How to Prepare

Ma rch 2011
How to Prepare
Your Lawn
for the
Spring Season
Having a beautiful lawn doesn’t have to be a lot of work, provided you are willing to
get ready for it ahead of time. A lot of people don’t even give their lawn a second
thought until they’re well into the spring season, by which point it’s already growing
and they have to struggle to keep up with it.
by Brian Jenkins There are a number of things that you can do before spring begins in order to get your lawn ready for warmer weather, ensuring that you’ll have a great lawn without
nearly as much work as it would take to achieve later.
One of the first things that you can do is to take advantage of retailers who put out
their lawn care supplies early. Shop around for a good grass seed and lawn fertilizer, choosing a fertilizer that has slightly less nitrogen because you’re going to want
to be encouraging root growth instead of top growth at first. High nitrogen content
will encourage your grass to grow tall quickly, but it will be at the expense of a solid
root system which can lead to problems with durability and your grass being able to
get the water and nutrients that it needs as spring turns to summer.
A time-release fertilizer can work well in the spring, since it will make sure that your
grass gets needed nutrients each time that it rains. Choose a grass seed that has
qualities and color that you want, and if possible pick one that is resilient against
crabgrass and other weeds so that it won’t be choked out if they start to grow. Some
grass seeds even come with a coating on the seeds themselves which helps to kill
off unwanted plants while not harming the grass itself.
Next, take the time to get out early and start cleaning up your lawn. Remove any
dead limbs that might be lying around since a winter snowstorm and get rid of any
other debris that you might have let stay too long. Clean up any leftover leaf piles or
anything else that might impede the growth of your grass in certain places. If you’re
planning on gardening or maintaining flower beds you should use this opportunity to
clean them up as well so that you don’t have to do your entire cleanup when you get
ready to start gardening or planting flowers.
It’s also important that you spend a little bit of time doing needed maintenance
to your lawn care equipment in advance of when you’re actually going to need
it. Change the oil and sharpen the blades of your lawnmower, running it through
a thorough maintenance check to ensure that everything is going to work like it
Clean up and check any weed trimmers or other equipment that you might have as
Page 1
Please see “Lawn” continued on page 2
Lisle Park District
“Lawn” continued from page 1
well, making sure that
they’re in top working
condition and that any
vital fluids are full. Most
people wait until they’re
about to start cutting their
grass to check out their
equipment, but waiting
can mean that you won’t
be as thorough with your
checks and you can end up with uneven cuts or
unnecessary wear and tear on your lawnmower
and other equipment.
If you have a late snow, make sure that there
aren’t any patches of your yard which remain
under a drift of snow after everything else has
melted. Not only can it stunt growing grass or
cause yellowed patches in your yard but the
extra moisture could set you up for mold or other
problems as your lawn tries to get started growing. Try to break up any larger mounds of snow
as they melt to keep this from happening.
Once you’ve got all of your equipment ready and
you have the seed and fertilizer that you need to
reseed your lawn, make sure that you choose the
right time to plant your grass seed. While some
people claim that the fall is the best time to reseed your lawn, you can have wonderful results
from grass seed that’s planted in the early spring.
Make sure that you scatter your seed evenly,
doing so after the risk of snowfall or extreme low
temperatures have passed.
Late March to mid-April can be an ideal time to
seed your lawn in the spring if you live in the
northern hemisphere, being late enough in the
year to avoid most freezing dangers yet still giving ample time for the grass to begin growing
before the summer. Try not to over-water your
lawn early on, as letting the soil dry out between
rain and watering can result in deeper roots and
a healthier lawn.
Some folks make you feel at home,
others make you wish you were.
for more information please visit
Hoppin’ Into Spring
Date: March 23, 2011, 12:30-2pm
Ages: 3-6 years
Spring is just around the corner
and the bunnies are coming out to
play. Enjoy an afternoon of creating spring flowers, bunnies, and
other crafts. We will also go on a
candy hunt. Then we will end with a
special spring snack which you will
create and a great story to get you
ready for spring.
Cool Science! - Chocolate Chemistry
Date: March 12, 2011, 10am-1pm
Ages: 6-10 years
Venture into the wonderful world of chocolate as you
track its beginnings as a cacao seed in the Amazon
forest to the delicious, sweet treat you know and love!
