7 OP-ED SUNDAY, MARCH 24, 2013 In better shape now than ever before There’s lots of competition in the media and lots of stuff to read, Matthew Yglesias writes A MERICAN news media has never been in better shape. That’s just common sense. Almost anything you’d want to know about any subject is available at your ingertips. You don’t need to take my analysis of the Cyprus bank bailout crisis as the last word on the matter: You can quickly and easily ind coverage from The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times and the Economist or anywhere else Or if you don’t want to see your Cyprus news iltered through an America/British lens, you can check out the take of distinguished Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis on his blog. Essentially none of this bounty is relected in the deeply pessimistic latest edition of the Pew Research Cen- ter’s annual State of the Media Report. Pew’s overview makes no mention of the Web’s speed, range and depth, or indeed any mention at all of audience access to information as an important indicator of the health of journalism. Instead we lead with a lamentation that “in 2012, a continued erosion of news reporting resources converged with growing opportunities for those in politics, government agencies, companies and others to take their messages directly to the public.” Layoffs of newsroom personnel at newspapers, Pew reports, have “put the industry down 30 per cent since its peak in 2000 and below 40,000 full-time professional employees for the irst time since 1978.” This viewpoint is not wrong, exact- ly, but it is mistaken. It’s a blinkered outlook that confuses the interests of producers with those of consumers, confuses inputs with outputs, and neglects the single most important driver of human welfare -- productivity. Just as a tiny number of farmers now produce an agricultural bounty that would have amazed our ancestors, today’s readers have access to far more high-quality coverage than they have time to read. Just ask yourself: Is there more or less good material for you to read today than there was 13 years ago? The answer is, clearly, more. Indeed, one thing the Pew report correctly emphasizes is that it’s hard to make lots of money selling ads online. But it’s hard primarily for the same reason that the Internet is such a bonanza for readers: There’s lots of competition and lots of stuff to read. A traditional newspaper used to compete with a single cross-town rival. Time would compete with Newsweek. Time doesn’t compete with Newsweek anymore: Instead it competes with every single English-language website on the planet. It’s tough, but it merely news distribution are astonishing. You don’t need to go to a speciality shop to ind out-of-town newspapers or foreign magazines. Just open a browser. You can check on Israeli news sites when a new government is formed or during an American presidential visit and ignore them the rest of the year. The Internet also Digital technology makes it dramatically easier to produce the news underscores the extent of the enormous advances in productivity that are transforming the industry. The recent improvements in How to correct a big mistake brings the enormous back catalogue of journalism to life. And of course digital technology also makes it dramatically easi- er to produce the news. Charts and graphs can be manufactured and published in minutes. Public sector data, academic research, and think tank reports are at your ingertips, instead of gathering dust on random shelves. Email, instant messaging, and mobile phones make it easier to contact sources and collaborate with editors. In other words, any individual journalist working today can produce much more than our predecessors could in 1978. And the audience can essentially read all of our output. Not just today’s output either. Yesterday’s and last week’s and last month’s and last year’s and so forth. To the extent that the industry is suffering, it’s suffering from a crisis of productivity. WP-Bloomberg Solution Syrian crisis Enemies are gaining access to technology that enables them to harm the US, David W. Barno writes T HE wars of the 21st century will be dominated by three overlapping types of conlict: Wars of Silicon, Wars of Iron and Wars in the Shadows. The United States must design a new readiness and investment strategy to deal with all three. Yet today it continues to pour scarce resources chiely into its sphere of long-held dominance -- Wars of Iron. This is a potentially disastrous mistake, but one that can be corrected if we act now. Wars of Silicon represent the most demanding scenarios that the United States could face in the coming decades. These wars represent the ‘high bar’ -- a potential US faceoff against a deadly trifecta of cutting-edge technology, advanced military capabilities and substantial inancial resources. While these wars will be built around cyber-technology, they may well include highly sophisticated weapons and other evolving forms of mayhem -- from malevolent biological agents to disruptions of critical infrastructure. Several states loom as possible Silicon War opponents, the most obvious being China. But the