How to support your journal December 2007 Contact us Contents Overview In most instances, please contact your Publisher in the first instance. The name of your Publisher can be found either on the inside front cover of the journal or on the journal homepage. A full journal listing can be found at: 3 Being an Editorial Advisory Board member What is an Editorial Advisory Board (EAB)? 3 The role 3 Benefits 3 Emerald Group Publishing Limited Howard House, Wagon Lane Bingley BD16 1WA United Kingdom Editorial involvement and supporting the Editor Sourcing papers 4 Reviewing papers 4 Writing for the journal 5 Guest editing a Special Issue 5 Judging papers for the Emerald Awards for Excellence 5 Gaining market intelligence and feeding back to the Editor 6 Emerald Literati Network 6 Tel: +44 (0) 1274 777700 Fax: +44 (0) 1274 785200 Email: Promoting and networking At conferences 7 Using your networks 7 Presenting an Author Workshop 8 Encouraging testimonials 8 Promoting to your librarian 8 Citation and usage Citation 9 ISI Toolkit 9 Usage 9 Tips for increasing usage and citation 9 About Emerald History 11 Celebrating 40 years in publishing (1967-2007) 11 Corporate philosophy 11 Product information 11 Industry leadership 12 Industry standards 12 Industry knowledge and involvement 12 Quality and value 12 Corporate profile 13 Emerald: our publishing policy and philosophy 14 The Emerald family of journals 16 2 Overview The role This booklet is intended for Editorial Advisory Board members, Editorial Review Board members and others who are involved either editorially or otherwise with the journal. Its aim is to provide suggestions and advice for people to help support both their editor in their day-to-day journal duties and the journal itself. We hope you will find some practical ideas about different ways you can support your journal, including general promotion, sourcing papers, writing for the journal, using your networks and helping to develop the journal to increase both intrinsic and perceived quality. Emerald also provides some tangible tools and resources for our editorial contributors and we hope that by working together, we can ensure the long-lasting success of your journal. Specific tasks and responsibilities are likely to include some or all of the following: • Advising the Editor on matters of journal development e.g. editorial scope and focus of the journal, appointment of new EAB members, relevant conferences and promotional opportunities, market insights • Acting as a referee/reviewer of papers. Prompt and speedy return of reviews is particularly welcomed • Encouraging the submission of articles (written by self or contacts). This is particularly helpful for sourcing papers in other regions or ensuring that the full subject remit of the journal is covered We welcome feedback, particularly from our editors and Editorial Advisory Board members, so please take the opportunity to let us know how Emerald can further assist you in your editorial role. Contact details can be found at the back of this booklet. • Providing occasional guest editorials/viewpoints/ commentaries • Guest editing special or themed issues for the journal • Writing book reviews If you would like to be involved in any of these activities, then please contact your Editor or Publisher to see how you can help. • Representing and promoting the journal at conferences and to interested colleagues and contacts. Emerald will support any venture of this nature by supplying leaflets and sample copies, etc. for distribution at the conference Being an Editorial Advisory Board member What is an Editorial Advisory Board (EAB)? • Feeding back helpful criticism and information to the Editor to assist in the development and direction of the journal. An EAB adds academic integrity and standing to a journal, benefiting its reputation. It is composed of a group of subject matter experts who act as advisers to the Editor on matters of journal development, as well as reviewers of papers submitted to the journal. Most EAB members are: Benefits There are numerous benefits to sitting on an EAB. These include: • Career enhancement and personal profile raising • Established academics/researchers and practitioners of repute who are well known and often cited • Gaining experience in preparation for taking an editorship • Academics from leading institutions in the subject field or practitioners from high profile companies • Access to the latest research in your field prior to publication • Up-and-coming, active academics and practitioners. • Your name being listed within each issue of the journal, thus increasing your profile and enhancing reputation • Making a positive contribution to the body of knowledge In terms of geographical location, the EAB should reflect the journal focus and market, so that every international journal should have an international EAB. If a journal has a regional focus, the composition of the Board should reflect this. The most successful journals tend to have an EAB comprising members who make an active contribution. • Retention of any books reviewed for the journal • Conference organizers often give favourable consideration to an official application by an editorial team member for a complimentary press pass. 3 The Editor passes comments from the reviewers back to the author, particularly when rejection or revision is advised. In theory, neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other’s identity, thus ensuring impartiality. Acknowledging the time demands made on reviewers, it is particularly helpful if the reviewer can be as detailed and as helpful as possible in their review which will help contribute to a better quality of paper for publication. Obviously, constructive criticism and a well considered review will benefit the author and help to cement the journal’s reputation as providing a positive publishing experience. Editorial involvement and supporting the Editor Sourcing papers EAB members have been recruited to the journal, in part, due to their subject specialties and standing in the field. Why not turn this to the journal’s advantage and use this opportunity to source high quality papers? The papers should reflect leading international research and thinking in the field. Work with your Editor to ensure you are looking for the right type of content both in terms of subject matter, quality of research, geographical focus and format e.g. full research papers, case studies, literature reviews, book reviews, etc. Use your networks, ask your colleagues, make