Table of Conten nt What is a Granny Fla at? ntal Housing SEPP NSW Afffordable Ren How to get g your Granny flat apprroved in 10da ays? How to generating g extra income via the new Granny flat Laws? L Our Eassy 3 step process for a Sm mooth & Succcessful builtt How to get g Started with w a Site ap ppraisal, see if you comply? Kit Homes or custom m design / tra aditional consstruction ard and peacce of mind with real builde ers, fully insu ured and Hom me owners w warranty Safegua What is a ‘G Granny Flat’? A Granny fla at is a self-co ontained exte ension of the family home e that: is esta ablished in conjunction with w a house and is eitherr within the house, or atta ached to the house, or se eparate from the house; a and is on the e same lot of land as the principal house an nd is not on a separate lo ot, in a strata a plan or in a community title scheme. he requireme ents for a grranny flat? What are th Granny flatss are now perrmitted in all residential zones z across s the State, subject s to me eeting the following requirements: d one grannyy flat on the lo ot There is only one house and otal floor area a of the housse and the granny flat co omplies with tthe floor space area conttrols The combined to he local envirronment plan n in th The maximum floor area of the t granny fla at is no greater than: 60 square metres; m ORTh he maximum m floor area prescribed p by y the council in the local e environmenta al plan The lot is not subdivided m planniing controls such s as build ding height and a setbackss, floor space e ratios, and The granny flat meets n space in th he local envirronmental plan and/or the e complying developmen nt provisions in the open Affo ordable Rental Housing g SEPP. The granny flat meets the requirements of the Bu uilding Code of Australia. There are n no requireme ents under the policy to pro ovide any add ditional parking for the grranny flat. A granny flat may occur either with DA D consent, or o as comply ying developm ment, as outtlined below. 3 op ptions NVERTING PART P OF YO OUR HOME INTO A GRA ANNY FLAT T CON It is simple to convert part off your currentt home into a granny flat. The alteratiions to your house must be internal and the only exte ernal change e should be the t new entrance to the granny g flat. As A the develo opment is co ontained within the existing e housse, there is no n restriction on the lot size. 2. BUILDING A GR RANNY FLA AT EXTENSIO ON TO YOU UR HOME Build ding a grann ny flat extenssion to your existing e housse is also quite simple. The exissting house does d not nee ed to mee et complying developmen nt standards. Only the ne ew exte ension or add dition to make the grannyy flat must me eet the requirements r s of the policcy, such as heights, building setb backs, maxim mum site coverage, and maximum m floo or area. 3. EW DETACH HED GRANN NY FLAT BUILDING A NE e and Grannyy Flat to be considered c For a new house mplying development, both h the house and the Granny Flat com musst meet the re equirements stated in the e NSW Houssing Code. This includes maximum height, bu uilding setbaccks, maxximum site co overage, and d maximum floor f area. While the above criteria is ussed in the NS SW Housing Code, the Affordable A R Rental Hous sing SEPP applies a these e criteria to th he house and d Granny Fla at collectivelyy. The maximum site coverage and maximu um floor spacce perm mitted under the Affordable Rental Housing H SEP PP inclu udes the hou use and the Granny G Flat. In other worrds, the Gran nny Flat is no ot in addition n to the maximum site coverage and maximum flo oor area perrmitted. No additional a priivate open sp pace or parkking space is requ uired for the Granny G Flat, in addition to t that alread dy requ uired for the original o housse. How w to get your Granny fla at approved in 10days… …. Com mplying Dev velopment: With h the introducction of the NSW N Govern nment's State e Environmental Planning g Policy in 20 009, one and d two storey dwe elling houses, in particular, can now be b approved as Complyin ng Development. If your ssite complies s with all Loca al Govvernment and d Council reg gulations, you do not havve to obtain a Developme ent Applicatio on (DA) from Council, and d inste ead can obta ain a Complyying Development Certificcate (CDC) frrom a Private e Certifier. Com mplying Deve elopment fast tracks the approval a proccess, an app plication can be assessed d and determ mined within 10 workking days. Th he process iss streamlined d and there is i less admin nistrative worrk which mea ans it is more e cost effectiive. NSW W Supporting g Affordable Rental Houssing – Grranny Flats (Secondary Dwellings) D This s policy will help familie es by: • Alllowing yourr granny flatt to be appro oved as com mplying dev velopment in n 10 days. • Alllowing you to t build a granny flat in n all residen ntial zones. • Se etting clear standards s fo or the consttruction of your y granny y flat. The NSW Goverrnment has made m