FAQ #1 How to read a “basic” file in CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) ? Start the questionnaire, go to General Description / General Information and after selecting the machine type (Question 3.00) selectfile_panel for Question 5.0 A new panel will appear which will allow you to select the controller that you want : See description of the control in the IL1 window CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 1 FAQ #2 How to configure the basic file to be in metric units ? CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) is delivered with the basic file in imperial units. These files are located in the load_directory/basic. Two sub-directories are available in basic : METRIC and INCHES. If you want to have your basic file in Metric format, login as root and copy all the files located inload_point/basic/METRIC into load_point/basic. FAQ #3 How to work in dual Units ? To create a “dual unit” post-processor, you need to give an answer to Question 71 in General Description / General information Section. All the questions related to maximum values, sizes ... will be asked in the main unit. If there is no UNITS / .... statement in the CL file, the post-processor assumes that the CL file is in INCHES. see system variable : $PCONFC and $CONFAC FAQ #4 How to define the offset distance sign convention for Circular Interpolation ? In Control Description / Circular and Helical Interpolation, if you choose Center method for Question 1.00, the option for the sign of the offset distance (Question 1.30) will appear if you choose current or incremental for Question 1.20 : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 2 FAQ #5 How and where are the post-processors stored? The post-processor descriptions (answers to the questionnaires and macros) are stored in the post-processor database : for example campost.dbf or ncpost.dbf. You can access this database with the Disk Facility option of the main menu. Post-processors are stored with a name based on the answers to Question 1.00 and 2.00 of General Description / General Information. For example is you want to call your post-processor FANUC15, FANUC is the name of the post-processor and 15 is the ID (identification number). This can be used in conjunction with theMACHIN statement in the CL file : MACHIN / FANUC, 15 to automatically select this post-processor at execution. A version number is associated to the post-processor each time you save or generate a new post-processor . For example, in the database : FANUC15.104;2 {G} FANUC15 is the name of the post-processor, 104 is the version of CAM-POST used to generate this post-processor, 2 is the version number and {G} means that the post-processor was generated. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 3 See environment variable icam_lib or proncp_dbf FAQ #6 How to put a space between each register ? The format of the tape is defined under General Description / Output Format. To define a space (ASCII value 32) between each register on a NC block, you need to answer 32 to Question 2.50 : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 4 FAQ #7 Why do I have a move after LOADTL / TURRET output ? Most of the time, this is a move generated by CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) to support the length compensation. If you answer Now to Question 106.00 in Optional Post-processor Word LOADTL (or TURRET Question 162.00 ) the post-processor is obliged to create a move to take the compensation immediately after the LOADTL/TURRET. It is recommended to answer Next to this Question. The option same, means that you want to use the same default as the answer to Question 127 in the CUTCOM section. FAQ #8 How to switch to French (or English) language ? While running the Questionnaire, you can change the language by typing the following command at the prompt : !!lang french (or english) If you want to start the software in one of the supported languages (other than English) you can define in the configuration file (POS104.DEF or ncpost.pro) the default language. FAQ #9 Where do I define Fixture Offset (G54-G59 or E ..) ? The support of fixture offset is defined in Optional Post-processor Word CUTCOM with the Question 301.00 : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 