cHange How to influence otHers for “the key factor for

Publication of Leadership Resources (M) Sdn Bhd • April 2011
KDN: PP 9929/09/2011(028646)
“the key
factor for
the ability to
hold crucial
–Joseph Grenny, Kuala Lumpur, Oct 2010
How to influence others for
How to influence others for
• 02
7 Habits® personality profile:
Zuhaimi Mohd Noor
of Western Digital, KL
• 06
How I managed my time –
the Covey way
• 08
Bila Pekerja setia,
pelanggan turut setia
• 10
Public Programs Training
Calendar 2011
• 12 the Compass: April 2011
How to influence others for
By Emily Tan, The Edge Financial Daily, November 8, 2010
Leaders who lack the ability to influence those who work
for them are why 85% of corporate change efforts fail. The
inability to influence oneself is why 19 out of 20 diet attempts
fail. According to author, leadership speaker and president
of VitalSmarts Inc, Joseph Grenny, a systematic approach to
influencing behavior can result in enormous change.
2 • the Compass: April 2011
nfluence goes beyond persuasion. Persuasion
encers and then to try and understand the techniques they
is trying to get someone to say, ‘yes’. Influence
used. Those he identified included Matt Van Vranken, execu-
aims at developing change in deeply entrenched
tive vice president of US-based NPO Spectrum Healthcare
behaviors — which organizations tend to
who got 10,000 people to go from 50% to 90% hand-washing
develop,” said Grenny, who was in town to conduct a seminar
in a month. And Wiwat Rojanapithayakorn, who, while serv-
on Leadership strategies to influence results at Hotel Nikko,
ing as director of the Office of Communicable Disease Control
Kuala Lumpur, last month on Oct 14.
Region 4 in Ratchaburi, Thailand in 1989, managed to reduce
“Leaders tend to spend too much time focused on strategy and neglect getting people on board with the strategy.
Remember, there is no strategy so brilliant that people can’t
render it worthless!” said Grenny wryly.
About 20 years ago, Grenny researched around 12,000
academic essays to identify people who were notable influ-
the incidence of new HIV infections from 143,000 per year in
1991 to 14,000 in 2001 with a “free condom” campaign.
According to Grenny, they achieved this by influencing
others to alter key behaviors. “The most important capacity you possess is the ability to influence behavior — that
of yourself and others,” he said, a mantra he repeats several
times throughout the seminar. Grenny uses the term “vital
behaviors” to identify key actions that lead directly to better
“Leaders tend to spend too much
time focused on strategy and
neglect getting people on board
with the strategy”
results, breaks self-defeating patterns and causes many other
positive behaviors to follow naturally. “For example, if I don’t
get to bed by 9pm at night, I won’t wake up early enough the
next day for a jog, and if I don’t have my jog, I feel terrible
and it throws my entire day off kilter. So, the vital behavior
here is getting me to bed by 9pm,” said Grenny.
the Compass: April 2011
At the heart of almost all chronic
problems are conversations you’re not
holding, or not holding well.
A key way to identify vital behaviors is to look for
“positive deviants”.
“Those who should have the problem, but don’t,” explained
Grenny. When the Carter Center first set out to eliminate the
Guinea Worm in 1986, they observed two villages in Africa
who shared the same water source. One had a much lower
incidence of infection than the other. Observation showed that
the women of this village filtered the water they drew through
their skirts before bringing it back to the village.
“The Guinea Worm is a parasite that when ingested is
incubated by the human body before emerging to return to
the water, a process that causes intense pain for its host. By
simply filtering out the worm before ingestion, the village
lowered its risk of infection considerably,” said Grenny. Since
1986, the Carter Center has managed to almost completely
eradicate the Guinea Worm from 20 African countries and
23,600 villages using an education campaign and affordable
filters. “Those who were infected were encouraged to seek
medical attention and stay away from the watering holes.”
