HOW TO APPLY FOR THE GRANT OF AN ANNUAL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE OR FOR AN OCCASIONAL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE (NOTES FOR APPLICANTS) 1. Read the document ‘What is Public Entertainment’, page 2. 2. Read the explanatory notes pages 3 to 5 inclusive. 3. Complete the application form pages 6 to 11 inclusive. Return with the fee (Page 17) and Payment Slip (Page 5) together with the certificates detailed in the application form to the Licensing Section. Note: We now accept payment by Debit Card – please use Payment Slip on page 5. (Sorry we DO NOT accept Credit Cards) 4. Complete the notice to the Fire Authority pages 12 and 13. Send direct to the Fire Authority together with the copies of the certificates detailed in the application form. 5. Complete the notice to the Police Force, page 14. Send direct to the Police Force. 6. Complete the notice to the Clerk of your local Town/Parish Council, page 15. Send direct to the Clerk of your Town/Parish Council. 7. Complete the Public Notice, page 16. (a) One copy to be displayed on the outside of the premises where it can be seen by any member of the Public AT ANY TIME. (b) One copy of the notice to be published in the Local Paper to which the application relates (except for Occasional Licence applications when the capacity will not exceed 400 persons). 8. Public Entertainment Licence Fees on page 17. This application document is not to be used for outdoor events when the capacity is to exceed 500. If your event will exceed that capacity please request a “Large Outdoor Event” pack. S:\Legal_Member_Services\Licensing\Licensing Act\Existing System\Application Forms\PEL-Grant Annual&Occ-2005-2006.doc 1 WHAT IS PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT? The Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 requires the following entertainments to be licensed as Public Entertainments: a. Public dancing, music or any other public entertainment of a like kind. b. Any public musical entertainment held wholly or mainly in the open air at a place on private land. In a Public House, common examples of entertainments that require such a licence are: 1. Dancing by performers or by the public. 2. A live band consisting of three of more performers (not necessarily at the same time), i.e. it could start with two performers, one leaves and then another one takes their place, so during the course of the evening if there are three or more performers using live music, then a public entertainment licence would be needed. 3. Any number of performers and recorded music. This could be one performer and a backing tape. 4. A Karaoke. An exemption exists under Section 182 of the Licensing Act 1964 for public entertainment provided by wireless and television broadcasts and recorded music, OR provided by not more than two performers. Therefore a public entertainment licence would not be required for: 1. Up to two people performing without recorded music, i.e. playing their own instruments and not using any recorded backing tapes. 2. If it was a radio or television broadcast or recorded music without any performers. For example MTV on the television, a jukebox, the public house’s own stereo system or someone just putting on records but without speaking. NB: If people, public or performers, dance to live or recorded music, a public entertainment licence would be needed. You do not require a public entertainment licence if members of the public are not admitted for example a private party. There are other occasions where a public entertainment licence would be required and there are other types of entertainment that may require a different type of licence issued by East Devon District Council for example, a Video Jukebox Licence. If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Licensing Section at Council Offices, Knowle, Sidmouth, EX10 8HL, telephone number 01395 517410. 2 EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR THE GRANT OF AN ANNUAL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE OR FOR AN OCCASIONAL PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE EXPLANATORY NOTES PLEASE READ THESE NOTES CAREFULLY: - failure to observe any requirements mentioned might render your application invalid. 1. Complete the application form pages 6 to 11 inclusive. Return with the fee (see page 17) and all other certificates detailed in the application form to the Licensing Office, Council Offices, Knowle, SIDMOUTH, EX10 8HL. 2. Complete the notice to the Fire Authority, page 12 & 13. Send direct to: Devon Fire & Rescue Service, East Division, Agriculture House, Ground Floor, Pynes Hill, Rydon Lane, EXETER EX2 5AZ. 3. Complete the notice to the Police Force, page 14. Send direct to: The Chief Officer of Police, Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Licensing Office, The Police Station, North Street, Exmouth, EX8 1JZ. 4. Complete the notice to your local Town or Parish Council on page 15. Send to the Clerk of your Town Council, Town Committee or Parish Council or the Chairman of the Parish Meeting as the case may be. 5. (a) When applying for the grant of a Licence you must give public notice of your intention to make the application, no later than 7 days after you have submitted the copies specified in (1) above by: (i) In the Press: You are responsible for arranging an advertisement in a local newspaper that circulates in the area to which the application relates. In the case of an Occasional Licence application you are exempt from the requirement to advertise for small events with a capacity of less than 400 persons. For specific advice please contact the Licensing Officer. (ii) On the Premises Displaying a notice on or near the premises or place to which the application relates, in a place where the public can conveniently read the notice for a period of 14 days. A copy of the suggested form of notice is attached on page 16. For the purpose of both notices in (i) and (ii) above the application date should be not less than 28 days after the application notice is served in paragraph 1,2 and 3 above. SUGGESTED FORM FOR GIVING NOTICE IN CASES (i) AND (ii) ARE ATTACHED 6. (b) Please forward a copy of the published advertisement and a copy of the notice that you display on or near your premises (see (a) above) as soon as possible to the Licensing Officer. (a) When you submit your application to the Licensing Officer (see 1 above) please enclose a completed application form, fee and supporting documentation (listed at 7 below). 