IN '~HE uNtrED STArES tI.S1'RICT COCIi\! .t"oa i"H£ DIS'fKICT OF MAIRE fluntiff CIVIL AC1'lON .~ O. v.. The United States o£ ~ea, plaic:tiff here1R. by atld t.brottgil Peter Kills, tfni:t«i States Attorney for' the llistrict of ka.iae. rUes this ~t for btjUhCtiou aad respectfully represents _to this Iiofiorable Court as follows; 1. 1'his proee.:Jing i . h..l"Ought tltider ~ 302(a} of the i'4der..I Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21U.S.C. 3l2{a)]., -liereinaf'ter referred to AS the MAf;tif, aped.fieally seYeral Unit$d State» District Court$ the 'With jarisdictioll to _join lUtd restrain. v.i..clatiOhS 'Of Section 301 a. in~ting ot aaidAct [21 V.S.C. 3l1] herei1.'ta:(ter lttOt"e fully appears. 2. The defendan~, the Wllbe.lm. Reich FoudatiOl1, is ;corporation, hereinafter called the place cf business at Rangeley, "F~tion", tlain~. The fa. Hable having iU }d.nd.pal aef~nt Wilbelm Il:eieh is an individual vbo resides at Rangeley. )iaiae. The ·said ~.f~ts martuf&etttre &ad have been and »ow are iatrodllCing and eausilig -to be introduced, and d.elivering .and cau$illg to be delivered f~r introduction into interst.e.te ~ tn Ticlation of 21 U.S.C. 331(a) ergone eo.era 6.ccwmiLawn;, devices vi:thin the aeaniAg of Zl u.s.c. 321.(h}, which CU"C . adulterated :within the meaning cf %l U.S.(~. 351(e) and Jtti.sht"anded within the·~ of %l U.S.C. 351(a)~ -.ndfurther" said de!endaats haTe b<..~- tile ~ of 21 U.S.C. 351(c) CU1d 352(a,vbile held for Nle after .h.ip!ltellt in int.erstate COJaerce in "I'iel.e.tiOll of Zl V.S.C. 3ll(k.)~a.ll, as ap~. 8.J5 1in:. \Ulhelm Keich.. is an individ.ual whc resi4es at The defenda.nt~ nse QUenQorff. &leo know Ra.agele)~_ Maine.,. We holds a!ld. bas. h.e1d responsible -.nagerial. positions in the eond.t.tet of the business .a.:a.d affairs of The Wil.helat Reich F~tion, ·nch as, ~r of' of" 'the the ~ of truatees, tHraiJurer. secretary., and adMill:latrator !~tion_ LaDon:torie$. lac.. adtail1iatra.ti'ft 4treetor .f Orgone Iuti'btte Reseuch an atf1liAte of the F~t1oJl;.~ tutd in eba.r&e 9£ the distribouoa. of aU orcoue ODN'CY ~deYiees ILl1d the ~ R.....rch Fuad. The .or-goae ~ a~l atb,rd.ed~ iaa"f'&1l&bl.. JJt ~ S. lItTles ad ~ls. fH box atyle or,;ou.e -era ~..tore are ·d"eaiped t o fStImd v.pri!ht u.d. are l.a.rge. ~.-to pmait . . adld.:t to .it ins.ide. (SeeEddbit A .attached). rhe height# v1d:th. ..t 4epth are 'eadlsn.eral 1... tlwt thoH ·. .t the ordiaary 'telephone ~th. ~h The wP. bo~ a1468, end. door .... abdla..l,.. . . .traeted. is . .de with altera&ting la.yeroa aaterial.. 'the 9llter layer at,. .t orpaic i.e of ctiQtelt or altemat:ing ].ayers ei.tee! 1fool and roek or unlie layer .1& f,d-.aniced .-it h&s beec. used U 8. $~ an¢ . .ta1li.e plrweod, ctus wool. &Ild the 1Jl. recent ye.a;rsplutic wire et.tbstitute ·tor the aheet lletal. A device with Jd:;: hyers u called .. t:hree-foldorgooe ener&-" (~ SQ ~~ ~tor. lfi:th two dditionU lay~rs is <;alled f'om:-feld and progreuiYel.y as ~ laTera inereas.. either ·has &Ul The d.oer ill idnged to one .ide, and UUILlly open winaO'W erhas portions evt out at the 'top ft)r ventil&tiou. Th~ u; e. tve-~ection ~"f'&lJ.e alle. ·8Q;tie in bottom ~ayet's sea, f~... the .inaertiOll of a l~h-th Q:i H-X. type OOllow cable~ into the Q'ther olld tid t7hich may b4e lUMU .u a. t.he ~~ i~ il. chNtb&~j ,.n;;..y be p1~.1be ~, ~eetiOJl by plMdng it. upright iD 'front flit Q·f a. ~ 31tti.Dg in ~ box. c~tboarda·are z:tade aad. stid :separately. Attadlttd and raarlced "Exhibit r-ag. 31 of entitled THE OO,G{,)NX & Sd.eatifi.c- aad acow»lator and flmnel 4. box about tn. ~Jediw Use d.nce~ sbowbg a bos atyl. equi)peQ with a ACCf.;MUL;\Tca Its or~ a.'bA)-$~tiOQ B_~ ~ energy c:heathoa.:rd .. . arran~t. A t~ter8· t.TJ$ Olte eubi~ ~ EN~l' ~\'. alao orgpaeenerg acClamla~ toot h sise,. :all. :dAea of which dua1.bed. ira the pr~ed:ing u-n.ce is At ~ paragraph. It is \lith .. U-;X 'tJp4: boUow caUl. iate Wleh., i\uBlelll&7 'be At1:acJa.ea and '~ .. 'Wbidl .bi:dhi:t A 1& tf£Xhibit Cit u' pap .mad. in ~tdppe4 iu~ 31 of:. :tiM. bookl«t bola,· takea> ~g a ~t.ert: o~ fh19rgJ" a~tor.doYi_.· s. Tru. bl~.t co. .~ of styl.- O'rp»e ene.rg aCCUtMlla~ deY.1~e is ~. ..aawith ••veNl.. alterDatiD.& l¥: or . orgaai.e aM -..tallic coYeretl oa the ou'taid. with plaatic. , It. is JAado.J.a ~ portiou lIbiQh -T :-old ia bed or l~ ap,Pl.ieaUoa. UN tn. ma"re~ll. aDd and ~ 32: aad 38 d$ othel" dO!Mi flat. It is f~ CAe . .nOll rMJ.T 'be ~ed r.m.dv. t.\fO "~r the pa:tieat. Attadled bento tJEXtdbi't BR and. ~.Exbibit D»:J resp.tiYely,. ar= :pa&u· of the booklet deserib.d in Exhibit A, Wich pages shOli bov the'1tai4 bl..aUet style lttAy be used itt bed and tor local appliea:tion. 6. The fuunol style D.r~e ette.-rg a~lator device: is also c»n$trueUd of ,dn iAesh with s.ftral al tet'na ting la-yen of organic and metall.ic of t..'1e tuu, of ~terlal saidf~A:lJ..tlel d~l"ibed ~ot~ ~cll Elf. 