Signal Transduction: Autoregulation of the mTOR Complex 2 integrity is controlled by the ATP-dependent mechanism Chien-Hung Chen, Vladimir Kiyan, Assylbek A. Zhylkibayev, Dubek Kazyken, Olga Bulgakova, Kent E. Page, Rakhmet I. Bersimbaev, Eric Spooner and Dos D. Sarbassov J. Biol. Chem. published online August 8, 2013 Find articles, minireviews, Reflections and Classics on similar topics on the JBC Affinity Sites. Alerts: • When this article is cited • When a correction for this article is posted Click here to choose from all of JBC's e-mail alerts This article cites 0 references, 0 of which can be accessed free at Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 Access the most updated version of this article at doi: 10.1074/jbc.M113.498055 JBC Papers in Press. Published on August 8, 2013 as Manuscript M113.498055 The latest version is at Title: Autoregulation of the mTOR Complex 2 integrity is controlled by the ATP-dependent mechanism* Chien-Hung Chen§¶, Vladimir Kiyan§Ψ, Assylbek A. Zhylkibayev§Ψ, Dubek Kazyken§Ψ, Olga Bulgakova§Ψ, Kent E. Page§Ω, Rakhmet I. BersimbaevΨ, Eric Spoonerξ, and Dos D. Sarbassov§¶1 From the Department of §Molecular and Cellular Oncology, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX 77030, ¶The University of Texas Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at Houston, TX 77030, ψDepartment of Natural Sciences, The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan, ΩDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, Texas 77004, ξWhitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA 02142 Results: mTOR maintains integrity of mTORC2 by phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 that is regulated by the ATP-dependent mechanism. Conclusion: A basal kinase activity of mTORC2 that maintains the constitutive phosphorylation of SIN1 requires a physiological millimolar level of ATP. Significance: A homeostatic ATP sensor mTOR controls integrity of mTORC2. * This work was supported by the M. D. Anderson Trust Fellow Fund and NIH grant CA 133522 (to D.D.S.). 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed: Dept. of Molecular and Cellular Oncology, University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, 1515 Holcombe Blvd., Houston, TX 77030. Tel.: 713-792-3357; Fax: 713-794-3270; E-mail: 2 The abbreviations used are: mTOR, mechanistic Target Of Rapamycin; mTORC1, mTOR Complex 1; mTORC2, mTOR Complex 2; ATP, Adenosine-5'-triphosphate; SIN1, SAPK(stress activated protein kinase)-interacting protein 1; rictor, rapamycin-insensitive companion of mTOR; raptor, regulatory associated protein of mTOR; CHAPS, 3-[(3cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate; 2DG, 2-Deoxy-D-glucose. 1 Copyright 2013 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc. Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 Background: The mTORC2 integrity is dependent on SIN1 phosphorylation. Nutrients are essential for living organisms acute ATP depletion prevented the mTOR- because they fuel biological processes in dependent phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser- cells. Cells monitor a nutrient abundance 260 and Akt on Thr-450. In a low glucose and coordinate a ratio of anabolic and medium, the cells carrying a substitution of catabolic reactions. mTOR (mechanistic SIN1 with its phospho-mimetic mutant Target Of Rapamycin) signaling is the show an increased rate of cell proliferation essential that related to a higher abundance of mTORC2 controls anabolic processes in cells. The and phosphorylation of Akt. Thus, the central component of this pathway is homeostatic ATP sensor mTOR controls mTOR, it is a highly conserved and integrity of mTORC2 and phosphorylation essential protein kinase that exists in two of Akt on the turn motif site. nutrient-sensing pathway distinct functional complexes. The nutrientcontrols cell growth and cell size by Nutrients are essential entities for living cells. phosphorylation of the regulators of protein By fueling cellular metabolism nutrients provide synthesis S6K1 and 4EBP1, whereas its energy for cellular processes and building second complex mTORC2 regulates cell blocks for anabolic reactions. To cope with a proliferation natural inconsistency in supply of nutrients, by functioning as the regulatory kinase of Akt and other members eukaryotic of AGC kinase family. The regulation of metabolic state according to abundance of mTORC2 remains poorly characterized. Our nutrients available to cell. This trait is critical for study shows that the cellular ATP balance cell survival in starvation or malnutrition. Each controls a basal kinase activity of mTORC2 cell continuously monitors levels of the nutrient that maintains integrity of mTORC2 and substances, such as amino acids, glucose, and phosphorylation of Akt on the turn motif lipids. The nutrient-sensing pathways carry the Thr-450 site. We found that mTOR stabilizes critical decision-making mechanisms in cells by SIN1 by phosphorylation its hydrophobic controlling the rate of anabolic and catabolic and conserved Ser-260 site to maintain processes (1). integrity of mTORC2. The optimal kinase cell adapted to regulate the The nutrient-sensing mechanistic target the of rapamycin (mTOR)2 pathway has been concentration of ATP above 1.2 mM and defined as a major driver of anabolic processes makes this kinase complex highly sensitive that controls cell growth and proliferation (2,3). to ATP depletion. We found that not amino mTOR signaling monitors abundance of amino acid but glucose deprivation of cells or acids and it also sensitive to depletion of activity of mTORC2 requires 2 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 sensitive mTOR Complex 1 (mTORC1) glucose (4-7). The highly conserved protein site of Akt required for its proper folding (11-13). kinase central It has been also shown that the mTOR kinase component of this essential nutrient-sensing activity by phosphorylation of SIN1 is required pathway (2,8). mTOR exists in two distinct to functional complexes. The mTOR Complex 1 Regulation of a basal kinase activity of (mTORC1) is the nutrient-sensitive complex mTORC2 has not been addressed previously. known as mTOR is the maintain integrity of mTORC2 (14). defined by the mTOR interacting protein raptor. This complex controls cell growth and cell size EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES by regulating protein synthesis and autophagy. Activation of catabolic reactions in cells Materials and Cell Culture - Reagents were obtained that is mediated by phosphorylation of raptor DMEM/F12 from Life Technologies; the Fetal on Ser-792 by AMP-activated protein kinase Bovine Serum (FBS) from Hyclone, Fugene 6 (AMPK) (9). The second complex of mTOR, transfection reagent and the complete protease known as mTORC2, is assembled by binding inhibitor cocktail from Roche; protein G- of its indispensable components rictor and Sepharose from Pierce; insulin-like growth SIN1 to mTOR. This complex functions as the factor I from Peprotech; the antibodies to regulatory factor Xpress, Myc, and V5 tag from Invitrogen; the signaling and it regulates cell