Guide on How to do Business with Durham County Council 1

Guide on How to do Business with
Durham County Council
1. Introduction
2. Rules and Regulations
3. Registering your organisation on the NEPO portal
4. Finding opportunities and registering your interest
5. Completing and submitting a tender
6. Contact Details
1. Introduction
Durham County Council Corporate Procurement Vision:
“To ensure that we carry out all commissioning and procurement activities
collaboratively and in an economic, environmental and socially responsible
manner on behalf of the council and its key stakeholders, whilst making
sustainable purchasing decisions that promote the long-term interests of the
communities we represent.”
About this Guide
This guide is designed to assist organisations who wish to supply Durham County
Council with goods or services, or carry out works on our behalf. The guide helps in the
following ways:
It explains how organisations can be alerted to the opportunities which are
available to supply the Council.
It explains how to bid for council work and also what information will be required.
It highlights contact points which will provide assistance to suppliers on issues
covered within the guide.
The guide outlines the rules and regulations that the Council must follow in
procuring goods, services and works.
Durham County Council encourages competition and welcomes bids from new and
established suppliers, especially from local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs).
Durham County Council encourages applications from all sections of the community.
What are the benefits of working with the Council?
The Council is:
 Fair
 Non-discriminatory
 Professional
 A long established organisation
 Prompt to pay
Organisations will appreciate that there is a great deal of competition for Durham County
Council contracts, and this guide cannot assure individual organisations success. It
should however, provide sufficient information to give the opportunity to give a quotation
or tender for Council work.
Who are Durham County Council?
Durham County Council is the sixth largest unitary council in England and the largest
local authority in the North East. It is made up of an elected assembly of 126 councillors
representing a population of 510,800 people. The council is responsible for the efficient
and effective provision of a wide range of public services to the people of County
As a local authority, the council spends over £525 million a year on the provision of
goods, services and works. The council’s procurement activities enable services to be
provided in an efficient, cost-effective and sustainable way and assist the council to
realise the Sustainable Community Strategy vision for the county of ‘an altogether better
Durham’ - altogether better as a place and altogether better for local people. Within this,
the council pursues six priority themes:
Altogether wealthier
Altogether better for children and young people
Altogether healthier
Altogether safer
Altogether greener, and
Altogether better council
What is procurement?
Procurement is the process of acquiring goods, works and services, covering both
acquisitions from third parties and from in-house providers. The process spans the
whole cycle, from identification of needs through to the end of a services contract or the
end of the useful life of an asset.
Procurement requires local authorities to ensure sustainability and to secure continuous
positive outcomes for the economy, while using its resources effectively and efficiently in
order to achieve value for money.
Commissioning is a whole-service approach to the design, management, delivery and
monitoring of a specialist service. It is an ongoing, cyclical process to secure the
strategic development of services provided from public, private or voluntary
organisations and involves planning, designing, and implementing a range of services
that are required. It is facilitated by procurement activity.
Grants are payments the Council may give from time to time to certain organisations for
certain purposes (e.g. to help a voluntary group provide holiday activities for disabled
children, or to help a local cricket club repair its changing room etc) as the Council
agrees with the recipient. Recipients will usually be not-for-profit groups (e.g. charities,
voluntary groups, local sporting clubs, artistic groups etc). It is extremely unlikely that
grants would be provided for commercial or political purposes.
The Procurement Cycle
Durham County Council’s Commissioning and Procurement
The aims of this strategy are to:
i) Support commissioning and procurement activities across the authority to ensure
corporate-wide consistency, efficiency and innovation in line with corporate strategic
ii) Provide clear, strategic guidance from the corporate centre to enable and empower
staff engaged in commissioning and procurement in service areas to make decisions
and take actions in the most strategically informed, effective and professional ways
iii) To maximise opportunities to realise efficiencies and achieve value for money
through commissioning and procurement activities.
iv) To embed an understanding of, and commitment to, building sustainability into all
commissioning and procurement activities in order to meet wider social, economic and
environmental outcomes for the County and beyond, in line with the Council’s
Sustainable Community Strategy.
