Wilder PTSA “How To” Manual Property of Wilder Elementary. Please utilize this manual to assist you in chairing your project. You are welcome to customize this process to your liking. If you make any changes to the below, please update this manual electronically. Please return the electronic version to the VP’s of Volunteers at the end of your project. Thank you! Project Name: Vision & Hearing Current Chair: Deb Benton & Lori Cuchetto Prior Year Chair: Deb Benton & Lori Cuchetto Date of project: Late Sept or early Oct. Planning period: Mid-Sept. Number of volunteers needed: 15-20 Job’s of volunteers: See attached Vendor’s used if applicable: NA Budget: $5.00 for bottled water Prizes or incentives: Helpful hints: see attached Vision & Hearing Volunteer Responsibility Outline The district nurse will contact the V&H chair position, Kathy Conrad & Ann Yasui with all the specifics including the screening date in Sept or early October. Ann Yasui usually puts together a signup sheet for the teachers to chose their time slots (see attached). Once you have your date it’s time to find volunteers to help. There is usually a signup sheet during Wilder Open House/ Supply Sale day. If you don’t get approx. 15-20 people that way, then you should post a signup sheet next to the sign-in sheet in the office and/or post something on Parent Organizer. There is also a sheet for volunteers to help where needed, the VP of volunteers will have this information. I’ve attached organizational sheets used previously to indicate how many volunteers we had and how they were organized. The nurse may ask you to pick up the vision screens from one or two local schools. The nurse will set up the scoliosis signs in the bathroom for the 5th graders if screenings will be conducted, they were not last year. The day of the screening you will need a couple of volunteers to show up early to help you move all the tables and chairs out of the way in the library. The nurses will be there to help and to set up the machines. It helps to confirm a few people to stay and put the library back together afterward. It works well to move the library furniture the night before so the morning is strictly set up. Post a Vision & Hearing sign on the front library door, and an EXIT only sign on the back library door. This will help with the flow of traffic. Send an email reminder to all the volunteers confirming their volunteer time slot. Send them a reminder a week before as well as the day before. It works well to have the V&H chair act as the runner to get the classes in-line for vision. Volunteers that can’t stay the entire time are used to help direct the kids from one station to another or help fill in at the vision station if someone has to leave early. It’s always nice to have a few extra people on hand. As always, some just don’t show up or cancel last minute. It is helpful to have bottled water available, as some of the volunteers are there all day. Mr. Simmons no longer allows food or beverages in the library, so ideally it should be set up near to the VHS volunteers. The person taking the position should e-mail the district nurse at the beginning of the school year so she knows who to contact when the time comes to get rolling. HELP NEEDED! Additional volunteers to help with the Vision, Hearing and Scoliosis Screening are needed. No experience required! Thursday, October 11th, 8:45 AM – 1 PM (shifts available) Name E-mail 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Any questions please contact Deb Benton at sdcbenton@hotmail.com Phone Greetings Vision & Hearing Volunteers, We want to remind you of the V/H Screening this Thurs. October 8th. Below is a schedule of shifts, please plan to arrive 5 minutes early. If for some reason you cannot make your scheduled time, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make an adjustment to your time or find a replacement. Thank you again for volunteering your time to your school for the kids. Deb Benton & Lori Cuchetto Volunteer Screening Time Anka Foltz Hearing 8:50-11:00 Mimi Johnson Hearing 8:50-11:00 Nancy Hambacher Hearing 8:50-11:00 Stacie Jonson Hearing 8:50-11:00 Laurel O’Hanlon Hearing 8:50-11:00 Karen Bertheau Hearing 11:00-1:00 Jenay Hanson Hearing 11:00-1:00 Bonnie Poore Hearing 11:00-1:00 Nicole Matni Hearing 11:00-1:00 Lana Stein Vision 8:50-11:00 Erin Lawyer Vision 8:50-11:00 Lisa Roberts Vision All Day Michelle Heimendinger Vision 8:50-11:00 Julie Simpson Vision All Day Mark Mueller Eberstein Vision 8:50-11:00 Kristin Howard Vision 8:50-11:00 Carrie Steedly Vision 8:50-11:00 Silvia Bilger Vision 8:50-11:00 Erin Rippo Vision 8:50-11:00 Mary Ganz Vision 11:00-1:00 Shelly Torset Vision 11:00-1:00 Lisa Nichols Vision 11:00-1:00 Dian Williamson Vision 11:00-1:00 Rosanne Shay Vision 11:00-1:00 VISION AND HEARING TESTING DATE Time 9:04-9:14 9:14-9:24 9:24-9:34 9:34-9:44 9:44-9:54 9:54-10:04 10:04-10:14 10:14-10:24 10:24-10:34 10:34-10:44 10:44-10:54 10:54-11:04 11:04-11:14 11:14-11:24 11:24-11:34 11:34-11:44 11:44-11:54 11:54-12:04 12:04-12:14 12:14-12:24 12:24-12:34 12:34-12:44 12:44-12:54 12:54-1:04 Teacher Grade
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