m» *~umm •_,-** «s*w*«c'.««B**»ci.i * • * . « * «*A»t«C»»« «••-«»•» \ iStfi*tt: FOLKS ?*¥& PeU'4 What a Mouthful!« COLUMN MS* m^f-"**rt^'•»'• t , ^ M . » ^ i ( » . ,<wm$,u MT A. <• s- r ' • 4^>,V-* * • •*• • Oakah Puts Okay By Natural Gas Situation In The Dominion In 1962 Fun of A l l Kin Puzzles—Storie Things lo Do—Pe Try these variety puzzlers: CROSSWORD ' r ,4 7 Ii r vr ' li i fc A 4 ' 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 J2 14 IT 18 19 20 r i i *b r r ! iI I -i ACROSS skates High card Put on Head islang> Attorney iab.) Weep Uncooked American writer First woman Exist Narrow inlet Boy's nickname Perched DOWN Girl's name Folding bed ri**"T courses ? -s >call . I N G O T H A M - c a m e r a angle gives t h e I m p r e s s i o n that t h e N e w Y o r k skyline is buried deep in snow. However, there's the East River and much distance Separating Manhattan and the spot in B r o o k l y n Heights from* where the picture was t a k e n . WINTER This is r.o monster cbou* to swallow an c'rilanc. 7:'s a giant Douglas C-124 "Globemaster" of the Military .4:> Transport Scnrice "swallowing" c Lockheed F104 Starjigher jet as it Cut out tiiese figures as explained in the story, and you'll have a set of authentic Mexican paper dolls. Figure at top was prepares lo carry the je: zo en overseas base rom a field in South Carolina. The "nose" on used to make "magic" in hope oi a good banana crop. F.jure at bottom was for black magic, and was made of dark bark. r: e gtant-s.zcd jrc ;l..xr plane :s a radcr dome. To make a "white" magic figure, a bare foot, like the extra foot shown, was added and white bark was used. ! yellowish-orange for bananas. In Mexico today as in the Each spirit has his own shape days of Cortez. many Indian though the faces look much *» jle make paper dolls. But the same and now scissors L • .2 are not to play with. have replaced the old knives ! "ran paper dolls are for 1 for neater cutting. mr ~'.z. f 2 Still, it is difficult to cut Before the Spaniards came, out these paper dolls as you all of the paper dolls were 4 Carol Friedrichs. a nine^'~1.1 will find if you try. made of a special material 5 year-old musician of SheboyBut it is not paper dolls -ailed AMATL paper. The 6 gan, Wis., composed a clarithat watch over a village and I 3ark lining from wild fig 12 net duet after receiving only its crops. More and more trees was s o f t e n e d and six months of clarinet instruc13 cral rock Mexicansare learning about tion. soaked till the thready fibers 15 Pv way of God who has created the uniloosened from each other. 16 E ne Considered an exceptionalverse and watches over each Then this mass was beaten or .MISSING VOWELS ly gifted girl, she plays in the man. The paper dolls are bea special s m o o t h wo ode' Puzzle Pete has left the school band where her rapid coming harder to find. frame till it spread out an vowels out of his sentence and ! progress amazes her band Patterns of several of these then matted together in < ihas pushed all the words to- I director. ! strange paper dolls are copied thin sheet. gether. Can you replace the I Carols mother, an accomhere. If you care to cut real For longer strips, severa vowels and make sense out of | plished flutist, often has pracdolls, simply use tissue paper j lice sessions with her. Since of these pieces were beaten his statement? such as we wrap gifts in and the flute and clarinet are in together till the accordioncut each figure on a fold as BRDNTHHXDSWRTHTWN ' different keys, it is necessary folded ancient books could be success, healing, happiness. spirit. These evidently were shown. Only half