5 FAQ #10 How to directly generate an MCD file in DOS format on UNIX ? The difference between DOS and UNIX ASCII files are the End Of Line (EOF) characters. In the post-processor you can automatically add a special EOF character to each block with Question 2.20 of General Description / Output Format. The value for CR (Carriage Return) is 13. FAQ #11 How can I “square” or “break” my rapid move ? In the CAM software you are doing simultaneous 3 axes rapid moves and you want to “break” or “square” (when plunging position first and plunge, when retracting, retract first and move) them with the post-processor. This can be done by answering No to CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 6 Question 20 of Control Description / High Speed Positioning. The new questions that appear allow you to control the way you want to retract or plunge. FAQ #12 Where do I define Threading codes for a lathe ? Threading codes can be defined under Optional Post-processor Words / COUPLE FAQ #13 My 4 axes lathe needs two programs, one for each turret CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) supports different methods of output for a 4 axes lathe. These methods are defined by Question 32 of General Description / General Information. To generate two tapes, the correct answer is Program. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 7 FAQ #14 Why my feedrate is always changing in 5 axes even if I am using IPM (or MMPM)? In 5 axes, the post-processor is recalculating the feedrate to take into account the rotary(ies) move(s). The feedrate that you program in the CL file is in IPM (or MMPM) and represents only the linear feedrate. The post-processor is using the following formula to calculate the new feedrate : New Feed = ∆X 2 + ∆Y 2 + ∆Z 2 + ∆A 2 + ∆B 2 + ∆C 2 Max ( XYZ tip − XYZ tip old , XYZ top − XYZ top old ) * (programmed Feed ) Where the tip position is the position at the extremity of the tool and the top position is a position 1 inch from the tip. CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) is using this method of distance at the “tip” and at the “top” to take into account the worst scenario of moves. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 8 FAQ #15 How to output the MCD file in incremental mode ? The CL file generated by the CAM software is always in absolute coordinates. To generate an MCD file in incremental there are two methods. • If you want to output the MCD file always in incremental, answerIncremental to Question 73.00 of General Description / General Information. • If you want to control the incremental mode, you can insert the following APT command in your CL file (if your machine supports Incremental and Absolute positioning mode) : MODE / INCR, ON to switch in Incremental mode. MODE / INCR, OFF to switch in absolute mode. FAQ #16 Which feedrate type to use for 5 axes ? Inverse time feedrate should be used for 5 axes. This feedrate is normally activated by a G93. When using this feedrate, the controller will calculate the appropriate feeds for each axes (linear and rotary) to synchronize them (they are going to “arrive” at the same time at the end of the programmed move). FAQ #17 How is the Inverse Time feedrate calculated? CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) tries to take into account the worst case to calculate the inverse time feedrate. To do this CAM-POST is using the distance at the tool tip and at 1 inch from the tool tip : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 9 1 T Feed = Pr ogrammed Feed Max ( XYZ tip − XYZ tip old , XYZ top − XYZ top old ) This feed is recalculated for each move. FAQ #18 How to support multiple ranges (gears) on the spindle ? Spindle gears (or ranges) are defined under Optional Post-processor Words / SPINDL with Question 50. CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) supports a maximum of 5 gears, if more are needed you need to create a User Defined Macro on the word SPINDL. FAQ #19 How to compact my post-processor database ? The post-processors are stored in the database which includes an index. When you delete or purge post-processors, they are remove from the index but not from the database. If you want to compact the database and remove the unnecessary post-processors (erased from the index), follow these steps. 