'lhe pic'tnre 3hows covered nth plutic. 1m example style i!J shown is a~ Em ~lier 00 page 39 of the h,.Ntto and nooYtt nw-k~d H~ibit style nletal fun.n..&l --- ---- 0rtr.,Qi.l.~ en~ accr unn 1 ator -device insulated. OU the outside with ~ttou. and 1. The orgone energy "cwaul&tor de'\1.ce is not cormected ·wi th or plugged into any &OW.'"Ce of electrical or any other type s. In the inter$ta.te distribu.ti~n of the orgone energy accumulator deUces the said defenda.Qtsoffer tbEQ for 8ue at the following pri~es: 8trle, Price $ 225.00 cabinet Chestboard 15.00 40.00 ·Shooter" 2.5..,00 iO.oo Funnel Bl.anket The aaid defendalits al.sQ offer for rent cabirlet atyle orgone .nergy aoC1JllUll.ator devices for an advaaiee flcontrlbu.tiontt of $40 plua ... $10 monthly "contribution" pa)"&bl.e ill. advance. The ad.4 defeManta reQGfll\end unl••• a pet"1SOIl .bas used U1 orgone enera &Q.cUJDUlator derlce and isveUa.cqudnted with ita effeeU that he rent for a three JrlOl1tWs trial period. If it ia· 4ed.ded .the to pu.rcbaae. the $40 "contribution" ud $30 rental. are credited. to the purchaae priee. At the ed of & two year rental period reapplication i. ~o be ...a.e for the rettal of t.he device or it 18 ~ be returned to the defendants. 9. Prospective purchase" of the device may le&l"l1 ..boat it in several -1s. They.." hear ef it in a.cquainted with th~ COllVer$&'tion with persons deri.c.,; through ad:..ertiairtg campaigtlE conducted by the .defendants in i1ewspaper., journals, and :iJ:a. JlUl&a.cinee which proRlOte the_ales of boob:Jperiodi~s, 'booklets, JoumaJ.$J bWl.etl.wJ, and other publications of the def-.daa.u. Such advertising announces the existence, a.Ya1la.bUity, and' prices of defendants t publications on the discovery and _4.i~ ua6 of' orgcne -4 Orgone Institute sales to Dec. 1253 Accumulators sold 40 ii. enua by .-ploying the Ol",&GMe o:.f ue ·.hAle itT eet"&y acc....lator.They uy also lurn fAtCh 4Ulft~UQ~t4 &~.i.It.£ dHe&lUnta' uid ~ tWd covenl~f ou tM 1!'eiIKtv.! ~ft_t. on die iuiuE &lid I(MltaUe covers of Hid ~eu. ~phlC'~ • .and jounUiltsi by ~iti.oa~ C)f "ef'~t$f puhlicati(;Q8 at. bookMllcra ttQd libraryulIOciatic ~_...~ ,CVltf'ereuceai by .., the·tlH of a ~ ~ rdereace tt6~; .and list ...taiaiag &~tely 1500 . . . .' br ~ or lC,"'~O oopiCf.$ ·of a ~Ul.e&tle d.eseri.~ tile COI.'ltfAtc . f ~ book .u.d, periodie.d .t th.e 4eC~ta. 1000 '0£ .iticb 1ifUe pnNlpecti. . Clla~., by ~ ~...t: ~ J1lt.Mm:, public wi.:th ..ued \)7·the 4e.f..s.= 'the aud. thf: ~0M1."".ad~ ~cat1olut.. 18 .te~t theall~ cii.ce~ .att4..n~ device Qt ~ alle,od or.... _eft",; a,.c1tlect .tat.e.i. a_ ~~Ito ud ~ for 'tile Me u ~~ ~ fundah ~ nra4er ~ 4IpOCifi.e t.~ .r or&_e ~&T ..~1aton; 1:0 croa~ a tlee"'q ·ofad4 ~¢ 4ttdeetc•. tacking cortd.a "Of ·..wtpabl1ca.t.iM»I 'Cho. ·... l_fl" e£ . . . .~ 1M~ GiM••" .,," .tty ....u of .,it! ~uaint ~ d~for- the· ~ ~ ~ C..... dle 8AS4 .-erg to ad-moe WOtit4 be W1thoat ia!ot'&Iltiea con aDd ctncUM.8 !fIt: 1lte ... o:t ..w. 4edce 1tJ ".,.10V;# aD4 dJ..Mue.COIA4iU-U. 10. t1ae...w J...I :tontate :coaaoree de.f~dilttria.t. .~ -IU14 ca_e to 1;e ~ itas o£ v.ri:ttea. priatec:l.. eM. ~ vb.idt relate -to MId 4eriea aa4 Vhloil pr,u:ted., .aa4. U ...t~· ~c -.1:ter 1.8 pdaUd ·.Md d.i8tTilMted ~ ·Ute Ur~(: lntitute 1TeN.. ad~t .. wi the puhU.shift.s. h01U$e of The WUJi.ebllie1ca F~tior1,·l.c.te4 at itar;.gele¥:, )!aiae. :S\tcl, ci.t'b$U, priateQ.1I an4 ppb!..e.att«r ~ts of boob, iMtok ~YW'$, booldet.$, po~cala.• jo.-n.a.l*. p~e~. Wllcthut,. ~" ' b1u1al.~t2., e3:ta.l~ql1"'tal.... ~.. f~l~t$" applica:ti._ f~ tor 1:L"'e 'natJU. $beeU CODW.uia.g ina~~rus "Writt._~ pr1nt~ .f&h!&raphie -.ttcr illtn4u~ ...$l'" 4",-- I/fKJfi1rgy ue_l..t~., «~ ter tk1.r- .fIl. .~ .aid . t........ Mi4 i-c-.& ·cf 4en~ ~ d.ley .~ "ittt.c an.d cleli:-wuod ;t'or :bltf\Oduc;t1OA iuto :Md _ilile. in i.t!terat:at.e . <''"O_<9~e, aM. eeMti~ label1Rt of aai<1 ,. ~ uniees. aa.idMTit;t;;en.. pril~t.~d, gapidc. JW\:tter ~'tlIfg$ ;,UtnlctJ.-.a t~ "ti\e". Q! Ute lArge b'Ox ~ols aad 4ir«tiOhs .for the- . uae.r 'the ...r~ ~!' both &8 a prophylactic .~ for . .e in ~ enre~ Jd.Upt.~,. alttd tree.~t Q'f 'nlri~cg -5 ItJlipt.oac, c~tious. aAd cltJi....ea. Md aiabnl.Jda tbe' in ~~ IUl.tter rep~u tit&t .. .WI writt.ea. prli1ted" IIAd that Aid. deY.ices. ~ Wee! 6.8 ~t.e.d. an" twd ~e~t$ .ffecti," 1a the cure, a.i.t;i&a.tion. ad preveu t:i.oft of. MJ.Q 8ygptou. CKWUlit.i.oA:u., alid d;i*ea8-es~ .tiOIl, ....-.e. 'the aid 'chni,,-Cfi ~~-t't;'<~~ 4t'e p"veation of' Mid Mot; ettec;tive 111 the cure, ,u;tiga ..u.s.a.••". 'i'~ i·~ u4 Idal~~ .ta\t~-tc And ~~tau.O(lG 00lt~ ga..r)jd.c "_einafter f40re in ad.d v.ri.tteo. pr;i..'ll~ &nd ~l,. .~tfort.k ~ allege! in 't&UM~t. 11. Whet writ:tAtQ, JAqt.dri.s, .vrerecd.'f'«i 'Ily the 8add"'nt.s ~ to tbf; prophrlactic ~ &ediC'd - _ ot .~ ..t4t' de'ri.~ ~t" 1iWN.~ ~ erc.. . -*"'0 l*la:toatiou nilatiag then)toll 'the 8aicl 4c.f~w in &¢Uvel.7 ~tt::o:g ·the Mle .. -1 reaUl .of Mid 4fli~" AQ.j 1at4t~to . . . . . . ., . .pe04 tlwtir d..u:tr1httti.