rrp Nrms THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF SAINT LOUIS U. HIGH Volume 52. Number 24 . . Friday, March 4, 1988 6ephardt crushes competition; Dole edges Bush With 100\ · of hoaerooms reporting. ~ep. . Richard Gepbardt of Missouri and Rev. Jesse Jackson paced the De•ocrats in the SLUH Priaary '88. Leadinq the Republicans · .was Sen. Robert Dole of ~··~· followed closely by ..VicePresident Georqe Bush. · Tbe results of the poll showed that 57% of SLUH students and faculty support · a Deaoc:ratic candidate. while the other 43\ side With the Republicans. By . class, the freshmen were most strongly Democratic C60% of the fresh voted Dem.>. The sopho•ore class held the only Republican majority <51% voted Rep.l. The junior and senior classes were De•ocratic by narrow margins. 58% and S5%. respectively. Of the faculty who voted. an Democrats 274 Dukal<ts overwhelming 78% .m ajority supported the Democrats. with the Republicans left holding only 22\ of the faculty vote. Further breakdo~ of the voting by class and candidates can be seen in the accompany- How to Succeed-receives rave reviews With a farewell wave ·from the cast of a hundred and .a slow fade of the liqhts. the 1987-88 Dauphin Players season came to an end this past Sunday evening. H~ to ~ucceed !n Business Hithqut , Really Trying ran la~t Thu~~day through Sunday, meeting with both popular and critical suecess. The first ever SLUH/ Ursuline winter cast hurdled some Thursday niqht technical problems and was nearly flawless before 1300 weekend theatergoers. This year's spring musical seemed to be enjoyed by cast member, crewie, and patron alike. Senior Dave Hogan •. who attended on Sunday night, lauded the play as "an epic of spectacular proportions." The show's staqe manager, Kevin Gunn, said, "The show really seemed to click in the final few days of practice. What was Republicans a disorganized mayhem gave way to a well-oiled, solid chunk of musical theater." "It's a very difficult show to make work," commented Mr . Schulte. ~It's got a strong script and a well -written score, and requires a talented cast to make it come off well. We had a good cast this time around, so the show worked very successfully . " In comedy , timing and pace is very important. because · if the show beqins to drag , the fast comic atmosphere will be lost. Sunday's show was ten minutes shorter than originally timed. indicating tr~t the quick comic pace was achieved. If the play had any functional errors, it certainly compensated with' 5.9's in artistic merit. Chief among See PLAY. page 4 and Jay For further resUlts, .. · see pages 3 and 5 Sign-ups continue for · Bashball Marathon XIU . What ' ~ ·' that you say? You haven· t signed up tor Ba~h ball XIII, t he 1988 edition of the Bashball Marathon? Hell, don '·t ..fret too much, there's still a little time . left . What's t~&t? You don't know ho~ to sign up? Well, that's what the ~ News is here for ~ to inform and illuminate. Siqn-up packets are available today and everyday in Dr. Murphy's office in the first floor corridoor. These packets include : one ( 1} "How To Sign Up For Bashbali" for m. one Cl) team r oster sheet, and ~ixteen <16> permission and explanation ~heets. For those unfamili ar ____ See BASHBALL. page __:.. 4 2 Forum Editorial Comment By Beau Roy . As ·author and editor of all articles appearinq in S_LUH ' s A~Wini ~. Alumni Director Mr . Bob Lynch has every right to editorialize in his articles . However. in the latest issue of AN, .Lynch takes this privilege a step too far in his sUDUIIary of the ' 87 foot:. ball campaign. crossing boundari es of good journalism and good taste. ·coaches Dunn and Martel both reached impor- · tant milestones in their respect ive tenures · here at SLUH, as noted in each article's head- . line, yet Lynch seems to shortchanqe· Martel by. noting several of Dunn ' s accomplishments ~i le mentioninq only . Martel's 3- 7 loq-.!rom last year. This oversight -is further exacerbated as Lynch preoccupies himself with listinq every neqative trend and statistic set l ast year. In light of his recent letter to ·the. editors <PN January 22, 1988, No. 18. paqe 2) criticizing Steve Missey for "protectinq" t he basketball team by not repo rtinq on an 0-4 holiday stretch, Lynch does the exact opposite. and comes nowhere near "neutrality" in his·. article. He remind!! us that the 2-8 record was ·. the poorest since 1935 and "marked the firs~ time a SLUH football squad had lost seven games in a row and as many as eight in a s ingle season."· And. i f that were not enouqh, he finishes the pa.raqraph with: ··coupled with last year'. s 3·- 7 loq, this year : s campaiqn made back-to-back .losinq seasons a reality at .·Backer for the f .i rst time i n. more t han hal-f ·a century." The caption. '"Coach . 70u could ' ve used us this year .