Before&After ® i U X How to design a second page Seashells tion llec Hawaiian Co You’ve designed a beautiful outside. How do you follow it up inside? Simply. Continued Continued How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® i U X How to design a second page You’ve designed a beautiful outside. How do you follow it up inside? Simply. Outside Outsides have insides. Once you’ve designed a beautiful cover, you want the following pages to be beautifully similar. But inside is a different space with different words and a different purpose, so how do you retain the look? The key is simplicity; the second page should be a lesser and simpler version of the first. Four techniques: Seashells Hawaiian Collection Seashells Hawaiian Collection A beautiful, jewel-box cover has been carefully cropped from a larger image. Key to this design is placement; note (above right) that the seashell’s position defines the margins containing the type. 2 of 10 How to design a second page 0607 How to design a second page 3 of 10 i U X Repeat the center of interest When your cover has a strong focal point like this one, mask its background and bring it inside. Alone on a white canvas, it will stand out in striking relief. Inside Seashells Hawaiian Collection Hawaiian Collection Hawaiian Collection Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning of the ns ce s li ni co lle ctio n its elf io ect coll This ed on t he ba s is th a t th Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning eu ser may use t he images in whole o ale res for pt xce e t r r in pa io n ® rib ut Before&After i or n Hierarchy Make type and other graphics secondary to the focal point. To do this, center the layout—which moves the eye down the page in a straight line (above left)—and make the type recede: Set it small (smaller than you’d think), and color it gray (above right) or a light tint of the image itself. The result is a handsome, minimalist look. st di By repeating the outside image inside, you get built-in continuity of shape, color and texture while making a fresh, bold statement. The inside is clearly a subset of the outside, yet has its own distinctive presence. 3 of 10 How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page i U X 4 of 10 Find something in the scene If the outside is big, make the inside small. Bring something from the forest to the inside— a pine cone, an eagle, a rock—and you’ll create a beautiful contrast of far and near. B T N F American Wildlands American Wildlands Conservation Program Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California Al American Wildlands lR igh ts R ese rve d. Unau tion thorized viola duplication is a p of a ble ca pli s. law American Wildlands Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California Al Al lR igh ts R ese rve d. Unau tion thorized viola duplication is a p of a ble ca pli s. law lR igh ts R ese rve d. Unau tion thorized viola duplication is a p of a ble ca pli s. law A forest is vast, panoramic and distant. A small object brings it close, puts it at human scale, makes it touchable. Below, simple alignment helps bring the outside in. For continuity, repeat the cover typefaces inside. Note that the green background is a neutral value against which dark and light type are distinctively separate. 4 of 10 How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page 5 of 10 i U X Lift out one piece Tell a story. Here, a build-it-yourself cover of doors prepares the viewer for the “key” inside—a single square lifted out and enlarged. The Art College of Washington Spokane Unlock your imagination A door of opportunity awaits you The Art College of Washington Spokane 50% At first glance, what you see is a collage of doors. The fun is that you can hide your message on the cover and then reveal it inside. It’s the only image with a key, appropriately tying it to the message, “Unlock your imagination.” 5 of 10 Tint the type color to blend with the image. How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page 6 of 10 i U X Color A grid of dissimilar images is naturally complex and should be simplified. An easy organizational technique is to create one row of similar colors. A) The title row is made of images with similar colors with a few squares left empty for the words; on a busy field, such empty space really stands out. B) The type color must be similar, too; words in cool blue would disrupt the continuity. C) To get this, just sample the warm neighboring colors. The Art College of Washington Spokane A A door of opportunity awaits you B The Art College of Washington Spokane C A door of opportunity awaits you The Art College of Washington Spokane 6 of 10 A door of opportunity awaits you