How to get the most out of your GCMS analysis Marcus Kim, Ph.D. GCMS Product Specialist/ p Applications Engineer g , ON Mississauga, of 64 Gas Chromatography- some considerations High Purity He essential! 5.0 = 99.999% purity 5.5 = 99.9995% purity BUT compressed gas cylinders are usually only certified to 10% of their original pressure (i.e. 200 psi for a 2000 psi tank). At press res belo pressures below 10% the g guarantees arantees on gas purities are not applicable. Major contaminants ~ O2, H2O, O hydrocarbons Page 2 of 64 Sample Preparation Garbage in- Garbage out ….into your mass spectrometer Capacity of capillary columns 30m, 0.25mm column has analyte capacity of 25-300 ng (for most common columns) Remove matrix Eliminate active sites and contamination Active sites in GC can cause poor peak shapes and contamination can result in ghost peaks and reduced sensitivity Upper concentration for MS is ~100ppm Less is more with mass spectrometry. Contamination can occur with highly concentrated samples and injection of too much sample can result in clipped peaks or nonlinear performance due to saturation. Page 3 of 64 Concentrate analytes Remove water Volatilize analytes and salts Syringe needle The problem with water Liner Solvent Approximate vapour volume ((μ μL) Water Isooctane n-Hexane Toluene Methylene Chloride Methanol Carrier 1010 110 140 170 285 450 Vent Sample Analyte Solvent 1μLof liquid vapourized at 250 ˚C and 20psi Download Agilent GC pressure/flow calculator app Liner diameter 2mm liner 4mm liner Theoretical volume 236 μL 942 μL Column Actual volume 118 μL 471 μL From Grob, Split and Splitless Injection, 3rd ed. Page 4 of 64 The problem with water Heated zone Transfer line to mass spec p Injector Cold, C ld att room temperature Page 5 of 64 Column The problem with water • Water has very high surface tension, nonpolar stationary phase has very low surface tension. Water also has high boiling point so some water will pass through the column as a liquid. Resulting in band broadening and split peaks • Salts can travel far into the column and be active sites for future injections • Polar stationary phases (wax) can swell with water and could be damaged and d ttakes k llong titimes to t equilibrate ilib t Page 6 of 64 The solution with water Headspace Liquid/Liquid Extraction Solid Phase Extraction Purge and Trap SPME (Solid Phase MicroExtraction) Fused silica fibre Stationary phase Page 7 of 64 SPME can directly sample the liquid water or can sample headspace Organics will preferentially partition into the SPME coating and concentrate. No water is carried into the injection port Addition of salt and pH adjustments can greatly enhance SPME recoveries Chromatography is very clean with almost no noise Page 8 of 64 SPME headspace of crushed raspberries Page 9 of 64 Agilent 7697A Headspace Autosampler Page 10 of 64 Agilent 7697A Headspace Autosampler Page 11 of 64 Agilent g 5990-7907EN brochure Page 12 of 64 Liquid/Liquid Extraction Transfer analytes from a GC incompatible solvent (aqueous) to a GC compatible solvent (organic) …Luke Method Organic g layer y Analytes partition Water- add salts and adjust pH Advantages • quick • easy • efficient Disadvantages • Forms emulsions • Disposal of large quantities of organic solvents • less than quantitative recoveries • Does D nott remove allll matrix t i components t and d interferences • Labour intensive Page 13 of 64 Solid Phase Extraction • SPE is a mini-column for extracting g and concentrating analytes of interest • Superior to LLE because over 60 different chemistries and tunable selectivity of the organic solvent mixtures of the eluents gives SPE higher selectivity and versatility for higher yield recoveries • Much cleaner extracts- better removal of interferences and matrix components • Much lower quantities of organic solvents used and disposed • Capable of being used in automated processes Agilent brochure: 5989-9334EN 5989 9334EN Page 14 of 64 Multimodal SPE p for veryy complex samples Advantages Disadvantages Very selective