GENITOURINARY MEDICINE President MSSVD: Ratish Basu Roy (Bournemouth) Hon Sec MSSVD: Thomas McManus (London) Technical Editor: Kenneth Till Tel (UK) 01984 667388 Fax (UK) 01984 667315 Editorial assistant: Kathryn Sims BMA House, London WC1H 9JR Tel (UK) 0171 3836795 Fax (UK) 0171 3836668 Editor: Mohsen Shahmanesh (Birmingham) Associate Editors: Chris Came (Cambridge) Frances Cowan (London) Jorma Paavonen (Helsinki) Raj Patel (Southampton) Anton Pozniak (London) Thomas Schulz (Liverpool) Chris Sonnex (Cambridge) Jonathan M Zenilman (Baltimore) Editorial Board: Michael Adler (London) Rhoda Ashley (Seattle) Simon Barton (London) Humphrey Birley (Liverpool) Ray Brettle (Edinburgh) Robert C Brunham (Winnipeg) Mike Catchpole (London) Roy Chan (Singapore) Vtrapol Chandeying (Songkla) John M Douglas (Denver) Lewis M Drusin (New York) Alfred Eichmann (Zurich) Brian Gazzard (London) King Holmes (Seattle) Catherine Ison (London) George Kinghorn (Sheffield) Peter Kohl (Heidelberg) Charles Lacey (Leeds) Marie Laga (Antwerp) Ahmed S Latif (Harare) Richard K W Lau (London) David Mabey (London) Sandy McMillan (Edinburgh) Andre Meheus (Antwerp) Danielle Mercey (London) Gregory Mertz (Albuquerque) Rob Miller (London) Adrian Mindel (Sydney). Steven Morse (Atlanta) Fiona Mulcahy (Dublin) Pat Munday (Pinner) Graham Neilsen (Bali) Jos H Perriens (Geneva) Anthony J Pinching (London) Thomas Quinn (Baltimore) Keith W Radcliffe (Birmingham) Adrian Renton (London) Geoffrey Ridgway (London) Torvald Ripa (Halmstad) Eric Sandstrom (Stockholm) Margaret Stanley (Cambridge) Angelica Stary (Vienna) Anecke van den Hoek (Amsterdam) Judith N Wasserheit (Atlanta) Jonathan Weber (London) Janet Wilson (Leeds) Editor British Medical Journal Instructions for Authors appear in the February issue of each volume. Papers should be submitted to Kathryn Sims in the first instance. Internet home page: http://www.bmj.comlbmj/ continued from front cover 447 Acute cytomegalovirus prostatitis in AIDS Antonio Mastroianni, Olga Coronado, Roberto Manfredi, Francesco Chiodo, Paolo Scarani 448 Systemic lupus erythematosus features in an AIDS patient: diagnostic problems in an African rural hospital F Falaschi, L Ansaloni 449 Rise in hepatitis A among gay men in the Thames regions 1995 and 1996 B Walsh, T Sundkvist, Helen Maguire, Yvonne Young, Rachel Heathcock, Angela Iverson 450 Services for female prostitutes in genitourinary medicine clinics in the UK C Donegan, H Ward, S Day 451 Self-reported discomfort associated with use of different nonoxynol-9 spermicides Paul J Feldblum Matters arising 453 Crusted ("Norwegian') scabies in a specialist HIV unit R Nandwani, A L Pozniak, L C Fuller, J Wade 453 Balanitis and balanoposthitis: 455 455 456 426 459 review S Abdennader, Casin, M Janier, P Morel Book review Asessors for 1996 Current Publications Cobblestone Index to Vol 72 1996 NOTICE TO suesoCeeas This Journal is published bi-monthly. 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Postmaster: send address changes to: Genitounnary Medicine c/o Mercury Airfreight Intemational Ltd lnc, 2323 Randolph Avenue, Avenel, NJ 07001, Franglin, USA. a NOTICE TO ADVETISER Applications for advertisement space and for rates should be addressed to the Advertisement Manager, Genitourinary Medicine, BMJ Publishing Group, BMA House, Tavistock Square, London WCl H 9JR. 0 1996 by Genitounnery Medicine. This publication is copyright under the Berne coPYRIGHT Convention and the International Copyright Convention. All rights reserved. Apart from any relaxations permitted under nati copyright laws, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the copyright owners. Permission is not, however, required to copy abstracts of papers or of articles on condation that a full reference to the source is shown. Muctiple copying of the contents of the publication without permission is always illegal. ISSN 0266-4348 Published by BMJ Publishing Group, and printed in England by Thanet Press Umited, Margate, Kent 455 Genitourin Med 1996;72:455 BOOK REVIEW All titles reviewed here are available from the BMJ Bookshop, PO Box 295, London WClH 9TE. Prices include postage in the UK and for members of the British Forces Overseas, but overseas customers should add 15% to the value of the order for postage and packing. Payment can be made by cheque in sterling drawn on a UK bank, or by credit card (Mastercard, Visa, or American Express) stating card number, expiry date, and full name. A General Practitioner's Guide to Genitourinary Medicine and Sexual Health. By c SONNEX. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1996. (Pp 107; £14-95, US$29.95.) ISBN 0-521-55656-2. In this slim, clearly-printed and well-illustrated volume, Chris Sonnex has produced the definitive desk-top reference book for busy general practitioners. This is not a heavy "tome". It is an immensely readable book covering all a GP would need to know about the diagnosis and management of common genital ailments and, more importantly, giving guidelines on when to refer to a genitourinary medicine clinic. I read this book from cover to cover, but equally well it can be used to "dip into" for a quick reference on a specific topic. Nothing VOLUME 72 - has been left out of this comprehensive, but delightfully slender volume. This is not a text-book on STDs. It is a reference book on a whole variety of genital and sexual problems about which a patient may consult his GP. One of the most useful chapters is on all those lumps, bumps and rashes which occur on the genitalia, and about which we ourselves are often unsure. A short paragraph on each, illustrated by a colour photograph, is enough to inspire confidence in making one's own diagnosis in general practice-and if we can't, the genitourinary medicine clinic can do it for us, perhaps with the aid of a biopsy. There is also a fine section on taking a sexual history-a difficult area for most young doctors and those inexperienced in questioning embarrassed patients about the most private and intimate aspects of their life. Of particular interest is a section on taking a sexual history from a homosexual patient. Many heterosexual doctors feel extremely uncomfortable about discussing homosexual practices and this short section suggests how to ask the all-important questions in the least intrusive way. It was pleasing to have a chapter on such basic things as cytology and colposcopy. Most of us take cervical smears regularly but how many of us can say we always take a good one? This commonly performed and simple procedure is often done very inadequately (probably due to faulty undergraduate training), so it is good to have a set of basic instructions on how to take a good smear-which type of spatula to use on which type of cervix, etc and how to take a smear after cervical surgery. Also useful is how to interpret the cytology report and guidelines on further action. All the sexually transmitted diseases, their diagnosis, investigations and management are covered, as is the importance of contact tracing and patient confidentiality. The chapter headings are the "symptoms" with which patients present, rather than the disease, such as Penile Rashes, Scrotal Pain, Dysuria in Young Men, and Genital Irritation. This makes it an excellent reference book in a general practice setting, and very quick and easy to use. The book concludes with a much needed, and often forgotten, section on genital problems in childhood. Chris Sonnex has successfully conveyed the message in his book that genitourinary medicine clinics are no longer places dealing exclusively in STDs. Referral is now also recommended for a wide variety of nonSTD genital problems, such as genital dermatoses, recurrent candidiasis, scrotal discomfort, etc, and happily the stigma once attached to these clinics is gradually disappearing. This excellent little book is aimed at general practitioners, but the text is so clear and interesting that it would also be an invaluable reference for final year medical students and practice nurses. ANTHEA EDGAR ASSESSORS The editor is grateful to the following referees for Genitourinary Medicine in 1996 Adler MW Aho K Anderson J Anderson RM Arya OP Ashley R Augenbraun M Barlow D Barton S Bingham JS Birley H Blackwell A Bleker 0 Boag F Bodsworth NJ Bolly M-C Borysiewicz LK Bradbeer C Brettle RP Brew BJ Brunham RC Buve A Came C Catalan J Cates W Chain B Chua K-L Clay J Coker RJ Coleman N Cowan F Darbyshire J Dawson S Desselberger U Dillner J Donovan B Drusin LM Easmon CSF Elliott T Evans BA Fenton K FitzGerald M French P Gaydos C Gazzard B Ghys P Gill M Gilson R Goh B Groopman J Grulich A Gruneberg R Handsfield H Hart G Hastings D Hawkins D Hedge B Hicks D Hillman RJ Holmes KK Homer PJ Huengsberg M Innes JA Ison C Jeffies D Johnson AM Johnson M Kamb M Kinghorn G Kitchen V Kiviat N Kocjan G Kroon S Kurki T Lacey C Laga M Larsson P-G Latif AS Law C Lazzari S Lehtinen M Leusley D Lind I Mabey D Mak R Mardh P-A Martin DH Matthews R Maw R McAdam