How to use this Report Book This report book is an integrated presentation of information in keeping with our desire to become a more seamless church. This book contains the reporting materials reflecting our work of the past year. In the margins, you will find an “at-a-glance” roadmap.The roadmap also attempts to mirror the way Mennonite Church Canada is organized, by integrating the reports of affiliated national and bi-national entities into related activity areas. Highlighted areas indicate where you are on the roadmap. For example, reports from WITNESS and their related agencies (CWM, CPT, MCC, MDS) appear in the WITNESS section. Reports from schools, Mennonite Publishing House and the Denominational Minister appear in the FORMATION section. The SUPPORT SERVICES section recognizes and represents the important aspect of administration work that under-girds everything, and includes reports from affiliated entities that relate to the support of broader programs and initiatives (e.g. Mennonite Foundation of Canada, Canadian Mennonite). Then we move into the round table discussion topics. Please read through these discussion topics carefully and come prepared to participate, whether you are seated around tables or meeting with the larger body for worship. A basic schedule for the proceedings can be found on the back cover of this Report Book. An agenda is provided on pages 102-103. The reports and stories in this report book represent the people and ministries in the Mennonite Church Canada family. Together, they tell the larger story of God at work in the world as we align ourselves with God’s purpose. We hope that you find this report book to be a helpful way of visualizing relationships and getting informed. Abbreviations ACOM .................................Area Conference Membership Only KPMG ...........................Auditors for Mennonite Church Canada AMBS .........................Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary M/S/C/...............................................Moved/Seconded/Carried AMIGOS ......... Mennonite World Conference Youth Committee MC ................................................................. Mennonite Church CAMS .................. Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools MC SASK ............................. Mennonite Church Saskatchewan CBC ....................................................... Columbia Bible College MCA.................................................. Mennonite Church Alberta CCC ........................................... Canadian Council of Churches MCA........................................ Mennonite Camping Association CCCC .......................... Canadian Council of Christian Charities MCBC ................................ Mennonite Church British Columbia CFC ................................................Christian Formation Council MCC ........................................... Mennonite Central Committee CGUC ................................... Conrad Grebel University College MCCC............................Mennonite Central Committee Canada CMU ......................................... Canadian Mennonite University MCEC .................................Mennonite Church Eastern Canada CPT ............................................. Christian Peacemaker Teams MCM .............................................. Mennonite Church Manitoba CWC .................................................. Christian Witness Council MDS ............................................... Mennonite Disaster Service CWM..............................................Canadian Women in Mission MEDA .................... Mennonite Economic Development Agency EFC ...................................... Evangelical Fellowship of Canada MFC .......................................Mennonite Foundation of Canada FLC ..................................................... Faith and Life Committee MM ..................................................................... Mennonite Men FPAC .............................. Financial Policy and Audit Committee MOU .........................................Memorandum of Understanding FYE ....................................................................Fiscal Year End MPN............................................Mennonite Publishing Network GAMEO ..... Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online MW ................................................................Mennonite Women GB ....................................................................... General Board MWC.............................................Mennonite World Conference GMF ............................................. Global Mennonite Fellowship P2P .................................................................. Person to Person IMPaCT ...... International Mennonite Pastors Coming Together RJC ......................................................Rosthern Junior College JEC ........................................................ Joint Executive Council SSC ....................................................Support Services Council 4 Words from the Moderator Peter’s words, which will be our scriptural guide for the next few days, speak of calling, of peoplehood, of being light, of offering mercy. All of these elements are part of what we are about as Mennonite Church Canada. Through our congregations, area conferences and national church, we long to grow more fully into communities that “declare the praises of God” and celebrate being God’s people here in this place, at this time. We declare the praises of God as we reflect on the ways that God has been with us through the past year in the various aspects of the ministry of Mennonite Church Canada. This is the first assembly for Jack Suderman in the role of General Secretary and we are appreciative of his leadership during this time. We also recognize the many other staff that use their gifts and abilities to work in and for the church. Thank you to all of you who give of your lives to this ministry. We declare the praises of God as we have ended our last fiscal year meeting our budget. Thank you to the many of you – congregations and individuals – who gave generously and sacrificially to continue the work of our church in Canada and around the world. Without your faithfulness to God in offering your gifts to God’s work, much of what we have been able to accomplish would not have happened. We declare the praises of God for the good work of our councils and staff – in Formation, Witness and Support Services – as they have worked diligently and carefully, tending to the many things that we have asked them to do for the church. From caring for our workers globally, to providing resources for Sunday morning worship, to helping in training new leaders and encouraging intergenerational learning, to giving counsel to our congregational treasurers for pastoral benefits and pensions, the areas of involvement are multiple and varied. We declare the praises of God for the many other parts of Mennonite Church Canada that all contribute to our understanding of what it means to be God’s people here in this place at this time. During our days together at this assembly we want to be very intentional about how we spend our time. We have been called together as a people of God and so whether we meet in worship, in discernment times around tables, in fellowship, in our meals together or in those all important visits in the hallways, we do so recognizing that everyone we meet is a child of God, beloved and forgiven. May God bless our time together and allow us to be a blessing to others. —Henry Krause, Moderator Formation We declare the praises of God God’s People Now! - an ideal theme for our 7th annual delegate session of Mennonite Church Canada. I look forward to spending time together in Edmonton as we remember and look forward to being God’s people now! GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 5 GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT Once you were not a people Words from the General Secretary 6 I therefore, the prisoner in the Lord, beg you to lead a life worthy of the calling to which you have been called… (Ephesians 4:1). Robert (Jack) Suderman, General Secretary, MC Canada I can’t think of a more appropriate thought to begin my report than these words from Ephesians. This is the apostle’s request to the church: namely, to be who we are meant to be and to become who God wants us to become. This plea is not made from a position of strength, but from the weakness of a prisoner. It is ironic: a guy in jail telling the church to become what it should be. The “calling” of the church to understand its vocation to be the church seems too obvious and simplistic. And yet it is an important reminder that we, too, must take seriously. In this brief report I cannot address all the items that have occupied us during this last year. I will simply identify a few key items that we want to draw to your attention. The Calling to which we have been called: Faith and Life Committee (FLC): The newly established FLC is up and running. This group, together with the Reference Council, met at the March Leadership Assembly for an entire day to talk about the spiritual health and needs of the calling to which we have been called. I believe that our church will be blessed by our intensive and interactive attention to FLC chair Rudy Baergen discerning the will of God for our church. This committee is using the following question to guide all of its deliberations: “What does it mean to be a faithful Christian church?” It is the right question. From this perspective we want to address the challenges that lie before us. For example, we have clearly heard the call from some congregations that we need to nurture our capacity to read and interpret the Bible together as a body, rather than yielding to non- or partial-body-life interpretations that are so prevalent at the moment. How do we pay attention to these hermeneutical dynamics so that we are a faithful church and so that the Bible is not silenced as an effective guide to life in our church? There are significant conversations underway about our understandings of membership: both in and of the church. The FLC has already been helpful in sorting out these understandings somewhat. They have reminded us that the essence of the unity of the church cannot (and should not) be defined according to a particular type