the most from the conferences you attend. There are a variety of ways you can support your journal, the benefits being more diverse and richer editorial content and also making your Editor’s life so much easier. It would help the journal enormously if reviewers can either adhere to the deadline given by the Editor or can offer some indication of when the Editor can expect to receive the review. Prompt reviewing is an extremely important part of this role: it helps the Editor meet the publisher’s deadlines thus ensuring publication on time; it benefits the author by reducing the time to citation and gives the author a positive publishing experience that, in turn, will increase the reputation of your journal; and also benefits the journal by publishing up-to-the-minute research and so increasing its prestige and standing. How Emerald can help Through our extensive networks, we can issue calls for papers, contact previous authors or authors who have written for related journals. We can supply you with leaflets, posters and hard copy calls for papers for circulation at your workplace or for dissemination through your networks. All submission details and other useful information about your journal can be found at the journal homepage on Emerald’s web site at Another way to support your editor is to recommend other reviewers who may have additional subject specialties or may be proactive and eager to sit on an EAB. How Emerald can help Reviewing papers Whilst most editors have successful and established systems of their own, Emerald can provide reviewer checklists and basic points for consideration when reviewing a paper. Most Editors will expect their EAB to be involved in the peerreview process. This is an independent quality control mechanism for articles submitted to journals. It is recognized that peer review in the majority of journals is essential and demonstrates that publishers, editors and their teams have done all that is possible to ensure that a paper has real value, accuracy, academic integrity and is presented in such a way that meets the objectives of the journal and the needs of its readers. Most journals run a double-blind peer-review system where all information on the paper which identifies the author is removed and the paper is then sent to two or more reviewers for objective comment. Emerald has adopted an online submission and peer review system called Manuscript Central. At the time of writing, more than 20 Emerald journals are using this system. Manuscript Central benefits Emerald’s editors and reviewers in the following ways: • The slow and cumbersome paper-based system is streamlined, administration minimized and visibility and transparency maximized The quality of the review is crucial to the final quality of the journal, so it is important that the reviewers provide constructive criticism of papers and look for the positive aspects of any paper. Over-critical comments without suggestions for improvement or revision are not helpful. Reviewers judge the paper against some or all of the following criteria: • Editors can check the status of all articles and work-inprogress quickly and simply • Does the article contribute anything new to the body of knowledge? • Detailed management data can be generated on journal performance • Are the arguments employed valid? • Submission rates should increase due to making paper submission easier for the authors. • The chasing of copyright assignment forms will not be necessary due to the use of digital signatures. This will reduce any delays caused by the need for a handwritten signature • Is the article easy to read? • Do the arguments flow logically? Please check with your Editor to see if your journal is benefiting from Manuscript Central. • Is the methodology sound? • Are there clear implications for practice or suggestions for future research? Also, Emerald has introduced an Outstanding Reviewer Award for each journal. Your editor has the opportunity to nominate one member from their EAB or pool of reviewers based on various criteria, such as reviewer performance, contribution to raising the journal’s awareness, editorial support, etc. • Are the conclusions strong? • Does the paper pay due credit to previously published work in the field? 4 • Sourcing, reviewing and providing appropriate content for the Special Issue Writing for the journal You can do this in a number of ways by writing full articles, book reviews, viewpoints, commentaries, guest editorials and other content which your editor suggests. Remember, you have been invited on to the EAB because of your standing in the field and are perceived to be an important and esteemed addition to the editorial team. Why not share your knowledge and skills further with your subject community and write for your journal? The personal benefits of publication are also manifold, such as increasing your profile, progressing your subject area and highlighting your institution. Once you have been published you will automatically receive a complimentary copy of the journal plus five reprints (and an opportunity to order further reprints). Reprints can help build awareness and generate visibility of the author and their institution or business. Use your reprint as: • Appointing and reviewing the list of reviewers • Arranging and managing the peer-review system and using Emerald’s Manuscript Central system, if appropriate • Maintaining and developing the quality of the content • Promoting the Special Issue at relevant conferences and to interested colleagues, where appropriate • Meeting the deadlines for delivery of the manuscripts to Emerald. When putting together a Special Issue, some criteria you may wish to think about include: • Internationality in content and authorship • Circulation material at conferences and exhibitions • Leading-edge content and originality • An attachment for your résumé to highlight your academic achievements • Broad subject interest appeal • An original way to distribute your research findings to colleagues and students • Consistency in the papers either through a commonality of approach of theme or their comparative nature • Display materials for your reception area, office or library. • Authors being active and important figures in the field Emerald can also customise reprints by including course notes, photographs and logos, as required. For further information on Emerald reprints and ideas for how to use them to their full advantage, see for further details. • A well-written guest editorial which