The “Partner GuideBook” is a manual designed to help Fortinet resellers with every aspect of doing business with Fortinet on a day to day basis. HOW TO BE SUCCESSFUL WITH FORTINET? Version: September-December 2009 EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 1 D ear FortiPartner, This Partner Guidebook is dedicated to companies that have submitted their application through our online registration system and that have been accepted by our team. If you get this guidebook without being an official FortiPartner, we recommend you to submit your application to In order to fully enjoy benefits described in this document, you need to have a partner extranet access which is delivered and sent to you by email after acceptation of your application according to criteria related to your company and to our own channel structure in this area. The content of the Partner Guidebook complements - but doesn’t replace - the Fortinet Partner Program and the contract that has been agreed between you and Fortinet. This manual is not a legal document. We reserve the right to change parts of this guidebook at its discretion. You will be informed of such changes via email or via your Fortinet contact and we will publish updated versions of this manual on our partner extranet. We hope you will appreciate this guidebook, done for you, for your business, in order to be successful with Fortinet on a daily basis. For any question, we remain at your disposal with this email: Best regards, Channel and Marketing Team, EMEA EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 2 THE FORTIPARTNER GUIDELINE ................................................................................................................................................ 5 BE INFORMED OF FORTINET UPDATES...................................................................................................................................... 8 • • • • • • • PARTNER EXTRANET ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 FORTIGUARD CENTER: HTTP://WWW.FORTIGUARDCENTER.COM .....................................................................................8 NEW! FORTINET KNOWLEDGE CENTER: HTTP://KB.FORTICARE.COM ..............................................................................8 PARTNER NEWSLETTER ....................................................................................................................................................8 FORTITECH DIGEST ...........................................................................................................................................................8 FORTINET SALES PRESENTATIONS AND SALES TRAINING .................................................................................................9 DEDICATED PARTNER TOOLS ..........................................................................................................................................12 TRY FORTINET PRODUCTS AND SERVICES............................................................................................................................. 14 • • • • DEMO UNIT ......................................................................................................................................................................14 EVALUATION UNITS ..........................................................................................................................................................15 FORTIGUARD SUBSCRIPTION TRIAL.................................................................................................................................15 SOFTWARE AND PRODUCT EVALUATION TRIALS .............................................................................................................15 FOLLOW FORTINET ORDERING PROCESS .............................................................................................................................. 16 • • • EXPORT CONTROL RULES ...............................................................................................................................................17 FORTINET SERVICE SOLUTIONS DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................18 MANDATORY DATA ON YOUR PO .....................................................................................................................................18 FOLLOW FORTINET REGISTRATION PROCESS ...................................................................................................................... 21 • • • • • WARRANTY AND REGISTRATION OF SERVICES................................................................................................................21 FIRST TIME REGISTRATION AND CREATION OF A SUPPORT LOGIN ..................................................................................22 REGISTRATION OF A NEW PRODUCT ...............................................................................................................................23 REGISTRATION: ADD/RENEW A SUPPORT CONTRACT .....................................................................................................23 VIEW REGISTERED PRODUCTS AND SUPPORT INFORMATION .........................................................................................24 FOLLOW FORTINET RENEWAL PROCESS ............................................................................................................................... 25 • • RENEWAL PROCESS ........................................................................................................................................................25 ASSET TRACKING SYSTEM (ATS).....................................................................................................................................26 FORTINET POLICIES ................................................................................................................................................................... 31 • • • • • • • WARRANTY POLICY..........................................................................................................................................................31 REGISTRATION POLICY ....................................................................................................................................................31 DEMONSTRATION POLICY ................................................................................................................................................31 EVALUATION POLICY........................................................................................................................................................31 DEAD ON ARRIVAL POLICY (DOA) ....................................................................................................................................31 END OF LIFE PRODUCTS POLICY (EOL)............................................................................................................................31 HIGH AVAILABILITY/ CLUSTER POLICY .............................................................................................................................31 FORTINET CUSTOMER SUPPORT ............................................................................................................................................. 33 • • • • • • • • • • FORTIPARTNER TECHNICAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................33 L1 CUSTOMER SUPPORT DEFINITION ..............................................................................................................................33 P1, P2, P3, P4 DEFINITION ..............................................................................................................................................34 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 8X5 AND 24X7 FORTICARE CONTRACT ...................................................................................34 TICKET CREATION............................................................................................................................................................35 CUSTOMER SERVICE TICKET REQUIREMENTS.................................................................................................................36 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TICKET REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................36 RMA TICKET REQUIREMENTS...........................................................................................................................................37 DOA TICKET REQUIREMENTS ...........................................................................................................................................37 TROUBLESHOOTING TRAINING TICKET ............................................................................................................................37 RMA AND PREMIUM RMA SERVICES......................................................................................................................................... 38 • • RMA .................................................................................................................................................................................39 THE PREMIUM RMA SERVICES .........................................................................................................................................40 MARKETING & COMMUNICATION.............................................................................................................................................. 41 • PUBLIC RELATIONS / ANALYST RELATIONS GUIDELINES..................................................................................................42 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION...................................................................................................................................................... 43 • • • LIST OF TRAINING ............................................................................................................................................................43 EXAM SESSION LOCATION ...............................................................................................................................................45 LIST OF TRAINING ............................................................................................................................................................45 EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 3 • TRAINING SESSION LOCATION .........................................................................................................................................46 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 47 FAQ partner extranet ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 47 1. How do I access the partner extranet? ......................................................................................................................................................................... 47 2. How do others in my organization access the partner extranet? ................................................................................................................................. 47 3. How do I recover a lost partner password? .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 4. Do I have to use for opening a technical ticket? ........................................................................................................................ 47 5. Where can I find Marketing and Sales materials in the partner extranet? ................................................................................................................... 47 FAQ try Fortinet products and services..................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 6. What services do I have with a demo unit? .................................................................................................................................................................. 47 7. I would like to resell a demo unit to a customer as a standard unit, what is the procedure?....................................................................................... 47 8. What is the difference between an evaluation unit and a demonstration unit?............................................................................................................ 47 9. I would like to propose to my customer to evaluate a unit prior to the purchase. What is the procedure? ................................................................. 47 10. Can I try FortiGuard services? ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 11. Is it possible to try FortiClient?...................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 FAQ ordering process ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 12. Why respect of export control rules is important? ........................................................................................................................................................ 48 13. What do I have to do if I want to export Fortinet products?.......................................................................................................................................... 48 14. Where can I find manufacturer certification? ................................................................................................................................................................ 48 15. What are the mandatory requirements in a Purchase Order?...................................................................................................................................... 48 16. What product/services fit my customer needs? ............................................................................................................................................................ 48 FAQ renewal process and Asset Tracking System (ATS) ........................................................................................................................................................ 48 17. What is the renewal process within Fortinet? ............................................................................................................................................................... 48 18. What is the Asset Tracking System? ............................................................................................................................................................................ 48 19. How to access the ATS?............................................................................................................................................................................................... 48 20. Does an End User have to claim a unit in the ATS? .................................................................................................................................................... 48 21. How do I claim units for 1 customer in the ATS?.......................................................................................................................................................... 48 22. How do I claim units for different customers in the ATS?............................................................................................................................................. 48 24. How can I find all the claims I have already done in the ATS? .................................................................................................................................... 48 25. How do I find information on a Serial Number I claimed in the ATS? .......................................................................................................................... 49 26. How can I have an overview of my Up Coming Renewals in the ATS?....................................................................................................................... 49 27. How can I search units where I can do an UpSell or an UpGrade in the ATS?........................................................................................................... 49 28. How do I search info on a non claimed Unit in the ATS? ............................................................................................................................................. 49 29. How do I search info on a non claimed Contract in the ATS?...................................................................................................................................... 49 30. How can I know if an End User selected me as its partner for a unit I claimed in the ATS? ....................................................................................... 49 31. How can I manage the Warning Emails in the ATS?.................................................................................................................................................... 49 FAQ Fortinet policies ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 32. What is Fortinet warranty policy?.................................................................................................................................................................................. 49 33. What is Fortinet registration product and services policy? ........................................................................................................................................... 49 34. What is Fortinet demonstration policy?......................................................................................................................................................................... 49 35. What is Fortinet evaluation policy? ............................................................................................................................................................................... 50 36. What is a dead on arrival (DOA)? ................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 37. What is Fortinet end of life products policy (EOL)? ...................................................................................................................................................... 50 38. What is Fortinet HA (cluster) policy?............................................................................................................................................................................. 50 FAQ customer support .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 39. How do I access Product and Registration Documentation? ....................................................................................................................................... 50 40. How do I access and register for the Technical Forum? .............................................................................................................................................. 50 41. How to edit a User Profile? ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 50 42. How to recover a lost support password?..................................................................................................................................................................... 50 43. How do I change a support password? ........................................................................................................................................................................ 50 44. What is L1 support? ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 FAQ RMA................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 45. What is RMA number? .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 46. When can you ship defective to Fortinet?..................................................................................................................................................................... 51 47. Who pay what?.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 51 48. When shipment is done?............................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 49. How to declare defective unit?...................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 50. How to get an RMA for a spare part (Hard drive – power adapter)?............................................................................................................................ 