-· Indeed, -..e could hav~!" under a picture of Coach Martel standinq with some of his former players at a banquet celebratinq both his and Coach Dunn ' s respec-tive miLestones is no more than another poke at the team. Lynch acknowledqed that he created .the quota tion himself. Since · it was not a quote from a player, it could have easily been omitted. The game summaries include similarly cuttinq remarks and statistics. But my pGint is not to naq about the accurate yet humblinq facts about our season; rathe~ I wan~ to suqqest that .Lynch went out ' of hi s way to research such statistics to make a point. In doinq so. he dwells on the bad without qivinq -the BULLETIN BOARD For sale: Aaiqa 1000 coapute r system. Includes 2 disc drives. Sl2K. aodea cable. extra software. Does· not include monitor. Pr·i ce: $700 . Contact Bryan O'Connor , HR 212. Ranted~ A Macintosh book external drive or a 20 •eq. bard drive. Contact Darren Kocs in HR 215 . wanted: Any MBrady Bunch" episodes on VCR or l6mm foraat <preferably c l assics like the time they qo to Hawaii for vacation) to be used durinq a film festival. See Carl P. Gentile in the STUCO office <HR 211> as soon as possible . players any credit at all for showinq up every niqht and tryinq. . Attemptinq to explain the team: s poor performance, Lynch says · that it was "hampered somewhat by injuries and inexper.ience .. " overlooking the loss of at least. four probable starters to transfers <O'Neil. Shelton . Sher.galis, and Strickler), · and · another sis .to injuries <Chehval, . Fttzsilllllons·, 1-!ohl. Kertz. Muich, Slade ! , leaving the defense at times with only three· seniors. He then surmises that our biqgest problem was :•a .shocking lack - of athletic ability." This simplification coaes completely wi thout merit since we did have some very talented athletes on the team. and since Lynch admits to only seeing two qame~ , he hardly had enouqh time to make an accurate conclusion. Maybe a better assessment would say that we lacked size apd qreat speed. or we lacked. a few hiqh-impact players l~_ke a Henry Jones or Mat t Herzberg. · Inconsistency rinqs loudly at the enq of the AN article . In his letter concerning the Missey article. Lynch states, "the most elementary of the athletic' facts of life: for every winner, there must be a loser." Ho\ol'ever, in his article about t he football team. Lynch contradicts this philosophy. His last paragraph laughs at one of "the ' hoariest cliches i n sports, .. that "losing '.builds character : . '' Losing , i n his eyes, "breeds frustration and apathy for coaches, play_e rs, parents, students and alumni alike . ·• At SLUH, "athletic and. academic accomplishment have always ~one hand in · hand. " and Lynch will not accept t~e fact that for every .winner, there must be a loser. even · at Sl.iUH. He hopes in the end that "recent teve~~als in football and basketball will pr-ove to be short-term aberrations · in a proud t radition.· · · . . The team and I take offense at beinq cal led "aberrations." The fact that we did. not produce a winning record does not make us an embarra~sment to the school. There is much more to SLUH ' s '"proud tradition" than Nst winning ·numbers. The 1987 Junior Bills Foot ball Team worked ' just .as hard with wnat we had as any previous team •. and .I consider ~s an equally important part qf SLUH' s proud tradition. · !· PN .S taff m§. EOITQR : Mark Eaaiq SPoRn .;EDITOR Nfi2 PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Mike "let the press decideH Downey ' ASSISTANT EDITORS: Beau Roy, Brian Halsh ~ STAFF: Chris Brown, Aaron Schlafly, Mark Sexton, Jim Wesalinq, Mike Zereqa · REPORTERS: Jay Barry, .Jas on · Berne , Bry.an Bradley, . Jeff co. .inqs, David Gla~ner, Brian Gunn, Bob Hall. Paul Kwiatkowski, Matt McGu.i re, Ti• Menard, Vic Tayback ABt ~ QRAPHI~~: Anqelo Directo, Brian Gunn . Mark ·ounn, Tom Johnston·, ·P at Saunders, Aaron Schlafly ,· Brian Halsh MOQERATOR: Mr. James . Raterman -----.. Features Students, faculty comment on poll 51'7votes (571 of voters) Republicans 170 Dole Bush 146 38 Kemp . 33 ----------·-·----------------------387votes (431 of voters) ~cbeJtscn . Freshmen --Democrats Gephardt _ · Jackson Hart -. Dukalcis Simon 95 15 14 ·. 651 .. tQI 91 t'3 91 7 · 51 Gore 3 21 -----------------------------------147votes . Republicans r--. Busn _ ~ I<smp . 46 37 481 Dl 7 ~ Robertson 7 71 -·---------------------------------97votas (401 of freshmen) The pOll t a ken on Tuesday provides us with only a saall samplinq of the vast political opinions present at SLUH. To f urther 1nvestiqate the wealth of political knowledge and i nformation inherent · in our s tudents and faculty, ace r eporter Jay Barry armed hiaself with a tape recorder and went to the roots of the elective process: the people. Herewith is a samplinq of the educated responses .o f individual members of the SLUH coamunity to the question. ''Hho d id you vote for. and why?" : Senior John Barsanti : "Paul Simon. because he· s_ really cool. I th~nk Bush is goinq to Win the CRepublicanl nomination. I don ' t know how--he's an idiot--and Dukakis Cwill win for the Democrats] . People will · final ly figure out that Bush i .s . an idiot and Dukakis will win." Senior Dan Kertz: "Jack Kemp, because I like his views. and he's an ex-footba ll pl ayer. I think Dukakis will be the next president .