circle of potential enemies grows each year as more adversaries gain access to technology that enables them to strike and harm the United States, even without conventional power projection capabilities. Non-state actors will pose a threat too, as even the smallest group of skilled malcontents can deliver Silicon War effects from their home computers. Immediately attributing certain attacks may prove dificult, complicating both deterrence and counterattack. At scale, Silicon Wars may enable powerful state actors to unbalance and unhinge US regional or global objectives by undercutting both its civil and military capabilities. A high-end, economically powerful adversary could deploy sophisticated cyberthreats in combination with large numbers of highly equipped conventional forces. Combinations of these capabilities could deny US forces access to critical airspace and waterways. Although the United States does not seek such confrontations -- nor see them as inevitable -- it must be prepared for a world in which a new standard is being set for advanced military competition. Unquestionably, some substantial portion of the US military must be designed to counter this growing and most demanding threat. Investment Implications: Wars of Silicon require a different balance of US security capabilities than exists now. These wars present new challenges that cannot be addressed solely with the forces and systems that the Pentagon plans to bring online in the next 10 years. With the increased possibility of a high-end, economically powerful actor with regional ambitions -- think China in 2030 -- it’s time for Several states loom as possible Silicon War opponents the United States to substantially alter its current investment portfolio. Arguably, the United States remains most deeply exposed to foreign-directed mayhem in the cyber-domain, so it should increase spending on both defensive and offensive cyber-capabilities. In anti-access conlicts, maritime and airpower will remain high-value capabilities, but only if adapted to this new threat. Forces that today are most effective when operating close to enemy shores will be particularly vulnerable in a Silicon War because of growing numbers of advanced longrange missiles, so striking from greater distances with unmanned platforms will be essential. The vulnerability of many of today’s shortrange manned aircraft and low-end ships makes them largely unsuitable for this type of war. It also argues against buying lots more of the same, particularly at exorbitant cost. Much better for the United States to increase its ability to operate from long distances with more survivable precisionstrike capabilities. Moreover, standoff air and naval forces -- partnered with missile US and ground forces -- will most effectively reassure US allies and therefore sustain the global credibility of American power as rising regional actors put military pressure on their neigh- bours. Wars of Iron will continue to represent the bulk of potential conlicts around the world over the next several decades, but they will look different from conventional wars in the past. These wars will originate primarily from nation-states, triggered by instability and competing interests. Wars of this variety could involve a host of recognisable and as-yet emerging actors: North Korea, Russia or other autocratic regimes or rogue aggressors. A disruptive change of government may be all that divides today’s benign state from tomorrow’s deadly regional threat. Late-20th-century weaponry will predominate on these battleields. And yet these wars will not simply replicate the conventional military symmetry of the Cold War -- tank armies battling tank armies or airto-air engagements. Each will entail a unique blend of conventional and unconventional capabilities, often described as ‘hybrid’ warfare. The United States will have to be prepared to ight and win in this domain as well, reinforcing the need for highly capable and versatile (if smaller) US ground forces. Most nation-states will continue to build military power through conventional weaponry, while also seeking new advantages in both cyber- and irregularwarfare capabilities. Others will deploy large militaries well-equipped with late-20th century capabilities, but leavened by selective new technologies. Investment Implications: The United States is immensely well-prepared to deal with Wars of Iron and is poised to buy more conventional ‘iron’ weaponry at massive expense -- arguably to face a world of limited threats, none existential. In the face of growing iscal pressure, the United States is in effect pouring immense resources into perfecting yesterday’s capabilities, robbing scarce capital from investments required to address the growth of emerging technologies and high-end competitors. More short-range strike ighters and low-end surface ships mirroring today’s ways of ighting are not the answer. These ‘legacy-plus’ systems come at the cost of essential research in science and technology. Put simply, over-investment in Wars of Iron is robbing the US military and the nation of the resources it will need to develop and ield dominant military capabilities for