Escola de Economia e Gestão ERASMUS PROGRAMME 2011-2012 HOW TO BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ERASMUS STUDENT AT THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT UNIVERSITY OF MINHO BRAGA, PORTUGAL Contents Foreword 3 How to complete your Learning Agreement 4 Total Number of ECTS 4 Unit Courses Available 4 Degree Programmes 4 Unit Courses taught in English 8 How to proceed after your arrival at the Economics Department 12 Arrival 12 Steps to follow 13 How to find important information on University of Minho’s website 14 University of Minho and EEG website 14 E-learning 14 International Relations Office 14 2 Dear Erasmus Student Thank you for choosing the University of Minho for your Erasmus Learning experience. We look forward to hosting you at our Department and we hope that you enjoy your stay in Braga. With this guide, we intend to: (i) help you fill in your Learning Agreement (LA), and (ii) give you important information regarding your arrival, settling in, and successful stay at the School of Economics and Management (Escola de Economia e Gestão - EEG) of University of Minho. If you still experience any difficulties while preparing your Learning Agreement, you may contact Dra. Estela Vieira: Best Wishes, Prof. Ana Paula Faria ( Prof. Maria João Thompsom ( Academic Coordinators ERASMUS PROGRAMME Braga, 12th April 2011. 3 How to complete your Learning Agreement Total Number of ECTS Rules are that if you are staying one semester you must do a minimum of 22,5 ECTS and a maximum of 35 ECTS. If you are coming for two semesters you must do a minimum of 45 ECTS and maximum of 65 ECTS. These numbers include the Portuguese Language course offered by the International Office. Period of Erasmus Studies Required Total Number of ECTS 1 Semester 1 Year 22,5 ≤ Total ECTS ≤ 35 45 ≤ Total ECTS ≤ 65 Unit Courses Available At the School of Economics and Management (EEG), you can choose unit courses (UCs): o in economics, that are offered in the Economics Degree; o in economics, that are offered in other degrees at the EEG (for instance in the International Business Degree); o in other areas than economics (for instance in management) that are offered in the Economics Degree; o in other areas than economics (for instance in management) that are offered in other degrees (for instance in the International Business Degree). As a rule, you should do at least 50% of UCs in the economics area. Degree Programmes The Undergraduate Degree Programmes that are available at the EEG are: Undergraduate Degree Programmes (In English) (In Portuguese) Accounting Contabilidade International Business Negócios Internacionais International Relations Relações Internacionais 4 Undergraduate Degree Programmes Economics Economia Management Gestão Marketing Marketing Political Science Ciência Política Public Administration Administração Pública Below is the list of all unit courses in the Economics Degree Programme, whose contents can be found in: ns.ascx&c=23&mid=1616&lang=en-US&pageid=861&tabid=12 Economics Degree Programme Unit Course (UC) (In English) Semester UC Code ECTS Taught in EnglishA (In Portuguese) 1st Year Economics and SocietyE Economia e SociedadeE 1 2301O4 11 Mathematical Economics IE Economia Matemática IE 1 2301O1 6.5 Mathematical Economics IIE Economia Matemática IIE 1 2301O2 6.5 Microeconomia I E 1 2301O3 6 Economia DinâmicaE 2 2302N9 6.5 Microeconomics IE Economic Dynamics E Economic HistoryE História EconómicaE 2 2302O4 5 E Macroeconomia IE 2 2302O3 6 Microeconomics IIE Microeconomia IIE 2 2302O2 6 Techniques for Economic AnalysisE Técnicas de Apoio à EconomiaE 2 2302O1 6.5 International Trade IE Comércio Internacional IE 1 2303O2 6 General Accounting I Contabilidade Geral I 1 2303N9 6 Macroeconomics I 2nd Year Econometrics I E 1 2303N7 6 Macroeconomics IIE Macroeconomia IIE 1 2303N8 6 E E Microeconomics III Econometria I E 1 2303O1 6 Econometrics IIE Econometria IIE 2 2304N8 6 X Economics and Public FinanceE Economia e Finanças PúblicasE 2 2304O1 6 X Industrial EconomicsE Economia IndustrialE 2 2304N4 6 X International Monetary EconomicsE Economia Monetária InternacionalE 2 2304N9 6 X 2 2304N7 6 X 1 2308N3 6 Macroeconomics III E Microeconomia III Macroeconomia III E 3rd Year History of Economic Thought História do Pensamento EconómicoE 5 Economics Degree Programme Unit Course (UC) Semester UC Code ECTS Economic RegulationE Regulação EconómicaE 1 2306S9 6 Banking and Financial EconomicsE Economia Bancária e FinanceiraE 1 2307R5 6 Regional EconomicsE Economia RegionalE 1 2305T3 6 Environmental EconomicsE Economia do AmbienteE 1 2303P1 6 Insurance and Actuarial Mathematics Seguros e Cálculo Actuarial 1 2305R4 6 Corporate Finance I Finanças Empresariais I 1 2306T3 6 Financial Analysis and Planning Análise e Planeamento Financeiro 1 2305T7 6 Marketing Research