- ill the .tildted -by .eftdiag ~ atat.u _'Ils., ..tat.... aa4 . .-..e....ta eoataiAiA& 46sc.r1pti.e _terUl ..Md. date prLou, w1th ~ ~ ~or,.4 dte loUoria.g~ CI01t& .~~ pU!ieatiM.8t tile »~'f.er7 . , th@ ~ ~ VUh4tla tieiell VQl. I - the f'~tiOlf eli!' d~ ~ 6.00 lGl.:r1 - t1M ~ ~~tity'.SO erg.~ . . ...,..~&t9rlu ki_~ic aa4. lJ" The or........,~ A.~lT ~. ,.\)]ioaUon ("44..... ~. bT Wllut. ~ . .~ .f duIt (irgom)Iut:iwt.c.);o•."l u.~Li.tt1e n.hasa ..... »T WU1te1-.ke1ch '.~04Y -of. Fueiaiey ~"ttieh rJwoact....AtUl.,..,u lly J~ ;and Qrc-e ~ ·t.hl~.&h 1945) ltatonJe.tloul ~ vUhel.ta ~cb. .r ..s.:~ (hbli.bod 1!M$ Plape .....5 ~ lilopb;rJlic.s l.~tlond.e t..n~ft J~ (trg~-e (!rpae ~ ~~ iinUetin -.-. the .,~ ..r Christ .,.. ttilhebn Reich twple in. trouble by Wil.heht ·l\ei4ti\ I..Off .40 (IO.OO} ( for ') ( U4e; ) ( ti<ft.) 12~ The- Q.efeOOmtt~ Wilhelm Reicll. in the af6NSaid written. pri.nte:i, and gt"apbie matter to ~ch is p;r-esent ill the &.taosph~ discovered a form of energy 'iaft and for which he eciaedth(? term .4orgOllO eaerQ·.tt lie cla.i8a that ti:tis alleged ener:(S" is life -.rgy, hasthera~-J.c val~. -er.a~t. <d in betteficL1l in. the eure. aitigaticn, &rUt prevention of ~e. 13. tlie dtn'enda.ltt l\eich in &aid' U teratuN 1n1940, a deuCe which coU~ts to ha. . inftnted. fre tile A'tUtOaphere this 8l1epQ eller-a and a~aw. it in the a.rice, yhere it i.a . .tile for sei_titic" ed.tlca:tioaal, a1'ld were ~ ae:lieal~. ApproziM.tel110 of t:heH in K.ev Yori: Stat., from 1940 to 1942; trca thert wrti1 1949 they '~ Bade bjHe:nNi.ll X~etoll; ...MaiM huntill& ud "'i_jng p1d.e. and after ldc ·,... ..... by hUl da.ter. at Oct. .MOC• )iaine; fer:a .•hort 'time thereafter they ·saoe 1950 dtq 1ur.Y. 14. 1:he ~ " by S. det~t8 'the Ye1'"e .bOar ~e7. .,.0 :Ua. Hew York a..gaiA. and. A.Celljps ~ $oa .t Ra&ele,y. Maine. c1.a.irt in8aia. literature that this allepd :is 4~U.8.W.e.u••N. ~_ .... ~'hle. .r Mi\1h eaerg' <d 1.t. ~ '~ 'to prove j 1n the ,4flJ.ce by vell-Jatown ~ti:tlc in~ts aad by l"'88VI t:i.ltg to '- I th.e II 1 ! I l . . 15. Tlte Mid,4e!enda.nts ..tate in &aid liter&wre that ~e . .terUl, ,vbioh ~COWlti tute .the outel"llost layer of ' the Aectmml.&tor, attra~.and absorbs the alleged o~ that ~llc Material, tlIougti. it .attratts said refiec::'b; it; t:hat by the a~tor . ~ph 3 hel"'eOf. uW&ys with ·the organic e.. 4ireetion i'2 &iven t;(j enet'g)1', --=-0, qtdddy An described in M&~ en the eutside, the _aid «Iergy from tMt ot.t't$ide ~o tb.~ inside, ~:iere.the aU.ged energy is eollected. fU'tdcoDC~tntted. -1 - ... ------- ) 16. The &tid d~fendants maintfrln that the medical use of their box. style de\"ice is accomplished l~y sittit-.g in ito '1:110 JU.a.ruler of \Ase of tho ether styles is shown in Exhibiuf.:A througb E attached hereto. 170 The defendants maintain, as stated in said lit.raturc, that the enclosure v..ithin the device constitutes an Alleged orgone energy field and thep.erBon in the enclosure another such fi.ldl that the energy fieldfl of the two systems make contact, that both the person and the energy field of the acCUJllnlator . bet?n to "luminatett ; they become excited and, -.king contact, drive each other to higher levels of excitation. The defendantIJ aaintain that the user of the device becomes aware of this alleged phenomenon through feelings of prickling, warmth, t-elaxatioo._ r«ider.du.g of the face; further that body 'temperature increases Crom one bali to one and one bali ciegrees, Fahrenheit. 18. The said d.efendants 8tate in said literature that the box IStyledev.ic. should fit tite si.e of the per80t1 lIDo uses itc that the body 8\trface ehould be no more than about 2 to 4 indies away from the 19. ~ walls. The defendants 8t-«:to in Aid literature that the blanket 8tyle dni.ce .IOAY be used by ~den individuals in place of' the ~gular box type devi~eo 20.. file lJ&id def$1dants state in said literature there is no mecba.nicd rule accumulator'O fUJ to the length of time a person ahould sit in the They 'ugg~8t that on the average a. per$Orl r~quir~s from 5 tQ 30 B''Us daily; that with regular use the time may be shortened. from 30 Il'linttte to 10 minute 5e86ion8; that the nee_58.&...7 t:iJ'a.e f0r sittings will be decreased ir.. accordance with the -8 L ----. greB.. ter nUltihe.r of layers the device has; tbat the patient may sit in the aca..uawr cl.oth~d or unclothed; that wol~ or too heavy clothir..g is not recoomended as l.t is alleged. that Bueh preventsquiek contact and l~tion; that it is better for a person to indigo in 2 or more short t;ittings tllm one p!'(;traeted Bitting as the latter «lUld 2l~ I.·or 16Cu applieati~l of the allt:geci or@.\ltle enera using 'dIe tJsh.ooter" atyle device with f'l.mnel a.ttachment which is applied to the a.~te &.r~ to be treated, the def.ndant.