the world of 2030. Wars in the Shadows are the third type of potential conlict. A decade of irregular conlict in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 has left the United States wellprepared to ight in this domain. It arguably has the most capable low-level intelligence and special forces capabilities in its history, honed by years of war against insurgents and terrorists. And it is increasingly apparent that these irregular wars will persist in the aftermath of the US military drawdowns in Iraq and Afghanistan, perhaps for decades to come. Ongoing special forces and intelligence operations in Yemen, the Philippines, Colombia, Mali, Niger and the Horn of Africa all speak to the pervasiveness of unconventional extremist threats in remote corners of the world. In the last decade, Al Qaeda has metastasised across a broad range of countries and regions, committing the United States to an increasingly global ight aimed at preventing further attacks on the US homeland or its allies. As a result, the United States has directed substantial resources into capabilities optimised for ighting Shadow Wars. Drones, special operators, intelligence activities, and other tools of unconventional warfare will continue to be in high demand. Investment Implications: The United States unquestionably needs to sustain its decade-long investment in irregular-warfare capabilities. In particular, its ability to collect actionable intelligence from around the globe provides an irreplaceable bulwark against surprise attacks by Al Qaedalike groups. This worldwide early-warning network has become indispensible to the defence of the nation. Fastgrowing technologies have advanced the capabilities of this community dramatically in the last decade -- and these new tools have in turn become adjuncts to all three types of wars. Drones for surveillance and strike have become the iconic weapon of this era. They are increasingly long-range, highendurance, and capable of precision strike. They deserve sustained investment to push the envelope of new capabilities. Finally, highly-trained special operators are becoming a pre-eminent American military capability, providing a scalable, multi-role tool in an uncertain security environment. Offering skills ranging from partnership-building and advisory capabilities to strike operations, special operations forces will continue to be the weapon of choice for many complex scenarios. Sustaining recent investments in this community and its enablers -- not only drones, but also helicopters and airplanes -- should remain a top priority. But they remain an adjunct to, not a replacement for, conventional forces, which are still necessary to prevail in the bigger Wars of Iron. WP-Bloomberg Yaseen Al Khaleel READERS WRITE Karunanidhi’s exercise in hypocrisy W HY are a lot of people, especially the Tamils of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, only talking about the killing of Tamils in Sri Lanka. True, the Sri Lankan government’s killing of thousands of Tamils constitutes a war crime. The killing of LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran and his family, including his young son Balachandran is worthy of condemnation. The murder of young innocent Balachandran in particular is a terrible crime. But it would only be fair if the same people crying hoarse about the killing of Sri Lankan Tamils also condemned the senseless killings of Sinhalese by the Sri Lankan Tamils. It must be noted that thousands of Sinhalese and moderate Tamils were killed by Prabhakaran and his men. Moderate Tamil leaders were assassinated. Then Sri Lankan president Premadasa and nu- merous army, police and civilian oficials were also killed. Why are these killings not being condemned? DMK leader K. Karunanidhi tears for the Tamil Tigers are unlimited. These are just crocodile tears. Once upon a time, he was against the Tamil Tigers. Now he is supporting them. It’s sheer opportunism and the chief aim of Karunanidhi is to be back in the reckoning as Indian parliamentary elections are due next year or even earlier. Karunanidhi and others must realise that the Indian Tamils are not fools to digest everything that hypocrites like him say and do. Mahesh Ramalingam, Seeb Achieving a milestone T HE current Pakistani government of President Asif Zardari has achieved a milestone. And it’s that it has completed its full term. That’s commendable. In fact, it is the irst Pakistani government to do so. And now comes the toughest part – fresh elections. On May 11, Pakistan will go to the polls again to elect a new government. At this moment, no one knows which party or coalition of parties will come to power and who will be the prime minister and president. The fact that cannot be ignored is that this is a new beginning. On the order- ly conduct of the elections depends Pakistan’s democracy. Hence, all political parties must behave in a decent fashion and ensure smooth elections and the transition of power to the next government. Faisal Ahmed, Ghala Letters should be e-mailed to editor@omantribune.com Please provide a daytime contact number also. – Editor
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