How to find us Mühlhausen branch AA 7 8H an no ver Qundis GmbH Sondershäuser Landstraße 27 99974 Mühlhausen / Germany Tel.: +49 (0) 3601 46 83-0 Fax: +49 (0) 3601 46 83-175 E-Mail: Göttingen Nordhausen 81 AA38 Leinefelde Exit Halle Drammetal Junction B 27 7 B 24 Dortmund Kassel Ost Exit Kassel 9 B 24 B7 Mühlhausen B 249 B2 B 27 L1 016 Eschwege 47 Mihla Bad Hersfeld 48 AA Gotha Eisenach Mitte Exit Dresden Gotha Exit B 247 A 44 A5 Sondershausen Eisenach Kirchheim Junction Worbis, Göttingen Amm ersch Filling station (Honsel) str. r Land häuse ausen rs e d n rsh So 49 Sonde B2 e Lan Kiliansgraben B 24 7/249 lda Fu ge el 49 B2 r. ds t r. ss Ka ac h se n Ei By train Mühlhausen is on the Erfurt - Göttingen line (connections via Gotha or Leinefelde) Please note: There is no direct connection from Eisenach! The best way of reaching us from the station is by taxi. By car You can reach us via the A7 or the A4. The last sixty kilometres are highways and country roads. In Mühlhausen, keep to the B249 towards Sondershausen. QUNDIS is on the left as you leave Mühlhausen. Several parking spaces are reserved for our visitors at the front of the building. From the north Take the A7 towards Kassel until you reach the Drammetal motorway interchange and then take the A38 towards Leipzig until you reach the Leinefelde exit. Follow the B247 until you reach Mühlhausen. Railway station ndst er La fried Wan er L E e hw sc an A 55 A 1F 1 A87 rank furt dstr. E h ac en is B2 47 Ba Lan d La ge nge ns ns Erf alzae alza urt r , G Land oth str. a By aeroplane The closest major airport is Frankfurt-am-Main. There is a regional airport in Erfurt. From the West Take the A7 until you reach the Kassel Ost exit, then take the B7 for approx. 50km to Eschwege and continue to Mühlhausen on the B249. From the south Take the A5 or A7 to the Kirchheim junction and continue on the A4 towards Dresden. From the Eisenach Mitte exit, take the L1016 to Mühlhausen. From the east Take the A4 to the Gotha exit and then the B247 via Bad Langensalza to Mühlhausen.
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