proliferation (2,8). antibodies to phospho-S260 Sin1, mTOR, How metabolic stress induced by nutrient Rictor, Akt, phospho-S473 and phospho-T450 deprivation suppresses the mTORC2 signaling Akt from Cell Signaling Technologies; the is not known. antibodies to Rictor, HRP-labeled anti-rabbit, The component of following sources: anti-mouse, anti-goat secondary antibodies, mTORC2 as the regulatory kinase of the and tubulin from Santa Cruz Biotechnology; the distinct Raptor members Akt, of studies the identified including functional growth from AGC PKCα, and kinase family SGK (10). shRNAs antibody targeting from Bethyl. human Lentivaral mTOR were Phosphorylation of Akt by mTORC2 on the generated and used as described previously. hydrophobic motif Ser-473 site is dependent on HeLa, and MDA-MB-435, and HEK 293T cells the growth factor/phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase were obtained from American Type Culture (PI3K) signaling. mTORC2 also carries a co- Collection and cultured in Dulbecco's modified translational phosphorylation of the turn motif Eagle's medium (DMEM)/F12 with 10 % FBS, Thr-450 site of Akt independent of PI3K. A penicillin/streptomycin in 5 % CO2 at 37 °C. basal kinase activity of mTORC2 maintains a The wild type and SIN1 null MEF cell lines constitutive phosphorylation of the turn motif were kindly provided by Bing Su (Yale 3 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 induced by metabolic stress inhibits mTORC1 University). All of the above cell lines were the rictor-mTOR kinase buffer (25 mM Hepes cultured at a density that allowed cell division pH 7.5, 100 mM potassium acetate, 2 mM throughout the course of the experiment. MgCl2). Cell lysis and immunoblotting - All cells were immunoprecipitates were incubated in a final rinsed with ice-cold PBS before lysis in buffer volume of 15 µl at 37 °C for 20 min in the rictor- containing (40 mM HEPES [pH 7.5], 120 mM mTOR kinase buffer containing 500 ng inactive NaCl, Sodium Akt1-GST and 1 mM ATP. The reaction was sodium stopped by the addition of 200 µl ice-cold glycerophosphate, 50 mM NaF, 1% Triton X- Dilution Buffer (20 mM MOPS, pH 7.0, 1 mM 100 and protease inhibitor cocktail (Roche). EDTA, 0.3% CHAPS, 5% glycerol, 0.1% 2- The scraped lysates were incubated for 20 min mercaptoethanol, 1 mg/ml BSA). After a quick at 4 °C to complete lysis. The soluble fractions spin, the supernatant was removed from the of cell lysates were isolated by centrifugation at protein G-agarose, and a 15µl portion was 15,000 ×g at 4 °C for 10 min. Samples of the analyzed by immunoblotting for phospho- cellular lysates containing the equal amount of Ser473 Akt and total Akt level detection. The proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and raptor IPs were analyzed for the mTORC1 transferred to PVDF membrane. Proteins were activity as previously described (15). The then and pelleted protein G-agarose beads were also detected with enhanced chemoluminescence analyzed by immunoblotting to determine the (ECL) levels of rictor, mTOR, and raptor in the 1 mM EDTA, pyrophosphate, from by the mM mM immunoblotting Immobilion Western kit kinase reaction, (Millipore). immunoprecipitates. Immunoprecipitations and kinase assays - For Mass spectrometry - Sin1-V5 protein was immunoprecipitation resolved on the SDS-PAGE by combining ten experiments the lysis buffer contained 0.3% CHAPS instead of 1% V5 Triton in order to preserve the integrity of the visualized by Coommassie Blue staining. mTOR complexes. One microgram of rictor or Excised Sin1 gel bands were washed three raptor antibody was added to the cleared times cellular lysates (1 mg protein content in 700 µl) ammonium bicarbonate. In-gel digestions were and incubated with rotation at 4 °C for 90 min. conducted according to standard protocols. Followed by 1 h incubation with 40 µl of the Reduction was performed with 10 mM DTT in 50% G-Agarose, 100 mM ammonium bicarbonate at 60 °C for immunoprecipitates captured by protein G- 30 minutes and alkylation was performed with agarose were washed four times with the 20 mM iodoacetamide in 100 mM ammonium CHAPS-containing lysis buffer and once with bicarbonate at room temperature for 30 slurry of protein immunoprecipitation with 50 % samples acetonitrile/200 and mM 4 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 visualized 10 10 For minutes in the dark. Digestion with trypsin (1 Stratagene’s website. The MSCV plasmid µg enzyme added, Promega, Madison, WI) containing was performed at 30 °C overnight. Peptides mutagenized were extracted from the gel bands 3 times with mutagenesis kit (Stratagene). For a stable 60 % acetonitrile in 0.1 % trifluoroacetic acid at expression of SIN1 and its phospho-mutants, 30 °C for 30 minutes. The volume was reduced the pMSCV-puro retroviral vector containing to 10 µl by vacuum centrifugation. Nano- the puromycin-resistance gene has been used LC/MS/MS was performed on a LTQ Nano- in this study. Plasmids were propagated in and LC/MS/MS was performed on a LTQ linear ion purified from XL-10 Gold bacterial cells. The trap mass spectrometer (Thermo Electron day prior to transfection, Human Embryonic Corporation) coupled with an 1100 series Kidney (HEK) 293T cells (1.2 × 106) were split nano-LC system (Agilent Technologies). The to 6-cm dishes in 3 ml DMEM supplemented nano-LC column was a 75 um ID x 360 um OD with 10% fetal bovine serum. For production of PicoFrit column (New Objective, Woburn, MA) retroviruses, HEK 293T cells were transfected packed with 3 um Magic C18 resin (Michrom by the calcium-phosphate method using 3 µg Bioresources, Auburn, CA). Mass spectra were of transfer vector pMSCV, 0.6 µg of envelop acquired over a ninety minute gradient (A: 0.1 coding plasmid Vsv-g, and 2.4 µg of Gag-pol % formic acid; B: 90 % acetonitrile in 0.1 % expressing formic acid) by data dependent acquisition in harvested 48 hours after transfection by which the top eight most intense ions per MS centrifugation at 3,000 ×g at 4°C for 15 min. scan (massrange of 300-2000 m/z) were The day prior to infection, cells to be infected selected for collision induced disassociation were seeded in six-well dishes. The viral MS/MS. Dynamic exclusion was enabled with a supernatant was added at a ratio of 1:1 to the repeat count of 2, repeat duration of 0.5 culture medium in the presence of polybrene (8 minutes, and exclusion duration of 1.5 minutes. µg/ml), and the cells were centrifuged at 1,800 MS/MS a rpm for 45 min. Cells were incubated with (Agilent retroviruses for the following 24 hours. A combination of were analyzed Spectrum Mill using Sin1 with the plasmid. fragment has QuickChange Retroviruses been XLII were Technologies) and manual interpretation. second infection was performed following the The vector, same protocol the next day. After an additional retroviral production and infection - The 24 hours of recovery in normal medium, pMSCV-Sin1-myc plasmid DNA was obtained infected cells were passaged and selected with from Addgene. The primers for mutagenesis puromycin (2 µg/ml for 2 days). were designed based on the QuickChange Purification of the soluble