection window of each school year… At Pierce, check with the vice principal for scheduling… Page 2 of 5 F9-23-17 Screen 5 of 5… informational You need to create several files for MHS… Each subject file must be downloaded to the PC before you create the next subject file for a group… In the Spring collection window, you will also need to create a file for students enrolled in Honors ALG I at Pierce MS… Example 2… Retesters F9-23-17 Screen 1 of 5 –Generate file for Group 2 (only if the testing window should include retesters – refer to ECA test schedule included in this document). This is a separate file. You must run each subject separately. Currently there are 3 possible subject areas: ECAALG1 (2520) ECALA10 (1004) ECABIO1 (3024) (check w/MHS Guidance Director to determine what subjects are tested for each test window) When completing screens 2-5, the parameters are the same as Example 1… Page 3 of 5 Transfering a file to your PC: If you have this icon on your PC desktop double <Click> it… Otherwise: Select <START>, <PROGRAMS>, <IBM iSeries Access for Windows>, <Data Transfer from iSeries Server> You will get the following dialog box: Details: • The RDS software stores the created file in two files: K12DATA/DOETL(DOETL) – formatted for the DOE and K12DATA/DOETL2(DOETL2) – this file contains the information in DOETL with additional information regarding the student name and demographics. It is stored in a district level library. For this reason, when you create a file you must transfer it to your PC before generating the next file. • All files to the DOE are in .csv (Comma Separated Variable) format. • For any given ECA collection window, you will end up with some or all of these files: Page 4 of 5 Upload file(s) to the DOE on the DOE STN Application Site: URL: Retrieving ECA Test Results: URL: Login information: Contact James Kurth, District Test Coordinator, at Central Office From the iTester Administation screen: • • • • • • select <Reports> specify the subject and the testing period specify yes or no to “Retesters” select <View Report> select <Download List(Excel CSV)>and save results file to your PC repeat this action for all subject areas Page 5 of 5 Sch MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS MHS Pierce Pierce Pierce Pierce Course # C01302 CL1773 C01738 CR1302 CS1301 G01803 GR1803 GL1736 G01736 G01832 501062 501728 5R1065 5L1770 501060 50179 5S1061 C1058B C1058C C1058P C1058Y Course Title Alg I B Algebra A, B, C (SE) PR Alg I B Alg I B - Altern Alg I Bio I B Bio I B (Altern) Bio I B (SE) PR Bio I B Bio I B - Hon Eng 10 B Eng 10 B (PR) Eng 10 B - Altern Eng 10 B (SE) Eng 10 B Honors Eng 10 Eng 10 Hon Alg 1B Hon Alg 1B Hon Alg 1B Hon Alg 1B Test/Subj Code 2520 2520 2520 2520 2520 3024 3024 3024 3024 3024 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 1004 2520 2520 2520 2520 Test Fall Fall Fall Fall n/a Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Test Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter n/a Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter Late Winter n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Test Test Spring Spring Spring Spring n/a Summer Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring n/a Summer Spring Spring Spring Spring ECA TESTING SCHEDULE FALL LATE WINTER SPRING SUMMER 1ST TRIMESTER early November 2ND TRIMESTER Mid February 3RD TRIMESTER Mid May SUMMER SCHOOL Late July RETEST WINDOW ALL STUDENTS TEST WINDOW ONLY IF ENROLLED RETEST WINDOW ALL STUDENTS TEST WINDOW ONLY IF ENROLLED ALGEBRA ENGLISH 10 ALGEBRA ENGLISH 10 BIOLOGY ALGEBRA ENGLISH 10 BIOLOGY & PIERCE MS 2ND SEMESTER HONORS ALGEBRA I STUDENTS ALGEBRA ENGLISH 10 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 Purpose The purpose of this data collection is to gather student information used to populate student-level information for online testing and barcode labels for the End-of-Course Assessment (ECA), the ISTEP+, IMAST, IREAD-3, ISTAR, and the LAS Links tests during the 2012-2013 testing cycle for each test administration window. The barcode labels and on-line information will help reduce the time requirements of the exam and will also ensure more accurate student information. Audience This is a required collection for schools administering the ISTEP+, IMAST, IREAD-3, ISTAR, ECA and LAS Links tests: Public schools (Traditional and Charter) Nonpublic schools (Accredited and Freeway) Choice Scholarship Schools Collection Year: 2012-13 Table of Contents PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 AUDIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1 COLLECTION YEAR: 2012-13 ................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 INSTRUCTIONS ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 PRIOR TO TESTING .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 OBTAINING LABELS AND ONLINE INFORMATION PRIOR TO TESTING: ................................................................................................................................................... 2 REQUIRED DATA .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 STN Lookup .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2 ECA Collection .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 ECA Retest Collection ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 ISTEP+/IMAST/IREAD-3/ISTAR Collection ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 LAS Links Collection .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 COMPLETING THE COLLECTION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Label Sort Selection .