Rent Supplement Unit 176 Elm Street Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M4 Tel: 416-981-6160 This package contains your Annual Review Form. Please complete it immediately or you will lose your rent subsidy. The Housing Services Act says that Housing Connections must do a yearly review of income and assets for each person in your household. Based on this review, Housing Connections decides if you are still eligible for a rent-geared-to-income (RGI) subsidy. If you do not complete your Annual Review form and return it to the Rent Supplement office immediately you will have to pay the full market rent for your unit. Please ensure the completed forms are mailed or dropped off at the Rent Supplement Office. In addition to the annual review, the Housing Services Act also says that you must report any changes to your household size, income, or assets within 30 days of the change. Do not wait until your Annual Review to report changes. You will lose all of your RGI subsidy if you do not report changes within 30 days. How to complete your annual review 1. Your Annual Review form shows the latest information on file for your household. Check the information. Add anything that is missing and correct any mistakes. Include information for everyone in your household. Add extra paper if you need to. 2. Attach documents to show proof of your income and assets from all sources. For each household member, the documents must show: • the amount of income and how often you receive it • the value of any asset. In this package is a guide called “How to Show Proof of Your Household Income and Assets.” This tells you what documents you should attach. Please read the guide. 3. Sign the form. All household members who are 16 or older must sign. There are three places to sign the form: • on page 3, and • on page 4, in two places. 4. Fill out the Emergency Contact Form and include it with your Annual Review. 5. Mail or drop off your completed Annual Review immediately to Housing Connections. The address is at the top of this page. In this package: Household Income and Assets Review Form How to Show Proof of Your Income and Assets Employment Form (You can ask your employer to fill this out and attach it to your Annual Review.) Emergency Contact Form (Please fill this out and send it back with your Annual Review.) Do you have questions? Please call the Rent Supplement office at (416) 981-6160. Household Income and Asset Review Letter CPP-01(06-2005-Ver1) Rent Supplement Unit 176 Elm Street Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M4 Telephone: 416-981-6160 Household Income and Assets Review Form Address: Household members: No of Bedrooms: Client number: Daytime phone number: Review date: Evening phone number: Return this form to Housing Connections by: immediately Household Information Check the information below for all members of your household. If someone is listed who does not live with you anymore, cross off their name and write the date they moved out. If someone has moved in who is not listed, add their name, write the date when they moved in, and put in all their information. Use extra paper if you need to. Relationship to Member 1 Household Members Date of Birth Male or Check box mon/day/yyyy Female if you are a M/F student Social Insurance Number (SIN) and Citizenship in Canada full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time full-time part-time (SELF) Has the citizenship or immigration status (Status in Canada) changed for any household member during the past 12 months? Yes No If yes, please explain. Attach copy of documentation showing proof of status from Immigration Canada. Do you understand English? Yes No If not, please tell us what language you speak? FOR OFFICE USE - Do not write here. Annual Review Received On: Required documents: No Yes Household Income and Asset Review Form CPP-02(06-2005-Ver1) File audit: Yes No Eligible for subsidy: Yes No Overhoused: Yes No Page 1 of 4 Sources of Income and Assets Check the information below for each member of your household. Correct everything that is not up to date. Add anything that is missing. Add extra paper if you need to. You must attach proof of your income and assets. Use the guide called “How to Show Proof of Your Household Income and Assets” to find out what kind of documents to attach. Income: Report all gross income of every kind and from every source. ‘Gross’ means the total amount of income before deductions – such as taxes – are taken off. Report any benefits you receive, such as a pension plan or government support program. Assets: An asset is something you own that could grow in value, such as money invested in things like Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs), stocks, or mutual funds or Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs that are not locked-in). Locked-in RRSP, is usually money that was transferred to an RRSP from a pension when you changed employer. It cannot be cashed in until retirement. An asset could also be property you own, such as a house, condominium, taxi plates, or precious items, such as antiques or paintings, that you are keeping as an investment. Note: Full Time students who meet the definition of “child of the household” (below) DO NOT have to report income. Child of the household: is someone who has always lived at home except for short periods while in full-time attendance at school, never had a spouse or same-sex partner and is not a parent of a child living in the household. INCOME LAST REPORTED Household Member Name Source of Income Gross Monthly Amount Household Income and Asset Review Form CPP-02(06-2005-Ver1) Asset Amount Gross Monthly Amount Please give the value of your assets NOW. ASSETS LAST REPORTED Household Member Name Please give the amount you are earning NOW. Monthly Interest Amount Monthly Interest Page 2 of 4 How to sign your Household Income and Assets Review form Everyone in your household who is 16 or older must sign these statements. There are three places where each person must sign: Part A: I declare that my Household Income and Assets Review is complete and correct. Part B: I consent to Canada Customs and Revenue sharing information from my tax return with Housing Connections. Part C: I consent to Housing Connections collecting, using, and sharing information about me and my household. A witness must sign each statement at the bottom. The witness cannot be a member of your household. A friend or neighbour can be your witness. Part A: I declare that my Household Income and Assets Review is complete and correct. By signing this statement, you swear that the information you have given on your Household Income and Assets Review form is complete and correct. You are also swearing that you understand the following: 1. I understand the meanings given for ‘gross income’ and ‘assets’ on page 2. I have reported my gross income and assets completely and correctly. I have hidden nothing. 