The Mechanisms of Corrosion – and how to avoid it them? Dr.-Ing. Ragnar Warnecke, GKS, Schweinfurt Dr. rer. nat. Bernd Benker, CUTEC, Clausthal-Zellerfeld Dipl. Phys. Christian Deuerling, GKS, Schweinfurt Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Haider, Univ. Augsburg, Augsburg Prof. Dr. Siegried Horn, Univ. Augsburg, Augsburg Dr. Jürgen Maguhn, GSF, Neuherberg Dipl.-Ing. Volker Müller, GKS, Schweinfurt Dipl. Chem. Hermann Nordsieck, BIfA, Augsburg Dipl. Phys. Barbara Waldmann, Univ. Augsburg, Augsburg Prof. Dr. Ralf Zimmermann, GSF, Neuherberg This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Content Introduction! Understanding? Solution? Summary / Perspective! ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 2 1. Introduction GKS = Coal-, Gas and WtE-CHP-Plant ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 3 Flow Chart of GKS GmbH C-CHPP Steam Parameters: 115 bars; 535 °C WtE-CHPP Steam Parameters: 65 bars; 435 °C ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 4 Availability = Economy 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 -2,00 -4,00 2. Zug vor ÜH 5 -6,00 vor ÜH 6 vor ÜH 4 vor ÜH 3 -8,00 vor ÜH 2 vor Eco Kesselende -10,00 95 -12,00 85 75 -14,00 65 Zeit [Tage] 55 t/h Deposits 45 mm Druckdifferenz [mbar] Feuerraum 35 25 15 5 Corrosion -5 25.09.2007 13:55:12 25.09.2007 14:02:24 25.09.2007 14:09:36 25.09.2007 14:16:48 25.09.2007 14:24:00 25.09.2007 14:31:12 25.09.2007 14:38:24 25.09.2007 14:45:36 25.09.2007 14:52:48 25.09.2007 15:00:00 25.09.2007 15:07:12 Zeit SPW Menge 13LAB20CF301.ZQ01 FD Menge 13LBA10CF901.ZQ01 ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Trommelniveau 13HAD01CL302.XQ01 5 Extended Corrosion Diagram - WtE Extended corrosion Diagram [Warnecke, 2003] ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 6 2. Understanding? HTCl-Corrosion H2O- / Tubeside Red Layer: Mainly Cl and Fe (FeCl2) Thickness: ~ 100 – 250 μm Alkali- and Earthalkali chlorides Alkali- and Earthalkali sulfates Green Layer: Mainly S and Fe (FeS2) Thickness: ~ 100 – 200 μm Blue Layer: Mainly O und Fe (Fe2O3 ) Thickness: ~ 800 – 1200 μm Deposits-/ Flue gas side ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 7 Examples for Coupling CFD and TEC GKS-WtE-Boiler: Used Programs: CFX and FactSage ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 8 300 °C Boiler wall DilutionAir PTD “Button hook” Curved Inlet Porous tube diluter Cyclone Isokinet. Divider Inletnozzle Cyclone Drying Ejector diluter Dilution air Ejector diluter Raw gas Condensation Sampling Volume Flow Meas. Pump Partikel analysis Analysis Gas analysis Mas.%: ELPI – Online (30nm-10m) 65 % APS - Online (800nm-20m) 25 % 10 % Cyclone (>20m) Inlet curve Berner-Low pressure-Impactor (<62nm - 10m) 10nm 100nm 1m 10m 100m ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 1mm 9 ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 10 Discrepancy: Calculation - Measurement Calculation with FactSage: Main species at 600°C 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Measurement, identified Species at 600 °C; 2. Pass 100% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% SiO2 SiO2 ZnAl2O4(s) ZnAl2O4(s) ZnCl2(g) ZnCl2(g) K2ZnCl4 K2ZnCl4 K3OCl K3OCl KCl(Mischph.) KCl(Mischph.) KCl(g) KCl(g) K, NaCl K, NaCl NaCl(Mischph.) NaCl(Mischph.) K2SO4(Mischph.) K2SO4(Mischph.) K3Na(SO4)2 K3Na(SO4)2 