HOW TO APPRECIATE MUSIC ^ TO HOW MUSIC APPRECIATE BY KOBBE GUSTAV Author of "Wagner's Music-Dramas Analyzed," 1906 MOFFAT, YARD NEW " YORK COMPANY etc. Copyright, MOFFAT, 1906, YARD New Published, by COMPANY " York October, 1906 y^ \ ^'"-;125r Hli78:i PBINTBD J. F. TAPLET BY CO., "-EW YORK To PHILIP the Memory FERDINAND of My Brother KOBBE CONTENTS HOW PIANOFORTE A APPRECIATE TO RECITAL PAGE CHAPTER /. //. " " ///. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. The Pianoforte Bach's " From " Dawn Service of Chopin, " With " Poet the the Liszt, " 78 Romantic the Schumann, " 48 Sonata to the Music to Fugue 29 ., . Period the of 100 Pimwforte 115 ''Intimate" Gicnit Virtuosos among Paderewski A " 134 Modern 142 Pianist Tour 155 , HOW AN APPRECIATE TO on ORCHESTRAL CONCERT IX. X. XI. " " " XII. " XIII. " HOW XIV. XV. XVI. Development Instruments Concerning Richard A Note TO " " " of Songs the Orchestra Chamber Song Music 207 Music 224 VOCAL Composers Oratorio Opera 179 197 His and APPRECIATE and 167 Symphonies Strauss on Orchestra the of MUSIC 231 248 and Music-Drama 7 260 TABLE HOW CONTENTS OF APPRECIATE TO PIANOFORTE A RECITAL PAGE CHAPTER PIANOFORTE. L"THE the Why under of one's fingers music in Liszt the pianoforte the ambassadors accompaniment debt on form and Strauss A " pianoforte to Its develop Poet's " daughter chord Its " ancement the Clavichord " The " cembalo " lack Spinet to to developed of pozvcr the and to even centuries The virginal keyboard a his " " musical from Bcbung, " Hungarian 9 orchestration " harpsichord of Richard " monochord advice amusing sonata Nine " Joined " Music's " from described monochord termediaries in- Paderewski's composers, origin pianoforte No " " pianistic lowly " and Melody " orchestra to oso virtu- great a Developed " famous many orchestra Lark" the Hark, Beethoven's boon whole soid effect it anything instrument mar gave on Wagner to the " render of his one of "Hark, to the of to playing Can " Fingers " sic Mu- instruments played " on musical king mono- or Originated gypsy Pianoforte balin chestra or- in- TABLE lo CONTENTS OF PAGE CHAPTER vented Cristofori, lyii by Silbertnann and both Paderewski's pedals " Mechanical pedals " tension tons' Strings of twenty " Dampers " Exploited by " of use less Sense- pianofortes " decoration IL" BACH'S 29 SERVICE TO universal Pianoforte so through it,a general illustrates Bach " elaborate more poem Bach " Mozart with polyphony Illustrated What virtuoso performance lacks as Fails " modern " dictum well " Science musical great "ear give music expression as to " " both feeling " without being bends composer for music" " Bach musical science the tive Crea- " Hanchetfs Mr. Person and scope individualityof science a much as mission interpretive Music versus counterpoint virtuoso's The as to ute trib- Mason's player Barrier the for public music Wliat the ata'' Son- and fugue Gregory " mony har- tiated differen- and The " Daniel " reservation and is " Beethoven Melody, " or music "Moonlight the from tone Haydn of of Bach sic mu- fugue or modern on "grateful" Not " Bach than harmony fugue a of music-drama counterpoint defined and " the A " a give, can the art epoch an influence unites " of modern more Wagtier the in character survey than His " MUSIC and to " be very may at art an all " art " Weather The That Bn- CONTENTS OF TABLE ii PAGE CHAPTER reau The " music Bacon, What " anecdote Henderson's emotional epoch; Wagner's music Bach in Clavichord" Tempered tempered" hundred and 'III." FROM forty-one years in Break influence Bach's this hiatus in the periods of musical "melodic," Domenico Scarlatti Philipp Rise " Ear quaint titles " has and Mozart the three " heart slow amateur in Changes and music musical all-dominant " His in modern the ata son- the and tented Con- and taste other anoforte Pi- " of Haydn music and Wagner in music -figures epoch of development with "The " the of Began " Beethoven on Three " Rise " Soul," the the " Parry Ba^h Quickened in his work longer the Bach, 48 ... . founder of Emanuel outgrown " school great epoch-making Beethoven His of and Bachs, Two " Beginnings of " sonata of of The " pianoforte technique " Bach development or form to Mr. " evolution harmonic, of "zvell- SONATA TO FUGUE Well- "The tribute an Rubinstein " Meaning " king's A " point counter- of liberated language recital hall the J. language of the "Triple Concerto"" Bach's and the " W. " Wagner's " Bach's " Bach from Walkiire" "Die from of Shakespeare, learned Wagner Illustration " the not Union sonatas, the of sotmta mind " and hozvever, pianoforte music no " TABLE 12 OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Von Billow Incident " Beethoven a sonatas the of form and in under in his In restraint composers An of tempo " rubato harmonies in Paris The " Etudes Billow " on Liszt " the " The melody " sonata Gil- Sonata" The " bert's Schu- " Mendelssohn " Racial first to 100 FORTE PIANO- THE tion defini- Liszt's " of Wagner the great C minor traits opinion of him " The " them trancing en- Friends " recognize Etude the weird, and Vigor, passion, impetus Schumann's " Law^re^ice Weber " OF composer Clear pianoforte seems harmless POET incomparable three The The " j, Beethoven " genius polished and THE No. 2, " with "Keltic inexhaustible CHOPIN, Opus of form MacDowell's enlarged his last sonuias composers -first romantic v." ing pass- RIOD PE- Sonata" its climax modem smooth, The " The " Beethoven How " " on thirty years cital re- ROMANTIC periods Hampers Beethoven orchestric too is reached man in "Moonlight Beethoven form taste Illustrated " the chaUng Billow THE sonata a Von ers play- 78 OF What Beethoven as sonata DAWN the at Changes of " IV." D' Albert and " " Von ludes Pre- Rubin- TABLE OF. CONTENTS 13 CHAPTER PAGE stein's Nocturnes Seventh and battle head from Polonaises Other " works " "A " Huneker foot" to The " Waltzes The " The " hymns Prelude Poe the Mazurkas on Chopin's noble Chopin " Liszt " the playing of " on Chopin 115 SCHUMANN, VL" !^ THE mith composer Pupil in Strains a finger and suicide His music to "Kreisleria^ta'' " Schumanniana Latter title His " with asylum " tions Contribu- "Carnaval" and ly Real- explained " Thoughts, of " Pieces" " tuoso vir- brooding " music " a in philosopher program *'Fantasie Dies " introspectiveand Poet, bourgeois and as Afflicted " " Wieck career Wieck Clara " " Frederick abandons insanity Attempts education academic an pianoforte of Marries " "INTIMATE" Clara his compositions " first at neglected VIL" LISZT, 'A 134 youthful Paris GIANT THE phenomenon Conservatory " by Paganini D'Agoiilt Court Weimar Makes ; " His " "Le musical TUOSOSVIR- Refused petit Episode conductor the with at Mecca at Litz" " the spired In- Countess Weimar of "Lohengrin" His pianoforte compositions Produces " Lives" " " AMONG " " " many Ger- "six The TABLE 14 OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE "Don Juan Fantasie" "Hexameron" " Pelerinage" nees de the Etudes Progressive edition " Giant " History of the strides famous Characterization music great composer, A " Liszt as " a A virtuoso and died PIANIST The ON the charlatan a career his doctor" " Hoiv Thawitig forte pianoPlayed " 142 MODERN season one of tours the out a tone " here opinion His " save for greater Has fortes four piano- Duties " heard ever " on " "Parsifal" at pianoforte Perfect sustaining power " pianoforte tribute to the successful virtuoso most Hon- TOUR $i/i,g8i.8p for of " PADEREWSKI"A VHL"WITH " not of virtuosity his of influential and long for Beethoven His " in "Rhapsodies groises" " "An- " of the instruments are pianoforte " "piano cared for Paderewski's humor 155 ". HOW TO APPRECIATE ORCHESTRAL AN CONCERT IX." OF DEVELOPMENT Modern music at first the TRA ORCHES- vocal, and accompaniment of THE " zmthout Awkward strumental instrumentation in- contrapuntists " Primi- TABLE CONTENTS OF 15 PAGE CHAPTER live orchestration Monteverde music due richness of his symphonies on the " singer" than orchestral an Wagner, " the traced orchestra technical and demands three Fifth Symphony orchestra large reserved the scores since X." in the 167 OF The orchestra that should of The violin one as orchestral " Its varied stage whisper of violins in the a by illustrated Walkiire" Division " instruments ment Wagner's employ- " groups in "Die motive TRA ORCHES- THE aggregation of an play motive halla mentioning worth Berlioz INSTRUMENTS Love Wagner's " advance for Wonderfully " of his forces use only Wagner to posers com- Richard " tribute sic mu- not noise, hut for variety of expression Strauss's lioz Ber- " orchestral of greatest " more Architectural " in Wagner only juggler Employs " ven's Beetho- " has score Greater " technique the " orchestra since Beethoven players instruments modern Greater " modern symphonies added subtler to development "Meister the instruments few But Mozart of orchestra father of the establishes Beethoven " " The " The Italy Haydn " orchestral in of and Wal- orchestra the capacity " hundred the the cal musi- The violins "Lohengrin" prelude " " " The Modern i6 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE orchestral us,e A " the scores the harp the in flute The " Beethoven's "Tannhduser," in trombone lung" The " Flute" introduction The Cotter Wagner Mozart's clarinets the Richard the CONCERNING " The classical the symphony A the " " The " The Nibe- the "The third in the Magic act Funeral Richard " its horn, and minor of XL" tubas scores G " to ous vari- and and major symphony, ddmmerung" apotheosis of the C in in "Gbtter- and Ring of trombones " " "The in Schubert's in the in in group Fifth clarinets "Carmen" and major in the of their employment "Fidelio" " "Tristan" instruments Brass " C in The " from "woodwind "Lohengrin," illustratiotis trumpet The " Tympani Strauss, on on of hengrin" "Lo- March Strauss's in importance and symphony " regarding the bassoon of its bass Examples " in Schubert's symphonies ddmmerimg" double English horn use Ninth and oboe and Anecdote " "Rheingold" The " and string band of Wagner symphony " sordine by Tschaikowski viola, violoncello Dividing The Tlie " pizzicatomovement The " virtuosity the cymbals " twenty-two future velopment de- orchestra 179 SYMPHONIES period of " symphonic music Its esthetic witticism " domiimted purpose Some by defined comment i8 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE performance Th 0 m as anywhere, Straussiana " Scribbled " Still scores in played his anecdotes oyhood iirst Studied " Theodore schoolbook zvhen public Married " B " on school at under covers symphony with Freihild " Billow Von Ideals " was the of highest XIIL~A 207 NOTE HOW TO XIV." ON AND Strophic and also Publishers " it How " hold for not paper Impatient under " History of " composed was " The famous by Lilli Lehmann old zvhen years " His one, other marvelous " Becomes " for "The fecundity Died " songs Schumann's Schubert song, down the " As as same sung only eighteen Schubert "The Distinguished from a " Erlking" over composed he a drudgery dissonances six hundred yet wrote works " " Written " Tried " Schubert " struggles Fortune aloof him Early " music fast as pen could travel evening MUSIC tion; require considera- to greatest buy to 224 COMPOSERS composer school-teacher but SONG the poor VOCAL "composed through" first song Too MUSIC... APPRECIATE SONGS the CHAMBER Erlking" at thirty- and many individuality " " Not the same TABLE CONTENTS OF 19 PAGE CHAPTER proportion of great his during Fran::'s genius admiration Wagner Brahms " of one Richard " of keys Pitiable of and jected Ob- " physical thinker in Grieg, Chopin, Rubinstein, Liszt " Phases " profound a posed com- knowledge Choice " best Clara his " composers and Bach Jensen, " of Traces transpositions disabilities The " wooing of " of to music songs greatest of the Strauss, song Wolf Hugo others 231 ORATORIO XV." An incongruous Italywith and San of German music Dramatic Elgar XVL" and OPERA episodes Aria the First Haydn's Mendelssohn's " Messiah" in del Han- popularity in work " Gounod, 248 others MUSIC-DRAMA AND Monte^'crde to "The to in " " fluence in- sion" "Pas- of Messiah" "Seasons" and Origin of opera " expression "The of "Elijah" next " Bach's " action The " characterization performance "Creation" Scenery, " early oratorio Dramatic " in Originated " composers Rockstro's " Neri Filippo ballet in the even form art relieve " " Peri Cavalli the and introduces monotony developed by the Alessandro of Florentines vocal ody mel- recitative Scarlatti " " TABLE 20 OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE Characteristics of Italian Verdi to Gluck's " French opera "Carmen" and certain later here theories Verdi and drama not with Wagner movement Finch's "Wagner The " and Motive into ddmmerung" from greatest the the "Tristan" achievement present time, of " musical has " Wagner music to ner's Wag- examples Nibetives mo- show horn call the ''Gotter- An tion illustra- as His veloped de- the Siegfried, of March " guishing distin- a cally plasticity musi- clima.v Funeral ner Wag- Leading " Siegfried motive the nerian Wag- Siegfried, Their " the " musical motives absolute of music-drama by folk-lore " Unity " original anti-Wagner Works" The The " into and His " labels mere illustrated hero, in the of Tarnhelm not "Studies illustrated Curse 'lung, to Examples " trait method impetus and music- wholly and posers com- A " of the on Italian Form " of effects influence Wagner " melodist a "Faust," music-drama Gave Drama" " Their " Krehhiel's " and popularity contemporary " German Far-reaching " opera an latti Scar- Huguenots," Wagner's " " Comparative " operas Wagner's reforms "Les " from opera a poser com- scores history, up the to 260 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGES Beethoven's "Moonlight "Two-Part Love Sonata" Invention/' Motive Opening of Walhalla Motive Bach by "Die from 54 Walkilre" "Lohengrin" the 5.5 52, 180 Prelude 183 192 Curse Motive Siegfried Nibelung 269 Motive 270 SniitJiy Tarnhelm Motive 270 Motive 271 Siegfried Horn Call 2^2 Develops into Motive of Siegfried, the Hero. 272 . And into Climax Funeral of . . "Gbtterd'dmmerung" the March 272 Examples from "Tristan und Isolde" 273, 274 INTRODUCTION 4W RE A musical?" you /\ "No; Your of it sing, If musical you music book who the have who and yet and yet satisfied the does to amounts of keep a this the to this with as is that play growing ever- an. longer no play to upon understand to wants fession, pro- a not these music but the may know," allowing and halls who art; to for music Among emotions, book. personal clearly even or a language to the In carrying side before of and 13 in it out but of the I many, do to is have have so that manner a reader, music, eyes and passion, average the with which, desire natural craving intelligible be recital an as "wants untechnical wholly and music, so. satisfy To shall the lover musical. are that and it more certainly and of the followed not it love simply senses why in concert " number is be may you singers; or for planned throng sing, it, nor unmusical. are you appreciate play so. is those opera that pianists many become This those and neither you follows standing misunder- complete a Because case. sing." nor shows means than may or no love you play answer the by neither I the not pose purlected neg- endeavored reader, and in INTRODUCTION 24 their proper I somewhat am of one those lift his of of fact, I am in most expression in which I music, which of life and these quite am from to hear by the be opera, Richard a I the and of Liszt music, up "Don on (for of this book epoch master, worked. written great and will do far be I think to of music-lovers But who, while than to Beethoven a heretic as symphony in in the derly or- Indeed, art. the Fifth up I an was Symphony Chopin. on admiration devoted than ample the to tion por- cal classi- especiallyits greatest forms that these unsympathetically. body the cipation eman- great part played Therefore, masters, now trouble than greater found and its more brought myself Wagner. its great Beethoven, Nor I I have critics),and most the the that importance Giovanni," before whom of ertheless, Nev- music-drama very their systematic study exact forms Beethoven the or the unconscionable an and upon Therefore, poem great, the opera the Sonatas and such of the evolution tone In stress achieved to go the expressed. form. might time dencies liberating ten- of Wagner a or not am Mozart brought to Strauss unaware of every only through music has not upon be to expansion tyranny listen rather symphony, to the Mozart a and does more than that aware obsolete growing I would sought are who the lays truth opinions, mentioned. are with sympathy gradual development be views "sonata" and of modern may musical in my advanced tory. his- in musical names reverentiallyheavenward eyes "symphony" form great radical a persons Vv-ords the the sequence, pages in which will be found something being they told is due the that they 26 INTRODUCTION drama " Strauss; of who, it "Are schools of I if But, why lover you of the himself in the art, is and past they him from lover a the of music with sympathy also ard Rich- to the the appreciates behind contributed in none to knowledging ac- music make musical?" neither play read can you should not music be than merely in their sing." nor and more many " lies before is of Bach is. you "No; from thoroughly what what music who although masters great in everything writer a advanced more fact, place to standpoint and in anything, listen, musical a " of fingers those or is there no more GUSTAV genuine ship musician- whose vocal reason Try! cords. KOBBE. HOW TO APPRECIATE A RECITAL PIANOFORTE PIANOFORTE THE THERE one be must who attends it Therefore, very and how outset it became of circle. home in fact, a The is the it this of that capacity of the and softly the the the first music is sound, two learn intimate will surely hance en- be, should musical is in is both " capable and it from of call *9 things term the posite op- " The pianoforte, being forte. played It was immediate its clavichords. and learning Most loud. word, harpsichords to low and piano in it. musical a gentle, one very- ments. instru- is denied strong terms that for and, of soft, requirements to most " piano distinguished old-time the of recital generally instalment that is instruments, things abused means loudly practical, and at pianoforte musical used most although which self. it- it. name of the pianoforte a gree de- some institute to most such most piano, forte, precursors, One a real degree combination both the its a signifies of to call of hall prerequisite Even denoting concert of perhaps, people of Knowledge pianoforte reason, the universal the enjoyment the what " most instrument the into every instrument the pertinent me it is what and expressive to seems of part recital regarding inquiry an the on pianoforte a curiosity of the practically how musical to stand under- by their HO 30 IV To right names. of one a characteristic of I If speak specimen of the of in this instrument in I would say of home. Indeed, Is Home undue that the stretch of ask to "In households his adds with part of of layman through or the like is in wholly associated music on this pianofortewe no the its and to Bie, in players; become it has musical least nine with almost first introduction their pianoforte whole our upon he musical whole our and essential an professional, at out seem Oscar says ten and and point. every Wagner are wiser be of greater part of their musical composers if you Instruments. Surely received "What to day, it might a there is that song without might, its characteristics of music. invariablyhave music hours instrument stamping conception familiar practicingscales and the orchestra although, " life,giving its form and persons, music where the is the Mother?" a King perfect truth our culture of and life of musical the foreign atmosphere," a history the neighbor'sopinion on your breathe origin single phrase a title of Pianoforte?" a The to dence evi- and imagination, be changed working hard at your fingerexercises several not the pianoforte the Without Without Is Home speech, Hngiiisticlaziness of express to to-day any of shortcuts is piano a as instrument. asked importance *'What pianoforte a ignorance concerning utter were the of MUSIC modern unjustifiable our character APPRECIATE TO and have knowledge from Meyerbeer, opera, pianoforte,and had derived it. whose to the Even work their first lessons Meyerbeer achieved PIANOFORTE THE triumphs brilliant his attention intimate and of circle great audience and seek. of the the of the ability"to of emotion resonant for of and passages, and notes which this is entitled "The spiritsof give, within fingers. finest with of the literature,speaks that to all phases ; its full, of the orchestra from sound rapid most of time same to sive comprehen- words" of far the powerful forte; and most The There of of row music. the white He grasp has of pianoforte music the all. Ruler the One's Under not the commanas or is not its and runs sustained singing phrases. But Besides the lacks shade every the Music the its vying permits at and language gentlest pianissimo to mechanism, the the ments, instru- of king first of the it to rouses living expression which its command ; thrills the its supremacy pianoforte its volume tone; it also hall and author lend unites It is the for reason solitarysoul tie that Yet concert " of the the "the public most and enthusiasm. of Weitzmann, its the friends. and of the account time same is the most pianoforte expression" and family highest pitch the lonely mourner seeks joy whose the at turned he operatic stage. instruments of the favorite pianistbefore concert a the to all musical Of as 31 of voice engraving renders it even a Spirits." Well, and black Weber he can hands, under anything reproduce greater of can his ten in music. the tra orches- fidelitythan painting; for only who is ruler keys music, all that music render can by overture an his two its own, with is Fingers. to the the eyes HOW Z2 of familiar one APPRECIATE TO suggest the through certain with color easily felt than is playing an can make the their low majestic hear such of accents the of in out the whole to such a clang tints that it has that when, never think can take up the tone remarkable basses sharp effective horns ; the colos pic- shrill of pianoforte pieces spirit of the instrument the tone permitting This is dual a these that Liszt pianoforte. technique the suggestion of of He the of become the services among said colors obtrude to giant the capacity posers, com- played did even instrument many the of tage. part of its heri- pianoforte, the fact quality wholly peculiar to itself, so tone for and has conceived of the many one been the on that like the true of the orchestra of far- while It has art. point a the which, without developed This the ; the on they say), yet suggest orchestra He more. the as of the double notes Liszt, the giant of virtuosos his effects of of Liszt the much. too to composition pianoforte compositions are orchestra themselves who reverberatingpercussions hollow, ; sustained rhapsodies ("pianistic,"as of more instruments rumbling trombones there carried are of songs. arrangements and certain of the most some Hungarian the tympani Moreover, that orchestra an characteristic ; the growl ; while engraving original, whereas, technique of arrangement of the are of the the described, the pianoforte virtuoso carrying pizzicato,or or of nuances even " painting does scheme his audience orchestra MUSIC example, the we are orchestra, while into itself and colors of other playing Chopin the at reproduce, or instruments, characteristics. is same at least one we time it suggest, of its most in common He can APPRECIATE TO HOIV 34 capable of doing with is use pianoforte. the the places the at whole can dozen lack the without prima donna of pianoforte in the the violin singer. They sing ? After an heard the an half of even the for violoncello, and next to instruments disadvantage same dependent are which monotonous frequently most of can singing become hall, labor under concert the as The harmony. capable singing through the would of counterpoint and accompaniment songs keys grace vocalist vocalist a unaccompanied greatest and A it simply the instrument player. one know we harmony fing-ers. highest notes fingers upon one of imagine you the all ten the as sweetness range entire programme a of as disposal of air, but of It is the well as power of music notes the pressure await and together the lowest sound music, for all the in MUSIC the upon paniment accom- of others. The pianist,on the other of able advantage on melodic singing with phrase of the others the the musical is the at his signal,which hear sensitive baton. the A A When Paderewski poet is poet may orchestra that at he tender completes beauty. this, not and with reveals Moreover, some not " the some he directing is instrument be at is required the and conductor for the s we desk not forte piano- else of one a with hear " it else one is at the Paderewski whom temperament all in " intermediary possibly may the understand. we does who time harmony, in all its us pianisthimself wholly poet. to of paniment accom- fingersthe nocturne, exquisite weave fabric and same of his some Chopjn a the at inestimable the play melody to instrument one While one. being hand, has but less a the in interpretation THE of his musical their Even accompaniments temperament and beauty have been because the the of in the performance, Yes, co-operate. because Ijecause and It would music be under this from had its wrought gradual through it first tentative to evolution Bach's thoN'en. As a was plays various beginnings symphony Philipp of not ments instru- it independent. upon the for from the it that the ent pres- sonata ments instruform sonata it and by a process Domenico Emanuel simply is a debt keyboard upon perfection through son, do pends de- Pianoforte. developed, extending public of instruments overestimate the name one music who pianoforte. Including which out the to difficult to the to owes Debt action own king the your every many is the who of performance independent him makes Music's so pianoforte it is the most it of a play the in your of success pianoforte grasp inseparable from the the the eyes melody. you pictures and your co-operation the upon as the paniment accom- the the through by as of the of and, scenic defects because shade to within placed singer a nuances go never arrangement able of the grace Lark" the by because sensitive as fact that me Liszt's before be Hark, to it is to the imagination without room of all " watch " a music-drama Wagner fingers it is delicate score music to "Hark. most delightful,too. wonderful and pianistis How pass ; playing to ten are fully revealed so not apt of Schubert's a conspicuous suffer singers great are they as Paderewski's song, 35 conceptions poets usually are absence. their by PIANOFORTE Bach, for was of Scarlatti to Bee- orchestra, that it follows through form pianoforte the their cast APPRECIATE TO HOW 36 MUSIC the sonata in which works greatest far so goes Schumann after him and pianistically ; but the deferred take until to as we book the this of and the orchestra treated discussion tion, orchestra- on Beethoven, that assert Brahms, up Richard established. was the through classical composers the Strauss, in his revision of Berlioz's even thus and orchestral and orchestra is better point music. Here, however, its constant to use and the home, and the joy the works, orchestral used hit harmonies. and new the orchestra in Erard wrote and by heart," in donk, duet he based the on drama, use Wagiier, her romantic and the to show the 9ome of the most his with musical in many famous went of the I could the to my if I had Wesenlove great other quote "Isolde," which in the frequency has "I lives of the which he is poser com- music- inspired his great who of the universal pianoforte and the understood who Mathilde to genesis passages woinan The Venice Wagner my of improvements rapidly as as Isolde," and und in search ideas. passage the often, has, employed ever his out from writes in "Tristan from Even the relating to passages accidental sketching out keys their for it, and on upon other writing when pianoforte the familiar his even the over none as pianoforte to have and player hall concert great audiences of delight amateur groping psychical note, it the sketches, testing their harmonies doubt, while no for and in addition that for the instrument an of the great composers, circle,many first as of be observed it may ilar sim- made instrument. other compo'^etN. ways been Many a boon of them PIANOFORTE THE materially accelerated works music. Mozart of virtuoso was the pianistof as the his music. " Salon nature Pleyei in elite, who public. using for Paris he recitals gave his his began strained the Clara famous to pianist woman his works Liszt his. the on of will in musical soil, you Its It must as except through precursors harpsichord, was a a long harp general way, a name with the a His the most fact, the the where of roots for way pianist of a dig her the you forte. piano- Origin. it attained a hand devised had Vv'as supposed, however, know we the immediate the be not In Lowly tuoso, vir- a right was out Brahms strike greater time, substituted hewed literally solid, scholarly attainments. the exercises. who her keyboard. musical as he the at the his which however, concert career finger of apparatus Wieck, fingersfor in ideas the practice of finger facilitating wife, was but to musical fourth mechanical a Mendelssohn shrinking; conveyed turn he musical the was a forte piano- own miscellaneous a too was Schumann but in in not was his and later affable,gentlemanly type smooth, Chopin his player introduced drawing-rooms. same their before Beethoven, public the to lion of the Viennese a rank. highest compositions and youthful prodigy, a own appreciationof the by deafness, overtaken was of their by publicperfonnances and pianists, were 37 process to that its present of supremacy evolution. of the modem suggesting is. One of pianofortewas that But ment instru- the keyboard attachment, pianoforte ment instru- the and the such, harp is 38 a HOW little apparatus centuries in which This about nine centuries consistingof do hundred years' history of on the manufacture of place The a to clear as short a it taut and pluck it,its the string and the point where it is the "node," box and Under or increase consisted tuned the scale marked bridge the the notes on node marked scale and at the hand by string could of is called duce pro- an oblong of a was a simplest a peg. bridge graduated By moving the the and shortened while, and the harmonious and over corresponding points on a to nearer its along be If in it of the box. After note. a means with If you of it fast, draw what taut use we pitch. from monochord in contact the as of vibrations given pitch by the bottom study ever, how- understand will sound string drawn produced. facilitate the end one number be moved at be out musical shorten The a of would much tied, you string and fret that could work to used it taut the a to tailed de- Such brief as draw note. of nine a technical and be vibrations grasp form a wants true piece of string,tie higher give to history should, its to determine you a to means pianoforte. pianoforte. originallywas to by possible. as monochord tuning fork, take endeavor instrument an about who one every required of of the instrument of it has modern belong many instm- in vibration the would I shall time and not mean among king the am Something here. be known same into attachment I but the for the evolution consideration music, of the discovered was monochord, be alarmed. not with compared single string set a keyboard But the was MUSIC lay and the first germ ago ments. a affair fullydeveloped very of APPRECIATE TO uated grad- in order to relationshipbe- THE different tween its with It and more clever the four under the upon this from the To monochord. the upright piece pressed it in set created down the and string. adding To end as the struck the as the to the key finger strings, contact, kept was the pressed against the the was pleasure vious ob- next ceased determining which by instrument monochord for the with the attached was time, by keys on it of the one same more instrument play key When long of borrowing attaching utilityof the some beginning of remained apparatus could amateurs lasted ment improve- an the of each the gradually an As tinually con- different many tangent. at strings and more became and and the tangent increase technical mere organ tangent step, and a idea a to arrangement the rear which node as about vibration, and a however, strings. called key a upon to awkward century, "keyboard an bridges four each added, scale. nuisance, a conceived person tenth of less 39 strings were graduated or shift points three notes, bridge was PIANOFORTE to be pitch of professionals and and themselves to others. A Poet's There 1529 a has Advice been reply where have lessons been as by she who was upon popular the modem the had being the Musical His preserved made daughter Elena, to to from us Pietro poet written to educated day as which its pianoforte, is him about the Bembo from asking monochord, in its Daughter. to the if she seems year vent con- could to fully developed now. his have cessor, suc- HUir 40 for permission "Touching thy request the monochord," that know chaste thy is playing modest and play badly tender maiden it would cause Yet in order give ten to from much so would l)enefit thee thee to dost not learn the play too or If not, it ? chord did " did have The Monochord of the been term to added Elena, to was derived If you find that a the ent, desired the to will distress play, reallywas the raise the lived the few a words they are " play And mono- centuries to-day! way own the application strings had monochord on which distinguishedp"ar- of her a the other clavichord, which primitive lid of strings become after The misnomer. directlyfrom to string," and instrument evident the sciences of day? own our her had thou Clavichord. *'one means she them These Elena learn because was they desire pursuit daughter Elena not would She soon. if thy mortification. at the applicationto in this thyself without for laugh his to far pleasure, tell their needs must How else. see no out exercise, with- the to thyself with Bembo wholly lacking T wonder thou practice of needlework." the poet well aught them wcrt play canst for most little pleasure and years of be the thee thy schoolmates, have to content and so thou But to care Therefore, of twelve thinking as tellingthee. my to frivolous Besides, if thou alive. little shame. up shouldst that thou ply re- not canst and vain for "I answer, thou years art an I would whereas women, to of play upon to quaint begins Bembo's because that MUSIC APFRLCIATE TO your shorter was monochord. pianoforte from the you bass will up. HOW 42 cians APPRECIATE TO called MUSIC Bebiing (trembling), bal- French the and an-cemcnt. A defect of the This power. clavichord defect in the construction of which, in hard of shading no The uniform sound at chance lying has on a table with (a became shaped were much the of the like somew'hat smaller. virginal a virginalswere A result the This the no board key- tipped a cembalo clavi- origin balo clavicem- Haipsichords grand pianofortes, but our spinet was made a the was by which still smaller About this instrument, called provised im- music. devised one er's play- and gypsy generally known. more forte. piano- cembalo. the keys). name with in the arpeggios some players of the Hungarian called with cembalo were and weird the crow-quills,and harpsichord, soon but band instrument an like those quillsfor with of the one little mallets two instrument attachment the him century, it seems, the fifteenth of strings the Hungarian a that much very produces old very jacks before characteristic runs the notice played with hands, and a that than sharp outline, a listeningto may you It is It is stronger or Harpsichord. be to strings strung many were crow-quills jacks twanged the keys, of the tones." restaurant a much strings the the with "permitting power, of action was But The If you instrument by jacks tipped clavichord. the the to resulted which experiments keyboard a response leather. with of vibration in set led to of its lack however, was, a small one. larger harpsichord, Sometimes, than deed, in- workboxes, THE instrument the on table a For tlie clavichord this book of the preference the and tone produced it pianoforte making day, but Philipp great to his aid he materially And older occasional musicians, and use How late as as thoroughly be appreciated of English pianofortes production of clavichords Piano could the chord, clavi- on the player modern keys. then even and clavichord vary the Swells and 1780 found the last in tury. cen- pianoforte is will celebrated firm did and not begin to the continued 1793. Forte. nor on strength pedals of a 1730 be to was that in strument in- sweet lingering regret the until the pianoforte and beginning until son, the produced; by the degree,of force the his it for it still founded Bach's first of the without the in popular by using it is said when makers manufacture Neither in did as of the yet abandoned not be could that lonely,melancholy, unspeakably was the it making public performances. "that by in its sweet of already was value the gave Experiments Mozart realize to musicians clavichord, Bach. Emanuel masters the to flourished class effect in progress were clung harpsichord halancement. the by of the because delicatelytremulous upon sufficient. best the vey sur- seems virginal) and clavichord the to placed general this very pianoforte other, but each and box the instruments the (harpsichord, spinet, alongside of out of the and 43 player. of purposes of the precursors The taken being before the PIANOFORTF the harpsichord of the tone with worked which by the which he he struck knees and ^014^ 44 feet the TO APPRECIATE devised were **touch" as with instruments be the fingers. The forfc. was the under the substitution of quill-jacks, was an whether should the upon struck the It tolomeo tone of keys. This by essentials have the The elapsed same and giving already how has been player first forte. pianoBar- by 1 answer their been of by this ascribed to But Gottfried the real situation mann Silber- of the of view. before beloved clavichord they But out. for the ian. Ital- clever manufacturer point used is in its to-day the latter new Time and their made professional musicians many pointed were pianoforte bound was in the end. attempt mechanism themselves not the inventor, while the was required slow the up triumph take which then, the action devised business a were I shall not to since first successful the improvements the and in in 171 (1683-1753). Cristofori instruments, from to the was frequently is German a is that was that as invention Silbermann, in tion, ac- tangents which named so hainmer forte depended or instrument player's the possible pianoforte manufacturers many way, for pinno to harpsichord of the hainmers and of sound Cristofori,of Florence, and, although nearly centuries two invention of the strength with invented was degree instrument degree impossible was pumo, be but difficulty, control was until the the the clavichord Not to-day it in which not was this overcome understand we produced to MUSIC a of few to to a technical pianoforte. the questions which players instruments present give when who their I should But may have not may apart and description of examine tuners have like suggested have cared them, taken or to have off the PIANOFORTE THE stringsof The the exposed lid and Those of the Eight or deepest bass for about of tones of these vibration twelve from ten strings to twice had string been All When the fingers strike the keys of the strings, the the force exerted merit soon as strings,stops the the be tone can vibrations, and the to loud This key. play prolongs the the or legato. The damper The keys. the strings,shortens tone. The of after the even soft the action all the pedal brings the simultaneous stroke use down fingerpressed enables tones Thus ceases. which the vibrating the device checks dampers, corresiX"nd- is the staccato pedal, the tone its immediately by raising the dampened fingeror prolonged by keeping on the key place against into springs ing damper with of row upon guishing distin- the compared a a strike hammers depending as strings are the fingerreleases a the stroke pianoforte the of one remaining five player, this being the by Under precursors. as force only Player. the Depends if tone. a on the and strings to son uni- producing as The pairs, two are and tone a in vibration. set three have octaves there the these, in half, the strings are powerful as by Above strings. simultaneously, tone, wire. copper produced striking them, a approximately a with are wound and that, the hammer so bass theit neariy twenty. to covered the view. to of steel