Effective with variety of matrix High recoveries Highly reproducible Complex/difficult to master Lengthy method development Costly So many choices Page 15 of 64 Page 16 of 64 Solid Phase Extraction Discs • Fits on the end of a plastic syringe • Faster flow rates than cartridges due to larger cross-sectional area • Used for trace organics in drinking water, waste water etc… (EPA 1664) Page 17 of 64 QUECHERS QUick Easy CHeap Effective Rugged Safe QuEChERS • Based on partitioning/extraction • SPE material in a free flowing form absorbs interferents: dispersive • Rapidly being adopted worldwide for GCMS and LCMS sample preparation • Substantially decreases cost per sample and increases throughput Luke method, traditional SPE, or GPC QuEChERS QuEChERS Benefits! Estimated Time to process 6 samples l ((min) i ) 120 30 4x faster Solvent Used (mL) 90 mL 10mL 9 x less solvent Chlorinated Waste (mL) 30 mL none safer, greener, less costly Glassware/ specialized equipment Funnel, water bath, 200mL containers, evaporator, etc. None No additional supplies needed M. Anastassiades et al., 2003, J. AOAC Int, 86:412–431 Page 18 of 64 QUECHERS ( • Unbuffered method first published in 2003 • 2 validated versions • AOAC official method 2007.01 • EN official method 15662 • All 3 methods give excellent results: average 98% recoveries with 10% RSDs • Unbuffered method has a negative effect on few pH-dependent pesticides • Original QuEChERS method (unbuffered) • 4 or 6 g MgSO4, 1 or 1.5 g NaCl • AOAC method 2007.01 (AOAC) ( ) • 6 g MgSO4, 1.5 g Na Acetate • EN method 15662 (CEN) g 1 g NaCl, 1 g NaCitrate, 0.5 g disodium citrate sesquihydrate q y • 4 g MgSO4, Page 19 of 64 GCMS or LCMS Agilent QUECHERS Brochure: 5990-3562EN Page 20 of 64 QUECHERS • Quechers is a very popular technique because it is fast, easy and cheap; however, it does not clean the samples as well as SPE. Quechers is just good enough for most applications Agilent sells complete quechers kits for different matrices General fruits & vegetables Fruits & vegetables with f t and fats d waxes Pigmented fruits & vegetables Page 21 of 64 Highly pigmented fruits & vegetables Fruits & vegetables with pigments i t and d ffatt Other food methods QUECHERS Beyond Fruits and Veggies Page 22 of 64 Agilent Ultra Inert Technology All that time spent optimizing the sample preparation, inlet parameters to get sensitivity g y is worth nothing g if the p peaks start tailing g or disappearing! pp g Active analytes adsorbing on the column stops productivity in its tracks. Start with Ultra Inert liners and column for guaranteed performance upon i t ll ti installation Ultra-Inert Brochure 5990-8532EN Page 23 of 64 Challenges and Needs of Today’s Laboratories • Challenges • Needs – Qualification/quantification of trace samples – Lower detection limits – Keep instrument up and running – Improved stability in GC or GC/MS system Lower Detection Limit Reduce noise Injection system (septa (septa, liners liners, connections) Carrier gas and detector gases Leaks Temperature setting Stationary phase and column bleed Increase signal Sample concentration Sample size Inert injection and detection port sleeves/liner Gas velocity or temp program rate Column inertness • Only when a column exhibits both low bleed and low activity are results reliable. – Low bleed increases the signal signal-to-noise to noise ratio ratio, but if any of the analyte is adsorbed by active sites in the column, the results are flawed. – If the column is well deactivated but the bleed is high, some of the signal generated by the analytes y is smothered byy the bleed signal. g Again, g the results are flawed. Page 24 of 64 How important is Column inertness to overall Flowpath Inertness? Page 25 of 64 Ultra-inert Liners- Endrin, DDT breakdown test Page 26 of 64 EPA 8270- 2,4,-Dinitrophenol • Complex mixture of 92 acid/base/neutrals semivolatiles • Nitrophenols show lower response factors at low concentrations with poor linearity and will fail the run if the flow path is active 2,4-dinitrophenol p Page 27 