the doll is THBSH for one player to transpos? made of one strip. Mexico has The old men or special of dyed p a p e r for today, given here (but full size in the Carol's music. "Carol already many kinds of wild figs and witch doctors cut out the pa- though modern tissue paper accompanying d r a w i n g s ) . has learned how to transeach gives a somewhat differ- per dolls for use as represent- is used, each must be of a Some of these dolls can be pose." Mrs. Friedrichs said. , ent paper in color and tex- ing people or spirits in the proper color. The paper doll cut four or five at a time by Before school tests revealed ture. Dark colored paper was magic ceremonies. Then the is carried about thefieldorpinning the tissue sheets tothe fact that Carol was not —and is—for evil magic, dolls were burned or buried. even left there to make sure gether and cutting through all just an average child, adults causing harm or trouble. The' Paper dolls were also made the crop grows. White figures thicknesses at once. were astounded with the aclight bark is for good magic: , to symbolize a special crop are for sugar cane or corn, a —Loraine Burdick complishments which she performed way ahead of time. < "Carol spoke sentences at nine months, knew the alphabet by the time she was two and had taught herself to < WORD CHAIN read by the a?e of three," her Can you chance a CAT into mother recaMed. "Then she a DOG in just four moves by read every simple story book Carol, 9, plays the clarinet and composes for it, too i changing only one letter at a she could get." time and having a good word When Carol went to kinder- garten to second grade. She given her a few flute lessons, each change? There are sev- garten. teachers found it hard is now a fifth grader. j but Carol says, '"My ambition eral ways cf doing it. to keep her interested in the Often she stumps her teach- is to become an oboist." Besides her interest in muDIAMOND projects the other children ers. When given an arithmetic Puzzle Pete has centered enjoyed. Puzzles were too thought problem concerning a sic. Carol has numerous other his word diamond on a PROM- easy—she had been putting small apple tree's size, she h o b b i e s . She embroiders, ISE. The second word is •"an- together 500-piece p u z z l e s proved the answer in the weaves, collect*; rocks and | teacher's manual of 10 feet writes short s t o r i e s and ger"; third "false gods"; fifth since she was three. 4 to pass over" and sixth "a A fascination for mathemat- wa> not entirely correct. Carol poems. She is also a baseball compass point." Complete the ia explains why Carol learned used an encyclopedia and told authority having studied insame of the multiplication her teacher, "A s e e d l i n g formation on pictures, cards diamond: tables at the a?e of three, grown from an apple seed is and in books since she was P When she was only five, she al>o a small tree: therefore, three. R found an adult business col- 10 inches could be correct She admits that reading is O l?ge book and worked out dif- too." j her favorite pastime. A very PROMISE ficult problems in addition, j The young musician has fast reader, she can read a Paper doll figure at top was made in hopes thai the sugar cane crops would be good. The figure at the bottom was used I S c h o o l teachers realized been taking piano lessons 300-page book in a few hours to invoke a good corn crop. S Carol had exceptional abili-; since she needs something •When asked what she would ties. She was given tests and j chailencing to keep her oc-like for her birthday, Carol E then promoted from kinder- cupied. Her mother has also will say, **Buy me a book." —Donna Lngg *»ape IPuzzIe Answers MISS JUDITH jLakey's Patient NOHLEN WEDS IN SYRACUSE Case Was "ere For Adjusted 20 Years Many Grownups Would Find It Hard To Keep Up With This Little Girl • » % * * % > • a LZOO'S W H O « *••• $ & « * ' . • ' • . . * Choose a Pen Pal from Among These Names Tommy Smith. 