CYAN MAGENTAYELLOW BLACK Resort Rentals 895 Gorgeous 3br/3ba townhouse on ICW in Murrells Inlet, SC. Furnished, 312mo lease. Gated Community on waterway. $1600 mo plus deposit. 704-895-8424 Beautiful Brand New, Log Cabin Honeymoon Bungalows less than 1 mile from Blue Ridge Pkwy, 20 minutes from New River campground , 20 minutes from Stone Mountain State Park, Wineries, vineyards within sunset drive.Nearby Roaring Gap in private mountain-view setting, some with waterfall or creek view and views of Bull Mountain. Stunning new Log Cabin Bungalows are professionally decorated and equipped. Kayaking , canoeing , fishing hiking & shopping within minutes.Just bring your hiking boots. $400 per weekend or $1400.00 per week. Call for availability. Delayne Raye Properties of NC 704-400-8885. P.S. Don’t forget your camera! WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2005 Tree Service 915 PJ Enterprizes-Tree & stump removal, trimming, lot clearing, firewd, Fully insured, Free est 704799-0755- 902-0032 Classic Cars & 920 Trucks Motorcycles 925 Pickups & Trucks 940 T-Bird- 1956, restored to original condition, Fiesta Red, white conv. top, 2 tone interior, $24,500. 704-799-6955 Honda ’04 VTX1300 Black w/ vance + hines pipes & WS jet kit, 92 mi. $7995. 704-924-9500 HONDA - ’00 Rebel 250 silver w/black saddle bags & mounts - windshield, EC. 6200 mi 905 Boats $1945. 704-873-8524 / 657-5529 1983 Honda Magna, 750cc, runs great needs 920 Motorcycles minor work for perfect. $900obo. Call Andy in Mvl 203-331-7621 Harley Davidson ’03 Yamaha ’96 Waveblaster Sportster - 883 AnniverII w/ double trailer 90HP sary bike & color. 2700 754 CC. $2995. 704mi., exc. cond., forward 924-9500 controls, S.E. mufflers, 2 upseat/backrest pad, Skeeter ’77 Wrangler bass boat. 16 foot, 70 Yamaha ’03 V-star 650 windshield crashbars, luggage rack & bag, exW/S 900 mi. $4995. 704HP, Johnson, with tilt tra chrome etc. Invested and trim. Trolling motor, 924-9500 $10,000. sale $7000. graph and depth finder. 828-437-0899. Many extra’s. Sharp boat. Must see. $4,000. Harley Davidson ’95 790 Rooms for Rent 828-652-2801 1200 stretched tank, touring seat, extras. Off Brawley School Rd. $5800. 704-881-0060 Near Hwy 21, $100/wk 704-655-0904 NASCAR TECH STUYamaha ’00 V-star clasDENTS McNeely Ave.3 Nitro ’90 - 20ft w/ a 200 sic 650 W/S Jardine bdrm, home share with HP Johnson GT motor & Pipes, 8100 mi. 704-924fellow students. Moores- Scorpian dual axle & 9500 ville Village location. trailer. $5995. 704-924Yamaha ’01 TTR/225 $285 per month. 704- 9500 Excellent condition. 662-6196 704-605-2056 CREST -’98 II DL 20ft Electric start. Garage Pontoon, 40hp Merc kept. $1900. Call 828- E-ton ’05 Viper 70/90 w/ cruiser, Bimini top, all 256-8561; 828-323-5717 reverse electric start, 6 covers, trailer, $6750 mo factory warranty, hyobo (704) 663-0243 draulic disk break. See Vic Today 704-924-9500 CENTURY 1901 BAY 115 YAM 4STR, TRAIL1983 CB950 Honda, ExER, EC, EXTRAS, WARcellent condition, RANTY, $18000 OBO 12,0000 actual miles. Call 704-832-2483 pgr $1500. Call Jack 704372-1037 810 Appliance Repair BOAT LIFT- 4,500 lbs., 7-8 years old, good Refrigerator/Freezer re- working condition, needs pairs, all makes & mod- to be recovered. $1,500. Vento ’04 Treton R4 alarm, remote start, reels. Same day service. 