Gary, Loren "Becoming a resonant leader - how to hone your ability to handle the emotional turbulence that comes with adaptive change", Harvard Business Review, July 2002, pp. 4-5 L E A D E R S HTI P 8 Y L O F E N GABY 5tul€9, E$ertidlr, continued simply advertisinglo capitalmarkets and analysts-"And they also succumbed to the "flawed thinking of profitlessprosperity,"saysZook. You Howto honeyourabilityto hondletheemotional simplycan'tshyawayfrom thesearch turbulence thqt comeswith adaptivechonge for profitability sooneror latet the bill comesdue.Tate a cue from Dell Computer,Zook suggests:this comvERYwHEREsheturns,peo- saysRonaldA. Heifetz, founding pany requires its new initiatives to ple are asking for a different director of the Centerfor Public Leadachievegenuineprofitabilily within kind of leadership,says Gin- ershipat Harvard'sJohn F. Kennedy 18to 24 months. ger Graham,group chairmanof the Schoolof Govemment. Indianapolis-based medicalproducts Con5ciously manage firm Guidant.The emotionairepercus l-eadersmust engagein what Heifetz trustandtransparency sions of world evenlsand the plecari- calls adaptive rrrrk-meeting an In a business web,thepartners rypi- oussituationsoi manycompanies hale ongoingstreamof challengesthat cally know one another'scostsof alteredthe demandsplacedon her simultaneouslyrcpresentdangersand labor. materiais, andoverhead,aswell oppoflunities,and askingin the face of as their proiit mdrgins."Everybody's Shareholdersand analysts used to each,"What hereis worth consewing naked,"saysTapscott."There'sa high insist that she be able "to spin the and what do we need to let go of in degreeof transparercy."Customers future-to talk about being the first order to thrive in the new environand investorsare also calling for andth€coolest,"Grahamsays-Other, meni?" This puts leadersin the line greatertransparency:companiesare wise,"yourP/E ratioswouldbe lower of fue, perhapsjn ways they've never being held to a higher set of vaiues, and your marketcap wouldn't move experienced."If you don't like bad and "trust has becomea much more much. But selling futuresisn't very news,you shouldget out of the leadervalued commodity," says Dunn. cool right now underpromising and ship business,"observesKim CampIntegritymusf becomean elementof overdeliveringand havingsolid fun, bell, Canada'sfirst female prime strategythat you actively manage. damentalsare." Employeeswant minister and a visiting professorat some assurancethat there'll be a the KennedySchoolof Government. V "In an open world, a company's future at all. After the debaciesar "Yow job is to hearasmuchbadnews behavior and the real value ihat it EnronandGlobalCrossing,theyneed as lhere is out there and to figure ou! has to offer will matter more and their leadersto functionas emotional waysof dealingwith it:' more," Tapscottcontinues."You have shockabsorbers."They also require to manageyour transparency so that a different level of discussionand "Whenever a company facesa shock, peoplecan seewho you really are,as disciosure" about the workings of how the leadershiphandlesits own opposedto trying lo convincepeople such things as cuidanfs 401(k) and emotronscan determinewhetherthe thatyou'resomethingyou'renot. defined-contribution rerirementplans. companysurvives,"saysDanielcole'And they want to know more about man, coauthor of Primd I Leafurship. "But al the sametime. how open you the leader," adds craiam. "They Leaders' emotional intelligence shouldyou be?Clearly,you'vegot to wantyou to be availableat a different (El)-their ability to managetheir be way more openthan in the past_But levelbecause they'researching." own andothers'emotionsin waysthat at a certainpoint,therearediminishing drive businessperformance-thus returns:you start giving away your Employeesareaskingthatleadersact providesthe key to success. Training intellectualpropertyand enabling with greaterintegrity and be more that boostsEI and sttatagemsfor opportunism.For this reason.a fans- emotionally available-at the very enhancingleadershipteams' adaprive p:uencymanagement programneeds time that leaders,fighting for their capacitycan makeall the difference. to be part ofyour businessstrategy." .4. organizations sulvival, are asking employeesto acceptpainful losses. An El primer So not only have the past year's "Emotions are contagious,"says Lotq 6ary an bercachedat starllingexamplesof institutional Goleman."Researchshowsthar they I9aIy@hb sp.haN aI d,edu fragility raisedpeople'sexpectations, determine 507o to 707o of the workthey'vealsoheightened leadets'sense place climate; rhat climate, in turn, of vulnerability. These eventshave determines207o to 3070 of a comstrainedleaders'ability to maintain panys performance.What s more, J7 L idd. rcfi otlhr.nd.,r. 3m-663 6705 d6t7.73].7474 the distinctionbetweenself and role, EI accountsfor 85,/. ot whar disrin- - Becoming