OF POISON. PERSONAL AND LITERARY. Victor Hugo leaves a fortune estiA Matter In Which the Public Should How People Instinctively Shrink from Drug mated at $?,50U,0C0. Have a Deal of Interest. Containing Morphia and Opium -Lawrence Barrett carries $120,000 Why does the government spend so A Reporter's Researches. insurance on his life; Edwin Booth, much money and risk so many lives in $85,000; and Dr. T. De Witt Talmagc, From the Washington Daily Post. trying to'cature the counterfeiter? $60,000. Ar. Y. Mail. The widow of the late President For many years physicians have "Suppose he does counterfeit govof the finest housed in been much exercised over the use of one Barrios has ernment bonds and notes, surely the New York. It is on Fifth avenue and drugs and medicines containing opigovernment is rich enough to stand cost $300,000. X. Y. Sun. any loss his act may confer 1" The King of Greece has conferred ates or poisons. Opium smoking by Dr. Mams II. Henry, of New York, the Chinese and the introduction of upon But the individual citizen could ill gold cross of the Royal Order of the the habit into America is an evil which the afford to be put to continual financial Savior for his distinguished services in loss if such desperadoes were let go the cause of science. has been sought to be remedied, and unwhipped of justice. Moses Dow, the founder of the the police of Philadelphia have recentIt is only the valuable thing that is living, though is still Magazine, on opium counterfeited ; it is only in the light of old and very feeble. Ho is a genial ly made successful raids purity and virtue that impurity and man, but greatly infatuated with Spirit- "joints" and arrested the proprietors. vice can be known. No one in these ualism. Hardly any of the mutter A more insidious form of poison than days would counterfeit a Confederate printed in tbe magazine is paid for, and this, however, and one which largely its profits are said to be $30,000 a year. efl'ects bond or note. not only the health but the lives Boston liudaet. People who commit fraud always do songEnglish of children, is that which comes in the J. E. Carpenter, the it by simulating the highest virtue ; by writer, from is announeed whose d?ath preying on the cleanest reputation, by London, was the author of "What Are form of popular medicines. Nine out ten of these, it is known, contain employing the fair name of virtue with the Wild Waves Saying?" widely popu- of or deadly metallic oxides. narcotics which to give respectability to vice. years ago, and not withlar twenty-fiv- e Let us explain : Seven or eight years out admirers now. It was founded oa The difficulty, however, has been to ago, so we have been informed many a chapter in "Dombey and Son," 'and find a substitute for such things which York brought the writer considerable money. would bo purely vegetable, and at the times in public prints,-a-Nesame time effect a prompt cure. That Chicago Inter Ocean. state gentleman was pronounced, as many millions have been pronounced Colonel William Kent, of Concord, such a discovery had been made was years of age, and a announced recently, and Dr. O. Grothe, before, incurably sick of an extreme N. II., ninety-tw- o Governor Edward chemist to the Brooklyn Board of of the late disorder. By suggestions which he brother of the opirron. says Health, and a graduate of the Univeris Kent, Maine, of led believed were providential, he was Patriot, that he sity of Kiel, Germany, publicly certiPeople and Concord the had which to the use of a preparation who fied that he had analyzed the remedy now is only the person been for several years employed by a heard Daniel Webster's firstliving adpublic select few physicians in New York city dress, made in Concord July 4, 1806, at and found it free from narcotics, opiand one or two other prominent places. the old North Church, then the only ates or injurious metallic oxides, and a harmless happy combination, which The result was that he was cured, he church in town. Hearing of and number whom doctors without Prof. Day, of Yale, in speaking of will prove highly effective. conceded ability said was incurable. the work of "the revisers of the Bible, that Dr. Samuel K. Cox, a graduate of Having secured possession of the now concluded, recently said: "You Yale, and expert analytical chemist of formula, absolutely and irrevocably, he can not understand the immense com- this city, had also analyzed the remdetermined to devote a portion of his fort it is to be relieved, after a long edy in question and given public tesaccumulated wealth to the manufac- twelve years of secrecy, from the neces- timony as to its purity and efficacy, a ture anil sale of this remedy for the sity of declining to answer the questions reporter of The PosTwas told by him regar J to that he had given such a certificate, benefit of the many who suffer as he of many of my best friends inpassages." particular of rendering the and that he believed the remedy suffered, in apparent hopelessness. In Post. Uartford marked a new stage in the treatment so tremendous less than three years, . of remedy throat and lung diseases. He knew for this demand became the SAFE HIDING. also that many public men in Washand so exalted the reputation, that he given the remedy ington had was obliged for his purposes to erect a Florid Matron Kept Her Frail a trial, and felt confident if they were laboratory and warehouse containing n jtt From Spoiling-called upon that they would cheerfour and a quarter acres of flooring As fully iniorse it. L. is a thrifty housekeeper. Mrs. One of them was chemapproved most filled