grannyy flats, easierr and faster to t build. They aim to help p mums and dads crea ate a place fo or those who o need a spacce of their ow wn, like elderrly parents or those gene eration Y child dren who havven’t yet left home. These secondaryy dwellings allso give famiilies the chan nce to use a Gran nny Flat as a source of additional a income in these e challenging g economic times. t S Enviro onmental Planning Poliicy (SEPP) p provides a ra ange of plann ning The new Affordable Rental Housing – State entives to enccourage hom me owners an nd developerrs to invest and a create ne ew affordable e rental hous sing. ince Devvelopment of a granny flat can be considered upfront as part of o building a new n house o or as an addition to an existing house. In the past grranny flats were w only perrmitted in ce ertain zones under u councils’ local env vironmental plan ns (LEPs). Th he new policyy will better support s oppo ortunities for the creation of granny fla ats in line witth the State Govvernment’s acctions to boo ost the supplyy of affordab ble rental acc commodation n. WE MAKE IT SIIMPLE! Ourr 3 step proc cess is fast and efficien nt. p One Step Des sign: Free site e appraisal (w with review of o Section 14 49[2] Certifica ate; sewer Service S Diagrram etc) Architeccturally designed Granny Flat to suit your y property y and your ne eeds Consulta ation with you for interiorr finishes, collours and ma aterials Quote estimate prep pared based on site appra aisal and des sign requirem ments p Two Step App proval: All planss and docum mentation prepared ready for approvall 10 day Complying Development D t Certificate (CDC) ( appro oval through Private Certiifier, or where e CDC is nott applicable, Lodgment off Developme ent Applicatio on (DA) with Council Competitive fixed priice quote, wiith full list of standard and d optional incclusions sub bmitted to you u Building contract signed in accorrdance with the t NSW Department of Fair F Trading guidelines Step p Three Con nstruction: Home Owners O Warra anty Insurance policy sub bmitted Construcction comme encement da ate confirmed d We guarrantee the uttmost of care e and consideration taken n during construction to m minimise distturbance to you or your existing e tena ants Practica al Completion n & Handove er HOW W TO GET STARTED S SITE E APPRAISA AL REQUIREMENTS For us to correcttly appraise your y site we will require the t following for the site appraisal a me eeting: 1. 2. 3. 4. Sec ction 149(2) Certificate* Sew wer Service Diagram* Title e Search* Dep posited Plan n Image* Tota al approximate cost $250 0.00 (Reffundable upo on engageme ent of contra act) ction 149(2) Certificate:: *Sec Secttion 149 Plan nning Certificcates are isssued in accorrdance with the t Environm mental Planning and Asse essment Act and conttain information on how a property ma ay be used and a restrictio ons on develo opment. A 14 49(2) Certific cate is the ba asic Certtificate, a Section 149(5) gives detailss about addittional matters. The Section149 Certificate should s be atttached to your contract of o Sale, if nott, you can co ontact your lo ocal council to obta ain a 149(2) Certificate. C *Sew wer Service Diagram: A Sewerage Service S Diag gram (SSD) shows s the location of privvate wastewa ater service pipe es on a prope erty. Your Contract off Sale should d contain the e SSD for you ur property, if not, SSDs are available e for purchas se from Quick Che eck agents orr online from Property Lin nk brokers. Contact C us fo or a list of you ur local Quick Check Age ents. *Titlle Search: A Title Search h shows own nership and interest i details and any restrictions on the propertty. Your Title Searcch document should be atttached to yo our Contract of Sale. *Dep posited Plan n Image: De eposited Plan ns define legal boundarie es of land and d often recorrd subdivisions, easemen nts and resumptionss. posited Plan Images are available a for purchase fro om the NSW W Land & Property Informa ation Online Shop or thro ough Dep apprroved Inform mation Brokerrs. Kit Homes H Gran nny Flat Builders productt; Kit homess, have been architectura ally designed to meet the NSW govern nment quick 10 in mind. Our kit homes a day approval pro ocess plus with w your budg get and the environment e allow us to easily constru uct without spending g too much tiime on site. Little to low mess m and no oise. Q FAQ Q: What W type off Granny Fla ats do you build? b A: Granny G Flat Builders B offerr a choice of architecturally designed Kit Homes and a Custom Built architec cturally desig gned Gran nny Flats. We W have overr 20 standard d designs to choose from m which can be b modified tto suit your block b and your speccific needs. NB: depending on o the numbe er of change es made to our standard designs, d a sm mall fee of $4 490 may app ply. Q: What W makes your Grann ny Flats diffe erent to other kit homes? A: Granny G Flat Builders B Kit Homes H have no frame wo ork, so they can c be