Pesquisa de Marketing 1 2306T9 6 Fiscal Law Direito Fiscal 1 2305T9 6 Analytical Accounting I Contabilidade Analitica I 1 2305T8 6 Economic English B1 Inglês Económico B1 1 2305U1 6 Portuguese and European EconomyE Economia Portuguesa e EuropeiaE 2 2305R8 6 Economic PolicyE Política EconómicaE 2 2306U7 6 Labour Economics Economia do TrabalhoE 2 2305U6 6 World Economy and DevelopmentE Economia Mundial e do DesenvolvimentoE 2 2306U1 6 Economics of InnovationE Economia da InovaçãoE 2 2306T7 6 Economics of the FirmE Economia da EmpresaE 2 2306R5 6 Corporate Finance II Finanças Empresariais II 2 2305S9 6 Auditing Auditoria 2 2306P9 6 Financial Investments Investimentos Financeiros 2 2306T1 6 Human Resources Management Gestão de Recursos Humanos 2 2306T2 6 Taxes Fiscalidade 2 2304P2 6 General Accounting II Contabilidade Geral II 2 2305S7 6 Management Operational Research Investigação Operacional para a Gestão 2 2306T8 6 Logistics Logística 2 2306V2 6 Economic English B2 Inglês Económico B2 2 2306V3 6 E Taught in EnglishA X X X X X (E) UCs of the Economics Area of Studies Below is the list of all unit courses in the International Business Degree Programme, whose contents can be found in: ns.ascx&c=32&mid=1619&lang=en-US&pageid=319&tabid=12 6 International Business Degree Programme Unit Course (UC) (In English) Semester UC Code ECTS Taught in EnglishA (In Portuguese) 1st Year Analysis of International Relations Análise das Relações Internacionais 1 F901N1 6 Business Contracts Contratos Comerciais 1 F901N4 6 Introduction to MicroeconomicsE Introdução à MicroeconomiaE 1 F901N2 6 Foreign Language I Língua Estrangeira I 1 F901N5 6 Quantitative Methods IE Métodos Quantitativos IE 1 F901N3 6 Corporate Finance I Finanças Empresariais I 2 F902N1 6 Introduction to MacroeconomicsE Introdução à MacroeconomiaE 2 F902N3 6 Introduction to Marketing Introdução ao Marketing 2 F902N2 6 Foreign Language II Língua Estrangeira II 2 F902N5 6 Quantitative Methods IIE Métodos Quantitativos IIE 2 F902N4 6 Contabilidade Financeira 1 F903N2 6 1 F903N4 6 X International Monetary Economia Monetária EconomicsE InternacionalE 1 F903N3 6 X Production and Operations Management Gestão da Produção e Operações 1 F903N1 6 Foreign Language III Língua Estrangeira III 1 F903N5 6 Organizational Behaviour Comportamento Organizacional 2 F904N2 6 Evolution of Management Thinking and Theory Evolução do Pensamento e Teorias da Gestão 2 F904N4 6 Financial Investments Investimentos Financeiros 2 F904N1 6 Foreign Language IV Língua Estrangeira IV 2 F904N5 6 X Industrial OrganizationE Organização IndustrialE 2 F903N2 6 X International TradeE Comércio InternacionalE 1 3205P3 6 X Multidisciplinary Project: Innovation, IP and Technology Diffusion and TransferE Proj. Multidisciplinar: Inovação e Propriedade Intelectual e Transf. TecnologiaE 1 3205Q5 6 X Multidisciplinary Project: Law, Negotiation and Oral and written expression Proj. Multidisciplinar: Direito Internacional;Expressão Oral e Escrita; Negociação 1 3205Q7 6 X X X 2nd Year Financial Accouting E Econometrics E Econometria X 3rd Year 7 International Business Degree Programme Unit Course (UC) Semester UC Code ECTS Taught in EnglishA X Multidisciplinary Project: Multinational Firm EconomicsE Proj. Multidisciplinar: Economia da Empresa MultinacionalE 1 3205Q4 6 Multidisciplinary Project: International Strategic Management Proj. Multidisciplinar: Gestão Estratégica Internacional 1 3205Q6 6 International Business Political EconomyE Economia Política dos Negócios InternacionaisE 2 3206O6 6 Free Option Opção Livre 2 3206O7 5 Multidisciplinary Project: Costs Accounting Proj. Multidisciplinar: Contabilidade de Custos 2 3206Q4 5 Multidisciplinary Proj. Multidisciplinar: Project: International Gestão Financeira Financial Management Internacional 2 3206Q2 5 Multidisciplinary Project: International Human Resource Management Proj. Multidisciplinar: Gestão Internacional de Recursos Humanos 2 3206Q1 5 Multidisciplinary Project: International Marketing Proj. Multidisciplinar: Marketing Internacional 2 3206Q3 5 X (E) UCs of the Economics Area of Studies If you want to look at UCs in other Degree Programmes, please search on the following links: Undergraduate degrees: Graduate degrees: UCs taught in English Several UCs are taught in English. They are signalized in the study programmes above, and shown in the table below. If you select UCs that are not taught in English, you must ask each lecturer, at the beginning of the term, about the evaluation methodology for Erasmus students in the respective UC. Please bear in mind that teachers are not obliged to offer a different evaluation methodology for Erasmus students. As such, if you are not willing to attend classes taught in Portuguese you should choose those UCs that are taught in English. Below are the contents of the unit courses in