of structure, organization, or even by theological agreement. Unity can exist within structural, organizational, and theological diversity. Unity, rather, is related to covenant which, in turn, is relational. Membership is unity symbolized by structural connectedness. Membership in/of churches must be life-giving: grounded in covenant, faithfulness, relationship, nurture, mutuality, communal discernment, partnership, excitement, commitment, and so on. It is important not to establish membership categories that are, or are perceived to be, secondclass or less than what can be enthusiastically and biblically justified, defended, and encouraged. I trust that we can find the paths that will permit us to engage such categories of membership both in the churches and of the churches. Priorities: We are indeed pleased to be able to present to you for information the three priorities that the General Board has approved for the national church. A priority goes a step beyond purpose and indicates what is needed in order for the purpose to come to life. Our purpose is to “call, equip, and send the church to engage the world with the reconciling gospel of Jesus Christ.” In order to move toward this purpose, the General Board, with input from the delegates at Charlotte 2005, has decided that, relying on God’s help, the three priorities need to be: a) to form a people of God; b) to become a global church; and c) to grow leaders for the church. I am grateful for these foci. They will be of significant help in shaping the future ministry of our church. Program: I am very pleased to report that the program of Mennonite Church Canada is healthy, relevant, and contributing to the objectives that we have set. This is due largely to the competent, innovative, and committed staff that are giving leadership and working so hard in the various departments. We do some things in order to empower congregations and area conferences for ministry. We do other things on your behalf. Each of these is important, and details of these programs and services are available elsewhere in this book. I am grateful for the trust and encouragement that we are given to implement the programmatic needs of our church in its engagement with our society and our world. But now you are God’s people... Membership and polity: GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 7 Area conferences and congregations: Mission Seminar 2005 Group in prayer Ray Dirks’ Jesus portrait created for and with the students, on display in the CMU chapel GENERAL Since beginning my work as General Secretary on Dec.1/05, three congregations have informed us of their decisions to disaffiliate their membership from both the Area Conference and from Mennonite Church Canada. These are the Vernon Mennonite Church (MCBC), Cornerstone Mennonite Church (MC Sask) and Neuanlage Grace Mennonite Church (MC Sask). Receiving news of such decisions raises mixed emotions in me. I respect the right and the responsibility of each congregation to shape its own character and forge its own future. I believe that these decisions are done in good faith and with genuine sincerity and that the Holy Spirit is present in the processes that lead to such decisions. As such I want to bless and validate the discernment of each local community of Christ in determining its best path for faithfulness into the future. But I also have a profound sense of sadness, failure, and even guilt. Such decisions point to the fact that we haven’t been able to generate a workable level of trust and agreement on our common life, nor a commitment to our life in difference, nor an ability to celebrate the diversity of our life in the body. I am convinced that ultimately it must be possible to do so. The seriousness of these decisions challenges me and I believe that it needs to challenge our church. They speak of a need to learn to read and interpret the Bible better as our corporate source to discern the mind of God for our lives and our world. This surely is a challenge we all agree with and thus is common ground. They also question where our ultimate authority lies. Does it lie in our concern for unity, harmony, and consensus? Or does it lie in our concern for faithful discipleship, knowing and obeying God’s truth? Faithfulness and truth, they say, must not be sacrificed for the sake of unity and consensus. Again, I assume that we would all agree that this perspective is a legitimate one. I know of no one in our church who does not yearn to be faithful, to know the liberating truth of God, and to live within it. This, too, is common ground. So part of the sadness and failure I feel is that decisions to separate seem to be made on issues on which we are agreed, issues that are common ground among us. This is perturbing and simply highlights our need to learn to live together, to communicate better with each other, to listen to and hear each other, and to celebrate the common commitments that we share. We are committed to listening to the voices that advocate for membership disaffiliation so that we can discern what we need to learn from them. We also commit ourselves to continue in relationship with these brothers and sisters to the degree that it is possible, even though structurally and organizationally we will be walking on parallel paths. And we want to bless these congregations and pray that their journey will indeed be one of joy, blessing, relevance, and effectiveness as they continue to search for faithfulness and obedience to Christ. FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE Part of our time together at the assembly will be used to discern whether we need to adjust the way in which membership is defined in Area Conferences and DISCERNMENT 8 in Mennonite Church Canada. One suggested change is to make space for an “Area Conference only membership” (ACOM) possibility. We pray for God’s Spirit to guide our deliberation and discernment in this discussion. Finances: I am grateful for the financial support of our church during this year. We are aware that congregations have given sacrificially to allow our programs to have the impact they are having. We also know that individual and corporate gifts have increased substantially this year. Together with the vigilant and effective administration of our staff, this has resulted in a small surplus of funds for the FYE 2006. My gratitude reflects the gratitude of the many partners we have in Canada and around the world. With strong financial support the commitments with partners that you have encouraged us to make can all be fulfilled. Your resources are effectively transforming lives and communities around the world, and for that many, many persons are very grateful. We have in the last years issued a challenge to our constituency, and you have responded. We want to keep up the challenge. In the mini-assembly of the Mennonite World Conference in Pasadena in March/06, Ron Sider called on the North American Anabaptist constituency to become more responsible in dealing with the stark global inequity of resources. Eighty-eight percent of Mennonite World conference family wealth is in the hands of North Americans who represent 25% of the membership and 8.3% of the wealth is in Africa that represents 43% of the membership. This, in Sider’s view, is serious agenda for our church: “Anything less than dramatic, sweeping economic sharing in the worldwide body of Christ today is flatly unbiblical, scandalously disobedient and heretical,” Sider said. These were strong, un-nuanced words. But in a global Anabaptist crowd, there was strong resonance with what he said. Gift sharing, a global window of opportunity Sagrada Familia door carvings, Barcelona Spain Scripture Foundation for Mennonite Church Canada: We have taken seriously the delegate recommendation in the Winkler Assembly/2004 asking the General Board to consider the need for a scripture foundation for our denomination. We extended an invitation to our constituency to share suggestions. It was indeed gratifying to see how many did that, and how seriously some took this invitation. In all, 16 suggestions were received advocating for 15 different scripture verses. At our Leadership Assembly in March/06, we spent two full sessions working to provide enough feedback to the General Board so that they could make a recommendation to this assembly. The leaders gathered had serious questions about whether we need such a foundation. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS Defining a foundation does not in itself determine whether or not we are a “biblical” people. We do have a Confession of Faith, the Vision: Healing and Hope, a Statement of Identity and Purpose, defined priorities, and a visual logo for the church, all of which have profound and extensive scriptural support and foundations. If a foundation would limit our scriptural vision to one verse or another, it would not be a good thing. One suggestion was to identify an annual foundation for purposes of nurturing our church. SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 9 While recognizing the potential risks, the Leadership assembly also identified some reasons why it might be good to have a foundation. Some of these were: a) to have a focus that builds our identity; b) to have a common sense of connectedness; c) to symbolize clearly what the basis of authority is for us; d) to connect us with traditions that have seen this as important even before the birth of Christ; e) to provide an opportunity to highlight a distinctive emphasis that we want to nurture; f) to unite the generations in a common purpose. The General Board has taken seriously the pros and the cons of having a foundation and is bringing forward the recommendation as distributed in the work book. I trust that God may bless our discernment and help our church to look to scripture for its inspiration, teaching, authority, life, and belief. ‘God’s People Now’ Constituency tour: At the time of writing, I am looking forward to visiting our constituent congregations in their meeting places. My goal is to visit all, but we’re still not sure whether this will be possible. The value of this orientation and its learning for me will be enormous. The listening we do will give us a snapshot of the life of our church: How are we? What are we doing? What concerns us? What needs do we have? This experience will also provide an opportunity for us to share some words of vision, encouragement, and