How to enter the Republic of Slovenia Možnosti samozaposlitve tujcev v Sloveniji brosura-kakovstopiti-ANG.p65

Možnosti samozaposlitve tujcev v Sloveniji
How to enter
the Republic of Slovenia
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
Entry into the country for citizens of
EU Member States
All you need to enter the Republic of
Slovenia is a valid identity document
(passport or identity card). For the first
three months after entry, citizens of EU
Member States may reside on Slovene
territory without registering their residence but must register with the competent police station within 3 days after
entry. If the residence exceeds three
months, they must register their residence (i.e. submit an application for the
issue of a residence registration certificate) at the administrative unit where
they reside. They can also apply for a
residence registration certificate immediately upon entry into Slovenia. This
certificate can be issued to citizens of
EU Member States planning to come to
Slovenia or already residing in Slovenia
for reasons of employment and work,
self-employment, the performance of
services, study or family reunion as well
as to EU citizens who do not meet any
of the listed requirements but wish to
reside in the territory of Slovenia. More
information can be found at http://
The entry of foreigners on the basis
of a visa or passport
Entry to Slovenia is permitted at
international border crossings and, in
individual cases, also at local border
crossings. Citizens of non-EU Member
States wishing to enter into and reside
in the Republic of Slovenia for reasons
of tourism, business, personal or other
type of visit, must acquire a visa issued
by the diplomatic and consular missions of the Republic of Slovenia
based abroad. For the same reasons,
any foreigner who does not need a visa
to enter the country, may enter the
country and stay in the Republic of
Slovenia for no more than 90 days
within a period of six months, counting
from the day of the first entry on the
basis of a passport. A list of countries
for which no visa is required is available
at the following link:
Foreigners who wish to enter the
Republic of Slovenia for reasons other
than those possible on the basis of a
visa (e.g. study or family reunions) must
have a residence permit.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
Entry into the country on the basis of a visa or
residence permit issued by a contracting party
to the Schengen Agreement
The Schengen Acquis – the Convention
implementing the Schengen Agreement
applying to Slovenia in full as of 21
December 2007 – determines the
conditions of movement on the territory
of the contracting parties to the
Schengen Agreement for foreigners,
who are not citizens of EU members
states and who were issued a visa or a
residence permit by one of the contracting parties to the Schengen Agreement.
Foreigners who hold valid residence
permits issued by one of the contracting
parties may, on the basis of that permit
and a valid travel document, enter
Slovenia and reside in the country for up
to three months, provided that they fulfil
the mentioned entry conditions and are
not on Slovenia’s national list of alerts
for people or foreigners who the Republic of Slovenia does not allow to enter its
Holders of a uniform visa, issued by
another contracting party to the
Schengen Agreement, may enter the
Republic of Slovenia during the validity
of this visa and reside in the country if
they meet the entry requirements. They:
• need to have sufficient means of
• need to produce documents justifying
the purpose of their intended stay,
• must not pose a threat to public
policy, national security or the international relations of any of the contracting parties to the Schengen Agreement.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
The entry of an foreigner who has long-term resident status in another EU Member State and of
his family members
If an foreigner has long-term resident
status in another EU Member State and
his/her immediate family members have
a residence permit in another EU
Member State, such an foreigner may,
regardless of the purpose of their stay in
the Republic of Slovenia, enter the
country with a passport and the stated
permit and reside in the country for
three months counting from the day of
entry or for the duration provided by the
permit if its validity period is less than
three months.
d countr
er and
countryy nationals who ent
reside on the tter
oryy of the R
of Slo
or dif
ent rreasons
easons than
Slovvenia ffor
those aavvailable on the basis of a visa,
esidence per
mit issued
mustt hold a rresidence
in the R
epublic of Slo
Slovvenia, which
needs tto
o be acq
ed prior tto
o entr
An foreigner can acquire long-term
resident status if he/she is not a citizen
of an EU Member State and holds a
permit for temporary or long-term
residence in a EU Member State, which
has been issued with a validity of no
less than five years on the prescribed
EU uniform format for residence permits
for third-country nationals, where longterm resident must be entered under the
heading “type of permit”.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
How to acquire the appropriate visa
to enter Slovenia
Visa types:
Citizens of countries with which
Slovenia does not have a visa-free
regime must have a valid travel document as well as a visa or an appropriate
residence permit to enter Slovenia.
A visa is a certificate issued by a competent
diplomatic mission or consular post of the
Republic of Slovenia based abroad to an
foreigner and, on the basis of which and
provided that there are no reasons to refuse
him or her entry, he or she may enter the
country and stay for the period specified in
the visa. A visa may also be issued for
transit through the territory of the Republic
of Slovenia if the foreigner fulfils the conditions for transit and if he or she is allowed to
enter the next destination country.
