Solar Domestic Water Heating – How to get Started – Trimline Training Centre 2008 April 10 and 17 Gordon Howell, P.Eng. Phone: +1 780 484 0476 E-mail: ©1995-2008 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 1 Questions…? Next z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 2 Intro: My Goals… z To empower you to get ready for the energy and environmental issues coming upon us z To help you understand how solar heating can be used to heat your household hot water z To help you take next steps in using solar water heating – – – – z to reduce your natural gas bills, to reduce your environmental footprint, to increase your energy security to leave a legacy… so you can look your grandkids in the eye! We have done a lot of research for you and have assembled it here in one place I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! Thomas Edison Solar Energy Project Development Specialists I hope we don't have to wait 'til oil and coal run out before we tackle that. (1847–1931) 3 Intro: Me! –– z I am a solar system project developer I am not an equipment supplier I have no vested interest in any technology z My interest is that you choose wisely z z – with your eyes wide open – based on the facts and whether it is right for you or not. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 4 Intro: Your Goals? z What are your goals? z What do you want to get out of the course? z What do you want to achieve by using solar heating? The Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, Solar Energy …but not every man's greed. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Project Development Specialists (Mahatma) India 5 Intro: What the Course Does… z NOT a design course… z Gives you familiarity with the technology and its terms, concepts, components and costs. z Gives you space to ask questions and get answers right away … or I can find answers for you. z Dispels mis-understanding and myths about solar energy z Helps you understand how to buy a solar water heating system with confidence This is an introductory course FAST – GOOD – CHEAP Solar Energy … you are only allowed to choose two of them! Project Development Specialists 6 Intro: Solar Water Heating – What is it? z Solar water heating systems produce heat from the energy in sunlight. z Solar collectors convert the sun’s energy to heat. They heat water or glycol, which is then pumped to a storage tank for use in the building. z Most commonly used for heating household domestic water. z Can be used for heating swimming pools and building spaces. – The technologies are very very similar, but… – the application has radically different heating requirements throughout the year. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 7 Intro: Course Focus z z How does it work? What equipment do you need? z What can you expect from it? z How much does it cost? What is the price of its heat? How does this compare with other prices? z Natural gas utility companies: – This course is not about being against them. – They have had a critically important role in helping society grow, by providing affordable energy and by showing us how to use it in a very safe way. Solar domestic water heating system Edmonton How to put it on your house? – Location, tilt, orientation – Finding a contractor Be the change you want to see in the world.Solar Energy Mahatma Gandhi, India Project Development Specialists 8 Context: Energy Efficiency vs. Adding Energy… z Solar energy, wind energy, and geothermal heat pump energy options: – Do NOT reduce your energy consumption! – Instead they substitute your heating source from natural gas over to the sun… z Energy efficiency option: – Cheapest, most important, highest return on investment and shortest payback option… – But it is emotionally boring z Solar, wind and geothermal all have much higher costs and longer paybacks than energy efficiency – It is exciting and something you can brag about to your friends… Climate change: Solar Energy Project The costs of doing nothing are getting higher every day. Gordon Campbell Development Specialists BC Premier 9 Context: Why Use Solar Heating? Utility Costs z Reduce heating bills – you pay for solar heating equipment up front z Reduce vulnerability to up and down heating prices Environmental Footprint z Reduce how much air pollution you cause from burning natural gas z Increase the reserve of natural gas you leave for the next generation Political will arises from personal momentum 10 Solar Energy Development We need to be theProject leaders to our governmentsSpecialists and corporations. Context: Why Use Solar Heating? Social Opportunity z Provide the leadership that we need z Encourage the government to facilitate it instead of developing policies that block it Business Opportunity z Serve the growing public interest z Serve the multi-billion $ world markets The superior man seeks what is right; Solar Energy the inferior one, what is profitable. Confucius Project Development Specialists 11 Context: Benefits of Solar Heating… z Proven technology – thousands of systems across Canada z Can provide energy security and independence z Inflation-proof z Political-proof z No noise z No emissions z Low or zero maintenance costs z Low or zero operating cost z Extends the lifetime of our dwindling natural gas resources The dependence on fossil fuels is a major barrier Solar Energy …to improving human well-being around the globe. The New Economics Project Development Specialists Foundation 12 Context: Challenges with Solar Heating… z Purchase costs are high z Not a well developed supply or installation chain z Not a lot of broad-based experience in Canada z Has to compete with highly subsidized natural gas z Little interest by the government in developing technology assistance programs z Code barriers When one tugs at a single thing in nature, John Muir Solar Energy Project Development Specialists you find it attached to the rest of the world. Conservationist 13 Other Countries… z Tens of thousands of new solar water heaters are installed worldwide each year. z In Austria, one in seven homes uses solar water heating. z In Germany, one in 16 homes uses solar water heating. z Spain legally requires solar hot water systems in all new buildings. z Some 80% of solar water heating systems are manufactured and installed in China. We are consuming the resources ofSolar our planet at such a rate Prince Charles 14 Energy Project Development Specialists that we are, in effect, living off credit and living on borrowed time. of Windsor Questions…? z Course Contents 1. Next 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? Every great movement must experience three stages: Solar Energy …ridicule, discussion, adoption. John Stuart Mill Project Development Specialists 15 Background: What is Energy? – The basics z Energy is the ability to do work: – Equals a force exerted over a distance – Measured in "Joules" or "J“. z Heat is a form of energy. z Electricity is NOT energy, it is free electrons – but the energy that is in them can be extracted and put to work – thus electricity is usually represented as energy. z Light is NOT energy, it is photons – but the energy that is in them can also be extracted and put to work. The superior man seeks what is right; Solar Energy Project the inferior one, what is profitable. Confucius Development Specialists 16 Background: What is Power? – The basics z Power is the rate at which energy flows!!! Measured in Joules per second, which we call a "watt", or "W". z Heat flows from one place to another through: z – Conduction – such as through a metal object – Convection – which causes hot air to rise – Radiation – which transports light energy from the sun to the earth z Heat flow is caused by a temperature difference – whenever you have a temperature difference then you will have a flow of heat Our responsibility is to retain what we treasure because Solar we are merely guests on these spaces of earth Energy which we Project inhabit. Frederick Steiner 17 Development Specialists "Living Landscape" Question: What is Alberta's most abundant energy resource? All energy is not created equally. Some energy is black, Solar Energy Project some is green. It's your choice Development Specialists …but everyone's consequences. 