Engagement How to Create

How to Create
Meaningful Engagement With Your Customers on Facebook
White Paper by Rubber Cheese
Facebook presents business owners with a truly global
advertising opportunity.
There are over 1 billion people on Facebook worldwide. Amongst
them, 665 million are daily active users who spend an average of
28 minutes browsing the site.
A whopping 30 million of those are UK based (that’s over
48% of the UK population!) so if you were to pick only one
social media platform to market your business, there’s no doubt
about it - it would have to be Facebook. It’s a global database of
potential consumers at your fingertips, so it’s vitally important
to get to know how to use Facebook for business now, not later.
Engagement, Engagement, Engagement
Engage is one of those words that gets mentioned
repeatedly when discussing the best ways to use Facebook
for business. By engaging with your audience, you’re
ultimately building loyalty and creating opportunities to
help generate sales.
It is important to understand that having ‘fans’ does not mean
you are engaging them. Studies show that only 1% of Facebook
fans engage with brands. Equally, people who aren’t your ‘fan’
can still engage with your content. It’s all about the oldest
marketing tool in the book - ‘word of mouth’. Creating content
“You are invisible
unless you engage”
that makes your fans naturally want to share your content with
their friends is the real science behind it all.
First thing’s first: know your audience.
Before you start creating any content, you must understand the following:
Who is your target audience?
How can you a!ract them?
What do you want to gain from Facebook marketing?
Virtually every demographic is represented on Facebook these days, so it’s important to know your target
audience before you dive in head first. If you don’t have a good understanding of this your content could be
reaching the wrong demographic which won’t help you to generate sales.
Not sure how to define your target market?
Here are a few tips to get you started...
Determine Your Current &
Ideal Customer Base
Research the characteristics of your target market...
Then ask yourselves who they are, why they buy from you, and look
personality, attitudes, values, interests and hobbies, lifestyles, behavior.
for common characteristics and interests.
Research your competition, find out who they are targeting and go
for a different demographic, you may find a niche market that they
could be missing!
Then once you’ve concluded your target market, evaluate your
decision by asking yourself the following:
- Are there enough people that fit my criteria?
- Will my target audience really benefit from my product/service?
Analyse your product or service and list the benefits you provide.
- Can they afford my product/service?
- Do I understand what drives my target audience to make decisions?
- Can I reach them with my message? Are they easily accessible?
Once you’ve answered the above, you should now have a good
Choose specific demographics to target. Consider the following...
understanding of the content and messages that will make your fans
age, location, gender, income level, education level, marital or family
like, share, join in conversations and ultimately purchase from you.
status, occupation.
How to attract your customers on Facebook
Here are a few tips to get you started...
Content is Key
Generating relevant content aimed at your target market is without a
In all your promotional e-newsletters, add a link to your Facebook
doubt the most vital element of engaging on Facebook. We will
asking the reader to like your page. This ensures that the right
discuss this in much more detail throughout this white paper.
demographic is connected with your page.
Add a Link to Your Website
Word of Mouth
Add a link to your Facebook presence onto your company’s website
As previously mentioned, word of mouth is arguably the mother of all
where it can be easily spotted. If you can add to the header or footer
marketing tools, so inviting your personal friends to ‘like’ your
of every page, even better.
business page is a great way of reaching ‘friends of friends’ who could
become new customers. Also make sure you have your Facebook page
listed in the ‘About Me’ section of your personal page and make this
information public in your privacy settings.
Like / Share Bu!ons
Add Facebook like/share buttons to your website’s news/blog posts.
Always respond to comments and interaction. If people see that you
will notice and respond to what they have to say they will be more
likely to engage.
Types of content
In a study of data collected from over 1.3 million posts on
Facebook it was found that images have a higher like and share
rate than normal text, video and links. They are also more likely
to be commented on than video and links...
Like %
Comment %
Share %
0.3 %
0.3 %
0.6 %
0.2 %
0.2 %
0.4 %
0.1 %
0.1 %
0.2 %
Stats courtesy of DanZarrella.com.
Creating Your Content
What will they like?
Brands cannot expect to ask their users to like them, if
they don’t give them something in return. So what can
brands offer in return for a like, share or comment?
Exclusive content that can only be found on Facebook.
Keeping your posts relevant to your audience and business.
Special offers, coupons, discounts, competitions.
Updates about the company.
Interaction with the brand.
Being entertained, shocked, or informed.
Be succinct, friendly and conversational
Asking questions or seeking input.
Variety in your posts keeps fans engaged.
Be timely by posting about current events, holidays or
Becoming an information source for your fans, i.e. about
key or interesting events of potential interest to them and
their friends.
Statistics show that:
Posts including Like get more comments and likes.
Posts including Share get more shares, comments and likes.
Posts including Comment get more comments and likes.
Creating Your Content
What will they like?