2. I understand that the Housing Connections will use the information on my Household Income and Assets Review form to: • • decide if my household still qualifies for rent subsidy and set the rent. 3. I understand that Housing Connections will check the information I have given to make sure it is complete and correct. I consent to Housing Connections using the information to decide on and administer our rent subsidy. 4. I understand that I could lose my rent subsidy if I do not give Housing Connections complete and correct information by the date stated on page 1. Housing Connections could also take legal action against me. 5. Every member of my household age 16 or older has completed and signed this form. We have all had a chance to comment on the information given. I therefore waive my right to further comment. 6. I understand that I must report any changes to my household size, income, or assets within 30 days of the change and that I could lose all of my RGI subsidy if I do not. 7. I understand that Housing Connections will keep a file of the information about my income, assets, and rent subsidy. I also understand that the Housing Services Act gives Housing Connections the right to share this information with others, such as the City of Toronto, other housing providers, service managers, government ministries, Ontario Works, and the Ontario Disability Support Program. Signature of all household members age 16 and older Witness Signature Household Income and Asset Review Form CPP-02(06-2005-Ver1) Date Month/Day/Year Page 3 of 4 Part B: I consent to Canada Customs and Revenue sharing information from my tax return with Housing Connections. I give my consent for Canada Customs and Revenue to give information from my tax returns to Housing Connections so they can check my income and decide on my rent subsidy. I understand that Housing Connections will not share this information with anyone else, except as it is allowed to under the following laws: • • • Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) Housing Services Act (HSA) Income Tax Act, subsection 241(5). My consent covers the tax year before the date below, the current tax year, and all future tax years if my household still receives or applies for RGI subsidy. Signature of all household members age 16 and older Witness Signature Date Month/Day/Year Part C: I consent to Housing Connections collecting, using, and sharing information about me and my household. I understand that the Housing Connections collects information from me on my Household Income and Assets Review form to: • • • decide if my household still qualifies for rent subsidy set the rent administer my rent subsidy. Housing Connections has the authority to collect this information under the Housing Services Act. I understand that I cannot get RGI subsidy unless I sign this consent form. I understand that Housing Connections will keep files on my tenancy and housing subsidy. I consent to Housing Connections collecting and sharing information about me from and with: • • • • landlords • co-applicants and other household members • reference people listed in my application • credit check agencies ie. Equifax my employer any agencies that provide social services to me any other people it needs to contact while administering my rent subsidy. Signature of all household members age 16 and older Witness Signature Do you have questions about your file? Date Month/Day/Year If you have questions about access to the information in your files, contact MFIPPA (Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act) Co-ordinator at TCHC: 931 Yonge Street, 7th Floor, Toronto Ontario M4W 2H2 Phone: 416-981-5500 Household Income and Asset Review Form CPP-02(06-2005-Ver1) Page 4 of 4 How to Show Proof of Your Household Income and Assets This checklist shows the most common sources of income and assets. Use it to make sure that you attach the right documents as proof of your income and assets. Note: You must report all of your household income and assets, even if they are not shown on the checklist. Contact the Rent Supplement Office if you have questions about what to report. Notice of Assessement from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency REQUIRED for ALL tenants age 16 and older (except students that are “child of the household)”. Each year, after you do your taxes, you get a Notice of Assessment in the mail. Include the most recent Notice of Assessment Notice of Assessment from Canada Customs and Revenue Agency for the last taxation year. FULL TIME STUDENTS For students Then you must attach each of the following documents for each household member this applies: Full time student -child of the household (always lived at home except for short periods while in full time attendence at school, never had a spouse or same sex partner, is not a parent of a child living in the household). If applicable, copy of OSAP (Ontario Student Assistance Program) assessment sheet showing total amount received, name of school and enrollment period; or If no OSAP applies, copy of timetable or letter from school confirming full time attendence. Full time student, not child of the household Include proof of income in addition to above. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE If anyone in your household receives benefits from: Then you must attach each of the following documents for each household member who receives benefits: Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Copy of drug card; and Copy of cheque stub PENSIONS AND ALLOWANCES If anyone in your household receives income from: Then you must attach one of the following documents for each household member who receives the income: Old Age Security (OAS) Canada or Provincial Pension (such as CPP or QPP) Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS) Pensions (such as Widow’s, Retirement, Private, War Disability, other countries) War Veteran’s Allowance (DVA) Cheque stub or copy of cheque or Copy of bank book showing entries for the past 3 months or Monthly bank statement or Letter from the government agency that issues the cheque T4As from your previous year’s income tax return. Training Allowances Statement from Canada Employment and Immigration or from employer EMPLOYMENT INCOME If anyone in your household is now receiving income from: Then you must attach one of the following documents for each household member who receives the income: Full-time, part-time, casual, seasonal employment Commissions, tips, or bonuses “Proof of Employment” form from your employer (Use the form in this package.) or Letter from employer showing your rate of pay, gross income, average weekly hours and start date of employment; or Pay stubs for at least the last 3 months, showing the name of the employer Long or short-term illness pay One of the proofs of employment shown above and Disability pay Letter or cheque stub from the insurance company, employer, or Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) Household Income and Asset Checklist Form-CPP-03 (06-2005-Ver1) Page 1 of 2 SELF-EMPLOYMENT INCOME If anyone in your household receives income from: AND they have been self-employed for: Tutoring Less than one year Affidavit of earnings and expenses sworn before a Notary Public or Commissioner of Oaths. More than one year Financial statements prepared by a public accountant or Babysitting or childcare Taxi Business Other selfemployment income Then they must attach: Certified income tax return from Canada Custom and Revenue Agency for the previous year OTHER INCOME or PAYMENTS If anyone in your household receives income from: Then you must provide one of the following documents for each household member who receives the income: Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) Cheque stub or letter from government agency or Employment Insurance (EI) Copy of tax assessment form and confirmation of other earnings Compensation for Victims of Crime Act SUPPORT INCOME/PAYMENTS If anyone in your household receives income from: Then you must provide one of the following documents for each household member who receives the income: Spousal support payments or child support Sworn affidavit with both the receiver and support payor’s signatures or Document signed by both parents or Letter from a lawyer Sponsorship Support under Immigration Act Copy of documentation showing sponsorship amount ASSETS If anyone in your household has assets such as: Then you must provide one of the following documents for each household member who receives the income or has the asset: Interest from bank, trust, savings office or credit union accounts Copy of bank passbooks for the last 2 months Income from stocks, bonds, shares, securities, or annuities Copy of T3 or T5 tax form Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP) (RRSPs that are not “locked in”) Copy of RRSP statement or Real estate (such as a house, condominium, co-ownership, land, cottage, etc.) Copy of real estate appraisal for each property Guaranteed Income Certificates (GIC), term deposits, and similar investments Copy of each certificate or Life insurance (with a cash surrender value) Copy of insurance policy Art, Antiques, Valuables Copy of appraisal(s) Copy of T3 or T5 tax form Copy of T3 or T5 tax form Has any member of your household transferred any assets to someone else during the past 12 months? If yes, please explain what it was: Household Income and Asset Checklist Form-CPP-03 (06-2005-Ver1) Yes No Page 2 of 2 You can use this form to report on your employment for your Household Income and Assets review. If you need more forms or more information, please call 416-981-6160. Proof of Employment Form About the Employee – The EMPLOYEE completes this section. Employee last name: Employee first name: Address: Unit: Daytime phone number: Evening phone number: Postal code: Social Insurance Number: Has there been any change(s) in employment sources since your last rent review? (ie. employment insurance, change of employer etc) yes no Please include verification of any changes. By signing below, I authorize my employer to give the information requested below to Housing Connections, as required under the Social Housing Reform Act, 2000. X Employee Signature Date Information about Employment – The EMPLOYER completes this section. Employee’s position: Company Name: Company Address: City: Postal Code: If hourly, what is the average number of hours per week? The employee is being paid: Hourly Weekly Rate of pay: Monthly Yearly $ Is the employment seasonal/fluctuating? yes Date employment started: no Gross Earnings in Past 3 months From: (mm/dd/yy) To: (mm/dd/yy) Gross Earnings in Past Year From: (mm/dd/yy) To: (mm/dd/yy) Income Breakdown This column for HC use Basic salary Overtime, premiums, shift bonuses Commissions, tips, gratuities Yearly bonus Other payments Total Gross Earnings What was the last rate of increase and when was it from? Old Rate: New Rate: Effective Date of New Rate: Name of person completing this form on behalf of the Employer: Position: Phone number: X Employer Signature Date For HC use Date received: Received by: Proof of Employment Form Form-CPP-04 (07-2007-Ver2) Please complete this form and return it with your Household Income and Assets Review. If you need more forms or more information, please call 416-981-6160. Thank you! Rent Supplement Unit 176 Elm Street Toronto, Ontario M5T 3M4 Tel: 416-981-6160 Emergency Contact and Special Assistance Information Last name: First name: Address: Daytime phone number: Unit: Evening phone number: Languages spoken: Emergency Contact Information Please give us the names and phone numbers of two people we can call in case of an emergency. Name of emergency contact person (1): Daytime phone number: Relationship to the household: (for example: mother, son, friend) Evening phone number: Name of emergency contact person (2): Daytime phone number: Relationship to the household: (for example: mother, son, friend) Evening phone number: X Tenant Signature CPP/EmergencyContact&SpecialAssistanceForm Date Form-CPP-05 (06-2005-Ver1)
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