Learn about the chemical properties of chocolate and
why it may be good for you and how it makes us feel
as good as we wait for it to make our own delectable
chocolate treats. Woohoo!
My Computer and Control Panel
Date: March 24, 2011, 7-8:30pm
Ages: 16 and up
This class will give an overview of Windows My Computer and Control Panel features. Students will learn
about their computer’s hard disk and file system; how
to change settings on hardware, folders, taskbar, and
start menu, how to schedule tasks, and change internet
options, and more! Laptops provided for class. This is
a cooperative program with Woodridge Park District.
Happy Daze Luncheon
Date: March 23, 2011, 11am-1pm
Ages: 50+
Dust off your penny loafers and put
on your poodle skirt and join the
Step ‘n’ Time Dancers for a stroll
down memory lane today as they
showcase all of your favorite music from the 40s, 50s,
and 60s in both song and dance. Our lunch is filled
with 50s drive-in favorites like hamburgers and fries,
cherry cokes and a delicious chocolate malt for dessert.
You’ll be sure to have a jitterbuggin’ good time!
Page 2
Green Trails Improvement Association
Board of Directors
Summary of GTIA Board Meeting
Minutes February 8, 2011
Pending Board Approval
Peter Bakas called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM in the
LRC at Kennedy Jr. High School. Board members present:
Peter Bakas, Lou Beccavin, Bill Burlein, Pat CoughlinSchillo, Marisa DeAngelis, Marg Hough, Bob Klaeren, Les
Lavin, Christy McGovern, Mark Munoz, Michael Olson,
Roger Sassen. Board members excused: Don Helgeson,
Julie LaFond, Roxanne Nagel. Management: Joanne
Broda. Paula Gleason was Recording Secretary. A quorum
was present.
Open Forum: None
Minutes of the Prior Meeting: Minutes of the January
meeting were reviewed.
Board Motion: Les Lavin moved to approve the January
minutes, Mark Munoz seconded. The motion was passed
by unanimous voice vote.
Treasurer’s Report: Michael Olson reviewed the January
Balance Sheet and Income and Expense Statement. It was
noted that three partial payments and one payment in full
were received on 2010 past due accounts.
Board Motion: Pat Coughlin-Schillo motioned to accept
the revised check register expenditures of $6,634.30 for
February, Marisa DeAngelis seconded. Motion was passed
by unanimous voice vote.
Management Report: Telephone log line items were
Management reported that the two new CD accounts were
opened as requested. The six-month CD for operating
funds deposited at Old Second Bank was actually at a
higher rate than anticipated, .65%. The renewed reserve
fund CD for 15-months at Cole Taylor was renewed, as
rates were changing, at 1.15% apy.
Management mailed 174 past-due notices on February 1st
to all accounts not yet paid for 2011.
Management submitted a revised Board roster and copy of
the approved 2011 budget for all Board members to review
and file in their director’s binder.
The auditor, Robert Ripp, had to re-schedule due to the
blizzard and will begin working on the GTIA audit on
February 9th.
Management requested a write-off of an unpaid amount
of $184.26 due to a foreclosure sale for TAA46A; this
includes 183 days of the 2010 assessment ($84.26) plus
admin fee ($20) and lien fee ($80). Management also requested a write-off of an unpaid amount of $270.00 due to
Chapter 7 bankruptcy for TAA54A; this includes the 2010
assessment ($170) plus admin fee ($20) and line fees ($80).
Peter Bakas - President - Area N, TYN-APC
Leslie Lavin - Vice President - Area E, WGL(W)
Michael Olson - Treasurer - Area O, GT apts.
Marisa DeAngelis, Secretary - Area D, HF2, WGL (E)
Bill Burlein - Area A, HF3, 4&5
Don Helgeson - Area B, HF1, OKS
Marg Hough - Area C, WV1,2,TLO
Christy McGovern - Area F, CWD, HTW, WGL 1-31
Mark Munoz - Area G, PRM
Pat Coughlin-Schillo - Area H, GR1 &2, LWS, SR5
Roger Sassen - Area I, SR1
Lou Beccavin - Area J, SR2, BLM
Julie LaFond - Area K, SR3, LW2
Robert Klaeren - Area L, SR4, LW1, AWC, CG apts.