wire, and tons are copper- octave an mechanism and strings pianoforteare the varies tension 45 pedal, dampers and of both hammers and nearer produces pedals is or released fingers have the ist pian- the a a softer modern 46 IV HO APPRECIATE TO effect and virtuoso a of use soft the the compositions. There sustaining pedal, but I do valuable as his in invention an Within recent is the opinion, my instruments it is senseless and thousands of dexterity nevertheless wdio and who their enabled with who the Decorations ugly appearance. the side toward curve, while the This the the called the proved as chanical me- of There time the the device the an are the nor pianoforte, musical genuine The play knowledge, this. of In class. to expressively or Do That pianoforte often of passages vate culti- to the renders not taste ing, feel- depends, of the son per- it. The straight side their of musical pianoforte itself,upon manipulates the introduced destined neither music. for taste in through the pianola accurately; whether music of people are are of technique the master to was designate as pianolas, are have who people he indicate it has underestimate to the was pedal been I may part in the diffusion important as these have instrument popular most think the anticipated. was there years by that pedals third a per dam- this country, formally not pianofortes,which after visited both of employment simultaneous produced systematically,and to the Paderewski have first composers the among for one, tones I believe pianistswho effect this employ gentle pedal. first of the great to charming very pedal prolongs MUSIC is spoken of as an instrument it emphatically is not. grand room Beautify. Not is placed against presents a If the the wall graceful,sweeping upright effectivelybreaks the straight PIANOFORTE THE of line wall the is are placed and other a rose the " awakened pianoforte look of are for is in "period" the has bounds to music of pianist he ordinary No too taste, rich he with of course and to be the the musical. less The pianofortes also is in ford af- can the it besides proficient more and turned the out high-class are is person is, within decoration the pianoforte the this there one. decorated A he rooms, better. by like decorated If pianoforte business look period. simpler the Because rooms room. the indeed, elaborately for even appearance hopes. to a they portfolios, made art for cares decorated " is the and less is be "period" itself, the the in of about Often, designed aflford good not "period" a room, instrument satisfied are in be to top on scattered musical historical some waits precise, orderly of it need business enough a the of preferably that cemetery. a pianoforte style no rich the in objectionable Equally forte, piano- a upon music of If the create that, however, or books graveyard a soul neatly arranged mounds pianoforte of if they and paths the abomination. an disorderly: worse, of bound or place to is but there mind, my instrument. the music pictures single flower, a living symbol within Sheet with that framed knicknacks, To forte piano- the "ornaments" so-called permissible vase If it stands. things. it is slender a the " which the to it upon senseless thing one which against it is due ugly, 47 for more in the turer. manufac- those who II BACKS in general reader the these in chapters of enjoy enable recital, but as instead pianoforte the is usually Ill "big." far not, indeed, the evolution this chapter), in the in is quite therefore phases of musical as an preludes Clavichord," apt In to The open. music its climax which and a fugues with Bach on "big," if often, in as in out is the vious pre- sufficient so reviewing possible so a to forte pianoreview history. example and is something for orchestra; orchestra. This pianoforte, quite which it Take is instrument, recital the prehensive com- orchestra, is orchestra the a chapters the on pointed led more a the I (as itself, has many the music of the the such at imply. those with hear with concerned, than bigger lead give to prepare it with fact, however, is influence its as will would possible recital thus he that to of of point what it is that and art, because done, music pianoforte a than forte by the piano- played approach elected I why reason on to knowledge one of the him role the only not MUSIC TO evolution survey to been has important SO a SERVICE which composition selection rounded its close. You +8 pianoforte illustrates off and will Bach, of one Well-Tempered "The from a by be recital a whole brought apt to is quite epoch alike find to this HOl^V 50 Yet labored. and who woman and preludes Bach rule, a as and I to back his Richard Brahms, realize to that and the music Schubert be to old as While I to I all, Wagner, this music the Liszt. Schumann, write modern not can- cal musi- predilections,my above as I still while true, come unfit hers But over Bach." and, modern more get Chopin. debt the rave you musical myself chord," Clavi- My age. "You has the play appreciation of Bach, Father Strauss consider mother advanced when in my family, alphabet. the as : to young a musical very her The me is "Well-Tempered the being Schubert, gods a heard prophecy ultra-modern failed in with but now, that should up simple to say will go you say am of only Wagner am acquaintances child a as comes used teacher my exceptional case. most a as fugues finds is brought having who, and among was MUSIC APPRECIATE TO music if I book Bach, to owes greater the the debt. One of of much the the in place because with and the in the influence the little or after him, the classical age sum up the age no in the names of the sonata mentioned on of and the true in age the must that Mozart have age and The do to Bach l^e not Bach immediately that as where, else- as between general that is much so gap symphony. would music following of music, Haydn, probably had is the " While it is literally, too has instrument of music music. this generalizationlike a discussing pianoforte evolution modern taken and " tory his- in the phenomena remarkable most art Music. ill Modern Bach which had came we Beethoven, three developed ters mas- and BACH'S much composed when SERVICE modern more a they did as wanted Wagner, with teeming counterpoint inherited just what this means, had has none the on reader have to that what classical for and with another direction harmonically be can and that from its the clear its combination had or for the conception been two in turn a developed and it that so its counter- from harmony the max, its cli- reached derives of from it differs classicists of httle style having the music modern Bach, he why contrapuntally ; of Bach influence necessity took of under instead said ix)int music by him, exhausted understand To wherein of possibilities all the which system counterpoint Bach Bach's it is necessary is and counterpoint harmony; harmonic reasonably a classical the combined and composers, least at from and Hke musical of appreciate the music But romanticist Beethoven. to modern upon him the from been Hved. means Bach to 51 never a the to back had Bach enrich down reached period, he had composer, to handed expression MUSIC TO Beethoven, from systems Wagner. There is another be explained and harmony should counterpoint all the Nearly now. Haydn, written " would with be the much on of clear the to recital programs, is to of old As start I have with we must contrapuntal the that ceded pre- times some- contrapuntal said the reader that before, it form, sonata counterpoint, for But between music and simpler. the difference the Beethoven, easier instead is the music and of counterpoint meaning l^e made counterpoint. harmony harmony " in and early music, Mozart is to be found the why reason "face of the two the music" composers " and HOW 52 APPRECIATE TO the best way this is to do counterpoint are melody Here tones. theme or is the begins the It is melody, a is the harmony as and is but it does adds which an constitute accompaniment Counterpoint. or not progressionof sing^le theme with constitute which melody. his of thoven Bee: harmony, several for tones, progression of single rational to and differ. combination the harmony "jNIoonlightSonata" familiar rational they rational a melody distinguishedfrom tones explain what wherein and Harmony A to MUSIC But when and theme Beethove:i it becomes: ^-3 BE^ m ^ Pen. g"iis: -sCl -cQ S3 Pea. IS _:^ WW tr="- uj'm often it is to he however, a usually does it with theme, for not but or with in a several general the purpose that shall the on to ody mel- or it and support of Composers conceived it with supporting an another it with combine difference is the it. combining of That, themes. equally important other theme hand, other of purpose in order way, a nials, peren- part of a striking relief. and the only conceives with so ably prob- hardy the but Ac tones. again, because out with harmon)', composer bold it into accompaniment, harmony between counterpoint. and In then, harmony, music composed which the which according combination the on This equal importance. fugue or are one at accompaniment, the themes of a the other on why, reason the ptinctum, of time it has fugue term which stand and not as means been they being out derived on is the listener readily ear usually which clearly from trained travel work average sonata, a of there when His hand, each themes, uninteresting. themes but Counterpoint, the contra is the accompaniment, the several of and dry distinguish the heard the pianoforte recital,the a is apt to find it can good example, complicated contrapuntal other of program a from out of Counterpoint, is subordinate. rests is in system, harmonic the to Sonata" stands melody, strictly speaking, more or, "Moonlight the theme, a classed contrapuntal school, the a be ample ex- an music, and on pointed accompaniment an throw be is not melody When, to have will mistake a as in books pointed out been often has it is of several combination of the rational 53 since harmony, becomes also the passage MUSIC TO SERVICE BACH'S to the unravel along together. from the Latin point against point or HOW 54 against note about a the himself it is of elaborate most the fugue may console thought that, excepting for music a grasp swallow to the very at than however, are, simpler pieces fugue. Sometimes, a by Padre the among in the as Martini, which lighter numbers elect, beginning itself,or, rather, "imitates" of the canon. which "Three many people, they Another and the in character any of a simple form that of round example. realized have torical hiswith is the familiar a into A is well given in the later again and For initiated is figures theme a canon singing this, How that mysterious thing comparatively simple again of illustrated "Two-Part Bach's spiritedtheme bar is then form Attegrezza. Con counterpoint piece Mice" counterpoint ? as Vivace. when being were known Blind of votte" little "Ga- programs it, which form counterpoint charming now on of recitals,the contrapuntist combines a the recital. a There of fugiie,is a is, and to of in as there pretty stififdose a kind is unable with MUSIC complicated, when note, who person APPRECIATE TO out by left,an in the a canon. one who a Inventions," the right hand "imitation" piece and wishes by to gives become dapper in which the itself answers which little crops it somewhat acquainted out the with BACH'S Bach better nothing is there I "pert," as even it; a of relaxation is just quoted, compact, I have heard once of perfect example when old keys, form once said that in which fugue that history voice This to a and them, the to He the themes would when the be fourth. chase and of of to few a player joins in, the addition well other, or run it bars so posed suptwo discord, which make sound each each be been answer to might It But, instead, they have contrapuntist that they fortes, piano- and would the different his in adept an versions two. Let way. theme, other of fugue. pianist,after in with comes be- nation theme modified second aggravated by at mighty a definition the is different a sounding together is after different a pianists join the Goethe form, the first to music. world who and one starts second it in gives to in all the freely poetic a four successively with that the he theme a others. nods on or that fugues nation composer counterpoint places "Well-Tempered and the musical illustrate that Imagine of of is highly complicated attempt me and periwig Is. contrapuntal of the audible." his especially his climax "the gay, in' moments Bach aside forty-eightpreludes the and girlcharacterize Father Fugue a fugiies, and Clavichord," from his clavichord. at What Bach's ventions, In- piece little buoyant young laid has he himself amusing a 55 "Two-Part these than fascinating especially the which MUSIC TO SERVICE of so the third conceived together counter as to and by they and 56 HOW rO paralleJ and enter and the march in order of to along by Fate. of united, players What is demanded of the the them that themes apart, An of different all their colors, In his the Fugue Mason first public,and is answered by a then fourth. a again This second stated process out few tions. combina- the chord" Clavi- themes at third goes in through from. on iel Dan- that "the actual simple. an prevails fugue a pelling dis- toward immemorially and voice, tween be- distinguish trace paragraph subject by a independence Forerunners," His have by fugue. a Virtuoso. the a the like interestingto study that are to easy points of by are and they performance to prints the awe themes, ''Well-Tempered regarding popular mind, announcement above; and devotes mystery rules, despite the the is book, "Beethoven the in they action together, complicated most and interweaving, Gregory with that entire hearer Boekelman so The the Bach's by Bernardus the posed, sup- clearly differentiate can their in edition player is enable and even for counterpoint he be not blend to truly inexorable these are ging sur- a pianists into required of the fingers,so it must found of of case as distinct are are complicated piece a in the four times other at course, how combinations, momentum a called emphasize yet, when several Of I have because which different many striving, yet always, fw"gue,borne great that into MUSIC flowing along smoothly, sometimes as APPRECIATE formal aroused After the single voice, interval of a it fiftli voice, and answered until each voice has HOW 58 APPRECIATE TO What lack The MUSIC Counterpoint Lacks. compositions explains why find "D them less Minor and Liszt, omit them. when a it is easy trained fugue Bach from than other virtuosos and attracts singer or of of of another full scope to fancy,to it with exists music is music music's some colors mood, something counterpoint some quite not for feeling,or outside is restricted virtuoso's a less distinguishes him his public to be may certs, con- poorly the tended. at- virtuoso the why thrillingand affords the his to formance per- player mood own personality,whereas own largely sake, Yet reason music his a as for in it lies the secret interpret it according color a is of personalityof Modern not. follow work a fascinating or is person contrapuntal for players in To player the the interpretation,the one such that conductor, orchestral individual that believe firmly I other fact, especially a explain? music. thing of that would in the house in very those cital, re- intelligentlyrequires modem in of pieces obvious to the while of enough Fan- pianoforte a modern so individuality of individuality is and deny Moreover, ear. the importance the persons contrapuntal composition highly or Why The arrangements of program of ten out concert-goers music. in the of puntal contra- the "Chromatic or even the on most modern Fugue" because Nine later. than by Bach, tolerated are rather and Fugue" Tausig come attractive Toccata tasie and in highly personal expression of of for itself alone. sake the of painting music. in his power of The of It preting interin tone player expression BACH'S the by SERVICE formulas very We move that it is only moderate even of out, however in great phrases I bold affirm that to about am his temperament, is one some to of is and make virtuoso to his moods, purely individual this the subconscious his that test pro- composer, of the even in music to himself duty personality, his and work to I nevertheless say, province own barrier a the the person it is as easy to subjectiveor self,through music; there to it is the himself, his express played by about himself interpreter to subordinate what it hear to a for fugue for, cheap and high-sounding against Bach a to I think But player a trapuntist. con- able was forms. proficiencyas ; the interestingfor awkwardly, else, however of Bach that more than 59 art or its restricted far pianoforte the on science marvel freelywithin so it true of the may MUSIC TO puntal contra- of power expression. often We pianistthat Bach The Mission hear it said he is player. He be the of tradition, the the greatest who player icicle and revels a in could the greatest contemporary virtuoso. living converts Schubert It Chopin a the player himself virtuoso creates may go when too and he time worshiper scholarly player, into a who an who snowball, is always he is pleased forgets that interprets. far and great a same is the what to the not nocturne into impromptu "composer's intentions" virtuoso at reserved, continent, " truly great Player. be, and not counterpoint call the the of the great Chopin player, but a slavishlysubordinating to of depart too the times Somemuch 6o from but character the it than more it is better provided of of player plays the no desire, in writing he in says Henry G. a two his about of there the place no playing, of than Theodore attain alted exas the on covered by the dozen a marks an or epoch interpretive artist," of the Musician," of the composer. that influenced strongly own ing epoch-mak- half whom beneath have and been in his "Art whit he in its parentage. violin, Liszt "The art. his to two period have each Hanchett more the same great gain immortality to produced on the two composers in America by Paganini pense ex- time from share a the the every difficult than has composers, "deserves No world " least at more The phase some seems again over has virtuoso these more thus it Within of it exalt to at that that sense side the on above, as insist must in the a as virtuosos even I creates view, and composer. careers freakish, than or ; originality, of side tradition. is creative, rank piano. the on to Indeed, a err composer, work of point to mood his temporary permissible to of music, virtuoso, the interjjreter also a MUSIC piece he is playing, subjecting bizarre not I have the the for art it is While of is subserviency unduly APPRECIATE TO HOW musical Anton have Thomas, progress Rubinstein who was not a composer." Music But, to return music owes side. And that can them be to as Bach an and immense right here, drawn a from so Science. the debt universal the contrapuntists, other program the on are the of a technical deductions pianoforte BACH'S SERVICE be recital,it should other in arts relations the of the notes of music science greater degree than learned and of predisposed toward of music order a read. without chord either as music while mere master playing of them the chord fact, the of subject the or in this science. of the that A virtuoso be thrilled can of chord ; nor, interpret it. to even heard science the integralcalculus as knowing the there ninth, is sucli a that he can is well so to be analysis in the versed mentally analyze it is apt technical esthetic, its emotional Feeling. versus who person of indeed of the ninth. listeningto process the intuitively find would any- which not person of the ninth, the listener Science In a far produced have never may For be versed to virtuoso's the to like have subject a its textbooks has virtuosos, and many the in problems, is the upon course, science the on and song" its draft of the of "Tristan" musicians appreciate music, to play thing works difficult as is it necessary by makes This plicated com- other. each "coon is true professional musician, have the and and itself with scale to music-drama, laymen, of, let alone can Each theoretical useful mass average in What theorems science, and great alike the song. their with other based ; the profound concerns musical of "Bedelia." also that 6i differs from music a of the are MUSIC that out its basis music-drama. Wagner true for science this science Upon pointed having science, a TO so that significance.Thus a tion composi- absorbed he a ence sci- in the misses person its may 62 HOIV have profound remain be yet stand authority an I think music genius the the employs his of service of music make of that of symphonies forgotten. and value no applied The and soon They to the bends it to will discover that regarded be violated with combinations, serve than the the new purposes of who system came have upon ideas, and the out that he is is sacred and is makes If he certain while sands Thou- the the theorists and art beautiful, whereas his make it efficiency always the old is can tone new and And the system, grafting his critics,who are in horror robbing he is cessors prede- inviolable, as under and music great genius, he a genius new science of greater their hands the desjx^iling science scene. gray but end, to art. science with art the constructed will discover enrich the is fast, He he performed rules which and pression ex- science profound a the up giving made," masters grown of tradition, will throw composer absolutely correct, great upon which in He a impunity. thus he of hard and before comjjosers as great beginning music genius. his A composed, from then, composer, musical aid "well were production it. of was been art; and as all art. appeal whatsoever. have scientific accuracy with had artistic With others Otherwise, art. color, painting. an impulse. cause no as and physicist a light and The ways. might produce something it would of the better both creative the to just as great a latter have science to laws may science a is all science, with equipped is the on as art, an He all. at music as before unmoved people some of music by MUSIC being musical knowledge untouched may and without musical be very 'APPRECIATE ro adding slaves and cry it of all that to its scope BACH'S and SERVICE Did potency. Schumann as he is that of ahead is as Beethoven later wings little to who men malice and might if it is for makes musical to what is who once, distinctly is with soar its the upon shafts of envy, different from the in course, It is genius like for music while and a of his memory traveling in the to even sung, again, knowledge which ment, purely physical endow- a exist " feeling for valuable It is related and sensitiveness real Mozart "an as music, scientific fact, usually does highly a from or for ear have known remember played vator, inno- who people to emotional music-lover. " hear the versus popularly This quite may cian scientific musi- the those able are first time. genuine virtuoso. ear in influence to their sure genius a indifference subject of refer corresjjonding degree is, of rugged learns soon anything they or the well and the and a left off, he is lover, the pedant degree something music nearly for Music." the on as ear" play "by of am music," for ear is I remarkable a Wagner "Rienzi" with "Ear the music versus in was ignorance. while I Wagner Mozart's discharging are poser com- with far so under down look That And Even genius a great composer Wagner's But and So predecessors on. and Meyerbeerian. trouble the is somewhat first works, own his where outstrip them "The While 63 broad-minded so musician"? a liis time! to even say, not always begins his not MUSIC TO adjunct or a of music. to Schubert Von were so cars, he without Biilow a genuine and that prodigious read It over to a his that the 64 HOkP' TO of printedpages William composition, new perform person with musical a genius, is apt cheap similar a a pianola,without control. without Such soft a and is art, an so marked its to beauty I stage. Edmund official "When a Landward Laden of of being usually patetic periunder born are by descends on often between by which distinction "Nature and ments Ele- the cations indi- poet and a Weather this at necessary Bureau. by the Mr. : the gigantic Equinox, in his wrath a music sensitive being the the Atlantic of the bv of the and thoroughly equippe"J his in cuss dis- to pointed out, me it of described stanzas seaweed science a wittily draws as two as to Stedman, quotes in order made without art, seemed an Bureau. be may music prognostications this stanza being of sort a " advantage music side of storm with instead which, I have reminded Stonn-wind his untrained average season I have person Poetr)'," so of And a Clarence of Stedman as am The Weather between that scientific the on the distinction a Liszt, witnessed moreover, digression, which the difference as concert. pedal. Bach This the persons, his nuisance, playing all kinds of out arriving at on at however, ear, in and music with feat. become to and memory, studied who Mason, master of a MUSIC destination, played it,from his a APPRECIATE he from later the scourges the ballacHst rocks." : toiling surges. 66 rO HOM^ asts, while he critics others declare Bach great that " Bach through modem they player no that it is but in musical his program, as a create the It are he does to seems able its technical impression that they the know lection, predinames extreme classes what sicians mu- " did for want to he who be. may greatest people a make to from intO' two side, and is rvile, when that me a appeal he the appreciate to what a not so of one When him as is more, same musician be divided can the that, a tribute to history? who on good on enthusiasts music and ence influ- is not ignoring make can or another or not the him. possible for music, virtuoso. However places Bach with virtuoso one of past fiftyyears compared as that through Bach the player, are simple fact a during had underrate to MUSIC overrating the importance not has APPRECIATE than more they reallydo. The Bacon, Bach's it in the that when or he the to abstract penned listener the problem makes rather a must, of merely that poor intellectual. and he did subject for itself alone, this in be taken great He service was a with a out way was not the my a gebra Al- furnishes This of grain music the Bacon, mcKxl following but so bring to certain a reading. general to not development. extreme dramatic Music. lies in his having for delight most in illustrating Bach's music of significance pure its to to mighty interesting study, course, as work a situation, but from musical Shakespeare, of the greatest importance treated home Not simile salt, and contention technical and Shakespeare, SERVICE BACH'S of music, is the to We the and the the imagine can contrapuntal what art path leading in problem when excited the cube theory So, that often put threatens make constructed to the melody, like regard a air the for fugue basses, in unison, failed to secure with and played calculus an work his Bach are pieces purest kind the all the rithmic loga- scientifically a which string repeat and a the off his intellectuals as there G the moments into student counterpoint supports for his orchestra arranged never differential the sweep him be may enthusiasm an end complicated emotional, fairyland. Moreover, in which double Bach too. and becomes root ematics math- the sees some there dissipation,and a of logic. higher he as solution Thus full view. even orgy. the to is to theorem in the field of roamer 67 that he reared structure Baconian suddenly becoming of the MUSIC TO Thomas strings,save with of the effect that an sometimes a double encore. What If bear we combination Wagner in mind we the has little a been onto of of each that of each or and to give every symbol them what his not was labels in the for dramatic vice ser- vised dethe tacked drama, together, when musical ter mas- Wagner singly, like them nearly or its climax, When it artistic greatest forms motives welding in order to and is the equal the was music. character, thing expression of thought, appreciate employing arose, Bach leading combining them, each school modem to his system purpose and Bach. from counterpoint themes, contrapuntal with can, that of several equal importance, of Learned but casion oc- significanceand situation as the 68 HOIV TO story unfolded found in that the so-called itself. slumber the rock magic flame to awaken and score? and which with the is bade of these four science quoted to the in Another in the one a Orchestra occasion discussion and a of Opera playing "It is manner, this a to flames; the break to brass, and the strains The with welding glorious whole one service of from in \\^agner'sskill employs Orchestral it terpoint coun- art and Wagner, in his while inside relates that on in engaged of the sical mu- capitalbook, was corridor of use spontaneously so Music," in the the scientific his how J. Henderson, Wagner the politan Metro- orchestra was "Meistersinger" Vorspiel. pity,"said "but the tender professional musician House, orchestra "Meistersinger" Vorspiel, consider "The in the in ber Motive, the Slum- passage that is. W. the significanceis Wagnerian he structure treated destined into motives show people stop of circle a penetrate scene farewell. counterpoint, although few with (signifyingthat hero of employed closing episode is the profound a falling with Briinnhilde thrillingeffect. often Fire well said fare- may is this Motive suggestion a highest dramatic " hero fiery circle) resounds IVotan of the is into her higher register Siegfried the together How her. superb Siegfried also a sparkles the Magic unborn there but none the her is this Walkiire," has tan surrotmded gently rising and the through win Wo of "Die of scene thrown ; has which In Motive yet last Magic Fire Scene. upon crackles MUSIC shining-example wonderful of while A Briinnhilde; has to the APPRECIATE Wagner counterpoint." this wise knows man, in a condescending absolutelynothing about At that melodies different they conductor, Wagner but fact, in brief, but always expressive, and of the old contrapuntists,conceived of combined from crucible it Wagner, of stream the With spoke spoke in the the may But formal. and Richard music of language of they the entering that into counterpoint. Beethoven's mind Thus Bach motives are in epoch. of to ter bet- a epoch vary being developed according to us each may formal ner Wag- of counterpoint. stamp with bear we composers music all bear if help time. of long period will tween be- difference lies the a Bach of counterpoint everything; was It of Epoch. an Wagner great greatly of dry magician, the incident. an two however purpose of counterpoint the in of between understanding that themes other Counterpoint master epochs separated by merely sake for the mainly very Language counterpoint Bach themes precious metal. most two very glowing, throbbing, pulsating a difference the melodies. of like the not, purpose. the of flows The and that usually is,something the In are with scientifically to tion. emo- melodies, sometimes leading motives be, and thrills with speaks Henderson Mr. equally adaptable the was counterpoint, with teem Wagner's being Seidl Anton as palpitates,that that that singing-five was all audible. were scores, Note and, at once; counterpoint orchestra the instant very 6c) MUSIC TO SERVICE BACH'S His themes, selves, them- among for the and of rules of devised combinations the more stringent individual, more expressive be into of moods thrown and motives and development, through which to hear the in which Bach's ; form. again the was leading would of leading motives probably we doubtless to of is devised by Bach ready in musical he himself to thoven's Bee- sonata of no hand. theor}^,and he the of own ;but when one learned of point, counter- system, of of system The One the his structure master greatest Wagner's declares and Bach's put it into practicaleffect he found left eyes. fugue; suggested themes, the to our tered free, plastic,unfet- whether shall know. never memory language wonderful the by Bach; his combination we music-drama Fugue of the have without left counterpoint eloquence to the the or liberator! the was purpose language of liberated music, the " Wagner of spoke is that language motives them in the language Wagner he himself Whether recall or nations combi- they stand, for what of the sonata. language leading motive of which such with dreamed-of un- impulse brought vividly before occur forms. His know we chief person, corresponding episode language musical some them represents them they the are represents that, once but have drama a power need Each of previously the incidents, not has dry rule contrapuntal and harmony mere are being. in of music freedom absolute suggest molded of arbitrary form, of devised be to " them, are feel that we His wealth and Wagner rules shackles expression symbol certain to about too, off the rote. of their Yet They, formal. with But sonatas. emotions. and according treated MUSIC APPRECIATE something is too, there to TO HOJV 70 the them in its rich Wagner's from most, whose was system he all, pleteness, com- came heritage tors instrucing teachTheodor Weinlich, Thomasschiile said in you all varieties in the a stead." good the after of course in its most his music, so in with of the the are farther the in These "Three- popular recital of the Suites" composer programs. day but the suites of more begin the elaborate with six the in are partitasand the toward made up tioned men- step a "Partitas," Suites." and school, and Bach frequently more of the dance a oti forms bourrees, sarabandes, suites introductions, while Cheerful smaller go making airs thrown English ter chap- graceful most contrapuntal they figured They allemandes. the to "English the are master a already and treatment, accomplished if was belongs he be dismissed may Inventions," which minuets, gavottes, gigues, with measure: contrapuntal line that own allemandes, courants, " Hall. Inventions" and efflorescence be on force potent a pianoforte works Part partitasand could influence no too, it is true, Bach's contrapuntal charming nearly for pianoforte is concerned, "Two-Part six "French much in his Handel, him. oratorio. ; the Recital the contrapuntal school, on fonn the as or is presented development. supreme far so exercises who composer little stand thus suddenly becoming music, modern is a had death Bach Bach of pose com- may him set There counterpoint. of phenomenon century the Cantor And ing hav- to it often the as it necessary do abilityto the but fugue, a of him quotes find never may 71 Cantor as successors Leipsic. Wagner at "You : Bach's of one MUSIC TO SERVICE BACH'S the and in for furnished French even good with suites frisky as HO ;2 some of must not danced IV the ballroom the to Besides that of "sonatas" and Violin" here must not be form as Bach composed is the York, be increased William three years Mason and with used later regard Bach's in Weimar the time. pianists this "the time to concerto it he had together came they agreements," discussing them, were and Mr. ticular par- very which that were ever when- the purpose to disagree certain usually it they played found especiallythe ing study- performed which for was been had Alason stein, Rubin- Mills, and {agrements) Later, New Essipoff, 1854, in manner 1873, in by Bach when Liszt and which played Annette in fortes piano- In direction, Mason, embellishments three playing in try coun- three orchestra. heard ]Mme. in this for Sebastian Boscovitz. 