How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page 7 of 10 i U X Make your own object Draw an object—simpler is better—atop your image, then repeat it inside. This technique is especially handy if your cover image has no available follow-up. Front Dawn Neil Dawn Neil Interior Designer Interior Designer Dawn Neil Interior Designer Back 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Dawn Neil Interior Designer 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Same shapes, fonts, sizes and colors but opposite backgrounds This look is cool and low-key. Note that similarities of shape, size and color work together easily beside opposites of light and dark. Note especially the very small type; it takes real restraint to set your own name in 14-pt type, but the results couldn’t be classier. 7 of 10 How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page 8 of 10 i U X Layout Position the shape in the same place on both sides, then align the type blocks neatly to it. Be consistent and simple; note below the clean, straight lines of sight. Dawn Neil Interior Designer Dawn Neil Interior Designer Dawn Neil Interior Designer Dawn Neil Interior Designer 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Dawn Neil Interior Designer 8 of 10 Note the positivenegative use of color. How to design a second page 0607 Before&After 9 of 10 How to design a second page ® i U X Article resources Typefaces 11a 1a 2a 3a 4a 11b B T N F Seashells American Wildlands Conservation Program Hawaiian Collection 13 17 14 18 1b Hawaiian Collection 19 15 American Wildlands Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California 16 ctio n its elf io ect coll This co lle t is th a t th Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning eu ser may use t he images in whole or i le sa r re t fo ce p t ex n par io n of on ba s rib ut ed he i or n st di Al 11d 12 5 7a 7b 11c the ns ce s li ni 2b 2c The Art College of Washington Spokane lR igh ts R ese rve d. Unau tion thorized viola duplication is a p of a ble ca pli 4c 11e 8a 9a Dawn Neil Interior Designer A door of opportunity awaits you 11f 13 C35 M80 Y80 K40 2 (a–c) Avenir Light | a) 11 pt, b) 7 pt, c) 9/10.8 pt 14 C10 M25 Y60 K0 3 (a–b) Trajan Regular | a) 20/19 pt, b) 20 pt Dawn Neil Interior Designer Unlock your imagination 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 The Art College of Washington Spokane 5 Adobe Garamond Bold | 18/16.5 pt, 18 C24 M19 Y49 K40 6 Helvetica Neue Roman | 6.25 pt 7 (a–c) Adobe Garamond Semi Bd. It. a) 14 pt, b) 10 pt, c) 10 pt 19 C24 M19 Y49 K0 20 C25 M90 Y100 K20 21 C19 M64 Y100 K5 9 (a–b) Helvetica Neue Light | a) 10 pt, b) 10 pt 22 C13 M29 Y58 K0 10 Adobe Garamond Semi Bd. | 7.5/9 pt 23 C70 M50 Y35 K10 24 C30 M30 Y50 K0 Images 23 11 (a–g) | a b c d e f g 25 16 C36 M30 Y30 K0 17 C30 M80 Y90 K50 10 24 11g 22 15 C0 M0 Y0 K70 4 (a–c) Avenir Light | a) 9/14 pt, b) 8/9.6 pt, c) 7 pt 8b 9b 21 6 s. law 1 (a–b) Kon Tiki Enchanted | a) 34 pt, b) 12 pt 8 (a–b) Helvetica Neue Md. | a) 10 pt, b) 10 pt 7c 20 3b 4b Colors 25 C25 M20 Y20 K0 26 C50 M40 Y100 K20 12 All images are from 26 9 of 10 How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® How to design a second page 10 of 10 Subscribe to Before & After i U X Before & After magazine Before & After has been sharing its practical approach to graphic design since 1990. Because our modern world has made designers of us all (ready or not), Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understandable, useful and even fun for everyone. Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, confident designer for pennies per article. To learn more, go to To pass along a free copy of this article to John McWade Publisher and creative director Gaye McWade Associate publisher Vincent Pascual Staff designer Dexter Mark Abellera Staff designer others, click here. Editorial board Gwen Amos, Carl Winther E-mail this article Before & After magazine 323 Lincoln Street, Roseville, CA 95678 Telephone 916-784-3880 Fax 916-784-3995 E-mail www Join our e-list To be notified by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to Copyright ©2005 Before & After magazine, ISSN 1049-0035. All rights reserved You may pass this article around, but you may not alter it, and you may not charge for it. You may quote brief sections for review. If you do this, please credit Before & After magazine, and let us know. To feature free Before & After articles on your Web site, please contact us. For permission to include all or part of this article in another work, please contact us. 10 of 10 | Printing formats How to design a second page 0607 Before&After ® i U X Before & After is made to fit your binder Before & After articles are intended for permanent reference. All are