$ ~ irradiati&ig'titles. exampl.,. of 'Which are as follows. heart ....gion 2 'to S"ainu'tea;root ofnoac..., ca:YitT, .5, cloaed _yes.. 1; earfJ, 2; " brui$M, '"w 80141" plex:uJl, 3; woUDds, buras, euts and 20 minut.a; using a glau tube tUled with steel "001 i.n.etead ..,fthe funnel attachment, with the tQbe inaerteci in the vagina, 1 minute. using .. aant)r &lus tube inaide tbenoae, "22@ ~ WJ.e Tb~ llO .0 filled. awl placed time ia..".eifi4KIe said ct(tfeo.dants, despite disel.aimer of a cure fl'Onl of thdx clevie.; h$Ort to detaUed aecoWtta of cue historieD in the Pidlitere:ture describing ..~ alle,«t to haw been effected by the WHt of the d.eviee.OutatlJlding result.s U'eall.ged to bve ~ aceompliahed in inordina.tely abort periods . (If t~ Some~.s of JJUCh chi. are u toU-ovs: ~"E J'J(ERGY BtiLLEfIN Vol . . -1, No, 1 jatn18.ry 194~ AWOJ'IVUl, agerl 30, suffered e. leg injury. The ~d 8Uppur.a~ and did not heal for 'If~veral weks·. After 3 8EJlUJionr. in the orgone aecUJll1.da tor, "the; woun.d eloaed * '* * * '*' * cutaneous abscess"; nen after only one treat»tent the ab.ces~eli receded, and after fi,'"c further 'trea:ouents they lu\d completely dis "P~t In the .ean~, the child d.eveloped BOOte new abso•.:u~e$; .. gull they began to recede r.pidly aftfi',.,i.'7 the first orgone, - 9 - ----- Page 13, 14 ..A. \fOil'1all J aged 46, with a carcinOlrta of the liver, canle for orgorte trea'bnent in the las;t atage of her disease6 Shortly before the a.ppearanc.e of tile liver metastasis, she had been operated on for carcinoma of the left breast o She had lived in complete sexual ahEtinence for 17 yearso Her Jne.ttStruatiOll was very weak and always lasted only two da:rs~ 'I-he patient came for treatment twice daily for half an hour and after two <lays of tree:trpen t &he felt much better, as her appetite increased and sbe was able to walk with p-eater ease. Three days later, menstrua tion occurred whic.h, al.titough .till as weak &S befare, lasted four days for the first time. Her hGGglobin content rose from 75% to 85% wi thin 'a week and her weight increased by 2 . 1b$q. '* -k~ '* :page l~ Ii patient, a.ged 56" with pseudOll)'XQma peritonei had been C()l1Btipa~ for half a year * '* '* '* "* '* After the tirst trea.t»lent, bowell\oTelliellt was copious *" * '* Page 15 A man, a.ged 56, with angi ua pectoris had his first attack eight years ago and had had no trouble lri1.atever .!nee then. It. wek ~fore the beg.inning of tbe orgone treatment new atack:s Nt in, Bonte of then of a .erious nature. Consciou.sness was partly clouded~ The • ttaQks occurred wi th va.ryi.ttg intensity .everal. times a day, up to the first orgone trea'bllent.. After the first tr.atJllettt, there were ne more attacks. '* * * A patient, aged 62, with an arteriolcl.erotic lteart cliaease became sick 5 )'llNlH ago 0 He had been repeatedly heapi tali.eel and his doctors ha.d given him up on 8everal. oocasions.. After a. lew weeks '1f or,;one trea:tment, he felt .trong enough to take a walk of several miles in the glare of a tropical sun a.t noon against .edical. Advice, a thing whi~h be had been unable to do Cor years. 16, 11 *** A woman, aged 65, suffered fl"'f.'St a JII:yodegeneratio cordis for '1 ,-earsil Two years ago abe was hospi taliEed. for aeveral weeks becauae of her heart disease. SinGe all intemal. Jnediea.tion failed, and since. the patient, after returning from the hospitd, w&s no longer a.ble to leave the house, her family decided to try orgone therapy in s pi te of the skepticism of the physician in charge of the case. Her heart condition in.l proved 80 )IlUch that the patient, after 3 weeks of ox-gone therapy, could do vi t:hout any internal medication.", Sever~ weeks later, .he was able for the first time to walk outside & gain I for half an. hour 0 * «. * -10 -----... In a case of chronic bronchitis in a woman aged 20, lW i..Jtprovement WllS ticihle I4fter only 5 or-gone tres.:buents. Previous~ &light increases cf ~apI..eared·. ~. * *. A p&tient, 60, was Iluffering for years from a duodenal ulcero He was Beverly eonstipated. during ili~os t all of hie lifeo The ulcer especislly e.a.used serioWl paitd'ul e.tta.oks which increa.sed. after the patient's wife died severtil. months &go• .The cOl18tipe.tion improved ~iately after the firet trfttluanto In the course 01' one lROllth of treatment, the constipation, after first <emating with llOnnal bowl movements, 'W&S completely e1iminated o The pa.i.r1s d.iaa~ after the fourth sesaion. In 6ddition to thue results, oS warts on "the left band and a com beeatie ama:uer. The . treatraent is being continued. Page 18 Pale 18 A patient, aged 20, with aneade was treated nth the aocumulator tor a fortn:ight. rhe .Iluaber of erJrthroyctes rose frcm 3 0 1 Idllicm. to 4 .i11 ion and her luJRoglobin coateo.t rose from 10% to 80%. An lnfluaation of the eyeball aft~ the removal of a splinter disappeared. altogether a.fter been subjected to radiation from an &eetUDUlator tube. A patient, qed 39, had. a bt.wtorrha&. of the 'threat whicllluted for hours and which ceased ~ediately follo"" tIt. tint orgone trea:tmen.t. Vol, II. No, 1 fa&! 