'Mr. many in I fortes. piano- string quartet, string a and fellow-pupils, two of four known Concerto," sonata Beethoven), to one Thomas's by and best one tour, Mason Liszt in the to Theodore under under the employed as classical the from for "Sonatas six Mozart for "Triple Rubinstein's during with more or one sonata term accompaniment will at can latter so-called with (the by Haydn, these with the them concertos a waltzes. confused developed than glide through pianoforte among Pianoforte Of his for instruments, other should be to more no " it are, intended were treated people music compositions they contrapuntally intended Chopin these that supposed when to in pieces dance be MUSIC APPRECIATE TO wasted mordent. of garding re- much have "well-tempered" of meaning heard people explain pianist had steel and mastered entitled so ! I that say feel good-natured Bach's to boon certain In untechnical he be may in Bach's system "tempered" slight and from navigating obliged to but he on high did so with his to In other words, impossible to employ clavichords and possible under the illustrated Bach by each prelude and major point and fugue. "The minor ; just as, are you of the pass. com- invention of its adoption that promote it was major and and into tempered system in of view lutely abso- actually the all the come is waters, troduce inthe tuning variations harpsichords, to are counterbalance Before name. eral, gen- pure, when for much just beginning a In theoretically are northern not was other an- " that to theoretical allowance system it is associated was It relates, however, the corrected. result a the make The Bach, cult is diffi- discrepancies, which in order which you statement harmonic tuning faults correct in made practicallyimperceptible inaccuracies in the greater preludes music. explained by practicallyresult like was his clavichord upon intervals, which tone and a affable and its to I music other fact, the word tuning conferred when Clavichord" language. of that rotund a temper of title. that listened your this "tempered" was heard point method the system he you out ! which by saying difficulties when it smoothed explain in in Well-Tempered because fugues it have even used as book any "The and to the for ready might present person MUSIC APPRECIATE TO ^iOlV 74 of on use. adopted minor the it keys fortes, piano- It became tuning, Well-Tempered and was chord," Clavi- key being represented by SERVICE BACH'S the Besides modernized Bach of hitherto the services The of the music foundation of so modern man his in of of a to his his live with superior manuscript tenth laid he and talents Bach that of music volume covering something was to it taken brother died it by his and parents was refused so him the jealous day. edge. knowl- night by moonlight, at his by brother, from afterward, His the reward who dentally acci- Fortunately, it. and of loan of the composers his brother's playing soon his like six months. away him lost it without task discovered he a His of anecdote an brother, who secretlycopied have he as upright. and by traits uncompromising was honest year elder an Bach's He is shown Obtaining possession of this and Bach. to composer, sturdy, purpose In Tribute great a convictions, boyhood. went the promoted pianoforte technique, admirable. most fixedness he equal temperament; King's being were were virtuosity. A Besides finger. therefore, music, freely; so modern of little and teeming counterpoint, upon draws in tuning thumb to man his us ment frequent employ- more neglected left He modem system and of this great threefold. which freer the by introducing fingering;- of technique the 75 "equal temperament," in tuning of system MUSIC TO Bach recovered his treasure. While by the it is true great exceptions, a mass notable that of Bach his one remained unappreciated contemporaries, being the there were music-loving king, y^ HOW TO Frederick 1746. the At king's the ahout who to entered and arrived at begin playing the Potsdam. Bach a be must before flute, when list of the And the at concert the on following had who covered dis- save that into the royal doff his eling trav- brought immediately time had officer exclaimed, he do even year. it, Frederick over nothing would he in palace, an strangers "Gentlemen," name. poser's com- entered Bach, the a Glancing is here!" master presence, him the urg-ing, Philipp Emanuel earnest arranged handed service Emanuel visit Potsdam to had Bach's "old Philipp his father MUSIC of Prussia, whose son, king, was Great second induced The APPRECIATE to clothes. The king had purchased recv^ntlyconstructed them distributed assemblage playing and Finally he and all who into rounds he from the heard given No with set "The On the fugue and the composer fugue theme, a masterly Great fashion broke return Sacrifice" the upon his had instruments. king included, the Musical him in such Frederick to based he him, applause. dedicated which to extemporized of entitled king the room, different the and Bach palace. to on pianofortes the Silbermann the room improvising asked that Bach throughout went this he on Gottfried by of several Leipsic, to work a out which offering), (or king theme the had heredity is comparable family. Dr. Theodore him. other that instance afforded of by musical the Bach Baker, in his "Biographical Dictionary of Musicians," list of gives a same line, whom who covered no a less he than deems twenty worthy period ranging from Bachs, of all of mention, 1604 to the and 1845, BACH'S when the great family for was Bach's Friedrich \\'ilhelm Thus SERVICE two hundred professionally MUSIC TO and grandson Ernst and last Bach, forty-one active in 77 died years music. ant, descend- male in the Berlin. Bach Ill IF a FROM FUGUE pianoforte recital continues fugue require not difference a style sounds exerted so entirely distinct so wholly than chanced difference works in of were radical same of master would program, the death. in had of point of time if them, the the it same from departure as ter mas- Although show counterpoint, and if Bach greatest either by is in fugue, as Bach sonata the the his the note sonata seems upon nearer a the on style, the it it does to ear of that followed was, be to from Bach a sonata, Beethoven it, that that Mozart Beethoven The two. whatsoever period and Beethoven a unlike influence with begins discriminating very the the Haydn with a SONATA which between no of TO the Beethoven sonata. The question influence to and as an music program two its is of the furnish important music to Two in 78 the the fact this answer interim how legitimate periods that pianoforte instrument. a And the shows application that ? and answer again instrument of an itself, did suggests death consideration Beethoven, in of for calls general a his with cease question naturally and Bach its how a for development a scope hensive compre- whole on this leads in works basis that between broad as Bach's is a the recital discussion of music ! FUGUE FROM Who would third that amounted to straight out his ; music his and works and alive infected time ; some of of the speech which his which and "Evolution to him put Philipp way, Emanuel, working of up organizationof But rhythm. his he, even following generation, was in and phase, of the its tricks of out and being, of genuineness somewhat with take to conventional part belie harmonic the accepting his touch his with father." from books of internal become seem passage thought-out the writing on half-hearted a manner formulas had whole-hearted This in in its Italian empty sometimes utterances his forced, was principleof working it as of the long a of complacent, polite superficiality the he pupils went and went eloquence fell his his figure with branch of the making the Indeed, significanceto any him, and artistic composer by and the of his activity for his a was progress in every distinguished son, least the sincerest few type most at of have to the upon succeeded same own his details a had if he career conceivable. sphere A Bach's history ceased which the adopted the ears. of Sebastian minimum the work deaf to into, in fallen have to eighteenth century, his influence of generation upon the of musical course while of Johann that failure, and whole much so take eminently pardonable mis- an intelligentmusician quarter concluded art been have for any the was 79 recital? pianoforte "It there thoug-ht have would SONATA TO the on Art one music of of I know Music," the admirably most of, Hubert is no Parry's exaggeratioru 8o HOW For many in fact, his human does which romanticism The and which is the art the only musician but little was There other on lines destined its fact What exhausted where further The to of progress bear of in even And at in his the on nical tech- him as significance in the direction after Bach's it The culminated in that prepared absolutely " ple simBach. his cessors suc- became They reaction was death it observed. him. the of what actively working were yet well contemporaries. stupendous with up begin to from Bach to necessary the music. musical mind arrive system so was indicated, have scheme should of I as was, off. left his by good, be they his whereas composers keep not before he think counterpoint accomplished could to immediately pure tinge of music. Bach, apt day, ultimate own sion expres- it the so turning music and of understand are fact, other is, that he we his into universally acknowledged, so appreciated follow to for and him, of in were, is to channels modern Sebastian yet itself certain freedom of tury cen- neglect very gave a And adjust into essence Johann now to owes the and musicians professional their and of felt. art greater its progress least, at the nearly Httle of music to greatness side turned it derived essential but was aspirations, fell for death, development and Bach which MUSIC Bach's influence the needs from after years aptly so APPRECIATE TO development if he that desires to understanding progress, was which the understand with briefly as reader music, some follows: kind 82 APPRECIATE TO IV HO in certain written mood in the his Theodore form. When mood, not The manner. emotional condition express. The wholly It is a the difference and the be by form Form than form still are We romantic up the to Richard case, a more of by us, the ticipation, an- very formal of poetry of period could music Beethoven hampered more no as still greater fiction is by facts. inates music, feelingdom- music. shall ever in the remain greatest of all romanticists whose years one a tic roman- perhaps, in after or classical is ment. develop- "dreamily way, to it and, time, the greatest of all composers present Wagner, and more The think composition it is is and, happily, period. A romanticist in romantic of express set feelingin think to which writer we seeks classical the period dominates we we he better no between the When seeking because In The sentimental or is certain a title a composer matter, nocturne romantic explained. the it follows sentimental." or Musical mood, very which in secondary because sonata which form a of within title arouses feeling, the very emotion. as composition a sory acces- of the title "Nocturne" see we the is over an form." distinctive a as nocturne dreamily romantic a title "Sonata" the not "Dictionary a are Everything expression defines Baker character, but lacking see free handy piano piece "of a exists the to harmonies purpose. music for the and useful Terms," for that but form, to In idea expression New same is developed melody full give for the fearlesslyinvoked centres and their it is conceived. which in and moods, follow to as so MUSIC genius go will by until, will arise ; be as although is appreciated may as be the dramatic FUGUE FROM of course, Wagner, when but he indicated Rise must which classical in form Beethoven, So much with the the that of and the was had to mind Italian of the composer was Orlandus and vocal other under the school contrapuntal and of the art of played before to ; its vocal came On and which rally natu- early period the "Belgian the greatest England Their considered had its music more music, but upon to name the was its part in the Bach Germany share, partly composers. be worth school a (or Lasso), madrigal head also erroneous and Palestrina's Lassus requires and of representativeof Flemish unfamiliar flourished. contributed there night. a composer had the climax music; church Orpheus," Gibbons as of the period music each draw the as culminated person only classical was a school far so growth might music the Bach which, that vocal, partly instrumental. of sible pos- melodic the mushroom in which countries comes of progress is concerned, sonata Bach only countiy several position, com- School. that said of Bach before the contrary, of great systems Melodic Bach the was been mentioning forte, piano- the counterpoint the method supposed the history conclusion Wagner. fuller harmony the to added only the after of in has of be not came for and two in may- of all kinds. for music It back the the music so composer Beethoven combining thus of Bach, a reached from inherited 83 for all time not was he SONATA Shakespeare, its greatest master found have in culminated literature TO it also oughly thorwas ment general developthe scene. Of 84 TO HOIV there course, before also during John Dr. manuscript a reign or for Bull the Germans, Hans and among many noted in their It may well be on the be state than much the defined his he or Counterpoint of two combination ix)sed to left as the one were the Frosome more less or had the would the " to trio, classical to primitive more It Bach's seems son his father counterpoint and to a appears the of out carry spite of in died. working neither yet it may not, a to successor. a endeavored that me he for room Bach from turned counterpoint argument, inferiorityto a that, in opment devel- clearly melody supported by accompaniment. is said Greek to words in music it is these it is concerned, as when to harmony theme 2) and of art relegated music occupied realized of " Beethoven, circumstance consequence, which far so and genius, have have Couperin 161 (1564- contrapuntal school, they fortunate mad- Purcell Henry counterpoint pertinent to their to of brought so Mozart, it taining con- the Frangois Hasler questioned whether, Haydn, and day. even not made harpsichord method; a composers nor of music afterward Italian, Frescobaldi perfection,so that, required EHzabeth's Englishman, von howe^"er. Bach, shortly wrote Leo the "Queen collection Frenchman, who 733), berger; The the 1 in counterpoint others, including also rigalist,Gibbons. ( 1 668- is music virginal by Tallis, Bird, Giles, and (1658- 1 695); There day. her pieces MUSIC instrumental was Bach's Virginal Book," either APPRECIATE or polyphonic, a term posed com- the signifying many-voiced, of several homophonic, melody be or parts or themes. Op- single-voiced,music, part is supported by an accom- in FROM paniment. Italy,with in emotional for model. a In Italy,gradually to counterpoint and and berger, and is said and trina wrote, For old the but also what even to us five-line staff is the result of slow Scarlatti's The Italian the progress immensely of of a famous interests early foothold edited on who the music us his modern from whose recital his and who, of replace Pales- as the Virtuoso. for his to day, pianoforteplaying, the famous he retains programs. works, and latti Scar- Domenico time. work perimented ex- ing Scarlatti, the lead- especiallybecause Italians selections of to matter a (1683-1757), father, Alessandro composer only not greatest impulse and technique Scarlatti Fro- evolution. the gave two of notation. method Composer as pianoforte improved dramatic of the genius Domenico was son Importance his in which simple in audience an Johann Jacob modes so forte piano- recital keys, seeking simplifiedthe seems Italian Pasquini, ecclesiastical from Giro- fell upon mantle modern our indigenous own. attracted Italian,Bernardo with them whose its ployment em- dramatic first organ have to is famous a pupils,the German, the with styleof a virtuoso, whose organ renowned its itself there emancipated had thirty thousand, most turned of that of school a Bach support form art an ( 1 583-1644), St. Peter's, Rome, of and sensuous Philipp Emanuel acquired Frescobaldi lamo the developed harmonic freer in opera, singing 85 Italy the pianoforte,through the for solo to this for genius its music, already had music, and melodic SONATA TO FUGUE is the an only one appreciable Von Biilow I recall from per- 86 HOW sonal APPRECIATE TO I experience, because with time which V'on Biilow played the during country the outlook very old) for took of some at these were them on played here the Scarlatti has this the pianoforte technique. Although harpsichord, and its the that greater genius who that although genius. But quaint and it with the there of beginnings as of accents, the Scarlatti's recital the work, is said to the have that clever been keyboard, Cat's well with his one to was It music by I the such a listens to forte piano- misses gives being the us early lisps in merely fascinating as child. His subject of by zart's, Mo- greater ^lozart's lisp is him more music just the should than always attractive suggested also is found He Fugue," is indeed oughly thor- to programs Italian but an so later. wdiereas form. the suitable of deal name modern, more it is true, "The more Scarlatti's charm sonata so incomparably was ingenuous prattleof known over This enough. good discoverer, a for pianoforte. modern is about primitive zest it accords a was modern instrument considerably Mozart music, although modern the pianoforte of composed pianisticand lived example, frequently on sonata of the it anticipationit repertoire than men for for wTote pianistic;more modern say, he denly sud- with when founder he the by unconscious the to still is understood what genius, adapted he was later. years called it early Italian's comparable was on though "Prelude" many been Amateurs (even new Scarlatti,and by Siloti first the received 1875-76. Rachmaninoff light de- the concert, his initial visit to this on of season something up the was acquired popularity "run" MUSIC a contrapuntal. cat best which gliding But even FROM this of is FUGUE works his as worked established he that of idea few is what with length, certain suffice and of it to movement the have to with we For him example, contrasting second rule, Scarlatti is content with merit of Philipp Emanuel peculiar second a striking theme, Joseph further, classical all and period practical of his into modulations thus and by theme when the paved for purposes its climax have that or its further elaborated and with whose completely As a It is he duced intro- the it suggested employed Beethoven, came reached forerunners. way two first. theme. sonatas, sonata employs Bach he still is in true the with Mozart Haydn, then his the written sonatas, form it one movements first) the understand now its the tween be- fourth. and Scarlatti the Regarding that be several scherzo) second of a considerable of or one found be simplicity. the the them of consisting them vagiie a To form. of or must here say as themes, second it will than (a minuet one form. primitive those them theme, or more sonata three four, and generally a for of most outlines have composition however, sonata, (and by shorter a first the still melody a laymen a usually movements, by in that fundamental meant is simply sonata its out the Comparatively in fact characteristic form. sonata A is the 87 the and sonata, a whole a and developed he in movement a SONATA TO only one tion elaborathe whom form the sonatas superseded 88 HOW, APPRECIATE TO Rise Characteristic to of development his brief a the the "amateur counterpoint variety and court of Philipp the freer Emanuel reaching them Ear and Bach Musical "The Quickened some of his does now in those periodicalssprang Miscellany," Amateurs," "New Entertainment "Floral Music to pieces as forte "Piano- Ear, in Six Taste, Contented Emanuel "easy" composers the up like mushrooms publishers Garnerings Journal at for for of " "for or person" figured musical of fying Satis- Modern of in Solitude ; Philipp ; while were some Clio" and terest in- began and ; "The Ladies" of quotes Pianoforte Evidently the "young calculations popular composers Muse it During that Bie opment devel- system, titles that Adapted Soul" the people. of the church, The of Mind Delight of the with increase Busy Parties in the she : for the inscribes ladies." the the on Chiefly for Young the for melodic or with ing seem- Music music life the be." you of, in fact the harmonic Playing Galauterie Composed 1746, by larger public. a Hearing" Practice Easy in remarkable. was for out the published amateur. been Bach's "Cecilia : thirty of professor, whoever the had Scarlatti music. of inclusion to the was collection compositions show on appear a were in touch more in music in sonata, professional. Now, the growing was and to or this is the preference given the the to popular interest introduction Significantin as fugue Bach from of transition period pianoforte pieces which addressing to the Amateur. of the from Beethoven, begins of MUSIC as tensively ex- then fiction. cal "Musi- Pianoforte Encouragement the Pianoforte for the monies, progressions chord cortsidered "quite of they modulations, propriety censured as For are. his as of tradition, which contemporaries regard license, that progresses. mind art those by of solecism who that Richard indifferentlynourished add me that his choice by much this of He popular. Beethoven also fact the sonata creation that a " ready form as we the sonata let clavichord did more form his for so In Mozart a of the movement I presume that so genius. much "Art in his suggestion which is but virtuoso, and a sonata it is know ponents op- similar a instrument moulded calling the the charlatan. a the over in pabulum, w-as modern Hanchett, Mr. suggests mozarta the developed it found also and borne guilty of Mozart pianoforte making toward the composer the be pianoforte pupil on those rule toward Strauss modern the should are now was unjustifiable as intolerant yet proclaiming Assuming This were Wagner, in Mozart established from genius where through is ; for it is genius every daring deviations I wonder " and similar the day, nevertheless, own times "some- now" even to-day are free-thinking composers" innovator, an MUSIC and doubtful of harshly as licenses APPRECIATE TO IV HO 90 cian," Musia proper will be never adopted. Beethoven In the history easily tower They of the the are and of above Bach, who the Epoch music there the fugue; Beethoven, sonata; Wagner, who are Each rest. stands of for who the Sonata. three figures that represents an era. counterpoint, the epoch represents represents the the epoch epoch of of the root forms art will men all at things be to and others the time some ourselves become and a who rigid too should the in trammeled three the that do impress play," ''Hamlet" !" certain have of as the as "I the down the to Beethoven musical requires the a under from us the that world up of though al- of much after hearing of quotations colloquial,are say modulations, which masters. is the longer no say. will bear think countryman, certain to impress always don't to un- language, our verse, by genius that it has not phrases, longer no absolutely Equally familiar, given (such bear just in blank be "It's all made come it erately outlines, delib- what to will Shakespeare. exclaimed with sonata a for the first time. Although and speak not musical figure in minds, master we and giving expression always less less and preferring latitude utmost day appreciation restricted fonn, upon Nevertheless, music these of seems movement listener the art every sonata writes now neglect, because insistence have the see these in for more its classical faculties of period classical and which for work the certainly is having It his have to form the both being art more live to Bach's Scarlatti. to desuetude, the undeviating allegianceto cares of the fall into composer invites in themselves originated. that music may obsolete. vogue, of possible,and are 91 up phenomenon losing its grip on we had It is conceivable stands. he sinnmed full fruition the SONATA Palestrina, Beethoven's to presents and germ which back goes Wagner first two The music-drama. certain TO FUGUE FROM he performance was of the all-dominant fiftyyears "Ninth ago, phony" Sym- speciallysignificantcircumstances conducting of a Felix Weingartner) to at- HOW 92 tract as TO to many APPRECIATE ordinary Wagner and art his due. found approach Like certain modem of Systeme movement had de final the of test already have that have the the orchestra and Thus and the then reader is Slozu led Emanuel definite art that while was should bear he is his Opus ideas regarding 21, name in instead before over the been form which thoven Bee- pianoforteand the blazed of the tested certain contrary, that of symphony, his mastery further a rear. to the which, the written sonata Even form developments thoven, Bee- which symphony, of the the pianoforte instrument pianoforte. his first the up the by for way bringing developed by for the composed the period, at least,the pianoforte mind, simply is of belief handmaiden On one. It has it, instead handed under has classical form was for orchestra Philipp Development. mistaken a pioneer. sonata orchestra latti Scar- developed side by side,the general of the the his sonata under " pointed out orchestra was ; the great genius a pianoforte merely until the end a of be. to Beethoven's orchestra into he creator published beginnings Mozart is epoch, "the Musique Theorique" developed through sical mu- Frenchman, had been proved I harmony," its tentative and of that an up The from Haydn awaiting sum an how reverence (1683-1764), system "Nouveau Bach, Rameau the hand. to by development who men things ready Jean Philippe the with be drawn I sliall know the to him all great would as I trust program, appreciate his importance to of hall concert a MUSIC and in his it,by FUGUE FROM the "Pathetique," familar is Liszt's what programs now cheval the " pranced and up audiences their retain This outward. to men who touch so in of Such early in age; to nature, the of their is in more he facilities, was writes of law a and things strong, and of the power maturity comparatively late, all are and purely diction, do not facilitywas of as is no such their ward. after- out force a of ver)' portion pro- of human ence surprising differ- later years is in the there the Mendelssohn and their and to come " " artistic at brilliantly theinselves there Wagner much grow Mozart as lives their through more technical childhood the soul from spur greatness facilityof work case and the of thoven Bee- been isfied sat- Wagner." writing sonatas with to velopment de- slow achievement," ar.d individuality therefore between In is expressing their whose Gluck, Beethoven aims their works the composers but and and ished aston- is, in fact, ; very production early and succeeded their sought personality is to Bach, spur who "It is almost greater whose main point work by grow with Beethoven artistic any artistic the world men whose pianists amateurs artistic natural to come sometimes while which of 2" No. Rhapsody of artists most whose was concert to comparatively genius expression, come it this of Beethoven. that and unfortunate of every than themselves Parry be to ranks the characteristic "Like Mr. including equihbrium. characteristic their before experimentation, slow used hattaillc, on de and was very which "Hungarian down 93 pianoforte sonatas, thirteen composing first SONATA TO grace of Haydn outward and had Mozart form and a smooth ancl HOW, 94 TO APPRECIATE MUSIC pretty flow of melody was of intellectual force a man genius. worthy of created for the heart genius it. There this The flower concerts gave I doubt sonatas. could at awaken now Von as Billow others which, among played Opus merklavier"). the to time if broke something and walked had with him whose fussed over made were attendant pianofortes the instrument his exit and frequently he Beethoven the grams pro- concert at tuoso this vir- sonatas, fiir das restless,and and Hamof When from the he a ment instru- Finally he from his rose reappeared, he finn used, and for the it. movement, time from into with wrong he such played through part off the stage. an in this pianistsof to-day I remember had forte piano- was public interest by of the It period. on played only keyboard the over off in the middle seat 1875-76 became he peered as he as genius. them ("Grosse Sonata 106 form, Biilow of the Beethoven After first movement Von did. mind longer retain no of the great much as of classical accorded he if any his had the Sonata. of which sonata himself sonata sonatas season musical contents union of the When the during he to once recital programs. country it with The Beethoven place of pre-eminence of enlarging the monument Passing of Nevertheless, the the work. a day the to Beethoven as wonderful a in Beethoven's to well as supplying to is is form. opportunities greater perfected by him, remains that applied his intellect He form, his musical and within turers of manufac- together they while, before the irate little the tendant at- pianistbegan FROM the all sonata that work twice, Would Von Billow Beethoven d'Albert performance and York, in I keyboard, quite program this was and with so much crucial in test of a noting passing away; period faded by just considered was and the of much, by and in the majority music same and of the to Beethoven however, had passed by just and the public the Incidentally public usually the at efflorescence, the pianist's musicianship. that New almost ear years its so in happened, thirty and Beethoven his played had of matter tendencies arts. What having and sitting his with over, his Beethoven gave him see In on a he one d'Albert classical profession other well. longer new is as had no is worth the think it the form, sonata I little A : away Eugene ance perform- Billow's can eye I player comments Personally, every great a anticipated. great Von us. was. His the as was. of as ago he not mind's my seasons in attended pianoforte, bending the Some program. was for luck Beethoven greater of much so history enthusiasm he play undoubtedly he a recollection because recitals, musical was he thought clear very into such the that he as ? mishap the good now intimations were him great Beethoven a evoke not there player of living pianists. played did a and if he however, several fact passed player, doubt, than has it 95 considered hear to piece a consider so we We again. over SONATA TO opportunity us gave the FUGUE is far critics in ahead in it of ciating appre- realizing what thing probably prevails HOIV 96 APPRECIATE TO Orchestric I rank he that aware am and work Berlioz's the Strauss's Beethoven's the orchestral of the and the and expression and shadows The modern from masters they even of a a as of I have Beethoven life,and for He nine more for for orchestra, we would he have the had for composed If he had for more most for had would comix)sed the lights before. his point standof sonatas the forte, piano- orchestra, and pianoforte, we If sonatas. posed, com- household, judge engraving an the understood while the It is our capacity written out as was that to Beethoven fancies, the thirty-twosonatas. symphonies that were and were is sonata nine of if I may feels named be become has its never for orchestra. symphony and of moods thought were and instrument it own, my Mozart music as of music, lover they understand life,as sonata, to-day. which in phase of to me it know we Haydn, instrument, the intimate the of pianoforte, we is the from sufficiently adapted times intimate an Beethoven of the to of edition that seems also sufficientlyclazncrmassig not pianistic. But more intimate the sonatas most were for in his fault essential not pianoforte possible that I pianoforte. opinion, included, (pianistic)in character; genius the form sonata pianistically. Nevertheless, sonatas it is too of the instrumentation, on viewpoint modern of first pianist of the a the hmitations the orchestra treated was capacity Richard read of Pianistic. Beethoven the developed have Instead within that MUSIC that pianoforte nine written have his thirty-two more phonies sym- his had sonatas phonies. sym- FROM FUGUE This orchestric the Beethoven of them they effective in not sonatas enlarging problems the proportion they great difference. Ossa but he when mountain, his feet. from the fact that his sonatas I the speak so change tliem I may not of as assiduously public player, meet once a violoncellist for the who be if as week with the worship at especially myself, were that I for I my at to say, that the pianoforte brought daily bread. up and If there of the on \\'hen a almost to Society is any one form, sonata form a first the it should sonatas, the am becoming Philharmonic shrine planation ex- much so first violinist that of the Beethoven was I while proficient enough music. no through personal was intended York the lived of w^as the New I have music public rank. pianist's a way had I of test the By studied that and of I tuosos the great vir- attract and final the practice of chamber should sonatas longer permitted life that my at for professional musician, a part be world the pianoforte partly accounts myself. taste a that unreservedly because of climbed of much no as a pianist; the has watch is pile Pelion of he hence there others character they formerly did longer regards it, and mastered, and the writing passages for may orchestric are through and them, peak for the wrote as and its mastered, requirements surmounted I think Beethoven the has and been technical that difficulty. Between conceived have instrument solve to in passages instrument an Chopin, Liszt in their the their to awkwardly after for yet, when give the player are ineffectual for and capacity of you that on written 97 pianistic)character to accounts difficult to master, are SONATA (as opposed awkwardly so TO and I went those to the FUGUE FROM his will Well Beethoven a music of than he time from splendid the mission. and of our after the the to music conviction of sonatas us to less him. this his such a great sane genius and dramatic greater that his For drawing audiences, toward problems preserving alw^ays its because not with come yet did once is cital re- profoundly as "subjective," heart, seem they progress expression have to-day man than of If poise. mental the us that mind in pianoforte a move tion. inspira- his borne on concerned wonderfully was is does, who of be not deeply those inspiration and less was life does modern more composer it 99 receptacle sonata If program. as the considerations these may whenever it making and SONATA TO it is tional emo- because plasticity should be of its iv; DAWN OF begins art ALL as it in and of know be that the if it it hear to or the individual none earlier shall apply of not that say word this to been I have still he sonatas yet as a the desk pedantic, that sprang and and going "Sonata play to which troduces in- portentous, work effect whole need ago seemed the of lover Grave the fected. per- sought, thrilling experience And anything had my throughout sonata rigidly Beethoven's To-day it sounded that a itself focus minutes few left I movement beauty. by years be to themes their A music ment develop- modern like through played. first the fact. played It used the not sentence, Pathetique."' let It somewhat words, to its and they many does that this pianoforte, he them until as without, of in periods to sonata, of writing in so the ashamed before to saying form too condition. together'' adhere and of tains at- from establishment or tenaciously speaking not the itself itself formless early period "pull somewhat music rigidity to some forms, Without in at should certain upon necessary that art emancipates then form, after then its to groping a insistence absolutely an and reverting however, PERIOD ROMANTIC with form, great was THE had lost produced was for from in I lacking. I dislike the to heart DAJVN brain of feeling of and a form, the which is of restraint it of What The form sonata which the main and Lebert and Schirmer's indicated The first division like the called the Grave the in theme and a the concluding is esthetic no After the or themes much called free the "free development (Baker). This of the main theme in a "working out," fantasia" of motives into with second a first, the exposition the for it. reason division, the treatment a imitation, of both generally consisting "chiefly of and taken the from third is since proceeding, second the figurationand leads mle artificial comes music. l^e psychological exposition development with or and may contrasting As passage. extremely an " and in Pathetique") It consists key the introduction slow piece, a connecting episode, related a repeated there "Sonata the exposition. of key of three sonatas in the occur a of divisions various with from by securing Beethoven they (sometimes ration. inspi- movement studied the as strove his consists name) of the which the say, its under Is. easilybe can edition are to chafed yielding to Sonata (that is library,in subdivisions a there constantly and more derives sonata divisions Billow form sonata of absolute Moreover, himself set measure, notions in music. elastic and more modern our to was of restraint the " Beetlioven that the it loi there but pathos patterned expression evidence make to about restraint of PERIOD like Beethoven's, incompatiblewith ample the ROMANTIC genius a restraint freedom is THE OF the first a part" division, which is a of restatement handed is the form down to the classical In his third introduces into the first episode a In episode is so thematic should be said not of instead he the it and third division Instead of it ushers important form sonata that this dubious them " a moN'ement and shake an the movement as his made their to over of no the second his to he exposition free old fantasia listener friend at the what cadenza. a the third, why in the the of a reason grafted by when of end the is one him I of upon can point have of with the the and the the imagine contemporaries It must heads. originalitystrained leads he predecessors, Haydn introduces with theme, variant a familiarizingthe as ing. dar- theme, practicallyignoring main innovations coda which In again. closing with themes it in did, Beethoven Mozart, the welcome division, third most as the main two. customary others, thus making usual four use reiterates insistently the to to after see makes most are material I tion. inspira- he 3) day, leads fact, the that for his No. using he connection a as theme. dosing Then theme. second episode episode second a 2, that, for their It greatest genius of limited (Opus sonata was Mozart. and the it too the first Following he that found which movement by Haydn apparent innovations several sonata Beethoven period the Form. Enlarged of the became soon very key, is, like the related a second the tonic. Bcetlwven How This in being in the theme, MUSIC first,excepting- that the of theme, instead main APPRECIATE TO HOW. 102 look seemed eccentricity OF DAWN and bizarre more it, after a this form, and ROMANTIC of long lapse reservation of view creator One of the is the It is much less formal introduced into the sonata. in the broad a trio which modern the creator sounding freer in mind surpassed never this sonata is of this style of minuet the This scherzo. a movement. which Haydn especial scherzo of sweep its is arpeggios Beethoven anything has as for wrote pianoforte. His There efforts other are his on of form. Una no with Heiir entre deux called a three Adagio the No. generally, 2, beautiful poem of It is followed by a the agitato, which creations. usual is the well, is the direction There and Scherzo a the "attacca pathos abysses) two of one are only subito of ment, move- Beethoven's At end ''une " concluding movement. at movement, is inverted, sequence vSonata sostenuto is This profound 'twixt (a flower comes slow by and Sonata." "Moonlight and then Quasi the "Sonata the ahimcs' tions considera- by example 27, melody, it; and Presto and the an indicate that trammeled less as broad impassioned the be to Opus the accents. of Beethoven Regard in musical most by sonatas its sustained Liszt Sonata." inaptly,called means with "Moonlight part Fantasia," begins as of please bear only upon reckoned be must of than as back it. movements Beethoven 103 direction " not it,but frequentlyfell behind look we in the point its " As time, it achievement this from PERIOD effective. than brilliant most the THE the three for the ments, move- the end last of Allegretto il scqucnte," in- HOJV T04 dicatingthat at the connection the the themes expressiveness even is genuine impression drama is by the in which themes, developing he himself to let go them of them and first movement, of the motive with a brief the The working of in out the of relation make this modern most works, although io6 109-11. most "temperamental" again the Biilow most is that playing of made it and his the Undoubtedly, of modem. he to his My it so theme. different the to ments move- the me pianoforte is greatness it lower rank four sidered, con- than last sonatas. however, sonatas one almost and Beethoven's and the with themes is Sonata" incline Appassionata" and the structural mere critics will most "Sonata when while theme upon of provisati im- an second the between sounding single a on movement of "Moonlight words like more tire en- connecting episodes. last persistent dwelling without eloquent persistent iteration a The movement; a four suggestion merest psychological Op. part of consists only wholly set a is if as reluctant were is built which episode and his to bar after song exquisite poignancy, but on material. most last movement the new practicallya than This introduce evident very holds bar beauty This movements, composer their appreciated the the through whole the experience. only by not between manner and life and psychologicalconnection the extraordinary beauty Beethoven a of human produced out Through- movements. of are for attacked is to be ical relationship,a psycholog- the three and a inner an between work MUSIC following movement denoting and once 'APPRECIATE TO " it is the and quarrel with herein Von popular by his frequent exceptionally poetic interpreta- HO ments whatsoever, is thing the Beethoven and it Galileo others accounted was The Beethoven He giant. of is his activityinto supposed have to Ne.vertheless, it the regards earliest 3), is and period division fact the form Pathetique" to periods overlap; style when we but come pianoforte sonatas, of this the first there to his begins is third with of one as been has (Opus he his No. 2, contrikitions has given sonata as period so-called a road strikingly developed most of the is,that the works it original assigns this which since sonata that the especially of most of in sonata movements "Sonata third he which along one, movement his one sonatas, of generally accepted. arbitrary an the of one music, is division The each greatness, musical a as wrought. he further first works, well as progressed pianoforte the that seen is moves Periods. periods, in three originality and of to before thought to Maybe. yet the world intellectual an listen to it. with Beethoveyi was the still sounds Heresy? " grams pro- relief from of that not. heretic a world sigh out their on being obliged do that them a when come single movements place a will movement a without the musical and hear can modern three or and such being there time lift will be there of the to sonatas that public because two hesitate not MUSIC talk to I beheve will and fresh and nonsense. virtuosos of APPRECIATE TO IV io6 decided well as first and change 109. period usually is assigned to second in his in the (The the the The is absurd. period which, Opus The us. ginning be- sonata DAIVN Opus a 1, which 10 restless is a his by of be to and these last had outgrown the thoughts mould the in it called result, it He the upon composed suite in aus had become and single a modern belief have or but of Richard for created corresponding to and because all-dominating figure in He his in to as latest Beethoven had have would not revived the practicallydid in 'Taschingschwank pianoforte the tone thing some- poems who the after came be to it noted, the expression real than when musical with progress he for was him with thirty-two pianoforte wrote he pianoforte experimented always, that Strauss. sonatas composer all untrammeled freelydeveloped the Because, however, Beethoven of that "Carnaval,'" "Kreisleriana," and Wien," and endeavore"l him Schumann style,as form think later, he sonata, be to great for it and, too fifty years scene To perfected, and and hampered firm as purpose. had absolutely free It is my have his for of not last he the been it, bending his himself tude ingrati- sonatas from achieved he were had restraint I do toward cramped utterances. come form which development. a he sonatas it troubles. in these the here work, the he Frankly, task. the to heart material and himself free and whom to under to his deafness, seems more struggling intellect his family Beethoven however, mind his " nephew other chafing more in misfortunes over brooding his that 107 Because early.) too me be to worthless a father, and me, to seems some PERIOD ROMANTIC spiritseems thought by warped THE 01' less many world, every and composed the sonata of music followed toward his great for the form, and and success the years own less portance im- freedom inner im- io8 HOM/ pulse and the wrote feelings,that and of the For way. form him could No and therefore that they that length could is write them minor pieces are in Sonatas Lawrence Gilman, and but the up Dowell's that he far which might he as he vehicle that "Keltic are in Sonata" contrive himself is some the in him expression ; sonata. our show idea shorter genius much Music," spirit of speaking "I of rather of that suggestion modernity, Edward Mac- wishing help cannot expedient collection a of wealth a the : American younger concerned, with occasionally uses, for to that in containing matter and as Modern breathing throughout sums so brief essays, posers com- mistaken whereas of one of sonatas These a a sible. pos- in number simply under as was to Old-fashioned. Nozv critics,in his "Phases of few works. greatness nocturne a form in it sonatas achievements, displayed be of measure off, let alone pianoforte the