~ Senior Rusty Bucher : "Jesse · Jackson. because i f he ' s pre ~ s ident .• we won · t spend all our money · on weapons and will s pend more money on the poor. -" Senior Brian Gunn: ''Hell. I voted for Albert Gore becaus e he ' s not ·all rhetoric, and I like h:ls foreign policy. " · Juni,or Chris · Herzberg: "Mys elf: I am who am." .. . Math . teacher Mr. George -Mills: "I voted for Paul Simon. He strikes me as a man with . some inteqr ity, and I'm · not sure <lbout t he others . " · Freshman Kevi n Grif !ard: "I co~~dn ' t vote •. I was sent down to ' the library by Mr. Aylward to c;et a movie pr o j ector. " Principa l Mr. Paul OWens: " I prefer not to answer. No couent. I don · t' · th! nk £my choi cel was l i sted · on that ballot . Somebody ' s 9oing to c~me in around convention time . and t he convention won ' t be able -to determine a clear f ront runner·, and somebody who ' s standing in t he wi nqs-Cuomo or -Bradley- -is going t o t ake over." _Senior · Joe Gudiswitz: "I voted for Simon because he 's the ~artest - one out there .~ Theology teacher Mr . James Linhare s: "Mike Dukakis . HelL See ELECTION. page 5 Sophomores Democrats Gephardt 48 22 15 9 Jacbon Dukakis ~ 8 Hart Gore 3 1OS votes 1 461 21 GA 144Jl ~~ 81 3'A - (491 of sophornoreJ) ~rbncans Dole 46 36,. 11 101 12 ROOertmn Kemp ' 431 38. 11~ ··--··---------~---~---·----------~- 107votes (51' of sophomor811) · Juniors· Democrats - ~~:t - . 75 -15 15 Jackson Hart 6 5 Simon Gore 3 -----------------------------------119votes · (58' of jUniors) Republicans [A)le . Bush Ra-tson. ..Kemp 49 24 12 1 571 281 14" 11 -------------------------~---------(·~of juniors) 86votes More results. paae 5 4. News Bashball Play (continued from page I) with the rules, . here· s .. a quick recap. Captains should organize teams of 12-16 players . Twelve <12> bashballers may play at once. six· l6l on a. side; all player~ must be either , SLUH · stugents or faculty. All players·.-·aust have one permission · slip for each hour they play. Hhen the capt~ins have collected the permission slips, money, . and ·roster, -~hey should send "them · to Dr. Murphy's office during noon · rec or after school. Hours Will be assigned on· a first · come, first serve basis . Price!! for the all ni_gh~ sports-a-thon range from $5 per person for the prime hours. 9 p.m. Friday to 5 a.m. Saturday morning, to $3 and $2 for the less popular hours. The $10 deposits due with each tea• siqn~up will be returned i f the . qrpups play by the rules and if the captain and co-captain stay to work during the hour immediately followin9 their playing time. One aspect the committee wishes to stress is that a ·t~aa· of twelv~ doesn't have to ·find a real •team• to play. Only twelve ~11 be allowed on the court at a ti•e, so one group plays against itself during the hour, . A demonstration gaae for freshmen and other novices will be played next Wednesday. March 9, at noon rec. Any freshman interested in playing should see Dr. Murphy. · The committee is also sending out an urgent plea for anyorie interested ih refereeing and to those interested in li!Onj,_toring the gaaes on the night of the Marathon. Jason Berne (continuecl from face 1) these thespia~s was ~nris LaWyer, who portrayed Pierrepont Finch. · Bria.n _ Schlueter cotmented that Lawyer' S .. endiess enthusiasm and slidt per_; forun~e· "!lade iae · tingly ali o~er." · ··· .T he y.o ung Finch must conduct various strategies to achieve his des.tiny. These · include ingratiating himself with corporate ·biqwigs Hr. Bratt <Robert J. Hall. Jr. l and his oyerbe!lrinq boss .·J .B. Biggley <Matt Mueller>. The moments .· between. Lawyer : and Mueiler will long be remembered as some of the most hilarious and energetic scenes on the SLUH stage. . Finch's climb up the corporate l~dder takes him past the hilarious Mr . TWimble ~Mark Gunn) • the s ·l eazy Hr. Gateh (Sam Romeo>, teenage heartthrob Ovington <Brian Gunn), and the villainous ne'er-dowell nephew of tne boss, Bud Frump <Dan Schieber>. The female contributions were equally top-notch. featuring romantic lead Rosemary <Tina Meyersl . and the trampy Hedy LaRue <Nicky Kessler l . The· play ~s predictably mel odramatic , with · boy getting qirl in the end. - Yet the bulk of the musical numbers must be credited to the 59 members Q!.., the . signing a~ dancing trou~>~s. The dancing ensell\ble, choreoqrap~ed