704-608-1819 mote legal 16 & up. No li704-662-1199 1990 Bass Tracker, ex. cense required. See Vic c o n d . D e p t h f i n d e r s , Today 704-924-9500 820 Carpenters trolling motor, 704-6641994, 704-962-0029 New roofing, shingles, or Bombardier ’04 DS650 metal, custom built still on 1st tank of gas. decks, decks & pier re$4995. financing avail. pair, exterior home reSee Vic Today! 704-924pair. NO JOB TOO 9500 SMALL. 704-660-6154 833 Elderly/Handicap Care CARE GIVER Will sit, help with elderly/disabled. Day or Night, experience, references Please call 704-8733192 Let Classifieds Work for You! Call 704-664-5554 834 Child Care Child care in my home in Cornelius. Only keep up to 2 children for better care. 704-895-2167 835 Domestic / Cleaning Services Housecleaning- Home or office. References on request. 704-278-3125 or 704-202-8627 leave message. 840 Landscaping & Gardening Tree Service Stump Grinding Removal • Trimming Topping • Clearing Reasonable Rates Dependable Service 828-294-1474 855 Ford- ’69 Mustang, 66000 original miles, 6 cylinder automatic, runs good, body solid, $3300. 704-517-4083. Chevy- ’71 Pickup, auto, big block, long bed, $3500. Good condition, Carolina Blue. 704-4390345 or 704-502-8058 Bassboat - 2003 G3 alum, 18.5, 115 Yamaha 4 stroke eng, rigged for crappie trolling. Auto pilot trolling motor, custom trolling racks (front & rear), 2 Eagle graphs, Garmin GPS, Turbo Prop, on board battery charger, AGM trolling battery, many other extras, low hours (42), like new cond., eng still under war, full time student, $18,200 inv, asking $14,500 Bill (704) 2781367 after 3pm 910 Campers Shasta- ’04 TT, 29 ft. Super slide, queen island bed, elec hitch, color TV, convct, oven,light wght.$17,900. 704-8928850 Shasta ’89 Class C. 28’ fully equipped. 350 engine.Generator low hours, 31k mi. Exc. cond. $12,800. 828-464-5021 Pilgrim ’05 28’ 5th wheel Qn sz bed, sleeps 6, lg closets, full ba, full length push out, lots of cupboards surround sound $18,500. 704-883-0789 Nomade ’02. Superslide, triple bunk beds, queen bed, lots of storage. Asking $15,000. 704721-0541 or 281-6852 Masonry Brick, Block, Rock & concrete work wtd, No job ’99 National Tropical 37’ too small. 704-585-6729 Class A, V-10, 2 slides, 26k miles, w/dryer, s/s 860 Misc. Service ref/ice maker, like new $64,250. 704-209-6460. ROOFING & SIDING Monaco ’99 Dynasty 704-902-2114 $94,500, 40 ft, 30,500 Repairs, interior, ext, re- mi, 350HP Cummins diesel, Allison AT, 7.5 modeling, 704-450-0690 KW, gen, micro/convec. oven, 2 TVs, W/D, 4 dr ref/freezer, loaded. No NEED A slides, Kernersville. 336WEBSITE? 