3 (b) The fee that you submit with your application must be the appropriate fee for your application. [see page 17] Note: We now accept payment by Debit Card – please use Payment Slip on page 5. (Sorry we DO NOT accept Credit Cards) PLEASE NOTE THAT NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN ON AN APPLICATION UNLESS AND UNTIL THE APPROPRIATE FEE IS RECEIVED (c) No fee is payable if the application is for a licence for an entertainment in: (i) a church hall, chapel or other similar building occupied in connection with a place of public religious worship; or (ii) a village hall, parish or community hall [Community Premises]. A Community Premises is categorised as such when the maximum capacity for the premises is less than 300 and when the area to be licensed is all on one level. 7. You must enclose with your application for the grant of a new licence the following documentation: (a) An NICEIC [or ECA] electrical inspection certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer in the form prescribed in the current edition of the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers to the effect that the electrical installations at the premises are in a safe working condition. (b) A NICEIC [or ECA] Certificate signed by a qualified electrician indicating that an emergency lighting system is installed in the licensed premises which complies with the British Standard 5266: Part 1: 1999 Code of Practice. A blank copy of the Devon Fire and Rescue Service Escape Lighting Periodic Inspection and Test Certificate (FSD44B) is enclosed and can be used as an alternative but must be completed by a qualified electrician. (c) A NICEIC [or ECA] Certificate signed by a qualified electrician indicating that fire warning system where installed in the licensed premises complies with the British Standard 5839: Part 1: 1988 Code of Practice. A blank copy of the Devon Fire and Rescue Service Certificate of Testing a Fire Alarm System (FSD44A) is enclosed and can be used as an alternative but must be completed by a qualified electrician. (d) A satisfactory certificate from a CORGI registered company/contractor (or duly certified duplicate) in respect of any boiler; calor fire or air heater on the licensed premises accompanied by a statement that the condition of the oil, fuel or gas equipment is satisfactory. (e) A valid certificate of insurance covering Public Liability in the minimum sums of £2,000,000 (2 million) for a minor event and £5,000,000 (5 million) for a major event to cover the duration of the licence to be produced at the time of renewal of the licence. (f) A plan of the building to be licensed. The scale of the plan should be not less than 1:100. The area to be licensed to be clearly marked in red. In the case of an application relating to an Occasional Licence for outdoor events or in farm buildings an additional plan must be submitted showing the location of the event in relation to the surrounding land/property. (NB. If the application is for a Public Entertainment Licence for part of a premises the plan submitted should be of the whole premises and should show clearly the part of the premises for which you are making the application). 4 6. 7. g) Confirmation that the fire fighting equipment has been inspected and is in good working order. An annual service receipt should be included as proof of testing. h) [for marquees only] a certificate stating that the canvass has been treated with a fire retardant. (a) The Council cannot make a decision on your application for the grant of a licence before at least 28 days have elapsed from the receipt of your application. Following that period it may be necessary to refer your application to a meeting of the Licensing and Enforcement Committee. If the Committee is minded to grant your application on the terms requested by you, it will so decide at that meeting. (b) If it is necessary for your application to be considered by the Licensing and Enforcement Committee you will be invited to make your application and if you wish, you may be legally represented. If the licensed premises are used for any other purpose than that for which the licence is granted, the holder of the licence shall, if convicted, be liable for a fine of up to £20,000 and the Licence may be revoked by the Council. …………………………………….………………………….…………………………………………………..………….. PAYMENT DETAILS: EDDC Income Code 970131 I enclose a cheque or postal order made payable to East Devon District Council OR please charge my debit card account with the sum of £ being the licensing fee for the grant of the Public Entertainment Licence for the premises named below: Premises name: ……………………………………………………………………………….……………. Premises address: ……………………………………………………………………………………….... …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… …………………………………………………………..….. Post Code: ………………………………… Card holder’s name: ………………………………………………………………..………………………. Card holder’s address: ……………………………………………………………………..…………………………….……………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….. ………………………………………………………………. Post Code: ……….………………………... Debit Card Type: ……………………………………….(Sorry we do not accept Credit Cards) Debit Card No: Card Start Date: Card Expiry Date: Switch Issue No: Receipt Requested: Yes No Please return Payment Form with your remittance to: The Licensing Officer, East Devon District Council Council Offices, Knowle, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 8HL 5 EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL APPLICATION FOR A PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982. Schedule 1 Please read ‘Notes for Applicants’ before completing this form. Please use block capitals throughout. 