Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167 – 182 How to detect polymorphisms undergoing selection in marine fishes? A review of methods and case studies, including flatfishes Bruno Guinand, Christophe Lemaire, Francßois Bonhomme * Ge´nome, Populations, Interactions, Adaptation, Universite´ Montpellier 2, IFREMER CNRS UMR 5171, Station Me´diterrane´enne de l’Environnement Littoral, 1 Quai de la Daurade, 34200 Se`te, France Received 30 May 2003; accepted 20 October 2003 Abstract Populations of marine organisms are potentially affected by numerous selective pressures such as temperature and salinity, or anthropogenic pressures such as xenobiotics that may preclude adaptation to particular habitats. Such selective pressures may also affect their demography. Examples include modifications of the population dynamics through shifts in growth rate, and in life history traits affecting fitness such as size or age of first reproduction. However, the documentation of variation in phenotypically plastic traits specific to distinct environments cannot be taken as the ultimate proof that natural selection has occurred. Measurement of the impact of selection and subsequent local adaptation of fish populations based exclusively on morphological or physiological characters is one of the most difficult things to achieve because it depends on the use of phenotypic characters that closely match the genotype. Molecular markers can help to overcome this problem and, under some circumstances, can record the footprints of selection. A combination of polymorphisms that are under selection and those that are not can provide complementary information. In this paper, we review how and why selection can be detected at the molecular level, using genetic markers analysed in a population genetic framework. We then report and discuss case studies in fish. D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Selection; Molecular markers; Statistical tests; Adaptation 1. Introduction The exact tribute paid to selection in natural populations (among which marine organisms are no exception) has been the object of heated controversies (see for instance Frank and Leggett, 1994; * Corresponding author. E-mail address: (F. Bonhomme). 1385-1101/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.seares.2003.10.002 Hutchings, 2000). Animals like fish are permanently facing exposure to external physical factors such as temperature, salinity, xenobiotics and other environmental conditions. All of them may act as putative natural or artificial selective agents that may influence demographic parameters. The effects of selective forces on species differing in survival from birth to maturity and experiencing strong mortality differentials among each age class in each generation have been demonstrated (Hutchings, 2000). 168 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 Recently, several authors have discussed the potential of fishing pressures and practices as selective agents. Different exploitation strategies could result in different evolutionary outcomes, which is a fundamental issue for fisheries sciences (Conover, 2000; Hutchings, 2000; Law, 2000). As evolution consists basically in gene frequencies changes resulting from interactions between organisms and their environment, selection is hypothesised to act against genotypes presenting lower fitness when facing particular environmental conditions. However, if numerous examples of variable shifts have accumulated (see Stergiou, 2002), most of them primarily concern phenotypic changes along reaction norms (i.e. the set of phenotypes that each distinct genotype may express across environments) rather than strict genetic changes. Disentangling the genetic effects of selection from the plastic changes acting upon phenotypic traits is difficult, and requires the control of the environmental variables on which natural selection will act. The heritability of a trait (in broad-sense: the proportion of phenotypic variance among individuals in a population that is accounted for by genetic effects), then the reality of adaptation, may thus be estimated. However, controlling responses of organisms to peculiar environmental changes (e.g. global warming) in the marine environment is a very difficult task. As poikilotherms with indeterminate growth, fish display a very strong variance in their phenotypic response to fluctuating environmental conditions, probably leading to imprecise estimation of the distribution of the reaction norms. This phenomenon is known by aquaculturists, who regularly observe extreme dispersion of characters as growth, metabolism, and ultimately survival in offspring of the same breeding pair. Therefore, measuring the impact of selection on fish populations by monitoring morphological or physiological phenotypes is extremely hard to achieve. For example, Rijnsdorp (1993) attempted to disentangle both phenotypic and genetic effects related to maturation and reproduction in North Sea populations of plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), but results were still phenotypically biased. Conover and Munch (2001) reported quantitative genetics experiments on Atlantic silverside Menidia menidia that have shown responses of fish as measured by standard mean length to levels of harvesting over as few as four generations. Detecting the action of selection requires that there are detectable fitness differentials (Fig. 1). If this happens during the course of one generation, it implies that the number of individuals present in the location where the selection took place was reduced (e.g. half the fish entering a given estuary died of heavy metal pollution because they lack the correct detoxifying genes – or a correct combination of alleles necessary to express those genes - while the other half did not). These types of observations should be taken into account in population dynamics models, especially if it happens differentially among locations. Obviously the scope for survival of a given larval cohort will vary greatly according to where it comes from and where it eventually recruits. Moreover, if fish are not equally adapted to the various environmental conditions they can encounter, and if these conditions vary across their geographical range, one can expect larval dispersal and subsequent gene flow to export ‘maladapted’ genes. Maladapted genes will lessen the possibilities for further local adaptation. Conover and Schultz (1995) and Conover (1998) proposed that local adaptation of life