by Mrs. · Marilyn 8ur, made great strides in the last week and was "nearly synchronized for the weekend . perf ormanc~s. Besides tnese taients. the dancer:s bQasted or:.long-l~gged lasses and bare-ch~sted &Washbucklers to pleas.e even . the most · disint_ e rested fan. A.,few Driwr Ed meeting · neXt Wednesday An 1nforaat1onal aeetinq for students interested in taking Driver Education t~~ suaaer will ·be held Wednesday. Mar.c h 9th. durinq noon rec in the gym lobby. Interested students. who aust be 15 years of age before their first driv~nq time. will receive information and ·applications for the · clas.s . See Mr~ Kornfeld .for additional details. Compiled from Sources weak-stoaached viewers compl ained the "rather revealing spande~ tights Worn by the male members of the pirate scene. but aost nQticed only the superior footwork. The sinqinq chorus •embers, under "the tutel~ge of Ursuline's Neal Frederiksen and SLUH's very own Joe Koestner. were once again superb. lending their tonsila to such crowd favorites as MA Secretary Is Not A Toy,~ "I Believe In You," and "Brotherhood Of of Han." This year ' s spring production also sported one .o! the most impressive sets in recent memory, especially because virtually no money was spent on new materials. Scenery was created out of almost every available piece of l~r in the crew room, thanks to the talents of a large and well~ run. stage crew. " It was especially difficult because qf the quick scene changes in Act Two, •· said crew chief Kevin "Mouse " Paglusch. "The crew handled it well, eventually putting together a smoo~h piece of technical theater," he added. The play could not have existed Without the great · job of. SLUH and Ursuline· s stage managers, set. and. costume crews , and orchestra . All ~~re i ndebted to the patient skill of the husband/wife directing duo of Joseph and Judy Schulte. This group ~ffort provided .for _the . ~uccess of what some feel is arguably SLUH ' s finest Winter .. ausical in 5 years. Others. however. dilslliil!sed such historical comparisons and simply called How IQ ~uccee4 -the hippest thing they had ever seen. . Brian Gunn and Bob Hall Twelve advance In national math contest .. Of the 109 SLUH students who ·.took Tuesday's · Allerican High Sc~ool Matheaatics En- · minatian, twelve ad~anced to the second round of competition by scoring .1 00 or aore points. The complicated· scoring system 4warded ·5 points for a correct ansWer, 2 for an unanswered question. and none for a wrong anawer. The . top twelve Hathbills ~11 next undertake the American .· Invitational Mathematics Examination, ~ three-hour, fifteen-question test, on Tuesday, March 22. The twelve qualifiers and their scores are as follows: · Tim· Bergfeld lZi Jim Constantino 117 Brian Walsh . 109 Pat Jones ·ros · Bob Kollmeyer 103 ~4tt Haffner 102 Paul Baudendistel 100 Matt McCormick 100 Pat Niemeyer . 100 Steve Schaeffer 100 Karl Stiefvater ·100 Ed Wi2eman 100 Compiled from Sources News •p;ris· praiiB Election I r4d a hard time With the decision, but I'm impressed with ..mat he did in .- Massachusetts. He seems credible to me. He doesn't seem to be as much a victim of regular political rhetoric . r think he can beat either Bush or Dole. I don ' t . think Gephardt can beat either Bush or Dole. I think he's a better candidate. ·• .. Junior Ken Daust: "Nobody. I don ' t like them. " Math teacher Mr. Bill May: "Jesse Jackson, because I think he's the .best choice of president out of the people we have to pick fro111." Junior Kevin Kreikemeier: "I didn't vote because I was absent. I wasn't sick; I was :l~st at home." Freshman John Del Cecato: "Jack Kf.!mp is my man. If you look at the issues. he's better than any other candidate around." Freshman Ted Rechtin: "Gephardt. because he ' s from Missouri." Overall Distribution · YJlnllt ata. . . . . Seniors (continued from page 3) Democrats (;eptulrdt 39 38~ Dukakis 24 19 18~ Jadsm 23~ Hart 9' ~ Simon 8 K Gore 4 4" (55%of seniors) 103votes Republicans Dole Bush Kemp Ra:ertson 41 . 26 12 48" 31% 6 7, 14~ ----------~------------------------- (451 of seniors) 85'90tes Faculty Democrats Gephardt Simon Dukakis Jackson Hart Gore "17 10 1 7 2 0 4QfJ, 2"' 16% 16, 5~ 0% --------~--·----------------~-~----- . 43votes (78'1 Of faculty) Republicans :Dole . Bush Kemp Rcbertson 5 4 2 1. ~---------------------------------(22~ of faculty) 12votes Seniors. ·dollies· set for dance Because classes Will not be in session this Monday. one would assuae that socially active. members of the senior class ·would be far away fro• their mothers on Sunday night . 5 However. many seniors will instead be quite close to aoa. because Sunday, March 6. is the date the annual Mother-Son Dinner Dance . Colloquially known as wHomProm.