and after came sonata advance their written a the comparatively are have to left paved contrapuntal the he dencies ten- thoven Bee- have to who that satisfactoryof least said brought further no romanticists seem can Beethoven so the followed those where thoughts with brought that begin even wonder the Bach as be may tion," inten- of indicated which period he perfection that the of consonant more perfection not him, surpass such just such to were which ''music pieces,the romantic for and the mood MUSIC subjective expressions the of APPRECIATE TO for doing the sonata away, form as inconsistently, vision emotion and for, generally speaking, and a in spiteof DAPVN OF triumphant the THE of the success elastically wrought more mood and or directness. * form, and though freedom the would * have form. fluent He is pieces in the of events than anomalous." of opinion critics,to whom, the as opinion themselves ranks of the is based on Unless old of with the for for the the orchestra) for chamber music are in sonatas into the themselves in music that I have, it in to it also and is the simply other written sonatas mentioned and music), for allow heart. (which chamber well as years the in tion connec- form is pianoforte trios, quartets instruments are their form, referred But sensus con- to still hold and the refuse mentioned specifically for employed be belongs, manifestation of mind (which (which future in general generation of younger who symphony ; suasively per- rather music to critics who string quartets of are all, the pianoforte. so program, believe I the new sonata flexible more a he necessarilyarbitrary and fogies and union a emotional older every that inspiration upon his pitchforked by otherwise speaking as be receptiveto ever moulds among after its ceived conimpressionistically Such of those to feels applies to pianoforte Beethoven. concision compelling, so formula This since never interior he voices ing notwithstand- one in and spite of in here, and even he musical a upon which an succeeds in those eloquent, as freer epigrammatic still finer ends to jVIacDovvell in which manipulation, of worked with 109 in those poems 'Keltic' The * than tone experience an PERIOD 'Keltic,'Mr. in his sonatas is less fortunate a ROMANTIC a ployed em- sonata and tets; quin- branches of for the such and for combination bination com- others certos con- of a like instrument solo with held its pianoforte, and be can music largely of concerto orchestral because the that much solos of the he audience's be may alone. itself the freest In seen music, that the as form of by Strauss as in other arts, the outlines of of the through Philipp the the to and him, Emanuel master form the Bach. great a to that it is liberating form sonata Liszt in his his was Haydn in Beethoven. and symphonic tone poems, yet We Italywas system which I think hope periods overlap. harmonic find much concerned, in though al- play something life Scarlatti in sonata find its greatest as an simply so Composers. Bach's at follow^s not any in the fact composition Romantic foundations In orchestral First during it with is from more The the and out indicated Richard play it symphony by concerto is due come and more and appears usually over to direction and poems which enthusiasm far to concerto a regard a effective. applause of who play to in chamber audience, probably would more induced So taking the the far that would soloist a is there as variety super-refined and which orchestra pianist'splaying the that the on the coloring; somewhat supposed well greater orchestral is as of group fact sonata In highly indecorous; as concert he, a the to the reasons. the its devotees startling innovation branches extraneous the to cello, violon- or successfullythan largely to through taste these more for several achieved timcyous In own it is due symphony MUSIC pianoforte, violin the orchestra). has form APPRECIATE TO HOIV no and have laying shaping to and ceived. con- develop Mozart Likewise, DAWN while even the are Beethoven Carl him, by only to a school into art indeed is his through while the to contributions the important. Weber reach (he utilizingthe was a could both finished stretch the to pianist,had afforded facilitythus Piece in form and in are wrote fascinating in even his its Tausig's him version form of and it,and effective repertoire. Considering were composed, short of freedom their Schubert he lived in the age from sonata naise," "Polo- a The last, elaborations Piece" still forte piano- modern in and which they is little pedantry marvelous. Pianoforte Music. Schubert's in the "Concert the ately, deliber- the Dance." numbers the to Brilliant" without the mous enor- besides he Capriccioso," the are in his well-known Oixhestra"), to an add compositions, ignored "Invitation songs, and to Brilliant," a "Polacca original brilliant and and "Momento a "Rondo a the of some Piano for his pianoforte twelfth), a to seems contributed through brilliancyof pianoforte technique (as "Concert It (1797- 1828) of romantic the of movement new him ( 1786- 1826) Freischiitz." Schubert year destined was Weber founder one survived which music "Der opera that much quite as the as died who channels. new regarded however, me, writing were which of his contemporaries, who Schubert, ill works those period, two Weber, von Franz and year, the turn classical Maria PERIOD creating was of the glory before ROMANTIC THE Of was not obscurity,but but a virtuoso we now thirty-one years, and passed his life almost recognize that, although few composers wrouglit of his estimate an his influence city,and and that natural was there is whole a he works, (Opus No. 142, of minuet is taken; and theme wrote highly are as been during modem for and with the There ear. that matter, heard around in of the another formulas little waltz the which which for fantasy modern sitions compoas if years instead last century. They as in the brief out the of are a and or, Schubert that of theme in which form sonata classical music they delights the that melody it converting appeal to-day the popular detached last ten de "Fantasia" dramatic These six "Soirees the thoroughly sustained in all the major major; flat Wanderer," "The is not, 2), variations, exquisite him, the brief giving episode, then couched in A broadly in their first quarter the flat B with G," from the No. 42, obbligato, thus during them among in fashioned orchestra. eloquent othei' numerous profoundly expressive; one effective and written melodious the orchestral an his theme a ; the in his song, from pianoforte had genius another is Liszt which "Fantasia ; the a which Musicals" from Vienne" into ; beautifullymelodious melodies Liszt his major (Opus flat Elegy" 3), "Moments dainty a originalwas to brilliant,others them the and 'The called usually for in G highly poetic one some forte piano- eight impromptus, composed sonatas, his fertile,that, in addition so the so genius, of that among of them volume in Vienna, composed have Nevertheless, works. and should he day, making Living admirer for but song, on this to felt. fervent a chapter is,even more place the proper course, he and MUSIC is in the genius more Beethoven's on Of pianoforte composer a as an he. lastinglythan more it APPRECIATE TO HOW 112 theme, so on, then all classicists de- composed protest a as The bit of appealed for of the third style,with crescendo long effect used Athens"), approached distance? Thoroughly of the modern afar, danced from by, whether moderns, pianoforte compositions, waltzes, the "Hark, or Water" (barcarolle) and been have for the arranged Mendelssohn's Felix day the now romantic of gypsies Schubert, listen to most a his nal origi- Schubert-Liszt the to in the vanished "To of songs Sung Be on his which pianoforte by Liszt. his movement Words." Without the musical their sustained melody subordinated of songs, was was "Songs idol of his clearly defined accompaniment in the a gives and a them posely purthe of the word. fluent, gentlemanly readily understood because against popular meaning to Words," Without pianoforte and aptly named the music same correspondingly neglected, contributed pieces for Mendelssohn (the band a and other ''Songs short character Hungarian "Ruins Lark," Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, and whose the Hark, in Beethoven's we or forget is apt to ment arrange- is modern there and here his if as feeling little mood played from it seemed that so he way natural. diminuendo when March" of the "Turkish of with "Moment" and by Rubinstein any most as example, Essipofif's playing a in especially are Who, realism. bert's Schu- on musical of him to impressionisticsketches pieces and a thought a but form, sonata expressions Musicals" "Moments the doing anything are that manner against was They remarkable. in the he that MUSIC without and spontaneously part APPRECIATE TO IV HO 114 composer, therefore at- DAWN it made that popular The lose caste. to still occupy forming I received Mendelssohn how to in their That to of these may be and the it is of one the equally true that the which with exquisite Without are the which to least the wrote several pianoforte, besides the one in G pupils their chutes. is survive (Scotch). debut. at minor their With used two graceful as in F as an three A a of of many sonatas, stock a they shoot years "Sonata pieces concertos, selection the I them, other graduation exercises it place on of pianoforte No. sohn's Mendels- dozen capriccios and and and encore of but tender major ( out never vicissitudes is the Song," group half ing feel- pianoforte pieces showy. one in "Spring Song" is Words" merit. poetic and the unique are and of A IMendelssohn come. Ecossaies" for apt which The effect. At pianist'sprogram. to at is brilliant lyric is of music much former carolle, bar- minor "Spinning the Joseffy frequently "Songs think, the latter little of first my possess pieces hackneyed most be true as to saying. may played a without expressive 22), little same charming found still,when, world new a up sical clas- from the G Words," it however, teacher compositions, polished goes music open be still will are almost and it seemed caused bridge reinember can my Without way, they from "Song Many me. I and curriculum, master's easily crossed music. romantic lad, a graceful and polish Words," music the qualities have " Without "Songs place in a a to as harmlessness 115 very and its smoothness " commonplace its rather the But popularity. immediate tained PERIOD ROMANTIC THE OF of and of servatory con- later musical CHOPIN, ask 1MUST at I the reader the to sought make the pianoforte in At this part point, then, there Chopin by the is likely the ; and this the he from composer poet, as soul very to was well of as the Extraordinary his realms of be a the program, \?e. Baker influence music, and of first was view, for is his his art for 116 an Chopin the unique, who which making forte." piano- incomparable great, through is by satisfied Frederic for it a searched he significance extends cital re- groups better composer instrument art. more composer point as the the lustrate il- itself compositions the He prehensiveness com- pianoforte or calls have the in of of group, the the w^hich group I to universality to imaginary our more. every and development back as the so then Hall, and to music, the"incomparable But tone on is apt ( 1810-1849) of larger composer audience the to due admit whisked however, instrument pianoforte been had House This, is he frankly Carnegie to is that digressions, he Opera an great I many if up before, as of of as again. clear imagine to although him Hall Hall to still Metropolitan Mendelssohn PIANOFORTE THE guilty to appear Mendelssohn down OF recital, been have it must from of POET pianoforte a that that THE into itself ized. specialthat strument, in- other felt to POET CHOPIN, this form, For he intrepidadventurer an in 117 music-drama and opera pianoforte music. in as in orchestra, day PIANOFORTE OF in innovator an was well as and harmony subHme a singer of melody. Tempo the Before be in will time same in any if there of the music by which notes spite of all their changeable of jewels light itself. Here of the first outset but the rhythm weaves Liszt that tree? the there rubato is like while the ; the see we branches or Chopin it gentle immovable shower a firm outline the really exactly when motion of the in its form." of petals of the delicatelytinted and filling the like the myriad air shafts the other said fro melodic Or a "You : in the air; but from tree, its while the he and to move tempo that hand, around notes wind its trunk the tempo in tree foliage are from full there, fallingfrom blossoms with the in various means one at famous explained with on iridescent Its leaves stands bloom of then, nearly been of play undercurrent great have has but, in their Chopin piece,the calmly expressed follow and with goes veil a idea. see which the we rubato, so-called, which ways, of part and shade, and mental orna- ornamental, not are produced and remarkable those " yet colors, melody very of the At noticeable not preceded Chopin, that cascades iridescence an this pervade flowers. of to first the will Melody fragrance be of bars individuality of apparent. will supposed are we many the group, like the hall recital played will become recital the have Chopin the composer as pianistwhose attending piece Rubato. color the and facets grance; fra- of a HOW. ii8 APPRECIATE TO jewel, piercing in the crisp ripple on in on all directions in cynic, a one like the The What Chopin you will and I " I have although what be the his from made it instrument into its and enlarged an piano or tone its has in suggests done his been you a he devoted himself. do sonatas, so often "How with well do classical this For to Not you the noble once think fore betrue him. he ever beautiful his music is instrument while to produced re- the with the of and done Nothing in much out had instinctive voice. belongs Chopin composition its soul out works. or expression recognition of have it liberated and tone composer The the as itself,brought it unto of far influences, and choral since. orchestra he forte piano- but so that is of them none anything fact effect the achievement other earliest in ence differ- no program, of and no to compositions of it makes that capacity; sought singing quality which to fact beauty singing quality he brings which the on sufficient all its seems It appears wrote ( for is the it in toiie, as him are orchestral in own the his mission. these any Chopin's great completely while Pianoforte. slightestsuggestion is concerned Chopin when compositions" deliberately, is the " itself flows critics about goes about named not pianoforte to of "these say same) music. a twaddle like ; or rays stream passages the of notice pieces of the there Soul the itself jewel own two or they criticise calmly person of its centre the while river, while a majesty ; or, becomes will the immovable, remains MUSIC listening yourself,as works, like the Beethoven- would sound on the orches- CHOPIN, tra!" Yet is pianoforte, if he as for instrument the in Clear of did melodic Q)mbined rubato as melody and to but country's life,he country the arts. met, like Pole. a also its sorrow, he He who quisite, ex- of mist you which to in see seems things very besides had the melancholy Profoundly he had also spent the Heine, of of an the affected haughty it is the aristocracy of by evening Polish Meyerbeer, the of his by his In spirit. significant years exile, and speaks some its most by in were Liszt Heinrich the he showers veil of fabric verz'e. surrounded was weird, are a But conceal. was Paris, where reveal and "F like the everything veil, aJlow a delicate a times, be will be found those glitterlike although it, like emphasize to Chopin he yet, eral gen- slightlyblurred. through this which notes is beneath race, ner Wag- is the may nile there a running wnth sunlight and his music There entrancing harmonies, intended the Line. the effect is line rather the hundred a the was arabesque compositions, his clear what of understand He melody. purposely, and the keys by he wrote. Melodic his Etude," when tempo forth notice, too, about will of some wrote. white given this is done a and pianoforte. you Minor effect,although in black he passionate, as rich thoroughly which distinctness as as were so A What and 119 as sonorous, the on instrumentalists, of as melancholy played only PIANOFORTE OF is Chopin pleading, as he POET of his his own aristocracy of at his salon where aristocrats, people Delacroix, Nourrit, HOW 120 the its clear think Bellini. and tenor, is German its in ornamental, of them by the they technical and harmonic far greater It is in veiled, that the conception notes, so many usually designated if than bringing they this out while the what the that merely were significanceby slightly his shows by meant of few a remain others composer the to many retards, by allowing and here and melody the inspired Chopin player of of groups numerous nevertheless are importance flash out to that harmony wholly Chopinesque them to there slight accelerations them all of incidental structure, "passing." those teristics, charac- "passing notes," signifying that term merely with semi-ornamental, rather or chromatic, are have In myself I Italian has seriousness, but all its essentials. in often it is combined although and melodiousness, Chopin's melody that Bellini's music, admired Chopin beautiful and MUSIC APPRECIATE TO true tempo rubato. It Liszt, afterward was who Liszt the was who also Dudevant). the friend nature, has been morbid with and of pieces like and imprint delicacy and with there George his Sand recognize Wagner, Chopin is much in his music sensitive; but side some of was not of the patriotism and art, a and is efifemimuch too of certain The and too, left on was poetic passion, but tragedies it his that Nocturnes. only Then, his altogether his something deeper morbidity. adored They was (Mme. Sand George to women. this It recognize Chopin. him like all such of first to great passion of his life. many made tragedy, the of delicate nate, first to introduced the and the afifair was his music greater than mere have count we sympathy with a to his strug- yet in such a to leave and a as way fundamental tone soft that says it would will whoever be singing- an rather was here there Throughout middle became After the Etude, in awake, the now his take full the C its the to Huneker, adding show Russians in this that the and half when twelfth. the pride, force grim grip from "this end supposed of to despair the September, Etude contrast impetuous, Etude, and tidings by in outline, that alternating wrath the having Impetus. and overwhelming It is of creation." of as picture which, to Minor "Great relaxes never chords. the one over vigor, passionate fiioco. of tenor a song, gladly recall." pianistwishes great chief in only in the once midst the Vigor, Passion, If while pedal. heard always one that in It chord the by anew melody, beatific a would one aloft permitted major flat A the feeling came a dream a of prominent "But distinctlyheard. be harmonies the described way Chopin that to piece, besides the voice seen notes wondrous a of think thrown all tones great small play Chopin's performance. undulation an and to error and this Etude, it in the play of idea of the one every it deep a continuously himself Chopin heard will get the correct con audible everywhere ^ Schumann in MUSIC voice." upper he APPRECIATE TO HOIV 122 w^as the let him Allegro velocity, sonance first shrill dis- close," says chordal like the crack rings out be expression an of for it comnosed. of the Chopin which with taking 183 1, and Chopin Warsaw by ceived re- the shortly after was No wonder, to POET CHOPIN, Huneker, from again quote pianist hardly from the he which these can effect can merits. There whoever could of not is the of music of study this which not the is number as away as if accomplish this, is piece We of left hand, the the as collection scale number 25, and and fancy so to Etude" such in Nor, make such " with gust a the equal manner a do. minor. in the grand a on to bravura a twenty-third planned be order in A Etude," Wind in take pianistsignorantly " out hand butterfly would any many " right contrast up hurricane. a there nocturne a the be, to Then like For work can that eleven carried contain pianist gifted a usually published as whole not "Butterfly because have, too, the "Winter Opus highest the does with so-called it necessary Etude the to genius 'cello. a Etude by said might that sharp minor, flute would this special Biilow Follets." "Feux clairvoyance in passion swept in the misnomer, musical true is among universallyacknowledged in C twenty-one, wretched of a full of so contrasts manner climbed and tion selec- its Von pianoforte the perpetual motion melody answering has reallyfinished a his the there having for nineteen for tenth, of which on especial one is number a in along making obvious, and excepting, possibly,Liszt's with 123 sweeps Etudes, one it in play in pianist'sParnassus, the repertory as "all amiss go are congratulate himself a that twenty-seven compositions point PIANOFORTE passion.'' tornadic A OF to the plan. Von its Biilow sonorousness, calls attention "the it nowhere to greatest trespasses the fact that, with fullness upon of the sound domain all aginable, imof I-iOW 124 tlie orchestra, but of sense of credit and and piano the agreeing with liberator of exception If and prejudice the he had he damage of takes the to form, he would sonata I have because of I entire wonder, set as often one a as I been they Chopin spent Islands. that received are in fact It of seems human is correct, the as during the But there is ranked if in these emotion Rubinstein were of his a 1838, of authority as tradition, to which in Majorca at the saying for there, and portfolios. twent\'-four brought played high as only the finishingtouches gleanings of spite of their in winter Sand play I sometimes and According wrote. George with Balearic they Rubinstein Preludes, be greatest compositions the not the among heard once these ever composed were regarding these Etudes whole, comparative brevity, should anything Chopin Schumann. accurate. more with does great genius, whether the unpianistic classical twenty-four Preludes, of great with agree Robert of detail But works. While the was to out, Preludes. some regard them, Chopin's the into gone cannot the have blotted Chopin I to The other through species." both music back referred honor between boundary and that Billow pianoforte, the the ert school, especially Rob- defaced Von Von says due which, music been has Schumann, the romantic the of fast set "is Etude, this orchestral composers Chopin," *'To word. having est in the strict- pianoforte music remains referring to in Bulow, MUSIC APPRECIATE TO them pieces every If my out. as a phase memory solo group at POET CHOPIN, Philharmonic a about the time while and 1872; concert, same I shall which the seventh. it if his as passion, or this for bar and find in his piece we it.' One breath. coming his of soul of is the the in of range its continual F of of his minor is though And so it had we a " longed, pro- "in that the every Chopin wrote quick- his in pauses, is as a page, rain morbid as bold been might findingeach of roof, is whole in flat a like dramatic out of range " the a E pathetic major, nocturne while bodily the admirable in D in fourth dominant, piece of lifted run the moments; a The represents of the most fifteenth a on emotions, one itself,a in its collection whole, a art. is in complete of Chopin's reiteration drip in series ["enned. The plaintsever one series the minor, covering only in it boldest, the proudest poet- its panorama moods, entire his note regarded 'Frederic in still hear can time." picture; but mood the He number Each him recognizes cording ac- meniDry, my saying hand own I Schumann remarkable, put, amount rendered he as though immense emotion, whisper. most as bar, touched he series an in major, and velvet: the sounding for tremulous Preludes of subdued Prelude with A in keyboard, the varied, character it is ance, perform- his of in was time of Prelude with tipped more seventh note brief compositions their It them exquisite tenderness caressed fingers were as of simply recitals. detail the very given long- lapse every the He other the into this forget never his 125 have may of one after played he at he or remember imix"ssibleto PIANOFORTE OF with the cessant in- Chopiii eighteenth recitative as music-drama. of the itself,yet different tion, collec- from. others. the all APPRECIATE TO HOIV 126 What a Preludes twenty- four MUSIC for group recital a these make! Nocturnes. If who those err had Chopin him to and play often so written not those attributing such as they do, of melodious of they too, and in C haunting mystery of night. The one Opus is perhaps the most No. 27, series, and I, Henry entirely within a bounds four spiriton hundred. in it There the the unman other I hand, I must of its second breathed exquisite thing Chopin most without how, rhythm nevertheless Probably the one It has a the in E been hackneyed most familiar flat,the second played perfect ; produces so manner but under much it a the hands regard bewitch said, but, like and the on a tian Vene- moonlight, gentle wavy all the in the comes one is the and note its accompaniment, of that four the composed; ever undulating any than the through matic dra- on operas melody, is it embodies It may has the essay, nevertheless all. the of genuine more many Niecks as think barcarolle in but that nocturnes greater 2, player, than quisitely Ex- sharp minor, Chopin says and pages beautiful most he emotion are 37, No. G, Opus as of variety greater when the of full dramatic Finck, in his T. rise to tragedy. even are, nacy effemi- ed!)^ undoubt- often sometimes elegy, and ness morbid- of Nocturnes they yet if would of charge the these parts, and him on excess an lay or Morbid in many dignity comment in against him. are who I doubt Nocturnes the Nocturnes first set. unless it is perilously near of a effect. is Opus 9. interpreted to being great pianist,who of soul the absolute with unites color, with of he feeling that from actually pianoforte the played delicacy and such through seen ment arrange- much its transfer four of instrument soprano of poetry to one of play violin a so reconciled the to fingers, iridescent an picture of melancholy Remenyi it with 127 of all his ten independence sombre iridescence. the PIANOFORTE poet, it becomes a a OF POET CHOPIN, strings. Chopin Field, John first the that at to Irish an the Chopin got but Field; the the an I think of form of relish a On recital he these Allan and to every with in Poe was not real genius? one the type spite of may be form. Naturally, Field did that "a he this of like only appear, who Paderewski, Chopin's genius, they of or music hospital." the often nocturnes master greater composed talent Chopin always of small lists,Chopin shade "Ullalume" a the exquisite feeling an with far that, in content Chopin a of out supplanted by had tion ques- how realize would Chopin's played by Nocturnes, Poe of programs is sensitive heard himself said sick-room, and, when are poetic fiist in been seeing genius, and for such to familiar were men they Field, love who those even originated the said to have not if by John nocturne a beyond him, making having Field that Occasionally him. hears one was unlikely it is not and from originality of great went art (1782-1837), composer pattern recitals nocturnes Chopin Poe. nocturnes, compose historical and seems in two of to In sorrow. me "Annabel American like Lee" Edgar " and poets of 128 APPRECIATE TO HOJV Waltzes A Chopin of group waltzes of amateurs death still said dancing the these to music They with rhythm the ornamental the at be reflect the to left hand, A slow that Heller too, that he exception individual one artistic of some descent follows should but be leading before him the tender he that it was food to me the emphasized, as pering whisThe its infinite are These a has its is the expression right-hand episode. they ones, its remarkable and priate appro- waltz, with beautiful most brilliant in the second love, " favorite most Each posthumous the and (Strange the as out pleased so luncheon. to the theme that left-hand his was a the melody its viola-like sympathy!) w^ith of giving fancies of sharp minor, in its him regard of charm, in C longing that invited always should we reward the told through they glide past. as with listen to his and Chopin's favorite, and was Stephen when one, "Waltz," minor melody, couples the for esses, Count- be on, while indicate note-groups enamored played thoughts looks he as played improvisations jealous plaint, joy, ecstasy, of be dance a petrate per- Schumann should dancers to seem player'smind the been was to were looking dance, and a It to Indeed, aristocratic. so is like waltzes arise in the a is But, have alive. the sibly Pos- program. that waltzes half a frequently played by most those if these pianistduring recital a much very than lens. fairy on in contrast Chopin's compositions. are more afford admirably bull, even that Mazurkas. the are all Irish an who will waltz Chopin pieces the to and MUSIC of matic chropassage chromatics feature of the HOW I30 this is very All fine,although the fact is that The MUSIC APPRECIATE ro trifle over-sentimental. a Mazurkas Chopin archly are quettish, co- passionately pleading, full of delicate banter, love, despair and is zest to any The roll drums, musketry and one hear may mourning Major plaint for the in Opus It is not one this polonaise Chopin of the most the be said he And the then Ballades the pianoforte. rhythms and abandoned, and and They the In as " also perhaps, because the to never the Sonatas was pianoforte music point he " are music original, of bidness, mor- fascinating is not but suggest, writing stillwas the to the Scherzos tragedy mocking he These wonderfully are title would wrote as strings of Scherzos. original harmonies, his glow. mocking Chopin of it Works. wonderfully emotional, yet full of was play all the perhaps Chopin's greatest contributions of It could break "Le it is heroic but if he "A the finished. pianoforte before he had Other The usually called canvas, that would things all these " of rattle missing from and 40, the virile of all his works. played, The compositions. are large a dead these however, and recital program. cannon, the of some Polonaise," it should of booming the will add two or a on Chopin fact In Chopin's battle-hymns. are notes, Militaire." Mazurka of his works group Polonaises of A commonplace. thoroughly always and " thoroughly interesting. original and never conquest often gaily grim itself. felt himself for the in the obliged to. cause pianoforte, be- grip of the thir- CHOPIN, ty-tvvo Beethoven he adhere not are be to pianoforte the to classical counted One familiar funeral forth pain the nation, while the to trio of tramp played amid much leaving persist in reason these a night winds often is see why march which is sweeping at pianists recitals do "Barcarolle," two unjustly, most since grateful necessary to Impromptus, chiaroscuro, to go is there no terpretati in- between as a play here, the full are beyond " unless, are great I cannot piece. The for Piano full of F minor of, and melody it does perhaps, the to most a tra," Orches- and beautiful these real has "Berceuse," it. of as march funeral finale, which this by sonata described The detached with the slightingly spoken are which and will interpreted been has "Concertos they in graves. add not connection often when followed over psychological which never people difference aptly enough played played, pieces, enjoyed vast a heavy "playing." mere funeral finale is the Because popular be not There and This certain of verge progresses and well impression. sode, epi- played, possibly and when "give Chopin's the to bells played yet, deep should master. a is and "playing" of the middle march the positions. com- to " the pathetic tolling It ; a is portions the soldiery. misses by other nation" indeed, and, ; sonatas contains said been entire an march, the in the too of three successful most has did means flat minor, B which Poland of grave the grief sorrowing the tears, and his 131 no yet these ; among march By sonatas. form them, of PORTE PIANO OF POET not mention most and seem the delightful "Fantaisie." HOIV 132 TO A a rule not at first think no as to Arable Chopin Because was in four of The for only large, he ^^"as not accounted is sonatas that tone of regard him mainly he own day own Poles, was a in his had Czerny and that us sixteen "Chopin," world adds Rubinstein, "the mind, as the virile, heroic, dreamy, by and him * his tiful beau- most Bie, Pianoforte when to the * his it. over hands two that eight pianos happy ver"' ers," Play- heard he for a wider thirty-two." to apostrophizes him * Tragic, fantastic, dramatic, upon in his forte piano- the " and we and, like his piano rhapsodist, the in was to-day pianoforte overture give soul. found many composer reformer a was brilliant, grand, are than While quoted by Huneker, piano Chopin's This smiled another could piano bard, worship passionate longings. Bie, "opened Czerny than ments instru- although Jumbo reverence. Pianoforte persons, sixty sufficed for his " Chopin composed fiftyor order. The most of the "History tells his for the interpreterof beauty, the instrument sonatas symphonies pages. revolutionist. for dreams, of innovator, an solo a as seemed wrote infinitelymore highest greatness beautiful, and kind many the he But one. is worth cover poet as mistaken a his consen'atives for of big long, piano and composed cause pianoforte, be- the not are instead the sung he for be great unless for the movements mazurka as pieces Foot. to only wrote could MUSIC Head recognized. man briefest a from his orchestra, unless was APPRECIATE simple " piano romantic, soulful, sweet, possible all compositions instrument" the and Huneker all pressions exare him- POET CHOPIN, self and styles, many from the much suffered Thus from the of head human it drawn through the is greatness in foot." to soul, is out on the orchestra? he the tubes and, But, strings, less piped battered summing it is than it the on on "he that vesture, searched great his up ; all, he he have vitality." his of faultless above sohn, Mendels- of aristocracy his because therefore and his was Berlioz of in away "He all half says, in music sonata. positive Bie all, of Best expression nearly and musicians, pianoforte, the it his among noble when proof poetically are pianoforte classical Huneker. that stands is they individual Schumann, eclipse, again position, the pianists, many sincere." got survival of an " of his he all, form and sincere, for 133 are if individually for set there correct are scope Once music. of and the enlarged he all logical musical, music Chopin's "In : says PIANOFORTE OF the a searcher a it out if he reeds, on had blown drumheads VI SCHUMANN, finished HAVING pianist is genius. Zwickau in and Robert's of studied a at with composer His to into his with to a gain a the sling while dream of a strained virtuoso's the as stead result, in- a musical other lines. in Heidelberg He in musicians " his he a played tendons of vanished. use one forte piano- In he finger one took the studied virtuoso. the "34 determined Wieck career. through career day, fingering, others teacher, pianoforte and which by erary lit- aged discour- among of in Unfortunately, he rare lisher pub- show systematic a and l^ecoming apparatus in life musical freedom book Schumann and at education. Leipzig of view greater mechanical in born would son celebrated a original a was elder Leschetitzki upon home the 1828 is the the enter father academic an Wieck, Schumann in what with meeting Frederick him thus another along was Leipzig was in early Schumann was aspirations; education law and 1829, that fact, the musical his training, His hopes receiving with the group, his it with Schumann 1810. In aptitude. Chopin meet we Robert in his follow to and June, was with apt selections, musical '^INTIMATE*' THE upon of hand order devised was a pended sus- the this and Meanwhile board. keytrivance con- his he had fallen Wieck, in brain father, married trouble became became He into Bonn, Rhine. but where had died he in because 'only explain of with shows Chopin, if at pieces after sake of want a apparent his and threw self him- him from asylum an life near they because Schumann music. his of here mentioned are interest, but their was of a the brilliancy. recital a Chopin very group, brightness, they to seems that his pianoforte to appear a expressive so harmonies are striking a Schumann order it, and to than more the hold let it sound it down to more make keyboard and so like superficially them might appealing. One are they reason feels The after stiffeningthe fingers firmly, keep its last echo. for it in up instrument for that if But One tone. the for do through All wonderfully compact. chord in wanting for the viola, and music me are deep-sounding for works Schumann afford. they characteristics. hear immediately is apt to he as which contrast profounder be will pianistplaces the a attractive their This and iridescence lacks music his compositions in sittingwith July, 1856. Schumann's say out. pared brooding disposition,intenselyintrospective.Com- a one work to was to he spirithad rescued taken be in aspects some he boatmen to circumstances These theme a Diisseldorf at Some he February, 1854, Schubert's him in life tently intermit- suffered in that the on Later 1840. in which room in his house the drowning, idea given and left the friends some of of the Clara daughter, had and 135 opposition in he severe, him to her which more abruptly not from possessed appeared teacher's his with love finally,after determined and part of her a "INTIMATE" THE SCHUMANN, a grip on HOW 136 'APPRECIATE TO MUSIC " Bourgeois, Poet, In a Schumann's curious He music blending had the bourgeois of poet, of what introspectionof the in interwoven ; sometimes down harmony his figuration,and foreign entire half above with and what so work marked by that either. have one's Schumann program music. titles he a gives a as tone the tones recognize Schumann first few of his own has great thing in music, personal bars that a in other as there can it is. contributions pieces, besides to them. And works these titles themselves of so-called intrinsic musical meaning, usually indicated the of or distinct suggested by and characteristics These in the so music, now notes is siii generis, each valuable His few an tions" "anticipa- loves a lifts in his sustained to easy product whose made worth, have are it is and or lacking. it is Each mistaking no first the distinguish Chopin hallmark, arts, to fillingin at He are single a or heard themselves single note a then was it is to voices interior quently ; fre- "imitations," uses scale, suddenly lowers are lightly melodies by introducing principal melody. the advancing harmony be often There passage. " as the to other; he are bass" in the syncopated; suppressed, yet making then are each upon is be melodies flutters voice collisions are he actually to me a and homely, The upper poet, Sometimes mole. a the rhythms superimposed note like the and to appears find philosopher. of warmth intimate "contrapuntal upon canonic bourgeois, and the will listener philosopher. he burrowing sensitive was the introspectivethat so the higher fanc}^ love PhUosophcr. and authors whom by the often he ad- HOW 138 Mignonnes four B of Ouatre sur notes said be APPRECIATE TO S A are musical Ernestine von Three the of C S scale. Fricken, Asch had Musik," and entitled are the it under to de-plume of Florestan, Eusebius and associates Davidsbiindler, their denominated were mission himself thinker combat to fogies of music, David as is the wandering figures as they Chopin meet Chiarina in to and ends carnival the to in a The my played was merry suite. Opus in which his We and Clara) ; Es- quin, Harle- also Davidsbiindler The folk-song, grandmother dear. a bridegroom, He uproar. at I fear," wrote other an- "Faschingschwank introduced was a varied the them. on herself) ; 26, the he "Marseillaise," which be of Columbine. wedded carnival, neatly characterized each Ernestine grandfather then Wien," reflections old mann Schu- whirl, drawing the strains of the German the whole aus his this his ing it be- Philistines. in music down diminutive than "Grandfather So gay noms- flight the to at the Paganini, other the fiir while Raro; put looker-on and Pantalon, and march had noting (the Italian (none trella pass, and and through conclusions, and own the loves. early Zeitschrift "Neue contributed the Davidsbiindler. of the the H birthplace of the "Carnaval" March it should flat,and is E of Schumann's founded he explanation was of the Florestan, Eusebius, and Schumann in (es) one divisions Piano, Op. 9."' The pour H, and in German that our Notes MUSIC a that suggestion of time forbidden in Vienna. title of