with the and large one. her preserv- Hon. J. C. S. Blackburn, Senator-elec- t ical and manufacturing devices. Prob- her family is aone of immense propor- from Kentucky. Mr. Blackburn, on ably there never was a remedy that ing kettle is as tions, fruit seasons came being approached, said he had used the and has won such a meritorious name, such extraordinary,8ales and has ac- around, first strawberries and then the remedy with marked effect and complished so much good for the race. blackberries, her preparation? began found great benefit, especially during Unprincipled parties who flouruh to assume the r usual majestic propor-t:on- s. his occupancy of the Speaker's chair. New to the place, she did not It had removed all irritation from his only upon the ruins of others, saw in this reputation and sal an opportunity to depend upoa her own judgment, but throat and relieved a cough which had reap a golden harvest, (not legitimate onferre.1 w.th some of the older resi- troubled him much. Senator Gorman, of Maryland, said purpose ly, not honorably) for which dents, who assured her that they had he firmly believed in the remedy, that substiimitations and made they hav found only one practicable way of tutions of it in every section of the keep ng blackberries, and that was to which he had personally tested. Concountry, and many druggists, who can bury them in the ground. So, after the gressman J. II. Bagley, Jr., of New make a larger profit on these imitation jars were all prepared, Mrs. L. hired York; Wm. Mutchler, of Pennsylvagood, often compromise their honor an old darkv to dig in a cjrtain spot, nia; J. H. Brewer, of New Jersey' ; by forcing a sale upon the unposted where he diligently went to wo k. Per- Hart B. Ilolton, of Maryland, and J. Leedom, Esq., of Ohio, Sergeant-at-Arm- s .. customer. haps a quarter of an hour had passe 1. I. of the House of Representatives, Yes, undoubtedly- the manufacturers when the old black man appeared were emphatic in their endorsement of could well afford to ignore such in- holding up a junk bottle. ii "Tears stances of fraud so far as the effect de vcrth was full b dese yer." lie sa d the remedy. Messrs. Ed. A. Clark, upon themselves is concerned, for their 'l got'S to one place an' I digs an' up Architect of Public Buildings ; E. A. remedies hare a constant and unre- po;-- a bottle, and den I goes to anod m Carman, Acting Commissioner of the mitting sale, out they feel it to be their spot an' di;s an' up pops anoder bit Agricultural Department; Thomas S. duty to warn the public against such tie. Fefims if dis yer pi ice is possessed Miller, chief clerk in the Surgeon-General- 's ob bottles." Mrs. L. took them. They Department ; II. E. Weaver, imitations and substitutions.non-secre- t were heavy. For a moment visions o from Mississippi, and view passed her btfore enchantment of collecting division in the now chief buys them and the public who coun- Were they filled up w th jewels with ; J. II- - Gravcn-stinPostoffice General the in sale suffer tenances their alone go!d? For they were all carefully of division in the labor head the mind, body and estate therefor. sealed. The authors of some of these fraudTry again." she said, cheerfully. same department, and F. B. Conger, ulent practices have been prosecuted "When my husband comes in I will City Postmaster, and son of Senator Conger of Michigan, all pronounced it r and " sent te prison for their crimes, have them opened." "Yes. miss s," he said, and turned a valuable discovery, and had found but there is another class who claim to know the formula of this remedy reluctantly to tha takr. ILilf an hour its effects not only soothing, but lastand one Sunday school journal, we elapsed. Mrs. L. went out to look, and ing. The remedy in question is Bed before her bewJdred sight there Star Cough Cure. It is free from opiare told, has prostituted its high and lo! an mmense array of bottles bot- ates or poisons and is purely vegetable. holy calling so far as to advertise that was as old Tony; ottles standblack tles A,, physician who stands in close cents it will send all ing, lying down, bottle everywhere. for twenty-fiv- e new subscribers a transcript of the "Ise got out a heap." said Tony, look- relation to the Board of Health of the ATr 1.. ! rri. : , t ..1 - u t ing up, "an' dey isn't done District of Columbia said that there the way, must be a wonderful kaleido- coming jit. I 'spect Satan idoae struck are two things which seriously affect scopic affair, for there is hardly, a up a whisky field har. I clar to good- the health of the peojde. impure month passes when some paper is not ness Ps just a little skeared," and the water and impure drugs, and thereissued which pretends to give the only old man looked over his shouMer.came, fore the benefits of a discovery like Just then the man of the house Red Star Cough Cure cannot be overcorrect formula ! and The manufacturers inform us that wife. he was more startled than his estimated. Thousands of children die they would be perfectly willing that from the use of cough and you annually syrups "It might be containing opiates or soothing the public should know what the true know." even formula of Warner's safe cure is, (none poisons, and adults are exposed "Good heavens! and if h3 broke g from that have been published are anything one with his spado we should all gj to to the danger ol like it), but even if every man, woman glory," supplemented the hu band. such a cause. Ia view of these facts and child in the United States were as Presently a little odd figure was es- members of Boards of Health in