information with each congregation. I trust that such an opportunity for mutual sharing will enhance the trust and relationships that are so important for our life together. By the time we meet in Edmonton, I trust that I will have completed the lion’s share of this tour. I hope we can have opportunity there to report and dialogue about this. Wider-Church Relationships: Mennonite Church USA: We continue to meet regularly with the Executive Committee of Mennonite Church USA. There we attend to our partnership and the programs that we operate jointly (MPN, AMBS). A new initiative to meet jointly in a non-delegate assembly in July/2008 is recommended. The focus of this gathering is still being defined. Christian Council of Churches and Evangelical Fellowship of Canada: We are slowly learning what it means to be full members of the CCC and the EFC. Significant involvements are our participation in the discussions with both about an eventual pandemic and the roles of the churches in such an eventuality. We are also participating in the “Micah challenge” and further reporting of this is available from www. There is much opportunity for involvement with our partners in order to engage the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Mennonite World Conference: Our relationship with MWC continues to be strong. The MC Canada decision to offer some of my time to the MWC for teaching purposes was amply recognized, affirmed and celebrated at the MWC mini-assembly in Pasadena in March/06. That affirmation resulted in expressions of gratitude to MC Canada from many represented there. I gladly pass those on to all of you. It also resulted in expressions of interest from Ghana, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Angola, Kenya, Indonesia, Philippines, India, Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and Colombia. We need to make some choices now in order to implement this offer. 10 Global Mission Fellowship: MC Canada became a founding member of the GMF in Zimbabwe in 2003. Our contribution to this new initiative has been both in terms of funding and in extensive staff involvement in envisioning, shaping, and implementing this initiative. Peter Rempel, former staff person, and Janet Plenert, our current Executive Secretary of Witness, have dedicated their competence, energy, and vision to getting this off the ground. The next gathering of the GMF will take place in Kazakhstan, in September 2006. This is one more very practical and important way in which our priority to “become a global church” is becoming reality. Advocacy: On your behalf, the voice of Mennonite Church Canada has been heard in key areas and issues all around the world. We have strong representation on the Christian Peacemaker Teams steering committee and have participated in the struggle of that organization in a difficult time. We have responded to the requests from the Vietnamese Mennonite Church and Mennonite World Conference to advocate on behalf of the leaders of that church in regards to their imprisonment, torture, and pressure. We responded to the invitation from the Colombian Council of Churches to participate in a summit to help them shape their position and participation in the peace process there. This process includes issues related to the demobilization of some armed groups, the laying down of arms, their reinsertion into civil society, and social/political response to the reality of victimization that has occurred. Documents highlighting our participation and the concluding documents are available at news/releases/2006/.It is clear that such solidarity is highly valued by this church under significant social and political pressure. We have participated with the CCC in advocating to the Canadian government, including concerns about the civil war in Sudan. Conclusion: I return to my introductory comments. Each paragraph in this report is a vignette, a marker on the road, of how we, as a church, are attempting to “lead a life worthy of the calling to which we have been called.” Our life together in prayer, dialogue, discernment, encouragement, and decision-making are all processes integral to our calling. I pray daily that the accompaniment of the Spirit of God will be always recognized and sought out in our journey. We need to carve out the path as we are walking. May God guide and direct our calling. —Robert (Jack) Suderman, General Secretary, MC Canada GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 11 Joint Executive Committee (JEC) of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA Roy Williams, moderator, MC USA The JEC continues to be an important place for leaders of MC Canada and MC USA to process common or overlapping agenda, build relationships between Canadian and US leadership, and to share reporting from each national church. The JEC is the primary point of accountability for Mennonite Publishing Network (MPN), a joint ministry of both churches. It gives attention to other joint ministry and identity concerns. The JEC meets face-to-face twice per year. The report below focuses on MC Canada-MC USA inter-relational items. Much of the information MC Canada leaders shared at these meetings can be found elsewhere in this report book (e.g. MC Canada’s Identity and Purpose statement and three priorities, formation of the Faith & Life Committee, issues of Area Conference Only Membership, etc.). Highlights General • Met, welcomed, and interacted with Roy Williams, the new moderator for MC USA. • Roy shared the three MC USA church-wide priorities: becoming a missional church, training pastoral leaders and making global connections. Another MC USA focus is reexamining the role of area conferences. Reflections on Charlotte 2005 • MC Canada found there was a positive sense from the assembly and worship was invigorating. Lower Canadian delegate attendance than normal was a concern. Some also had a sense of being participants in a U.S.-style convention. Cost and distance were factors that kept western Canadians from attending the assembly. GENERAL FORMATION Concerned assembly-goers gathered to • MC USA delegates reported a growing interest in march for peace at the Charlotte 2005 involving youth and young adults in the work of the Assembly church. Delegates also struggled with how and when to speak to government. Another key delegate discussion focused the goal of becoming an antiracist church. • Both church bodies are experiencing some theological polarization, but the merging of theological and political polarizations appears to be unique to Mennonite Church USA. The role of the United States in the world as a super power heightens this differentiation. For MC USA, its desire to be a missional church means taking its national and cultural identity seriously so that it can develop an alternative narrative. WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 12 MC Canada–MC USA Partnership • The JEC provides oversight for ministries shared by MC Canada and MC USA, such as MPN, AMBS, ministerial leadership, and youth ministries. Our organizational structures differ, but much of the collaboration function rests with the JEC. Ultimate authority for decisions rests with the individual church bodies. • Both U.S. and Canadian delegates at Charlotte 2005 affirmed partnership ministries in publishing, seminary training and other areas. • Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA are two national church bodies that relate together through the family of worldwide Mennonites, but also have a special “sibling” relationship with each other through a shared history and vision for ministry. The two church bodies share a theological “oneness” through our common Confession of Faith, vision statement, polity and visual identity. The JEC will continue to work at defining the operational relationship between the two church bodies as we look toward some form of a shared future. Discussion at 2005 Conference Ministers and Mission Leaders gathering Future of Joint Assemblies • One challenge of holding a joint assembly is building separate identities for the US and Canadian church bodies. US and Canadian delegates affirmed the possibility of meeting together in the future. MC Canada Executive: • Mennonite Church USA and Mennonite Church Canada no longer need to meet together in a joint delegate assembly for governance purposes. Other alternatives for meeting together (delegate or nondelegate) and for enhancing the ministries of the two church bodies should be explored. Esther Peters Henry Krause Garth Ewert Fisher Marlene Janzen Clare Schlegel • For Mennonite Church Canada, any future joint gathering must be affordable and, if it’s a delegate meeting, “close enough” so more delegates can attend. GENERAL —Henry Krause on behalf of the MC Canada Executive FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 13 Assembly 2005 Actions and Followup Motion 1 The delegate assembly adopts the minutes of the 5th Annual Session of Mennonite Church Canada as recorded and published in Minute Book 2004 issued by MC Canada. Motion 2 The delegate assembly approves the actions of the General Board taken between July 10, 2004 and July 5, 2005. Motion 3 The delegate assembly approves the audited financial statements for MC Canada for the year ended January 31, 2005. Motion 4 The delegate assembly adopts the Identity and Purpose Statement. Motion 5 The delegate assembly refers the Identity and Purpose Statement to the Resolutions Committee for further work and requests that they bring a recommendation back to delegates on Friday. Motion 6 Be it resolved that Mennonite Church Canada delegates continue to meet in an annual assembly and that we ask the General Board to review this decision in five years (i.e., 2010). Motion 7 The delegate assembly adopts the revised Statement of Identity and Purpose for Mennonite Church Canada as a substitute to Motion 4. 14 Motion 8 Be it resolved that Mennonite Church Canada transfer the title of 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard to Canadian Mennonite University for the consideration of one dollar ($1.00) provided that: 1. MC Canada will be able to use the conference offices and Heritage Centre for as long as it wishes, and will have the same responsibility for utilities, maintenance, taxes, etc. that it has now. 2. MC Canada will be able to recover the value of the conference offices and Heritage Centre if it chooses to move its offices elsewhere. MC Canada will share this value with MC Manitoba according to its share of the conference office building. 