another work which ranks among his productions, the "Kreisleriana," finest This lacks he in " philosophy Kreisler of Hoffmann's is said had maudlin Hoffmann's this of life Tomcat (literally which Bie his is these "the pieces were and In between become prosaic views Murr Kater "Kreisleriana," of form with more ereign sov- "Schumanniana," Hoffmann, from in expressed sorrows be entitled early reduced was have the these into meister Kapell- in drawn ideals and put talist, sentimen- character But title is derived the although The triumphs. former another never and contrast a joys should power," heavy- brilliant a drink whose Purr). says after vainly chases, by in much his prototype to of forth can Ameri- of the up A. German the as exuberant an who, there he set as is had have pathetic character, which of T. E. by turgid introspection. addicted book shadows bound book memories planation. requires ex- book a exquisite art Bohner, become 139 also spoken Poe a and to Ludwig career, is the fact, is German and from sometimes Poe, although author derived he who Hoffmann, to "INTIMATE" THE SCHUMANN, for the tent con- is Schumann. Thoughts Concerning while in the in me, and the throes always work of my of things ready. leriana,' and the chief in them to you His Clara. beautiful and a I shall dedicate as to no one "This : another to music Think entire them to else, and of you you. how now of book 'Kreis- call them thought Clara to wrote melodies! I have I intend you he whole a composition last letter to you role, and they belong as such it,since new of play Yes, sweetly I40 HOW you will smile APPRECIATE when to seems all its TO me I as simplicity,and do now Clara of and Kater them speaking right from all for and gladly play yourself in ! wonderfully interwoven, so that effect upon has find you MUSIC I often." chief the whom play Surely varied characteristics spite of these and It a things, thought of Kreisler becomes role, what sic mu- the heart. If Clara Murrf in My "Kreisleriana" Schu- are manniana. Full of Pieces." Among has one but hear to ordinary Why, depends the (Abends), ren) humor aptly from the "Forest the "Etudes the And legend which to with belongs the Paganini Symphoniques," first movement of which To him In varied A tone every who tone deigns Pieces" the are the there of the tain re- "Scenes "Traitmerei" heroic these passes, list, gentleness." to ; cal techni- "Capriccios," placed to ; and and always the earthly dreaming, of Hero mingling Schlegel: "Through buoyant the "Fantasie," and he of its there Scenes," the "Sonatas;" on the {Traiirncszinr- destined then which (Gnllen) "Fantasie seem no Evening" "At "Whims" Song," These popularity. studies, based the of the to answer perfect peace; of "Novelettes" Childhood," the it is that once "Dream-Whirls" fable, sadness. named their echo which "Warum," lifetime; a of sense an "End the and of (Aufschitning); the at question upon a its Scene," and recognize to but with Leander; is the familiar happiness "Soaring" "Night these "Fantasie the are and above lines from Clara Madame through husband's of that their to in of Concerto," long pianist's repertoire. in "Only 1849. he was of little so One of crank the and after my to Breusing's, in the city, asking for informed there now ! then the and his demand kept for in the him as * New his are his by music it, it basement." was a remained on Shortly * I York) music principal the compositions had laugh. and pieces (to Germany store under way. Schirmers they the regarded * the of genius another one because zig," Leip- at manuscript new they one certain no a " that was bundle, from return arrived entered he that in were when nudge me Leipzig to "Schumann's with would modern the on I Minor "A went before that failure and hold best the But Mason years Hartel told a their so, introspection, admirable "Memories," clerks them shelf his " the arm, few appreciated Breitkopf his retain her Even own. the William a in says their to of way. their and largely- was playing their course, will It her. won brilliancy coming including, them, told 141 public they of lack long were he as Schumann's works owing they "tone," the was "INTIMATE" THE SCHUMANN, stores and successors, " I Schumann, in What away a was but stock, packed went as in contrast a mi possible, is IT the for These are works and that one to appreciate to welcome them that still pianists yet are compositions, the of will get them Variations any one they theme a the of on mastering ever, how- these order so slow who The it is be if they Brahms stupendous a which and under expression make on rare themselves it should in however, them. Handel by occasions rare capable learn to great infrequently with personal start been but find soon with necessary, readers, my will Schumann's than have appear of intimate and on and work, their compositions. thoroughly them has essay program, is almost unacquainted beautiful spell It Those he learning audiences and programs. of know them, will, after pianoforte feeling. should outward his on wealth a sacrifice to introspective more combine musical recital selections shorter even of depth least, at ing, will- pianist some satisfaction, Brahms's of one moment Schumann the likely, that not inward to success played but VIRTUOSOS AMONG GIANT THE LISZT, played by regarded as "events." Grieg, his with clang-tints, which "Concerta" in Tschaikowsky, clear, also A whose play through Dvorak, minor; first fascinating "Concerto" 14a Norwegian his fascinating Bohemian; the in B flat minor GIANT LISZT, of neo-Russians, the the program on is finest modem the is among recital to close with in of the kind; who may work of some figure the by it But elect to pianoforte playing history or recital. will here some 143 its pianoforte virtuoso the of composers modern history greatest VIRTUOSOS works are a that a the figure in the of Hkely more his AMONG bring grandest and of one Franz composition " Liszt. Kissed Liszt bom was in From unique position of Paganini lived, and ever as the virtuoso, a before fame was a retired he died, his fame he as in the from as a he was world. He greatest pianist the a ; and the was player and that although, long public performances his still greater diminished not in Bayreuth when great composer have composer a in death, he occupied his musical pianoforte, he died he until almost gary, in Hun- Odenburg near early boyhood, pianoforte prodigy, a Raiding, 181 1, and October, 1886. July, at Beethoven. by and ence his influ- still is potent. His father instruction was so So when he in great other that public and his was at stipend of musical Vienna, six years he play a noblemen florins for about his father for six The a year talent in- to by family a then for of these, provide for to Ries. arranged years and old, years the second agreed education. where, boy's professional nine was After Pressburg. 600 old. The difficult concerto that him began giving without even success Hungarian further was able, when was concerts several to he and amateur, an pronounced stmction appear was an nual an- Franz's removed half, the boy * took APPRECIATE TO HOW 144 lessons pianoforte SaHeri. Beethoven him, and at and notes from Czerny heard their MUSIC of without Franz the flat major), In 1823 he in placed the time infant against and His circles and Litz." recall, has Liszt of Chopin, literary of him. and men, of Paganini wonderful to feats develop daring the capacity feats technical which of what had have it is, and regards execution as well in his made done to in in the so bring and He ") and of the most was ers paintclusive ex- Liszt much as developing of the out to able remark- make its full expression. the of those compositions, much his efforts to beginning as open and 1831, pianoforte with was came capital were inspired shown This of Paris of the virtuosity demands combined pianoforte as violin. doors in technique technique of the wonderful of of 'Litz.' French the Paris nearest musicians, the played Paganini as other musical writer, whose some call him to drawing-rooms to (As and and salons said, "the was prejudiced enormous was in demand that at him. pianist, however, petit appreciating friend a passed eigners excluding for- rule a denied was greatest I cannot name the as "le for revived being he and B him. to although institution the admission the was of view a in one difficulty,Cherubini, phenomena, success there with But without director the Paris to thoven's Bee- kissed and see out with- played, (the large 97 Conservatoire. the examination his to taken was to instalments, embraced master great had other pianoforte trio, Op. asked and him, after meeting, theory with and both the tiality poten- HOW 146 he Thereafter where divided had he his year been of Academy Hungarian "Liszt, the artist kindly to history superbly equipped romantic works and of in his devotion honored as artist before no spread by those whom he will rather probably increase admired low-music fel- his by learning of a and since, his influence, or swayed, and personally taught diminish than by friend and institutions lous marvel- of conductor a and by ceptions original con- of teacher as disciples,reverenced by potentates interpreter of classic an daring execution, of one Generous, music. of alike, a composer insight,worshipped host as new in his "is Musicians," of the Baker, says liberal-minded, whole-souled and art, and the of Weimar. man," the pest, Buda- Rome, President Music, and and grand figuresin between made "Biographical Dictionary the MUSIC APPRECIATE TO time as goes on." It has in the of said "petit Litz" Paris; as a which of in art with the through of centre he finally, and of that Liszt his of course As cat. been the united the was into the devotees of capital; next then the musical revolved in a followed early in movement place to ticism roman- episode tours became the Europe; Buda-Pest cycle through Rome, from adored triumphal he a branches the came his lives less than various settlingat Weimar, modern six precocious child plunged d'Agoult; three only " he French Europe; Weimar, he youth, Countess the existence passed through place by a band devotees. Liszt's as compositions follows : for the "Fantasies Pelerinage"; "Harmonies pianoforte may Dramatiques" Poetiques et ; be classified "Annees de Religieuses"; LISZT, GIANT AMONG Sonata, Concertos, VIRTUOSOS 147 r the "Rhapsodies works; miscellaneous and Etudes, Hongroises" transcriptions from Berlioz, Beethoven, ganini, Schubert others. and The Among transcriptions,but or based one on the "Don "La the Juan overture themes Fantasie." as of whole with is true glad it if it "Don fantasia of Giovanni" Liszt's. is the a long while of the be It is the left to passage the made from a trill and plays trill sustained accompaniment, written with such all the melody going on perfectknowledge the time this by the from music as w^ell. Dramatiques" for the and two of dc tours in which the will brilliant great good It might be vanished words, at up Song." Mozart throughout, entire the the melody In other from passage winds "Norma," a duet, the have it is is form, but with "Fantasies another the whole. but of one and known sustained upon gives remembered better Liszt one known a then will force of pianoforte music, Another " usually and best possible that even operatic stage, yet are potpourris "Champagne is Mozart It is were. in set not the on longer no utilizes Liszt fantasia, and presto a when come the brilliant a the only, introduction, then an which mere It is founded duet, varying it,however, effect not operas, la mano." ci darem Pa- Fantasie. genuine fantasies, two or Weber, Dramatiques," from themes on Juan "Fantasies the variations Don and arrangements ; occurs right hand, the there paniment accom- is in this melodies same and time, yet pianoforte tech- 148 nique a HO IV that any modem A virtuoso sense, work can called of and them full it. It six is Liszt grand. links The sat de at They titles indicate bord d'une are Brera), Many of these of the The his d'Amour." of Mason so adroit are lying many them is himself at the that the still has was the Altenburg it, and of usage as a this dans la solitude." William of it copy Liszt always had his gfuests that used it became Berlioz, Rubinstein, When with copy treasures to "Cantique fond. "which of which treatment beautiful Dieu Joachim." took Angelo). illustrations very memories he time de playing for with the familiar the pianoforte, when Weimar for the marks to Pastoral," "Au musical "Benediction Vieuxtemps, Wieniawski, souvenir, 1835 partly transcriptionsof pieces, partly he times in three impressions, as same are which associated left the at the on ing connect- from elegant in and and says time (after Michael "Harmonies" Among poems. was "11 Penseroso" vocal own variation Sposalizio" (after Raphael's picture pianoforte, and music. whose lac de Wallenstadt, source, in the pianists published series of musical "Au " six "Hexameron." Pelerinage" were a Bellini's introduction, the the tributed con- two-stringed semi- a divisions, extending in point of 1883. only pianofortes, five Chopin, kind, he by six on the finale of the "Annees in in catalogues from march them contributed and the while grands, used as is included variations, written of the bravura not was name it. "Hexameron" originallyplayed by of of the compositions, although part of with MUSIC worthy compass the Liszt's "Puritani" APPRECIATE TO it all it bears. The Mr. son Ma- him as the more "Conso- a GIANT LISZT, lations," which, taken Edward as corollaries as VIRTUOSOS AMONG Dannreuther be may says, "Harmonies," the to 149 tenderly are expressive pianoforte pieces. Giant The as Etudes they bear in are technique their but the it as main earliest shape Cramer. of three In Von "Feux Follets" Chopin already He considered the collection and found and into two which then later the are other of Graus that Schumann called "Waldesrauschen" double counterpoint. Other uppermost. "Paysage," "Mazeppa" Sor" Etudes, some which of the include the famous ascending first "Bell in one the test "Harmonies Liszt's Paganini pieces be theme tremendous de of play titles among (a Through The of there will with endurance), "Vision," "Chasse-neige," "Gnomentanz." that could and of and called (Studies opinion together, of 10) composer. pianists living who appear called (No. Etuden" are pianoforte Etude study the treme ex- editions of portions,a descending on the form the difficult. were Czemy of three under expressed twelve Etude flat quoted und ingenious is divided Etudes or A more even "Sturm the some one, the fingers. 1827, they development the pianoforte Etudes these of own shape they coupling been has it ten In them. with Dread), only the Billow's in classical latest in strides technique. were their Liszt's issued the of history under virtuosity. Indeed, giant Storm the and 1852, and editions progressive when from Virtuosity. 1827, 1839 dates developed little different and and the in pieces, they represent same In Strides tions transcrip- the Rondo" form of from nOkV 150 of one TO now is far than in its known better of "Sonata in B the sonatas few movement both in aspect a have to write to time, Liszt into younger and of and with all the apply when Like this form is " of themes the melody of to cure se- Hanchett's (in Not Liszt for the also only knew ization character- unite the psychological unity they flat they are and A written how well so to show this ing. feel- and thought throughout their which pianoforte up E instrument, but with sonata, be summed of enough movement, concertos the genius and slow the What the says just. more perfection they can it is true, gigantic, wholly admirable works. composing they masterly compositions most a " think who in the Mr. tain cer- a well calm the the skill which modern. Liszt of one superb are technical for pianoforte two major) suave attention. original work The and as into put ever it of it might it contains originality in stands the hearer's It of true compound themes given has it is that various composers that psychological fact the Dannreuther, opening section, and that is movements. rhetoric," but admits section to is Schumann to there is due sonatas. genuine impulse the dedicated This of it that it is "a curious empty Rhapsodies. and in which in slow and model as pianoforte composition for violin. Minor" of division serve piece, for example, although by employing ; rapid this a Concertos unity throughout. one as originalform Sonata, one MUSIC Paganini concertos, the The APPRECIATE is owes by saying that so to velopment de- tially essen- Chopin they were thinkers poets and well so it,at least on stigmatized as if there as another to on for the player not only and he because, with also how knew how understood to ought grateful and deep thoughts it for write to ter bet- to listener, it is the to sounds as is in forte, piano- the poetic them express ings, feel- clearly pianistically. The "Rhapsodies brilliancyand good purpose worth has Hongroises" off show and throb is under-estimated. been At passion, and and the republished and ending with garische Melodien" "Melodies years 1854. which a are in technique ask, and pianist can full of admirable they happen to as that the that rated elabo- were rewritten then pieces in "Un- As 1838; in appear they the the content effective display works grateful at fifty over are they for time same ! as groises" Hon- "Rhapsodies pieces for most musical be brilliant and short March." the greatest and merely fifteen are to 1846; Consider old, yet remain brilliant they they began rhythmic their These all there full of Etudes, were tunes. "Rakoczy the Hongroises" in they the such to are their canceled, and In published again. set, Like first transcriptionsof Hungarian and dazzling real musical They irresistible. simply such their that brilliantly, so is curious. history of are pianist'stechnique a splendid fire, vitalityand of well music pianoforte genius of that as equally grateful he sounds charlatan, a mark sound not may because but and or virtuosityand instrument one thoroughly to their music wonderful If Liszt's any. of 151 them, Liszt, frequently is of one some were trouble the Because trickster a writing something on took who the instrument. understand VIRTUOSOS AMONG GIANT LISZT, Because are called HOIV 152 TO trashy,whereas knowledge of music be must they Liszt's to APPRECIATE their owe the Mason's had play, and that w^as the the alone upon Steinway, "Put all the Liszt." one writers a of affirm level with Liszt. too young to years, of one of one other that him of heard Liszt is still in it." since Dannreuther, that and and Mason) : make of them to those placed upon this assertion are than in his the compare his heard was from be can other who the iam Will- not dissent passed there of none Mr. to an "Liszt : would we make unjust who improvisation said of these who long says said I must any has 1863 onward, Erscheinung, an willinglyacknowledges Those it is nineteenth the great pianists,some "But who Edward air of Mason Liszt in his mind 1873 (^ quote from Mr, have and of Mason heard doubt together and adds: who he Rubinstein us been living, he now^ Tausig him." While there have that call in the year rest Life," Mr. solitarymountain-top a approach can Germans times, William several pianist I already which from Weimar at greatest genius. played ? Played. absolutely no is great ten dull, and badly writ- Musical a his to be to it is to be quote again there epoch-making us and what century, to of that Liszt dwells occasion time order reminiscences ''Memories that says which Liszt charming have In "classic,"heavy and on ness effective- and virtuosity, pianoforte. How those brilhancy transcendent own for the instrument In MUSIC prime Liszt about expression of playing with play his a clining de- that from playing grand an and something nient, witness Bear of the in mind he was a he was one into the him while at Wagner bear died then music and " of his greatness. I that festival be that Schumann, that heart and death came he strive able to remains he to soul to played form for appreciate plied im- development and that may Beethoven, performances that repeat, history remember you himself "Parsifal"'; musical of this; at and the mind, in for and attending was ; throw to worthy a youth." my Chopin movement, he extremes in first the of played of provide day study Liszt that and by and MUSIC some may lator of Beethoven force which contemporary Bayreuth the APPRECIATE rO HOIV 154 a some potent idea VIII WITH PADEREWSKI LISZT A some his fickle ; but floor from this nothing no " adds the He the him and is necessary. back In a the by frame been said is fill him and be to novelty, a concert a he is the and the but be able into bring can brings combines he thought of " a "5S to than of intellectual New York lete. athsits watch great when essary nec- unless with it force; capacity. trust " the play poetry he he you note play at an as if into not flinches strength stage; never wall does poetical enough will he which that will you assiduously more and you zvhkh on has to industry concert which both Rosenthal, longer technique an poet a Therefore of " Biilow, are which a and slender power " of near Von success Hear To practices on country here; no secret. no reason. soul this Americans with one Paderewski. roof. is one piano physical the so looks from and is residence Paderewski's anything at his been have 1872; in gain can would to TOUR we Ignace come Paderewski to the hesitate have these. although understand at of any of triumphs up but that success But still is name Why he took ON country, Rubinstein 1856; than greater hall the Hofmann. Josef this the pianists who Joseffy, of from in Thalberg his idea famous Other in was never PIANIST MODERN company 156 is check a Heved for of one to be MUSIC $171,981.89. virtuoso the this country a APPRECIATE TO HOW for It represents one largest actual by single season. concert tour, amount ever artist,whether an This check the singer is drav^n to piano by a net ceipts re- is be- and in earned player, in or of the order Ignace J. Paderewski. An opinion regarding it playing is the he can in does to is think not add worth this too that great and of more Wherein, however, tone the last century, for " of the that to time and this country. that for the the opinion means the invention of many will be a great the sustained for with ity facil- the ever, convinced, how- capacity for in due in power doubtless that the greatest it taining sus- Ije made will desideratum ; but experts still tone-sustaining increased is satisfactory. discovered probably highly interestingand the of pianoforte That this imparting i)ianoforteconsiders it remains within the instrument is capacity is of stead In- development violin, for example. means done already. wonderful He be instrument the is in its He he considers be tone the the loud holding a long-drawn-out tone of should less would its reached improvement. too considers he believes has anything, If rather pianoforte playing, more instrument power, it because earn pianoforte further of tone. the of by who man Paderewski anything lacking, notwithstanding during the incapable of its volume to and sum, having. respect, one perfection and a living exponent seem save large so greatest would that, earn the perfect in other significant. After is ter masspects re- all, greatest of all solo instruments, because, smallest compass control, it has the range and of with an the simplest orchestra. For WITH this PADEREWSKI it is the reason with box goods and with extends bite as internal as soon The who content are dream which he the an hands said of their they on to an with open so the the intervals, severely that with on him, siding table fresh of from thing a do pianos of not casion, slightestpossible oc- him and was consults donna doctor" "piano a has the is in tour, same when his in him private car and entire the fact his at special train Syracuse East forward straining the obliged with traveled during the near prima thrown l""eing he tour, on instruments. these on occupying track, Paderewski against while at seasons, him I carefullyprotected against extremes '"piano doctor" Iiracticallyliving these the on on four, and donna instead Tnie, sprayed are prima a ivory. cold, and, with were is he less than no tle lit- tuner, instrument for, when ; and Instrument? plays. Marchesi, attendance breakfast to highest- homes the the upon them, of if it as physician only was felt ready the own our visit from bestowed suite Paderewski's He occasional throats for several and teeth to dry- Doctor." instruments and and constant iron, wire raised, pianofortes in Madame metal heat "Piano care whole but her with is coddled have lid is and, poHshed celluloid artist like Paderewski a wood, of our have has each have of the an should of the ever the of organs instruments grand. class concert We from glisteningrow a of popular most its manufacture, in 157 to cancel of his at run left the his hands on muscles table was and tour. one ami remaining APPRECIATE TO HOIV 158 Up engagements. $137,012.50, while he before Texas, some years with bands Paderewski, and he amid heard a what had "rebel this yell,"but to return Paderewski came While posts marched He posts let the his seat Then his throat. continued and heard of the first time was blasts out from had to up the through the he playing. corps the had he doctor him met had and been York private car, for he the the make to car the two he hotel, where during four practiced from notifying tkc it worth "doctor" liked great charge reserved while. Of best the were days preceding seven to eight twenty- four hours strument in- care in of the for his is there whenever route is in motion. instruments, he in West four with with virtuoso practicesen stop long enough when selected shipped of these Australia, his Francisco San at When tour. from country been which Travels. pianofortes on this to One plays $9,000. reimion. Their on the to "doctor." a Dallas, it. But New average at was happened, smiled applause. began receiptswere of one Pianofortes piano the tigerto spring at and laughter famous concert net been with yell,"the pianist leaped expected realized tour fife-and-drum when But "rebel if he as American kept right on however, shrilling. famous had various and his concerts Confederate a however, AustraHa record pianoforte, the the hall in when ago, during It occurred the this His receiptsof $5,000. at time, thirty-sixconcerts gave was that to seventy-four from receipts MUSIC He rarely other three sent to his first hours in a his cert, con- day, advance PADEREWSKl WITH pianoforte he which would No. officially, The San certain on, in not No. I will always of method in San Francisco and No. to in is that which himself stranger." going After to-night, didn't "Doctor" happen he with : each been or "doctor" the stage, because, want meef to this supper, a sation conver- all right to to answer is careful as New high This part is not for a giftswho to he in the for his mere of a concert duty supremacy virtuoso. plays the sir." For affirmative, veracity. his best play would what "No, say. gives sense the bread." me record to were able which intellectual is idiosyncrasies 'Doctor,' it sounded occasion important place in Paderewski course, Paderewski the on at sent was Of asks don't scrupulous regard most in 2 (fistinctions "Well, then, please pass been Paderewski accounts No. on place: "doctor" has York. is concert, "Well, has if the the playing "Yes, sir." never always was it?" : Paderewski There instruments like he it, "I invariably takes : the of his on instruments expresses Paderewski One action. before always of the three he as and to slightestdifference the player a instrument delicatelybalanced most tone he to make To Portland. to detect sensitive nuances ahead Oakland, 3 pianofortes, but fine a 3. Francisco San while and in these the have Thus, expert could an No. and 2 from shipping adopted. Jose him No. Portland, Oregon. and is use but none he a San to on took Jose, that others came, be- instrument This use. the ; route pianist's Oakland, play i 159 in the least he is in as toward his pianists. among He is piano like a a public man poet. of fine Paul i6o HOW TO APPRECIATE Potter, the playwright, who and rewski. almost on and that me fotmd knowledgfe of and far To and contributes and music. $1,300 the which I which be on the onto car. autographs he have recorded, the way has duty to the train before The then a the body out of the hall and the able to bars of of proceeds about remit and held at his concert it boxed. is not possible on a level with skid is part of the outfit of the detaching the body, removing having it on the minutes. legs of the skid the instrument ready to it is part of the on The legs The onto the tour. private are is drawn canvas body moved reover is slid structed speciallycon- a low, swung will of the hall and place by straps. slowly let down pianoforte For safely out carefullyfitted in table, already rejoiningthe party eight-wheel skid, seven as he autograph, few a piano. Warsaw for his destination. see instRtment and for at derful. won- regards the place, the takes used its next to "doctor's" as and little dialogue at the supper amusing the virtuoso nearly was quite for memorial received land, land, Po- the fund. to When be to idolizes dollar informed. native His signature and for pianist music composer Chopin the money season's said is one Pade- the well his Pole, he by charging From with remarkably a with subject the greatest dollars two one also for the there history of the land, Geneva, Switzer- conversed its literature away fund the has him of Chopin, as he dined conceivable every always His lives in occasionally has tells MUSIC so as to be platform. This The time record pianoforte, covering from start as for the the stage the and station, is 1 62 "Naw, busy," too was would has But make for lack It of of at give the the time of stairs quality. pianoforte long breath when the nent immiin each spite other. Fischer, stood the Francke, E. the fell latter banister if the whole crash a watchers, safely instrument the for suspense, ; would splinterson in of moments for the two as such over C. fore be- never wall, the rail,the posts the as other well as all Around pianoforte were in tity quan- enough, directing; J. from men" gentle- and But been walked tour, below. the There muscle that "doctor," Emil it seemed and way "colored twenty hope negroes fragments one floor. the ! The top of shower rq"ly. got upstairs well was descent treasurer usual high-grade pianoforte fact that the and up MUSIC of in the a the band a secured peril. of the the was last, however, At at APPRECIATE TO HOW the who drew was on a the skid. such Fortunately the in pianist dififuses about the Mr. to he Francke inscribed: trip,asked flash,wrote an from His the home a the self him- of ernor Gov- future cago, hotel, Chi- Auditorium brother, about leaving Paderewski, autograph. joke. little photograph "To the his the a on quick as a of Mr. Adams on of his departure the Eve Chicago." Paderewski are At which : the brother usually handed Adams' for enjoys forgotten are good-humor He last tour Millward "For him. Hoboken." of tour, of general atmosphere During incidents untoward travels his on a wife, his manager, piano "doctor:" is a special train. villa on a Lake the where him of treasurer secretary, valet Geneva, With and he the maid. has a WITH beautiful garden bilHards, a game PADEREWSKI and vinery, which of opportunity Apparently at the of iron piano, will. for slender he is a his is he swimming, and man 163 of surely iron his dogs, and fond, very his favorite most strength for room limited un- cise. exer- poet-looking as well as HOW TO APPRECIATE AN CONCERT ORCHESTRAL IX DEVELOPMENT THE orchestral an the regarding he as a is of divisions chapter of the the chapter advanced Strauss music first It mind in the and, general consideration a mentary com- cursory music and its represents modern prominently musical our mind to history influence of there is little music for this old wonder instruments here knowledge that a most and awkwardness, 167 old this or of the clesiastical ec- from most comes beginning With the dominant, so efforts It awkward. appreciation for different music first the that singing Palestrina. choral church count ac- the with of is that take which name connection were this in quite are the in capella) composed was and scales, moderns we (a which modes, of into orchestral which of service. church right sitions compo- book, my specific who unaccompanied was of of instruments, of the aspects. The our the details borne subject the phases Richard on of have portion orchestra, certain on certain some I this of orchestral principal and enhanced greatly with This divided result, I have development itself hear. to be will of enjoyment consequent familiar is orchestra apt ORCHESTRA concert listener the THE and appreciation if in the OF may rather individual write to be this said lack capa- 1 TO HOW 68 city of various school of When their instrument theme in his high as is shown orchestral peculiar tone individual which it for wrote consider for instruments, MUSIC This he instruments did their capacity quality, or " could low as Bach. by even expression, but simply their pitch take contrapuntal or the throughout contrapuntal composition, Bach not APPRECIATE also could is true of on some Handel, the or other had carried other ment. instru- he when score, he as this, that up in although less degree. But just worked as and of the sonata large part of this orchestral music have that seen trammels of use in Italy the when it for more with skill in most important verde shook began to we the be used as in opera, so began ployed em- were individual tone Efforts. Orchestral instruments utilizing their of these (1568-1643), as off composers their of kind Again, just a expression. of power orchestral distinct recitative to ing weav- was operatic accompaniments, reference ated cre- Italy,during in so and suites,partitas pianoforte Although, strictlyspeaking, use of his up. dramatic for Primitive to Bach in the orchestra, when them qualitiesand springing was counterpoint the instruments to form, while Clavichord," Scarlatti pianoforte contrapuntal period, a accompaniment an for the plaiting the counterpoint "Well-Tempered Domenico that seen along original lines the germ and have we In in opera, individual early men his the not first composer and to display characteristics, the was "Orpheo," Claudio which Montehe pro- HOW I70 naive TO ; while Mozart, genius for only trifle more a three of major advance the major sound Hall in because York, much Beethoven it since Very his modern from few what it did point of because like greater skill in bringing out because the works swallowed up em modadded to-day sounds if the works day, and the effective more his orchestral have added of in been have peculiar tone orchestral positions, com- lot of a have composers technique ous sonor- Carnegie than their erate mod- symphonic established richer our " pretty effect is lost. in his we its with orchestra an view instruments, but because are and sound composers it is not and music instruments if modern a hall of concert a have to time, and differentlyfrom of naive Haydn's is,the best of them charming be said may orchestra. to in the first symphonic used. were period of their decided a it is the modern classical and orchestration, and that these the minor G major, clarinets " The during "Jupiter"), show of is symphonies. requires large auditoriums, earlier and flat to-day even But New the space which nevertheless composed because symphonies orchestra he knowledge agreeable size. in his E the as in Mozart's and the decidedly greater Haydn, which is notable work of than emotional 1788, in flat E dramatic (known he had although greatest of these summer C the MUSIC APPRECIATE new- acquired qualities players has greatly improved. It is for preciselythe symphonies his show such predecessors. added that, a so few far more as his The same a great advance point instruments own that reasons purposes is not to the were Beethoven's upon that those of Beethoven orchestra, but concerned, he DEVELOPMENT band instniments all the handled fact But in the development be his of the ideas genius to How In to the He Ninth, and Haydn the can hands from Mozart. In Beethoven flutes, two horns, two the "Eroica," Fifth In the first bow their make Ninth the somewhat in Mr. Orchestral and its In W. in growth horn these four is instruments orchestra. chapter the a phony. sym- is given "How the full clearly and chestra Or- tra Orches- "The conceived ditional ad- two in horns symphonies well which ; in the though Al- introduced J. Henderson's a part two phony, Sym- Third the symphonic these in the Music," developed book, orchestra of in detail more Grew," and scoring bassoons, two only, of use strings, two usual Beethoven first phonies, Sym- contrabassoon. in the Symphony horns, The finale Second and by him to over third a and in the employed here First the adds ing develop- orchestra tympani. he so First the from handed the piccolo,trombones a modem that and trumpets doin" Resources, symphonies clarinets, two of means Orchestral employs oboes, adequately means. the see artist, An cannot the has Beethoven's we his under he Developed following the musician, or and technique of in hand. hand go unless create despise technique. to development art writer, painter he express or of point in his predecessors had his affect writers Many shown. 