51 51. When RMA can be refused?......................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 FAQ Training and certification ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 52. What is a PIN Code?..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 53. What are the benefits of being FCNSP?....................................................................................................................................................................... 52 54. How do I get certified FCNSP? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 52 55. I've lost my PIN Code, who can I contact? ................................................................................................................................................................... 52 57. Who can I contact for more information about training and certification? .................................................................................................................... 52 58. How do I keep my Certification Current? ...................................................................................................................................................................... 52 59. FCNSP FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0............................................................................................................................................................... 52 60. Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? ............................................................................................................................ 52 61. Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? ........................................................................................................................ 52 62. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? .................................................................................................................................................. 52 63. Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? .............................................................................................................................................................. 52 64. Do you have any self study courses? ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52 65. Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? ............................................................................................................................ 52 66. Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? ........................................................................................................................ 52 67. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? .................................................................................................................................................. 52 68. Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? .............................................................................................................................................................. 52 69. Do you have any self study courses? ........................................................................................................................................................................... 52 70. How do I register for a Fortinet course? ....................................................................................................................................................................... 52 71. How will I know my registration has been accepted for a course?............................................................................................................................... 52 72. How can I find hotels close to the course location I am attending? ............................................................................................................................. 53 73. How do I purchase an exam voucher and how much do they cost?............................................................................................................................ 53 74. How can I schedule an exam with a pre-purchased exam voucher?........................................................................................................................... 53 75. If I purchase an exam voucher and fail the test, can I retake the exam?..................................................................................................................... 53 76. Once I pass the exam, how long till I receive my certificate?....................................................................................................................................... 53 78. Is there a document outlining a course of study to prepare for the exam? .................................................................................................................. 53 79. Will I be able to see the questions that I got wrong on the exam? If so, will I be informed of the correct answers?................................................... 53 EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 4 THE FORTIPARTNER GUIDELINE WELCOME KIT Access to Fortinet's Secure Partner Extranet Portal Access to our online technical support interface Inscription to the bi-monthly email newsletter Updated releases of the Partner Guidebook Inclusion in the Partner Locator on the Fortinet Website (silver , gold, MSSP and FortiMail Specialist) Sales Benefits Requirements Discount on Fortinet Products Discount on Fortinet demo purchases Discount on Fortinet support and maintenance Access to support contract renewal annuity Sales training Provide end-users with pre-sales support Quarterly revenue commitment to be reached Support Benefits Requirements Free Troubleshooting Training for FCNSP Fortinet Certified Network System Professional Engineers (FCNSPs) on staff version4 .0 Direct access to our technical phone support through a PIN Code: Provide First Level Support: direct contact with each customer, handling all initial inquiries, identifying the component involved in the problem and obtaining appropriate documentation of such inquiry or problem. Should address and resolve inquiries relating to basic networking issues, configuration issues, issues with the product itself and all other basic issues - if you have the required number of FCNSPs - if the issue concerns a unit with a Forticare contract Priority on ticket on our online ticketing system through the Partner Extranet Marketing Benefits Requirements Involvement in customer testimonials License to post Fortinet logo on partner website Quarterly Business Review meetings Ability to use Fortinet logos in collateral Provide quarterly Business and Marketing plan Organize a defined number of marketing events per year dedicated to Fortinet sales Purchase Order Requirements Prior to selling, the reseller must clearly explain to any end-user: - the date of the initial shipment from Fortinet - that all services, including support, subscription and warranty services, will be forfeited if not registered with one year from that initial date Reseller must provide end-user data (Contact details, website and activity)) on each PO. Each renewal PO must mention the related serial number. Administrative Requirements Keep an accurate record of details of the end-users to which Fortinet products and services have been sold. Share these details with the Distributor (on ‘Purchase Orders’) and with the Fortinet renewal sales team Upon registration of the Fortinet products or services, register both the reseller and the end-user details at or advise the end-user to do so NOTE: Partner Locator: Only Distributor, Gold, Silver, MSSP and FortiMail Specialists are displayed on the partner locator. The logo “Fortinet Certified” is shown on the partner locator, once the partner has the required number of FCNSPs (certified engineers) on site. The logo “FortiMail Specialist” is dedicated to resellers who are committed to our FortiMail product range. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 5 EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 6 Keep Forti-Updated FAQ Partner Extranet How do I access the partner extranet? Login information (user name and password) to access the partner extranet is provided via email once your company has been accepted to join the FortiPartner Program. The welcome email is sent to the person in your organization who sent the application online through This individual will be considered the primary contact for the partner organization unless otherwise requested after the initial sign-up. How do I recover a lost partner password? Send an email to The primary contact for each partner can add additional associates in their organization for access to the Fortinet partner extranet. Where can I find Marketing and Sales materials in the partner extranet? In the section “sales tools”, you will find updated presentations, quick datasheets, FAQs and all brochures about our range of products. If you would like to have more information on these materials, you can send an email to How do others in my organization access the partner extranet? All personnel in your organization are eligible to access the partner extranet and can be issued a user name and password providing them with access to all the information they need for doing business with Fortinet and growing your revenues. To add an individual or individuals the primary contact within the organization simply goes to the “Add Associates” link of the partner extranet and adds each individual assigning them their user name and password, or just the user name and the system will create the password. Each associate will receive a welcome email with their assigned user name and password for the partner extranet. Associates will not have the tab for adding new individuals unless they are edited to be a primary contact. If you would like to change primary contacts within your organization, please email us at Do I have to use for opening a technical ticket? Yes. As a partner, the only way to have priority in the treatment of your tickets is to open a technical ticket via This is highly recommended. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 7 BE INFORMED OF FORTINET UPDATES In order to assist you in your sales and marketing efforts and to help with your technical commitments, Fortinet provides several tools: PARTNER EXTRANET Your partner login provides access to: • Customer support • Sales tools • The latest industry research and reports • Competitive analysis • Datasheets on our products • The Fortinet knowledge Base The Fortinet partner extranet is located at The extranet contains information and documentation that you can use in your sales and marketing efforts. The site is password protected with your login information being sent to you via email once your online application has been accepted. If you or any of your sales associates have not received your login username and password, contact us at so that we can assist you. FORTIGUARD CENTER: HTTP://WWW.FORTIGUARDCENTER.COM GET NEW ARTICLE UPDATES USING RSS ! Click on to obtain the link for automatic updates on new and updated articles from the Fortinet knowledge center. All Fortinet knowledge center content is completely searchable. If you are looking for a specific topic, use the ‘Search’ and ‘Advanced Search’ tools to quickly locate the information you need. If you have any comments on how the knowledge center can serve you better (article ideas, usability), please send your suggestions to the administrator: PARTNER NEWSLETTER To receive the latest NEW! FORTINET KNOWLEDGE CENTER: HTTP://KB.FORTICARE.COM press releases, product announcements and information on upcoming events, please subscribe to our EMEA newsletter by sending an email to emea_partners@for FORTITECH DIGEST The new KB definitely simplifies and quickens access to Fortinet’s technical knowledge with content that can be made available globally within seconds and a powerful natural language search engine, which facilitates the retrieval of relevant information from the mass of documents that are published within Fortinet. We also have a single email alias available for all questions relating to the KB: EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 8 FORTINET SALES PRESENTATIONS AND SALES TRAINING In the section “Sales Tools”… Brochures Print Version - BRO103 Product Matrix R19 - High-res PDF - Oct 2009 Network Security Consolidation EMEA (English) - Sep 2009 FortiMail Unique Email Security for ISP - Jul 2009 FortiOS Carrier 4.0 Software Brochure - May 2009 FortiOS 4.0 Software Brochure FortiGuard Achievements Annual - Jan 2009 Premium RMA (Advance Replacement) - Oct 2008 Fast & Secure Informer Fortinet Vulnerability Assessment (VA) eBrochure Fortinet Payment Card Industry (PCI) eBrochure Fortinet Professional Services Premium RMA 4 Hour OSE 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Premium RMA 4 Hour Courier 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Premium RMA Next Day Delivery 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Premium RMA Overview 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Network Audit Report 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Integration Services 7/31/2008 Fortinet Professional Services Overview 7/31/2008 FAQ FortiMail FAQ - Mar 2009 FortiManager FAQ - Feb 2009 FortiAnalyzer FAQ - August 2009 FortiGate-310B FAQ - Aug 2009 FortiGate/FortiWiFi-30B FAQ - Jul 2009 FortiGate-1000A-thru-3810A - Mar 2008 Tolly Group Test: FortiMail 100 vs. Barracuda 200 FAQ FortiGate Firewall FAQ FortiGuard Web Filtering FAQ FortiGate-200 thru -800 FortiGate-50 thru -100 FAQ Presentations EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 9 40 Minutes - Application Control (PPT) - Oct 2009 40 Minutes - WAN Optimization (PPT) - Oct 2009 FortiMail Family (with FML-5001A) Sales Presentation - Oct 09 Fortinet Corporate PPT Template - Sept 2009 FortiClient Endpoint Security Sales Presentation - Sept 2009 FortiGate-82C Sales Presentation - Aug 2009 FortiGate-310B Sales Presentation - Aug 2009 FortiOS 4.0 Key Features Support Matrix - Jul 2009 FortiDB Database Security Presentation - Sept 2008 9/2/2008 FortiGate-310B Product Training 7/30/2008 Network Security Virtualization Presentation - June 2008 7/30/2008 FortiGate-310B Sales Presentation - Apr 2008 7/17/2008 FortiGate-200-through-800F Series - Aug 2006 7/10/2008 FortiGate-50 thru -100 Sales Presentation - Jul 2007 7/10/2008 Network Security Consolidation (45-60 Min Presentation) - May 2008 6/25/2008 Network Security Consolidation - Cost Analysis - Jun 2008 6/3/2008 FortiManager Sales Presentation - Mar 2008 4/7/2008 FortiGate-1000A thru -3800A Sales Presentation - Mar 2008 3/17/2008 FortiAnalyzer Sales Presentation - Feb 2008 2/13/2008 Quick Selling Sheets FortiMail - Mar 2009 FortiGate-620B QSS - 9/10/2008 FortiDB QSS - 9/2/2008 FortiGate-310B - 7/17/2008 FortiGate-310B/1000A/3810A Comparison - 6/19/2008 FortiGate-5000 Series QSS - 5/29/2008 FortiGate-1000A-thru-3800A - 5/22/2008 FortiMail QSS - 4/25/2008 FortiManager - 4/14/2008 FortiAnalyzer - 9/11/2007 FortiGate-3000 Series Comparison -8/23/2007 FortiGate-50 thru -100 - 7/11/2007 White papers Application Control Solution Guide ICSA Labs PCI Report on FortiGate - Jul 2009 Real Time Network Protection for Education Malicious Code Detection - Jan 2009 NERC Utilities White Paper - Jan 2009 Accelerating UTM with Specialized Hardware 7/16/2008 Simplified GLBA Compliance 7/10/2008 Rapid PCI Compliance & Security for Large Retailers 7/10/2008 Network-Based Security Requires Firewall, IPS and AV 7/10/2008 Beyond UTM: The Value of a Purpose-Built Network Security Platform 7/10/2008 Unifying Your Threat Management Practice 7/10/2008 Benefits of Network Security Consolidation White Paper 7/10/2008 Tools Kits FortiGate-5000 Sales Toolkit - 9/11/2008 FortiGate-620B Sales Toolkit - 9/10/2008 FortiDB Database Security Sales Toolkit - 9/3/2008 FortiGate-310B Sales Toolkit - 8/19/2008 FortiMail Sales Toolkit - 4/25/2008 FortiManager Sales Toolkit - 4/14/2008 FortiClient PC & FortiClient Mobile - 3/18/2008 FortiGate-1000A thru -3810A - 3/17/2008 FortiGuard Analysis and Management Service - 2/15/2008 FortiAnalyzer Sales Toolkits - 2/13/2008 EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 10 In the section Sales Training… In order to access our Sales Training Online presentations, please enter into the partner extranet with your login and click on “Sales Certification Training” under the Training section. We recommend all our partners to follow these training in order to familiarize with our range of products. • • • • FCSA training modules are available for any reseller approved via our Click Through System FCSA training modules are available whenever your schedule permits – and allow you to move at your own pace Each module ranges from 15 to 30 minutes in length and includes a short 5 question quiz at the end By passing with a score of 80% or better, you will automatically receive a certificate of completion for that module. You will be able to follow online presentations about: FortiOS 4.0 Overview This webinar will introduce the new features and value behind the new FortiOS 4.0. WAN Optimization, Application Control, SSL Inspection, and Data Leakage Prevention capabilities, benefits, and examples will all be covered. Introducing the FortiWeb-1000B This module will provide an introduction and overview of the FortiWeb Web Security Appliance. Introduction to the FortiGate-30B This module will provide a brief overview of the FortiGate-30B UTM appliance. This training module provides a product overview, product positioning, and competitive analysis for the FortiGate30B. Introducing Premium RMA This module provides an overview of the three-level of Premium RMA available in all regions -- 4-hour On-site Engineer, 4-hour Courier Deliver, and Next Day Delivery. This service is ideal for customers who need rapid response and guaranteed service levels. Benefits of Network Security Consolidation This module introduces partners to Fortinet's Network Security Consolidation messaging. View it to learn how Fortinet solutions improve security, maximize return on investment, and reduce network security footprint (physical and carbon). Fortinet Product Overview New to Fortinet? This brief but informative product overview is designed to quickly familiarize you with the Fortinet product portfolio. FortiGate-110C Introduction This sales training module introduces the FortiGate-110C SOHO/SMB appliance. This training module provides a product overview, product positioning, and competitive analysis for the FortiGate-110C. FortiGate-620B Sales Training This sales training module introduces the FortiGate-620B midrange appliance and provides a product overview, product positioning, and competitive analysis. The New and Improved FortiGate-224B This sales training module introduces the newly improved FortiGate-224B mid-range appliance. This training module provides a product overview, product positioning, and competitive analysis for the FortiGate-224B; and explains how the new model differs from the older one. FortiGate-310B Sales Training This sales training module introduces the FortiGate-310B midrange appliance. This training module provides a product overview, product positioning, and competitive analysis for the FortiGate310B. ICSA Labs - Overview Al Potter, Senior Consulting Analyst with ICSA Labs, provides an introduction to ICSA Labs and their various security-related certification and assurance programs. In this session, you will gain an appreciation for the reasons Fortinet has chosen to partner with ICSA Labs, which is primarily to assure customers that Fortinet products meet or exceed the capabilities of competitive products. When and how to sell FortiMail Learn how to easily upsell FortiMail into your new and existing FortiGate customer accounts! This webinar will provide an overview of the FortiMail product line and how to effectively position the product in sales scenarios. Leveraging Renewal Tracking Learn how to leverage the new and improved Renewal Tracking tool to your benefit. This module provides you with a step-by-step introduction to the tool and how best to leverage it for your success. Positioning Fortinet Solutions for PCI Compliance This presentation will provide an overview of the PCI requirements and show how Fortinet solutions help achieve compliance. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 11 DEDICATED PARTNER TOOLS Shipping PO TRACKING TOOL Know status of your order in few clicks. Check shipping date, mailing address etc Distributors only Channel info Support Contract Training Technical Support Virus Update Trials PARTNER LOCATOR Visibility of our Gold, Silver,MSSP and FortiMail Specialist Partners and Certified Partners on our public website. Distributors, resellers, end users EMEA Reseller list Check partnership, certification, status of our partners Distributors only S/N Query Check support contract status in one click Distributors and Reseller Asset Tracking Tool Manage your renewal assets in order to optimize your upcoming revenues. Resellers only Sales Training Online Train and educate yourself when and where you want on our new products and features. Distributors and Resellers Campus online Direct access to course descriptions, availability, schedules, and locations of training programs m/ Knowledge Base Simplifies and quickens access to Fortinet’s technical knowledge. Ticketing system Get priority on ticket answers by opening your ticket via partner extranet. Distributors and resellers FortiGuard center Important news, information, and commentary on the security threat landscape Trial Downloads FortiClient Mobile Security for Symbian OS & Window Mobile FortiClient PC Enterprise Edition FortiClient PC Enterprise Edition x64 (64 bit OS) Test the security of your database with a free FortiDB 14day trial. Scan your phone for specific mobile malware with FortiCleanUp for Symbian _center/product_demos.html Interactive Web-Based Product Demos FortiAnalyzer Interactive Web-based Demo FortiDB Interactive Web-based Product Demo FortiGate Interactive Web-based Demo FortiMail Interactive Web-based Demo FortiManager Interactive Web-based Demo Marketing Fortistore Buy any brochures, goodies in an easy to use online FortiShop. Distributors only Presentations, Sales tool kits Download all our sales presentations for your own use EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 12 FAQ Try Fortinet products and services What services do I have with a demo unit? All demo units come complete with Fortinet’s 8X5 FortiCare (support and maintenance) and FortiGuard services for 12 months from the time of shipment. These services are automatically activated upon unit registration. For more information, please refer to the section called ‘Services available with a demo unit’. I would like to resell a demo unit to a customer as a standard unit, what is the procedure? You can resell a demo unit 12 months after the original shipping date. Upon the resale of any demo unit, you must notify Fortinet and services will be deactivated. Please send an email to specifying the serial number of the unit and contact details of your customer. After resale, support, maintenance and subscriptions will have to be purchased as renewals by your customer. Can I try FortiGuard services? Yes. The trial period can be arranged online at Enter login and password, select ‘View Products’ and choose the unit you would like to trial the services on during a one month period. Then click on ‘Try It’. Is it possible to try FortiClient? Please visit the website ( 30) to obtain an evaluation copy of FortiClient. What is the difference between an evaluation unit and a demonstration unit? A demo unit is purchased and owned by the reseller. An evaluation unit is owned by Fortinet. Fortinet can make evaluation unit available for identified project for a limited period of time, after which the unit must be returned to Fortinet. I would like to propose to my customer to evaluate a unit prior to the purchase. What is the procedure? You must contact your Fortinet contact and submit your demand. After approval, you or your customer will sign an evaluation agreement. The evaluation agreement includes the term of the evaluation period and a statement that if the unit is not returned to Fortinet within 10 days after the expiration of the term, if not extended, you will be responsible for payment of the full list price of the unit(s). For more information, please refer to the section ‘Evaluation units’. Try Fortinet products and services through: Demo units Evaluation unit FortiGuard subscription trials Software and product evaluation trials EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 13 TRY FORTINET PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DEMO UNIT Your distributor can offer resellers that have signed a contract with Fortinet, the possibility to purchase demonstration equipment through a specific program which provides a special discount on units purchased specifically for demonstration purposes. Services on demo units are provided for free for 1 year. IMPORTANT: Units which were not originally purchased as demo units cannot be converted into demo units after the original purchase. • - Purchase restrictions Eligible products: This program applies to FortiGate & FortiWIFI FireWall/VPN, FortiAnalyzer, FortiDB, FortiMail, FortiManager, FortiScan and FortiWeb hardware products purchased as demonstration (“ Demo”) units only. Unless otherwise specified in a duly authorized and signed agreement between you and Fortinet, the following quantity restrictions shall apply: Products FG-30 series through FG110 series FG-200 series through FG-5000 series FortiAnalyzer, FortiDB, FortiMail, FortiManager, FortiScan and FortiWeb products MSSP core infrastructure and/or revenue product orders Quantity restrictions 10 units every 12 months • Services available with a demo unit All demo units come complete with Fortinet’s 8X5 FortiCare (support and maintenance) and FortiGuard services for 12 months from the time of shipment. These services are automatically activated upon unit registration. For all units: FortiCare and FortiGuard: No extension of services for free. This policy applies to new purchases and demo units already registered. FortiGuard services of registered demo units that arrive at the term of 12 months will have to be renewed. Please contact your distributor for a quotation. • Resale of a demo unit You can resell a demo unit 12 months after the original ship date. Upon the resale of any demo unit, you must notify Fortinet at and services will be deactivated. At the time of resale, no additional subscriptions or services will be attached to the unit. After resale, support, maintenance and subscriptions will have to be purchased as renewals by your customer. Upon sale of a demo unit, you will be credited towards your allocated quantities. 5 units every 12 months 5 units every 12 months Do not qualify • Discounts Applicable program discounts can be stated in a signed agreement between you and Fortinet or outlined within the FortiPartner Program. Please contact your distributor for more information. Failure to notify Fortinet of the resale of a demo unit shall be considered a breach of the terms and conditions of this program policy. As a result of a breach, Fortinet shall be entitled to invoice you for all service extensions on the unreported and re-sold unit as well as the cost differential between the demo unit and non-demo unit sales prices. • - - Additional program rules for Fortinet resellers All purchases of demo units are final Fortinet reserves the right to amend, modify, suspend, cancel or terminate this program at any time without notice You cannot combine this demo program with any other Fortinet offer or promotion All claims are subject to review and approval by Fortinet. • How to order a demo unit? As a reseller, please contact your distributor and ask for a quotation for the purchase of a demo unit. In your purchase order, please clearly indicate ’demo unit.’ • How to register a demo unit? Products purchased as demo unit, will be automatically recorded as demo units in our system prior to the shipping. Please register as usual the unit, but this time under your name. For an optimal management of your demo unit, we recommend that you specify ‘demo’ in the ‘Product description’ field. For more information on “how to register an unit.” If a unit is not purchased, or used as a demo unit, no free services or extensions of services can be granted. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 14 EVALUATION UNITS ONLY FOR IDENTIFIED PROJECTS: Evaluation units are destined to resellers that have an identified project with a prospect, which would like to evaluate Fortinet products prior to purchase. The evaluation unit is delivered under certain conditions, validated by your Fortinet local representative. - - - - • Policy overview Fortinet may decide to let you or the end-user have the usage of an evaluation unit for 30 days (“Term”). Upon expiration of the Term, the ‘Evaluator’ must either return the unit or purchase it. The initial 30 days term may be extended for an additional 30 days. The total Term cannot be longer than 90 days. Evaluation order process • Evaluation agreement: Prior to the release of any evaluation unit, you or your customer must sign an evaluation agreement. FORTIGUARD SUBSCRIPTION TRIAL Anti-Virus - Web content filtering – IPS – Anti-Spam If a customer has registered a unit without services: It has the possibility to try one of all of the FortiGuard services for one month. If the customer has already registered units and has subscribed to only some of the FortiGuard services: It can try the other services for 1 month. The trial period can be arranged online at Enter login and password, select ‘View Products’ and choose the unit you would like to trial the services on. Then click on ‘Try It’. A customer can try services only once. If the customer wants to purchase extensions to this trial, please contact your distributor. The evaluation agreement includes: o The term of the evaluation period. o A statement that if the unit is not returned to Fortinet within 10 days after the expiration of the term, you will be responsible for payment of the full list price of the unit(s). • Services The following services will be activated upon shipment of an evaluation unit and will expire at the end of the evaluation term: o 24x7 Advanced Hardware Replacement o Firmware upgrade o Web support o Anti-Virus FortiGuard subscription o Anti-Spam FortiGuard subscription o Content Filtering FortiGuard subscription o IPS FortiGuard subscription SOFTWARE AND PRODUCT EVALUATION TRIALS Available in Trial Downloads FortiClient Mobile Security for Symbian OS & Window Mobile FortiClient PC Enterprise Edition FortiClient PC Enterprise Edition x64 (64 bit OS) Test the security of your database with a free FortiDB 14day trial. Scan your phone for specific mobile malware with FortiCleanUp for Symbian Interactive Web-Based Product Demos FortiAnalyzer Interactive Web-based Demo FortiDB Interactive Web-based Product Demo FortiGate Interactive Web-based Demo FortiMail Interactive Web-based Demo FortiManager Interactive Web-based Demo The online interface is available 24/7, 365 days/year for FortiGate, FortiManager, FortiAnalyzer. Login: demo Password: name of the product EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 15 FOLLOW FORTINET ORDERING PROCESS FAQ Ordering Process Why respect of export control rules is important? • • • • • There are stiff civil and criminal penalties for U.S. and foreign parties violating U.S. export laws Criminal penalties for willful violations currently include possibility of imprisonment for 20 years and fines of up to $1 million per violation or twice the value of the export, whichever is greater Civil penalties can include significant fines and/or loss of export privileges Collateral effects of violations can result in adverse publicity, exclusion from participation in U.S. Government contracts, and restrictions on export/importing into and out of the United States Violations of laws, regulations, rules and orders may subject the violator (you) to individual criminal or civil liability What are the mandatory requirements in a Purchase Order? In order to facilitate a smooth ordering process, where possible, the details below need to be provided to your distributors. In all PO, please mention: • Your reseller name, Billing address, Shipping address, Contact person • Product description - Product code • Quantity • Unit price • Discount applicable • End-user details: contact person name, address, website, phone (if no website, the line of business) • Name of the promotion if applicable For a contract renewal PO, thanks to add the serial number of the unit For a FortiClient PO, thanks to refer to this section for more details For a Cluster PO, thanks to refer to our HA policy in the following pages What product/services fit my customer needs? In the section “Fortinet service solutions description”, you will find a recap of our services and products. For more information, your distributor is here to help you in your ordering process. What is the FortiClient ordering process? We recommend you to carefully follow the communicated in the section “Ordering a FortiClient”. instructions EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 16 EXPORT CONTROL RULES As a FortiPartner, you are responsible for exporting/importing Fortinet products in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, and applicable local/foreign regulations. Factors, such as the specific product, end-user, end-use and country of ultimate destination, may affect the export licensing requirements. You are urged to consult the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, the Bureau of Industry & Security’s Export Counseling Division, Customs, and other appropriate resources such as an attorney or consultant specializing in trade compliance before exporting/importing Fortinet’s products. Please direct any inquiries to For additional information, please visit Fortinet's Partner Extranet, Global Trade Compliance section under “Notes and other Tools” at: I. Fortinet does not sell to Embargoed/Sanctioned/Terrorist supporting countries which are currently: 1. Cuba 2. Iran 3. Liberia 4. Myanmar (Burma) 5. North Korea 6. Sudan 7. Syria 8. Zimbabwe NOTE: Although no longer embargoed Libya and Iraq are still highly sensitive and orders require GTC review. Countries listed above may have broad or narrow sanctions which must be reviewed. III. Government end-users – Contact your trade compliance personnel for Government end-user orders outside of the EU “license free zone” which is: Austria, Australia, Belgium, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and United Kingdom. II. “Sensitive” countries--Contact your trade compliance personnel regarding business prospects to review regulatory requirements and avoid unnecessary delays: 1. China 2. Hong Kong 3. India 4. Iraq 5. Israel 6. Pakistan 7. Russia NOTE: You’ll note that this list contains some countries wherein you may currently do business. Categorization as “sensitive” doesn’t mean that you cannot or do not sell to these countries. It’s just that there may be additional licensing requirements depending on who the end-user or what the end-use is in these countries. That’s why we highly encourage you to contact your trade compliance personnel or Fortinet’s Global Trade Compliance Department as soon as you are exploring a new business prospect so that any export regulatory issues can be addressed early in the deal cycle. Purchase of Fortinet’s strong encryption products by government end-users outside of the EU “license free zone” requires that our Partner’s obtain an export license. A government end-user is any foreign (Non-U.S.) central, regional, or local government department, agency or other entity performing governmental functions; including governmental research institutions, governmental corporations or their separate business units… IV. Proliferation Controls - Avoid unnecessary delays, and contact your trade compliance personnel regarding all prospective orders destined for End-Users involved in designing, developing, producing, stockpiling or supporting activities in: 1. 2. 3. 4. Chemical or biological weapons Nuclear weapons or Power plants Missiles Defense/Military An export license is required before you can legally sell to entities involved in these lines of business. In many cases there is a presumption of denial for export licensing in these categories. Special note for low-encryption product FortiGate LENC hardware and upgrade keys We would like to remind our partners that the option to upgrade to high encryption is time bound and will expire 9 months after the original LENC hardware shipping date and that all sales are final. This applies equally to stocking orders. Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom Additionally, local export/import regulations must also be complied with. FortiGate LENC Product FortiGate LENC (Low Encryption) hardware product is classified for export under U.S. ECCN: 5AA02 - ENC Unrestricted to government end users. It is a viable alternative to avoid application for U.S. and/local export licenses for government end users when strong crypto features are not needed. Please refer to the FortiGate LENC FAQ available on for more details related to the LENC product and LENC License Upgrade Keys and for general information on U.S. export controls. We recommend you also to consult with your licensed customs broker, an import/export attorney, or local government customs and export authorities for export and import regulation specific to your country. For Bundle Renewal, FortiCare and FortiGuard options please use the SKU and pricing for the Non LENC models. FortiGate LENC Licence Upgrade Key FortiGate LENC license upgrade keys allow user to upgrade the crypto features on LENC hardware product to strong crypto. A U.S. Export license for the Upgrade Key IS REQUIRED under U.S. Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”) for most government end-users to upgrade their LENC hardware product with strong encryption. Unless located in the following “EU License free zone” countries under EAR encryption regulations: Australia, Austria, Beligum, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Important Note: Although Fortinet has attempted to provide accurate information in these materials, Fortinet assumes no legal responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information. Please note that no Fortinet statements herein constitute or contain any legally binding representation. All materials contained in this publication are subject to change without notices, and Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise this publication without notice. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 17 FORTINET SERVICE SOLUTIONS DESCRIPTION FORTICARE CONTRACT Content Filtering Anti-Spam IPS Anti-Virus VPN Traffic Management 24X7 Phone Support P1-P2 24x7 Advanced Hardware Replacement (NBD) 8X5 Email Support Firmware Upgrades 24x7 Comprehensive FortiCare 8X5 Hardware Return and Replace (3 days) Premium Complete Content Protection Bundle Premium Complete Content Protection Bundle Hardware Premium Bundle Upgrade to st 24x7 1 year Hardware Premium Bundle Upgrade to st 24x7 1 year 8x5 Enhanced FortiCare Product Model ♦ = MIN 12 months of Service Contract FORTIGUARD SERVICES NEW ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ FortiGate ♦ ♦ ♦ - - - - ♦ FortiMail ♦ ♦ ♦ - - - - ♦ FortiGate ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - - ♦ FortiMail ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - - ♦ - All products ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ - - - - All products ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - - - - ♦ - ♦ ♦ Your contact for ordering product is your Distributor MANDATORY DATA ON YOUR PO Mandatory data on the Purchase Order (PO) are: Unit serial number Product description Quantity Your company EndUser details List Price Hardware - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Bundle - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Cluster - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ - ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Order : FortiGuard/Fo rtiCare services FortiGuard/Fo rtiCare renewals Demo To facilitate a smooth ordering process, where possible, these details need to be provided by resellers to their distributors. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • reseller name billing address shipping address contact person product description product code quantity unit price discount applicable end-user details: contact person name, address, website, (if no website, the line of business) phone name of the promotion if applicable All POs for contract renewals must include the serial number of the related units. All POs must include end user information (name, address, website , activity) as specified in the export control rules section. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 18 Ordering a FortiClient Licenses have variable sizing, charged on a per-seat basis. In order to receive appropriate discount pricing, it is important that the correct SKU be used. ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Individual Licenses Individual licenses may be purchased using the 1-seat SKU for FortiClient PC End Point Security. If multiple individual licenses are required, indicate the number required by using the quantity field. If an order line contains the single seat SKU and a quantity of 27, the customer will receive 27 individual license keys. Volume Licenses Volume licenses may be purchased using any of the other FortiClient PC End Point Security SKUs. In this model, purchasing a quantity of 27 using the SKU for 25-99 seats will result in a single license key allowing the customer to use FortiClient on 27 computers. If for some reason a customer requires multiple distinct license keys, use separate lines on the order form. Each line on the order form will result in a unique license key being generated. Increasing Licensed Seat Count In order to increase the seat count for a license, an “upgrade” must be purchased along with a renewal for support and service: If the upgrade is done upon renewal of the existing license, the customer must order the desired seat count increase using the upgrade SKU as well as a renewal for the new total seat count for the license. If the upgrade is done mid-contract, the customer must order the desired seat count increase using the upgrade SKU as well as a co-term renewal for only the new seat count for support and service through to the end of the existing contract. Decreasing Licensed Seat Count In order to decrease the seat count for a license, the customer may simply purchase a renewal sized for their desired seat count. Note that if the customer wishes to increase their seat count again in the future, they may do so with a simple renewal. Only if they exceed their previous maximum licensed seat count will they be required to follow the instructions above for increasing their licensed seat count. MIGRATION INSTRUCTIONS All existing customers are in the situation of holding licenses purchased under the current licensing scheme and will have to follow a migration path to move from the old licensing model to the new model. The migration paths are as follows: Customers holding a single license key may simply renew them using the correct SKU for their license size, ordering a quantity that matches their license size or that is smaller. Should they wish to increase the license size, the instructions above for increasing seat count must be followed. Customers holding multiple license keys may renew the licenses separately using the standard renewal process. Customers holding multiple license keys who wish to combine them into a single license key must ask their representative to have their license keys merged. All license keys to be merged must share the same expiry date. Any with differing expiry dates will have to be renewed using co-term licensing in order to align the expiry dates. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 19 FAQ Registration What is the procedure after an RMA? You or your customer MUST NOT register the new unit, but go to: Enter Login and password View products Select the serial number Click on ‘add registration’ RMA Replacement: enter the NEW serial number What to do if a unit is already registered? You must open a ticket. As a Partner: Go to: Click on “Partner” and then click on ‘Partner log in’ Enter your ‘user name’ and ‘password’ On ‘Customer Support’ area, click on ‘Online Ticket’ In the ticket, please provide a screenshot of the GUI of this serial number in order to check if we have the correct one. We will reply to you shortly. What to do if licenses of a unit have already started? In this case, you must contact your distributor and ask for a quotation for monthly contracts. Beginning dates cannot be changed. How to request the transfer of a unit? You must open a ticket. As a Partner: Go to: Click on ‘Partner’, and then click on ‘Partner log in’ Enter your ‘user name’ and ‘password’ On “Customer Support” area, click on ‘Online Ticket’ How know when I must renew contracts? You can use the tool ‘View Products’ in You will receive a reminder email 90, 60 and 30 days before expiration date. How to add Sub-Accounts? Under your existing support account, you can add subaccounts for other people to access your account and view the registration information. ‘Create Sub-Accounts’ Connect to with your login Select ‘My Profile’. Select ‘Edit Profile Enter the required information; choose ‘Full Access’ or ‘Limited Access’, and click ‘Add If you selected ‘Limited Access’, check the units that the new login should have access to, and click ‘Add’ How to update/delete a Sub-Account? Connect to with your login Select ‘My Profile’ Select ‘Edit Profile’ Click on the sub-account that is to be deleted Scroll down the bottom of the page to update the changes, reset the password, or delete the additional login In the ticket, we need the approval from the account owner to transfer the unit. Please mention the new email account the unit does have to be transferred to. How to add a unit on my existing account? Enter log in and password in Click on ‘add registration’ Click on “here” on the First paragraph (named: ‘New Fortinet Product/License Registration’) Select the ‘product Model’ of the serial number Enter the serial number you have to register On ‘Support contract number’ enter the license number if any ‘Product Description’ is a free field Click on ‘Next’ Use to: Add, view, change registration Add or renew support contract for products Change your support login Use the knowledge center, registration help… How to register a Bundle? Register your unit, and the services contracts will be automatically activated. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 20 FOLLOW FORTINET REGISTRATION PROCESS WARRANTY AND REGISTRATION OF SERVICES Customers have 12 months-services from the date of shipment by Fortinet to register the unit. Once registered, the warranty starts from the registration date and includes the following free services: • • • 1 year of hardware return and repair service 3 months of firmware updates 3 months of web support If you need to know the shipment date from Fortinet to the distributor, we recommend you to use the tool in the Partner Extranet called “ Look up ship date”, located in the “ Customer and support services” section. Registration of unit and warranty Warranties are only valid for products which have been registered with Fortinet. All registration information is stored in the Fortinet Customer Support database. All information is strictly confidential. Fortinet does not share this information with any third party for any reason. Registration of services policy EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 21 FIRST TIME REGISTRATION AND CREATION OF A SUPPORT LOGIN As a FortiPartner, you can register units/services on behalf of your customers. Each time, the end-user name and contact details must be registered. Fortinet may decide to refrain from providing any support in the event units or services are not registered under the (correct) end-users’ name and contact details. We recommend you register the units under your customer’s name and create a sub-account for yourself. 2 possibilities: 1- End-user registers the units itself Your end-users can register their units and their service contracts themselves online at We remind you that end-users should turn to the reseller for support. 2- Recommended: You register the units under your customer’s name and create a sub-account for you (or your end-users register the units under its name and create a sub-account for you) If you need to open, view or monitor a ticket related to a unit managed by you, use Registration of the unit under your customer’s name Your customer can register the unit itself and then create a sub-account for you: you will then receive an email with your login. You can register the unit under your customer’s name (be sure to have all the information required) and then create a sub-account for you. 4. Select the Product Model. For a first time registration, please collect the information below: • Contact information First and Last name - Company name Email address (to which personal username and password are sent) - Mailing address - Contact phone number • Security question and answer This information is used for password recovery. The security question should be a simple question that only the end-user knows the answer to. • Model and serial numbers for all products The serial number is on the label on the bottom of the Fortinet hardware product. On FortiGate units the end-user can also view the serial number from the web-based manager by going to System > Status or from the CLI using the get system status command. • Support contract number (if necessary) The support contract number (12-digit) for the Fortinet products being registered Please consider that during the procedure described below, you are the one who registers the unit. 1. Connect to and click on ‘Support’ then ‘Product registration’ 2. Enter contact information of your customer in the product registration form. Please do not enter your own information instead of the customer name as this may lead to problems in the event of an RMA 5. Enter the ‘Serial Number’. 6. If your customer has purchased a support contract for this Fortinet product, enter the ‘Support Contract Number’. If any, continue step 7. 7. Enter a ‘Product Description’, the location or other identifying information about the unit, as a reminder if it has multiple units. 8. Choose your name in the drop down list. 9. Select ‘Next’. An alert appears if a support contract number was not entered 10. Read the service agreement and select ‘Agree’ to continue. 11. The ‘Product Registration Acknowledgment’ page appears. The unit is now registered. Creation of the support login The Fortinet support username and password will be sent to the email address provided with the contact information. Creation of a sub-account You must now create a sub-account for you in order to manage tickets and accounts. 1. Select ‘My Profile’ on the side bar. 2. Select ‘Edit Profile’. 3. Enter the required information; choose ‘Full Access’ or ‘Limited Access’, and click ‘Add’. 4. If you selected ‘Limited Access’, check the units that the new login should have access to, and click ‘Add’. 3. Provide a security question and an answer to the security question. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 22 REGISTRATION OF A NEW PRODUCT You have your own account and you wish to register services or units on behalf of your customer: Go to: • • • • • • • • Enter your log in and password Click on “add registration” Click on “here” on the First paragraph (named: New Fortinet Product/License Registration) Select the “product Model” of your serial number Enter the serial number you have to register On “Support contract number” enter the license number if any Select the reseller name in the drop down list Click on “Next” REGISTRATION: ADD/RENEW A SUPPORT CONTRACT 1. Connect to and enter Fortinet support username and password to log in and click on ‘View Products’. 2. Select the serial number of the product you want to update from the ‘Product List’. 3. Under ‘Product/Contract Maintenance’, ‘Add/Renew Contract’, enter the new licence contract number. 4. Select ‘Add/Renew’. If the account of your customer is not created, please proceed as described in the ‘first time registration’ section. Hardware stand alone with separate support contracts You must register the unit and the contracts separately if you want them to be activated. Demo unit Register your demo unit exactly as you register a standard unit. Please specify in ‘Product Description’ field: ‘demo unit’ and name of your customer for your own follow up. Bundle Once you register your unit, Forticare and Fortiguard services will apply automatically. No need to register your contracts. Cluster Register the units one by one with respective related contracts. 5. Read the Agreement and click ‘Agree’. 6. Verify the coverage dates and click ‘Complete Registration’. 7. The list of registered services is displayed, including the new support contract information. EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 23 VIEW REGISTERED PRODUCTS AND SUPPORT INFORMATION For viewing registered products and support information, you or your customer must: REGISTRATION TIPS For any further question about registration, you can use the tools online located at 1- Registration help 1. Connect to and enter your or customer’s support username and password to log in. 3. Select a product serial number from the ‘Product List’. The ‘Product Support Details’ page appears, displaying product and support contract information. 2. Go to the ‘View Products’ page 2- Product registration FAQ EMEA Fortinet Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 24 FOLLOW FORTINET RENEWAL PROCESS Look at this section to: Increase your income revenue generated by renewals RENEWAL PROCESS Please also refer to the section ‘Registration’ and especially to the section on how to create a sub-account for your company. 1. If a customer doesn’t renew its FortiGuard or FortiCare services, its product will no longer be protected against the latest threats 2. The end-users receive an email 90, 60 and 30 days before the contract expiration date (see below) 3. The Fortinet renewal team also calls end-users as of 1 month before expiration to remind them to renew their services and to advise them on what services they might need 4. Fortinet will then inform the reseller about the customers’ desire to renew its services 5. Subsequently, the Fortinet renewal team verifies if the services have indeed been renewed. In case an end user doesn’t renew its services in time, it will not be held to pay retro-actively for the period during which the services were expired. The services will re-start the day it activates the services. Example of an email sent to the end-user 90,60,30 days before expiration date: Dear M.Smith, Our records indicate that the following services related to your FortiGate will soon expire. Unit: FortiGate Serial Number FGT1002803035182 Model FGT100 Registered under name Vital Cosmetics Phone number 00 44 163 563 3423 E-mail Related services: Service Type Warranty: Hardware Coverage FortiCare : Firmware updates & Support & Hardware Coverage Activation Date Expiration Date 17 December 2008 18 November 2006 18 November 2006 18 November 2006 17 December 2008 17 December 2008 17 December 2008 Activation Date Expiration Date 18 November 2006 17 December 2008 FortiGuard AntiSpam FortiGuard IPS : Attack Definitions Updates FortiGuard AntiVirus : Virus Definitions Updates FortiGuard Web Filtering [……………..Or, if the end-user has a bundle…………………] Bundle FortiGate Serial number: FGT1009872445894 Including the following services: AV, AS, IPS and WF Support…… The services will no longer be available/updated once expired. To continue the FortiCare Support and/or the FortiGuard service(s) coverage please: contact your Fortinet reseller or email Fortinet at Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 25 ASSET TRACKING SYSTEM (ATS) What is the Asset Tracking System? Table of Contents Designed for Fortinet resellers that are members of the FortiPartner Program, the Fortinet Asset Tracking System is a renewal tool whom main benefits are: • Save time • Improve your renewal rate • Improve your renewal income For making these benefits real, the system enables you to: • Keep easily track of your units • View FortiCare/FortiGuard contracts information's • View units information's • Keep track of the up coming renewals • Find Upgrade / Up Sell Opportunities for sales campaigns • Get email notifications • Pull out easy and relevant reports CLAIMS SECTION 27 Does an End User have to claim a unit? 27 How do I claim units for 1 customer? 