DIA Training Course on How to prepare for your meeting with Health Authorities and present your product Health Authority Interactions – Preparation, presentation and implementation Course #14546 14-15 October 2014 Novotel Paris Charenton, France Faculty Gabriele Disselhoff Managing Director Creative Regulatory & Quality Solutions (CRQS), Germany Truus Janse-de Hoog Former Staff Member European cluster Medicines Evaluation Board, the Netherlands Stefan Schwoch Senior Director, Global Regulatory Affairs –EU, Oncology and Cardiovascular Eli Lilly, UK Overview If you work in pharmaceutical industry, you will sooner or later be faced with health authority meetings, be it during product development, during the application for a marketing authorization or later in the lifecycle of your drug to discuss pharmacovigilance matters. This important course covers Health Authority (HA) meetings (and other interactions) in the EU and the US. You will learn by performing role plays yourself and by many case studies. Key Topics • Different kinds of HA meetings in the EU and in the US •How to prepare for HA meetings •How to compose the best team for a meeting •How to present your case and get the most out of your meeting •The questions to ask - and not to ask Learning Objectives At the conclusion of this course, participants should be able to: •Feel confident about managing HA meetings •Know when you should request a HA meeting •Be prepared when you are invited for a meeting •Be sure which questions you should and should not ask •Apply the right kind of negotiation skills with HA counterparts •Understand how to best communicate the outcome of the HA interaction to your management and how to drive implementation •Participants will complete a knowledge check at the end of the course and will be provided with feedback to ensure learning objectives are attained. Who Will Attend You – if you are part of a delegation for an HA meeting. Normally, Regulatory Affairs departments lead the delegation, but depending on the topics to be discussed, this can be: Continuing Education •Clinical Research •Non-clinical disciplines •Drug Safety •Chemical-pharmaceutical disciplines •Medical Affairs •Statistics •Project Management •Pharmacovigilance experts DIA meetings and training courses are generally approved by the Commission for Professional Development (CPD) of the Swiss Association of Pharmaceutical Professionals (SwAPP) and the Swiss Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SGPM) and will be honoured with credits for pharmaceutical medicine. All participants are eligible for these credits. This course has limited capacity. Register early. PharmaTrain recognised 2 DAY 1 DAY 2 08:00 REGISTRATION 09:00 Session 1 09:00 Session 5 APPLICATION FOR ADVICE AND PREPARATION FOR THE MEETING Considerations for meeting requests, application forms, submission of meeting requests form part of this Session, in addition the Briefing Book itself with key considerations, which questions to ask and differences between EU and US. MEETINGS WITH HEALTH AUTHORITIES DURING PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT, MARKETING APPLICATION AND PRODUCT LIFECYCLE The different opportunities for Health Authority Interactions in the EU and the US during drug development are discussed. Group work Group work 10:30 COFFEE BREAK 10:30 COFFEE BREAK 11:00 Session 6 11:00 Session 2 HEALTH AUTHORITIES’ ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE AND THEIR MAIN COMMITTEES EU Regulatory network and system, Committees and Working Parties and their interactions are explained as well as the organization of FDA and US Advisory Committees. 12:30 Group work LUNCH 14:00 Session 3 TYPES OF INTERACTIONS/MEETINGS IN EUROPE: EXAMPLES Examples presented in this Session are joint EMA – HTA advice, advice for orphan drug applications, qualification of Novel Methodologies, Innovation Task Force, protocol assistance. Group work 12:30 LUNCH 14:00 Session 7 HEALT AUTHORITY MEETING - ROLE PLAY AND DISCUSSION Central part of this Session are the role plays, in which participants get the opportunity to prove their negotiation skills either as health authority side or industry. After the role plays, Dos and Don’ts of meetings will be discussed and information on other types of interactions given TYPES OF INTERACTIONS/MEETINGS IN THE EU: SCIENTIFIC ADVICE – HEARINGS - EXAMPLES Emphasis of this Session is Scientific Advice in Europe. This includes questions like whether to go for advice and where to go, i.e. decision between CHMP or national advice, or which Member State to choose. Group work Group work 15:30 COFFEE BREAK 15:30 COFFEE BREAK 16:00 Session 8 16:00 Session 4 TYPES OF INTERACTIONS/MEETINGS IN THE US Different types of meetings with FDA are dealt with, as well as parallel advice between CHMP and FDA, comparison of presubmission meetings, PDUFA update . FDA representative via Webinar invited Group work 17:30 DRINKS RECEPTION 18:30 END OF DAY ONE FOLLOW-UP ACTIONS OF MEETINGS DISCUSSION AND WRAP-UP Participants will learn what needs to be done after a meeting, on the one hand towards the health authority and on the other hand within the company. 