The six sources of influence Grenny identified to alter vital behaviors target personal, social and structural issues that
4 • the Compass: April 2011
influence the individual’s motivation and ability to act. In
her foot amputated instead. A post-mortem discovered that
terms of motivation, the influencer must make the undesirable
no fewer than seven people could have averted this mistake,
desirable, harness peer pressure, design rewards and demand
if they had only spoken up,” said Grenny. “Those are crucial
accountability. “Often, people don’t do something like wash
conversations that were not held.”
their hands simply because they forget or find it inconvenient, not because they’re morally callous,” said Grenny.
In the case of Spectrum Healthcare’s Van Vranken, he
How do you know when you’re not holding a crucial
conversation effectively? “When you find yourself getting
increasingly frustrated and when you have to hold the same
first educated his healthcare workers on the importance of
conversations twice,” said Grenny. Two quick tips he pro-
washing their hands (making the undesirable desirable), then
vided to deal with similar situations, is to “take conversations
put in place a policy where, regardless of rank, a person who
a level deeper” and to wait till you are able to voice your
did not wash their hands on entering and leaving a patient’s
concern in a single sentence. “Often we get sidetracked by
smaller, pettier considerations that are not really the heart of
the problem. Take it deeper and identify the key point in the
conversation you’re trying to address,” explained Grenny.
Approaching the topic though, takes skill. “People don’t
get defensive over what you say; they get defensive because
of why they think you’re saying it. The key here is to create a safe environment to talk where they feel they are not
being judged and you have their best interests at heart,” said
Grenny. “First establish mutual purpose, i.e. ‘I care about your
goals’. Then as the conversation proceeds, establish mutual
respect, ‘I care about you’.”
To conclude, Grenny shared an incident that happened to
room would be reminded (peer pressure). “Importantly, he also
him while standing in line to check in at an airport in the US.
made the person who was reminded say, ‘thank you’, which in
“The queue was long and moving very slowly. Frustrations
turn encourages the reminding,” said Grenny.
were high when a woman jumped queue by simply barg-
The next three sources of influence affect ability; they are
ing her luggage cart in front of a man who was a little ways
to build the skills needed, both emotionally and technically,
ahead of me. He exploded in fury and she screamed right
use strength in numbers and to change the environment to
back at him. When he made a move to strike the woman,
support the vital behavior. By getting its healthcare workers
I had to intervene. Of course that meant he wanted to hit
to say thank you for the hand-washing reminder, Spectrum
me too. I neutralized his anger by saying, ‘What she did to
Healthcare was increasing the ability its workers had to speak
you was wrong!’ which made my presence ‘safe’ for him.
up. “When the person you’re reminding is the chief of surgery
Then added more quietly ‘But sir, I cannot allow you to hit a
and you’re a nurse, it can be harder than you think. Especially
woman’. When he lowered his fists and apologized, I estab-
if he doesn’t thank you, but reacts negatively,” explained
lished mutual purpose by suggesting we get an airport official
Grenny. The more workers who washed their hands, the more
to solve the problem and mutual respect by including him
shameful it was for the individuals who didn’t. Spectrum also
and the woman in the process.”
altered the environment by placing hand sanitizers outside
each patient’s room — a visual reminder and a convenience.
When asked for the key factor for change in an organiza-
“The ability to know how to say the things that need to
be said, is an essential skill to influence others,”
said Grenny
tion, Grenny points to a personal skill - the ability to hold
Crucial Conversations, the subject of one of his books and
This article appeared in the Management page, The Edge Financial Daily,
the seminar’s afternoon session. “At the heart of almost all
November 8, 2010.