1017 Jefferson Becky Hilbum, 100 Cherokee Karl E. Koberger. 1422 44th Brenda Stanley, 616 Willowbrook St., High Point, N.C. St., Prichard. Ala. Age: 13. Ave., Gulf port, Miss. Age: sara Can you get from CATS to Ave.. Pascagoula, Miss. Age: 10. Age: 12. j , Carol Semelsberger, 16 Lake 11. DOGS in a dozen words? You 3?j\;0Hd Linda Stanley. 616 Willowmay change only one letter Mary Jo Iwanaga. P.O. Box View Dr., DuBois, Pa. Age Patty Shaffer. 1208 Mercer sioai brook St., High Point, N.C. 13. j 134, Holualoa, Hawaii. Age: Ave., Akron 7, Ohio, Age: j from the previous word for «i Age: 12. each answer: i 1 »iJean Sigman. Route 2. Box 11. -axoTCvra 1. Start out with the word Linda Goodnight, R.R. No. 1. 124, Lincolnton, N.C. Age Peggy Collier, P.O. Box 148. Nancy Stanley, 616 Willow*ooa brook St., High Point, N.C. CATS . j Bayou La Batra, Ala. Age: i IdaviUe. Ind. Age: 14. \ 13. •*op nom *jnn «xv3 -OOd Age: 13. 2. Change one letter lo get Smith. 1017 Jefferson 11. j Judy Kmosena, Route 1, Lady- Sharon •3oj '2*rj *ic: 4XVD -OCXJ *Soq ' •"autos Ave., P a s c a g o u l a , Miss Linda 'Walters. 2524 14th Elaine Branum, 110 Manog •Knj icq 'iY3 'r>OG ^ 0 p *jos j smith. Wis. Age: 1L . Age: 12. 3. Small wagon { St.. Bay Minette. Ala, 1 Ave.. Gulfport. Miss. *** M.YD KTxTiO OHO* i 4. One piece of a whole 'Rita Bloth, RD. No. I, Box Richard Mull. 224 W? 19th St J Jo^n Redmon, 553 W. Fifth Katfay Harpster. RD. 1, Mil. "SuTnrf J9ATS -z seu prvop , thin? 207, ReynoldsviDe. Pa. Age Newton, N.C. Age: 10. ^ St.. Peru, Ind. Age: 12. 4 ton. Pa. Age: 11. "THE popuwnr 15 * * * 3 SSYdKOD JLHOVM j 5. Harbor 2L , qsriqaqi . IK A 5"-.= F J P V.A-'OM. 6. Tiny hole in skin, for -J* 5 ^ 0 . . 7 H £ trr o*.j ITUOA ST pmrq 9m m m 'perspiring WnrNi rfc^5**EC5. C K - X T . v f 5Tr5 w^:.^^ ^ by Bill Arter P*¥l y STAftOA DXISSTJf THE V F ^ / 'X A_L D'.Rz£"&&. L J T E ' / = > £ P.ED ISD^SiSfS I 7 A dull or monotonous A&OLTT0S ' £ E T PER S=CCND • /«A7 s.£ 5SA5CN WZ< ITWH! I thing f l'V 5 5 31 • CT7E* FiG«*CMR 8. Plain, on decorated and v Ji*a THE LADY OP iTS 3 a v uncovered 1 CHOICE9. To obstruct or oppose •Bnaaar OF a u « s/cz SUSPBCBD M 3 O <3 3 A> 3 ' • Fomcooe s progress 6E1ATIN-LICE TteiCSCWEE«r. T*E sosuMcn LAVS V *3 MiD kU EXTREME A^TAT-tVEf>fr AS AVE3>AS£0Fia 10. Paper containers I win tr A sues PIATE OOUUD BE COWED HO f K 5 7 5 g r r * E £ S i THEAA. TOi6v^HiT£ EGGS. SOB I V i l K e i H€»TPLKTECOULD«. i-'i- v 11, Swamps Kececw TaUe I * a e * Beg 1 son r* o a 12. Change ose note letWhen a%ot water bottle TVs a good idea to hare a ter to get to DOGS 3 O V -3 o 1 can no tocher be ased for Us sturdy table or special rack or.pral p-arpose. cot off the « a r the record piayer Plat- **°<I Tl "*8°H IT ^T3 01 =creomssomj top and ose as a ha* far yonr *-T5 lying around are Use!? -surg 6 *J*3 2 "«oa I "*HM aTne^aooKPSK-T^iaDROKAnDrjtsauDOK. bathing trunks r>rtt C^»H>W to be crashed nnderfoat or 1 «i«3 T "ne3 1 -^IHSW , sat on. Fv*stead of thiovjcg M*tap Trt j |MTf€W MX WHt VS f«STB0UFUSUS»*oFift«QUS. MSFC5T WTTE f r k s c Uiwclk cat then A bicycie tire that has wmr (&JVOBD nm A oHvaCEM fcrto eight squares aad seethrough to the fabric cau be The osied paper that Ihoes Whenever yon buy a thftB OO jfcnonrnaagspiares saved. Wrap *z**cstve ta^rthe msides of ex acker bores record, remove it from its 4&71C8Nra£SBMO tnpc tigbUr around the tire, apply snakes an ideal bolder for fbn ecielopc and blow into the shoe poSsh. and y ' books and keeps the books envelope to remove any dnst tea M neap mtij lor B S . that may be there. | i resting. 