exhibits real understanding of the value and importance of the issue. In line with all of our editorial contributors, once you have guest edited a Special Issue you will receive a complimentary copy of the journal. Post-publication, you may also want to think about how you can publicize the Special Issue using your networks and outlets. How Emerald can help A full range of free resources for authors is available at Whilst most beneficial to less experienced authors, practical advice and tips for publishing success can be useful for authors at all stages of their career. We can also help you find potential research partners or other people interested in your subject area. We can find contacts from our Emerald Literati Network or you can search yourself via Connections ( a free-toall, easy to use online meeting place for the academic and corporate research communities, providing the opportunity for researchers to present their own work and interests and meet other researchers for future projects. How Emerald can help A guide for guest editing a Special Issue is available from your Publisher. We will also help circulate calls for papers and can provide the Guest Editors with leaflets and posters for distribution through their networks. Emerald also heavily publicizes Special Issues through the Emerald Shop ( The Shop offers for sale a range of products, including Special Issues. We hope the Shop will help to further enhance the dissemination of Special Issues, citation of articles and, of course, encourage even more researchers to submit articles to the journal for future publication. Special Issues are also highlighted in the Emerald Fulltext database, and in combination with our PR efforts, we aim for maximum impact in the relevant subject community. Guest editing a Special Issue This is a prestigious role where you can bring your experience and knowledge to the fore. Most scholarly journals publish Special Issues from time to time as part of the journal volume offering. Special Issues draw together a range of contributions on a given theme and allow for more in-depth treatment of a topic than is normally possible within a single journal issue. Special Issues are often, though not always, devoted to investigating emerging or “hot” topics, or to exploring alternative perspectives on familiar themes. Judging papers for the Emerald Awards for Excellence Each year, every journal editor is asked to nominate one Outstanding Paper Award and up to three Highly Commended Awards from the previous year’s volume. The awards are announced in April and are then promoted heavily through Emerald’s PR networks, journals and web site. Winning an award is a real boost to authors, particularly those who may be starting out on their academic lives. Participating in the Awards for Excellence benefits the journal in many ways. As Emerald tries to confer these awards at major global conferences, the associated PR really raises the journal’s profile on an international stage. The main aims of these awards are to: Editing Special Issues allows Guest Editors to gain valuable firsthand experience of editing a publication and is a good trial run for those ambitious to edit their own journal one day. Editing a good Special Issue may also enhance significantly a Guest Editor’s academic or professional standing amongst his or her peers. The role of the Guest Editor involves the following: 5 we do to help develop and promote your journal? Emerald can only help if you let us know what you think. Please relay all market intelligence and feedback to your Publisher in the first instance. • Publicly recognize and celebrate an author’s contribution of an outstanding paper • Demonstrate that the journal publishes top quality papers and authors If you receive papers which may not be relevant to your journal, please forward them on to another Emerald editor (contact details to be found on the journal homepage) or to your Publisher who may be able to place the paper elsewhere. • Build on the relationships between the author, the journal’s editorial team and the publisher and raise the profile of both the journal and the editorial team. Many of our editors truly value the help they receive from their EAB in terms of judging and nominating these outstanding papers. Emerald encourages each editor to involve their editorial team in this process, so please take advantage of this opportunity. Please contact your Editor to see how you can get involved. Also, why not try and help promote the winners of your journal’s awards? For example, listservs, internet newsgroups and other newsletters are excellent tools to disseminate the good news. Are you a member of any professional body which would be interested? Are the winners from your own institution? If you have any suggestions for new journal launches, we would be very happy to hear from you. Please contact Vicky Williams ( with your proposal. Emerald Literati Network “The Emerald Literati Network is a tangible expression of commitment by Emerald to our authors and editors. Our aim is to be the world’s best and most comprehensive online resource for scholarly authors and researchers worldwide. The Network aims to support Emerald’s mission to be the publisher of choice in management, library services and engineering. We aim always to work in partnership with our contributing partners and promote their best interests.” Who knows, if you write for the journal yourself, guest edit a Special Issue or even provide an outstanding contribution to the journal in some way, you may even win one of these prestigious awards yourself! The Emerald Literati Network comprises more than 35,000 subject experts and researchers in the form of Emerald authors, editors and EAB members. We firmly believe in our author community and seek to show this by investing in academic research, providing a comprehensive collection of author resources and offering tangible member benefits. We seek to build an interactive network of experts, a true research community. The Network can be used to source papers for publication or to locate key people for the editorial team. Please contact Mark Hindwell ( to see how this Network can help your journal. In addition, Emerald also organizes awards for the most outstanding contribution made by a reviewer. Each editor has the opportunity to nominate one member from their EAB or reviewer pool, the winner receives an award and gains official recognition not only in their subject community but on a global scale. How Emerald can help Each