Roxanne Nagel - Area M, HPT
Green Trails Pathfinder is a newsletter of the
Green Trails Improvement Association
Board Meeting is on the second Tuesday of the month.
All Green Trails residents are welcome.
NEXT MEETING: March 8, 2011
7:30 p.m. Kennedy Junior High School LRC
JRM Properties, Inc.
P.O. Box 3106
Lisle, IL 60532
Joanne Broda
Please call JRM Properties if
you need information or have
questions regarding Green Trails.
Visit our Green Trails
website at:
Or E-Mail us at:
GTIA Yearly Assessment Policy
Assessments are paid annually. The billing for the new year’s assessment
will be mailed out no later than Nov. 29th. Payment is due Jan. 1st. If
payment is not received by Feb. 1st, an administrative fee is added to the
assessment. If an owner does not receive an invoice by Dec. 10th, notify
management immediately. GTIA policy states the homeowner is responsible for paying on time, with or without the invoice. If your address has
changed, or if you have any questions regarding your bill, call Joanne
Broda at JRM Properties at 630-961-7456.
Anyone selling or refinancing within the Green Trails Improvement
Association area should require a letter from JRM Properties, Inc.,
regarding their status of the yearly assessment charge. Requests for
such may be called into the Management Office or requested by letter.
Information to provide is as follows: 1) Property address; 2) Seller’s
attorney name and phone number; 3) Buyer’s name; and 4) Date of
closing. All this information will be required no less than 14 days
prior to the close. If notice is given less than 14 days prior to closing,
a $25 fee will be assessed. JRM Properties, Inc. P.O. Box 3106,
Lisle, IL 60532. Contact Joanne Broda, 630-961-7456.
Please read the box on the Classified page for instructions on how to
submit an ad.
Commercial ads should submit to
address at right.
Beth Haugeberg
E-Mail stories to:
(please see Minutes continued on page 4)
Page 3
For Commercial Ads
Contact Pam Shuta
Printing & Graphics
5100 Academy Dr., Ste 100
Lisle, IL 60532
Swing into Spring:
Five Easy Ways to Welcome
Warm Weather
Blooming bulbs and Spring breezes signal that warmer weather is
on the way. Sure, many of us will
do an all-out session of Spring
cleaning, but even small, simple
jobs can bring the season’s freshness inside.
Shake the winter doldrums out of your organized home
with these five easy ideas to swing into Spring:
the new season, create a good home by cleaning out
the remains of winter.
Make a quick check of expiration dates of food stored in
refrigerator or pantry, and toss expired foodstuffs.
Look sharp for the last survivors of holiday gift baskets!
If you haven’t eaten the smoked salmon spread or
served the Texas Hot Chili Mix by now, donate these
treats to the food bank, so they’re enjoyed by others.
Give vegetable storage areas special attention. Bearded
carrots, limp celery and shriveled onions can be tossed
into a crockery slow-cooker overnight to make vegetable stock--or consign these items to the compost bin.
Please see “Welcome Spring” cont. on page 5
Let the Light Shine: Wash the Windows!
Minutes continued from page 3
Sunny days look brighter through clean windows, so
tackle the grime that winter storms have left behind on
interior and exterior windows now.
Whether you’re an advocate of the diluted-vinegar-and
newspapers approach, or prefer to wield a squeegee
like the pros do, choose a bright, still day to clean exterior windows.
Freed from their dark winter coats, clean windows spill
sunshine inside, raising everyone’s mood!
Board Motion: Bob Klaeren motioned to approve a write off
in the amount of $184.26 for TAA46A, and a write-off in the
amount of $270.00 for TAA54A, Bill Burlein seconded. Motion was passed by unanimous voice vote.
Management provided a list of January newcomers. Board
Directors are encouraged to call on newcomers in their respective areas.
Finance Committee: No report.
Maintenance Committee: Les Lavin reported that all of the
holiday lights are down. The Board acknowledged thanks to
Peter Bakas, Lou Beccavin, Joe Broda and Les Lavin for their
dedicated efforts on this project.