18 Alberta: The Solar Province – Our Most Abundant Energy Resource z 14 hours of sunshine = all our fossil energy resources in 2001! z Alberta's sunshine is over 300 times more than our fossil fuel resources. What is the use of a house Solar Energy ...if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on? Project Development Specialists Henry David Thoreau, America 19 What is Solar Energy? z Solar energy – the energy contained in the photons that comprise sunlight z Sunlight is – visible light – electromagnetic radiation (as is all light) – non-ionizing radiation (as is all light) – short-wave light (different from radio waves or microwaves) z All energy has come from the sun! – some of it has just been stored for a time! It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could Elizabeth Kolbert 20 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing. New Yorker Photo Credit: Gordon Howell Photo Credit: SPS Energy Solar Energy – where can it be used – Okotoks swimming pool solar heating Okotoks 52-home solar heated subdivision Cochrane High School solar power z Anything that uses electricity z Space heating z Water heating – for domestic water, pools z Industrial and commercial process heating z Cooking z Daytime illumination Red Deer's newest net zero electricity home Photo Credit: Solar Energy ProjectGordon Development Specialists Howell 21 How do we use Solar Energy? z Need to collect it (both for electricity and heating) z Need to store it – but only if we have enough to spare for times when we need it z Need to deliver it to the appliances and the house z Need to protect ourselves from it! (…overheating) You cannot teach a man anything, Solar Energy You can only help him discover it within himself. Project Development Specialists Galileo Source Collector Recovery Storage Delivery Usage 22 Sally Anne Rice home, Edmonton, 2007 Tim Belec home, Pigeon Lake, 2007 Solar Heating for Residential Domestic Water Aurum Lodge, 2004 School north of Cochrane, 2007 Tim Belec home, PigeonProject Lake, Development 2007 Solar Energy Specialists 23 Recreation Centre swimming pool, Okotoks, 2003 Drake Landing Solar Community, Okotoks, 2006 Solar Heating for Commercial Process Water Restaurant, 16 Ave N, Calgary, 2002 Best Western Hotel, 24 Photo Credit: Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Swiss Solar Tech Kelowna, 2003 Solar heating and solar electricity are NOT the same… z Solar heating – A dark surface sitting in the sunshine z Solar electricity – A semiconductor device like a computer chip – Photons bump electrons out of an atom. heated surface carrying heat to the building. – Wires carry the electrons away. 25 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists – Water or air runs past the solar What dohere? we use? How many solar panels do words you see Solar electric generating system 32 Solar domestic water heating system Direct gain passive solar space heating windows 2 1 Solarwall air pre-heating 26 Solar Energy Projectventilation Development Specialistssystem What words do we use? z Solar panels z Solar heating: – thermal collectors z Solar electricity: – photovoltaic modules Cities grow great when old men plant trees Solar in whose shade they know they will never sit. Energy Project Development Specialists 27 Solar Domestic Water Heating System - Concept Lots of configuration options z Lots of component types z Collectors Sunlight and its energy Hot water usage Piping, pumps, valves, control, flow meter © 2006-2008 Trimline Design Centre Storage tank, heat exchangers The only thing lacking is some form of leadership Solar Energy Project Development … to focus the public will to make it happen. Cold water source Specialists 28 Solar Water Heating – Major Components Solar collectors (~$1000 each) Solar controller (one type) Piping connections Heat exchanger Pre-heat water tank Where there is a will, there is a way… Solar It's not about economics. It is about a will. Energy Project Development Specialists 29 Solar Water Heating – Controller Turns On Pump In this example, a solar pump is located on top of the heat exchanger; The controller sends a signal to the pump to turn on… Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 30 Solar Water Heating – Liquid is Circulated Glycol (anti-freeze) is then circulated between the heat exchanger and the solar collectors… Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 31 Solar Water Heating – Liquid is Heated Within the collectors, the glycol absorbs the solar heat… The collected solar heat circulates back to the heat exchanger… 1 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 32 Solar Water Heating – Heat is Transferred Cold water is circulated between the solar tank and the heat exchanger… The heat exchanger transfers the solar heat into the water… 1 The heated water returns back into the solar tank. 2 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 33 Solar Water Heating – Hot Water is Stored The heat collection process operates over the whole day… The solar tank water heats up throughout the day… Until the whole solar tank is filled with hot water! 1 2 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 34 Solar Water Heating – Delivery to You When hot water is drawn off for usage… Solar heated water flows into the gas or electric booster tank… 1 And cold water from the city is drawn into the solar tank… 3 2 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 35 Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. Next 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 36 Path of the sun across the sky The solar window: Where most of the sun's energy comes from… 3pm West South Sun's path December 21 All electrons are not created equally. North 10am East Sun's path June 21 Some electrons are black, Solar Energy Project some are green. Your choice… Development Specialists but everyone's consequences. 37 The Energy in Solar Radiation z = 3.6 sun-hours/day in Edmonton z … ok, but under what conditions – Tilt? horizontal, 6/12 tilt, 53 tilt, vertical? – Orientation? north, south, east, west? – Conditions? maximum, average – When? summer, winter, yearly? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 38 Solar Myth: Solar needs to be perfectly orientated in order to work at all! All heat is not created equally. z precise optimum tilt and orientation to collect maximum solar energy z wide range of angles to orient and tilt solar equipment and still not be too far off maximum Some heat is black, Solar Energy some is green. Your choice… Project Development Specialists but everyone's consequences. 39 Optimum Annual Solar Tilt Angle Edmonton Horizontal Vertical 0% 0 13 33 43 53 63 73 83 90 4.8 sun-hours/day -5% % of energy from optimum annual tilt angle 23 = kWh/m2/day -10% -15% 4.0 -20% -25% 3.6 -30% The maximum annual solar energy production occurs at around a 53° tilt. z If your goal is to maximise this, your tilt angle can be from 18° to 80° and still be within 10% of the maximum. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists z 40 Optimum Winter Solar Tilt Angle Edmonton Horizontal Vertical 0% -10% % of energy from optimum winter tilt angle 0 13 23 33 43 53 3.4 -20% 63 73 83 90 3.8 3.75 Sun-hours/day -30% -40% -50% -60% Snow? z Reflection from snow fields? z -70% 1.0 -80% The maximum winter solar energy production occurs at around a 83° tilt. z If your goal is to maximise this, your tilt angle can be from 50° to 90° and still be within 10% of the maximum. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists z 41 Optimum Annual Solar Orientation Angle South SW SE 0% 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 -2% % of energy from optimum annual orientation angle 130 Edmonton -4% -6% -8% -10% -12% SW SSW South SSE SE If the goal is to maximise the annual energy production, which occurs at a due-south orientation angle, you can locate the orientation 45° either side of south and still be within 10% of the maximum. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 42 Optimum Winter Solar Orientation Angle South SW SE 0% 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 Edmonton -5% % of energy from optimum winter orientation angle 130 -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% SW SSW South SSE SE If the goal is to maximise the winter energy production, which occurs at a due-south orientation angle, you can locate the orientation 30° either side of south and still be within 10% of the maximum. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 43 Solar Radiation Horizontal 8.0 0°, horizontal 6.0 Peak daily sun-hours 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Annual Months If the world is saved, it will be saved by people with changed minds, Solar Energy Project Development … people with a new vision. Daniel Quinn Specialists author 44 Solar Radiation Horizontal and 27° 27 8.0 0°, horizontal 6.0 Peak daily sun-hours 27°, 6/12 roof pitch 4.0 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Annual 14 Months What is the use of a house Solar Energy ... if you haven't got a tolerable planet to put it on? Project Development Specialists Henry David Thoreau, America 45 Solar Radiation Horizontal, 27°, 27 53° 8.0 0°, horizontal 6.0 Peak daily sun-hours 27°, 6/12 roof pitch 4.0 53°, latitude 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Annual 14 Months You cannot teach a man anything, Solar Energy You can only help him discover it within himself. Project Development Specialists Galileo 46 Solar Radiation Horizontal, 27°, 53°, Vertical 8.0 0°, horizontal 6.0 27°, 6/12 roof pitch Peak daily sun-hours 4.0 53°, latitude 90°, vertical 2.0 0.0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Annual 14 Months In many ways our future is passing us by, Gary Lamphier Solar Energy Project Development Specialists … and our energy riches may one day look like fool's gold. Edmonton Journal 47 Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. Next 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? Bringing you a prosperous future American Solar Energy Project Development Specialists where energy is clean, abundant, reliable, and affordable. Dept of Energy 48 Components z Collectors – unglazed, glazed, evacuated tube z z Tanks Heat exchangers – in tank and side-arm z Pumps – centrifugal and positive displacement z Controls – differential, digital, solar intensity z Piping, fittings – only copper, bronze, brass, stainless steel z Heating fluid – glycol, water I am what I am – not because of what I should be or have to be… Solar Energy Project Development Specialists …but because what I am made to be. 49 Solar Water Heating Collectors Unglazed flat-plate collector – primarily used in outdoor pool heating Glazed flat-plate collector Evacuated tube collector – commercial, industrial, residential – high-temperature process heating – most common Enerworks Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 50 z z Have no insulation and no glass cover Typically used for low temperature and/or seasonal heating loads Unglazed Flat-Plate Collector Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 51 Unglazed Flat-Plate Collector z Good applications: – Swimming pools – Aquaculture – Car and truck washes If you're not in favour of zero waste … Solarhow Energy Project Development Specialists much waste are you in favour of? 52 Controls and valves Unglazed collectors Solar Pool Heating Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 53 Unglazed Flat Plate Collectors z Advantages – Very low or zero maintenance costs – Very low operating costs – Can be used directly with chlorinated pool water – Least expensive – Easiest to install z Drawbacks – Can only be used in summer-like outdoor temperatures – Least efficient – Yearly draining is required – Not protected from the environment – Completely plastic and degrades over time Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful and committed citizens can change the world. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. +Margaret Mead, Anthropologist 54 Glazed Flat Plate Collectors z Contains frame, glazing, absorber, piping, brackets, insulation, gaskets, screws z Made of glass or polymers, aluminum, steel, copper, fiberglass or isocyanurate, EPDM z Typically for residential and commercial applications Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 55 Photo Credit: Trimline Design Centre Solar Water Heating Collectors – Concept Frame Protects the collector Fluid circuit Harnesses heat from absorber Insulation Reduces heat losses You must skate to where the puck is going Solar not to where it is now. Absorber Converts sunlight into heat Glazing Lets light in, reduces heat loss, like a greenhouse Energy Project Development Specialists Wayne Gretzky 56 Glazed Flat Plate Collector Details z – reduces reflection, ensures glass safety Uses selective surface coating on the absorber plate – Painted black: 90% absorbing, 30% re-emitting! Solar Energy Project Development Specialists – Selective surface: 94% absorbing, 5% re-emitting! 57 Standard internal headers – headers are parallel to collector case Can be used for drainback or no-drain systems. Need to be tilted if used in drainback systems. Flat Plate Collectors – Mechanical Design Internal headers specially designed for drainback – headers are already tilted. Can be used for drainback or no-drain systems. No need to tilt the collectors. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 58 Flat Plate - Glazed z Application – Used for domestic water or space heating, pools z Advantages – – – – – z Very low or zero maintenance costs Very low operating costs Permanent installation – withstands the environment Can be used throughout the year Can be used for solar cooling at night Drawbacks – Less efficient than an evacuated tube in extreme cold weather – More wind drag than evacuated tube (doesn’t matter) Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre Our greatest desire is our greatest delusion unless Solar Energy Project our greatest desire is to find out what life is all about… Development Specialists 59 Evacuated tube collectors z Single glass tube with an internal plate absorber. or z Double glass tube with an integral coated inner glass curved absorber. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 60 Evacuated tube collector – heat pipe Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 61 Apricus ETC cut-away Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 62 Apricus ETC Operation Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 63 Evacuated Tube z Applications – Used for domestic water or space heating, pools z Benefits – Very good at collecting heat in cold and cloudy – – – – z conditions Very low or zero maintenance costs Very low operating costs Permanent installation – withstands the environment Can be used throughout the year Drawbacks – Higher cost for extra efficiency – Limited design function – tubes must be mounted – – – – near to vertically Expensive – $2500 for 30 tubes Concern about durability Snow cover for longer time periods Cannot be used for summer cooling (except if you use an absorption chiller) Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre 64 Failed ETC tubes z z ETC tubes need to maintain their vacuum in order to operate efficiently Concern about durability Vacuum is good Vacuum has failed Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 65 Pump controller Residential-Sized Solar Heat Storage Tank Storage tank with heat exchanger inside Solar circulation pump Often also has a drainback reservoir and a flow meter We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking Solar Energy Project we used when we created them. Development Specialists Albert Einstein 66 Storage Tanks z Stores hot water so that it can be used at a later date. z Used to transfer heat from solar piping to domestic water. z Can contain heat exchangers. z Can be: – pressurized or non-pressurized – made from metal, fiberglass or polymer materials – mounted above or below ground level z Various sizes from 50 litres to 5000 litres or larger. TextDevelopment Credit: Trimline Design Centre Solar Energy Project Specialists 67 Heat Exchangers z Transfers heat from one fluid “flow” or loop to another – Solar loop to storage loop – Solar fluid to drinking water z “side-arm” Protects drinkable water from glycol and stale water Coil inside the tank Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre 68 Circulation Pumps – Centrifugal AC Pump AC Pump z Pumping fluid in the solar loop and space heating loop. z Allows fluid to flow both directions through the pump when stopped – critical for drainback systems. z Fluid flow rate can be controlled without causing damage to the pump. Typically 1 to 2 litres/minute per collector. z No chance of over-pressuring fluid loops or storage tank limits. z Requires in-line check valve to prevent thermo-siphoning. z Built-in motor protection for long life. Typically 10-15 years. DC Pump Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre 69 Circulation Pumps – Positive Displacement z Typically used for AC, DC and/or direct PV driven systems. – PV system - variable speed to match flow rate with solar intensity. – AC or DC - fluid flow rate cannot be independently controlled to match collector requirements. z Needs pressure relief valve in fluid loop to prevent possible overpressure condition. z Prevents thermo-siphoning conditions due to internal pump design. z Cannot be used for drainback systems. Text Credit: TrimlineSpecialists Design Centre Solar Energy Project Development 70 Control using Collector-Tank Temperature Difference …the circulating pump is only triggered when the collector temperature is higher than the cold water temperature. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 71 System Controllers – analogue (delta T) z Typically controls one pump only, based on temperature difference. – Operates the solar loop pump only. – No multiple pump control. z Limited to low temperature sensing only. z No data logging functions. z AC power source. z AC pump control. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre 72 50 45 40 System Controllers – digital 35 30 25 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 Header Temp. z Typically based on a microcomputer – is programmable, very flexibility. z Additional features can include: – multiple pump control such as for double-pump systems; – real time data logging – to see system performance; and – web access and interface for remote data logging. z Selectable temperature sensors to allow for temperature monitoring up to 500°C. Tank Temp. 40 z Power source can be AC or DC. 35 30 Solar Project Development Specialists Text Energy Credit: Trimline Design Centre 25 73 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 Control using Solar Energy Levels …a PV module produces electricity for a DC circulating pump when the sun shines. Solar PV module Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 74 Flow Meter z Allows: – system flow rate to be properly set and monitored; – visual monitoring of system fluid level; and – visual monitoring of system fluid condition. Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. 75 Solar Energy Project Development Malcolm Specialists S. Forbes Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Next 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Treat the Earth well. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? It was not given to you by your parents. Solar Energy Project It was loaned to you by your children. Development Specialists Kenyan Proverb 76 Glycol-Based Configuration – Advantages In a glycol-based configuration, typically glycol is pumped through the system and stays in the collectors and the lines, even during freezing and stagnating conditions. z Immune to freezing. z Can run piping without concern for level or plumb. z Easy for the do-it-yourself person to install. Solar PV module Text Credit: Trimline Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Design Centre 77 Glycol-Based Configuration – Special Design Considerations z May need an external heat dump for excess heat. – When the controller stops the pump due to the storage tank temperature set point, the system still continues to heat the glycol in the collector. – When the glycol boils it turns acidic and sludgy, and eats away at all the copper piping and solar collector manifolds. It needs to be replaced. – The continued heating raises the solar loop pressure and could cause leaks in the system. z New Enerworks solar thermal collectors ( have solved this issue. Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre Working together to reduce our impact on the land, air & water is not only the responsible thing for us to do as corporate citizens – it’s also the right thingEnergy for the future of ourDevelopment businesses. 78 Solar Project Specialists Suncor CEO Rick George "Drainback" Water-Based Configuration In a drainback system, water is only pumped up to the collectors when enough solar energy is available to heat it. 3 2 Otherwise, the collectors remain empty – such as at night and during freezing and stagnating conditions. 1 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 79 Drainback Configuration – How is it different? z Solar loop circulates water – from storage tank to solar collectors to be heated, – then to the drainback tank, – may need to use distilled water because there are no minerals in it. Some city water can make algae in the system in a year. z Tank loop circulates water – from drainback tank, – to the storage tank, which stores the heat for future use. z When storage tank is full of hot water, the pump stops and the water drains back to the drainback tank due to gravity. z Drainback tank: – essential for a drainback system to work, – maintains an air buffer to allow the water in the collectors and piping to be displaced by air and drain back properly. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre 80 Drainback Configuration – What does the drainback process do? z Solar collectors and piping are empty when not operating. z Provides failsafe protection against system damage due: – overheating in the summer, – freezing in the winter, or – electrical power outages. Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre Our self-interest is also the self-interest of the community & environment within which we operate. 