winner of the Outstanding Paper Award for the journal receives a personalized, framed certificate, and formal recognition in the Awards brochure, in the journal, on the web site and through our corporate communications channels. The judging criteria can be found on our site at: Upon publishing in an Emerald journal, all contributors receive a letter, a complimentary journal issue which includes their article, five free reprints of their paper plus other news and publishing opportunities. An entire web site dedicated to free resources for authors is available at Some of the features are listed below: Gaining market intelligence and feeding back to the Editor Feeding back helpful criticism/information to the Editor assists in the development and direction of the journal. EAB members can provide a broader geographic focus and remit through sourcing papers specifically from their region. An EAB member can help to strengthen the journal’s coverage of a certain specialized subject area and provides the journal with another voice and fresh perspective. As with all of these ideas, enthusiasm for the task in hand is vital for its success. • Advice and tips (including articles on writing) for authors aiming to be published in an Emerald journal • Authors’ Charter – detailing Emerald’s commitment to its authors • Calls for papers, journal news, interest area alerts, newsletters, etc. • Awards for Excellence announcements where Emerald thanks its authors for their hard efforts and congratulates them on their outstanding achievement EAB members play an important role by providing the Editor with the following: • Feeding back to the Editor on the subject and its development • Editing Service – originally set up for those authors whose first language is not English, but open to all who want help • Suggesting themes and topics for publication • Feeding back on the quality of the published content and making suggestions for improvement, if appropriate • Conference Diary – detailing a comprehensive list of conferences by subject area most pertinent to our authors and editors • Relaying external perceptions of the journal to the Editor with a view to developing the journal. How Emerald can help • Reprints – discounted rates exclusive to Literati Network members As the publishers of your journal, we would also like to hear from you. What are the up-and-coming hot topics? In what areas would you suggest Emerald launch new journals? What more can • Research awards – aimed at academics at the beginning of their career or at research being carried out in developing economies. 6 are chairing tracks/sessions and would be willing to act as champion for the journal. When putting forward your proposal, be clear about: Promoting and networking EAB members will have available additional networks and promotional avenues to the journal Editor and publisher. There are various methods listed below which can be used to: source papers; increase journal awareness; gain market feedback, etc. • How your journal fits with the theme and objectives of the conference (topicality, author quality, potential publishing outlet for other conference papers) At conferences • The benefits to the winning author (recognition for their contribution to the conference) Conferences are an ideal opportunity to raise awareness of the journal, often on an international stage. There are also other opportunities to: • The benefits to the conference as a whole (incentive for delegates to return next year to compete for the award, the conference name will be prominently displayed on the plaque/certificate) • Try to obtain permission to publish the presented papers • Network with prospective authors to get them to submit papers for the journal • The follow-up promotion your journal can provide. (Potential publication of the winning paper in the journal, promotion on the journal web page, listing of the conference on Emerald’s Conference Diary section of the web site. A photograph of the award presentation could appear as a one-page advert in the journal.) • Look for Guest Editors for Special Issues and circulate calls for papers • Learn about the subject, the main players, its key organizations and its main training and educational institutions How Emerald can help • Write a conference review for publication in the journal. Emerald exhibits at most of the relevant major conferences around the world. Each year we exhibit at more than 80 international conferences and visit more than 30 countries, attended by more than 50 staff members. When we add our editors’ conference plans, Emerald and its journals are represented at nearly 180 conferences world-wide! This shows the potential influence our editorial teams can have. Editors and Publishers will try to hold a reception or other event for the journal. Please contact your Publisher to see what arrangements are being made and to find out the conferences where the journal will receive most promotion. Check Emerald’s Conference Diary at to see which conferences your Editor and Publisher will be attending. If you have conference plans of your own, then please tell your Editor and Publisher as this information is extremely useful when trying to organize events. One thing you could do would be to present an Emerald award (as part of the Awards for Excellence or a journal-sponsored Outstanding Doctoral Research Award) to the winner(s), either at an Emerald event or other opportunity. Come and meet Emerald staff at the exhibition stand. Bring a colleague or introduce us to significant people in your network who you think we should be talking to. If you are presenting your research or organizing an event yourself, take copies of the journal with you for circulation. Emerald will be more than happy to send some complimentary leaflets or copies of the journal to your event. Perhaps you can think of other ways to use the journal leaflets or posters, such as circulating to delegates. Using your networks EAB members of academic associations or professional bodies can enable access for editors and EAB members to member lists, conference delegates, etc. whom they can contact with ideas for writing up papers. Consider how membership associations like the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, the Australian Institute of Management or the Global Alliance of Rapid Prototyping Associations can licence topical and relevant content from your journal to benefit their members. By introducing Emerald to potential partners you can help to formally link your journal