785-0917 The MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE offers this service. • Professional results! • Very competitive rates Call 704-664-5554, Ext 13 to schedule an appointment at your convenience. LAND Clearing, grading, stumping, large or small jobs, hauling rock/dirt, 704-682-0748 or ask for John 704-682-0749 K&S Grading & Landscaping Skid Steer work 704-902-2606 HOME REPAIRS LIC. & INSURED All types of repairs. Garages. Additions. 12 yrs. exp., Refs. Reasonable. No job too small 704902-4633. Free! We pick up junk appliances, scrap metal & junk cars704-585-6359 FENCE All Types ABCee Fence Free Est 40yrs exp. Financing available 704-873-5345 AL’S PLUMBING & REPAIR SERVICE (Licensed Plumber) Specializing in New Installation & Repairs • Quality Work • 704-933-3723 870 Painting Residential Painting- inter/exter, pressure washing, deck .Free estimates. 704-660-3484 Exterior painting & cleaning, pressure washing decks, piers, driveways & etc. Roof cleaning, residential, & commercial. Call 704-660-6154 895 Tree Service TREE WORK 704-873-5783 925 Pickups & Trucks Suzuki ’03 Vinson 1200 mi mud/snow exhaust system, serv, needs nothing, $3995. 704-924-9500 500 tires, just auto Toyota 5000- ’99 LP Toner Forklift Balance Truck, 105 hours. $8950.00 Call 704-5470667 ** PRICED TO SELL ** Ford ’86 F700 Dump Truck with 16 ft dual axle trailer, as is $3500 for both. Can be seen C&C Storage 704-857-1572 Nissan- ’95 4x4 pickup, w/cap, 5 speed, great Suzuki ’93 Intruder 800 work truck. 3700 mi chrome radiator cover, eng case guard, hwy peggs, cherry slash cut exhaust $3495. 704924-9500 Polaris ’99 Sport 400, exc. condition. orig. owner - 50“x72“ trifold ramps included. $2,600.00 Call GMC - ’99 Sonoma SLS ext cab, 4cyl, 828-437-9719 auto, am/fm CD, cold Mini Bike Pocket Rocket, AC, 83K. $7,250. 704yellow, 47cc.$400. Brand 450-7117/ 978-1199 new, (704) 305-4950 Kaw ’98 KX250 Pro circuit platinum exhaust syst, renthal fatbar, $2495. Skin industries graficks / seat cover 704924-9500 1997 Kawasaki KDX 200 excellent condition.828478-4050 Kawasaki ’05 CUSTOM Mean streak 1600 Shogun street sweepers, chrome inner primary cover, triple clamp accent, regulator cover, silver bullet real directional custom mounted chrome lic/plate frame Pearl magma red 3.9% financing available. See Vic Today! 704-924-9500 Georgia Boy Pursuit ’00 2001 Honda XR 80, like 35’ 22k mi., 454 Vortect brand new. 828-478eng, 290 hp, slideout, 4050 loaded, has ext warranty $46,400. 704-873-0154 Dutchman - ’01 Classic travel trailer, 36’. front Br, lg slide out, great cond. only used few times $15k 704-546-7290-881-5507. 1996 Coleman Pup Up, 2 double beds, microwave, sink, a/c, very good cond. $2600. 704-8881. 6614. Classifieds Work! 2. Call 704-664-5554 COACHMAN - ’76 28’ camper, sleeps 8, good cond., must sell $2,800. 704-657-1234 or 704883-7502 anytime. COACHMAN - ’76 28’ camper, sleeps 8, good cond., must sell. SOLD ABOVE CAMPER!!! Chinook Premier Motorhome 21ft. Like new, loaded, most all opts., shower/full kit., generator, TV, micro, including full warranty . Reduced to $39,500. Call 828-495-7750. Areolite 25’ 1996, Excellent. $4,900.00. Self Contained. Awning. Sleeps 6. Call 704-8761861 2004 36’ 5th wheel, 2 slide outs, washer/dryer, c/hac, tri-axle, lg bedrm & bath, must sacrifice $22,500. ABOVE SOLD w/carolinaclassifieds!!!! F R E E ! Ford ’95 XLT Auto, AC, 5.0 eng., 2WD, Black, new tires, PW, Tilt wheel, good mech. shape. $4,900. 