varifamiliar with this formula as with pied convng along the sandy roaJ. It ous cities ; public men of Maryland, of from the Governor down, and leading their A B C's they could not compound was the gossip and the remedy. The method of manufac- the settlement, and she was com'ng practicing physicians throughout that directly to the L. mansion. She and State have over their own signatures ture is a secret. It is impossible to Tony appearance made together, their obtain the results that are wrought by the latter with despair wriltca on his testified that Red Star Cough Cure, which by th way costs but twenty-fiv- e this remedy if one does not have vhe eyeballs. perfect skill acquired only by years of cents a bottle, cannot fail to be a "Pse done digging," sa:d the old practice for compounding and assimi man, shakng his head mournfu1ly; boon to the suffering and afflicted. lating the simple elements which enter "Pse heerd o bottles buried up an' be- The reporter's investigations were witched, with souls on der ihsi le. I thorough ana unprejudiced, and the into its composition. The learned Dr. Foster, the honored don't like no such work, an' I'll tank testimony, obtained, judging from its character, cannot be gainsayed. head of Clifton Springs sanitarium, ye for de pay so fur." Goodnes3 preserve us! you've found once said that having roughly anacried ths her lyzed this remedy he recognized that those bottle!" eyes The Arcvntine Cove'; nme- t s more "Well, snapping. ght little br the elements that compose it were you are lucky! There's enough for a successful than that of any other country in securing im-:- n simple but he attributed the secret of regiment, already." from Mediterranean gration its power to the method of its com"Enough of what? What is it?" countries. It pays the of the passage pait pounding, and this method no one asked Mr3. L. s gns each fain ly imrai-rat:n- g a noney and knows except the manufacturers and "Why, p'ckle?, tomatoes ketchup-l- ots the confederation farming no one can acquire it. o' things! Them Thomas people amis, to to be pa'd for on instalments. Our advice to our readers, therefore, that lived here put 'em up. I rememstud- nts of photography German cannot be too strongly emphasized. ber Miss Thomas stand.n' jest there re making considerab'e progress d As you would prefer virtue to vice, where you're a standin' now. and laughfYct'on of a proc 'ss t'.e pei ing the rows You at o' long bottle. gold to dross, physical happiness to see, v hereby negatives may be obtained in if a back, come she'd they'd !1 th physical misery, shun the imitator and a kept boarders, and she put up enough eolo.s of the or'g'nal. Prof, "refuse thereby to lend your aid finan- to last for a year. But she went for a ogel. who has e n experimenting in repro-uei.ii- r cially to those who seek to get, by vacation, and took sick and died in her otiny ears, has greens. yel blues, ows. reds and trading upon another's reputation and old house on East; and 1 d d p'ty her wares sale goods for a and honesty, A gondola voyage across the Ail:"-;fhusband so! He married a Miss Meekwhich on their merits are fit only to ly a j'ear after, so he got over it from Veniie to Trieste has hoe'i and then he wnt natle involuntar ly b.v the Comte de be rejected &b the veriest refuse. You most meri does :u d , no; hew and h?ir of the late can neither afford to patronize such away, and he diad. so I don't see but a reis yourn. 'omte them de (Vbamlord. While the Comte all tomattises I people nor can you afford to take their h.; was member on the Venetian lagoons spoke of boat'ng 'em 'fore hi sysyourinjurious compounds into v th an art st frieud, h:s gondola was sa-away, went an' dug an' he'd you Safe for call Warner's When tem. dug. an' find out where h s uddenly blown out to sea. and alCure see that the wrapper is black tvith wi e had couldn't put 'em, and she couldn't though the little vessel was only in- -t white letters and that the wrapper and .tell. No more I wouldn't, for my d"d fo canal navi at on. she crossed label bear an imprint of an iron safe, come aft'-- to use -- an' I'm g! ad she lie srulf to Trieste. fradft mark, and that a. safe is didn't. Lord! but ai.Vt you lucky P . Prime Miirs- The Co :nt de V blown in the back of the bottle and that a Don't need to put up a p:ckle not ter to the King of Sardinia, aftccted perfect lc promissory note stamp is over one." nr sterv so much in all his transaction.-'The old darky "wa? soon appeased both publ c and private, that, happenthe cork. You can't be imposed on and et to work again. I th'nk he ex- ing to hurt both h:s legs very eymvly. if you observe these cautions. respect for the tracted s'xty or seventy, and then ho omp'oved a surgeon for eaeh We have the highest went to vork at the blackberries. I nib, wli le each was kept ignoand mentioned the suppose remedy wa have mustbj a good way to rant that that the 'was enip'oyed. other manufacturers, for regard the highest preserve them, for Mrs. L. says the treatment, therefore, adopted by and we cannot too highly commend catchup is delicious. So you see things The lh- mod cal men, and the nature of the their dignified and considerate tone in can be put away so safely that thej' drugs they administered, being qu te relation to those who would traduce can't be found when wanted. Jacksoninconsistent, the consequences provid their fair name and ruin the best in- ville (Fla.) Cor. San Francisco Chroni- fatal io the Minister. Paris Morning cle, terest of the public in such matters. 