The legal basis for the visa procedure is
ct (of
defined in the For
eignerss A
ed tte
ext), Of
e of
Offficial Gaz
the R
epublic of Slo
Slovvenia 1
2/2005. A visa can be issued to foreigners in
possession of a valid travel document,
whose period of validity must exceed the
period of time for which the visa is issued
by at least three months.
A visa alone does no
nott enable an ffor
or-o ent
er the countr
countryy. If the cir
circumeigner tto
stances under which a visa w
as issued
der authorities ma
havve changed, bor
refuse entr
entryy and annul the visa. A visa
mayy also be annulled if it is subseq
a submitt
esttablished that the dat
during the visa pr
e incor
or if impor
acts w
e concealed.
importtant ffacts
A visa does not grant an foreigner the
right to employment or work, self-employment or any other type of vocational
• visa for single entry or multiple entries
• transit visa
• airport transit visa
• group visas
Visa for single entry or multiple entries
• The collective duration of residence
may not exceed 90 days within a period
of six months
• validity: 1 year
• it is issued for tourism, business,
personal or any other visits
Transit visa
• A transit visa may be issued for single or
double transit and, exceptionally, multiple
transits through the national territory.
• In each transit, the foreigner may stay in the
Republic of Slovenia no more than 5 days.
• A transit visa may only be issued if the
foreigner can prove that he or she is
permitted to enter the next country of
Airport transit visa
• An foreigner awaiting his or her connecting flight does not require a visa if
he or she does not leave the airport
transit area.
Group visas
• Group visas are issued as visas for
single entry or as transit visas to a
group of foreigners (no less than 5 and
no more than 50 people).
• Group visas are issued for a residence
duration of no more than 30 days or as
a transit visa.
A visa is issued at the request of an
foreigner if he/she is in possession of a
valid travel document. The foreigner must
acquire a visa prior to his/her entry into the
country. Visas are issued by diplomatic and
consular missions of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
How to acquire the appropriate
residence permit in Slovenia
If an foreigner wishes to work in
Slovenia legally, he/she must not only
acquire a work permit but also a
residence permit. A residence permit is
especially important, as it constitutes a
residence permit and a permit to enter
the Republic of Slovenia. A work permit
and a residence permit for work purposes are two different permits issued
by two different but interconnected
bodies: the Employment Service (http:// and the administrative
units (
A work permit enables employment or
work in the Republic of Slovenia and is
usually issued by the Employment
Service, while a residence permit
enables entry and residence in the
country. It is issued by the administrative unit in whose territory the foreigner
intends to reside, or in whose territory
the foreigner already resides. If an
foreigner wishes to legally work and
reside in Slovenia, he/she requires both
permits. A work permit is usually the
basis for acquiring the residence
permit, which is usually issued for the
same duration as the work permit. If the
work permit expires early, this is also a
reason for seizing the residence permit.
Types of rresidence
esidence per
• temporary residence permit
• permanent residence permit
Prior to a residence permit being
issued, evidence of meeting various
requirements must be submitted.
Conditions ffor
or acq
uiring residence
permits for first residence:
• a valid travel document with a period
of validity exceeding the period of
time planned to reside in the Republic
of Slovenia by at least three months;
• appropriate health insurance coverage;
• sufficient means of subsistence (equal
to at least the basic amount of minimum income in the Republic of
Slovenia per month);
• one well-founded reason or purpose
why an foreigner intends to reside in
the Republic of Slovenia.
Reasons or pur
poses ffor
or rresiding
esiding in
Slovvenia for which a residence permit
may be issued:
• employment or work, research work,
seasonal employment, cross-border
provision of services by seconded
workers, daily work migrants;
• reuniting families;
• study, education, specialisation or
advanced professional training,
practical training, cooperation or
participation in international volunteer
exchange programmes or other
programmes not part of the formal
education system;
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
• other legitimate reasons justified by
law, international acts or international
principles and practices (such as
receiving a Slovenian pension, real
estate ownership, hospital treatment,
custody, receiving cash benefits);
• Slovene descendants up to threetimes removed.
The sspecif
ics of issuing rresidence
yment or w
k (employment or
• emplo
work, research work, seasonal employment, the cross-border provision
of services by seconded workers or
daily work migrants): foreigners who
wish to stay in the Republic of
Slovenia for the purposes of employment or work may be issued a residence permit if they are in possession
of a work permit. The work permit is
issued by the Employment Service of
the Republic of Slovenia. Applications
for a residence permit for reasons of
employment or work can be completed by the foreigner or by his/her
employer. The foreigner must file the
application for a residence permit for
first residence with the diplomatic and
consular mission of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad and the
employer may file the application with
the diplomatic and consular mission
of the Republic of Slovenia based
abroad or with the competent body in
the Republic of Slovenia.