history traits might be prevalent. It is thus highly desirable to have some idea of what is going on in natural fish populations in terms of natural selection to develop ‘Darwinian management practices’ (Conover, 2000). As long as heritability for a trait cannot be firmly established in the field, it will remain difficult to prove anything about local adaptation in natural populations. Ecological markers such as trace elements (Campana, 1999), for example, do not provide proof, nor do sparsely reported morphological or other phenotypic traits. The use of characters showing a more direct genotype-phenotype correspondence across generations is, indeed, a strong prerequisite. Molecular polymorphisms seem ideally suited to this end, and there is some hope that they indeed might help to do so. Thanks to those markers, a more precise identification of discrete genetic stocks has been made in the past few years (Ruzzante et al., 1999 for cod; Bailey, 1997, Hoarau et al., 2002, for reviews of flatfish studies). Molecular genetic studies on marine fishes have generally reported that species with dispersive larvae are well mixed over large, genetically homogeneous areas (review in e.g. Hauser and Ward, 1998; Waples, 1998; but see Taylor and Hellberg, 2003). While these results are important, they also signal poor ability to B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 169 Fig. 1. Diagrammatical representation of how a genotype translates to a phenotype through patterns of gene expression and environmental pressures in a local habitat. Across a single generation, environmental pressures act on population dynamics by shaping Darwinian fitness of each kind of phenotypically diverse individuals. As a function of their relative fitness, individuals with successful phenotypes will be selected for greater contribution to the next generation. Successful phenotypes may only represent a part of or may represent another distribution of former genotype diversity (e.g. changes in genotypic or allele frequencies). Genotypes with modified polymorphism distribution across the genome would enter the next generation and would respond to new environmental pressures. Repeated action of such selective processes may lead to fixation of beneficial substitutions (mutations) in the DNA sequences. Distributions of polymorphisms (more generally allele frequencies at the population level, more generally DNA sequences at the species level) represent raw material for detection of selection at distinct temporal scales. recognise localised areas that may necessitate specific management, on the basis of neutral variation alone. Luckily, not all molecular markers are necessarily neutral. Some do correspond to variation inside expressed genes and may behave differently in terms of realised gene flow. Indeed, selection is potentially able to rapidly drag alleles across the species range where they are favourable as well as limit their spread to a given milieu when facing environment-dependent selection. Thus, to correctly address all of the abovementioned issues using molecular studies, we need to recognise which polymorphisms are subjected to selection and which ones are not. The aim of the present paper is, therefore, to review tools used by population geneticists to detect the action of selection on fish populations, including flatfish. We try to provide keys for understanding the corresponding literature. We also review a few case studies where the action of selection has been proposed to be at play in flat and not so flat fish. Finally, we suggest potentially fruitful future lines of research in this field. 2. The hints that indicate selection in natural populations Molecular population genetics is still viewed as reflecting the old debate whether random genetic drift or selection is the primary driving force of evolution as stated for instance by Kimura (1983) or Gillespie (1991). In the past ten years, the selectionist/neutralist debate has matured into acknowledging that much molecular variation is neutral, but at the same time making an effort to estimate how selection may act and how selection is distributed to affect genetic variation (Kreitman, 2000). In this sense, neutral theory of evolution has become the standard null hypothesis used to approach molecular evolution. Emerging from studies with Drosophila (Begun and 170 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 Aquadro, 1992), it has been shown that, for neutral variation, a correlation existed between recombination rate and genetic variability within species. The explanation for this correlation appeared to be the hitchhiking of neutral variation with sites under selection as hypothesised by Maynard-Smith and Haigh (1974; see Barton, 2000, for review). For one ecological geneticist, the major interest of this result is that even if much of the observed variation is neutral, its dynamics could be governed more by linkage to selective sites than by genetic drift. As noted by Ford (2002), if inferences about natural selection could be made readily from molecular data this would be of enormous importance in molecular ecology to disentangle the relative parts of neutral DNA evolution, from those that are at least potentially selected and more closely investigated for fitness effects and influence on population dynamics in particular environments (Fig. 1). In this paper, we will focus more specifically on the short-term mediated effects of selection, modifying fitness of particular populations and/or cohorts. Such selective effects change allele or haplotype frequency (multilocus) distribution(s). Modifications on the DNA sequences themselves, which are very important at higher evolutionary levels, will be only briefly mentioned. 