The latest version of the Council’s Corporate Strategy for Commissioning &
Procurement is available on our website at
Durham County Council does not operate in isolation and has a strong regional
presence as a member of the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO), as well as
working in collaboration with other Local Authorities and public sector bodies in the
2. Rules and Regulations
Local Authority procurement is governed by procurement regulations at a European,
National and Local level.
Local Rules
Durham County Council has published Contract Procedure Rules which our officers
must comply with. These are part of the Council’s Constitution which is available on the
Council website.
In addition we must comply with a wide range of UK and European Union procurement
law, including the Public Contracts Regulations (2006) and EU Treaty principles.
Officers will ensure that any agents, consultants and contractual partners acting on their
behalf also comply with the requirements.
Contract Procedure Rules:
The basic principles of the Contract Procedure Rules are that all procurement
procedures must:
realise value for money by achieving the optimum combination of whole life costs
and quality of outcome,
be consistent with the highest standards of integrity,
operate in a transparent manner,
ensure fairness in allocating public contracts,
comply with all legal requirements including European Union (EU) treaty
support all relevant Council priorities and policies, including the Medium Term
Financial Plan, and:
comply with the Council’s Corporate Strategy for Commissioning and
Procurement, and the Sustainable Commissioning and Procurement Policy, and
Procurement Code of Practice.
What does the Council buy?
The procurement functions of Durham County Council are carried out in both Corporate
Procurement and a range of other service areas, including:
Direct Services
Technical Services
Children & Adults Services
Regeneration and Economic Development
By signing up to the NEPO Portal (see section 3) you will be notified, by email, of
advertised Durham County Council contract opportunities, related to the categories you
select when registering.
European Rules
All public sector contracts, irrespective of their value within the European Union (EU),
are covered by the principles of a treaty which incorporates the free movement of goods
and services and which seeks to prevent discrimination against firms on the grounds of
The key EU Treaty principles are:
Equal treatment (non-discrimination, fairness)
• Treat all tenders in the same way without favour or prejudice
• Avoid brand names when specifying and accept equivalence
Transparency (openness)
• Advertising appropriate to the size of the contract
• Be open and upfront about selection (PQQ) or award criteria (Tender)
• Requirements must be relevant to the contract and necessary
Mutual recognition
• Qualifications or certificates from other member states
• Must respect confidentiality of information received during tender process
Financial Thresholds for Procurement
The principles of the treaty are enshrined in UK law by the Public Contracts Regulations
(2006). These regulations require the Council to follow detailed EU procedures for all
procurements above certain financial thresholds for ‘works’ and ‘goods & services’. The
thresholds are reviewed every two years, most recently in January 2012, and are
currently as follows:
Goods and services:
To comply with the EU directives, the Council must follow some basic principles:
A specific Tender Notice must be placed in the supplement to the Official Journal
of the EU (OJEU) to give all suppliers in the EU an equal opportunity to tender.
Tenders must be invited in accordance with one of the prescribed procedures
(open, restricted, negotiated or competitive dialogue - there are also two separate
urgency procedures). Each procedure imposes minimum time-scales covering the
tender activities to ensure that reasonable time to respond to adverts and prepare
submissions is given to interested parties.
A notice of contract award must be placed in OJEU.
Unsuccessful suppliers must be debriefed.
There is a mandatory "Alcatel" standstill period, which means 10 days must be
allowed between the notification of contract award and the contract signature.
OJEU-level services have 2 categories:
Part A:
• Requires full tender process. Main requirements:
• Europe wide advertising
• Standstill period between ‘award’ and signing contract
• Specific list of types of services (e.g. accounting, consultancy, engineering,
business, IT, financial, transport, maintenance).