with the most prestigious organisations in your field. What’s more, this kind of partnership is the ideal way to immediately reach your key target readership, who may also aspire to publish their research. Additionally, most membership associations now hold annual conferences. What better promotional opportunity than for delegates to receive printed proceedings from Emerald in association with your journal? Conferences are, of course, an integral part of sourcing relevant papers and can be used to distribute calls for papers for upcoming Special Issues. Talk to some of the researchers after they have presented their findings; attend relevant sessions where opportunities to commission papers are strong; approach keynote speakers and consult the delegates’ list. Best Paper Awards Presenting a Best Paper Award at a conference is a great way to recognize formally the value of quality research within your field as well as raising the profile of your journal. Conference organizers are generally happy to include an award in their proceedings as it provides additional value to the conference. These awards can take the form of a plaque, certificate or a book token. You should consult with your Publisher prior to making any arrangements to agree on the nature of the award. Publishers will be responsible for providing any prizes for distribution. Calls for papers can be posted on to the internet, listservs and other newsgroups which Emerald does not have access to. EAB members can also promote journal-specific news stories at their workplace or institution, for example, via internal newsletters, staff and student noticeboards, pigeonholes, etc. To set up a journal Best Paper Award, contact the conference organizer directly or consult your Editor and EAB to see if they 7 How Emerald can help the host organization is also committed to helping and Your Publisher will be happy to send you leaflets and posters for display and circulation. We may also have details of other listservs of interest groups we can pass on. encouraging its researchers and staff. How Emerald can help Your Publisher can help co-ordinate the hosting of the workshop We are always delighted to hear your ideas on how to further enhance the dissemination of your journal, citation of articles and, of course, encourage even more researchers to submit their work for publication. Emerald’s Partnerships program referred to above is an excellent way to encourage this and facilitates a range of ways to provide access to content from your journal to people who may otherwise be unlikely to read it. For more information and a selection of downloadable leaflets to promote this, please visit plus the production and despatch of delegate booklets. Emerald provides a host of online resources which are freely downloadable at: They feature a PowerPoint presentation which can be customized to your journal, some ideas for presentation, plus a talk-through document is available should you wish it. Presenting an Author Workshop Author Workshops are aimed at helping authors progress successfully through the various stages from pre-submission of the manuscript, to revision and, finally, publication. Author Workshops can feature presentations, Q&A sessions and, time and presenter permitting, individual clinic sessions. Author Workshops are important because: Encouraging testimonials • They encourage novice researchers to publish and can be a good source of papers for your journal or customers and use these comments for promotional There is no better reputation enhancement for a journal than positive endorsements from people in that subject community, particularly if they are considered to be highly prestigious. We actively try to collect testimonials from happy authors, readers purposes, such as for leaflets or the web site. • They allow discussion of emerging issues in publishing and research with more experienced groups How Emerald can help • They can be run as pre-event workshops at conferences world-wide If you do receive any kind words or can suggest potential • They support efforts to bridge the gap between the practical and academic worlds and inform prospective authors from commercial and public sector organizations how to get published, often introducing them to the whole publishing process who will then seek permission for use and put to the journal’s sources of testimonials, please pass them on to your Publisher best advantage. Promoting to your librarian Emerald values its editorial communities highly and • They aim to inspire attendees to believe they could write a paper based on their research and practice. acknowledges the valuable contribution and strong reputation of the individuals involved. Our editors and EAB members are The main body of the workshop is the presentation. Workshops are usually based on the theme of “a guide to writing and publishing research” and typically include: highly influential people in the journal community and, as such, can effect tangible benefits for the journal. One of the ways you • Background information on your journal and Emerald can help secure the long-term future of your journal is to try to • What being published means to the author cement its financial viability by increasing sales or encouraging • The editorial team and their role your library to renew its subscription. All of our editors and EAB members should have access to their journal in their library. • Advice for authors on preparing and submitting articles Anecdotal evidence suggests that an institution which • The peer-review process subscribes to a particular Emerald journal also increases its • How to get involved with the publisher. submission rate to that journal from that institution. The presentation can be tailored to the audience (particularly if it takes place at a conference), or reflect the subject coverage of a journal or range of journals. Benefits of presenting workshops are: How Emerald can help If you would like Emerald to make contact, then please pass on the name and contact details of your librarian and we will be in • Sourcing papers for and raising awareness of your journal touch. It makes our job much easier if you have already spoken • Giving newer researchers, in particular, the confidence to try and get their work published to your librarian before we contact them and it would be helpful if we could quote your name in conversation. You are also most • Excellent networking opportunities – we believe it is important for our editors and EAB members to meet as many of the