1 '3SS THE BOWJUHTTE 3 CALLED A ?AKTZ>D3£ •VME50UTHAN2A (OJAXINTHE WOr-TH. BJT175 CALL 0 F * » * WHrrE''e~>€ OFFICIAL K A M E T - A S GIV£»J ITSELF.. Brain Teaser in. Photo Facts (10) E 'Anpprli 900 Billion f Production Is Forecast Nelse Digs Into Past InElmira Here's How to Make Some Cut-Outs Like the Magic Dolls of Old Mexico ^ PAGE TWENTY-FIVE SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1962 ADVANCE-NEWS y Toronto — (CP)—Canadian .t-rai gas production is exited to j u m p to more than 0 000.000,000 cubic feet in .962. Oakah L. Jones, president of t h e Canadian Gas A s sociation says in a year-end statement. This compares with 650.000.000,000 cubic feet in 1961 and is nearly 75 percent higher than in 1960. "Canadian customers will buy 13 percent more natural gas than in 1961 and exports particularly to t h e vast m a r kets of California and t h e j United States Pacific Northwest, wiil take 300.000.000.00C cubic feet, a n increase of 67 percent." Jr. 1961 sales to the Canadian m a i k e t were u p 14 percent exports to t h e U. S. were up 61 percent over 1960. Mr. Jones, president of Consumers* Gas Company, said revenues from t h e sale of gas totalled S225.000.000, 16 percent above 1960. with t h e value of exports S37.0OO.OOO During t h e period, t h e industry reinvested about SI00,000.000 in construction of natural gas processing plants. By Nelson F . Mallette Along with two scrap books of his o w n and his family'* athletic activities is a big box full of pictures at Allan's house in Elmira, N Y., from our parents home. I spent t w o days looking at them. O n e of t h e momentos, 1 was glad to see, was a letter from an old chum, Bert Trickt-y, of Watertown, who wrote to m e in verse after our father passed away in 1937. It was entitled: O u r Folks I read in the papers today, old pal i That your Dad has passed away j So I offer s:ncerest sympathy, to do wnat good I may. Your tolks and my folks, m e m ories come thru the years Bringing forth a tender smile, to drn«> away the tears Your dad and my dad, working there on River St., Hours long and really hard, so you and I could eat. Your mothiri and m y mother, they w e r e so alike it seems Often when I am lonesome, I confus* them i n my dreams. Revenues Rise Canton — Miss Judith A n n W. H. Dalton, the associaGrove St. and Lake St., t h a t Xohlen of Syracuse, formerly tion's managing director, says of Canton daughter of State we so londly called home revenues from sale of natural Police Lt. Fupervisor and Mrs. And Pai, that's what we'll algas in Canada in 1962 a r e exCanton — T h e case of WaltP . Nvhlen. became t h e ways say. no matter where pected to reach S250.0OO.0O0 Mrs. Matrha Pike. ©0. w i John -' and sales to t h e Ur.:ted States w e roam «3ow of Fred C. Pike, died yes- bride of William F. Tisdell, er M. Lakev of Ogdensburg, vs. {may reach S62.000.000. terday morning at an Ogdens- son of Mr. end Mrs. Frederick Will Urn F . Morley, t h e Sperry b u r g hospital, where she had F. Tisdell, of 63 Court Street, & Hutchinson Co. and Roder-Wasn t it lucky for you and I 1 ' I n order to meet these prebeen a patient 20 years. iCanton, Dec-ember 30th at 11 ick J. McDonald a n d Gene- That we both h a d such wonderful fathers and mothers dicted market demands, the injo'clock in a nuptial mass at vieve McLvnald w a s settled And wasn't i t