SERMON FOR SUNDAY NIGHT, NOVEMBER 2, 2008 CHRISTIAN HOPE CHURCH OF CHRIST, PLYMOUTH, NORTH CAROLINA Reggie A. Braziel, Minister HOW TO SLAY YOUR GIANT Message 11 of 17: Ancient Paths Sermon Series I SAMUEL 17:117:1-58 Scripture: I Samuel 17:117:1-3 Introduction Tonight we are looking at one of the most endearing true stories in all the Bible, the account of DAVID vs. GOLIATH. There is something in our human nature that causes us to ROOT FOR THE UNDERDOG. ……In sports, we love it when A DECIDED UNDERDOG defeats an OVERWHELMING FAVORITE. FAVORITE. …….In the corporate world, we love it when A SMALL BUSINESS takes on a CORPORATE GIANT and wins! As we we are going to see in this message, DAVID VS. GOLIATH is much more than a true story of an UNDERDOG defeating an OVERWHELMING FAVORITE. FAVORITE. It is lesson to all of us about HOW TO SLAY OUR OWN GIANTS. ***************************** INTRODUCTION In the opening verses of I SAMUEL 17 we find the battle lines have been drawn between between the ISRAELITE ARMY and their old nemesis, THE PHILISTINES. They are prepared to do battle in the Valley of Elah, which was approximately approximately 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem. Now if you have ever seen any of the EPIC WAR MOVIES like Braveheart or or TROY, TROY, you sort of get the picture of what this scene must have looked like. Armies in those days were largely composed of the common citizenry, such as farmers, herdsmen and shepherds. Many of the weapons used in those ancient battles were agricultural agricultural tools. And often the difference between victory and defeat was determined by sheer numbers. But it wasn’t the SIZE of the PHILISTINE ARMY that concerned King Saul and his Israelite Army. Let’s consider………… I. Israel’s BIG Problem vs. 4a 4a A champion named Goliath who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. He was over nine feet tall. 1. Israel’s big problem had a name, GOLIATH. 2. You notice verse 4 refers to Goliath as “the CHAMPION.” CHAMPION.” The word “champion” in the Hebrew meant, “man between two” or “the man who stood between two.” Now what does that mean? Rather than risk the lives of tens of thousands of men in hand to hand combat, the battle would be decided by one man, one “champion” from from each army fighting each other. GOLIATH was the “champion” for the Philistine army. 2. Now this posed a BIG PROBLEM for the ISRAELITES because verse 4 tells us GOLIATH WAS A BIG MAN. In fact he was more than a big man, he was a GIANT! GIANT The NIV tells us “he was over nine feet tall.” The King James, the New King James and the New American Standard all give a more specific height of 6 cubits cubits and a span. span. A standard Hebrew cubit was 18 inches. A span was the length between the tip of the thumb and little finger when the fingers are spread. The average span was 9 inches. So let’s do some math. One cubit or 18 inches x 6 There re are 12 inches in a foot, so equals 108”. The divide 108 by 12 and you get 9 FEET. Add the span, which is 9 inches and that means Goliath was 9’ 9” tall. tall. So doing the math, this means Goliath was about 9’ 9” tall. (USE PVC PIPES to illustrate) (Shaquille O’Neal is 7’ ½” and weighs weighs 325 pounds. And just say his body was of average build. This means he would have weighed between 750 to 1,000 pounds. Now that’s a BIG BOY no matter how you slice it! Its obvious why GOLIATH was such a BIG PROBLEM to the Israelites, Israelites, isn’t it? They didn’t have a “champion.” They didn’t have one man in their army who could even come close to matching Goliath in size and strength. But the size of his BODY wasn’t the problem. (A) Goliath also had BIG PROTECTION verses 5,6 The Philistine people were were experts in metallurgy. In other words they were highly skilled craftsman in making things things out of metal. The Philistine people put this expertise to good use by making their ARMY one of the finest equipped armies in the world at that time. vs. 5 The Helmet worn by Goliath would have been heavy and highly protective. But there was a design flaw in those helmets that would prove very costly later. And that was the helmet left the forehead exposed. vs. 5 The Coat of Scale Armor as the name implies consisted of small, overlapping metal scales attached to a heavy leather vest underneath. Goliath’s scale armor weighed 5,000 shekels which is the equivalent of 125 pounds by our standards. vs. 6 Bronze greaves As far as the bronze greaves on Goliath’s legs, think of a baseball catcher’s shin guards. Except instead of hard plastic, the greaves were made of heavy duty bronze, protecting Goliath’s legs from his knee caps down to the tops of his feet. vs. 6 Bronze javelin Was a smaller spear. Often Philistine soldiers would carry more than one bronze javelin in a sheath slung over their back. These javelin’s were fairly light weight and could be thrown several hundred feet. vs.6 The Spear The spear was different than the javelin. For one thing it was much bigger. And it was used for thrusting not throwing. The shaft is described as