1. Full name of applicant(s) Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms ........................................................................….............................................. ..........................................……………………………….…………..…….……………...........……. 2. Full postal address and telephone number of applicant(s) Address(s) ......................…..........................................................…………................................ .................................................................................................................................................... ................................…………….…………………………………... Post Code..…..………........... Tel. No(s): ........................................................…..…………………............................................ 3. Date of birth of applicant(s) ............/............/............ .........../............/........... 4. Nature of application Annual 5. Occasional Type of licence applied for Full 6. Provisional if Occasional (State dates)...............…………………….... Type of venue Night-club 7. ........../.........../............ Public House Other (Please specify).................…………………...... Full postal address and telephone number of premises to which application relates Name and address ............................................................…………………….......................... ......................................................................................................….....……………………….... Tel. No: ..............................................…………........ Post Code: ............................................. 8. Nature of public entertainment to be provided on the premises Music and dancing Music only Other (Please specify)..........................................................…………………........................... Sporting event (please specify).....................................................................………………….. 9. Hours of operation in relation to Public Entertainment Monday.......................................... Friday............................................. Tuesday.......................................... Saturday......................................... Wednesday..................................... Sunday............................................ Thursday......................................... 6 10. Maximum number of people to be admitted ......…………………………............................... 11. Approximate age group attending premises (Please state)............…………….................... 12. Toilet Provisions How many WC’s are provided for; Ladies................Gentlemen................. How many wash hand basins are provided for; Ladies.............. Gentlemen...………..... How many Urinals are provided...........................................................…......………....... How many toilets suitable for use by disabled persons.................................………....... 13. Are the premises licensed for any other purpose? Yes No If yes please specify...................................................................……………………................. 14. Is the application in respect of the whole or part of the premises? Whole 15. (If part of the premises show clearly on scale plan) Will you be in charge of and on the premises at all times while they are open to the public? Yes 16. Part No If the answer to 16 is no, state the full name(s), postal address(es), status (e.g. Manager) and date of birth of every person who will be in charge of and on the premises while they are open to the public (continue on a separate sheet if necessary). Name: .........................................................................................………………….……...…...... Address: ....................................................................…….… Post Code ...…...........….....…... Status: ...............................................................................................………………………….... Date of Birth: .....................................................................................………………...……….... 17. State the full name, postal address and telephone number of a person from whom a key to the premises may be obtained in case of emergency. Name: ..................................................................................……………………….........….....… Address: ............................................................................ Post Code …………………………. Tel. No: .............................................................................................………………………..….. 18. State full details of any relevant conviction(s) NB. For this purpose a relevant conviction is any conviction of the applicant or of any person mentioned in answer to question 16 (other than a conviction which is ‘spent’ for the purposes of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974) within any of the following categories: 1. Any conviction for an offence under any provision of: (a) Section 6 of Schedule 1 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (b) Schedule 12 to the London Government Act 1963 (c) the Licensing Act 1964 (d) the Late Night Refreshment Houses Act 1969 (e) any Act, which amounts or substantially re-enacts any of the Acts listed in (a) to (d) above. 7 2. Any conviction in respect of which a term of imprisonment, whether or not suspended, was imposed. 3. Any conviction relating to fraud, dishonesty or violent behaviour. Court Details of Sentence Name of Person Date of Convicted (including conviction applicant) ............................................................................................................…………………………... ................