~ the event will begin at 5 PM at the Cedars With an open .,., soda .bar. Dinner wi 11 · follow at 6. and there will be dancing from 7:30 to 10:30. The price of $23 Per person · . For the sopho•ores. the most anticipated event of t~e . year has arrived. Tomorrow rtight sophomores and their ladies will attempt to mak~ Sopho•ore Formal Dinner-Dance ' 88 one of the most raucous .bashes in history. The doors will open a.t 7:00 PM . and upon enterinq. the sophomores will .be initiated into the SLUH dance scene. "Since this is our first SLUH dance. we wanted to create an especially original and vibrant atmosphere," colDl\lented class officer Matt Gunn. who has been planning the dance in conjunction with fellow . officer Tim .Staley, class moderator Dave Suwalsky, and sophomore homeroom reps. The buffet-style dinner will be served at 7:30. Anyone ·arriving later than 7:45 will .be "locked out and slapped silly," according to Gunn. The evening's band . the Newsboys, is widely regarded as one of St . Louis' finest and has actually appeared on Ed McMahon's ·•star Search." "We wanted to get a band that has been touched .by Ed McMahon in some form or another," said Gunn. Tentative plans also include a song and dance act by Bob "Golden Tonsils" Hall during dinner. Accompanying him will be freshman pianist Abraham "Ludwig Van" Song. Today · after school those sophomores who signed ' up to . help decorate will vivify the auditorium in accQrdance wit~ the. theme of the · dance, "Paris .by Niqht·. " The cafeteria will .be modeled after Casablanca's Rick's .Cafe Americain • Gunn and Staley would like to inform the sophomores that they are more than welcome to take home ·. the plastic · cups imprinted with the · official "Paris by Night·M logo. Pictures also may .be purchased at the dance for $8.00. Victor E. ~t~ck;; . includes soela. dinner.. and musical entertainment . .by Biq Jack's Time Machine . · As of Thursday, approximately 130 couples. had .bouqht tickets to the event. Brother Thornton called the evening the ".best party of the ,year" and ordered all seniors to "dance with <your> dollies till the ~ight is .throuqh." John Barsanti 6 Spor t s Racquet&iUs joust with Lancers in tlistrtcts The varsi'ty Racquetbills finished their reqular season Tuesday by defeatinq the Griffins of Vianney 6-1. A Raquetbill's forfeit gave the Grif fins . th:eir only win. This contest was one of the easier eatches the Jr-. · Bills had during the regular season, as illustrated by their 4- 6 recor.d . The team consisted of seven · players <in order of· rank> : Ed Bottini· <6-3>.. Steve Boyd .<4-6 l, John Cahill <4-6 l , Dave Glarner . <7-3l, .Phil Tiemeyer (4 - 6>. Gabe Forir <5- Sl, and Dan Santiago . <0- 3>. Other Racquetbills who played · for the varsity squad include Rusty Bucher <l-4l and Matt Laumann <0-ll. The season started off slowly because the Jr. Bills were ,not ready for the· tough competitors that they faced . The squad . was qui·c kly stunned by Clayton and lost 6- 1.' The second match was against CBC. and the Bills barely escaped with a · 4-3 victory. The Btllikens then lost three in a row, to Ladue by the score of 6-l, by a close 4-3 to DeSmet, and another 4-3 l oss to the Principia Panthers . After these three losses , the J r. Bills recorded another victory late i n January by defeating Parkway Central 5- 2 , only to lose in their next game to the Lafayette Lancers 4-3 . The Lonqhorns of Parkway West then gored the Racque t bills 6-1. The sea son ended on an upward trend , as the squad defeated Kirkwood 5-2 and shut down Vianney 6-1. This year the team ~~fered from a lack of seniors, as only two b~qan the season with the team. The only senior ·.to last the season was Ed Bottini. who was also the only player with e~erience on the varsity level'. Another senior . Rusty Bucher, played for the first five matches but· was then ·sidelined for the r est of the season because of a leq injury. Rusty was replaced by Dan Santiago. Ca.aenting on the regular season. Coach Koes~ner said, Grapplers post best season in fifteen years The '87-88 Wtestlebills wrapped up their 8-2 sea~on with numerous impressive finishes in tournaments. In addi tion to the improved f+nishes over ~ast year at the Vianney and · DeSmet · TournUients. the team also qained a . second place, tr.oph:Y in the Country oay· Tournament. These reaul ta gave ~he team the best finish in fifteen years~ according to varsity coach Dr . Murphy • . Coach Murphy qives tricaptains Lance Isbell. Scott Crouch. and Jim Craig most of the credit for the team ' s success. saying. ''1 don '.t think a coach can do that himself . ·• He also praised the seniors on the team for their leadership. dedication. and hard work..