1. Start the questionnaire CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 10 2. Go to Disk Facility and Export all your post-processors using Binary format in a file called for examplepost.dmp 3. Exit of the questionnaire and rename your old database (campost.dbf or ncpost.dbf to campost.old or ncpost.old) 4. Restart the Questionnaire and go to Disk Facility. The Questionnaire will format a new database. When this is done you can Import the post-processors from the file post.dmp Your new database is now compacted and contains only the post-processors defined in the index. You can now go to delete the old database (campost.old or ncpost.old). FAQ #20 I have reached the limit of 99 version numbers for my post-processor, what can I do ? Each time you generate or save a post-processor, a new version is created. For example flor01.104;99 is the 99th version of the post-processor flor01. CAM-POST limits the number of versions to 99 and if you try to save or generate a new post-processor an error message is generated. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 11 To solve the problem, Read the post-processor in memory, Delete all the versions of the post-processor in the database and when prompted for a post-processor name during Generate Final Data for the post-processor in memory, answer postname.version;1 (for example flor01.104;1 for CAM-POST or flor01.160;1 for Pro/NCPOST). FAQ #21 Standard G codes ? The ISO standard 1056 defines the following G codes CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 12 G Code Function G00 Rapid Positionning G01 Linear Interpolation G02 Circular Interpolation Arc CW G03 Circular Interpolation Arc CCW G04 Dwell G05 Unassigned G06 Parabolic Interpolation G07 Unassigned G08 Acceleration G09 Deceleration G10 Unassigned G11 Unassigned G12 Unassigned G13 to G16 Unassigned G17 XY Plane Selection G18 ZX Plane Selection G19 YZ Plane Selection G20 Imperial Programming G21 Metric Programming G22 Unassigned G23 Unassigned G24 Unassigned G25 to G27 Permanently Unassigned G28 Return Home position G29 Unassigned G30 Unassigned G31 Unassigned CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 13 G32 Unassigned G33 Thread Cutting, Constant Lead G34 Thread Cutting. Increasing Lead G35 Thread Cutting, Decreasing Lead G36 to G39 Permanently Unassigned G40 Cutter Compensation/Tool Offset Cancel G41 Cutter Compensation - Left G42 Cutter Compensation - Right G43 Tool Offset Positive G44 Tool Offset Negative G45 Tool Offset G46 Tool Offset G47 Tool Offset G48 Tool Offset G49 Tool Offset G50 Tool Offset G51 Tool Offset G52 Tool Offset G53 Linear Shift Cancel G54 Linear Shift G55 Linear Shift G56 Linear Shift G57 Linear Shift G58 Linear Shift G59 Linear Shift G60 Positioning Exact (Fine) G61 Positioning Exact (Medium) G62 Positioning Fast (Coarse) CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 14 G63 Tapping G64 Unassigned G65 to G67 Unassigned G68 Tool Offset Inside Corner G69 Tool Offset Outside Corner G70 Imperial Programming G71 Metric Programming G72 to G79 Unassigned G80 Fixed Cycle Cancel G81 to G89 Fixed Cycle G90 Absolute Dimension G91 Incremental Dimension G92 Preload Registers G93 Inverse Time, Feed Rate G94 Feed per Minute G95 Feed per Spindle Revolution G96 Constant Surface Speed G97 Revolutions per Minute (Spindle) G98 to G99 Unassigned Unassigned means that the ISO has no standard function for the G code. Control manufacturer can choose what they want. For example G98 and G99 are used by FANUC to control the Return Plane at the end of a CYCLE. FAQ #22 Standard M codes ? The ISO standard 1056 defines the following M codes M Code CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs Function 15 M00 Program Stop M01 Optional (Planned) Stop M02 End of Program M03 Spindle CVV M04 Spindle CCW M05 Spindle OFF M06 Tool Change M07 Coolant No. 2 ON M08 Coolant No. 1 ON M09 Coolant OFF M10 Clamp M11 Unclamp M12 Unassigned M13 Spindle CW and Coolant ON M14 Spindle CCW and Coolant ON M15 Motion + M16 Motion - M17 to M18 Unassigned M19 Oriented Spindle Stop M20 to M29 Permanently Unassigned M30 End of Tape M31 Interlock Bypass M32 to M35 Unassigned M36 Feed Range I M37 Feed Range 2 M38 Spindle Speed Range 1 M39 Spindle Speed Range 2 M40 to