K McClure M McCormack W McDonald B McMillan A Meheus A Mercey D Miller D Mindel A Minkoff H Moran JS Morrison GD Morton RS Moscicki B Moss A Mulhall B Munday P Murray P Myint S Newman S Nieminen P O'Donnell J O'Farrell N O'Mahony C Odds F Oriel D Paalman M Paavonen J Patel R Pattman R Petruckevitch A Pham-Kanter GBT Phillips I Potterat J Pozniak A Radcliffe K Renton A Richens J Ridgway G Robinson A Rogstad K Rompalo A Ross M Ross J Rowen D Schachter J Scott GR Sellors JW Skinner C Smith D Sonnex C Stanley M Staughton R Sweeney J Syrjanen S Taylor-Robinson D Temmerman M Thin RN Timmins DJ Turner A Unsworth J Vaheri A van den Hoek A Vuylsteke B Wald A Walt R Warhurst D Wasserheit JN Waugh M Weber J White DJ Wilde JT Williams I Wilson AP Wilson J Wise R Wolner-Hanssen P Wood MJ Young H Zenilman JM Genitourin Med 1996;72:456-458 456 One-day detection of PCR amplified Chlamydia tracomatis DNA in clinical samples: ELISA versus Southern Blot hybridization CURRENT PUBLICATIONS RTJM ROYMANS, G ONLAND, BH POSTMA. Jf Clin Diagnosis of neurosyphilis in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 CM MARRA, DW GARY, J KUYPERS, MA JACOBSON. Y Infect Dis 1996;174:219-20. Pathol 1996;49:581-3. Selected tities from recent reports published worldwide are arranged in the following sections: Prevalence and risk factors for Chlamydia trachomatis infection in low-income rural and suburban populations of Mexico B ACOSTACAZARES, L RUIZMAYA, JE DELAPENA. Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:283-8. Antigen capture ELISA for the heat shock protein (hsp60) of Chlamydia trachomatis PJ HORNER, M ALI, D PARKER, et al. J Clin Pathol 1996;49:642-7. Gonorrhoea Chlamydia Candidiasis Bacterial vaginosis Syphilis and other treponematoses Hepatitis Herpes Human papillomavirus infection Cervical cytology and colposcopy Other sexually transmitted infections Public health and social aspects Microbiology and Immunology Dermatology Miscellaneous Candidiasis PL FIDEL, JD SOBEL. Clin Microbiol Rev 1996; 9:335-48. Gonorrhoea Oral immunization of mice against candidiasis Modeling prevention strategies for gonorrhoea and chlamydia using stochastic network simulations J JENSEN, T WARNER, C JOHNSON, E BALISH. J M KRETZSCHMAR, YTHP VANDUYNHOVEN, AJ Distinct characteristics of initiation of the classical and alternative complement pathways by Candida albicans TR KOZEL, LC WEINHOLD, DM LUPIN. Infect Immun 1996;64:3360-78. SEVERIJNEN. Am Jr Epidemiol 1996;144:306-16. of Role of polymerase chain reaction in the diagnosis of gastric syphilis SJ NORRIS, S SELL. Hum Pathol 1996;27: 749-50. al. Infect Immun 1996;64:3174-9. Is genital mycosis associated with HIV risk behaviors among heterosexuals? Immunopathogenesis of recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis isolate EurJrEpidemiol 1996;12:77-80. K WICHER, F ABBRUSCATO, V WICHER, et Health 1996;86:1106-11. clinical Syphilis and blood donors: comparison of two different diagnostic strategies MM DERRICO, M MARIOTTINI, S DIROSA, et al. Target organs of infection in guinea pigs with acquired or congenital syphilis J WARSZAWSKI, L MEYER, N BAJOS. Am J Pub A Dot-immunogold filtration assay as a screening test for syphilis QJH HUANG, XP LAN, T TONG, et al. Jf Clin Microbiol 1996;34:2011-16. Neisseria gonorrhoeae, with in vitro resistance to erythromycin and decreased susceptibility to azithromycin J M EHRET, U NIMUS, FN JUDSON Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:270-2. Infect Dis 1996;174:133-40. Candida albicans stimulates cytokine production and leukocyte adhesion molecule expression by endothelial cells SG FILLER, AS PFUNDER, BJ SPELLBERG, et al. study of CP-99, 219 (trovafloxacin) for the treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhoea Dose-ranging Infect Immun 1996;64:2609-17. Hepatitis The dynamics of hepatitis B virus infection RJH PAYNE, MA NOWAK, BS BLUMBERG. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA 1996;93:6542-93. Risk factors for the transmission of hepatitis C S ZEUZEM, G TEUBER, JH LEE. Jf Hepatology 1996;24:3-10. Herpes New antiherpesvirus agents: their targets and therapeutic potential FA ALRABIAH, SL SACKS. Drugs 1996;52:17-32. JOHNSON. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996; 40:1720-1. All patients with recurrent genital herpes should be offered suppressive therapy with acyclovir SE BARTON. Rev Med Virol 1996;6:65-6. Cloning and characterization of the catalase gene of Neisseria gonorrhoeae: use of the gonococcus as a host organism for recombinant DNA All patients with recurrent genital herpes should not be offered suppressive therapy with acyclovir R PATEL. Rev Med Virol 1996;6:67-70. EW HOOK, GB PINSON, CJ BLALOCK, SR JOHNSON, BM STEINER, GH PERKINS. RB Infect Immun 1996;64:2627-34. Bacterial vaginosis Bacterial vaginosis in pregnancy: distribution of bacterial species in different gram-stain categories of the vaginal flora IJ ROSENSTEIN, DK MORGAN, M SHEEHAN, et al. JtMedMicrobiol 1996;45:120-6. Vaccine therapy for herpes simplex virus infections: an historical perspective R MCKENZIE, SE STRAUS. Rev Med Virol 1996; 6:85-96. Chlamydia Mechanisms of herpes simplex virus type 1 reactivation WP KALFORD, BM GEBHARDT, DJJ CARR. Jf Virol 1996;70:5051-66. Immunity to Chlamydia trachomatis: lessons from a Gambian village D MABEY, R BAILEY. Jf Med Microbiol 1996;45: Herpes simplex virus gene expression in neurons: viral DNA synthesis is a critical regulatory event in the branch point between the lytic and latent pathways 1-3. Detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in urethral and urine samples from symptomatic and asymptomatic male patients by the polymerase chain reaction A STARY, B CHOUEIRI, I HORTINGMULLER, et al. Eur3r Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 1996;15:465-71. Syphilis and other treponematoses PF NICHOL, JY CHANG, EM JOHNSON, PD OLIVO. J Virol 1996;70:5476-86. A prospective study of syphilis and HIV infection among injection drug users receiving methadone in the Bronx, NY Cellular uptake and biological effects of antisense oligodeoxynucleotide analogs targeted to herpes simplex virus MN GOUREVITCH, D HARTLE, EE SCHOENBAUM, et al. Am _J Pub Health 1996;86:1 112-5. Y SHOJI, J SHIMADA, Y MIZUSHIMA, et al. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1996;40:1670-5. 457 Current publications Human papilloma virus has no prognostic significance in cervical carcinoma Human papillomavirus GB KRISTENSEN, F KARLSEN, A JENKINS, et al. infection EurJ7 Cancer 1996;32A: 1349-53. PCR enzymeA non-radioactive immunoassay enables a rapid identification of HPV 16 and 18 in cervical scrapes after GP5 + 16 + PCR Prospects for inununotherapy in cervical cancer Immunol Today 1996;17:299. MV JACOBS, AJC VANDENBRULE, PJF SNIJDERS, et Declining prevalence of cervicovaginal human papillomavirus infection with age is independent of other risk factors RD BURK, P KELLY, J FELDMAN, et al. Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:333-41. al. JMed Virol 1996;49:223-9. Detection of human papillomavirus in cervical intra-epithelial neoplasia, using in situ hybridization and various polymerase chain reaction techniques I ZEHBE, E RYLANDER, K EDLUND, et al. Virchows Archiv 1996;428:151-8. Short-term fluctuations in the detection of cervical human papillomavirus DNA Absence of papillomavirus DNA in normal tissue, adjacent to most cervical intraepithelial neoplasms JE TATE, M RESNICK, EE SHEETS, CP CRUM. M CHINAMI, M INOUE, K MASUNAGA. J Virol Meth 1996;59:173-6. The E6 variant proteins E6I-6IV of human papillomavirus 16: expression in cell free systems and bacteria and study of their interaction with p53 Virus Res 1996;42: 81-96. Human papillomavirus type 16 E6 protein up-regulates the expression of the high mobility group protein HMG-I (Y) gene in mouselOTl/2 cells T KINOSHITA, H SHIRASAWA, Y SHINO, et Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:257-60. Kinetics of HPV11 DNA replication after infection of keratinocytes with virions KJ AUBORN, H WANG, MA VACCARIELLO, LB TAICHMAN. Virus Res 1996;43:85-90. Progressive growth of human papillomavirus type 16-transformed keratinocytes is associated with an increased release of soluble tumour necrosis factor 9TNFO receptor Induction of apoptosis by p53 is independent of its oligomeric state and can be abolished by HPV-18 E6 through ubiquitin mediated degradation Pathol 1996;49:667-71. Why is there no progress against cervical cancer? MM COHEN. Can Med Assoc _7 1996;l54: 1867-70. Cervical cancer screening: are the 1989 recommendations still valid? EJ PARBOOSINGH, G ANDERSON, EA CLARKE, et Polymerase chain reaction amplification of human papillomavirus DNA from archival, Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears M PURANEN, S SAARIKOSKI, K SYRJANEN, S SYRA- NEN. Acta Cytol 1996;40:391-5. Human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 infection in infiltrating adenocarcinoma of the cervix: PCR analysis of 138 cases and correlation with histologic type and grade P TENTI, S ROMAGNOLI, E SILINI, et al. Am J Clin Pathol 1996;06:52-56. Antibodies to human papillomavirus type 11 virus-like particles in sera of patients with genital warts and in control groups C EISEMANN, SG FICHER, G GROSS, et al. Influence of smear quality on the rate of detecting significant cervical cytologic abnormalities JA HENRY, V WADEHRA. Acta Cytol 1996;40: 529-35. J Gen Virol 1996;77:1799-804. Histopathologic examination of penile epithelial lesions is of limited diagnostic value in human papillomavirus infection A STRAND, E RYLANDER, E WILANDER, et al. Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:293-8. J MALEJCZYK, M MALEJCZYK, F BREIBURD, et al. BrJ Cancer 1996;74:234-9. Proliferation in the normal cervix and in preinvasive cervical lesions al. Can Med Assoc J 1996;154:1847-54. al. Virus Res 1996;42:119-26. BrJr Cancer 1996;74:488-90. S PAYNE, NM KERNOHAN, F WALKER. J Clin Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:261-8. Nucleic acid binding by zinc finger-like motif of human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein Transformation zone location and intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix uteri P AUTIER, M COIBION, F HUET, AR GRIVEGNEE. CM WHEELER, CE GREER, TM BECKER, et al. The human papilloamvirus E6/E7 genes induce discordant changes in the expression of cell growth regulatory proteins XF PEI. Carcinogenesis 1996;17:1395-402. Cervical cytology and colposcopy Proliferative T cell responses to the human papillomavirus type 16 E7 protein in women with cervical dysplasia and cervical carcinoma and in healthy individuals JC LUXTON, AJ ROWE, JC CRIDLAND, et al. J Gen Virol 1996;77:1585-94. Rapid review (partial screening) of cervical cytology. Four years experience and quality assurance implications CA FARAKER, ME BOXER. J Clin Pathol 1996; 49:587-91. Rescreening in gynecologic cytology: rescreening of 8096 previous cases for current low-grade and indeterminate-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion diagnoses-a college of American pathologists Q-probes study of 323 laboratories BA JONES. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1996;120: 519-22. Cervical biopsy-cytology correlation: a College of American pathologists Q- probes study of 22439 correlations in 348 laboratories BA JONES, DA NOVIS. Arch Pathol Lab Med 1996;120:523-31. Prevalence, identification and significance of fiber contaminants in cervical smears KH VANHOEVEN, PK BERTOLINI. Acta Cytol 1996;40:489-95. M THOMAS, G MATLACHEWSKI, D PIM, L BANKS. Oncogene 1996;13:265-74. Expression of HPV16 E6 or E7 increases integration of foreign DNA TD KESSIS, DC CONNOLLY, L HEDRICK, DR CHO. In vitro generation and type-specific neutralization of a human papillomavirus type 16 virion pseudotype RBS RODEN, HL GREENSTONE, R KINBAUER, et al. J Virol 1996;70:5875-92. Oncogene 1996;13:427-32. Characterization of the helicase and ATPase activity of human papillomavirus type 6b El protein O JENKINS, D EARNSHAW, G SARGINSON, et al. J Efficacy of monolayer preparations for cervical cytology-emphasis of suboptimal specimens P VASSILAKOS, D COSSALI, X ALBE, et al. Acta Cytol 1996;40:496-500. Virus-like particles and El E4 protein expressed from the human papillomavirus type 11 bicistronic El E4 Ll transcript DR BROWN, L PRATT, JT BRYAN, et al. Virology 1996;222:43-63. Acta Cytol 1996;40:513-8. HPV-18 E6 inhibits p53 DNA binding activity regardless of the oligomeric state of p53 or the exact p53 recognition sequence M THOMAS, P MASSIMI, L BANKS. Oncogene Microcolposcopic topographic endocervical assessment before excisional treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia B GUERRA, G GUIDA, P FALCO, et al. Obstet Diagnostic efficacy and validity of the ThinPrep method in cervical cytology F TEZUKA, H OIKAWA, H SHUKI, H HIGASHIIWAI. Gen Virol 1996;77:1805-10. Therapeutic efficacy and complications of excisional biopsy of condyloma acuminatum W BONNEZ, D OAKES, A CHOI, et al. Sex Transm Dis 1996;23:273-6. 1996;13:471-80. Gynecol 1996;88:77-81. 458 Other sexually transmitted Current publications Reactive arthritis in patients attending an urban sexually transmitted diseases clinic E RICH, EW HOOK, GS ALARCON, et al. Arthritis Rheum 1996;39:1172-7. Dermatology infections An immunohistochemical analysis of naturally occurring chancroid R KING, J GOUGH, A RONALD, et al. J Infect Dis 1996;174:427-30. Prognostic value of immunohistochemically detected CD44 expression in patients with carcinoma of the vulva C TEMPFER, G GITSCH, G HAEUSLER, et al. Cancer 1996;78:273-7. Third International Workshop on Reactive Arthritis 23-26 September 1995, Berlin, Germany (overview) G KINGSLEY, J SIEPER. Ann Rheum Dis 1996;55: 564-70. Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus infection in developing countries S MOSES. Sex Transm Dis 1996;32:262-3. Public health and social aspects Gender differences in sexual practices and sexually transmitted infections among adults in Lima, Peru J SANCHEZ, E GOTUZZO, J ESCAMILLA, et al. Am Pub Health 1996;86:1098-107. Teenager's knowledge of emergency contraception: questionnaire survey in south east Scotland Miscellaneous A GRAHAM, L GREEN, AF GLASIER. BMJ 1996; Sex and urinary tract infections A RONALD. N EnglJ,7Med 1996;335:511-2. 312:1567-8. A prospective study of risk factors for symptomatic urinary tract infection in young women TM HOOTON, D SCHOLES, JP HUGHES, et al. N EnglJ Med 1996;335:468-74. Comparative percutaneous absorption of lindane and permethrin Protozoan infections in the male genital TJ FRANZ, PA LEHMAN, SF FRANZ, JD GUIN. Arch tract F MARTINEZGARCIA, Microbiology and Immunology Polymerase chain reaction versus culture for detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum and Mycoplasma hominis in the urogenital tract of adults and the respiratory tract of newborns M ABELEHORN, C WOLFF, P DRESSEL, et al. EurJ7 Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 1996;l5:595-7. Genital findings in adolescent girls referred for suspected sexual abuse JA ADAMS, S KNUDSON. Arch Ped Adolesc Med 1996;150:850-7. al. J REGADERA, R MAYER, et Urol 1996;l56:340-9. Psychologic profiles of and sexual function in women with vulvar vestibulitis and their partners JJDM VANLANKVELD, PTM WEIJENBIRG, MM TERKuiLE. Obstet Gynecol 1996;88:65-70. Simplified surgical revision of the vulvar vestibule for vulvar vestibulitis MF GOETSCH. Am Obstet Gynecol 1996; 174:1701-4. Dermatol 1996;132:901-5. Safety of permethrin vs lindane for the treatment of scabies TL MEINKING. Arch Dermatol 1996;132:959-62. Penile sensitivity inpatients with primary premature ejaculation ZC XIN, WS CHUNG, YD CHOI, et al. JT Urol 1996; 156:979-81. Penile length in the flaccid and erect states: guidelines for penile augmentation H WESSELLS, TF LUE, JW MCANINCH. J Urol 1996;l56:995-7. 459 Genitourin Med 1996;72:459-460 VOLUME 72 * AUTHOR INDEX Key: E = Editorial; F = Filler; C = Correspondence; CPC = Clinicopathological conference Abdennader S, 453 (C) Abdul-Ahad AK, 111 Abeyewickereme I, 302 (C) Adler MW, 83 Adu-Sarkodie Y, 383 (C) Agacfidan A, 182 Ahmed BA, 73 (C) Ahmed IH, 146 (C) AIDS in Europe Study Group, 128 Ainsworth J, 6 Ainsworth JG, 427 Akazawa K, 358 Al-Ahdal MN, 345 Al-Kattan K, 258 Anderson J, 419 Andersson-Ellstrom A, 32 Andreassi L, 445 (C) Ansaloni L, 448 (C) Armstrong DKB, 103 Asboe D, 210, 258 Astle L, 43 Ballard RC, 160 Barlow D, 306, 422 Barton SE, 128 Bastian I, 17 Bateman NT, 139 (CPC), 387 (C) Baumgarten R, 176 Baur S, 71 (C) Bergstrom S, 339 Berry G, 47 Bhargava P, 148 (C) Bhargava R, 148 (C) Bignell C, 315 Bingham J, 6 Bingham JS, 210 Birthistle K, 445 (C) Blaakaer J, 103 Bleker OP, 440 Bligh JG, 290 Bodsworth NJ, 118 Borchardt KA, 132 Bos JD, 70 (C) Bowden FJ, 17 Bowman CA, 145 (C) Brink NS, 9 Brockmeyer NH, 176 Brook G, 303 Brook MG, 89 Browning M, 217 Bru F, 382 (C) Bucyana S, 56 Buffi P, 445 (C) Bulut A, 182 Buve A, 220 Carlin EM, 309 Carsauw H, 220 Casin I, 453 (C) Castilla J, 382 (C) Catchpole MA, 321 Cessot G, 111 Chavda N, 27 Chiodo F, 447 (C) Choudhri S, 334 Churchill DR, 62, 309 Clark R, 12 Clay JC, 145 (C) Coker RJ, 62 Copas A, 193 Corbett EL, 115, 187 (CPC) Coronado 0, 447 (C) Correa MAG, 103 Coutinho RA, 261 Cowan FM, 6, 236 (E), 247, 308 Crabbe F, 220 Craig J, 206 Craig JM, 75 (C), 303, 306 Cribier B, 37 Crossley I, 115 Crowley T, 305 Cunningham P, 118 Cusack R, 301 (C) Dallabetta G, 56 Dalziel KL, 146 (C) Danner S, 128 David LM, 266 Davidson RN, 187 (CPC) Day 5, 450 (C)_ Dayan L, 301 (C) de Castillo MC, 138 De Cock KM, 62, 115, 365 de Fernandez NP, 138 Del Romero J, 382 (C) de Nader OM, 138 de Ruiter A, 210 de Ruiz Holgado AP, 138 de Saab OA, 138 Dhar J, 6 Dinsmore WW, 103 Donegan C, 450 (C) Donovan B, 47, 118 Dore C, 352 Downs AMR, 65 Easterbrook P, 313 (E) Edwards S, 155 Egger M, 20 Elford J, 347 Emminger C, 176 Erbelding EJ, 393 (E) Espinoza F, 20 Etherington U, 153 (E) Evans D, 223 Evans JK, 217 Fairley I, 446 (C) Fakoya A, 27 Falaschi F, 448 (C) Falk L, 103 Farquhar C, 223 Feldblum PJ, 451 (C) Fennema JSA, 261 Fenton K, 306 Fenton KA, 370 Ferenczy AS, 103 Field J, 197 Filippi V, 182 Fimiani M, 445 (C) Fisher M, 65, 258 Fisk P, 301 (C) Folgosa E, 339 Forssman L, 32 Forster GE, 74 (C), 217, 277 Fortier M, 103 Frank RGJ, 70 (C) Frazer I, 103 Frazer IH, 398 French R, 247 Fuller LC, 453 (C) Galazka AR, 111 Gall SA, 93 Gazzard BG, 233 (E), 258 Gerken G, 176 Ghaly AFF, 67 Gill S, 27 Gilson RJC, 27 Glauser MP, 128 Glazer G, 62 Goh B, 74 (C) Goldin RD, 62 Goldmeier D, 308 Gonzalez C, 339 Gonzalez-Lahoz J, 382 (C) Griffloen A, 281 Gross G, 71 (C) Grosshans E, 37 Grun L, 435 Guntermann C, 408 Hagerstrand I, 339 Hannan M, 307 Hart GJ, 193 Hartmann H, 176 Hartmann M, 176 Haxholdt H, 283 Hay P, 445 (C) Healy C, 301 (C) Heathcock R, 449 (C) Helbert M, 419 Henry K, 93 Herrmann B, 20 Hewis H, 382 (C) Heylen R, 237 Hickman M, 352 Hicks DA, 145 Higgins SP, 387 (C) Holmes A, 217 Holtby I, 148 (C) Holton-, 9, 115 Hook III EW, 93 Hope VD, 52, 286 Homer PJ, 304 Hudson MMT, 227 (C) ImhofM, 176 Ince SE, 111 Ison CA, 253 Iverson A, 449 (C) Jacob M, 146 (C) Janier M, 453 (C) Johnson AM, 193, 197, 247 Johnson MA, 347 Johnson RB, 93 Jones GL, 290 Jones RB, 93 Joseph AT, 69 (C) KaldorJ, 118 Kapembwa M, 352 Kaplan DK, 258 Kardar AH, 345 Kariuki C, 334 Karlsson R, 75 (C) Katlama C, 128 Kavanagh J, 277 Keane FEA, 303 Kelleher P, 172, 419 Kellock DJ, 60 Kessie G, 345 Kinghorn GR, 98, 206, 227 (C) Kingsley LA, 213 Kirlew Y, 277 Kobayashi I, 295 Kumazawa J, 295, 358 Kyi TT, 206 Lacey CJN, 304 Laga M, 220 Lan J, 261 Lau RKW, 298, 380, 443 Law C, 103 Lazzarin A, 128 Le Coz C, 37 Levell N, 115 Lewis DA, 74 (C) L'Herminez M, 148 (C) L'Herminez R, 148 (C) Li Z, 132 Lipman MCI, 347 Ljungh 339 Llahi-Camp JM, 305 Loveday C, 9 Low N, 12, 305 Lucas S, 172 Lucas SB, 62, 139 (CPC), 187 (CPC) Lundgren JD, 128 MacArthur C, 52, 286 Madge S, 347 Maguire H, 449 (C) Mahalingam M, 12 Maini MK, 27 Mandal D, 343 Manfredi R, 447 (C) Mann D, 62 Mann M, 43 Martin R, 382 (C) Mastroianni A, 447 (C) Mathews MS, 146 (C) Mathur D, 148 (C) Matondo P, 71 (C), 352 Matsumoto T, 295, 358 Maw RD, 103 Mazzatenta C, 445 (C) McCreary C, 304 Mein J, 17 Mendelsohn R, 43 Mercey D, 281 Mescheder A, 71 (C) Messina C, 445 (C) Miller R, 172, 237 Miller RF, 9, 62, 89, 115, 139 (CPC), 187 (CPC) Milsom I, 32 Mindel A, 1 (E) Mintz J, 347 Moller BM, 103 Monsonego J, 111 Moore P, 445 (C) Moore S, 123 Morel P, 453 (C) Morgan K, 352 Morrow WJW, 408 Moses S, 334 Moyle G, 233 (E) Munishankar AR, 67 Murphy S, 427 Muscroft TJ, 69 (C) Nageswaran A, 206 Nakayama H, 358 Nandwani R, 453 (C) Natin D, 266 Ndimbie OK, 213 Nedjar S, 213 Nelson MR, 258, 269 Ng TTC, 408 Nimmo M, 67 Nishino T, 295 Noble P, 307 Nunns D, 343 O'Connor CC, 47 O'Mahony C, 433 O'Mahony CP, 60 Oriel JD, 374 Osman NB, 339 Ossewaarde JM, 261 Otsuki M, 295 Oyakawa N, 103 Paine K, 12 Palfreeman AJ, 382 (C) Pandit PG, 362 Panja SK, 227 (C) Parkin J, 172, 419 Patel G, 9 Patel R, 6 Pedersen C, 128 Pees HW, 176 Peters B, 6 Petersen CS, 384 (C) Pham-Kanter GBT, 160 Phillips AN, 27 Pinching A, 172, 419 Pinching AJ, 408 Plettenberg A, 176 Plunkett C, 17 Postema EJ, 203 Pozniak A, 269 Pozniak AL, 12, 453 (C) Priestley CJF, 206 Prithiviraj VB, 302 (C) Quinn TC, 393 (E) Rajagopalan B, 146 (C) Ramos A, 20 Rashid S, 136 Rasokat H, 176 Rayner D, 301 (C) Reichler H, 123 Remeijer L, 203 Renton A, 427 Rice P, 210 Rinaldo CR, 213 Rogstad KE, 146 (C) Rohrsheim R, 47 Ronsmans C, 182 Rosenthal DA, 123 Ross EJ, 27 Ross JDC, 330, 404 Round R, 362 Roussaki A, 71 (C) Roy RB, 98, 431 Rubegni P, 445 (C) Sadri I, 176 Sakumoto M, 358 Sankar KN, 181 Scarani P, 447 (C) Schmitt MP, 37 Schofer H, 176 SchwebkeJR, 108 Selim AM, 345 Senaratne L, 302 (C) Severn A, 172 Shafi MI, 153 (E) Shahmanesh M, 43, 81 (E), 362 Sharvell Y, 9 460 Sheldon J, 435 Shen RN, 206 Sherrard J, 422 Shetty N, 187 (CPC) Shing H, 132 Sivapalan S, 71 (C) Skinner CJ, 277 Smith AMA, 123 Smith E, 283 Smith GD, 20 Soeltz-Szoets J, 98 Soliman C, 56 S0rensen H, 283, 384 (C) Soriano V, 382 (C) Sriskandabalan P, 431 Stamm WE, 93 Stary A, 98 Steen R, 56 Steinberg MH, 160 Stellbrink HJ, 176 Stephenson JM, 193, 272, 281 Sterenborg HJCM, 70 Stocker D, 266 Author Index Stocker DI, 71 (C) Stokes J, 277 Sultana SR, 67 Sundkvist T, 449 (C) Sweeney J, 419 Tait IA, 144 (C) Talbot MD, 75 (C) Tanaka M, 295, 358 Tang A, 73 (C) Tanner A, 65 Tayal SC, 181 Tchamouroff SE, 227 (C) Tchupo JP, 220 Thoma-Greber E, 176 Thomas T, 334 Thompson C, 386 (C) Thorpe Jr EM, 93 Tomlinson D, 65 Tomson C, 172 Tong CYW, 144 (C) Trebucq A, 220 Uthayakumar S, 307 Valentine C, 290 Dam CJ, 75 (C) de Laar MJW, 261 den Brule, 261 den Hoek, 261 der Meijden WI, 203 Doornum GJJ, 261 Duynhoven YTHP, 261 vd Muelen FW, 70 Venegas AH, 384 (C) Villegas RR, 20 van van van van van van van Wade J, 453 (C) Wadsworth J, 197 Wall R, 352 Walsh B, 449 (C) Walzman M, 266 Ward H, 450 (C) Waugh MA, 446 (C) Weaver T, 427 Weber JN, 62 Weber R, 128 Weller IVD, 2, 27 Wellings K, 197 Whitworth G, 93 Wiegand M, 71 (C) Williams DI, 193 Williams I, 2 Williams IG, 193, 272, 365 Wilson JD, 396 (E) Windle H, 227 (C) Wiselka MJ, 382 (C) Wolpert KA, 146 (C) Worm A-M, 283 Woronowski H, 281 Yolsal N, 182 Young H, 308 Young Y, 449 (C) Zajackowski ME, 108 Zhang MZ, 132 Ziegler C, 98 461 Genitourin Med 1996;72:461-466 VOLUME 72 * SUBJECT INDEX Abroad, Sexual mixing 306 Accessibilty, Accessibility of genitourinary medicine clinics 52 Adolescent, Relationship between knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and actual sexual behaviour in a group of teenage girls 32 Africa AIDS survival and progression in black Africans living in south London, 1986-1994 12 Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? 148 AIDS Acute cytomegalovirus prostatitis in AIDS 447 AIDS survival and progression in black Africans living in south London, 1986-1994 12 Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis among European AIDS patients 128 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients with AIDS 172 Oral candidal population dynamics in AIDS patients with recurrent oral candidosis 304 Systemic lupus erythematosus features in an AIDS patient 448 XI Intemational Conference on AIDS Vancouver 7-12 July 1996 365 Alcohol, High alcohol intake and slow progression to AIDS 382 Algorithm, Clinical algorithms for the screening of Chlamydia trachomatis in Turkish women 182 5-aminolevulinic acid, Photodynamic therapy for condylomata acuminata with local application of 5-aminolevulinic acid 70 Antenatal women, Identifying cervical infection among pregnant women in Nairobi, Kenya 334 Antibiotic, Antibiotic treatment of gonorrhoea-clinical evidence for choice 315 Antimicrobial agents, Antimicrobial agents and gonorrhoea 253 Anus, Recurrent perianal warts and anal carcinoma 69 Aspergillosis, Aspergillus infection of the epiglottis in a HIV positive patient 431 Attenders Interview based approach to seeking user views in genitourinary medicine 223 Who goes to sexually transmitted disease clinics? Results from a national population survey 197 Australia, Sexual health and use of condoms among local and intemational sex workers in Sydney 47 Azithromycin Chlamydial cervicitis and urethritis 93 Pilot study of azithromycin in the treatment of genital donovanosis 17 Bacteria, Investigation of a possible causal role for bacterial vaginosis (BV) in the development of non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 303 Bacterial vaginosis, Case-controlled study of the sexual health needs of lesbians 277 Bacteriuria, Urinary symptoms, sexual intercourse and significant bacteriuria in male patients attending STD clinics 266 Balanitis Balanitis and balanoposthitis 155 Balanitis and balanoposthitis 453 Comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole and topical clotrimazole in patients with candida balanitis 98 Balanoposthitis, Balanitis and balanoposthitis 155 Bone marrow, Bone marrow as a diagnostic tool in HIV-positive patients with pyrexia of unknown origin 303 Book Reviews Atlas of Vulvar Disease 310 Contraception today 148 Female Genital Infections 228 General Practitioner's Guide to Genitourinary Medicine and Sexual Health 454 HIV and AIDS and Older People 310 HIV infection in children, a guide to practical management 149 London Lock 228 Sexual Health Promotion in General Practice 76 Sexually Transmitted Diseases 388 Skin Manifestations of AIDS (2nd edn) 228 Brent, Epidemiology of gonococcal and chlamydial infections in Harrow and Brent 352 Bronchoscopy, Community-based respiratory viral infections in HIV positive patients with lower respiratory tract disease 9 Candida lipolytica, Vaginal colonisation by Candida lipolytica 146 Chlamydia trachomatis Association of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis heat-shock protein 60 kDa with chronic non-gonococcal urethritis 304 Chlamydial cervicitis and urethritis 93 Clinical algorithms for the screening of Chlamydia trachomatis in Turkish women 182 Controlling chlamydial infection 145 Differences in clinical manifestations of genital chlamydial infections related to serovars 261 "Does ligase chain reaction assay of urine in the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis offer significant improvement over existing diagnostic tests?"