built quickly q and e efficiently. Our panels are e insulated; reduciing heating and a cooling costs c and the ey require no o painting. Q: How H much does d it cost to t build a Granny G Flat? ? A: We W break ourr costing into three stagess: 1. Design & Developme ent approval cost 2. Site esta ablishment costs c 3. Construcction costs To discuss d our costing c in mo ore detail, ple ease don’t he esitate to con ntact one of our o building cconsultants, who can exp plain our process and packages to o you. Q: Can C I build a Granny Fla at in any are ea? A: In n most casess yes, but it iss dependentt upon Local Government restrictions. We can discuss this with you u in more dettail at the site e appraisal. Q: How H long do oes the cons struction prrocess take? ? A: Once O the site has been esstablished, th he constructiion process takes t betwee en 8 – 10 we eeks for one of our Custo om Builtt Granny Flats and 4 – 6 weeks for ou ur Kit Homess. How wever, unfore eseen circum mstances beyyond our con ntrol, such as s weather ma ay arise that could affect the construcction proccess. Q: What W size block do I nee ed to build a Granny fla at on? A: The T minimum m size allowab ble is 450m2 2 with a 12m frontage. How wever factorss such as min nimum site coverage, eassement etc may m affect yo our eligibility to build a Grranny Flat. Q: What W is the maximum m siize of a Granny Flat? A: The T maximum m size allowa able for a Gra anny Flat is 60m2, 6 which h is comparab ble to an ave erage sized two t bedroom m aparrtment. Any external add ditions such as a porch, deck d or carport are not in ncluded in the e 60m2 allow wance. Q: How H long do oes it take to o get buildin ng approval for a Grann ny Flat? A: As A long as yo our site comp plies with all Local L Govern nment,a Com mplying Deve elopment Ce ertificate (CDC) can be obta ained from a Private Certifier, which fa ast tracks the e approval process. A Complying C De evelopment is usually asse essed and ap pproved with hin 10 - 15 wo orking days. How wever, if a Co omplying Devvelopment iss not applicab ble to your siite, a standard Developm ment Applicattion (DA) willl need d to be applied for throug gh Local Govvernment and d may take up u to 6 weeks. Q: Do D you prov vide warranty y for your Granny G Flats s? A: Yes, Y as per NSW N Office of o Fair Tradin ng, you are protected aga ainst structurral defects for a period off 6 years and d non--structural de efects for 2 years. y Q: I would like to t build my own Granny y Flat, and would w like to o use one of your desig gns. Is that possible? p A: Yes. Y At Gran nny Flat Build ders you can choose to le et us do all th he work for you y with our D Design, Approval & Con nstruction pacckage or you u can opt to choose c our Design D Only package or our o Design & Approval pa ackage, whicch allow ws you to build yourself or o use your own o contracto or. To discuss d all the packages we have to offer o in more detail, pleas se don’t hesitate to conta act us. Q: Can C I build one o of your Kit K Homes myself? m A: Yes, Y our prefa abricated panels and sna ap lock syste em make our Kit Homes quick q and ea asy for you to o install. Q: Are A your Gra anny Flats energy e efficiient? A: Yes, Y all our Granny G Flats are fully certtified to meett BASIX requ uirements. Q: Can C I choose e the colourrs and finish hes for my Granny G Flat? ? A: Yes, Y we, have e an extensivve range of standard s and d optional collours and finishes for you u to choose from. f Our Design team willl assist you every e step off the way. Q: Can C you des sign a Grann ny Flat that allows a for wheel w chair access? a A: Yes, Y most of our o designs can be modified to comp ply with Austrralian Standa ard 1428.1-2 2009, alternattively we can n desiign one speccifically for yo our needs. Q: Can C a Grann ny Flat be attached to my m existing house? h A: Yes, Y howeverr certain issu ues may arise e if a Grannyy Flat is attac ched to an exxisting dwelling, such as Fire and Sou und Proo ofing. These factors may affect costs. However fo or cost effective purposess we recomm mend you con nstruct your Gran nny Flat deta ached from your y existing dwelling. Q: Are A separate e electricity and water meters m prov vided for the e Granny Fla at? A: A separate electricity mete er will be pro ovided for the e Granny Fla at at the main n board. A se eparate wate er meter (callled a Che eck Meter) ca an be provide ed upon requ uest for your Granny Flatt, however, please p note; tthe Check Meter M is only a sub--meter (not a mains mete er) and will re equire manua al meter read ding by the owner o or occcupier. All our o models below, all fit th he governme ent size regu ulations of a granny g flat under a “Com mplying Development.” View w full range online o http://w m/designs Ben nefits of Kit Homes H • Afffordable, qu uality housin ng Our kit homes elliminate the expense e of materials m req quired with cu ustomized ho ome construcction. Our