Na2SO4(Mischph.) Na2SO4(Mischph.) CaSO4(Mischph.) CaSO4(Mischph.) Ca5HO13P3(s) Ca5HO13P3(s) KAlSi2O6(s) KAlSi2O6(s) PbCl2(g) PbCl2(g) Fe2O3(s) Fe2O3(s) Mn2O3(s) Mn2O3(s) NiO(s) NiO(s) Mg2SiO4(s) Mg2SiO4(s) CrSO4(Mischph.) CrSO4(Mischph.) CrCl2(Mischph.) CrCl2(Mischph.) (CuCl)3(g) (CuCl)3(g) (CuO)(Fe2O3)(s2) (CuO)(Fe2O3)(s2) CaTiO3(s) CaTiO3(s) V2O5(s) V2O5(s) CuBr3(g) CuBr3(g) amorph amorph ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 11 Massenkonzentration Mass concentration [g/m3] [g/m_] Normal Operation: Particle Distribution 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Partikelgröße [m] Average of 3 - 8 Measurements Z1 Aerodynamic particle diameter [m] Z1 Trend Z2 Z2 Trend Z3 Z3 Trend Z4 ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Z4 Trend 12 Normal operation: Chemical Composition of Particles – 3 Summed Fractions Mittlere Zusammensetzung Zug 2 Average Composition Pass 2 Mittlere Zusammensetzung Zug Average Composition Pass 11 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% Rest 70% Rest 70% Cl S 50% Pb 40% Zn Cl 60% Anteil Ratio Anteil Ratio 60% K 30% S 50% Pb 40% Zn K 30% Na Na 20% 20% Ca 10% Ca 10% Si Si 0% 0% < 1m 1-20m < 1m > 20m 1-20m Coarse fraction: Primary particle (Ca, Si) • Ca-high • “Balance" increasing > 20m Particle Fraction Partikelfraktion Partikelfraktion Particle Fraction Mittlere Zusammensetzung Zug4 4 Average Composition Pass Mittlere Zusammensetzung Zug33 Average Composition Pass 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% Rest 70% Rest 70% Cl S 50% Pb 40% Zn K 30% Cl 60% Anteil Ratio 60% Anteil Ratio Fine fraction: Secondary particle (Na, K, Cl) • Cl-high, decreasing • S-low, partially increasing S 50% Pb 40% Zn K 30% Na 20% Ca 10% Si 0% Na 20% Ca 10% Si 0% < 1m 1-20m Particle Fraction Partikelfraktion > 20m < 1m 1-20m > 20m Partikelfraktion Particle Fraction ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 13 Normal Operation: (De-)Sulphidation Particle-phase (< 0,2 m): HCl SO2 60 Chemical equivalents (HCl; S/2) [Mol/kg] Chemical equivalents (HCl; SO2 /2 [mMol/m_ STP] Gas-phase: 14 Cl S 12 50 10 40 8 30 6 20 4 10 2 0 0 1st pass 2nd pass BE 519 n2 519 n2 519 n2 pass 2nd pass BE 1st pass 2nd pass 1st pass 2nd pass 1st pass 519 n3 519 n3 519 n3 518 n1 518 n1 519 n2 519 n2 519 n3 1st 2nd pass 519 n3 BE = Boiler End ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 14 Corrosion Sensor Water cooled lance Air cooed sensor head Electrical contacts for measurement Ceramic rings Air Inlet Material Probes Water Fitting Total Length ca. 3 m Fittings for Thermocouples ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 15 Comparison: Plant Tubes vs. Sensor Example: 3 months plant tubes: Tube 3 months sensor rings: Tube FeaClb FecSd FeeOf Alkali-Cl Alkali-S Identical Structure of Tube and Sensor! ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 16 Layer Thickness [m] Thickness of Layers Iron Oxid Tube Reduction Iron Chorine ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 17 Correlation: Wall decline vs. Ceramic rings Corr.-signal Probe of 15Mo3 (a) free corrosion potential Ring 1: 15Mo3 Ring 2: Inconel Ring 3: 15Mo3 U (b) power-voltage-line Ring 1: 15Mo3 Ring 2: Inconel Ring 3: 15Mo3 I ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 18 Sensor data – systematic temperature variation Corrosion conductance is depending exponentially on temperature ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 19 FeCl3(g) Reactions at boundary layers O2, HCl, Cl2 • 15Mo3/FeCl2 : O2 2 FeCl3 + Fe 3FeCl2 Cl2 •FeCl2/FexOy: FexOy+MClx+MSOy Cl2 FeCl3(g) Gas