'of.rnal. From a return published by the Dr. Backus, or Kochester, N. Y.; Berlin munrcipal:ty of tbe population Tho Egg" bf ' Colninbus. ' Who was Columbus?" asked a teacher of stepped out one spring morning to sur- of the German capital, it appears that his class, in one of the public schools vey his lawn, wh:ch he had nea'ly ter- Berlin had on December 1st, 1880 (the of Austin. "Columbus wad a bird." raced and sodded the day before. A last census day of theGerman Empire), .anii'orl a little Pirl The whole class pair of swine had broken out of their 1.123.G04 inhabitants including the laughed vociferously, and the teacher pen during the night and rooted the mil tary. By the end of 1881 the looked like a battlehad risen to 1,156,382 souls; asked the little girl what she meant by fair surfaco until it nine-inch shells had 1882. to 1,192,073; 1833. to 1,226,392; such a silly answer. She explained, field where several shedding bitter tears, that she had read just exploded. The doctor was too old 1884, to 1,263.196. The garr son of a piece of to cry and too' pious to swear, and he Berlin was at the end of the latter year in the book of an older sister Columbus, and therefore observed with some emotion: 20,034. A fresh census of the German egg of the poetry about "Well ! you never can lay dirt to suit a Empire will be taken on December 1st Monlybxds lay eggs she asupposed bird. hog!" Albany Journal. of sort some was rviinmbus A PERSONAL SHY CARD. 1 Wa-ve- rli w " . : - s e, 1 awe-struc- k, nitro-glycerin- e. blood-poisoain- news-mong- er new-come- r, - an Span-sh-Americ- - 'o-ar- 1 c - r I , - 1 pop-ulat'- on FAST Luxury A TROTTERS. Every Wlilch Well-to-D- o Farmer litnll E ijoy. It is a remarkable fact that while farmers are encouraged in all sorts of extravagances by agricultural journals and societies in stocking their farms with thoroughbred cattle, sheep, swine and poultry. th?y are warned aga nst thoroughbred horses, notably fast trotters, with the same earnestness as against any moral pest lence. A horse that cm trot a mile under a 2:40 gait is considered the rightful property oti professional gamblers and an adjunct to all sorts of wickedness. Ihe arguments against fast trotters are many, but the one most often urged is to the efiect that a fast horse makes a fast man n the co rupt sense of the In a word, the op'nim term prevails that the farmer and h's sons, so soon as th y posses i a hore of proud ped gree, w th promise ot great speed, are imuied ately transferred from upright honest t Hers of the sod to jockeys and gamblers, with no interest outside of the turf. Ano: her plea aga nst liuo roa.lsters on the farm is that there s mure risk and less money to the tarmer in the rearing and training of trotters than n the production of general purpose and draft horses remarkable for size and' strength. That there is a demand, at remunerative prices, for heavy horses, no one disputes nor. is it doubted that horses of rercheronvor Clydesda'e origin are valuable animals on any farm, but just why the e facts sho dd debar line road sters a place alung wit other improvements in these progressive t'nie doe not seem qui o clear. From an eco nomical standptri it. alo le well-bretrotters are ent tied lo a place oti an. progressive man's farm if onlv for breeding purpose , ina much as fine and road horse; always find a carr'agc read- - sale. A hor-.to possess beauty, style, speed aud endurance must ire well-brehence the necessity of wcll-brsires and mares, to get and to bear the colt for roadsters. And then, while many people do not appear to know it, farmers are entitled to just a many luxuries as are mm in o hei' walks of life, when they can aflord to pay for the same. In a word, if a well-to-d- o farmer or Irs softs appreeia e a' d take pleasure in fine roadster, there is no law against the'r having one. Indeed, there is a striking incongruity in the fact of a man's investing thousands of dollars in cattle and sheep, with peli-grerecorded in herd books, and driving I ehind a rawboned horse taken wh'ch. from the plow or truck-wago- n under the hammer, would not bring . o cl d, A BANXEB AND HIS FBDEND3. Alvarado Howard, Esq., is treasurer of the savings bank of Stafford Springs, Conn. Like many oiner oanK men ne naa Buttered from overwork. There is a Bort of headache which is peculiarly the lot of the bank man. closely applying himself to business. With it comes a weary and broken down sensation of inability to rive full atten'ion to business. All this Mr Howard suffered, with lack of appetite, loss of flesh, and the other symptoms which with un pleasant piamness ten tne story of dvspepsia. said Mr. Howard "I was very to one or our correspondents who visited him at his cozy cottage at Stafford Springs. " My wife was greatly concerned about me. I had taken advice and medicine from the regular jjiijBiuioiin, uui wiiu very lime advantage. Some friends of my wife had taken Compound Oxygen, and had sent her circulars and pamphlets about it. She was much interested in what she read or it, and said she thought this was what 1 needed. While she was away from home for two or three weeks I sent for a 'Treatment.' You may judge of the effect of the Oxygen on me when I tell you that, although 1 had not told my wife I had got it, she noticed from the character of the letters I wrote her that I was in better spirits, and consequently in improved health." !Had the Compound Oxygen then so soon begun its good work on you i "Yes; it did its work much more quickly than I had any reason to expect. I was sur- although I anticipated good results, Frised. for not supposed they would be felt so quickly. Within a week I was so much better