17:30 END OF TRAINING COURSE About DIA DIA is the global connector in the life sciences product development process. Our association of more than 18,000 members builds productive relationships by bringing together regulators, innovators, and influencers to exchange knowledge and collaborate in an impartial setting. DIA’s network creates unparalleled opportunities for exchange of knowledge and has the inter-disciplinary experience to prepare for future developments. The dedicated efforts of DIA staff, members and speakers enable DIA to provide a comprehensive catalogue of conferences, workshops, training courses, scientific publications and educational materials. DIA is a global community representing thousands of stakeholders working together to bring safe and effective products to patients. Unless otherwise disclosed, DIA Europe acknowledges that the statements made by speakers are their own opinion and not necessarily that of the organisation they represent, or that of the DIA Europe. Speakers and agenda are subject to change without notice. Recording during DIA Europe sessions is strictly prohibited without prior written consent from DIA Europe. DIA is an independent, non-profit organisation headquartered in Washington, DC, USA with the European office in Basel, Switzerland, and additional regional offices in Horsham, Pennsylvania, USA; Tokyo, Japan; Mumbai, India; and Beijing, China. For more information, visit www.diahome.org or call DIA Europe +41 61 225 51 51. 3 • “Presentation content was very good + detailed + interactive. Case studies were very helpful.” • “Case studies and role play were the most interesting part.” • “Phrasing of questions for SA and selection of the best SA procedure (EMA vs. national) was quite useful for me. I found the role play interesting and learning but more time and information on the cases would have been helpful.” HOTEL INFORMATION DIA has blocked a limited number of rooms at the following hotel: Hotel Novotel Paris Charenton 3-5 place des Marseillais 94227 CHARENTON LE PONT FRANCE • “I thought the syllabus was good and the handouts were very important.” Tel (+33)1/46766060 Fax (+33)1/49776800 E-mail H1549@accor.com • “Role plays very useful and more memorable; extended slides have less impact for me.” Website http://www.novotel.com/gb/hotel-1549-novotel-paris-charenton/index.shtml • “I appreciated the sharing of experience and concrete examples from the instructors and engagement for the audience to share their own experience.” • “I thought they (instructors) were all very knowledgeable and approachable. Shared important information.” • “Varied backgrounds and great breadth of experience” • “A very enjoyable learning experience. I have gained more in depth knowledge to which I can take back + share with my team. All abstracts were excellent.” • “Why this course -> because I never go yet to meet EU agencies and I am supposed to go next year.” at the rates of EUR 150.00 per room inclusive of breakfast and exclusive of VAT. To make your reservation please use the hotel booking form available on the DIA website. Important: The room rate is available until 30 August 2014 or until the group block is sold-out, whichever comes first. In case of cancellation: The room can be cancelled 43 hours prior arrival, after that the credit card will be charged for the 1st night. The Hotel Novotel Paris Charenton is located 10 minutes from Gare de Lyon train station, the vibrant Bastille district & Bercy. The liberté metro station (line 8) opposite the hotel gives direct access to Paris’s main attractions like Place de la Concorde, Eiffel Tower, Opéra, etc. DIA EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS 2014 Achieving Improved Regulatory Efficiency within the current Framework: Lessons from the Escher Project – jointly organised by DIA and TOPRA 18 September 2014 | Brussels, Belgium 8th Annual European Medical Information and Communication Conference and Exhibition 23-24 September 2014 | London, United Kingdom | ID 14103 Clinical Trials Workshop I − Translating the New Clinical Trials Regulation into Practice 23-24 September 2014 | London, United Kingdom | ID 14111 Clinical Trials Workshop II − Translating the New Transparency Requirements into Practice 24-25 September 2014 | London, United Kingdom | ID 14116 Joint DIA/FIP European Workshop Biorelevant Performance Testing of Orally Administered Dosage Forms 24-25 September 2014 | Amsterdam, the Netherlands | ID14109 EFGCP/DIA/EMA Annual Conference on Better Medicines for Children – Exploring ways to enhance collaboration between key players 30 September – 1 October 2014, EMA Headquarters, London, United Kingdom Joint DIA/ICOS Conference on Cardiac Toxicity Resulting from Cancer Chemotherapy: Strategies for Early Detection, Risk Mitigation and Clinical Prevention and Exhibition 9-10 October 2014 | Prague, Czech Republic | ID14108 4th African Regulatory Conference and Exhibition 22-23 October 