2.1. Allele frequency-based tests Available tests based on study of allele frequency distributions are summarised in Table 1. As they were the first widely available markers, selection was first tested with data sets for allozyme loci. It is worth noting that how tests behave in relation to polymorphism of each kind of genetic markers was never strictly investigated (Table 1). The approach based on covariation of allele frequency distributions is clearly a multilocus approach introduced by Lewontin and Krakauer (1973). They suggested that a test for natural selection could be based on the fact that purely neutrally evolving loci should show the same index Fst (the parameter that estimates between-population differentiation sensu Wright, 1951). Using allele frequencies estimated in a metapopulation, Lewontin and Krakauer (1973) proposed a test of selective neutrality based on the sampling distribution of Fst. Lewontin and Krakauer (1973) argued that the variance in Fst is proportional to the square of its mean value averaged across loci, and derived one equation for the theoretically expected variance in Fst, rexp ¼ kFst2 =ðn 1Þ ð1Þ where Fst is the mean index of population differentiation across loci, n the number of subpopulations sampled, and k a constant specific of the underlying distribution of allele frequency among subpopulations. For example, for monomorphic (fixed) loci, the expected variance in Fst is 0, and therefore k = 0. Lewontin and Krakauer (1973) simulated distributions of allele frequencies among subpopulations and reached the conclusion that – for neutral loci governed by drift only – k < 2. Expanding over this result, they established that loci with k >2 were under natural selection. However, Nei and Maruyama (1975) and Robertson (1975a,b) disagreed with that conclusion. Nei and Maruyama (1975) argued that the test was sensitive to population structure (for instance the so-called island model where migration attains every population with the same probability vs. the stepping-stone model where only adjacent populations are interconnected). Complex scenarios of population divergence may generally increase variance of Fst (Robertson, 1975a,b). Hence, by not discriminating between genetic drift due to metapopulation structure and true selection, the LewontinKrakauer test (hereafter LK) is basically inadequate and has therefore not been very much used recently (but see Tsakas and Krimbas, 1976, who originally proposed pairwise comparison of populations, relaxing criticisms about population structure; see also Bowcock et al., 1991). However, Baer (1999), screening variation at numerous published allozyme data sets on freshwater and marine fishes, slightly but stringently - adapted the LK test. Baer’s criterion was to reject neutrality above a much more stringent threshold of k = 7.6 computed from observed data sets. Baer basically reported: (1) that in some cases, k values were superior to the 7.6 threshold, particularly in species with low population differentiation (high gene flow); (2) that relationships between k and effective population size warranted further investigations (Baer’s results suggest that the larger the population, the higher is k; this intuitively fulfils population genetics theory where genetic drift is the B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 171 Table 1 Description of tests available in the current literature that may allow detection of selected loci at ecological time scales Nature of tests Name Data set Main principle* Advantages Caveats Examples in fish species Allele frequencybased LewontinKrakauer test multilocus based on observed dispersion of Fst across loci – blind – simple use – influence of population structure and history – Baer (1999), reporting 102 data sets of both marine and freshwater fish species – 32 marine species were investigated; 10 demonstrated significant results BeaumontNichols test multilocus based on the distribution of Fst across loci conditional on mutation rate A and gene diversity. – blind – easy detection of outlier loci putatively under selection – not influenced by population structure – not influenced by mutation rate Vitalis et al. test multilocus based on observed dispersion of Fst across loci conditional on known population history Schlo¨tterer test multilocus based on the ratio of the variance in repeated motifs at microsatellite loci in pairwise populations comparison – blind – easy detection of outlier loci putatively under selection – corrected for population history – blind – specifically designed for microsatellite loci – not influenced by mutation rate – robust to numerous parameters (see text) – only used on allozymes, no published results with highly polymorphic markers – need high number of loci – not corrected for population history when several samples (n>2) are analyzed together – may not respond accordingly to different selective regimes. – better if high number of loci is used – principally used on allozymes, not checked for other markers. – better if high number of loci is used – may not respond accordingly to different kind of selection – still need to be tested on poorly differentiated populations – better if high number of loci is used – Data on cod (Gadus morhua) including allozyme and RFLP markers (Pogson et al., 1995) provided in Beaumont and Nichols (1996) – – (continued on next page) 172 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 Table 1 (continued) Nature of tests DNA sequencebased# Name Data set Main principle* Advantages Caveats Akey et al. test multilocus based on extensive genome scan providing dispersion of Fst across SNPs, then comparing observed distribution to purely neutral distributions – robust to parameters such as demography and population history – translate selected SNP polymorphisms to candidate gene definition RaufasteBonhomme test monolocus based on observed dispersion of fixation indices F across alleles for each locus – blind – monolocus test that can be extended to the multilocus case – primarily useful when genome mapping is known – more able to detect directional selection – baseline for neutral expectation not corrected for presence of selected loci – possible influence of population structure structure Tajima’s D test – – based on relative frequencies of observed haplotypes, and on differences between polymorphic DNA sites and observed nucleotidic changes – simple Fu’s F test – as Tajima’s D – as Tajima’s D. – corrected for population structure – robust under different scenarios of evolutionary demography – sensitive to model of population structure – sensitive to low sample sizes – sensitive to long term population growth – sensitive to low sample sizes – also used to detect long term population growth, not only selection Examples in fish species – – Multilocus case: Lemaire et al. ( demonstrating 16 loci possibly under selection over 93 screened in sea bass (Dicentrachus labrax) including allozymes, introns, microsatellites,. . . – Pogson (2001) on cod (Gadus morhua) interpreting results as selection at the nuclear nuclear pantophysin locus – Chikhi (1995) on Sardinella spp. for one mitochondrial locus, interpreting results as population growth, but not as selection – Pogson (2001) on cod reported opposite results when using F instead of D (see above) * Statistical