-a critical appraisal of the evidence 435 Epidemiology of genital chlamydial infections in patients with chlamydial conjunctivitis 203 Epidemiology of gonococcal and chlamydial infections in Harrow and Brent 352 Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Hormonal factors and the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in women 305 Reasons for condom failure among chlamydia infected patients attending a department of genitourinary medicine in Copenhagen 384 Under-diagnosis of female genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 144 Urethral lymphocyte isolation in non-gonococcal urethritis 362 Cameroon, Why do men with urethritis in Cameroon prefer to seek care in the informal health sector? 220 Cancer, Role of vaccines in the control of STDs 398 Candida Comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole and topical clotrimazole in patients with candida balanitis 98 Oral candidal population dynamics in AIDS patients with recurrent oral candidosis 304 Candidiasis, Comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole and topical clotrimazole in patients with candida balanitis 98 Carcinoma, Recurrent perianal warts and anal carcinoma 69 CD4 count, Reference ranges and sources of variability of CD4 counts in HIV-seronegative women and men 27 Cervical cytology, Case-controlled study of the sexual health needs of lesbians 277 Cervix Cervical cytology and colposcopy in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases-when are they appropriate? 396 Human papillomaviruses and cervical screening 153 Role of vaccines in the control of STDs 398 There is no longer a place for underage cytology in genitourinary medicine clinics 433 CIN, High grade CIN 304 Ciprofloxacin, Successful treatment of donovanosis with ciprofloxacin 73 Clarithromycin, Uveitis associated with rifabutin and macrolide therapy for Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infection in AIDS patients 419 Clinic Controlling chlamydial infection 145 Patients attending a vulval clinic in a genitourinary medicine department 146 Why do patients default from follow up at a genitourinary clinic? 386 Clinical, Services for female prostitutes in genitourinary medicine clinics in the UK 450 Clinical manifestations, Differences in clinical manifestations of genital chlamydial infections related to serovars 261 Clinics, Who goes to sexually transmitted disease clinics? Results from a national population survey 197 Clotrimazole, Comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole and topical clotrimazole in patients with candida balanitis 98 Cofactors, High alcohol intake and slow progression to AIDS 382 Subject Index 462 CO2-laser, Systemically administered interferon alfa-2a prevents recurrence of condylomata acuminata following C02-laser ablation. The influence of the cyclic low-dose therapy regimen. Results of a multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 71 Colposcopy Cervical cytology and colposcopy in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases-when are they appropriate? 396 Genitourinary colposcopy services in the UK 145 Commercial sex worker, Trends in sexually transmitted diseases and condom use patterns among commercial sex workers in Fukuoka City, Japan 1990-93 358 Compliance, Hepatitis B vaccination schedules in genitourinary medicine clinics 210 Condom Sexual health and use of condoms among local and international sex workers in Sydney 47 Trends in sexually transmitted diseases and condom use patterns among commercial sex workers in Fukuoka City, Japan 1990-93 358 Condom failure, Reasons for condom failure among chlamydia infected patients attending a department of genitourinary medicine in Copenhagen 384 Condom use, Changes in heterosexual university undergraduates' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour 123 Condyloma acuminate, Photodynamic therapy for condylomata acuminata with local application of 5-aminolevulinic acid 70 Condyloma acuminatum, Randomised double-blind trial of recombinant interferon-beta for condyloma acuminatum 111 Conference, XI International Conference on AIDS Vancouver 7-12 July 1996 365 Conjunctivitis, Epidemiology of genital chlamydial infections in patients with chlamydial conjunctivitis 203 Continuing medical education, Introduction to the Series on Continuing Medical Education 236 Contraception, Emergency hormonal contraception usage in genitourinary medicine clinic attenders 217 Contraceptive use, Relationship between knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and actual sexual behaviour in a group of teenage girls 32 Control, Sexually transmitted diseases control in developing countries 83 Copenhagen, Reasons for condom failure among chlamydia infected patients attending a department of genitourinary medicine in Copenhagen 382 Cryptosporidia, Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis among European AIDS patients 128 Cryptosporidiosis, Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis among European AIDS patients 128 Culture, Comparison of DNA probe (Gen-Probe) with culture for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in an urban STD programme 108 Curriculum design, Venus and Freud 290 Cytology Cervical cytology and colposcopy in clinics for sexually transmitted diseases-when are they appropriate? 396 There is no longer a place for underage cytology in genitourinary medicine clinics 433 Cytomegalovirus Acute cytomegalovirus prostatitis in AIDS 447 Cytomegalovirus retinitis in a healthy antiretroviral naive HIV positive male with a CD4 count of 277/mm3 446 DELTA trial, DELTA in the provinces-six months on 306 Dermatology Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 115, 453 Detections, Hormonal factors and the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in women 305 Developing countries Identifying cervical infection among pregnant women in Nairobi, Kenya 334 Sexually transmitted diseases control in developing countries 83 Diagnosis, Gonorrhoea in men 422 Diet, Dietary intervention in HIV 382 Direct immunofluorescence testing, Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Discomfort, Self-reported discomfort associated with use of different nonoxynol-9 spermicides 451 Disseminated gonococcal infection, Systemic gonococcal infection 404 DNA gyrase, Mutation in DNA gyrase of norfloxacin-resistant clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae 295 DNA probe, Comparison of DNA probe (Gen-Probe) with culture for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in an urban STD programme 108 Donors, Is STD screening of semen donors necessary? 303 Donovanosis Pilot study of azithromycin in the treatment of genital donovanosis 17 Successful treatment of donovanosis with ciprofloxacin 73 Doxycycline, Chlamydial cervicitis and urethritis 93 Drug interaction, Adverse effects and drug interactions of medications commonly used in the treatment of adult HIV positive patients 237 Drug resistance Multidrug resistant tuberculosis 313 Outbreak of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) in a London teaching hospital HIV/genitourinary medicine unit 307 Duct ectasia, Male duct ectasia associated with HIV infection 65 Editor, On a new road 81 Editor, Genitourinary Medicine, Time for a change 1 Education, Venus and Freud 290 Emergency, Emergency hormonal contraception usage in genitourinary medicine clinic attenders 217 Epidemiology Differences in clinical manifestations of genital chlamydial infections related to serovars 261 Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis among European AIDS patients 128 Herpes simplex virus infection in women 71 Role of epidemiology and surveillance systems in the control of sexually transmitted diseases 321 Sexually transmitted diseases in South Africa 160 Epiglottis, Aspergillus infection of the epiglottis in a HIV positive patient 431 Ethnicity, Sexual behaviour in travellers abroad attending an innercity genitourinary medicine clinic 43 Female prostitutes, Services for female prostitutes in genitourinary medicine clinics in the UK 450 First episode genital herpes, Comparison of referral patterns and characteristics of patients with first episode symptomatic genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in Sheffield 206 Fluconazole, Comparison of the efficacy and safety of oral fluconazole and topical clotrimazole in patients with candida balanitis 98 Fluorescence, Glittering vagina-a seasonal phenomenon? 227 4-fluroquinolone, Rapid emergence of 4-fluroquinolone resistance with associated decline in penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Colombo, Sri Lanka 302 Foreign body Seed of an ulcer 181 Urethra Case report 67 GardnereUa vaginalis, Balanitis and balanoposthitis 453 Gay men Does outreach work help in the control of sexually transmitted disease? 