171 included he which greater skill than much with ORCHESTRA OF and story cally logiof the interestingly told. Beethoven not only understood to a greater degree HOPV 172 his than predecessors acquire difficult music in about to the relation same of those to the Beethoven as orchestra skill in 3. " Wagner the of the instruments this by Firm, in the Fifth in of power Wagner's has to the only orchestra achieves Beethoven Few, Modern posers com- ments instru- more quite a different thing They new chestra or- to-day. and required have for asked Let kinds. trate illus- me examples. is Beethoven's as it cannot and unflagging in "Die one which for a moment interest, with Meistersinger." Yet trumpet, a Beethoven chestra or- color, searching richness, sonority, tone orchestra very is modern " kind, but have same Symphony, expression added of more eloquent and compact compared that of modern two for to edge still greater knowl- a added. instruments. new few to greater the so The been ; but group very by orchestra asked instruments do showed Strauss resources. steadily have adding Mozart instruments few a Richard effects have more be a or few, instruments from only instruments, those instrumental in each of Wagner. predecessors, but his practicallyis very holds symphony pianoforte sonatas and strikinginstrumental of culty diffi- greater symphonies the added handling musician his of of more composers. Beethoven Just point Beethoven the Beethoven as the sonatas In execute. chestral or- ers play- them technique by giving a of compelled orchestral also performance, Haydn and better a peculiarcharacteristics the he instruments, to MUSIC APPRECIATE TO harp and employed ner Waga tuba when DEVELOPMENT he for scored "Symphonie the to color orchestra have the finest adds only studied make seventy-five years, than that gladly acknowledge five of Beethoven, Berlioz one musical classical to Juges" "Symphonic was sounds that so It close. a of Bach the it almost only Even more the from a than was was Yet be Scarlatti bringing played. might nearly was was utterly different how of voicing the begimiing Symphony out. we Hector to here another. Fantastique, Episode brought great is due Ninth overture vanced ad- more great development in it is curious thus while era, completion "Francs and sonatas, not been. resources and great one Juggler. next epoch overlaps period the orchestral (1803- 1869), composing the of handling the groups sound, however have to strument in- each contrapuntal years Orchestral Following Beethoven, rich hundred Beethoven Berlioz, an the into orchestra the modern but fact possible these using and orchestra, they produce wonderfully thus simple which orchestras, yet uniting them effects,and tuba bass ing by skillfullydivid- Furthermore, groups modern of every of his for a The expression into while Beethoven. and capable. like separate of one composers tone is the by 173 Symphony; Tschaikowsky used modern of Fifth Pathetique," orchestra is that phase the works. orchestral ORCHESTRA OF the the five years Berlioz's year later his A Berlioz of Beethoven, d'un tiste," Ar- orchestra Beethoven collection after that la Vie de puntal contra- tra orches- different Berlioz strument inun- HOW 174 derstood of individuality,the potential characteristics the instrument. each Berlioz composed his music calls for four of the corners tuned chorus "three-story music" the chorus bands stationed Berlioz, his ainbition, in of orchestration he wanted was far in the of him of power not he his to technique unusual was and the genius his it related his of of the them edge knowl- His expression to afforded of great his But express. for instnunentation. through his very gigantic effects,he development it striving " for his amounted after contributed of the technical was less, Neverthe- genius for instrumentation that art ing accomplish- have to the to for ists, instrumental- inspiration. sufficient was in body extraordinary so and as invention, his gift for melody, this through " had thematic equal genius excess with facility for if thoughts to orchestra every far so brass extra Unfortunately the skilf he showed and what the four froisihne. mix floor, ground the chestra, or- dubbed been has on regular the to This the belle etage, while on are in addition the orchestra " kettledrums for fourteen soloists. and Irae" **Dies The ferent bands, in four dif- brass hall,and different notes, to scale, so colossal that colossal a on called architectural. been has "Requiem" in his MUSIC APPRECIATE TO to bizarre, ward largely to- of instrument resources music. Wagner, Berlioz wrote Greatest a book latelybeen re-edited by of Orchestral on instrumentation, Richard modestly ignoring himself, Composers. says Strauss. that which has In it Strauss, Wagner's scores OF DEVELOPMENT the mark since the of as in It is true, orchestra were instruments keyed Sax, whatever But improvements which aid merely illustrated is technique merely is derived does he emotion he expressing although mistake best these no a in his has the hit upon each he meaning exact each with passage is Yet be makes When, for Wagner, own of its and so "The "Lohengrin," for example, it is the from are its English horn English, all the other not of scores of Nibe- the "Parsifal" never music. Wagner's each speak style. tra orches- the The Ring but one any they speaks with else's music, one subject. could music reproduces through instrument it why, reason of to and ideas peculiar orchestral different each these has its the pains for any mistaken how convey no one knowledge Never, express spares lung," "Tristan," "Meistersinger" and could is the by Wagner his works 'Tannhauser," That any "atmosphere" the he that " to or conveying emotions. one of of principle technique's for mind heart, and these scores his orchestra in his has method of his works For enable to from breathed. ever provement imbass the Wagner technique employ sake, but always only the who and his end. an vented in- ment instru- the to of one to virtuoso greatest orchestral however, incidental far system important Wagner means a made clarinet eyery so French the bass was by the on also by j)erfectingthe tuba. bilities possi- introduction the by while Bohm; Adolphe maker, tioning men- greatly improved, constnicted Theobald by worth technical the concerned, was 175 orchestration Berlioz. woodwind the of advance only ORCHESTRA other! own He language. speaks through broken instruments English, of the HOIV. 176 orchestra TO makes he " APPRECIATE them MUSIC speak without foreign a accent. If Wagner the sake of employs making use wonderfully Strauss. as great general would his a send in Strauss an polyphony "Tristan" of fair"'region instruments," unknown esthetic English first time the variety of tone fourth writes bass and woodwinds, color horn, ; the and independent polyphony, an characteristic voices and assurance of freedom timbres, and of tonal beauty, that admiration. tones that At Wagner the queen over Hozv The effects it. lures Wagner doubling day of the close out Among to of the some in such with of their characteristic ing understand- an unstinted evokes the act orchestra organ triumph itself." Produces his the melodic of out second Effects. His produced by Wagner but for established with this of instruments large orchestra, in the winds, wood- trombones carried out to third second, third knowledge worked hitherto a of the the Wagner, and the already employed voices trumpets "the or clarinet, added are a the to handling of so-called The for score singer" "The does skirmisher." a Strauss, "reaches height. horn to and " 'Nibelungs.' of the the employs proceeding "Meister and in "He off student, before advanced gain variety to model a as for battalions, and pick to corps regards "Lohengrin" somewhat wind army is not reserved forces," says Richard not in is of his them a noise, but in order a "He expression. in large orchestra, it a of manner of are his not using due the to a ments instru- special effects are HOIV 178 chamber enlarged a pianistic the in APPRECIATE TO which his owes Beethoven of but which being the to last not the the to of quartets is even Brahms. quintet instrument each itself and string in treated shows Schumann polyphonic orchestra, in orchestra unfortunately work orchestral Wagner the music, spirit MUSIC thoven, Beeof peer the others. "Meanwhile, developing, from for, orchestra characteristics. his in efforts tints write to in second horns, melody into etc., the invention of virtuosity upon the only for advance woof. the the style of the horn, orchestral worth and yet resulted in tone misses or the and of this his violas, etc., strands of is due since his terpoint, coun- through of demand His to and polyphony players. mentioning for stage, primacy possibility his individual orchestra, threads increased valve concert violins, Wagner's opera enough Berlioz second was the possibilities new their richest in dramatic Wagner's weave on, and technics. the work symphonies effects, like of employment enough enriches the Gluck coloring not orchestral instruments makes of was new that polyphony orchestral programmatic discovering and of time in Berlioz symphonic nor his the gaining was opera kind another scores Berlioz." the solo mark INSTRUMENTS orchestra AN is which, under expression like are are concerned. the paints of how to The he what upon as which there every modern to get many orchestra. in such a of that as to who knowledge it. express distinct several these a It is the purpose anything, to of possible out as possible can as his of instruments grouping groups or selves them- groups amounts quartets many result playing independently, within meant ments instru- the his into subdivisions. this is the pends painter's,de- the and trying other, and different way in composer By of that ductor, con- precision as palette,and a developed various are able an far so one, tO' express capable each of as has are with in union has of Separately, on his materials use orchestra groups, in play ments instru- many baton the composer's effort, like of the of aggregation an should and ORCHESTRA THE OF play independent harmony. It is Wagner and the way been has to it should that be made to score the sound than able be of system to he said. Love more it does. orchestral enrich everything say imagine the this through Motive I7" to cannot, in *'Die beautiful Nor orchestral wishes We groups on could ing, color- tone in say for exactly example, Walkiire" its first it. In that could in entrance that scene i8o exactly suited it is a violoncello the me]od3^ double the Cello solo 3 Celli 2. 2 Celli 3. 2 Celli 4. 2 Celli s. also to give a violoncello, and it. In tone double and pervade shall not he supporting harmony, adding to sonorousness In other he words out basses, and thrillingeffect solo a effect, in order eight violoncellos, more to order, however, complete orchestra two rich of the with harmony. moment drously I but basses and gives quality melody in the note solo a MUSIC perfectlyhomogeneous the the to Wagner violoncello produce APPRECIATE TO HOW " of the has that only ports suptwo deepest made for cellos violon- nine produced to a won- because, having a INSTRUMENTS melody beautiful to for which Another genius. a of orchestra orchestral within is the with a in he as secures little using in merely order to Walhalla tive Mo- sounded is a for them tone whenever coloring many as the for the that way and all on composer groups, occasionally so his enrich to do same ner's Wag- such in independently combine to or them order the Nibelung," orchestra dependen in- of One possible,not, however, as the brief, then, the modem his for producing of instruments. the several of clarinets,and independent many orchestras, of of constitute to the leading motives, In trombones. strives cellos of violon- bassoons, and capable can brass the "Ring the duced pro- cellos, violon- of group capable are group so beautiful most an magical his orchestra an group, used have not with this hands the have and Flutes, oboes form may case of out instruments harmony, four a subdivisions. example, in ample ex- string band. the woodwind similar instruments conjures touch within admirable an might composer hundred a group The is This exquisite thrill that Wagner the a it. score ments instru- the just technique accomplishes what of of to knew he score, i8i ORCHESTRA OF pose pur- time, but fects special ef- he sees or weave fit in his polyphony. The divisions grand of the orchestra violins, violas, violoncellos " woodwind, consisting, broadly oboes, clarinets and or the ments and and bassoons trombones ; and "battery" dmms, " of that kind. the ; the the are double basses; speaking, brass instruments " strings of the flutes, ^liorns, trumpets of triangles,cymbals percussion, and instm- The Prima the impossible second have to better and exceed that form that other it is capacityof It has interestingto Its that in the time same than the acme of In this orchestra of groups. than its G clef, the musical very we can first and find most than right here gives also much pianissimo of finer pianissimo and and It is the violin. one at carrying further group and important most examples string,which entirely by itself, The attack very stage whisper. Although violin solo a and The infinitelyricher pianissimo of a much very be may multiplicationof the finer effects a notes And gives greater sonority, it violins is teen four- and precision of while passages. chestra Or- long-drawn-out instruments hundred chestra, Or- Festival hundred in the orchestra. soft to Symphony the violin. greater note chestra, or- violins. hundred one instrument an number the York New crisp,sharp, decisive, brilliant,or any of eighty-one players, has thirty Thomas's full of emotion. for Boston 1882, consisting of three is the first and The one-third be of donnas it is almost them. about The about has instruments, had Great say still it would Theodore in prima of many is the orchestra, the in and string group, the are proportion. which violins. too should violins the might one Orchestra. the of first violins The orchestra, and the of instrument leading violin. MUSIC of Donna leading instrument The fact APPRECIATE TO HOW i82 of the nevertheless even of the utilizingsubdivisions the violin cannot sounds group G has subdivided exquisite example of this, one be played below been the lower treble employed within itself. cited in every INSTRUMENTS work on llie orchestra prelude. four groups that is most and worth Tn this on the the reading, viohns 183 is the grin" "Loheninto divided are with highest register, an effect ethereal. LentP.^ . Violino ORCHESTRA OF # ti 3?r-"t ^e'lf: :^^ tz :r:J=;i= tz pz tz r^^" ^-^T^Tij^" p: fzzz tz .t" .0^- r^m I. Violi; Violino 3. Violino 4. Modern statement for the his most orchestral that violins casual while above manner virtuosity may Beethoven the them Richard an by gauged ventured never high F, carries be octave to the score Strauss in higher. i84 HOPV. A TO little contrivance be pressed can deaden as to or mute. A ''Romeo et of the use "Peer the down is Queen effect same Suite. last of the Strauss in horse; Berlioz's with strings laugh a with entire movement, Fourth Symphony. and scored viola is the expressive opera, as the This, however, "Uthal," is a not a of familiar the vice. de- throughout Ostinato" in an his Bass. a beautiful very French without composer, violins, highest string instrument was revision plucking Double the his it is effective it almost violin, with Mehul, tone. companying ac- Richard and in The and the ling the effect of crack- "Pizzicato deeper his one-act the viola score. a Mime; " Viola, Violoncello The imitating of remarks employed it uses "Siegfried,"for pizzicato " Tschaikow^ski Liszt for of back the in orchestra. fingers the long a Isolde," just und instrumentation, on large after violins produce Strauss as work to exquisite more Death. Wagner mocking But, be Grieg's in Death, "Mazeppa," "Feuersnot," flames. well-known horsehair. the poem, the only of symphonic Another produced by using is Berlioz's in "Tristan of violins Scherzo can muted the Love effect instead snorting the so sordine, the of the use is in Asa's act intones unusual in his the Mab Nothing of entrance bow the of violin the is called JulietteSymphonie." Isolde An This example silence, in the before strings of teeth, with metal, or the over the MUSIC wood famous Gynt" than of its vibrations. sordini con of APPRECIATE success, the ploying em- in his brilliant i86 HO IV Double TO basses violoncello APPRECIATE first in part in the in the passage dramatic them former Scherzo and effective Moor than tuned the usual of the range their E tune I have pointed of within themselves, and in the first of on the to a soul weird to fifteen the the its the depth, the In the strings are Strauss points out divided the it their string "Lohengrin" into the that telling the second from listener he almost In into in twenty-one in the with lovers peril. band entire accompaniment gives the divided are in thunder-storm how which The the warns because of to When impending danger lovers in subdivided master. a watch-tower, divides parts. by and ond sec- obliged are Walkiire." Brang'dnc thrill of inform Wagner done in the band prelude "Die deeper note a troducti in- Band. string the be divided "Tristan" position of act can effect, when in as the his double and examples in the has sharp. String several instruments string band act the out groups C to In basses two strument in- in ''Otello" half instrument, string down Verdi scene is half Isolde" und Dividing independent as has flat,which E to of "Tristan act to down highly a bed. "Rheingold," Wagner Ninth effective for latter in the thoven's Bee- and established. was the through Fifth Dcsdcmonas approaches to basses in the of them use double remarkably a recitative,their importance very the as But in the for in the orchestra made simply to harmony. of employment Symphonies, used were the MUSIC this no her stirs such longs passage less than "Rheingold" ard Rich- parts. introduction to "Die INSTRUMENTS Walkiire" strings only strings drum, tremolo where the audience various and of of sense divisions because he had the that is not allowed leashed un- bass and which of the on play according to with Richard beauty exactly orchestra an sixteen the covered dis- it robs thinks his on bowing same if each to ing bow- w^as Strauss, He strings. intensity and bow players, had among insists never the that wrong the others. to danger. stopped once duces pro- conveys should watching the cites the insistent was ducing pro- of "Tristan" act something division each of he violoncellist hand, melody have also painting tone string band a differentlyfrom throughout of mystery effect, and, after other storm a " without He of the second detected one about effect ! always of It is said the basses whispering foliage and Thomas that violas, twelve w^ould thrashed Wagner's alike. tonal double composer example a Theodore four by produced is violins, second beginning effect the effect 187 orchestra, including cymbals and wonderful a stormy another tithe of at ORCHESTRA and crashed and a the sixteen " w^hole a as the violoncellos twelve for of much OF individual peculiar own temperament. 'A In the W'hen the played by aspect of that Wagner greatest in Fire Magic Walkiire," even Passage "Die Scene all the in violin wrote soloist Walkiire." can understood passages violins, simulate how of "Die which not finale play cleanly, yet which, licking,circling flames. Wagner the to in sound Indeed, draw the from the effects the or- instmments cliestral violins the reaches hero yonng the slumbers, depict the action Besides of the of performance protested "Rheingold," the the satisfied." of the of Francesca beautiful tinkle of use is to Berlioz's be da Rimini harmonics found in "Damnation Flutes, oboes best the "Leonora fun orchestral as of conspicuous I shall for the harp with of the uses rising a very their faint Sylphs in form for the woodwind. flute third the it is where Beethoven, ployed em- Probably, however, grace. a is in One of flute than standard musical any other joke runs : "Are you "No, but has and lover, and her Waltz of the made instrument, and follows It clarinets Overture" been that S3'mphony," and the Woodwind. passages has expect perceive symbol the were Faust." de and the known with more on don't You produce a Munich passages "You "Dante as the at the you? at ; harp The of do quent fre- made harpist Trombo the when replied: aiming am that of Liszt, in his glissando shades Briinnhilde where thrillingrealism. a some harp, too, general effect I be that composer play the to with It is related harp. him to unplayable, height as passages regular string band, Wagner the use me in the third violin "Siegfried," the upswinging the of quality tone absolutely angelicin purity ; while is of act the prelude marvellous. of little short are "Lohengrin" the In MUSIC APPRECIATE TO HOIV i88 musical?" I have also a been brother who insinuated plays that the in flute." Donizetti's INSTRUMENTS "Lucia" been The instruments reed are family, only bassoon In Italian the exquisite of movement will with Strauss, in his obsolete C "Sinfonia who the slow opens, Richard employs represent the or ber remem- composer. to of accents," symphony Domestica," d'amore oboe's which major French the oboes with bundle joy, those rived de- name a tender in the melody, the of instruments. to instrument, and oboe of the oboe fagotto, a grace, two oboe, and alt this group found have of the clarinet consists an a ilies fam- ever difference, how- resemblance artless clarinet those ; is is called Schubert's agree is piccolo family family of supjxDsed of this and oboe which fragilesoul, are a Berlioz says horn "Candor, fagots. flute obbli- a The this the oboe bassoon its oboe with is the bass the from the mouthpieces The one. which grief of toth of in the English the proper, of instruments, vibratingreeds has she shrill eff"ects. instruments the : because principal aria. her for flute used 189 because not but Edgardo, accompanies high mad, goes from separated gato a heroine the ORCHESTRA OF the most al- "innocent, an dreamy, playful child." English The The in most the Jay" third while bearing strain famous act Tristan Isolde when trabassoon, family,have of the the "Tristan," awaits ship certain of use is value humorous horn where it plays of the ship and changes The sighted. their "Tristan." English news him, toward besides in Horn as the to is found the "sad which a is joyous bassoon and con- bass the oboe of qualities,which are ad- HOIV 190 TO brought mirably in In Diable" for the in rima," with The act It bridal of have in is melody is the bass Motive; skillful third act use of of ruso Ca- bassoon, bass clarinets in scene of the exit the at eight the first give forth second is act the a of second her which the the paniment accom- nets; clari- other of "Gotter- Briinnhilde "Die while for the by after of act nightfall; woodwind "Lohengrin" in clarinet, while in chestra, or- scene the in sad and the the cathedral flutes scene in they developed recall to three possibilities of "Tannhauser," three to of the which because enormously the to C The only the passages in lag- employed are been act when tersinger," fortiva Usually and Elhaheth's ; by change and flat B necessary given nots." Hugue- the by compass. clarinet. have third dammenmg," the the played "Les d'Amore," instruments) procession the le accompaniment "Una is introduced (in A, is "Robert in of act romanza, large a "Lohengrin" prayer the the his by effect. group Wagner. second "L'Elisir clarinets clarinet the music. famous Nuns it for artisans Dream" bassoon Spectre used beautifully, so transposing Elsa's of theme besides the in charming of the Ninth and clownish the Night's the also chorus clarinets kinds he Donizetti's sings and of Fifth of made dance it,and The march "Midsummer female the Beethoven's the Meyerbeer opera, of are in Mendelssohn's scoring to in out and Symphonies MUSIC APPRECIATE Meisa introduction shining example. erally gento INSTRUMENTS Brass soft But pianissimo of effect a of be brass brass richer is the ; in the Motive, to the place ; Although the this sake than group When on ern mod- instruments of of in for noise, but of reintroduced wanted the to witness for the resultingin of tone. the tenor Sword the need instrument of Bizet's of "Ring three trumpet the trombones, rich Excepting Wagner and where bass and and thus of the instrument; Motive, trombones He itself,and color ily. fam- Nibelung," trombone. in complete tones produced tenor bass moniacal de- "Carmen."' are the to in the deep trumpet belongs be only instances wonderfully a and trombone Walhalla family. critical moment the peculiar tone in the three the obsolete group be able to utilize the as of the usual almost trombone a of in the reason, the Motive the first act notes brass the Strauss effect to in addition Wagner, scored than exquisitely soft Nibelung," the Richard slide,this instrument For to a the as pianissimo brass at effectiveness and in the introduction when of fateful and a Just of soprano Siegfried the "Ring prove its proper by it. number for the in "Fidelio" approaches cited for single one. a the it is not trumpet fanfare aid or brass more large a the finer a much on increase group, is a instruments score by on effects. The The to violins produced composers the produced violin, so with instruments fact, wonderfully rich and how many solo a can few knows who composer be can brass the of matter a effects tone that as 191 Instruments. associate People usually noise. ORCHESTRA OF it is bone, trom- velvety quality Richard Strauss, HOW 192 used bass the revive rich touch Mozart of tuba solo his for genius a color it with secure the ily, fam- brilliancy,whereas the is darker. the in the as in which scoring ; and of the second supported act of by the Wagner's tiiimpets and four of sense trombones Wagner wrote the trombone for the Schubert in which C major of out familiar "Ring." his trombones in order to to as good the third the Strauss in four since family. same points parts, differentiate is instance sound, in in scene another homogeneity bones trom- melody trumpet tromtones. belong to phony, sym- of example Prophecy a phony, sym- that three by introduction Death the showed maimer his to Walkiire." "Die throughout bass In the given is in the "Lohengrin." act is another for trombones ; effect in fine first movement theme a in unison by introduction in the with Flute" "Magic in the well as trombone instrumentation them used fact, instrumental it belongs to the trumpet trumpet employed Sarastro's of as an without solemn could he to Trombone. Contra-bass he that trouble wanted W^agner be have not the taking keen his would Trombones. Tenor 3 and which, of the bass tone of should trombone, a instead which tone him has who composer But informed sense MUSIC trombone. sombreness, of trace a here tuba bass the unusually bass is not probably there APPRECIATE TO In out, adding wholly be- HOJV 194 ''Surelythe bassoons two APPRECIATE TO in every Mozart direction tone refined most brilliance with secrets innumerable brought to of; trumpet and main thing for the is the tireless *Meistersinger' horn the greatest "To of Berlioz's of the every express but " the horn, fillingout, as the been like of praise. this of ing, scor- possible. Protean (again!) valve the technique made now The hymn in the the bass. perfection of and has now horn's exhaustively I should horn, scores day, to tional emo- dreamed was characterization improvement illustrate the made duces pro- of participationof is score harp, by superb polyphony before are introduction the since for now the the added \\'armth and never humorous or melody, Through as trombones of solemn phase height a such expression of effects, and tone with and parts, employment new^ perception weird stringquintet,through into the and possibilities almost an ner by Wag- exhausted been the ; divisions through is have and clarinets two of their technical plasticallycombined of all their oboes, flutes,two two of MUSIC to character through go the great magician, bar by bar, beginning with 'Rheingold.' "Whether with heart it the and nigh it for the mother the conjures he the the childlike never has form thanks to to the the sea of longing which is to dying Tristan, prince the steppes: of Siegfried ; whether known faithful 'Mazeppa' of the Cossack desert vast gently undulating gladdening Sachs! in death unto Siegfried'syouthful in Liszt's gasp est for- primeval German of living;whether in the last hoarse whether over of the exuberance sunny joy it dies out rings through it hovers bring Isolde's or nods Hans 'Prentice; whether in INSTRUMENTS Erik's it dream Sea North the apples fun at to break of Freia pliesthe cudgels and sings or gift of ; bestows upon youth; pokes eternal with III) of notes instigatorof the wounds in its manifold be relied " sponds, re- on, its brilliant and meanings riot ; the Tristan of to ; jealous Dofuid the real horn, in its place and unique the accents Act ('Meistersinger,' is the and 195 hollow lonely coast Beckmesser veiled in the always the few a the on on comrades, his in causes curtain-heroes the ORCHESTRA OF significance." Famous horn in the are major said of trio ; in the Symphony" the the in ; in the the "Carmen" ; in the like perfection of a melodic "battery" the the are could what of the in the Fifth weirdly roll of Funeral be scherzo sombre the March and in at ment move- is the horn. the prime gave these also in the Ninth effect there tympani in which of with accomplished the solo Beethoven tympani. of ture; over- of the slow instruments the Symphony for an of Percussion. Instruments In of romance Symphony, phrase return "Freischiitz" theme Fifth the voice the Michaela's to opening Tschaikowsky's of Schumann were introduction and which just before Weber's C Schubert's of of posers com- "Eroica the horns of opening other in movement passage of the notes of works Scherzo the principal subject the angel of second symphony, that in the passages scherzo octave thumps "Gotterdammerung." and for while nothing equal to beginning to cue in the Symphony, is the tance impor- end the a faint of Cymbals the are HOW \rj6 used in several has Wagner and Besides ways. sharp also the of by using like that drum-stick a on of one a bal, cym- drum-sticks of pair a clash, ordinary somewhat sound a stroke roll a MUSIC on cymbal. one Among Richard either Dvorak, Strauss Berlioz technique have it " Tschaikowsky, hardly Wagner or Brahms taken the characteristics their do should for be. the Their other understood and, as a sult, re- effective as has orchestration or individual the not are mann Schu- hand, instruments, orchestra brilliant shown understand to course, mention to have to appear of orchestral works have " On trouble and, of is necessary again not W^eber, Liszt, Beethoven, in orchestration. and they since composers Saint-Saens, to APPRECIATE produced the by gong, TO been as called "mudd)''." It is Richard Strauss's in orchestration adding largely to now have He of one symphony two he are few at professors the four that of the in the invention groups that for all the be family of instruments the Brussels genius, a genius who horns to be achieved. G minor nets, clari- clarinet lines with and the an of instruments and ; that With enlarged. combines the (alto clarinets), such virtuosity of instrumentation, yet which twenty-two suggested by Strauss, manner by tory Conserva- Mozart's on groups about representativesin along will be vancemen ad- next brought contra-bass one it will future him the that be had basset were clarinets, and suggests musical instances which with a certain performed brass orchestra will only comparatively orchestra. of opinion chestra or- plete com- used by melodic marvellous sults re- XI CONCERNING said somewhat formless times, freer in its Instrumental which than it by the to book a should I quote, "The Evolution several apt paragraphs force of the the to the from range, which without Mr. from not to continues the the first most that : mere suitable of had 197 to has ment developwith equal instinct the liberation wider of pelled im- freer and expression, rambling the in Parry, Music," melodic warm sense continuous for over counterpoint, of formal veloped de- occasion, that the sought "Tliey first earlier stating more handed apply incoherent, type nothing of course cal classi- the Mr. the movements into degenerating Parry of After admit come be- symphony, been Art all-predominating should the previous the first and has having having concerning develop of is form had of who the them have symphony. form, instruments. which sonata, composers music of quired ac- rigidly formal, mind in and a gradually beginning the orchestra, which then largely by bear aggregation from of ^i the governed had arts, emotion. since pianoforte the on other discarding not of for all too expression reader sonata a while been has the became music, period, like beginning, then form, modern music, that 1HAVE in SYMPHONIES instrumental ecstasy, tO' see melody music. is HOW 198 There is music the in the deep-rooted of need then the and supported an unmistakable to proceed which "But this point, of of fresh to the half, but in contract." of the This describing in the division type of by the on sonata time that how key from the shown as give pression im- the in key a round so made they and relating to Haydn the of Purpose book. elaborate than form Mr. and I of method adopted have the key pianoforte. Symphony. Parry, which the first the of back final close conclude more of this book working used to plete com- figures of their somewhat sonata balance they made were starting expectation melodic and is a in the keys, and the to and instead movement of using first, and principal key in his out to apposition extraneous Esthetic Later how the subjects the the found music, the and to in ; so figures as same of giving and departing dissatisfied starting point ; the of is. design. disclosures in " impression mood that tonality They without mind the first part with the contrast the by resuming the of it. which, ment, accompani- particular key some point being leaves harmonic posers com- phrases. completeness, by closing is in strong off one-half melodic definite of figures; relative a of connected spiritand 'subjects'and of in another to characteristic in the scheme devise to indication by giving all instrumental These impression being decisively in passing of matter by simple of and MUSIC rhythmic vitality. contour defined the gave some themselves set begin with, to APPRECIATE TO was Mozart, in discussing the fairly established gives a simpler SYMPHONIES CONCERNING esthetic of the explanation, pointing aims movement niteness of of groups bars the By mind has had the breaking elements of of sense up aims, give the of the pleasing has division, therefore, of subjects the from time and symphonic in ; a three second slow final movement the rondo time what what how wit form. of symphony in the that they they could could glad they a their wrote sonata or simpler ty])e rondo and type; also usually adapted Concerning this three-movement wrote do, the feel, and were theme ment. commence- first in sion divi- lively time, it early writers, they the the or completed principal usually aria, ture crea- first the since : is sense human is of movement song, the " the methods movements to through enough scheme writers key, to disgiu'sedprinciple to the the however, bewilderment " of irregularly; key gone carefully avoided form, usually of the to but attractive orderly constituent which, : has of sense the earlier movement a mind immemorial been symphonies of from firmly re-establishing the has The inner some wants represents bars the the over obliteration the ancing bal- of progressions. and their into constantly riddles by resuming which rhythm, the made is second always regulated by When regular definiteness, such of artistic confusion order. of this first division of by moving of subject, defi- definiteness rhythms, time figure and sense of definiteness regularity by grouping and that and enou"h The change. a keys, first part the that out definiteness at of contrast 199 it was the first second the over was third " said by movement movement movement and this an to show to show to may old- show be said HOIV 200 TO describe to rigidityof toward form Regardingthe or way and poems, idea of climax by the with no had years would the this have certainly is of his Ninth to compose his he writes for Beethoven's appears falling into the be of the sonata, of orchestral Tschaikowsky, and and continent, Dvorak the two if Brahms too and in classicallv sult re- better Brahms even poser com- the fact written his other works hand, the in the orchestral because it greater have the worked appears it would tone variety. in brilliantly, symphonies reserved, exact, was for the gives his the more music symphony, former maturer modern every reason On out instmments be to or, pianoforte, and disuse. the in his Composers. the undoubtedly holding yet it is ; symphony, pianoforte to its reached theory. own hamper to seems had a Modern Hamper Wagner's age. Wagner was in time ranked Symphony if that be form symphonic hand, other to sure emotional profound the on it artistic highly and a mastered have who in poets disproved form, form is version form; greatest to of somewhat color in poetry symphonic form, however, most form prejudice one poets yet he is undertaken when in and incredible sonata that sonnet Whitman, the Seems The is much there Beethoven's means general. abounding Walt that was The music-lover ultra-modem extremely effective qiiiteformless, one in in music poems expression. the yet those and produced have of form other. rigid form; as view the MUSIC APPRECIATE seem cessfully, suc- this too to HOW 202 APPRECIATE TO The the At risk of of the sonata, four in Naive sometimes with frequently without called the Andante and slow final rondo form. It these of which few a by orchestration out and is other by of his way, there is than of was and music and ing fill- mere a deeper a the and intense. more grams, pro- Their with Haydn, warmth greater posed com- naivete, on Mozart was He concert occasionally. nature thought a modern on instruments. dramatic more tablished pretty definitelyes- string quartet a in usually and simplicity bordering a ; twenty-five symphonies, appear but or scherzo or symphony. the and these even is marked of hundred only and the divisions more Adagio in minuet time who Haydn was one fast in an ordinarily usually either movement, but movement, and movement in all second ; a movement, third ; a a one usually introduction, slow a work a as first movement, the " be described may said been ah'eaclyhas what symphony movements Allegro, Symphonists. repeating the MUSIC In the color in pression ex- same his chestration. or- Nevertheless, the three finest of his fortynine symphonies, composed 1788, m grace and he becomes this of symphony, and is an great as, let Haydn almost us us both in skillful advance say, minor and childlike in and upon their written were Mozart, to of the Tschaikowsky with but his musical regard use Jupiter, less art- moderns. symphonies distinctlyepic in expression as to first two influence flat, G E seem beauty Beethoven's the the utterance variety and orchestral work is upon the of under third : and depth of instruments, his sors predeces- Mendelssohn, SYMPHONIES CONCERNING Beethoven There certain symphonies Third the is is the far less Fifth, with its compact, Ninth. the himself for Sixth the which is often music his Seventh the Ninth, beyond last with scheme as of is Symphony the limits orchestral solo joyous effect the as might lead his writing one for to employment direction a is gram pro- dulged in- a work he was going in introduced chorus, of with while one, this anticipate, because, voices the brilliant he music, and of description. felt that singers phonic sym- straightway extremely himself he of movement much an final Beethoven, that childish most exceedingly an though as the prepare modern of qualifying words, own again EmpHndung "mehr fact the than imitates painting), than by movement he by opponents quoted Eighth slow : to his in which in is relaxed order in the this of greater have career In feeling "painting" in the his notwithstanding ; of spite the of ing knock- Fate as even to thoven Bee- which movements, " Eighth, (the "Pastoral"), (more and the seems Ninth. als Malerei" The of the But introduction birds, he gives the direction call of in described skillful he climax the work, theme, and Seventh the vigorous masterpiece this After Sixth, the his as Fourth The relaxes. in each form regarded many in varied in Thus rests. master his and door, certain first three. have to Beethoven's of sequences the the is said Fore. and of profound; the theme the chmaxes chmax himself at in apparent are the to 203 extremely but not unusual tunately, unfor- awkward. HOW 204 TO APPRECIATE Schubert's Like but C Beethoven, major, his in the ninth, which for beautiful most its to C They are the music the full of matic dra- the slow while orchestration; Schumann's symphony, ones ^the first " exquisitemelody, of sent among Symphony" rose major and brother orchestral of as veritable the regards well as a of "Unfinished the moments movement survive. the mann Schu- by Leipzig, are at and eighth, Schubert's production to symphonies, discovered was of examples of movement his was which destined seem nine wrote which possession Mendelssohn to Genitis. Schubert "Unfinished," the MUSIC as ence refer- "heavenly length" sufficientlydescribes its inspiration. Mendelssohn's best known orchestral for any and with Of its Schumann's four to soul Rhine Cologne; a and is a certain the freer and thematic more the a rank each series in modem effect. But sions imprespecially, es- possessed In his cathedral the really the without this connection flat,the of latter highest. iarized famil- movement relationshipbetween and in E one thing some- palatable. made which which other is rene, se- easily taken an fourth exaltation minor, D to the last movements, a represent the follow movements the and gradually form religious ceremony fantasia, deserve the to be to symphony country, represent during wants his are clear are symphony a symphonies, supposed the thinks the " symphonies They mysteries, they dose of who and innocuous "Rhenish," Scotch works. one abstruse very and Italian and D pause; is there the work Schumann a minor first and the gives at was CONCERNING either indifferent to, Practically the symphony which a deserves World," Such afloat. form art tending more and the and tone Liszt written three Lamento made "Pathetique." help keep of the of In "Les are In these They symphony a both because of "pure" people as a conceived the these his the Liszt great because is infinitelymore they regarded of Saint-Saens as Not composer. one with the ver}'' a Liszt poems in episodes for music the chestral or- chestra, or- beautiful in fact, highest interesting something. mean "Tasso, leitmotif great program " phonies sym- symphonic symphonic in accordance and art, music but The intention and drama, Preludes," and dramatic are sent repre- Goethe's Of principle of the phony," Sym- which superbly instrumentated, profoundly thought poem "Faust Mephistophelcs; and Trionfo." use : is introduced. music. in a music symphonic movements, Commedia." chorus e "New orchestral the principal characters the best known poems, has three of "Divina a ern mod- his may symphonies two Faust, Gretclien, and Dante's stein Rubin- the most his modern toward more consisting to But intermezzo, with with the poem. has the but life-preserversthat are into minuet. Dvorak, are Tschaikowsky, works the ; who, Brahms, to or mention" symphony Beethoven. introducing the scherzo "honorable and sinking for credit place of of since place in advance the style of movement, the heroes the new takes taken thing applies same deserves however, 205 ignorant of, or had which orchestration is SYMPHONIES By ons can- than some charlatan, by others mere only was he a. great poser, com- greatest. symphonic poems, "Rouet d'Om- 2o6 HOPV TO APPRECIATE "Phaeton," phale," there Martin Loeffler, "La Mort de Wagner is and only part of part the scheme of any his and baton that great and has gone the with been first before! chord, A he of voice, But put purely a you the theoretically) and action the of forget in- instrumental episodes wave chestral or- for wrote (again first poem. Strauss. music-drama the Charles of conspicuous. most was And symphonic have to accompaniment. of