How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu IIT Bombay Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 1 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Create an Account in Studio Create an Account in i.e. Signup Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 2 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: Use only your institute e-mail address Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 3 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay After verifying your e-mail address, the below page opens Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 4 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 1 If you are an author,click Request the ability to create courses. 2 If you are a staff, you have to contact main course author and ask you to add as course team member. For more information, refer @ Add Course Team member Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 5 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If your request is granted, you will receive the following message then start create a course in Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 6 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Create new course Create Your First Course, If author is new to edX Note: If the author need to create various courses just need to click New Course in the top right corner of the page, instead of creating your first course. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 7 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Enter the Course name, Organization, Course Number and Course run. Click save. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 8 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: 1 Course name : Capitalize every first letter in a word eg: Computer Programming & Utilization. 2 Organization: If organization name is IITBombayX, then make sure that there is no whitespace or any special characters in between. 3 Course Number: Enter both subject abbrevation and number, for E.g: Computer Programming and Utilization 101, should be entered as CPU101. (If your course will be open to the world, be sure to include the x. If it is exclusively an on-campus offering, do not include the x eg: CPU101 enter as CPU101x). 4 Course Run : Instead of Spring 2013 , mention as 2013_Term 1. (No whitespace or special characters, only underscores can include). 5 The total number of characters in the Course name, Organization, Course number must be 65 or fewer. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 9 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click save, now new course opens to the course outline page. In browser address bar, notice that URL includes the course organization, number and course run. For eg: it looks like \protect\unhbox\voidb@x\hbox{2013_Spring} 2 In browser address bar, notice that URL includes the course organization, number and course run. For eg: it looks like 3 If you click View Live button, it opens in a new tab. Now the course will appear as follows on (Edge is nothing but online learning portal(LMS),where the student will view the course) Note: Suppose if you want to change the course URL after the course got created, you must contact edX through the Help page in site ( 1 Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 10 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Register for your practise course Click the register button to enroll in that course as a student. After clicking the course it will be included into your dashboard. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 11 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: If you are not register as a student for that course you are not able to handle AI assessment and Peer assessment part later. Two views are in : Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 12 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 1 Staff view : Instructor / staff can debug the information from edge side also. For detailed information refer @ Instructor tab 2 Student view : Exact view how student looks. No editing privilege is available. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 13 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Add course team member Click settings and select Course team. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 14 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click on Add a New Team Member button to add a new member. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 15 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Provide the email address of the course staff member you’d like to add and click on ADD USER button. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 16 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: 1 The instructor can invite a person as an admin or a course staff for his/her course on edX. The person should be an existing member on edX. 2 The privileges given to the invited person are: Editing course Deleting content created by someone else Cannot grant new permissions Editing conflicts are currently not managed. Thus, the state of the course might cause when the page is refreshed. 3 Team member who has admin access will be able to add or remove course team member. 4 Team member without admin access can do any tasks except adding/removing course team member. 5 Any course team member can delete content even if it is created by other team member. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 17 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If that email address has already been signed up then it will be successfully added as a team member. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 18 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Course General Information:1.Schedule and Details Click Settings and select Schedule and Details Inviting students for course register While inviting students the instructor should upload a registration guide. So the students can create an edX account and register in that course. For more information refer @ Student registration guide. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 19 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: The instructor should create particular coures e-mail address Eg: ( E-mail address should be affiliated with your course organization.) for further communication regarding this course the students will contact this mail id. Insert Course Schedule details like 1 Start Date: The date on which course will be started. 2 Start Time: At what time course will be started on the start date. 3 End Date: The date on which course will be completed. 4 End Time: At what time course will be completed on the end date. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 20 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: 1 Enrollment should start before course starts. 2 The time fields on this page show the current time zone in your browser, according to your geography. Course start times for students are shown as UTC. For detailed information refer @Time Zone. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 21 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Edit html code by introducing the course details which consists of About the Course,prerequisites, Course Staff details with their images and FAQ’s regarding the course. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 22 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 23 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: 1 Studio automatically saves the changes you make. 2 First, upload images in Files and Uploads to include them in html code.To see how to upload refer @ Files & Uploads. 3 Click your course summary page to check how description will appear to students. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 24 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? 1 Staff’s biography: 1 2 2 IIT Bombay Staff photo should be of 110x110 pixels. Description about staff should contain 75 to 100 words only. Course Introduction: 1 2 Long Description should contain 150 to 300 words. Short Description should contain 146 characters. It will appear in course catalog. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 25 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click upload course image Note: The coures image should be of size 660x240 pixels in .JPG or .PNG format. Two ways to upload an image: 1 Uploading image by clicking Upload course image. 2 Uploading image in Files & uploads and giving URL in course image tab. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 26 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay To upload video in schedules and details, 1st instructor/ staff should upload a video in youtube. For more information regarding uploading a video refer @ video component. Currently the studio contains default edX video. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 27 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 1 Copy the youtube ID from the URL. For E.g suppose your youtube link is this copy that code appears between watch?v = & feature in the URL from Youtube and paste in the textbox. 2 When you add the code, the video automatically loads in the video box. Studio automatically saves your changes. Enter estimated effort hours per week you expect students to work on this course each week. It appears on the Course Summary page that students see. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 28 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 2.Static Pages Each static page appears in your courses navigation bar. You can use static pages for a syllabus, course handouts, or any other purpose. To add a static page: Click content −→ select Static pages Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 29 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click New page Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 30 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click edit, editor will open Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 31 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Editor contains two modes: 1 Visual : Text editor 2 HTML : HTML editor Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 32 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: If we are writing content in text editor then it will automatically convert into HTML code and vice versa. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 33 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click settings in editor, give display name for page & click save. View your course in View Live Static Pages can also be used to maintain the Calendar. There are two types of schedules are there : 1 Google calender: When you use google calender the time will automatically change according to students time zone. To embed Google calendar in static pages, embed code for the calendar in your course. 2 Dynamic HTML calendar can also be used by writing the code in static pages. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 34 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 3.Course Updates Click content −→ select Updates Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 35 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click New update button Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 36 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Announcement or notification can be shared regarding course in this editor, after that click save. The editor supports both text and HTML mode. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 37 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 38 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Handouts Course Handouts content will be shown on the Course Info page to students. If you are using any files in Course Handouts then you must add those files to the course. Copy URL of the file you have uploaded from files and upload page and add links in the Editor. Student view of course updates after clicking View Live Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 39 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 4.Textbooks Click content −→ Select Textbooks Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 40 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If you haven’t added any textbooks to this course yet click Add your first textbook or click New Textbook. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 41 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay There are many ways to locate and provide textbooks materials for your students. The textbook can be available on the web, or you may be able to provide the textbook inside your course as a custom page. Possible options are : 1 Make an existing textbook available. 2 Use free & open textbooks 3 Work with your institutional libraries. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 42 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 5.Files and Uploads The files & uploads page contains images, and other content that you want to integrate into your course. Click content −→ select Files & uploads Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 43 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click upload New File Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 44 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In the upload New File dialog box, click choose file. In the open dialog box, locate the file that you want, and then click open. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 45 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay To add another file, click load Another file. To close the dialog box, click the x in the top right corner. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 46 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Make a note of the URL that appears in the URL field. You will use this URL when you add the image to a component in your course. (You can also see this URL at any time to the right of the file on the Files & Uploads page) If you ever want to replace this file, you can upload a new file that has the same name as the file that you want to replace. The new file replaces the current file. If you want to delete a file, click the x in the top right corner. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 47 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Course Outline To create an content for a course it has a particular structure that to be followed. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 48 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Sections Section is the top most category to organize the course.For eg: Week 1 as section1 and Week2 as section 2 so on according to the need of the course an author can keep the number of weeks. Click new section. Enter name & click save After clicking save button, the section has been created Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 49 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Later,if you think to edit section name, click above section name that you have created. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 50 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay How to maintain Release date in section: Click edit in the top right corner of the page. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 51 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay After clicking,edit dialog box will open so that author can set release date for a particular section. Note: 1 The instructor can set an individual release date for each section in a course. None of the content will be visible until its release date has passed. For more detailed information refer @Visibility. 2 Release time default it is in UTC. For more detailed information refer @ TimeZone. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 52 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Subsections Subsection is a subcategory of a section. According to the course topics the author can name the subsection.For example subsection1 as Lecture1 and subsection2 as Lecture2 and so on.., Click New Subsection Enter name and click save After clicking save button, the subsection has been created Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 53 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Subsection settings: Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 54 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 1 Release day & time: you can set an individual release day & time for each subsection for a course. For detailed information refer @visibility 2 Graded as: you can set each subsections as one of the assignment types.For detailed information to set assignment types refer @ Grading. 3 Set a due date: Due date to complete assignment. Grace period is also possible if author wish to keep. For detailed information refer @ Grading. Removing due date is also possible. 4 Preview drafts is used to see how subsection looks in edge.For detailed information refer @Visibility. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 55 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note : The author can set an individual release date for each subsection for a course. None of the content will be visible until its release date has passed. If dont set release date means, the subsection will release in same date as its section. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 56 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Unit Unit is a further category that helps to categorize the course materials. It contains components, which are building blocks of lessons. It contains 4 components initially @Discussion, @html, @problem, @video later one more component will be added that is âĂIJ@Advanced problemâĂİ by changing @ manual policy. Click New Unit. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 57 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Enter display name. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 58 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay The unit display name will appear under subsection like this: Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 59 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Unit settings : The unit will be released according to the subsection released date and time. Default, all the units are set to private. To make the unit visible to students in two ways. 1 The author have to explicitly change units visiblity to public(or) 2 The unit content will be automatically released according to the subsection released date & time. Preview : It is used to see how the particular unit looks in For detailed information refer @ Visibility. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 60 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay HTML Component HTML components are use to create a content for your course. You can also able to add links, images. After giving unit name. Click HTML component. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 61 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 3 lists will appear in this page. 1 Text 2 Announcement 3 E-text Written in Latex Select any one in this list according to the course content. Click edit. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 62 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay The editor has two views: 1 Visual : In this editor, we can directly enter the information. 2 HTML : If you want to enter links or images then path can be mentioned in HTML code. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 63 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Use the buttons at the top of the component editor to change the formatting any way you want. For eg: you can enclose the title in heading tags, create bulleted or numbered list, or apply bold, italic, underline formatting or creating link to external website. In the upper right corner of the component editor, Click settings and give display name. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 64 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay This title appears when you hover your mouse over course ribbon on the edge. How to Include text: In two ways it is possible, 1 Copy & paste the text in visual or HTML editor (or) 2 Writing text directly to the editor. How to Insert link : Steps to create an External Link: Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 65 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? 1 2 3 4 IIT Bombay Select the text that you want to make into the link Click the link icon in tool bar. 3. In the Insert/Edit link dialog box, enter the following in the link url field, and then click insert . Here paste external link u have copied. For E.g Click save Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 66 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Steps to create hyperLink : 1 For giving hyperlink you should select HTML editor 2 Before that whatever content related to course upload in Files & uploads. For more information refer @ Files & uploads 3 Copy the URL from Files & uploads for E.g /static/2011_07_29_session02_rules_of_the_game.pdf 4 Give hyperlink in HTML editor it is by default it will reflect in visual editor also. 5 Click save. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 67 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay For including image also same procedure, Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 68 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In LMS, it will look like Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 69 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay E-text written using LaTeX Note: Currently E-text written in latex is disabled. Suppose if u want to include in your HTML component do changes in manual policy. For more information regarding changes in manual policy refer @ Manual policy. In advanced settings, change use_latex_compiler value false into true. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 70 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Go to New Unit −→ html code. Go to E-text written in Latex Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 71 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click on edit and for latex code go to Note: You can also upload a tex file by clicking on the top right corner upload button. Edit latex code Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 72 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Whatever you will write in latex code, will automatically come as XML code in HTML view. For viewing the document go to visual on right side. Click save Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 73 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If you want others to view the HTML component change the visibility as public on the top-right in unit settings. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 74 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Discussion Component Give display name and click discussion component Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 75 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click edit, settings contain 1 category : A name for the discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum of the course. 2 Display name : Display name for module, top of the ribbon in LMS. 3 sub category : A sub-category name for the discussion. This name appears in the left pane of the discussion forum and Click save Note :Currently category & subcategory name is not displaying. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 76 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay After click save it will look as, click the preview to see how it will appear in LMS. 1 Click Newpost 2 Type a title for your post in the title box, and enter text for your post. This title will refelct in discussion forum 3 If u want to post anonymously check box or the follow this post check box. 4 Click Add post if you dont want just click cancel Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 77 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In LMS side, if you click discussion at the top of the page, your new post appears at the top of the list in unit. Posts are listed in reverse chronological order. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 78 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay The discussion forum admin & TA can actively participate in this discussion and engage post. If student want to receive the updates of the post in mail the person should enable the checkbox. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 79 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If you click show all discussion in the discussion forum all the discussions will be displayed in that post by category and subcategory names. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 80 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Video Component Click video components Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 81 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Currently the default edX video will be there, Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 82 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay To change the video click edit, settings dialog box will open, it contains two editing mode 1 Basic 2 Advanced Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 83 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In Basic it has : 1 Display name : The video name will be displayed at the top of the ribbon in the LMS. 2 Video URL : A YouTube URL or a link to a file hosted anywhere on the web. 3 Timed transcript: Currently timed transcript is not working it throughs error. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 84 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Advanced : 1 Display name : Display name for module 2 Download video : External link to download a video. This will also appear down to that video. 3 End Time : End time of an video. Note that you must enter the value as the number of seconds rather than using the minute:second format. For example, if you have a 10-minute video and you want the video to stop playing at 4:23, you would enter 263 in the End Time field. 4 Show transcript :This setting specifies whether you want the transcript to show by default. 5 Start time : Start time for the video. Enter the timings in seconds not in minutes. 6 Video source : click Add in the field that appears, enter the URL of your backup video. If the YouTube video does not play, this backup video will start playing in the edX video player. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 85 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay 1 Youtube ID : This is the Youtube ID reference for the normal speed video. 2 Youtube ID speed:If you have a separate YouTube video for the .75x,1.25x,1.5x-speed version of your video, you can enter that YouTube ID here. If you don’t use this setting,students with the most updated versions of the major browsers can still adjust the speed of the video while they view it. Note: Download track & HTML5 timed transcript this feature will be available in a future version of Studio. Click save & the video will appear. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 86 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 87 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Notes: 1 Upload your all course related video in youtube. 2 The edX video player supports .mp4, .ogg, .mpeg format. 3 By giving youtube ID edX player can access your video. 4 YouTube is not available in all locations, we recommend that you also post copies of your videos on a third-party site such as Amazon S3. 5 In this case, the video on the backup site starts playing automatically. How to produce a video in an effective way please refer @ Audio & Video guidelines. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 88 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay How to include transcript in video : Transcripts that start playing automatically with your videos are in the .srt.sjson format. To add a transcript, you just have to make sure the file is named correctly, and then upload it to the Files & Uploads page. 1 Make sure you have the YouTube ID of the video. 2 Change the name of the .srt.sjson file to the following, For E.g change the name of the file to the following 3 Upload the .srt.sjson file to the Files & Uploads page. For more information about how to do this, see Upload a File to the @ Files & Uploads Page. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 89 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: Two options to obtaining .srt.sjson format : 1 Download .srt.sjson format file from 3PlayMedia without doing any modifications. 2 Obtain .srt file and convert into .srt.sjson file. For more information refer @ converting .srt to .srt.sjson. This is complex one. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 90 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Problem Component Problem template is used to create a problem. Default sample text is available the instructor/staff have to replace the text according his course. Give display name & Click problem component. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 91 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Problem components contains two types. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 92 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Drop down , Multiple choice, Numerical input, Text input: 1 Click new unit & edit display name. Click problem component,In common problem types,select Dropdown. 2 Click edit, the editor will open. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 93 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Type the related informatin regarding drop down problem. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 94 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Note: 1 You designate each answer selection with a set of parantheses. You can also designate the correct answer with an x between the parantheses for that section. 2 If you need help with formatting, you can click the question mark icon in the upper right corner of the component editor to open a list of formatting options. Additionally, including an explanation for the problem is optional. If you want to include an explanation, make sure to enclose it in [explanation] tags. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 95 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In the component editor, click settings in the upper right corner and edit problem settings. & click save. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 96 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In the multiple choice problem, every problem has several settings, or attributes, that appear when you click Settings in the component editor. 1 Display Name: is the name of your problem. The name appears as a heading over the problem in the LMS. It also appears in the course accordion ribbon at the top of the page. 2 Maximum Attempts: indicates the number of times a student can try to answer the problem. By default, a student has an unlimited number of attempts. 3 Problem Weight: Determines the maximum number of points the problem is worth. You can change it by changing the Problem Weight value. It is also possible to create a problem that has more than one answer space–for example, you may create a problem that has two questions, one with a multiple choice answer and one with a numerical value answer. Each answer space is worth one point. Thus this problem would be worth two points by default. 4 Randomization: defines how often inputs are randomized when a student loads the problem. This setting only applies to problems that can have randomly generated numeric values. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 97 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IIT Bombay Show Answer :defines when the problem shows the answer to the student.There are seven options. Always : Always show the answer when the student clicks the Show Answer button. Answered : Show the answer after the student has submitted her final answer. Attempted: Show the answer after the student has tried to answer the problem one time, whether or not the student answered the problem correctly. Closed : Show the answer after the student has used up all his attempts to answer the problem or the due date has passed. Finished : Show the answer after the student has answered the problem correctly, the student has no attempts left, or the problem due date has passed. Past Due : Show the answer after the due date for the problem has passed. Never : Never show the answer. In this case, the Show Answer button does not appear. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 98 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay By default, one check button will be present for each problem. Finally in LMS it looks as Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 99 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 100 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 101 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Advanced problem types : It always opens in XML editor. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 102 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 103 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 104 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 105 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay After finish and running your course. The instructor want to run this course again by doing modification in easy way by uploading all the related course material in studio as .docx file. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 106 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Specialized Problems Specialized problems are in advanced components. To add advanced components you have to do modification in manual policy. The steps to use specialized problem : Go to Advanced Settings in Settings menu. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 107 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay In manual policy definition change policy key values. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 108 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Under Policy Value, place your cursor between the brackets, and then enter the value for the type of problem that you want to create. Make sure to include the quotation marks, but not the period, Enter the keyword for that particular component.For eg : Peer grading, lti . Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 109 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay At the bottom page, Click save. You modification will get saved. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 110 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Now the advanced component got included in unit component list Note : For detailed information regarding each advanced component refer @ Advanced component & specialized problm Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 111 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Add a question in prompt and also rubric in rubric tag. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 112 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Set the problem name in Display Name textbox and other settings. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 113 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Click Save button Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 114 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Visibility It specifies whether it is private or public. To view your course as a student, click View Live in Studio.View Live appears on the Course Outline page, on any subsection page, and on the unit page if you have changed the Visibility setting of the unit from Private to Public. Preview mode is the only way to see content whose visibility is set to Private. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 115 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Re-order Unit Studio includes a drag-and-drop feature that you can use to change the order of the components in the unit. To use this feature, hover the mouse over the right edge of a component until the gray bar turns blue and the multi-directional arrow cursor appears. A tooltip that says Drag to reorder may also appear. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 116 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay Grading Course threshold : Establish grading policy in course and determine thresholds. Grace period for a student to submit assignments and logistics around grading. Decide whether grace period have to use or not. Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 117 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay To add assignment type 1 Decide what types of assignments to include. 2 Determine the weight of each assignment type. 3 Determine the number of assignments of each type. Mark/ Unmark subsection as graded : Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 118 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) IIT Bombay 119 / 120 How to create a course in edX Studio? IIT Bombay If subsection has a due date it will look like below in side Birundha,Charu (IIT Bombay) 120 / 120
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