chronic problems are conversations you’re not holding, or not
holding well. It’s a behavior that impedes progress more than
The next Influencer™ public programs are on 4-5 May and 1-2 June, 2011, while the
others. For example, there was an incident in a hospital where
next Crucial Conversations® public program will be on 21-22 June, 2011. For more
a patient admitted for a tonsillectomy ended up with part of
details and assistance, please contact us at 03-79586418
the Compass: April 2011
7 Habits® Personality Profile
Zuhaimi Mohd Noor
Western Digital (M) Sdn Bhd
Zuhaimi Mohd Noor is Director, Asia Traffic and Warehouse, at Western
Digital. He is a licensed 7 Habits® facilitator and has conducted many inhouse 7 Habits® workshops both at Western Digital and at his previous
place of work. Zuhaimi is a passionate practitioner of the 7 Habits® and
often adds a unique personal touch to his facilitation by sharing memorable
stories of how the Habits have touched his life, both personally and
professionally. Zuhaimi is fluent in Japanese, having pursued his tertiary
education in Japan. He is happily married, and has five school-going sons.
The Compass caught up with him recently and asked him to share his
thoughts on the 7 Habits®.
Q: When did you first learn about the 7 Habits®?
A: I first read the 7 Habits® book in 1996 when I was in
Oregon on assignment for my previous employer. I felt
able to delegate and prioritize well.
Q: Which is your favorite Habit?
A: My favorite Habit is Habit 3: Put first things first. This
excited and touched by the contents of the book and
Habit has helped me to achieve my highest priorities and
finished reading it that weekend itself, and wrote my
live North of the Line, in the language of the Time Matrix
first Personal Mission Statement right after that. When
in Habit 3. For example, when I have to be away from the
I returned to Malaysia, the company had already started
office 3 days a month to facilitate 7 Habits® workshops,
rolling out the 7 Habits® in-house, so I promptly signed
my constant practice of Habit 3 helps me to delegate and
up for a class and then volunteered my services as an in-
prioritize well in Quadrant II, planning and preparing
house facilitator after that. I have continued to teach and
for the time I have to be away from the office. Having a
practice the concepts and principles found in the 7 Habits®
personal mission statement helps a lot too, of course. I still
ever since.
have my original mission statement from 1996 with me,
At Western Digital, we decided to roll out the 7
and although there have been revisions, the way I live, the
Habits® to complement the 4 Disciplines of Execution™
way I achieve my goals and the way I contribute to others
initiative that we had embarked on earlier, and I was
through constant practice of Habit 3, is still very much
delighted to volunteer once again as an in-house
consistent with my core values and beliefs..
facilitator after getting my boss’s blessings – facilitators
Q: Which Habit do you find a challenge?
have to commit to three days of facilitation a month
A: I would have to say I find Habit 5: Seek first to
away from the office. For me, being away from the office
understand, then to be understood challenging, maybe
for three days is not a problem because of my 7 Habits®
because I have this natural tendency to just jump in and
practice of focusing on Quadrant II – planning and
do things according to what I feel is right! Fortunately,
preparation – so that when that time comes round, I am
I have Habit 5 there to constantly remind me of the
6 • the Compass: April 2011
think how the interrogation could have gone if my trusty
FranklinCovey planner had not been there to back me up!
At Western Digital, 7 Habits® has also helped me to
schedule my priorities, plan and delegate well, and
ultimately be given the opportunity to do a few other
things for the company besides running the logistics
operations – things like employee relations, for example.
Q: That’s interesting. A logistics guy getting involved in
employee relations! Tell us more.
A: Well, it sort of started off when I noticed that sometimes
people seemed unhappy with the way things were going
in the company and didn’t seem to be able to talk about
it. I wondered if there was anything I could do within my
Circle of Influence and practice Habit 1: Be proactive,
and true enough, in my department, we soon found
“Really internalize the content and
value it. Live the 7 Habits® with
passion and this will come through
in your facilitation; it is something
that cannot be faked. The rewards
are intangible and deep when you
have touched someone’s life
with your teaching.”
ourselves going for team-building. At that time, there
were budget constraints, but I still managed to source for
a “poor man’s team-building program” because I wanted
very much to foster team spirit among my staff. We
also started organizing events like quarterly recognition
of staff contributions and achievements. Staff morale
improved as we began practicing Habit 6: Synergize, and
productivity increased.