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 SIGNOFF .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3 COLLECTION WINDOWS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Dates ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 TESTING BARCODE & ONLINE DATA LAYOUT ......................................................................................................................................................... 5 EXAMPLE DATA FILE FORMATS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 COMMA DELIMITED FORMAT ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 POSITIONAL FORMAT .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 E(X)TENSIBLE MARKUP LANGUAGE (XML) FORMAT .................................................................................................................................................................... 10 REFERENCES .........................................................................................................................................................................................................10 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................................................10 END OF COURSE ASSESSMENTS ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 10 LAS LINKS .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 ISTEP+/IMAST/ISTAR/IREAD-3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 11 GENERAL............................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 12 HOW AND WHERE ARE THE DATA USED ...............................................................................................................................................................12 CORE 40 ECA BARCODE (DOE-ECA) ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 ISTEP BARCODE (DOE-ISTEPBAR) ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 CHANGE HISTORY .................................................................................................................................................................................................12 Page # 1 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 Instructions Prior to testing The corporation test coordinator is required to access the vendor’s site (Questar or CTB) to set up test administration and/or preregister for testing windows for the year. Instructions and dates for completing this process will be sent to the coordinator from the IDOE, Office of Assessment. Some examples of items that you may be prompted to supply to the vendor are: windows in which you will be testing number of students testing testing format (online or paper/pencil) number of test booklets and/or set up classes Refer to the Collection Windows below. Dates are subject to change. Obtaining Labels and Online Information prior to testing: Student information must be submitted for barcode labels and online testing for each test administration during the specific collection window. The Corporation Test Coordinator for your district should assist with the collection of the data. They will receive information directly from the Office of Student Assessment. The required data for online and barcode labels should be collected, combined into a file, and submitted to the Department of Education through the Application Center. The file may be any of the formats outlined in this document and must contain all the fields in the order described. In addition, students reported in this file must already have an existing STN number in the STN Lookup. An interactive input form will be available under Data Transfer>Input Forms> specific to each collection. Report “no records for this school” under Data Verification>Collection Management if you do not have any students testing during the appropriate window. Required Data There are several collection windows that will open throughout the school year. Specific data are required for each collection. STN Lookup A successful STN record must be submitted for each student prior to uploading the first testing file. ECA Collection Include all students in your school(s) who will be taking the ECA courses (English 10, Algebra I, and Biology I) during the 2012-2013 testing cycle for the specific test administration window. Algebra I and English 10 are required components for the graduation requirement beginning with the class of 2012. Participation in Biology I is a federal requirement. o Multiple records per student can be submitted during the collection window for each course the student is taking for a specific test administration window. This will include paper-and-pencil as well as online testing. Spring ECA ONLY – include all students in grades 9-12 that will be assessed using ISTAR ECA Retest Collection Include all students in your school(s) who will be taking a retest for the required ECA GQE courses (English 10 and/or Algebra I) during the 2012-2013 testing cycle for the specific ECA test administration window. o Multiple records per student can be submitted during the collection window for each course the student is taking for a specific test administration window. This will include paper-and-pencil as well as online testing. ISTEP+/IMAST/IREAD-3/ISTAR Collection Period 1 - File Type for the following tests is the ISTEP Barcode 2012-13 option o ISTEP+ - Include students who will participate in ISTEP+ only and students who will participate in any portion of ISTEP+ for at least one