828-437-6960. Ford ’94 Ranger, 124k mi. 4 cyl., ps, ac, locked tool box. Runs & looks good, $2100 obo. (704)490-2003 Kann. Ford ’90 Ranger V6, auto, long bed, tool box, 150K, good cond. $1800. 704-873-5389 or 6577810. 20204 Ford ’04 F350 Lariat 6.0L V8 diesel, 4x4, drw, crew cab, long bed, dually loaded. 4625 mi. $38,500. (704)786-5435 Ford- ’01 F150 XL, 6 cylinder, 86k, auto, air, nice truck w/tool box, $7500 obo. 704-252-0148 or 704-663-1814 Ford F-150 ’01 long bed, V6, 5sp, 102K, good work truck. $4800. 704873-5389 or 657-7810 20204 Ford- ’00 F150 Lightening Pickup, super charged, 1 owner, 704663-5742 SUV’s 940 Ford ’98 F150 XLT, Su- Jeep CJ5 ’77 runs great, per cab, 87k miles, V8, fuel injected, 4wd, 3.5“ tow package, $8950 lift. $2400. 704-682Call 704-277-0200 2247 FORD - ’97 F150 XLT Jeep - ’99 Cherokee, like 4wd, ext cab, all power new inside & out, all options, brush guard, p o w e r o p t i o n s , r u n s tool box, rebuilt trans. im- great, $4,295. 704-361maculate cond. in & out 2895. $8,500. 704-662-4463. Jeep- ’96 Cherokee Ford- ’85 F150, with Cab, Country, 6 cyc, 4 wh. new parts, no ac, auto, drive, black w/gray int. all runs great. $1500 obo. power, nice cond. $4350. 704-528-6626 dlr 704-664-8410 Dodge ’04 Ram. Regular Cab, burgundy, 4.7 V8, under 19K mi., full power. Ex. cond. w/warranty. $15,200. 704-585-2213. Dodge- ’02 Ram 1500 SLT, long bed, reg,cab, 8 cycl, auto, green w/gray inter, good work truck. As is. $8450 704-5286626 dlr Dodge Ram- ’96 Laramie 1500 SLT, only 59K, white, ext cab, running boards, bed liner, $8900. 704-892-1570. JEEP - ’88 Cherokee 6 cyl, at, cold ac, leather 4x4, 92k $4250. 704-450-7117704-978-1199 Jeep- ’98, black w/gray, 6 cyc, 4 wheel drive, loaded, good mileage, great cond. $6450. 704528-6626 dlr Jeep ’88 4x4,6 cyl, red, like new 5 speed,ps, pb, air, has been restored new tires, 90K $4,650. Call 828-584-0071 Isuzu ’90 Trooper 4cyl, 5sp, 4wd, 117K, good cond. $2500. 704-8727507 before 9pm DODGE - ’96 DAKOTA 4WD EXT CAB, V8, full power, bed liner & cover 109K miles, $5,500. 704876-1818 DODGE - ’95 Dakota 5-speed, 4 cyl, cold air, $3,450. 704-4507117 or 704-978-1199 Chevy- ’96 Silverado, low miles, 4x4, V8, full pwr, above average cond, bed liner, tow pkg, 2 tone paint, $8995, 704-3095666 Chevy ’94 1500 W/T, longbed, V6, 4.3 vortec, AT, bedliner, CD, chrome toolbox. $5300. 704-871-9301 940 SUV’s Chevy-’00 Tahoe LT 4 wheel drive, 3 rd seat, ex.cond. new tires, 53k miles, $19,500. Call 704664-4571 Nissan -’00 Xterra, V6, CD player, cruise, auto, alarm, tow pkg.(white), new tires, 93K mls. $9800 obo 704-502-7663 Nissan 1999 Pathfinder SE Limited 87000 miles, White ext, Gray int, 4 drs, 6 cyl, 5 speed. excellent. 11,850.00 obo. 4WD, ac,alloy whls.,am/fm, abs, cd plyr., crs. cntrl., fog lights, gar’d, keyless ent., pw/pl, sunrf.. 