being like a weaver’s rod or a weaver’s beam, which means it was about 2 ½ inches in diameter. And the head of the spear weighed 600 shekels, which is the equivalent of 15 pounds by our standards. Goliath was a BIG PROBLEM because he was a BIG MAN with BIG PROTECTION, but wait there’s more. (C) Goliath also had a BIG MOUTH verses verses 8,9, 16 Remember that BIG BULLY with the BIG MOUTH in your school when you you were growing up? I’m talking about that guy who loved to intimidating ing words. taunt the other students with his intimidat GOLIATH was a BIG BULLY with a BIG MOUTH! For 40 straight straight days, GOLIATH would approach the Israelite and taunted them to send someone out to fight with him. verse 11 Tells us how King Saul and his Israelite army army reacted to Goliath’s taunts: On hearing the Philistines words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified. terrified. Or as we might say, “It took the WIND right out of their SAILS.” Goliath was a BIG PROBLEM because he was a BIG MAN with BIG PROTECTION and a BIG MOUTH, but there’s one more thing. (D) Goliath also had a BIG EGO verse 10 Goliath had never never been defeated. As a mattermatter-ofof-fact, there is a good possibility he had never even been challenged before. This had caused Goliath to become obnoxiously obnoxiously egotistical and arrogant. He believed he was invincible! But remember “pride goes before a fall.” 3. What you have here is a complete stand off! King Saul and his army are totally paralyzed with fear. ________________________ Transitional Information ________________________ One day during this 40 day stand off, a young shepherd boy named David, is sent sent by his father to deliver a “care package” to his three oldest brothers who are soldiers in the Israelite army. Now Now what happens next is somewhat comical. Just as David reaches the Israelite camp the army was going to its daily battle position, shouting out their battle cry as they went. Young David is all excited. He thinks he is about about to witness his courageous brothers go into battle. So he leaves the care package with the keeper of supplies, supplies, and runs out to meet his brothers on the battle line. Now what was comical is that the Israelites had absolutely no intentions of fighting. Their war cry was nothing more than a means to get psyched up to go spend another day in a “stare off contest” with GOLIATH. Sure enough GOLIATH shows up and starts his DAILY TAUNTING of the Israelites. And as soon as he does, the ISRAELITE army runs away in great fear. Imagine the impression this made on young David. David. He had pictured his brothers and the Israelite army as being brave, courageous, fighting men. But in reality they are just just a bunch of cowards. Now I love the question DAVID asked a few soldiers who were standing near him. VERSE 26 David saw this situation for what it really was. IT WAS AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE TO ISRAEL. By their cowardice, they had turned Israel into a laughing stock and dishonored dishonored Jehovah God. Well DAVID is “all fired up” now! He wants to eliminate ISRAEL’S BIG PROBLEM. David is about to become…….. become…….. II. Israel’s BIG Hero 1. You know they say, “Sometimes good things come in small packages.” That That was certainly true in the case of DAVID. 2. David didn’t have a BIG BODY, in fact he was probably less than than half the size of Goliath. And he didn’t have BIG PROTECTION, although King Saul did try to get him to wear his armor, but that didn’t work. And David didn’t have any BIG WEAPONS. And he certainly didn’t have have a BIG MOUTH and a BIG EGO. 3. So what did DAVID have? (A) David had a BIG COURAGE verse verse 32 For 40 days not a single man in Saul’s army had the courage to step forward and volunteer volunteer to fight Goliath. Now all the sudden this teenage boy shows up out of nowhere and courageously volunteers to do it. Some might consider what David did the “foolishness of youth”……..but in reality it was real, genuine, courage. This is one of the characteristics of true godliness. godliness. Godly people are courageous people. (B) Secondly, David had a BIG FAITH verses 3333-37 Herein lies the source of David’s courage. He was courageous because he had FAITH in Almighty God. You see David was already “battle“battle-tested.” Being and d bears who tried a shepherd, he had killed lions an to attack his flocks. He had literally rescued sheep from the mouths of these predators. David had enough FAITH that if GOD could deliver him from LIONS, TIGERS and BEARS BEARS OH MY, that God would deliver him from this BIG MOUTH BULLY named GOLIATH. ************ DAVID had a BIG COURAGE……..DAVID had a BIG FAITH….. (C) Thirdly and most importantly, David had a BIG GOD. GOD. verses 4141-47 Have you ever seen a TV show or a movie where a big bully is picking on a kid and and all the kid that is being picked gets this big smile on his face, because he can see his DAD DAD who is much bigger standing behind the bully. DAVID wasn’t afraid of GOLIATH because David David could see HIS HEAVENLY FATHER standing behind the big bully. DAVID’S GOD was much much bigger than the GIANT he was facing! DAVID KNEW HE WASN’T SINGLESINGLE-HANDEDLY GOING TO TO DEFEAT GOLIATH. HE KNEW THIS BATTLE BELONGED TO THE LORD. JUST AS THE BATTLE BELONGED TO THE THE LORD WHEN THE ISRAELITES OVERTHREW JERICHO. JUST AS THE BATTLE BELONGED TO THE LORD WHEN GIDEON AND HIS BAND OF 300 MEN DEFEATED THE POWERFUL MIDIANITE ARMY. This brings us to……. III. Israel’s Victory verses 4848-53 1. David went into battle armed with the simple tools of a shepherd. *He had a STAFF (verse (verse 43 Goliath said to David, “Am I a dog that you come at me with sticks?” sticks?” ) *And of course, David had 5 smoothe stones and a slingshot. 