81 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists We have no choice but environmental and social responsibility. Anonymous Drainback Configuration – Advantages z Easiest 4-season system for a do-it-yourself person to install and maintain. z Has the least maintenance of the 4-season systems. z No concerns when going away on holidays or other periods of reduced hot water requirements. z Solar collectors will last longer than in other systems. Energy efficiency is today’s biggest global economic challenge. 82 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Office of Energy Efficiency, Natural Resources Canada Drainback Configuration – Advantages z It can be stopped when the storage tank is full of hot water: – without degrading the water or causing major component failures due to collector stagnation. – without being concerned about boiling the storage tank or causing high system temperatures and pressures in the summer when the collectors are in stagnation mode (these would otherwise cause major system component failures). z More collectors can be added to produce more heat in the winter: – without need to dissipate excess heat in the summer when it is not required. No cathedral was ever built based on its economic return. Solar Energy Project Stewardship always involves taking the long view. Rob Dumont Development Specialists Saskatchewan Research Council 83 Drainback Configuration – Special Design Considerations z Installation needs to be carefully done. z Drainback needs to be certain: – all piping must be sloped, – collectors must be level, and – all water must drainback into a warmed space. z Companies are motivated by the self interest Solar of the people who make the decisions. Requires a larger pump than a glycol system due to the head pressure of the water in the piping. Joel Nodelman, Energy Project Sustainable Development Specialists Development, EPCOR 84 Solar Water Heating System – Installation Considerations z Plan for routing the solar collector piping from the roof to the storage tank. z Be careful about any roof and wall penetrations. z Increase in roof loading – shouldn’t be a problem, but needs to be checked. z Good southern exposure. 10% shading only causes 10% loss. Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre In the arena of human life the honours and rewards Solar Energy Project … fall to those who show their good qualities in action. DevelopmentAristotle Specialists 85 People who are doing it… Tim Belec, Pigeon Lake Collectors – mounted horizontally on roof rack Solar Energy Project Development Specialists ThermoDynamics Solar Boiler 86 Nicely flashed into roof People who say it cannot be done Solar Energy Project … should not interrupt those who are doing it. Development Specialists George Bernard Shaw 87 Offset from roof on a rack If not here… then where? If not you… If not now… Solarthen Energy Project Development Specialists who? then when? 88 Mounted on a metal roof I hope we don't have to wait until oil and coal run out Solar Energy … before we tackle solar power. Thomas Edison Project Development Specialists (1847-1931) 89 Mounted against a wall Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 90 Hung over the edge of a roof Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 91 School DHW system Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 92 Array mounting – flat roof Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 93 Array mounting – rear view Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 94 Mounted on a rack above the roof line The right to access every building in the city by private car, in an age when Solar Energy Project Development everyone possesses such a vehicle, is actually the right to destroy the city. Lewis Specialists Mumford, 1981 95 Mounting Location z Does not have to be mounted on a house roof. z Can be mounted on garage roofs, walls, ground. Photo Credit: Trimline Design Centre The true voyage of discovery begins not with new places, Solar Energy Project but with new eyes. Development Specialists Marcel Proust 96 Okotoks, indoor town swimming pool Commercial Solar Water Heating Best suited for places that use a lot of hot water throughout the year: Municipal swimming pools - indoor - outdoor z Cafeterias z Car washes z Zamboni machines z Sports arenas z Fire stations z Hotels z 66 collectors London Ontario Raceway, horse wash Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 97 Solar Heating at the Best Western Hotel – Kelowna, BC 100 flate plate collectors Change only favours minds Solar Energy that are diligently looking and preparing for discovery. Project Development Specialists Louis Pasteur 98 Commercial-Sized Solar Heat Storage Tanks Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 99 Solar Domestic Water Heating Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 100 Vancouver Passive Solar Domestic Water Heating z z Jamaica Batch water heaters Thermosyphon systems Greece Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 101 Batch Solar Water Heaters z z Integrated collector / storage stank Made of a black tank in an insulated, glazed box. z Cold water first passes through the batch heater. – It heats the water part of the way to the desired temperature – The water then continues to the conventional water heater for any additional heating. z Batch water heaters are simple and reliable. z They should not be installed in severely cold climates because the outdoor pipes could freeze in the cold weather. Text Credit: Trimline Design Centre If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, 102 Solar Energy Project Development Abraham Specialists then I warn you that you'll be unhappy for the rest of your life. Maslow Sunwell – 3-season Solar Water Heater – z z z z Sunwell system, Taylor Munro Energy Systems, Vancouver $2000 40% solar fraction (vs $6000 and 70%) Stainless steel 158 litre tank May we begin to do good, for up to now we have done very little! +St. Francis Solar Energy Project Development Specialists of Assisi 103 Thermosyphon system z The water flow relies on natural convection and does not require any pump z Very simple system – no pumps, heat exchangers, controls z Not typically used in freezing climates Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 104 Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Next 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? For of those to whom much is given, much is required. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Luke 12:48 105 Operating Costs… z Operating costs: – Solar PV powered pump: – Glycol system: – Drainback system: z $0 per year $10 per year in electricity $15-$20 per year in electricity Maintenance costs: – Glycol system: – Drainback system: $20 per year for glycol? $0 per year Going to a junkyard is a sobering experience… Solar Energy Project DevelopmentRoger Specialists There you can see the ultimate destination of almost everything we desire. von Oech 106 Costs Breakdown – Solar Domestic Water Heating z 2 collector system Portion – – – – – $2100 $1500 $1000 $1000 $ 400 for 2 solar collectors 33% installation, plumbing, and electrical work 23% pumps, piping, controls 17% solar tank and heat exchanger 17% fittings, collector rack, flow meter 6% ========= ~$6,000 installed price (up to $8,000) + GST – $ 500 Government of Canada subsidy (7% of 2-collector system) – Typically: $6000 for 1 collector system installed $7000 for 2 collector system installed, $8000 for 3 collector system installed. It is said that 'insanity is when the inner vision of reality Solar Energy Project Development no longer corresponds with the external world as it really is…' Specialists 107 Energy Uses in the Home – Natural Gas z Average house uses 135 GJ per year (= $1179) z Heated air for the space in the house – called space heating (typically takes 105 GJ of natural gas = $917) z Heated water for showers, dishwashers, clothes washers – called domestic water heating (DWH) (typically 