Case Study - Beefeater #AskDesmond Campaign
Beefeaters ‘Ask Desmond’ campaign gained a positive
engagement rate for the following reasons:
It Questions the User
The title of the campaign is asking the user for a question encouraging
It’s Personal
Allowing users to communicate and interact with them on a personal level helps
the brand build relationships with their fans.
It’s Visual
Including an image of Desmond allows people to put a face to the name making
it more personal, while encouraging shares.
It’s Exclusive
This campaign allows users to find out exclusive information that they wouldn’t
be able to get elsewhere, therefore increasing engagement.
It’s Simple
It’s a really simple method of being able to communicate easily with their fans. It
requires no additional information from the fan.
Creating Your Content
Offers are a great way of giving something back to your fans.
Certain business, brands and organizations (with at least 100 likes) can
share discounts and special deals with their fans by creating Facebook
‘offers’. Once a fan claims an offer they will grant permission for a link to
be posted onto their timeline, which will then appear in the news feed of
their friends reaching a wider audience of a similar demographic. An email
will then be sent to their inbox with the details of how they can redeem
the offer. They’re even free to create - bonus!
Facebook are strict...
Make sure you read their Promotion Guidelines before you
publish any promotions. If you breech their regulations you are at
risk of your page being disabled.
Creating Your Content
Competitions & ‘Apps’
Brands are using competitions powered by applications (‘apps’) as a great way to increase
engagement with their users.
Before you get started though it is important to look at your target market and determine:
Are your targets the type of people to enter competitions?
What type of competition would your targets be likely to enter?
What prizes would be of interest to your targets?
Does your competition fit in with your other marketing activities?
Usually apps will ask for the users consent to:
Post onto their timeline
Gain access to their personal information - Studies show that users might be put off by these
requirements and not go through with it, so make it an optional feature to give your users the
option of disclosing their details with you or not.
So why are apps good for brands?
Creates enhanced engagement with existing & new users
Gives more content to post to the wall
Creates co-creation from users
Creates more sharing opportunities with Friends
Gives a reason to advertise the page, which means that they work well when using them in
conjunction with Facebook advertising. They can give an ad a purpose.
Creating Your Content
Offers, Competitions & Apps
Case Study - Giraffe Restaurant Competition
Here’s an example of a competition run by Giraffe Restaurant on Facebook every
Friday. Here are a few reasons why this competition gains so much interest:
It’s Not Invasive
No personal details need to be handed over to join the competition (which is often what
puts users off entering)
It’s Simple to Enter
All the user needs to do is allow the app to post to their news feed on their behalf, and
click the ‘Enter Now’ button.
It’s Specific
Choosing a specific day to announce this competition is a great way of creating a buzz. It
also means they don’t need to hand out prizes every day, and it gives the chance to
promote the competition via other social media channels.
It’s Professional
The overall design of the app appears very professional making it appear trustworthy.
It’s Realistic
It’s a realistic prize making the competition look genuine, therefore encouraging more
users to enter.
Creating Your Content
Announcing news
Announcing exclusive news to your Facebook fans is a great way of creating
huge interest on your Facebook page. Knowing that they can get that first
glimpse of fresh and exciting news before anyone else, just by following your
page is sure to keep them interested.
Perhaps one of the most exciting marketing methods is the Power of the Teaser. Noone enjoys being left in suspense, whether it’s the having to wait for next week’s
episode of [insert TV show here...], or having to wait for an album release for example,
but it’s a sure way to gain people’s attention, interest and engagement.
So if you’re releasing a new product, service, shop, whatever it may be... tease your
way to more like’s and shares, then when everyone’s expecting it... go for the big reveal
and watch the engagement start rolling in!
Creating Your Content
Announcing news
Case Study - Beefeater Gin
Beefeater Gin’s announcement of their limited edition bo!le design
on Facebook paired with the text “Here is is - the limited edition
Beefeater bo!le created by Londoners. Like It?” gained a large
amount of engagement. It worked well for the following reasons:
It’s Exclusive
Content included exclusive news being revealed to Facebook fans
for the first time.
It’s Visual
The inclusion of an image encourages people to share the news
with people they know, to let them in on the latest
It’s Simple
Keeping it simple with a clear image paired with succinct text
helped encourage engagement.
It Questions the User
Including a question aimed at the user encourages people to
comment with their opinion.
It Mentions ‘Like’
Statistically, mentioning the word ‘like’ encourages users to like it.
Creating Your Content
When to post
Like Percentage
Recent statistics show that a good time to post content to your
Facebook page is when users aren’t at work and when most
brands aren’t posting to their time lines.
for Likes : 6pm - 8pm and at Weekends
The majority of brands post messages during the working week and hours.