828-4284375 or 704-483-2628 Lincoln- ’98 Navigator, 4x4, 3rd seat, 6CD, new tires, heated seats, running board, white-beige interior, excell cond, $12,900. 704-309-5666 Jeep 2002 Limited V8, 4WD loaded Power leather, Super Clean, moon roof,chrome wheels Tow Pkg. Inferno Red 34k Miles $21,500 828-234-3934. Jeep - ’01 Grand Cherokee Laredo 4x2 6 cyl. auto. dark blue 4 dr. all power, alarm, 61k mi. Special $12,500. 704932-4503 704-890-8264. Jeep ’99 Grand Cherokee LTD black 4x4 V8, 61k miles, leather, pwr, sunroof, 10 disc CD, Garaged, $13,990. Call 828-432-8605 Jeep ’97 Grand Cherokee Ltd, 84k, V8, AWD, Lthr, tow pckg, moonrf, needs tires.$7,500.00 obo. Call 704-200-4165 JEEP ’78 CJ7 4x4 auto, hard top, metalic blue, rebuilt carb, good condition, $3,700.firm. Call 828-874-2369 ISUZU - ’89 Trooper 4x4, ac, cd, 5 spd., 107k, extra nice $3,850. 704-450-7117 or 704-978-1199. Honda ’98 Passport, 4whl drive, V6, silver, lthr int, AC, PS, PW, PDL, sunroof, pw mirrors, tilt whl, cruise, cass/CD, ABS, running brds, roof rack, 89K mi, Exc. Mechanical Cond. Extra Clean. $8,500. 294-0294 GMC- ’03 Yukon XL, all the options, DVD, 30K, charcoal w/gray leather. Must see! $25,500 Trades. 704-528-6626 dlr GMC ’03 Envoy. SUV. Pewter, Auto. 6-cyl. 4 WD, 61000, $16,900. Call 336-838-1369. Ford ’96 Explorer XLT 4x4, 117K, leather, sunroof, 2-tone paint, very clean, needs nothing. $5600. Cash. Mint Motors 704-634-2000 Ford 1996 Explorer 169,000 miles, 4wd in good cond call for details 3,500.00 obo Call 704202-1220. Ford ’92 Explorer 4x4 2dr, V6, 5sp, 130K, excond. $2500. 704-8735389 or 657-7810 20204 Ford ’99 Expedition 64K mi, loaded, CD, Forest green, 3rd seat, w/ tan leather int, garage kept $12,925. 704-838-1703 Ford ’98 Expedition, Eddie Bauer Edition, blue/gold, 4wd, leather. $11,000. 704-873-7841 or 704-902-2999 Dodge ’88 Ram Charger 4x4, V8, 130K, 4“ lift, 35“ tires, rebuilt trans, good cond. $2500. 704-8735389 or 657-7810 20204 Chevy ’03 Trailblazer. Like new, all options, garage kept. 25K miles. On-Star. $19,000. 828464-5021 Chevy ’03 Trailblazer, Like new, 18,800 miles, excellent cond., A/C, auto, cruise, inline 6, privacy windows, P/W, PDL, CD player, towing pkg, 17,200 mile factory warranty left. $16,775. Call 828-396-8565. Chevy ’99 Suburban, 4x4, keyless entry, tan,rear air, CD,running boards 100k miles, $9,000. 828-438-9463 Chevy- ’95 Suburban LT, 85K, blue & gold, loaded, excellent condition, $9,500. 704-663-2005 Chevy ’00 ST Blazer V6, auto, 4wd, 64K, ex-cond. $9,995. 704-872-7507 CHEVY - ’96 Blazer 4WD, V8, white, 4-door, automatic, good condition, 129,850 miles. $4,500. 336-492-7719. CHEVROLET ’95 S10 Blazer LT. Red, 4 WD, 176K, needs work. Loaded. $1000. 336-7681764. FREE CLASSIFIED ADS FOR ITEMS $500 0R LESS! Ads will run for 5 days, with up to 15 words of description. Available to individuals only (Non Commercial Users Only.) No rentals, pets, yard sales or services offered. 3. Price of $500 or less must appear in ad. 4. One item per ad and one ad per household per month. 5. Customer can cancel as soon as item sells. 