Document 198591

The American Society for Matrix Biology is pleased to
announce their 2014 biennial meeting. The event will be held
in Cleveland, OH, USA from October 12-15, 2014. It’s theme,
“Integrating Extracellular Matrix and Cellular Networks in
Biology and Medicine” addresses the scientific interests
of a broad audience. We anticipate that this meeting will
stimulate exciting interactions among participants, with
extensive opportunities to network and learn about the
latest concepts, techniques and translational applications of
fundamental matrix biology. The ASMB meeting represents
a unique opportunity for scientists, engineers, and medical
professionals with an interest in matrix biology and cell
matrix interactions to meet, discuss, learn, and network.
Attendance is expected to exceed 300 participants,
including ASMB members and nonmembers. Participation
by the International Society for Matrix Biology (ISMB) and
other guest societies, as well as special interest group
sessions organized by ASMB members, will enhance the
meeting experience for attendees.
October 12-15, 2014
Cleveland, OH
Biennial Meeting
Meeting Location:
Cleveland, Ohio
The Marriot Key Center is the location of the 2014 ASMB meeting. This center
is conveniently located just off Public Square in downtown Cleveland, near Lake
Erie, and is surrounded by many attractions and a vibrant restaurant district. Visit for more information about downtown Cleveland
and the surrounding area. Cleveland offers world-class cultural attractions that
include the Cleveland Orchestra and The Cleveland Museum of Art.
Cleveland is also ideally situated for easy travel. Cleveland Hopkins International
Airport (CLE) offers numerous daily flights with direct departures to most major
US cities. There is a convenient and inexpensive transit rail service directly
from the airport terminal to Public Square. Moreover, Cleveland is located at
the intersection of several Interstate highways (I-77, I-71 and I-90) and is within
driving distance from many major cities in the Midwest and Ontario. ASMB Banquet
Don’t miss it this year! ASMB has reserved the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for the
location of the banquet, Tuesday, October 24, 2014 at 7pm. Reserve your banquet
ticket for $50 when you register. The ASMB banquet includes admission to the Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame exclusively for ASMB banquet attendees.
Organizing Committee Chair:
Register Today! Visit or email
Suneel S. Apte, MBBS, D.Phil., The Cleveland Clinic
Abstracts and Posters:
All participants are highly encouraged, but not required, to submit an abstract.
Online abstract submissions will be accepted March through June 26, 2014.
You must register for the meeting prior to submitting an abstract and there is a
$30 USD non-refundable abstract submission fee per abstract. Abstracts will be
reviewed and assigned as either Poster Presentations or Selected Talks within the
Concurrent Sessions. Abstract presenting authors will be notified by early August
with logistical details. Late breaking abstracts will be accepted July 21st though
August 8th, 2014 and will be considered for Poster Presentations only. To submit
an abstract, register online at and then follow the link to Abstract
Cleveland Marriott Downtown at Key Center
127 Public Square • Cleveland, OH 44114 1-216-696-9200
Discounted group rates are available: $162. Single/double. $139 student rate
(limited availability – must provide current student ID at check-in). Book your hotel
room online through the meeting website,, by September 19th to
receive the special group rates.
Special Needs:
ASMB does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, gender or disabilities. If you
require services or auxiliary aids mentioned in the Americans with Disabilities Act
in order to fully participate in this activity, please contact Kendra LaDuca directly
at or call 301-634-7456.
Take advantage of the meeting registration discount offered to members and join
today! Please see the society website for more information (
Eligible candidates may apply for Student Travel Awards during the abstract
submission process by checking the appropriate box. ASMB membership is
required to apply for travel awards. You will need to submit a packet including
a CV and letter of recommendation from a member/sponsor. Selections will be
made during the abstract review period and notification of travel awards will be
sent by mid-August 2014.
These awardees will be recognized at the meeting:
• 2014 Senior Investigator Award Winner:
Vincent Hascall, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
• 2014 Junior Investigator Award Winner:
Sean Gill, Western University, London, Ontario, Canada
• 2014 Iozzo Award Winner:
Adam Engler, University of California, San Diego, California
The FASEB MARC Program is pleased to support the meeting with travel awards
for eligible underrepresented minority undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral
fellows. See the ASMB meeting website for more details.
How to register:
Early Bird
• June 26, 2014
Early-Bird Registration, Abstract & Award
Submission Deadlines
• July 21 - August 8, 2014
Late Breaking Abstract Submission Period Open
• Early August 2014
ASMB Awards Winners Announced!
REGISTER TODAY! Early Bird rates end on June 26, 2014
Registration fees include all scientific sessions,
program book, continental breakfasts, Poster Session
lunches, AM and PM coffee breaks, and the opening
reception. The ASMB Banquet on Tuesday night is
an additional purchase. Registration fees exclude
accommodation costs. Registration and payment
may be made online at or via the
registration form available online, accompanied by
a check payment made out to “ASMB”. Abstracts
will be available online. Registration refunds will be
provided minus a 15% cancellation fee for refund
requests received in writing prior to August 25,
2014. No refunds can be given after this date. Travel
and accommodation cancellations remain the sole
responsibility of the individual.