Communications Committee: No report
Parks Committee: Pat Coughlin-Schillo requested three
more Board volunteers to sign up to attend Lisle Park District
Board meetings; Lou Beccavin, Christy McGovern and Roger
Sassen volunteered. Pat will provide a list of monthly assignments to all of the Board members. Julie LaFond will attend
the February Lisle Park District Board meeting.
Nominating Committee: No report
Old Business/New Business: None
Board Member Area Reports: None
Executive Session
Board Motion:Marge Hough motioned to adjourn to Executive Session, Bob Klaeren seconded. The motion was passed
by unanimous voice vote at 7:55 p.m.
Board Motion: Marge Hough motioned to adjourn the Executive Session, Lou Beccavin seconded. The motion was passed
by unanimous voice vote at 7:59 p.m.
Board Motion: There being no further business, Roger Sassen motioned to adjourn the meeting, Pat Coughlin-Schillo
seconded. The motion was passed by unanimous voice vote;
the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Paula Gleason, Recording Secretary, Signature on File
Catch the Breeze: Open Windows on a Warm Day
Cold weather brings shut windows and tightly-closed
doors--which can create a build-up of stale odors in any
home. When you live with them, your nose learns to
ignore them, but nothing whispers “Spring is here!” like
a freshly-aired house.
Solution: let breezes blow! Air out the house one sunny
afternoon to bring Spring’s freshness inside. Opening
doors and windows to catch a breeze will chase away
old cooking smells and any stale or musty odors that
have built up during the winter months.
After an hour or so, close windows and doors, then tackle surfaces with an electrostatic cleaning cloth to capture
any dust or pollen that’s settled out in the breeze. Run
the vacuum cleaner to remove dust from floors--and
enjoy the Springtime freshness!
Blooming Wonder: Bring the Season Inside
Even if the budget won’t stretch to regular purchases of
cut flowers, Spring’s blooming make it easy to spark up
a home with fresh blossoms.
Cut small branches from a flowering tree, or gather
ready-to-bloom daffodils and tulips from the garden.
Displayed simply, in a tall water glass, vase or mason
jar, they’ll add a splash of Spring color and fragrance to
your home.
Fresh Start: Clean Out the Refrigerator
The arrival of a new season is a good signal to clean
out stored food in refrigerator and pantry. As farmers’
markets and roadside stands open to offer fresh food for
Page 4
March 1: Parent Seminar: Screen Smart
March 3: School Store open from 8 - 8:30 AM on the stage.
March 3: Market Day Pick-up 5:45 – 6:30.
March 6: Wolves Game (tickets bought in advance).
March 8: Colonial Café Benefit Night.
March 9: SFCP meeting after school.
March 10: Home & School Meeting 9:30 AM on the stage.
March 14: Band & Orchestra Concert at Jefferson Jr. High.
March 17: NO SCHOOL – Institute Day.
March 17: CONFERENCES 5:00 – 8:30 PM.
MARCH CLUBS (Must be signed up in adMarch 18: NO SCHOOL – CONFERENCES.
March 25: NO SCHOOL – Staff Development Day.
Chess Wizards: March 7, 14, & 21.
March 28 – 31 – NO SCHOOL – Spring Break.
5th grade F3: March 8 & 10.
5th grade Battle of the Books: March 9 & 22.
4th grade Book Grabbers: March 1 & 15.
April 1: NO SCHOOL – Spring Break.
April 12: Home and School Meeting 7:00 PM in the LRC.
April 22: NO SCHOOL.
March 2: SFCP Meeting
March 17: NO SCHOOL – Institute Day.
March 17: CONFERENCES 5:00 – 8:30 PM.
March 22: Chorus Program, 7:30 PM.
March 24: SFCP Ozzie’s Reading Program ends.
March 25: NO SCHOOL – Staff Development Day.
March 28 – 31 – NO SCHOOL – Spring Break.
March 16: Kennedy and Washington Junior High Choral Concert.
March 17: NO SCHOOL – Institute Day.
March 17: CONFERENCES 5:00 – 8:30 PM.
March 25: NO SCHOOL – Staff Development Day.
March 28 – 31 – NO SCHOOL – Spring Break.