6. Ad must be mailed, faxed or presented in person, fully prepared to the Classified Dept. NO PHONE CALLS. OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 8AM - 5PM CLIP & MAIL, FAX OR BRING IN FREE CLASSIFIEDS Print Ad Here: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ PHONE # FOR AD:____________________________________ NAME ______________________________________________ HOME PH# ______________________ DAY PH#____________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________ CITY _______________________ STATE_____ ZIP__________ ATTN: CLASSIFIED DEPT. MAIL TO: THE MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE P.O. Box 300 Mooresville, NC 28115 OR BRING TO: 147E. Center Avenue OR FAX TO: 704-664-3614 Vans 955 Cadallic ’95 Sedan DeVille, red w/ tan leather, ex-cond. Only 79K mi. $5800. 704-873-5389 657-7810. 20204 950 Wanted to Buy WANTED OLD ARMY JEEPS - any condition, running or not. Will pay top price. 704-872-4749 leave msg if no answer. Paying cash for unwanted cars, any cond., we’ll pick up. 704-855-4717. 955 Autos for Sale Jeeo-’74, 4x4, bikini top extra doors $2250. 704630-9398 or 704-6091673 NISSAN - ’01 Quest SE V6, auto, loaded, cd, dvd, dual a-c, 4 dr, 71k. 704-450-7117 or 704-978-1199 Mercury ’01 Villager van, Silver, 1 owner, like new. Power seats & windows. Dual air. 72K rd. miles. Must see. $9,100. Call 828-879-8372 Ford- ’01 Windstar Cargo Van, 63K, auto, air, Ladder Racks, Clean, $6,950, view our entire inventory at http://www., 704-637-5900 Ford ’01 Windstar 56k miles, 7 passenger new Michelin tires, good condition $10,500. Call 828437-6467 Ford ’97 Windstar equip. w/automatic side ramp for wheelchair. Good cond. ONLY 14K MILES. $15,000. 828-322-4772. FORD - ’95 Windstar XL, white, all power, rear air, am/fm cass. new motor at 93k mi. due to fac recall. Rebuilt trans. at 107 k mi. Exc cond in & out. 142k mi. 1-owner, $3,700. SOLD above vehicle w/carolinaclassified Autos for Sale Chevy ’99 Malibu LS, V6, 120K hwy mi, white/gray lthr, ex. cond, all pwr, mnrf, new tires/brakes $5000neg. 828-308-3471 1998 Chevy Venture 7 pass van trailer hitch very good condition 1 owner. 93,000. $4799 Call 828-652-4915 Chevrolet- ’00 Astro Cargo Van, 60K, auto, air, $8,950, Clean, view our entire inventory at http://www.taylorautocent, 704-637-5900 Vans Plymouth ’99 Grand Voyager Expresso extended, 4dr, 3.3V6, 63K, auto, full power, clean inside/out. On sale this week $6500. Cash special Mint Motors 704-634-2000 Olds ’95 Silhouette, ABS brakes, 7 pass, rear fan ac, cloth inter, 80k miles,1 owner, like $5000.704-799-2630 Autos for Sale 955 CADILLAC - ’95 Deville 1-owner, wine finish, all options, new tires, showroom condition. (garaged since new!) $5,950 obo. 704-872-5399. Chrysler- ’99 Sebring JXI Convertible- GREAT Car! One family owned, silver- Loaded: Leather interior, power driver seat, cruise control, 6 disk CD changer with premium sound, power windows, power locks, V6, fog lights, dual air bags, 80K miles. $7,700 Call 704-608-1819 Cadillac ’88 Deville - One owner - excellent cond. 99K miles. $4,000. Call 828-256-8866, if no an- Honda-’95 Civic EX, 2 dr, swer leave a message. 