Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 1 MIND + BODY DETOX HOW TO STOP DIETING AND START HEALTHYLIVING NOW A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 2 What is Detoxification? According to Wikipedia: "Detoxification (detox for short) is the physiological or medicinal removal of toxic substances from a living organism, including, but not limited to, the human body and additionally can refer to the period of withdrawal during which an organism returns to homeostasis after long-term use of an addictive substance." Key terms: a) including, but not limited to, the human body - we also need to eliminate, or reduce the stress from our life, in general b) homeostasis - equilibrium, balance, stability c) addictive substance - such as alcohol, drugs and sugar (yep, sugar. Read: "The Sugar Detox: Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Look Years Younger" by Brooke Alpert MS RD and Patricia Farris MD) Here are examples of what can cause toxins to pile up in our body and our lives: • • • • • • • • • • • • parabens, phthalates, mineral oil, and other toxic ingredients in our bathroom and skin care products harmful chemicals in our cleaning agents pesticides and carcinogens in fruits, vegetables and leafy greens antibiotics injected to animals smoking, second-hand smoke and air pollution artificial ingredients and additives in over-processed foods and fast foods chemicals added to preserve and refine foods (such as sugar, oil and bleached flours) refined and chemical sugars stress from overworking lack of sleep sedentary lifestyle gossip and negativity A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 3 The Steps Step 1: Sort it out The bulk of the work is in the first step. More specifically, getting the courage to examine how things are going now and deciding to go to the direction of what you really want - a healthier, happier you. Let's start. Food This one's simple - go for real, whole foods, preferably organic. The fewer the steps from the source to your table, the better. Over-processed foods contain ingredients that we can't pronounce and do not understand. For the most part, these ingredients - preservatives, artificial ingredients, MSG, artificial sugars, to mention a few - can have a terrible effect in our body. Some people feel it immediately after ingestion, others develop a sensitivity, condition or allergic reaction over time. What kind of reactions and conditions am I talking about? - rashes and eczema - headache / migraine - stomach ache - low energy - itchiness - irritability These are just examples. In addition, processed foods are usually enriched or have vitamins and minerals added to them because the processing has stripped the nutrients off. It's always a better choice to get the nutrients as close as possible from the source. Marketing Terms "Healthy" is now a loosely used term that may or may not indicate a thoroughly nutritious food item. What's funny (actually, not funny at all) is that some companies use it as a marketing scheme. A whole grain bag of chips or say, a carton of cereals, loaded with sugar, high fructose corn syrup, MSG, artificial coloring and other additives is surely not made "healthy" by showering it with a few vitamins and minerals, which, by the way, will not be absorbed fully by our body without a healthy gut and a good helping of necessary fats and carbohydrates that dieters seem to avoid. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 4 Other terms being capitalized for marketing by some companies: natural, nature-identical, permitted flavor, permitted coloring and permitted flavoring. So read and do your research. Skin Care and Home Products There are a number of harmful chemicals that we ingest through our nose and our skin through the products that we buy and use. These chemicals can have an effect on our health. Certain ingredients such as parabens, phthalates and other toxic ingredients can cause various health concerns including asthma and cancer. Take action now. You'll always get better results through proper balance. Not good and bad or wrong and right, but a balance of "good for my body", "great for my soul", and "suits my journey perfectly". ~ Rebekah Borucki, BexLife.com Funtivity: Take inventory of your fridge, cupboard and bathroom items. Read the labels and take note of some that you do not understand or can't read. Google these items and learn what they are about. You may find that some ingredients in food are actually used to make plastics or other inedible things. This is not to cause an alarm but to become aware of the stuff that we put in our body. Then make a decision to only choose what's good for your body, great for your soul and what suits your journey perfectly. ;) Bonus points: Take a look at your wardrobe and sort out what you use regularly and what you haven't even seen in 6 months or more. Give away (donate or sell) your old stuff and make space for new things. For further reading, grab the book "The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan" by Michelle Schoffro Cook, DNM, DAc, CNC. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 5 Step 2: Eat more for clearer skin For most people, they associate detox and diet with eating less, as have I. In my search to find what will give me the results I want - strength, vigor, energy, clear skin, healthy hair and nails - I found out that there is no single diet for everyone. Some people swear by vegetarian and vegan diet, some people can't process grains, some people are lactose intolerant, some people get sick from eating foods with Splenda and so on. However, there's definitely something very common in all diets that work - balance and nourishment from whole foods. Too rigid a diet (one that does not have space for the occasional chocolate or ice cream) can cause stress. Sometimes, they breakout - acne all over the body. The same happens with calorie counting. There's a lot of things that I can say about counting calories but it all boils down to this: it is a myth. For further reading, grab the book "The Calorie Myth: How to Eat More, Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live Better" by Jonathan Bailor. A calorie is not a calorie is not a calorie is not a calorie. Let's first define what a calorie is. A calorie is a unit of energy. It refers to the body's energy consumption through the food we consume. Not all calories are created equal. 