transport 4 FeCl2 + 3O2 2 Fe2O3 + 4Cl2 2 FeCl2 + Cl2 2 Fe Cl3 FexOy FeCl3 FexOy Cl2 FeCl2 •Fe2O3/Fe3O4: FexOy FeCl2+x FeCl2 Ion transport 15Mo3 4 FeCl3 + 3O2 2 Fe2O3 + 6Cl2 6 FeCl3 + 4O2 2 Fe3O4 + 9Cl2 Metal chlorine Metal sulfate (not complete until now!) 2 NaCl ,2 KCl , CaCl2 + 3SO2 + 3O2 Na2 SO4 , K 2 SO4 , CaSO4 + 3Cl2 ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 20 NextGenBioWaste EFRE-KORR Distant Range Comb. Ch. calcination Close-up Range changes during flight fouling/tube approach to border outer layer active layer Stokes 550°C >500m combustible +++ middle Y+ + Impaction 400°C Chem. sulphation Physics Diffusion surface d. coarse X Chem. adhesion Physics gas d. Chem. agglomeration "slagparticle" condensation grate slag sedimentation Physics particle foulinganalogy 800°C transport to border 1050°C sulphation 1200°C FexOy barrier STOP Cl (-) S (+) ? ? ? ? Cl – S+ ? Cl – S+ + coarse (>20) ++ small (<1) anorg. S / Cl Impaction Thermophoresis Interception + STOP condensable matter (salts, metals, etc.) grate Cl – S+ small z- (+) Thermophoresis Turbophoresis ? +++ org. S / Cl Cl ? S? 2 FeCl2 + [Cl] 2 FeCl3 2 FeCl3 + Fe 3 FeCl2 STOP Condensable Salts ? combustion chamber (S/Cl) corrosion of tube STOP middle (1<x<20) chloride, gaseous no vapor pressure Fe2O3 + Fe 3 FeO [Cl] HCl HCl + HCl yes yes HCl ++ SOx SOx - SOx yes yes SOx-- grate system air system plant Rest (O2, H2O, ...) Rest O2, H2O, ... 1st pass 2nd pass yes 3rd pass yes e.g. FeS, FeOx O2 – H2O -- Super heater ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 21 How to avoid HT-Chlorine-Corrosion? At superheater: Chlorine Trap HWS ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 22 Crossover 2./3. Pass: Chlorine Trap Actual situation: 3 vaporiser tubes (distance: 400 mm) Future condition: T=180 (distance: 100 mm) ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 23 HWS ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 24 HWS – Effect of Cleaning ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 25 Adding Sulphur Direct sulphur and SO2 Schwefelpellets, Mittelwerte, Vgl. m. Normalbetrieb 060801 10 Mittlere Zusammensetzung Zug 3 S-pellets (30,18 kg/h) - Mittl. Zus.-setzung Zug 3 Massenkonzentration [g/m?] 1 0.1 0.01 0.001 0.0001 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% Pb 40% 40% Zn 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0.00001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Partikelgröße [m] Z2, SP, Mittelwert Z3, SP, Mittelwert Z2, NB, 060801 Z3, NB, 060801 Rest Anteil Cl S K Na Ca Si 0% 0% < 1m 1-20m Partikelfraktion > 20m < 1m 1-20m > 20m Partikelfraktion Increasing of sulphur content, without reducing chlorine ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 26 4. Summary / Perspective Boiler influences Gas/Aerosol within FG way Chlorine layered large particles depositing by impaction Interaction between flue gas and particles: sulphidation with release of chlor(ine) in the deposits Chlorine trap shall catch chlorides before SH Attack of chlorine should be modified by using process know-how or depositing protection layers Next step: Better understanding of chlorine formation in the combustion chamber (NGBW) ISWA -Beacon-Conference, 25.-26. October 2007, Malmö This Project was co-financed by the Baverian Ministery for Environment, Health and Consumer Protection within the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) 27
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