M45 Gear Changes if used; otherwise unassigned M46 and M47 Unassigned CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 16 M48 Cancel M49 M49 Bypass Override M50 Coolant No 3 ON M51 Coolant No 4 ON M52 to M54 Unassigned M55 Linear Tool Shift Position 1 M56 Linear Tool Shift, Position 2 M57 to M59 Unassigned M60 Workpiece Change M61 Linear Workpiece Shift, Position 1 M62 Linear Workpiece Shift, Position 2 M63 to M67 Unassigned M68 Unassigned M69 Unassigned M70 Unassigned M71 Angular Workpicce Shift, Position 1 M72 Angular Workpiece Shift, Position 2 M73 to M77 Unassigned M78 Unassigned M79 Unassigned M80 to M89 Unassigned M90 to M99 Permanently Unassigned Unassigned means that the ISO has no standard function for the M code. Control manufacturer can choose what they want. For example M12 can be the code to open the door of a Turning Center. FAQ #23 How to modify the severity of the error messages ? To modify the severity of the error message, there are two solutions : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 17 • If you want to modify the severity of an error message for a given post-processor, you can use PPFUN/15 in your startup macro : PPFUN / 15, error_number, new_severity The error_number and the severity of the error message can be found in the listing file (*.lst). For example : Error: LOADTL: Tool number given exceeds the maximum allowed for this register. Statement ignored. SEVERITY(08) ISN(00139) CLREC(00276) ERRNUM(01329002) The error number is 1329002 and the severity is 8 (Error). If you want this Error to be a Warning you must insert the following line in your Machine Startup Macro : PPFUN/15,1329002,4 • If you want to modify the severity of an error message for all the post-processors, you must edit the error file located in the load_point of CAM-POST (or Pro/NCPOST). The error file is pos104.err or ncp160.err . The file looks like : \ 01329001 8 Tool number given is less than minimum allowed for this register. Statement ignored. \ 01329002 8 Tool number given exceeds the maximum allowed for this register.Statement ignored. \ 01329003 8 Tool ID specified is less than minimum allowed for this machine.Statement ignored. \ 01329004 8 Tool ID specified is greater than maximum allowed for this machine. Statement ignored. You can directly modify the Severity in the collun 3 of the file. When this is done, you need to compile the error file with blderr to create pos104.dat or ncp160.dat. FAQ #24 How to remove an APT command from the CL file ? To completely remove an APT command from the CL file, you need to do a User Defined Macro with a parameter $P1* for the definition line. For example to remove all the coolant command : COOLNT/$P1* $$ nothing in the macro $$ End of macro TERMAC CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 18 FAQ #25 How to remove the “/” from the string of a PPRINT command ? You need to write a User Defined Macro on the word PPRINT : PPRINT/$P1’’ $$ remove everything before / DECLAR/LOCAL,REAL,FPOS $$ Find position of / in the string FPOS=$FINDEX($P1,’/’) DECLAR/LOCAL,STRING,NSTRG $$ extract everything after the / NSTRG=$FSUBST($P1,FPOS+1,$FLEN($P1)) $$ process new pprint PPRINT/NSTRG $$ end of macro TERMAC FAQ #26 How to display the name of the tool in the MCD file (tape file) ? In the case of Pro/MANUFACTURING, the name of the tool is output with a PPRINT command : PPRINT / TOOL_NAME : this_is_the_name_of _the_tool If you want to ouput the name of the tool as a message to the operator you need to make a User Defined Macro on the word PPRINT : PPRINT/$P1’’ $$ check if TOOL_NAME is in the string IF/$FINDEX($P1,’TOOL_NAME’).NE.0 $$ Display the tool name $$ DISPLY is an operator message DISPLY/$P1 ENDOF/IF $$ Process PPRINT OUTPUT $$ End of macro TERMAC FAQ #27 How to prompt the user for an integer value during the execution of the post-processor ? To prompt the user for an integer value in a macro, you can use the following sequence : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 19 $$ Open the screen (STDIN) OPEN/23,’STDIN’ $$ Write the Question WRITE/23,’Input the value :’ $$ Declare the variable to store the value DECLAR/LOCAL,REAL,ANSWER $$ Read the answer from the screen $$ with an integer of maximum 4 digits READ/23,’!