journal’s contributors as possible and to show commitment to developing authors welcome to join us at any future meeting we have with your institution. A librarian recommendation form can be found at: a_journal/index.jsp • If you present a workshop at your institution, this shows that 8 Citation and usage Usage Citation Usage is a measure of how often a paper has been downloaded from the online environment. Publishers spend much time and investment in measuring the usage of a journal and database. Traditionally, this has been of most importance to the librarian as it is a measure of how often the journal is being used and read and provides a value for money measure. Obviously, increasing usage is of paramount importance to the publisher as small usage figures can be a factor in libraries cancelling their subscription, which is also bad news for the journal and its editorial team. Citation and usage are two separate issues but are linked as they are both types of measurement of a journal’s impact and perceived success. Citation is of importance to the research community, particularly to the author of the published work. It is important for the author to try and get their research published as soon as possible in order for their work to contribute to the body of knowledge and be cited as early as possible. This is already important in the STM field but is gaining momentum in the management and LIS areas. Citation of an author’s work raises their profile and adds validation to their research. It is important for the journal to publish papers which are highly cited as it increases the perceived quality of the journal. Increasingly, usage is becoming important to the author as it indicates the level of interest in the work and can provide some indication of its overall importance in the subject field. Hopefully this will then lead to increased citation of that work. It can also be a great morale boost to authors as it gives tangible evidence that their work is achieving strong dissemination and is being read, particularly in the online environment, the world over. One measure of citation which is perceived to measure the success of the journal is the ISI (now Thomson Scientific) ranking. This is a list of the most highly cited journals in the world and is by far the most respected and internationally recognized. Its rankings can determine who reads a journal, who writes for it and what funding a department has can be judged on its contributions to ISI-listed journals. Whilst it has a heavy North American bias – the vast majority of the most cited authors in ISI in the last 20 years are from the USA – it represents a badge of achievement on the global academic stage. Ways in which EAB members can contribute to increasing the usage of their journal: • Send Tables of Contents to relevant listservs. • Sign up to Emerald ToC alerts to see when your journal issue has been published. Encourage this with any authors who are currently in the process of publishing with us. ISI Toolkit Our EAB members can play a vital role in helping their journal either gain inclusion in the ISI rankings or increase its impact factor. • Encourage people to read your journal by inserting a journalspecific signature on your e-mail. 1. Strategy to “build” citations. It is important to identify ISI’s likely source of journals – the top-ranked ones it uses for citations – and know which ones are more likely to publish articles that cite references from the Emerald journal. From this, the Editor and EAB members can identify regular authors and send them relevant sample articles from their journal – it is hoped these authors would then cite papers from your journal in their own work. Once identified, these academics could be contacted through listservs, with articles made available online for a limited period. • Send sample articles or your complimentary copy to students, colleagues or key influencers within your institution or at other institutions you have contacts in. • Disseminate calls for papers using your networks. This will not only help source papers for the journal but also generate interest. • Work with your librarian or within your faculty to see how you can help increase usage of your journal and so raise the profile of your institution. 2. Many journals are successfully listed in the ISI rankings due to “popular demand”. This consists of top quality authors and EAB members writing to ISI to request an explanation as to why the journal is not listed. If your journal is not listed in the ISI rankings, why not use the “Recommend a journal for coverage” facility on the ISI web site at: • Present an author workshop to stimulate interest and get people using the journal online. • If you are aware of any particularly important papers which have been or will be published in your journal, please flag up any promotional opportunities with your Publisher. • Encourage free trials of the journal with your colleagues and contacts. Ask your Publisher for details. How Emerald can help Emerald currently has nearly 40 journals listed in ISI. Emerald staff are in constant contact with ISI and are seeking to increase the number of ISI-listed journals with a year-on-year rolling programme of applications from its top journals. Publishers are continuously monitoring the progress of their journals to ensure their quality is reflected in the international arena that ISI provides. Publishers would be delighted to be involved with any citation improvement campaigns the Editor or EAB member can suggest. Tips for helping authors increase usage and citation of their work Authors need to help make electronic dissemination and citation of their work easier by considering how the article will be found, read and, therefore, cited. Here are some facts: • 25 times as many users find their articles by searching rather than by browsing 9 • In the search results list, users will see the article title in the first instance • If the article has no DOI number, a link can be constructed using the Standard Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI) method. The following information is needed: • Users will base their decision on whether to read or download the work based on the title. Therefore, a good title is important to ensure your article will be considered. It needs to describe what the paper is actually about. • Journal ISSN, including the dash • Year of publication • Volume and issue numbers Getting the paper to the top of the search list • Page number at which the article starts. • Think