thut I was going to put the Oxygen away and take no more of it. But I concluded that it would be better to keep on with it for a while. I did for few weeks and was so completely restored to health that I had no further need for any remedy. That was three years ago. Since that I have never been without Compound Oxygen in the house, aud I do not intend to be without it at any time." "Then you have had to resort to it pretty much all the time?" "By no means ; only occasionally, when I have had a cold or something of that kind. But my wife has used it and derived great benefit trom it. and so have the children. "I believe my wife would have been dead hut for Compound Oxygen. Her lungs troubled her. The pain wus very severe, particularly in the left lung. The syptoms were those of incipient consumption. Both last winter and winter before she took Compound Oxygen through nearly all the cold weather and with the most remarkable effect. It strengthened her, removed the lung-paiand generally and particularly built up her health. "As for the children : my boy is eight years old. He has grown up quickly and is half a head taller than most other boys of his age. He has taken Compound Oxygen for colds and as a tonic and strengthener. Nothing has ever served hint better. We have the utmost confidence in it for him. Baby is six months old, and has learned to inhale like a grown person. She had a cold with catarrhal syptoms, and was entirely relivved and cured with Compound Oxygen. I may add that I myself am naturally disposed to catarrh. Since I have used this Oxygen, which is now about three years, the catarrhal troubles have not annoyed me"Three or four weeks ago I was suddenly taken down with quinsy. Compound Oxygen had done to much for me in other respects that I tried it for this. 1 took it pretty hot, putting the tube well down my throat so as to reach the sore and swollen parts. Almost at once it brought down the swelling and took away the low-spirited- ." n - pain. Do you wonder that I so thoroughly believe in suc-- o remedy "I think you said you had friends who had used it, Mr.Howard ? Has their success wih it been as great as yours f " Yes ; so completely satisfactory that I recommend it to every mend that I have. "A lady who was with us. but who now lives In Boston, was troubled with severe colds. My wife urged her to use Compound Oxygen. "It is all folly.' she replied. 'When one of my hard colds takes hold of me, I must "0. it run and take its course, nut tne oxygen There appears no reason why, with let broke up in three days as severe a cold as she ever been taken with. other luxuries farmers should not had"My siHter who lives in Xew Haven, a mardrive horses possess ng gamen ss and ried lady, years ugo strained some twenty-fou- r speed, without bring ng themselves her voice and injured her lungs and throat, the in chronic bronchitis. For or their famil es within that c rede injury resulting years sue three has used compound of dissipation supposed to be bounded about Oxygen, which has kept her alive, for she was Indeed, the very near dying. That she by the racing track. should be entirely of such a and protracted chances are ten to one that the in- cured would be too much to expect. But ihc troduction of improved horseflesh on malady has been g eatly relieved and her life made farms and in country villages would incomparably more comfortable than it otherhave been. keep manv boys at home who, without wise could "A young lady, a friend of ours, living a few some of the luxur es of Jife, are tempt- miles town, has for a long time been of out ed elsewhere to find their enjoyment. troubled with lung disease. The doctor said left lung was badly diseased, and it was The possession of line horses un- her only a question of time when she must die. pure enjoyment to the known turf for Her digestive and other functions were much ami s'mple. s of more rommoi occur- deranged. Both she and her sister were prejuagainst the use of Compound Oxygen, rence than the average observer may dicedthe only way I could induce them to conswprose. Such horses are t be met, and sent to the use ot it was to send for a Treattoo, in small aud mi mportant places ment' and acsurc them that if it did no good in three or four weeks I would stand the expense where they lend a wonderful influence of week after she began to use it she said ng up thatit. sheA never tf the general awak'ng and had tried an thing which had V. Y. World. done her bo much good. of sleepy comnmn-tiesShe has now improved wonderfully, though of course not yet entirely cured, but oh, how different from what she was WHY DOES THE BOY WHISTLE? "Mr. M. O. Kinney, our Town Clerk of Stafford, had two or three attacks of asthma. physician, who had treated him. A Q ii ent Ion Worth Tiionghtful and Careful- - The pof counw condemned Compound Oxygen, and Ctigilrtt ion. said it was no better than so much warm This problem becomes cne of practi- water. Mr. Kinney took the Oxygen, however, was greatly relieved." cal iutercst .at once, when we remem- and " Well, Mr. Howard, you really seem to have a sort of an apostle of Compound ber that if we can but find the cause of become Oxygen to all your friends and neighbors. Is an evil we can generally find a cure for it not so" "Call it what you choose. I believe in this it. It is cerla nly worth t! oughtful thing w ith all my heart. Whatever it is made of I don t pretend to know. I know onJy what consideration. for me and my friends, it has accomplished If the above quest'on was propound- and therefore I freely advise those who are to use it. And I have seen