luckv for us dustry will boost its producat 2 T h e funeral w a s a t 2 P " } the Church of the Assumption, out ot couri. Tuesday for an both. tion by almost 50 percent, inFriday from the t h e FFrederick; r c d c n c k ,1 T h e b r ; d 0 j g j v e n i n marriage undisrioseci amount of money volving expenditures of some That they were' neighbors t o Brothers Fune -al home, Phil- by her father, was attired in a The case, which was moved $107,000,000 for extension of ,adelphia, with Rev. Georpe M pea de soi *j«>wn fashioned with each other. „i T R I C K LOADS, UNLOADS ITSF.LF—A now materials handling method has been introtransmission lines. Philbean. pastor of t h e Phila- a scoop net'k and a fitted bod- for t n a l a: 12 noon Tuesday, - B. TRIX Oct. 26. 193 duced by a Cleveland firm with t h e advent of a truck which loads and unloads itself. The delphia Methodist church, of- ice highJigi ted with Aiencon was di c pose-J of at 3 p.m. when t r u c k "body," which actually is a free container, can be lowered to t h e ground or any f.t. Jean Baptiste Society '"In addition, close to $24,000.ficiating. Burial will be in Ri-lace a p p l i a t e with pearl trim. Supreme C<-urt Justice Paul D A picture of this society out- intermediate point for unloa'ding. upper photo. When loaded, t h e container is ii«'ted by 000 will have to be invested verside cemetery, Gouverneur Graven informed t h e jury that side Notre Dame Church about the truck into what normally is t h e truck's body area and transported t o its d e f i n i t i o n . Her bracelet-length sleeves for construction of processing in t h e spring. I the cate h a d been settled dur1905, where they had attended •were also i r a d e of lace appii , A plants. This does not include S h e was married to Fred C. m t h e noon recess la Memorirl Mass interested Q j , a s Kennedy Buddy Larose above all else that someone 13. 1936. Capt. A r t h u r Fleeth- the cost of building field wells ' Pike, w h o operated a iarm que, and t h - scissors skirt f e l l . S near Philadelphia for years. from u n p r ' s s e d pleats andj A t n o o n w h e n t h e t r i a l ' m e . I guess all these men are a n d \ ^ r ? Knthawav are shown, from t h e 1912 class is writing am w a s honorary chairman. and such permanent structures ended in a chapel train. A opened, J u d g e Graves permit- dead, but I recognized some of X F. MALLETTE ,this, and he is, who else b u t assisted by Lts. Elder and as compressor stations, meter He died July 31. 1953. Powers. Sets. Barr. Degone. stations and warehouses Obi bow adorned t h e ted each oi the four attorneys them. Dr. Charboneau. Henry Eimira, N. Y. Uncle Nelse. Mrs. Pike is survived b y a!large ^^ In this Breen. Legault. Stephens a n d back of the gown at the waist, to give his opening remarks. Mallette (my o w n father, of J a n . 7, 1962 Another Memoir: daughter, M r s . Raymond ™ Sargent, and Corp. Berme Co- Mr. Jones said that in examner illusion butterfly veil Edmund L. Shea, attorney for course) Henry Valley. Mose jScrap book of Allan's is a picPlanty, i n California: two Some more memoirs: imng reasons for t h e grewth held in place by a cap of ^T n Lakey opened with a 10- Boyer, A r t n u r Landry. Bill Le- A clipping from the J u l y 17, t u r e of Co. 1 at Piattsburgh hen. brothers, Sidney, Copenhagen Awas of gas, "one must not overlook lencon ld e etals in 1921. We can recognize - P highlight- m inut« b r u u n g of the case. He beau (fatfui of Leo and Hen- 1955. issue of t h e Advance End Adolphus, Sv-acuse and N. F. Mallette t h e readiness of the utilities ' i u o r grandchildren. ed w:th pearls. Her bridal w a s followed by Daniel Scan- or yf ) , «J ,,hn Ashley (grandfather News shows a picture of t h e Capt. Briggs. Lt. Shaver. Lt. Written in Eimira. N. Y. and pipe line operators to inbouquet wes of Fuigi m u m s i 0 n. who lepresented William Johnnie and J o e ) , Polly Tracy Janes. Charlie Lebeau, J a n . 