SOuTHERN UROLOGY Martin J. Ducote, M.D. Christopher P. Fontenot, M.D. BEAULLIEU DR,, BUILDING #7 LA,FAYETTE, LOUISIANA 70508 TELEPHONE Q37) 232- 4s s 5 FAX (337) 232-0906 OFFICE EMAIL: NIWIj LITFIA U4C@GN'LdTI-.C()I'I 2OO COMPLETELY fill out the attached packet of information and either FAX , MAIL or EMAIL to our office before your scheduled Please appointment. access to a fax machine and time will not allow for the packet to be mailed, please arrive at our office at least 20 minutes prior to your appointment time to complete all necessary paperwork. Failure to provide the requested information ahead of time may result in your If you do not have appointment being rescheduled by our office. Our office assumes the right to reschedule any patient that is 15 minutes late for their scheduled appointment time. Upon arrival to our office you will be asked to submit a urine specimen prior to seeing the doctor (this will be required for all office visits). It is the patient's responsibility to provide our office with all pertinent previous medical records (lab results, ultrasounds, scans etc). Please contact your previous/referring doctor to make sure that all records are faxed, mailed or emailed to our office BEFORE your scheduled appointment. If records are not received in time, your appointment will be rescheduled. Having this information ahead of time will GREATLY assist our office in seeing you for your appointment in a timely and efficient manner' Your cooperation in this matter is most appreciated. Thank You, Drs. Ducote and Fontenot MARTIN J, DUCOTE, M.D. AND CHRISTOPHER P. FONTENOT, M.D. Age: Referring Doctor: Date: Patient Namc: Address: Zip code May we contact you by e-mail o E-mail address: Sex: State City Strect or P. O. Box YES o Social Security #: Date of birth: #: Cell #: City State Work Phone Home Phone #: Employcr: Employer Addrcss: Street or P.O. Box Occupation: Employer Telcphonc #: Race Hispanic o Non Hispanic a Language: English o Other Namc of person lcgally responsible for the bill: (if minor give name of parent, guardian, etc.) Phone #: Whom may we contact in case of an emergency? Phone #: Nearcst rclativc not living with you: INSURANCE INFORMATION Are you on Mcdicarc? o Ycs o No Railroad Medicare? o Yes Is Medicare your [i1q1.11 insurance? o Yes I No o No Medicare #: OTHER INSURANCE INFORMATION Name of Insurance Company: Telephone #: Address: Policy Holder's DOB Policy Iloldcr's Namc: Policv Holder's SS#: Policy I{older's Employer Policy #: Group #: Zip code No DUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC WRITTEN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF PJCEIPT OF PRIVACY PRACTICES I HAVE RECETVED A COPY OF DUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES. PATIENT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) LEGAL GUARDIAN TPLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE OF PATIENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN DATE ASSIGNMENT OF INSURANCE BENEFITS I REQUEST PAYMENT OF BENEFITS DIRECTLY TO DUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC. I GUARANTEE PAYI\4ENT OF ANY AMOI,NTS NOT PAID BY N,fY INSURANCE CARRIER FOR CHARGES INCURRED IN THE TREATMENT OF THE PATIENT. PATIENT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) LEGAL GUARDIAN (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE OF PATIENT,iI,EGAI GUARDIAN DATE CONSENT FORUSE AND DISCLOSI]RE OF PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION I IIEREBY GIVE CONSENT FORDUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC TO USE AND DISCLOSE PRIVATE }IEALTHCARE INFORMATION ABOUT ME TO CARRY OUT TREATMENT, PAYMENT AND T{EALTHCARE OPERATIONS. REFER TO DUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC NOTICE OF PNVACY PRACTICES FOR A MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTTON OF SUCfi USES AND D]SCLOSURES THIS CONSENT IS VAIID IINTIL REVOKED IN WRITING. IF I DO NOT SIGN THIS CONSENT, OR LATER REVOKE IT, DUCOTE & FONTENOT, PMC MAY DECLINE TO PROVIDE TREATMENT TO ME, PATIENT NAME (PLEASE PRINT) LEGAL GUARDIAN (PLEASE PRINT) SIGNATURE OF PATIENT/LEGAL GUARDIAN DATE SourHe nxt UROLOGY OFFICE OF CHR,SIOPHER