· In · their first year of wrestling. seniors Dave G~imm and Mike Menghini did unexpectedly well. Strong effort and determination . paid off for veteran Brian Hahn. while John Barsanti . had· a great year after .a slow start wrestling up two weiqht classes. Dave Drury _had a good year on the mats but gave a greater contribution working with the younger wrestler·s . In the first match of the season ~ . SLUH ' s matmen trounced the· Flyer3 of Chaminade. The Grapplers had defeated the Flyers by only three last season. but this year 3cored a devastating· victory. After the match. junior Joe Held noted~ ''This is the most intense ·the' team has been in ay three years of wrestlinq. " Intensity and everincreasing . competi t iven~ss carried th:e team to victories over McCluer, U. City. ParkWay North, and Webster Groves. Last year. McCluer ·· defeated the Jr . Bills 48-27, but this year the Bills ~on 48- 27 . The , HrestlebiHs most impressive victory, however, occurred over St . Clair. After being dev~stated last year · 963, this year's team defeated the Bulldoqs 32-·31. St . Clair is· known . for fielding touqh teams , and thus the defeat of this consistent power proved the competitiveness of the "This. was a disapPQ1ritinq ..-.....,. s eason because we have a lot ot talent that the team record doe s not show. The problem is consistency; a lot of games ·were lost in the tie- br e~ke r (editor ' s note: tbree of the s ix losses were decided i n the tie-breaker] and a lot 'o f matches were lost because of slow starts .on the · team's part. OveralL there.· was a ~ot improvement from l as t year and a l ot of potent.ial talent . :· However. he hopes that things will change in the post - season play. About the post-season meeting . with Lafayette, Coach Koestner stated , ."He lost to Lafayette by only · one point. and. qur game ' ha;s improved a lot 3ince then . We have a good chance t o beat them. " This afternoon the Jr. Bill s will put their hopes .on the line when the face Lafayette in the fi~st round of District play at Town .and Country Racquetball Club at 3: 30PM. If successful • . ehe team will .take on Parkway West at Concord Racquetball Club tomorrow at 9 AM, Dave Glarner Grappl ers. Another important factor to the team ' s success was the team spirit . The team and fans made t his point clear when the Jr . Bills took on CBC at SLUH. Despite losing to CBC py · t hree points for the . second year in a row , the match was definitely the most excitinq of 't he season due to the tremenqous spir-it generated. CBC and Vianney were· the only t e ~s who be.at the Wre5tlebills this year. J oe Held looks to be the best prospect for next season. as he came withi n twenty sec onds of winning his Sect ional match in overtime. This victory would have s ent him on t o State. Other returning wrestlers include juniors Bryan Bradley, Greg Dana, Mark N ischwit~. and Steve Hertel. Paul Boyer, thi~ year ' s . heavyweight wrest ler. is only a sophomore and should also return. He wi ll be join~· by his classmates. Curt Miles, Mark Mtirphy, · Corey Sc~idt, and Kevin Kuhn . who now all possess varsity experience . Bryan· Bradley. ~ 7 Sports H~c'keybllls - h ;a ve __ successful·season:: The IcebiJ:l~· · .. ~an . the seas~ with ~ victory over the Parkway North. Vik1ngs and . contin.u ed on ..to .· one of their most successful., s easons . in the past· few ·y ears. · As the season began . : ..:Poth players and coac.h es were uncertain about the rost er ·and the · line-up. ~ch o~ last year's formidable .·· defensive strength was lost ~~ - gradu ation>, and the need to fill. this void wss' urqertt. ·. Senior Tim . Laa&rge soon found himself ·a'S the ~.eam ' s top def enseman . · ·: -Sophomore arandon Cho a nd juniors Randy Thompson and Troy, ~tson also found themse lve!!l · in'.the defe n- · sive spotliqht. Newcomer: Tony Fox and Mat.t McCormick· were used fn impo.r .tant ro les. as did t he ever exciting and constantly crowd . pleasing ' Mike "House" Haskell. The offensive scheme proved to be a much ·easier qUestion to answer because of the r eturn of four top seniors -Sean Ferrell . . Matt McGuire. Dave Flieq. and Pat Hollora n - who were joined -by scoring power junior Brian Driemeyer. The lines the~selves were constantly reworked throughout the season. . · · ·· The Jr. Bills remained consistent thro~qbout the• season~ They won when they were favored, a problem for past SLUH. teams. who lost precious 1987-88 ;.;. .. t Riflebtits reM Rams · ;: The , freshaen R1tleb1lls · . points in hesrtbr~akinq top three shooters trekked t o upsets. The Jr . Bills also played excellent hockey whe(l : Country .Day along With two on Hednesday. they were the und.er.doq. 'l'his · · sophomores February 26, to . take on the phenomenon · ~s illus trat~ in Hams •. .These · fiv e Jr .. Bills •. the team-'s victory over · the · ·f reshmen Matt · -O'ji.l.'e. Daniel · much-heralded· DeSmet Spartans . Schoenekase and ShaWn Spindel • . The team's ·· 3-3 tie with Park ~ .and . ~opho~ores David Brooks way CentraL · who ..went on to and. Ke~th Georqe ; ~hot a ·total · ==~t ~~e ~ ta!ayette t~~~e~~ !