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................…………………………………..…………………. 19. State full details of any Order made under any provision of the Licensing Act 1964 relating to the applicant or any person mentioned in answer to question 16, and disqualifying the applicant or other person from holding a Justices Licence under the Licensing Act 1964 or from holding a licence under the Late Night Refreshment Houses Act 1969. Name of Person to whom Order applied (including applicant) Date of Order Court Details of Order ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... .........................................………..……………………………………………………..….………… 20. State full details of any Order made under Section 67A of the Licensing Act 1964 restricting the permitted hours during which alcoholic drink may be sold or supplied at the premises or at any other premises with the management of which the applicant (or any person mentioned in answer to Question 16) has been involved. Premises to which Order applied if different from premises to which Application relates Date of Order Court Details of Order ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... .......................................………….………………………………………….…………………….… 21. Has any licence held under any of the statutory provisions referred to in question 19(1) by the applicant, or any person mentioned in answer to question 16, been forfeited, revoked or cancelled? Yes No If Yes please give details ...................................................………………………....................... .............................................................................................................……………………….…. ...............................................................................................................………………………… 8 Questions 22-27 are only to be answered by applicants who are bodies corporate (e.g. companies, local authorities, statutory undertakers etc.) (NB. It is preferable that wherever possible an application on behalf of a corporate body is made by an individual such as Director or Secretary. If the application is made in this way Questions 22-27 need NOT be answered). 22. Full name and postal address of every Director, Company Secretary or other person having similar duties to a Director or Company Secretary. Name .............................................. .............................................. ........…………………….……. Address .............................................. .............................................. ..............………….………….. Status .............................................. .............................................. ........…………………….……. 23. The address of the applicant’s registered office or, if the applicant has no registered office, the address of the applicant’s principal office or principal place of business. ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... .......................................……….……………………………………….……………………………. 24. If the applicant is a company registered under the Companies Act 1985, state the registered number of the company. ...........................................................……………................................................……………… 25. If the applicant’s affairs are managed by its members (for example Local Authority) state the full name, postal address and status of every member concerned in the management of the premises. Name .............................................. .............................................. ........…………………….……. 26. Address .............................................. .............................................. ..............………….………….. Status .............................................. .............................................. ........…………………….……. In respect of every Director, Company Secretary or other similar person state full details of any relevant conviction (for definition see Question 17) Names of Person Convicted (including applicant) Date of conviction Court Details of Sentence ................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................... .................................…………….……………………………......………………………………….. 27. In respect of every Director, Company Secretary or other similar person state full details of any Order of a kind mentioned in questions 18 and 19. (In the case of a Restriction Order, state premises affected if not the premises to which this application relates) Name of Person to whom Order applied Court Date of Order Details of Order .................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................…………………………………………………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… 9 To be submitted by ALL applicants b. An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the emergency lighting system at the premises has been installed and tested in accordance with the relevant British Standard. Alternatively your electrician can use the Devon Fire and Rescue form FSD44B enclosed with this pack. # c. An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the fire warning system at the premises has been installed and tested in accordance with the relevant British Standard. Alternatively your electrician can use the Devon Fire and Rescue form FSD44A enclosed with this pack. # d. A satisfactory certificate from a CORGI registered company/contractor (or a certificate from the manufacturers or their appointed agents in the case of small low-pressure hot water domestic boilers other than sectional boilers) in respect of any boiler, calorifier or air heater, by a statement that the condition of the oil fuel or equipment including the burners and safety devices, is satisfactory. # e. A valid certificate of insurance covering Public Liability in the minimum sums of £2,000,000 (2 million) for a minor event and £5,000,000 (5 million) for a major event to cover the duration of the licence to be produced at the time of renewal of the licence. # f. Confirmation that the fire fighting equipment has been inspected and is in good working order. An annual service receipt should be included as proof of testing. # g. [for marquees only] A certificate stating that the canvass has been treated with a fire retardant. Not applicable An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the electrical installations at the premises are in a safe working condition. # To follow a. Enclosed 28. I attach copies of the following certificates: # Required on first application for a Full Licence, on application for confirmation of a Provisional Licence and every year thereafter on renewal of the Licence. 