content area as decided by the case conference committee. Code all students with the ISTEP+ test type and class/period. o IMAST - Include students who will participate in IMAST only and students who will participate in any portion of IMAST for at least one content area as decided by the case conference committee. Code all students with the IMAST test type and class/period. o IREAD-3 - Include all grade 3 students who will participate in IREAD-3. Code all students with the IREAD-3 test type and class/period. o ISTAR - Include students who will participate in ISTAR in lieu of ISTEP (grades 3-8 only) as decided by the case conference committee. Code all students with the ISTAR test type and class/period. NOTE: Multiple records per student can be submitted during the collection window for each test the student is taking. Each grade 3 student should have a minimum of 2 records. EXAMPLE: A grade 3 student who is taking a portion of ISTEP and a portion of IMAST would have 3 separate records as follows: 1 for ISTEP+ using the ISTEP+ test code and class/period 1 for IMAST using the IMAST test code and class/period 1 for IREAD-3 using the IREAD-3 test code and class/period Page # 2 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 Period 2 - File Type for the following tests is the ISTEP Barcode 2012-13 option o ISTEP+ - Include any new students who will participate in any portion of ISTEP+ Multiple Choice that were not submitted in Period 1 o IMAST – Include any students newly identified for IMAST or any new students who will participate in any portion of IMAST that were not submitted in Period 1. o Period 3 - File Type for the following tests is the ISTEP Barcode 2012-13 option o IREAD-3 – include any grade 3 students who will participate in IREAD-3 summer retest. LAS Links Collection Include all students in your school(s) who will be taking the LAS Links test during the 2012-2013 testing window. Completing the Collection Label Sort Selection ECA – No selection available The label sort will be by Corporation, School, Content Area, Teacher, Class, and alphabetic (by student last name, first name). ISTEP+, IREAD-3 and IMAST - You and your Test Coordinator are responsible for determining the sort order of the labels on ISTEP+ and IMAST. This feature is available under Data Verification> Label Sort Selection. A sample of the results of the sort selection can be viewed immediately using this feature. Users with corporation logins can review the order selected for all schools in their corporations. The default sort order (indicated below by DEFAULT) will be automatically selected and used unless you choose sort options 2, 3, or 4. The four choices available for the sort order are: 1. Sort by school, teacher name (from the DOE-SPN), class/period, student last name, student first name. (DEFAULT) 2. Sort by school, teacher name (from the DOE-SPN), student last name, student first name 3. Sort by school, grade, student last name, student first name (from the DOE-STN) 4. Sort by school, grade, teacher name (from the DOE-SPN), student last name, student first name The labels will be printed and returned to the Test Coordinator in the order selected. LAS Links – No selection available The label sort will be by Corporation, School, Grade, alphabetic (by student last name, first name), STN Signoff To complete signoff for ISTEP on the collection management page, you must review or change the Label Sort Selection for each test administration window and/or refresh the school(s) on the collection management page. Collection Windows The required collection and signoff periods will run concurrently. If there are any errors or inaccuracies you may correct your data file and transmit the file again until the close of the collection window. Submit data for the labels that are needed for the test during the required collection window. Each Collection Window and Period will cover specific tests and are subject to change. ECA/ISTAR Collection Window 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM See label info above TEST Grade Level STN File Type STN Collection Period STN Collection Dates Test Admin Window Test Window Dates Student data loaded into vendor website Label Delivery Dates ISTEP+: Algebra I Graduation Examination, ISTEP+: English 10 Graduation Examination, ECA: Biology I ISTEP+: Algebra I Graduation Examination, ISTEP+: English 10 Graduation Examination, ECA: Biology I 4-13 EC Per 1 Sept 14 - 24, 2012 Fall Oct 22Nov 16,2012 Oct 8-Nov 16, 2012 N/A Online Only 4-13 EC Per 2 Oct 12-22 2012 Early Winter Dec 1021,2012 Jan 718,2013 Nov 26, 2012Jan 18, 2013 Nov 26, 2012 Page # 3 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 ISTEP+: Algebra I Graduation Examination, ISTEP+: English 10 Graduation Examination, ECA: Biology I 4-13 EC Per 3 Dec 7, 2012Jan 4, 2013 Late Winter Feb 11Mar 8,2013 Jan 28-Mar 8, 2013 N/A Online Only ISTEP+: Algebra I Graduation Examination, ISTEP+: English 10 Graduation Examination, ECA: Biology I 4-13 EC Per 4 Feb 8-18, 2013 Spring Apr 22June 5,2013 Apr 8-Jun 5, 2013 Apr 8, 2013 ISTAR All students being assessed with ISTAR 9-12 EC Per 4 Feb 8-18, 2013 Spring Mar 1-Apr 30, 2013 N/A N/A ISTEP+: Algebra I Graduation Examination, ISTEP+: English 10 Graduation Examination, ECA: Biology I 4-13 EC Per 5 May 24Jun3, 2013 Summer Jun 20Aug 1, 2013 Jun 13-Aug 1, 2013 N/A Online Only Collection Window 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM ISTEP+/IREAD-3 IMAST/ISTAR See label info above TEST Grade Level STN