27 How do I claim units for different customers?27 How can I find all the claims I have already done?27 ASSETS SECTION 28 How do I find information on a Serial Number I claimed?28 How can I have an overview of my Up Coming Renewals?28 How can I search units where I can do an UpSell or an UpGrade?28 How to access the ATS? SN / CONTRACT QUERY SECTION 29 • • • URL: Enter your Partner Log In and Password Click on SN/Contract Query to access the ATS How do I search info on a non claimed Unit?29 How do I search info on a non claimed Contract?29 EMAIL NOTIFICATION SECTION 30 How can I know if an End User selected me as its partner for a unit I claimed?30 How can I manage the Warning Emails?30 Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 26 CLAIMS SECTION New Claims Online: New Claims in Batch: Query my Claims: Does an End User have to claim a unit? allows you to claim units by customers allows you to claim units for several customers all in once allow you to search all your units claimed. Searching by Serial Number, Claimed date, Customer name, Reseller name, Comment and Status. How do I claim units for different customers? If unit not registered: No, an End User has to claim his partner by selecting his reseller name while registering the unit. If unit is already registered: No, the reseller name is already entered into the Fortinet data base. How do I claim units for 1 customer? Click on « Claims » Click on « New Claim Online » Enter the Serial Numbers by separating them with a coma on the « serial number » section Enter the customer details information (Company Name, Address…) Click on « Submit » The system will then give you the imported details. The number of units claimed and imported should be the same. Your units are now claimed under your reseller name Click on « Claims » Click on « Claims in Batch » Click on « Download template excel » Fill in all requested data's of the excel list Save this excel file on your computer Click on « Browse » Select your excel file Click on « Upload » Your units are now claimed under your reseller name How can I find all the claims I have already done? Click on « Claims » Click in « Query My Claims » Enter a Serial Number, a claimed date, customer name, a comment and / or a status to do your search Click on « submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear. This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » Status definitions: - Waiting for System Confirmation: Initial status of claim. Fortinet has not processed the claim yet (updated each day in our system) - Confirmed: Customer selected the same reseller name who claimed the unit - Not registered: Unit is not registered yet Fortinet Reconciling: The unit is not registered under your reseller name. Please open a support ticket at with the subject “ATS” - De registered: RMA unit Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 27 ASSETS SECTION Query my Asset: Up Coming Renewals: Up Sell Opp: allow you to find information on a Serial Number you claimed. Possibility to export results on an excel file allow you to have an up coming renewals overview of your claimed units. Possibility to export results on an excel file allows you to find the units where an up sell or upgrade can be done. Searching options by Support Type, Level of Support, and Product Model. Possibility to export results on an excel file How do I find information on a Serial Number I claimed? How can I search units where I can do an UpSell or an UpGrade? Click on « Assets » Click on « Query My Assets » Enter a serial number, a product model, a claim comment, a partner name and / or a customer name to do your search Click on « Submit » If you directly click on « Submit », a list of all your units will come out Click on « Assets » Click on « UpSell Opportunities » Enter a Serial Number, a product model, a claim comment, a support type, a partner name, and / or an end user name to do your search Click on « Submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » NB: In order to view the Assets, the reseller MUST have claimed the unit and its status have to be ‘confirmed’ How can I have an overview of my Up Coming Renewals? Click on « Assets » Click on « Up Coming Renewals » Enter a Serial Number, product model, partner name, end user name, support level, next expiration date in 30-60 or 90 days, and / or expiration date from and until to do your search Click on « Submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 28 SN / CONTRACT QUERY SECTION Serial Number: Contract Number: allows you to view all serial numbers information without claiming a unit. No End User details will be displayed. allows you to view all contract information without claiming a unit. No End user details will be displayed. How do I search info on a non claimed Unit? • • • Click on « SN/Contract Query » Enter a Serial Number Click on « Submit » You will then see the following information: Current Support Coverage Warranty Information Contract Information History Unit Shipment date Unit Warranty Type (Demo, Bundle, Standard) Sales Order # No End User details will be displayed Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 How do I search info on a non claimed Contract? • • • Click on « SN/Contract Query » Enter a Contract number Click on « Submit » You will then see the following information: Contract Creation Date Sales Order # PO # Contract Product Code Serial Number the contracts is registered on When this contract has been registered Contracts terms No End User details will be displayed 29 EMAIL NOTIFICATION SECTION Email addresses to receive confirmed claim notifications: you will receive information on this email address when a customer registers a unit by selecting you as a partner, and that you already claimed this unit. Email addresses to receive product renewal notifications: you can chose the customers you want to receive warning emails for and their frequency. How can I manage the Warning Emails? How can I know if an End User selected me as its partner for a unit I claimed? Click on « Email Notification » On the « first email section », enter the email address you will need to receive information on when a customer selected you as its partner for a unit you claimed Select the box « Notify me for confirmed claim » Click on « Confirm » Click on « Email Notification » On the « second email section », enter the email address you will need to receive the warning emails. Select the box « Notify me for upcoming renewal opportunities » Click on « Confirm » Once a unit is claimed, the reseller can choose for which customer he wants to receive the warning emails and choose their frequency (90-60-45- and / or 30 days) Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 30 FORTINET POLICIES DEAD ON ARRIVAL POLICY (DOA) WARRANTY POLICY Basic warranty included with each unit beginning from end user registration date: • 12 months of warranty (return and replace) • 90 days of O/S updates, • 90 days web support, (8x5) A unit is classified as DOA only if a defect is reported within the first 30 days of Product Warranty which commences on the product registration date but not later than 120 days from shipment. END OF LIFE PRODUCTS POLICY (EOL) REGISTRATION POLICY • • • If the unit is not registered within 1 year from shipment the warranty is void If services contracts are not registered with 1 year from shipment the services are void. You can check the shipment date via the partner extranet under the section “customer service and support” with the tool, “lookup product ship date”. Support Policy The "EOL Support Period" runs sixty (60) months past the Last Order Date milestone. Hardware Support Policy Fortinet will provide hardware repair services and replacement parts for hardware for up to sixty (60) months from the LOD milestone as part of a valid warranty or maintenance contract. DEMONSTRATION POLICY • • • • • • Reseller must be a current member of the FortiPartner Program to be authorized to purchase Demo Units Any unit not originally purchased as a demo unit may not be converted into a demo unit after the original purchase All demo units come with 12 months of FortiCare and FortiGuard No free extensions of FortiCare or FortiGuard after the first 12 months Demo units can be resold by the FortiPartner 12 months after the original ship date FortiPartner must notify customer support department upon sale. No free services at resale. EVALUATION POLICY • • • • An eval agreement must be signed by the evaluator before eval unit release Eval term is 30 days (term) and maybe extended up to a maximum Term of 90 days Upon expiration of the Term, Evaluator must either return the eval unit or purchase it The following services will be activated upon shipment of an eval unit and will expire at the end of the eval term: 24x7 advanced hardware replacement, 24x7 phone support, Firmware upgrade, Web support, Anti Virus FortiGuard subscription, Anti Spam FortiGuard subscription, IPS FortiGuard subscription Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 HIGH AVAILABILITY/ CLUSTER POLICY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The products must be designated as HA at time of initial purchase. No after the fact conversions will be allowed. The HA unit must be purchased in the same transaction as production unit Only product models FortiGate-110C and above and FortiMail 400 and 400B only are eligible for HA pricing. Hardware and Hardware Bundles of the above models are acceptable ASM/ADM Modules can be included in the HA pricing with the purchase of the Cluster The number of HA units cannot exceed the number of production units of the same model For example, if a customer owns 2 production FG-3600As, they would be limited to a maximum of 2 FG-3600As for HA FortiCare and FortiGuard services should be the same for both the production and HA units Services cannot be transferred back and forth, so identical support and subscription contracts are required VDOM: A VDOM license is required for each unit in a HA cluster. A license key must be generated for each hardware serial number FortiClient licenses are not eligible for HA discounts FortiDB, FortiWeb, FortiScan are not eligible for HA discounts FortiAnalyzer and FortiManager are not eligible for a discount hereunder FortiMail 2000A, 4000A and blade 5001A are not eligible to the HA policy Bundle Multi year offer is not eligible to HA discounts 31 FAQ customer support How do I access Product and Registration Documentation? You can view Fortinet product and registration documentation by accessing the ‘Fortinet knowledge center’. The Fortinet knowledge center contains ‘how to’ and ‘troubleshooting’ articles, ‘FAQs’, and much more to help in using and troubleshooting Fortinet products. You can access to the knowledge center through the partner extranet. How to edit a User Profile? 1. Connect to 2. Select ‘My Profile’ 3. Select ‘Edit Profile’ 4. Make the required changes to your contact information or your security question and answer 5. Select ‘Update Profile’ Your changes are saved to the Fortinet Customer Support database. If you changed your contact information, the changes are displayed How to recover a lost support password? 1. Connect to 2. Select ‘Forgot your password?’ 3. Enter your email address and select ‘Submit’ The security question that you entered when you registered is displayed 4 Enter the answer to your security question and select ‘Get Password’ An email containing a new password will be sent to your email address. You can use your current username and this password to log into the Fortinet support website 5. If you cannot answer the question correctly, click the link here and go to the next page to submit an online ticket by including the product serial number and the required contact information 6. A web ticket is created and submitted to customer service who will follow up the ticket and send the password to the registered email - - - - Open a ticket online with your login through for: Support coverage If your question is about contracts or support coverage Troubleshooting training If your query is related to the troubleshooting training available for certified partners Technical support concern To monitor the ticket status online, adding your own comments directly to the ticket. Units issues If your unit is already registered If you want to change the account of a unit How do I change a support password? 1. Connect to 2. Enter your Fortinet support username and password to log in 3. Select ‘My Profile’ 4. Select ‘Change Password’ 5. Enter your current password 6. Enter and confirm a new password An email is sent to you confirming that your password has been changed. Use your current username and new password the next time you log in to the Fortinet support website. For all further questions, please refer to our Support Reference Guide available in the partner extranet or ask your Fortinet representative. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 32 FORTINET CUSTOMER SUPPORT FORTIPARTNER TECHNICAL SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS - Be a support partner: In accordance with the agreement you signed, we expect you to give your end-users technical support. Fortinet is entitled to refer support-tickets back to a reseller if they are logged directly by end-users. We recommend you to have your support people follow our Troubleshooting training dedicated to resellers that are willing to improve their Fortinet knowledge. For more information we refer to the chapter ‘Training and Certification’. - Be certified: As a cutting-edge security solution provider, you need to be well-equipped to handle any selling engagement. At Fortinet we take pride in our training programs and work hard to ensure you are armed with the knowledge necessary to win in the field. According to your level and your country, and in having the required numbers of FCNSPs, you will be able to benefit of direct access to the support with your PIN Code and to follow our Troubleshooting training. -FortiPartners must provide L1-L2 customer support, Fortinet provides L3 support: • Handle all initial inquiries • Identify the component involved in the problem • Obtain the appropriate documentation • Address and resolve inquiries relating to basic networking issues, configuration issues, issues with the product itself and all other basic issues. When the information is available in our registration database, Fortinet will redirect end-users towards their reseller. In case of missing information, the redirection will be done towards the distributor. In order to ensure appropriate redirection, please indicate your reseller’s name during registration process of the unit/service. L1 CUSTOMER SUPPORT DEFINITION L1 Support includes the following request types: Customer Service requests : Contracts end / start date issues Quotation requests / Device registration issues Virtual IP: How to reach my web / ftp / … server in my DMZ from Internet Hardware replacement requests Technical Assistance requests IPsec: How to configure FortiClient dialup/ A site to site VPN does not connect Firmware related: Which firmware should I use? / Which upgrade path should I follow? SSL VPNs: How to configure SSL VPNs/ The activeX fails to install Information about software maximum values FDN issues: Can’t download AV / IPS updates/ Wrong status of my contracts on the dashboard / Can’t connect to FDN Logging issues: Unit is not logging Policy routing: How to use a 2nd internet link Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 Web filtering / Anti spam: How to black / white list Web page / spam email is not blocked Authentication: Ldap / Radius / local authentication configuration Hardware: How to run the HQIP hardware test/ How to reload a firmware through TFTP/ How to format the flash / disk 33 P1, P2, P3, P4 DEFINITION The ‘FortiCare Support Partner’ contract defines the support relationship between Fortinet and you as a ‘Support Partner’. We remind you that phone support after business hours and during the week end with a 24x7 contract is possible if the issue is evaluated by Fortinet as a P1 case. P1 P2 Catastrophic impact to mission critical functionality: Total loss or continuous instabilities of mission critical functionality Critical traffic impact, major loss of connectivity or vital security flaw Creation of a hazard or an emergency Fortinet engagement – resources dedicated 24x7 until resolution or workaround in place Customer engagement – designated resources available 24x7 with ability to provide required diagnostic information Significant impact to mission critical functionality: Serious loss or frequent instabilities of mission critical functionality Fortinet engagement – resources dedicated 8x5 until resolution or workaround in place Customer engagement – designated full-time resources available 8x5 with ability to provide required diagnostic information P1-P2 issues P1-P2 P3 P4 • Open your ticket through the partner extranet with all necessary information (refer to “ticket requirements”) • Call Fortinet Support with your ticket number and ask for a P1 or P2 whatever your contract is (8x5 or 24x7) We can exceptionally accept a direct call without the creation of a ticket if the engineer is already on site without internet access. Minimal impact to major business operations: Occasional or intermittent instabilities of core functions Limited traffic impact, loss of connectivity or security exposure Fortinet engagement – resources committed during normal business hours to provide a resolution or workaround to restore business operations to acceptable levels Customer engagement – resources made available during normal business hours with ability to provide required diagnostic information Cases involving minor defects to product, documentation or service, or information requests, or configuration assistance: Fortinet engagement – to investigate the issue and to provide feedback on the expected resolution Customer engagement – to provide additional qualification information as requested by Fortinet DIFFERENCES BETWEEN 8X5 AND 24X7 FORTICARE CONTRACT The unit concerned has: As a FortiPartner you can: a 8x5 FortiCare contract • • • Open a web ticket from Monday to Friday ( From 9 am to 6 pm (CET Time zone) An RMA replacement can be processed as return and replace. Fortinet must receive the defective unit prior to sending a replacement. a 8x5 FortiCare contract and • you have a PIN Code • • • Open a web ticket from Monday to Friday ( From 9 am to 6 pm (CET Time zone) Use Fortinet Phone Support with your PIN code from Monday to Friday – business hours • • • Open a web ticket from Monday to Friday ( From 9 am to 6 pm (CET Time zone) Use Fortinet Phone Support after business hours and during the week end if P1-P2 (in case the Partner does not operate on a 24x7 basis, Fortinet EMEA Support offers its assistance to End-Users for critical issues (P1/P2) occurring out of business hours. The number to be used to reach Fortinet Support is +33 (0)489 870 555) An RMA replacement can be processed as advance replacement. Fortinet executes the replacement prior to receiving the defective unit Please note that replacement units can only be shipped on regular business days. • • (delivered as soon as you have the required number of FCNSP on site) • a 24x7 FortiCare contract • • In the case our Partners require further assistance; Fortinet can be involved by the means of FortiCare. The next chapter will guide you through the ticket creation process and the required documents. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 34 Please note that a complete description of Fortinet Support including case management and service level agreements is available. This document is named “Customer Service and Support Reference Guide” and can be found on the partner extranet under “Customer Service & Support” > “Service & Support Policies”. TICKET CREATION In order to open a Partner ticket, please go to and type in your login and password in order to authenticate. Once logged in, click on “Online Support Ticket” as shown below: You should then fill in the fields with the appropriate information. Then, • • • Submit a new support request (New Ticket) View the status of pending support requests (Unclosed Tickets) See a history of previously handled tickets which have now been resolved (Closed Tickets) Under Create Support Ticket, enter a descriptive name for the ticket. The request type should be set to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Customer Service for any issue related to contracts and / or device registration Technical Assistance for any software issue RMA for any RMA request DOA RMA for any DOA request Virus Signature for false positive virus detection or virus pass through issues The sections hereafter will indicate the required information for each type of tickets. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 35 CUSTOMER SERVICE TICKET REQUIREMENTS We refer to “Customer Service ticket” for requests dealing with: • Device registration • Contract information/registration For such request, please open a ticket with the request type set to “Customer Service”. When applicable, Customer Service tickets should: • Clearly indicate the serial number related to the request • Clearly indicate the contract number related to the request • Be opened with the contract being attached • Be opened with the PO being attached TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TICKET REQUIREMENTS In order for Fortinet to provide you with best quality support, a ticket must be initially opened with: 1. A clear problem description A ticket must deal with a single issue. Do not hesitate and create several tickets when reporting several issues on the same unit. When possible, the description should mention the working scenario and the non-working scenario. When related to a complex configuration, the description should mention the firewall policies and the protection profiles affected by the problem. 