2. Robe Robert rt Roe gives this interesting insight as to just how proficient shepherds were with a slingshot. The stones a shepherd used were usually 2”2”-3” in diameter and smoothe to reduce air friction. The shepherd would place the stone into a leather cup on the end of two long leather cords. They would whirl this cup over their heds until momentum built up. Then running toward their target they would release one of the leather cords, projecting the stone inside the cup at a speed of 200 feet per second, striking the object with a force of about 5,000 pounds of energy. It was designed to KILL or crush bones bones in such a way it would render the target incapacitated. 3. Remember earlier I told you there was a design flaw with the Philistine helmets. And that was they left the forehead exposed. (Look at VERSE 49 49 again) 4. Now what was the significance of cutting off Goliath’s head? First of all, it was to fulfill a promise. Remember David had said to Goliath earlier, “This day the Lord will hand you over to me, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head.” Secondly, cutting cutting off the head was “proof” of victory. If the soldiers went back to their homes and started telling telling stories like, “You should have seen this young shepherd boy! He killed the Philistine giant with a sling shot.” Well the first question the homefolk are going “Where’s e’s your proof” to ask is “Where’s Goliath’s head?” “Wher that what you are saying is the truth. READ: VERSE 54 5. Once God gave David the victory over GOLIATH, the Israelite Army found renewed courage and pursued the rest of the Philistine army and left their dead strewn all along the SHAARAIM (SHY(SHY-RAYRAY-EEM) ROAD that went from Gath to Ekron. ****************************** APPLICATION and CONCLUSION What does your giant look like? *SOMETIMES WE CAN ACTUALLY PUT A FACE ON OUR GIANT. Let’s face it, some people just “push our buttons.” …….Maybe it’s a meddling relative who is always sticking their nose in your business and telling you how to run your life. ……..Maybe its somebody you work with whose personality just grates on your nerves and gets under your skin. ……….Maybe it is someone who betrayed you or hurt you badly years ago and to this day you still can’t forgive forgive them. *BUT A LOT OF THE TIME OUR BIGGEST GIANTS ARE THOSE THAT DON’T HAVE FACES. GIANTS WE FIGHT FROM WITHIN. Hatred……..Prejudice…..Lust…..Pride……Jealousy…… Bitterness…….Loneliness…….Depression……… Bitterness…….Loneliness…….Depression……… SelfSelf-righteousness……..Selfrighteousness……..Self-Centeredness……. An alcohol addiction……..A addiction……..A drug addiction…… A food addiction………A pornography addiction…… These are just some some of the FACELESS GIANTS many Christians battle. There are TWO VALUABLE TRUTHS you and I need to learn learn from this ANCIENT TEXT about SLAYING OUR GIANTS! (1) First, Slaying Your GIANT requires A BIG COURAGE You will never defeat your GIANT as long as you are afraid to confront it. Remember the Israelites were paralyzed with FEAR for 40 days. They were emotionally frozen! The Israelites thought if they IGNORED their BIG PROBLEM long enough HE would eventually just go away. BIG PROBLEMS never GO AWAY! They just get BIGGER and BIGGER until we muster muster the courage to deal with them. CHRISTIAN, IF YOU WANT TO SLAY YOUR GIANT YOU HAVE TO HAVE A BIG COURAGE! (2) Secondly, Slaying Your GIANT requires A BIG FAITH in a BIG GOD David’s FAITH was not in his own human ability or his prowess prowess with a slingshot. His FAITH was in GOD! Too many times we put all our FAITH in ourselves to FIGHT LIFE’S BIGGEST BATTLES. We put our FAITH in our experience. We put our FAITH in our our own intuition and gut instincts. We put our FAITH in our friends and family to help help us through. In other words we put our FAITH in everyone and everything but GOD! If you are still battling the same GIANT you have been battling for years, that should should tell you TWO things: One, it should tell you your way hasn’t worked, other wise you wouldn’t still be fighting the same GIANT. And two, it should tell you YOUR GOD IS TOO SMALL. GOD is only limited by YOUR LACK OF FAITH IN HIM. The Bigger Your God is, the smaller your giant becomes. It is BY FAITH IN A BIG GOD GOD you can SLAY that GIANT!
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