Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer This project is supported by Riversmart Australia Ltd, through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country Acknowledgements Riversmart Australia Ltd would like to thank the following for their help with the assembly of this guide. Comments were provided on the draft by members of the Riversmart Advisory Board and Pip Job from the Little River Landcare Group. It will also remain a ‘living’ document as it is used, field tested and improved through the Macquarie River NatureLinks project starting in September 2012 in collaboration with the Macquarie 2100 Landcare Group. Thanks also to the Central West Catchment Management Authority for their ongoing support and in particular to Shona Whitfield for her editorial and content inputs and suggestions. Matt Hansen provided some of the fish-related photographs. Thanks also to David Barnes (NSW DPI photolibrary) for all the help with gaining approvals to use a number of photos from their collection and for providing the high resolution versions. Likewise Keryn Lapidge (Invasive Species CRC) and Michael Dickinson (Australian Willdife and Feral Management) helped source the feral photos and Megan Power ( did the same for several of the weeds photos. Dr Deb Nias (Murray Darling Wetlands Ltd) kindly provided the acid sulfate soil photo and Dr Rhonda Butcher from Water’s Edge Consulting the photo and guidance on grazing and wetlands. Other photographs kinds provided by Dr Max Finlayson, Jason Higham, Anthony Townsend, Sarah Moles, Fern Hames, John Lollicato, David Scadding, Jonathon MacPhail, Gunther Schmida (MurrayDarling Basin Authority) and the Lippia Working Group – GHD. This guide is a digest of many other prior publications – all of which are duly acknowledged – and to the various organisations and individuals who were responsible for this guidance and advice, we say thank you for allowing us to quote and cite your works, and, in many cases use photographs from your publications. 2 As always, special mention is due to Philippa Lawrence and Sprout Design for the very professional layout and design. Thanks also to Jenny Andrew for proof editing. Finally, thank you to the Australian Government for supporting this project through the Community Grants component of the Caring for our Country program. Disclaimer RiverSmart Australia Ltd do not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, or results of the use, of the information contained herein as regards to its correctness, accuracy, reliability, currency or otherwise. RiverSmart Australia Ltd expressly disclaim all liability or responsibility to any person using the information or advice. Citation This publication should be cited as follows: Riversmart Australia Ltd, 2012. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer For further information about this guide contact Dr Bill Phillips, CEO of RiverSmart Australia. Email: Copyright This work is copyright. Unless permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cwlth), no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from Riversmart Australia Ltd or the authors of cited publications. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to Dr Bill Phillips, CEO of RiverSmart Australia (see contact details above). All photographs are the property of the photographers unless otherwise indicated and should not be used without their express permission. Cover photographs Acknowledgments: Right – Michelle Donlan. Left – Matt Hansen. Centre – Tim Gardiner. Thanks to the Central West Catchment Management Authority for allowing the use of these images. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer The concept of RiverSmart farming is quite simple – minimising your river ‘footprint’ and even going the next step and helping to rehabilitate your nearby river, creek or wetland. This will give onfarm benefits as well as assist catchment-wide efforts. The advice provided here is designed to give you, the landholder information about the range of ways your farm might currently be impacting on river health without you even knowing it. It’s designed to give you information that you can then apply to modify your management practices and maybe then reflect into a Property Management Plan or associated vegetation or water management plan, if you so wish. It’s important to note that if you have river frontage, floodplain country or creek lines that drain into a river system, chances are there are things you could be doing to help maintain or improve water quality, to help bring back native fish and other wildlife and generally increase the opportunities for enjoying a healthy and vibrant river. Getting started These guidelines are designed to allow you to systematically review your situation and then consider information and ways to modify your farming practices, if appropriate and feasible. Fundamentally we all impact on our nearby rivers through the volumes of water we use, the quality of the water that we return to our rivers and the activities we undertake either close to or in places Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer where those impacts are ultimately felt in the river. So it’s basically about water quantity, water quality and landuse practices. In this guide the issues surrounding water use efficiency are not considered. All farmers are acutely aware that being efficient with water has many drivers; economics and sustainability among them. From a river health perspective it is well known that Australia’s inland rivers thrive on variable flows and so periods of drought and floods are what they’ve adapted to cope with. However, there are signs in many inland rivers that we need to find ways to provide (a) higher base flows, and (b) attempt to manufacture variable flows that mimic nature. Both mean there is an ecological imperative for being as frugal with water as we can in order to have the capacity to do these two things. Modernising irrigation infrastructure is one key step needed in this direction to reduce transmission and application losses for example. This is just smart business and will help the community collectively to take pressure off our rivers and see them maintained as healthy lifelines of rural Australia. In the following pages we’ve assembled a series of summary descriptions of the key issues a Riversmart farmer should consider and these are organised under obvious themes (parts). The topics they cover are listed on the next page. Each has a standard format and will also aim you in the direction of more detailed information if you wish to know more. You could also consult with your local natural resource or catchment management agency, or Riversmart. Our contacts details are on the web site 3 Contents 1. Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 Areas of bare ground are a no-no . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–2 The importance of buffer zones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–3 Combating gully erosion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–1 Looking after snags. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–2 Helping native fish to migrate and find mates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–3 Reducing fish injuries and deaths in pumps and irrigation channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2–5 3. Reducing waterway pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 Maintaining healthy vegetation along drainage lines, creek and your river frontage – see Part 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–1 Buffer zones as a key management tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–2 Reducing impacts at creek or river crossings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–3 Disposing of farm effluents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–4 Reducing spray drift. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–5 Minimising fertiliser and chemical-rich run-off into waterways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–6 Dealing with salinity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–8 Fire, rivers and wetlands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9 Black water events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–10 Waste management from the homestead, workshop and farm sheds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–10 4. Wetlands working for you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4–1 Managing your stock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–2 Cautious lake bed cropping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–4 Using wetlands to clean potentially damaging run-off or effluents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 Some of the risks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4–5 5. Keeping feral pest under control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5–1 Reducing the damage caused by feral pigs, rabbits or goats. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–1 Doing something about bloody carp!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–2 What we know about Redfin and Gambusia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–3 6. Weed worries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–1 Willows – from a river health perspective they are bad! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–1 Lippia crippling our floodplains into watercourses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–3 Alligator weed – it might only be a matter of time! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–5 Salvinia – pray it doesn’t come near you!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–6 Other weeds to worry about . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6–7 4 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 1.Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines From a healthy waterways perspective, ideally the areas along and surrounding your river frontage, drainage lines (such as creeks or streams), and wetlands should be well vegetated with native plants, and with no woody weeds or bare areas impacted by overgrazing from stock, feral animals or kangaroos. Some of the values of having a well vegetated riparian zone are: • They act as buffer zones, protecting the river from direct soil erosion and loss. • Well vegetated riparian zones also help buffer the river from runoff that may be high in nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen especially) that contribute to the formation of algal blooms. • They provide habitats for native wildlife. • As they grow old, riparian trees may fall into the river creating valuable habitat for native fish. • Native vegetation along rivers also contributes food items for aquatic species such as insects and organic materials. The dense foliage in the riparian zone of this creek in the Upper Macquarie catchment ensures the banks of the creek are stable and in-stream habitat is healthy. Photograph: Central West CMA. If the waterways are permanent or semipermanent then chances are they’re offering environmental values such as providing spawning areas for native fish. On the downside they may also be spawning areas for carp, and if so, see Part 5 – Keeping feral pests under control. The benefits of native vegetation in riparian areas. Illustration Paul Lennon in Lovett, S & Price, P (eds) (2007), Principles for riparian lands management, Land & Water Australia, Canberra. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 1–1 1. Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines Areas of bare ground are a no-no Riverbank or riparian areas that have become bare, with little or no vegetation cover are among the most serious threats to healthy river systems. If stock are causing the problem and entering the water they will be pugging the wet soil, accelerating soil erosion and defecating in the water; both of which have serious downstream impacts on water quality for all users including neighbouring farmers. Cattle pugging—a major problem for waterways with soil erosion being accelerated and weeds encouraged to move in. Photograph: Bill Phillips. The presence of woody debris, overhanging native vegetation and clean water are key habitat elements for a range of native aquatic species. Photograph: Central West CMA. Exposed areas are also prime targets for weed invasion (see Part 6 – Weed worries) and they contribute to soil erosion and increased sediment load in the river, increasing turbidity (see Part 3 – Reducing waterway pollution also). This in turn decreases light penetration limiting the growth of aquatic plants which in turn impacts on the natural food webs of the river. Vegetation along rivers also helps buffer them from potential pollution during rainfall events when runoff may contain nutrients and other farm chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, etc. By reducing nutrient-laden runoff reaching the river, one of the key ingredients of algal blooms is reduced (see Part 4 – Wetlands working for you). Bare and exposed riparian zone: a prime candidate for major soil erosion and possible weed invasion. Photograph: Central West CMA. The other value of native vegetation buffer zones in riparian situations is that they provide wildlife habitats and create riverine corridors for terrestrial fauna. Also, as trees age some will fall into the river making snag habitats for native fish (see Part 2 – Being a fish-friendly farmer). Unlike deciduous woody weed species, native vegetation doesn’t drop its leaves in autumn—a phenomenon that has major impacts on water quality (see Part 6 – Weed worries). What you can do • The typical causes of degraded riparian vegetation are uncontrolled grazing by stock and kangaroos, feral pigs and goats, farm traffic or all of these. Control measures, or ways to restrict access to these sensitive areas should be considered. 1–2 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Alternative watering point for stock. Photograph: Central West CMA. • Once stock, and/or feral pests are controlled, rehabilitation of the exposed areas can begin (see below). This type of work is a high priority for many government funding programs so you can seek advice on how to access this type of support, if you wish. For reasons explained in Part 6 – Weed Worries, the use of native species is recommended for rehabilitating degraded areas. The importance of buffer zones From a Riversmart farm planning perspective we recommend you consider retaining or creating buffer zones along all drainage lines, around wetlands and even farm dams if they are arranged like a chain of ponds down a creek line. The benefits are numerous. Apart from stabilising the land and reducing soil erosion, buffer zones also reduce wind erosion, reduce spray drift into sensitive areas, and provide shelter for stock. Buffer zones can also help reconnect wildlife habitats and encourage species such as bush birds to move through your property, some of these providing natural insect control. See more about buffer zones in Part 3 – Reducing water pollution. Ideal situation with wide buffer zone lining the river. Photograph: Sam Davis, NSW DPI. Stock exclusion fencing and replanting to restore a healthy creek. Photograph: Central West CMA. Cows drinking from off-river watering point. Photograph: Chris McCulloch, Central West CMA. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 1–3 1. Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines • If the bare, exposed areas are caused by stock grazing the riparian margin and drinking in the river, then exclusion fencing and off-river drinking points are recommended (see below). 1. Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines Combating gully erosion The following is based on the Gully Erosion Fact Sheet (October 2008) produced by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. Stock that are allowed uncontrolled access to creeks will tend to routinely follow established tracks or trails. Over time these become worn and free of vegetation. Gully erosion can then result and spread out from the initial point of soil loss. If left uncontrolled large scale gully erosion can result (see at right). Ruts left by farm machinery or excessive intensive farming that reduces soil structure and stability can also be causal factors. Gully erosion results in soil loss from your farm and ongoing loss of productive land if not addressed. It can also result in the transported soil impacting on water quality further down the creek or possibly in the river it drains into. Nutrients may also be carried with the soil, further exacerbating downstream water quality problems like algal blooms. Soil deposition in the creek or river will have a negative impact on habitat for species like native fish, platypus, etc. Severe gully erosion. Photograph: Tim Gardiner, Central West CMA. What you can do • Be vigilant—check for potential gully erosion start points such as exposed areas resulting from vehicles or stock movements, drainage lines across overgrazed paddocks, etc. • If you have gully erosion, first establish if it is active. In other words, is the drainage line or pathway continuing to cut into and move up the slope? Are the gully walls close to vertical and is the base still lowering? Regular photos for a standard (star picketed) site will help you monitor the situation. • If the gully is still active try to establish where water is coming from—is it groundwater, surface water, or both? Depending on the situation you may need simple or more complex solutions. Gully erosion undermining trees and depositing soils into the nearby river whenever it rains. Photograph: Shona Whitfield. Erosion control measures using rocks to stablise banks and slow flows. Photograph: Central West CMA 1–4 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Sources and further reading Channel erosion. Fact sheet produced by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Degradation of native riparian vegetation along NSW water courses. Primefact 12. NSW Department or Primary Industries, June 2005. Gully erosion. Fact sheet produced by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Livestock management. Fact sheet produced by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Living and working on a riverbank. NSW DPI. Date unknown. Revegetation and stock exclusion to reduce erosion. Photograph: Central West CMA. If the erosion is less severe then a range of management options are regularly recommended depending on the situation. These include: • Address the primary cause(s)—change vehicle or stock routes or remove stock from the site altogether to allow recovery. Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands. A best management practice guide for the Central West. Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Riparian vegetation. Fact sheet produced by the Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. • Revegetate the exposed, vulnerable areas with groundcover (grasses etc). The rule of thumb is to have a minimum of 70 per cent cover. • Allow regeneration of the natural plant community-shrubs etc as well as the groundcover to help stabilise the effected landscape. • If groundwater discharges are part of the problem use deep-rooted perennial grasses both in and around the effected gully. In the 1990s, this gully west of Molong was fenced and replanted with native trees and shrubs. Since that time, the erosion on the site has been dramatically reduced, and habitat features are now starting to develop. Photograph: Central West CMA. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 1–5 1. Maintaining healthy riverbanks and creek lines • If the water source is both ground and surface water and the erosion severe, earthworks or other engineering fixes may be required. You should seek professional advice. 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer Many of the issues considered below are also discussed in the excellent NSW DPI publication ‘7 Key Tips for Fish Friendly Farms’. As a farmer there are many ways you could be part of ensuring the river has a lot more native fish, and let’s face it who doesn’t like to go fishing! Across the Murray-Darling Basin it is estimated by experts that native fish populations are about 10 per cent of what they were when white settlers came to Australia. There are many reasons for this decline in numbers and for several species moving into the threatened and endangered categories. Fish need healthy river banks Healthy rivers make more fish and for this to occur we need well vegetated banks. Riverside native vegetation is a vital part of having more fish in the river. This vegetation drops insects and leaves into the river and these are eaten by fish, or by the things some fish like to eat, such as yabbies and shrimps. As trees age they fall into the river and make instant fish homes – snags (see page 2–2). In contrast, river banks that are bare due to stock trampling, overgrazing or vehicle traffic are prime candidates for erosion and this soil, once washed into the river, makes the water muddy, reducing aquatic plant growth, and silting up the river. All of these things aren’t good for native fish. Aquatic plants are a food source and a place for young fish to hide from predators, and siltation fills the big holes where most fish like to hang out. So, if you go fishing remember this when you’re using dirt tracks or launching your boat off a beach – don’t rip up the ground as that soil will end up in the river. Clean water = more fish Poor water quality comes about in many ways – erosion is one, fertiliser-rich run-off and urban stormwater are others. Litter dropped in the street or at camp sites can make its way into our rivers and this makes them ugly, but also impacts on river life. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Ben Moore shows off his catch on the Macquarie River... shortly before releasing this important breeding animal back to help make more fish for the future! Photograph supplied by Matt Hansen. Think about this when you’re out on your nearby river especially – take all your rubbish home, and why not take a spare plastic bag with you and pick up what some other less thoughtful person might have dropped or left behind. Things that block fish migration Another issue is that the dams, weirs and even some road crossings we’ve installed stop fish migrating. Many of our native fish species are migratory while others routinely go looking for mates during the breeding season, better food opportunities or to escape adverse conditions. If prevented from doing this, breeding success is reduced, meaning less fish to catch. On page 2–3 this is considered further. We also know that there are less native fish around today due to factors like diseases, introduced pest fish (see Part 5) and overfishing. Don’t be greedy Today, catch and release fishing is encouraged as a way to make sure your kids (and theirs) have fish to catch. Basically, don’t take more than you need for a feed. The days of bragging over a freezer full of fish are gone! And, make sure the bigger fish you catch are let go to keep on breeding – they’re our fish factories (and usually taste like old boots anyway). 2–1 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer Looking after snags Snags are large woody objects, such as whole trees, root balls or major branches that fall into the river. In the early days many snags were removed from rivers to help with safe navigation by river boats. We now know that snags provide important spawning sites for native fish, places for young fish to hide from predators, and to help protect the river bed and bank from erosion. A river with this amount of snags is perfect for native fish – lots of places to hide from predators and also hang out to ambush prey. Sadly, the bank in the foreground is badly eroded from uncontrolled stock access. Photograph: Bill Phillips. Mick Coad with the Macquarie River Yellowbelly (Golden perch). Photograph supplied by Matt Hansen. Fish by the rules Sadly there are still people out there wanting to cheat by using illegal fishing gear or practices and ignoring the well known rules. If you come across illegal fishing activities or gear on your property or river frontage – simply call your local fisheries officer (1800 043 536) and report it. Leave it to the pros to deal with these situations. If you’re a keen angler, get hold of a copy of Macquarie River Fishing Trail Guide (www. It will also explain how you can be a Riversmart angler. 2–2 Macquarie River during the drought showing exposed snag (top) and the same snag at normal river heights (bottom). Such snags are vital habitat for native fish. Photograph: Bill Phillips. Research has shown that most Murray cod are found within a metre of a snag and streams with snags usually have greater numbers of native fish. Of course, sometimes big log jams of woody material can block rivers and make flooding worse. In such situations these need to be cleared. This is work that should be done by professionals, so contact your appropriate government department if this occurs. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Many of our native fish species are migratory while others routinely go looking for mates during the breeding season, better food opportunities or to escape adverse conditions. Narrabri Creek, NSW. Resnagging at low river level—seek expert advice before attempting this! Photograph: Anthony Townsend. Without realising it, some farm and road infrastructure can prevent these important fish movements. For example, long, narrow and dark pipe culverts routinely used for making road crossings (see photographs below) will discourage fish passage. If the ends of the pipe are ‘perched’, as in the example shown on the next page, then this can also prevent fish passing through. What you can do • If your part of the river looks to have few snags, consider contacting your local fisheries department to get their advice on how to go about re-snagging. There are some ‘do’s and don’ts’ to making this work so don’t try this without first seeking advice. • Of course, if you don’t have well vegetated river banks then there won’t be any way nature can ‘install’ snags for you so this is another reason why having a healthy riverbank of native vegetation is so important—see Part 1 – Maintaining healthy river bank and creek lines. ‘Before’ and ‘after’. Round pipes replaced with box culverts to make this more fish friendly. Photographs: NSW DPI. Equally, elevated flat-bed road crossings (see below) act the same as a weir from a fish perspective and prevent any attempt to move upstream. Maybe you have weirs or similar structures that are now redundant or unsafe—removing these will certainly benefit native fish (see next page). Murray cod taking refuge in snag habitat. Photograph: NSW DPI. Road crossings restrict access to upstream habitat for native fish. Photograph: NSW DPI. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 2–3 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer Helping native fish to migrate and find mates 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer • Or maybe you have redundant or unsafe weirs or culverts—why not consider removing them to help our native fish—see below, and page 3–3. Long, narrow pipe culverts like these are not ideal for allowing native fish to pass through. Note how the sill level is below the pipes meaning water will move through with high velocity making passage for small fish problematic. A suitably designed rock ramp can help address gully erosion problems and also allow for fish migration up river to overcome concrete weirs like the one above. Photograph: Central West CMA. Removing old, redundant or unsafe weirs and culverts will all help our native fish recover even if only on a much smaller scale to the situation above. Photograph: Shona Whitfield. What you can do • If you’re considering the installation of a pipe culvert consult with an expert in the fisheries area of government to get advice on size and placement etc. Setting the sill height can be important in terms of ease of use for small native fish especially. These days broader rectangular form concrete culverts are recommended to help fish movements and if there is scope to do so these can be lined with rocks and even have a grill or grate at the top to shed light into the culvert. Fish-friendly rock ramp which also helps reduce erosion. Photograph: Jason Higham. • Also, if you have an existing culvert system make sure it doesn’t have accumulated debris or a washed away ‘step’ that may be preventing native fish movement. • If appropriate, consider installing a rock ramp or similar type of ‘fish ladder’ (see photos at right) to ensure your culverts are not preventing fish migrations. Again, before doing this seek advice from an expert. 2–4 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 2. Being a fish-friendly farmer Reducing fish injuries and deaths in pumps and irrigation channels Recent research in Australia has shown that irrigation infrastructure is having a significant impact on the survival of young native fish. It seems that millions of fish are regularly being injured, killed and otherwise removed from main river channels by water infrastructure. For example, on the Namoi River, in some instances more than 200 fish were extracted by a single irrigation pump each day. Another potential problem is the rapid draw down of irrigation systems which can leave fish stranded. End of irrigation season sampling on the Mulwala canal system found stranding and entrapment of almost one million fish of 14 different species. As we learn about this problem, more and more farmers who draw water from our rivers, operate irrigation channels or maintain on-farm storages or wetlands are working with authorities to find ways to reduce this impact. What you can do • If you’re concerned that your farm may be inadvertently contributing to the death and injury of native fish it is suggested you contact your local fisheries authority for advice on the latest technology and management practices being developed to address this problem. Rapid draw down of irrigation channels can strand large numbers of native fish. There are ways to reduce this impact. Photographs: Bill Phillips. Sources and further reading 7 key tips for fish friendly farms. NSW Department of Primary Industries. fisheries/habitat/publications/farming/7-key-tips-fora-fish-friendly-farm Barriers to fish passage. NSW DPI Primefacts and Fishnotes. September 2001. Baumgartner L.J., Reynoldson N., Cameron L. and Stanger J. (2007). The effects of selected irrigation practices on fish of the Murray-Darling Basin. NSW Department of Primary Industries and Murray-Darling Basin Commission. http://www. outputs/2007/901 Fairfall, S. and Witheredge, G. (2003) Why do fish need to cross the road? Fish passage requirements for waterway crossings. NSW Fisheries, Cronulla. publications/aquahab.htm Jones M., and Stuart I. (2004). Impact of flow regulation structures on fish in the Barmah-Millewa forest. Heidelberg, Victoria, Arthur Rylah Institute. ISBN 1741069173. Managing woody debris in rivers. Land and Water Australia River and Riparian Land Management Facts Sheets. No.7. We now know that in-stream pumps are drawing up and injuring or killing significant numbers of small native fish. Photograph: Bill Phillips. • Ways to reduce this impact are being trialled at present. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 2–5 3. Reducing waterway pollution Waterways can become polluted through a variety of pathways and in this section we examine a few of the more common ways. As a Riversmart farmer you need to be constantly vigilant and asking yourself: Am I polluting our river? And if so: How can I stop or reduce that impact? In some instances you may not even realise you’re part of the problem as the point of impact on the river may be far removed from you, or it may be very subtle. Maintaining healthy vegetation along drainage lines, creek and your river frontage As explained in Part 1, this is perhaps the most important step to take, as soil erosion has a huge impact on our rivers. This can be caused by many things including roads and tracks, uncontrolled stock access, gully erosion, overgrazing of nearby areas by stock and kangaroos, and for numerous other reasons. Some of these issues are explored in more detail below and were considered in Parts 1 and 4. Buffer zones as a key management tool Strategically located buffer zones are an important tool for reducing water pollution as they serve to filter run-off as well as reducing wind-borne pollution by things such as soil, pesticides and insecticides. They can also offer the duel benefit of providing wind breaks and stock shelter areas. Buffer zones along drainage lines and watercourses are a very simple and low-cost way to help keep your nearby river or wetland healthy. Yes, you have to sacrifice potentially productive land but the whole of farm and downstream benefits are worth it. If your upstream neighbours aren’t doing the right thing—you bare the brunt of that—so it’s also about doing the right thing by other river and water users. Planning to operate your farm with buffer zones in place and well maintained is a wise move, especially if several adjoining property-owners cooperate. Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands. A best management practice guide for the Central West. Source: Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 3–1 3. Reducing waterway pollution Most States now recommend (or require) set backs from sensitive areas with all forms of cropping as well. Leaving a buffer zone between the areas you plough, fertilise and cultivate will also help minimise run-off into creeks and rivers, while also helping to reduce nutrient-rich run-off if it rains heavily after fertiliser application—fertilisers are a primary cause of algal blooms in our rivers. Buffer zones can be a nutrient-sink to help keep these out of the river. Coolbaggie Creek, NSW with healthy buffer zones of vegetation along both banks. Photograph: Shona Whitfield Retaining and maintaining buffer zones along rivers help reduce run-off and spray drift impacts as well as keeping the river ecology healthy. Photograph: Charlie Jenkins, NSW DPI. What you can do • If you have an aerial photo of your property look in detail at each area focussing on the drainage lines and places where your farming practices sit close to these. Where you can, look to create or preserve buffer zones. • In some areas there are guidelines or rules relating to buffers. For example, under the NSW Native Vegetation Act 2003 a minimum 20 metre buffer is required between any ‘Routine Agricultural Management Activity’ and a watercourse. In some areas buffers of up to 100 metres are recommended while in most situations buffers around 30-60 metres will do the job. The design and width of the buffer can also be dictated by slope, soil and what’s there already. Equally, the reasons for having the buffer zone in place may alter how you design it—see page 65 in Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands: a best management practice guide for the Central West (Central West CMA 2008). 3–2 • If you’re not okay with heavily wooded buffer zones you can still achieve good results with using grass filter strips, although there are limitations in some situation. The following is relevant advice, and comes from the Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands: a best management practice guide for the Central West (2008). – Grass filter strips are particularly useful where landholders are not keen on woody plants and trees in the riparian zone. A grass strip provides dense ground cover on the flatter land approaching the river channel or wetland; it primarily acts as a sediment trap but also provides some stability. – Grass strips need to be applied to areas with effective surface drainage (for example, a levee break). Grass filter strips are very good at trapping sediment particles and are most effective where overland flow is shallow (less than one centimetre). – However, grass strips can be ineffective on hillslopes and difficult to establish in semi arid areas or where trees are present and shade out groundcover. Grass filter strips may be more effective when combined with other buffer strips by using the replanting or regeneration techniques outlined previously and combining them with strips of trees and shrubs. (Central West CMA 2008) Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Places where cars, tractors and livestock cross waterways can cause major problems. “Vehicles and stock traversing waterways on ford-type ‘wet crossings’ can stir up sediments, cause erosion and increase turbidity. Cows are 50 times more likely to defecate when crossing a stream instream than on a raised crossing. Manure increases organic nitrogen, suspended solids and pathogens, and reduces water quality”. (Grove & Lines-Kelly, NSW DPI, updated, 7 Key tips for a fish friendly farm). Even if the crossing is on a small creek line some distance from the river, if it rains the stirred up sediment, manure and urine will wash into the river and cause problems there. An example of how a stock crossing can be constructed to minimise damage to the waterway. Illustration: Paul Lennon, in Staton, J & O’Sullivan, J, (2006), Stock and waterways: a manager’s guide, Land & Water Australia, Canberra. What you can do • Minimise use of causeways, especially for moving cattle around the property. • Maybe provide a rocky base for crossings to reduce soil erosion and don’t let the stock loiter in the water. • Consider installing a timber bridge (see below) or suitable concrete culvert (see Part 2 – Being a fish friendly farmer) to keep stock and vehicles out of the creek. This will also help native fish movements. If constructing