FLAG-mLST8/myc- Primer Design Program available at the mTOR heterodimer – The purification of the Sin1 mutagenesis, retroviral 5 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 spectra the FLAG-mLST8 has been carried according the CHAPS buffer, and subjected for centrifugation previous study (16). The FLAG-mLST8 plasmid for 15 min at 10,000 rpm. The supernatant was was co-transfected with myc-mTOR cDNA in applied for immunoprecipitation with anti-V5 HEK-293T cells. After a 48 h transfection, cells antibody. The myc-rictor/SIN1-V5 immuno- were washed with cold PBS, lysed with 0.3% precipitates were incubated with or without the CHAPS purified buffer, and incubated with mild soluble FLAG-mLST/myc-mTOR heterodimer at room temperature for 2 h in transferred for mTORC2 kinase buffer with 1 mM ATP. After centrifugation for 15 min at 10,000 rpm. After washing three times with 0.3% CHAPS lysis centrifugation, the supernatant was used for buffer, the immunoprecipitates were used for the FLAG affinity purification. FLAG M2 affinity the in vitro mTORC2 kinase reaction with wild- resins were washed three times in 0.3% type Akt as the substrate. CHAPS lysis buffer and packed into a 10 ml Tumor xenografts – The study has been Bio-Rad column. The cellular lysates were carried as described previously (17). MEFs applied through the column seven times. After constitutively expressing the wild-type, S260D, running the lysates, the column was washed or S260A-SIN1 were transformed by H-Ras with 20 ml of lysis buffer and 10 ml of elution overexpression. The MEF cell lines (5 × 106 buffer (40 mM HEPES, pH 7.4, 500 mM NaCl, cells per mouse) were injected subcutaneously 0.1% CHAPS). The FLAG-mLST8/myc-mTOR into the upper flank region of 6-week-old heterodimer was eluted by the elution buffer immunodeficient nude mice (n = 5 for each containing 0.5 mg/ml of the FLAG peptide. The group). Tumor size was measured after 15 eluted fractions from number 2 to 6 were days and the tumor volume was determined combined, dialyzed with mTORC2 kinase with the standard formula L × W2 × 0.5, where buffer, and concentrated with Millipore Amicon L is the longest length and W is the shortest Ultra-15 centrifugal filter units. The purified length in millimeters. The differences in the FLAG-mLST8/myc-mTOR was tumor volume from mice injected by wild-type, analyzed by immunoblotting and applied for the S260D, or S260A-SIN1-expressing MEFs were in vitro mTORC2 assembly. compared by one-way analysis of variance The in vitro mTORC2 assembly and kinase (ANOVA). Nude mice were sacrificed and the reaction – The assembly of mTORC2 has been tumors were excised. to the spinning columns heterodimer performed as described previously (14). Mycrictor and SIN1-V5 cDNAs were co-transfected in HEK-293T cells. After 48-h transfection, cells were washed with cold PBS, lysed with 0.3% RESULTS Glucose but not amino acids are required for the Akt phosphorylation on Thr6 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 agitation for 20 min at 4 °C. The lysate was deprivation as detected by the similar levels of mTORC2 - We hypothesized that if mTOR is a raptor, rictor, and SIN1 bound to mTOR central component of the nutrient-sensing purified from the cells incubated with or without pathway of amino acids (Figure 1B). On the contrary, we mTORC2 is nutrient dependent. How nutrients found that integrity of both mTOR complexes regulate mTORC2 is poorly characterized and has been affected by glucose deprivation. The we studied the nutrient depletion effects on glucose dependent decrease in abundance of mTORC2 in HeLa and MDA-MB-435 human mTORC1 and mTORC2 has been initially cancer cell lines. We detected a decrease in detected at 16 hr that has become more the protein levels of Sin1 and rictor following evident following the glucose starvation for 20 glucose deprivation for 20 hrs (Figure 1A). hr. We observed that the disintegration of Most likely, these effects on the mTORC2 mTORC1 has been associated with the AMPK- components are related to the metabolic stress dependent phosphorylation of raptor on Ser- response but not cell death, because we 792 (9). The initial weak phosphorylation has detected a decrease in cell number only been detected at 10 hr that has been gradually following 42 hr of the glucose deprivation (the increasing and became intense at 20 hr of data is not shown). The amino acid deprivation glucose deprivation. The glucose-dependent of cells for a similar period of time did not posttranslational modification of raptor altered indicate detectable changes in the abundance its mobility to a slower migratory form on a gel of SIN1 or rictor. We also observed that the and decreased its binding to mTOR but glucose deprivation also caused inhibition of a abundance of raptor has not been altered as basal kinase activity of mTORC2 as indicated detected in the cell lysates. We found that the by a decreased phosphorylation of Akt on the disintegration of mTORC2 has been carried by turn motif Thr-450 site. These data indicate the different mechanism because abundance that a basal kinase activity of mTORC2 is of its essential components SIN1 and rictor has sensitive to glucose but not amino acid been substantially decreased as detected in deprivation and its low activity associates with the cell lysate following the glucose starvation a decrease in abundance of SIN1 and rictor. for 20 hr. A role of AMPK in regulation of SIN1 (2), a basal kinase activity To follow up our initial finding, we and rictor has not been previously described, addressed whether integrity of the mTOR but the mTOR kinase dependent regulation of complexes is sensitive to nutrient deprivation. the SIN1 turnover and integrity of mTORC2 By analyzing the mTOR immunoprecipitates, has been reported (14). A low basal kinase we found that integrity of mTORC1 and activity of mTORC2 under glucose starvation is mTORC2 is not sensitive to amino acid supported by a weak phosphorylation of Akt on 7 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 450, Sin1 protein stability, and integrity of Thr-450 known as a constitutively basal kinase activity of mTORC2 as detected phosphorylated site by mTORC2. Because the by Akt phosphorylation on Thr-450 and also mTOR kinase activity is required to maintain dephosphorylation of SIN1. integrity of mTORC2 by phosphorylation of A high level of ATP is required for the SIN1 (14), we proposed that under glucose optimal kinase activity of mTORC2 and deprivation the disintegration of mTORC2 mTORC1 might be linked to the mTOR-dependent regulate the kinase activity of mTORC2? It regulation of SIN1. might be carried by a regulation of the kinase - How cellular ATP level might component of this complex mTOR that has mTORC2 signaling is linked to cellular ATP been identified previously as the homeostatic level - Glucose is a major source of energy in ATP sensor (20). It has been reported that the mammalian cells and a lack of glucose causes optimal kinase activity of mTOR requires the ATP depletion in cells (18). Within 15 hr of the ATP concentration above 1 mM, where most of glucose deprivation we detected