economics taught in English: 8 Contents of Unit Courses Taught in English Economics Degree Programme Econometrics II E Econometria IIE Course outline: Linear regression models: estimation and inference. Forecasting. Dummy variables. Relaxing assumptions of the classical model. Simltaneous-equation models. Binary choice models. Main reading: Wooldridge JM (2009), Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 3rd Edition Thomson - South Western Publishing. Gujarati DN and Porter DC (2009), Basic Econometrics, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Publishing. Economics and Public FinanceE Economia e Finanças PúblicasE Course outline: Introduction to study of Public Economics and Public Finance. The economic rationale for government. Public choice theory of government intervention. Public expenditures. Public revenues. The Portuguese National Budget. Fiscal policy and the European Union. Main reading: Pereira, P. T.; Afonso, A.; Arcanjo, M.; Santos, J.C.G. (2007), Economia e Finanças Públicas, 2ª edição, Escolar Editora, Lisboa.Stiglitz, Joseph (2000), Economics of the Public Sector, 3ª ed., W. W. Norton & Company, New York. Industrial EconomicsE Economia IndustrialE Course outline: Introduction. Oligopoly. Merger and collusion. Entry. Advertising. Quality and vertical differentiation. Bundling and tying. Price discrimination. Main reading: Shy, O. (1995). Industrial Organization: Theory and Applications. MIT Press. International Monetary EconomicsE Economia Monetária InternacionalE Course outline: National income accounting and the Balance of Payments. Exchange rates, interest rates, and prices. Determination of output in an open economy. Currency crises and speculative attacks. The International Monetary System. Optimum currency areas and the European integration. The global capital market. Developing countries. Main reading: Krugman, Paul and Maurice Obstfeld (2009), International Economics: Theory and Policy, 8th edition, Pearson Education, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA. Macroeconomics IIIE Macroeconomia IIIE Course outline: Introduction. Robert Solow’s [1956] neoclassical model. The AK model. Paul Romer’s [1990] endogenous growth model. Robert Lucas’ [1988] endogenous growth model. Discussion. Empirical Applications of Solow’s Model. Empirical Evaluation. Main reading: Barro and Sala-I-Martin. 2004. Economic Growth. McGraw-Hill. Main reading: Blanchard, Olivier Jean (2006), Macroeconomics, 4th edition, Prentice Hall. Drazen, Allen (2000). Political Economy in Macroeconomics. Princeton University Press. Labour EconomicsE Economia do TrabalhoE Course outline: Introduction. Labour supply. Labour demand. Labour market equilibrium. Human capital. The wage structure. Labour market discrimination. Labour unions. Incentive pay. Unemployment. Main reading: Borjas, George J. (2007), Labor Economics, 4ª Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill. Ehrenberg, Ronald G. e Robert S. Smith (2008), Modern Labor Economics: theory and public policy, 10ª Ed. New York: Addison Wesley. Economics of InnovationE Economia da InovaçãoE 9 Contents of Unit Courses Taught in English Economics Degree Programme Course outline: Introduction. Innovation concepts and models. Technology markets. Innovation strategies. Technology diffusion. Science and Technology public policies. Main reading: Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D., and Nelson, R. (eds.) (2005), The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link, Albert N. (2008), The Economic Theory of Invention and Innovation, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series Vol. 215, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Stoneman, P. (1994), Handbook of Economics of Innovation, London: Blackwell. Corporate Finance II Finanças Empresariais II Course outline: Risk, cost of capital and capital budgeting. Corporate financing decisions and efficient capital markets. Capital structure. Valuation. Dividend policy. Main reading: Ross, Stephen A., Westerfield, Randolph W. and Jaffe, Jeffrey (2005), Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill, 7th edn. International Business Degree Programme Corporate Finance I Finanças Empresariais I Course outline: Introduction to corporate finance. Accounting Statements and cash flow. Net present value. Some alternative investment rules. Net present value and capital budgeting. Risk analysis, real options, and capital budgeting. Main reading: Ross, Stephen A., Westerfield, Randolph W. and Jaffe, Jeffrey (2007), Modern Financial Management, McGraw-Hill, 8th edn. EconometricsE EconometriaE Course outline: The Classical Regression Linear Model. The Simple Regression Model: estimation and inference. The Multiple Regression Model: estimation and inference. Additional topics in Multiple Regression Analysis. Main reading: Wooldridge, J. M. (2005), Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 3rd. Ed., South-Western College Pub. International Monetary EconomicsE Economia Monetária InternacionalE Course outline: National income accounting and the Balance of Payments. Exchange rates, interest rates, and prices. Determination of output in an open economy. The International Monetary System. Optimum currency areas and the European integration. Developing countries. Main reading: Krugman, Paul and Maurice Obstfeld (2006), International Economics: Theory and Policy, 7th edition, Pearson Education, Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA. De Grauwe, Paul (2005), The Economics of Monetary Union, 6th edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford; Industrial OrganizationE Organização IndustrialE Course outline: Introduction to industrial organization. Market structure: from monopoly to perfect competition. Basic concepts of games and strategy. Oligopoly competition. Market structure and market power. Barriers to entry. Main reading: Cabral, Luís M. B. (2000) Introduction to Industrial Organization, Boston, MA: The MIT Press. Pepall, Lynne; Richards, Daniel J.; Norman, George (1999) Industrial Organization: Contemporary Theory and Practice, South-Western College Publishing. Cabral, Luís (1994) Economia Industrial, Lisboa: McGraw-Hill. Barros, Pedro Pita (1998) Exercícios de Economia Industrial, Lisboa: McGraw-Hill. 10 Contents of Unit Courses Taught in English Economics Degree Programme International Trade E Comércio InternacionalE Course outline: Introduction: Scope and limits of International Business. Specificity of the subject. International Trade, Investment and other foreign activities of firms in the globalization process. Theories of International Trade. Mercantilism, absolute and comparative advantage. Factor proportions theory. Intra-industry trade and trade with economies of scale. Unequal exchange, product life cycle, neo-factorial, competitive advantage and other theories under imperfect competition. Main reading: Daniels, John D. and Lee H. Radebaugh (2009), International Business. Environments and Operations, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River. Krugman, Paul & Maurice Obstfeld (2008), International Economics. Theory and Policy, Addison-Wesley, Multidisciplinary Project: Innovation, Intellectual Property and Technology Diffusion and TransferE Projeto Multidisciplinar: Inovação e Propriedade Intelectual e Transf. TecnologiaE Course outline: Introduction. Innovation concepts and models. Technology markets. Innovation strategies. Technology diffusion. Science and Technology public policies. Main reading: Fagerberg, J., Mowery, D., and Nelson, R. (eds.) (2005). The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Link, Albert N. 2008. The Economic Theory of Invention and Innovation, The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series Vol. 215, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Stoneman, P. (1994). Handbook of Economics of Innovation, London: Blackwell. Multidisciplinary Project: Multinational Firm EconomicsE Projeto Multidisciplinar: Economia da Empresa MultinacionalE Course outline: Evolution of the firm: Old and New Theories. Expansion of Firm Boundaries. Theory of the Multinational Corporation (MNC). Industrial Economics of the MNC. Organizational Structure of the MNC. Specific cases of MNCs in different industries. FDI and Trade Effects of FDI and of the MNC. Public Policy towards FDI and the MNC. The Future of the MNC. Main reading: Cohen, Stephen D. (2007). Multinational Corporations and Foreign Direct Investment. Avoiding Simplicity, Embracing Complexity, Oxford University Press, 2007. Navaretti,Giorgio B. & Anthony J. Venables (2004). Multinational Firms in the World Economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton & Oxford. Economia Política dos Negócios InternacionaisE International Trade Political EconomyE Course outline: Trade and the international political economy. Theories of international political economy: Mercantilism, Protectionism, Neoprotectionism; Liberalism, Theory of Hegemonic Stability; Structuralism; Rational Choice; Neoliberal Institutionalism. New protectionism: new instruments of protection. From the GATT to the WTO. Challenges to the international trading system (agriculture; the environment; regional Integration; development). Main reading: Guimarães, M. H. (2005), Economia Política do Comércio Internacional: Teorias e Ilustrações, Lisboa, Pricipia. Balam, D., and Veseth, M. (2001), Introduction to International Political Economy, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall. Gilpin, R. (2001), Global Political Economy. Understanding the International Economic Order, Princeton University Press. (E) UCs of the Economics Area of Studies 11 When