3. MC Canada will be able to borrow against the value of the conference offices and the Heritage Centre. MC Canada will share this borrowing capacity with MC Manitoba according to its share of the conference office building. 4. MC Manitoba’s rights under its current long-term lease are preserved. 5. CMU will own 600 Shaftesbury and will be free to develop the property as needed for its ministry, although it will not be able to borrow against the value of the conference offices and the Heritage Centre. Motion 9 The delegate assembly approves the budget presented for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2006, as well as the projected budgets presented for fiscal year ending January 31, 2007 and fiscal year ending January 31, 2008. Motion 10 The delegate assembly appoints KPMG as the auditor for Mennonite Church Canada for fiscal year ending January 31, 2006. Motion 11 The delegate assembly approves changes to the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada to incorporate Section XIII Moderators, Secretaries and Conference Ministers Meeting, Articles 36 and 37 as presented in the Report Book. Motion 12 The delegate assembly approves changes to the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada to incorporate Section XI Faith and Life Committee, Articles 30 and 31 as revised by the Resolutions Committee. Motion 13 The delegate assembly approves all other changes in the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada as presented on pages 73-80 of the Assembly 2005 Report Book. Amendment 13.1 The delegate assembly agrees to keep Items (f) and (g) of Part XI, Article 32 Section (1) in the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada. Amendment 13.2 The delegate assembly approves changing the proposed Item (c) of Part XII, Article 33, Section (5) in the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada as follows: (a) Canadian Mennonite elementary, secondary and postsecondary schools related with MC Canada. Amendment 13.3 The delegate assembly agrees to strike the proposed Item (vii) from Part X, Article 29, Section (g) of the bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada. Motion 14 The delegate assembly agrees the nominations cease and the slate be approved as presented. Motion 15 The delegate assembly agrees that the composition and mandate of the Faith and Life Committee be reviewed in five (5) years, that is 2010, by the General Board. Resolution of Thanks: We recognize the significant amount of organization and work that is necessary to put an assembly together. We have had an inspiring and challenging week. We listened to stories, we sang the Gospel, and we made progress in understanding our mission as the people of God. • Thank you to the staff of MC Canada and to every person on each committee that planned this assembly. • Thank you to the Convention Planning Office of Mennonite Church USA, which did much of the initial planning regarding facilities. • Thank you to the volunteers who guided us on our way. • Thank you to the workshop and seminar leaders who educated and informed us. • Thank you to all the members of boards and councils, and especially the moderator. • Thank you to the leaders of worship and those who spoke words of exhortation and inspiration to us. All have contributed tirelessly to the ongoing work of promoting the Kingdom of God. Thank you. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 15 General Board Actions – 2005 MAR 2005 – NOV 2005 Cost of Living First Fruits Giving The General Board agrees to a 1.8% cost of living increase for all staff for the 2005-06 fiscal year. This increase is in accordance with MC Canada policy (equivalent to the September 2003 – September 2004 Consumer Price Index). The General Board approves the action of the Joint Executive Committee to determine a First Fruits contribution of $25,000 US from Mennonite Publishing Network to MC USA (75%) and MC Canada (25%) for FYE’04, FYE’05 and FYE’06 and to be reviewed thereafter. The General Board agrees to return the MC Canada funds to MPN for debt retirement. 2005 Budget The General Board agrees to recommend that delegates at Charlotte 2005 approve the budget for FYE 2006 as presented. MPN Board The General Board agrees to designate Abe Bergen as having a four (4) year term that expires in 2007, and Laverne Brubacher and Carry Dueck as having two (2) year terms that expire July 31, 2005. Subject to their acceptance, the General Board appoints Laverne Brubacher and Carry Dueck to the MPN board for a second term (4 years expires 2009). Statement of Identity and Purpose The General Board affirms the work done by the committee to develop this statement and recommends the delegates approve the Mennonite Church Canada Statement of Identity and Purpose as presented. General Secretary Items Fund Transfers The General Board agrees to: A. Transfer from General Treasury to Internally Restricted funds the following: 1) Witness Council 2) Formation Council a) $5,000 to an Archive fund 3) Support Services Council a) $7,000 to a Communication fund B. Transfer from Internally Restricted funds to the General Treasury the following: 1) Witness Council a) $1,899 from the Partner Project Korea fund C. Transfer the Witness Council’s Internally Restricted Capital fund of $101,598 to two Witness Council Internally Restricted funds. 1) Native Ministries $94,258, and 2) International Ministries $7,340. 16 The General Board accepts the notice of resignation from Dan Nighswander as General Secretary and expresses sincere appreciation to Dan for his contributions to the church. The General Board agrees to grant Dan Nighswander a professional development and service leave effective December 1, 2005 through May 31, 2006 for personal renewal, study and to write a commentary on I Corinthians for the Believers’ Church Bible Commentary. The General Board agrees to review the job description of the General Secretary at the April meeting, looking specifically at what the GS needs to do more of and what they could do less of as they work to fulfill the vision and mandate of MC Canada. Property Transfer The General Board agrees to: a) Recommend to the board of Canadian Mennonite University and the board of MC Manitoba the restructuring of the ownership of 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard according to the proposed transfer and conditions outlined in the recommendation from Support Services Council [Proposed Restructuring of the Ownership of 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard, March 5, 2005] b) If CMU and MC Manitoba accept the proposal, recommend this proposed transfer and conditions to the delegates at Charlotte 2005. c) If either CMU or MC Manitoba does not accept the proposal, they are requested to provide a counter-proposal to GB for its consideration. If a counter-proposal cannot be available for the GB meeting in April 2005, the GB may choose to defer any recommendation regarding the ownership of 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. to delegates until Edmonton 2006. The General Board agrees with the principles of the “Memorandum of Understanding on Dissolution” and recommends Support Services proceed with a legal review. The General Board asks Dan Nighswander to keep the MC Canada representative on the CMU board (Ruth Friesen) informed about the proposed restructuring of the ownership of 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard and the MOU of Dissolution. Resource services The General Board has learned, through the Christian Witness Council evaluation of the Congregational Partnerships Department, that congregations are calling for consulting services of various kinds. The GB requests that the General Secretary initiate conversations between area conferences about how to address this need for resources. The General Board agrees to use the budget planning worksheet tool for setting FYE’07 budget priorities at the April meeting. Charlotte 2005 The General Board agrees that delegates should discuss the following issues at Charlotte 2005: i) Purpose, identity, function and priority statements (or portion thereof) ii) The future of funding the church iii) Definition of membership (provincially active only?) [now known as Area Conference Only Membership] iv) Resolution re: continuing with annual assemblies v) Future joint assemblies vi) Education funding Constituency Survey The General Board approves the Support Services Council request for $10,000 in funding for a constituency survey from the New Initiatives Reserve fund. This survey will help MC Canada better understand our constituency’s perceptions and needs, and better plan our communications and ministries in the future. The survey will take place during FYE’06. General Secretary Search The General Board appoints Louie Sawatsky, Doug Epp, Andy Reesor-McDowell and Henry Krause to the General Secretary Search Committee, and seeks one additional representative (who is not from GB) to represent MCA/MC Sask on this committee. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES The General Board asks executive staff to follow up on the recommendation from Witness to engage in conversations with other parts of the denomination to find ways to strengthen ministries promoting congregational partnership foci. FINANCE DISCERNMENT 17 APRIL 2005 Faith and Life Committee Spokesperson The General Board agrees to revise the General Bylaws of Mennonite Church Canada to include a Faith and Life Committee (see Bylaw, page 95). The General Board agrees to appoint Andrew Reesor-McDowell as spokesperson at Charlotte 2005 for matters relating to homosexuality, and to appoint Sue Steiner, Doug Epp and Esther Peters as a reference group for Andrew. Assemblies The General Board agrees to bring to the delegates at Charlotte 2005 the resolution for continuing annual assemblies (as outlined in the docket, page 13). The General Board agrees to review the practice of continuing to meet in an annual assembly, in five years (i.e., 2010). Statement of Identity and Purpose The General Board agrees to bring to the delegates at Charlotte 2005 the resolution for approving the Statement of Identity and Purpose for MC Canada. MC Canada - MC USA Relationships The General Board agrees to recommend to the Executive Board of MC USA that Parts A, B, and D of the draft “The relationship between Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA” (dated March 30, 2005) be presented to delegates for discussion at Charlotte 2005. Educational Funding Proposal The General Board agrees in principle with the “MC Canada Educational Funding Proposal” and asks the Education Funding Review Committee to continue working, in consultation with the schools and with input from the Denominational Minister and the Executive Secretary of Christian Formation Council, on appropriate strategies for allocating national pastoral leadership development funds. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT General Board agrees to issue the Education Funding Review Committee report titled “MC Canada Educational Funding Proposal” (dated April 15, 2005) to the post-secondary schools and area conferences under cover of a letter that provides context and invites feedback on how to integrate a national strategy for pastoral leadership development. 18 Title Transfer The General Board agrees to bring to the delegates at Charlotte 2005 the recommendation to transfer the title of 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard to Canadian Mennonite University for consideration of one dollar ($1.00) per conditions 1 through 10 as outlined in the proposal (dated April 13, 2005). The General Board agrees to approve “Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Dissolution between Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba and Menno Simons College” for independent legal council, and if there are no concerns, report to the delegates at Charlotte 2005 a summary of the memorandum. Subsidy Request The General Board agrees to send a letter to area conferences and constituent congregations, encouraging them to appoint as delegates and if possible cover or subsidize cost of attendance at assembly for any General Board, council or committee members. Greetings The General Board asks Sven Eriksson to represent and send greetings from MC Canada to the Mennonite Brethren at the opening and dedication of their new offices. Audit Items The General Board accepts the audited financial reports for Mennonite Church Canada FYE’05 as circulated. The General Board agrees, subject to receiving an acceptable fee proposal from KPMG, to recommend the delegates at Charlotte 2005 appoint KPMG as MC Canada’s auditor for the fiscal year ending January 31, 2006. Property JULY 2005 The General Board agrees: Assembly 2005 a) That we dispose of the property in Selkirk, MB and that the proceeds from the sale (net of legal fees and other related expenses) be added to an internally restricted reserve to fund future Native Ministry program; b) That we authorize the General Secretary and/or the Executive Secretary of Support Services to sign on behalf of Mennonite Church Canada any documents necessary for this transaction. Longevity Leave Policy The General Board approves implementation of the Longevity Leave Policy effective April 15, 2005. Response to BC Ad Hoc Committee The General Board asks the Moderator and General Secretary to draft, in consultation with other executive staff and board members, a response to the letter from the Ad Hoc Committee of MCBC (dated March 16, 2005). The GB encourages the Moderator, if possible, to attend the next ad hoc or executive meeting of MCBC to report that MC Canada will continue to work at these issues, and welcomes the opportunity to meet together in Charlotte. Area Conference Only Member The General Board asks the executive staff to draft a proposal, for General Board review at Charlotte in July 2005, regarding an “area conference only member” status that encourages congregations to remain in relationship with each other. Leadership Items The General Board agrees to move actively towards empowering the General Secretary and executive staff team with leadership and visioning authority, within the context and under the responsibility of the General Board. The General Board affirms the following officers for Assembly 2005: • Listening Committee: Ron Braun, Irene Crosland, Nancy Brubaker • Resolutions Committee: Jeremy Bergen, Helen Kruger, Hugo Peters • Parliamentarian: Sam Steiner The General Board approves revising the budget for FYE’06 to include a one-time expenditure of $30,000 from the 1-1140-6600 (Native Ministries grant line) with offsetting revenue from 1-1140-9010 (Native Ministry transfer from internally restricted fund). The General Board affirms the direction outlined by executive staff in the recommendation to GB “Section 3.3 status for constituent congregations in MC Canada”, and agrees that the primary focus of the round table discussion on membership will be how to accommodate requests for different membership affiliations [Question 2, (Charlotte) Report Book pg 72]. The General Board accepts the recommendation from MCBC to strengthen the mandate of the Faith and Life Committee and agrees to do further work on the revision at the November GB meeting. The General Board agrees to send this letter and supporting documents to the MCBC ad hoc committee, noting that we cannot control how these words are received or used by those who receive a copy. The General Board asks that the constituency be informed that church/university venues were explored but suitable space was not available and therefore GB supports proceeding with the hotel venue for Edmonton 2006 provided there is a range of accommodations made available for delegates. GENERAL FORMATION The General Board agrees to ask the executive staff team and executive committee of the board to do the ongoing work of monitoring, reporting and making recommendations to the General Board regarding emerging strategic issues. WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE The General Board agrees to appoint Ernie Epp to fill the vacant position on the Search Committee for a General Secretary. DISCERNMENT 19 The General Board notes with concern the challenges that farmers and farm communities are facing in Canada, especially in areas where crops have been flooded and those whose cattle cannot be marketed because of the BSE threat. In the broader context of food and agricultural issues nationally and globally: a) We recognize that MCC, MEDA, Canada Foodgrains Bank, Mennonite Publishing Network, our schools and the ecumenical organizations of which we are a part are already contributing to the church’s understanding of and response to food and agricultural issues, and we encourage them to continue in that. b) We recommend that the planners of future assemblies plan for seminars that deal with these issues. c) At our General Board meeting in July we prayed for the people and communities most directly involved, and we urge all of our churches to take up those prayers, to pay attention to these issues, and to educate themselves about the theological, ethical and practical implications of the production, distribution and consumption of food. AUGUST 2005 NOVEMBER 2005 MC Canada and MC USA Gathering The General Board asks staff to explore alternatives and bring a feasibility study, for a gathering of MC Canada and MC USA or a broader Anabaptist context in Canada in 2008, to the GB meeting in April 2006. CCCC The General Board agrees to make a $2,500 donation to the Canadian Council of Christian Charities in recognition of the good job done preparing and winning the appeal of the Canada Revenue Agency Employment Insurance assessment. Mileage The General Board agrees to increase the mileage rate to $0.38 per kilometer effective November 1, 2005. Appointments The General Board affirms the appointment of Helen Kasdorf as a member of FPAC for a 3-year term, effective July 2005. The General Board affirms the appointment of Betty Pries to the Faith and Life Committee for a 3-year term effective July 2005. General Secretary Call The General Board recommends calling Robert (Jack) Suderman as new General Secretary for Mennonite Church Canada, recognizing implementation will involve making structural changes within our financial constraints. FLC The General Board recommends contacting the current nominees about serving on the Faith and Life Committee, and returning to GB for additional suggestions if they both decline. GENERAL Pension Plan The General Board asks Belton & Grom and Group Retirement Services to move our pension plan core option to the alternative described as “Option 1” in their presentation to the Pension Advisory Committee on 22-Oct-2005. Native Ministry title transfers The General Board agrees to: a) Transfer Mennonite Church Canada’s property at Cross Lake to Living Word Church Inc. for consideration of one dollar ($1.00); b) Allow Native Ministry staff to negotiate with Living Word Church Inc. a mutually agreeable arrangement for payment of the fees related to the transfer; and FORMATION WITNESS c) Authorize the Executive Secretary, Christian Witness and Executive Secretary, Support Services to sign all documents necessary to effect this transfer. SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 20 The General Board agrees to: a) Transfer Mennonite Church Canada’s property at Manigotagan to the Manigotagan Community Chapel Inc. for consideration of one dollar ($1.00); b) That Mennonite Church Canada should have the right to decide upon lease termination, whether Mennonite Church Canada wishes to subdivide the property or receive cash from Canadian Mennonite University, b) Allow Native Ministry staff to negotiate with the Manigotagan Community Chapel Inc. a mutually agreeable arrangement for payment of the fees related to the transfer; and c) That Mennonite Properties Inc. and Canadian Mennonite University both be made parties to the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Dissolution, and c) Authorize the Executive Secretary, Christian Witness and Executive Secretary, Support Services to sign all documents necessary to effect this transfer. d) That the Financial Policy and Audit Committee shall advise the General Board whether another property appraisal is needed on 600 Shaftesbury, and which method of valuation should be used to determine the value of the mortgage that Canadian Mennonite University will grant to Mennonite Church Canada. The General Board agrees to: a) Transfer Mennonite Church Canada’s property at Matheson Island to Mennonite Church Manitoba for consideration of one dollar ($1.00), provided that Mennonite Church Manitoba develops with the Matheson Island Community