importance of understanding the scenario first, not
Management took notice of this and asked me to take the
rushing into a solution, practicing empathic listening and
lead in initiating something like that company-wide, and
all those great tools and skills that you pick up in Habit 5.
thus the Dialogue Committee came into being. 15 people,
Q: Any great 7 Habits® experiences to share?
including myself, sit on this informal forum, and we
A: Oh, lots! But one experience stands out: one time I had
dialogue with 46 employee representatives from all over
the shock of my life when the police called me in for
the company on ways to improve things and to move the
questioning. I was told that if I did not go in, a warrant of
company forward. So from an OD perspective, you might
arrest would be issued! I was told I was a robbery suspect
call this a shadow organization to the formalized HR
because my car had been identified in a robbery. You can
function. In fact the Dialogue Committee reports directly
imagine how I felt! I rushed back home and returned to
to the senior VP and not even the local MD.
the police station with my FranklinCovey planner – it’s
part and parcel of my life, and I practically use it to record
and plan everything there. I flipped the pages back to
Q: Any advice for newly-licensed 7 Habits® facilitators who
are just starting out?
A: Really internalize the content and value it. Live the 7
three weeks before and there lay the precious information:
Habits® with passion and this will come through in your
the robbery was at 2am in the morning and on the night
facilitation; it is something that cannot be faked. The
in question, I had been hard at work, working through
rewards are intangible and deep when you have touched
the night, sitting with my superintendent, re-calibrating
someone’s life with your teaching. For myself, I know I
performance appraisals for my staff. The policeman
always feel humbled whenever a workshop participant
was just amazed to find someone who actually recorded
bumps into me in the corridor, pats my shoulder and tells
detailed notes in his planner on everything he did, to the
me that my 7 Habits® class has made a difference to his
exact date and time! In any case, they found out later
life. I welcome new facilitators to the 7 Habits® family and
that it was not my car that was involved in the robbery;
wish them all the best in their journey as facilitators and
it wasn’t even the same make of car. But I shudder to
students of the 7 Habits®.
the Compass: April 2011
How I managed my time the Covey way
Can Franklin Covey help an
overstressed editor who eats
too many lunches at her desk,
transform herself into a doyenne
of efficient time management?
ike many others in this lean, mean, job-strapped
economy, I entered 2010 thankful to be employed
-- and with much more on my plate. As the months
wore on and the work piled up, for the first time in
my professional life I began thinking about all those time-
By Leigh Gallagher, assistant managing
editor, Fortune Magazine, March 16, 2011
management theories I’d always rolled my eyes at.
hours in
the day! I
would tap efficiency resources
I didn’t know I had!
The session,
“FOCUS: Achieving Your
Highest Priorities,” was a full
eight hours, prompting sarcastic comments from my colleagues
when it fell on a busy day in our
cycle. But I resisted the urge to cancel.
Right away our teacher, Vicky Gilmore, introduced us to one of the main pillars of the course: Franklin Covey’s Time Matrix, which categorizes work into four quadrants
along two axes:”urgent” and “not urgent” across the
top, and “important” and “not important” on the side.
The best one is Quadrant 2 -- not urgent but imMy colleagues offered some suggestions: One sent me a
portant, or big tasks you can do without the pressure of
12-step program for improved productivity (limit e-mail time,
crisis deadlines. The worst: Quadrant 4, not urgent and not
avoid newsfeeds). Another referred me to venture capital-
important, a.k.a. busywork and time-wasting tasks. (Not
ist Fred Wilson’s blog post declaring “e-mail bankruptcy.”
that lethargy has no value: Ordering takeout sushi and
A third told me about a method he used called “(10×2)*5”:
watching 30 Rock, Gilmore told us, is actually Quadrant 2.
Focus for 10 minutes, take a two-minute break, and repeat for
Way to go, Time Matrix!)
an hour. But all of them seemed easier said than done.