~r .score· ·. of ·. 1310 in the four -third place in the Mid-St_ates position .· · match . · This score Finals • was on ' t;.he .'_same · n:.v el' ·· easily ,_, defea· t -ed the . hapless .in the upset category. CODASCO squad.. a~ . the . Rams One of the aost vivid h19ht urned ·in a 1102 perforunce. lights of the year . was t he The sophomo~es. coapeting perfort~ance of senior· qoaltel'\.- .... in their first match. gained · der, Matt Siorek . Who played · valuable match e~perience for game after _ g~e Wi th · increasnext season . Alonq with ·the· ing i ntensity;· Siorek qave one ,Strong p:lethora.. of: varsity of his finest ' per formances in shooting juniors that will the Bills ' .win · over . DeSmet. return nex't year, , these sophoThe teu ·finished the mores should help put. the season losing to Lafayette 1n : Riflebills on . mark , next : the play-offs , but finished .:. season . with an impressive record· of Meanwhile. t~e freshmen ~ 12- 6- 2. have benefitted from a very ' With Brian Dr i emeyer active club: -- five club . memret urning as the offensive bers are: quickly earning ·c leader. and joined by a cohort letters after completing their of returning varsity skaters. , NRA -Shatpshooter · certificates. the team lo.o ks to have a promThe freshmen have not only ising · season ·next year. Supconfined their practicing to plementinq this po~er will be their desiqriated davs. · a number of upcoming talents . . Before departinq for trout i ncluding Brian Vi erling • . The s eason . _Serqeant Bruaae.tt defense of the future will be added, "If the f reshmen stick in the hands of Randy Thomp~ . with it. they will . have a tre son . Brandon Cho, and Troy ·' Dl'endous opportunity . t o ' score Watson . and these are capable h igh as a team in the Nat-ioruil. . hands . Matches." · . · · Matt McGuire Psul Kwfatliowski SW 1MB IlLS SEVENTH AT STATE Las·t Saturday, eiqht of the fights led by Chris Ferrari. ~~chool ~~~~~record b~;;:inq ·~11 t~::vio~; of l'i 02 . 55 ~ · The 1987-88 Aquabills trav,e led _ to The fun did. not · seem to 400 . lllf!dl~Y. . relay·· rtt"lr"'" JJth H+ckman Hiqh School iri. · Columaffect i the performance . . The fo r "the fill4lS . but. finished. bia to. compete · in the State 200 111edl.ey relay "'·'<~truckhoff 12th after the finals; . . Meet. The seven swimmers <Ted .cback l , : Commings :. <breast l~ •. . · Next ye ar's t en· aga·! n:· Baudendistel. . Jeff Comminq~ •. · · ·Kelly <fly> • · and. ···Gudiswitz .... l ooks set for a :, successful Dave DiMarco. Chr i s Ferrari·, <!ree l _..:; placed fourth !in the season. The 200 relay plans · t o Joe Gudiswitz. Mi~e Kelly, ~d finals w,ith a - tillie of 1 : 4Z.l0, · . · use· freshllen .. Ray Taddeuc:ci J ay StruckhoffLarid. one diver a-··'new sc:hool r·e cord. <back), C011J11in9~ · <bresst ) . <freshman Joe cr·a ft f took ,s ev·' Next. Jeff · COmm~ngs. who Kelly <fly> • .. and · sophoaore enth out of ·47 teitms.. .. . ,· qualified for the 200 IM. · took ' . Dave Grimmer . : {f~ee>. These The team me-mbers psyched . . •ele"enth\ wi th ~ a ·:· . ti~e . of : . swiliimers should be able . to put· the111se 1ves up by shaving thei r: · 2: 06 . 60 : in · the · · cor}solation the teaa in ·the top ten · once bodies. This · escapsde be<Jan fi.nals. :rn the .. sq·. ~.r ee, again in · 89. l ast Wednesday When some ~nt Struckhoff placed· seventh in Coach Moore also anticipate barbershops t o get ·their the f inals with a time of tes new swimmers in · next hair shaved· .. The fun continU.ed 22 . 39 , .setting the s econd vear 's fresh!a~m class. .The when each' . swimme~ sha ved his. school re·c ord of the 114e.e.t. ·. i:e a111 record may suffer because legs, arms, and chests . . . · In diving. Joe Craft came af the loss~' of !our.· strong Some brought, dee cakes. into the l ast t hr.ee dives at · s eniors <Struckhof! , Gud- · .-----... others brought. oranges and t enth place. ~ut .fell . back to· i switz. Ferrari, and ' Mike Rice Krispies. ''It's high ·in · ···12th after 11 -dives . . In the ~onntag>. bu~ ' the team zshoul'd vitamins ·B and c," sai d Gud.1.0 0 back. Struckhoff. -- came i'n recover. iswitz. '''ie tded to do everyfifth in ~ the , _pr;-elimtnaries . · ·.Next week.' a film of the thi ng possible to . do our . but · placEid sixth. in the· ·Sta:te · Meet will be shown at bes t. " The .weekend ended with finals . . noon rec in .. the · suditorium. vi deotaping· by Jeff Commin~s ln the tlOO breast . Commingzs Further details will be a rid hilari ous shavirig cream · placed th'ird -.behind ·parkWay announced later . .Wes t (first > and Country Day J eff Commings , ·. 