File Type STN Collection Period STN Collection Dates Test Admin Window Test Window Dates Student data loaded into vendor website Label Delivery Dates ISTEP+ All students testing any portion of Applied Skills and Multiple Choice 3-8 IL Per 1 Dec 7, 2012 Jan 16, 2013 Spring AS P/P Mar 4-13, 2013 N/A M-Feb 11-15, 2013 TCK Feb 1619, 2013 ISTEP+ New students for any portion of Multiple Choice not reported in Period 1 3-8 IL Per 2 Feb 22-Mar 6, 2013 Spring N/A M-April 3-12, 2013 TCK-Apr 1516, 2013 IMAST All students testing any portion of IMAST 3-8 IL Per 1 Dec 7, 2012 Jan 16, 2013 Spring MC P/P Apr 29May 8, 2013; MC Online Apr 29May 10, 2013 P/P Apr 29May 8, 2013 N/A M-April 3-12, 2013 TCK-Apr 1516, 2013 IMAST New students testing any portion of IMAST not reported in Per 1 3-8 IL Per 2 Feb 22-Mar 6, 2013 Spring P/P Apr 29May 8, 2013 N/A M-April 3-12, 2013 TCK-Apr 1516, 2013 ISTAR All students being assessed with ISTAR 3-8 IL Per 1 Dec 7, 2012Jan 16, 2013 Spring Mar 1-Apr 30, 2013 N/A N/A ISTAR All students being assessed with ISTAR not reported in Per 1 3-8 IL Per 2 Feb 22-Mar 6, 2013 Spring Mar 1-Apr 30, 2013 N/A/ N/A IREAD-3 All grade 3 students 3 IL Per 1 Dec 7, 2012 Jan 16, 2013 Spring P/P Mar 18-20, 2013 Online Mar 18-20, 2013 N/A Feb 25-Mar 1, 2013 TCK Feb 25, 2013 Page # 4 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE IREAD-3 any grade 3 student taking summer IREAD3 (re-test or new) 3 IL Version 02.08.13 Per 3 LAS Links Apr 19-30, 2013 Summer Collection Window 8:00 AM to 11:59 PM P/P Jun 10-Jul 26, 2013 Online Jun 3-Jul 26, 2013 N/A M-Jun 7, 2013 TCK-June 7, 2013 See label info above TEST Grade Level STN File Type STN Collection Period STN Collection Dates Test Admin Window Test Window Dates Student data loaded into vendor website Label Delivery Dates LAS Links K-12 LL Per 1 Oct 26-Nov 5,2012 Early Winter Jan 23Mar 1, 2013 N/A Dec 17-19, 2012 Testing Barcode & Online Data Layout Field Order 1 Fieldname Description Length School Number 4 Data Field Specification and Requirements State Assigned School ID Notes School building where the student is being tested. A 2 Student Test Number (STN) 9 B 3 Required Field: Yes Official Student Test Number (STN) assigned to student Required Field: Yes Grade Level 2 Allowable Codes Are: KG = Kindergarten (LAS Links Only) 01 = Grade 1 (LAS Links Only) 02 = Grade 2 (LAS Links Only) 03 = Grade 3 04 = Grade 4 05 = Grade 5 06 = Grade 6 07 = Grade 7 08 = Grade 8 09 = Grade 9 10 = Grade 10 11 = Grade 11 12 = Grade 12 13 = Grade 12+/Adult 13 =Grade 12+/Adult: These may be students who received Certificates of Achievement or Course Completion and who have returned for further education and to possibly earn a regular or other diploma. C 4 Special Education Participant 1 Required Field: Yes Does this student have an individualized education plan (IEP)? Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No or not applicable D Required Field: Yes Page # 5 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Field Order 5 Fieldname Description Length Primary Exceptionality 2 Version 02.08.13 Data Field Specification and Requirements Exceptionality area that describes the special education student’s primary eligibility classification. Notes Allowable Codes Are: 00-17 00 = Not Applicable to this student 01 = Multiple Disabilities 02 = Orthopedic Impairment 03 = Blind or Low Vision 04 = Deaf or Hard of Hearing (formerly Hearing Impairment) 05 = Emotional Disability (Full Time) 06 = Emotional disability (Other) 07 = Specific Learning Disability (formerly Learning Disability) 08 = Developmental Delay (Ages 3-5A only) 09 = Language or Speech Impairment (formerly Communication Disorder) 10 = Mild Cognitive Disability (formerly Mild Mental Disability) 11 = Moderate Cognitive Disability (formerly Moderate Mental Disability) 12 = Severe Cognitive Disability (formerly Severe Mental Disability) 14 = Deaf-blind 15 = Autism spectrum disorder 16 = Traumatic brain injury 17 = Other health impairment Required Field: Yes E 6 Section 504 Plan 1 English/Language Arts Accommodations 1 Mathematics Accommodations 1 Science Accommodations 1 J Required Field: Yes Allowable Codes are: Y = Yes N = No or Not applicable to this student I 10 Required Field: Yes Allowable Codes are: Y = Yes N = No or Not applicable to this student H 9 Required Field: Yes Allowable Codes are: Y = Yes N = No or Not applicable to this student G 8 Section 504 Plan allows a student that does not have an IEP to take the test with accommodations. Allowable Codes are: Y = Yes N = No F 7 Is the student served by Section 504 Plan? Social Studies Accommodations 1 Required Field: Yes Allowable Codes are: Y = Yes N = No or Not applicable to this student Is this student eligible for any testing accommodations in English/language? Only students with an IEP, Section 504 plan, or those identified as LEP, should be given accommodations. Is this student eligible for any testing accommodations in mathematics? Only students with an IEP, Section 504 plan, or those identified as LEP, should be given accommodations. Is this student eligible for any testing accommodations in science? Only students with an IEP, Section 504 plan, or those identified as LEP, should be given accommodations. Is this student eligible for any testing accommodations in social studies? Only students with an IEP, Section 504 plan, or those identified as LEP, should be given accommodations. Required Field: Yes Required Field: Yes Page # 6 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Field