300 calories of your favorite burger (if that ever exists since most burgers are 400 calories and up) is definitely not equal to 300 calories of broccoli. How come, you ask? Well, simply put, after eating a burger, you may still feel hungry. Hence, a dessert (or two) plus a 16-oz diet soda (which is not healthier that regular soda by the way). On the other hand, one cup of broccoli is about 31 calories, but you'll probably feel full after eating 2-3 cups unless you can handle 4 - as with my experience. That's not yet 100 calories. So does eating less calories is the point? Not at all. Taking into consideration that we need calories to maintain the normal, regular function of the body - the different organs and for the systems to work - we need to consume enough. Think of it this way, if you car is functioning with less fuel, how far do you think it can take you? The same is true with food. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 6 Also, counting calories is such a pain in the neck. You're wasting your precious time instead on focusing on more important things. The trick is to eat (or drink) more: • • • • • • • leafy greens (romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, and other dark green leafy vegetables) broccoli, cauliflower chia and flax seeds healthy fats (avocado, coconut, also let the fat from meat cook the meat and don't add too much cooking oil) eggs (cholesterol is another myth, read: "The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman" by Tim Ferriss) lean protein (will vary depending on fitness goal and activity, average 100-200g protein daily; a 150g chicken breast fillet contains about 30-50g protein) water To put in perspective, and according to the book The Calorie Myth, overeating happens because we still feel hungry - because we eat low-fiber, low-water, high-starch foods - and so we continue eating until we feel full, which is why we associate high caloric intake with weight gain. Where in fact, we just need to eat more high-fiber, high-water, low-starch foods to nourish us. Choosing fibrous and organic foods high in water content is very helpful for the skin. Add in probiotics for a healthier gut flora. The skin gets clogged (acne, eczema, and other skin conditions) when we cannot move toxins our of our body effectively, so get un-clogged regularly. Consume Greek yogurt (from whole milk, plain and not the artificially flavored kind), kefir and kombucha and add fermented foods to your diet such as kimchi and sauerkraut. If you cannot eat your greens, drink them - make them into a green smoothie or juice. The chlorophyll what makes leaves green - is high in anti-oxidants and amino acids, cleanses the blood and detoxify the body among plenty other benefits. Take action now. Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food. ~Hippocrates A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 7 Funtivity: Add green smoothies to your diet daily. Try this Health Junkie Skin Glow green smoothie recipe: 1 cup leafy greens (we like to mix this up with romaine lettuce, kale and/or spinach) 16oz cold coconut water 1/4 ripe avocado, pitted and chopped 1 cup mixed melons (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew) 1 ripe banana, chopped (optional, if you want a sweeter smoothie) Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz away! Note: Melons are great for the skin because they are about 95% made of water and rich in vitamins A and C. Avocados contain healthy fats, vitamin E and anti-oxidants. Step 3: Exercise less and rest more to maximize fat loss Notice that I said fat loss and not just lose weight. There are many things that you can do to lose weight and some of them very abrasive. However, not all of them give results that last longer than summer and not all of them are "healthy" strategies. Now, how do we maximize fat loss? Let me tell you about the Pareto Principle. It states that 80% of the results you have came from 20% of your effort. In my experience, this is true for my health and fitness as it is in any part of my life. In his book, Tim Ferriss coined the term "minimum effective dose" or MED. This means that to achieve your desired outcome in fitness, you only need to do the bare minimum. Anything beyond MED is just a waste of time - leads to fatigue and strain - both physically and mentally. The same is true about nutrition - eat more of what will yield your desired result. It is also important to note that rest is truly important. Stop to notice the flowers or the sky and appreciate the stars. Try to get quality, uninterrupted sleep of at least 7.5 hours. It has been noted in various studies that lack of sleep is proportional to weight gain and other lifestyle diseases. For further reading, grab the book "The 4-Hour Body" by Tim Ferriss. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 8 Take action now. Fitness needs to be perceived as fun and games or we subconsciously avoid it. ~ Alan Thicke Funtivity: I find it really difficult to be consistent with exercise when I feel fatigued and sore right after. I remember one time I almost puked! A series of sore muscles later, I found out that there is a simpler and quicker way to get fit and be consistent without the hassle of feeling sick. Try this: This exercise will only take 4 minutes and you will only do it once a week. I'm talking about sprints! Run your fastest for 20 sec walk out for 10 seconds and repeat 8 times. Feeling out of breath after the 4th time? Bored? No worries! If you ask me, I'd rather do something fun and interesting. Stop and rest whenever necessary. Start small - 4 or 5 times - and work your way up. Don't set yourself up for failure by setting a goal you know you won't even begin to do. You know yourself better than anyone. Starting small does not mean thinking small. Another almost neglected factor in healthy-living is drinking water. Make it a habit to drink at least 8oz of water upon waking up. For added benefit, squeeze half a lemon to your morning water to alkalize your body to jumpstart the cleansing process. Step 4: Choose nourishing words Nourishment does not only come from food and air; it also comes from words, thoughts and intentions. Dr. Masaru Emoto has theorized that words and intentions have an effect to water molecules. He conducted experiments with water, writing positive words and statements to one container and negative things to another. After some time, they observed the water crystals and saw that the water where negative statements like "You make me sick" were pasted onto were destroyed. On the other hand, words like "Thank you" and "love and gratitude" showed beautifully formed crystals. What's the relevance? Our body is predominantly made up of water, as is the earth! We were always taught to say "thank you" and to not speak when we have nothing nice to say, not knowing that it has an effect to our health and beauty. Now, we have another reason to say nice things more often genuinely. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 9 Take action now. Your body hears everything your mind says. ~Naomi Judd Funtivity: If you've ever had a chance to eat with me, you'd notice a habit that I do - I always say "thank you, I love you" to the water I'm drinking. I know this may sound woo-woo to you, especially if you haven't tried it. But really, what's there to lose? Nothing! So now, let's try it. • • • Every morning, look in the mirror and greet yourself by saying, "Good morning, gorgeous!" Whenever you workout, even when you're just walking, say "I can do this, I'm ready to be healthy and fit" even just in your head. Say grace before meals or simply say "Thank you for the food." Notice your days will be more cheerful. :) For further reading, grab the book "Messages from Water and the Universe" by Dr. Masaru Emoto. Step 5: Do the F Word Probably not the F word that your thinking about, unless you're thinking about forgiveness too. What's this for? Well most of the stress that we experience are from the things that we continue to hold on to, activities that we regularly do or food that we consistently eat but are no longer serving us. More often than not, we can't control what happens to us - we can only control how we react to them. So for the notso-good things that life throws at us, we can just forgive and let go; take responsibility and be accountable. Taking responsibility and being accountable is very far from complaining and blaming ourselves. Complaining and blaming is saying "McDonald's and other fast food chains are at fault for the obesity in this country. They should use more healthy ingredients in their food so people won't get all these health problems." Taking responsibility is saying "I won't eat at McDonald's anymore and I will just make my own lunch. Maybe tomorrow I will eat at the cafeteria and choose a high-protein, high-fiber meal." A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 10 At some point, feeling bad - angry, frustrated, stressed, fatigued, etc. - is not going to bring us what we want. So we just need to let go and forgive. Let ourselves and other people off the hook so we can focus on moving towards the results that we want to see. Spend most of your time preparing for what you want, rather than complaining about what you don't want. Every minute spent is lost, so spend your time wisely. Take action now. Whenever you start guiding yourself by caring about how you feel, you start guiding yourself back into your Stream of Source Energy, and that’s where your clarity is; that’s where your joy is; that’s where your flexibility is; that’s where your balance is; that’s where your good ideas come from. That’s where all the good stuff is accessed from. ~ Abraham-Hicks Funtivity: On your notebook or a clean sheet of paper, define what "feeling good" is for you. Does it make you want to dance or jump? Does it make you want to smile or shout? Is it fuzzy or warm? It may be different for everybody so define it for yourself. Below that, list down at least 10 things that make you feel good. What gets you going? What keeps you happy? It could be a physical or emotional feeling. Be honest and be true. If, say, eating popcorn feels good, write that down. A little caveat: in terms of food, also note down if you're "stress eating" or trying to fill an emotional void when you eat. There's a thin line between doing what feels good in a given moment and masking sadness/stress/boredom with something else so you do not feel bad. I know this can be tough, so give yourself time, but do it for yourself. Then on another sheet or page, write at the very top of the page "I LET GO OF WHAT DOESN'T FEEL GOOD" and list below that at least 10 things that makes you feel not-so-good. If eating 3 slices of sugary cake makes you feel bloated and heavy, write it down. Again, this could be physical or emotional. Let it all out, feel it, and then let it go. You may even tear the paper into pieces and throw it in the trash when you're done. This may feel ridiculous at first, but trust me, this will help. After all that, read your feel good items once more and continue doing the things that are great for your body, soul and journey. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 11 For further reading, grab the book " Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles" by Gabrielle Bernstein. Step 6: Count your blessings This is my go-to strategy for relieving stress and jealousy. Whenever I feel like I'm not yet seeing my desired results or I see someone with abs or who have traveled some place I wish I can go but haven't been to yet, I count my blessings. Then I wish other people well in their lives. Gratitude is the attitude. It keeps us grounded and we stay in a thankful, non-stressful way. As you may know by now, stress is tied to almost every kind of illness or condition nowadays - including ulcer, pimples and a recurring lack mindset. Gratitude detoxifies the mental clutter from our head and relieves our heavy heart, along with forgiveness. Take action now. In the end, though, maybe we must all give up trying to pay back the people in this world who sustain our lives. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender before the miraculous scope of human generosity and to just keep saying thank you, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have voices. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert in Eat, Pray, Love Funtivity: Make a daily habit before bedtime, to write 5 things that you are grateful for that day. You can start tonight, it will make you sleep better. Ask yourself, "how have I added value to anyone today?" then thank and congratulate yourself for adding value to the world, even through the littlest thing like complimenting a co-worker or donating P5 to Red Cross. Step 7: Be consistent but above all, be kind Consistency will take all these steps to a whole new level and you will create the results you want to see. The steps in this guide are simple enough to continue doing. But, sometimes things happen that are out of our control and they may take our focus away. So, it's important to be kind to yourself and continue where you left off. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 12 We tend to beat ourselves up whenever we stumble and fall. I know I have. Beating myself up only kept me down when what I really wanted was to stand up and soldier on. I have forgotten to be kind to myself. Take action now. When a woman becomes her own best friend life is easier. ~ Diane Von Furstenberg Funtivity: At least once a month, have a date with yourself. Treat yourself to a mani-pedi, a foot massage or even just a stroll in the park. I used to treat myself to a "cheat" meal of French fries and donut; now I know how to make healthier versions of them, and that's me being kind to my body. :) The only way we can be kind and compassionate to another person is if we can be kind and compassionate to ourselves. In summary... 1. Sort it out - become aware of what's working and what's not; keep what works and leave out what doesn't 2. Eat more real, whole foods 3. Exercise smarter and make time for rest 4. Use nourishing words and think happy thoughts 5. Give an F! (forgive :) 6. Be grateful 7. Be consistent and kind Final note One important key to success in any endeavor is to define what it means to you. What is your definition of success? How does success feel like? How do you want to feel when you're "there"? Ultimately, we all want to feel good, we do the things we do because we hope that doing these things will make us feel good. It's a perfectly good reason to be healthy, to be happy, to forgive and let go, to do some pushups, and to love yourself. May these steps be the foundation of your healthy choices. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph Mind + Body Detox: How to Stop Dieting and Start Healthy-living Now 13 Resources and suggested reading: • • • • • • • • • • The Sugar Detox: Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Look Years Younger by Brooke Alpert MS RD and Patricia Farris MD The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan: A Program for Greater Energy, Health, and Vitality by Michelle Schoffro Cook, DNM, DAc, CNC The Calorie Myth: How to Eat More, Exercise Less, Lose Weight, and Live Better by Jonathan Bailor The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman by Tim Ferriss Messages from Water and the Universe by Dr. Masaru Emoto Spirit Junkie: A Radical Road to Self-Love and Miracles by Gabrielle Bernstein Make Every Man Want You: How to Be So Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself! by Marie Forleo The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms by Danielle LaPorte Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko Awaken the Giant Within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial by Anthony Robbins Follow The Health Junkie for more health tips: Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Pinterest: healthjunkie.ph Pinay Health Junkie @healthjunkieph @healthjunkieph /healthjunkieph Disclaimer: All information presented on this guide, Pinay Health Junkie website and Facebook page are for educational and informational purposes only. The statements presented have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease and not intended to be a replacement for any medical treatment. As a responsible individual, please consult your doctor for your specific health concerns. Individual results may vary. A 7-Step Jumpstart Guide to Looking Great and Feeling Awesome For Life © Pinay Health Junkie | healthjunkie.ph
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