of 64 Page 28 of 64 Column Activity • Traditional deactivation technology only caps ~40-65% of silanols • Gaps in surface coverage due to bulky TMS moieties and tight fused silica lattice Interaction causes tailing Page 29 of 64 DB-5ms and HP-5ms Ultra-Inert Columns • Polymeric deactivation technology • “Binds at multiple points with many available silanols” • The deactivation blanket sterically hinders active silanols making them less available • Optimized column chemistry and manufacturing for exceptionally low bleed Page 30 of 64 Ultra Inert Test Mix - DB-5ms Ultra Inert vs. competitors pA 2 18 5 3 16 1. 1-Propionic acid 2. 1-Octene 3. n-Octane 8 14 12 4 Pi li 4-Picoline 5. n-Nonane 6. Trimethyl phosphate 7. 1,2-Pentanediol 18 8. n-Propylbenzene n Propylbenzene 16 9. 1-Heptanol 14 10 9 10 4 11 4 1 7 8 6 pA 0 20 10. 3-Octanone 12 11. n-Decane 10 2 5 4 2 3 6 6 4 8 10 1 9 10 11 Competitor Column 7 6 0 2 4 pA 27.5 4 2 25 6 8 10 min 5 3 22.5 Agilent J&W DBDB 5ms Ultra Inert 8 20 1 17.5 9 10 15 12.5 6 10 0 of 64 min 8 8 Page 31 Competitor Column 2 4 11 30m x 0.25mm x 0.25um (P/N 122-5532UI) 7 6 8 10 min Analyte protectants -Si-OH -Si-OH -Si-O-Si-O-Si-O-Si-O- Liner or column Free silanol • Free silanol groups are potential active sites that will hold on to analytes or matrix components • Calibration standards made up in pure solvent vs. matrix matched calibrations can have differing responses • Free silanol sites can be blocked by the matrix resulting in higher response of analytes in matrix • Use of cal stds in solvent can result in overestimation of analytes in matrix TMS • Gradual accumulation of matrix non-volatiles non volatiles will deactivated result in matrix induced diminishment and will negatively affect ruggedness M. Anastassiades et al., 2005, Anal. Chem, 77:8129-8137 Page 32 of 64 Analyte protectants • Matrix matching difficult when analyzing multiple food types • Extent of effect is still governed by analyte concentration and matrix composition • EU requires matrix matched standards for multiresidue pesticide analysis in foods • FDA and EPA do not permit matrix matched standardization for enforcement Reproduced with permission from ACS Hydrogen bonding and volatility (retention time coverage) most important when choosing an AP • Analyte protectants protect coinjected analytes from degradation and/or absorption in the GC • Analyte protectants are added to both th calibration the lib ti and d extracts t t ffor even response M. Anastassiades et al., 2005, Anal. Chem, 77:8129-8137 Page 33 of 64 Analyte protectants Reproduced with permission from ACS M. Anastassiades et al., 2005, Anal. Chem, 77:8129-8137 Page 34 of 64 Reproduced with permission from ACS M. Anastassiades et al., 2005, Anal. Chem, 77:8129-8137 Page 35 of 64 Ok what other factors affect my GCMS method? Ok…what Page 36 of 64 Influence of Injection Efficiency Short Concentrated Solute Bands Long Diffuse Same column,, same amount injected, j , same chromatographic g p conditions Page 37 of 64 Split Injector Major Variables Split ratio - determines amount of sample onto column and y of injection j ((sensitivity y vs p peak shape) p ) efficiency Liner - influences efficiency of vaporization/discrimination Temperature - hot enough to vaporize sample without d degradation d ti or causing i backflash b kfl h Injection volume - typically 1 1-3uL, 3uL increasing it does not have as much of an effect as one might think Page 38 of 64 Split Liner Packed with Glass Wool C10 Peak Area Ratio n-C40/n-C10 = 0.64 C40 C10 Without Glass Wool Packing Peak Area Ratio n-C n C40/n /n-C C10 = 0.37 0 37 C40 Page 39 of 64 Split Liners Pro Cheap Pro Less Pro Very little discrimination discrimination Con MW discrimination Exposure to metal surface at bottom Straight tube Page 40 of 64 Prevents non-volatiles from reaching column No exposure to hot metal Con Con Expensive! Potential active sites Not for very dirty samples Single taper with glass wool Jennings cup GLASS WOOL Placement in Liner Near centre of liner: • Provide thermal bulk and