Order 11 Fieldname Description Length Socio-Economic Status 1 (Free, Reduced, Paid Lunch) English Language Proficiency Level Data Field Specification and Requirements Is the student approved for free or reduced lunch? Notes Students on paid meals will be reported as Code 3. Allowable Codes Are: 1 = Student approved for free Meals/milk 2 = Student approved for Reduced price meals 3 = Student not approved for free or reduced meals/milk (paid) K 12 Version 02.08.13 1 L Required Field: Yes What is the attained proficiency level in the English language? Allowable Codes Are: 0 = Not an English Language Learner (LEP) 1 = Level 1 – Beginner (LEP) 2 = Level 2 – Early Intermediate (LEP) 3 = Level 3 – Intermediate (LEP) 4 = Level 4 – Advanced (LEP) NOTE: If LAS Links Placement Test was used, convert LAS Links Placement Test results to Proficiency Levels as follows: "Not Proficient" = Level 1 or 2 "Approaching Proficiency" = Level 3 or 4 "Proficient" = Level 5 Then use the "Levels of English Proficiency & Corresponding Student Actions" table and points scored to identify the appropriate specific Proficiency Level. (FEP) 5 = Level 5 – Fluent (FEP) 6 = Immigrant student who is Native English Speaker 13 Spanish Language 1 M 14 O If the LEP student was reported with a Language code of 835 on the DOE-LM, the allowable code is Y. Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No First Year Test Taker 1 N 15 Required Field: Yes Is the student’s native language Spanish? Required Field: Yes Is this the first year the LEP student will be taking the LAS Links test? Allowable Codes Are: Y = Yes N = No or does not apply to this student Teacher SPN 8 Required Field: Yes Official State School Personnel Number (SPN) assigned to the teacher Required Field: Yes This field MUST contain the teacher state assigned School Personnel Number. The SPN will be used to supply teacher name to the vendor which will be used to group the test booklets and/or scores together. Page # 7 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Field Order 16 Fieldname Description Length Test Code 4 Version 02.08.13 Data Field Specification and Requirements What is the code for the subject or test? Allowable ECA GQE Characters Are: 1004 = ECA GQE English 10 2520 = ECA GQE Algebra I Allowable ECA Characters Are: 3020 = ECA Biology, Advanced Placement 3024 = ECA Biology I 3034 = ECA Biology Standard Level, International Baccalaureate P Allowable ISTEP+ Characters Are: 9900 = ISTEP+ Grades 3-8 Allowable IMAST Characters Are: 9925 = IMAST Allowable IREAD-3 Characters Are: 9975 = IREAD-3 Grade 3 Allowable ISTAR Characters Are: 9985 = ISTAR Allowable LAS Links Characters Are: 9950 = LAS Links 17 Class/Period 3 Notes The DOE-TL is used for all testing information. There are 3 distinct test types: 1) ECA = End of Course Assessment 2) ISTEP+ 3) LAS Links Test types cannot be combined when submitting data. i.e. LAS Links cannot be submitted with ECA, ISTEP+ cannot be submitted with LAS Links, etc. The following test codes and test type combinations can be submitted in the same file: ECA = test type 1004 – Eng 10 test code 2520 – Alg I test code 3020 - Biol I AP test code 3024 - Biol I test code 3034 - Biol IB test code 9985 – ISTAR (Spring only) grades 9-12 ISTEP+ = test type 9900 – ISTEP+ test code 9925 – IMAST test code 9975 – IREAD-3 test code 9985 – ISTAR test code grades 3-8 LAS Links = test type 9950 LAS Links test code Required Field: Yes What is the class or period number for the test code in field 16 for this student? Allowable ECA Characters Are: 001 – 990 Used to identify different classes for the same teacher and subject for ECA. Allowable ISTEP+ Characters Are: 998 = ISTEP class code Q Allowable IMAST Characters Are: 997 = IMAST class code Allowable IREAD-3 Characters Are: 996 = IREAD-3 class code Allowable ISTAR Characters Are: 995 = ISTAR class code Allowable LAS Links Characters Are: 999 = LAS Links class code 18 Special Code R 1 Allowable Characters Are: 0-9 Blank or Space = Not Coded R 19 S Required Field: Yes Optional sort field for local use Special Code S 1 Required Field: No Optional sort field for local use Allowable Characters Are: 0-9 Blank or Space = Not Coded For use by the local ISTEP+ test coordinator in order to facilitate additional sorting of the ISTEP test results. For use by the local ISTEP+ test coordinator in order to facilitate additional sorting of the ISTEP test results. Required Field: No Page # 8 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Field Order 20 Fieldname Description Length Special Code T 1 Data Field Specification and Requirements Optional sort field for local use Allowable Characters Are: 0-9 Blank or Space = Not Coded T 21 Version 02.08.13 Corporation Student Id 15 Required Field: No Non-STN identifier assigned to the student by the school or corporation. Can be blank when not applicable Notes For use by the local ISTEP+ test coordinator in order to facilitate additional sorting of the ISTEP test results. This field is for schools that use a locally assigned student id, other than the STN Number, for their local records and would like it included with the ECA information. U 22 Retest Status 1 Y = Yes N = No V 23 Required Field: No Is this a subject retest for this student? Allowable Codes Are: Teacher Email Address 100 Required Field: Yes What is the teacher’s email address? Allowable Values: email address or NA W Required Field: Yes 24 ISTEP Multiple Choice Online Teacher SPN2 8 Retest: Any student who has