• reuniting ffamilies:
amilies: foreigners residing in
the Republic of Slovenia on the basis of
a permanent residence permit, as well
as foreigners who, for the past year,
have resided in the Republic of Slovenia
on the basis of a temporary residence
permit and are in possession of a
temporary residence permit valid for no
less than one year, are granted the right
to the reunion, preservation and
regaining of family integrity with immediate family members (spouses, unmarried children (minors) of the foreigner;
unmarried children (minors) of the
spouse; parents of minors; adult
unmarried children or parents of the
foreigner or spouse for whom the
foreigner or spouse is liable to provide
support in accordance with the law of
the country of his/her nationality). An
application for a permit can be filed with
a diplomatic and consular mission of
the Republic of Slovenia based abroad
or with the competent body in the
Republic of Slovenia.
• the cr
der pr
ovision of
vices b
s: a
byy seconded w
permit for temporary residence for
reasons of the cross-border provision
of services by seconded workers may
be issued at the request of the
foreigner or the legal representative of
one of the contracting parties. The
application must be filed with the
diplomatic and consular mission of
the Republic of Slovenia based
abroad, while the legal representative
of the contracting party can file the
application for a permit for first
residence with the diplomatic and
consular mission of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad or with the
administrative unit.
• resear
ch w
k: the permit for temporary residence for reasons of research
work may be issued at the request of
the foreigner or the research organisa-
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
tion from the Republic of Slovenia that
the foreigner has concluded a hosting
agreement with. The application for a
temporary permit for first residence
must be filed with the diplomatic and
consular mission of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad, while the
research organisation can file the
application with the diplomatic and
consular mission of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad or with the
administrative unit.
• other w
ounded rreasons
easons jus
by la
w, int
national acts or int
ernational principles and pr
actices (the
ownership of a real estate in Slovenia,
receiving a Slovenian pension,
custody, foster care, hospital treatment, etc.)
In addition to providing proof of meeting
the required conditions, the foreigner
must support his/her application for a
residence permit with data from the
criminal records of the country of origin
that is no older than three months
(provided that his/her country of origin
issues such data). In accordance with
the provisions of the Foreigners Act
predpis_ZAKO1479.html), the application for a residence permit may be
refused if there are reasons to assume
that the foreigner may pose a threat to
the public order, security or international
relations of the Republic of Slovenia or if
there is a suspicion that the foreigner’s
residence in the country will be associated with the committing of terrorist or
other violent acts, illegal intelligence
activities, drug trafficking or other
criminal acts. If all the conditions for
issuing temporary permits for first
residence are met, the administrative
unit issues the permit and sends it to the
diplomatic and consular mission of the
Republic of Slovenia based abroad,
where it is handed to the foreigner.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
Temporary residence permit
A permit for first residence in the Republic of Slovenia may only be issued as a
permit for temporary residence. The
application for a permit for first residence
must be filed with a diplomatic and
consular mission of the Republic of
Slovenia based abroad, which submits
the application to the competent administrative unit in the country.
Third country citizens who reside in the
Republic of Slovenia on the basis of a
temporary residence permit and EEA
citizens who reside in the Republic of
Slovenia on the basis of a certificate of
registration of temporary residence must
register their temporary residence with
the administrative unit within three days
of their accommodation change or from
being served the temporary residence
permit. Should the foreigners accommodate in accommodation facilities, the
landlords of such facilities are obliged to
submit the registration of foreigners.
A permit for temporary residence is valid
for no more than one year. However, the
foreigner or the landlord is obliged to
renew the application for a temporary
residence permit within eight days of the
expiry of the application. The competent
administrative body shall renew the
registration of temporary residence during
the procedure for examining the application for all timely submitted applications
for the renewal of the permit for temporary
residence or for issuing a further permit
for temporary residence or a certificate of
registration of temporary residence. After
being served the permit for temporary
residence or the certificate of registration
of temporary residence, the foreigner or
the landlord with whom they are staying
must renew the registration of residence.
The extension of the temporary residence permit
Foreigners who are in possession of a
permit for temporary residence in the
Republic of Slovenia for reasons of
employment or work and who wish to
continue to reside in Slovenia for the
same reasons after the expiry of such a
permit may file an application for an
extension of the validity of the permit.
permit with a competent body in the
Republic of Slovenia prior to the expiry of
the validity of the permit. As with the first
permit for temporary residence, another
person acting on behalf of the foreigner
may file for the extension (employer,
research organisation or a representative
of one of the contracting parties).
A permit for temporary residence may be
extended under the same conditions
under which it was issued and the
completed application must include
evidence of meeting the requirements in
the same manner as for the acquisition of
the first residence permit. Foreigners shall
file an application for the extension of a
In addition to meeting the defined requirements for the extension of the residence
permit, the administrative unit must again
verify the existence of reasons that might
prevent the permit from being issued (e.g. a
threat to public order, security or international relations, failure to obey the legal
order of the Republic of Slovenia, etc.).