8 Sports Sportswrap As the ))iq- "wh1<JS" of the Mew. Division of this hallowed new3paper sat around countinq the votes in the presidential primary, and the llajor candidates duked it out !or top honors, the . quiet member of the staff of the Sports Wrap <just ae> resolved to qet in on the action · and endorse a little-knoWn candidate who nonetheless deserves p\JDlic ·recoqnit_ion. Little do many people realize that ·o ne · student here at SLUH earned eiqht votes . . from his claes <doU))le the number cast for . politico Dave Kostecki> and tied Paul Simon en route to a landside victory amonqst unannounced candidates. If you too feel that this candidate should -step· out and let his voice · be known. write letters to your conqresslll&ll. Support Mike Downey -- the Co111J11on Man for ' 88. · BASKE'rBAI.L VARSITY <10-15l ~ J:m: The Basketbills started off s-tronq With three conse.cutive victories, includinq a 66-63 win over Vianney . But the teaa then lost to DeSaet and started doWnward slide. After the Hoopbills ' first ever Missouri . Basketball Classic. they· Wtrit back to • soo ))all by . beatinq Sou-thwest. However, the Bills ended the season winninq only six ~-f seventeen qaaes to finish · 10-15~ On the briqht aide, , .jUniors Mike Hohl, Mark Bab!Q, Pat McCool, Kevin ·Loqan. Kevin · BaUIIall , and (;req Beeklllan -alonq With sophoaore Brian · Leahy-- are expected to return next ~_year wi.t h play- · inq experience under their hiqh tops. ' ·· a Jr. - ~ ~ <15:-9) ~ Yl! t . The · Killer Bees finished ' their season by winninq seven of their last nine. In tournament action. .the Bees u ·nished second at .the St. Mary's Tournament and captured the consolation chaapionship at the RJverview "Tournament . ~ ~ ~ (14-5) ~ ye: . . Led . by Chris Gorman . Craiq Ortwerth. and Matt Salamone~ who together combined 710 · points. the C Hoopbills 'had · an expressive season and won 11 of their last 12 games. In the process. · the team placed first in the SLUH -Tournament. RACOUE."l'BALL 'lABSITY ~!rAE IJARSITY U2-8 "': 2) J.m: Coach . Busenhart led the Icebills ~o an impressive season filled with . an upset of DeSmet , a qood showing against CBC. and many other high. lights before Lafayette ended the .H ockeybills' s season in the first round of the play-offs . Seniors Matt Siorek and Sean Fer rell were selected to the leaque~s All Star squad and will play Sunday at 8 PH at Queenie . -Admission is $2 . ~ ye: Sunday the Strike_bill:s venture to Dick Weber Lanes to bowl in the high school State -Tournament. Becvar ' s Bowlinqbills fin~ ished the regular $eason with a disappointing loss to Vianney. Because of the team's low seeding in · the Tourney, they will probably open the fir:st- round of t he playoffs against· Mehlvil le. ~ for the JV Icebills when they lost to CBC S-O last Thursday, February 25. This defeat occurred in the second round of the District Tournament, as the Hockeybills had advanced bv defeating Webster · 2-1 ~n the first round. . ~ ~om: The . Aquabills started off :-- by qoinq .. ~ undefeated in their first five meets and finished the season with a 10-3 record. The team then took {irst place in the All-Catholic Meet for the second time · in three years . In the State . Meet the Aquabills ·. s~t three new school records en . ' route to an impressive sev- . enth place finish out o( 47 teams. "!RESILING ~ .... Jm: BOWLING JVNIOR VABSITI <8-4-2> '!U:le !am: The · season ended ye: Lance Isbell finished fourth in the State Meet in the . 112 pound weight class . and th~ Grapplebills experienced th:ir best season overall in f.J.fteen years. C4-7l The Racquet))ills finished the season with victories over Kirkwood and Vianney. The team now hopes to keep its winniog ~ t c· ecu. alive when it beqins District play this eveninCJ aqainst Lafayette at Town and Country Racquetball ClUJ) at 4 PH. Vic:_tory over the Lancers will advance the Racquetbills into a qame toaorrow morning at 9 AH aqainst the ParkWay West Longhorns in the Concord Racquetl>all ClUJ). HOCKEy . SWIMtfiNG_ . I&;M ( 2- 7 ) The C Grapplers showed a need for improvement as the season wore on but the team possesses the raw talent that experience should forge into a winni,n g squad • . • Ritenour endsBasketbill~' season I! a b&sket))lill, teu lqses a que and rio ~e is around .to see it. did that basketball _teu really lose the que? · Unfortunately for the · 88 Basketbills, the answer is a resounclinq " yes.~ The Cagers bowed out of post-season contention last Monday night. dropping a so- 44 contest to Ritenour in the first round Districts · played at _.O'F~llon Tech. Danny Ke_rtz clo:sed out a fine SLUH · career by scori~q a team-'-high 15 points ·, followed in offense by fe l l ow retiree Kevin ''Big Mac " McLauqhlin, who sank ten for the Blue and White. Tune in next week ' s for a portrait of the Bi l l ikens · final ·sa performance. as well as a last look at ~hose sen ~ iors who graduate, and maybe even an · insightful and witty 1nterpr.etation of the whole season. Don ' t miss it t Steve Missey -
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