FONIENOI, M.D. ond MARLN "ZEKE" DUCOTE, M.D. PATIENT NOTIF'CAI'ON OF OUR F'NANC'AI. POI'CY Southern Urology is commilied 1o providing ihe highest quolily of heolthcore ovoiloble while mointoining o finonciol policy thol is foir-ond in some coses flexible-lo our poiienls. Firsl ond foremosl, it importont foryou lo underslond lhot, regordless of your insuronce stolus, you ore ultimolely responsible for poyment of your occount. We occept cosh, checks, ond mojor credit cords. We olso now occepl CoreCredit (for more informolion, see boltom section, below). We occept Medicore ossignment ond ore porticipoting providers for mony monoged core plons. We ore obligoted to follow their guidelines reloled lo billing, colleciions ond ollowoble pricing on "covered" services. However, eoch policy is wrilten differently ond il is lhe potient's responsibility to be owore of whot lheir own policy does ond does nol cover. Some oiher key poinls io know: we ore "porticipoting providers" with your insuronce compony, we will collect copoys, deductibles, co-insuronce ond other oul-of-pocket expenses your insuronce compony does nol cover ol the time of service. o For our privoie poy polients, we offer o 25% discouni when poying in full ot iime of service. . For privole poy potients ond those with insuronce plons wilh whom we do not poriicipote, the poyment is due ol the lime of service. We do nol file cloims to insuronce componies with whom we do noi porticipole; ihis is the potient's responsibilily. . lf the ossignmeni of benefits is rejecled or if your insuronce foils lo poy on o cloim occording to our conlroctuol terms within 50 doys ofler it hos been filed, it will be your responsibility io poy the chorges in full. . We send stotements ond bills to polients on unpoid omounts owed. At the discrelion of our billing deportment, we moy ogree upon certoin poyment onongemenls. However, locking ony ogreed-upon poyment orrongemenl wilh you (or foiling io moke poyment on such ogreed-upon omounl) we moy turn your occounl over to on outside colleclion ogency. lf ol ony time you connol poy your bil/, pleose conloct our billing office ro discuss. . Certoin diognostic lests moy be performed wilh required on "outside" physicion,s professionol services (exomple: o pothologist's inlerpretotion/report on o biopsy somple). Be owore lhot you moy receive ond seporote bill from o physicion or lob for services not performed by Southern Urology. Pleose inquire wilh our physicion or nurse should you hove questions obout whelher of your porliculor tests ore sent lo outside providers. o lf SOUTIIF.RN UROLOGY F'NANC'AL POL'CY OFFICE OF: CHRISIOPHER P. FONIENOT, MD & MARLN "ZEKE" DUCOTE MD PATIENT NOT'FICAT'ON OF . you moy be referred to certoin senvices (diognostic cT, rodiotion oncology. certoin lob testing) ot Lofoyelte Diognostic & Rodiotion Treotment Cenier. This focility is port of the Southern Urology. wholly owned ond port of our Group Proctice. Bills for these tests will come from Soulhern urology, but show os o seporote proclice locolion. . Dr. Fontenol is o finonciol porlner ond/or hos o finonciol interest in Lofoyeile Surgicol Speciolty Hospiiol, Southern Llthotripsy, LLC ond southern Loser, LLC. Al some point iuring your core under Dr. Fontenot or Dr. Ducote, you moy be referred to receive services by one of these entities. . Non-Medicol chorges: speciol medicol forms ond record copying is chorged ol o vorioble roie depending on number of poges. $50 is chorged on oll NSF checks. CARECREDIT we con no longer corry occounts over 90 doys posi due in our office. we hove been informed thot our cPA will be loking over oll delinquent occounts os of Seplember 1 2012. Fortunotely, we now offer o Heolthcore credit cord colled corecredit. Corecredil ollowi you lo "sirelch" your poyments ond is occepted ot more thon l5o,ooo enrolled heolthcore proctices such os dentist, veterinory clinics, eye clinics, heoring oids ond chiroproclic core. Some feotures ore: . oAlineofcreditconbeesloblishedondopprovoltokes5minutesinour o o o off ice There is no onnuol fee ond no iniiiol down poyment required You con opply in our office or by going online lo www corecredit'com We offer 