(s4)’,ANSWER $$ Close the screen CLOSE/23 The result in verbose mode is : FAQ #28 How to insert the CL file name in upper case at the beginning of the tape (MCD File) ? To insert the name of the CL file at the beginning of the tape, you need to create a Machine Startup Macro : $$ MACHINE STARTUP MACRO DECLAR/GLOBAL,STRING,PRNAME PRNAME=’’ $$ Strip path from CL file name (system var : $CLNAME) FLAG=0 DO/I=1,$FLEN($CLNAME) IF/$FSUBST($CLNAME,I,I).EQ.’/’ CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 20 NAME=$FSUBST($CLNAME,I+1,$FLEN($CLNAME)) FLAG=1 ENDOF/IF ENDOF/DO IF/FLAG.EQ.0 NAME=$CLNAME ENDOF/IF $$ Strip extension from CL file name DO/I=1,$FLEN(NAME) IF/$FSUBST(NAME,I,I).EQ.’.’ STRP=$FSUBST(NAME,1,I-1) ENDOF/IF ENDOF/DO $$ Cast to uppercase: DO/I=1,$FLEN(STRP) CAST=$FICHAR($FSUBST(STRP,I,I)) IF/CAST.GE.97.AND.CAST.LE.122 CAST=CAST-32 ENDOF/IF PRNAME=PRNAME//$FCHAR(CAST) ENDOF/DO PRNAME=$FSUBST(PRNAME,2,$FLEN(PRNAME)) $$ Insert CL file name: SEQNO/OFF INSERT/’%(!(A))’,PRNAME SEQNO/ON FAQ #29 How to put the text of all PPRINT commands in upper case ? To modify the text of a PPRINT and put it in upper case, you need to create a User Defined Macro on the word PPRINT : PPRINT/$P1’’ DECLAR/LOCAL,STRING,UPSTRG,CAST UPSTRG=’’ DO/I=1,$FLEN($P1) $$ extract character by character CAST=$FICHAR($FSUBST(STRP,I,I)) $$ Check if upper case ? IF/CAST.GE.97.AND.CAST.LE.122 CAST=CAST-32 ENDOF/IF $$ Add the character to the new string. UPSTRG=UPSTRG//$FCHAR(CAST) ENDOF/DO CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 21 FAQ #30 How to insert special code at the end of my MCD file ? If you want to insert something at the end of your NC program you need to create a Machine Shutdown Macro. A typical Machine shutdown macro is : $$ Machine Shutdown macro $$ Stop the coolant if it is still ON $$ $COOLNT system variable (status of coolant) IF/$COOLNT.NE.OFF $$ Stop the coolant COOLNT/OFF ENDOF/IF $$ Retract to home position in RAPID RAPID GOHOME $$ Stop the spindle in needed $$ $S system variable (current spindle speed) IF/$S.NE.0 SPINDL/OFF ENDOF/IF $$ Reload the first tool $$ $TLTAB system variable LOADTL/$TLTAB(1,2) $$ Message to operator DISPLY/’OPERATOR CHANGE PALLET’ $$ Rewind Tape REWIND/1 $$ Insert a special character $$ character ASCII 4 (EOT) $$ (needed for example for MAHO) $$ Stop sequence numbering SEQNO/OFF $$ Insert ASCII 4 INSERT/’^’,4 $$ End of macro CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 22 TERMAC FAQ #31 How to choose a text editor to edit my macros ? To select a text editor for macro you must edit the configuration file of CAM-POST (POS104.DEF) or Pro/NCPOST (ncpost.pro) and look for let editor = # # # # # # # # # # # # let x = 5 let y = 5 end External editor and filename used by Quest macro editor let editor = "vi macro.mac" let editorfile = "macro.mac" Option to control spawning commands to system. Set to on, off or a command to always execute let sysaccess = on # on, off, ’command’ Uncomment the two lines let editor = and let editorfile = and choose your text editor. For example on Windows NT and Windows 95 platforms : let editor = “notepad.exe macro.mac” For unix, if you want to “pop-up” a window using vi text editor : let editor = “xterm -e vi macro.mac” The same window with a larger font (for more information on the UNIX xterm command, refer to your UNIX manual) : let editor = “xterm -fn “10x20” -e vi macro.mac You can also use specialized editor, like for example for SGI : let editor = “jot -f macro.mac” For SUN : let editor = “textedit macro.mac” For Hewlett Packard : let editor = “viewpad macro.mac” Etc ... the general syntax is : let editor = “command_to_start_your_editor macro.mac” CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 23 FAQ #32 How to use the same macro in all my post-processors ? There are two solutions : • Put the macro in all your post-processors. When you have written the macro in the first post-processor you can use the Dump Macro to File option. In all the other post-processors, use the option Load Macro from File. A Better solution is to use Run-Time macros. Run-Time macros are macros which are shared by all the post-processors. They are located in the external file loaded at run-time. You can define in the configuration file which run-time macro to load : # # # # # # # Default