Fellowship the trust agreements and processes necessary to ensure the property is used for church development, community outreach, and partnership ministries as desired by the people of Matheson Island; Insurance The General Board approves the addition of group insurance for interim pastors to our group insurance program, with the parameters as outlined in the recommendation from Support Services Council (docket Item 14a, page 7). International Personnel Policy b) Allow Native Ministry staff to negotiate with Mennonite Church Manitoba a mutually agreeable arrangement for payment of the fees related to the transfer; and c) Authorize the Executive Secretary, Christian Witness and Executive Secretary, Support Services to sign all documents necessary to effect this transfer. CMU title transfer The General Board agrees to transfer the title to 600 Shaftesbury Boulevard to Canadian Mennonite University for consideration of one dollar ($1.00) as outlined in the “Proposed Transfer of 600 Shaftesbury Blvd. to CMU”, draft dated June 15, 2005 and subject to the following additional conditions: The General Board approves the International Personnel Policy and asks staff to seek legal counsel on the policy. The GB asks Andrew Reesor-McDowell and Jack Suderman to prepare some case studies showing what the bylaws, GB agenda and Council agenda might look like under the Relationship Model™, for the March meetings. The General Board affirms Andy and Jack to work on the case studies for the March meeting, with authorization to consult with Les Stalke if they would find it helpful. GENERAL FORMATION a) That Mennonite Church Canada enter into a written commitment with Canadian Mennonite University to retain the same lender with regard to 600 Shaftesbury; WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 21 Priorities FLC The General Board, agreeing with the direction outlined in the “Priorities of a Missional Church”, asks staff to articulate the three priorities with more clarity, and we will continue to work on the core processes column. The General Board affirms the “Report to General Board” from the Faith and Life Committee (Nov 3) and encourages the committee to proceed to work on the first issue, “the meaning of membership in MC Canada” and to engage the Reference Council in this discernment at Leadership Assembly in March 2006. Education The General Board affirms the work done by Christian Formation staff to set up the education leaders gathering in November, and encourages discernment of how the schools can help MC Canada achieve its vision for being the church and specifically its mandate of pastoral leadership development. The General Board has not reached a decision on how to allocate education funds in the future, which means there are no planned changes to allocation of education funding (subject to normal budget review) while we continue to work with the report from the educational funding review committee and to engage the schools in this discernment. The General Board affirms pastoral leadership development as a priority for MC Canada, and strongly affirms the value of all the schools in fulfilling this mandate. The General Board continues to affirm and carry MC Canada’s responsibility for governance of CMU and AMBS, and recognizes that General Board has not connected with our appointed representatives as well as we should have. The General Board also affirms that its preference is to exercise this governance responsibility through Christian Formation Council, but has not set a timeline for moving in this direction. The General Board asks staff to research and document our obligations, the historical flow of financial decisions and commitments made with CMU/CMBC by the April GB meeting. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 22 Area Conference Only Membership (ACOM) The General Board asks the General Secretary, Marguerite Jack and Garth Ewert Fisher to look at the MC Canada bylaws, and membership guidelines to bring forward in March a framework of the potential membership obligations, privileges and expectations of membership in MC Canada for different categories of membership. More detailed documents on these and other General Board activities are available on request. VISION PURPOSE PRIORITY CORE PROCESSES God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy, and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world. God calls, equips and sends the church to engage the world with the reconciling gospel of Jesus Christ. To engage the world with the reconciling gospel of Jesus Christ, with God’s help we will: Core processes for each priority: Form a people of God by: We are a community of disciples of Jesus, A part of the Body of Christ, covenanted together as congregations, area conferences, and a national church body. Gratefully responding to God’s initiatives and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves and our resources to calling, equipping and sending the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ. • Form a people of God. • Become a global Church. • Grow leaders for the Church. • Discerning, calling forth, and equipping the gifts of the Spirit that are among and within us; • Discerning the “signs of the times,” i.e., understanding the terrain in which we minister and the world we need to engage; • Nurturing and strengthening the “body-life” of our church; • “Extending our table:” being intentional about inviting people into relationship with Jesus Christ, and nurturing our capacity for hospitality within the life of our community. Become a global church by: • Strengthening our capacity to engage with and learn from the diversity that God nurtures among us and beyond us; • Committing to reconciling ministry “from across the street to around the world;” • Nurturing a growing accountability to the global communion of faith, especially to the community of Anabaptists: • Embracing and fostering our Mennonite identity as a perspective of Christian faith within all cultures and ethnic identities. Grow leaders for the church by: • Strengthening the family and the home as a seed-bed for emerging church leadership; • Becoming more intentional about broadlybased leadership training; • Focusing resources on educating pastors to be leaders and some leaders to become pastors; • Encouraging new models and styles of leadership for a missional church. 23 Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) Vision: Healing & Hope God calls us to be followers of Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, to grow as communities of grace, joy, and peace, so that God’s healing and hope flow through us to the world. Greetings! We rejoice in the wonderful experience we had together last summer in Charlotte, North Carolina, when more than 8,500 Mennonites from Canada and the United States gathered for a joint convention. And we want to encourage you as you gather this summer to consider what it means to be God’s People Now! We are grateful for the many ministries we share. We celebrate . . . • The release of the new Gather ’Round Sunday school curriculum through Mennonite Publishing Network, in collaboration with Mennonite Church Canada Formation. • The ministry we share through Christian Peacemaker Teams. • Our common experience with the global Anabaptist family through the Mennonite World Conference General Council meetings in Pasadena, California, last March. • Opportunities to focus on our common Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective such as the conference in June at AMBS. • The collaborative work of Mennonite Church Canada Witness and Mennonite Mission Network. • Relationships between Mennonite racial/ethnic groups that span the Canadian/U.S. border, including Hispanics, Asians, and native North American and aboriginal groups. • The continuing collaborative work of Mennonite Men and Mennonite Women. • The shared ministry of our denominational ministerial staff, including the annual gathering of the Youth Ministries Council. • Other opportunities for shared ministry like Leadership magazine and our common Special Sundays for peace, mission, publishing, stewardship and more. Twice each year, the Joint Executive Committee (the executive committees of Mennonite Church Canada and Mennonite Church USA) meets to implement our partnership covenant and to build on each other’s strengths. We are currently exploring the possibility of a joint leadership (non-delegate) event in Canada for summer 2008. From our understanding of our past journey and our current realities, we covenant to move forward together in ministry – exploring and defining new ways of relating, sharing and serving – even as each of our national bodies continues to mature in their separate identities and missions. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS The next churchwide gathering for Mennonite Church USA will be in San Jose, California in summer 2007. Pray that we, too, will experience what it means to be God’s people. We will be learning what it means to Live the Call! as we focus on Ephesians 4:1-6. SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE We are praying for you as you gather in Edmonton to celebrate what it means to be called out of darkness into God’s wonderful light. DISCERNMENT —Jim Schrag, Executive Director, Mennonite Church USA 24 Mennonite World Conference (MWC) Making our communion in Christ real Mennonite World Conference is called to be a communion of Anabaptist related churches linked to one another in a worldwide community of faith for fellowship, worship, service and witness. Today MWC represents ninety-five Mennonite and Brethren in Christ national churches from fifty-one countries on six continents. Close to 1,300,000 believers belong to this faith family; at least 60% are African, Asian or Latin American. • MWC’s next global gathering is in Paraguay in 2009, but MWC is much more than a gathering every six years. Strengthening our global links is done in a variety of ways. Special support is given to churches under duress, such as relaying appeals for prayer in 2005 when Vietnamese Mennonite pastors were imprisoned. MWC plans to nurture the capacity of the Congolese Mennonite Churches to interact with each other. • The Shared Convictions Statement, first drafted in 2003, was agreed upon in Pasadena in March 2006 and will be distributed worldwide. • In the Mennonite History Project, the volumes for Europe and Asia are to be