less than 15% the kinases require much lower ATP and are of the intracellular ATP level compare to effective at the concentration below 0.1 mM control glucose- range. To address a sensitivity of mTORC2 to dependent decline in ATP level correlates well ATP levels, we examined what is an optimal with To concentration of ATP for the functional activity determine whether a cellular ATP level controls of this kinase complex. The ATP titration study a SIN1 has determined that mTORC2 requires ATP abundance, we induced the acute depletion of concentration above 1.2 mM for its effective ATP in cells by simultaneous inhibition of kinase activity (Figure 2A). This finding shows glycolysis (2DG) and mitochondrial oxidative that mTORC2 operates efficiently as the kinase phosphorylation (rotenone) (19). We observed at a high (millimolar) ATP concentration and it that incubation of cells with both drugs for 2 hrs is consistent with the initial finding indicating a caused a decreased phosphorylation of Akt on hypersensitivity of the mTOR kinase activity to the turn motif Thr-450 site that associated with the ATP level (20). We also performed the a substantial decrease of SIN1 protein (Figure analogous functional study of mTORC1 and 1D) and alteration of its mobility in a gel identified that it also carried the optimal activity indicating dephosphorylation of the protein as to phosphorylate its substrate S6K1 on Thr-389 described previously (14). This observation when ATP concentration was above 1.2 mM suggests that cellular ATP levels control (Figure 2B). We interpret that mTOR as the integrity of mTORC2 by regulation expression kinase with its distinctive threshold for ATP of SIN1. We find that ATP depletion inhibits a level above one millimolar range determines a cells the basal (Figure disintegration mTORC2 1C). of The mTORC2. activity and 8 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 Glucose deprivation effects on the high sensitivity of both mTOR complexes to resembles the known hydrophobic motif sites cellular ATP levels. In case of mTORC2, the of mTOR (10,21). To determine whether ATP-dependent regulatory mechanism controls mTOR functions as the Ser-260 kinase of SIN1, not only its functional activity, but also the we have performed the functional study by kinase complex integrity carried by the mTOR- assembly mTORC2 in vitro as described dependent phosphorylation of SIN1. This previously (14). We assembled the functional critical phosphorylation site of SIN1 has not mTORC2 kinase complex by co-incubation of been identified. the soluble mLST8-mTOR heterodimer with the Phosphorylation of Sin1 on Ser-260 by immobilized rictor-SIN1 heterodimer as detected by the phosphorylation of its substrate identify the mTOR-dependent phosphorylation Akt on Ser-473 (Figure 3D). Importantly, of SIN1, we analyzed SIN1 phosphorylation following the mTORC2 assembly in vitro we following the reconstitution of mTORC2 with also detected phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser- the wild type or kinase-dead form of mTOR. 260 by the phospho-specific antibody. A Co-expression specificity of components of mTORC2 carrying distinct tags antibody has (myc-mTOR, Xp-rictor, V5-SIN1, and HA- detection of the wild type SIN1 but not its mLST8) has been sufficient to assemble the S260A phospho-mutant (the data is not shown). functional By Besides, the Ser-260 site is localized within the immunoprecipitation of V5-SIN1, we isolated most conserved SIN1 sequence designated as mTORC2 as detected by co-purification of the Box1 (residues 225–267) of the CRIM mTOR Mass domain (Conserved Region In the Middle) (22) spectrometry analysis of the protein band as illustrated in the Figure 3C and, therefore, corresponding its might carry a critical regulatory role. Thus, our phosphorylation on Ser-260 when mTORC2 study identified that mTOR is the Ser-260 has been assembled with the functional wild kinase of SIN1. type mTOR but not with its kinase dead form To of kinase and rictor to the four complex (Figure SIN1 essential (14). 3A). revealed the phospho-Ser-260 been study a initially role SIN1 validated of the by SIN1 (Figure 3B). Based on this analysis, the Ser- phosphorylation, we first addressed whether 260 residue of SIN1 has been identified as the the Ser-260 phospho-site is nutrient dependent. mTOR-dependent phosphorylation site. This We have analyzed the phosphorylation of SIN1 finding marks mTOR as a potential Ser-260 immunopurified from the cells deprived from kinase of SIN1 that is also supported by a amino acids or glucose. We observed that hydrophobic nature of this site (Figure 3C). It is phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 was surrounded by hydrophobic amino acids and decreased following glucose but not amino 9 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 mTOR is sensitive to ATP depletion - To (S260D, time point correlates well with ATP depletion reconstitution of mTORC2 by co-expressing its caused by the glucose starvation (Figure 1C). four essential components (14) indicated an To link the regulation of SIN1 phosphorylation uneven expression of SIN1 and its phospho- with cellular ATP level, we induced the acute mutants (Figure 4A). Consistent with the ATP depletion in cells as described in Figure previous study (14), we observed a low 1D. We found that ATP depletion has been expression of the wild type SIN1 when it is co- effective to cause dephosphorylation of SIN1 expressed with the kinase dead form of mTOR. on Ser-260 within 1 hr (Figure 3F). This Importanlty, we found that the mTOR kinase- dephosphorylation also dependent expression of SIN1 is related to its associated with the decrease in abundance of phosphorylation on Ser-260. A low expression mTORC2 as detected by the level of mTOR of the S260A SIN1 mutant is detected when it co-purified with SIN1. It implies that a cellular is co-expressed with either the wild or kinase ATP depletion within 1 hr led to disintegration dead of mTORC2. Our study indicates that SIN1 expression of the S260D SIN1 mutant was not phosphorylation on Ser-260 is sensitive to ATP dependent on the kinase activity of mTOR, depletion and this finding reflects the millimolar because ATP level threshold for a basal activity of its abundance of this mutant when it was co- kinase. expressed with the wild type or kinase dead event has been to mimic form of we phosphorylation). mTOR. detected On a the The contrary, relatively high The mTOR-dependent phosphorylation form of mTOR. This finding indicates a critical of Sin1 on Ser-260 controls stability of Sin1 role of the Ser-260 phosphorylation site in and integrity of mTORC2 - The mTOR kinase regulation of expression of SIN1. The S260D activity is required for SIN1 protein stablity and mutation by mimicking the mTOR-dependent integrity of mTORC2. We find that mTOR phosphorylation leads to elevated expression phosphorylates SIN1 on Ser-260 and this of SIN1, whereas the S260A mutation by phosphorylation is sensitive to ATP depletion. preventing phosphorylation results in a low We hypothesized that if Ser-260 is a major expression. mTOR-dependent regulatory