complete volatilization of sample (minimize sample discrimination) • Trap non-volatile and septum particles before they reach the column • Wipe any residual sample from the needle and preventing residue buildup at the septum Near bottom of liner: • Helps in volatilization of high MW components • Trap non-volatile components Glass wool is generally not recommended for the following compounds: Page 41 of 64 phenols organic acids pesticides g y acidic slightly drugs of abuse reactive polar compounds thermally labile Split Injector - 200:1 vs 5:1 Compaction p and focusing g of analytes y tighter g in 200:1 split p situation Page 42 of 64 Split Injector Injection Volume 2 1 µL 2 3 µL 4 4 5 5 1 1 1 3 2 3 Time (min.) 4 5 6 1 3 2 3 Time (min.) 4 5 6 DB-1, 15 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm (part # 122-1012) 60°C ffor 1 min, i 60 60-180°C 180°C att 20°/ 20°/min; i Helium H li att 30 cm/sec / 1. n-heptane 2. toluene 3. n-decane 4. n-butylbenzene 5. n-tridecane Page 43 of 64 Splitless Injector Major Variables Purge activation time - determines amount of sample onto column and efficiencyy of injection j Liner - preventing backflash more critical than vaporization (double tapered type recommended)) Injection volume - typically 1uL or less (backflash) Injection speed- the slower, the better! Temperature – long residence times allow for lower temps Page 44 of 64 Splitless Injector Sample Re-focusing Sample re-focusing improves efficiency X Use low column temperature to refocus solvent called the solvent effect Use cold trapping Retention gap greatly improves sample focusing Use Pressure pulse when possible Page 45 of 64 Splitless Liners Pro Cheap Con MW discrimination Exposure to metal surface at bottom Straight tube Page 46 of 64 Pro Pro Improves sample transfer Decrease sample backflash No exposure to hot metal Less discrimination Con Con Potential sample backflash Single taper Cannot be packed with wool Double taper Pro Ultimate sensitivity Con Especially sensitive to injection parameters Direct connect liner Splitless Injector Injection Volume 1 µL 3 2 4 1 3 µL 3 2 4 1 2 4 Time (min.) 6 8 2 4 Time (min.) 6 8 DB-1, 15 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm (part # 122-1012) 60°C ffor 1 min, i 60 60-180°C 180°C att 20°/ 20°/min; i Helium H li att 30 cm/sec / 1. n-decane 2. n-dodecane 3. n-tetradecane 4. n-hexadecane Page 47 of 64 Splitless Injector Solvent Effect 1. Solvent and solutes Initial column temperature at least 10°C below sample solvent boiling point Required to obtain good peak shapes unless cold trapping occurs Rule of thumb, if solute BP >150°C above initial column temperature, the solute will cold trap Cold trapping has greater efficiency than solvent effect Page 48 of 64 2. Solvent film 3. 4. Splitless Injector Initial Column Temperature Hexane Solvent (BP = 68-69°C) Solvent Effect Cold Trapping 50°C 70°C 3 3 2 4 4 1 2 1 2 4 Time (min.) 6 8 2 4 Time (min.) 6 8 DB-1, 15 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm (part # 122-1012) 50°C 50 C or 70°C 70 C for 0 0.5 5 min min, to 210°C 210 C at 20°/min; 20 /min; Helium at 30 cm/sec 1. n-decane 2. n-dodecane 3. n-tetradecane 4. n-hexadecane Page 49 of 64 Splitless Injector Reverse Solvent Effect Hexane 5 4 Methanol 6 4 1 5 6 2 2 3 3 1 0 1 2 3 Time (min.) 4 5 6 1 2 3 Time (min.) 4 5 6 DB-1, 15 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm (part # 122-1012) 50°C 50 C for 1 min min, 50 50-210 210°C C at 20°/min; 20 /min; Helium at 30 cm/sec 1. 1,3-DCP 2. 3-hexanol 3. butyl acetate 4. 1-heptanol 5. 3-octanone 6. 1,2-dichlorobenzene Page 50 of 64 Retention Gap Also Called A Guard Column Injector Detector Deactivated Fused Silica Tubing Union Column Usuallyy 2-10 meters long g and same diameter as the column (or larger if needed) Page 51 of 64 Splitless Injector 3mx0 0.25 25 mm II.D. D Retention Gap Hexane 4 Methanol 1 5 6 4 5 6 2 23 1 0 1 2 3 Time (min.) 4 5 6 1 2 3 Time (min.) 3 4 5 6 DB-1, 15 m x 0.25 mm I.D., 0.25 µm (part # 122-1012) 50°C for 1 min min, 50 50-210°C 210°C at 20°/min; Helium at 30 cm/sec 1. 