“Welcome Spring” cont. from page 4
Be ready to store Spring’s bounty in a clean and roomy
vegetable crisper!
Cull the Cuddly: Wind Down the Winter Warmers
Fall brings no greater pleasure than pulling out fleecy
sweats, flannel pajamas and warm blankets--but by
season’s end, these cuddly favorites are frequently worse
for wear.
As warm weather approaches, take a hard look at the
family’s cold-weather bedding and favorite winter warmGT WEBSITE :
ers. Separate out the stained sweats, pilled flannel
sheets and shrunken loungewear for recycling or donation.
As you return winter bedding and clothing to closet
storage areas, make a quick list of any needed replacements. Look alert! End-of-season clearance sales
make it easy AND cheap to replace worn-out linens
and faded clothes.
Ready to swing into Spring? Welcome the season from
your organized home!
Article by Cynthia Ewer, Editor,
Page 5
by Paula Gleason
Warm Sweet Potato Salad (6 Servings)
Ham and Potato casseroles are timeless favorites. . .this version has a modern twist; savor the nutty flavor of Gruyere Cheese and the smokiness of Black Forest Ham.
3 T cider vinegar
3 T maple syrup
2 tsp Dijon-style mustard
3 T olive oil
2 lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and
Cut into 1” pieces
1 large onion, thinly sliced
1 slice Ham (8 oz) cut into ½” pieces
¾ tsp dried thyme
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp black pepper
1 10-oz pkg frozen chopped spinach,
thawed and squeezed dry
½ C chopped walnuts, toasted
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In small bowl, stir together vinegar, maple syrup and
mustard. Slowly whisk in 2 tablespoons of the olive oil; set aside. Place sweet potatoes,
onion and ham in a large bowl. Drizzle with remaining 1 tablespoon olive oil; stir until
coated. Spread on a rimmed baking sheet; sprinkle with thyme, salt and pepper. Roast
at 400 degrees for 45 minutes, stirring halfway through. Remove from oven and place
contents in a large bowl. Stir in spinach and walnuts; drizzle with maple vinaigrette and
serve immediately.
Lisle Library Events
for more information please visit
An Evening with Mister MOJO
Tuesday, March 1st @ 7:00 p.m.
An evening of all-original Cajun and Zydeco music
in the southwest Louisiana tradition. Meet the man
Mister MOJO and the wonderful Bayou Gypsies in an
unplugged, acoustic concert setting as intimate as an
evening on MOJO’s back porch. This group embodies the spirit of New Orleans and demonstrates why
this culture would not and will not be destroyed. This
concert is a Big Read event.
A Visit with Mrs. Potts
Tuesday, March 8th @ 7:00 p.m.
In honor of Women’s History Month,
Ellie Carlson will portray inventor Mary
Florence Potts. At the Philadelphia Exposition in 1876, Mrs. Potts’ cold-handled
sad iron was the toast of the fair. She
spent the next two decades touring the country with a
promotional lecture. Mrs. Potts is in Chicago to appear
at the Columbian Exposition. The year is 1893.
The Mystery of Living: Packing for Syria with
Agatha Christie
Betsey Means
Tuesday, March 29th @ 7:00 p.m.
The year is 1949. The setting is Agatha Christie’s
English country home. Agatha is getting ready to go to
Syria with her husband, the renown archaeologist Max
Mallowan. Betsey Means will portray the best-selling
author of all time, Agatha Christie.
Point, Click, and
Rachel Singer
Thursday, March
31st @ 7:00 p.m.
Rachel Singer
Gordon, the author
of Point, Click and
Save: Mashup Mom’s Guide to Saving and Making
Money Online, will provide insight into harnessing the
power of the internet to generate income. She will offer
hints on legitimate ways to make side income online.
Page 6
Green Trails Classified Ads
Green Trails residents may submit ads and articles for publication in the Pathfinder free of
charge according to approved guidelines:
1. Ads must be received by the editor on or
before the 12th of each month to be considered
for publication. Ads may be sent by e-mail or by
USPS. If sent by USPS, the ads must be typed
or printed on 8 ½ X 11 paper.
