How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad

How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Follow these simply settings to get your Nokia to connect to the Tpad VoIP Network.
This Guide covers:
1. Setting up your Nokia with Tpad
2. Using Tpad via your Wireless LAN with a Nokia
1. Setting up your Nokia with Tpad
Select Menu > Tools > Settings > Connection > SIP settings > Options > Add new
Set up your configuration as follows:
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
Profile name — Enter our network name: Tpad
Service profile — Select IETF
Default access point — Select the Wireless access point to use for the Internet connection.
Public user name — Enter your Tpad Number which you received from Tpad. For example if
the Tpad Number is 1123444, then type the following: (no need to
enter sip: it added automatically)
Use compression — Select No
Registration — Select Always.
Select Proxy server, to enter the proxy server Settings for this SIP profile
Proxy server address - Enter the following address:
Realm - Enter the following address:
User name - Enter your user name for example: 1123444
Password - Enter your Tpad password.
Allow loose routing - Select: Yes
Transport type - Select: UDP
Port - Enter port number: 5060
Select Back and Select Registrar server to enter the registrar Settings for this SIP profile
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
Registrar serv. Addr.- Enter the following address:
Realm - Enter the following address:
User name - Enter your user name For example: 1123444
Password - Enter you Tpad password.
Transport type - Select: UDP
Port - Enter port number: 5060
Select Back three times, Or Select Menu > Tools > Settings > Connection
Select Internet Telephone settings to set up your Tpad profile.
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
Name - Enter Tpad and Press OK
SIP profiles - Select Tpad and Press OK
2. Using Tpad via your Wireless LAN with a Nokia
The following instruction will guide you how to register to Tpad network and initiate calls.
Select Menu > Connect. > Internet tel.
The phone will register with Tpad using the default access point defined in the SIP profile or alternatively it will
give you a list of available WLANs to choose from.
To make outgoing Tpad internet calls choose a name from your address book or just dial a number then
Press option > call > internet call
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
Defining the your Wireless LAN access point
To search for wireless LANs available within range press:
Menu > Tools > WLAN Wiz
To create an internet access point in Wireless LAN select Options > Define access point.
Define the following settings:
• Connection name — Type a descriptive name for the Internet access point, such as My WLAN Internet.
• Data bearer — Select Wireless LAN.
• WLAN network. name — To enter the service set identifier (SSID), that is, the name that identifies the specific
wireless LAN, select Enter manually. The name must be exactly the same as in your Wi-Fi router. If you do not enter the
SSID here, you are not able to connect to networks that use a hidden SSID. To select the network from the wireless
LANs in range, select Search for network.
• Network status — Select Hidden if the network you are connecting to is hidden, or Public if it is not hidden.
• WLAN network. mode — Select Infrastructure. In this mode, devices can communicate with each their
and with wired LAN devices through a wireless LAN access point.
• WLAN security mode — You must select the same security mode that is used in the wireless LAN access point. If you select
WEP (wired equivalent privacy), 802.1x, or WPA/WPA2 (Wi-Fi protected access), you must also configure the relevant
additional settings.
If you selected WEP as the WLAN security mode, define the following in WLAN security settings:
• WEP key in use — Select which WEP key is used (#1-#4).
• Authentication type — Select Open or Shared.
• WEP key settings — The remaining settings are defined here:
> WEP encryption – Choose 64bit or 128bit depending on what your Wireless router uses
> WEP key format – Choose Hexadecimal or Ascii depending on what your Wireless router uses
> WEP key – Enter the WEP key configured on your Wireless Router
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
How to Make a Call with Tpad and your Nokia (Internet Call)
Make a local / international call the full international number then select INTERNET CALL
00 + Country Code + Area Code + Contact Number
Then select OPTIONS –> CALL –> INTERNET CALL (if Internet Call is not default call type)
How to Make a Free Call (Tpad to Tpad or SIP to SIP)
Simply dial the 7 digit Tpad Number of your Friend and select INTERNET CALL. The call will be unlimited and
totally free with amazing call quality.
Be sure, you have wireless internet access, and minimum of 128Kbps DSL Connection for good quality, voice
Connecting / Registering Errors / Audio Problems then use a STUN Server:
You need to go to this link, and then click the download button and save the file to
your desktop. Then unzip and install the file (sipvoipsettings.SIS) to your Nokia phone. Once installed follow
these simple instructions:
You need to be not registered / connected to Tpad while changing these settings, simply disconnect from
Goto Menu  Installations  SIP VoIP Settings
Goto NAT Firewall Settings
Goto Domain parameters
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
Then enter these details:
STUN server name:
STUN server port: 5060
TCP NAT bind Refresh: 2
UDP NAT bind Refresh: 2
CRLF refresh: ON
How to change your codecs if quality of call is poor / jittery / unstable:
Goto Menu -- Installations -- SIP VoIP Settings
Goto VoIP Service -- Your SIP Account (e.g. Tpad) -- Codecs
Then alter the list (by selection OPTIONS - MOVE) so it shows this order:
Then go Back, Back, Back, Exit.
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10
How to setup DTMF tones so you can access IVR systems:
Goto Menu -- Installations -- SIP VoIP Settings
Goto VoIP Service -- Your SIP Account (e.g. Tpad) -- Profile Setting
Scroll down and find DTMF Inband and set to ON.
Set DMT outband to ON.
Set Allow VoIP over WCDMA (3G) to ON.
Still Problems - try another fix:
If your port 5060 is blocked then you can use 8891 or 8791 or 80
you can also use the IP address of instead of using setting.
Another STUN server:
STUN Server =
STUN Port = 3478
How to setup Nokia N Series Mobiles with Tpad
Ver: 1.0c
Edited by: Steven Johns
Date: 04/08/10