29. Plan of Area to be Licensed I enclose a scale plan of the premises/area NB. The scale of such plan should be not less than 1:100 If the premises form part of a larger building or premises the scale plan should be of the whole building or premises. The premises to which your application relates should be clearly indicated on the plan. 10 30. Fees – Page 17(PLEASE CHECK WITH THE COUNCIL FOR FULL DETAILS OF CURRENT FEES AND CHARGES IF IN DOUBT) *delete as appropriate • 31. I enclose the sum of £………………….., being the fee payable in respect of this application (Page 17). Declaration I DECLARE that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information provided in this application form is correct. Signed ………………………....................................... Date …….............................................. WARNING: IF YOU KNOWINGLY GIVE FALSE INFORMATION IN ORDER TO OBTAIN THE GRANT OF A PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE YOU MAY BE PROSECUTED 11 EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1982 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE GRANT OF AN ANNUAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT OR AN OCCASIONAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT To: Devon Fire & Rescue Service East Division, Agriculture House Ground Floor Pynes Hill Rydon Lane EXETER EX2 5AZ I/We Full Name(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………. Full Address(es): …………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ...……………... Contact Telephone No: …………………………………………………………….……………………… hereby give you notice that I/We intend to apply to East Devon District Council for the grant of an annual [please tick the box relating to your application] occasional [Please supply date(s)] ………………………………………………………. licence to keep and use the place or premises known as: Name of premises: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Full Address: …….…………….…………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ……...………... for Public Entertainment, namely: Music Only Music and Dancing Sporting Events (please specify) On the following days (for Occasional Licence include dates) between the following hours: From To Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 12 Date(s) if Occasional ……………………………………………………………………………………… Maximum number of people to be admitted …...…………………………………………………….. b) An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the emergency lighting system at the premises has been installed and tested in accordance with the relevant British Standard. c) An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the fire warning system at the premises has been installed and tested in accordance with the relevant British Standard. d) A satisfactory certificate from a CORGI registered company/contractor (or a certificate from the manufacturers or their appointed agents in the case of small low-pressure hot water domestic boilers other than sectional boilers) in respect of any boiler, calorifier or air heater, by a statement that the condition of the oil fuel or equipment including the burners and safety devices, is satisfactory. e) Confirmation that the fire fighting equipment has been inspected and is in good working order. An annual service receipt should be included as proof of testing. f) A plan of the building to be licensed. The scale of the plan should be not less than 1:100. The area to be licensed to be clearly marked in red. In the case of an application relating to an Occasional Licence for outdoor events or in farm buildings an additional plan must be submitted showing the location of the event in relation to the surrounding land/property. g) [for marquees only] a certificate stating that the canvass has been treated with a fire retardant. Signed................................................ Date................................... Applicant(s) or Agents of Applicants 13 Not applicable An NICEIC [or ECA] certificate signed by a qualified electrical engineer stating that the electrical installations at the premises are in a safe working condition. To follow a) Enclosed I attach copies of the following certificates: EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1982 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE GRANT OF AN ANNUAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT OR AN OCCASIONAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT To: The Chief Officer of Police Devon & Cornwall Constabulary, Licensing Office The Police Station North Street Exmouth EX8 1JZ I/We Full Name(s) and dates of birth: ……………………………………………………………………………..…. Full Address(es): ……..…………………………………………………………………………………………...…….. …………………………………….…………………………………… Post Code: ……..…………………..………... Contact Telephone No: …………………………………………………………………………………………………. hereby give you notice that I/We intend to apply to East Devon District Council for the grant of an annual occasional [please tick the box relating to your application] licence to keep and use the place or premises known as: Name of premises: ………………………………………………………………………….………………………….. Full Address: …….………………………………………………………………………….……………….………….. ………………………………………………………………………………… Post Code: .