6 months interest free finoncing on most chorges These finonciol options will meet the needs of mosl every fomily in our proctice. we hove lislened to your concerns ond hove mode greot effort lo respond to lhose concerns. Thonk you for your continued support. By signlng betow, I ceifi lhot t hove reod lhis Finonciol Policy ond understond ils terms ond condirions. Signolure of Potienl / Responsible Person: Prinled Nome of Polient/Responsible Person: Dole: Patient Name: Date of Birth: Pasf.MedicatHislory: Check boxes EI of all conditions you are diagnosed with. Cardiovascular ! C E ! E tr ! Anemia Aneurysm Arrhythmia (lrregular Heart Beat) Atrial Fibrillalion (AFib) Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) DVT (Blood Clot) High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) Mitral Valve Prolapse Sickle Cell Anemia fl tr ! Other: Endocrine E Diabetes E lnsulin E Non-lnsulin D tr D C Hypogonadism (Low Testosterone) Gout Thyroid tr Hyper- tr HypoOlher: General High Cholesterol Obesity tr tr Gastrointestinal E Gallstones ! Chrons' Disease / Colitis E Diverticulitis tr Hepatitis, Type _ E lrritable Bowel Syndrome E Pancreatitis E Stomach Ulcer ! Other: Genitourinary tr AIDS / HIV tr ! ! E E E D BPH Epididymitis HPV lmpotence lnterstitial Cystitis Kidney Stones Polycystic Kidney Disease Prostatitis n n Other: Head, Ears, Eyes, Nose, Throat tr Blind E Cataracts ! Deafness E Glaucoma tr Open Angle tr Closed D D Sinusitis Tinnitus (Ringing in ea(s)) Musculoskeletal n Arthritis ! E E [] Carpel Tunnel Fibromyalgia Osteoporosis Other; Neuro/Psych tr E C E tr ! tr ! E ! tr tr tr ADD Alcoholism Alzheimer's Disease Anxiety Bipolar Disorder Depression Multiple Sclerosis Parkinson's Disease Seizure Disorder Spina Bifida Spinal Cord lnjury Stroke (CVA) Other: Respiratory D Asthma E Bronchitis tr COPD E Emphysema E Pneumonia E Pulmonary Emboli (Blood Clot in Lung) E Sleep Apnea trTB fl Other: Tumors / Cancer ! Bladder Cancer El Brain Tumor E Breast Cancer ! Cervical / Uterine Cancer E Colon Cancer E Lung Cancer E Lymphoma E Ovarian Cancer E Pancreatic Cancer C E E ! E E ! E Prostate Cancer Rectal Cancer Renal Cancer - Kidney Sarcoidosis Skin Cancer Stomach Cancer Testicular Cancer Throat Cancer Ex h-P/*,.,.t SEEfrophvlaxis Do you have to take antibiotics prior to dental or surgical procedures due to a heart condition? tr No tr Yes. lf yes, please specify SexuatHisions Are you sexually active? Multiple Partne(s) lf yes, tr Single or Birth Control E None ! tr E n Birth Control Pill Condom / Diaphragm Other: OEJGY[Hislotrr Last Menstrual Period Age of 1"t Period Do you have regular periods? Prior Abnormal Pap Smear? Age of Menopause. trNo Pregnant Now: E Yes Number of Pregnancies Number of Deliveries #Full Term Deliveries #Premature Deliveries #Vaginal Sexually Transmitted Disease O None E Gonorrhea ! i ! Syphilis Herpes HPV / Genital Warts Have you had a hystereclomy? ! E ! E Partial (still have ovary or ovaries) Complete Vaginal Abdominal incision Deliveries #C-Section Deliveries EamilvXistqlt: Does anyone in your family have the following conditions? Are you adopted? tr Yes D No Write in if your rn other, father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister, aunt, uncle have any of the following conditions. BPH (Enlarged Prostate) Bedwefting Bladder Cancer Breast Cancer Cervical Cancer Colon Cancer COPD (lung disease) Diabetes Heart Attack High Blood Pressure Kidney Cancer Kidney Disease (What type?) Kidney Stones Lung Cancer Ovarian Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Parkinson's Prostate Cancer Stroke Uterine Cancer Other: Patient Name: Date of Birth: Socialltislory Marital Status E fl D tr E Married, how tong? Single Divorced Widow Life Partner, how long? Children E Yes E No lf yes, how manY?