details are not provided in this review. # Numerous methods available (see text), we only mentioned methods that may be used to detect short term selective processes within species (Fig. 1). prominent force acting in small populations whereas selection is more actively acting in large ones). We cannot expand upon those results, but it is striking that marine species - and especially fish – are poorly differentiated and present high gene flow estimates (e.g. Waples, 1998). Baer (1999) reported that 10 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 over 32 (31%) marine species displayed k > 7.6, the stringent criterion empirically retained by the author for inferring the presence of selection (e.g., sharks [Carcharhinus spp.], damselfishes [Eupomacentrus partitus and Stegastes fasciolatus], silverside [Menidia peninsulae], ocean perch [Sebastes alutus], and yellowfin tuna [Thunnus albacares]). The proportion for freshwater species with k >7.6 was, however, similar. Flatfishes presented low k values (k = 1.79 and 5.35 for the common sole, Solea solea, and the American plaice, Hippoglossoides platessoides, respectively). Baer’s attempt is only an empirical approach of dealing with the inter-locus variance of the Fst index of population differentiation. It can only detect outlier loci that are eventually more differentiated than the rest (hence eventually undergoing disruptive selection), but not with less differentiated ones (that would be under the action of homogenising selective forces). Expanding over the LK test, Akey et al. (2002) also used one allele frequency-based test based on global estimations and distributions of Fst at the levels of the genome, the chromosome, and individual genes. These authors contrasted Fst of each individual polymorphism (26,530 single-nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs; SNPs represent single nucleotidic presence/absence polymorphisms) with the empirical genome-wide distribution of Fst to identify polymorphisms. Loci possibly influenced by selection would be represented as outliers. Contrary to the original LK test, Akey et al. (2002) only considered distribution of multilocus Fst, but not explicitly its variance or parameter k as in Eq. (1). Akey et al. (2002) have demonstrated that the results of their method were not confounded with factors affecting the LK test, but they further noted as a drawback that the method is more powerful to detect directional selection (Table 1). The empirical genome-wide distribution of Fst used as baseline by Akey et al. (2002) for testing outliers was probably itself influenced by estimation of Fst as those SNPs (i.e. polymorphisms putatively under selection were used to define the significance level representing neutral expectations without considering any correction factor). This represents also a possible bias. Beaumont and Nichols (1996; hereafter BN) proposed a method based on the distribution of Fst conditional on gene diversity rather than allele fre- 173 quency. They generated by simulation the 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) for Fst under distinct genetic models, then Fst estimates at different loci were plotted against their expected gene diversities. Outlier loci were considered under selective regime. The BN test has desirable properties over the LK test (Table 1). This test has been applied to the data of Pogson et al. (1995) on cod (Gadus morhua), including both allozymes and restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) (21 loci total). Beaumont and Nichols (1996) concluded in the same direction as these authors on the occurrence of loci under selection. Vitalis et al. (2001) have developed a method based on pairwise comparisons of populations that incorporated population divergence by the means of partial pairwise Fst’s – loosely speaking, history - and provide estimators to identify loci that are likely to have responded to selection. By considering pairwise comparisons, this method allows us to know which particular population(s) is (are) driven by selection. Vitalis et al. (2001) have found that their method outperformed the BN test. The methods appeared very similar in detecting selected loci when multilocus Fst were large over all populations. However, processes that would cause apparent decrease of genetic variation at one locus in a single population, without leading to observable decrease of the genetic variation over all populations, would not be detected by the BN test. In the BN test, the rejection zone for loci with Fst smaller than expected is extremely small. Hence, only loci with excess differentiation (i.e. under differential rather than balancing or stabilising selection) are likely to be detected. In other words, if selection acts on one locus at a local scale, pairwise comparisons of populations are more likely to be efficient in detecting outlier loci (Vitalis et al., 2001). We are not aware of applications of this method. Vitalis et al. (2001) have illustrated their approach using a Drosophila data set including 43 polymorphic allozymic loci, but the reliability of the method when used with a smaller number of loci is unknown. Finally, Schlo¨tterer (2002a) recently developed a new method, more specifically designed for the study of highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. A microsatellite locus linked to a beneficial mutation is expected to have a reduction in variability below purely neutral expectations (e.g. Slatkin, 1995). Thus, a multilocus screen for genomic regions subjected to 174 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 selection could take advantage of this reduction in variability. Schlo¨tterer (2002a) designed a test based on the ratio of the variance of the repeat sequences to investigate selection at each microsatellite locus in two groups of populations. Using simulations, he proved the test statistic relatively robust to variability in mutation rates that are important to consider with such loci (Table 1). Behaviour of this test statistic still needs to be investigated, particularly when populations are closely related (Schlo¨tterer, 2002a; Table 1). It is also unclear how this test statistic depends on the selection regime acting on loci (e.g. balancing vs. diversifying selection). A possible limitation of the previously described tests is the need to contrast the history of a rather large number of loci (at least >10) to know which ones depart from neutral distribution. One other Fst-based approach was recently