…………………………... for Public Entertainment, namely:Music Only Music and Dancing Sporting Events (please specify) On the following days between the following hours: From To Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date(s) if Occasional …………………………………………………………………………………………………… Signed ......................……………………………...................... Applicant(s) or Agents of Applicants 14 Date …………………………………………… EAST DEVON DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1982 NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY FOR THE GRANT OF AN ANNUAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT OR AN OCCASIONAL LICENCE FOR PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT To: The Clerk of your Town Council, Town Committee or Parish Council or the Chairman of the Parish Meeting as the case may be. I/We Full Name(s): …………………………………………………………………………………………. Full Address(es): ..………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………… Post Code: …..…………………………... Contact Telephone No: ……………………………………………………………………………………. hereby give you notice that I/We intend to apply to East Devon District Council for the grant of an annual occasional [please tick the box relating to your application] licence to keep and use the place or premises known as: Name of premises: ………………………………………………………………………………………….. Full Address: …….…………………………………….…………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………… Post Code: ...……………………... for Public Entertainment, namely:Music Only Music and Dancing Sporting Events (please specify) On the following days between the following hours: From To Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date(s) if Occasional ……………………………………………...……………………………………… Signed........................................……………………..... Applicant(s) or Agents of Applicants 15 Date....................………………........ LOCAL GOVERNMENT (MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS) ACT 1982 NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT OF AN ANNUAL/OCCASIONAL # PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENTS LICENCE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I/We .............................................................................................…..… of ................................................................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................... intend to make application on * ................................................................................................................... to the East Devon District Council, being the Licensing Authority for the purposes of Section 1 of the above Act, for the GRANT of an annual/occasional # Public Entertainments Licence in respect of the premises situate and known as .................................................................................................................. ..................................................................................................................................................................... The application is being made for the purposes indicated in the Schedule below. Any objections to the application should be made in writing to the Chief Executive, East Devon District Council, Knowle, Sidmouth EX10 8HL, by not later than the application date set out above. Signed ........................................................................................................................................................ Date ............................................................................................................................................................ THE SCHEDULE (Note: this schedule must include details of the type of entertainment proposed [e.g., music and/or dancing] and the proposed days and hours of operation). This notice must first be displayed no later than 7 days after the date that notice of the grant application is given to the District Council. The notice must be displayed for not less than 14 days prior to the application date in a conspicuous place on the premises where the entertainment is to be held. (* This date should be not less than 28 days after the application notice is served on the District Council, Fire and Police) (# Delete as applicable) 16 PUBLIC ENTERTAINMENT LICENCE FEES TABLE OF FEES 2005-2006 Grant or Renewal of Licences Subject to (a) and (b) below the fees for grant or renewal of licences will be as follows:Capacity of Venue Up to 100 Grant of Annual Licence £ 99.00 Occasional Licence £ 56.00 101 - 250 190.00 78.00 251 – 500 286.00 126.00 501 - 750 334.00 134.00 751 - 1000 378.00 153.00 (a) Where in the opinion of the Council the entertainment is of any educational or other like character or is given for charitable or other like purposes the fee for grant/renewal of licence will be reduced by 25%. (b) No fee will be payable if the application is for the grant, renewal, transfer, or variation of a licence for an entertainment:(1) At a church hall, chapel hall or other similar building occupied in connection with a place of public religious worship or (2) At a village hall, parish or community hall or other similar building. Commercial Entertainment Licences Subject to (a) below the fees for grant or renewal of licences will be as follows:- (a) Number of Persons Charges - 2005/2006 £ 1001 - 1250 1251 - 1500 1501 - 1750 1751 - 2000 2001 - 3000 3001 - 4000 4001 - 5000 5001 - 6000 6001 - 7000 7000+ 564.00 870.00 1,032.00 1,278.00 1,578.00 3,144.00 4,752.00 6,523.00 8,756.00 10,907.00 Where in the opinion of the Council the entertainment is of any educational or other like character or is given for charitable or other like purposes the fee for grant/renewal of licence will be reduced by 25%. Regulations For supplying on request a copy of the Regulations prescribing conditions applicable to Entertainments Licences - £1.50. 17 FIRE SAFETY LEAFLET – MARQUEES Means of Escape 1. Exits should be kept clear of obstructions (tables and chairs etc) and a gangway the same width as the exit maintained throughout. 