227 Rise in hepatitis A among gay men in the Thames regions 1995 and 1996 449 General practice Chronically symptomatic vulva 343 Partner notification for HIV infection in Denmark 283 General practitioner, General practitioners' immediate management of men presenting with urethral symptoms 427 General practitioners, Services to general practitioners 301 Genital Pilot study of azithromycin in the treatment of genital donovanosis 17 Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease-a reply 75 Genital herpes, Daily antiviral therapy for suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent patients-current practice in the UK 308 Genital infections, Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? 148 463 Subject Index Genital ulcer disease, Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease-a critical appraisal 148 Genital warts, Is oral contraceptive associated with genital warts? 330 Genitourinary medicine, On a new road 81 Genitourinary medicine Genitourinary medicine and The Internet 298 Genitourinary medicine and The Internet No 2 380 Genitourinary medicine and The Internet No 3 443 Interview based approach to seeking user views in genitourinary medicine 223 Is oral contraceptive associated with genital warts? 330 Undergraduate teaching of genitourinary medicine in Britainwhat are the issues? 6 Genitourinary medicine clinics Accessibility of genitourinary medicine clinics 52 Comparison of HIV related advice in genitourinary medicine clinics with different histories 286 Hepatitis B vaccination schedules in genitourinary medicine clinics 210 Germany, Active syphilis in HIV infection 176 Gonococci, Antibiotic susceptibility survey of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Tucuman, Argentina 138 Gonorrhoea Antibiotic treatment of gonorrhoea-clinical evidence for choice 315 Antimicrobial agents and gonorrhoea 253 Does outreach work help in the control of sexually transmitted disease? 227 Epidemiology of gonococcal and chlamydial infections in Harrow and Brent 352 Gonorrhoea in HIV seropositive homosexual men attending an East London genitourinary medicine clinic 74 Gonorrhoea in men 422 Non-cultural detection of rectal and pharyngeal gonorrhoea 308 Systemic gonococcal infection 404 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome, Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients with AIDS 172 Haemorrhage, Fatal haemorrhage following liver biopsy in patients with HIV infection 62 Harrow, Epidemiology of gonococcal and chlamydial infections in Harrow and Brent 352 Health advice, Comparison of HIV related advice in genitourinary medicine clinics with different histories 286 Health seeking behaviour, Why do men with urethritis in Cameroon prefer to seek care in the informal health sector? 220 Hepatitis A, Rise in hepatitis A among gay men in the Thames regions 1995 and 1996 449 Hepatitis B, Hepatitis B vaccination schedules in genitourinary medicine clinics 210 Hepatitis C Hepatitis C virus infection in a large cohort of homosexually active men 118 Hepatitis C virus infection in a male homosexual cohort 213 Herpes simplex virus Comparison of referral patterns and characteristics of patients with first episode symptomatic genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in Sheffield 206 Herpes simplex virus infection in women 71 Heterosexual, Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in heterosexual patients attending a Central London Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) clinic 308 HIV attitudes, Changes in heterosexual university undergraduates' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour 123 HIV infection Active syphilis in HIV infection 176 Pneumothorax in AIDS 258 HIV infectionlepidemiology, AIDS survival and progression in black Africans living in south London, 1986-1994 12 HIV knowledge, Changes in heterosexual university undergraduates' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour 123 HIV treatment, Ups and downs-and ups in the antiviral therapy of HIV infection 2 HIV Adverse effects and drug interactions of medications commonly used in the treatment of adult HIV positive patients 237 Against the proposition 269 Aspergillus infection of the epiglottis in a HIV positive patient 431 Brighton HIV cross-sectional dermatology study 307 Case control study of HIV seroconversion in gay men, 1988-1993 193 Changes in sexual behaviour of patients attending an HIV testing centre 37 Clinical utility of viral load monitoring in HIV infection 393 Community-based respiratory viral infections in HIV positive patients with lower respiratory tract disease 9 Cytomegalovirus retinitis in a healthy antiretroviral naive HIV positive male with a CD4 count of 277/mm3 446 Dietary intervention in HIV 382 Epidemiology of cryptosporidiosis among European AIDS patients 128 Fatal haemorrhage following liver biopsy in patients with HIV infection 62 Gonorrhoea in HIV seropositive homosexual men attending an East London genitourinary medicine clinic 74 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients with AIDS 172 Hepatitis C virus infection in a large cohort of homosexually active men 118 HIV infection in a group of New Zealand sex industry workers 301 HIV Partner Notification (PN) Project 306 Is rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV infection worthwhile? The net impact on patients suggests not 272 Male duct ectasia associated with HIV infection 65 Molecular immunopathogenesis of HIV infection 408 Occult miliary tuberculosis in advanced HIV disease 187 Partner notification for HIV infection in Denmark 283 Prevention and management of tuberculosis in HIV positive patients living in countries with a low prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 89 Prevention and management of tuberculosis in HIV positive patients 387 Role of HIV-proteinase inhibitors 233 Screening for sexually transmitted diseases in an HIV testing clinic 347 Uptake of medical interventions in women with HIV infection in Britain and Ireland 281 HIV-1, High alcohol intake and slow progression to AIDS 382 HIV-1 infection, Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? 148 HIV-seronegative, Reference ranges and sources of variability of CD4 counts in HIV-seronegative women and men 27 Home, Sexual mixing 306 Homosexual, Gonorrhoea in HIV seropositive homosexual men attending an East London genitourinary medicine clinic 74 Homosexual men Case control study of HIV seroconversion in gay men, 1988-1993 193 Hepatitis C virus infection in a large cohort of homosexually active men 118 Hormones, Hormonal factors and the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis in women 305 HPV16, Recall responses to HPV1 6 by CD4 T cells from peripheral blood 307 Human papillomavirus Combined therapy trial with interferon alpha-2a and ablative therapy in the treatment of anogenital warts 103 Is oral contraceptive associated with genital warts? 330 Occurrence of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues of Saudi patients 345 Vertical transmission of human papillomavirus in cytologically normal women 445 Hyperplasia, Occurrence of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues of Saudi patients 345 Hypertension, Haemolytic uraemic syndrome in patients with AIDS 172 Immunopathogenesis, Molecular immunopathogenesis of HIV infection 408 Incubation period, Gonorrhoea in men 422 Infection Under-diagnosis of female genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 144 Vaginal colonisation by Candida lipolytica 146 InPouch TV, In vitro metronidazole susceptibility test for trichomoniasis using the InPouch TVm test 132 Interferon Randomised double-blind trial of recombinant interferon-beta for condyloma acuminatum 111 464 Systemically administered interferon alfa-2a prevents recurrence of condylomata acuminata following C02-laser ablation. The influence of the cyclic low-dose therapy regimen. Results of a multicentre double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial 71 Interferon alpha-2a, Combined therapy trial with interferon alpha-2a and ablative therapy in the treatment of anogenital warts 103 Internet Genitourinary medicine and The Internet No 2 380 Genitourinary medicine and The Internet No 3 443 Genitourinary medicine and The Internet 298 Intervention, Uptake of medical interventions in women with HIV infection in Britain and Ireland 281 Kenya, Systemic lupus erythematosus features in an AIDS patient 448 Knowledge and atfitudes, Relationship between knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and actual sexual behaviour in a group of teenage girls 32 Lesbian, Case-controlled study of the sexual health needs of lesbians 277 Lesbians, Sexually acquired metronidazole-resistant trichomoniasis in a lesbian couple 60 Ligase chain reaction, "Does ligase chain reaction assay of urine in the diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis offer significant improvement over existing diagnostic tests?"