Daykeeper Journal Astrology Basics Series Astrology’s Building Blocks: The Signs of the Zodiac & How to Use Them in Your Chart by Terry Lamb Astrology Building Blocks Series: Signs of the Zodiac and How to Use Them in Your Chart Published by Daykeeper Publications Copyright 2014 Terry Lamb, Daykeeper Journal, all right reserved. First Edition Published 2014 What Are the Signs? When an astrologer looks up at the sky, they see the sparkling lights of the planets and stars, but they also rely on the field of energy behind the stars and planets, which is divided into twelve equal parts, the Signs of the Zodiac. The Signs are represented by symbols in the chart and “attached” as attributes to the planets. Figure 1. An astrological chart with Sign glyphs around the outside rim in 30° increments. Planet glyphs, in the inner “pie” sections, fall within the areas ruled by each sign and assume some of the “personality,” tendencies and characteristics of that sign. 1 Each Sign is a living symbol, or archetype, that in some basic way can be depicted by the creature associated with that Sign. Thus we have Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, Aquarius the WaterBearer, and so on. Beneath those meanings, each Sign represents a cluster of qualities that can be tied to a root concept that is that Sign’s motivation or area of development. Figure 2. Signs, constellations, and zodiac symbols. We could say that the Signs in our chart represent something we are becoming. If, for instance, you have Sun in Cancer, we could say that during your life, you are “Cancer-ing”, or learning to understand and live through Cancer energy. 2 Among the basic components of your birth chart, the Signs represent the HOW and the WHY of your chart. Why do you do the things you do? What motivates you, gives you purpose? What does an experience mean to you and why? In the language of astrology, the Signs can be described through adjectives and adverbs. Think of the Sign of planet showing its character. If the planet is the player on the stage, its Sign is its personality, costume, and all the traits displayed through its behavior. Signs? Constellations? What’s the Difference? The Signs are not the same as the constellations. Even though they carry the same names, the Signs are not the same as the constellations. In fact, some people have started calling the constellations by different labels to end the confusion, so the constellation of Taurus is called the Bull, for example. The locations and sequence of the Signs in a chart are determined from an “Earth-centered” perspective. Imagine a pointed extending from Earth into the Heavens at that instant when the March Equinox (Northern Hemisphere Spring) occurs, landing on the path of the Sun across the sky (the Ecliptic). The place on that path where that pointer lands is the beginning of the Sign Aries, and then the remaining Signs are marked off at 30° intervals around the Heavens in a circle (360°). Figure 3. Earth-centered zodiac with constellations around earth’s plane of orbit, called the ecliptic. 3 The Earth-centered (geocentric) Zodiac is not related to the current locations of the constellations in the skies, except that they can be called by the same names and occur in the same order. How Do the Signs Fit into My Birth Chart? Even if you don’t have any planets in a particular sign, it’s still in your chart and can be felt through outside influences. You’re just not learning or contributing something specifically through that sign’s energy, as you would if a planet were there. Figure 4. The Sign symbols: First row: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. Second row: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio. Third row: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. 4 When you look at your chart, you’ll see the planets arranged within the wheel according to how they were when you were born. Next to each planet’s symbol, you’ll see a degree-minute-Sign (or degree-Sign-minute) notation (see Figure 1). This is that planet’s position in the Zodiac and shows the range of ways you will be inclined to express its energy. What About That 13th Sign? The ancient Greek mathematical wizards who came up with the Zodiac we use today understood the power of the number 12 and latched on to that number of signs because it can be used to express so many layers of meaning. Most of the Zodiacs in the world use 12 Signs at this time, although if we go back into the earliest Sumerian Zodiac, we’ll find 17 signs! Nowhere is there the 13-sign system that has been suggested recently. Although planets will wander through a part of the constellation Ophiuchus (the “13th Sign”), it has never been part of the traditional Zodiac and is not needed in the Sign system. How Do We Use Them? Each sign represents a process that results in a spectrum of behavior. There are harmonious ways of manifesting each Sign, just as there are conflictual or challenging ways to do so. This results in a broad range of possible personality traits for each Sign, some of which overlap. This is what makes the way we express our birth chart so interesting and individual. One thing that stays constant is why we