its benefit in ed lo a person who had never heard a sick relieving those who were too far gone for enif we bov whistle, can imagine such a tire recovery. It cannot be expected to work miracles : but even to relieve those who, must being, he would douLt'es answer that die for is a great achievement for it. boys whistle Lecause they love mus e instance, is the case of a young lady who was just as birds sing. Such an idea, of taken with a severe throat ditUculty, which on her lungs and ran into consumption. cour. e, occurs to any one who settled I had some Compound Oxygen in the hotise A philosoever a boy whist'e. heard has and I placed it at her disposal. This was too pher would be more apt to think that late to save her, for she was by this time very gone. She lived for a few weeks, but durthe boy whistles because he dislikes far these weeks she experienced great relief. mu-iic- ; that he has an innate antipathy ing The family wished that they had known of the to all harmonioui sounds, such as it is Compound Oxygen, and had used it, long well known some other animals have, before. "Another a gentleman and his wife who and that instead of merely trying to es- are now in California. The lady had a cankered sore tliroat and a bad cough. The doctors said cape, like them, from the hated sounds, she drifting into consumption. Her husbhe delights in oflcring a continual and and was disliked to displease the medical man by public insult to harmony and all its trying a remedy contrary to his adviee, but I him which he would rather do, please lovers. This theory is also sustained asked the doctor and bury his wife, or save his wife by his admiration and and confound the doctor. He finally sent for a s and corfriendship for organ-grind- e Treatment.' His wife tried it end her sore soon got w ell. She began to gain in her net i 'layers. But on more carefid con throat strength and health. They had made general sidernt:on it is evid nt that this idea is their arrangements to go to California and too al..struse for the mini of the boy, soon after went there. I have since heard them. The lady is now strong and and he certainly rets long enough from hearty, with her health entirely restored. from the whistling to think of so much. "A young lady who is a neighbor of ours was for years in such a low state of health that she It has been suggested that perhaps he could not half enjoy her life. She had been whistles because he thinks it is a manly under medical of a attei dance in a chronic-sor- t vice, some:h'ng like smoking an.l way, which gave her little or no benefit. We gave tjompouna ui'gcn. her circulars about drinking, only che'apc r. But the fact She received them courteously, but Baid she is, men seldom whistle, except in mod- was already under medical treatment and did eration, and the boy is so much farther not want to make a change- One day she to our honse with such evidently im than the man in th's repect that it is came proved that we at once asked her what as absurd to suppose that the younger she hadhealth been doing. 'Yon needn't Bay anything taking Com imitate th elder as it would be to as- about it.' said she, 'but I've been 1 could ten you a long story Oxygen.' pound sert that Irving Hall copies political about her improvement, but suffice it to say methods from Tammanv. to see how she has that wo are all surprised been able to take but little The plausible theory is that Hie boy gained. She had was going a quarter of a mile If she whistles to attract attent:on to him elf. exercise. she would order the carriage. She now takes although slender It is true that the boy 5s ordinarily anx- exercise like other people, andappearance, is in by no means robust in ious to bo prominent, whether for the and enjoyment 110 she gdod health that such of the sake of a new im tation gold scarf-pilonger has occasion for the services of the or merely a cigarette, and we nvght doctor." Mr. Howard added that he could give inro t ?at:sfied with t .is explanation if it stances other friends for whom Compound was only one boy that whistled, or even Oxygen ofhad performed similar benefits. It of those he has a few boys, hut when all toys whistle, will be seen from the recordCompound Oxygen that the benefits of n shrill and def'ant given their cover a very wide range of suffering, and are caricature of some popular tune applicable under the most diverse circumneed of warning to drive stances. Whatever the difficulty nobodypound only by means orCom finding despair relief of all within range from the vicin'ly. Oxygen. To learn more about it send for the The last and best suggestion is that pamphlet treatise on the subject which will be mailed to all who address IJrs. the boy whistles simply because he loves freely Starkky & 1'alkn, 1529 Arch streut, I'hiladel-phia- . is" Men look slovenly with r heels; Lyen's Heel Stiffeners keep boots strah7h'. run-ove- c. a nair. The telephone ia a business conducted on sound principles. A VALUABLE MEDICAL TREATISE. The edition for 1886 of the sterling Medical Annual, known as Hostetter's Almanac, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of rugglsts and general country dealers in all parts of the United States, Mexico, and indeed in every civilized portion of the Western Hemisphere This Almanac has been issued regularly at the commencement of every year for over of a century. It combines, with the soundest practical advice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amusing light reading, and the calendar, astronomical calculations, chronological items, &c, are