16, 1.'1 J!.!!U&l 1950 A U-yar-old WQI:i.a.J1 one Tear ,before the begi raling ()f orgcm.etrea.tIlient had· a thrombophlebitis of the right oalf. After 1 week j)f orgone treatment, *' ** reaction of very fJeveX'O, almost unbeara.ble, pain occurred. (In 80!l\e other • •_, w haYealeo obserVed that the pain increasotl a.t the begiwdng of orgon.e tn\a:tmento The transformation ofl1fel.efu1 tissue tato liTittg tissue i . of an infl_tory na;ture, aDd hence the cauaeof' 1& vnder standable.) After' U days ef irradi..tion, the fir.t significant Unprovement took -place, manifested in til" reduction of pUn. and aleo improvedvalking.· &. !he bnproveent continued o When .he had 11M 1 lQOnth of tr.:tRJe1t, she ~ould ·walk quite freely, even "run. n '* '* ~. ** Buerger's di'eti.s$. '* One ps.tient, a 4O-yef,U'.... old JlIA1l, had suffered from t.hie dis_se for the last 16 :rearso -r.. * 'When he camfJ for orgorH~~ trutmen t# there were wounds of it gangrenous '* -·11 . ----- .on ~evera1of his toes and the liurgeon urgently recommended amputation.. Instead af amputation, the patient decided to try the orgoll.c accumulatol"'o After the first, he felt a strong prickling on his head and an especially strOllg prickling sensation on his feet, 1~ * * After the second" third, and four1h irradia tions;, the same phenomena o Aftel" tho fifth, the wounds Were dry fer the first time ig. 8 years 0 When he had had 8 irradiations, entirely painless intervals occurred, whereas fOl:1nerly the patient suffered constant .pain. * * The legs, Which w~re ice cold before the therapy, became wanner.. Previeu.sly the patient took about 2 do,.en pUls daily to combat the paiIlJ now he could get along with 1 or 2~ The., unds started * to close. *** . * * *' A second patient, a.ged lS, had been .-offering iroJn Buerger'l1 disease for 10 :reara. After 14 days of irradiation twice, his walk1u.g vas already 'Very tmlchimproved. He no longer needed a cane and the hft&ling of his wound.s .progrused rapidly. -t-!. *** '* * rage A 43-yur-old patient suffered for ma.ny years from Bl1erger t s disease. * After orgone trea.1:'m$1t for 1 JI'iOnth, he again wished "'to exercise and to jum.ptf (tbe pa tiellt is a. gymnastics .:instruetor)., * l~ '* * '* * A 39-year-old woman had been suffering for 4 ·ye&rs from chronic sueenti.&; a a;pecialist dJ.agnoe-.d, her ill..uess as "asthmatic .. *Uter 3 'Weeks of orgone irradiation, her etoppedG * *** Vel .. U. < 135 .Iul,. 1950 3 '* * * rage 133 p!}!C NOt Re:- Breast CancerThe patient was Olily able to use the aooumulator one half' bour a day, ail: times, ever Co period of three weeks and then she left for the country.. Very 800n after that she noticed tha. t the lump had diaappured~. When I saw her on her return six. weeks 1ater~ the tumor had entirely disapp_red and the chronic eystic maatitis ~ almost gone. Both breasts were of t'10rmal consistency.,. In spite of the fact that I llave seen many remarkable t"esul. ts from the orgone accumulator, and That I knew .mall, malignant breast tumors disappear after 2 to 4 ~8 of orgone irradiation, wat I saw here was tstlll unbel.iev.e.b1.e. Re: Cancer of the nreast-:; there was a MaSS. in the outer upper quadrant of the right breast. tl'he outer edge ~f the turuar ~ sharp and about 2 incheg -12 - ----- in width. Proceeding inedially, the tumor could not be differentiated frein tho rest cf the tissue. totl1. breasts &howed $i1.}1s of chronic cystic: mastitis o ~. '* Two weeks later I tj8.W the patient after she bad b~ using the orgouc accwm.uator twi~e a d.ay. 'fhe C(l:lor of her skin was better and she seemed generally imph)ved~ The sharp edge of the tumor was gone arid thero rw.,...ined only &OJlre enlarged gland tissue whic:h 'WaS not differentiated from the rest of the b~t tissuect both brNSt8 'Were ff.lUCh softer. Three WHks later the tumor had eompletely dinppeared o . * .JulY 1951 Fage 165 -&8J1 Re; Ichtbyocis '* * '* The patient to use the orgone energy accumulator on. Sept_her 15th for daily tbirty.....u.uute irradiations o Within 2 weeks he rE!Jr'Orted a It.arked deeree.a. in the itching and . sw1n.g. The akin began to uaume a healthier pink color Within 1.tI1OB. th after beg; nning the of the &¢cumul.a.tor he va. free of' itching and the .eal i", of the s1d.n W,1i prftent crily on '* '* * the legs. ... '" The Ducovery .of 'the Or~one yolwne 'l'w The Cancer Biop!thr ~age 140-143 Our orgone therapy experim«lts w.lth oancer patients consist in their sitting in the orgone aceumulatoro The orgolite energy ' is COllcentrated irt the accwanlator penetrates the tudted bod.y and is alao taken up by way..,! respiration. * Ibega.n with sessions ~f 30 .tnutes. During the first session ~ .kin between the shoulder-bla.des became r«i; & * During the next se••ion, .the rftd.ness of thE akin apread to the upper part of the back and chut4 During the third, she began to perapire, particularly under the arms; she related that the past few yettr$ .he *** * .. '* '* * * had nen:r perspired. All these reactions ,cf tho orga.nfnn to the orgolle radiation are typic&l in all ·cancer patieu.tSff '* Our patient came with a. bemogl()bin of 35%0 2 days later it was 40%; after -4 days, 51% after a ~ekJ 55%; a.fter 2 weeks .. "15%" and after 3 weeks, 85%, ~t is, noI"lBal.., * .