value. Richard to orchestra triple a program, else is the Theoretically, his stmmental which tioned men- erably consid- but impressions supposed composer. be class, musical orchestral devoted not should this genuine Tintagiles," is theatre, of among chapter separate in the are Macabre," works Liszt's below then, "Danse successful as MUSIC on the a cert con- tor's conduc- everything XII RICHARD STRAUSS STRAUSS" RICHARD with band Wagner ask Are the in full a achieved in Wagner, in has is. in forms fact, one to progression take to of from the It that his has ner Wag- nothing to appropriates latest predecessors. and original most ?" ard by Rich- the art still of Strauss of ceeded suc- sciences and continuation a note? be to achieved been some something arts Wagner. beyond the right a has not there other neither opposition whatever in certainly It an with as not final the 'Parsifal' Is "Did 'music'?" strike a years many front. word not and music new Strauss. he pause? eternal an Something do Tristan' 'Ring,' nor "Did the by borne who. the to after is those Wagner stop surprise. by be of flag banner like conjure to name new His enthusiasts the put will to of carried ago, a music! in MUSIC HIS AND ter mas- Strauss of individual composers. He been has Thus, where Bayreuth and student, a others have master have school, giving Strauss has who struck feeble out sat for echoes himself. Z07 Wagner. feet the at imitations poor failed of copyist, a have written therefore only not even of to its With of of ner, Wag- continue great a the the master, mastery of jo8 technical every he study, to has form a given wholly The drama. music disciplesounds One has Let independent an for not me of creator remain to forms have of come them form Emanuel next" from music-drama was hand of to have does to made three make others. what he has But the at as with begun in "continued No, since. ever in "The "Parsifal." but the hand, the it would be same appear Tone in less Poem. require such into accomplished stor}' more. appear his fame, The lay between, the who rounding and in Wagner make of art- those to beginnings by ever Strauss excursions destined "supplements" 1882 is the creators been Wagner. Richard Strauss Richard have to to guided belittling seems have to its tentative Originator of Nor Other said with 1843 self-defeatingfolly order also its consummation Dutchman," master and had being. experiments. be may for Wagner development were Beethoven, to years the Bach music-drama Flying The with sonata Philipp The them ner's, Wag- as pioneers, leaving mere after what the our been have of out its greatest exponent. like reason Strauss. who Strauss. work, art and Wagner be understood art- form an Wagner like Richard his magnify to like intellectual moment one in order Wagner, one this is that musir- the modern but sounds patient importance from average Wagner, Strauss for reason the like not Richard water. of and vahie new entirely different art and acquired by deep resource, of MUSIC APPRECIATE TO HOJf tactics. He music-drama present, an rests instrumental and has he may mainly upon composer, 2TO HOIV Paur's baton at Society, twenty imitation an before, but she paths. rose at It Not the at of Zarathustra" Hero's Life" with what but because has the the initial worn off, to sake of of of in the most higher When the been in scores, than Beethoven Beethoven F above higher the the he Richard an Strauss these been modern the of moderns, deliver, and, modern chestra or- with the violins as All are octave an What tonal Richard manner, lower. orchestra into of versatility go strument in- orchestra, predecessors. stopped. octave effects. daring the the casual chestral or- of entered developed his for orchestral with "A aware to carried staff, he "Thus "bigness," of in music dared had wrote a and efficiency any Strauss not being expression beyond ment amaze- lengths that juggling it, has mere produced. and message state a first the becomes one have composer, deliver to in sense discovers one modem most in order has This combinations the untrav- thirty-three minutes, combinations tone times Orchestra. Strauss he lasts having for the " Listening again, merely throws who woman to way also merely not hundred a forty-five considerable works. marvellous is that w^as pointed the Richard at Spake such, which Juggler size that heard waiting music in new had been had she monic Philhar- genius. first looks One what she always a Ne;w'^ York the something what feet of the MUSIC something " something eled as heard great; of of concert a for years something was APPRECIATE TO violins. high as should have the strings scored corre- RICHARD STRAUSS" spondingly high. What Richard is not merely obtains the is this is not But Strauss genuine bizarre. original highest register is strings only, because, the and weaving divides four five or woodwind hitherto and While he He orchestra for he he He has is knows taken In orchestral regular not? The There is or an These into a to be in four not it is the the wind-machine. produced divided quartets, but by one he sibly, pos- on an of the repertoire. the list of where scene windmill, capellachorus are works outside gone the theatrical effect has makes, his in scherzos and tilt with his has a voices. he instruments; Quixote all properly played, Quixote," is not he legitimatelysolved. Pranks" of with thoroughly, effects be cannot amusing and his "Don possible. im- compared as instrumental new if But, bizarre of and, therefore, when all ; on greatest demand orchestra. sides be- is not instrument Eulenspiegel'sMerry the most Wagner every lessons striving for "Till the to difficulties them requires of did so putting problems which His he " numerous instruments technical the he " does, indeed, call for first-rate artists in ; but Beethoven. effects themes into the five trumpets. to increased instrument, what every his four from has of regularly, for eight horns, scores, employing Often few a and regularly added has used rarely in various he reason, strings seeks he strings all the same the polyphonic of fad. mere effects. him certain interweaving the For groups. with What by 211 a as musical used for subdivides and done accompHshes or queer MUSIC HIS Don duced intro- has And why the justifies means. Strauss sixteen into the two for double composition tets, quaractu- musical sixteen in is scored ally APPRECIATE TO HOW. 212 "A When at Philharmonic. it that " Life" It made it had and be to thus attention leben" performances a this to Life," Richard very and of as clear a composer more as had awe mere an public whom than music, the on a human, but intellectual all the message Here more to thing some- which of for several of "A Hero's of a moral had was the up familiar previously they interest. "Helden- a hero's word rial mate- It one. footing regarded music made polyphony told, without greater a direct to to its wealth score and subject that a son. sea- works, the "hit" intelligiblestory by one created working chosen in with with interesting interesting because convey. hearsal re- secutive con- Thomas, But the Despite public begun had dimensions had victory, followed the under " noise and Strauss's of the of four society made the are bulk honor same been had appeal. a the of impression Philharmonic They combination, synopsis, the the Strauss direct theme placed no York New following a composer. by sensation. Large seasons. at Orchestra, public unconsciously a from concert mere Orchestra, Symphony public of as performances by the Chicago Boston not having by and profound a repeated concert, Previous mainly rehearsal music, as in produced such performances the shrinks Noise. and was public a recognized was Bulk Mere Hero's given was He parts. problem. Not it MUSIC it is the difference What music Write ? still remains of expression life and truth. new with era like It is the represents it in when coming orchestra but a music his its musical of dreams chord a "A Piper musical music you like it ?" Mr. him how intenselyI "the I Huneker hero the seeing the orchestra? the of the know you I told when me, of piper "Do ''Because," story. is story has advanced most seen. at tion collec- This asked admired listeners Huneker of. is the and read, Mr. which baton, remarkable most know be only not chord, Dreams," of fiction produces continued, the I have stories be we floatingabove image why he and " his wave time the will long and truth, but expresses will composer a ''Melomaniacs," tale called piece How to write both can only a upon itself,so illustrate to of clude necessarily ex- not who not pictorially. time of beginning is the entering does ference dif- expression the seems beholders, hearing the same In music the music Classical : modern and it, and on music author-artist strike also the this Strauss, which To-day, draw. lx"ok a modern ; Modern beauty. speak, or just beauty classical between chapter a 213 Truth. and Life MUSIC HIS STRAUSS" RICHARD Richard a Strauss." Of course, incursion jx)intsa be can laws so of this into seen? When Considering acoustics may be story seemingly impossible a tendency. visionary? future written brilliantly and Who visible shall how sound but " Yet future. have music closely related optics, is knows we a "Piper that the the work daring a was of that are the Dreams" music of it a of the piper of 214 HOW dreams ? Sometimes, Hiineker's Mr. Richard fact of Piper they is The musical stands it is it fails. But in the musical admit of on answered Hero's Life." in any shows a this Richard into Strauss Liszt aptly poems." Berlioz's,and tone to writes is They the to his are But kernel, the difference own Liszt, lioz Ber- program music. the when at once orthodox But we symphonic productions "symphonic freer much possibly pointed poem. cussion dis- wholly superficial. Berlioz adhere named or wrote program "A Strauss his works. Liszt music. elaborate Berlioz from tone and Richard consider to is best Strauss an to ered consid- question Zarathustra" going that, be to Richard a patent too me The Spake of resemblance admittedly strove Strauss so? what program point form. to deplorable unfamiliarity with wrote music. significantfigure most development a way tellectua in- how matter only question Without insist which by test basis. seems become "Thus Take I must as The by showing is. poem he inspired an Dramas. is the to-day discussion. has man inadequate musically brain a Strauss world is, how No a musically inspired,it gains vastly it rests Richard be as In plan. to is the if it is Literally Tone That him well falls. or planned, if it is in effect when show course, in large are activity,as latter, of work I think up. poems They intellectual great tuning tone colossal. are MUSIC listeningto Strauss, when Strauss's composer. a APPRECIATE TO way in to examine form the Richard the is apparent. than cal musi- Poly- RICHARD phony, that themes, was is is, the simultaneous foreign mainly homophonic. of system his such scores too, None to the are but of For It like was tra." of The works a of man Strauss Faust the in composer became when is not the end left at of the his the varied his of music-drama, study at the the beginning mountain-top symbol He of Nature. pursues all sorts among and final solution the The the joy, passion, lies the with deep work, of seeker conditions remorse. of the In But not " he inscrutable. in C the major, seeker sunrise, is the tain. moun- surroundings, He men. wisdom, of quest which greets the many problem a life,finding and descends of of that glories of quest amid this philosophy through problems of the of music, to portrayal Nature Nietzke's in Zarathustra." pilgrimage beginning, "Zarathus- his Nietzke set musical solve to of Spake system the illustration Nietzke's " fruition to a It is rather which, the pressed. ex- such activity, Musically,the great fortissimo outburst on has literallytone poems writing is "Thus express being longing had poems. Strauss interested was attempt an to he full The effort at Such, attempted have great intellectual literature 1892, sound. a made tone is, to select for musical philosopher's works an tone modern "Guntram." this whose ? Richard as could Richard his phonic poly- a structures. Strauss's pol)'phony not are is music-dramas polyphonic what many style Wagner, to his Richard music in express dramas of scores of Their Strauss even in marvellous master a not motives leading Liszt. and Richard second composer 215 interweaving Berlioz to MUSIC HIS STRAUSS" ences experi- perchance, life. But the 2i6 HOW TO emptiness of "wisdom" the with keenest The fugue. divisions theme. end But by satire the in hark! There poem. sombre a Therein strophe, fainter even its winging stroke flighton form as even a is he many waltz reach may and vanish into the him thin sunrise at orchestral to Then It air. ended the depths, modern the tra orchesof soul the resounds Nature, of the which theme mountain-top symbol theme a over is the ; while the on rise times twelve bell! a seems seeker, his earthly quest greeted of followed highest register of the instrumentation, until it the experiences his quest. the in composer learned, yet dry, five-part a joy! the depicted by varied tone Unending of is seeker's of MUSIC APPRECIATE still mysterious, still inscrutable. 'An Intellectual Even is this brief planned grasp on of synopsis suggests large a the outlining he has his himself the above not was From the last let the analysis, "Thus and assimilated musician the intended what for treatise, but a a own and shows that But, that of vain is tain cer- asserts rectly. indi- quest, from Nature the a save theme, In conclusion. poem. at Zarathus- Spake preachment, Zarathustra" tone In details Strauss "Thus chord his Spake Strauss during occurs draw rejection of Richard litterateur. tual intellec- an composer's part. Nietzke, in deep mysterious listener the on Richard scheme, thoroughly point, tra" selection "Zarathustra" that It presupposes scale. subject its choice, in the in in Music. Force not In the last the a last sophical philo- analysis. 2x8 HOW self, his TO APPRECIATE jealous adversaries, consoles him, battle the worldly triumph, indifference is impassioned in there here works of his tone poems, ; his Hero's the a opera, "Feuersnot" the old legend on founded, But the lover causing town, and a darkness relents and lifted and the to this ; and and "Don his song, reminiscences give interest once the one-act According to Sing-gedicht (song-poem) entire again in Wagner has magician, the fires "Death Eulenspiegel's Famine"). extinction upon of his earlier Wagner. to maiden a recognition. for "Meistersinger." ("Fire being of indulging autobiographical tribute young smiles hand, Zarathustra," These same which the dous stupen- a mission was "Guntram" Twilight." pays hero's "Till Spake Tribute Strauss the Helpmate," Hero's Juan," "Don Wagner's to is the with the other struggles music-drama, Life" attaches toward scene Strauss that "Thus During soul reminiscences numerous Pranks," "Dream is his the to own heard his Quixote" as world's On Transfiguration," "Macbeth," "A the charming. is little doubt are " Merry peace, forces. indifference retrospect a For and world's the peace, greatest episode, entitled "The amorous In his battlefield of orchestral massing of love wins depicted musically The greatest eloquence. he flightof is whose woman in which final this All the mission his the and empyrean. the MUSIC upon more of offended casts all a lover. her spell over the fire,bringing cold place, until the maiden him, when the spell is burn brightly. The in lover, Kunrad, young city,says rebuking 219 of people the the : "In this which house Once In Accompanying did "Ring "Richard of etc., etc. edly Undoubt- ard lines,is Rich- above in the themes introduces Nibelung." the Master," the him expel ye destroy, I Master. lines,Strauss these Wagner's the baseness," and envy to-day Richard lodged Disgracefully from MUSIC HIS STRAUSS" RICHARD Wagner. While who Mr. has Paur played Strauss's justly be regarded at Not least. of "A only Hero's here, but it as Strauss's do we he was who Paur As to Strauss accepted his direct and with which request Mr. Paur's with at the the the came It is not here the as work, continued of New still does Strauss to York as he become at the of championed after of the an he just his him to piano conductor such there. try it to it hear a " Afterward, surprising that so minor piano quartet Philharmonic conductor has do invited allowed wanted when he with be to he as himself composer Orchestra, the asking Strauss's house, over brought Boston 1889, F readily granted. was violin. in Spake the as ago symphony orchestra, of Mannheim, at also completed "Macbeth," long Strauss "Thus forward conductor conductor was Strauss over definitely"created" was Orchestra. Symphony York performances the him may New in prophet brought he when he in this country, to owe Life," which Zarathustra," Mr. music leader first orchestral the not was when the Mr. Paur Mr. Paur Boston Richard became Society, and Pittsburg played, was and at phony Sym- Strauss's conductor probably Orchestra. important figure in the world music of been done Theodore which he effort in i;^, It New until "Death out After Thomas gave in " the 1895, thustra"; in fantasia, "Italy"; in performance wind this Several first of The several Boston record as works. "A and the had whom Several of these the in Boston, orchestra gives but in" other concerts. Zara- the symphonic first (the "Serenade" for (firstperfonnfragment. noted, those by the had their Chicago chestra, Or- repeated performances. Orchestra Gericke been also of performances have "Death Spake "Feuersnot" performance works Strauss's Life" the country Nikisch, Paur, and under and besides Symphony regards and Hero's the have Richard "Macbeth" 1902, in this performance Seidl when "Thus and country) works, concerts Eulenspiegel's Merry Quixote" 1900, in the at "Guntram," to Juan" country) these and only this instruments; in ance in anywhere. Chicago Orchestra, of "Till and "Don 1899, Society. 1892, of the prelude 1897, "Don ; in again F in December as work this performances Transfiguration" Pranks" early January, conductor many serious Transfiguration." and became he Philharmonic heard hberahty symphony York of pub- every ^s however, not, artistic the 1883, performance organization brought works date the first was this and bears American the Strauss's produced with the Strauss of music, with has what note displayed toward always which was before work his MUSIC interestingto Thomas, has 1884, it is that bring to He. minor, APPRECIATE TO HOW 220 has Richard are have the a Strauss's conductors been given. played repeatedly cities where fine this not famous STRAUSS" RICHARD Richard As Englisli readers, be amiss not born was June on Richard began At old. years his mother his books. composing sketched chance As a put the his as in out, some lx"y to do composer," the with was three During continued, through a Opus the can he produced the symphony?" the reply. of his of lesson minor. which still was This When, Levi. Richard "What he's "Oh, came Meysenheim, that has only before year time the (1880), had licly pub- songs. school he received lessons Kapellmeister, Meyer. his in D : on paper he under The advanced course school, to While asked prima donna, pose com- French composer, his severe 2. symphony audience in the Royal Opera sung for calls one "I music a was dren chil- string quartet a Orchestra Royal the to response a he some went during of scherzo published played by was of covers and paper, school, he composed at heard he growing when said, and When lived Strauss tree. the remarkable result, he occupied much this on out been has by piano Christmas three-part song. a the that," he in son's his of six he age a like something elder pride play to the around singing unaided with watch to his where his for The instrument. He career. French-horn the noted was his of Munich, in 1864, and the long enough fame. something 11, Orchestra, scattered, it may and scant disposal of the life, at Strauss, played proficiencyon four tell here to father, Franz Royal both are 221 Straussiana. Strauss's regarding data MUSIC HIS in In years, in the his he lessons violin, and composition 1882, piano with attended the the went Royal Uni- APPRECIATE TO HOW 222 versity of Munich. composed of Hans him when in became vStrauss "Italy," had its he this became It Sicily. where a this on was the engagement to "Guntram," Pauline general. de The of the one position he still holds. of Europe, in many concerts Amsterdam, and his man no and half until 1899, of of varian Ba- tour was a year writing of on his It is said "Thus scores occupies a commanding ductors con- conduct to Moscow, and Paris: He one. that came be- which "star" London memorable a he when invitations Madrid, a Munich to the nounced an- in Opera, Berlin one he Freihild daughter returned receiving Weimar at of he is untiring industry. that the Strauss He Barcelona, less than the and posed com- performance, the his on and cities, including Brussels, American of at and out he 1892, wrote singer the at July, 1889, In brought there conductors he first was Greece, Egypt that year conductor, remaining as pneumonia, Ahna, same until of was After 1894. May, his a which and Fischer and Weimar. tour fantasia, Rome to at long trip through "Guntram," in remained attack an ever, there, how- 1886, he Levi to he trip August, conductor invited symphonic a while a conductor, as remaining In year. for orchestra, and the resigned His conductor from took recovery Biilow attention Biilow of origin through Opera, died co-director ments, instru- wind the Frankfort. successor, assistant Munich almost in for he studied whom April, 1886. during appointed when time, attracted 1885, his till only the this as November, Naples "Serenade" conservatory Meiningen to His under Biilow, von Raff's at at MUSIC he is worked Spake Zarathustra," is a model positionin of beauty. the world RICHARD of STRAUSS" of combination with coupled of calm be would who one rare achievements for his the new artistic noble to future. to Indeed, music-drama, sensation the inspiration of are He great. of broad speak of "expectations" so his even musical For I is season est. high- seems a It the proving abroad. great promise writing am to as best the are as the horizon. much. credit "Salome," of remarkable a and ideals is 223 poise, accomplished already throug^h His activity and MUSIC technique industry. presumption has it musical intellectual His man achieved has He music. HIS itself this, the XIII A ON NOTE chamber of LOVERS and cultured refined and cultured last the are who people by For string quartet the is to symphony " is, in violoncello, Oddly a hall of true the and violin will be Hall would and so at or a even string chamber-music Hall, and, as home the in am sure, as large a or ; Paderewski be would 214 the and chestra. or- the which quartets, pianoforte like Opera same pianoforte trios, on gie Carne- House than combination plays equally in latter the in for other and effective auditorium any forte piano- for music soloist the viola although pianoforte fine the more sonatas Metropolitan quartet is chamber of A players. I solo form. sonata a say what to instruments such used, on. is to sonata violins, two forms not the sonata quartet, many the classical music symphony violoncello, or more for pieces is the string a those and pianoforte a times pianoforte quintets, the the from chamber hig-hly tive. conserva- very disturbed, to sonata a as than four employs is just enough, large is orchestra fact, be all music-lovers, see departure great any to would shocked, like are among care who and abandoned, people, extremely an class, and, purists would form music refined They MUSIC CHAMBER in of Carnegie effective in the Count to poser Rasumovski, Schubert's slow lovely variations, the theme Maiden." violoncellos. at this in B music is again. . chamber Mendelssohn's gentlemanly in E Dumka 51) and universal of his artistic in young the are as it produces ere in New York, lovely pianoforte contributed and, as a rule, tet quar- second the of and the movement most a exquisite cal musi- in his national his for he so who music used was skillfully accomplished he much flat major in his E Bohemia he his suetude. de- than Fascinating results unlamented and intelligentlyscored as expression ; productions, music, elegy, one native the his residence ence exist- seems of has genius enough was in its more introduces compositions. tints, he trio polished, affable as us Brahms Dvorak Bohemian or given chamber to music. his orchestral of his flat. complex is state same has noteworthy (Opus glance of long of his other the Schumann it is less music most as rapidly falling into is tributions con- Schubert." another quintet be two Schubert the world it will brings forth, Time "One art. beautiful and Many . noble are wretchedness the and and in the whole also of all the flight to "Death song, musical Schumann major, "and . things of with string quintet with is his this branch put own minor theme a pianoforte trios trio," writes flat his in D of the greatest works His to that vioHn, the one movement, being One of chamber range quartet is the famous most the with and second played private a being"professionals. others the maintained who he which in string quartet MUSIC APPRECIATE TO HOW 226 wrote his when, to the no be songs folkless during string quartet A in F NOTE (Opus 96) Franck, of the programs. \ Negro themes. Arensky, and on like neo-Rtissians Saint-Saens, modern MUSIC CHAMBER ON names d'Indy that 227 and Tschaikowsky the and figure Cesar Frenchmen, Debussy, on are chamber-music some HOW TO APPRECIATE VOCAL MUSIC XIV SONGS AND either are SONGS (composed and than a the although moods is song principal the poem. is the first first its Lied, the great proper is composer place of odes remembered by "Das by and one form of trivial Mozart which or Veilchen*' other two composition and beneath they may pianoforte of at 231 thing one their the way song to freer for set is zart ; Mo- day But genius. By the "Adelaide" something contributed accompaniments. Zu" Schubert's have be writer song mir did prepared to by as ous seri- Gluck a least song-writing. more with lifted hor' ; originator the Beethoven dignity possibly they as regarded was music, music. in Before songs. the requires have to Haydn and poem acknowledged Madchen ; the Beethoven and of the music; the accordance strictly and *'Liebes in changed un- repeated who not importance to be composer universally of through, may the song repeated strophe changes to song song Klopfstock's strophic are composed While he the or melody of consideration. of In stanza subjected Schubert "durchcomponirt" or accompaniment is once, the strophic each through when COMPOSERS through). melody while, SONG to this rather Haydn, through the writing the Schubert velopment de- for 'APPRECIATE TO HOJV 232 Schubert Where His mystery. father wife, Schubert's fourteen and is somewhat been Schubert He thirty-one His were times Shortly had who at in the the chapel. so rapid that of the school liad the no the of Convict, kindness of nor a he to food to music lishers, pubare worth are the playing for fourteen eke paper. pupil and buy out Had old he conductor the hard. was a few not friend, named He luxuries wretched it was years for even the Court the his progress Life, however, to violin Convict, so-called there was Schubert, old, and substitute which own they and training boys before fellow his all to at years to five years his with way sent for orchestra. money and poor, Paper. solos soprano occasionallyasked was in school Music twelve was in poverty. gold. Buy was singing even enriched so disposed of in His 1797. passed masterpieces as to he During be weight parish choir, Imperial history, for beggarly prices. Now Poor been would there were wretchedly was sold before dren chil- fourteen who genius " could Too come in- of the size the had had If this $175. January, only thirty-one they their they in this universallyrecognized many of less in musical for father when first couple Otherwise Vienna " be to that name in years lived works, income a fourteenth. the born was music great was The cook. a thirteen. only is schoolmaster, whose was an from genius disproportionate to of one musical a it yet is fortunate instead have was mother, children family, his got MUSIC fare been of for the Spaun, he HOW 234 bert to one of TO APPRECIATE his brother Ferdinand, such on to Five after years the "Erlking" them to forego royaltieson refused had its and lieu of led to these Schubert it which friend the close hofer the the who Convict, relates the walked up down hand, then the three "Erlking" with afterward and when some the lishers pub- circumstances provided that him with went the over of those and down paper. to over The several room on the same old His present toward the poet Mayrall composer himself. He times, book fast Having his as and in pen piano, no Convict, w-here evening Court himself as music with afternoon one to sat der un- especialinterest. aloud the it the and composers, "Erlking" sung played from Yet Composed. was the hurried enthusiasm. in florins between found put the music was songs, florins Wanderer," They suddenly men other "Erlking." of 181 5 he year visit Schubert. travel expense, hundred thousand are same and offered Schubert's own eleven greatest of song written of the to the "Erlking" aglow, reading could and his greatest song, was Spaun, at paper the the "Erlking" several 1861. and being aloof. held of their issuingof twenty-seven How unheard composed, at alone, "The songs 1822 years the the these royaltyon and Finally,some published song received the it. like appear new was unwisely accepting eight of one the we print it,although Schubert to success Schubert that Publishers, however, of friends "so occasions, is something listeners." our MUSIC the received organist,Ruziczka, without the voice, objected to the disso- SONGS which nance king, and Schubert's song dramatic and Erlking, the to quality. The Schubert than interval become and be should able Goethe, who Lilli music, did when by "Thank you achievement. like it the a all, but at to times thousand When I heard to real its terror. this way song greatness, he this as bert's Schu- to him to sung was whom for tioned men- higher a sing exclaimed : artistic great I did before this song in your sung have shrill with "Erlking" Schroeder-Devrient, Fran all song utterly indifferent remained had rise Lehmann appreciate to I which more old years in founxi repeat time tions por- music; yet there to be to each each heard has Whoever with which and eighteen but pression, ex- the horse accompaniment dissonances those the of voice narrative the Goethe's thrilling climax more tive descrip- its characteristic from was of this ballad set literature in out in its coaxing has each in the while gallops along. no the child, the efforts of the father yet is different of the poem, is Wagnerian of the terror which he plained ex- spiritof worked is almost allay his boy's fears, when and resolution. musical their Erl- the of the were the of course chords these felicitouslythey how -^6D terror reflected perfectly they how poem child's the struck organist old the depicts and the in times three occurs composition COMPOSERS SONG AND it becomes a not true picture." Finck More than published, and on six hundred when sonatas, we shorter Schubert. songs remember by Schubert that he have wrote pianoforte pieces, been phonies, sym- chamber TO HOW. 236 music and his of due not "He composed as Avell gushes from the Song Writers." a mountain-side, spectacles on, right to go locking wrote of the songs credit the to less than in one in a morning, the in poem slowly turning paper!" he promptly ruled about on Of course, of such a lines it is is, as of means only few a the to the accompaniment, zu Singen" ; the the times he posed com- to chanced he his was music some friends Speise Karte, of the then tavern and all the on his Hark, clear with a and ing gothere. aspects ful beauti- descriptive description is given chords, like the preluding other around his song the through ser of In his songs At dance he of one touch Meer." flash and 5-16 songs had noises in "Am entire 181 which of only back the Sometimes could wasting time where leaves I kept he up eight rule, combined a accompaniment. by the impossible his. and cycle were tavern the varied as he he charming "Hark, a a fifty-foursongs. and w^hereupon on bed years had him, jotteddown genius melody he "If exclaimed, as because to woke the two The at over. went "Winterreise" book a Schubert, with and In and written was spring, or without compose single day. Lark" see in the compose. bert's authority of Schu- he hundred two to simply he when glasses. loved the on when that so table and his for no Six the it have that ever, how- Finck, in his "Songs Mr. tounding. as- spontaneity the in the sings life is composed, to he bird We brief he a friend, Spaun, his which fact that help it," says not his carelessness, but to and MUSIC fertilityof rapidity with genius could the operas, The was APPRECIATE the melody galloping horse description runs like the of ones "Auf in the waves dem that Was- "Erlking" ; SONGS AND wonderfully bird of the " the feted his of of that of knit Schumann's and interwoven Schubert's, so and, clearly.While called by German a vocal of a the most of the he bered remem- than more one Song." piano part the vocal result, the voice his songs are does closely more than melody what not is stand not they have critic,"pianoforte pieces with If asked the to although writer song him neglected most who, Wings pianoforte gains the voice. song Individuality. with a as accompaniments," the over as the by barely the songs Mad- das und rapidly dropping is Schumann's In "Hurdy-Gurdy reputation poet, and tone "On "Linden the Mendelssohn, now Germany Lied, the familiar from tragic "Doppel- "Todt growing eighty-threesongs, outside bids for- space It extends the perhaps but minor a bert Schu- greatest genius among was comi^osers, of of to the life, with Mill" the with again the to drone is the all musicians position wrote here " "Serenade" Compare of during work whispering foliage of Schubert composers. of that dozen. his pathetic flutter brook that examples Roslein" the from chen." who of the the to ; the by "Haiden ; from ganger" Man" of the "Maid the the ; the ; in the scenes Stadt" Lark" the through few a range naive Tree" are "Die multiplicationof examples. the the Hark, be cited could And "Hark, leitmotif a these cycle poem, 237 the hang- over to seems dramatic in like flows that mist the veiled COMPOSERS SONG to at times, in his vocal too draw great a an with out been dental accipositions, com- ascendancy distinction between TO IV HO 238 interest twofold that vocal the Schumann, Nearly but and the leave does, and by in the than ones fallingofif after decided Wieck. It his best her of 'T during was stern am w-e summer him of 1840. it is to and what write a saying in "Hardly for turmoil he is Schumann. and to her voice and show^ produced command the in music. great songs, friend a I tell you instead tumult Clara w^on he letter to can ; his first the whole, by a hundred wrote her but regret equally great on love he by Schubert us wooed writing nothing find for courtship that his father, he made now left songs, he had should is, however, many Separated from songs. small," the Schumann's year, every position, com- everything Schumann added compositions, vocal great of the two time tone, effect his purpose. cause among the descriptive. is Schumann heritage from w4iile Schubert, picture. composer not Schubert, is forty-fivecomposed smaller and a Schubert songs much each imitator, it is an feeling, the method individuality on his proportion of fine The and be not while that of seal pianoforteto it is better that as ; out, with- picture in mood a is Schumann's this,however, produces re- encroach to mood or hand, rarely voice and requires both a melody vocal gives melody produces he He accompaniment, description other the on always As The the is descriptivesuggestion,he a it in his melody. accompaniment the in his poem there songs. allowing the pianoforte part however, on of phase that say Schubert's the contains then, if the poem produces of in most feeling of the MUSIC I should Schumann, and Schubert APPRECIATE of I how and in licious de- for ments, instru- feel within AND SONGS when me his I sit down them." composing them a I intend as her again, musical it soul was death, to "The the Night," "He, "Where'er Complain," his songs "Nightly inspired by Grenadiers," which "Two Phases Robert Franz by neglect was and brother, who was addressed subsequently of physical But his in order was as had writes in such "Spring Month Falling," "Fll Not Among the be mentioned his had His ills. inimitably. so life embittered family having father in the Yet him a Christoph his from business, same Christoph h^ranz, nally origi- name been distinguish legalized. of Genius. Franks engaged Ring "Thou Plan9on sings to er," Flow- Lotos Lovely should love as songs Dreaming." My a participatein to Noble," the to such there was Are (1815-1892) Knauth, Knauth. in Tears My and not 'Twas this could "I wish the such and " (Waldesgesprach), of posed com- ... Tree," "The Noblest " music listening to Almond Finger," My May," the who or Forest" I without ; such Never those and her, in "When nightingale," he a 15th. May "Dedication," upon like by singing so write while joy writes yours I best the for he specialcompliment." on "In could one no within : twenty-seven which : songs Clara to wrote wept later my wooing, do can month printed a sing myself A composing was written and laughed first love, indeed, he concerning his her sending I is that tell you can 2yj he I have all new, music, of While Myrthen," yesterday morning pages COMPOSERS it." to cycle, "Die song "Since SONG name which critics insisted he he that Franz Robert had adopted was as was great Franz the composer indicate to Schumann that he Schubert Franz and strongly influenced was of whose many accompaniments," of their custom their Franz's Bach had down additional for their for the for their of lower or "When I Franz in order than he not deeply emotional than dramatic songs well to tions transposi- so for singable originalkey. publisher,"I his to long as not can- I am fight them." did that to wrote endeavor any the into knew who that voice is disliked had the often in his songs melody He passages. composer, one reproduce visible tilings to and declamatory, merging said regard the transpositions,but pianoforte parts, a in them use of the the mood careful could simply not originality,but or make phony poly- interesting are employed expressing to out through their decidedly objected voices these I shall in his and dead," am prevent alive key if as song for him songs are extremely was his songs, of higher of in Franz Besides cleverness showing also choice do which appropriateness He poem. to was Bach, Franz's from modulations, sake a in said looked Abend," accompaniments. derived the to critic. Ambrose, composed Franz which gaps this influence show Schwere and known according scores German "Der Handel, are fillingout songs the for all that of thanks the and song, sat their His day. polyphony, that his left in composers and Each by supplied with what he scores "additional these is in order vanity Robert as which pseudonym a from MUSIC together. put as APPRECIATE TO HOW 240 only a in the reflective opera, and more rather himself penetrated deeply into his dramatic element v\ as not to him he when even APPRECIATE TO HOIV 242 totallydeaf, and few a and the totallydeaf, was the Bach from his Society admirers, and rescue his Among Zieht durch "Das songs mein Gemuht," is ein Brausen "Ich Auge," Die Rose der Ragt sich but he what as if he started a it cared Hab' Lotos in Deinem Hat' "Es and all with or obviated find repellant. these. passages But in his those who its least at or not gression, pro- logicalconclusion, utterly might result, here is the music have and gardless re- though al- there why reason which not ; cal rhythmi- harmonic of he paper certain a This on the cal. theoreti- right through rigidlyto to, the right scheme tonal little for with sclieme losophe phi- a musicianship, it sounded out not " too by slightlyaltering his people "Leise "Die in music that have his to in Music. blemishes of, any sound "Ich compared certain utterly oblivious might But "Meerfahrt," Taugen," he whether to as he carried some "Bitte," looked wrote figurationor he him. came poet, whose that of his art consequently, from Eborus," seele reflective great so indifferent was he received had "Widmung," Thinker a a was If away profound thinker a practicalside poor Beklagt." was however, he Heulen," meine Brahms Brahms a life,when which are Alte und Will was for his support. fund a was Americans, them became right arm in his taken finest "Es Blume," of many raised pension was his He time worst he 1876 thumb. to small a later years shoulder right