proposed by Raufaste and Bonhomme (submitted ms; see Arnaud-Haond et al., 2003, for background of the method). This test compares the distribution of Fst not among loci, but among the different alleles of a multiallelic locus. Fst values are estimated for a given locus as a weighted function of the contributions of individual alleles, with two estimators using different weightings that are likely to behave differently in face of selection. The Fst estimator of Robertson and Hill (reported in Weir and Cockerham, 1984) gives more weight to the contribution of rare alleles than that of Weir and Cockerham (1984). Under neutral expectations, each allele would be expected to contribute equally to the locus-wide Fst, irrespective of whether it is frequent or rare. However, this may not be true when selection is acting on those alleles differentially. Indeed, rare and frequent alleles are differentially affected under various selective regimes. For instance, if some sort of frequency-dependent selection is acting to ‘rescue’ a counter-selected allele, it will be more evenly distributed across subpopulations (and hence contribute less to Fst) than a randomly drifting average frequency allele. Conversely, environment-dependent selection favouring different alleles in different subpopulations according to local conditions may increase the contribution of frequent alleles as compared to neutral and rare alleles likely to drift freely. By simulating the distribution of their difference D according to a given population structure model, it is possible to test the departure from neutrality of the observed D for a given data set. Applying this test to marine species has already proved useful, suggesting for instance an uneven distribution of polymorphisms in the pearl oyster (Pinctada margaritifera) populations (ArnaudHaond et al., 2003; see Table 1). This monolocus test may also be extended to multilocus data sets to sequentially detect outlier loci. If, in a series of Fst values obtained at different multiallelic loci, some of them are more differentiated because of the action of selection in a manner that is detected by the monolocus test, the global multilocus Fst will be overestimated (a point not considered in Akey et al., 2002). Hence, this may induce a less powerful estimation of baseline of neutral expectation and gene flow. Removing such loci allows a recalculation of the global Fst, which can serve to obtain a neutral distribution of any of the Fst estimators that may be used to build a 95% C.I. and exclude the outliers. This sequential procedure was successfully applied to a data set concerning 93 loci in the sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and allowed (Lemaire et al. unpublished) to propose that 16 of them were indeed selectively implied in differential adaptation to lagoon/open sea conditions – thus different salinity and temperature conditions - as suggested in Lemaire et al. (2000). Methods outlined in this section provide a means to search multilocus (multiallelic) data to identify those loci that show a deviation from neutral expectations. They are not final proof of selection as long alternative scenarios are not accounted for (e.g. population history; Table 1), and as long as fitness correlates favouring particular phenotypes are not demonstrated (Fig. 1). However, they could serve as a starting point for further studies, and Schlo¨tterer (2002b) reviewed evidence of reliability of such ‘genome scans’ to identify loci targeted by natural selection into various species, including both animals such as Drosophila, and plants such as maize. 2.2. DNA sequences Tests for selection using DNA sequences have been reviewed several times in the recent years (e.g. Kreitman, 2000; Skibinski, 2000; Nielsen, 2001; Ford, 2002; Schlo¨tterer, 2002b). Methods suppose the repeated action through time of selective pressures through time (Fig. 1). Through the accumulation of B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 substitutions along the molecule, a statistically significant pattern can emerge. The time scale on which selection has to operate to be detectable is clearly not that of a few generations only, as considered in most ecological and stock management questions. This is outside the scope of the present review, so we have limited ourselves to a brief presentation of selected tests. Skibinski (2000) also reviewed inferences that can be drawn by comparing levels of genetic variation in distinct classes of genetic markers for marine organisms. We do not expand upon this topic. The family of tests derived after the Tajima’s D test (Tajima, 1989) deserves a special mention here, because it encompasses both long-term (mutational) and short-term (drift) effects. This test was designed to determine whether the frequency spectrum of sequence polymorphisms observed in within-species data sets violates neutral expectation (Table 1). This test compares the differences between two estimators of neutral parameters (S, the number of segregating sites, and k, the average number of pairwise differences in the number of nucleotides). The time scale of the events likely to imprint the relative distribution of sequence polymorphisms may be anything between one generation and the inverse of the effective population size (1/Ne; a result classically drawn from theoretical population genetics). Significant positive and negative values of the test correspond to departures of equilibrium neutral expectations in the direction of having data skewed towards too many intermediate-frequency polymorphisms [one index of balancing selection; typical selection operating at genes of (histo)compatibility systems, for instance] or too many low-frequency polymorphisms [positive selection; one allele is over-represented in samples], respectively. Unfortunately, interpretation of this test is highly sensitive to population history (Slatkin and Hudson, 1991; Simonsen et al., 1995). One derivative ( F; Table 1) proposed by Fu (1996) of the original D test has been shown to be fairly robust to the influence of past population growth on distribution of polymorphism (Fu, 1997; Ramos-Onsins and Rozas, 2002). Pogson (2001) found differences between D and F in an empirical study of the pantophysin gene in cod (Gadus morhua). Chikhi (1995) reported Tajima’s D test in marine fish (Sardinella spp.) using mitochondrial DNA, but he interpreted significant results as bias due to population processes, rather than by 175 selection. Fauvelot et al. (2003) reached a similar conclusion for several coral reef species. In conclusion, possibilities to detect selection at the molecular level have greatly improved in the past few years. Tajima’s tests and relatives are also based on analyses of frequencies. Those methods are still poorly used, and reported examples are scarce. 