• Generally services where cross-border bidders might be interested
Part B:
• All other services not listed in the Part A
• Generally services of a local nature unlikely to attract cross-border interest
• Much fewer requirements apply (technical specifications, obligation to publish
award notices)
• Still must follow our internal rules, principles of equal treatment, transparency etc
Durham County Council thresholds
Below the OJEU thresholds, the Council has its own minimum procurement thresholds,
as follows:
£500 - £5,000
at least one formal quotation must be obtained
£5,001- £50,000
at least three quotations must be obtained via the
ProContract system – either on a price-only basis using
QuickQuote (see below) or using a Request For Quotation
with a balance of price and quality.
£50,001 – OJEU level -
a full tender process via ProContract (but not usually
advertised in OJEU)
It is important to note that all quotations above £5,000 in value are now obtained
electronically via the NEPO ProContract system. In order to bid for DCC business you
must therefore be registered on the ProContract System via the NEPO portal.
3. Registering your organisation on the NEPO portal
Durham County Council uses the ProContract electronic-Tendering System for all
tenders and quotations. This is a shared facility managed on our behalf by the North
East Procurement Organisation (NEPO). To be able to express your interest for a
particular Tender you must register your organisation with the ProContract e-Tendering
Stage 1:
Visit the NEPO portal website at:
Stage 2:
Click on the ‘Register as a Supplier’ link on the front page and follow the on-screen
Stage 3:
Once you have registered, your user name and password will be emailed to you. Please
ensure that you keep your user name and password confidential.
Notifications of opportunities you may be interested in will be sent to you by email – we
may also use the contact details you provide if we wish to contact you directly. Please
therefore make sure that your contact details are kept up-to-date.
4. Finding opportunities and registering your interest
You now have the facility to login to the system and view any forthcoming contracts and
register your interest against them. Although the system will automatically notify you of
opportunities you may be interested in – based on the product / service categories you
have registered against – you may also wish to search for advertised opportunities. A
brief explanation of how to do this is given below:
1. Go to the portal web site located at
2. Click on “Supplier Area” and enter your username and password. Then once
logged in, select “Search Opportunities”.
3. Search for contract opportunities using the available search criteria (e.g. you can
enter a contract reference number or a contract name within the ‘contains’ field).
4. Once you have located a contract you are interested in click on the contract title and
click on the “Register Interest” button. Please Note: The “Register Interest” button
will only be visible during the specified Expression of Interest start/end dates
and once you have registered your interest the button will be greyed out (you
can hover over this to check the date and time the expression of interest was
5. Your contract expression of interest will be confirmed by email and on screen.
6. Once you have registered, you will either receive an email immediately inviting you to
take part in an RFQ/PQQ/ITT exercise (with a link directly to the opportunity) or this
will be issued once your interest has been approved. You can also access your
RFQs/PQQs/ITTs by logging in as above, choosing “My Opportunities”, selecting
the relevant authority from the dropdown box and this will show all available
opportunities you’ve been invited to take part in.
Recently introduced on ProContract is a new sub-contracting opportunities functionality.
Suppliers can create and advertise their own subcontracts, notifying relevant sections of
NEPO’s supplier base of potential subcontract opportunities (any supplier registered on
the portal can utilise this facility and there is a userguide to describe the process within
the Help section).
To view advertised sub-contracting opportunities,
Subcontracting Opportunities” from the Supplier Area.
5. Completing and Submitting a Tender
Tendering and Quotation Procedures:
Open Tender- all interested parties are invited to tender
• Full contract documents are issued to tenderers at the invitation to tender
• No short listing process is used
• Usually used if the tender is simple or expecting a limited number of
Restricted Tender – any organisation my express an interest, however only
organisations shortlisted by the contracting authority may tender
• Two-stage process
• Initial screening (Pre Qualification Questionnaire) – a limited number of
bidders then go through to full tender stage
• Used for more complex tenders, or where larger interest is anticipated
Request for Quotation (RFQ) – a minimum of three relevant organisations are invited
to quote
• Used for exercises between £5,000 and £50,000 in value where we wish
to assess both price and quality.
• Similar to an Open Tender, but with a simplified process due to the lower
• At least three quotations will be invited – although in some cases the RFQ
will be “Open” so that any interested party may bid.