2014 | Dakar, Senegal | ID 14105 Workshop on HTA and Access to Medicines Status and Future End October 2014 | location to be confirmed | ID14102 Joint DIA/AEMPS Statistics Workshop 10-11 November 2014 | Barcelona, Spain | ID 14107 Maghreb Regulatory Conference and Exhibition November 2014 | Algiers, Algeria | ID 14113 ISPE/DIA Workshop on Computer Science Compliance “Maintain Data Integrity to Reduce Risk for the Patient” 6-7 November 2014 | Basel, Switzerland | ID 14112 15th Conference on European Electronic Document Management (eDM) and Exhibition 1-3 December 2014 | Berlin, Germany | ID 14110 Biosimilars Conference 2-3 December 2014 | Berlin, Germany | ID 14115 27th Annual EuroMeeting and Exhibition 13-15 April 2015 | Paris, France | ID 15101 8th Annual Clinical Forum and Exhibition 14-15 April 2015 | Paris, France | ID 15103 For more information and a complete listing of all DIA conferences and training courses, please visit: www.diahome.org > click on Meetings & Training Call DIA Europe on +41 61 225 51 51 or email: diaeurope@diaeurope.org REGISTRATION FORM How to prepare for your meeting with Health Authorities and present your product 14-15 October 2014, Novotel Paris Charenton , France ID #14554 FEES Member Non-Member Industry €1’420.00 €1’550.00 Academia/Charitable/Government/Non-profit (Full-time) € € 840.00 710.00 Join DIA now to qualify for the member rate €130.00 If DIA cannot verify your membership upon receipt of registration form, you will be charged the non-member fee. *All fees are subject to French VAT at 20%. Please advise your French VAT number:__________________ Group discount/SME rates available. Special rates for students and patient representatives on offer, subject to avaibility – please contact DIA Europe for more information. Registration fee includes: refreshments, lunches and training course material. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Payment is due 30 days after registration and must be paid in full by commencement of the course. ATTENDEE DETAILS PAYMENT METHODS Please complete in block capital letters or attach the attendee’s business card here. Credit cards: Payments by VISA, Mastercard or AMEX can be made by completing the details below. Please note that other types of credit card cannot be accepted. Prof Dr Ms Mr Please charge my VISA Last Name MC AMEX Card N° First Name Company Job Title Exp. Date Cardholder’s Name Address Bank transfers: When DIA completes your registration, an email will be sent to the address on the registration form with instructions on how to complete the bank transfer. Payments in EURO should be addressed to “Account Holder: DIA.” Please include your name, company, Course ID # 14554 as well as the invoice number to ensure correct allocation of your payment. Postal Code City Country Payments must be net of all charges and bank charges must be borne by the payer. If you have not received your confirmation within five working days, please contact DIA Europe. Telephone Fax Email* *(Required for confirmation) By signing below, I confirm that I agree with DIA Europe’s Terms and Conditions of booking. These are available from the office or on http://www.diahome.org/EUTerms DateSignature DIA reserves the right to include your name and affiliation on the attendee list. Cancellation Policy All cancellations must be made in writing and be received at the DIA Europe office five working days prior to the event start date. Cancellations are subject to an administrative fee: • Industry (Member/Non-member) € 200.00 • Academia/Charitable/Government/Non-profit (Full-time) (Member/Non-member) € 100.00 • Tutorial cancellation € 50.00 If you do not cancel five working days prior to the event start date and do not attend, you will be responsible for the full registration fee. DIA Europe reserves the right to alter the venue and dates if necessary. If an event is cancelled or postponed, DIA Europe is not responsible for airfare, hotel or other costs incurred by registered attendees. Registered attendees are responsible for cancelling their own hotel and travel reservations. Transfer Policy You may transfer your registration to a colleague prior to the start of the event but membership is not transferable. Substitute attendees will be responsible for the non-member fee, if applicable. Please notify the DIA Europe office of any such substitutions as soon as possible. Photography Policy By attending the event, you give permission for images of you, captured during the conference through video, photo, and/or digital camera, to be used by DIA Europe in promotional materials, publications, and website and waive any and all rights including but not limited to compensation or ownership. The DIA Europe Customer Services Team will be pleased to assist you with your registration from Monday to Friday between 08:00 and 17:00 CET. Email diaeurope@diaeurope.org Tel. +41 61 225 51 51 Fax +41 61 225 51 52 Web www.diaeurope.org Mail DIA Europe, Kuechengasse 16, 4051 Basel, Switzerland© DIA 2014
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