2. Fire exit signs conforming to the British Standard 5499: Part 1: 1990 or Health & Safety (Safety Signs & Signals) Regulations 1996 should be provided over each exit. 3. The required final exits should be distributed evenly around the structure so that genuine alternative routes are available from all parts of the structure. Escape Lighting 4. The exit routes, doors and exit signs should be conspicuously illuminated by the general lighting for the duration of the function. Provision should also be made for the signs to be illuminated by a system of escape lighting to ensure visibility in the event of mains failure. It is no longer considered acceptable to have fixed electric lamps, using dry cell batteries as escape lighting. For this purpose a generator may be used for lighting in addition to the normal electricity supply and having enough fuel provided capable of operating for the required period. The generator would be run continuously so that if either lighting circuit failed, the other would remain on, giving enough lighting for escape purposes. (For your information Fire Safety Leaflet 27 is enclosed, your attention is drawn to paragraph 3.1 (a)). Fire Warning & System & Fire Routine 5. The person in charge of the function or other responsible person should take charge of the event. This person should be kept free from work which would prevent them from being immediately available in the event of an alarm for fire. He/she should be present in the premises during the time that members of the public are present. 6. A suitable fire routine should be provided for stewards to ensure that the necessary action is taken in the event of fire and that an organised evacuation of the premises is put into effect. This should include: (a) The means for giving warning in case of fire should include a system for silencing the music (electrically or acoustically provided) so that an announcement can be made to evacuate or so an evacuation alarm may be heard. At the same time the house lights should be raised. (b) Ensure that all stewards are aware of the action to be taken in case of fire. (c) Procedure for evacuating the building. (d) Stewards are distinctively marked with armbands, surcoats etc. (e) That stewards are aware of the nearest telephone for calling the emergency services. (f) That stewards are aware of the position of fire extinguishers and acquainted with their methods of operation. (g) That each exit has a minimum of one steward allocated which will be their responsibility in an emergency. 18 Firefighting Equipment 7. One 9-litre water extinguisher should be provided for each exit point. Note: Buckets of water are NOT acceptable. Two dry powder extinguishers should be provided by the stage/music/disco areas. NB: Each extinguisher should be in good condition and have been serviced within the last 12 months. Electrical Installations 8. Only electrical illumination is acceptable, no oil lamps, gas lamps should be used. 9. All electrical works should conform to the current electrical regulations. 10. Trailing leads should be kept to a minimum and either buried or taken overhead. Heating 11. Portable heating should not be provided during functions. Space heaters may be used prior to a function starting but must be removed from the premises before the public are admitted. Housekeeping 12. Hay and straw bales are not considered satisfactory for use as seats or staging and should be removed. 13. All combustibles (e.g. fuel oils, pesticides etc) should be removed. 14. Metal bins or buckets should be provided and clearly marked for the disposal of smoking materials. 15. Any kitchen facilities should be purpose built or provided separate from the function area. (See items 16.2 and 16.3 of Fire Safety Leaflet 34). Car Parking 16. Cars should be parked clear of all exits and at least 10 metres clear of tented structures. 17. Car parking should be carried out under the direction of stewards, who should ensure clear access is maintained for fire appliances or other emergency services. General 18. The above comments/recommendations, Fire Safety Leaflet 27 (item 3.1 (a)) and the contents of Fire Safety Leaflet 34 should be read and strictly adhered to. If the emergency services have to be contacted by the '999'telephone system a 6-figure grid reference as well as the address of the premises event should be given to the operator. Maximum Number of Persons 19. The exits that will be available if the foregoing recommendations are implemented will be reasonable for the occupancy numbers proposed in this application. Please refer to item to item 8-4 in the enclosed fire safety leaflet 34 for further information regarding emergency exit dimensions and suitability. P\Licensing\Public Entertainment\Fire Safety-Marquees-04 19 DEVON FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE FSD44A CERTIFICATE OF TESTING OF A FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Protected Area ...............................................................……………………….. Address ................................................................………...…………….. ..........................................................…………………….......... .......................................................…………………………...... The system is operational and has been checked and tested in accordance with British Standard 5839: Part 1. * Clause 27 Extensions and alterations to existing system. * Sub-clause 29.2.6 Quarterly inspection and test. * Sub-clause 29.2.7 Annual inspection and test. * Sub-clause 29.2.8 Wiring check (if not carried out within the previous 5 years) The power supplies have been examined, are capable of supporting the complete system and comply with clause 16. Signed ..........................................…………............ Date ……………........................... For and on behalf of (user or organisation) .......................................................………………………............................................... Qualification ...........................................