8, 1962 vest nearly $2,000,000,000 in with t'jpaz trim. iMoriey. .Chatrand. Capt. Geo. Fleming, OFA J 922 graduating class. Squirrel and Patsy Fleming, Gosh, this vear will be their plants a n d properties nor t h e I * |Bili Latour, Geo. Paige, Tom Allan. Reid Elder. Darrell McMiss Ann Brien of Rochester' Claude Dunks, r e p r e s e n t i n g ' m y Denny ' Alex Madlin. J o e 40th anniversary. And for m y Kee, Dannie Burn?. Tomm:e assistance a n d co-operation of was maid A honor, and Miss the S & H Green Stamp Com- David Eli Brabant. Mr. Men- 1912 class it will be the 50th. Mallett. Frank various levels of government LaMacchia. Eleanor Alexander of Hills- p a n y was int. third attorney to a r d and Tom Lacombe. My Why not a co-celebration? In Cobby Webster. J o e Jelly, :n helping transmission comdale, and Mis. Richard Watson address t h e court. Thomas Du- father was for a long time the 1922 picture, the late popu- Fran Taverr.ia. Hu^rue Green. panies open t h e new m a r k e t :n ofWatertown, were the brides- pre, of t h e law firm of O'Con- marshall of this societv, and lar Dr. \ \ m Dusen is t h e r e Ed Rivet. Bob Stephens, and t h e East and to the south." 'maids. They wore topaz gowns nell & M. hwen, representing another picture show! him and along y;de of him is R e xEd. Gagnon to mention some MOST STAYED HOMEWARD and carnec 1 Fuigi mums with the McDonalds, was the fourth leading t h e parade to Notre Clements. And in the back row of them. Oh yes. Dick Newtopaz trim. | a n c j f i n a i iUorney to address Dame°cem-terv on St. John's is Reid Pa:t;e. and :• nr him is ton the amorer. was in the picTulsa. Okla. <AP> — T h e Buster Shaver. Now isn't that Tulsa Little Theater put on " Advance Canton Bureau I John Davis of C a n o j a h a r i e , ^ court before t h e noon r e - Day. J u n e ^ 4 t h . ture too. sometaing! These three boys cess A program of the grand mili' Canton — Pierre Malterncr 'was best man, and two Canton . I J a n ,. 196two extra performance? of really went to town in differ- t a r v c o n c e r t a n d b a i i > p r e S e n t N. F MALLETTE 77, former Canton police chief, men, Fred Tisdell. brother of: J u d p e G i a v e s adjourned at Massena — O'Brien and "Look Homeward Aneei" to Eimira. N. Y. ent fields of endeavor and ail e d ' b v C o M a s s i s t e d bv t h e died at the Edward John Noble the bridegroom, and Paul Mar- I 2 : 3 o p . m . u n t : i 2 p m , but Gero. Syracuse, consulting accommodate those unable to m a d e good. Rex Clements in Among the souvenirs: 108th Reg. band of Syracuse Hospital here at 10 p.m Satur- tin, a classmate of the bride- c o u r t didn'X reconvene until engineers and land surveysee it durin? the regular run. day (Jan. 6, 1962) a half hour groom, weie ushers. Ithree o'clock. J u d g e Graves A m enjoying mvself here a t +he field of religion, and wnen was heid at t h e armory Nov. ors, have been hired by The final night a near-blizmv brother A l l a n s house in he w a s dispatched on a mist i t e r h e w a s admitted. Mr After a w e e k s honeymoon informed t h e court that the E ; i sion by his church to the armvillage board to drawm r a the zard struck and only 70 hardy Malterner was stricken with a in the L a u r - n t i a n Mountains of c a s e h d d b e t n s e t t l e d . I Looking at old pictures a n d ' e d forces, h e m e t Reid Paige, / ^ U Q f T l K o r heart attack at his home at Quebec- Province, Canada, t h e1 plans f up persons turned out. After the hi h rankin offlcc f t n e e V^IIttlllUCI .