released in 2006. • The website, Courier magazine and World Fellowship Sunday continue to be ways for our congregations to be informed. • A network of “Connectors,” people interested in MWC, receive regular newsletters electronically. • The youth committee, AMIGOS, works at building communications among youth and young adults worldwide. Nicole Cobber-Bauman is MC Canada’s representative. • MC Canada has offered the services of Jack Suderman to MWC. For two weeks in 2006 he will be available for teaching ministries within the global family. • MC Canada has budgeted $38,000 for MWC. This amount does not meet the Fair Share allotment which we are invited to give for MWC’s operating expenses. The General Council of MWC met from March 7-15, 2006 in Pasadena, California to conduct business, worship and fellowship together, and to participate in consultations and discussions. Approximately ninety delegates from member churches were present, but fifteen delegates from eight countries were denied visas to enter the United States. Each day, these absent delegates were prayed for, as well as for the immigration authorities. On the Sunday afternoon worship service, fifteen empty chairs lined the front of the platform. This, together with the death of CPTer, GENERAL Tom Fox, was a powerful reminder FORMATION of the need in our world for God’s WITNESS kingdom of justice SUPPORT and peace. SERVICES It is a joy to belong to Mennonite World Conference, so let’s become connected and supportive in order to make our communion in Christ real. FINANCE —Naomi Unger, Laura Loewen and Andrew Ressor-McDowell, MC Canada representatives at MWC DISCERNMENT 25 Mennonite Church Alberta (MCA) AT A GLANCE... Annual Budget: $455,000 Executive: Verna Froese, Secretary; Noreen Neufeld, Finance Chair; Linden Willms, Vice Moderator; Marguerite Jack, Moderator Staff: Keith Hunsberger, Treasurer; Jim Shantz, Minister to Conference; Jeff Schellenberg, Camp Valaqua Manager; Jon Olfert, Camp Valaqua Director; Don Stoesz, Bowden Penitentiary Chaplain. MC Canada Staff: Marvin Baergen, Missional Formation and Partnership Facilitator Mennonite Church Alberta is a small conference comprised of 18 churches with approximately 1800 members. And we speak different languages: Cantonese, Lao, Spanish, Vietnamese, German and English! We are thankful that we have diversity and that we can learn to discern God’s voice together – in a variety of ways. We continue to meet annually at our delegate sessions. This year our conference was held at Foothills Mennonite Church, Calgary in April. We had our first “Round Table” discussions around “seeking a new vision” for Camp Valaqua. Our various Committees provided workshops for our delegate sessions. We interacted with the ideas and dreams that our committee members have worked at over the past year and heard what is being planned for the coming year. The committee’s gifts are in the areas of missions and service, congregational life, finance, youth, history, planning for conferences, congregational leadership, songfest and women in mission. We are thankful for all our volunteers – for their work and for their commitment to the church. The Pastors Council continues to play an important role in the life of our conference. This group meets regularly to discuss issues within the conference, to share with each other the experiences in their own congregations, to pray for each other, and to learn together. Jim Shantz, the conference pastor, leads this group. GENERAL FORMATION Camp Valaqua encourages campers to wade into a relationship with God, each other and the church. WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES Camp Valaqua is our largest program and it receives a large portion of our resources – energy, time and money. At the end of our last summer season we said fond farewells to Don and Tanya Dyck Steinmann and this January welcomed Jon Olfert and his family as our new Camp Director. Together with Jeff Schellenberg, the camp manager, Jon will be busy hosting the regular campers during the summer, and will also host youth events, church retreats, and educational sessions throughout the year. The Youth from the conference converge on the camp during the winter snow camps as well – enjoying the quiet and beauty of Valaqua’s wilderness setting. Don Stoesz works as a chaplain at the Bowden Penitentiary. This chaplaincy is totally funded through Correctional Service Canada and is an important component of Mennonite Church Alberta. The Bowden facility is located midway between Calgary and Edmonton on the Queen Elizabeth II Highway. We continue to struggle through important issues affecting our church and we ask that you as the wider church keep us in your thoughts and prayers. FINANCE We welcome you to Alberta this July, and look forward to meeting and worshipping with you at the Edmonton Annual Delegate Assembly. DISCERNMENT —Marguerite Jack, Moderator, Mennonite Church Alberta 26 Mennonite Church British Columbia (MCBC) Will you welcome them? AT A GLANCE... It is like God has been saying, “I am bringing you these people, will you welcome them?” This is the story of Sherbrooke Mennonite Church in Vancouver. We are slowly becoming an intentionally intercultural church. I sometimes think it is our intention to design an intercultural congregation, but reality suggests that it has been God’s intention, and we, for the most part, have reluctantly joined the ride, resisting and rebelling at every bump on the road. Right now we are building relationships among people of at least six cultural groups: German, Canadian, Vietnamese, Korean, Azerbaijani and marginalised people in our neighbourhood. There are a number of other cultural groups in our neighbourhood; we just haven’t found a way to welcome them yet. Activity/Program: An Area Conference desiring to work together to achieve those things which we cannot do easily as separate churches. In the Fall of 2004, we were introduced to a well-groomed, statelylooking gentleman who had come to Canada seeking refuge. His grace and outward appearance did not reveal the pain, suffering and traumatic journey that had led him to this place in his life. He was not only seeking refuge in this country, but was also seeking Jesus. He had been severely tortured and imprisoned in his home country for revealing truths about human rights violations. He had also come to understand that Jesus is not a God who tortures and kills, but One who loves, heals and forgives. He soon confessed Jesus as his Saviour and Lord and became a member of our congregation. He continues to suffer as a result of the trauma, yet his devotion to Jesus and commitment to prayer has far surpassed many of us in the congregation. His wife and children have suffered in their home country because of his departure, so we are in the process of helping them to reunite. Ministry goals and objectives: To sow, grow and reproduce healthy churches and believers within British Columbia. Average Annual Budget: $465,500 (excluding Camp Squeah) Staff: Henry Kliewer, Conference Minister; Edgar Rivera, Part-time Evangelism and Church Development Administrator; Janette Thiessen, Office Administrator Board of Directors Executive Officers: Gerd Bartel, Moderator Karen Heidebrecht Thiessen, ViceModerator Don Teichroeb, Finance Committee Chair MC Canada Representatives: Gerd Bartel, Western Director of Resource Development A number of Korean families have come to Sherbrooke, but they came already as Christians. They are looking for a church that is congregational in its leadership structure and has a strong emphasis on community, and they have found this in the Mennonite Church. I believe that our experiences are an expression of what it means to be the people of God, according to 1 Peter 2:910, receiving and extending God’s mercy. GENERAL FORMATION —Garry Janzen, pastor WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 27 Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) AT A GLANCE... Identity & Vision Statement: Extending the peace of Jesus Christ, Making Disciples, Growing Congregations, Forming Leaders. MCEC Staff: Brian Bauman, Mission Minister Muriel Bechtel, Conference Minister David Martin, Executive Minister Marianne Mellinger, Coordinator of Leadership Formation Ester Neufeldt, Operations Minister Bev Raimbault, Administrative Assistant Karla Richards, Administrative Assistant Joan Schooley, Administrative Assistant Jeff Steckley, Congregational Ministries Minister Lisa Williams, Director of Communications Extending the peace of Jesus Christ, Making Disciples, Growing Congregations, Forming Leaders. 200 Junior Youth and their teachers met together to explore what extending the peace of Jesus Christ may look like. They worshipped, examined and discussed what it means to extend this peace to those around them – the school bully, friends and family. We celebrate the rich growth in our Junior Youth as they were challenged through this interaction. The peace of Christ extended. “How do we become a part of MCEC?” MCEC heard this question, not only once, but twice, as two new congregations have formed over the past year. We are excited as new congregations engage and reach out to their communities around them; we look for ways to walk alongside them as they develop and grow. The peace of Christ extended. Four hundred people gathered together for a weekend conference with Tony and Peggy Campolo on the subject of homosexuality. We seek God’s leading and wisdom as we continue to work through tough issues, like this one, through our Season of Discernment. How do we extend the peace of Jesus Christ when we disagree? What does the peace of Jesus Christ look like during these times? We ask for prayers and grace from our fellow sisters and brothers across Canada. The peace of Christ extended. Non-violence training, non-violent demonstrations and reflections on what it means to be a Christian witness for peace in today’s world -- the lives of ten youth and young adults may forever be changed. As participants in an MCEC learning trip to the peace demonstrations at the School of the Americas in Georgia, they were challenged and encouraged. The peace of Christ extended. MCEC celebrates all areas of ministry over the past year and thanks God for the growth and nurture we have experienced. We also celebrate the hard work which has taken place as we continue in our transition to a new ministry model and anticipate the new ministry that