prepared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostetter's Almanac for 1886 will probably be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in any country. The proprietors, Messrs. Hoselter & Co., Pittsburgh, I'a., on receipt of a t t tain p. will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neighborhood. one-fift- head of cattle 810,000 CATi RRH A New Treatment has been discovered whereby a permanent cure is e fleeted in from one to three applications. Particulars and treatise free on receipt of stamp. A. H. Dixon & Son, 30.) King St, west, 'lot on to. Canada. When Baby was sicV, wo gave her CASTOE1A, When sh was a Child, she cried for C ASTORIA, VHien she beeamo Miss, she clang to OASTCTEIA, VThsn oae had Childrea, aho gave them CASXOHU PETALUMA , INCUBATOR. " j iffRr-fV- i Kb 'I'lirojit I'oi- - M'U H li.rt tc.rIT i Itlllllll. Il.uatrat .i-,- Troches." m- - CONSUMPTION. usalsfSS'SMSB," i in la I is sfflcoer, with a V tOaYnT TRADE VibI MARK. IttDPrur. tit w 1 . .... l.l Alii. vl7"r k i i ir i a - : A ' m raariHal bl.. . (Sfe!Hi( 329 MARKET SAM FRANCISCO, ST., XASCFACTURERa OF Abaolutelil Free from Opiates, Emetics and Poison. WIRE PROMPT. We offer for salo at lowet flnrs 11' bSrDBU Wir6i2a.4pointrejfiaarandthlckct SAFE. SURE. IWtl TtCAl.KftA. llnnnnL-- Am, TUB CUAKLKS A. VOUELER CO BALTIMORE, MP. EVERYTHING IN WIRE Being roffularly T JACOBS II; (.! Dallllg II II 6 we yruaranta '"r customer at'iiii.st damage I " i'aciflc" brand of very ort steel, at lowest market rates. 1 dl size J A1l noeshea & wldtha, gralvanUod Nninn nBUlnR trniade.forpoultryyarda. IVis-- II of all kind for fruit dryer, llC fMnli ulOin era, harvcUw, riddles, ato. 'or tro'nliK hops, made from steel in Unn W!ro nUP iff llC (long lenytha specially for the purpose, ( GREAT m AV 11 nIIAin Vineyard Hark xl ho, HeuUtbe, Toetkacka, out vineyards. dl in distances and mada steel wire. for laying liness Ornamental and Useful Wire and IronWork. 1KA1JCK& AND AT DKCUCI3TS ink-o-. 1 m Cures Rheumatism, Neuralgia, UlS I 1 m m THE CHARLES A. TOUEUER lOnBALTtJSOB,MD. Do not rub your clothes when you can wash without OTIZ TT meet EAstrrn competition hy tub or wash board. Satisfacmauiifcturr. Ami ttell you better gooiia tion guaranteed or money borne as a mwftr iilcn. refunded. Send 15 cents, silver, to M. r . RADICALLY CUia:U by lit & CO., Somerset. Mich. Agents wanted. I I II la I" Pitroe's Uitat Disoovery.AT I UIIU and of patients cured thcir YTbrkJ does tha Experfmeut! It No own homes. Daa. PlXBCH k Sox. 704 Sac to Hi., San Fraudaoo, CaL THAT LADIES! TUK-RKL.- mm Ii R. U. AWARE nimTlinr lillH Thwus-UU- Ping LcrlHard's Climax cxprcMly for Lie cure o. derangements of the Kciicrntiva organs. The contiguous stream Of kLUCTKIClT Y nrrmr,.intf ihl p irU oiosj icli'il l.min I them lo healthy action. not Confound liuswiih I.lectnc IVht advertised to cure nil ills frnm head to toe. It u fur lbs ON Ii kpectSc purpose. For circular giving fun ln Clicevcr formation, sidrc fclcctnc Belt to., jo? 'vJ:.U!e fearing a red tin tag .... ;. that Lorfllard'! ... . .h.t f nH. ...wv 1l11nrl ' m LxTrl wy NKT7 toe oi CHiiwK ami cokpw 1 iiimujl BUSINESS rtllll J XX XlllJ I l?ZSlfVM JL X J. Life Scholarship, Oollojre, POST HTM 3 San Francisco, - - Cal. $75. Fend for Circulars. E. V. IT.Physician JONES, and Surgeon, FOUND AT HIS OFFICE DAT CAN BEnight. Midwifery and diseases ol women a specialty. Office 43J First St. (up stairs). - OREGON PORTLAND. THE SPECIALIST, No. 11 Kearny St., Ban Francisco, Cci Special and Privatk Triats all Chroxic, wrrn Wosderkix 8vcce.--. SEVENTY-FIV- E CERTS DID. Vih . THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY a cortnin c:rc XrrvotiH ItrMlHy, 13 I '.jriZ- - i " Y: j f-'- -' I ft r . and a!l the evii or. ycuuiiui v ; c n UlecM i end exoavfe't, a?id drtnJihiff tiuoxivu 'u .j Plinth'. . A. B. STEINBACH, lr. who is a rejruL-i-r pliys' The Clothier and Hatter, Cor. First aid Morrison. PORTLAND, OR., Keeps tbe largest and finest stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishing Goods on baiKl. samples, iid ruies sent free of charge to any point, for A. B. HTEIKliAOlL on application. ft n Plm'a Tt(mpd7 fbr Catarrh Is the Best. Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. CoM In the Head, ceuta. Ac. UAlso poodHayfbr Fevw, ffraduata cf tlio I'l fcity of t'cniiFylNtaiiti agree to forfeit if (v" a caw of till 'i l ' . Vital Itrstorutlvt (: V.I nuvlol BilvinA find treatment) will not ' : fl.SO a bottle, or four times the nuaiitity 8 Vit any address on receipt of pt ir, or C. O. !. in pi Ira' name it doslrvd, by Ir. JIintlcf J I Jlenrn; ij '. J CaL Send for list of questions mid pJ.-i- -- .j' ' j. -- SAMPLE JIOTTLH TREi: will bo sent to any one applying by letter, rti;:" symptoms, sex and age. Strict Btrecy In rvl" to all business trrnrt.iona. I 60 OQQE "0 Then 1 saj Core 1 do not mean merely to top itiem lo I R time and fben haTe them return again. Iini.B of KITS, EPILEPbl cal cure, f bare made the disease study. I warrant m. or FALLING SICKNESS a esios- - Because others bay. remedy to euro tbe worst rail Is no reason fir Dot now receding a cure. Be.nfKf. once for a treatise, and a Free Bottle of myeast jol remedy. G.re Kxpress and Post OtMce. I aud I will cure yrm. for Fearl St. WTor iddreaa Br. H. Q. BOOT. REJUVENATOa Thl Crm 1 rf jihm Ibk Rrntrily unA Nrr o life-Jon- urn lilhHt nll.NerroHsand 1'tiyKk-n- i lability, Irf.ss ol Vitality. Ji American Exchange Hotel, Opposite , SAN SO ME STREET, Fargo & Co..s Express Office, SAN FRANCISCO. AVells, leelitifc, Vila Oorsensitivf Wsaknass. ImjxrtV'ney, Oouditions, Prostatitis. ll)aldor loint.lHUiti! f Iisea-aothe Hood, Km and all the arili-ft'- t c't youthful follies aud of ceases ; permauentlF pra TenlLngall iuTi.luntarj trasJsetiinc drains uton th system, liowo r Uitvy cxwtir Lees MaidiooU TTsMsjsjsjsjsjasaMiiisMl ihjtj mm mstnrins the KnwfTiT erwuiillcated cam may be, and where all other remeoios bae failed. A I'tnnanrat Cows AbsoIufHy dnaranlora. moe i.ou per tsjMJer, r w lsurs for 910. Sms tnoii receipt of price, P0 , to a"y a 'drk. stru-fney arid mm and FAMILIES MERCHANTS, FARMERS will lind it to be the niosl and convenient as well as the most comfortable expectable Hotel in the city to stop at. TemBoard perance principles. Table and room. $1. 