3. If selection, what kind of genes? 3.1. What kind of genes? Ford (2002) recently proposed one interesting list of nuclear genes (n = 119) probably affected by selection across both animals and plants. Ford (2002) reported four distinct class of genes: (1) genes involved in host-parasite interactions sensu lato (n = 47), including host immune response genes such as genes of the major histocompatibility complex; (2) genes involved in sexual reproduction (n = 35); (3) genes involved in energy metabolism (n = 15) (see also Eanes, 1999; note that Akey et al., 2002, provided a specific review for humans suggesting a larger role for genes involved in energy metabolism); (4) miscellaneous genes that did not fall into a clear functional category (e.g., odour receptors genes, genes with unknown function) (n = 22). However, results concerning marine organisms are few (n = 7, Table 2). All results on marine organisms are based on DNA sequence analyses, Table 2 Summary of known genes undergoing selection in marine organisms (based on the review by Ford, 2002) Genes involved in Nature of genes Sexual bindin reproduction sperm proteins Metabolism Unknown function Organism Examples of references sea urchins abalone sea snail egg-laying sea snail hormone lactatekillifish dehydrogenase haemoglobin Antarctic fish pantophysin cod gene Palumbi (1999), Debenham et al. (2000) Vacquier et al. (1997) Hellberg et al. (2000) Endo et al. (1996) Schulte (2000) Bargelloni et al. (1998) Pogson (2001) 176 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 and not allele frequency tests (Table 1). They are certainly poorly relevant for selection acting at ecological time scales. Mitochondrial genes experiencing selection should, however, certainly be added to this review of nuclear genes, but evidence for marine fish or even marine invertebrates are still rare (review in Gerber et al., 2001). We just focus here on more relevant studies, stressing points of particular interests about footprints of selection. 3.2. Nuclear gene: case studies Geographical variation in selective pressures on nuclear genes has only been investigated for killifish and cod. Focal study of the Pan-1 gene reported by Pogson (2001) emerged from former ones that looked at classical (‘neutral’) studies searching for genetic structure of cod in the northern Atlantic (e.g. Pogson et al., 1995, 2001). This particular locus was unusual in not showing a relationship between inferred levels of gene flow and geographic distance as other loci did, in indicating high population differentiation that contrasted with other loci (Pogson et al., 2001), and in exhibiting high linkage disequilibrium among three restriction site polymorphisms in the Pan-1 gene (Pogson and Fevolden, 1998). This gene was represented by two main distinct alleles that may coexist in natural populations and differed by two stretches of DNA showing evidence of selection (one is the first intron of the Pan-1 gene, the other one in the fourth exon of this gene). Because of the observed frequency of each allele in particular areas, Pogson (2001) suggested that one allele probably originated in the western Atlantic (Nova Scotia) and spread eastward, whereas the second allele probably originated in the Barents Sea and made the reverse migration. This scenario is based on directional selection (see Pogson, 2001, for further details and rejection of alternative scenarios). In our opinion, the paper by Pogson (2001) is particularly relevant on two points, one positive and one negative. The good point is that his study has clearly shown how one selected gene may disrupt conclusions based on the neutral approach. Including the Pan-1 gene in former studies (Pogson et al., 2001) completely disrupted the isolation by distance mechanism, and critical evaluation of each locus separately illustrated that data sets may contain both information about selection, and about pattern of migration of cod during their history. The ‘bad’ point is that Pogson (2001) was unable to link selection at the Pan-1 gene with any environmental factor, because little is known of the function of pantophysin in fishes (Pogson, 2001). If efforts should be made to identify more accurately the role and importance of pantophysin in the cell (e.g., comparing in situ levels and distribution of pantophysin in various tissues), the impossibility to track a correlation between environment and presence/fitness of each allele or genotype suggests that future studies should maybe focus on particular genes that are known to present metabolic efficiency (group 3 of Ford, 2002, see above). Killifish, F. heteroclitus, offers a way to illustrate this point, both on one nuclear gene implied in energy pathways and on major histocompatibility loci. Since earlier studies using allozymes (Mitton and Koehn, 1975), killifish has become a model organism to investigate selection at the molecular level (e.g. Schulte, 2000). Killifish are almost continuously distributed along east coast of North America from Newfoundland to Florida, being particularly abundant in salt marsh flats and estuaries. Northern populations may encounter ice formation during winter, whereas southern populations may experience summer temperatures higher than 40 jC. Home ranges are small (estimated to 30 m within a season; Brown and Chapman, 1991), and gene flow is likely to be extremely limited across the geographical range. In fact, studies revealed a zone of admixture at intermediate latitudes (Bernardi et al., 1993). Extensive works by Powers and coworkers (review in Powers and Schulte, 1998) indicated that there are indeed genetic differences between northern and southern populations of F. heteroclitus, both in gene sequence and gene expression, that have a substantial impact on fitness correlates (e.g. DiMichele and Powers, 1982). Selection experiments indicated high selection coefficients associated with the glycolytic lactatedehydrogenase-B (LDH-B) (DiMichele and Powers, 1991). Crawford and Powers (1992) demonstrated a twofold difference in LDH-B specific activity in liver between northern and southern populations, paralleled by twofold differences in protein and mRNA amounts and in transcription rate, as