this structure will foster. GENERAL FORMATION WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE Hawksville and Valleyview Mennonite Church youth explore what it means to extend peace at the Junior Youth Breakaway. DISCERNMENT During the fiscal year ending January 2006, Congregations in MCEC contributed a total of $2,307,836 to the ministry of MCEC and MC Canada. In accordance with a covenant arrangement between MCEC and MC Canada, $1,388,394 remained in MCEC to fund regional ministries while $919,442 was forwarded through MCEC to MC Canada to support the ministry of the wider church. Our partnership with MC Canada remains a vital link as we continue to look for ways to enhance our ministry, both for MCEC and for MC Canada. Recognizing that we are God’s People Now empowers us to move ahead in the ministry that God is leading us to. May we continually be challenged to extend the peace of Jesus Christ in our congregations, our communities and our world. — Lisa Williams, Director of Communications, MCEC 28 Mennonite Church Manitoba (MCM) Theme for Our Work: AT A GLANCE... The theme for Mennonite Church Manitoba in 2005 was “Rooted in the Centre – Living on the Edge” and is reflected in Isaiah 49:6 “I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth”. As a body firmly rooted in Christ, we are called to reconcile everything and everyone to God. We will continue to use this theme for the next two years. In 2006 we will focus on being “Rooted in the Centre” and in 2007 will emphasize what it means to be “Living on the Edge”. Activity: A community of 50 congregations, together presenting Jesus Christ to the world. MCM Ministries: 1. Education Ministries encompasses both Outdoor Ministries (Camps with Meaning) and Congregational Ministries (Equipping, Youth and Young Adults). 2. Evangelism and Service Ministries is focused on evangelism and missional formation, church planting and congregational development, and service ministries. 3. Leadership Ministries provides pastoral support through encouragement, peer support, opportunities for education, accountability and spiritual care; pastoral placement in congregations; university chaplaincy and hospital chaplaincy; administration and disbursement of pastoral training scholarships and bursaries. 4. The Church Community Building Ministry tells the stories of ministry in MCM congregations, of activity within the ministries of MCM, and provides support services for MCM ministries. New Member Congregations: At the 2006 Annual Delegate Session, the Riverton Fellowship Circle and the Living Word Church at Cross Lake were received into membership. Both congregations worked through the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective, and participated in an interview to discuss the meaning of membership, among other steps. Issues and Initiatives: A proposal outlining ordination expectations for MCM congregations was adopted at the 2006 Annual Delegate Session, providing congregations with guidelines for credentials, ongoing education, formation and growth in ministry for persons called into pastoral ministry. In 2005 we began a process called “Our Health and Our Future” to examine the health and future of MCM. We will ask questions about purpose, reflect on aspects of organizational life that are life-giving and nurturing, identify activities and practices that have lost their effectiveness, and discern trends, with the goal of enhancing the overall direction, purpose and activities for the time in which we live. An Education Ministry review took an in-depth look at the outdoor (camping) ministries and congregational ministries of MCM to determine where we need to change and grow. The review comes at a critical time when financial and personnel resources are being stretched to the limit. It will be completed in early 2006. —Edgar Rempel, Executive Director, MCM Ministry Goals and Objectives: The MCM mission is to resource and empower each other, and to facilitate spiritual growth, service and evangelism. Annual Budget: $1,695,000 Reporting to: Board of Directors and congregational delegates at delegate sessions. Board: Bernie Tiessen, Moderator; Directors: Gordon Driedger, Julie Derksen, Don Bergen, Hans Werner, Kathy Hogue, Ruth Falk, Peter Epp. Staff: Administrative Staff: Edgar Rempel, Executive Director; Tom Seals, Treasurer; Gina Loewen, Leonore Peters and Eva Loewen, Administrative Assistants; Ministry Staff: John P. Klassen, Director of Leadership Ministries; Norm Voth, Director of Evangelism and Service Ministries; Bob Wiebe, Director of Education Ministries; Elisa Suderman Barkman, Associate Director of Summer Camp and Youth Ministry; Darryl Neustaedter Barg, Associate Director Media Ministries; Dorothea Rempel Kampen, Frohe Botschaft Producer; Camp Managers and Staff. GENERAL FORMATION Riverton Fellowship Circle joins Mennonite Church Manitoba WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE DISCERNMENT 29 Mennonite Church Saskatchewan (MC Sask) AT A GLANCE... MC Sask staff Conference Minister: Jerry Buhler Youth Minister: Anna Rehan MC Canada staff in Saskatchewan Eric Olfert Missional Formation and Partnership Facilitator Leadership Moderator: Henry Block Deputy Moderator: Gary Peters Secretary: Denise Martens Finance Chairperson: Doyle Wiebe At the 2005 Delegate sessions MC Sask accepted in principle a vision statement that calls us to be “Christ Centred and Sent…” This vision was fully accepted at our delegate sessions held February 24-25, 2006. Our activities and programs need to answer the question, “Does this activity or program call us to be Christ centred and then sent by Christ?” This is to guide us in future planning. MC Sask is engaged in a variety of programs. We have a camping ministry that reaches over 800 campers every year. More than one third of our campers have no church affiliation. Our camps are on three locations, Camp Elim, on the shores of Lake Pelletier, Youth Farm Bible Camp at the Rosthern Youth Farm, and Camp Shekinah at the Shekinah Retreat Centre. Person to Person (P2P) is a friendship based prison visitation ministry involving about 150 volunteers. This ministry is also branching out to “Circles of Support and Accountability” to give ongoing support to released offenders. At this time volunteers are involved in about six support circles. As we are Christ centred we are sent to those in prison and to those released from prison. For over one hundred years, Rosthern Junior College has been offering secondary students a high quality education experience. The impact of this school is felt across the province, the country, and around the world. RJC is a joint project with MC Alberta. Jerry Buhler, Conference Minister, MC Sask Early in our history members of MC Sask saw thring care to our senior citizens. We operate a 68 bed nursing home at the Youth Farm Complex in Rosthern. This same project has 32 assisted living units. A significant change in our service to seniors this past year took place with the decision to transfer ownership and operation of the Herbert Nursing Home to the Cypress Regional Health Authority. This was primarily done in the interests of the community as the local hospital was to be closed with acute care to be annexed to the nursing home. On February 7, 2006 we had a service in Herbert celebrating 54 years of MC Sask ministry to the seniors. We mourn the loss of three member congregations this past year. Two were by congregational vote – Cornerstone in Saskatoon and Neuanlage Grace Mennonite near Hague – and one by closure – Bethany Mennonite in Watrous – a result of rural depopulation. We pray God’s blessing on these congregations and members as they seek God’s direction into the future. GENERAL FORMATION The summer of 2005 will be particularly remembered by 95 youth and sponsors from across Saskatchewan who traveled by bus through two provinces and 9 states to arrive in Charlotte, North Carolina in 40 hours to take part in the bi-national youth event in July. They represented Saskatchewan well. WITNESS SUPPORT SERVICES FINANCE —Henry Block, Moderator, MC Sask DISCERNMENT 30 Mennonite Church Canada Organizational Chart Area Churches and their Congregations Delegate Assembly Nominating Committee Financial Policy & Audit Committee (FPAC) Faith and Life Committee (FLC) General Board 1 General Secretary’s Office Executive Staff* Finance Office Formation Witness International ministries Youth and Young Adult Ministries * Executive Staff consists of General Secretary, Formation, Witness, Support Services Executive Secretaries, Denominational Minister, and the Director of Finance. Africa Asia and Middle East Europe Latin America Youth ministry Mennonite Camping Association3 Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools (CAMS)3 Congregational and Ministerial Leadership Calling and formation of pastors Pastoral placement Company of 1000 Seminary and Church colleges3 National ministries Multi-cultural ministry Native ministry Congregational Partnerships Missional education Facilitate congregational partnerships Partnership education Publishing and Resources Resource Centre Mennonite Heritage Centre and Gallery Der Bote Mennonite Publishing Network3 Networking Mennonite Central Committee3 Mennonite Disaster Service3 Canadian Women in Mission Christian Peacemaker Teams3 Mennonite World Conference 2 Christian Education and Nurture Children’s ministry 1. The General Board is Family-based ministry responsible for relationships with Mennonite Church USA, Mennonite World Conference2, other Mennonite Churches, Canadian Council of Churches, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, and other inter-church relations. Historic relationships with AMBS and CMBC and new relationships with CMU, CGUC, and CBC are evolving and are the responsibility of the General Board. 2. One member of each council and one member from General Board is an appointee to Mennonite World Conference. Support Services GENERAL Communication/Constituency Relations Development Communications Annual Assembly Stewardship (Mennonite Foundation of Canada3) Canadian Mennonite3 FORMATION WITNESS Administration SUPPORT SERVICES Pension plan Property management Human resources Information technology FINANCE 3. These ministries are related to Mennonite Church Canada, usually through the appointment of board members, but are shared with ther partners. DISCERNMENT 31
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