previously taken the specific subject ECA test is considered a retester regardless of whether or not they are currently enrolled in the class. Official State School Personnel Number (SPN) assigned to the teacher Allowable Values SPN number or NA NA=Not Applicable X Required Field: Yes This field is required for the ECA classroom setup. Including the teacher email information in the data upload will eliminate the need for schools to manually enter this data on the testing website. NOTE: NA may be used for LAS Links and ISTEP. This field is for ISTEP testing when a different grouping between Applied Skills (paper/pencil) and Multiple Choice (online) is preferred NOTE: Use of this additional field will begin with the ISTEP Period 1 collection and will apply to all subsequent testing collections for the 2011-12 year. Example Data File Formats The following section contains example data files in the allowed comma delimited, positional, and XML formats. Comma Delimited Format 0001,000102001,03,N,00,N,N,N,N,N,1,0,N,N,12345678,9900,001,,,,,N,,99988877 Positional Format Field Field Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 School STN Grade Level Special Ed Participant Primary Exceptionality Section 504 Plan English Language Art Accommodations Mathematics Accommodations Science Accommodations Social Studies Accommodations Socio-Economic Status English Language Proficiency Level Spanish Language First Year Test Taker Teacher SPN Test Code Class/Period Special Code R Special Code S Begin Position 1 5 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 36 40 43 44 End Position 4 13 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 39 42 43 44 Page # 9 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE 20 21 22 23 24 Special Code T Corporation Student ID Retest Status Teacher Email Address Teacher SPN2 Version 02.08.13 45 46 61 62 162 45 60 61 161 169 E(x)tensible Markup Language (XML) Format NOTE: All XML layouts require the Corporation ID, which is the state assigned corporation number. 8800 is example only. <XIF_TLData> <Corporation Id="8800"> <School Id="0001"> <Student STN="000102001"> <SchoolUse Grade="03" StudentId="002012346" TestCode="1006" Class="001" SpecialCodeR="1" SpecialCodeS="2" SpecialCodeT="3"/> <Accommodations English="N" Math="Y" Science="N" SocStudies="N" /> <Demographics SpecialEducation="Y" Exception="17" Section504Plan="N" ELL="1" SocioEconStatus="1" TeacherEmail="" Spanish="Y" FirstYear="1" RetestStatus=”N” SPN =”99988877” SPN2 =”11122233”/> /> </Student> </School> </Corporation> </XIF_TLData> References Questar Support: Via Email:, Via Phone: 1-877-424-0322 CTB Support: Via Email: , Via Phone: 1-800-282-1132 ECA Center Questar: STN Lookup Data Layout – a successful STN record MUST be submitted by the school where the student is testing prior to this collection Frequently Asked Questions End of Course Assessments 1. Q. A. Is this collection mandatory? As of 09-10, yes. Student data need to be submitted for each End-of-Course Assessment at the time of testing. All students finishing Algebra I at the time of testing, including middle school students taking Algebra I, participate in the Algebra I End-of-Course Assessment. All students completing an English course for which they receive second year English credit at the time of testing participate in the English 10 End-of-Course Assessment. All students finishing Biology I at the time of testing participate in the Biology I End-of-Course Assessment. There are 5 collection windows for ECA. Only report students for a specific collection that will be testing during the corresponding testing date (i.e. only report students in the Period 1 collection that will be testing during the Fall administration). If you are not participating in a specific testing administration, mark No Records for the corresponding collection period. Only the schools registered with Questar for testing in the Fall, Early Winter and Late Winter windows will be loaded for data submission so it will not be necessary to select “No Records” and signoff for these collection periods. All schools will be loaded for the Spring testing window. 2. Q. A. The retest status was incorrectly reported for some students. How do we correct this? Once the testing window is closed, you cannot make any changes to the student information. However, when DOE receives the testing file from the vendor for clean-up, the retest status will be updated based on whether or not the student has previous ECA scores. Page # 10 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE 3. Q. A. Version 02.08.13 What are the consequences of not uploading a student's information that will need to take the test or uploading a student's information to test and then the student does not test? For Paper/Pencil testing: If you don't upload a few students in your data submissions, these students can still test since schools normally will be shipped overage. For Online testing: If you don't upload a few students, the student can still test. However, these students will need to be manually registered at our test vendor's site. Additionally, reporting students for testing that no longer are attending in your school will “lock down” their STN at the vendor site and the school where the student is now attending will not be able to report the student. Please be as accurate as possible in reporting and only include the students that will be testing in the upload. 