Quick Quote – a price-only quotation exercise designed to give local suppliers a greater
opportunity to participate
• Used for exercises between £500 and £50,000 in value where we have a
clear requirement and wish to award on price only.
• System automatically selects two local suppliers and two non-local
suppliers to be invited to quote. Up to three additional suppliers (for a
maximum of 7) may also be invited at the Council’s discretion.
• “Locality” based on County Durham geographic postcode area (so please
ensure the system has your up-to-date address).
The Public Contract Regulations also allow for alternative methods of procurement,
including the Negotiated Procedure and Competitive Dialogue process, however
these are not covered here as they are very rarely used.
Pre Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ)
Before submitting your full tender submission (or ‘bid’), you may first be required to
complete a Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ). This is a standard element of the
Restricted Procedure (see above).
The PQQ will contain a Business Questionnaire which requests information regarding
your organisation including, where relevant, a financial assessment, a health and safety
statement, legal grounds for exclusion, and a statement on compliance with equalities
legislation. There will also be backward-looking technical questions about your
organisation’s previous experience and general capability. References may also be
requested at this stage.
It is important that you provide all the information requested. The information which you
provide at this stage will form the basis of deciding whether you will be shortlisted for the
next stage i.e. Invitation to Tender.
You may be required to supply supporting evidence where applicable. If you are in any
doubt regarding what is needed, please ask Corporate Procurement.
Invitation to Tender (ITT)
Following the PQQ stage, tenderers selected to proceed will receive an Invitation to
Tender (ITT). If the process does not involve a PQQ stage (e.g. the Open Procedure
outlined above) then on application, only the ITT document will be dispatched.
Technical questions will be used in the ITT to assess a bidding organisation’s capacity
and capability to deliver the requirements of the contract. In a Restricted Procedure
these will be forward-looking questions that are specific to the contract. In an Open
Procedure they may be both backward and forward looking, assessing both your
experience and capacity, and your specific proposals for delivering the contract.
The ITT will also include an assessment of price. The balance between price and quality
in the overall assessment will be made clear in the ITT documents.
If the process does not involve a PQQ stage, the ITT will also include the Business
Questionnaire described above.
How does the Council decide?
Tenders which are returned within the stated deadline are carefully evaluated against
the evaluation criteria set out in the tender documents.
Following the evaluation process, a letter will be sent informing you of whether or not
you have been successful in your bid. This letter will include feedback, explaining the
scores allocated to your responses to technical questions and price. You should take
note of this feedback even if successful in winning the contract – even if you win, there
is almost always something that could be done to put together an even better bid.
Tendering Tips
The tender document will specify the Council’s requirements and in some cases may
request additional supporting documentation on submission of a bid. If you do not
submit all the information requested this may, depending on what you have overlooked,
be an immediate ‘show stopper’ and your bid set aside.
We will always offer unsuccessful tenderers feedback to find out why their bid has failed.
Make sure you read the feedback you are given, as this information can be helpful in
completing any future tenders, especially if you scored lower than you would have
expected. Being unsuccessful in one contract does not mean that you will be
unsuccessful in the future.
If you do not understand the specification or the questions asked in the tender, ask for
clarification through the e-tendering portal. It may be that the procurement officer will
clarify the point to all tenderers electronically so everyone can benefit from the query.
N.B. If an organisation has a query which is specific to their bid, and could not be seen
to offer any advantage then the procurement officer may not be required to submit the
response to all tenderers.
Technical questions will be accompanied by evaluation criteria – explaining exactly how
the responses will be scored. Make sure study these carefully as they make clear what a
“good” answer will need to include.
You must respond in the required format, follow the layout requested, make sure you
answer all the questions and be concise; it is the quality of the information submitted,
not the quantity, which matters. In most cases, technical questions will have a stated
word limit – make sure you adhere to this.
Once you have completed the required documentation, you must ensure that the
offer/bid is returned electronically, within the date and time specified - Late bids are not
6. Contact Details
For more information on anything contained in this guide, please do not hesitate to
contact us:
03000 265 428
Further information is also available on the Durham County Council
website at
Alternative Formats