mea- B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 sured by in-vitro run-on assays. Such a transcriptional difference – the level of activity closer of the target DNA sequence – between populations may lie in two places: variation in protein transcription factor, or directly in the DNA sequences to which they bind (or both; Carey and Smale, 2000). Segal et al. (1996) cloned the complete Ldh-B gene of northern and southern individuals of killifish, also indicating high-level of variation in the non-coding 5Vflanking sequence of the gene. Schulte et al. (1997) have demonstrated that there were two distinct genotypes present in F. heteroclitus, with extreme northern populations containing only one genotype, while extreme southern populations presented the other. Schulte et al. (2000) reported that sequence variation was itself responsible of between-population differences in Ldh-B gene transcription. They identified specific mutations located near the Ldh-B transcription start site playing a complex role for gene regulation between the two environments. Mutations in the 5V regulatory sequence lowered the ability of the gene to respond to stress hormones, then to regulate Ldh-B activity in a similar way for each genotype (Schulte et al., 2000). Experiments briefly described here indicate that changes in gene expression are components of adaptation to distinct environments, and the killifish is certainly the organism where the link between genotypes (DNA sequences) and phenotypes (distribution of genotypes in different thermal environments) is the best known. Using DNA microarray procedures to study as many as 907 genes, Oleksiak et al. (2002) recently reported substantial variation in gene expression within and among three populations of Fundulus (two F. heteroclitus, one F. grandis). The expressions of fifteen genes were significantly different among populations with more differences between northern and southern F. heteroclitus populations than between F. heteroclitus and F. grandis populations living in the same southern environment. However, this study did not demonstrate that such variations related to distinct polymorphisms at the DNA level as demonstrated for Ldh-B. Results have also shown that some genes presented unexpected patterns of changes in gene expression unrelated to evolutionary distance. Such quantitative variation in gene expression may reveal specific, local adaptation of populations to their 177 environment, and such a variation may provide raw material for evolution (Fig. 1) that still needs to be investigated. Nacci et al. (1999) reported strong, probably heritable, differences in survival rates of killifish to dioxin-like compounds. Cohen (2002) then used the killifish to investigate response of Mhc at class II loci to acute stress due to environmental contaminants and parasites as Mhc variation may reflect pattern of antigenic stressors in the local environment (e.g. Bernatchez and Landry, 2003). Cohen (2002) reported selection and population specific localisation of amino-acid substitutions in different functional parts of the peptide-binding region (i.e. the region directly coding antigen-binding codons implied in the immunological process) between clean and contaminated populations. Cohen (2002) also demonstrated that adaptation to the environment should be more local than previously reported for the Ldh-B gene in killifish, and therefore that selection is acting at different scales reflecting different features of the environment (changes in thermal environment for Ldh-B, change in stressors [parasite, heavy metals] for Mhc variation). To date, studies of Mhc variation at the population level are scarce for marine organisms (beluga: Murray et al., 1999; killifish: Cohen, 2002), compared to freshwater fish (e.g. Miller et al., 1997; Kim et al., 1999). We may note that study of Mhc variation in marine fish could take advantage of the large population sizes classically encountered for those organisms. Cohen (2002) indicated that results on killifish were not obscured by the occurrence of bottlenecks, and that signature of selection was certainly more easily detected in species with local population sizes estimated to >10 000 individuals per estuary. Investigating crosses between laboratory-reared tilapia species (salt-adapted Oreochromis mossambicus, and freshwater-adapted O. niloticus), Streelman and Kocher (2002) have recently shown that polymorphism of a microsatellite in the promoter of the prolactin 1 (prl 1) gene was associated with differences in prl 1 gene expression and the growth response of salt-challenged fishes. Prolactin has a ‘freshwater adapting’ role increasing plasma osmolality by changing Na+-K+ATPase activity in teleost fish (McCormick, 2001; Manzon, 2002). Streelman and Kocher (2002) have shown that individuals homozygous for microsatellite 178 B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 alleles with larger number of repeats expressed less prl 1 in freshwater, but more prl 1 in seawater or a mixture of the two than fishes with other genotypes (especially homozygotes with alleles having lower numbers of repeats), that they grew best at different salinity treatments, and that mean growth of both homozygotes was inversely correlated with prl 1 expression. Study did not firmly prove that growth rate would lead to fitness differences of homozygotes in distinct environments, but growth rate is a common fitness correlate in fish (e.g. Danzmann and Ferguson, 1995). We do not report numerous works trying to link allozyme polymorphism to fitness-related traits (backgrounds and reviews in Nevo et al., 1984; Depledge, 1996; Mitton, 1997). Such studies are common in flatfishes (e.g. flounder: Laroche et al., 2002; Marchand et al., 2003) and other marine fishes (e.g. Huang et al., 2001; Roy et al., 1995) living in highly polluted habitats. In flounder, Marchand et al. (2003) reported that some alleles observed at peculiar allozyme loci were more frequent in three contaminated estuarine sites than in a clean reference site. Authors also demonstrated that individuals carrying those peculiar alleles displayed good fitness (as measured by DNA integrity by flow cytometry). Selection certainly acted on local estuarine populations, enabling changes in allele frequencies to occur from one generation to the following (Fig. 1). Hence, recent studies encourage investigations of small-scale processes (salinity differences between open-sea and estuaries or lagoons, differences in concentration of heavy metals) that may affect genetic variation and phenotypic distributions of peculiar populations or cohorts of marine fishes, including flatfishes. 