- Occupation Alcohol Consumption Do you drink alcohol? what? No D Occasionally / Socially ! Daily, How many?. El Beer Wine tr Liquor lf yes, how often? lf yes, E Yes E ! Smoking History Do you currently smoke? D Yes tr No lf yes, how many packs a daY? How many years have you smoked? Do you use smokeless tobacco? tr Yes trNo Did you smoke in the past? EYes How many packs a day? How many years did you smoke? How long ago did you quit? Drug Use Do you use recreational drugs? lf yes, what type?. !No tr Yes E No Caffeine Do you drink caffeinated beverages? E Yes D No lf yes, what type? How many (cups, cans, etc) a day? Foreign Travel Have you traveled to a foreign country recently? lf yes, where?. ! Yes tr No Patient Name: Date of Birth: How Manv/Much? Pharmacy Name AND Location (Ex. M/t **,, /,k"t"" & '9,,il C,$,r) Do you need 90-day prescriptions to mail order? Primary Care Physician (Ex. 0.. &. C"',!) ! Yes tr No SOTJTHERN URO[-OGY Martin J. Ducote, M.D. Christopher P. Fontenot, M.D. BEAULLIEU DR, BUII,DING #7 I-{FAYETTE, LOUISIANA 70508 TELEPHONE (337) 232-4s55 2OO FAX (337) 232-0906 In our efforts to the highest quality of patient care, Drs. Ducote and Fontenot are embarking on a new innovation in healthcare. This process is Electronic Medical Records. To ensure protection of your privacy rites and better coordinate care with other physicians, this process allows us to go paperless. Initially, this can be a very timely ptocess and we want to apologize for any inconvenience this will cause you. ln every effort to expedite your visit, we will collect yonr copay or coinsurance in advance based on the anticiPated charges. Final billing will be contingent upon the doctor's completed chart note. Any discrepancies will be resolved in a timely marmer resulting in a possible refund or additional bill sent to you at a later date. Again, we have implemented this process as an effort to keep up with advancing technology available to us. Your cooperation during this process ts GREATLY appreciated. If you feel the need to discuss the above firrther, please feel free to speak with our practice manager, Michelle Buteau. Thank You, Drs. Ducote and Fontenot ,- -i Effect Date of this Notice: 41212003 Revised Date: 91612012 Southern Urology Martin J. Ducote, M.D. Christopher P. Fontenot, M.D. Notice of Privacy Practices As required by the Privacy Regulations Created as a Resuit ofthe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) TIIIS NOTICE DESCRIBES HOW HEALTH INT'ORMATION ABOUT YOU (AS A PATIENT OF'TTIIS PRACTICE) MAY BE USED AND DISCLOSED A}{D HOWYOU CAN GET ACCESS TO YOT'R INDIVIDUALLY IDENTIFIABLE HEALTH INT'ORMATION. PLEASE REVIEW THIS NOTICE CAREFULLY. A. OUR COMMITMENT TO YOTJR PRIVACY Our practice is dedicated to maintaining the privacy ofyour individually identifiable health information (IIHI). In conducting our business, we will create records regarding you ald the treatrnent and services we provide to you. We are required by law to maintain the confidentiality of health information that identifies you. We also are required by law to provide you with this notice of our legal duties and the privacy practices that we maintain in our practice conceming your IIHI. By federal and state law, we must follow the terms of the notice of privacy practices that we have in effect at the time- We realize that these laws are complicated, but we must provide you with the fol l owing important infonnation: How we may use and disclose your IIHI Your privacy rights in your IIHI. Our obligations conceming the use and disclosure of your IIHI The terms of this notice apply to all records containing your IIHI that are created or retained by our practice. We reserve the right to revise or amend this Notice of Privacy Practices. Any revisions or amendment to this notice will be effective for all of your records that our practice has created or maintained in the past, and for any ofyour records that we may create or maintain in the future. Our practice will post a copy of our current notice in our offices in a visible location at all times, and you may request a copy of our most current notice at any time. . . . B. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS NOTICE, PLEASE CONTACT: Michelle Buteau 200 Beaullieu Drive Bldg #7 Lafayette LA 70508 337-232-455s C. WE MAY USE AND DISCLOSE YOUR INDTVIDUALLY IDENTIFIABLE HEALTH INT'ORMATION (IIHD IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS: The following categories describe the different ways in which we may use aad disclose your IIHI. ask you to have laboratory tests (such as blood or urine tests), al1d we may use the results to help us reach a 1. Treatment, our practice may use your IIHI to tleat you. For example, we may diagnosis. We might use your IIHI in order to write a your IIHI to a pharmacy when we order a prescription our practice, including, but not limited to, our doctors order to treat you or to assist others in your treatment' .r,ih your spouse, children or parents. Finally, we may also oth"., *ho may assist in yo* "*", to your treatrnent. disclose your IiHI to other health care providers for purposes related to bill and collect payment for the order your in IIHI 2. paymlnt, Our practice may use anddisclose contact your health insurer to services and itemi you may receive from us. For example, we may vide vour ;;rfy;h" y"; are eligible for benefits (and ay for' your insurer witfr aetails reg-arding your treatment that may be treatment. We also may use and disclose yow your IIHI to bill you directly responsible for such coits, such as family members. Also, we may use providers and entities to for serrrices and items. we may disclosi your IIHI to other health care assist in their billing and collection efforts' our business' i. Health Care Operations, Ow practice may use and disclose your IIHI to operate operations, ow disclose your information for our costto conduct us, or from you received of care ru practice. We may disclose your IIHI to other health care oPerations. your IIHI to contact you and 4. Appointment Reminders. our practice may use and disclose remind you of an aPpointment. you of potential or ditioos. o,r practice may use and disclose your IIHI to inform !. teatment options or alternatives. your IIHI to inform 6. Health-itelated Benefits and Services. Our practice may use and disclose you of health-related benefits or services that may be of interest to you' that R"l"r." of information to family. Our practice may release your IIHI to a family member is involved in yow care, or who assists in taking care ofyou' when we are i-, nir"to.o.". Required By Law. our practice will use and disclose yow IIHI required to do so by federal, state, or local law' * for to II - ii""t-""t i. D.UsEAI\DDIscLosUREoFYoURIIHIINCERTAINSPECIALCIRCI.IMSTA}{CES your fft" foUo*ing categories describe unique scenarios in which we may use or disclose identifi able health information: l.PublicHealthRisks.ourpracticemaydiscloseyourllHltopublichealthauthoritiesthat purpose of: are authorized by law to collect information for the Maintaining vital records, such as births and deaths . . o Reporting child abuse or neglect Preventing or controlling disease, injury or disability .NotifyingapersonregardingpotentialexPosuretoacommunicabledisease . Notifiing a person regarding a potential risk for spreading or contracting a disease or . . condition Reporting reactions to drugs or problems with products or devices N&fying individuals if a product or device they may be using has been recalled . Notirying appropriate govemment agency (ies) or authority(ies) regarding the potential abuse or neglect of an adult patient (including domestic violence); however, we will only disclose this information if the patient agrees or we are required or authorized by Iaw to disclose this infomration. o Notifuing your employer under limited circumstances re'lated primarily to workplace injury or illness or medical surveillance. 2. Health Oversight Activities. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to a health oversight agency for activities authorized by law. Oversight activities can include, for example, investigations, irspections, audits, surveys, licensure and disciplinary actions; civil, administrative, and criminal procedures or actions; or other activities necessary for the government to monitor govemment programs, compliance with civil rights laws and the health care system in general. 3. Lawsuits and Similar Proceeding. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI in response to a court or administrative order, if you are involved in a Iawsuit or similar proceeding. We also may disclose your IIHI in response to a discovery request, subpoen4 or other lawful process by another party involved in the dispute, but only if we have made an effort to inform you of the request or to obtain an order protecting the information the party has requested. 