a bridge try to avoid placing the foundations or footings in the river or creek (see below). A timber bridge spanning the waterway is likely to help improve fish passage and water flow, and provided a safer, more reliable crossing for local residents. Photograph: Charlotte Jenkins NSW DPI. Example of restricted stock access to water. Photograph: Central West CMA Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 3–3 3. Reducing waterway pollution Reducing impacts at creek or river crossings 3. Reducing waterway pollution Disposing of farm effluents Some farming enterprises, especially intensive stock production like pigs, poultry, feedlots, and even dairy, create issues relating to animal waste disposal. Likewise, some forms of irrigated cropping can have as by-products tailwater that may be unsuitable for discharge into watercourses. Such industries are heavily regulated these days, with EPA legislation and other similar legislation used to enforce certain codes of conduct. Holding or tailing dams, effluent treatments ponds etc are commonly used to improve the quality of water from these activities before they are allowed into rivers and streams. For those landholders who operate feedlots there are guidelines about minimum or set back distances from water bodies such as streams, wetlands, bores and dams and advice on avoiding shallow or rising groundwater tables or groundwater recharge areas. There are also recommendations for how to deal with runoff from rainfall. For example, it is suggested that the feedlot should be located above the 100 year flood level or flood prone land. In some instances, returning well treated water to rivers might provide a better outcome than reuse by irrigation. These could be used to supplement river flows. An example of this, is at the Taronga Western Plains Zoo. Water from Cootha Creek is used throughout the facility in animal enclosures and other sites. This water is filtered through a series of wetlands and finally returned to the Macquarie River at equal or better quality than before. 3–4 What you can do 1.Ensure that you have sited your infrastructure away from all watercourses as mentioned above. 2.Consult the appropriate departments to check regulations and seek advice. 3.Use the latest innovations for reducing water use or recycling. In this way you can help decrease the amount of water taken from rivers and wetlands. Wetlands can sometimes be used to ‘polish’ farm effluent waters before they flow back into rivers. Photograph: Chris McCulloch, Central West CMA Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Whether they are applied from the air, by tractor or on foot there are risks that under certain conditions there may be drift of herbicides or pesticides onto non-targets, including waterways or drainage lines. These impacts are now well documented and there exists comprehensive advice on best practice in this area. Among the factors now considered important to take into account are the following: • Equipment chosen—this is a compromise between droplet size and coverage. • Volatility of the sprayed herbicide or pesticide. • Spray height and direction—equipment and weather factors may influence this. • Size of the area treated—the larger the area, the greater the risk of off-site impacts. • The capture surface—the risks of drift are higher on surfaces (like fallow paddocks) that don’t capture the droplets as well. In terms of weather factors: • Midday turbulence—it’s normally recommended to cease spraying before 11 a.m. in summer. • High temperatures—avoid spraying at temperatures above 28 degrees Celcius. Depending on the crop and weather conditions there are many new approaches being used to reduce spray drift. See below. • Humidity—avoid spraying under low relative humidity. • Wind—avoid spraying under still conditions. Light breezes are preferable. • Inversions—avoid spraying when an inversion exists—that is, when temperature increases rather than decreases with altitude—the cold blanket effect. • Night spraying—high risk and should be avoided. Schematic showing the use of buffer zones to protect sensitive areas from spray drift. Graphic modified from Conservation Buffers: design guidelines – see page 3–11 for full citation. What you can do • Obtain and follow the best advice available, an example of which is provided below. But, please check with local authorities as well. • Yet again, the value of buffer zones emerges as a strategy to help prevent accidental drift of herbicides or pesticides into sensitive waterways. The following is summarised or quoted directly from the Noxious and environmental weed control handbook—a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations (NSW Department Primary Industries, 5th edition, 2009), and in particular pages 14-17 on “Reducing herbicide drift” (Cook, T.). Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer • Real time weather data—this is needed on an hourly basis, preferably recorded on your farm. How to minimise spray drift problems Before spraying • Always check for nearby sensitive areas such as houses, schools, and riparian areas. • Check for susceptible crops in the area, e.g. if using a broadleaf herbicide check for broadleaf crops such as grape vines, cotton, pulse or vegetable crops. • Notify neighbours of planned herbicide treatments. • Under the Pesticides Regulation 2009 of the Pesticides Act 1999 it is essential that weather and relevant spray details are recorded. 3–5 3. Reducing waterway pollution Reducing spray drift 3. Reducing waterway pollution During spraying • Continuously monitor meteorological conditions carefully and understand their effect on ‘drift hazard’. • Don’t spray if conditions are not suitable, and stop spraying if conditions change and become unsuitable. • Record weather conditions (especially temperature and relative humidity), wind speed and direction, herbicide and water rates, and operating details for each paddock. • Supervise all spraying, even when a contractor is employed. Provide a map marking the areas to be sprayed, buffers to be observed, sensitive crops and areas. Minimising fertiliser and chemical-rich run-off into waterways Since the massive algal bloom on the Darling River in 1991 (see below) we’ve learned a lot about what causes such blooms and how to combat the problem. While Blue-green algae are found naturally in our rivers, it is only under certain circumstances that they can explode in numbers to dominate. Depending on the type of algae involved, and their toxicity, the threat to humans, livestock and wildlife varies. But, it is safe to say that when algal bloom blanket a waterway it’s best to not allow exposure to these waters by people or stock. • Spray when temperatures are less than 28°C. • Minimise spray release height (lowest possible boom height). • Use the largest droplets which will give adequate spray coverage. • Always use the least-volatile formulation of herbicide available. • Maintain a down-wind buffer which may be in-crop e.g. keep a boom width from the downwind edge of the field. • If sensitive crops, pastures or environmental situations are in the area, use a herbicide which is the least damaging. Algal bloom on the Darling River in 1991. Photograph: Daily Telegraph. Close-up view of an algal bloom. Photograph: Sarah Moles Algal blooms have become more common over recent years, especially during drought times when river flows are greatly reduced. Combine this factor with hot, windless days and lots of nutrientrich run-off, and you have all the ingredients for an algal bloom. 3–6 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Fundamentally, it’s about using the right fertiliser, at the right time and in the right concentrations or forms. These will all be determined by local situations, the crop or pasture, the soil, existing soil-water profile, proximity to watercourses and groundwater, etc. Most farming industries these days have recommended codes of practice, BMP manuals or ISO-accredited programs to help guide the use of fertilisers and other chemicals, pesticides and insecticides. In many states now there are also programs like Fertilise Wise in Western Australia which is an education, training and fertiliser endorsement program (see Further reading for a link to this site). For some industries, in some states, nutrient and irrigation plans are required or strongly encouraged. Apart from managing the application of fertilisers, chemicals, etc, there are also strategies now employed to reduce run-off and spray drift (see previous item) into sensitive environments. Buffer zones (see Part 3) are a front line strategy— whether they be grassed strips, more heavilywooded or a combination of both. In some circumstances run-off is now directed through on-farm natural or constructed wetlands to ‘polish’ the water (see Part 4) before it enters streams and rivers. The take home message is that unless smart strategies are in place you’re potentially (a) spending more than you should on fertilisers, chemicals, etc, (b) probably not getting best bang for your buck, and (c) contaminating the river and helping to cause algal blooms or worse. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 3. Reducing waterway pollution A primary source of these nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) are fertilisers and due to this, considerable attention is now given to the science of fertiliser use. Organisations such as CSIRO have developed tools for farmers to help get the best effect from fertiliser application while also minimising the risks of contaminating nearby waterways. CSIRO’s Farm Nutrient Loss Index (FNLI) is one of the decision support tools available to help farmers to assess the risk of nutrient loss from the paddock. Factors it considers are surface run-off, drainage past the root zone and lateral flows through sub-surface soil layers. Algal bloom. Photograph: Central West CMA What you can do • Review your farm-wide use of fertilisers, chemicals, pesticides and insecticides to ensure you’re getting best value for money and also have the appropriate strategies in place and working effectively to minimise your river ‘footprint’. • Consider equipping yourself with a water quality test kit so you can see what nutrients are in your farm run-off and making their way into the nearby creeks and river. This will also be very instructive in terms of gauging the effectiveness of your fertilisers application practices. • Examine the following advice, drawn from the Wetlands on Farms (2009) recommendations, to see if you’re taking these steps. Recommendations for good management Manage nutrient levels • Use fertilisers efficiently by monitoring soil nutrient levels and crops carefully to find out their specific nutrient requirements. Reduce chemical use • Apply integrated pest management strategies to reduce chemical use. Use alternative control measures rather than chemicals wherever possible, such as competitive crops and pastures or strategic grazing. • Minimise the use of surfactants in herbicides when near waterways. They are highly toxic to many aquatic organisms, such as birds, frogs and fish. 3–7 3. Reducing waterway pollution • Choose the application method that minimises the amount of chemical required and its dispersal, guided by the label recommendations for both quantities and application method. For example, use wiping or injecting rather than spraying. Use chemical effectively and efficiently • Only use the registered rate to achieve the desired result and ensure spraying application equipment is properly calibrated. Comply with the directions on the container. • Only use staff or contractors trained for safe chemical use. • Ensure that run-off from chemical treatment, dip pump-out sites and septics cannot enter waterways or wetlands via well grassed, concrete or deep soil bunded areas. Maintain buffer zones • Maintain vegetated buffer zones around the wetland/s and waterways. Dealing with salinity The problems of salinity are well known to the farming community and don’t require a lecture on the subject here. While salinisation impacts on farm production it also has major impacts on river health if saline waters infiltrate. Where the groundwater rises and is in direct or occasional contact with the river bed, salinisation can occur and this is a problem that needs regionwide approaches to see it fixed. At the farm scale there are a range of measures recommended to manage salinisation problems, among them, increasing the areas of perennials or strategically located plantings, to reduce watertable recharge. The retention of native vegetation and maximising water use efficiency