* (The fcregoing alsc appears in Inter nationnl Journal of S(!x-Eco~y and Orgone Researeh" Vol. 1, 1942.. at · p6.lte 136 et @.-:q.) -13 f£ge 171-173 The patient bad a 8We1li.rit~ the SiliEl of a bean at the outer -Nrgin of tho right breast. ~. ~~ I ref'x'cin.ed. from a biopsy done. Since 'the phi tient vlsb_t;;d to WJ.<iergo the orgone therapy ex:pem~eut, there waa no reaSOll why I shQuld not val. t to see 'Whether the twuoI' would di.s&ppear e.fter a f~ irradia.tioll8,. If it would disappear rapidly, it would have be~l e. mtJ.igna.nttumor. If it took many weeks or even JUOltths to diJiiappear I or i f it neither receded nor grew" it wtluld have sholtO. itself tQ be (l harmless glandular ec.largesaent. '* definitely established the diagnosis of an advanced carcinomat..ous shrinking biopa.tb.yo The patient .tart~ with. daily orgone irradiations in my labora:tot"l... .Later abe ord~ an organe acct81l'lil.ator and t~k tw"\') daily irradiations 'Of half an hour each; *' '* '* After 10 ds.ys of orgone irrad.i&tion, the tumor 'W'a£ 110 longer palpableo (Obaerva.tien of earlier C&.es had aoown that ox-gone therapy eli.minates breut tulriers of raediu. .ice in the .pac. of two to three tMeka),. * * * * '* '* (Tlul foregoing alIo appears in Inter liational Jot.ll'Dal. of Sex-Econaaey and Crgone ReJj~, Vol. 2, 1.943" pa.g~s 4-, 5_) Page 19~ '* * "* In the cale of orgone therapy, -* * *' the tumor can be easily deatnJyed. (the foregoing alao appee.rain Inter national Joumal of Sex:-Economy and Orgcn. Research, Vol. 2. 1943, page 20.) In many calies of biologically debiUtated blood and aevere anelli.a the attack on th-e tuaor 1$ preceded by the forma:tion of • great JlUGtber of young er,ythrocy"tesp as eat! beobaerved lficro Bcopietilly. BrfJ.U.t 'tUInOl"8 diaapp.a,r in the c.une of 2 to .3 weeks. Obsern.tion to iiate .howe the tuDiora always btw:c:tme ~ft, no matter what their lo~tion. «.. '* In one case of brain tumor the destruction. of the tUl'ftOt" oceurr.d &.8 early as two weeks after the begimdug of treatrrlent. ii- i:£. * * Ancrther with It. tulrtor of the the .ice oi' an apple, dao reacted rapidly to the orgcr1e therapy" The tumor, which was PQlpable, becam:e be~ rapidly ..nero 80ft and Similarly, a third woun, -with ~Y&rian .tuJrtor, who had reaeted to the orgone therapy with an imprc:rve .ant of her general condition and with Q d~_se in .ice and a softening of her t'tlJllQrs, '* '* '* It~ a boy of 5 -with an a.d.renal t:ttmor and metut.a6es in t.h.e .pine, X-ray showd calcit'ication of the i)ooe defecu after 4 week£. -l¥ The primary adrena.l tumOl"" no lQuger palpable after 2 weeks' 'trea.'b'J1ent. should he rattenbered. that none of Qur eases came to us ehortlyafter the discovery of tho tun.icr. They all liad tried other lti:ethods for several 'fe.ars, and ldlen they carr.e to us, they had be\m given up as hopeless and were on the point WiJ.D * * * Th.e fact ~ dying~ (The foregoing &lao appears in Inter national of Sa-.E-conou:y and Orgone Res.earch, Vo10 2, 1943" p.ages 57, 58 0 ) Aneidas were el imina ted within 3 to 6 weeks 0 , . THE ORGONE Pl\mGy. ACCUMULA.'l'OR Its Scieotifiofllld Hedical Us~, EaKe 35 ra,~ 36 ' '* * '* Painful burns, cuts. bruises rill stop smarting after a few Dtinutea. Due can follow the healing proceas as it nuu: its cour.e•. According to the' _ise of the injury, 1'1ve to twenty JUnuteswill 8uffiQe to let the healing process :into rapid. _tion. * ... * ** * The wounds heal in a matter of • few boura;8eYue ones need '" d.a.y or two 0 Or,one energy also 8teril.iAU the wOUbd. Micro acopie obaervation shows that, fer exampl e, bacte,ria in the 1d.ll be hIaobil.ised after only one minute of irradi&tion through an inserted &lass pipe filled with I) t4te1 wool.. 23. When the laid defendants cause the devices to be introduced ordelivereCl for introduction into interstate eOl'lJl'nerCe, and vhUe the devices are being held for .sale after shiPllent ,in intersta" c01tlXlerce, the la.beling thereof, COMists in. part, of a atall .eta! plate affixed to, or, an ink impreasion trtamped on" the dAle of the device. -Addition the defendants ...u In from. Rangeley" Maine, ..ddressed to the consignee other items of labeling which are usually received within e few days, either before or after, 'delivery of tIlt! derlce. Some of these i tans are as follows: a. Application }tor Use of The Orgone Energy Accumula:tor on which the purcha.ser 8~cifi~d 'Whether he desires the device for .ediCf'...l, uOn-i:nedical or ex:periment.G.l useo b. Eeu fro US\11 'i'he Ot·goue A~tor - Wicb <*O.tii:rus. .0(00 1 i' directions fo'!