30 GJ = $262) z Optional – stove, oven, clothes dryer, BBQ, fireplace Municipalities hold the key to a sustainable world in their hands. They are the perfect scale for the Solar Energy Project Development Specialists creation of socially and ecologically sustainable role models. Dr. Karl-Henrik Robert 108 Background: Our Natural Gas Consumption Natural Gas Bill Fuel Consumption 300 $3,000 High 300 GJ Household Consumption per year (Edmonton) 250 High $2967 per year $2,500 $2,000 200 1 GJ = 28 litres of gasoline 150 Avg $1527 per year $1,500 Avg 135 GJ 100 $1,000 Low 35 GJ DWH 0 1 Low $654 per year Average DHW, $262 Avg 30 GJ for DWH 50 Charges for delivered energy $500 DWH $348 $0 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Annual connection fee 1 109 Evacuated Tube Compared to Flat Plate z Lots of promotion of both technologies Lots of disagreements between the promoters z Efficiency: z – – – – – z FPC FPC FPC ETC ETC Enerworks residential: ThermoDynamics G32: Zen 42L: Thermo Tech Mazdon 30: Apricus AP-22: max 72% 69% 68% 53% 42% avg January (Ti=13°C, G=300) 32% 30% 38% 44% 32% Approx. costs (for the similar collector area) (check suppliers for confirmed $ numbers) – ETC Thermo Tech Mazdon 30: $2500 for 30 tubes – ETC Apricus AP-22: $2500 for 22 tubes – FPC Zen 42L: $2100 for 6’x8.5’ collector – FPC ThermoDynamics S32: $1000 for 4’x8’ collector Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 110 Collector Efficiency C o llec to r E fficien cy (% ) -- b ased o n N o rth A m eric an R atin g M eth o d 90 Collector efficiency reduces with colder and/or cloudier weather 80 70 60 Avg January day 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 Sunnier and/or hotter Thermo Tech TMA 600-30 Thermo Dynamics G32-P Apricus AP-22 0.10 0.12 (Ti-Ta)/G Zen Thermic 42L Enerworks COL-4x8-TL-SG1SD10US 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 Cloudier and/or colder Enerworks COL-4X8-NL-SG1SH10US Thermomax Solarmax AST30 Ti – temperature of inlet fluid to solar collector [°C] Ta – temperature of air surrounding solar collector [°C] Solar Energy Project Development Specialists G – solar energy on collector surface [W/m2] 111 Ultimate Collector Performance – 2 collector residential system $/month $60 $55 $50 $45 $40 $35 $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 $0 January February March April Thermo Dynamics G-32 May June Thermomax Mazdon 30 - TMA 600S July August Wat er Loads Sept ember Oct ober November December Average Solar radiat ion Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 112 Collector Performance – evacuated tube compared to flat plate $/month $30 $25 $20 $15 $10 $5 37% efficient 46% efficient $0 January February March April May June Thermo Dynamics Solar G-32 July August September October November December Thermomax Water Loads Energy Development Specialists Mazdon Project 30 - TMA 600S Average 113 Performance of Solar DHW Systems – Rules of Thumb Solar savings for average household (%) Annual energy production (GJ) Collector brand Qty: 1 2 3 2-collector system cost 1. Enerworks residential – flat plate collector 45% 7.4 GJ 68% 11.2 GJ 79% 13 GJ ~$6000 2. Thermodynamics G32 – flat plate collector 47% 7.8 GJ 71% 11.8 GJ 81% 13.4 GJ ~$6500 3. Zen 28S – flat plate collector 57% 9.5 GJ 84% 13.9 GJ 92% 15.2 GJ ~$8000 4. Thermo Tech Mazdon 30: – evacuated tube collector 61% 10.1 GJ 90% 14.9 GJ 98% 16.1 GJ ~$8800 Costs not to be taken as definitive Anyone who challenges the prevailing orthodoxy finds himself being silenced with surprising George Solar Energy Project Development Specialists effectiveness. A genuinely unfashionable opinion is almost never given a fair hearing. Orwell 114 Solar DWH Recovery Time Solar Conditions Solar Radiation Intensity [W/m2] Likely System Efficiency Recovery Rate [litres per hour] Super bright 1000 50% 50 -15°C, sunny day 500 20% 10 +15°C, heavy overcast 100 50% 5 0 50% 0 Night z z For a typical system with 2 collectors at 3m2 per collector. With cold water temperature = 5°C,Project hot water temperature = 55°C. Solar Energy Development Specialists 115 Solar DW Water Heating Costs – Flat Plate z Prices of delivered natural gas heat: 8 $/GJ to 32 $/GJ, $/G rising at 7% per year (over the last 15 years) – 10% to 25% subsidy ($1.20 to $2.30 /GJ, on residential bills) – depends on efficiency of the heater, fluctuating North American market prices, government policies and subsidies, and cost of carbon emissions – z Prices of delivered solar heat: heat 20 $/GJ to 23 $/GJ with 0% interest rate 34 $/GJ with 6% interest rate – $500 rebate (8%) from Government of Canada – fixed price for 25 years – z Depending on solar and natural gas rebates, and snow cover: ROI: ROI – Payback: – 5% to 6% per year 13 to 19 years depending on installation, and subsidies Socialism collapsed because it did not allow the market to tell the economic truth. Øystein Dahle Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Capitalism may collapse because it does not allow the market to tell the ecological truth. Exxon Norway 116 Emission Reductions z For a 2-collector system on a standard household: – 66% reduction in water heating emissions – 1000 kg of CO2 reduction per year (with partial snow cover) – 1200 kg of CO2 reduction per year (with no snow cover) Service to others… Solar Energy Project is the rent you pay for your room here on earth. 117 Development Specialists Muhammad Ali Background: Natural Gas Prices (Edmonton) $/GJ 2006: $10.27 /GJ $11 $10 $9 Average increase is 7.2% per year over the last 19 years $8 2007: $8.73 /GJ $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 19 94 19 93 19 92 19 91 19 90 19 89 19 19 88 $0 It may seem impossible to imagine that a technologically advanced society could Elizabeth Kolbert 118 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists choose, in essence, to destroy itself, but that is what we are now in the process of doing. New Yorker Background: Natural Gas Connection Fees $/year $450 2008: $401 per year $400 2007: $348 per year Average increase is 5.8% per year over the last 19 years $350 2006: $320 per year $300 $250 $200 $150 $100 $50 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 20 01 20 00 20 99 19 98 19 97 19 96 19 95 19 94 19 93 19 92 19 91 19 90 19 89 19 19 88 $0 In many ways our future is passing us by, Gary Lamphier Solar Energy Project Development Specialists … and our energy riches may one day look like fool's gold. Edmonton Journal 119 z z Natural Gas Bill (Edmonton) z z Connection fee + commodity fee Selling gas, delivering gas, municipal access fees, GST Commodity fee = quantity of gas purchased and delivered + municipal access fee + GST For a typical house, the potential savings are $1179 (77% of gas bill) unless you go completely off-grid. Apparent price of natural gas ($11.31 /GJ) Average home natural gas bill Natural Gas bill ($) Average home bill: $1527 per year Commodity fee $1179 Total connection fee ($348 per year, 23% of natural gas bill) { Actual price of natural gas including purchase, delivery, taxes and GST ($8.73 /GJ) (before subsidies) Average natural gas consumption $0 0 135 GJ/year Amount of natural gas used (kWh) Electricity price of 11.17 ¢/kWh expressed in Project $/GJ to compare with natural gas: $31.03/GJ 120 Solar Energy Development Specialists Price of Natural Gas Heat $/GJ – from Perception to Reality… $28.55 $30 $25 $20.56 $20 $15 $11.31 $8.73 $10 $5 $6.18 $6.75 Read directly from gas bill Prorated over monthly consumption $0 Price of Price of purchased fuel purchased fuel - averaged - prorated Including $/GJ delivery fees Price of delivered fuel Including pro-rated $/month connection fees Including appliance efficiency Including buying windpowered emission offsets And what about the cost of other environmental damages? Apparent price Apparent price Cost for airof delivered fuel of heat emissions free heat Presumed cost of natural gas: $834 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Presumed cost of fixed charges: $693 121 Going off the Gas Grid… z Here is how to calculate when your heating bill will be less by using electricity than natural gas: z Threshold [GJ] = Annual gas connection fees [$/year] ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– (electricity heat price – natural gas heat price) [$/GJ] z Electricity heat price [$/GJ] = electricity price [¢/kWh] /100 /3.6 *1000 z Natural gas heat price [$/GJ] = natural gas fuel price [$/GJ] –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– average efficiency of your home’s appliances (typically 60% for standard furnace and water heater) For a typical house: 23 GJ = $348 / (11.17 /100 /3.6 *100 – 8.73 / 60%) = $712 annual natural gas bill = 17% of average house use now 122 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists z Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Next 8. 