4. Q. A. 5. Q. A. 6. Q. A. We plan to administer all ECA tests during the spring (May) testing window. I plan to send data for labels during the fourth collection (February-March) period. Is this the correct procedure? Yes, that's correct. I will not send any data during the first (Fall), second (Early Winter), or third (Late Winter) collection periods. For the electronic signoff for Collections 1, 2, and 3; I plan to answer “no records for this school”. Do I correctly understand the DOE-Testing instructions? Only the schools registered with Questar to test during Fall, Early Winter, or Late Winter, will be loaded for data submission. Therefore, it is no longer necessary to select “No records” for these collection periods if you are not participating. Schools not registered for a specific testing window will receive an error message “School not allowed to report” if they try to submit data. All schools with grades 6-12 will be loaded for data submission for the Spring testing window. If you are not testing in the Spring (Period 4) testing window, you should mark “No Records”. If a student failed the Algebra I assessment in middle school, high school, or at another school, do they have to be assigned some type of Algebra class (retake the class or remediation) to take the ECA now? Students not enrolled in a class, but retesting, should have just completed remediation. Students that failed a previous Algebra I ECA test should not be retested until they have received remediation. They can be submitted under the name of the teacher who provided the remediation. Schools can assign a new period of the day for remediation to help them track these students. LAS Links 1. Q. A. Can a public school report a nonpublic student for the LAS-Links barcode file? The record is being rejected because that is not a school in my school corp. What should I do? No. Non public schools are required to conduct annual English language proficiency assessments but are not required to use LAS Links. If they choose to use LAS Links, they buy the materials. Public school corps are required to collaborate with non-public schools to ensure that the testing has occurred but public school corps do NOT need labels for these students since they are not scored by CTB as part of the state contract. ISTEP+/IMAST/ISTAR/IREAD-3 1. Q. A. When do I need to submit my IMAST students? All testing records (ISTEP/IMAST/ISTAR/IREAD-3) are submitted in Period 1. Only test changes and new students are submitted in Period 2. 2. Q. A. If a student is defined as IMAST and ISTEP+, how do I classify them in my submission? Submit two records for the student, one for IMAST and one for ISTEP. All student records will be submitted to the vendor to generate barcode labels. The test type is defined by the codes used in Fields 16 and 17. 3. Q. We have students in grades 9-12 that will be assessed using ISTAR. However, when I submit an ISTAR record for them, the record is failing. How do I report the students in grades 9-12? For the ISTEP collection, only students in grades 3-8 should be reported with an ISTAR record as this collection is used to identify alternative assessments only for students that would otherwise be assessed with ISTEP. A. 4. Q. A. When do case conference committees meet to determine eligibility for the IMAST assessment in Spring 2013? IMAST eligibility based on case conference committee decisions must occur by February 28, 2013. Page # 11 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 General 1. Q. A. 2. Q. A. What are the consequences of not uploading a student's information that will need to take the test or uploading a student's information to test and then the student does not test? If you don't upload a few students (for PP testing) in their upload, students can still test since they will be shipped overage. If they upload and the student doesn't test, they will need to let us know why he/she didn't test by email. If you don't upload a few students (for online testing) in their upload, a student could still test - however they will need to go through manual registration at our test vendor's site. Will we be able to "bubble" in accommodations onto the label? I plan to answer "no" for all students and "bubble" the "yes" students when we get the label. Bubbling will override the barcode label, so yes; it is possible that a corporation could do this. 3. Q. A. How do I submit what accommodation(s) a student will have for testing? On the file submission you will only indicate a “Y” or “N” if a student is allowed accommodations for a particular subject. The specific type of accommodation such as extended time or screen reader is not reported on the DOE-TL. 4. Q. A. What is the purpose of the SPN (teacher ID) on the testing label? The SPN is only used for label sorting and test score grouping purposes. There is no accountability associated with the SPN reported on the testing collections How and Where are the Data Used Core 40 ECA Barcode (DOE-ECA): An accountability and administrative collection, the purpose of this data collection is to gather student information used to create online student file and barcode labels to affix to the End-of-Course Assessment (ECA) booklets during testing cycles for each administration. The barcode labels help reduce the time requirements of the exam and will also ensure more accurate student information. As part of Indiana’s school accountability system under Public Law 221, Core 40 End-of-Course Assessments (ECAs) are designed to ensure the quality, consistency, and rigor of Core 40 courses