Primatics Stress Testing Webinar How to Execute Dodd Frank Act Stress Test for Midsize Banks ($10B - $50B) John Lankenau Vice President, Product Management Agenda • Primatics Overview • Planning a DFA Stress Test • Execution of DFA Stress Test • Submission and Beyond 8/22/2013 2 Primatics Overview Primatics’ mission is to help banks and financial institutions evolve. We provide an enterprise-grade SaaS solution for accounting, valuation and compliance of loan portfolios • • • • We focus on loan portfolios – the core business of banks We currently have 50+ customers across all asset sizes, including over 15 Tier 1 ($10B+) financial institutions 8/22/2013 Performing and Non-performing GAAP Accounting • Acquired Books • Accounting Forecasting (CCAR, DFAST) • Disclosures Finance • Disclosures • Investor Relations Report Our solution, Evolv, empowers banks’ users to comply with regulations, manage complexity and make better decisions We provide a SaaS (Software-asa-Service ) Solution with best-inclass security, flexibility and business scalability • Credit Admin Reporting • CFO Dashboard • Custom Management Reports • Executive Management Risk • Reserving Process • Loss Forecasting • TDRs • Loan Reviews Stress Testing (CCAR, DFAST) 3 Stress Testing Webinar Series • June 2013 Today Oct 2013 Challenges & Best Practices for DFAST 10 –50 How to Execute DFAST Modeling Approaches for DFAST Respond to the challenges of the Dodd Frank Act Stress Test for Midsize Banks and adapt the best practices • Consider practical aspects while executing Dodd Frank Act Stress Test for Midsize Banks • Discuss varying modeling approaches for DFAST for Midsize Banks and beyond The webinar video recording and presentation materials will be available at: 8/22/2013 4 How to Execute Dodd Frank Act Stress Test for Midsize Banks ($10B - $50B) John Lankenau Vice President, Product Management Establishing Scope Components of a DFA Stress Test Controls, Oversight, Documentation Quantitative Results 8/22/2013 Qualitative Results 6 DFA Stress Test Requirements Highlights • Controls, Oversight, Documentation Establish and maintain a system of controls, oversight, and documentation Establish policies and procedures for DFA stress tests and ensure compliance Have effective model risk management practices to include model validation • Quantitative Results Directly and separately estimate credit losses for loan portfolios and securities holdings Report projections of losses, PPNR, balance sheet, RWA and Capital Generate GAAP compliant ALLL forecast including losses projected beyond the 9-quarter horizon • Qualitative Results Provide an explanation of the drivers behind changes in capital Describe the types of risks included in the exercise Document methodologies used, data types and key assumptions 8/22/2013 7 Planning & Executing a DFA Stress Test Planning Staging 10/7 Quantitative Execution 11/15 Qualitative Analysis 1/31 Submission 2/28 3/31 Typical Timeline 8/22/2013 8 Planning Phase – Project Components Planning 10/7 ● Quantitative Execution Staging 11/15 1/31 Qualitative Analysis 2/28 Submission 3/31 Establish organization structure Cross Functional Centralized Planning Distributed Execution ● ● Create a project plan Create documentation framework to capture decisions and assumptions as they are made 8/22/2013 9 Planning Phase – Process Components Planning • Map Out Stress Testing Framework Select modeling approaches for each portfolio Define data requirements Map systems and data flow Key Assumptions 8/22/2013 10 DFAST Framework Planning Income Statement Template DFAST Template Requirements (Income Statement) Idiosyncratic Non-interest income and expense All other gains (losses) Taxes Memo item: Net gains (losses) on OREO Memo item: Total OTTI losses Interest Rate Sensitive Loan Portfolios Realized gains (losses) on HTM securities Provision for loan and lease losses Realized gains (losses) on HFS securities Forecast of loan charge-offs, by segment Net interest income (Interest income on securities and trading assets, Interest on deposits) Spreadsheets Net interest income (Interest and fee income on loans) Specialized Solutions Typical ALM Capability Complexity Curve 8/22/2013 11 DFAST Framework Planning Sample Data Flow Spreadsheets ALM System Specialized Loan Solution Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Staging Spreadsheet Templates Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Spreadsheets Spreadsheets (FR Y-16A/DFAST 10-50) 8/22/2013 12 Planning DFA Stress Test Template Income Statement Inputs Item Source System for Input Staging? Specialized Loan No Net Interest Income ALM, Specialized Loan Yes Non Interest Income Spreadsheet No Non Interest Expense