4. Law Enforcement. We may release IIHI if asked to do so by a law enforcement official . Regarding a crime victim in certain situations, ifwe are unable to obtain the person's agreement Concerning a death we believe has resulted from criminal conduct Regarding crirninal conduct at our offices In response to a warrant, summons, court order, subpoena or similar legal process To identifyAocate a suspect, material witness, fugitive or missing person In an emergency, to report a crime (including the location or victim(s) of the crime, or the description, identity or location of the perpetrator. Deceased Patients. Our practice may release IIHI to a medical examiner or coroner to identifu a deceased individual or to identift the cause of death. If necessary, we also may release hformation in order for funeral directorc to perform their jobs. Organ and Tissue Donation. Our practice may release your IIHI to organizations that handle organ, eye, or tissue procuement or transplantation, including organ donation banks, as necessary to facilitate organ or tissue donation and hansplantation if you are an organ donor. Research. Our practice may use and disclose yow IIHI for research purposes in certain limited circumstances. We will obtain your written authorization to use your IIHI for research purposes except when an Institutional Review Board or Privacy Board has determined that the waiver of your authorization satisfies the following: (i) the use of disclosure involves no more than a minimal risk to yow privacy based on the following: (A) an adequate plan to protect the identifiers from improper use and disclosure; (B) an adequate plan to destroy the identifiers at the earliest opportunity consistent with the research (unless there is a health or research justification for retaining the identifiers or such retention is otherwise required by law): and (C) adequate *ritten assurances that the PHI will not be re-sued or disclosed to any other person or entity (except as required by law) for authorized oversight or the research study, or for other research for which the use or disclosure would otherwise be permitted; (ii) the research could not practicable be conducted without the waiver; and (iii) the research could not practicable be conducted without access to and use ofthe pHI. o . . o . 5. 6. 7. Serious threats to Health and Safety. Our practice may use and disclose your IIHI when necessary to reduce or prevent a serious threat to your health and safety or the health and safety of another individual or the public. Under these circtunstances, we will only make disclosures to a person or organization able to help prevent the threat 9. Military. our Practice may disclose your IIHI if you are a member of the U.S. or foreign military forces (including veterans) and ifrequired by the appropriate authorities10. National Security. Our practice may disclose your IIHI to federal of[rcials for intelligence your IIHI to and national security activities authorized by law. We also may disclose heads of state, or foreign or officials other federal officials in order to protect the President, to conduct investigations. 11. Inmates. Our prictice may disclose your IIHI to correctional institutions or law enforcement officials ifyou are an inmate or under the custody of a law enforcement ofticial. Disclosure for ihese purposes would be necessary; (a) for the institution to provide (c) to health care services to you, (b) for the safety and security of the institution, and /or 8. protectyourhealthandsafetyorthehealthandsafetyofotherirrdividuals. 