3.3. A role for mitochondrial genomes: lines of evidence Selection on mitochondrial genes revealed distinct lines of evidence that have been recently reviewed for instance by Blier et al. (2001), Gerber et al. (2001). In some cases, cyto-nuclear interactions have been shown to affect performance of organisms. For instance, Burton et al. (1999) have examined the interaction between mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase genes (COI, COII) and nuclear c sequences in the copepod Tigriopus californicus to demonstrate outbreeding de- pression. Co-adapted genes, including mitochondrial ones, provided better physiological ability to populations in their natural environment than in other environments. Crosses between different locally adapted natural populations of copepod disrupted adaptation and indicated potential barriers to free gene flow between marine populations (Burton et al., 1999; Rawson and Burton, 2002). T. californicus offers a rare example where co-adapted mitochondrial and nuclear genes differing by few amino acid substitutions have been selected in natural environments to confer specificity to each population. Generally, such co-adaptations (i.e. epistatic interactions between genes) are still largely unknown (Rawson and Burton, 2002). Studies of association between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplotypes and life history variables (generally size, growth rate or weight) that may enhance performance in the natural environment yielded mixed results (Danzmann and Ferguson, 1995; Ferguson and Danzmann, 1999). However, Doiron et al. (2002) recently reported evidence for selective pressures acting on NADH mtDNA genes in specific populations of brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis; Salmonidae). Doiron et al. (2002) demonstrated introgression of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) mtDNA in brook charr, and suggested this pattern might be explained by distinct original habitat requirements for temperature: brook charr originally inhabits warmer lacustrine waters whereas Arctic charr is associated with cold water of Arctic environments and/or deep lakes. Introgressed genotypes of brook charr in cold lakes from Que´bec may have been selected for, taken into account that mitochondrial metabolism is sensitive to temperature changes (Blier and Lemieux, 2001). In this case, introgressed populations of brook charr possess enzymes encoded by their own nuclear DNA, and by Arctic charr mtDNA. However, changes in performance across environments still need to be investigated more closely. We are not aware of similar results implying selection on mtDNA for fish in the marine environment. 4. Selection in marine fishes: future research areas In the previous sections, we have discussed how to detect selection at the genetic level using appropriate statistics and/or methods, notwithstanding the paucity B. Guinand et al. / Journal of Sea Research 51 (2004) 167–182 of reported cases. Then we illustrated what genes may be of interest and provided examples showing that wild populations may be adapted to their environment at different scales. Here, we resume missing links to detect selection in the marine environment, and especially for fish. First, numerous results were demonstrated in the laboratory. Tangible proofs of functional differences upon which natural selection has acted in natural populations are not straightforward and evidence still needs to be accumulated (Schulte, 2000). Any transfer of results to natural conditions should be cautious. In our opinion, the study of killifish at Ldh-B gene provides the best example proving that DNA sequence variation translates to transcriptional difference that lead to different Ldh-B gene expression. If studies of gene expression variation in natural populations using DNA microarrays represent an interesting tool for the future (Oleksiak et al., 2002; see also Cheung and Spielman, 2002), they do not prove that observed individual variation is undermined by changes at the DNA level (sequence variation leading to distinct alleles distributed within and among populations). In other words, that it is heritable. This question is indeed a common feature for any quantitative trait, whether molecular or not. Studies should now be designed to detect selection at the molecular level in the wild, then to link patterns of selection at these loci to environmental features and/or to performance in distinct environments. Second, it is also clear that most effort should be made to distinguish what selective patterns observed in molecular data are relevant at the ecological time scale - and then more relevant for management decisions - from patterns that represent ‘fossil evidence’ of selection at wider evolutionary time scales (certainly most examples in Table 2). Studies of distributions of polymorphisms in different environments may help to understand which loci are potentially directly or indirectly affected by selection, then to figure out subtle differences in potentially important stocks (Table 1). Such an approach may help to select loci for which specific investigations (sequencing, quantitative expression, transcription rate of alleles) could be carried out. Finally, we stress that our paper is based on two very different approaches to the investigation of 179 selection and adaptation. One is statistical (Table 1), trying to find footprints of selection directly at the DNA level through thorough genome scans of targeted populations (Schlo¨tterer, 2002b), but usually ignoring the roles of transcription and expression that would also act to mould phenotypes. The second largely favours post-DNA levels of analyses, and possibly ignores that variation in gene expression is a component of phenotypic plasticity that would not influence per se distributions of genotypes to the next generation, revealing nothing about selective patterns acting on a particular cohort in a peculiar environment. Both approaches should now be used for better investigation of selection patterns in the marine environment. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank A.J. Geffen and R.D.M. Nash for inviting this contribution at the Isle of Man flatfish symposium, as well as Dr H.W. van der Veer, guest editor of this special issue for his patience. Thanks to A. Sole´-Cava, J.-F. 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