81.25 and 1.50 per day. Nice night. per Ire Coach single rooms. 50 cents to and from the Hotel. CUAS. & WM. MONTGOMERY, Propr's. first-clas- ly wirate.Dy ie aararar PER m lter ok DR. VANMONCISCAR. .usultaiious, Offoe. c S Lr II.LIs. I.Francisco al. Slrts tetinicinti to abow lK. rni awiix.1 ouuliduiitlal, h svt rtRMAXtmr locatid t MONTH 132 and 134 Third Nt Portland. Or. Is a ill make a specialty of graduate I rr Diediuiue, baa Wn loDKcr in tiie rin.uial treatment of all nciil, Sexual and Obronio sell- To the man who Orders for the Compound Oxygen Homo ing our new ItlbleM, Album. Webter' Treatment will be lillcd by H. A. Matthews. Dictionary, Allan. Maps, ChartM, g 615 1'owell St., between Bush and line streets, other llrltannlra. and San Francisco. and books, works. Send for our list of Twenty-sitramps were arrested and terms for the holidays. , Aure cure for OOT7G1IS, COLDS, snd INCIPIENT OONbUMPTION. TRICE, 60 OKNTS. A farmer in Missouri writes that he has R. CATES &CO., Proprietors, J got burs had a toufth time. The potato whooping 417 Bonsome St.. San Francisco, Cat had children fields; his into his cough, and hi wife was cripple with Jk BA- KAMCH fifty cents STEI.SVAY. Uabler. rheumatism. Thn he investedtwenty-fPun-- ; Koenish BuiW l ve band Instrument. LAnrat it Lock at Shce In a bottleef St. Jacobs Oil,and Band rarnlied at Eastern trie cents in one of Red Star dough Cure, and Musie andIS.Hooka. UKAV. 6 Post Street, Saa 1'rancii do. health and happiness returned to his home. WHAT thrcs"-I- I nnnLA, Trn n n ' and all otlicr kinds ol trr.pa for U U U l! C I 1 CI U O t moles, squirrel, rats and .dPlVI n w d fast-sellin- 'diacases than any other Phy sician la ttio WKt, as city x ' . xsj w a vi w -- California Wire Works, bo-com- es HALL'SIPULMONARY BALSAM Oliver. use a.-ign- a long way to hear a brass band or even a cabinet organ. But it is also evident that noise is not his solj object in whistling, for there are tco many olhn: means of making even more noi e with- locked at Merced, Cal., in one day. in his reach for which he does not care. Try Gebmea for breakfast. The kazoo is inexpensive and has great possibjlit'es. Boues make a sharp and disagreeable sound, and should be very popular with him. A tin horn is simple and has a very harsh and resonant tone. And yet noue ot them has enjoyed any permanent popularity with him. No, there is something beside the love of noise that impAs the boy to whistle. Something which the loy does not know himself. Something which wo shall never find out. Something which makes the frogs croak and the ass bray and the flies buzz. Life, 1 StJold made. 1 i f rIVonlIeM nnl "Brown's Bronchial Addrtw retalamalecabatorXo, They possens real merit. Coughs well-know- noise. It undoubtedly a fact that the loy is very fond of noise, and he w ill go USVfOR u-.- - n "''V . Piso's Ilemedy.for Catarrh is agreeable to It is not a liquid or a snulF. ZOc. ni.-ve- is ",,! Hatches nil kin" The RTM?TF.ST. Cheapest. old-scho- ol r A nan-o- l mm , a rf ttlirfT A Ills powaer never strenjfth and whlesomco. Mer econon.l id J J the ordinary kkida, ai d cannot be sold in powders. Sold or phosphate alum . t aw Wall AOTAIt fUWVU vvt init " arfrAtC. -ri ' 1 1 well-know- n Absolutely Pure. mra d Ib-re- flt h Ireland exported last year. es . NJ ROYAL MSKft two-cen- -- deep-seate- J r L: BANCROFT '& CO., A. papers show, and old knov. Wl (MM) rc- ward fur any he V'e which falls to enre, resi-dvn- ts San Francisco, Cal. -. .- WE WANT .'. Office Pot Your Xame andmay to we from that you Haniple, time Circutime send of our lars, or Price-Cist- s Staple & Fancy Dry -- Goods, ad-drc- Ht AND Gents' Go. KIN, 186 First Street, PORTLAND. - - - OKEGOX. N. P. N. U. No. 105. -- S. F. N. U. No. 182. r ii', follovin hln reotiims. DR. VAN Is the most successful Luiik did Tlin al tor ia America. He will tell you your Kiuble tMlli;ut arUug ynu a single question, aud y Warrant a I'rrmanrntCitrc following diseases: Nervnus I)bily, SK'rniat Seminal Losses, Sexual Liecay, iiiu M.Pi.it-t- , Weak Kyes, Stunted LeelopDM.'nt, Lisctdif Kn gy. Blood, Pknples, Iruperiimut to S'.ui ,u- - ; Syihliis, fnipUniv, Uuir also. Blood and Hkla Kalllng, Hone Pains, Swelllnfs, tkir f (frost, th tirs. W enk Effect of Mercury, Kidney and Back, Burninc Urine, Inooutliienoe, lifiturho-a- , U ert, Btrioture, reoeiTes searching treatineii prou.pt relief I and cured for life. NERVOUS DISEASES (with or thout dreams) Diseased Discharges cured promptly WUiout hindrance I ' to buKlneae, BOTH HEXES consult coDudentlalll If In trmibii. caM or write. lulars are da' meroiui. Diseases of the Kye and Kar; Ulcnion or Catarrh. knternat or external; Deafnws or Pariv sis. Sinking- or Itoanng inoisss, inicaenea uruin, et lrniiiiic nty cured, gjgtmoe hours, 8 A. M. to 8 P. vail or ad- dress 133 and 134 Third St., Portland, tigou, In the Iiaea, Bladdt-U'nmMe- FraisMm OtoDS & uuii.-- is i.taxiu 1 '
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