pre-compiled "before" and "after" macros. These macros will be loaded into Gener at run time and placed around any macros defined in the specific post processor. These macros can be overridden on the command line. Macros must be compiled using the -c option of Quest. let mbdef = "$PRODIRECTORY/$MC/ptc.obj" let madef = " " “let mbdef =“ defines which run-time macro to load. To create the macro file, you need to write all the macros that you want to share in a file, separated by ENDMAC. When this is done, compile the file using the command linequest -c (CAM-POST) or propostq -c (Pro/NCPOST) to create the object file. A good example of this Run-time macros is the interface kit for Pro/ENGINEER :ptc.mac and ptc.obj located in the load_directory. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 24 FAQ #33 How to read the tool length from an external file during the execution of the post-processor ? You are doing tool pre-setup and you want the post-processor to take into account the length of the tool for LINTOL calculation in 5 axis. The tool length are stored in a file called tooldata.txt with the following format : tool 1 2 3 length 123.45 234.56 345.67 To read the data from this file, you need to create a User Defined Macro on LOADTL : LOADTL /$P1,$P2* $$ $P1 is the tool number $$ open the tool database OPEN/24,’tooldata.txt’ $$ declare a variable to detect if the tool was found DECLAR/LOCAL,LOGICAL,OKTOOL OKTOOL=$FALSE $$ Declare variable to read in the file DECLAR/LOCAL,REAL,TOOLID,TOOLEN $$ Loop in the database to find the tool WHILE/.NOT.$FEOF(24) $$ Read the next record in the file READ/23,’!(s2) !(s3.4s)’,TOOLID,TOOLEN $$ test if it is the right tool IF/TOOLID.EQ,$P1 $$ this is the good tool OKTOOL=$TRUE $$ Exit the loop EXIT/1 ENDOF/IF ENDOF/WHILE $$ close the file CLOSE/24 $$ test if the length was found IF/OKTOOL.EQ.$TRUE $$ process with length LOADTL/$P1,$P2,LENGTH,$P3 ELSE LOADTL/$P1,$P2 ENDOF/IF $$ end of macro TERMAC CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 25 FAQ #34 How to create the list of all the tools at the begining of the CL file ? Some machines like Deckel and Heidenhain needs to have the list of all the tool and for example their feedrate and spindle speed at the begining of the program; like this if the operator wants to change the feedrate for a tool, he just needs to go to the begining of the tape. To create a list which looks like : G99 T1 D1 L10 S2000 F120 G99 T2 D12 L12.5 S1500 F50 You need to create a Machine Startup Macro : $$ Machine startup macro $$ Declare some variables DECLAR/LOCAL,REAL,TOOLID,TOOLOF,TOOLEN,TOOLSP,TOOLF $$ Start look-ahead in the CL file WHILE/.NOT.$FEOF() $$ Read next CL record TAPERD $$ Test if it is a LOADTL (class 2000, subclass 1055) IF/$FLCASS().EQ.2000.AND.$FSUBCL().EQ.1055 $$ first argument is tool number TOOLID=$FCL(1) $$ Check if OSETNO defined IF/$FCL(2).EQ.OSETNO TOOLOF=$FLC(3) $$ Check if LENGTH defined IF/$FLC(4).EQ.LENGTH TOOLEN=$FLC(5) ELSE TOOLEN=0 ENDOF/IF ELSE TOOLOF=0 $$ check if tool LENGTH defined IF/$FLC(2).EQ.LENGTH TOOLEN=$FLC(3) ELSE TOOLEN=0 ENDOF/IF ENDOF/IF ENDOF/IF $$ Test for SPINDLE IF/$FCLASS().EQ.2000.AND.$FSUBCL().EQ.1031 $$ second argument is spindle speed TOOLSP=$FCL(2) ENDOF/IF $$ Test for feedrate first FEDRAT statement after LOADTL IF/$FCLASS().EQ.2000.AND.$FSUBCL().EQ.1009 CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 26 TOOLF=$FCL(1) $$ Print the result in the tape file INSERT/’G99T!(s2)D!(s2)L!(s3.2s)S!(s4)F!(s3.1s)‘,$ TOOLID,TOOLOF,TOOLEN,TOOLSP,TOOLF ENDOF/IF ENDOF/WHILE $$ go back to begining of CL file SEARCH/1 TAPERD $$ End of macro TERMAC $$ Begining of normal process ! FAQ #35 How to print the total machining file at the beginning of the tape ? If you want to know the machining time at the beginning of the tape, the only solution is to process twice the tape, one time without any output and the second time with the normal output. To do this you need to create a Machine Startup Macro : $$ Machine Startup Macro $$ Desable output of all registers PPFUN/8,ALL,OFF $$ desable output of error message (except FATAL) PPFUN/1,16 $$ loop in the CL file WHILE/.NOT.