when cropping are other strategies recommended. As noted in Part 4, about on-farm wetlands, if you have a perched or rising water table there is the risk of saline waters discharging into the wetland. In extreme cases these wetlands end up being salt evaporation basins. Restrict treated livestock accessing the wetland • Restrict access to wetlands for livestock that have received chemical treatment, whether internal and external treatments, for at least the recommended withholding period (Wetlands on Farms, 2009). Extreme case of creek bed salinisation. Note the dead trees – symptomatic of the long term rising and highly saline water table. Photograph: Bill Phillips. What you can do From the perspective of Riversmart farming the following are important: • Make sure you know and monitor water table depths and salinity if you farm in areas with problems of salinisation and a rising water table. This will allow you to have the necessary measures in place to manage the problem and reduce its impact over time. • If you have a situation like that shown in the photo, seek expert help! It’s vital highly saline waters are prevented from flowing into rivers—a slug of such water can have devastating effects on river health, fish and other aquatic life. 3–8 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer What you can do In terms of water quality these are major concerns and threaten all aquatic species for some considerable distance downstream. • Manage fuel loads through the use of tools such as, controlled burning, short term or crash grazing and keep weeds species under control (see Part 6). After a severe bushfire the first rains, if they are heavy, can wash large volumes of ash and sediment into a watercourse. Because there are less trees and undergrowth, run-off can be very high and soil erosion becomes a significant problem. As regrowth occurs along the watercourse this will help stabilise the soil but it also requires more water and so in the short-medium term the creek or river may receive reduced run-off. • Fundamentally manage your farm to reduce the risk of wild fires, and be prepared in advance to protect key assets, including (where possible) buffer zones along watercourses, around wetlands, etc. • Work with your neighbours and local authorities to combat fires and reduce risks at a regional scale. Depending on how hot the fire is, the impacts may be minor through to catastrophic for wetlands, especially those wetlands dominated by Red gums. Fire may result in significant tree deaths for example. Fire is used as a management tool in many parts of the country, as a way to either reduce bushfire risk, for weed control, or both. Carefully managed and appropriately timed fires can be very effective tools. In general, fire has no long term impacts on plants like sedges, grasses and reeds. It can be quite beneficial if an area is burnt infrequently with a wet soil profile. Wetland canopy trees can be killed by burning too frequently (Recommendations for managing wetlands on farms in inland NSW, 2009). Severly burnt watercourses can take years to recover fully. Photograph: NSW DPI. Fire impact on water quality following Victoria’s Black Saturday fires. Photograph: Fern Hames. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 3–9 3. Reducing waterway pollution Fire, rivers and wetlands 3. Reducing waterway pollution Black water events Black water events happen naturally and occur when storm or flood water carrying broken down leaf litter, flooded crops and other vegetation end up in a waterway where the tannins and lignin are released. The water turns a very dark brown or black colour, thus the name. Waste management from the homestead, workshop and farm sheds In the overall scheme of things it may seem insignificant but accumulated across many properties along a river system the wastes coming from your home, farm sheds, workshops, shearing sheds and shearers quarters etc can be quite significant. In days gone by it was a common sight to see farm wastes (hard, as opposed to liquid or wet) deposited in convenient depressions like creek beds (see photo). Imagine the downstream pollution this caused! Fortunately these days farmers tend to dig pits they can cover over once full. So long as these pits don’t intercept groundwater they are probably the best option if using Council tips is out of the question. Murray cod kill due to blackwater on the Edwards-Wakool system during the drought. Photograph: John Lollicato. Black water events can also result in major fish kills, especially the larger fish, due to very low levels of dissolved oxygen. Apart from fish kills this can also cause problems for species such as crayfish, yabbies and shrimps. And remember, scrap metal is worth money these days – why not cash in rather than dump your metal wastes. The good news is that black water events are, in the long term, good for our rivers as they boost carbon levels and this helps energise the food web, increasing the zooplankton and macroinvertebrate communities, which in turn provides more food for fish. Black water events are most common when there is a combination of rising air and water temperatures and large volumes of organic matter washed into the river. What you can do Very little can be done. These events are hard to predict and the expert view is that while the loss of the bigger fish that may occur is distressing and seems difficult to accept, the long term impact of black water events on river health is a positive one. Be aware that during such events—it’s not open slather in terms of removing fish. Best to check, but in most States the normal fishing rules and regulations apply irrespective. 3–10 Dumping waste like this is not very riversmart. Photograph: Central West CMA. Likewise, most farms today have septic tank systems which are designed to minimise leakage into watercourses although there is always the risk of groundwater contamination. If you still have older style systems for handling toilet wastes and laundry-kitchen grey water etc it might be wise to review how they operate and if they may be a source of river contamination. Even well treated sewage effluents flowing into rivers is very dangerous from the bacteria perspective, and, grey water, loaded up with detergents, is high in nitrogen, phosphorus and salt (if you use powder detergents) and helps fuel algal blooms. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 3. Reducing waterway pollution On-farm there is also the issue of how old chemicals, pesticides etc are disposed of—see above for further consideration of this. What you can do • Review the way your property handles all forms of domestic and other hard and liquid wastes to ensure these are not directly or indirectly contaminating either your local waterway or groundwater. PLEASE SUPPORT THE WORK OF RIVERSMART Sources and further reading Agricultural Council of Australia and New Zealand. Standing Committee on Agriculture (1992) National Guidelines for Beef Cattle Feedlots. CSIRO Publications. Central West Catchment Management Authority (2008) Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands. A best management practice guide for the Central West. Department of Environment and Conservation NSW (2003) Use of Effluent by Irrigation. Sydney. Fertilise Wise index.html Indicators of Sustainability for Effluent Reuse in the Intensive Livestock Industries: Piggeries and Cattle Feedlots (a copy of the project report is available from Australian Pork Limited, PO Box 148, Deakin West ACT 2600 (Reference Number 1816). Industry and Investment NSW (now the Department of Primary Industries) (2009) Wetlands on Farms. NSW Agriculture (NSW Revised Edition 1997) The New South Wales Feedlot Manual, The InterDepartmental Committee on Intensive Animal Industries (Feedlot Section). Orange. NSW Department Primary Industries, 5th edition (2009) Noxious and environmental weed control handbook—a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations. Stock and waterways: A manager’s guide. Land and Water Australia, Staton, J. and O’Sullivan, J. 2006. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Riversmart Australia is a not-for-profit organisation with the vision of “Managing rivers for people, wildlife and sustainability”. What that means is we fund-raise, from a range of sources, to make things like this Guide happen. We started along the Macquarie River in 2008 with the goal of getting people to ‘turn and face the river’ – that is, get out and enjoy it, but also be prepared to help look after it – to be a caretaker of sorts. Now we have our finger in many pies from schools education, to landcare type restoration works in collaboration with those who have the privilege of living on the river or get out and enjoy it, scientific surveys so we know where the problems are and all sorts of community events. How can you help? Simple really…we need financial support to keep doing what we do, so please consider a donation to our (tax deductible) Blue Bucket Fund. In case you missed it, blue buckets are our trademark. Why? We chose them because every household, school, business and farm in this country has buckets. And what do they use them for – moving water around… We hope that every time you use a bucket (blue or otherwise) you’ll think about how much water you really need, and if it’s not clean, what’s the best way to dispose of it so it doesn’t end up in a nearby river. If you’d like to know more about our work visit www. or send an email to bill.phillips@ We hope you’ll get behind this initiative. 3–11 4. Wetlands working for you Wetlands can take many forms and from a Riversmart farming view point all have benefits that far outweigh any perceived costs. So, the first question is: Do you have any wetlands, past or present, on your farm? What to look for? Low lying areas where water will lie longer than elsewhere and where the plant species that grow after regular wetting of the area are the typical reeds, rushes and grasses associated with wetlands, rivers and streams. So effective are wetlands at cleansing water that some farmers are using the same natural ‘technology’ and creating constructed wetlands. Of course, some farm dams are classified as wetlands—although barren turkey nest types that are simply used for stock watering are not! Reinstated farm wetland near Narromine. Photograph: Bill Phillips. What’s so good about wetlands? This does depend on the type you have but in general terms wetlands do the following: • Help slow down, absorb and store floodwaters • Reduce downstream water pollution by capturing water-borne soil and other pollutants such as nutrients that cause algal blooms • As low lying areas they tend to be the last areas to dry out during dryer times especially if they’re surrounded by large trees and well shaded Rehabilitating a wetland. Photograph: Chris McCulloch, Central West CMA. • They provide nice cool places for the family and friends to relax on a hot afternoon • Depending on how large the wetland you could stock them with native fish and enjoy that pastime • They can provide for opportunities for carefully managed grazing and cropping (see below) • Help keep or bring a bit of nature back to your property so that you get the benefits of species that eat insects, pollinate plants etc. On-farm wetland with healthy, grassed buffer zones and stock exclusion fencing. Photograph: L Hughes, Water’s Edge Consulting Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 4–1 4. Wetlands working for you Managing your stock Wetlands can provide shelter, shade and water for stock but unless their access to the wetland is regulated, cattle and sheep will quickly trash it! They’ll do this by pugging and compacting the soil, defecating and urinating in the water, bringing weeds species into the area, over-grazing grasses and other native species leaving the soil bare and prone to erosion and weed invasion (See Part 1 for further information’). While these are negative impacts, grazing can also be used as a management tool for wetlands (and river banks too if strictly controlled) to help with controlling weeds, promoting native plant growth and reducing fire risk. Damage caused by unrestricted stock access. Photograph: Bill Phillips Keeping stock out of watercourses like this is highly recommended to help improve downstream water quality. Photograph: Bill Phillips 4–2 What you can do • Fence stock out and provide drinking points away from the wetland or alternatively restrict shoreline access to a small area where you can place rubble to reduce pugging and resultant soil erosion. Don’t encourage your stock to hang about the watering point at the wetland— make it a sunny, hot spot! • If grazing these areas to reduce weeds and fire risk, ensure not to overgraze as this will invite weeds back and accelerate erosion. Fencing stock away from watercourses is a key management step to improving river health. Photograph: Tim Gardiner, Central West CMA. Watering stock away from rivers is very riversmart. Photograph: NSW DPI. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Lever 1. Timing of grazing • Grazing when native wetland plant species are dormant reduces the impact on their growth (wet versus dry times). Lever 2. Duration of grazing • Rest periods between grazing rotations allows for the recovery of vegetation. Lever 3. Intensity of grazing Stocking rates • Be conservative until you know what impacts the grazing has on overall wetland condition and resilience. • Adjust stocking rates as necessary with changing weather patterns, the seasons, etc. • Rotate stock wisely—different breeds, ages etc may graze differently so be alert to this possibility. The above kindly provided by Dr Rhonda Butcher, Water’s Edge Consulting. See the end of this part for the full citation. • Appropriate stocking rates can minimise the potential for creating compacted or pugged areas, weed invasion, increased nutrients and erosion In general terms the following give some guidance on grazing patterns. These will not suit every situation but are given to assist with devising a suitable grazing regime for your site. For ecological gains the following general rules can be applied. Timing of grazing Grazing should be avoided: • Straight after water arrives in your wetland (after a flood or heavy rainfall). Overgrazing at right has exposed this area to erosion by water and wind. Photograph: Tim Gardiner, Central West CMA. • After fire when there is little to no vegetation cover. • When native plants are flowering, setting seed and establishing. • When the wetland is drying out, and the soils are still wet—this will reduce pugging. Duration of grazing • Continuous grazing should be avoided wherever possible. • Intermittent grazing, interspersed with rest periods, is preferred. Within seasonal or annual periods, the longer the rest period the better. Bare areas are also prime candidates for wind erosion. Photograph: Tim Gardiner, Central West CMA. • Intensive grazing over short periods (mob or crash grazing) interspersed by lengthy rest periods is commonly advocated. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 4–3 4. Wetlands working for you If grazing the wetland for fodder there are three main considerations (management levers) as follows: 4. Wetlands working for you Cautious lake bed cropping The cropping of floodplains and wetlands as floodwaters recede, lake bed cropping as some call it, is one opportunity some farmers take up. Unless this practice is undertaken with care it can have long term negative impacts on these areas. It can disturb soil and cause compaction due to the equipment used. It can also interfere with the natural seed bank and invertebrate eggs found in the soil that are so vital to wetland ecosystems when they receive water. Weed invasion is another possible consequence and the application of fertilisers, herbicides and pesticides can also impact on wetland functions and result in pollutant-laden run-off into creeks and rivers. Minimise the chances of erosion • Choose crop and pasture rotations to maximize groundcover. • Use no-till practices. Retaining stubble can help maintain ground cover and provide organic matter for the soil. • Use soil conservation earthworks where appropriate, including graded banks and gullyfill. Before considering lake bed cropping it is strongly recommended that you consult with your local agronomist, primary industries and catchment management authorities. In some areas approvals are required for this practice. What you can do The Wetlands on Farms booklet (NSW DPI 2009) provides the following well considered advice. Minimise the use of chemicals • Use integrated pest and weed management strategies to reduce reliance on chemical control methods. Lake bed cropping needs to be done with great caution with various control measures adopted. Photograph: David Scadding. It is also recommended you consult the ‘Guidelines for managing cropping on lakes in the MurrayDarling Basin’ prepared by Sue Briggs and Kim Jenkins in 1997. Maintain buffers • Maintain adequate buffer zones around your crop and other vegetation. Buffers up to 100 metres wide are needed to protect the wetland, for example, in the Western Division. Allow for wildlife refuges • Leave a section (up to 15 per cent) in the middle of your lakebed uncropped as a wildlife refuge and as a reference point to compare soil conditions. Do a trial run • Undertake a trial in a small area of your lakebed to test the feasibility of cropping and cultivation practices before carrying out on a broader scale. • Develop a sustainable cropping plan. 4–4 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer Wetlands are so good at filtering water they can be used to ‘treat’ effluents before they reach rivers. ‘Chain of ponds’ type system (see photo below) are now used quite commonly on farms to trickle filter effluent, just as some sewage treatment plants do. Constructed chain of ponds wetlands system used to ‘polish’ run-off from a farm near Canberra. Photograph: Bill Phillips Such use of wetlands shouldn’t be undertaken without expert help as it’s not as simple as connecting a series of dams along a creek lines and planting reeds! Things like rates of flow through, soil types, depth of the groundwater table, types of plants etc can all impact on the effectiveness of your reinstated or constructed wetlands. What you can do • If you have a situation whereby your farming operations generate some form of stock or irrigation effluent (see Part 3 also) which requires cleansing before discharge into a river system, consider using constructed or reinstated wetlands as part of the fix. In doing this you may also gain lots of other benefits for your farm and its bottom line. Some of the risks It needs to be said that while wetlands on farms have many advantages and benefits there are some potential risks. For example, wetlands that sit stagnant and without the right mix of fish, frogs etc species may encourage mosquitos to breed. Getting the management of your wetland right will reduce this risk, so if in doubt, make sure to seek expert advice. Wetlands are also prime breeding habitat for carp and so if they get into the system you could see the wetland dominated by them and this is not good for the long term health of the wetland. In Part 5, carp are considered in more detail. Depending on the soil and underlying rock formations, wetlands can sometimes be in direct contact with groundwater, with water flowing back and forward between them. Before considering installing a humanmade wetland or reinstating a former wetland it’s wise to check the level of surrounding groundwater. This is mainly because if the groundwater is highly saline and flows up into your wetland this will turn it into an evaporation basin and not much more. Most wetlands of the inland have evolved, and are adapted to Australia’s changeable weather patterns meaning they thrive on being wet at times but not constantly. Wetting and drying cycles keep most types of wetlands healthy. However, if your farm has a wetland that has been permanently inundated for a long period, there is a risk that by re-introducing a drying phase you could expose acid sulfate soils (see photo below). If this is your situation seek advice before you do the right thing by the wetland and give it a dry phase. But, please don’t be put off by this list of potential risks. The benefits far outweigh them and your farm will be better for having a wetland or two around. Acid sulfate soils. Photograph: Murray Darling Wetlands Working Group. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 4–5 4. Wetlands working for you Using wetlands to clean potentially damaging run-off or effluents 4. Wetlands working for you Sources and further reading Butcher, R. J. 2006. Sustainable grazing on wetlands – healthy and grazing, how to have both. On-farm breakfast series: Farming and Healthy Wetlands. Published by Wimmera Catchment Management Authority. Briggs, S. and Jenkins, K. 1997. Guidelines for managing cropping on lakes in the Murray-Darling Basin. Central West Catchment Management Authority. October 2008. Wetlands Fact Sheet. Industry and Investment NSW (now the Department of Primary Industries) (2009) Wetlands on Farms. Land and Water Australia (2006) Managing instream wetlands on wool-producing farms. Land, Water & Wool Fact Sheet. NSW Department of Primary Industries (2009) Guidelines for grazing in the Gwydir wetlands and Macquarie Marshes. Upper Murrumibidgee Catchment Coordinating Group. Date unknown. Unearthing wetlands of the upper Murrumbidgee. Topic 1: Fact Sheet for Rural Landscapes. Stock and waterways: A manager’s guide. Land and Water Australia, Staton, J. and O’Sullivan, J. 2006. 4–6 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 5. Keeping feral pests under control Sadly, Australia has seen many species introduced, either by accident or for a specific purpose, and several of these are now classified as pests. While most farmers have witnessed first hand the damage these species can do, in this part of the guide we explain why trying to keep these alien invaders in check is a good idea for our waterways. As was noted in Part 1 on Healthy riverbanks and creek lines, anything we can do to reduce soil erosion and help keep native vegetation along creek and rivers will be good for their overall condition. Reducing the damage caused by feral pigs, rabbits or goats Feral pigs in particular are partial to wet areas along rivers, creeks and in and around wetlands. They wallow and dig up the soil making these prime areas for soil erosion and invasion by weeds species (see photos below and right). Feral pigs can also carry diseases and destroy the nests of ground-breeding or dwelling bird life. Feral pig damage. Photograph: Michael Dickinson. Rabbit warrens on slopes like this can also accelerate erosion. Photograph: NSW DPI. Feral pig damage. Photograph: Michael Dickinson. Feral goats compete with sheep for pasture and can also cause land degradation through soil damage, overgrazing pasture plants and browsing established trees and shrubs preventing their regeneration. There is also a risk that feral goats could be involved in outbreaks of exotic diseases, such as foot and mouth disease, should such diseases be introduced into Australia (Bureau of Rural Science, 1995 Managing Vertebrate Pests: Feral Goats). Rabbit grazing can denude riparian slopes, stop regrowth of ground plants and if their warrens are in areas of high run-off the excavated soil can accelerate sedimentation of nearby rivers and streams (see photograph above). Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer What you can do • Feral animal control is a routine part of farm management and so little more needs to be said here. Where infestations are so severe that soil erosion and weed invasion are considered serious then professional advice should be sought on control methods and programs. • Many organisations, such as Catchment Management Authorities, offer farmers incentives to help restore degraded areas so consider approaching them to gain some advice and possible financial assistance. • Sometimes feral pest control gets better results if several adjoining landholders join forces so perhaps consider a broader scale of approach depending on your situation. Consult the relevant authorities for advice, such as in NSW, the Livestock Health and Pest Authority. 