So when Fortune’s parent company offered a day-long
Franklin Covey time-management course, I jumped at the
chance. I would become a motor of productivity! I would find
8 • the Compass: April 2011
The goal, Gilmore instructed, was to “live above the line,”
or always try to make sure the work you are doing is important.
While I liked the matrix, what I liked even more were
the practical tips that came later. We watched a surprisingly
there was a name, an analogy -- a Stephen Coveyism! --
effective Stephen Covey video, for example, that featured a
focused me like a laser (or maybe a sharp saw).
woman trying to fit a bunch of big rocks in a bucket already
full of small pebbles. (Can you spot the metaphor?)
Gilmore also gave us several tangible pointers: Break big,
daunting tasks down into “doable chunks” of 45 minutes;
when mapping out your week, make room for the biggest pro-
Eating at my desk, I learned, is a classic example of not
doing that sharpening, as was my impulse to cancel the timemanagement class when it got in the way of that day’s longforgotten deadline.
Was the class worth it? The principles that stuck with me
jects (the rocks) first; to avoid setting yourself up for failure,
I could have learned in, say, two hours instead of eight -- an
schedule only 65% of your available time.
irony I thought about while trying to make up for the work
And this gem: By turning off the “ghost alert,” the little
I’d missed. And yet I find myself applying those principles
window that floats onto your computer screen to announce
every day: I plan my schedule differently now, I focus more
new e-mails, you can reduce distraction tremendously.
on important projects, and turning off my e-mail ghost alert
One of the biggest lessons came toward the end of the
class, when Gilmore introduced us to another Coveyism: the
has done wonders. (Seriously. Try it.)
I’m still not completely cured, though: It took a nanosec-
importance of “sharpening the saw,” or taking time away
ond to figure out how to turn the alert off, but in a classic
from things that feel urgent but aren’t to do something that
case of not sharpening my saw, it took me a full three months
will actually help in the long run (the analogy is a woodcutter
to get around to doing it
who labors for several days, becoming less and less productive because he refuses to take time out to sharpen his saw). I
later heard someone attribute this to Abe Lincoln instead, but
The next Focus™: Achieving Your Highest Priorities public workshop in Malaysia
whatever: For me this was the magic moment. I’d long known
will be on May 11-12, 2011. For further details and assistance, please contact us
that I have a tendency to get buried in the small stuff. That
at 03-79586418.
the Compass: April 2011
Oleh Asnija Wati Hj Imam
aya teringat pengalaman ketika mengunjungi Night
Sebaliknya, masalah tersebut dipulangkan semula kepada
Safari di Singapura. Ketika itu jam menunjukkan
saya. Saya sangat kecewa, tidak tahu apa yang perlu dibuat,
10.30 malam dan hujan turun dengan sangat
penat dan basah kuyup ketika itu. “Apalagi pilihan yang saya
lebat. Kereta saya bergerak perlahan untuk keluar
ada?” Tanya saya kembali. Dia hanya mengangkat bahu
dari tempat parkir kereta memandangkan ada banyak kereta
dan memberikan senyuman. Saya semakin kecewa. Rakan
yang juga mahu keluar dari situ. Namun setelah begitu lama
di sebelahnya menyampuk, “Puan, jangan risau, puan beri-
menunggu, kami mendapati bayaran parkir hanya boleh di
kan duit tersebut pada saya, dan saya akan tolong tambah
buat dengan kad “AutoPass” (di Malaysia, kad ini berfungsi
nilai menggunakan kad ATM saya.” Dan dia menyelesaikan
seperti kad Touch N Go). Baki dalam kad “AutoPass” saya
masalah saya dalam masa tidak sampaipun 5 minit.
hanya cukup-cukup untuk membayar tol di Woodlands. Ini
Rasa kecewa saya hilang, rasa penat saya hilang dan saya
bermakna saya perlu menambah nilai kad ini dan perlu pula
rasa lega. Berulang kali saya mengucapkan terima kasih.
mencari kedai 7-11untuk tambah nilai tunai. Lebih malang
Tidak susah sebenarnya untuk menyelesaikan masalah saya.
lagi, saya pula tidak tahu di mana kedai yang terhampir.