about the words and phrases that a user might enter to find the article. • The link will follow the format: linker&reqidx=issnnumber(yyyy) Note the capital “L” after the issue number. • Search engines rank the relevancy of an article based on whether the user’s search word or phrase is used in the title, keywords and abstract and how many times it is used in the body of the article. How Emerald can help Increasing dissemination, citation and usage of Emerald’s articles and journals is one of our main priorities. Currently, our journals are read in more than 1,600 institutions world-wide, having the potential to reach 15 million people. We have the above information available in the form of an Authors’ Promotional Toolkit which is available at work • If you want the article to come to the top of a search list, it is important that the article title, keywords, abstract and body text contain the words and phrases that are the most important. How to use the electronic article • Make a live link to the work. Every time you cite your paper, be it on a reading list, CV, on a listserv or discussion group, in a presentation or on a personal or institutional web site, use the digital object identifier (DOI) to allow others to find the work. If you know the DOI number, then the link is simply You can find the DOI number on the first page of the published version of your paper. We also provide a wealth of usage building resources for librarians at We will be delighted to hear your thoughts on how we can help further increase usage of and citation for your journal. 10 Corporate philosophy About Emerald As the world’s leading English language publisher of academic and professional literature, Emerald strives to be the publisher of choice for academics, researchers and professionals in the fields of management, library services and engineering. Our focus on theory into practice, we believe, sets us apart from others – it means that all Emerald journals publish papers which have a direct application to the world of work. It means that we ask editors and review board members to focus on application, and beneficial implication of theory for practice. It means that we focus our journals on the needs of authors and readers – the applied researcher, the reflective practitioner, the students and faculty of business, and the MBA School. History Emerald was established in 1967 by a group of senior academics who, dissatisfied with the international publishing outlets of the time, formed an alternative publishing house that focused on niche management disciplines including strategy, change management, and international marketing. Information available at the click of a button and publishing in electronic format are commonplace today – and yet it was only 12 years ago that Emerald launched the online digital collection of journals as a database. The move was seen as pioneering and helped to shape the future of the company thereafter. The name of that database was Emerald (the Electronic Management Research Library Database) and in 2001 it was adopted as the name for the company. The Emerald Literati Network – an Emerald exclusive – extends to contributors and editors helpful resources, advice and guidance along every step of the article production process. We take pride in our high standards of writing and research, ensuring that our published literature and database products are world-class and noteworthy. Emerald has grown into an important journal publisher on the world stage. The company currently publishes over 180 journals and employs more than 190 people. Emerald has always stressed the importance of internationality and relevance to practice in its publishing philosophy. These two principles remain the corner-stones of our editorial objective. The link between the organization and academe that was so crucial in the foundation of the company continues to influence corporate thinking; we uphold the principle of theory into practice. Emerald LibraryLink is a comprehensive online resource for librarians, information professionals and knowledge managers to use in their daily efforts to bridge the gap between information management theory and practice. It seeks to improve information and resource management skills, publish research using our practical guides and improve library marketing skills. As an internationally recognised publisher, Emerald is guided by the following principles: Emerald for Deans is an online resource dedicated to supporting senior managers and administrators in management education. Articles cover funding, alumni management, staff recruitment, retention, global issues, partnerships and collaborations – indeed anything that is considered topical and relevant to those concerned with running a business school. • Provision of high quality, value-for-money management content. • Provision of easy access to that content, continuously improving service levels to customers; and Emerald Engineering is an essential online information resource for all engineers who are working in, researching or teaching this subject and looking to advance through the application of knowledge. Emerald Engineering features articles, interviews, company spotlights, media reviews, conference diaries and more. • Enabling world-wide distribution for contributors. Celebrating 40 years in publishing (1967 - 2007) Emerald’s 40th was observed throughout 2007. We aim to be an active part of the management, LIS and engineering research communities world-wide and celebrated our anniversary with a number of initiatives that support this objective: Product information Emerald’s flagship product, Emerald Management Xtra, is the largest, most comprehensive collection of peer-reviewed management journals and online support for librarians, students, faculty, researchers and deans. It features 175 full text journals and reviews from the world’s top 300 management journals. • Emerald research fund awards encourage and facilitate the publication of research. We use a proportion of the fees received from copyright organizations to fund research. We encourage projects relating to the dissemination of knowledge for the social good. • Emerald/EMFD outstanding Doctoral Research Awards celebrate excellence in research by awarding ten separate cash prizes in ten areas of management research supported by Emerald journals. Emerald Alumni is the licence allowing alumni association members seamless access to the information held on Emerald Management Xtra, either remotely or on campus. Emerald