site of SIN1, the expression has been carried by an accelerated mutation of this site mimicking or preventing lysosomal phosphorylation will affect the SIN1 protein because stability and mTORC2 integrity. We generated degradation by chloroquine has been effective the a in recovery of the S260A SIN1 mutant substitution of Ser-260 to alanine (S260A, to expressed transiently (Figure 4B) or in stable prevent phosphorylation) or to aspartic acid cell line (Figure 4C). This observation is SIN1 phospho-mutant cDNAs by This protein inhibition regulation degradation of of of lysosomal protein SIN1, protein 10 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 acid starvation for 16 hours (Figure 3E). This coherent with the previous finding indicating phosphorylation site of SIN1 regulates integrity that of mTORC2. mTOR by phosphorylation of SIN1 prevents its lysosomal degradation (14). Thus, SIN1 phosphorylation and glucose regulates regulates the protein turnover of SIN1 and sensitivity - To examine a biological role of the implicates mTOR-mediated SIN1 phosphorylation on Ser- phosphorylation site in regulation of the mTORC2 integrity. To if a 260, we generated the stable cell lines by restoring expression of the wild-type SIN1 or its phosphorylation regulates integrity of mTORC2, phospho-mutants in the SIN1 null MEFs. We we have optimized expression levels of SIN1 detected a higher basal phosphorylation of Akt and 5A). on Ser-473 in cells expressing the SIN1 S260D Reconstitution of mTORC2 with the wild type of mutant compared to those expressing the wild- mTOR shows a low expression of the S260A type SIN1 or its S260A mutant (Figure 5B). SIN1 mutant and we attained a similar level of Phosphorylation of Akt on Ser-473 in these cell expression by applying only 30% of cDNA lines correlates well with the differences in amount encoding the wild type or S260D abundance of mTORC2. By pulling down SIN1 mutant. Following optimization of the SIN1 and detecting the levels of mTOR, we found expression, we detected a low abundance of that cells expressing the S260D mutant mTORC2 assembled with the SIN1 S260A maintain a high abundance of mTORC2 mutant as observed by a decreased level of compare to cells expressing the wild type SIN1, the mutant co-purified with mTOR. This whereas a lowest abundance of mTORC2 is observation indicates that prevention of the detected in cells expressing the S260A mutant SIN1 phosphorylation by mTOR interferes with (Figure integrity of mTORC2. Consistent with this reconstitution study by transient expression finding, a replacement of mTOR with its kinase (Figure 5A), the stable expression of SIN1 also dead form shows deficiency in mTORC2 indicates an important role of its Ser-260 site in integrity not only with the S260A SIN1 mutant controlling integrity of mTORC2. Interestingly, but also with its wild type form. Importantly, regulation of the mTORC2 integrity by SIN1 integrity of mTORC2 remained insensitive to phosphorylation on Ser-260 is independent of the mTOR kinase activity when the complex its binding partner rictor (23-25), because the was mutant SIN1 phospho-mutants did not show any mimicking constitutive phosphorylation on Ser- differences in binding to rictor. We also found 260 that abundance of mTORC2 induced by phospho-mutants assembled (S260D). with Thus, the specific (Figure SIN1 based on our reconstitution study we find that a single mimicking 5B). Similar the to the mTORC2 mTOR-dependent 11 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 SIN1 its address proliferation Ser-260 mTOR by phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 this cell on phosphorylation of SIN1 carries its functional suggest activity phosphorylation not only by the elevated basal that mTOR-dependent of SIN1 on Ser-260 by phosphorylation of Akt but also by a higher cell controlling integrity of mTORC2 is important in proliferation rate (Figure 6A). Analysis of cell regulation of cell proliferation and tumor growth. number following incubation of MEFs in growth Our initial observation indicated a medium containing serum for 48 hrs shows dependence of mTORC2 integrity on glucose that SIN1 deprivation linked to ATP depletion. The expression has increased a proliferation rate mTORC2 kinase activity is highly sensitive to up to 63%. The similar analysis carried by cellular ATP level and the metabolic stress expression of the S260D mutant led to a causing depletion of ATP inhibits a basal substantial increase in cell proliferation to 89%, kinase activity of mTORC2 that accelerates whereas expression of the S260A mutant breakdown shows only 27% increase. This study outlines preventing phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 the SIN1 by mTOR. Based on our finding, we proposed phosphorylation by mTOR indicating a potent that cells expressing the phospho-mimetic regulatory role in cell proliferation by altering its S260D mutant of SIN1 will be more resilient to rate at least three times. To extend our finding glucose starvation. To address further the to in vivo model, we analyzed the effects of the functional role of SIN1 phosphorylation, we SIN1 phospho-mutants on subcutaneous tumor studied SIN1 null cell lines carrying a stable growth. Initially, to establish tumor growth, the expression of the wild type SIN1 or its SIN1 null MEFs reconstituted with the wild type phospho-mutants in the medium containing SIN1 or its phospho-mutants were transformed IGFI growth factor and regular (5.5 mM) or low by overexpressing an equal amount of H-Ras (0.55 mM) glucose concentration. Following (the data is not shown). We observed that cells incubation of MEFs for 48 hrs in cell culture expressing the wild type of SIN1 or its medium with a regular glucose concentration, phospho-mimetic S260D mutant were grown we detected a similar basal phosphorylation of into large tumors where the wild type SIN1 Akt on Ser-473 in cells expressing the wild type expression yielded slightly bigger tumors. Most SIN1 and its S260D mutant. A low Akt importantly, mice injected with cells expressing phosphorylation has been observed in cells the expressing the S260A mutant (Figure 7A). The restoration SIN1 the wild relevance S260A mutant type of preventing of the of kinase Akt on complex its by phosphorylation of this site developed much phosphorylation regulatory smaller tumors than those injected with either mTORC2-dependent site correlated well with wild type SIN1 or its S260D mutant expressing the cell proliferation rates of these cell lines cells (Figures 6B and 6C). These results (Figure 7B). The SIN1 null cells incubated in 12 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 biological of the medium containing a regular glucose cell proliferation (27%). On the contrary, we concentration found that cells expressing the S260D mutant and IGFI have not been proliferating as indicated by cell number. remained Restoring expression of the wild type SIN1 or concentration its S260D mutant in SIN null cells induced phosphorylation of Akt, abundance of SIN1, proliferation in a range of 60% and expression and also higher cell proliferation rate (53%). of its S260A mutant was twice less effective by Thus, our study indicates that a glucose- inducing 30%. dependent sensitivity of the mTORC2 signaling mTOR-dependent is carried by mTOR phosphorylation of SIN1 on phosphorylation of SIN1 caused a low activity Ser-260 required to maintain integrity of of mTORC2 and slow proliferation rate. Instead, mTORC2. Prevention proliferation of only the about insensitive to as a low detected glucose by the cells expressing the wild type of SIN1 or its DISCUSSION activity of mTORC2 and rate of proliferation Our results show that a cellular ATP when cultured in the serum-free medium level regulates a basal kinase activity of containing a regular glucose concentration and mTORC2, because the optimal kinase activity supplemented with IGFI. This similarity might of this complex requires ATP concentration at also explain a comparable tumor growth rate the physiological range above 1.2 mM. This induced by these two cell lines detected in the observation is coherent with the original finding xenograft study (Figure 6). Our data suggest that mTOR as the homeostatic ATP sensor that the wild type of SIN1 and its phospho- requires a millimolar concentration of ATP for mimetic mutant show the similar phenotypes its kinase activity, whereas 0.1 mM ATP when expressed in cells incubated in a medium concentration is optimal for most protein containing glucose that is required to maintain kinases a physiological level of ATP. dependent basal kinase activity of mTORC2 Switching these cell lines to the medium containing low glucose has indicated a carries (20). We the found that autoregulatory the ATP- mechanism controling integrity of the kinase complex, sensitivity of the wild type SIN1 but not its where mTOR stabilizes phospho-mimetic S260D mutant to lack of phosphorylation its Ser-260 site and maintains glucose (Figure 7C). In a low glucose medium integrity of mTORC2. By a similar mechanism the cells carrying expression of the wild type mTORC2 controls a proper folding of its SIN1 indicated a substantial decrease in Akt downstream phosphorylation and abundance of SIN1 that phosphorylation on the turn motif Thr-450 site. has been also reflected in a decreased rate of Our study shows that mTOR, a key regulator of effector Akt SIN1 by by its 13 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 phospho-mimetic mutant show a similar higher anabolic processes in cells, also restrains its is not effective if abundance of ATP is own decreased under metabolic stress. This finding signaling by the autoregulatory mechanism if cellular energy supplies get low. mTORC2 regulates Akt by controling phosphorylation of its two distinct indicates that Akt phosphorylation on Thr-450 may serve as a marker of cellular ATP level by sites. reflecting a basal kinase activity of mTORC2. Phosphorylation of Akt on the Ser-473 site by Thus, the homeostatic ATP sensor mTOR mTORC2 is dependent on growth factor/PI3K controls signaling, whereas mTORC2 together with downstream effector Akt by phosphorylation its PDK1 by phosphorylation of Akt on the turn motif site. regulatory Ser-473 and catalitic Thr-308 sites a proper folding of its critical A basal kinase activity of mTORC2 is sufficient signaling (10). It has been reported that the phosphorylation of Akt on the turn motif site. PI3K-dependent activation of mTORC2 is Regulation of a basal kinase activity of sensitive to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress mTORC2 has not been addressed previously. (17) and takes place in association with We found that a basal kinase activity of ribosomes (26). mTORC2 also carries the mTORC2 is dependent on a glucose but not PI3K-independent by amino acid deprivation. The glucose starvation phosphorylation of the Thr-450 turn motif site. by causing decrease of ATP and inhibition of This phosphorylation as a co-translational the kinase activity of mTORC2 leads to the modification of Akt is required for its proper phosphorylation-dependent destabilization of folding. It has been defined as a constitutively its essential components SIN1 and rictor. phosphorylated These effects are not related to a glucose- regulation site that of Akt facilitates the to maintain mechanism, a because constitutive carboxyl-terminal folding and stablizes newly sensing they are sythesized Akt. Dephosphorylation of Akt on observed following long term of glucose Thr-450 caused by a loss of mTORC2 renders deprivation (20 hrs), when a substantial Akt in unstable form that requires assistance decrease of cellular ATP level has occured. from the heat shock protein HSP90 to sustain This critical role of ATP level in regulation of its expression (11-13). It is remarkable that the mTORC2 has been further supported by the cellular cues carrying regulation of the Thr-450 observaton that an acute ATP depletion (within site have not been identified. Our study shows 2 hrs) has been effective to cause the similar that phosphorylation of Akt on the turn motif is effects on mTORC2. Our data indicate that regulated by a cellular energy state, because mTORC2 requires the millimolar physiological its kinase mTORC2 requires a physiological ATP concentration for its optimal kinase activity millimolar level of ATP for its basal activity and and a basal kinase activity of mTORC2 is 14 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 couple activtion of Akt to growht factor sensitive to the metabolic stress associated acid substitution on rictor has precluded with a cellular ATP depletion. We interpret that assembly of mTORC2 (23). Because ER has mTOR as the kinase component and a been identified as a main localization site of homeostatic ATP sensor of mTORC2 becomes mTORC2 (27), this phosphorylation-dependent inactive under metabolic stress because of a degradation pathway might be linked to a substantial decrease of cellular ATP level. proper protein folding monitoring by ER quality It is known that SIN1 is an unstable control that tags mTORC2 containing the non- protein without its binding partner rictor (24,25). phosphorylated form of SIN1 for disintegration By forming a heterodimer SIN1 and rictor and lysosomal degradation. A disintegration interact with other heterodimer formed by step mTOR and mLST8 to assemble the functional observation that abundance of SIN1 and rictor kinase complex of mTORC2. Whithin the but not mTOR and mLST8 is highly sensitive to complex, the kinase activity of mTOR by phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260. Thus, our phosphorylation of SIN1 maintains integrity of study indicates that a specific phosphorylation mTORC2 (14). Our study is coherent with the of SIN1 on Ser-260 is a critical site controling previous finding and indicates that the ATP- integrity of mTORC2 by the ATP-dependent dependent basal kinase activity of mTORC2 autoregulatory mechanism. the autoregulatory this mTOR stabilizes SIN1 by phosphorylation its hydrophobic and conserved Ser-260 site and maintains integrity of mTORC2. This specific phosphorylation site controls the turnover of SIN1 by preventing its lysosomal degradation. How a single phosphorylation site on SIN1 controls integrity of a large multi-protein complex is an interesting question. It is REFEFENCES 260 site on SIN1 by mTOR hinderes a 1. responsible supported by Acknowledgments - We thank Dr. Bing Su for providing SIN1 null MEFs, and David Sabatini and Timothy Peterson for providing the mTORC1 substrate HA-GST-S6K1 protein, and also Cell Signaling Technology (Danvers, MA) for development the phospho-SIN1 Ser260 antibody. We gratefully acknowledge Professors Abdraimov B.Z. and Sydykov E.B. (ENU, Astana, Kazakhstan) for their active support of the Ph.D. training program. V.K., A.A.Z, D.K. and O. B. have been partially supported by the Ph.D. training grant from ENU, Astana, Kazakhstan. conceivable that phosphorylation of the Sersite is mechanism controling integrity of the kinase complex: recognition process for the disintegration of mTORC2 and lysosomal degradation of SIN1. It has been recently reported that a proper protein folding is critical in assembly of mTORC2, where a single amino 2. Lindsley, J. E., and Rutter, J. 