…………………….......................................... N.B: A certificate completed by the occupier will not be accepted. Qualifications: A suitably qualified electrical engineer or a member of the Electrical Contractor' s Association or a certificate holder of the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting: or a qualified person acting on behalf of one of these (in which case it should be stated on whose behalf he is acting). An authorised representative of a manufacturer of fire alarm equipment may be deemed to be a suitably qualified person. * Delete as appropriate FSD44A Rev1003 20 FSD44B rev 10/03 DEVON FIRE AND RESCUE SERVICE ESCAPE LIGHTING – PERIODIC INSPECTION AND TEST CERTIFICATE Occupier/Owner: ………………………………………………………………………..………….. Address of premises: ……………………………………………………………………...….……….. …………………………………………….…………… Tel. No: …………………………….………… Date of inspection and test: ……………………………………………………………………….……… Inspection and test carried out by: …………………………………………….………………….……... Name and address: ……………………………………………………………………………….……… ………………………………………………………… Tel. No:…………………..…………….……… I/We hereby certify that the escape lighting installation at the above premises has been inspected and tested in accordance with the schedule below by me/us and to the best of my/our knowledge and belief complies at the time of my/our test with the recommendations of BS EN 1838 and BS 5266 Part 1 ‘Code of Practice for the emergency lighting of premises other than cinemas and certain other specified premises used for entertainment,’ published by BSI, for a category * ……………………installation, except as stated below. Signature of person responsible for inspection and test: …………………………………...………… Qualification **: …………………………..…………… Date: ……………………………………. For and on behalf of: ………………………………………………………………………………..……. Details of variation from the Code of Practice (BS 5266-1). * Enter M/1, 2 or 3 or NM/1, 2 or 3 as appropriate (see 6.12 of BS 5266-1) ** Qualifications: a suitably qualified electrical engineer or a member of the Electrical Contractors’ Association (ECA); or a certificate holder of the National Inspection for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC); or a qualified person acting on behalf of one of these (in which case it should be stated on whose behalf he is acting). An authorised representative of a manufacturer of emergency lighting equipment may be deemed to be a suitably qualified person. NB: A certificate completed by the occupier will not be accepted. 21 FSD44B APPENDIX SCHEDULE TO ESCAPE LIGHTING INSPECTION AND TEST CERTIFICATES Note 1: Because of the possibility of failure of the supply to the normal lighting occurring shortly after a period of testing, all tests should be undertaken at times of minimum risk. Alternatively, suitable temporary arrangements should be made until the batteries have been recharged. Note 2: The figures in brackets indicate the relevant clauses of BS 5266-1 Results of inspection and tests (a) Are correct entries made in the logbook? YES / NO (b) Are record drawings available? YES / NO (c) Are record drawings correct: YES / NO (d) Signs (i) Are the signs correctly positioned? (6.9) YES / NO (ii) Are details of the signs correct? (6.9) YES / NO (iii) Do the self-luminous signs (if any) need changing before the date of the next schedule inspection? If so, state date ………..…………………… (see label on sign) (6.9) YES / NO (e) Luminaires. Are luminaires correctly positioned? (6.7, 6.8 and 10.3) YES / NO (f) Illumination for safe movement (Clause 5 and see record drawings). (i) Are the correct lamps installed in the luminaires? (6.13) YES / NO (ii) Has there been any change in the décor or layout of the premises since the last inspection, which caused any significant reduction in the effectiveness of the lighting system? YES / NO Is the installation in a generally satisfactory condition? YES / NO (iii) (g) Marking (i) Are the category and nominal operating voltage of the system clearly marked or readily identifiable? (6.13) (ii) Are luminaires clearly marked to indicate the correct lamp for use? (6.13) YES / NO (iii) Is information available to ensure correct battery replacement? (6.13) YES / NO (h) Wiring system (Clause 8) YES / NO YES / NO (i) Are the results recorded on the last inspection and test certificate satisfactory? (ii) State the date of this inspection and test ………………………………. 22 YES / NO (i) (j) Power supplies (i) Are the charging arrangements for batteries satisfactory? (6.11, 12.2 and 12.4) YES / NO (ii) Do changeover devices operate satisfactorily upon simulation of failure of the normal supply? (6.11 and 12.4) YES / NO Central battery systems including back-up batteries (i) (ii) After operation for the rates duration: 1) Do all luminaires operate? (6.7, 6.8 and 12.4) YES / NO 2) Are all signs illuminated and visible? YES / NO Following the restoration of the system to normal: YES / NO 1) Is the battery charger functioning? (6.11 and 12.4) YES / NO 2) Are the levels and the specific gravities of the battery electrolytes satisfactory, where applicable? YES / NO (k) Engine driven generating plant (i) (ii) (l) After a period of operation of at least 1 hour: 1) Do all luminaires operate? (6.7, 6.8 and 12.4) YES / NO 2) Are all signs illuminated and visible? (6.11 and 12.4) YES / NO 3) Does the back-up battery, where installed, operate satisfactorily? (see (j) above) YES / NO Following the restoration of the system to normal: 1) Is the battery charger for the engine started battery functioning? (6.11 and 12.4) YES / NO 2) Are the fuel, coolant and lubricating oil levels correct? (12.4) YES / NO Self-contained luminaires and signs (i) After operation of the rated duration, does each self-contained luminaire and sign operate? (6.9, 6.11 and 12.4) YES / NO (ii) Following restoration of the system to normal supply is the battery charging functioning? (6.11, 12.4) YES / NO COMMENT (if any) and variation from the code of practice. 23
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