are doing what we’re doing. Over a lifetime, we will refine and improve our expression (or at least that’s the goal!), but the core meaning and motivation stay the same throughout our life and in every person, regardless of how we choose to express it. 5 You’ll notice I used the word “choose”. Yes, we do choose how to use the Signs, every minute of every day. This is why an astrologer can’t really say what’s going to happen in your life. We have the power to choose our expression of our birth chart at every turn. What an astrologer can do is dialogue with you to determine how you are currently using a particular Sign energy, suggesting choices that may create a better outcome. Predictions can be made based on “typical” ways that you or others use a Sign archetype, but this is not as useful for individuals as it is for large groups (like society as a whole), which are less likely to respond to events through conscious choice. The Signs This is a small selection of possible characteristics. You choose which ones you will act out. A Aries the Identity-Seeker Seeks the answer to “who am I,” initiating, pioneering, inspiring, energetic, focused; impulsive, selfish, ungrounded, may not follow through. B Taurus the Revealer of Beauty Creating/building beauty, manifesting, artistic, stable, strong, anchored, earthy, persistent; security-seeking, materialistic, possessive, desired-ruled, stubborn. C Gemini the Experimenter Collecting knowledge, wants to know, dual-natured, intellectual, versatile, imitative, communicative, quick; superficial, undisciplined, fickle, nervous. D Cancer the Nurturer Nurturing the family or “tribe,” sensitive, instinctive, caring, receptive, protecting, healing, psychic; defensive, insecure, moody, overprotective. E Leo the Giver Expressing divine love and creativity; generous, warm, strong-willed, enthusiastic, dramatic, sociable; approval seeking, snobbish, selfish, proud. 6 F Virgo the Harvester Applying spirit (inner nature) into matter, skilled, logical, efficient, dedicated, humble, discerning; critical, messy, anxious, weak health, tense. G Libra the Harmonizer Balancing opposites to find harmony and beauty, fair, cooperativev, charming, artistic, intellectual; manipulative, indecisive, lazy, vain, false. H Scorpio the Transformer Manifesting death and rebirth, bringing the depths to light, deep, sincere, driving, psychic, powerful, intense; driven, manipulative, secretive, destructive, reclusive. I Sagittarius the Seeker Seeks universal knowledge and awareness, philosophical, direct, humanitarian, honest, open-minded; dogmatic, fanatical, tactless, moralistic, judgmental. J Capricorn the Protector Providing wise leadership (to protect and serve), wise, realistic, effective, hard-working, sincere, careful; depressive, pessimistic, fearful, restrictive, cold. K Aquarius the Maverick Manifests group consciousness; objective, humanitarian, politically aware, socially responsible, inventive, independent, futuristic; eccentric, rebellious, cold, scattered. L Pisces the Visionary Healing and uniting with the whole; spiritual, empathic, healing, flexible, inspirational, imaginative; sacrificing, wishy-washy, confused, escapist, ungrounded. 7 What Are the Relationships Between Signs? With the Signs, which are constant (always set in the same positions and order), it is possible to define interactions between the bodies that are found in them. The Greeks were good at this geometric stuff, and they gave us the ways of associating the Signs to each other that we still use today. Because the Signs are arranged in a circle, they relate to each other by mathematical angle. Two signs that are across the circle from each other are opposite, representing a polarity. The Signs in a polarity will seem to be exactly opposite each other, but in fact they have something important in common. Figure 5. Signs in polarity. Signs are also Yin and Yang, feminine (-) and masculine (+). 8 Sign Polarities: AXIS of RELATIONSHIP A Aries G Libra Self-centeredness compassion selfishness selflessness egocentrism self-sacrifice arrogance self-deprecation vanity vanity narcissism martyrdom Sign Polarities: AXIS of WILL/CONSTRUCTION B Taurus H Scorpio manifesting beauty transforming fertile healing earthy, sensual intense, deep possessive withholding acquisitive autocratic stagnating, stuck destructive Sign Polarities: AXIS of MIND C Gemini I Sagittarius exploring polarity/ communion seeking truth dispersing, spreading focusing lively, excitable idealistic scattered narrow inconsistent dogmatic fragmented, split fanatical 9 Sign Polarities: AXIS of CIVILIZATION D Cancer J Capricorn nurturing structuring embracing, filling containing childlike savvy, worldly childish controlling needy remote smothering isolated Sign Polarities: AXIS of SOCIETY (Group Consciousness) E Leo K Aquarius self-determination individuality enthusiastic altruistic, humanitarian dramatic objective “the star” detached approval-seeking rebellious arrogant reactionary Sign Polarities: AXIS of SPIRIT-MATTER F Virgo L Pisces practical visionary discerning empathic/accepting logical/analytical surrendering dedicated/committed self-annihilating critical spineless