2. The problem history The initial description must indicate: • If the unit has worked properly before with the current configuration • If the problem appeared after an upgrade. If so, which firmware was previously running • If the problem appeared after a configuration change. If so, which settings have been modified • If other versions have been tested, please indicate the working and non working firmware 3. A network diagram A detailed network diagram must indicate: • Each configured Fortinet device interface (including the interface used for management) • All IPs and netmasks of each interface and attached host(s) • The traffic flow and type, which is causing the problem. Indicate the source and destination devices. If the responsible traffic flow is not known, identify all traffic flows of the concerned protocol. For example, detail the outgoing and incoming SMTP traffic flow, to and from the email client Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 • Identify any relays/proxies/secondary servers which might be used in your network layout and their usage. For example, whether a web/ftp client is configured to first access a proxy, or if two SMTP email servers are relaying emails to each other • Identify whether any load balancers are being used, and for which protocols/ports • For a transparent mode issue, a layer 2 diagram is required as well • For a cluster issue, the cluster cabling information is required 4. The configuration file The one provided must be the latest one. In case of a working and a non-working scenario, the configuration file provided must be the one of the nonworking scenario. When the problem appeared after an upgrade, it is recommended to also provide the configuration that was running properly before the upgrade. When the problem is related to units running in HA mode, it is recommended to provide the HA settings of the slave unit. They can be retrieved from the slave’s cli with the command #get sys ha When the problem is related to a FortiClient dialup user, please provide us with the FortiClient version and an export of the FortiClient settings (.vpl file). 5. The debug log of the unit It can be retrieved under System > Maintenance > Backup & Restore > Advanced. When the problem is related to units running in HA mode, the debug log of the master and the slave units must be submitted. They can be retrieved under System > Config > HA 6. A reproduction scenario In case the problem can be reproduced, please indicate the steps one has to go through to reproduce and therefore troubleshoot the problem. 7. A description and the results of troubleshooting steps already achieved the Please mention any troubleshooting action already performed and its result. Please provide the outputs of the debug commands upon ticket creation. You should clearly indicate how each debug was retrieved. For example: • The trace sniff_ok.txt was retrieved using the configuration file named config_ok.cfg and accessing web site • The trace sniff_not_ok.txt was retrieved using the configuration file named config_not_ok.cfg and accessing web site For further assistance on initial troubleshooting steps and commands, please go to 1 and/or refer to the information / documentation web site section. 36 RMA TICKET REQUIREMENTS An RMA request is made to ask for a defective unit replacement. Such tickets must be raised with request type set to “RMA”. A ticket must deal with a single defective device. In case of several RMA request, several tickets must be raised. Please note that replacement units can only be shipped on regular business days. For any RMA ticket, please make sure that the following information is provided upon ticket creation: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The output of the HQIP test A console capture of the boot process if the unit does not boot properly The output of any maintenance operation that you have performed while trying to recover An already filled in RMA form. The form can be downloaded on the Partner extranet under “Customer Service & Support > Service & Support Policies” Download the RMA form and submit along with ticket creation For further assistance on troubleshooting hardware issues, please refer to 1 and follow the link to the Hardware Troubleshooting Page. TROUBLESHOOTING TRAINING TICKET Please open a ticket via the partner extranet with ‘Troubleshooting training’ in the subject line and provide name and contact information of the trainees. Free Troubleshooting training is dedicated only to certified FCNSP Partners, this training runs for 5 days covering the following > subjects: - Support procedures - AS/URL filtering - Policy and routing issues - HA issues - VPN issues - Transparent mode and most common issues - FSAE - SIP On any requirement, we can personalize the training according to your demand. Requirements to participate - Official Fortinet Partner (signed contract) - Providing support to end customers - Engineer must have the v3.0/v.4.0 FCNSP certification DOA TICKET REQUIREMENTS A DOA request is a request made to replace a device that was dead on arrival. Prior to claim a DOA replacement, please note that a unit is classified as DOA if a defect is reported within the first 30 days of Product Warranty which commences on the product registration date but not later than 120 days from shipment. For such request, please open a ticket with the request type set to “DOA RMA”. DOA request tickets should be opened: • under the defective serial number (one ticket per defective equipment) • with a copy of the HQIP result when the HQIP can be run • with a copy of the boot message when the HQIP can’t be run • with an already filled in RMA form. The form can be downloaded on the Partner extranet under “Customer Service & Support > Service & Support Policies”. Please note that replacement units can only be shipped on regular business days. Please note that a unit is classified as DOA only if a defect is reported within the first 30 days which commences on the product registration date but not later than 120 days from shipment In order to swap the warranty from the defective unit to the new unit, please send an email to Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 37 • - 3 types of support for replacements are offered: Return & Replacement Advanced Replacement Premium RMA services RMA AND PREMIUM RMA SERVICES What is a RMA number? A RMA number is your ticket number once our RMA department has approved the RMA demand. Fortinet will refuse any shipment if return is not previously authorized by Fortinet technical support. When can I ship a defective unit to Fortinet? 8*5 subscription contract: Immediately after reception and completion from RMA form 24*7 subscription contract: after reception from replacement provided (you have 30 days before Fortinet invoice company designed in “bill to” zone) DOA: after reception from replacement provided. (same as 24*7) Who pays what? For 24*7 and 8*5: You must send the failed unit to Fortinet at your expense. Fortinet ships replacement at its expense via ground carrier. For DOA: Fortinet will bear the cost of shipment for both the return of the defective unit and the supply of the replacement unit. Fortinet is providing UPS (united parcel service) prepaid return label for the shipment back. Shipper will need to call UPS (local contact to organize pickup date and time during the 30 days after reception. All shipments outside Schengen area are done with incoterm “DDU” delivery duty unpaid. Customer or partner must pay income taxes. When shipment is done? For DOA and 24*7: Fortinet handles replacement requests by same business day shipment if RMA form and all details are received by Technical support before 4.0 pm (local time). For 8 * 5: We will ship you a replacement unit within 3 business days after receipt of the failed unit. How to declare a defective unit? When returning defective material, a Pro-forma invoice must be provided from non-EU countries indicating the Pro-forma invoice is for custom only with no commercial value. To minimize lead-times, please ensure there is no mismatch between the logistic documents and the physical goods (in terms of part reference, serial number and quantity) as this will result in customs non-conformity. In this case, all original shipping documents have to be re-issued and expedited to the Customs Office to get the goods cleared. How to RMA a spare part (Hard drive – power adapter)? Ticket must be raised with ticket set to “RMA”. RMA number will be provided if the device is covered with valid HW contract. Spare part are delivered with 24*7 service. When a RMA can be refused? Fortinet has no obligation to: a) Accept any systems (and/or related parts) which have been damaged in shipment, or b) Issue the applicable RMA credit(s) to Company in the event of such damaged shipments. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 Logistic documents should include packing list and shipping invoice with the following information supplied: No serial number should appear on the shipping invoice When returning defective material, a Pro-forma invoice must be provided from non-EU countries indicating that the Proforma invoice is for custom only with no commercial value To minimize lead-times, please ensure that there is no mismatch between the logistic documents and the physical goods (in terms of part reference, serial number and quantity) as this will result in customs non-conformity. In this case, all original shipping documents have to be re-issued and expedited to the Customs Office to get the goods cleared. • Packing list: Product Descriptions Quantity per item Serial number Net and gross weight Quantity of crates or parcels RMA form • Shipping invoice: Ship to address Product Descriptions Quantity per item Defective Unit value Total value for customs only Currency Fortinet RMA Department 120 rue Albert Caquot 06560, Sophia Antipolis France Tel: 33(0)489870555 38 RMA • Qualification to apply to the RMA If the unit is still under warranty… The end-user is entitled to 1 year of hardware return and replace service following registration. Replacement hardware for Fortinet distributors and resellers will be sent to the distributor or you, not to the end-user. If the end-user has a FortiCare contract 8x5 or 24x7 or Premium RMA… It is eligible to RMA for the period indicated in the contract. 1. 2. • How to ship back a unit? Open a ticket with title: ‘RMA Approval Request’ through the partner extranet. (please check RMA ticket requirements) Once your request has been processed, the support will send you a RMA form (Return Material Authorization), including RMA number for you to complete and/or confirm address information. All trouble shooting and failure diagnostics will be provided and completed separately by Fortinet. There are 2 ways to send back your unit in accordance with your contract: If you have a 8x5 - Return & Repair support contract: “You ship us the defective unit, once we have received it, we replace it” • Complete the grey zone of the RMA (Return of Material Authorization) form and attach it in the FortiCare ticket. • Send back the faulty unit. Keep all accessories (ethernet cables, mounting brackets, console cable, power cord), do not ship these back to us. You will have to send only the defective unit to the Fortinet address (also written in the RMA form). Please, also put a paper copy of your RMA form in your shipment. Stick our "RMA Returning Label" at the corner of the shipping box. When we receive the faulty unit, we will fix or ship the replacement unit to the reseller or distributor. • If you have a 24x 7 - Advanced Replacement support contract: “We ship you a replacement unit, then you return the defective unit” • • • Complete the grey zone of the attached RMA (Return of Material Authorization) form and attach it in the FortiCare ticket. After our RMA coordinator has approved your RMA request, we will send you the replacement unit by the next business day. As soon as you have received the replacement unit, please proceed with the replacement of your defective device. Send back the faulty unit. Keep all accessories (ethernet cables, mounting brackets, console cable, power cord), do not ship back to us. You will have to send only the defective unit to the address attached (also written in the RMA form). Please, also put a paper copy of the RMA form in the shipment and stick our "RMA Returning Label" at the corner of the shipping box. Keep all accessories (ethernet cables, mounting brackets, console cable, power cord), Do not ship these back to us. Do not register the new unit! Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 39 THE PREMIUM RMA SERVICES For more information, please contact your distributor or SUBJECT TO FORTINET APPROVAL AND CERTAIN CONDITIONS The Premium RMA services is a complement to the 2 existing RMA services (8x5 Return and Replace, 24x7 Advanced Replacement Next Business Day Delivery) described above. Premium RMA - Pre-requisites • The Premium RMA applies to annual contracts only • 24x7 Basic FortiCare service contract is required Premium RMA may extend the existing basic FortiCare contract Basic FortiCare contract may be purchased at the same time as Premium RMA service. - • - - • - End of life (EOL) products are not eligible for Premium RMA30 days initial set up time required The first year of service includes 30 days of set up and depot stocking The 30 day set up period is covered by standard 24X7 advanced replacement, including 24x7 technical support Subsequent renewals provide a full 12 months of capability. All orders are subject to pre-approval by the Fortinet Program Management Office (PMO): Service Capability validation Export Compliance validation. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 40 MARKETING & COMMUNICATION Fortinet is working with certified partners to help them market our solutions to their customers. Fortinet provides an online resource called the FortiStore offering a host of branded items and printed collateral. It can be accessed through the partner extranet without any additional user names or passwords. Our branding guidelines, Fortinet logo, Fortinet Icons and Fortinet product pictures are also available on the partner extranet for you to use. Fortinet local offices and Marketing Department are working with certified resellers to generate direct and operational marketing activities in all territories. Should you need assistance for a marketing activity to develop Fortinet presence in your territory, please contact your Fortinet Channel Manager or Country Manager. She/he will coordinate efforts with your Distributor and with Fortinet Marketing in order to help you run successful campaigns. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 41 PUBLIC RELATIONS / ANALYST RELATIONS GUIDELINES The following are Fortinet’s guidelines related to public and analyst relations. As with any Fortinet policy, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions at or reach out to the EMEA public and analyst relations manager: Barbara Maigret: - +33 (0)4 89 87 0552. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that Fortinet’s brand (product names and trademarks, etc.) and positioning are described consistently and appropriately by all partners in order to deliver a consistent and professional message externally. • Fortinet endeavors to assist its partners with their marketing efforts, and will accommodate partner requests for Fortinet participation in partner press releases wherever possible. Fortinet will attempt to provide partners with suitable executive quotes upon partner’s request. Please provide as much lead-time, with a minimum of 10 business days, in making such requests. Details on Press Release & Quote Review Process 1. • Press Releases 2. Because Fortinet has numerous partners around the world, we generally will not issue a press release announcing each new local partner relationship but we will rather issue press releases highlighting our channel progress from time to time. Nonetheless, Fortinet supports its partners’ communications and therefore encourages them to announce their partnership with Fortinet. Also, please be aware that we are very eager to highlight customer wins. We strongly encourage partners to make us aware of any customers who would be willing to publicize their applications and experiences with Fortinet products and your value-added services. Customer win announcements are a great vehicle for promoting our partner relationship and for highlighting the partner’s role in the customer’s success. In order to be allowed to issue a press release announcing the Fortinet relationship or important customer wins, partners must have a contract signed. Please be advised that Fortinet must review and approve all partner press releases that discuss Fortinet products or the Fortinet relationship prior to the press release being distributed. Press Quotes 3. 4. 5. 6. • Partners will take responsibility for drafting an initial press release When a draft of the release is ready, the primary contact sends the document to: and your Fortinet Regional Field Marketing Manager or the regional Channel Manager In the initial release review email, the partner should including the following: • Target timeline for release review • Target release date (date subject to Fortinet PR approval) • Geography/specific market affected by the news • Primary contact information. The Fortinet Public Relations staff will review the release and send it back to the primary contact for initial comments Upon agreement by the primary contact to initial edits of the release, the Fortinet Public Relations manager will circulate the release for internal Fortinet approval (including legal). In the event there are significant changes to the release, the Fortinet Public Relations Manager will send it back to the primary contact for review and resolution of any issues After receiving final Fortinet legal approval, the Fortinet Public Relations Manager will send a final version of the release to the primary contact for wire distribution arrangements. Please note that Fortinet reserves the right to post all FortiPartner releases on its Web site Industry Analysts Fortinet has global contracts with several leading analyst firms and maintains ongoing relationships with industry analysts in the different regions, including EMEA. If you receive inquiries on Fortinet from an industry analyst, please direct him/her immediately to Barbara Maigret. Please be aware that, according to our corporate guidelines, we are not allowed to unveil any specific revenue numbers to industry analysts or media. If you have any questions related to that issue or any other issues, please contact us. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 42 TRAINING & CERTIFICATION How do I get Certified? > Fortinet Certified Network Security Administrator (FCNSA) 201 FortiGate C ourse Selfpaced or 2 day Classroom Training > FCNSA Exam * (Pearson VUE) Fortinet Certified Network Security Professional (FCNSP) 301 FortiGate C ourse 3 day classroom Training Certification is a requirement in your Fortinet Partner Program. Training is the first step and certification exam the second one, which main benefits are direct phone access to our technical support department and the possibility to follow a free Trouble Shooting training. Note: If your company doesn’t have the required number of FCNSPs v3.0 according to its status (silver, gold), you will not receive your private PIN Code giving access to the phone support. FCNSA Exam * (P earson VUE) LIST OF TRAINING Course 201 FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems I - Administration and Content Inspection 2 day hands-on classroom session Field Experience > FCNSP Exam * (P earson VUE) FortiMail Specialist 221 FortiMail Course * 2 day Classroom Training * Indicates mandatory requirements FortiMail Exam * (Fortinet O nline Campus) Course 221 FortiMail Email Filtering 2 day hands-on classroom session Course 301 FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems II - Secured Network Deployment and Virtual Private Networks 3 days - hands-on classroom session FCNSP FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 (Course # FT40) - Web Training (Fortinet Online Campus) Available to FCNSPs only – FCNSP Update Training and Exam FortiDB Web Training (Fortinet Online Campus) Advanced Troubleshooting Training 3 day hands-on classroom training Available to FCNSPs only Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 43 FAQ The following is a list of typical questions and answers relating to Fortinet's Certification program. If these FAQ's do not answer all your questions, please feel free to send an e-mail message to Courses FAQ's Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? Students can bypass both the 201and 301 training courses and opt to attempt the certification exams anytime. Registration FAQ's How do I register for a Fortinet course? To formally register for a course, the registration form with payment must be received by Fortinet. Forms can be sent via fax (613 225-9381) or scanned and sent via email ( Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? The 201 course is not a prerequisite for the 301 however FCNSA certification is required for the FCNSP designation. How will I know my registration has been accepted for a course? Upon receipt of a registration, a confirmation email is sent to all students. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? All participants are encouraged to complete an online student survey at the completion of a class. The online survey can be accessed on the main training webpage. Do I need to purchase a FG60 to attend the course? Do I need to bring my own laptop? No, Fortinet will provide all equipment and materials required for your training session (unless otherwise specified). Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? Yes, Fortinet can present a private session anywhere in the world. Please send an email to for more information. How can I find hotels close to the course location I am attending? A class confirmation and logistics email will be sent to all students 10 days prior to the start date. This email will identify the location of the class facility, and provide information on local airports, hotels, etc. Do you have any self study courses? The 201 is available as a self-paced course. Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? Students can bypass both the 201and 301 training courses and opt to attempt the certification exams anytime. Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? The 201 course is not a prerequisite for the 301 however FCNSA certification is required for the FCNSP designation. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? All participants are encouraged to complete an online student survey at the completion of a class. The online survey can be accessed on the main training webpage. Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? Yes, Fortinet can present a private session anywhere in the world. Please send an email to for more information. Do you have any self study courses? The 201 is available as a self-paced course. Certification FAQ's How are certification exams administered? Fortinet exams must be taken in a proctored testing environment. Pearson VUE is the authorized test vendor for Fortinet. Please visit to purchase an exam voucher and schedule your exam session. How do I purchase an exam voucher and how much do they cost? Exam vouchers can be purchased from your Fortinet reseller, your local ATC, or by visiting the Pearson VUE webpage. How can I schedule an exam with a pre-purchased exam voucher? Candidates with a pre-purchased voucher will receive a voucher number from Fortinet which they can enter at the Pearson VUE website. If I purchase an exam voucher and fail the test, can I retake the exam? A new exam voucher must be purchased for each exam attempt including retakes. Students who fail the exam can retake the exam after 15 days of the first attempt. Students failing an exam after 3 attempts will be directed to a training course. Once I pass the exam, how long till I receive my certificate? Certificates are distributed via email within 4 weeks of successfully completing a certification exam. Are certification exams based entirely on topics covered in the recommended training courses? No. The exam is based on topics from a number of areas including the recommended training courses, product documentation, white papers, etc. In addition, the exam will test for knowledge that would only be acquired by someone who has gained experience working with Fortinet products in a real-world environment. Is there a document outlining a course of study to prepare for the exam? Yes, the Fortinet Training & Certification "Roadmaps to Success" provides a suggested list of steps to prepare for exams. Located at: Will I be able to see the questions that I got wrong on the exam? If so, will I be informed of the correct answers? Since there is a limited question pool available for the certification exams, it is not possible to provide this type of information. This would seriously degrade the integrity of the exams. In order to help candidates understand where they did well and where they need to improve, exam scores will be broken down into topic areas covered by the exam and made available to the students Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 44 EXAM SESSION LOCATION st Since October 1 2008, Fortinet certification exams is available in thousands of testing centres in more than 200 countries. The Pearson VUE registration site for Fortinet exams can be accessed at Students are able to register and pay for exams directly at the Pearson VUE site however you can still contact your ATC for bundle exam vouchers with their training if needed. Your contact: LIST OF TRAINING Course 201 FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems I - Administration and Content Inspection 2 day hands-on classroom session Course 221 FortiMail Email Filtering 2 day hands-on classroom session Course 301 FortiGate Multi-Threat Security Systems II - Secured Network Deployment and Virtual Private Networks 3 days - hands-on classroom session FCNSP FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 (Course # FT40) Web Training (Fortinet Online Campus) Available to FCNSPs only – FCNSP Update Training and Exam FortiDB Web Training (Fortinet Online Campus) Advanced Troubleshooting Training 3 day hands-on classroom training Available to FCNSPs only How do I keep my Certification Current? To ensure that FCNSAs and FCNSPs stay up to date with the latest Fortinet technologies, update exams are required approximately once a year. This generally happens when major product updates occur (such as the current update to FortiOS 4.0). FCNSP FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 All FCNSPs are required to update their certification by taking the FCNSP Update Exam for FortiOS 4.0. This exam must be completed before the end of 2009. The FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 has been developed to ensure that FCNSP's have a fast and convenient way to maintain their qualifications without interruption. The FastTrack promotion includes: > Two 2-hour live "What's New" web-training sessions. > Online access to the FCNSP update exam > Includes 2 exam attempts (2 X $250 value) > Membership in the FastTrack Forum until December 31, 2009 FCNSPs can sign-up for FastTrack Promotion the at: FCNSPs who obtained certification after Jan. 1 are able to participate in the FastTrack Promotion (including the update exam) at no cost. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 45 TRAINING SESSION LOCATION Austria COMPUTERLINKS GmbH Email: Phone: +43 1 2633160 5107 Exclusive Networks BVBA Email: Phone: +32 15 305510 Skynet Email: Phone: +420 724 647 728 Mantrac Email: Phone: info not yet available Exclusive Networks Email: Phone: +33 4 72 72 01 46 Wick Hill Email: Phone: +49 (0) 40 237301-90 Computerlinks Email: Phone: +49 (0)89 93099-168 Ingram Micro India Pvt Ltd Email: Info not yet available Phone: Info not yet available Belgium and Luxembourg Czech Republic Egypt France Germany India Israel InterBit Consulting & Training Email: Phone: Info not yet available Italy Sidin Email: Phone: 011/2747671 Exclusive Networks Email: Phone: 0031-492593090 Trygg Data Email: Phone: +47 815 00 819 Compendium Email: Phone: (+48 12) 29 28 500 Afina Email: Phone: +351 210 310 210 Lagercrantz Communication AB Email: Phone: +46 8 626 41 00 Netherlands Norway Poland Portugal Sweden Switzerland BOLL COMPUTERLINKS AG Schweiz Email: Phone: +41 56 437 60 60 Email: Phone: +41 (0)31 938 39 40 Spain Afina Email: Phone: +34 91 411 47 85 Mambo Technology Email: Phone: 902 180 845 Secureway Network Distributors Email: Phone: + 971 4 375 76 12 & 13 COMPUTERLINKS Training Email: Phone: +44 (0) 870 443 9099 MUK Email: Phone: +380 (44) 492-29-29 (*371) UAE UK UKRAINE Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 46 Frequently Asked Questions FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FAQ partner extranet 1. How do I access the partner extranet? Login information (user nam e and password) to access the partner extranet is provided via email once your company has been accepted to join the FortiPartner Program. The welcome email is sent to the person in your organization who sent the application online through This individual will be considered the primary contact for the partner organization unless otherwise requested after the initial signup. The primary contact for each partner can add additional associates in their organization for access to the Fortinet partner extranet. 2. How do others in my organization access the partner extranet? All personnel in your organization are eligible to access the partner extranet. To add an individual or individuals the primary contact within the organization simply goes to the “Add Associates” link of the partner extranet and adds each individual assigning them their user name and password, or just the user name and the system will create the password. Each associate will receive a welcome email with their assigned user name and password for the partner extranet. Associates will not have the tab for adding new individuals unless they are edited to be a primary contact. If you would like to change primary contacts within your organization, please email us at 3. How do I recover a lost partner password? Send an email to 4. Do I have to use for opening a technical ticket? Yes. As a partner, the only way to have priority in the treatment of your tickets is to open a technical ticket via This is highly recommended. 5. Where can I find Marketing and Sales materials in the partner extranet? In the section “sales tools”, you will find updated presentations, quick datasheets, FAQs and all brochures about our range of products. If you would like to have more information on these materials, you can send an email to FAQ try Fortinet products and services 6. What services do I have with a demo unit? All demo units purchased after July 1 2009, come complete with Fortinet’s 8X5 FortiCare (support and maintenance) and FortiGuard services for 12 months from the time of shipment. These services are automatically activated upon unit registration.(Before this date, demo unit came with FortiCare and FortiGuard contracts for 24 months). For more information, please refer to the section called ‘Services available with a demo unit’. 7. I would like to resell a demo unit to a customer as a standard unit, what is the procedure? You can resell a demo unit purchased after January 1 2008, 12 months after the original shipping date. Upon the resale of any demo unit, you must notify Fortinet and services will be deactivated. Please send an email to specifying the serial number of the unit and contact details of your customer. After resale, support, maintenance and subscriptions will have to be purchased as renewals by your customer. 8. you will be responsible for payment of the full list price of the unit(s). For more information, please refer to the section ‘Evaluation units’.. 10. Can I try FortiGuard services? Yes. The trial period can be arranged online at Enter login and password, select ‘View Products’ and choose the unit you would like to trial the services on during a one month period. Then click on ‘Try It’. 11. Is it possible to try FortiClient? Please visit the website ( d=30) to obtain an evaluation copy of FortiClient. What is the difference between an evaluation unit and a demonstration unit? A demo unit is purchased and owned by the reseller. An evaluation unit is owned by Fortinet. Fortinet can make evaluation unit available for identified project for a limited period of time, after which the unit must be returned to Fortinet. 9. I would like to propose to my customer to evaluate a unit prior to the purchase. What is the procedure? You must contact your Fortinet contact and submit your demand. After approval, you or your customer will sign an evaluation agreement. The evaluation agreement includes the term of the evaluation period and a statement that if the unit is not returned to Fortinet within 10 days after the expiration of the term, if not extended, Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 47 Frequently Asked Questions FAQ ordering process 12. Why respect of export control rules is important? • • • • • There are stiff civil and criminal penalties for U.S. and foreign parties violating U.S. export laws Criminal penalties for willful violations currently include possibility of imprisonment for 20 years and fines of up to $1 million per violation or twice the value of the export, whichever is greater Civil penalties can include significant fines and/or loss of export privileges Collateral effects of violations can result in adverse publicity, exclusion from participation in U.S. Government contracts, and restrictions on export/importing into and out of the United States Violations of laws, regulations, rules and orders may subject the violator (you) to individual criminal or civil liability 13. What do I have to do if I want to export Fortinet products? As a FortiPartner, you are responsible for exporting/importing Fortinet products in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, and applicable local/foreign regulations. Factors, such as the specific product, end-user, end-use and country of ultimate destination, may affect the export licensing requirements. You are urged to consult the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, the Bureau of Industry & Security’s Export Counseling Division, Customs, and other appropriate resources such as an attorney or consultant specializing in trade compliance before exporting/importing Fortinet’s products. Please direct any inquiries to 14. Where can I find manufacturer certification? Please login in the partner extranet via and look at the section at the left bottom of the screen called ‘Certification’. You will find information about CE | FCC | ICSA | UL | and others 15. What are the mandatory requirements in a Purchase Order? In order to facilitate a smooth ordering process, where possible, the details below need to be provided to your distributors. In all PO, please mention: • Your reseller name, Billing address, Shipping address, Contact person • Product description - Product code • Quantity • Unit price • Discount applicable • End-user details: contact person name, address, website, phone (if no website, the line of business) • Name of the promotion if applicable • For a contract renewal PO, thanks to add the serial number of the unit. 16. What product/services fit my customer needs? In the section ‘Fortinet services solutions description’ you will find a recap of our services and products. For more information, your distributor is here to help you in your ordering process. FAQ renewal process and Asset Tracking System (ATS) 17. What is the renewal process within Fortinet? • • • • • The end-users receive an email 90, 60 and 30 days before the contract expiration date The Fortinet renewal team also calls end-users as of 1 month before expiration to remind them to renew their services and to advise them on what services they might need Fortinet will then inform the reseller about the customers’ desire to renew its services Subsequently, the Fortinet renewal team verifies if the services have indeed been renewed. For more information: 20. Does an End User have to claim a unit in the ATS? • • 21. How do I claim units for 1 customer in the ATS? • • • 18. What is the Asset Tracking System? Designed for Fortinet resellers that are members of the FortiPartner Program, the Fortinet Asset Tracking System is a renewal tool whom main benefits are: • Save time • Improve your renewal rate • Improve your renewal income For to: • • • • • • • making these benefits real, the system enables you Keep easily track of your units View FortiCare/FortiGuard contracts information's View units information's Keep track of the up coming renewals Find Upgrade / Up Sell Opportunities for sales campaigns Get email notifications Pull out easy and relevant reports 19. How to access the ATS? • • • URL: Enter your Partner Log In and Password Click on SN/Contract Query to access the ATS • • • • Click on « Claims » Click on « New Claim Online » Enter the Serial Numbers by separating them with a coma on the « serial number » section Enter the customer details information (Company Name, Address…) Click on « Submit » The system will then give you the imported details. The number of units claimed and imported should be the same. Your units are now claimed under your reseller name 22. How do I claim units for different customers in the ATS? 23. • • • • • • • • Click on « Claims » Click on « Claims in Batch » Click on « Download template excel » Fill in all requested data's of the excel list Save this excel file on your computer Click on « Browse » Select your excel file Click on « Upload » Your units are now claimed under your reseller name 24. How can I find all the claims I have already done in the ATS? • • • Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 If unit not registered: No, an End User has to claim his partner by selecting his reseller name while registering the unit If unit is already registered: No, the reseller name is already entered into the Fortinet data base. Click on « Claims » Click in « Query My Claims » Enter a Serial Number, a claimed date, customer name, a comment and / or a status to do your search 48 Frequently Asked Questions • • • Click on « submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear. This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » 25. How do I find information on a Serial Number I claimed in the ATS? • • • • • • • • Click on « Assets » Click on « Query My Assets » Enter a serial number, a product model, a claim comment, a partner name and / or a customer name to do your search Click on « Submit » If you directly click on « Submit », a list of all your units will come out A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » NB: In order to view the Assets, the reseller MUST have claimed the unit and its status have to be ‘confirmed’ 26. How can I have an overview of my Up Coming Renewals in the ATS? • • • • • • Click on « Assets » Click on « Up Coming Renewals » Enter a Serial Number, product model, partner name, end user name, support level, next expiration date in 30-60 or 90 days, and / or expiration date from and until to do your search Click on « Submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » 27. How can I search units where I can do an UpSell or an UpGrade in the ATS? • • • • • • Click on « Assets » Click on « UpSell Opportunities » Enter a Serial Number, a product model, a claim comment, a support type, a partner name, and / or an end user name to do your search Click on « Submit » A list corresponding to your search will appear This list can be exported in an excel file by clicking on « Download » • • • • • • • • • • 29. How do I search info on a non claimed Contract in the ATS? • • • • • • • • • • • • Click on « SN/Contract Query » Enter a Contract number Click on « Submit » You will then see the following information: Contract Creation Date Sales Order # PO # Contract Product Code Serial Number the contracts is registered on When this contract has been registered Contracts terms No End User details will be displayed 30. How can I know if an End User selected me as its partner for a unit I claimed in the ATS? • • • • Click on « Email Notification » On the « first email section », enter the email address you will need to receive information on when a customer selected you as its partner for a unit you claimed Select the box « Notify me for confirmed claim » Click on « Confirm » 31. How can I manage the Warning Emails in the ATS? • • • • • 28. How do I search info on a non claimed Unit in the ATS? • Enter a Serial Number Click on « Submit » You will then see the following information: Current Support Coverage Warranty Information Contract Information History Unit Shipment date Unit Warranty Type (Demo, Bundle, Standard) Sales Order # No End User details will be displayed Click on « Email Notification » On the « second email section », enter the email address you will need to receive the warning emails. Select the box « Notify me for upcoming renewal opportunities » Click on « Confirm » Once a unit is claimed, the reseller can choose for which customer he wants to receive the warning emails and choose their frequency (90-60-45- and / or 30 days) Click on « SN/Contract Query » FAQ Fortinet policies 32. What is Fortinet warranty policy? Basic warranty included with each unit beginning from end user registration date: • 12 months of warranty (return and replace) • 90 days of O/S updates, • 90 days web support, (8x5) 33. What is Fortinet registration product and services policy? • • If the unit is not registered within 1 year from shipment the warranty is void If services contracts are not registered with 1 year from shipment the services are void. 34. What is Fortinet demonstration policy? • • • • • • • Reseller must be a current member of the FortiPartner Program to be authorized to purchase Demo Units Units must be processed and sold as ‘demo’ when originally shipped from Fortinet No other units qualify for complimentary services. In addition, any unit not originally purchased as a demo unit may not be converted into a Demo unit after the original purchase All demo units come with 12 months of FortiCare and FortiGuard No free extensions of FortiCare or FortiGuard after the first 12 months Demo units must be resold by the FortiPartner 12 months after the original ship date FortiPartner must notify customer support department upon sale. No free services at resale. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 49 Frequently Asked Questions 35. What is Fortinet evaluation policy? • An eval agreement must be signed by the evaluator before eval unit release • Eval term is 30 days (term) and maybe extended up to a maximum Term of 90 days • Upon expiration of the Term, Evaluator must either return the eval unit or purchase it • The following services will be activated upon shipment of an eval unit and will expire at the end of the Eval Term: 24x7 advanced hardware replacement, 24x7 phone support, Firmware upgrade, Web support, Anti Virus FortiGuard subscription, Anti Spam FortiGuard subscription, IPS FortiGuard subscription 36. What is a dead on arrival (DOA)? A unit is classified as DOA only if a defect is reported within the first 30 days of Product Warranty which commences on the product registration date but not later than 120 days from shipment. 37. What is Fortinet end of life products policy (EOL)? Support Policy : The ‘EOL Support Period’ runs sixty (60) months past the Last Order Date milestone. Hardware Support Policy : Fortinet will provide hardware repair services and replacement parts for hardware for up to sixty (60) months from the LOD milestone as part of a valid warranty or maintenance contract. The full list of our Fortinet products that have announced End-of-Life (EOL) milestones is available in our website with The Fortinet Product Life Cycle Policy. 38. What is Fortinet HA (cluster) policy? • • • • • • • • • • • • The products must be designated as HA at time of initial purchase. No after the fact conversions will be allowed The HA unit must be purchased in the same transaction as production unit Only product models FortiGate-110C and above and FortiMail 400 and above are eligible for HA pricing Hardware and Hardware Bundles of the above models are acceptable FortiAnalyzer and FortiManager are not included in the program ASM/ADM Modules can be included in the HA pricing with the purchase of the Cluster The number of HA units cannot exceed the number of production units of the same model For example, if a customer owns 2 production FG-3600As, they would be limited to a maximum of 2 FG-3600As for HA FortiCare and FortiGuard services should be the same for both the production and HA units Services cannot be transferred back and forth, so identical support and subscription contracts are required VDOM: A VDOM license is required for each unit in a HA cluster. A license key must be generated for each hardware serial number FortiClient licenses are not eligible for HA discounts. FAQ customer support 39. How do I access Product and Registration Documentation? You can view Fortinet product and registration documentation by accessing the ‘Fortinet knowledge center’. The Fortinet knowledge center contains ‘how to’ and ‘troubleshooting’ articles, ‘FAQs’, and much more to help in using and troubleshooting Fortinet products. You can access to the knowledge center through the partner extranet. 40. How do I access and register for the Technical Forum? 1. Connect to with your support login 2. Select ‘Technical Forum’ 3. Click ‘Register’ to register your membership for the Technical Forum 4. Forum Agreement appears; read the agreement and check ‘Agree’ 5. Enter the required information to complete the registration 6. An email will be sent to your registered email asking you to confirm your email address; please click on the link provided to verify your email address and complete the registration process. 41. How to edit a User Profile? 1. Connect to 2. Select ‘My Profile’ 3. Select ‘Edit Profile’ 4. Make the required changes to your contact information or your security question and answer 5. Select ‘Update Profile’ Your changes are saved to the Fortinet Customer Support database. If you changed your contact information, the changes are displayed. 42. How to recover a lost support password? 1. Connect to and Select ‘Forgot your password?’ 2. Enter your email address and select ‘Submit’ - The security question that you entered when you registered is displayed 3. Enter the answer to your security question and select ‘Get Password’ - An email containing a new password will be sent to your email address. 4. If you cannot answer the question correctly, click the link here and go to the next page to submit an online ticket by including the product serial number and the required contact information. A web ticket is created and submitted to customer service who will follow up the ticket and send the password to the registered email 43. How do I change a support password? 1. Connect to and enter your Fortinet support username and password to log in 2. Select ‘My Profile’ 3. Select ‘Change Password’ and enter your current password 4. Enter and confirm a new password - An email is sent to you confirming that your password has been changed. Use your current username and new password the next time you log in to the Fortinet support website. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 50 Frequently Asked Questions 44. What is L1 support? L1 Support includes the following request types: • Customer Service requests. The following are given as examples: Contracts end / start date issues Quotation requests Device registration issues • Hardware replacement requests • Technical Assistance requests. The following are given as examples: Firmware related: Which firmware should I use? Which upgrade path should I follow? Information: About software maximum values FDN issues: Can’t download AV / IPS updates, Wrong status of my contracts on the dashboard, Can’t connect to FDN Logging issues: Unit is not logging Policy routing: How to use a 2nd internet link Virtual IP: How to reach my web / ftp / … server in my DMZ from Internet IPsec: How to configure FortiClient dialup, A site to site VPN does not connect SSL VPNs: How to configure SSL VPNs, The ActiveX fails to install Web filtering / Anti spam: How to black / white list, Web page / spam email is not blocked Authentication: Ldap / Radius / local authentication configuration Hardware: How to run the HQIP hardware test, How to reload a firmware through TFTP, How to format the flash / disk FAQ RMA 45. What is RMA number? A RMA number is the same as your ticket number once our RMA department has approved the RMA demand. Fortinet will refuse any shipment if return is not previously authorized by Fortinet technical support. 46. When can you ship defective to Fortinet? 8*5 subscription contract: Immediately after reception and completion from RMA form 24*7 subscription contract: after reception from replacement provided (you have 30 days before Fortinet invoice company designed in “bill to” zone) DOA: after reception from replacement provided. (same as 24*7) 47. Who pay what? For 24*7 and 8*5: You must send the failed unit to Fortinet at your expense. Fortinet ships replacement at its expense via ground carrier. For DOA: Fortinet will bear the cost of shipment for both the return of the defective unit and the supply of the replacement unit. Fortinet is providing UPS (united parcel service) prepaid return label for the shipment back. Shipper will need to call UPS (local contact to organize pickup date and time during the 30 days after reception. All shipments outside Schengen area are done with incoterm “DDU” delivery duty unpaid. Customer or partner must pay income taxes. 48. When shipment is done? For DOA and 24*7: Fortinet handles replacement requests by same business day shipment if RMA form and all details are received by Technical support before 4.0 pm (local time). For 8 * 5: We will ship you a replacement unit within 3 business days after receipt of the failed unit. 49. How to declare defective unit? When returning defective material, a Pro-forma invoice must be provided from non-EU countries indicating the Pro-forma invoice is for custom only with no commercial value. To minimize lead-times, please ensure there is no mismatch between the logistic documents and the physical goods (in terms of part reference, serial number and quantity) as this will result in customs non-conformity. In this case, all original shipping documents have to be re-issued and expedited to the Customs Office to get the goods cleared. 50. How to get an RMA for a spare part (Hard drive – power adapter)? Ticket must be raised with ticket set to “RMA”. RMA number will be provided if the device is covered with valid HW contract. Spare parts are delivered with 24*7 service. 51. When RMA can be refused? Fortinet has no obligation to: a) Accept any systems (and/or related parts) which have been damaged in shipment, or b) Issue the applicable RMA credit(s) to Company in the event of such damaged shipments. FAQ Training and certification Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 51 Frequently Asked Questions 52. What is a PIN Code? A PIN Code is free direct phone access to our customer support. In order to get a PIN Code, your company must have the required number of FCNSPs on site according to their level in our FortiPartner Program (Gold, Silver). Our technical support department will provide you with a fast technical resolution to your technical problems by direct phone dialog with Fortinet Level 2 support expertise. 53. What are the benefits of being FCNSP? 2 main benefits: A Direct phone access to our customer support department and the possibility to follow free troubleshooting training on lab. 54. How do I get certified FCNSP? Please contact either your Authorized Training Center (list attached) or contact 55. I've lost my PIN Code, who can I contact? You can send an email to 56. I am FCNSP but I didn't get my PIN Code The delivery of PIN Code is under condition that your company has the required number of certified engineers as per their partner agreement. As soon as you company will complete all requirements, you will receive your PIN Code. 57. Who can I contact for more information about training and certification? please contact 58. How do I keep my Certification Current? To ensure that FCNSAs and FCNSPs stay up to date with the latest Fortinet technologies, update exams are required approximately once a year. This generally happens when major product updates occur (such as the current update to FortiOS 4.0). 59. FCNSP FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 All FCNSPs are required to update their certification by taking the FCNSP Update Exam for FortiOS 4.0. This exam must be completed before the end of 2009. The FastTrack Promotion for FortiOS 4.0 has been developed to ensure that FCNSP's have a fast and convenient way to maintain their qualifications without interruption. FCNSPs can sign-up for the FastTrack Promotion at: FCNSPs who obtained certification after Jan. 1 are able to participate in the FastTrack Promotion (including the update exam) at no cost. 60. Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? Students can bypass both the 201and 301 training courses and opt to attempt the certification exams anytime. 61. Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? The 201 course is not a prerequisite for the 301 however FCNSA certification is required for the FCNSP designation. 62. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? All participants are encouraged to complete an online student survey at the completion of a class. The online survey can be accessed on the main training webpage. 63. Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? Yes, Fortinet can present a private session anywhere in the world. Please send an email to for more information. 64. Do you have any self study courses? The 201 is available as a self-paced course. 65. Do I need to attend the classroom sessions to obtain certification? Students can bypass both the 201and 301 training courses and opt to attempt the certification exams anytime. 66. Must I take the 201 level classes before taking the 301 level course? The 201 course is not a prerequisite for the 301 however FCNSA certification is required for the FCNSP designation. 67. How can I provide input on Fortinet training classes? All participants are encouraged to complete an online student survey at the completion of a class. The online survey can be accessed on the main training webpage. 68. Does Fortinet offer private training sessions? Yes, Fortinet can present a private session anywhere in the world. Please send an email to for more information. 69. Do you have any self study courses? The 201 is available as a self-paced course. 70. How do I register for a Fortinet course? To formally register for a course, the registration form with payment must be received by Fortinet. Forms can be sent via fax (613 225-9381) or scanned and sent via email ( 71. How will I know my registration has been accepted for a course? Upon receipt of a registration, a confirmation email is sent to all students. Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 52 Frequently Asked Questions 72. How can I find hotels close to the course location I am attending? A class confirmation and logistics email will be sent to all students 10 days prior to the start date. This email will identify the location of the class facility, and provide information on local airports, hotels, etc. 73. How do I purchase an exam voucher and how much do they cost? Exam vouchers can be purchased from your Fortinet reseller, your local ATC, or by visiting the Pearson VUE webpage. 74. How can I schedule an exam with a pre-purchased exam voucher? Candidates with a pre-purchased voucher will receive a voucher number from Fortinet which they can enter at the Pearson VUE website. 75. If I purchase an exam voucher and fail the test, can I retake the exam? A new exam voucher must be purchased for each exam attempt including retakes. Students who fail the exam can retake the exam after 15 days of the first attempt. Students failing an exam after 3 attempts will be directed to a training course. 76. Once I pass the exam, how long till I receive my certificate? Certificates are distributed via email within 4 weeks of successfully completing a certification exam. 77. Are certification exams based entirely on topics covered in the recommended training courses? No. The exam is based on topics from a number of areas including the recommended training courses, product documentation, white papers, etc. In addition, the exam will test for knowledge that would only be acquired by someone who has gained experience working with Fortinet products in a real-world environment. 78. Is there a document outlining a course of study to prepare for the exam? Yes, the Fortinet Training & Certification "Roadmaps to Success" provides a suggested list of steps to prepare for exams. Located at: 79. Will I be able to see the questions that I got wrong on the exam? If so, will I be informed of the correct answers? Since there is a limited question pool available for the certification exams, it is not possible to provide this type of information. This would seriously degrade the integrity of the exams. In order to help candidates understand where they did well and where they need to improve, exam scores will be broken down into topic areas covered by the exam and made available to the students Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 53 Austria Office Park I, Top B02 A 1300 Wien Austria Sales: +43 1 22787 120 Fax: +43 1 22787 200 Belgium/Luxembourg Regus Airport Building Bessenveldstraat 25 1831 Diegem - Brussels Belgium Sales: +32 (0)2 716 49 27 Fax: +32 (0)2 716 47 27 France 4 Place de la Defense 92974 Paris La Défense Cedex France Sales: +33-1-5858-2864 Fax: +33-1-5858-0025 Germany Feringapark Feringastrasse 6 85774 München-Unterföhring Germany Sales: +49-89-99216-300 Fax: +49-89-99216-200 Italy Via del Casale Solaro, 119 00143 ROMA Italy Sales: +39 06-51573-330 Fax: +39 06-51573-390 Poland Metropolitan Pl. Pilsudskiego 3 00-078 Warsaw, Poland Sales: +48 22 449 00 29 Fax: +48 22 449 00 01 Spain Camino Cerro de los Gamos, 1. Edificio 1. Pl. 1 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid - Spain Sales: +34 91 790 11 16 Fax: +34 91 790 11 12 Sweden Frösundaviks allé 15, 4 tr 169 70 Solna - Sweden Sales: +46-8-655-2696 Fax: +46-8-655-2610 Switzerland Seefeldstrasse 69 8008 Zurich - Switzerland Sales: +41 43-488-3756 Fax: +41 43-488-3500 The Netherlands Hardwareweg 4 3821 BM Amersfoort The Netherlands Sales: +31 33 454 67 50 Fax: +31 33 454 66 66 United Kingdom Fortinet (UK) Ltd. Suite 401 St Clements House 27-28 Clements Lane London EC4N 8UZ Sales: +44 (0) 2032079029 Fax: +44 (0) 2032079129 United Arab Emirates 218 Canon Building-9 500640 Dubai United Arab Emirates Sales: +971 50 552 7097 Fax: + 971 43 918 738 EMEA Support/RMA - Marketing 120, rue Albert Caquot 06410 Biot- Sophia Antipolis France Sales Support: +33-4-8987-0510 Tech Support: +33-4-8987-0555 Fax: +33-4-89-87-05-01 FORTINET CONTACTS SALES / CHANNEL Orders - Please contact your distributor or your Fortinet local representative Contract Renewal +33 4 8987 0544 Export rules Your contacts: Belgium: Filip Savat France: Agnès Blinière Germany: Joerg von der Heydt The Netherlands: Marc Jepkes Switzerland, Austria Central Europe: Sandhya Prabhu Israel, Greece: Isaac Boccara Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania: Isaac Boccara Italy: Giorgio d’Armento Nordics: Franck Bernard / Matias Cuba Poland, Belarus, Ukraine: Mariusz Rzepka Russia: Luca Simonelli Spain, Portugal: Acacio Martin South Africa: Perry Hutton Turkey: Derya Aksoy UAE: Judhi Praseyto UK, Ireland: Simon Haylock SUPPORT Customer Support / Customer services - Administrative questions Phone: +33 4 8987 0555 Serial Number look ups Licensing Enquiries on Existing Customer Equipment via raising a Ticket on Partner Portal Questions relating to Partner NFR units and licensing Contract issues referring to license registration/transfers & 24x7x4 support RMA Phone: + 33 4 89 87 0555 MARKETING Fortistore requests : Sophie Milcendeau – Phone: +33 4 8987 0501 Event coordination: Remi Clermont – Phone: +33 4 8987 0549 Press releases: Barbara Maigret – Phone: +33 4 89 87 0552 TRAINING / CERTIFICATION Louise Meta – Phone: +1 613 225-9325 x7423 - FCNSA and FCNSP certification and associated queries A problem with your login: If you have lost your support login, please go to: If you have lost your partner login, please go to - The partner extranet: The FortiGuard center: The knowledge center: The Fortinet forum: The website: The knowledge center: Partner Guidebook – Version: September-December 2009 54
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