5 speed, pw, CD, excell Cadillac - ’96 Seville STS cond. $4200. 704-516super clean car with all 1010 the options. Runs great! DODGE - ’97 Avenger $4,895. 704-361-2895. ES, 2-dr, auto, PW/PDL, tilt, cruise, ac, 119k mi., Cadillac- ’93 Seville Dark Blue, 4 dr, cass, only $2,500. 60646. Call 198,000 mi, everything 704-450-6770. works, GC. $ 2,500. Dodge - ’96 Intrepid 704-639-0009 /794-3229 looks & runs great, loaded with options, $2,795. 704-361-2895. Dodge ’97 Neon 4dr, auto, 88K, new tires, well kept, runs & drives great $3195. cash. Mint Motors $500! Police Impounds! Cadillac ’96 XTS North 704-634-2000 Cars From $500, listings Start engine, 87K mi., 1-800-749-8116 xA826 new tires & brakes, w/CD Honda-’00 Accord LX, cass., sunrf, pearl white. Silver w/grey, 2 $9,800. 828-437-6960. dr. loaded. 49k orig. Caldallic ’99 Eldorado m l s . l i k e b r a n d n e w . ETC. Truly showroom $9750. 704-528-6626 dlr condition. 5 5 k . DODGE - ’91 Spirit, ACURA ’99 TL $13,900. Gorgeous crimson red V 6 , a u t o , 4 - d o o r , p e a r l / v a n i l l a l e a t h e r . 114k, $2,850. 704ONE OWNER. EXC. CONDITION. 336-945- Must see. Every option, 450-7117 or 704-978including snrf., heated 1199. 2292/409-0849. memory seats,cd, BMW- ’95 740i, Great chrome wheels, brand condition, 112K mi, load- new Michelins. All histo- DODGE - ’97 Stratus, 4ed. Cordovan. 1 owner ry/garaged. $2,000 Serv- dr, auto, PW/PDL, tilt, since 1998, non-smkr. ice 1/20/05. One owner, cruise, ac, 105k mi., keyless, only $1,500. 60646. $8900. 704-895-8424 n/s. Very first $16,295. Call 704-450-6770. 828-280-3085. Ford ’92 Crown Victoria LX white, 117K, runs excellent, needs nothing, clean & dependable. Dealer $3250. cash 704634-2000 $500! Police Impounds! Cars From $500, listings 1-800-749-8116 xA826 BUICK - ’93 Century, V6, auto, cold ac, amfm cass, pw, pdl, 87k, only $2,850. 704-4507117 - 704-978-1199. Buick ’95 Custom 4 door sedan. Ruby red w/gray int., 3.8L V6 eng., keyless entry, auto, PW & PDL, fully loaded. 189K mi., good cond. Service records avail. $1200. Call (828) 879-8673 CAMRY - ’01 LE 4-cyl, at, loaded, 60k, NADA $12,000, on sale for $9,700 cash. 704-4507117or 704-978-1199 Chevrolet- ’98 Camero, white, T-top, 104K, auto, good cond, 1owner, non smkr, $4500obo. 704655-0937, 704-657-9006 Ford - ’93 Escort LX Hatchback, 4dr, 84k, 5sp, red, 2-owner, good tires, 35mpg,x-clean Chevy- ’91 CameroRS $1,950. 704-872-5399. V8, T- tops, good shape, needs transmission work. $1000 OBO. 704Buick - ’92 Park Avenue, 799-2119 white w/blue leather, s u n r o o f , i m m a c u l a t e , Chevy ’91 Caprice Clasruns great. $2,995. 704- sic, 4dr, V8, leather, FORD 2001 MUSTANG Classified loaded, Only 25K mi. ex- GT $18000, v8, lthr, 17k, 361-2895. cond. $4800. 704-872- auto 704-224-1171 go to Works! 1996 Buick Skylark 4DR, 1988 or 704-657-7810 members.sounddomain. 94K mI., loaded, 6cy. ex704-664-5554 com/msocccerw tra clean $3000.1992 Chevy ’99 Lumina, all Dodge ’89 Handicap Van Chevy Lumnia Eurosport power, 54K. Very clean. FORD - ’96 Mustang GT, Good cond., beige color 2dr, loaded, red 6cyl. See at 320 W. Broad St. auto, V8, PW, PS, nice w/ wood grain. 