Spreadsheet No Specialized Loan No Realized Gains (Losses) HTM Securities ALM, Spreadsheet Yes Realized Gains (Losses) AFS Securities ALM, Spreadsheet Yes All Other Gains (Losses) Spreadsheet No Taxes Spreadsheet No Loan Net Charge-Offs by Portfolio (13 Items) Provision for Loan and Lease Losses 8/22/2013 13 DFA Stress Test Template Balance Sheet Items Item System Loan Balances by Portfolio Specialized Loan Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses Specialized Loan Securities (HTM + AFS) ALM Trading Assets ALM Other Intangible Assets Spreadsheet OREO Spreadsheet Other Assets ALM Funding (Retail + Wholesale) ALM Trading Liabilities ALM, Spreadsheet All other Liabilities ALM, Spreadsheet Capital Items 8/22/2013 Planning Template Roll Forward and Dividend Plan 14 Stress Testing a Loan Portfolio 1 Create Position Import Existing Portfolio Positions 3 4 Generate Cash Flows and Loan States Generate Future Business positions 2 Planning Define Scenarios 5 Business Intelligence Accounting Forecasting Accounting Results Models Define Forecast Assumptions Forecast Provision Accounting Results Economic Results Forecast Modules Cash Flow Algorithms FAS91 (ASC 310) FAS5 (ASC 450) FAS114 (ASC 310) SOP03-3 (ASC 310) TDR Define Macroeconomic Scenarios Forecast Interest Income Scenario Analysis Regulatory Data Define Management Actions 1 Data Capture 3 Loan Modeling 2 Scenario Definition 4 Accounting Forecasting 8/22/2013 5 Reporting / Analysis 15 DFAST Framework Planning • Model Selection - General Model Choices Structure: Roll Rate, Net Charge-off, Transition Matrices or Expected Loss • All structures are viable but must be constructed to be sensitive to macroeconomic inputs • Guidance recommends evaluating each approach to determine best fit based on complexity and materiality of each portfolio Class: Loan Level, Loan-Segment Level or Portfolio Level • Loan-level models are more complicated but give better risk driver segmentation • All classes generally viable; smaller institutions especially may want high-level models Data: Industry or Bank • Bank data is valuable when there is sufficient loss history and adequate history reflective of current portfolio Source: Internally Developed or Vendor • Internally developed models can provide greater insight into risks faced but require significant resources to build, validate and document • Vendor models must still comply with sound model risk management practices 8/22/2013 16 Staging Phase Planning Quantitative Execution Staging 10/7 11/15 1/31 Qualitative Analysis Submission 2/28 3/31 • Establish baseline forecast and obtain stakeholder agreement Composition of new business Impact of baseline assumptions on forecast Generate accounting forecast Time permitting, test sensitivity of accounting forecasts to macroeconomic inputs 8/22/2013 17 Quantitative Execution and Qualitative Phases Planning Quantitative Execution Staging 10/7 11/15 1/31 Qualitative Analysis 2/28 Submission 3/31 • Finish execution of quantitative portion of stress tests and have understanding of risk drivers Estimates made for all items and templates filled out for all scenarios Documentation of assumptions, process and results well underway Few, if any, open questions about results 8/22/2013 18 Sample Results Quantitative Execution Qualitative Analysis Understand drivers of risk across portfolios 8/22/2013 19 Submission Finalize Submission Compile the components to complete your narrative Controls, Oversight, Documentation Quantitative Results 8/22/2013 Qualitative Results 20 After submission • Take a couple of days off and pat yourself on the back • Perform bank-specific stress testing • Further improve stress testing capabilities in preparation for DFAST 2015 8/22/2013 21 Q&A • Share results of the polling questions • Send questions through chat to David Arnold or through Q&A window 8/22/2013 22 Contact John Lankenau Vice President of Product Management 8401 Greensboro Drive, Suite 300 McLean, VA 22102 This document is protected under the copyright laws of the US and other countries as an unpublished work. This document contains information that is proprietary and confidential to Primatics Financial LLC, and by accepting receipt of this document the recipient agrees not to disclose, or to otherwise duplicate or use, this document or its contents in whole or in part for any purpose other than in connection with services or deliverables to be delivered by Primatics Financial LLC. Any use or disclosure in whole or in part of this information without the express written permission of Primatics Financial LLC is prohibited. © 2013 Primatics Financial LLC – All rights reserved. 23
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