a Resonant Leader so o u @ a u n r t r cq u r s r t o r u Suish€sthe stars in top leadership who you are or who you wani to be, positionsftom lowlevel performers. or both." This processinvolves five phasesofdiscovery: Wlat Golernanand coauthorsRichard I U,,,"oupn,,,,. your ideal selfBoyatzis and Annie McKee call who you wan!to be. resonantleaderyhip-the ability to articulate a group's sharedyet unex- 2 Frcunrxe our who you actually are and whereyout strengthsand Fessed feelings and to give voice to a missionthat inspiresothers--is a fijnction of foul basicEI competencies: 3 Cnrotrnc a learningagendafor building on your strengthswhile r SELF-AwARENEss-theability to nling in thegaps. readyour own emotionsand accu yout personality. ratelyassess 4 Et"r*rt tpLtr*c rith andpracticingnewbehaviors, thoughts,and . SELr-MANAGEMENT-theability feelings point to the ofmasrery. to keep disruptiveemotionsunder conlrol and to be trustwor6y, flexi- 5 Drn"roprn" supportive and ble,andoptimistic. trusting relationshipsthat make changepossible. r SocrAL AwaRENDss-the ability to empathizewith others'concems, f, cient truston a leadershipream,genderdiversitycanboosttheteam'sabil ity to manageits own emotionsand respondto thoseof othersin the unit, A caveat "When you're mobilizing people to engagein anykind of straregy. you're reallyaskingthemto sift throughwhal they re not going to do," saysHeifetz. If your heartis closed,he and coauthor Marty Linsky writeinLeade6hip on the Line-|f yo]ulack the compassion.childlikeinnocence,andcudosity tha!enableyou "tolistenwith open ears,andto embracenew anddisturbing ideas"-then you "cannorfathom tllosestakes,or the lossespeople will haveto sustainas they conserve what s most preciousand learn how Groupthink andthe glassceiling 10 thrive in the new environment." . RELATToNsI'IPMANAGEMENTAs expectations getratcheted up, even An open hearl helpsyou lead people the ability to inspire, persuade,and emotionally intelligent leaderscan and organizationsmore effectively resolvedisagreements. fall prey to a kind of bunkermentality. throughchangeand loss.Bur it also The leadershipteam "star$ talking makes you more vulnerable to the The problem is, the higher up in more to itself thanto fiontline workers resistance and hostility rhatregularly an organrza!on you are, the more and customers,"saysDarrell Rigby, accompany sucnlosses. inflatedyolll assessment of your own a Boston-based direcrorof the man EI skills. "So why don't more top agementconsultingfirm Bain & Co. "We tendto put a smiteyface on leadleaderssolicit andencourage accurate "Disagreementbecomesviewed as ership and talk abour it in terms 01' feedback?"Golemanand his coau- disloyalty." One way to counteract inspiration, vision, and crealivity,', thors ask. "It's often becausethey this tendencytoward groupthink is saysHeifetz."It is all thosethings. but lruly believethat rhey can't change." to make sure your ieadershipteam it's alsohard,painful,anddangerous. Yet tlrcre is compelling evidence that comprisesdiversestylesandperspec- 'Stayingin thegame,'learning how to suggests otherwse. tives.Sometimes, insistingon gender sustainyourself,is thereforeone of andethnicdiversilyis the only way to the essentialtasksof leadership.".t Most training programsthat seekro ensurethat a team considersa wide developEI and leade6hip skiils fail rangeof optionsandopinions. Loten Gary.on be rcd.her) at becausethey target the neocortex,the t9oIy part of the brain that governs analyti- "The most impoftant thing now is to cai and technicalability, ratherthan avoid all-male leadershipcultures," the limbic system,which controls saysKim Campbell.Researchon EI feelings,impulses,and desires.The and gendershows that women tend Prindl Leadeahip: Realizingthe limbic brain "is a much slower to have strongerempathyand relaPowet of Enotional tnteligen e learner-particularly when the chal- tionship skills than men do. "These by Oani€l6oleman, lenge is to releam deeply ingrained strengthsof women'sleadershipare Ri.had BoyatzirandAnnieM.Kee habits,"write Golemanet a]. But notsomuchinnateaspects Hdwd Bsias nhoolPrcs. 2002 of femininwhen "the righr model is used, train- ity astheyaretheresultof disempowLeadqthip on the Line:Stoying Ative ing can actually alter the brain centers erment," says Campbell.Women thtough the Dongets of Lezding by Ronad A.Heiletzand MarryLirsky that regulate negative and positive developedthem as meansof survival HafladBsha5l{hoolPrcs. 2002 emotions,"creatinglong-term EI in male-dominated cultures,Men can, skill improvements.The key is selt of course,exhibittheseskillstoo,just di rected lcami n& " i^tenttonally devel- as women can demonstratetoughness oping or stlengtlleningan aspectof and decisiveness.When there's suffi LddaareD'j ofrhr ktqo 3rc663-6105 ot61113t.1414. @ r u r vz o oz
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