5–1 5. Keeping feral pests under control Doing something about bloody carp! Carp were first brought into Australia in the 1850s and then became widespread after their release from a fish farm into the Murray River near Mildura in 1964. The spread of carp throughout the Murray-Darling Basin coincided with widespread flooding in the early 1970s, but carp were also introduced to new localities, possibly through their use as bait. Carp are now the most abundant large freshwater fish in the Murray-Darling Basin and are the dominant species in many fish communities in south-eastern Australia. A recent NSW Rivers Survey found that carp represent more than 90 per cent of fish biomass in some rivers and have reached densities of up to one fish per square metre of water surface. Carp like to breed in warm, shallow, reedy areas and in spring seething masses like this are sometimes seen trying to get into wetlands – a preferred breeding habitat. Photograph: Jonathan McPhail. Carp consume a range of small food items such as molluscs, crustaceans, insect larvae, seeds and sometimes plants. These are sucked up (along with mud, aquatic plants and water) from the bottom and along banks. This feeding behaviour means they make water muddy (turbid is the technical term) and this in turn impacts on the growth of aquatic plants and the whole food chain. Carp rarely eat fish, but may consume fish eggs and larvae and they disturb the breeding sites of native fish. Adult carp have no natural predators. Large predatory native fish, such as Murray cod and Golden perch do eat juvenile carp, although it seems they are not a preferred food item. Carp breed from two to four years of age onwards and spawning usually occurs in late spring or early summer. Development is very rapid with eggs usually hatching within two to six days. A female carp may spawn several times in one season, producing up to 1.5 million eggs per year, depending on the size of the fish. Even though fertilisation is close to 100 per cent successful, there is, thankfully, a very high death rate of eggs and larvae. Top: Matt Hansen (Inland Waterways Rejuvenation Association) with an adult carp on the Macquarie River. Bottom: Lake Cargelligo during the drought—a carpet of dead carp! Photograph: unknown. 5–2 Female carp go in search of warm, shallow, reedy areas to breed in the spring. The males also gather here and you sometimes see huge writhing masses of carp in these locations (see photo above). The eggs are laid onto the reeds. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer • In the river—If you see large gatherings of carp during the spring, when the females go looking for breeding locations, report this to your local fisheries agency or the Catchment Management Authority. They may consider using some of the latest technology, electro-fishing or nets to reduce the population if it’s considered a ‘hot spot’. • On your place—If you have a wetland or farm dam on your property carp will probably seek this out as they like warm, shallow, reedy areas for breeding. Things you can do include: – You can try to limit their opportunities to get into the wetland or dam using carp exclusion mesh (see photo at right) on culverts, channels or flow control structures they’ll move through. You should seek expert advice on how to go about this. Such mesh excluders will only keep the adults out so they aren’t an absolute fix to the problem. – Another option is to net them at times when they congregate (like spring for breeding) or by training them to come to a specified area or trap. You can do this by regular feeding using chicken pellets for example. Be careful here also as large carp are very heavy and a lot of them thrashing around in a net will need lots of humans or a tractor to extract them from the water. – Note that none of the above, other than draining and drying out the wetland or dam, will totally remove carp. If you try to reduce their numbers with the other strategies it’s a good idea to re-stock the waterbody with species like Murray cod or Golden perch that are known to eat young carp, when they grow up a bit, of course. New regulator at Yatco Lagoon with carp exclusion grates and handles so they can to turned to help clean away debris that accumulates. Photograph: Bill Phillips. Carp trap being installed on the inlet of a floodplain wetland, Banrock Station, SA. Photograph: Bill Phillips. – Some landholders, usually with large wetlands, invest in carp traps (see above). Here also expert advice is needed. Carp traps get more effective all the time but be aware that if you go down this pathway you’ll then have to manage and maintain the trap and dispose of the dead fish once they are despatched humanely. – It goes without saying—but we will anyway —under no circumstances use carp, or other introduced fish species as live bait when fishing. This is illegal for good reason. – And, don’t let the kids ‘release’ their pet gold fish into your dam or wetland. These can also become established there and may even be another strain of carp (koi for example) that will cause more serious problems. – Other alternatives are to drain the wetland or dam, if you have a way to do so, and can spare the water! If you do this, it would be wise to look at ways to stop them re-infesting the site, like exclusion mesh (see above right). Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 5–3 5. Keeping feral pests under control What you can do 5. Keeping feral pests under control What we know about Redfin and Gambusia Redfin were introduced into Australia from Europe around 1862. They are an aggressive species that have had a detrimental impact on native fish, especially the less common small-bodied species. You’ll find Gambusia in still and slow moving waters such as wetlands, pools lakes, farm dams and billabongs near the surface of the water and around the waters edge. They can tolerate poor water quality, and are often seen in small puddles and refuge holes after most other species have gone. Gambusia can have the following impacts on waterways, wetlands and farm dams: • They can attack and eat juvenile native fish, waterbugs, frog eggs and tadpoles. • They can nip at larger native fish causing fungal infections. Redfin—a voracious predator of native fish. Photograph: Matt Hansen. Redfin are voracious predators and consume a wide variety of fish and invertebrates, including small native fish species and the eggs and fry of larger fish such as Silver perch, Golden perch and Murray cod. They also carry a disease called Epizootic Haematopoietic Necrosis (EHN) which can be a serious threat to native fish. Apart from trying to reduce their numbers by draining a wetland or dam (as with carp) there seems little else we can do about Redfin. While they damage the habitat less than carp with these in a confined space like a dam or wetland there’s probably no point stocking it with native fish as the Redfin will gobble them up! Eastern Gambusia or Mosquito fish. Photograph: Gunther Schmida. In the case of Gambusia, the Department of Primary Industries’ Aquatic Conservation Action Unit, in collaboration with the Central West CMA has produced an information sheet entitled What is Eastern gambusia?. The following information has been drawn from that publication. Gambusia were introduced into Australia in 1925 to help control mosquitoes. They are now widely dispersed throughout Australia, in all States and Territories. They are prolific breeders and ten adult female fish can produce 5 million offspring in six months. 5–4 • They compete with native fish for food. • They’ve been implicated in the decline of at least nine native fish species and more than ten frog species. It is illegal to sell Gambusia as a feeder fish outside Metropolitan Sydney. What you can do • The drastic step of draining and drying out your wetland or farm dam – and literally starting again is about the most effective option available for trying to combat these two pests. Even so, keeping Gambusia out afterwards will be a challenge as they seem to be able to get themselves transported to almost anywhere there is water. Unlike carp, where we know when and where they will congregate (see previous section), Redfin and Gambusia don’t offer such opportunities for control. Likewise, traps and exclusion grates are pointless with Gambusia. • Even so, the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment has released a leaflet about how to control Gambusia. It suggests that for waterbodies that are connected to others only limited success is likely. However, where the waterbody is isolated from others repeated removal of Gambusia can reduce their impact and even result in full removal from that site. A key factor is the timing of removal activities in the pre-spawning, winter-early spring when water temperatures are less than 16 degrees C and photoperiod (daylight hours) less than 12 hours. They note that a one-off removal will only last a few weeks and that repeated removals are needed, preferably monthly or less. • Don’t transport or release Gambusia into any waterways, dams, etc. And don’t use Redfin as live bait for larger native species in our rivers. This is illegal for obvious reasons. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 5. Keeping feral pests under control Sources and further reading Aliens in the Basin. An introduction to alien fish in the Murray-Darling Basin. Bureau of Rural Science (1995) Managing Vertebrate Pests: Feral Goats. NSW Department of Primary Industries (2009) Carp in Farm dams. Primefacts. NSW Industry and Investment and Central West Catchment Management Authority. What is Eastern Gambusia? au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0009/384174/What-iseastern-gambusia.pdf. Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment (2011) Guidelines form physical removal of Eastern Gambusia. http://www.dse. Gambusia-removal-guidelines-2011.pdf. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 5–5 6. Weed worries There are a number of weeds that thrive along rivers, on floodplains and in wetlands, creeks and dams. A number of these have adaptations that allow their seeds or plant fragments to be spread via floodwaters, as well as by vehicles, machinery and animals. The riparian areas also harbour many paddock weed species and are often a dumping ground for discarded garden plants that become well established and spread down the system. For NSW farmers we strongly recommend you get a copy of the publication Noxious and environmental weed control handbook—a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations, produced by the Department Primary Industries, as it provides important information you need to take into account before launching into weed control. Willows – from a river health perspective they are bad! While there is some conjecture over the pros and cons of using species like willows to stabilise and recover eroded or degraded areas, from a river ecology perspective the jury has delivered a clear verdict—willows are bad! However, it is true to say that some of the 100 or so willow species found in Australia are worse, in ecological terms, than others. At one end of the ‘invasiveness’ spectrum are Weeping Willows and at the other end are the so-called nasty species like Black, Tortured, Basket, Golden Upright and Crack Willows. In this section we’ve chosen to focus on only a few of the greatest threats to rivers, floodplains and wetlands, but there are others you should take into account—and some of these summarised at the end of this part. Willows grow out into waterways collecting sediment and debris and blocking access. Photographs: Central West CMA. The Federal Government has declared all willow species as Weeds of National Significance except for Weeping, Pussy and Sterile pussy willows. The Molonglo River near Canberra—slowly being choked by invading willows and other woody weeds. Photograph: Bill Phillips. Willows choke up waterways collecting sediment and debris and affect the path of flood waters. Photograph: Central West CMA. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 6–1 6. Weed worries From a river ecology perspective some of the problems willows pose are as follows: • “The ability of some willows to colonise and obstruct waterways, diverting flows into banks or outside the main watercourse causing erosion and sedimentation. • Their ability to spread aggressively and displace native vegetation leading to a monoculture of willows in many places. This results in ecological changes and reduced habitat diversity (their bark and structure isn’t as varied as native species like Eucalypts), thereby reducing critical components of the food web such as insects and other wildlife. • Their leaves are dropped into the water all at once, which can starve the water of oxygen and kill many species of insects and fish. In contrast, native vegetation sheds vegetative matter continually across all seasons providing an ongoing food source. What you can do • Willow and other woody weed control is a high priority for many government funding programs, especially for Weeds of National Significance (like willows). So, you could seek advice on how to access this type of support, if you wish. • Where large infestations of willows (and other woody weeds) are being controlled, clear felling is not the recommended approach as this may expose areas to serious soil erosion. Consult your local CMA or relevant government agency for advice on taking a staged approach. There are also other means to controlling certain woody weeds like stem injection. • With a staged removal of willows, this should go hand-in-hand with staged reintroduction of native species to ensure the river banks are stabilised throughout the process. • Their ability to reduce open water by successfully trapping sediment which reduces water depth and enables willows to colonise new areas. • Willows can shade out understorey plants such as shrubs, grasses and sedges, reducing diversity and habitat. • Willows reduce water flow, sometimes causing stagnation and toxic algal blooms.” (Greening Australia’s Willow Management Plan for Lake Burley Griffin, 2006) Recent research has measured the volumes of water in-stream willows consume. It concluded that removing in-stream willows may potentially save 5.5 megalitres per year per hectare of willow crown projected canopy area as well as promote improved stream flow and water quality. This means that one hectare of in-stream willows with permanent access to stream water consumes an average of 20 megalitres of water per year. You do the sums and work out how much more water your willows are using than environmentallypreferable native species. Most willows, by their very nature invade watercourses, and spread rapidly. Another impact of this is the lost opportunities for gaining access to the river for recreational activities, such as fishing, swimming, canoeing, etc. 6–2 Willow removal program on the Molong Creek by the Central West CMA. Photograph: Central West CMA. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer The following information is drawn from the publication Lippia (Phyla canescens) management: Challenges, opportunities and strategies (National Lippia Working Group 2008). Lippia (Phyla canescens) was introduced into Australia in the 1920s as a ground cover. The plant is tenacious and has many survival adaptations and can now be found in all states and territories of Australia. It particularly colonises riparian and wetland areas, and any watercourse that stays damp long enough for it to establish. Once lippia has become established it is virtually impossible to eradicate, however recent studies have indicated that it can be controlled by using grasses as a competitor. From the ecological perspective some of the problems lippia poses are as follows: • Lippia successfully out-competes desirable native riparian and wetland species. • Lippia will establish in areas which have been heavily disturbed and this includes areas where cattle graze along river edges and in wetlands. • The plants adaptations include its ability to grow from fragments broken off stems, and its capacity to seed prolifically. • A major environmental impact of lippia is that it causes massive slumping and erosion of creek and river banks. • As with many weeds, lippia forms a thick impenetrable carpet, which spreads over large areas, forming a monoculture and thereby reducing biodiversity. • Water flow, domestic and native animals, vehicles and machinery all contribute to the spread of lippia. • Climate change could assist the spread of lippia due to the potential for an increase in extreme rainfall and flood events. What you can do • If there is good groundcover present, conditions are generally unfavourable for the survival of lippia recruits, both from seed and fragments. Thirty per cent lippia cover is a major problem if the other 70 per cent is bare ground. But, 30 per cent lippia cover is not a big problem if the other 70 per cent is productive perennial pasture or a native assemblage including groundcover, shrubs and trees. Lippia forms a carpet across the ground. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 6–3 6. Weed worries Lippia crippling our floodplains and watercourses 6. Weed worries • Mechanical control Short-term control of lippia can be achieved where infestations are ploughed or harrowed. This method is not practical if lippia is growing in riparian zones (such as creek banks) due to the high risk of erosion and soil loss. Lippia is not usually a problem in cropping areas as it can be readily ploughed into the soil. However, machinery easily spreads lippia, so it is recommended that machinery working in lippia-infested areas is washed down before leaving the infested area. When lippia is actively growing and soil moisture levels are good, herbicide can be used in conjunction with mechanical control to give better results. • Herbicide control Lippia infestations. Photographs: Above: Bill Phillips. Below: GHD. As lippia is a broadleaf weed that occurs in pasture situations, some herbicides can be used to reduce lippia without harming competitive grasses. There are limited herbicides registered for use on lippia, but there is no herbicide currently available that will effectively suppress the growth of lippia in the long term. Due to its ability to rapidly recover and spread, multiple herbicide applications within a season have been shown to give better lippia suppression than single applications. However, chemical control can become very costly in areas that have heavy lippia infestations. Chemical control is not suitable in riparian areas due to the risk of polluting waterways. Also, herbicides should not be applied immediately after rain or if heavy rain is forecast. Before using any herbicide always read the directions on the label carefully and use strictly as directed. • Experience has shown that using just one form of control is less likely to work and that efforts made have to be for the long term – no quick fix here sadly. The following is taken from the fact sheet: Lippia, Condamine couch/curse (Queensland Department of Primary Industries, 2009). 6–4 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 6. Weed worries Alligator weed – it might only be a matter of time! While Alligator weed will grow on land it is also a major threat to waterways, and if left unchecked completely overgrows and chokes them (see photos). Of major concern is (a) the potential for Alligator weed to spread via fragments throughout our inland river systems and (b) that it is resistant to herbicides. From a farming perspective Alligator weed seriously threatens irrigation-based industries in particular. It can also dominate pasture areas and stock that eat it can suffer (malnutrition, if consumed in large amounts) and photosensitivityrelated problems. While it is most commonly a problem for coastal areas, more and more outbreaks are being reported further inland so farmers in particular need to be vigilant and immediately report any sightings. An outbreak of Alligator weed has recently been found near Mudgee in NSW. Alligator weed infestation can choke the life out of your waterway if it gets a hold. But, control is possible as shown in the before and after photographs above. Be vigilant and if you see this plant call your local weeds officer or department ASAP. Photographs: NSW Department of Primary Industries. What you can do Alligator weed. • Be aware of the ways Alligator weed can end up on your place (for example, via irrigation water, fragments in stock hooves, vehicles or machinery, contaminated feed, turf etc or floodwaters) and take the recommended steps to reduce these risks. Get your copy of ‘An early detection guide for farmers’. • Be vigilant and look for any signs of this nasty weed on your property or anywhere you see it, especially after flood events. • Don’t attempt to control or remove it yourself, contact your local weeds officer or organisation ASAP. They will then help activate the steps needed to proceed. Alligator weed infestation encroaching on the surface of a waterway. Photograph: NSW Department of Primary Industries. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 6–5 6. Weed worries Salvinia – pray it doesn’t come near you! A bit like Alligator weed, Salvinia is considered one of the nastier aquatic weeds—in fact some people consider it one of the World’s worst weeds! In contrast to Alligator weed, Salvinia is a freefloating fern which forms very thick mats that eventually cover the entire surface area choking the life out of system as light is cut-off and all the species under the mat either have to move away or perish. Salvinia is currently found mostly in coastal locations but inland sightings have been recorded, so be alert—you don’t want this on or near your farm. Apart from destroying ecosystems it also blocks irrigation pumps and channels and denies us opportunities to fish, swim and enjoy our rivers and wetlands. Of major concern is how hardy Salvinia is. It spreads itself via buds or rhizomes and these can survive and become established in a wide range of environments and water types. It’s been reported that Salvinia can survive on mud for up to 12 months and even regenerate after drought, extreme heat or frosts (Management and Rehabilitation of Riparian Lands BMP for the Central West). While there are a range of control options available it is recommended you seek expert help—Salvinia is a major, major concern and not to be dealt with by landholders on their own. 6–6 Top: Salvinia up close. Bottom: Salvinia infestation on the Magela floodplain in Kakadu National Park. Photographs: Max Finlayson. What you can do • Be aware of what Salvinia looks like, be vigilant and look for any signs of it in your wetlands or nearby streams and rivers. • Don’t attempt to control or remove it yourself— contact your local weeds officer or organisation as soon as possible. They will then help activate the steps needed to proceed. Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer 6. Weed worries Other weeds to worry about Sadly there’s a very long list of other weed species that are spreading and impacting on farming lands and the adjoining rivers, streams and wetlands—in fact too many to consider all of them here. Some of the more prominent ones are as follows: Noogoora Burr, Bathurst Burr, Castoral Oil Plant (see photo below), African Boxthorn, Blackberry, Green Cestrum and Coolatai Grass. Green Cestrum: Photograph: Ashley Bullock. ( Castor oil plant can growth higher than a car if not dealt with early. Photograph: Bill Phillips. African Boxthorn: Photograph: Ashley Bullock. ( Other weeds, which locally may be more serious are: alisma, arrowhead, blue water speedwell, celery buttercup, creeping buttercup, dense waterweed, elodea, hygrophila, ludwigia, parrots feather, reed sweetgrass, sagittaria, Senegal tea, spiny rush, torpedo grass, watercress, water hyacinth, water lettuce, water poppy and yellow waterlily (Recommendations for managing wetlands on farms in inland NSW, 2009). Noogoora Burr. Photograph: Lucas Hayes. ( Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer It should also be noted that there are situations where native species from other parts of the country have become established outside their normal range and are now becoming ‘weeds’ in every sense. In the central west of NSW for example white cedar is a case in point and you should speak to the Catchment Management Authority about removal of this species. It is in the process of being listed as a “feral native species” and will soon be able to be removed. 6–7 6. Weed worries Sources and further reading Central West CMA (2008) Management and rehabilitation of riparian lands: a best management practice guide for the Central West. Central West CMA (2009) Lippia Management in the Macquarie Marshes and Gwydir Wetlands. Greening Australia (2006) Lake Burley Griffin Willow Management Plan, Molonglo Catchment Group. National Lippia Working Group (2008) Lippia Management: Challenges, opportunities and strategies. Water Lettuce. Photograph: Don Mackenzie ( What you can do • The best thing to do is get your hands on one of the many guides for weeds species in your area, keep your eyes open and then report any suspected outbreak or occurrences of these species to relevant authorities. NSW Department Primary Industries, 5th edition (2009) Noxious and environmental weed control handbook—a guide to weed control in non-crop, aquatic and bushland situations. NSW Department of Primary Industries and others. Alligator weed. An early detection guide for farmers. Glove Box Guide to Plants of the Gwydir Wetlands and Macquarie Marshes. McCosker R.O. (1994) Lippia (Phyla nodiflora). An Invasive Plant of Floodplain Ecosystems in the Murray-Darling Basin. Queensland Department of Primary Industries (2009) Lippia, Condamine couch/curse. Fact sheet. Quantifying water savings from willow removal in Australian streams, Tanya Doody and Richard Benyon Summary here science/Removing-Willows-Saves-Water.html 6–8 Tips for how to be a Riversmart Farmer
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