at In composed. paralyzed from man, MUSIC to allowed them this Brahms's aspect of is of one staff. He with give his best Among a wonderful a masterpiece) songs (and Bist One of the Meine beautiful prolix in is these Konigin," Liebe," "Wie mein wird wir wandelten, which Rolls the "Du Thau," among in the my will than "Lehn the Schaffy") The known Bist of wie eine Rubinstein's repertoire of every mir songs which mann's Schu- are into less branches, and of "Yellow Fussen) "Es and a fascinating zu these; while Blume," of is poems are "Asra," Feet," (Gold Rollt also considerably Persian the to Wang' unduly in other in his music wrote it cast found be coloring. best deine popularity has poem ("Mirza Oriental at among same he Bodenstedt in their the bursts lyrical out- modern "Friihlingsnacht" although song, his songs those Von are of leiser Heine's his Rubinstein shade. and and Wang'," setting of the paniment. accom- "Feldeinsamkeit," impassioned most Jensen's settingof is very and meine "Wir of rhythm, ewiger "Immer his zusammen." Swei, an never in of each "Von Lieder," "Meine Schlummer," voice du to outbursts change or to mir," es that pen as songs, by great Liebschen," zeiht his "lift" "Wiegenlied," "Minnelied," Melodien have sensational, of *'Wie : put ever never not known are "Siiss "Ruhe," that modulations sound, but by sudden which souls produced are and music, well know his climaxes the 243 prejudice them is drastic, never music, COMPOSERS to loftiest the superficial;and other work themselves familiarized he SONG AND SONGS "Der or are blink't der Traum" should singer. Tschaikowsky be and HOIV 244 Dvorak and noteworthy not are former's APPRECIATE TO "Niir setting of the latter's MUSIC as Songs" "Gypsy the kennt" Sehnsucht die wer but writers, song highly successful. are Grieg's Originality. of One the is the writers fascinating most Norwegian, fortunate Finck Mr. his as the set of hands fine a song been has singer Ibsen, after this musical wife. sing her hearing couple, the usually un- a as by Grieg, whispered music to He Grieg. having that relates poems shook in modem among he as word, one "Understood." Grieg's originalityhas because been attributed origin. or his individual so popular tinged music with "The mourning Young Woman," among His his genius as his "By dead and is much a product made be him wrongly come to it is Norway His preted inter- music Riverside," the a is not fortunately significance, "The Mother child), You," tide," "Spring- Sings" "At the (a of Bier Pincio," Monte "From a are or. little known too composer songs, is the has in not individuality. "I Love her his finest Lied Chopin has has Norwegian but true, ciated, appre- music be its genius universal of Heart," mother his and his music His whereas Swan," "Wounded to genius of Grieg. the dialect, but supposed is his Norwegian, of beauty sense. what through Ibsen's is genius, that considered the thoroughly national, it is is narrow of a what to Grieg cramped of much been not and for the the as a song writer. pianoforte has public is familiar shadowed over- with AND SONGS little else of Sembrich's Madame slie her plays is song, plenty national of plenty lyricalpassion in all of this song so capital are one which to delightfully.But in the "Lithuanina"' and Dirge," Finck acccl- piu accellcr- and applied when has twelve the sempre words that kiss a in (always) plenty says thrill of the "crescendo marked is so ecstaticallyas Certainly sempre (faster) atido and Delights." dramatic, expressed lerando." encores color "My in music, lyric or been which in "Poland's pathos of of never favorite 245 Wish," accompaniment own there bars Maiden's "The save COMPOSERS SONG to a kiss! Richard Wagner, Paris, tried songs, is which among Ronsard's "Dors "The Grenadiers" Two laise" in the of this 1862 In written by famous "Traume," that enfant." mon later the poems by way to of which wie rare impression same poem eine Blume" adds as a of to mann's. Schu- as five poems is the which among theme of the love are exposition musical Rubinstein's purity, Thus composed. setting gives through that ner Wag- for Song. complete they to "Marselthe effective music of in "Tristan." Genius comparison, Bist not few Heine's set whole, a utilizes the appeared are songs as composed which on but, Wesendonck, Liszfs Liszt's ; is poem Mathilde also music, utilizingthe to he He a setting charming very accompaniment version duet a old, in years by composing his poverty relieve to twenty-six when Liszt purity in the its his sense of while, of "Du simplicity setting of a the of sacredness man's heart is contemplation and causes river, beautiful a the watch and hurries will of music, he the greatest of song Richard as become a Strauss's favorites genius who difficulties in the players its with "Standchen," play the first of Strauss's songs it the was that art it made durch of our Now so. "Allerseelem," "Breit Haar," and many There the from the into just with case the melody with (or few so Strauss. song is but the accompaniment, more varied. "Traum schwarzes quency. fre- growing with composers with and Nordica, Dein with whom entirely distinct so difficult to As was Aufforderung," songs in and ment, accompani- Nacht," Haupt suggestion contained declamatory Strauss's popular here, "Heimliche iiber mein music requisitegrace, "Die be to sure are singer, Madame hear we it is When much. so become of his other are impossible,have singers, and and pianoforte accompaniment the the regarded been these the to great Dammemng," die of one deliciously delicate difficult to so of branches repertoire. difficulties ambitious be to as song technically by advances Land?" das as having from songs, creates by overcome sphere" call "atmo- du day what composers. bristlingwith so And other some that current quality we in flowing temptress, his doom. Liszt recognized be of the of "Kennst with lei" "Lore- the stormy to version case will and valuable that His her. voice seductive fills a woman pure \\'e view boatman Liszt's be a worship to treacherous more than As the the ensnared has song him of lyric scene. hear to seem MUSIC the which with APPRECIATE TO IV. HO 246 play), as is often scriptiv de- Schubert, every the is carried Even poem vocal now part it is seems more cer- tain the Stranss's that still is I find although too Saint-Saens, Delibes, Godard, and the late N\Titers work whose rank tation bei Konig "Der and "Elfenlied" the who him "Well accomplished female struck with of "Ave the the the The Maria." level much of a songs Arthur are Bach Edward A. Lang, for of "Ave sinks course, for it has monium, har- the with the vocal the Goimod-Bach have to to be the taken produced noteworthy MacDowell, Foote, Clayton Johns, Homer Ruthven words intended. who composers been have fitted the away small chorus the supplement the prelude, him a single voice a can was with to melody accompaniment, than American result Bach mere slower still anything make replaced seems obbligato, did an and the substituted however, with melody that fact Maria," violin, which, he Finally hannonium. a he Then came Bach's from to it for violin scored off stage. chorus time et that idea than more that his rqDU- "Romeo and the me nod's Gou- below prelude a did to up Originally he famous. with Clavichord" Tempered had above placing a melody of to matter. is much Juliette." Oddly enough, however, song seem with "Faust" of composer French among than composer song a are manner Chaminade Massenet, clever, but is with as as Holmes Augusta concerned more he ists," Tambour." "Der to songs, "Er by attracted Weyla's," "Gesang affirm to Wolf's Hugo myself strongly Kroning," acquisitions however, soon, "Friihling iibers Jahr," "Fussteise," der 247 permanent of the unfortunate thing same COMPOSERS are songs rq^ertoire.It the to SONG AND SONGS and the G. N. W. Chadwick, garet Bartlett, Mar- late Ethelbert Nevin. XV ORATORIO its had ORATORIO sixteenth church who people to a if music come mind than the of compositions the Music still churches, the is when it is concerned, have to and is that Neri, singer the did, with secular made that been engaged religious four with card it you sermon doing When hundred years what ago the well- a church just going are such-and-such a phrase para- the music." for after can as it the means monk, fishing " in for a music. oratorio to-day, however, and worship, surroundings, evening for some them. rises we far of with basso so up to is alxDut it exists enough mon com- astical ecclesi- drawing fine portunity op- masters in enough," make listen Reverend congregation As has is is to to announcement known "It now chance a "It a the to other prime a nowadays meaning, as as sings and and to persuaded capella) thrown were regarded and sermon Palestrina school, polyphonic be (a unaccompanied vine di- the by could a draw to " entertaining more make to attracted but sermon, trifle a monk be not by attempt an interesting more might hear to Italian century service in origin attire with and usually a a 248 has is female male chorus little practiced chorus in in to do amid gated varie- clavv-ham- parently be ninst more hereafter the than as let been San and the after the for the old the naive. least, were and and his about family declares that worldly friends, forces and this kind with her in been it and to the aid the up for of back, and the rib. gestion sugfrom to the say to a had a seizes the play But rib-bone of efforts be a of pigs horse, with name. to her SJicm another cow's Noah by giving mastiff a formation Eve the with son Creation, the it off, in spite of the him and came behind In ear. spied the order ark, Mrs. retaliates Adam to that text last her and noses, In before unlikely stay at the on Fathers renderings of in the ark, she mastiff provided whistle the their carried when work these, representing Noah to represented brought were performance had box a which rings collar and into Noah worthy prefers she that of the musical embark to "The in 15 15, plays, which, of one of of oratorio. dramatic hear, tO' in Florence It is not Finck in America. instituted and Miracle In of Congregation underlying Mystery obliged of oratorio originator Scripture. T. Henry be he picture gloomier Mr. born was dramatic legal while, for that so auditions church, to considered performances salvation the sermon from scenes a would of the was people attract he who founder Oratory, draw Christmas annual the financial was ; semi-weekly Filippo Neri, of the to the minds critic like a be to Fortunately, however, well w^here suggest, Messiah," order many not for place a me have could MUSIC bore. a of men one in less of or many example, of diversion any be there APPRECIATE TO HOW 250 brass in one which Ez'e, grabbed of the Angel created out with- ORATORIO 251 Efforts. Primitive It is likelythat not but dell' Aninia Body), of before the production, the of other the early "with scenes the was continue is solo a montes" has of solos to for Up be for recitals this to through to the sopranos Alessandro recitatives said some cording ac- enliven tain cer- others dately "se- also and gave more a which first who being Ije- recitatives ye at colles, dokitc "Plorate mountains), which the end of each developed Scarlatti, who definite more dramatic related to phrase form to the accompaniment action, leaving the unaccompanied. point, have Carissimi, oratorio, "Jephtha," there hills; mourn, two in opera, narrative his In ye in oratorio the to was explanatory Jephtha's daughter, melody. aria the with numbers. echo the in as execute to regarding in oratorio, this function action (Weep, an and died who ballet, w'hich, a was Giovanni narrator the the tween capers" composer, the introduced to there the reverentially." and It oratorio, composer's directions, its to In the in 1600, directions ones, and Soul (The this a Rappresenta- left minute action. and scenery "La Vallicella, but della Maria Santa ting set- Cavaliere, February, in performed was Church Corpo" del e only scenic of del oratorio, torios, ora- not were kind Emelio whose composer, zione they some for costumes; nied accompa- FiHppo's primitive San with acted also and Roman contretemps yet it is probable that and sung, of performances the such any in fact, oratorio developed influence of hand German in and hand, composers opera may but now, and espe- Heinrich by in and 1623, Words Christ), subjects which of by set as of of works pioneer German many Music Passion grand people, which have of mark Jesu," the work of to the as oratorio whose is of in ing form- "Tod in the Graun, a temporary con- According advanced by German distinguishing a of lovers in oratorio quasi- or still English the style, although is church the "Passion own all works of of Heinrich regarded greatest development conspicuous Karl regarded influence that are by Bach, St. Matthew" music character They the melodies tially reveren- are made was incalculable had race. famous a use sacred stabilityof the In kind. much chorales, the been composers, their Seven (The have urrection) Res- Dresden in Christi" Worte more a (The Schiitz, produced "Sieben his it assumed Music, Auferstehung- Christi" "Die form. distinct Passion their ciallythroug-h MUSIC APPRECIATE TO HOW '":"^ cling to Handel. "However close of the "we at a (Handel) his parts making on in He run totally different bringing harmony of hard introducing himself of the Bach so store by notes" modern; music of discord among since that "runs and in notes effect "inharmonious are aimed have Bach, ing writ- principle,evidently delighted passing pleasant The passing out to ; whereas velvet on inharmonious an always seems volutio in- in writing Rockstro, with meet never the complicated or voices," says several of Handel, collision. imitation the of their made order modern on very things ears velvet." do to ultimate point avail lution." reso- the "hard which make collisions," the a not set much ORATORIO Bach's It is is in between. came Friedrichs using their A text. the double is chorus but populace; Peter in form, in to and others the sacred sometimes sometimes riated infu- the treated always of events employed, Disciples, the various according words own Christian partly epic St. Lord, sermon pseudonym the the relate to with representing under writing EvangeHst an the prepared by was the was as Filippo Neri, partly dramatic, is story, but the text Henrici, Picander, and with of San The that, parts, and two According this "Passion that note the oratorios with case Mtisic." "Passion interestingto St. Matthew" to 253 dramatic in fashion. of the choruses certain the narrated events expected Rockstro by is remarkable when attention the opera. by Johann to for the first tim.e Thomas. St. Good Friday, it was at the heard and it was again, when to It service afternoon where paid never forms, St. Matthew," work his greatest of all times. Leipzig, 1729, was which power Bach Bach one it was are, the choruses of all musical According Bach, of the greatest works one of dramatic the most Sebastian that was iour Sav- the to in and only, and of dramatic considers one "Passion The assigned gentle dignity, w^hile amount an on congregation by string orchestra full of says, marked are any recitatives accompanied are "Soliloquise"; the chorales, The meditations contained called were join. to written, the arias and was which beautiful the singing as "Passion" the the time At produced was in the was and Church Cantor, hundred revived years by on fore be- Men- TO i-fOJV J54 MUSIC APPRECIATE delssohn, in Berlin, March on 12th, 1829 epoch- an " inaking performance. Strictlyspeaking",Passion but to service, and church a serve Roman in the under who Handel, 1685, in buried Westminster in Messiah," had, he mastered operas, the in his oratorios the recall chorus of into thrown the sea") ; expressive melody them forth like by or and that in for Handel and so well feelingon on the writing, makes text only sary neces- in Chorus" and the his rider hath He the derly ten- people, He led an adept Handel H'dndeL in fact be called I do ous numer- in "Israel for His what "The expression. may freedom of of contrast, way of "As Rockstro Handel and sheep," to realize in dramatic was It is Choruses" horse rejoicing ("The wrote dramatic the was and composition "Hail-Stone Eg}'pt," especially the and Handel expression. "Plague plished accom- 1759 aims, whenever he Saxony, Egypt" in formed per- erick Fred- was in principlesof it permissible,at dramatic to the as George Before Abbey. through his understand we work died greatest oratorios, "Israel his two and he where Mass in Lower Halle at important most London, What vitalityfrom born was whose but its oratorio, an the to Church. derived oratorio is not actually designed Bach counter-attraction a as Music writing for not share for "The the the chorus, Rockstro's Messiah," founder of ^^''hile I must intense nevertheless in this country fess con- enthusiasm general feeling in England part of those variety who he and presses ex- the crowd ORATORIO annual the of to what "He that helped stripes the he when Who but healing only, And calls hearing the noble Lord,' led off by the reinforce to feel 'Hallelujah Chorus' listening to it for his heart must "He contains shall His feed of Handel's two flock" "I and the long not does not of he the be may indeed Hard when of his chorus." voice praise. first bar hear to it unto Who time? refuse can the sing completed, though hundredth the be who preaches through also is not obedience altos, does the 'With which of hymns *I will before feci we at equal his own? his throat in choking a in his and with their voices it, is sensible price him subject of tenors an varied that us are cruel join and and tells we yield to us upon God' He the we like free of so. of conveying says: healed,' and are we Messiah," who those Lamb do to of Handel's to the us purchased. was signifiesto 'Behold "The of means writing,he chorus us he has His of bids best Referring of treatment the oratorio him. quote performances that that, work, toward idea Christmas 255 Handel The most famous know that siah" "Mes- solos, my deemer Re- liveth." This work was at the 13, 1742, on a visit to of people performed Music of The object that the their presence as it would Devonshire, rehearsals, present by invitation, had were enthusiasm, that those favor the first time Hall, Dublin, when the Duke Ireland. for for who which ladies would who be this pleased the was Lord tenant Lieu- aroused many much so in the charitable "as given, requested was honor greatly increase Handel which at interested were it then April on to come performance without charityby making a with hoops, room 256 for to HOW without come that followed place and, singing which of still is by the "The from the "The "The "And there was of orchestration earlycomposers freer, more But for In creation both of of than Haydn was He homophonic flow of the and Beethoven's "Mount Judgment" (Die Paul," followed introduced oratorio, "Elijah," which he discarded these. The founded on after poem earlier the it is much there animals torio, ora- is related. for passages and muted chorus, far greater master a also of the one was school, and is there a in his oratorios. melody of grandeur Mendelssohn, of Olives" Letzten enty sev- Handel's. Oratorios. oratorio, nothing need sionists, and the Handel. of the nearly of orchestra Mendelssohn's his "St. custom, familiar these various light."Haydn they undoubtedly lack of his during Lost," and especiallyin outburst famous when Thomson's which spontaneous Between the in the thus 1798, "Paradise Milton's the the when rose Creation," Creation," too, after strings,is King that in Haydn purely descriptive music, In It is reason. audience, stood and chorus, text. when same the out, the entire wrote Seasons," supplied the requested were observed, originated. old, passages also performance, rang Following Handel, years for first London Chorus" "Hallelujah the swords, the at MUSIC Gentlemen company." more said "APPRECIATE TO and is purely dramatic excepting "The Spohr's Last Mendelssohn, example chorales, ment develop- the be mentioned, Dinge). the in but an of in the his Hebraic old in pas- greater subject, qualityof "Elijah" in fact would important solo; conductor the that it Messiah" "The undeniable is works that oratorio and of Society Musical Art choruses from "Stabat Mater" Mater" of Mozart's cantatas, Beethoven's and the Peri" to hearing "Requiem," with its and his music to Babel" and a and "Christus" "Paradise noble but Lost"; ; ; wrote and also the the Bach tions; tragic associadise "Para- Schumann's Byron's Mass," Brahms's erere" "Mis- Mozart "Manfred" "Legend of "Tower of Rubinstein's difficult work; Marcelli the twice) it phonic poly- exclusivelyby which are D;" of Italian "Papae There in Damrosch's early Pergolesi. "Mass of programs beautifully some be retained Chapel, but lar secu- even "Requiem"; (with recitation) ; Liszt's "Graner St. Elizabeth" and Frank of the and after memory while scores, the Palestrina's as of the Sistine Mr. sings very Allegri (sought the choir his figure on to from derive to unimportant. allied societies. "Stabat of is he this composer, interesting in apt are unaccompanied Mass," of it is too while sacred, semi-sacred school, such out opinion land Eng- in excitement much and Gerontius" of " certain are of less. spine- rather whole, a lacking in individuality is demption" "Re- Gounod's interest here, but originalwith him There the created definite a whatever Wagner what be to appears as Elgar's "Dream hazard to soon to me, considerable and climaxes Vita," in spite of passages et Apostles" have fact the to its successive "Elijah." and beauty, seem Edward "The reached "Mors and attention her not begin. to that oratorio I think with her for it,had missed have called sharply time was MUSIC APPRECIATE TO HOIV 258 "German Dvorak's quiem," Re- "Stabat ORATORIO Mater"; Rossini's Mater"; Berlioz's Faust," one "Moses the of the ; and in "Requiem" American late 259 Dr. Verdi's Egypt" and production Leopold "Manzoni of Damrosch's Requiem." and "Stahat "Damnation which de latter finest was ments achieve- XVI OPERA MUSIC-DRAMA originated OPERA of AND the in sixteenth musical have been The Conte first Galileo, cenzo in similar These the neither in the for in upon these tragedy and centuries, These recitative, so other Anshorter claim from 260 the were but melodious, wished, had historical have sixteenth them dation founduced intro- he back fallen and back early Greek to flutes. and then, composers, different late lyres scores which might through of any recitative the dering ren- polyphonic, Wagner he and their however, not, to of its bands Italian Vin- by oratorical sense if Richard music-dramas, with ment accompani- several exact an were declamatory composers seventeenth the wrote other century, the his at any They nineteenth "II cantata, a astronomer. Consequently, in nor declamatory; Greek of composed famous aimed strictly monodic. but and Caccini, words. fugal with to style. composers of voice the of Giulio composer, pieces single father in ducing repro- believed they resulted dose astic, enthusiat representation instrument, single a the of aimed which attempt for Ugolino," of of the band A composers declamation characteristic tragedy. toward century. intellectual the Florence were the creators polyphonic church of OPERA of music classed AND privately performed So 1597. great in 1600, incidental The Claudio Monteverde, capella,who of the Savoy. by (from standpoint greater even showed a in the as lover Monteverde's suggestions in of continuous founder Alessandro of modern it flourished earlier period of free from Verdi's and riage mar- bewails her written that it produced brought out which "Orfeo," opera these well expression, as the score, besides manency per- recitative, suggestions ritomelles. The introduced melody relieve form which Melody, to and recitative, developed by the but instrumental the aria of the course) of contained, melody, in order di maestro dramatically instrumental Cavalli, however, score from assured. was scores the composer vocal the stimulus Alargherita, Infanta in dramatic of the public. Monteverde his France "Euridice," Ariadne day. was ties festivi- of in honor so when great advance of opera only of the IV of Mantua's which success treatment in with was sensation, and a with her is sioned, commis- was for the great Duke in scene desertion the produced Gonzaga The Peri Henry "Arianna" composed Francesco of of received "Dafne," work performed art-form new similar a usually Corsi, Florence, in that success marriage ever opera Peri's Palazzo Medici, and de first Italian the to Maria with its write to What Jacopo the at ^vas 261 Palestrina. first opera, ^e as of school the MUSIC-DRAMA the Scarlatti, who his day into the effect of voice destined was Italian Venetian monotonous in his airs for which occurred to is in opera and to he be shadowed fore- freely regarded the form including as in the activity. beautiful melody, soaring above a 262 TO HOW APPRECIATE MUSIC comparatively simple accompaniment, Itahan of "L'Onesta Verdi's The nell' Amore," "Trovatore," besides names, brilHant successes, "L'Elisir Puritani"), d' Amore," "La straight always hit the for mark, Reforms The charge is that opera to the depth is as between the vocal of those upon consists the abuse Italian Gluck, was he nearly fiftyyears opera his entire that to-day repertoire, and faro senza truth well-balanced score, portions, to for preters. its inter- practicallyagainst from who, Euridice" produced by Gluck, method old. "Orfeo containing (I have in Vienna, late as still holds the the Italian brief, that show-pieces German, and which copying style of operatic composition early changed oldest subserA^ient dramatic in " Italian musicianship and stage of a career, was too first to protest the Among this the much too been instrumental and best bull's-eye. against the as well-written a These their at laid sacrificed well expression, as of opera have have "La Gluck. by its composers required vanity in the Si- great degree, a when frequently most singers, and of to and operatic target most di Regiment"). verve to ("Lucia," Donizetti and Fille du the its ("Norma," Bellini possessed dramatic composers aimed "I Tell"), with ("II Barbiere Rossini are: 1680, city in 1853. same Verdi's, associated vigh"a," "Guillaume Sonnambula," in the produced in in Rome produced teristic charac- first opera, Scarlatti's from opera the was et as favorite lost my in the 1762, his when Euridice," the place a in in the air, "Che Eurydice), year ratic ope- was mentioned. OPERA There Gluck lite." But him as champion a in ensued capital a veritable a musical Gluck's reform of in dramatic and and the end introduce also in his greater gave of his ceased well These will "Don fact, what music, its importance when at this end the to ticipants, par- of the vocal hesitated never aimed with and sake senseless he he all own unfolding for the voice the view in tion ac- matic dra- was instrumental discovered in operas in in musical spontaneity and of not for he tion por- Operas. di "Zauberflote," which being based the expression, as heroic on general well as They opeia. ''Nozze Figaro," differ or advance Mozart's invention, his keen to years many of German Mozart's exhibiting melodic Certain remained distinguishingmarks subjects,and in freer genie "Iphi- score. Giovanni" Gluck's until display of singers' a of opera, melody characteristics the be that his soloists as the make to Comparative Popularity of come fierce with for avoided he purpose In justifiedit. merely as while beautiful truth effect " actively,in But story. embellishments to then abandoning his in lay his choruses making musically and talents there Roses the Piccini over opera claptrap effect at and of so upon Tauride." en effort seized and rivalry War completely triumphed Au- Italian the there party pit against Gluck, to French the it became Gluck Italian Piccini, the of Paris, arrival, in the went "Iphigenie en with triumph a "Alceste," then with it up scored on composer, " followed Paris, and to 263 MUSIC-DRAMA AND sense from classical made greater of the They will be also which degree in which differs from from of that the the to step "Lohengrin" German from it is but the the French a "Tannhauser," Richard of music-dramas and ters en- opera which Dutchman," "Flying same "Frei- Weber's With period, romantic in the great composer one "Oberon," and "Fidelio," operas another. schijtz,""Euryanthe" upon Mozart's individualityof the in orchestration. in Beethoven's discovered differs again MUSIC superior skill his and element dramatic APPRECIATE TO HOW 264 Wagner. Meanwhile, had opera of their own, which "Les Huguenots," Gounod's live to stage, and French far and "Faust," that opera any is whole form is better thought out, shows greater and such a inspiration. but It is true, final test Unquestionably, Siviglia," tore" or are operas in 1835, in 1816, 1787, "Trovatore" is than in be whereas In 1853 It effort musical absolute claptrap in Meyerbeer, vitality and " like "II assigning Barbiere" in and Mozart's for reasons Italian these Giovanni" "Don "II "Trova- and than country was 183 1, Verdi's di Barbiere forgotten that Sonnambula" in serious. "Lucia," modem. more "La voices intellectual to operas in this generally to far In art-work. an operatic works. are produced Italian popular seems the more still lives Sonnambula," more Weber's this it out "La of the graces of is much there Huguenots" "Les is,after all,the abandon complete tined des- "Carmen." support the not now delicatelydiscriminating and opera, apparently absolutely unique more of style a represented by Meyerbeer's instrumental the opera Italian as Bizet's by richer long as is developed brought "Lucia" last was work in in 266 TO HOW in the most dinck's APPRECIATE modern phases "Hansel "Feuersnot" of out "Salome" doubt drama Italian the whether the or opera sought and in with their of theory derly it; found dramatic words from that a in their love be of and detriment Opera ward, after- then state theories, Greece this brief or say would beautiful other of be had relation so "book the an opera, it not, and written of out which crises choose of but the persons, to and you un- aspect, passions and singing, become "numbers" the is the outward their press ex- which words characterization, it is not it should is that mere clearlydefined melody for duets don't you music-drama should but in ancient situations, climaxes scenes, as even thought his upon them music play, the libretto,if long so he in the be made controllingideas, impulses written which early originated he that undeviating fidelitythe not the the suggestion, attacks in deeper significance grow is Greek the of when opinion and either Italy. renascent His ing work- further the recitative mind would for prototypes Strauss's Germany. extraneous Germany Richard had in My any Humper- Music-Dramas. composers anticipating the of music in declamatory free from opera. represent Wagner music-drama. it out and art-form Wagner's Wagner's I of ItaHan Gretel" und and MUSIC of the call it to " For opera." be must but through what the the Italian patent opera Italian tion admira- a string of solos, in set form to the action. of glorification the voice and the deifica- OPERA of the tion diva? vocal and Do " music musical and Opera, stage. form, but music-drama serious its and expression Wagner Luther, in the German their origin,had of indicated work his from he well as through meant impetus the to in the of blood out-and-out while of of in progress, share in is the national a of what immense gave fested mani- as as the "Rienzi," was style. and "Lohengrin" is many Ger- as men Sedan. legendary which of for well as work, giving may ment move- far so in The works Germany Meyerbeerian besides "Ring that of united a he scores, folk-lore music-dramas, and motives, his art argument He this the dramas in Germanism. whole empire. had everything for as "Studies his practical illustration own already the in always Teutonic if not the first successful opera leading scores his "Tannhauser" technical because national For bases his development Dutchman" art- elevated as " by Wagner's that his as iron Wagner's attractive like activity,and German and Italian more core steeped itself is concerned, art the by aptly, in the made by saying dates and thinker. a as become profound impression be truth very which, legends which, to a most Drama," created back is the to critic writes, is the work went handled and dramatic higher art-form, a Krehbiel Mr. Wagner cation glorifi- is the emotion. of Wagnerian which of as searching more was says is a instrumental deification the donna prima hand, sense, French, undoubtedly the more other the on 267 call the not we in its broadest combined, the on singer. Music-drama, of MUSIC-DRAMA AND a clue The to ing "Flyserious, more show immense his fully developed Nibelung," an "Tristan system in the und 268 HOW Isolde," "Die his theories for many with with raged of matters this phase of ^in the storm a Finck's Mr. It sometimes of earlier "Wagner and, "Pilgrim's Chorus" leading motives brief when he melodies "Love in love the heard which themselves the dramatic which Duet the consists melody of The and alone March entirely of a are end Siegmund's : in "Die "Siegfried," of of the any Song brief sidered con- reference be clear to any in odies. mel- beautiful leading motives, without are music-dramas, eloquence call we they Isolde," the Prize und situation,must Funeral less introduced the the soul- They be. may "Farewell," at pils pu- Moreover,his in themselves Wotan's in "Tristan phrases by has Love the hear the in his episodes Meistersinger." melodious to and dist. meloin his abound can the none complete scene "Die requirement that Song" a descriptivelyor are it permissible,he are I singing deemed Walkure," the the in certain And, not was that I write, as it is true, but phrases, he from"Tannhauser." as guage, lan- adopted his Wagner melodies themselves fully melodious plore ex- Works." His and nearby public school a to in any biography because even wishes will find it set forth that the by musical in the Melodist. a motives is refuted works; in vigor career is contended leading This anti- history. Whoever Wagner system and Wagnerism unabated Wagner's That that interestingWagner most "Parsifal." of opposition and the battle between years are MUSIC Meistersinger," and met Wagnerism world, APPRECIATE TO one who "Gotterdammerung," series of leading motives AMD OPERA that occurred have music and story of just this Funeral being the summed of sense and whole the final recurring salient points in be ideas personages, musically with certain a music to ideas a musical through of had indeed been a complete To the for herich shall curses come. like of Weber the the take Nibelung," When, that and near tain cer- whether be have they treated certain to the presuppose motives. Berlioz of ployment em- They tral in orches- ("Euryanthe"), the up suggestion but into system. method, Ring, music- of association suggest leading work to a fact, the adaptation of in opera Wagner his trait drama, tentativelyby consistent and illustrate "Ring unity, and used by to seem something music, and it remained would drama In tervenin in- scene work. similarity,and recognizable characteristics. it does one situations, should or in curtain, it gives whole the that as "unity" suggests term very nifican sig- Nibelung" coming but the the will find distinguishing a the know you of the and the to lute in abso- significanceof "Ring the unity equal the story and you, it and Unity is, in fact, drama; the "Gotterdamraerung," between wonderful without know this Cycle, yet give phrases, you for up of do 269 whether and musical March the end near the effective as If you not. or of these is in music-drama the motives, earlier overpowering pathos an passage MUSIC-DRAMA the which all into the end Curse Motive, is heard when in Al- whose possessionit of "Rheingold," 270 HOW Fafner kills his Fasolt lands and is the at entrance sinister birth of the although a in "Die son to Walkiire," of -f- T-' hero young again her of when with a Siegfriedhimself, seeing There hear the child the its conveys circle of flames -r-rjt none are motives which ; the is motive but to round sur- a hero also when "Siegfried,"tells brook. are almost wholly rhythmical, "Nibelung" Smithy Motive, slavery of and than ^E Briinnhilde which the iy, The in the music-drama in the other none r promises predicts tive, Siegfried Mo- drama. next Wotan the will be Z\f-'r image his like the the fried Sieg- Gibichungs, and jDenetrate, Siegfried being that hero of the greeting seems Briinnhilde Sieglinde,you ^^ can of when the is heard motive signifying that heard first victim lure. When, the is the the castle to greeted by Hagen, hearty enough, which significance a "Gotterdammerung," in Again, with recurs readily understood. curse. MUSIC brother, Fasolt, in wresting the Ring him, the motive from is 'APPRECIATE TO which Nibclungs, eternally working depicts in the OPERA mines of AND Nibelheim; harmonies, Hke and motives the motive of the of sense a Motives Leading motives Leading themselves and things The with With persons. Curse Motive its dark circle. is weird, it bodes The its the the love of Funeral by March bov. Avho with his Hagen, the slew funeral significancethat The phrase the with which the we You feel when the on when dragon, soul being borne heroic brings is of a tears to have your it are to tragic a eyes. of a practicallyremains music-drama. by mountain good example which listen to calls re- geous coura- murdered the strains it BrunnhUde and over with it in hear you awakened betrayed other vibrates courage; stirs the and for. within come yet Motive contour through stand all who But be almost Siegfried these tender those pyre, what gay-hearted, the of acter char- express and to is now ; concern "Gotterdammerung" the kiss, only and they youth, vigor, in its superficialaspect evil to heroism. association They sinister. achievement of suggestion veys con- Labels. Siegfried Motive, hand, is buoyant with with giving persons things they symbolize it that Tarnhelm the ; with listeningto which labels. mere than more Tarnhelm, Mere not not are strange, weird his form. change to 271 with the mystery, the power wearer MUSIC-DRAMA The varied effected by cal musichanged un- tions emo- associa- 572 HOJV lion. But APPRECIATE TO of many plasticand the of certain the action dramatic of This"horn bids he call the or are tremely ex- ing in illustrat- specialbearing those upon As concerned in gay-hearted youth, a horn: becomes, when, farewell motives changes of character drama. his leading many situations the Siegfried wdnds Wagner's undergo development MUSIC to his knightly adventure, the bride as Briinnhilde's and in departs statelyMotive of husband, quest of Siegfried,the Hero: And rude when dead bier, is borne of the we have call, each harking back to Siegfried, from tragedy with Thus horn the two with the the scene, overwhelming derivatives its own stretched it voices power from upon the a climax : the "Siegfried" special significance,yet originalgerm. HOW wrath when ship and times APPRECIATE TO 274 she invokes it. all upon in the the elements Examples of scores MUSIC like these music-dramas. are several characters when the act or or scene, for which resources of described how has he with this done gives endless an I in the variety of all the have Magic Fire page after add I have bines com- already also through color tone of spoken instrumentation, of mastership ciple prin- skill rare could one examples of this kind. he the or a drama, is potent, though Elsewhere Walkiire," and his supreme which participatingin of one, Wagner present, counterpoint. in "Die of page in the many motives, utilizingfor this purpose several Scene influence he stands is not himself he occur Wagner's Often, when the destroy to to his a far score. Wagner was There greater musician. climaxes and in the if he had achieved have the other long stretches should but his a in which He hand music there derive music be connection with the the of played simply the as " is music great to scenes instrumental would not for which in On many layed de- unconsciously and equal interest own own have to sake " but interestingonly it his selections ; of life from supposed its drama his disproved the breath and intelligible drama music, tragedy. of music has is his possiblehe be of each and and scenes in his dramas are that Theoretically,he would scores writer musicianship absolute that it is a believed theories, for his dramas written as was for wrote the action in hand supreme his music. he composer however, talk. go been he splendid many which immortality hand, by are dramas not dramatist, but great a was set. in But music-dramas, in concert and OPERA without given absolute the place, music MUSIC-DRAMA AND slightest clue constitute that history meaning up END to in their in achievements greatest show. THE their to the 27s the present time can
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