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
Further permits for temporary residence
Foreigners who are in possession of a
permit for temporary residence in the
Republic of Slovenia and who wish to
continue to reside in Slovenia for a
different purpose may file an application
for issuing a further residence permit for
a different purpose (e.g. foreigners
residing in Slovenia on the basis of a
permit for temporary residence for study
purposes, who wish to remain residing in
Slovenia after the expiry of such a permit
for reasons of employment or work).
Such an application must again be filed
with the administrative unit prior to the
expiry of the validity of the permit. The
conditions, procedures and methods of
issuing are the same as for the extension
of the permit for temporary residence.
Permanent residence permit
A permanent residence permit may be
granted to an foreigner who resides in
the Republic of Slovenia uninterruptedly
for a period of five years on the basis of
a temporary residence permit and who
also fulfils other conditions for being
issued a residence permit. Provided
other legally determined conditions are
met, a permanent residence permit may
be issued prior to the expiry of the fiveyear term:
• if the foreigner is of Slovenian descent;
• if the residence of the foreigner in the
Republic of Slovenia is in the interest
of the Republic of Slovenia;
• if the foreigner already had a permanent residence permit in the Republic
of Slovenia which was terminated due
to his/her moving out of the country
or absence from the Republic of
Slovenia or the area of the European
• if the foreigner already had a permanent residence permit in the Republic
of Slovenia which was terminated due
to the foreigner acquiring long-term
resident status in another EU Member State.
The condition of a five-year uninterrupted residence is fulfilled even if an
foreigner was absent from Slovenia and
did not have a temporary residence
permit if the absences were shorter than
six consecutive months and, during
these five years, did not exceed ten
months in total.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
The duration of an foreigner’s residence
in Slovenia on the basis of a temporary
residence permit for the purpose of
seasonal work, as a seconded worker or
daily work migrant and the duration of
an foreigner’s residence in Slovenia as a
person with temporary protection is not
included in the period needed for
issuing a permanent residence permit.
Fifty percent of the duration of an
foreigner’s residence in Slovenia on the
basis of a temporary residence permit
for study and vocational training purposes is included in the period needed
for issuing a permanent residence
The permanent residence permit is not
issued to foreigners who have been
residing in Slovenia uninterruptedly for
five years on the basis of a temporary
residence permit for study or vocational
training purposes, or to foreigners who,
when their applications for permanent
residence permit are being decided, are
residing in Slovenia on the basis of a
temporary residence permit for study,
vocational training or seasonal work
purposes, as seconded workers or daily
work migrants. A permanent residence
permit may be issued to immediate
family members of the foreigner prior to
the expiry of the five-year period provided that the foreigner has a permanent
residence permit in Slovenia or had
been awarded the status of a refugee. A
permanent residence permit may be
issued on the basis of a temporary
residence permit to such persons who
have resided in the Republic of Slovenia
uninterruptedly for two years.
The application for a permanent residence permit is submitted by the
foreigner or by his/her legal representative or authorised person to the administrative unit in the foreigner’s area of
Foreigners must register their permanent residence or change of address
with the administrative unit within eight
days of being issued the permanent
residence permit.
Additional information on the residence
of foreigners in the Republic of Slovenia
is available on the State Portal of the
Republic of Slovenia.
19.2.2010, 9:40
How to enter the Republic of Slovenia
The registration of permanent
or temporary residence
On the registration of temporary or
permanent residence, the foreigner
must submit a valid identity document
equipped with a photograph and proof
that the foreigner is entitled to reside at
the address that he/she is registering.
Such proof shall be a proof of ownership, a lease or sublease agreement or
a written consent from the owner or
owners of the flat or manager of the
accommodation facility, though the
owner’s consent is not required to be
More information on the registration and
possibilities for electronic registration of
residence is available from the administrative units or on the State Portal of the
Republic of Slovenia:
If the real estate where the foreigner
wishes to register his/her residence is
entered into the land register, he/she is
not required to prove ownership of this
real estate, as the authorised body will
obtain this data itself. The foreigner is
however required to submit the number
of the land register entry, the name of
the cadastral municipality or plot
number and the address of the competent court.
Information for foreigners
Info Point for foreigners
Slovenska cesta 55, 1000 Ljubljana
00386 41 659 228
Promoting employability, education and social integration of migrant workers and their families, is partly financed by EU resources
through the European Social Fund. Operation is implementing within Operational program Human Resources Development for the
period 2007 – 2013, development priority: 4. Equal opportunities and encouraging social integration, priority orientation: 4.1. Equal
oportunities on labour market and empowering social integration based on contract 2611-09-038502 between Ministry of Labour,
Family and Social Affairs and Employment Service of Slovenia.
19.2.2010, 9:40