Important Dates:
Online Registration, Abstract & Award
Submission OPEN
FASEB MARC Travel Awards
American Society for Matrix Biology
9650 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20814
• March 2014
2014 Awards:
Student or Post-Doctoral Fellow Travel Awards
Regular Abstract & Award Notifications
• September 19, 2014
Hotel Reservation Deadline
For Additional Information:
Society Management Services of FASEB
Phone: 301-634-7456 • Fax: 301-634-7455
Email: •
Thank you to our sponsors!
(before 6/26/14)
(after 6/26/14)
ASMB Members
To Sponsor
call 301-634-7456
ASMB Student Members
or email
Student Non-members
One Day ONLY
Banquet Ticket*
Banquet Guest*
*non-refundable, must be pre-purchased during online registration
Visit or email
The Lerner Research Institute
Biennial Meeting
Sunday, October 12th
9:30 am
1:00-3:00 pm
Heparin Inhibits Intracellular Synthesis of Hyaluronan
in Hyperglycemic Dividing Mesangial Cells
Guest Symposium I
Vincent C. Hascall, The Cleveland Clinic,
ASMB Senior Investigator Award Winner
October 12-15, 2014 • Cleveland, OH
Tuesday, October 14th
7:30-8:30 am
Women Mentoring Women Breakfast
(no charge – limited space, RSVP required at registration)
4:00-5:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent J: Cellular Regulation by
ECM/Growth Factor Regulation
Presented by TERMIS
(Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine International Society)
10:00-10:30 am
Chairs: Johnna Temenoff, Georgia Tech
Coffee Break
8:30-10:00 am
Andrew Leask, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Plenary III: Morphogenesis
Plus 4 selected talks
10:30-12:00 pm
Session Chair: Maurizio Pacifici, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Concurrent K: Integrating ECM and Cell Biomechanics
1:00-3:00 pm
SIG 1: The New Biology of the Small Leucine Rich
Plenary II: Novel Insights on Cell-Matrix Interactions
Chair: Jean Schwarzbauer, Princeton University
8:30 am
Matrix, Mechanics, and Epithelial Morphogenesis
Spinning the Matrix - Basement Membrane Secretion
and Remodeling During Organ Morphogenesis
Celeste Nelson, Princeton University
Discussion Leaders: Renato V. Iozzo, Thomas Jefferson University
and Liliana Schaefer, Goethe University, Frankfurt
10:30 am
Why is TGFß Latent and BMP9 Not?
Sally Horne-Badovinac, University of Chicago
1:00-3:00 pm
Timothy Springer, Harvard Medical School
9:00 am
SIG2: Transglutaminases, ECM and Cell Signaling
11:00 am
Discussion Leaders: Mari T. Kaartinen, McGill University, Montreal,
Canada and Amy D. Bradshaw, Medical University of South Carolina
Inhibition and Activation Mechanisms of
Integrin-mediated Cell-Matrix Adhesions
3:00-3:30 pm
Coffee Break
3:30-5:30 pm
Guest Symposium II
Jun Qin, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
11:30 am
The Critical Role of TIMP3 in Pulmonary
Homeostasis and Lung Injury
Sean Gill, Western University, London, Ontario,
ASMB Junior Investigator Award Winner
CCN2 (CTGF): A Multifunctional Regulator of Stem Cell Niches
Identification of a New Matrix Adhesion System
in the Worm: Basement Membrane-Basement
Membrane Linkage
Plus 4 selected talks
Concurrent L: Proteinases and Their Inhibitors
MMPs and Fibrosis
William Parks, University of Washington
Plus 4 selected talks
David Sherwood, Duke University
7:00-10:00 pm
9:30 am
Banquet – Rock And Roll Hall of Fame
Regulation of Smooth Muscle Cell Plasticity
During the Assembly of the Vascular Wall:
Why Are Vessels Not Tracheas?