$FEOF() $$ Read next CL record TAPERD $$ Process next CL record TAPEWT ENDOF/WHILE $$ The machining time is stored in 3 variables $$ RAPTIM, $FEDTIM, $MISTIM $$ Re-enable the registers PPFUN/8,ALL,ON $$ re-enable Error message PPFUN/1,1 $$ go back beginning of CL SEARCH/1 TAPERD $$ output the time in a message INSERT/’TOTAL MACHINING TIME : !(s5) sec.’, $ $RAPTIM+$MISTIM+$FEDTIM $$ End of macro TERMAC CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 27 FAQ #36 How to define a right angle Head on a VMC machine ? This technique can be used for any type of head. When you have a machine which has multiple head types, you need to define a HOLDER in CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST). This can be done in Optional Post-processor Word LOADTL : When you have defined that the machine supportsHolder, you must define the geometry of the holder using a TOOLNO statement. To load the Holder a simple LOADTL can be used : LOADTL / HOLDER, holder_number For example to define the geometry of a right angle head (Holder #1), put the following statement in the Machine Startup Macro : TOOLNO/HOLDER, 1, SETOOL, dim1, 0, dim2, ATANGL, -90, $ SETANG, 0 For more information, refer to the LOADTL section (Post-processor Vocabulary) in the CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) manual. CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 28 FAQ #37 How to disable the macro window during CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) execution ? To control the windows displayed during the verbose execution of CAM-POST or Pro/NCPOST you need to edit the configuration file POS104.DEF or ncpost.pro : # # # # # # # # Active verbose sub-windows. The verbose window displays different kinds of data streams during Gener processing. Individual streams can be disabled by setting the window parameter "off". By default, all windows are active "on". let let let let window_tape_out = on window_cl_input = on window_stats = on window_macro = off # # # # on, on, on, on, off off off off Uncomment the let window_macro = off line and save the new configuration file. When running the post-processor, the screen will look like : CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 29 FAQ #38 My computer is very fast, and I have no time to stop the verbose mode to go step by step. What can I do ? You can start the verbose mode in Step mode by modifying the configuration file POS104.DEF or ncpost.pro : # # # # Verbose window startup mode. Specify "step" to start the verbose window in step mode. Specify "regular" (the default) to begin executing Gener immediately without pausing. let verbose_start = step # step, regularc Uncomment the let verbose_start = step and save your new configuration file. FAQ #39 block? How do I repeat the previous X and Y coordinates in the first CYCLE If the first GOTO point after a cycle command is at the same X and Y coordinates as the point preceding the CYCLE statement, they will not be repeated in the CYCLE block. To instruct CAM-POST (Pro/NCPOST) to force out the redundant X and Y coordinates, you can write a CYCLE startup macro. For example: $$ CYCLE startup macro $$ $P5 is true when cycle is being activated IF/$P5 PPFUN/7,’X’,$XM,’Y’,$YM ENDOF/IF FAQ #40 How do I pre-select the first tool after the last tool change? If you wish to pre-select the first tool after the last tool has been loaded, you can write a LOADTL shutdown macro to accomplish this. For example: $$ LOADTL shutdown macro $$ $NT will be zero if no LOADTL follows IF/$NT.EQ.0 PPFUN/7,’T’,$TLTAB(1,2) ENDOF/IF FAQ #41 change? How do I get CAM-POST to output X-Y first, then Z after a tool Even though I stated that I wanted to "break" the moves (see FAQ #11), the first move after a tool change usually moves Z first, then X-Y. This is not correct because the tool is way up at the tool change point. The reason for this is that CAM-POST does not know that the tool is up. It assumes the tool is at the previous location, or at 0,0,0 at start of program. To accomplish this, a LOADTL macro can be written as follows: CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 30 LOADTL/$P1* $$ Turn off all output PPFUN/8,ALL,OFF $$ Create a dummy move to near the next point GOTO/$NXM+.1,$NYM+.1,$NZM+.1 $$ Turn output back on PPFUN/8,ALL,ON $$ Output the LOADTL command OUTPUT TERMAC CAM-POST- Pro/NCPOST FAQs 31
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