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Immunoblotting was used to detect phosphorylation of Akt on Thr-450 and abundance of the indicated proteins in cell lysates. B, Integrity of mTORC1 and mTORC2 is glucose dependent. MDAMB-435 cells were incubated with glucose-free medium for 10, 16, and 20 hours or amino acid-free medium for 20 hours, respectively. The mTOR immunoprecipitates were prepared from cell lysates to examine the complex integrity of mTORC1 and mTORC2. Immunoblotting was used to detect phosphorylation of raptor on Ser-792 and abundance of the indicated proteins in the immunoprecipitates and cell lysates. C, Detection of cellular ATP levels under glucose starvation and acute ATP depletion. MDA-MB-435 cells were incubated with glucose-free medium for 0, 3, 6, 9, 12 or 15 hours and collected for quantitative detection of ATP by luciferase driven bioluminescence assay (Roche ATP Bioluminescence Assay Kit CLS II). For acute ATP depletion, MDA-MB-435 cells were incubated with 5 mM 2-DG and 10 µM rotenone in glucose-free medium for 1, 2 or 4 hours, and collected for quantitative detection of ATP. Three independent experiments were shown for each condition. D, Acute ATP depletion leads to a low abundance of SIN1. MDA-MB-435 cells were incubated with 5 mM 2-DG and 10 µM rotenone in glucose-free medium for 1, 1.5 and 2 hours. Immunoblotting was used to detect abundance of the indicated proteins in the cell lysates. 17 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 FIGURE 1. The mTORC2 integrity and Akt phosphorylation on Thr-450 are sensitive to ATP FIGURE 2. Both mTOR complexes require a millimolar level of ATP for their optimal kinase activities. A, For mTORC2 kinase reaction, rictor immunoprecipitates prepared from lysates of MDAMB-435 cells growing in cell culture medium containing 10% serum were used for in vitro kinase assays with full-length WT-Akt1 as the substrate and different concentrations of ATP (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 3.2 mM, respectively). B, For mTORC1 kinase reaction, raptor immunoprecipitates prepared from lysates of MDA-MB-435 cells growing in cell culture medium containing 10% serum were used for in vitro kinase assays with full-length WT-S6K1 as the substrate and different concentrations of ATP (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.6, and 3.2 mM, respectively). FIGURE 3. Phosphorylation of SIN1 on the hydrophobic and conservative Ser-260 site by mTOR is sensitive to glucose starvation and ATP depletion. A, To reconstitute mTORC2 Xpressrictor, SIN1-V5, and HA-mLST8 constructs were co-transfected with Myc-mTOR (wt) or Myc-mTOR with anti-V5 antibody were resolved in SDS-PAGE and visualized by Coomassie blue staining. The Sin1 protein bands were excised and analyzed by Mass spectrometry. B, Phosphorylation of Ser-260 in SIN1 identified by MS/MS. SDS-PAGE purification followed by enzymatic digestion and LC/MS/MS was used to isolate peptide containing phosphorylated serine residue in position 4 (S*). Expected masses for the y and b ions are listed above and below the peptide sequence. Ions that were positively identified are highlighted in blue and red. Y ions at 940.5 and 773.5 define the phosphoserine residue at position 4. The abundant ion at 597.5 is the neutral loss of 98 Da from the doubly charged parent ion. C, Ser-260 is a conserved and hydrophobic site of SIN1. SIN1 protein domains: CRIM: conserved region in the middle; RBD: Raf-like Ras-binding domain; PH: pleckstrin homology. Box1 (amino acids 225-267) is the highly conserved region located within the CRIM domain. mTOR kinase-dependent SIN1 site (Ser-260) resides in the Box1. The Ser-260 residue of SIN1 and the known mTORC2 phosphorylation sites of Akt, SGK1 and PKCα are surrounded by hydrophobic amino acids. * indication of the hydrophobic amino acids. D, mTOR is the Ser-260 kinase of SIN1. In vitro mTORC2 assembly was performed by incubation of two heterodimers, rictor/Sin1 (in immobilized form) and mTOR/mLST8 (in a soluble form). The assembled mTORC2 complex in vitro has been examined by the in vitro mTORC2 kinase reaction and also by phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260. E, Glucose starvation results in dephosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260. MDA-MB-435 cells were incubated in the medium with or without glucose for 10 and 16 hours. As controls, the cells were also incubated in 10% serum medium or amino acid-free medium for 16 hours. The SIN1 protein was immunopurified and immunoblotting was used to detect abundance of SIN1 and its phosphorylation on Ser-260. F, Acute ATP depletion leads to 18 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 (KD) in HEK-293T cells, respectively. Immunoprecipitates prepared from lysates of HEK-293T cells dephosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 and mTORC2 complex dissociation. MDA-MB-435 cells were incubated with 5 mM 2-DG and 10 µM rotenone in glucose-free medium for 1 hour. The SIN1 immunoprecipitates were prepared from cell lysates to examine the complex formation of mTORC2. Immunoblotting was used to detect phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 and abundance of the indicated proteins in the immunoprecipitates and cell lysates. FIGURE 4. The SIN1 protein stability is dependent on its phosphorylation on Ser-260. A, The SIN1 Ser-260 phosphorylation site is required for protein stability. The V5 tagged wild type or phospho-specific SIN1 recombinant proteins (S260D and S260A) were co-expressed with mycmTOR (wt) or myc-mTOR (KD), respectively, and another two mTORC2 components (Xp-rictor and HA-mLST8) in HEK-293T cells. The total cell lysates were analyzed by western blotting with the indicated tag antibodies. B and C, The Ser-260 phosphorylation site of SIN1 prevents its lysosomal Xpress-rictor, and HA-mLST8 constructs into HEK-293T cells (B). After 48h transfection, cells expressing SIN1-V5-S260A cDNA were treated with 100 µM chloroquine for 1, 3 and 5 hours. SIN1null MEFs stably expressing SIN1 Ser-260A phospho-mutant were treated with 100 µM