- utie cf the cabinet atyle device, -ahootertt " s~t ~, and chtt8~rd. c. ltl.Stl'Uctioos Fer A"eublir~ rr'b.e Orgone - which eQutcciclS di..n<:tioas 1Qr asa~ the atyle ti.c~tQr. d. Catalogllu Sheet - which. lists and variou~ styles of 4Cculmit.tertt. de.-1er~ t. argOM ~D" A f.~ 1.tWr _titled #fo All Users of Accalt4tortt~ 24. 'the defudantG kave tfne th.e .tewdnc. from. dteircoin-04 deYi.HQ.& jugotl word 'Jto~ and. utilise words haring 'fIo~ u a .... 111 the pro.otion of the. pseuie .ei~ 1ddck dley call ...~." 25. .~~ that NiG. ,defeDdaata have __ ad 'AOW' are repns_1:in.g &wi or in the labellagof dm.t;ee. in ;particular. -OIl pace· J the __ ~phed ~ theheadiug Pl&ASE ·...utld HOW Ttl USE t*HE 0R00l\'E JUW} ~'i. Acc.uMtJLA.~ .-ier that. .Rid. 4..n.~ :. kept at least 'three 'rooms att&7 fI:'OfC an ~tia&l~ _~, Uat . .W..tnicea ~4 not be ~ ill pro:d.atityte operatUag X-n.,. 4IqtJiP*1t1 aa4 -&ga:i.ast exped laenticg -witb '¥e M,ur-ia.1.s in ~ittatioa Yith the aUe.ged. 10rfPlte energy ~e tilt is ~ tlUueations .in ·Ria. h.beliAg to lifeR, a.t"e .~ ~ ~al8e brand h.i.d 4eT1ces vit1d.n the JH,iUlbtg aincesueh repreaelltatiol'ul lthidtreP""eat&tiou'~ and aadwds or .-id Act. ~ ~tiOltS ~1' %l. 'U.S.C. 3SZ(.), the htprenlcm and beli.,r that the alleged orgMe ·~isa ;powrtul~..,t e.t.erU. particul.arl,. ~ ia¢ontact w:lthtl'lAltAtiOltS 'frem nd.i~ve aatA'R'ial Aed Roetgen nt!'li» ~s IJ thealle~ orgone eaergy" 8seldwed l:..een d.iseovered ·and ite .ta~ exi8t~ pt'tlV«l by Ai.~ the "t(J have def_dant Reich as i.e. the lttbeliug fot' saiddm.ces., ifJ '"'t a powerful form. of energ.v# i$ n~teht:J Bot ~ to life-It. -16 .. ------ I ~) I I held for sale after shiPftMt in interstate ~e, within tit., ~ of 21 U.S"C. 35.2(~) in that their lahe11ng,nuaely, the booklet (ou;tside ORf'~~E :&NEHGY AOCUMtIUTill, - Its cover) Mtitl«l "r"p.E Scientific and )&l-edical , use" the booklet ( 198d) _titled 'fID~ QiW;UR EXPEllIX&{T. aad I>ook (page 66) -eu.titledCQS!.!IC SUP.F.nDfPOSlAfIo;~, and the frontispieces of CRGONE ~ERG! Btu.J..ETl1~, Vel. 1, No.1. the book _titled fHE )1mmm OF CHfUST. and the buUetift entitled ftIntematio»al.e zeit.ehrift li'ur OrgoA(Die April 1950", conta.1n-s wri~ pri,ated aed &ft.pldc ...tter. D8Ile1.y. & with Q~ "Vhidl·ia 1'a1a~ -~ aideadi"" in tlIat tJUdtvri.~.. prJated. and~c. JNLtter ~_ cOltVeya 'tb.e pho to&r&.phc1epi4t:iDg the all.e&.c. orcoae tbat the photo~ ~ ~. wb&reaa. .. ~ the.alleced orgoae -ellerta'" 1.s iaOt t:h~ 4epie't.ed4t 2$b. lIf) 'the afo.resaid O.ra-e _erg:r ~torcled.:ces ....~ Mea &ad ftlrtU... ~ __• tatrotlUC«t iJate• .u. .-n4 .hUe keld , _for-alenter .•hi~t h .httentaU 1l.S.c.. 3U(a) h t:t.t ·cm.titled tHE GIWruR aatter. u..,ir labelS ...." ~T• ~Y. photos -energy t1eld. bet~ c~ - 1dt:h:iDdle • •rd.c ef -21 u.ely. ~ book ( .-ta.iu w:I:tt_. 1 3 ea.ptioae<! ... ~tedp l.98bl" ....crapld.c ~.... ~itec1 .rpte the )'a.hts of tho· bands Al'd. 1'1'"(8 •• dcohol a~" respectivel.TIf vb.ich i$ tabe aad. Jdsl_d.iJt& ~ that 8lldl written,.pril'tted., anclcraphic mtter -con.vqc the ~ion that 'the p~ .how excited 0l"gGl\f! en.erg:r fields, vhereas. tJd,d photo. do Mt ·&boy-excited ~gone ettergy 1iclds. 21•. Yhe orgon-e energy is a d.e'dee wi;thin the AeetrJ4Ul"~J ill ~i~g -allot its .etyl_ -.nd .adels, of 21 C.s.C.l%l(h), and is and _$ furtlier adabranded wen introdu.cedillto l 'WhUe k, and. whUe held for .ale &ftt"~ -17 lSZ(a), in tlil4t its labeling" Aa&ely~ the printed ttta.tt4';r .enttoned in paragraph "23H bereof and the 'Written, printed, Md graphic 5I.tter hereinafter ideu:tified t aCCQIUpa.n;yi.g.g s.aid device. l"eprea_ts and .al1,gge8t.s that 1;.b.e device 16 an (jU,tst.&nding therapeutic agent_ i$ a ti01U-; .and is efi;ective in particular in the cure, td:tigation. tree.taeat• preventi~ qf UiO diseases, COtlditiollS. and ti)'lAPtoas men:tion«11f whicll represettat.i.oDa ,attd .qgea tiona &re here:Wafter 'false u.d Miis leading &irtce the deYic., is not an ouataDt.ting therapeUtic ag_t. i~ not a prcv4'ft:tiYt! .of ud beaefi.cW. ler tioaa, and 1& not eftecd:ve Wte' in all di••a... ti.aeue C4hdi u. tilil 'cure. td.tigation. Uea'bMmt. ,_dpre ¥ention. of the 4.iaet.a• • c.v!it.iaas, ~ 81DlJttolU' h~er ett~ted. Eampl. . at"tl. cii. . . . . coaditioluJ, and..~, ani the 1~ ' of written,· prittted.. .aDd craphic ,tatttter . .ere.ta they appear. 'which COAatittlw' die l.a.Ml 'increfelTed to above. are &8 follow: tKEOP~r; DERGt ACCUMUU.TOtt ...... Its Sci.etttific Mld aedicd. \lae.' --.ta ltea4aclles ~er~'ot~ ,a~Kte .and ·haJ chronic. colis fner r~ti._ ·ardui.tis ~Ma1~ chrordc ill a.,.MS bru.itit'3 <*ts l_i.c.»u: abru10lllS 'WUtlda 'htnls ainusitis . -IS hi~l blood prti8u:'e <ieccntpenaatei heart diaease brain twsMlr$ .arteri61;tcierosis a.pop1~tic c:ttacks sJd.n~tioo eoajseti'ri tis. ftter'.lisatiou. of ~ iMlohiliMtion of -.ap...t ~a ·dtrotdc fa..tip.e .a.