modular, predesiigned and de eveloped ma aterials ensurre value for money m withou ut compromising quality. • Ye ear-round co ontrolled environment Our superior the ermal quality panels are sandwiched s b between two o sheets of prre-painted stteel, offering occupants climatic stability all year roun nd without the e need for an ny artificial ventilation. v ygiene and easy e mainte enance • Hy Our panels do not collect dusst or grow mould, and are e completely y vermin proo of. To clean, you need on nly wash with h soap py water – in nside and outt! • Sim mple installa ation Dura able panels are a easy to handle h and our o snap-clickk-lock techno ology works like “Lego”. T The interlock king joining systtem allows qu uick installation, approxim mately one week, w withoutt utilising anyy heavy macchinery. • Ch hoice of colo ours Our product allow ws you to ch hoose from a diverse rang ge of standard or optiona al colours, en nsuring your home looks grea at in any setting. Cus stom Design n Homes Mosst Granny Fla at have a wid de range of 3 bedroom , 2 bedroom, 1 bedroom granny flats a and multi-purrpose rooms for you to choose. All our o floor plan ns are archite ecturally desiigned to be practical, p functional and affordable a an nd to suit most block in th he Sydney region. View w full range online o http://w m/designs Trad ditional Con nstruction FA AQ Q. What W is the average a time for constrruction of a traditional built b Granny y Flat? A. Approx. A 8 - 10 0 weeks after site establishment / sett-up. (Note: Factors F such as weather & access pla ay a vital role e in consstruction time e). H much are a site estab blishment costs? c Q. How A. Approx. A betwe een $8,000.0 00 - $12,000 0.00. Howeve er, site conditions will dettermine final costs. These e conditions will varyy from site to site, such ass existing se ervice locations, site topography, and position of n new Granny Flat F & sub-so oil foun ndation material. D you prov vide a guaran ntee for all your y Granny y Flats? Q. Do A. Yes, Y as per NSW N Office of o Fair Tradin ng - protection to the cons sumer is provided againsst structural defects d for a perio od of 6 yearss and non-strructural defe ects for 2 yea ars Q. Are A all worke ers and con ntractors ins sured whilstt on site? A. Yes, Y all releva ant insurance es are kept up u to date an nd can be pro ovided upon request. Q. Are A separate e meters pro ovided for electricity, water w &/or ga as to the Gra anny Flat? A. A separate electricity mete er is provided at the main n board. A se eparate wate er meter (called a CHECK K METER) can c be provided p upon request, ho owever, it is only a sub-m meter (not a mains m water meter) for th he Granny Fllat and requires man nual meter re eading by the e owner / con nsumer. A se eparate gas meter m similarr to the water CHECK me eter can be provvided upon re equest. Q. Are A Tradition nal built Gra anny Flats built b on site? ? A. Yes, Y all traditiional built gra anny flats are e custom built on site by our licensed d team of builders & trade esman. as Kit Hom A your Gra anny Flats constructed c mes or Custo om Build? Q. Are A. Both. B We sup pply & build kit k homes as well as custo om built gran nny flats the traditional w way. We prov vide you with the optio on depending on your bu udget and ne eeds. For full list of incclusions http:://www.grannnyflatbuilders.ccom/designs/ttraditional-buiilt/inclusions Granny Flat Builders We’’re with you from start to t finish. We make it sim mple! With h over 20 yea ars building experience, e o professio our onal and com mmitted team m bring with them the exp pertise and know wledge to pro ovide you with a quality product p and efficient serv vice at an afffordable price e. We specialise in n the design and a construcction of both Kit and Custtom Built Gra anny Flats. W With our exte ensive range of desiigns, we can help you choose the besst product for your site an nd your need ds. If yo ou don’t own your own property, no worries, w Gran nny Flat Buillders in conjunction with Pace Equity y & Property Inve estments can n source a su uitable investtment properrty for you an nd construct a Granny Fla at on it to help you achievve a posiitively geared d return. Our Granny Flatts are energyy efficient, ma aking them warm w in winte er and cool in summer, re educing runn ning costs an nd environmental im mpacts. We have severa al packages to t choose fro om, including g a full Turn-k key package e, where we locate, pre -p purchase asssist, desiign and apprrove, constru uct and tenan nt, as well ass organise ma anagement of o your prope erty for you. And most importtantly, we willl look after you y from starrt to finish; fro om the very first meeting g to handing over your ke eys afterr completion. Gran nny Flat Builders offer yo ou a fast, efficient and strress free buillding experie ence. To your y Granny Flat successs, Geo orge O’Beid Man naging Directtor
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