titled and numbered. For the current table of contents, click here. To save time and paper, a paper-saver format of this article, suitable for one- or two-sided printing, is provided on the following pages. For presentation format Print: (Specify pages 1–10) For paper-saver format Print: (Specify pages 12–16) Print Format: Landscape Page Size: Fit to Page Save Presentation format or Paper-saver format Back | Paper-saver format How to design a second page 0607 lection Hawaiian Col Seashells You’ve designed a beautiful outside. How do you follow it up inside? Simply. Continued Outside Hawaiian Collection Seashells Hawaiian Collection Seashells How to design a second page A beautiful, jewel-box cover has been carefully cropped from a larger image. Key to this design is placement; note (above right) that the seashell’s position defines the margins containing the type. 1 of 5 Before&After | Outsides have insides. Once you’ve designed a beautiful cover, you want the following pages to be beautifully similar. But inside is a different space with different words and a different purpose, so how do you retain the look? The key is simplicity; the second page should be a lesser and simpler version of the first. Four techniques: 0607 How to design a second page Repeat the center of interest ba le sa r re t fo ce p rt ex images in whole or in pa Hawaiian Collection io ect coll This ns ce s li ni ed on use rm ay u se th e Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning Inside the t Al l Re i or n st di ser ved . Unau ble ca pli s. law Hawaiian Collection Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning Al lR igh ts R ese rve d. American Wildlands p of a ble ca pli s. law igh ts R ese rve d. Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California Unau tion thorized viola duplication is a lR Unau p of a ble ca pli s. law Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California tion thorized viola duplication is a How to design a second page A forest is vast, panoramic and distant. A small object brings it close, puts it at human scale, makes it touchable. Below, simple alignment helps bring the outside in. Al American Wildlands Hierarchy Make type and other graphics secondary to the focal point. To do this, center the layout—which moves the eye down the page in a straight line (above left)—and make the type recede: Set it small (smaller than you’d think), and color it gray (above right) or a light tint of the image itself. The result is a handsome, minimalist look. American Wildlands p of a Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California tion thorized viola duplication is a For continuity, repeat the cover typefaces inside. Note that the green background is a neutral value against which dark and light type are distinctively separate. 2 of 5 Before&After | 0607 he When your cover has a strong focal point like this one, mask its background and bring it inside. Alone on a white canvas, it will stand out in striking relief. Seashells Hawaiian Collection B T N F American Wildlands Conservation Program 0607 How to design a second page Rig hts If the outside is big, make the inside small. Bring something from the forest to the inside— a pine cone, an eagle, a rock—and you’ll create a beautiful contrast of far and near. Find something in the scene By repeating the outside image inside, you get built-in continuity of shape, color and texture while making a fresh, bold statement. The inside is clearly a subset of the outside, yet has its own distinctive presence. sis th at ctio n its elf co lle the of io n rib ut Lift out one piece A door of opportunity awaits you 3 of 5 A Unlock your imagination The Art College of Washington Spokane It’s the only image with a key, appropriately tying it to the message, “Unlock your imagination.” 50% Tint the type color to blend with the image. A) The title row is made of images with similar colors with a few squares left empty for the words; on a busy field, such empty space really stands out. B) The type color must be similar, too; words in cool blue would disrupt the continuity. C) To get this, just sample the warm neighboring colors. A door of opportunity awaits you The Art College of Washington Spokane B A door of opportunity awaits you The Art College of Washington How to design a second page Spokane C Before&After | 0607 A door of opportunity awaits you Tell a story. Here, a build-it-yourself cover of doors prepares the viewer for the “key” inside—a single square lifted out and enlarged. Spokane The Art College of Washington At first glance, what you see is a collage of doors. The fun is that you can hide your message on the cover and then reveal it inside. Color Spokane The Art College of Washington A grid of dissimilar images is naturally complex and should be simplified. An easy organizational technique is to create one row of similar colors. 