1,3-DCP 2. 3-hexanol 3. butyl acetate 4. 1-heptanol 5. 3-octanone 6. 1,2-dichlorobenzene Page 52 of 64 Pressure Pulse Splitless Injection Pressure Pulse contains sample expansion and transfers analytes to the column faster. Pulsed Splitless - sample containment more critical than in split injection - sharper peaks than in traditional splitless injection - two new parameters to set: - pulse pressure and pulse time Typical starting point - Pulse pressure = double to triple resting pressure - Tie pulse time to purge time - Fast injection rate Page 53 of 64 Split vs. Splitless Injection Technique - Summary SPLIT: SPLITLESS: -Best Injection Efficiency -Poor Injection efficiency -Less sensitive -solvent effect Prone to discrimination -Prone retention gap -retention -Proper liner choice more important -pressure pulse -Good for Trace level detection -Solvent/column polarity match more critical Page 54 of 64 What about the Mass Spec? • The sample prep has been optimized, ultra inert liners and columns are used, analyte protectants have been added, the injection parameters have been optimized…is there anything else? Fenitrothion Page 55 of 64 Source contamination voltage + + + + Page 56 of 64 Organic layer voltage + + + + + + EI - a dirty source is indicated by increased EM voltage after tune (~+400 V) Also look for 502 abundance CI – a dirty source will typically not tune Large filament and drawout plate hole to maximize flux of electrons into and ions out of the source Filament hole Tiny y filament and drawout p plate hole to maximize pressure of CI gases inside source Page 57 of 64 EI filament Loss in sensitivity in CI not always due to contaminated source. Filament sag is common and can result in signal loss. Use EI filament for CI analysis Page 58 of 64 CI filament When to do source maintenance Maintain a control chart (Levey-Jennings graph) of a known standard to monitor instrument performance. Do an injection everyday (weekly) and look for trends or outliers. Change inlet g source maintenance. liner first before doing CI is more prone to source contamination than EI Source/inlet maintenance ultimately up to cleanliness of samples! Page 59 of 64 New 7693A Automatic Liquid Sampling System New Injector with 16 Vi l Positions Vial P iti Page 60 of 64 New Tray with 150 Vi l Positions Vial P iti Sample Prep Programming Flexibility Sandwich injections ( up to 3 layers with air gap) • Examples of Simple liquid manipulation • ISTD addition • Reconstitution • Mixing (Requires Bar Code Reader / Heater/ Mixer option) • Dilution • Derivatization • In Vial Extraction Ambient H d Headspace Page 61 of 64 In-vial E t Extraction ti Small-Volume Sampling S li Derivitization Dilution Internal Standard Additi Addition Heating/Mixing Bar B Code C d Sample workbench extraction and purification of PCBs from waste oil Waste oil added to acid silica and SAX Add more hexane and internal standard Mix at 4000 RPM for 5 min Transfer to vial containing Silica Mix at 4000 RPM for 5 min Transfer to vial and inject Agilent publication 5990-9164EN Page 62 of 64 GC-MS/MS MRM TICs of 5 aliquots prepared by the workbench Workup and extraction is automated and FAST! Page 63 of 64 Summary/Conclusions • Garbage in/Garbage out – Sample Preparation extremely important – SPE gives cleanest extracts – Q QuEChERS EChERS gives i extracts t t that th t are just j t clean l enough h but b t is i ffast, t robust b t and d CHEAP! – Do NOT inject water into the GC – Backflush! B kfl h! • Use ultra-inert liners and columns whenever possible for best results – Matrix matching can resolve matrix induced enhancement problems – Use Analyte Protectants when possible • Injector Dynamics key to Good chromatography – Focus! Focus! Focus! – Solvent effect, cold trap, retention gap or pressure pulse for splitless focusing • Automation of common sample prep steps with the 7693A and workbench – increases productivity and decreases operator variability Page 64 of 64
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