How to Complete the 1099-MISC Form

How to Complete the 1099-MISC Form
Areas “A” through “G,” as shown on the form below, must be completed for each recipient.
You should always obtain the information required for the 1099-MISC before any payments are
made—especially the payee’s Social Security number or employer identification number.
A. Fill in the chapter name in this format: XXXXXX
Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans (e.g.,
ABC County Chapter of Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans). Provide the address of the president
of the chapter board, as that is the address on file
with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Note: Do not provide the president’s name; use
the name of the chapter and the president’s
B. Fill in the employer identification number (EIN)
for the chapter. If you do not know your chapter’s
EIN number, please call the Member Connection
Center at 800-847-4836 and say ‘fraternal’ to
reach someone able to provide you with the EIN.
C. Fill in the Social Security number or EIN of the
payee who received $600 or more from the
chapter for their services rendered, prizes, rents or
other income.
D. Provide the name of the recipient, which would
be the individual/business paid by the chapter.
E. Provide the recipient’s street address (include
apartment number if applicable).
F. Provide the city, state and ZIP code for the
G. Enter the total amount paid to the recipient for the year:
1. Box 1—rents
2. Box 3—prizes and other income
3. Box 7—nonemployee and other service income
What to Do With the Completed 1099-MISC
• Copy A —File with the IRS by Feb. 28 of the year immediately following when the payments were made.
• Copy B —Furnish to the recipient by Jan. 31 of the year immediately following when the payments were made.
• Copy C —File with the chapter’s financial records, storing for seven years.
opies 1 and 2 —These are not needed, so keep these with Copy C and the chapter records.
Submitting Copy A to the IRS
• Compile all 1099-MISC Copy A forms that your chapter has completed.
• Complete the Form 1096 (only one form is needed for all 1099-MISC your chapter is filing).
Note: Form 1096 may be available at your local post office, library or tax services provider’s office. Or
you may email to request a Form 1096. In your email, be sure to include the
complete name and street address of where you want the form mailed.
How to Complete the 1096 Form
Areas “A” through “I” must be completed on Form 1096 as instructed below. This form is then
sent with all 1099-MISC forms your chapter completed for the current tax year to the address
indicated below these instructions.
A. Print the chapter’s name and street address,
exactly as it appears on the Form 1099-MISC
that you completed.
B. Provide the name of the person who is the
primary contact regarding the 1099-MISC
forms (the person who has completed them).
Provide a telephone number for the person
listed in “B.”
D.Provide the email address for the person
listed in “B.”
Provide the fax number for the person
listed in “B.”
F. P
rovide the chapter’s employer iidentification
number (EIN).
I. Place an X in this box.
Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836)
27686 N2-13
G.Enter the number of 1099-MISC forms you
are sending with this Form 1096.
H. Enter the total recorded in area “E” of the
1099-MISC (line 7). If more than one 1099-MISC
is being submitted, add up the total of all forms.