filling in the LA, please make sure that you write down all the required information, namely: UC code: UC name: Degree: Year: ECTS: We will not accept an LA that is not properly filled in. Some UCs have different names but are common to the Economics and the International Business Degrees (eg. Industrial Economics Industrial Organization or Microeconomics I Introduction to Microeconomics). Bear in mind that you cannot do both. How to proceed after your arrival at the Economics Department Arrival We strongly recommend you to arrive at least 2 weeks before the beginning of classes. In the 1st semester, classes begin in the 3rd week of September. In the 2nd semester, classes start in the 3rd week of February. Please bear in mind that you will need time to get to know the University, to get an apartment, if this is the case, and all the necessary arrangements. Since the timetables for each semester are available just 1-2 weeks before the beginning of classes, it may be necessary to make some changes to your initial LA due to timetable overlap between UCs. That is not a big problem. We are around to help you. However, these should only be minor changes. We recommend that you consult the timetables before you leave your country in order to find out if there is any overlap and discuss with your coordinator possible alternatives. This will make your process much easier once you arrive at University of Minho. Please note that timetable overlaps are more likely to occur if choose UCs from different Degree courses and different year of studies. You can find the timetables in the link below: Unfortunately there is not an English version available, but with this Guide, you can find the UCs that you are interested in. You can also ask for any additional information to Dra. Estela Vieira ( 12 Steps to follow Here are the steps that you should take once you have arrived at the Department of Economics, at EEG: o Introduce yourself to Dra. Estela Vieira (Office: 0.18, Ground Floor of EEG; Tel:253604516; Email: o Report to Dra. Estela Vieira the UCs that you have chosen to do. o Make the necessary changes in the LA and hand it over to Dra. Estela Vieira. o After selecting the definitive UCs of your LA, establish personal contact with the professor of each UC within the first week of the semester. o Ask each professor about his/her evaluation methodology for Erasmus students, and comply with it. o Ask each professor to give you access to the e-learning platform. For that, you need to tell each professor your name and Erasmus Student Number. o Communicate to Dra. Estela Vieira the final list of UCs and hand the LA to her so that the Academic Coordinator can sign it. Important note: If you are required to write an essay for evaluation, always have in mind that to copy a sentence from a book/article is considered plagiary, a form of academic fraud, which obviously is punishable. If you want to cite an author, you have two options: o Write the exact sentence between “”, after referring the author’s surname and date of publication. Example: (…) As Smith (2003) argues, “whether or not the relation between these two phenomena is causal, and in which direction the causality is can be tested with this here introduced econometric tool, the ETTF.”(…) o Change the sentence and write it in your own words, also referring the author’s surname and date of publication. Example: (…)Smith (2003) argues that with the econometric tool that he has created - the ETTF -, the existence of a causality relationship between these two phenomena can be tested. (…). 13 How to find important information on University of Minho’s website University of Minho and EEG The University of Minho’s English website is currently under construction. So, we advise you to look up for information at the School of Economics and Management website. The EEG’s English webpage is: E-learning platform Another important site is our e-learning platform (Blackboard). Once you have a student number we will grant you access to the e-learning page: Erasmus at EEG/Erasmus at School of Economics and Management, where we’ll be permanently uploading all kinds of information for Erasmus Students, such as Academic Calendar, Exams, Rooms. An email will be sent to notify you. Through the Blackboard you will also have access to the material of each UC you are enrolled in. You are responsible for verifying whether you have access to each UC in which you are enrolled. The e-learning platform (Blackboard) link is: International Relations Office (GRI) On GRI webpage you find important information relating the LA procedures as well as useful information relating accommodation, how to get to Braga and how to live in Braga. The GRI website: The contacts are: Dra. Adriana Lago Carvalho ( Dra. Sandra Moreira ( 14
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