chloroquine for 1, 3 and 5 hours (C). The total cell lysates were analyzed by western blotting with the indicated antibodies. FIGURE 5. Phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 controls integrity of mTORC2. A, The V5 tagged wild type or phospho-specific SIN1 (S260D and S260A) cDNAs were co-expressed with myc-mTOR (wt) or myc-mTOR (KD), respectively, and other two mTORC2 components (Xp-rictor and HA-mLST8) in HEK-293T cells. To optimize the SIN1 expression, the myc-mTOR-WT was co-transfected with cDNA amount containing 30 % of V5-SIN1-WT, 30 % of V5-SIN1-S260D or 100 % of V5-SIN1-S260A. The myc-mTOR-KD was co-transfected with cDNA amount containing 100 % of V5-SIN1-WT, 30 % of V5-SIN1-S260D or 100 % of V5-SIN1-S260A. The myc-mTOR immunoprecipitates were prepared from cell lysates to examine the complex integrity of the mTORC2. Immunoblotting was used to detect the amount of the indicated proteins in the immunoprecipitates and cell lysates. B, Stable expression of the SIN1 Ser-260D phospho-mutant associates with a higher phosphorylation of Akt and abundance of mTORC2. SIN1-null MEFs carrying a stable expression of WT-SIN1 or its phospho-mutants were grown in 10% serum containing medium. SIN1 immunoprecipitates from stable MEFs were used to examine mTORC2 integrity. Immunoblotting was performed to detect the indicated proteins in the immunoprecipitates and cell lysates. 19 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 degradation. SIN1-V5-WT, S260D, or S260A construct was co-transfected with Myc-mTOR-WT, FIGURE 6. Phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260 regulates cell proliferation and tumor growth. A, Cell proliferation assay: the SIN1 null cells carrying a stable expression of SIN1 and its phosphomutants shown in Figure 5B were analyzed by counting cells at 48 and 72 hours after incubation in the medium containing 10 %-FBS. The ratio of proliferation rate was graphed with GraphPad Prism 5 software. *P < 0.001 for all pair wise comparisons; one-way ANOVA, post hoc intergroup comparisons with Holm-Sidat test. B and C, SIN1 phosphorylation on Ser-260 regulates tumor growth. MEFs described in (A) were transformed by overexpression of the oncogenic form of H-Ras and injected into 6-week-old immunodeficient nude mice (n = 5 for each group; 3×106 cells per mouse). Tumor size was measured after 3, 4 and 5 weeks; the tumor sizes were calculated and the volumes were presented by line graph (B). *P < 0.04 for the 4 weeks time point and **P < 0.015 for the 5 weeks time point: one-way ANOVA, post-hoc intergroup comparisons with Holm-Sidat test, the p values are indicated. Mice injected with MEFs expressing each form of SIN1 were sacrificed and FIGURE 7. Sensitivity to glucose depletion depends on phosphorylation of SIN1 on Ser-260. A, SIN1-null MEFs stably expressing the wild type SIN1 and its phospho-mutants were grown without serum in the medium containing 5.5 mM or 0.55 mM glucose and 100 ng/ml of IGF-1 for 48 hours. Immunoblotting was used to detect the indicated proteins and Akt phosphorylation in cell lysates. B and C, Cell proliferation was performed in the cell lines analyzed in (A). Analysis of cells incubated in the medium containing 5.5 mM or 0.55 mM glucose is presented in (B) and (C), respectively. The ratio of proliferation rate was graphed with GraphPad Prism 5 software. *P < 0.001 for all pair wise comparisons; one-way ANOVA, post hoc intergroup comparisons with Holm-Sidat test. 20 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 representative images of the excised tumors are shown in panel (C). mTOR IP: mTOR mTOR Rictor SIN1 mTOR Cell lysate p-Akt T450 Tubulin SIN1 raptor Raptor Akt rictor rictor SIN1 p-raptor S792 raptor Tubulin - Glu (20 h) - Glu (16 h) - Glu (10 h) MDA-MB-435 - AA (20 h) B - Glu - AA +Glu/ +AA - Glu - AA (20 h) +Glu/ +AA A Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 HeLa MDA-MB-435 + Glu/ +AA (20 h) Figure 1. Figure 1. D Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 C MDA-MB-435 5 mM 2-DG + 10 uM rotenone 0 mTOR rictor SIN1 raptor p-Akt T450 Akt Tubulin 1 1.5 2 (h) Figure 2. In vitro mTORC2 kinase assay 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.6 3.2 (mM) ATP 0 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.6 3.2 (mM) ATP p-Akt S473 Akt mTOR IP: rictor rictor SIN1 In vitro mTORC1 kinase assay B p-S6K1 T389 IP: raptor S6K1 mTOR raptor Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 A Figure 3. B IP: V5-Sin1 Myc-mTOR: 250 WT KD mTOR Rictor 150 100 75 50 SIN1 Downloaded from by guest on June 9, 2014 A Figure 3. C SIN1 CRIM RBD Box1 (225-267) PH Ser-260 224-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-268 237-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-281 224-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-268 224-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-268 224-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-268 224-DNVSAYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-268 230-ENVNTYCLHIAEDDGEVDTDFPPLDSNEPIHKFGFSTLALVEK-274 273--SLQHYALYMTEDNDDME-DFPPLDNREPCSKFGFSQLTLAER-315 Homo sapiens Canis lupus familiaris Bos taurus Mus musculus Rattus norvegicus Gallus gallus Danio rerio Drosophila melanogaster * * * ** SIN1 (S260): HKFGFSTLALVEK Known mTORC2 phosphorylation sites * * Akt (S473): HFPQFSYSASGTA * * SGK1 (S422): AFLGFSYAPPTDS (*): hydrophobic amino acids ** * * * PKCα (S657): DFEGFSYVNPQFV Figure 3. D Phosphorylation of SIN1 by mTOR in vitro Myc-rictor/Sin1-V5: FLAG-mLST8/ myc-mTOR: + _ F MDA-MB-435 + 2-DG + rotenone + 0 IP: V5 (SIN1) Myc (mTOR) mTOR IP: Sin1 p-SIN1 S260 V5 (Sin1) rictor p-Sin1 S260 Myc (rictor) SIN1 FLAG (mLST8) p-Akt S473 Akt rictor SIN1 p-SIN1 S260 SIN1 - AA (16 h) - Glu (16 h) + Glu (16 h) - Glu (10 h) GM (16 h) MDA-MB-435 + Glu (10 h) Tubulin E IP: Sin1 Cell lysate In vitro mTORC2 kinase assay mTOR 1h Figure 4. A V5-SIN1: WT Myc-mTOR: Myc (mTOR) Xp (Rictor) V5 (SIN1) HA (mLST8) Tubulin S260A S260D WT KD WT KD WT KD Figure 4 B S260D SIN1-V5: WT Co-expression of SIN1 with Myc-mTOR; Xp-rictor; HA-mLST8 S260A + Chloroquine 0h 1h 3h 5h V5 (SIN1) Xp (rictor) Myc (mTOR) HA (mLST8) Tubulin C SIN1 rictor mTOR Tubulin S260D SIN1-myc: WT SIN1 null MEF stable cell lines S260A+Chloroquine 0h 1h 3h 5h Figure 5. S260D S260A IP: SIN1 S260A SIN1-myc: WT SIN1 null MEFs Myc (mTOR) 1.2 1.0 1.4 (mg) mTOR rictor SIN1 Xp (Rictor) V5 (SIN1) mTOR HA (mLST8) rictor Myc (mTOR) Cell lysate B Cell lysate IP: Myc (mTOR) S260D + V5-Sin1: WT + V5-Sin1: S260A Myc-mTOR-KD S260D Myc-mTOR-WT WT A Xp (Rictor) SIN1 p-Akt S473 V5 (SIN1) Akt HA (mLST8) Sin1-V5 cDNA: 30% 30% 100% 100% 30% 100% Tubulin Lysate for IP: Figure 6. A 1 1.63 1.89 1.27 * * p < 0.001 1 SIN1 -/- MEF 1.60 1.69 1.21 * * p < 0.001 SIN1 -/- MEF Figure 6. B ** SIN1-WT * SIN1-S260D SIN1-S260A * p < 0.04 ** p < 0.015 C SIN1-WT SIN1-S260D SIN1-S260A A + 100 ng/ml IGF-1 (48 h) S260A S260D WT KO 0.55 mM S260A S260D SIN1-myc: 5.5 mM WT Glucose: KO Figure 7. p-Akt S473 Akt rictor SIN1 Tubulin B C 1 1.57 1.60 1.29 1 1.27 1.53 * * p < 0.001 SIN1 -/- MEF 1.10 * * p < 0.001 SIN -/- MEF
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