across the state. Aligned with Indiana’s Academic Standards, End-of-Course Assessments are final exams measuring what students know and are able to do upon completion of targeted Core 40 courses. In addition, the End-of-Course Assessments are an integral component of Indiana’s P-16 Plan for Improving Student Achievement and for members of the Class of 2011 and beyond, meeting the standards tested on the English 10 and Algebra I ECAs are a graduation requirement. Public schools, accredited Nonpublic schools and Charter schools report data for students taking the required ECA courses, English 11, Algebra I, Algebra II and Biology I. The Corporation Test Coordinator for your district should assist with the collection of the data. ISTEP Barcode (DOE-ISTEPBAR): An accountability and administrative collection, the purpose of this data collection is to gather student information used to pre-print barcode labels to affix to the ISTEP+ exam during testing cycles. The barcode labels help reduce the time requirements of the exam and will also ensure more accurate student information by helping to eliminate common bubbling errors related to the Student Information Questionnaire. Public schools, accredited Nonpublic schools and Charter schools report data for students that are taking the ISTEP+ exam. Change History The following section contains a history of changes made to the Testing Online and Barcode Data Layout from the prior version. Version Number Notes 02.08.13 Required data – file type defined for ISTEP/IMAST/ISTAR/IREAD-3 submissions Required data – ISTAR for grades 9-12 added to Spring ECA Collection Window – ISTAR added for Spring ECA Field 16 – notes added Field 17 – notes added FAQs – updated Collection Window – updated for ISTEP/IMAST/IREAD/ISTAR Changed collection dates Purpose – added ISTAR Audience – added ISTAR Instructions – changes to reflect collection of record for each test or portion of test student may take Collection Window- updated for the 2012-13 year Field 16 – added code for ISTAR Field 17 – added code for ISTAR Start of 12-13 Collection 11.09.12 08.31.12 Page # 12 DOE-TL TESTING ONLINE AND BARCODE Version 02.08.13 Version Number Notes 04.13.12 Purpose – added IREAD-3 Audience – added IREAD-3 Required Data – added Period 3 for IREAD-3 summer retest Collection Window – added IREAD-3 Field 16 – added code for IREAD-3 Field 17 – added code for IREAD-3 Collection Window – added dates for ECA Summer (Period 4) General FAQ #6 updated to clarify Periods 1 and 2 submissions for ISTEP and IMAST Changed for posting to Learning Connection Instructions changed (adding IMAST grade 3 to period 1) Changed collection dates Audience – Choice Scholarship schools added Instructions – Updated ISTEP+ and IMAST information, clarification of allowable submissions and for IMAST allowable period. The original Periods 1 and 2 for ISTEP submission were combined and the window extended. There is only ONE window (Period 1) to submit data for students taking both the Applied Skills and Multiple Choice tests. The original Period 3 was removed and replaced with Period 2 for submission of new Multiple Choice students and IMAST students. Label Sort – sort description added for LAS Links Collection Window – updated for the 2011-12 year Field 7 – removed codes B, L, and P for ECA Field 8 – removed codes B, L, and P for ECA Field 9 – removed codes B, L, and P for ECA Field 10 – removed codes B, L, and P for ECA Field 12, changed from English Language Learner to English Language Proficiency Level Field 24 – field added to create option to request different grouping or sort between Online Multiple Choice testing and Paper/Pencil Applied Skills References – updated File formats - updated Start of 11-12 Collection 02.27.12 12.12.11 09.01.11a 01.03.11 08.19.10 Purpose – IMAST added Audience – IMAST added Instructions – IMAST added, clarification of allowable submissions and changes for IMAST/ISTEP in different periods Label Sort Information – IMAST added, Collection Window – IMAST and/or ISTEP+ label delivery- label set count added Changed dates Collection Window – changed dates, removed ECA Algebra II test, removed ISTEP+ GQE Retest Instructions – added information regarding possible pre-registration for testing windows Fields 7-10 – additional codes added for ECA test Fields 7-10 – removed blank as allowable code Field 12, - removed blank as allowable code Field 16 – removed ISTEP+ Retakes and Alg II test codes Field 16 – removed Alg II test codes Field 16, - reserved IMAST test code for future use Field 17 – changed range of allowable codes for ECA Field 17 – reserved IMAST class code for future use References - Updated links for Frequently Asked Questions and Combined Testing Schedule Start of 10-11 Collection 03.17.10 02.04.10 11.24.09 Field 16 - Removed English 11 and equivalent subjects Field 17 – Add clarification for the use of code 999 for the 2009-10 spring and summer ECA collection in notes Field 22 – Changed definition of retest in notes Removed English 11 from ECA collection References to using TL Layout for 2009-2010 ISTEP, ISTEP Retest and LAS Links removed from Instructions Field 12 Notes updated; English Language Proficiency Level 4 no longer considered Fluent Link to Language Code Table added to References Changed Label sort selection on where to find Label Sort in Application Center New collection layout combining ISTEP+,ECA and LAS Links Start of 09-10 Collection Page # 13
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