£ f °, Mr Lakev was injured in a news clippings. Maybe you re- ?_ .g ,couple wiil r e t u r n to Syracuse, about 9:30 p.m. plans izationfor of athe comolete water system. modern- Performance the entire cast •where t h e bride is a nurse on fall in t h f present S & Hcall when" the police force had Marines in Korea. Reid r e .Marched up the aisle to the Funeral services will b e the staff of St. Joseph s Hospi- Green Stamp store on State - bas'tetbail team. I saw t h e cently retired, having attained th r a n k o f Ma r The village board sinned tfoyer. formed a line and ex* J° general. held a t 2 p.m. Wednesday t a l T n e fcndegroom w a s St. in OgcVnsburg, March 4. picture: Hank Lebeau, Charlie nd pended personal thanks to Sears. Big Tom McNally (the A B u s t e r S n a v e r went from t h e Lawrence Funeral scheduled ic report for active 1960 *rhen the store was being evervone who had been in Home here with t h e Rev. Max m i i j t a r y duiy with t h e United remodfled i o r its present use. Coach), J o e Richer. Tim Places on t h e vaudeville stage. the agreement with the firm ^ e audience. A. Coots, pastor o? t h e First states Arm%" at Fort Dix. New According to information r e - O'Leary. Charlie McNaliy, I » * h i m in Washington a n d N Universalis! Church of Canton j e r s c y Saturday J a n u a r v 6th. vealed in t h e opening state- Phil White and Herb Mvers. *• c - theatres. But wait. Mar. 14. 1960. i hlle officiating. Burial w a s m t h e — T 1 ments, Mr Lakev felJ through A n d t h e Ladouceur xamilv ^ ' w r i t i n g this here a t T h e annual meeting of I Grass seed used along the T h e costs of t h e improve- N c . w Y o r k State T h r o w ay is Jerusalem Corner Cemetery. . *a h o ] t r ^ t f t e f i r s t f l t e a m : Van. Billie. Allan's house m Eimira. Allan Chamber will be held t t n baseball t^"0 000. merit will b e about $1,370.- mostly Red Fescue. m~xcd ™ ***• * C ^ U - P * h v ' T ^ a t h c r m e M c N a l | y - d i e d i n basement while a t t e s t ng to Poly. Ducky. Joe, Edgar. Penn, recognized Tubby Brunette, Thursday. J a n . 18. : o n .with Kentucky Biue and Com" 7 ™ B ^ V H * ^ Snannon. the" anitor ™ **d Freddie. A /ood bas*- ™ 1 D.onne. Herbert J.-hnson, To be elected at this tim ^ ^ This firm has jmon rye grass, and a little ov M a a e r n e f - ' a step ^ ' ° " ^ ^ 1 5 - 1 8 3 9 ' ** ™ r - ' f o r the McDonald buildings, in * * " team a n d nine boys that Alpha M c \ ean. and others h e .their parents could be real w * s n o t *> ^ ^ of as 40 years will be six new directors. ed a five million recommendgallon dia- clover. ; 0 °hn f o o m e y of Canton: twe ried Mrs. Alice Briggs Toomey. changing a fuse. proud of i s a long, long time, isn't it? Several other activ ltlPS Lochlan Ma'.terner w h o survives him. F o r m a n j 1 of planned bv the Chamber will t o m a c e o u s e a r t h t r e a t m e n t T r ^ 1 t ? H 7 o h n M - - 1 ™ r years b e served on the CanMr. Lakey sustained a severe A c i i p p i ' * showed a bunch *>om t h e hairdo on some plant, c ear n t adi na million transmission fi ^ T R ^ r . l i f n ^ i T n d ton Village Police Department ^ ^ y to t r e right knee a n d of O F. A students surround- those girls, it looks as though be discussed at ihis meeting de- facilities gallon ^lTr,w2;»nH „ X , jand was chief from 1942 until *•«»» hospi^lized for a total of mg Gene Paige, shortly after J * c