So the best times to post seem to be:
Share Percentage
for Shares: 8am, 12pm & 6pm
5-10 posts per week
Studies show that the ideal number of times a brand should post to
Facebook is between:
There is no exact number of times you should post to Facebook, but post too
often or not often enough and you will typically lose your user engagement.
Like Percentage
You can also check into the ‘Posts’ section of your
‘Facebook Insights’ panel and find the average times
your likers are most active on Facebook throughout
the day - very handy!
Stats courtesy of DanZarrella.com.
Creating Your Content
Schedule your posts with Hootsuite
Facebook users spend more than 700 billion minutes per month on Facebook.
Multiply that by the minimum hourly rate in the UK and that equals over £72
million pounds of potential business lost.
To avoid losing any potential business, check out Hootsuite. It allows you to check your news
feeds, reply to comments and post onto all your social networks, in one easy place!
We use it a lot, it’s really great at saving you time (and money) so you can get on with business!
Creating Your Content
Insights & data overview
‘Page insights’ include data and information explaining which posts received the most
engagement, along with an overview of who is connected to your business. It’s
important to check this data on a regular basis to fully understand what’s working and
what’s not.
To see your page insights simply open the admin panel of your page, and in the insights box click the
‘See All’ link. From here you have access to view the following:
- Page likes (from the past 7 days)
- Page and tab visits
- Post reach (from the past 7 days)
- Other page activity
- Engagement (from the past 7 days)
- External referrers
- Recent posts (from the past 7 days)
- Your posts total reach, post clicks and engagement
- Total page likes and unlikes
- When your fans are online
- Net likes (what changed)
- Your most successful post types
- Where your page likes come from
- Gender, age & location
- Post reach
- Demographics reached (most often)
- Likes, comments & shares
- Demographics who engage with you (most often)
- Hide, report as spam and unlikes
- Check-ins
- Total reach
Tracking Your Success
Round Up
"Facebook says you are Invisible unless you Engage"
Step 1 - Research
Step 2 - Creating Your Content
Step 3 - Track Your Success
To engage with your target
audience and to build
relationships, you need to know
and understand the
demographic first, what they
like, dislike and what they’re
most likely to engage with.
Once you know your target audience and
what they like, attract them with valuable
content aimed towards them they will want to
share with their friends. (word of mouth)
Track and calculate your success to
discover the posts that are gaining the
most engagement.
Establish the type of content that works best
for you and your business. (Studies show that
images have a higher like and share rate than
normal text, video and links.)
Give something back to your fans. i.e.
exclusive content, announcements, special
offers, discounts, competitions & 'apps',
entertainment and plenty of variety.
Respond to engagement.
Link your Facebook Page to your website and
other social platforms
Round Up
The best times to post are for likes : 6pm - 8pm
and at weekends and for shares: 8am, 12pm &
There is a significant opportunity to drive sales through Faceboook advertising. We
hope that this white paper encourages you to set up your very first Facebook
campaign, or perhaps to simply improve your strategy. Here are a few final words to
keep in mind...
Don’t be afraid to experiment with your content. If you feel something isn’t working,
change it up, try something different. People love variety so experiment often, try
new things and keep it fresh and exciting!
Don’t give up. Just because one post didn’t receive as much engagement as you’d like,
it doesn’t mean that everything you do from then on will receive zero likes. Facebook
is about long-term engagement rather than short term sales. Stick at it, and you will
see the results.
Have fun with it! If you’re not having fun engaging on Facebook, it will show, and it’ll
leave you with very little engagement in return. To get the most out of Facebook you
should aim to be that fun and entertaining person that everyone can’t wait to hang
out with, hear from and catch up with. The more you have fun with people, stronger
relationships are formed, and the more memorable your business becomes which all
helps to generate new sales.
Helpful Resources
[1] https://www.facebook.com/business
[2] http://danzarrella.com/
[3] http://www.hubspot.com/
[4] http://econsultancy.com/uk
[5] http://www.marketingprofs.com/
[6] http://socialmediatoday.com
[7] http://www.searchenginejournal.com
[8] http://www.socialbakers.com
[9] https://hootsuite.com
[10] http://blog.hubspot.com/
Helpful Resources
Who are Rubber Cheese?
We’re a creative agency. An approachable team of innovative designers, developers and problem solvers, that love to
share our ideas and nurture yours, to create something that you and your customers will love.
We believe that every project is unique. What stays consistent is that we’ll deliver an influential experience to your
audience via; digital, mobile, social and traditional channels, every single time.
By using vision driven design principles, the latest digital technologies and a big wedge of our ideas and humour,
what you’ll receive is more than just a service... it’s an experience, one that will exceed your expectations as well as
make you smile. Thing is, what we really understand more than anything is that it’s not about us at all, it’s all about you.
Who are Rubber Cheese?
We thrive on challenges, so come and speak to
us for a pleasantly unconventional solution!
0845 867 6750