5/1/2012 HOW TO PREPARE A POSTER PRESENTATION? Dr. Mohamad Abiad Goals of a Poster Presentation 2 A visual presentation of your research. Concise and focused Explains your research using schematics, graphs, and other visual strategies, with a minimum of supporting text Uses various strategies to attract viewers and stimulate conversation Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Key points of a poster layout 3 Background Organization Text Pictures Graphs/Tables Balance Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 1 5/1/2012 Backgrounds 4 Photographs as backgrounds lose resolution when blown up (pixelation) Dark backgrounds are easier on the eye but use more dye Colored backgrounds can often break the monotony of a sea of white posters, thus attracting a viewer Use background/foreground contrasts Avoid fill patterns Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Organization 5 Introduction/Summary Use a minimum of background information Should be composed mostly of your research questions/hypotheses Methods May shorten this section by using references for less critical techniques Flow diagrams work well here. Results Biggest section of the poster lots of graphs, figures, etc. Arrange in a logical order so conclusions naturally follow Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Organization 6 Discussion Usually more of a conclusion than a discussion May use bulleted lists Link the results to the hypotheses Acknowledgements References Collaborators and grant support Keep to a minimum Only cite critical references to your project Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 2 5/1/2012 Text 7 Should be able to read anything from 1-2m away Establish a hierarchy of importance using the font size: Title: 65-108 pts Subheadings: 36-54 pts Body text: 18-27 pts AVOID USING ALL CAPS Double-space all text, unless font size is large enough to read comfortably single-spaced Use shorter sentences than you might otherwise use Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Text 8 Use left justification (easier to read) Use sans serif fonts Be consistent in font type and size Use bold, italics, or underline to emphasize words Times New Roman Arial Don’t change fonts to emphasize a word Don’t use all three Check your spelling Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Pictures 9 JPEG, bitmap, or TIFF formats are easiest to use Stay within 150-300 dpi resolution Use light backgrounds with dark photos and vice versa Neutral/gray backgrounds enhance color photos while white backgrounds reduce their impact 10cmx13cm photos are a good minimum size Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 3 5/1/2012 Graphs/Charts 10 Make sure that the text on axes and legends adhere to the minimum font size Few lines on a graph - label directly Multiple lines on a graph - use a legend Try to make all graphs and figures the same size for consistency Make lines in the graphs thick enough to see from 1-2m away Use different colors for different groups, and maintain same color groups throughout poster Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Balance 11 Easiest layout involves boxes in 3-5 columns Is one side text- or graph-heavy? Use of contrasting or complementary colors Even margins and spaces between boxes? General rule of thumb: 20% text, 40% graphics, and 40% empty space Where does the eye go? Does the poster flow? Would this poster make you want to stop to read? Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Using PowerPoint 12 Before you start… What are the allowable poster dimensions for the symposium/conference? Decide on your poster dimensions For this course we will use either size: 36”x48” 42”x60” Type text into Word and create graphs in Excel Plan layout on paper before using PowerPoint Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 4 5/1/2012 Poster Template 13 Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Wrap-up 14 Review poster by looking at issues of balance Review layout tips given earlier in this seminar. Check for spelling and other errors Print slide to A4 paper (scaled to fit) for final proofing Before you print your poster remember that “What you see is what you get” May print several proofs to hand out at the symposium Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 Poster Sample 15 5 5/1/2012 Do’s and Don’ts 16 Refer to handout! Additional help and templates: http://www.ncsu.edu/project/posters/NewSite/Create PosterOverview.html http://people.eku.edu/ritchisong/posterpres.html http://www.posterpresentations.com/html/free_poster_ templates.html http://www.makesigns.com/SciPosters_Templates.aspx Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 17 Good Luck! Dr. Mohamad Abiad - NFSC 299 6
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