alienated losing the Self 10 The 12 Signs can also be divided into groups of three to give us their qualities by Element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water) and by Modality (Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable). This creates lots of links and ways of harmonizing the Signs in our personality. In addition, there are “odd connections”, where two Signs don’t really have that much in common. This makes us stretch our consciousness to blend the two in exotic ways. Figure 6. The Signs by element: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Scorpio), Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius), and Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces). ELEMENTAL SIGN RELATIONSHIPS COMFORTABLE STIMULATING CHALLENGING Fire ~ Air Earth ~ Water Fire ~ Earth Air ~ Water Fire ~ Water Earth ~ Air Fire + Air = bonfire Earth + Water = mud (arable soil) Fire + Earth = clay brick Air + Water = mist (fog) Fire + Water = steam Earth + Air = dust(storm) 11 THE FIRE SIGNS THE AIR SIGNS A Aries E Leo I Sagittarius C Gemini G Libra K Aquarius Primary Quality: ACTION Primary Quality: THINKING Response: I’LL DO IT! Response: I THINK IT. • energy of will (yang) • relies on its fuel for sustenance (“the clinging”) • moves upward • energy of connection/animation (yang) • connects, transports, catalyzes other substances • moves across (horizontally) • Balanced Expressions: enthusiasm, humor, joy • Extreme Expressions: anger, lack of empathy • Difficulty in Expressing: receptivity, passivity, patience, sensitivity, stability • Balanced Expressions: objectivity, flexibility, quickness • Extreme Expressions: insensitivity, anger, shallowness • Difficulty in Expressing: intensity, emotion, intimacy, stability THE EARTH SIGNS THE WATER SIGNS B Taurus F Virgo J Capricorn D Cancer H Scorpio L Pisces Primary Quality: SENSING Primary Quality: FEELING (IRRATIONAL) Response: I SENSE IT. Response: I FEEL IT. • energy of substance (yin) • provides sustenance • does not move (resists movement) • energy of flow (yin) • assumes the form of whatever contains (influences) it • moves downward • Balanced Expressions: perceptivity, sensuality, resourcefulness, receptivity, practicality, stability • Extreme Expressions: depression, stubbornness, conservatism, sacrifice of emotions for “reality” • Difficulty in Expressing: emotions, flexibility, enterprise • Balanced Expressions: sensitivity, subtlety, psychism, compassion • Extreme Expressions: moddiness, depression, possessiveness, insecurity • Difficulty in Expressing: objectivity, liveliness, stability, practicality 12 The Sign Modalities: Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable THE CARDINAL CROSS AAries DCancer GLibra JCapricorn Cross Issue: CRISIS IN IDENTITY (loss of focus, direction & sense of self) First Response: MAKE IT YOUR OWN IDEA. Secondary Response: ACTION. To Get a Positive Response in Others: MAKE SUGGESTIONS, LET THEM TAKE THE LEAD If you are strongly Cardinal, • Your interest arises easily, but lack staying power • You make changes easily if it’s your idea or you have some control or self-interest • You may need encouragement • You will try new things • You need to take the lead • You may make over ideas into your own • What others see is what they get To heal yourself: • Recognize that every new idea doesn’t have to be ours. • Remind yourself that you can still make valuable contributions, even if you are not in the lead. • Think of other initiatives that you are already involved in or can begin in the future. • Look at the situation from another person’s point of view • Open yourself to what others are trying to tell you. THE FIXED CROSS THE MUTABLE CROSS CGemini FVirgo ISagittarius LPisces BTaurus ELeo HScorpio KAquarius Cross Issue: CRISIS IN SELF-ESTEEM (loss of foundation, stability & selflove) First Response: RESISTANCE, WITHDRAWAL Secondary Response: PROBING, TESTING To Get a Positive Response in Others: BE PATIENT AND GIVE THEM TIME TO RESPOND If you are strongly Fixed, • You tend to hold things in. • You may be slow to change. • You need time to get used to new ideas • You will naturally resist change and newness • Once you accept change, will be committed to it. • You need initial support and trust. • You will become stubborn if pushed or manipulated. • You may not overtly respond. To heal yourself: • Give yourself time and space to let your best decision emerge. • Communicate about your need to proceed slowly. • Be willing to discuss your thoughts and feelings with others. • Recognize that when someone offers a new idea, it is not because they think something is wrong with you or what you have done. • Remember that change is an important part of maintaining stability. Cross Issue: CRISIS IN WHOLENESS (loss of completeness, completion & self-integrity [scattering]) First Response: “OKAY, WHATEVER.” Secondary Response: RECONSIDERATION, REGRET To Get a Positive Response in Others: DON’T ACCEPT FIRST RESPONSE AS FINAL; WAIT FOR EXPRESSION OF TRUE FEELINGS If you are strongly Mutable, • You are flexible, want to make things work. • You are open to newness but lack discipline, may live chaotically/ arrhythmically. • You are sensitive and respond quickly, often without thinking of your own needs. • You try to avoid confrontation. • You want instant results, may be easily discouraged. • You may not follow through due to distractions and fear of confrontation. To heal yourself: • Recognize that it is important for you to honor your own needs. • Choose to disagree if that’s right for you. • Allow yourself to change your mind. • Slow down long enough to pull yourself back together, into a whole, centered person. • Face the music and tell the truth. 