-a critical appraisal of the evidence 435 Liver biopsy, Fatal haemorrhage following liver biopsy in patients with HIV infection 62 London Gonorrhoea in inner London 305 Rise in hepatitis A among gay men in the Thames regions 1995 and 1996 449 Long-term survivors, High alcohol intake and slow progression to AIDS 382 Lupus erythematosus, Systemic lupus erythematosus features in an AIDS patient 448 Lymphocytes, Urethral lymphocyte isolation in non-gonococcal urethritis 362 Management, Chronically symptomatic vulva 343 Maputo, Syphilis seroprevalence among pregnant women and its role as a risk factor for stillbirth in Maputo, Mozambique 339 Mastitis, Male duct ectasia associated with HIV infection 65 Men Gonorrhoea in men 422 Why do men with urethritis in Cameroon prefer to seek care in the informal health sector? 220 Metronidazole, In vitro metronidazole susceptibility test for trichomoniasis using the InPouch TV'M test 132 MIC, Antibiotic susceptibility survey of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Tucuman, Argentina 138 Microsporidia, Microsporidia 445 Migrants, Sexual health and use of condoms among local and international sex workers in Sydney 47 Migration, AIDS survival and progression in black Africans living in south London, 1986-1994 12 Miscarriage, Association of bacterial vaginosis with a history of second trimester miscarriage 305 Mutation, Mutation in DNA gyrase of norfloxacin-resistant clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae 295 Mycobacterium avium intracellulare, Uveitis associated with rifabutin and macrolide therapy for Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infection in AIDS patients 419 Mycobacterium avium, Is rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV infection worthwhile? The net impact on patients suggests not 272 Natural history, High alcohol intake and slow progression to AIDS 382 Neisseria gonorrhoeae Comparison of DNA probe (Gen-Probe) with culture for the detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae in an urban STD programme 108 Mutation in DNA gyrase of norfloxacin-resistant clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae 295 Subject Index Rapid emergence of 4-fluroquinolone resistance with associated decline in penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Colombo, Sri Lanka 302 Systemic gonococcal infection 404 New Zealand, HIV infection in a group of New Zealand sex industry workers 301 Nicaragua, Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Non gonococcal, Investigation of a possible causal role for bacterial vaginosis (BV) in the development of non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 303 Non-gonococcal urethritis, Urethral lymphocyte isolation in nongonococcal urethritis 362 Nonoxynol-9, Self-reported discomfort associated with use of different nonoxynol-9 spermicides 451 Nutrition, Dietary intervention in HIV 382 Opportunist infections, Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 453 Opportunistic infections, Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 115 Oral, Oral candidal population dynamics in AIDS patients with recurrent oral candidosis 304 Oral contraceptive pill, Is oral contraceptive associated with genital warts? 330 Outreach worker, Does outreach work help in the control of sexually transmitted disease? 227 Papilloma virus, Randomised double-blind trial of recombinant interferon-beta for condyloma acuminatum 111 Papillomavirus, Role of vaccines in the control of STDs 398 Papiliomaviruses, Human papillomaviruses and cervical screening 153 Partner notification HIV Partner Notification (PN) Project 306 Partner notification for HIV infection in Denmark 283 Role and effectiveness of partner notification in STD control 247 Partner referral, Partner referral as a component of integrated sexually transmitted disease services in two Rwandan towns 56 Patient characteristics, Comparison of referral patterns and characteristics of patients with first episode symptomatic genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in Sheffield 206 Patient default, Why do patients default from follow up at a genitourinary clinic? 386 PCP, Pneumothorax in AIDS 258 PCR, Under-diagnosis of female genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 144 Penile dermatoses, Balanitis and balanoposthitis 155 Perianal warts, Recurrent perianal warts and anal carcinoma 69 Photodynamic therapy, Photodynamic therapy for condylomata acuminata with local application of 5-aminolevulinic acid 70 Pneumonia, Disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection presenting with a fulminant pneumonia 139 Pneumothorax, Pneumothorax in AIDS 258 Polymerase chain reaction, Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Post gonococcal urethritis, Gonorrhoea in men 422 Pregnancy, Syphilis seroprevalence among pregnant women and its role as a risk factor for stillbirth in Maputo, Mozambique 339 Pregnant women, Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? 148 Prepuce, Seed of an ulcer 181 Prophylaxis, Is rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV infection worthwhile? The net impact on patients suggests not 272 Prophylaxy, Against the proposition 269 Prostate, Occurrence of human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in benign prostatic hyperplasia tissues of Saudi patients 345 Prostatitis, Acute cytomegalovirus prostatitis in AIDS 447 Prostitutes, HIV infection in a group of New Zealand sex industry workers 301 Prostitution, Sexual health and use of condoms among local and international sex workers in Sydney 47 Proteinase inhibitors, Role of HIV-proteinase inhibitors 233 Public awareness, STD awareness today 440 Public health, Sexually transmitted diseases control in developing countries 83 Pyrexia, Bone marrow as a diagnostic tool in HIV-positive patients with pyrexia of unknown origin 303 465 Subject Index Pyuria, Urinary symptoms, sexual intercourse and significant bacteriuria in male patients attending STD clinics 266 Quinolone resistance, Mutation in DNA gyrase of norfloxacinresistant clinical isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae 295 Recall responses, Recall responses to HPV1 6 by CD4 T cells from peripheral blood 307 Reference range, Reference ranges and sources of variability of CD4 counts in HIV-seronegative women and men 27 Resistance, Antimicrobial agents and gonorrhoea 253 Respiratory infection, Community-based respiratory viral infections in HIV positive patients with lower respiratory tract disease 9 Retinitis, Cytomegalovirus retinitis in a healthy antiretroviral naive HIV positive male with a CD4 count of 277/mm3 446 Rifabutin Against the proposition 269 Is rifabutin prophylaxis against Mycobacterium avium complex infection in HIV infection worthwhile? 272 Uveitis associated with rifabutin and macrolide therapy for Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infection in AIDS patients 419 Risk assessment, Identifying cervical infection among pregnant women in Nairobi, Kenya 334 Risk factors, Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Rwanda, Partner referral as a component of integrated sexually transmitted disease services in two Rwandan towns 56 Scabies Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 115 Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 453 Schistosomiasis, "Kumasi modified" two glass urine test and urinary schistosomiasis 383 Screening Clinical algorithms for the screening of Chlamydia trachomatis in Turkish women 182 Controlling chlamydial infection 145 Human papillomaviruses and cervical screening 153 Is STD screening of semen donors necessary? 