0607 How to design a second page Make your own object Front Dawn Neil Back Dawn Neil Interior Designer Interior Designer Dawn Neil Interior Designer Interior Designer 0607 Dawn Neil Interior Designer 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Dawn Neil Note the positivenegative use of color. How to design a second page Interior Designer 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 This look is cool and low-key. Note that similarities of shape, size and color work together easily beside opposites of light and dark. Note especially the very small type; it takes real restraint to set your own name in 14-pt type, but the results couldn’t be classier. 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Draw an object—simpler is better—atop your image, then repeat it inside. This technique is especially handy if your cover image has no available follow-up. Dawn Neil Interior Designer Same shapes, fonts, sizes and colors but opposite backgrounds Layout Dawn Neil Interior Designer 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 4 of 5 Before&After | Dawn Neil Position the shape in the same place on both sides, then align the type blocks neatly to it. Be consistent and simple; note below the clean, straight lines of sight. Dawn Neil Interior Designer 0607 How to design a second page 11a 1a 2a he ba s is th a t th n st di io ect coll This ns ce s li ni ed on 11g 11d Al lR igh 11e ts R Unau American Wildlands ble ca pli s. law Our interest is to preserve and maintain wildlands and wildlife throughout the great state of California p of a t 2230 East Woodrow Street Modesto, California, 95240 Interior Designer tion thorized viola duplication is a Dawn Neil Dawn Neil Interior Designer ese rve d. American Wildlands Conservation Program B T N F Article resources Hawaiian Collection i or Seashells Hawaiian Collection le sa r re t fo ce p rt ex images in whole or in pa A door of opportunity awaits you Precisely catalogued and carefully identified for the viewer’s pleasure and learning eu ser may use t he 12 Spokane The Art College of Washington Unlock your imagination The Art College of Washington Spokane 3a 4a 11b 17 18 19 11c 3b 4b 4c 8a 9a 11f 8b 9b 10 23 25 24 26 Typefaces 1 (a–b) Kon Tiki Enchanted | a) 34 pt, b) 12 pt 2 (a–c) Avenir Light | a) 11 pt, b) 7 pt, c) 9/10.8 pt 3 (a–b) Trajan Regular | a) 20/19 pt, b) 20 pt 4 (a–c) Avenir Light | a) 9/14 pt, b) 8/9.6 pt, c) 7 pt 5 Adobe Garamond Bold | 18/16.5 pt, 6 Helvetica Neue Roman | 6.25 pt 7 (a–c) Adobe Garamond Semi Bd. It. a) 14 pt, b) 10 pt, c) 10 pt Colors 13 C35 M80 Y80 K40 14 C10 M25 Y60 K0 15 C0 M0 Y0 K70 16 C36 M30 Y30 K0 17 C30 M80 Y90 K50 18 C24 M19 Y49 K40 19 C24 M19 Y49 K0 20 C25 M90 Y100 K20 22 C13 M29 Y58 K0 21 C19 M64 Y100 K5 23 C70 M50 Y35 K10 8 (a–b) Helvetica Neue Md. | a) 10 pt, b) 10 pt 9 (a–b) Helvetica Neue Light | a) 10 pt, b) 10 pt 26 C50 M40 Y100 K20 25 C25 M20 Y20 K0 24 C30 M30 Y50 K0 10 Adobe Garamond Semi Bd. | 7.5/9 pt Images 11 (a–g) | a b c d e f g 12 All images are from Before & After magazine Before & After has been sharing its practical approach to graphic design since 1990. Because our modern world has made designers of us all (ready or not), Before & After is dedicated to making graphic design understandable, useful and even fun for everyone. John McWade Publisher and creative director Gaye McWade Associate publisher Vincent Pascual Staff designer Dexter Mark Abellera Staff designer Editorial board Gwen Amos, Carl Winther Before & After magazine 323 Lincoln Street, Roseville, CA 95678 Telephone 916-784-3880 Fax 916-784-3995 E-mail www Copyright ©2005 Before & After magazine, ISSN 1049-0035. All rights reserved You may pass this article around, but you may not alter it, and you may not charge for it. You may quote brief sections for review. If you do this, please credit Before & After magazine, and let us know. To feature free Before & After articles on your Web site, please contact us. For permission to include all or part of this article in another work, please contact us. How to design a second page 0607 13 14 1b 15 16 2b 2c 5 7a 7b 7c 20 21 22 Subscribe to Before & After Did you enjoy this article? Subscribe, and become a more capable, confident designer for pennies per article. To learn more, go to E-mail this article To pass along a free copy of this article to others, click here. Join our e-list To be notified by e-mail of new articles as they become available, go to 5 of 5 Before&After | 0607 How to design a second page 6 ctio n its elf co lle the of io n rib ut
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