12. Workers' Compensation. Our practice may release your IIHI for workers' compensation and similar programs. E. YOURRIGHTS REGARDING YOUR II you; You have the following rights regarding the IIHI that we maintain about that our practice Confidential Communicatiotrs. You have the right to request or at a communicate with you about your health and related issues in a particular manner work' than you rather at home, we contact certain location. For instance, you may ask that to written request a ln order to request a type of confidential communication, you must make location Michelle Butlau 337 iIZ-CSSS specifying the requested method ofcontact, or the A requests. reasonable where you wish to be contacted. our practice will accommodate reason for your request is not needed' to request a restriction in our use or disclosure care operations. Additionally, you have the e of your IIHI to only certain individuals ur care, such as family members and friends We to agree to your request; however, if we do agree' we are bound by ow are not required -except whe,i otherwise required by law, in emergencies, or w1,en the information agreement use or disclosure ofyour is necessary to treat you. IN order to iequest a restriction in our 337 232-4555' Your Buteau g to Michelle e fashion: l. our practice's use, disclosure or both; and but not including psychotherapy notes' Y your Buteau 337 :4;r-4555 in ordei io inspect and /or obtain a copy of IIHI. Our practice maychargeafeeforthecostsofcopying,mailing,laborandsuppliesassociatedwithyour ."qu".t. 6* pru"tice may deny your request to inspect and /or copy in certain limited 4. iicensed health circumstances; however, you may request a review of our denial' Another care professional chosen by us will condrrct revi"Yt' . you believe it is incorrect Amendment. You may ask us to amend your health information if is kept by oi"t", and you may request ar amendment for as long as the information . orforourpractice..Torequestanamendment,yourrequestmustbemadeinwritingand reason-that submittedio Michelle Buieau 337 232-4555. You must provide us with a fail to ifyou your request ,"pfon, your request for amendment. our practice will deny g your request) in writing. Also, we may deny on that is in our opinion: (a) accurate and r the practice; (c) not part of the IIHI which r (d) not created by our practice, unless the n is not available to amend the information' 5.AccountingofDisclosures.Allofourpatientshlvethlrighttorequestan:,,accountingof our disclosures." An "accounting ofdiscl0sures" is a list of certain non-routine discloswes s purposes' practice has made ofyour IIHI for to be Use of your IIHI as part of the billing Jocumented. For example, the doctor your information to file yow hsurance claim. In order to obtain an J"pu.t-"rrt aciounting of dii"ior*"., you must submit your request in writing to Michelle Buteau a time period, 331 232-[SSS, All requests for an "accounting ofdisclosures." must state which may not be longer than six (6) years from the date of disclosure and may not include period is free of dates before April 14, 2003. The first list you Iequest within a 12 month 12 month period' the same charge, but oui practice may charge you for additional lists within and you may Our iractice wiil notify you of the costs involved with additional requests, withdraw your request before you incru any costs' e a paper copy of our Right to a Pape. Copy of This this notice at any time To noii"" of privacy praciices. Yot, may 232-4555' obtain a paper copy of this notice contact violated, you may night to File a Cimplaint. If of Health and filJa complaint with our practice Buteau at 337 Human Services. To file a complaint with 232-4555. All complaints musibe submitted in writing. You witl not be penalized for filing a comPlaint. will Righ"t to Provide an Authorization for other uses and Disclosures. our practice notice obiain your written authorization for uses rd disclosures that are not identified by this and use the regarding your provide to us or permitted by applicable law. Any authorization your you revoke disclosure of your IIHI may be revoked at any time in uriting. After authorization, we will no longer use ofdisclose your IIHI for the reasons described in the authorization. Please note, we are required to retain records of your care non routine sharin 6. 7 . 8. Notice. as M you o o Again, if you have any questions regarding this notice or our health information privacy policies, please contact Michelle Buteau at 337 232-4555.
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