(Advanced ticket purchase required. Banquet includes admission
to the museum exclusively for ASMB)
Luisa Iruela-Arispe, UCLA
12:00-12:30 pm
10:00-10:30 am
Wednesday, October 15th
Chair: Mark Lauer, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic
ASMB Business Meeting
Coffee Break
9:30-11:00 am
3:30-5:30 pm
12:30-2:30 pm
10:30-12:00 pm
SIG 3: ECM Turnover and Tissue Remodeling
During Embryogenesis
Poster Session I and Lunch
Plenary IV: Genetic Disorders of ECM, ECM
Receptors and the ECM-Cell Continuum
Presented by ISHAS
(The International Society for Hyaluronan Sciences)
Discussion Leaders: Sumeda Nandadasa, Lerner Research Institute,
Cleveland Clinic and Shifaan Thowfeequ, Columbia University
3:30-5:30 pm
SIG: 4 The Physics and Chemistry of Fibronectin
Discussion Leaders: Adam J. Engler, University of California
San Diego and Thomas H. Barker, Georgia Tech
6:00-7:00 pm
Opening Reception
7:00-7:15 pm
President’s Welcome
2:30-4:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
10:30 am
10:00 am
ISMB Awardee Lecture
Talk Title Pending
Laminin Assembly and Repair of Laminin-Deficiency
ISMB Awardee TBA
Stephen Badylak, University of Pittsburgh
Plus 4 selected talks
11:00 am
10:30 am
Acromelic Dysplasia and TGFß Signaling
Concurrent B: Skin Biology and Wound Healing
Valerie Cormier-Daire, Hospital Necker, Paris, France
Sticky Science: Using Extracellular Matrix to Guide
Stem Cell Fate and Restore Function in Vivo
The Matricellular Protein CCN1 in Inflammation, Fibrosis,
and Wound Healing
11:30 am
Peter Yurchenco, Rutgers University
Lester Lau, University of Illinois at Chicago
Plus 4 selected talks
Matrix Vesicles as Precursors of Cardiovascular Microcalcification
Elena Aikawa, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Plus 4 selected talks
4:00-4:30 pm
Career Mentoring Breakfast
(no charge – limited space, RSVP required at registration)
Skin Fragility: Genes, Proteomics and Translation
Into Patient Care
Concurrent A: Basement Membrane:
Assembly, Function and Disorders
Keynote Lecture: A New Kinase Family That Plays
a Key Role in Bone and Tooth Development
7:30-8:30 am
9:30 am
Leena Bruckner-Tuderman, University Frieburg, Germany
Concurrent C: Cardiovascular Biology and Disease
Monday, October 13th
Chair: Linda Sandell, Washington University in St. Louis
Tribute to Dick Heinegard
7:15-8:00 pm
Jack Dixon, University of California San Diego
Chair: Bjorn Olsen, Harvard University
Plenary V: Translating the Basics to Patient Care
More Lessons from Genetic Disorders of Bone
Andrea Superti-Furga, Universite of Lausanne, Switzerland
12:00-2:00 pm
Poster Session II and Lunch
2:00-3:30 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Coffee Break
Concurrent G: ECM As a Mediator of Host-Pathogen
Interactions and Immune Responses
4:30-6:00 pm
Matrix, Microbes & MSCRAMMs
Concurrent Sessions
Magnus Hook, Texas A&M University
Concurrent D: Matrix Receptors, Adhesion and Migration
Integrins and the Kidney
Plus 4 selected talks
Concurrent H: Proteoglycans and Glycobiology
Title TBA
Adam Engler, University of California, San Diego, Iozzo Award Winner
11:00-11:30 am
Coffee Break
11:30am -1:00 pm
Concurrent Sessions
Concurrent P: Neural and Ocular ECM: The Next Frontier
Control of Excitatory Synapse Development by Extracellular
Matrix Proteins Thrombospondin, Hevin and SPARC
Cagla Eroglu, Duke University
Plus 4 selected talks
Concurrent Q: Stem Cell Biology and
Regenerative Medicine
Thrombospondin and Stem Cell Fate Decisions in the Brain
Chay Kuo, Duke University
Plus 4 selected talks
8:30-10:00 am
Roy Zent, Vanderbilt University
Plenary I: New Developments in ECM Structure
and Function
Plus 4 selected talks
Plus 4 selected talks
Concurrent R: Fibrosis and Chronic Disorders
Concurrent E: ECM Biosynthesis, Assembly and
Post-translational Modification
Concurrent I: Tumor Microenvironment
Active Matrix: Repository for Airspace Maintenance and
Regeneration Strategies
Eosinophils, Periostin, and the TH2-Conditioned
Extracellular Matrix
The Role of Extracellular Matrix Alignment in Cell Invasion
Tribute to Paul Bornstein
Enid Neptune, Johns Hopkins Medical College
Patricia Keely, University of Wisconin-Madison
Plus 4 selected talks
8:30 am
Deane Mosher, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chair: Robert Mecham, Washington University in St. Louis
Cancer Cell Invasion in Complex Matrix Environments
Erik Sahai, London Research Institute, UK
9:00 am
Structural Biology of the Laminin Network
Erhard Hohenester, Imperial College, London
Plus 4 selected talks
Concurrent F: ECM and the Musculoskeletal System
Plus 4 selected talks
3:30-4:00 pm
Coffee Break
Regulation of Tendon Growth and Elongation
Ronen Schweitzer, Shriners Hospital for Children, Portland
Plus 4 selected talks
REGISTER TODAY! Early Bird rates end on June 26, 2014