13 How Do Planets Relate to Signs? Any planet can be found in any Sign. However, there are natural planet-Sign affinities and associations that astrologers call rulerships or dignities. Rulerships are part of a complex ancient system, but they are powerful even in the simplified form used by modern astrologers. SIGN AAries B Taurus C Gemini D Cancer E Leo F Virgo G Libra H Scorpio I Sagittarius J Capricorn K Aquarius L Pisces RULER U Mars T Venus S Mercury Q Moon Q Sun S Mercury T Venus U Mars V Jupiter W Saturn W Saturn V Jupiter ISSUE one-pointedness (I am all there is; disregard for other things & people) stability (self-love & physical security; generating beauty [what is of value?]) duality (reconciling & connecting opposites, split nature) nurturance (belonging, emotional security; nurturing, being nurtured centeredness (finding & being oneself [one’s Self] to fulfill the life purpose) maintaining essence in structure (perfecting, analysis, quality control) finding & maintaining balance (equality, relating, justice, symmetry) transformation (death & rebirth, survival, intense sensitivity) finding, speaking & living universal truth support through structure, planning & balancing responsibility independence (through responsible individuality within the group) integrity (union with the whole, integration, assimilation, loss of boundary) Chiron, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto do not rule signs in the Traditional Rulership system. Rulerships describe natural associations that arose by asking the question, “How well or strongly does this planet work in this Sign?” Astrologers learned for instance that the Sun is very strong in Leo, while Venus is strongest in both feminine/yin Taurus and masculine/yang Libra. (See the DKJ Basics Guide to Rulerships for more on rulerships.) 14 The Signs Bring Astrology to Life The Signs show us where the action is in terms of our growth process, and that’s what life on Earth is all about. We’re here to grow and to contribute from our gifts and our learning process. Astrology helps us in a unique way to see how specifically we are doing both those things on all levels, from the deepest hidden recesses of our consciousness to the most obvious actions and appearances. By focusing on understanding what motivates us, Sign by Sign, to express each planet, we create our own stories on the stage of life. What’s Next? If you haven’t already learned about The Planets, this is the time to do it! Otherwise, move on to Your Place on Earth: Astrology’s Houses & Angles, or The Aspects. These are the four basic components that you’ll need to read your chart. Get to Know Your Signs • Learn the Signs and their glyphs (symbols) fast with homemade flash cards. • Find each planet in your chart. Put its position down below. • Use your Planets guide and together with this guide to make simple sentences about your planet-sign combinations, e.g., “I face my challenges (Sun) boldly (Aries).” 15 My Planet/Sign Positions Make a list of your planets here. My sun (Q) is in ____________________ (Sign). My moon (R) is in __________________ (Sign). My Mercury (S) is in ________________ (Sign). My Venus (T) is in ___________________ (Sign). My Mars (U) is in ___________________ (Sign). My Jupiter (V) is in __________________ (Sign). My Saturn (W) is in __________________ (Sign). My Chiron (t) is in __________________ (Sign). My Uranus (X) is in __________________ (Sign). My Neptune (Y) is in _______________ (Sign). My Pluto (Z or P) is in _______________ (Sign). 16 About Terry With more than 20 years’ experience in astrology, DKJ columnist and Guide author Terry Lamb (M.A. Linguistics, UC San Diego; C.A. NCGR, EEMCP) augments her writing with her knowledge of education, Energy Medicine, Yijing (Chinese Book of Change), cosmology, psychology, and a broad range of health and spiritual studies to augment her writing. She serves on the NCGR Board of Examiners and has designed and written curriculum materials to assist students in preparing for NCGR’s certification tests. Her publications include Born To Be Together, The Cycles of Childhood (research monograph), and Astrology’s Magical Blends. She writes DKJ’s Astrological Overview and Daily Success Guide and can be reached at The Astrology Building Blocks Series Coming soon! The Planets in Your Chart The Signs of the Zodiac Your Place on Earth - Astrology’s Houses & Angles The Aspects The Moon’s Nodes Your Chart & How to Decode It The A-B-Cs of Reading Your Chart Planetary Rulerships: What They Are & How to Use Them Transits: An Introduction to the Astrology of Now 17
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