(2030 Carriage Hill Rd. - Lisle)
2. Ads must include the residents GTIA Account
Number (as found on their Pathfinder label),
name, address, telephone number and/or e-mail
3. Ads will be limited to 25 words.
4. Renewal ads must be re-submitted each month
according to these guidelines.
5. Ads that do not meet policy guidelines will not
be printed.
6. Ads for businesses will not be accepted for
free publication.
7. First-time classified ad submissions will take
priority over repeat ads, and the editor will have
discretion over revisions to ads.
The Green Trails Improvement Association does
not endorse any of the products or services
listed in the Pathfinder.
• Classifieds must be renewed monthly via
e-mail with “pathfinder” in the subject line.
• No phone-in ads or phone renewals.
• Classifieds should be sent to Beth Haugeberg
• Great buy-2009 Hyundai Elantra sedan, Less than 3000 miles.
One owner. Light beige color. $11,500. Call 630-416-7078.
• Haro 23” youth mountain bike $50. Gently used, great for
9-12 year old. Call 630-886-5765.
• Rainbow Play Systems backyard playground, Sunshine Castle
Package IV (loaded), mulit-level with observation deck/bubble
panel, tire swing, trapeze, swings, slide, climbing wall, rope
ladder and many extras; $2300 OBO, call 630-605-4225.
• 13” Sony TV. Older Trinitron model but in perfect condition.
$25. Call 630-983-4669.
• CHICAGO BULLS TICKETS. 2 seats together, section
321, row 7. March 21 vs.Sac./ $65 each (Benny the bull fleece
blanket). March 28 vs. Phil/$65 each (spring break game).
April 2 vs. Toronto/ $65 each (Sat. night game). April 13 vs.
New Jersey/$65 each (last game before playoffs begin).Call for
playoff games and prices. Call 630-420-0260.
• BMW 2003 XI black, only 57,000 miles. 1 owner, meticulously maintained. All options including sunroof, automatic,
4-door, heated seats, premium package. Looks and runs like
new. Get ready for spring! $12,995. Call 630-420-0260.
• BON JOVI TICKETS. 3 tickets together, Section 232,
“Row 2” for March 9th at 7:30pm, United Center. Cost of
$190 each (willing to negotiate on number and price of tickets). Serious buyers only, please call Brian at 630-414-7400.
• Golf Equipment: Cleveland Tour Action Irons, $175.00.
Henry Griffitts Irons, $125.00. Miscellaneous Woods/
Wedges, $30.00 each. Golf Smith Bag (Brand New), $45.00.
Ping Bag, used, $30.00. Pull Cart, used, $25.00.
Call John: 630-649-0300.
• 2003 Mercury Grand Marqis, excellent condition, 78k miles,
new battery and tune up, $6200. CALL 630-205-5675.
• Heavy duty clothes racks on wheels, like new, $35.
Call 630-205-5675.
• Glass top, round, coffee table with gold base. The gold base
can be spray painted any color or finish you desire. The round
table top is made of glass. Small chip on outer, underside of
glass. Best Offer. Call Karen at 630-778-9862.
• 2 board mounted valances with box pleats. These valances
have a red and white gingham check and contrast piping is
white. One is 77” wide and one is 100” wide. Both can be
removed with Velcro from the boards and hung however you
choose. Best Offer. Call 630-778-9862.
• DMI Air Hockey Table - Model #HT300 - $400. 41”w x 83”l
x 32”h. Rarely used. Purchaser must remove from basement.
For more information, please call 630-355-7463.
• 42” Oval walnut formica kitchen table. 2 - 11.5” leaves. 4
cahirs. 32” bench. $75. For more information, please call 630355-7463.
• White Laminate Desk, 1 dwr, 59w X 29d X 29h, $35. 3
matching bookcases, 5 shelves each, 29w X10d X 68h, will
separate, $15 each. Call 630-305-8685.
• Contemporary walnut dining rm. table, 38w X 60L X 29h.
Has 2 leaves to extend to 96”, $50. Call 630-305-8685.
• Sewing machine cabinet model. Kenmore, Free to an eager
sewer. Call 630-305-8685.
home, are spay/neutered. Please call Laura 630-615-8711.