Dia tidak perlu berlari ke sana ke mari, apa yang dia laku-
Dalam hujan lebat, saya keluar dari kereta dan berlari
kan hanyalah mengambil beg tangannya, mengeluarkan kad
masuk ke Night Safari semula untuk mendapatkan bantuan di
ATM peribadinya dan melakukan transaksi. Namun, pekerja
Pusat Pelanggan mereka. Di sebabkan waktu lawatan hampir
lain tidak terfikirkannya, dan saya sendiri tidak terfikir ianya
tamat, mereka sedang sibuk mengemaskini sistem dan menge-
boleh diselesaikan begitu.
jar masa untuk menyelesaikan tugas mereka. Ada empat
Berapa ramaikah pekerja dalam organisasi anda yang
orang pekerja ketika itu, dua orang daripadanya bila ternam-
boleh bertindak demikian? Pelanggan bukan mahu seka-
pak saya menghampiri terus memalingkan muka dan pura-
dar dilayan dengan hormat dan senyuman, tetapi mereka
pura sibuk mengemas fail di belakang mereka. Dua orang
mahu masalah mereka diselesaikan. Saya pasti tindakan
lagi melemparkan senyuman kepada saya dan menawarkan
menggunakan kad ATM sendiri untuk membantu pelanggan
bantuan. Seorang daripada mereka terus memberitahu saya,
tidak tertera di dalam “Standard Operating Procedure” (SOP)
“Maaf Puan, kad ini hanya boleh di tambah nilai di 7-11 jika
mereka, tetapi tindakan sekecil itu amat memberi kesan di
mahu menggunakan wang tunai. Di sini hanya boleh tam-
hati pelanggan.
bah nilai menggunakan kad ATM sahaja dan mesin ini tidak
Sejauh mana kesanggupan pekerja anda ingin membantu
menerima kad ATM dari Malaysia.” Layanannya baik dan
pelanggan terutamanya di saat-saat mendesak dan ketika
dengan senyuman, tetapi adakah masalah saya selesai?
mereka sendiri sedang tergesa-gesa mahu menamatkan waktu
10 • the Compass: April 2011
kerja mereka? Jika mengambil contoh daripada pengalaman
dan membimbing mereka untuk sentiasa fokus kepada perka-
saya, daripada empat orang, hanya dua orang yang masih
ra-perkara di dalam Bulatan Pengaruh dalam melaksanakan
mahu membantu, dan daripada dua orang yang ingin mem-
peranan dan menunaikan tanggungjawab sebenar mereka.
bantu, hanya seorang yang mempunyai inisiatif untuk me-
SOP adalah yang terbaik untuk memastikan satu ben-
nyelesaikan masalah pelanggan hingga selesai dan berupaya
tuk piawaian dapat dicapai, tetapi ianya jangan sampai
memikirkan penyelesaian yang berbeza dan berkesan. Paling
mengekang kreativiti pekerja dalam memberikan penye-
utama, penyelesaian tersebut membawa perbezaan ketara di
lesaian terbaik kepada pelanggan. Adakalanya, apa yang
hati dan emosi pelanggan.
terbaik dan amat diharapkan oleh pelanggan mungkin
Satu kajian yang dibuat di Harvard bertajuk “Service
tidak di dalam SOP, tetapi jika itu yang terbaik dan tidak
Profit Chain” telah menunjukkan kaitan antara pekerja dan
pula bercanggah dengan prinsip organisasi, pekerja yang
keuntungan. Apabila pekerja berasa gembira, berpuas hati
berkesan akan berupaya melakukannya dengan penuh
dan bangga dengan kerja yang mereka lakukan, mereka lebih
yakin, tanpa rasa takut dan bimbang. Mereka kekal setia
terdorong untuk bekerjasama dengan baik dan tidak berkira
dengan komitmen mereka!
untuk bekerja lebih waktu. Apabila mereka tidak tergesagesa untuk pulang, mereka bertambah baik dalam melayan
pelanggan dan lebih prihatin dalam memenuhi keperluan
emosi pelanggan, dan ini membawa kepada kesetiaan pelanggan dan pastinya menjurus kepada peningkatan keuntungan.