~ __ t Giabetes ~ Ertercr Bulletin caecer filllP_ pectoris coutipe.tion .bloor1 ~ur4 1,owbloo4~ ·~6cii.Hue ~"S chronic 4ianitea ~~d.s patrie ulCer patretacti_ of the1lttMt.bes ~tiOl1 t;d. ta. .. ,.\cll hemorrha&e of 'the thNat . para<iOl1tMis ·-.da lichenoid. eCMma O$teopot"OSis artet'ioselex"Otie heart G.i.-se dttod~~ lllcers i 1 I I j -19 ..I purulent frol!tcl tdnuaitis ichthyosis ang'i na pee toris asthma ca.rdio.....cula.r hypertea.cicn, epU.psy .w. tiple acleroais d:torea tu.taor easily destroyed lua.g CtUlcer tuJItor of the breast high blOtXl prM8lU:"e low bl.eod pre88\lre: brain twnor triehOMOnas w.ginalis colds -2!J healing of wounds in pregnancy Anncls cf the Orgone Institute cancer ~ cold The Discovery of the Orgone Vols. I (I II colds uippe infection I I I i COlmton ccld. ElrtOtional Pla~e Versus Orgone Biophysics ClOlds sinusitis • - ----- v.&CUlar hypertension vari.coseu.icer arthritis --,e&rlcer ~cer 00Imt0n ~old ichthyosis hyperten.ion diabet93 'T~ Haas 'sycholoa of Fucism - 2~- - ... ------ '{'he Oranur Experime.~t e~ld.s cut fiuger influeu~a. tigsue cl.egeneratic;u bl~ deg~ler~tion ce.ncer cancer diabetes woUllds duodenal. ulcer pernicious GMia Buedowts disease hip blood l'~tt« 1<nf' blood pre.sure paradetttosis UcJ;umeid .CMIl1a ~steoporo.i$ ang;i.M. pectoris arterioaelerotis ayodegeaerati~ eordis prostatitis ~rtia1 infal"Ction ill testinal trou hl c sinusitis burns diabetic neuritis eoldo - 2:-1 - ------- Annals of Orgoue Inetitute aJl{;illa pectoris cancer Oranur Project counteracts .wclear radiation dIronic colds old resUict uleera relief of pain in eaacer Jl~ri.tis epici-.i.cs The Murder of Christ People in Trouble blood tissues - 2~- 28. The orgone energy accumulator device, in all $tyles and JUQde1s, is ad:ulterated 'Within the ltG6 11ing of 21 U.S.C o l51(c) in that its 8~rength differs from and its quality falls below that which it ~~r~"'a.nd is represented to possess, ~>:" s~e it is l'iOt capablo of '~f,., eollQ(:ting f~ the a:boosphere a.ud i.cewmiLating in said denc9 the aU.eged 'e)I·gone energy as cl.a.ilned to have bef:n cU..covered ·aud its exiatenoe proved by the d.efendaut 29. R&ich~ The plaintiff is informed. and believes that ttril"S reatrUrted by the Court, tbe said defenda.llts will continue to cause the introduction 'Or delivery fer introduCl~oa into interstate COIIaerce. ot the atdd org~ enera accumulator device, in aU its atyl.. and .odds, miabra.nded ,!n tbernMn:ing of 21 U.s.C. 552(a) and adulterated within the _~ of n . and believes that unl... 11.S.C. 3Sl(e). rea~ain«l The plaintiff i8 .alao informed by the CoUrt the uid ciefendants vUlcontinue toeause the Kid or.-gone -ergy ~u&tor devioe# in all its 8tyles Md modele, to be Iliabnnded aDd ,-.du!ter..ted W:;i.thin the meanir1g of n U.B.C. 352(&) and .iSl(c} wh1loheld for .&1. after ! 1 I 1I I j 1 . j WfiEREFORlt PLUNTIFE fRiIS, Ii 1 That th. de:fendants, the Wllheh1 Rlich FO\$dation, aHaine eorporation,WilbatJaReich and nee ·:QUendort'f, indiridual.; and _chand all of their offic.~, &genu, servants. employees; attorneys.. all c:orporation., U8ocia.tions, JUl<!orga.aiu.tionaj and aU p4l:rsons in actiye COllcert or participation nth any of them, be perpetually enjoined. from directly or indirectly introducing or to b() introd~(led ~r delivering or causing to bedeliYered for i.t1troduction into inter.ts.te c~ce in viola.tion of 2J. I.S.C. 331(a), any C)rgcne .n.ergy aecu.mulator d~rlce, in any style :or model, and any and all accessories I components or parts thereof, -"1" any simUar article" iri. 4Uly atyle or Jnooel, which is misbranded within the meaning of 21 U.S«I!C" 352(a) or adulterated within the meaning of 21 U.s.C. 351(C)i AND FURreER PRAYS: That the a£oresaid /defendantG, their officers" -.gents, ,. f servants. employees, &t~meJ'1l, all corpora.tions, &S8oe1a.tiona, and. organizations, and all perseus in ~ctive colleert or participation i i I I • with City of the., be perpetwUly enjoined froat. 4i.reetl,. or indir6Ctly .doing or C& to be 40ne any act whether oral, written, otherwise in the aann~" or i1t ~J' or other lIlWler, ldth respect to anT orgone energy acewaulator deT.i.ce, in any .tyle or JBOdel, or ! 'With respect to an,. article of d.evice wbil. held f()r ..ue ,.iaUar aft~ ahipaent in intera.tau. COJIaerce, $.nUolatiOll of 21 U.S-Co" 331(k), .which %l. ~~t8 in·Said ti~S.o. article bcWtcDd*bran4ed 'within ·the . .aniIlg of 352(a), or adulterated within the".~~ of Zl U.sec. 351(c); -'--.",... ,"~AND FURTHIm. PalIS: ';-".-', I I I I 1 ~I Il I I .j "~ Tha.t the plaintiff be givea jl.'t.d.peat for ita ootrt. her-ehl : j , ...... 1 4 . ,and for auch other and further reUef .. to the Court IIIaT . . . julle ':1 . ·1Uld .proper. 1 I l ·1 I .. 1 i 1 j 1 -2-6
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