336-751- spoiler, wheels $1400. Only $5595. 704-878- car $6,000 obo. 704-9023442 6400 4458. 828-413-2818 Dodge ’93 Grand Caravan LE extended, 7 pass rear AC, 3.3V6, 93K, very clean, runs great. needs nothing. $2995 cash firm. Mint Motors 704-634-2000 2002 Dodge Conversion Van, high top, ac, tv, vcr, 38k, fully loaded, $22,000, 704-224-3807 Dodge- ’99 Caravan, 6 cyl, auto, AC, 7 passenger, white w/gray interior, good miles, very clean, $4350. 704-528-6626 dlr Dodge- ’89 Caravan, good cond. needs some work. Asking $350. Call 704-660-1991 Dodge- 00 1500 Conv Van, 62K, leather interior, loaded, white, TV/VCR/CD, $16000. 704-662-6812 Chevy-’99 commercial stand-up box van, 16’, new front brakes, asking $10,500. 704-664-4297 Chevy- ’92 works good, comfortable,low mileagetake over payments. SECU. Ken 704-6644297 Chevy ’00 Venture van, loaded, white, 98K highway miles, excellent condition. $3,900. Call 828437-9623 CHEV- ’87 Custom Box Van, Race car hauler, 47k, auto, air, V-8, $2450 obo (704) 784-4106 They can turn your old sofa into new money. Call now to place your ad: (704) 664-5554 Mooresville Tribune LAKE NORMAN MARKETPLACE 147 East Center Avenue, Mooresville How To Write an Effective Classified Ad HERE’S HOW IT WORKS... MAIL TO: STATESVILLE RECORD & LANDMARK P.O. Box 1071 Statesville, NC 28687 OR BRING TO: 222 E. Broad St. OR FAX TO: 704-872-3150 Chevrolet- ’00 Blazer LT, low mile 62K, 2tone burgundy/silver, pw, ps, CD, excell cond inside & out. $9900obo. 704-799-6542 Cadillac- ’00 Escalade, TV/VCR/gameboy/CD, on star, new tires, 89k, white w/beige lthr interior $17900. 704-309-5668 02 Buick Rendevzous CXL excellent cond Onstar, 3rd row seat sunroof, leather, loaded $18,900. Call before 9 pm 828-738-3204 945 Dodge - ’03 Ram 1500 SLT, V8, at, SWB, fiberglass lid, 59k mi. Nice. $12,000. 704-872-8916 ext 256. 336-352-4269 DODGE ’03 Ram 1500. Black, 5-spd. 6-cyl, 2 WD, 34200mi, CD, cruise, tilt, A/C, warranty, 12300 or take over payments. Call 336-4143923. SUV’s 945 40018134 780 MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE 40054287 10B Start your ad with the item for sale, service you are offering, or job title of the person you seek to hire. Be descriptive. The more information you provide to the reader, the better the responses will be to your ad. Always include the price of an item for sale. Avoid abbreviations. They make your ad harder to read and less effective. Use larger/bolder type, white space, borders, logos, decorative characters such as stars, to bring attention to your ad. Run your ad for an ample length of time. Remember as soon as you get results, you can cancel at anytime during regular business hours. Call 704-664-5554 Extension: 10-Kay Allen Extension: 12-Lisa Tarlton 147 East Center Avenue, P.O. Box 300, Mooresville, NC Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday 40069882_cm1
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