303 Screening for sexually transmitted diseases in an HIV testing clinic 347 There is no longer a place for underage cytology in genitourinary medicine clinics 433 Semen, Fluctuations of human immunodeficiency virus in the semen of HIV-infected men with newly acquired sexually transmitted diseases 309 Seroconversion, Case control study of HIV seroconversion in gay men, 1988-1993 193 Seroprevalence, Syphilis seroprevalence among pregnant women and its role as a risk factor for stillbirth in Maputo, Mozambique 339 Serotype, Comparison of referral patterns and characteristics of patients with first episode symptomatic genital HSV-1 and HSV-2 infections in Sheffield 206 Serovars, Differences in clinical manifestations of genital chlamydial infections related to serovars 261 Services, Services to general practitioners 301 Sesquinavir, Sustained benefits after four years of saquinavir monotherapy 309 Sexual behaviour Changes in heterosexual university undergraduates' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour 123 Changes in sexual behaviour of patients attending an HIV testing centre 37 Relationship between knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and actual sexual behaviour in a group of teenage girls 32 Sexual behaviour in travellers abroad attending an inner-city geni- tourinary medicine clinic 43 Sexual dysfunction, Prevalence of sexual dysfunction in heterosexual patients attending a Central London Genitourinary Medicine (GUM) clinic 308 Sexual health, Venus and Freud 290 Sexual intercourse, Urinary symptoms, sexual intercourse and significant bacteriuria in male patients attending STD clinics 266 Sexual mixing, Sexual mixing 306 Sexually transmitted diseases Case-controlled study of the sexual health needs of lesbians 277 Partner referral as a component of integrated sexually transmitted disease services in two Rwandan towns 56 Relationship between knowledge about sexually transmitted diseases and actual sexual behaviour in a group of teenage girls 32 Sexual health and use of condoms among local and international sex workers in Sydney 47 Sexually acquired metronidazole-resistant trichomoniasis in a lesbian couple 60 Skin disease, Brighton HIV cross-sectional dermatology study 307 South Africa, Sexually transmitted diseases in South Africa 160 Spermicide, Self-reported discomfort associated with use of different nonoxynol-9 spermicides 451 Sri Lanka, Rapid emergence of 4-fluroquinolone resistance with associated decline in penicillinase-producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae in Colombo, Sri Lanka 302 STD Epidemiology of genital chlamydial infections in patients with chlamydial conjunctivitis 203 Hepatitis C virus infection in a male homosexual cohort 213 Is oral contraceptive associated with genital warts? 330 Is STD screening of semen donors necessary? 303 Role and effectiveness of partner notification in STD control 247 Sexually transmitted diseases control in developing countries 83 Sexually transmitted diseases in South Africa 160 STD awareness today 440 Trends in sexually transmitted diseases and condom use patterns among commercial sex workers in Fukuoka City, Japan 1990-93 358 Who goes to sexually transmitted disease clinics? Results from a national population survey 197 STD case management, Identifying cervical infection among pregnant women in Nairobi, Kenya 334 STDs, Should screening of genital infections be part of antenatal care in areas of high HIV prevalence? 148 STD surveillance, Role of epidemiology and surveillance systems in the control of sexually transmitted diseases 321 Subtype, Herpes simplex virus infection in women 71 Survival analysis, AIDS survival and progression in black Africans living in south London, 1986-1994 12 Symptoms General practitioners' immediate management of men presenting with urethral symptoms 427 Silent suffering women 75 Syndromic approach, Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease-a critical appraisal 148 Syndromic management, Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease-a reply 75 Syphilis Active syphilis in HIV infection 176 Syphilis seroprevalence among pregnant women and its role as a risk factor for stillbirth in Maputo, Mozambique 339 Systemic gonorrhoea, Systemic gonococcal infection 404 Teaching, Undergraduate teaching of genitourinary medicine in Britain-what are the issues? 6 Testing, Changes in sexual behaviour of patients attending an HIV testing centre 37 Therapy Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 115 Crusted ("Norwegian") scabies in a specialist HIV unit 453 Daily antiviral therapy for suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent patients-current practice in the UK 308 Toxoplasma gondii, Disseminated Toxoplasma gondii infection presenting with a fulminant pneumonia 139 Trichomonas vaginalis In vitro metronidazole susceptibility test for trichomoniasis using the InPouch TVTm test 132 Sexually acquired metronidazole-resistant trichomoniasis in a lesbian couple 60 Transmission, Hepatitis C virus infection in a male homosexual cohort 213 Travel, Sexual behaviour in travellers abroad attending an innercity genitourinary medicine clinic 43 Treatment, Antibiotic treatment of gonorrhoea-clinical evidence for choice 315 Trend, Trends in sexually transmitted diseases and condom use patterns among commercial sex workers in Fukuoka City, Japan 1990-93 358 466 Tuberculosis Multidrug resistant tuberculosis 313 Occult miliary tuberculosis in advanced HIV disease 187 Prevention and management of tuberculosis in HIV positive patients living in countries with a low prevalence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 89 Prevention and management of tuberculosis in HIV positive patients 387 UK Daily antiviral therapy for suppression of recurrent genital herpes in immunocompetent patients-current practice in the UK 308 Services for female prostitutes in genitourinary medicine clinics in the UK 450 Ulcer, Syndromic management of genital ulcer disease-a reply 75 Under-diagnosis, Under-diagnosis of female genital Chlamydia trachomatis infection 144 Undergraduate, Undergraduate teaching of genitourinary medicine in Britain-what are the issues? 6 Urethra Foreign body Case report 67 General practitioners' immediate management of men presenting with urethral symptoms 427 Urethritis Association of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis heat-shock protein 6OkDa with chronic non-gonococcal urethritis 304 History of non-gonococcal urethritis 374 Investigation of a possible causal role for bacterial vaginosis (BV) in the development of non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 303 Microsporidia 445 Why do men with urethritis in Cameroon prefer to seek care in the informal health sector? 220 Uveitis, Uveitis associated with rifabutin and macrolide therapy for Mycobacterium avium intracellulare infection in AIDS patients 419 Subject Index Vaccination, Hepatitis B vaccination schedules in genitourinary medicine clinics 210 Vaccines, Role of vaccines in the control of STDs 398 Vagina Glittering vagina-a seasonal phenomenon? 227 Vaginal colonisation by Candida lipolytica 146 Vaginosis, Investigation of a possible causal role for bacterial vaginosis (BV) in the development of non-gonococcal urethritis (NGU) 303 Vancomycin neisseria gonorrhoeae, Selective culture medium failure in gonorrhoea 136 Vegetable matter, Seed of an ulcer 181 Vertical transmission, Vertical transmission of human papillomavirus in cytologically normal women 445 Views, Interview based approach to seeking user views in genitourinary medicine 223 Viral load, Clinical utility of viral load monitoring in HIV infection 393 Virus, Community-based respiratory viral infections in HIV positive patients with lower respiratory tract disease 9 Vulva, Chronically symptomatic vulva 343 Vulval disease Controlling chlamydial infection 145 Patients attending a vulval clinic in a genitourinary medicine department 146 Warts, Role of vaccines in the control of STDs 398 Women Genital chlamydial infection among women in Nicaragua 20 Herpes simplex virus infection in women 71 Silent suffering women 75 Uptake of medical interventions in women with HIV infection in Britain and Ireland 281 Vertical transmission of human papillomavirus in cytologically normal women 445 Young people, Changes in heterosexual university undergraduates' HIV-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour 123 1---- GENITOURINARY MEDICINErr VOLUME 72 1996 Editor: Mohsen Shahmanesh (Birmingham) Technical Editor: Kenneth Till Tel (UK) 01984 667388 President MSSVD: Ratish Basu Roy (Bournemouth) Fax (UK) 01984 667315 Hon Sec MSSVD: Thomas McManus (London) Editorial assistant: Kathryn Sims BMA House, London WC 1H 9JR Associate Editors: Chris Came (Cambridge), Frances Cowan (London), Jorma Paavonen Tel (UK) 0171 3836795 (Helsinki), Raj Patel (Southampton), Anton Pozniak (London), Thomas Schulz Fax (UK) 0171 3836668 (Liverpool), Chris Sonnex (Cambridge), Jonathan M Zenilman (Baltimore) Editorial Board: Alfred Eichmann (Zurich) Danielle Mercey (London) Adrian Renton (London) Michael Adler (London) Brian Gazzard (London) Gregory Mertz (Albuquerque) Geoffrey Ridgway (London) Rhoda Ashley (Seattle) Rob Miller (London) Torvald Ripa (Halmstad) King Holmes (Seattle) Simon Barton (London) Catherine Ison (London) Adrian Mindel (Sydney) Eric Sandstrom (Stockholm) Humphrey Birley (Liverpool) George Kinghorn (Sheffield) Steven Morse (Atlanta) Margaret Stanley (Cambridge) Ray Brettle (Edinburgh) Peter Kohl (Heidelberg) Fiona Mulcahy (Dublin) Angelica Stary (Vienna) Robert C Brunham Charles Lacey (Leeds) Pat Munday (Pinner) Anecke van den Hoek Marie Laga (Antwerp) (Winnipeg) Graham Neilsen (Bali) (Amsterdam) Mike Catchpole (London) Ahmed S Latif (Harare) Jos H Perriens (Geneva) Judith N Wasserheit (Atlanta) Richard K W Lau (London) Roy Chan (Singapore) Anthony J Pinching (London) Jonathan Weber (London) Verapol Chandeying (Songkla) David Mabey (London) Thomas Quinn (Baltimore) Janet Wilson (Leeds) John M Douglas (Denver) Sandy McMillan (Edinburgh) Keith W Radcliffe Editor British Medical Journal Lewis M Drusin (New York) Andre Meheus (Antwerp) (Birmingham) Gmrup
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