9. 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? The future does not belong to those who are content with today, fearful in the face Robert Kennedy Solar Energy Project Development Specialists of new ideas and bold projects. It will belong to those with a personal commitment. 1966 123 Your own solar system – getting ready z Decide why you want solar in your house – $ savings, emission savings, peer leadership… z The solar industry is contacted by many many tyre kickers… – This is not helpful to anyone – If you come prepared then you will show that you are serious and so get noticed and respected In the past 30 years, 1/3 of Earth resources have been consumed. In the next 50 Worldwide Fund Solar Energy Project Development Specialists years, the population will double, & natural resources will fall by 50 - 75%/person. for Nature, 1998 124 Becoming Solar Ready 1. How much do you need? z Size of your solar water heating system depends on: How much water do you use in a year? – average residential hot water usage is 225 L/day (= 40% of total water use) (you can guess how much your water heat usage is with your 3 summer bills) If you use less water to begin with, then the size of your solar heating system is smaller! …and way less expensive z z Get your natural gas and water bills together for at least 1 year (2 years is even better). Add up all the natural gas and water that you use. – This gives equipment suppliers a good idea of how much energy you use and so what % that their system can supply you. Rules are for the obedience of fools Solar …and the guidance of wise men. Douglas Bader Energy Project Development Specialists WWII pilot, Britain 125 Becoming Solar Ready 2. How much do you want? z Size of your solar water heating system depends on: How much of your water heating you want to get from the sun? How many $ per year? or What % of your energy? 10%, 50%, 100%, ??? or How many GJ are you wanting? z This number is a target. You don't have to have all your heating provided by solar. This is decided by knowing how much heating you are using and what is your budget – and it is a guess until you know the other figures. Economic prosperity goes hand in hand with good health and a clean environment. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists …These inalienable rights are also the mission of successful companies. 126 Becoming Solar Ready 3. What is your budget? z Size of your solar water heating system depends on: How much do you want to spend? – a solar water heating system is generally modular and so can be sized to fit your budget – Typically people only use 1, 2, or 3 collectors 2 solar heating collectors 4 16 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 127 Becoming Solar Ready 4. Where do you live? z Size of your solar water heating system depends on: How much energy is in the sunlight where you are located? – 20% difference annually on a 6/12 roof between Fort McMurray and Lethbridge – 20% difference in the winter on a vertical surface between Fort McMurray and Lethbridge RETScreen spreadsheet analysis software available free from Natural Resources Canada Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 128 Becoming Solar Ready 5. What are your solar sightlines? z Size of your solar water heating system depends on: How clear are your solar sightlines from obstructions? – – z from trees (now and in the future) from other houses or high buildings? Shading reduces the amount of solar heat you can produce – where are your coniferous and deciduous trees? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 129 Becoming Solar Ready 6. What are your roof and wall orientations? z Size of your solar water heating system is affected by: What are your roof or wall orientations? – – – – – z does your roof slope north and south? are your walls facing south is your back yard or your front yard facing south? are they free from obstructions? (vents, dormers) how much area is there? What do you do if they are not the right orientation? Too many obstructions fill up the roof Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 130 Becoming Solar Ready – Preparing a new home z Space from mechanical room to attic – "Chase" for 2 insulated solar hot water pipes – Make sure this is sealed to prevent air and moisture from entering the attic z Space in mechanical room – Wall area: – 2 m2 for valves, fittings and a small tank – Floor area: – To accommodate another water tank about the size of your present one Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 131 Your own solar system – approaching designers and suppliers z Supplier – …designs and specifies the system based on your needs and desires – Does the supplier know how to design well? – How do you evaluate their prices? z Installer – …installs the system according to the design of the supplier – Does the installer know how to install well? – How do you evaluate their prices? – Plumbers can install a solar heating system – You can install it yourself??? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 132 Your own solar system – approaching designers and suppliers z Look at the Eco-Solar Products and Services list for suppliers z Contact 3 suppliers – Look at web sites to see what they supply. – Ask for 3 references to make sure they know what they are speaking about. z Make sure they are members of the solar industry association: – Canadian Solar Industries Association ( – This helps ensure that they have good relationships with their peers, and so are wanting to be in business for a long time. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 133 Your own solar system – approaching designers and suppliers z Give the supplier some photos of your house, showing: – the view of the front yard from the south, showing the general house and trees, – the roof and walls, showing obstructions, slopes, and shapes – the view to the south from the house, showing trees and other buildings – the furnace room to show them an idea of how much space there is on the floor andEnergy walls Project available for equipment Solar Development Specialists 134 Your own solar system – approaching designers and suppliers z Good suppliers know how to design and size your system, not just supply you with some parts! – Ask lots of questions to make sure they know what they are talking about. – Do they have a system package for you (rather than bits and pieces)? – Do they have professional brochures of their equipment? (this shows they are serious about their products) Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 135 Your own solar system – approaching designers and suppliers z Good suppliers: – Do they have a list of all the parts that are needed z so you get an idea of how organised they are, z so you see what may be missing and that you still need to organise on your own? – Do they have a relationship with qualified installers with whom they have worked before? z z You don't want to go out and try and find one on your own! Suppliers don't necessarily make good installers! Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 136 Your own solar system – how to buy z Be aware when getting price quotes for systems: – Is it a firm quote or an estimate that they can change? – Are they interested in talking with you about your energy needs or just selling you a system? – Make sure they indicate how many GJ their system will supply!!! Calculate their system price in $ per annual GJ supplied. – Look at product delivery times, warranties, ask about service call-back promises, how close are they to you… – Ask them what makes them better compared to others. Don't let them put down their competitors, just ask them to make themselves look good. z Solar Energy Development Go with confidence… contact me if Project you have any Q. Specialists 137 Questions…? z Course Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Next 10. Introduction to course Context to solar heating Energy, solar energy – the resources, the technology, how it works Mounting angles Solar equipment, components Operating configurations, installation locations Costs, economics, rules of thumb sizing Local examples of solar DW heating systems Getting your own solar DW heating system, how to find contractors, how to buy How about solar space heating? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 138 Incoming Solar Energy compared to House Heating Needs Solar Energy MJ/m2/d Gas Consumption MJ/d 9.0 800 8.0 700 7.0 Natural gas consumption [MJ/day] 600 6.0 500 5.0 Solar radiation - 27° [MJ/m2/day] at 35% efficiency 400 4.0 300 3.0 200 2.0 1.0 100 0.0 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Solar radiation - vertical surface [MJ/m2/day] at 35% efficiency Annual We consume 7 times more natural gas in January than July. Daily min/max ratio is much more. We get 1.7 times more solar energy on a vertical surface in March than in June! Daily ratio is much more! 139 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Solar Energy Value compared to House Heating Costs Solar Energy Displacement Value $/m2/month Gas Cost $/month $3.0 $300 $2.5 $250 $2.0 $200 $1.5 $150 $1.0 $100 $0.5 $50 $0.0 $0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Gas purchase cost [$ per month] Solar energy's value in displacing natural gas at 90° tilt [$ per month for 1 m2] Dec # of solar collectors needed (using monthly averages, each collector: 3m2): 47 31 29 26 18 2 1 3 10 15 35 47 These numbers are approximate and Solar are NOT to be used for the Development purposes of design and sizing of a solar 140 Energy Project Specialists heating system. They are intended to be used to illustrate the importance of energy efficiency. Solar Space Heating on Standard Home z z Amount of energy in sunshine in Edmonton is 5.9 GJ/m2.year. Typical home in Edmonton uses – 135 GJ of natural gas, – = approx. 105 GJ for space heating + 30 GJ for water heating. – This house would need 58 solar collectors to heat it 100% in the winter, at an installed cost of some $120,000. At 3 m2 each, the collectors would take up a roof area of 170 m2, bigger than the house! z In contrast, an example R-2000 home might use 48 GJ for space heating + 20 GJ for water heating. – This house would need 18 solar collectors to heat it 100% in the winter, at an installed cost of $40,000. (54 m2 of house roof area) These numbers are approximate and Solar are NOT to be used for the Development purposes of design and sizing of a solar 141 Energy Project Specialists heating system. They are intended to be used to illustrate the importance of energy efficiency. Solar & Energy Efficiency – How do they relate? No energy efficiency…? Large use of heat… When employing energy efficiency… Then you don't need nearly as much heat energy… large solar energy system large amount of heat storage less expensive solar energy system less expensive heat storage Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 142 Heating Energy Efficiency z The most important thing to start with! z The cheapest energy you will ever find!! #1. Start with an energy audit! It is a roadmap to the energy use in your home. From this map, then you can make the decisions that are important to you. ATCO: VerdaTech: $225 $300 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 143 The Cost of Energy Efficiency - Furnaces Cost of natural gas in Edmonton (including delivery and taxes) in 2006. This is 35% of the cost of electricity. 10.27 $/GJ Cost of energy efficiency z high efficiency gas furnace (92% efficient) z Replacing a standard efficiency (62% efficient) 4.03 $/GJ $324/year savings 6% return on purchase 15 year cost payback Reduction in an average household natural gas bill 20% Natural gas energy efficiency is a secure investment. Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 144 Rob Dumont's Home, Saskatoon "The best insulated house in the world" Solar space heating collectors Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 145 Factor 9 Home - Regina Solar space heating collectors146 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Riverdale NetZero Energy Home duplex 1844 ft2 per side 3 bedrooms south-facing R-56 walls R-100 ceiling R-24 basement floor 6.6 kW at -32°C Solar PV system for electricity – 33 m2, 5.6 kW, 53°tilt Active solar heating system for water and space heating -21 m2, vertical, 17000 litre main storage Passive solar for space heating – all windows Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 147 Solar thermal collectors Qty: 7 Brand: Conergy from Belgium Gross area: 3.1 m2 each, 21 m2 total 2s 3s Drain water heat recovery unit Solar Pump Household water heating 6w (This shows concept. Actual design is slightly modified.) 5w Water Mains 4s 17,000 litre water-filled solar heat storage 1s tank 7w Heat exchanger 8w Household hot water loads 9w 12 kW electric top-up water heater Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 148 Solar thermal collectors 2s Cool return air from house 3s 12a 13a Solar Pump 8h 14a Fan-coil Fancoil pump 4s 5h 10f 7h 9f 11f 17,000 litre water-filled solar heat storage 1s tank Heated supply air to house Home heating (This shows concept. Actual design is slightly modified.) 6h 12 kW electric top-up water heater Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 149 Solar assist heat pump (This shows concept. Actual design is slightly modified.) Very small, ¾ T capacity (like a large fridge) z Makes the solar collectors more efficient in winter - cools storage tank faster z Allows more heat to be drawn from the solar tank - about 600 kWh z 2 Provides cooling in the summer, if needed 1 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 150 Riverdale NetZero heating system schematic 151 Solar Energy Project Development Specialists Riverdale NetZero solar heating system plumbing Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 152 Questions??? z What haven't I covered for you? Solar Energy Project Development Specialists 153 Emerald Award 2002 …we hold the future in our hands But will our children want to live in what we are giving to them? Gordon Howell, P.Eng. Howell-Mayhew Engineering Edmonton Phone: +1 780 484 0476 E-mail: ©1995-2008 Photo credits: Gordon Howell and several others Love does not dominate …it cultivates. Solar Johann Goethe Energy Project Development Specialists 154
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