• White twin headboard, frame and Simmons mattress and box
spring...Like new...$100. Call 630-355-7463.
• Tankless Water Heater - Noritz (new!) - $500. Only 6
months old. N751 DVC Noritz Tankless Water Heater. Has
factory warranty. Works great! Includes clean combined
stainless steele exit valve and stainless steel pipes. Never run
out of hot water! Simmons Full Bed Box Spring (new!)-$50.
Bought a mattress and box spring but didn’t need both. Contact Mike @ 630-408-8364.
Page 7
• Hagen Fluval 305 Canister Filter for aquariums. Suitable
for aquarium upto 80 gallon size. 260 GPH rated. Hardly
used; Excellent condition; $100 OBO; In Tyrnbury subdivision; call 630-357-9099.
• A computer table with hutch; pull-out L-extension; Good
condition; $35 OBO; In Tyrnbury subdivision;
call 630-357-9099.
• Give your daughter a ballet birthday! Hire an experienced
10 yr old ballerina for a 60 minute, exciting class in your
home. For ages 4-7. Details, references - please call Julia at
• Snow Shoveling Service-Prompt and responsible hardworking boys will do your snow shoveling for you. To
schedule, call 630-220-1310 and ask for Matthew or Kyle.
• 2 Bedroom Log Cabin for sale in Ludington, Michigan on
1 acre. 2 blocks from Hamlin Lake. Includes 24 x 32 Poke
Barn. MLS #10030085 - $85,900 - for more information call
• Nice Building Lot for sale in Ludington, Michigan.
160x200. Hamlin Lake minutes away. $13,500. For more
information please call 630-355-7463.
CO. Ski in, ski out, furnished condo including fully furnished kitchen, fireplace, hot tub, balconey overlooking
Continental Divide, heated garage, exercise room, sleeps 4.
Sleigh rides, snowmobiling, ice skating, snow shoeing, tubing hill. 630-460-0010.
• Fabulous Green Trails Home for Sale or Rent. 2877 Valley
Forge Rd. 4B, 2.5b full finished basement and fabulous sunroom and deck. Call 630 674-4508.
• VERY NICE 2 BR, 2 BA townhome, garage, family room,
basement, all appliances incl range, refrigerator, dishwasher,
microwave, washer, & dryer. 630-460-0010.
• Bunco- Looking to Join or Form a Bunco Group in Green
Trails. Interested please email me at or
Call Laura at 630-305-7163.
• Key ring found behind Carriage Hill Rd. It has a speedway
rewards card on it and has a car door fob. Call 630-416-7693.
• VINYL RECORDS WANTED. I’m new to vinyl and
looking to buy your old records. Got a box sitting around in
the basement or attic…? Willing to pay well for good stuff.
Mostly interested in rock, blues, jazz. Located in Heritage
Farms, but willing to come to you. Jeff – 630-717-3530.
• Care Giver Needed for 66 yr old man. Light housekeeping,
running errands, shower assistance. 3-5 days per week, English speaking. Call 630-205-5675.
• Have a laptop sitting around gathering dust? Boy Scout
Troop 107 is looking for a used laptop, at little or no cost, in
good working order to use for troop record keeping. Call Beth
at 630-416-7693 if you are able to donate to the Boy Scouts.
Village of Lisle Notices
All of us could take a lesson
from the weather;
it pays no attention to criticism.
Electronics & Battery Recycling
Date/Time: 3/19/2011, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: 4930 Lincoln Avenue (IL Route 53),
between Lisle Lanes and Snow
Valley Nursing Home.
Items Accepted Include:
Electronics (such as computers,
phones, televisions, monitors,
VCRs, fax machines, video games, stereos, and
Small household appliances (such as blenders,
toasters, and alarm clocks.)
Household batteries (such as AA, AAA, D batteries, hearing aid batteries, lithium batteries, camera
Please no hazardous waste, or electronics containing liquids or other hazardous materials (such as refrigerators, air conditioners, or batteries for vehicles,
boats or sump pumps).
It‛s not what you gather,
but what you scatter,
that tells what kind of life you have lived.
Law of logical argument –
anything is possible if you don‛t know what
you are talking about.
If Fed Ex and UPS were to merge, would
they call it Fed UP?
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