Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue How to calculate transition amplitudes in Loop Quantum Gravity Jacek Puchta Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej Wydziału Fizyki UW Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille March 3, 2014 The project „International PhD Studies at the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw” is realized within the MPD programme of Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Regional Development Fund Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Probabilities in quantum mechanics Transition Amplitudes Given an initial state |ψ0 i and a final state |ψ1 i we cannot determine, whether they are at the same trajectory. The only think we can say is the probability that starting the evolution from the state |ψ0 i at the time t0 we can find the system at the time t1 in the state |ψ1 i: 2 2 ˆ ı˙ Ht P ψ0 −→ ψ1 = hψ0 | e ~ |ψ1 i = A ψ0 −→ ψ1 t0 →t1 t0 →t1 Path Integrals The transition amplitudes can be calculated by a path integral: ! N ˆ Y ˆ i˙ ˆ t i˙ ˆ t ı˙ Ht hψ0 | e ~ |ψ1 i = dxi hψ0 | e ~ H N |xN i hxN | · · · |x1 i hx1 | e ~ H N |ψ1 i i=1 = = ··· ˆ ´ t2 dt L(x(t)) hψ0 | Dx(t)e t1 |ψ1 i Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams Quantum Field Theory - an overview A similar situation we have in the quantum field theory, however here we calculate amplitudes between Ethe n-particle states: E E the transition ~ ~ ¯(~k3 ), d(~k4 ) etc. ν (l) , µ(~k1 ), µ(~k2 ), u e(k) , ¯ The amplitudes are called the S-matrix elements: ´ Sαβ := hα| T e 3 ˆ H(x)td xdt |βi We decompose the initial and final states into linear superposition of one-particle states X |Ψi = Ψα |αi α The transition amplitude between complex states is the linear combination of the transition amplitudes of the basic states: X Ψα Ψβ Sαβ AΨ1 →Ψ2 = α,β Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams Feynman diagrams as a tool to compute S-matrix elements Quantum field theory in two slaids An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams Feynman diagrams as a tool to compute S-matrix elements Quantum field theory in two slaids Transition amplitude of a Feynman Diagram can be calculated according to quite simple rules (called Feynman Rules): ˆ ΓD (k1 , . . . kn ) = ! 4 4 d p1 · · · d pm Y Γv · v ! ! Y ` internal (2) Γ (p` ) Y (2) Γ ` external Each Feynman diagram represents one of the terms that contribute to an S-matrix element X Sαβ = ΓD (k` ) Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Gravity as a curved space-time Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Gravity as a curved space-time Basic concepts of Einsteins General Relativity General Relativity: The principle of relativity Everything is local Gravity is a curvature of spacetime An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a curved space-time General Relativity a bit of mathematics In a nutshell: A metric field gµν (x) instead of flat constant ηµν A test particle moves along geodesic curves The curvature tensor Rµνρσ (x) is the "strength of the gravitational field" Distribution of matter: Tµν = δ2 S δxµ δxν Relation between gravity and matter: Rµν − 12 gµν R = Tµν Principle of General Covariance: Every physical law should be defined in such a way, that it is independent on the coordinate system. Background-independence: the only thing, that matters, is relative configurations of fields. The gravitational field is the dynamical background for the other fields. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Ashtekar quantization Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Ashtekar quantization Ashtekar quantization Ashtekar variables for General Relativity. Let us introduce the so called Ashtekar Connection and it’s conjugated field Aia (x) = Γia (x) + γKai (x) Ejb (x) : (det (q)) q ab = Eia Eib kij They are canonically conjugated: Aia (x), Ejb (y) = −8πGγ δji δab δ(x, y). Consider a graph embedded in space: We can calculate holonomies of Ashtekar Connection along each link of the graph. This gives us SU (2) element U` for each link `. The combination of {U` }`=1,...,L capture some information about the gravitational field. Think of it as a singular configuration of a gravitational field, (like plane waves of EM-field). Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Ashtekar quantization Ashtekar quantization Quantization of Ashtekar variables In canonical paradigm of quantization of a theory with configuration space C one uses the Hilbert space L (C) The configuration space of a discrete SU (2)-gauge field on a graph is SU (2)L /SU (2)N , thus the Hilbert space of singular configurations of gravitational field is HΓ := L2 SU (2)L /SU (2)N quantization of full configuration space is done by taking the projective limit limΓ→∞ HΓ . Using Peter-Weyl theorem we can decompose this Hilbert space in the basis, given by matrix elements of Wigner matrices contracted with some invariant tensors. We call it the spin-network basis. The quantum numbers related to this basis leads us to physical interpretation of these states. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Discrete space in loop quantum gravity Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Discrete space in loop quantum gravity Spin-network states Overview A spin-network state is determined by one quantum number j` (half-integer) per each link of the graph and one quantum number vn (SU (2) invariant tensor) per each node. Each node is a quantum polyhedron of volume vn . Each link is a face (quantum polygon) between two polyhedra, and it has p the physical area A = a0 `2pl j(j + 1). Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Discrete space in loop quantum gravity Spin-network states Details Area The spins are interpreted as areas, because: ˆ ˆ p Area (S) := dS = detg (2) dxdy S S An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Discrete space in loop quantum gravity Spin-network states Details Area The spins are interpreted as areas, because: ˆ ˆ p ˆ q Area (S) := dS = detg (2) dxdy = Eia Ejb kij dxa ∧ dxb S S S p Eigenvalues of such operator are exactly a0 · j` (j` + 1) iff the link ` is transversal to S and 0 iff not. The constant a0 = γ`Pl = γG~. Volume Similar situation is for the volume operator ˆ p ˆ p V olume (R) := detg (3) d3 x = |det E|d3 x R R However, here the general form of eigenvalues is not known yet. An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Discrete space in loop quantum gravity Spin-network states Some more properties Having fixed the area and directions of faces there are many possible volumes of the polyhedron - in this sense the space is curved. There is a quanta of area a0 `2pl . We expect the same for the volume (not proven yet). Shape of the faces are not well defined - in the sense that length and angle operators do not commute with volume and area operators. In this sense spin network defines the quantum geometry. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Path integrals for the BF -theory Path integral for the BF theory BF-theory Consider a theory of a dynamical G-connection A with and a g∗ -valued 2-form B with action ˆ S[A, B] := B ∧ F where F is the curvature 2-form of A. It is called a BF -theory. One can construct spin-network-like states for BF -theory for any group G. Transition amplitudes between such states can be calculated using the path integral: ˆ A (ψin → ψout ) = hψin | DBDA eı˙S |ψout i To calculate it one discretises the manifold and takes the limit with refining the discretisation ˆ ˆ ˆ Y Y ı˙ ´ B∧F (U ) i DBDA eı˙S = lim DB dUi e cell ”#cells→∞” i cells Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Path integrals for the BF -theory Spin-foam as the evolution of a spin-network The amplitude is a product of amplitudes of each cell. To express it one introduces a picture of spin-foams, that nicely corresponds to a concept of time-evolution of a spin-network. Spin-foam is a 2-complex dual to a cellular decomposition of the manifold. Recall a spin-network being a graph dual to a granulation of a 3d-space. A spin-foam does the same but in 4d-spacetime. Thanks to discretisation of the BF -action, a spin-foam colored in appropriate way can be used as a Feynman diagram for the BF theory. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Path integrals for the BF -theory Spin-foam as a Feynman diagram Each face is colored by a representation ρf of the group G - the same, as the representation on the boundary links incident to it (in case of G = SU (2) this is represented by spins). Each vertical edge is a kind of free propagator - it carries an operator Pe acting on the Hilbert space of the nodes it links Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Path integrals for the BF -theory Spin-foam as a Feynman diagram Each face is colored by a representation ρf of the group G - the same, as the representation on the boundary links incident to it (in case of G = SU (2) this is represented by spins). Each vertical edge is a kind of free propagator - it carries an operator Pe acting on the Hilbert space of the nodes it connects. Each vertex represents an interaction. It carries an amplitude functional Av (being in fact a tensor with a complicated structure). Moreover the faces carry weight factors Af . The transition amplitude of a spin-foam is ! ! O O Y Pe y Av · Af W = e v f Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory One of forms of the action of the gravitational field is ˆ 1 S [e, ω] = ? (e ∧ e) + (e ∧ e) ∧ F [ω] γ It is almost the same, as the action of the SL(2, C)-BF theory, except a constraint on the B-field, called the simplicity constraint: B = ? (e ∧ e) + 1 (e ∧ e) γ This constraint can be expressed in terms of generators of the SL (2, C) group: ~ = −γ L ~ K It can be solved weakly on the L2 (SL (2, C)). The space of the solutions appears to be isomorphic with L2 (SU (2)) by so called EPRL map: Yˆ : H(j) 3 |mij 7→ |j, mi(p,k) ∈ H(p=γj,k=j) Thus the dynamics of gravity can be encoded in SU (2)-spin-networks and the EPRL map. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory EPRL spin-foams The EPRL spin-foams differ from the BF spin-foams only by the vertex amplitude functional. In the BF -model the vertex amplitude is Av := ψv (1) where ψv is the spin-network-like state determined by the coloring of neighbor elements. The EPRL amplitude is AEPRL := Yˆ ψv (1) v Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Operator Spin-network diagrams Together with Marcin Kisielowski, under supervision of prof. Jerzy Lewandowski, we have introduced a new language to express Loop Quantum Gravity dynamical processes: the Operator Spin-network Diagrams. They allow to express the highly complicated structure of the spin foam as a 2-dim drawing. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 × hu2 | Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 × hu2 | |u20 ij2 Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 × hu2 | |u20 ij2 h i × Trjf Y † gV−1III gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV II Y Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: A = hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 × hu2 | |u20 ij2 i X j h † −1 × Tr f Y gV III gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV II Y {jf } Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Feynman-EPRL rules The Operator Spin-network Diagrams allow to express processes of spin-foams that would be hard draw or even hard to imagine. We can also simply read the formula for transition amplitude out of them: ˆ A = dgI · · · dgXV I hu1 | Y † gI−1 gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV I Y |u10 ij1 × hu2 | |u20 ij2 i X j h † −1 × Tr f Y gV III gII Y · 1 · Y † gV−1 gV II Y {jf } ×··· Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Two examples Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Two examples Dipole Cosmology the model A simple model called Dipole Cosmology was introduced by Bianchi, Rovelli, Vidotto in 2010. A transition amplitude calculated within this model is W (z) = 4 XY 3/2 (2j` + 1) e−2t~j` (j` +1)−˙ıλv0 j` {j` } `=1 hιN | T |ιS i z = γ a˙ + ı˙a2 It is peaked precisely at the classical trajectory of expanding scale factor. −˙ızj` × Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Two examples Dipole Cosmology our input Using the graph diagrams we have found all contributions to the first order of the model - and showed, which of them are negligible. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Two examples Self energy problem In Spin Foam models there are radiative corrections to the transition amplitudes similar to those one can find in QFT. Aldo Riello found recently an expression for the melonic radiative correction to the free propagator W = ln Λ · T2 but he could not describe the operator T. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Two examples Self energy problem I investigated this operator and found it equals ˆ T dη = R+ sinh η 4πη 2 Y N e−(ji +mi +1−˙ıγji )η × i=1 −2η 2 F1 ji + 1 − ı˙γji , ji + 1 + mi ; 2ji + 2; 1 − e I also found the leading order of this integral T= 1 4π 2 6π P J · (1 + γ 2 ) xi 3 2 5 I + O J− 2 This operator in the Spin-foam theory has meaning similar to the renormalized propagator in QFT. It is significant, that it is proportional to identity. [ JP, arXiv:1307.4747 ] Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Outline 1 Transition Amplitudes Quantum Mechanics: Probabilities Quantum Field Theory: Feynman Diagrams 2 Quantum states of General Relativity Gravity as a curved space-time Ashtekar quantization Discrete space in loop quantum gravity 3 Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG Path integrals for the BF -theory Gravity as a constrained BF -theory Two examples 4 An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation An open issue Let us recall the T operator. It is given by the integral ˆ T= d3 ηµ (|η|) R3 N Y (j) fm (|η|) i=1 for µ (η) := sinh η 4πη 2 and (j) fm (η) = e−(ji +mi +1−˙ıγji )η 2 F1 ji + 1 − ı˙γji , ji + 1 + mi ; 2ji + 2; 1 − e−2η where 2 F1 (a, b, c; z) is the Gauss Hypergeometric function, defined by the series: 2 F1 (a, b, c; z) := ∞ X an bn n z cn n! n=0 where xn := x · (x + 1) · · · (x + n − 1) Such integral is horrible to calculate directly, but it can be estimated. IF the integrand satisfies appropriate conditions, one can apply to it so called Saddle Point Approximation, thanks to which the integration would be given by a derivative of appropriate function. Derivatives (even of Hypergeometric functions) are relatively easy to calculate, especially when compared to the above integral. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Saddle Point Approximation. Given two functions f, g : Ω →´C defined on a compact region Ω ⊂ Rn one can estimate the integral I (Λ) := Ω dn x g (x) e−Λf (x) for Λ 1 using the following analogy: ´ n 1 Obviously d x g (x) δ n (x) = g (0) Ω 2 3 Consider now g (x) = 1 and f (x) = |x|2 . Then n/2 ´ 2 I (Λ) = Ω dn x e−Λ|x| = 2π Λ 2 Note now, that e−Λx mimics n-dimensional δ-distribution (scaled by 2π n/2 ) thus one can guess, that Λ ˆ 2 dn x g (x) e−Λ|x| = I (Λ) = Ω 2π Λ n/2 1 g (0) 1 + O 1 Λ2 In fact one can prove, that for a wide class of functions f, g : Ω → C the following estimation is true 2 n/2 ˆ ∂ f 2π 1 I (Λ) = dn x g (x) e−Λf (x) = n g (x0 ) e−Λf (x0 ) 1 + O 1 ∂x x=x0 Λ Λ2 Ω where x0 is the point such that ∇f (x0 ) = 0 and the real part of Hessian 2 f matrix < ∂x∂i ∂x is positive defined. j x=x Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Application of SPA to our case Q (j) Unfortunately our function Φ (η, j) := µ (|η|) N i=1 fm (|η|) is neither of form −Λf (x) g (x) e , nor defined on a compact support. The second issue is not a problem - it is a simple exercise to show, that if Φ (x, Λ) is bounded by e−|x|Λ outside some compact region Ω (which is the case for our integrand), then the part outside Ω has no influence on the the estimation of the integral. However the form of the integrand IS a problem. There is so called Euclidean version of spin-foam theory, where the map Y maps SU (2) representations into SO (4) representations (instead of SL (2, C) representations). In this theory there is an analogous integral, however the (j) analogs of functions fm are slightly different, i.e. they are: (j) −j ln(a(g)b(g)) ˜ fm (g) = e where a and b are two functions on SU (2)-group. Then j becomes the largeness parameter and the integral can be calculated using the SPA formula. Unfortunately in the full, Lorentzian theory, the integrals are as they are. There is no obvious decomposition of Φ (η, j) into functions exponentially decaying in j. Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation The issue Thus I am interested in generalizing the Saddle Point approximation theorem. There must be a way of extending the class of functions that can be estimated by the above estimation. Generalized saddle point hypothesis Let Φ (x, Λ) : Ω × R+ → C satisfying appropriate conditions. Then 2 n/2 ˆ ∂ φ 2π 1 I (Λ) := Φ (x0 , Λ) 1 + O dn xΦ (x, Λ) = n 1 ∂x x=x0 Λ Λ2 Ω for φ (x) := limΛ→∞ Λ1 Φ (x, Λ) and x0 ∈ Ω such that ∇φ (x0 ) = 0 and 2 φ < ∂x∂i ∂x negatively defined. j x=x0 The main issue is to define, what does appropriate mean. Possibly in terms of some analytic conditions (i.e. estimations) for behavior with respect to x − x0 (obviously the traditional SPA theorem puts some conditions on Φ, but they are of algebraic nature and they are very hard to check for our function). Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Properties of the integrand Well, I do not need the most general form of the theorem (of course it would be nice to find it, but well, it sometimes is just to difficult). It is enough to find such class of functions, for which it holds, that contains my integrand. Here are some properties of it. Q (ji ) Let Φ (η, j) = µ (|η|) N i=1 fmi (|η|). Then: 1 2 The largeness parameter is j := maxi (ji ) 1 2 J PN i=1 xi + j η 1−2η−e−2η 12 |Φ(η, j)| ≤ sinh e where the equality is only 4πη for η = 0 3 The point η = 0 is the only relevant candidate for the η0 point. 4 The functions fm (η) are analytic in η (so in fact all the function Φ (η, j) is analytic). (j) Some further properties can be derived from the properties of the Hypergeometric Function 2 F1 . Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Proposition of strategy Of course there are many strategies to address the above problem. I can tell you, how would I try to solve it: 1 Find the proof of the original SPA theorem 2 At each step of the prove check, which properties of the functions f (x) and g (x) one uses. 3 At each step consider, can one translate such assumption into an assumption on the integrand function Φ (j, Λ) as a whole. 4 Then synthetise the observations made at 2 and 3. And obviously if you have a working which is different from mine - that’s great! Transition Amplitudes Quantum states of General Relativity Spin-foams: Feynman Diagrams for LQG An open issue Generalization of Saddle Point Approximation Thank you for your involvement! Contact to me: Jacek Puchta Instytut Fizyki Teoretycznej, Hoża 69, pok. 053 e-mail: or tel. 22 55 32 303
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