k > * Kennedy m t h e White and a full attendance • , . . , , ,is Mis- elevated storage tank. several nieces and nephews, j ^ ^ ^ h e ^ . ^ ^ M r 3 0 ^ ^ o n t w o ^ t h r e c o c c a s . h e h a d r c l a m d h Q m £ ^ ^ h o U 8 e was 40 yeais behind t h e « r e d by President John H e w a s born September 6 Malterner w a s a member oi « o ^ s .duty with t h e Canadian A r m y times Maybe some of the fan* sert i For several years, the village water committee and 1B84 at Canton, a son of t h e the First Universalis! Church fin Wc.rld War I. Among those there at home can further ela- Before F e b 1 t h e directors __^ 3ate Pcrley and Anna Farmer of Canton, t h e J o h n C. Peggs' The 80.000.000 cubic yards of named w e r e Lockie Baker, ^rrte on t h e unnamed pt^ wiil^meet tc^elect^a n f ^ P f ^ t h e villace board have been nnel CHRYSLER *? t h e picture. So m a r dent and other officers for the ' r t h e V o i e c t Cor Maiterner. H e attended Can- Post of t h e American Legion excavation for t h e New Yorkk Don TuUocfa, C a p Fleetham'. f ' t r a c t s a r e a b o u t ? 0 b e let anc PLYMOUTH ton schools a n d college at the Edward Seymour Post of Stale T h r u w a y would fill 10, Phiz Dionne. J o h n Lucay. Bill I greet that 1922 class and say year of 1962. Barre. V e r m o n t H e served in the Veterans of Foreign Wars. 000.000 iarge d u m p trucks. Barbour, Darrei McKee, and S VALIANT ifinancmg a r r a n g e d . the United States A r m y in t h e the Dads of Vets, t h e 40 & 8 Placed b u m p e r t o bumper others not named. And The million gallon borage Phillipines, a n d during World the Disabled Veterans a n d the they would circle t h e earth A picture of the Huff-Deland J e e p s - 1 Wheel r>nva War I. His first wife, the form- Veterans of World War I. almost four times. , factory 1922 baseball team tank wotiki have carried Masshowed Malcolm Barry. R a y sena a kmg way durinxr any Also Top Qmafity Trade-ins mond O M ^ r a h , P a t t y Austin, interruption of service. Masj'W " mw —m City Cierk Simon Sargent and sena require? about a mil- CLAREICE J. RUSSELL t ^ N i M J!M»« *» H i « i '**&**** f H a r r y Diorne. aar.onf others I Pa. K l l lion and a half gallons per *.>: State St. could not n a m e day on an average. That 1911 SMA footbaH t e a m clipping shewed A r n i e Hodge a s coach. C«*rence Segum, J o e Brandy. Gtia*. Keegan, Cfcuck Bookkeeper well qualified in all phages Murpfiy, J4cKittr.ck. J > o O w e a s . D e w a a . B o b Lapine, of bookkeeping. Please submit resume C<wuX H. C4UTOJ. Ai Perkins. Tom C C o r n o r . Chas. Ward, of qualifications a n d experience t o Harold McCorauck. J o e G a l iagfier aar* McGmcncm . . . g-ether with salary requirements. E x Sotez photo w a s t a k e s o a OFA carrpwts u v , subet:;T«d t b r a cellant opportunity. \Vrite Box 227, oamrusy «f T o a a n j e O C O D U O T A p i r t u r • of 1915 OFA football W a t D c k * Fariey. Mzr^ Cant«.4i. W ^ e r < ¥ * * . 1 9 U Comet > Disbaw. ^ t f p b a n a , OUA«CL r - r c e a a , Y a n Krrmttn mod L ^ i o m - (SUC I 9 i l Camd*> r^-Kto r a v n e s y «C Mrj. M*x Tr^rs af Former Blue Coat Died Jan. 6 Storage Plant Is . Proposed To Elect New Slate W, **. Tw« poctaves «f t h e G r a r TELEPHONE of 19!*-29 s a w w z ^ S a m gaait F r a r k L a M a o c k a . Morcnoy. Fbai f the experiaieata; toy tbt I S Mahm f^n^tmf gi Taualt-V *mm%JL • y u s t i i J by a by troops si tbe ficsd. at woCd rspyptaae. Like a ~vai*r «< faknc aad • a C*. «as9iai«B Cecl jaifcasr**iaji: i,«a i -• i v^vpnaapippnnM 4510 cLellan,/ -y~m *£r**T ome
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