Puan Asnija Wati ialah pakar runding di Leadership Resources (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd.
Beliau ialah fasilitator untuk program 7 Tabiat Orang Yang Amat Berkesan ®. Jangan
lupa menghadiri program 7 Tabiat ® yang akan datang pada 27-29 Jun, 2011. Untuk
maklumat selanjutnya sila hubungi kami: 03-7958 6418.
Kesimpulannya, kesetiaan pekerja berkait secara langsung
dengan kesetiaan pelanggan. Walaubagaimanapun, kesetiaan
pekerja tidak bermaksud mereka sekadar tidak berpindah
ke tempat kerja yang baru apabila menerima tawaran yang
menarik, tetapi ia bermaksud tahap komitmen mereka kepada
organisasi. Mereka boleh datang kerja tepat pada masanya
dan balik tepat pada masanya setiap hari tetapi adakah
mereka penyumbang kepada perkhidmatan pelanggan yang
penuh dengan keprihatinan atau sekadar menunggu masa
untuk balik? Bagaimana jika hanya separuh daripada pekerja
mempunyai inisiatif dan inisiatif ini pula hanya untuk me-
The Compass is a quarterly newsletter
published by:
Unit 1-001, Level 1, Millennium Square
Dataran Millennium PJ
Jalan 14/1
46100, Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: 03-7958 6418
03-7955 1148
Fax: 03-7955 2589
mastikan tugasnya selesai dan bukan inisiatif ke arah membantu organisasi mencapai matlamat?
Antara tindakan yang boleh pemimpin lakukan ialah
untuk melihat semula penyata misi dan nilai-nilai utama
organisasi. Dalam program 7 Tabiat Orang Yang Amat Berkesan ®, menulis penyata misi peribadi dan mengenalpasti
prinsip-prinsip yang menjadi pegangan memberikan satu
kesedaran peribadi untuk memahami sebab sebenar mengapa
kita bekerja dan bentuk sumbangan yang bagaimanakah yang
ingin kita berikan dan menjadi legasi. Sebagai pemimpin,
adalah penting untuk memastikan penyata misi peribadi para
pekerjanya sejajar dengan penyata misi organisasi kerana ia
merupakan satu asas yang kukuh untuk menjadikan semua
pekerja berkerja demi mencapai matlamat organisasi dan
Do you have comments, anecdotes, reflections
and experiences to share around the concepts,
themes and principles of our FranklinCovey and
VitalSmarts programs? We would love to hear
from you. Please contact us or write to us so
that we can publish them in The Compass.
is the exclusive licensee for FranklinCovey and
VitalSmarts programs and products in Malaysia
and Negara Brunei Darusalam.
bukan untuk kepentingan peribadi.
Dengan asas tersebut, pemimpin dapat mengembangkan
Bulatan Pengaruhnya dan mempengaruhi lebih ramai pekerja
the Compass: April 2011
• 11
J a n u a r y - D e c e m b e r 2 0 11
h t t p : / / w w w. l e a d e r s h i p r e s o u r c e s . m y / p r o g r a m s c a l e n d a r / i n d e x . p h p
12 • the Compass:
P rApril
i n t e2011
d by
Y T P O f f s e t S d n . B h d . , 11 J a l a n P B S 1 4 / 1 3 , T a m a n P e r i n d u s t r i a n B u k i t S e r d a n g , 4 3 3 0 0 S e r i K e m b a n g a n , S e l a n g o r D a r u l E h s a n