Management Xtra College provides a practical product suited to the needs of the vocational education market. It takes the same form as Emerald Management Xtra (with supporting surround content) and provides access to 30 Emerald journals and 300 top management journals via Emerald Management Reviews (EMR). • Our Welcome to Emerald LIS School program supports education in the LIS field by offering ALA accredited LIS Schools free access to the database of Emerald journals for the duration of their collection development class. • Our portfolio growth program seeks to fill gaps in management fields by launching and acquiring titles put forward by our user communities. Emerald acquired 15 titles in 2007, and will launch 12 new journals in 2008. For managers in corporate and public organizations, Emerald Management First is an online resource centre for busy managers. It provides easy access to high quality management theory and research via case studies, guru interviews and 11 premium information products. More than current awareness, Emerald Management First provides business professionals with the essential know-how needed to perform in today’s challenging environment. • Athens is provided for users of Emerald databases to authenticate their subscription access. Emerald Journals – Over 180 titles in the fields of management, information science and engineering. Flagship titles such as Management Decision, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Documentation, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, The TQM Journal and Industrial Robot attract contributions from across the globe. Esteemed authors, such as Cary Cooper, Peter Drucker, Edgar Schein, Malcolm McDonald, Philip Kotler, Péter Jacsó and Joe Engelberger – the founding father of robotics, have contributed their wisdom and insight to the pages of Emerald publications. • Emerald databases are also compatible with the following reference management software: EndNote, Reference Manager, RefWorks and ProCite. Emerald Management Reviews provides reviews of the best of the world’s management titles. These have been identified and accepted for inclusion in the database by an élite accreditation review panel. Growing at a rate of approximately 1,500 reviews per month, this online resource is a highly prized asset for institutions of learning. Emerald’s journal editors and editorial advisory board members are considered experts in their field and are often invited to share their knowledge at conferences and special events. • Emerald currently adheres to the Counter and OpenURL industry standards. Industry knowledge and involvement Advisers in both the academic and the information management sectors ensure that Emerald stays at the sharp end of any developments in LIS and management research and education. Emerald currently gains valuable knowledge and insights from 11 LIS advisers and 12 academic advisers around the world. BestofBiz – brought to you by Emerald, London Business School and A&C Black Publishers, BestofBiz is an online business encyclopedia that provides undergraduates and busy managers with current awareness, management theory and research tools. Close collaborations with organizations such as EFMD (the European Foundation for Management Development), CEEMAN (Central and Eastern European Management Development Associations), ALA (American Library Association) and IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), the ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) and JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) have resulted in: Industry leadership • The Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards Emerald has led the industry in implementing many groundbreaking initiatives: • Emerald working with CEEMAN to organize a Doctoral Research Prize • Emerald was one of the first publishers to provide access to the wider literature, assisting researchers by allowing subscribers to key Emerald journals online access to the abstracts of articles from other journals in the same field. • Publication of The Global Guide to Management Education book and web site • Many of the titles within Emerald Management Xtra go back as far as 1989, enabling readers to track trends in research. • Development of TOCRoSS – Table of Contents by Really Simple Syndication – with two partners. • Abstracts within Emerald Management Reviews are archived back to 1998. All Emerald databases are accessed via the same highly efficient system, using our newly developed search engine. In addition, Emerald content can be accessed via a number of alternative electronic delivery services: • The Ilene Rockman Publication Award with the ACRL Instruction Section • In September 2006, Emerald partnered with iParadigms, developers of the Turnitin plagiarism detection product for academic institutions and the iThenticate plagiarism detection product for content publishers. This will help Emerald address the problems of plagiarism and copyright infringement. • EBSCOHost Electronic Journals Service • Ingenta • Informatics J-Gate • OCLC FirstSearch • Emerald Partnerships work with professional institutes and associations to enhance their member experience. By providing access to Emerald management content to their members, these organizations have the potential to increase their value to their membership. Emerald’s partnership agreements also enable the increased dissemination of authors’ work. • Minerva Electronic Online Services • SwetsWise • SilverLinker. Quality and value • All Emerald journals publish a majority of papers that have a direct application to the world of work. Industry standards Publishing industry standards are met through a proactive process of customer and contributor feedback alongside ongoing collaboration with publishing industry bodies: • Over 1,600 university libraries world-wide subscribe to Emerald journal collections. • 96 per cent of the world’s top business schools (listed by the 2006 Financial Times MBA school rankings – FT 100) subscribe to Emerald titles. • Emerald uses CrossRef and DOIs to provide reference linking services. 12 • All of Emerald research journals are peer-reviewed to ensure the highest quality. Corporate profile Headquarters location: Bradford, UK • 36 Emerald journals are listed on the ISI citation index. Address: Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK. • Articles from our flagship management titles: Management Decision, European Journal of Marketing, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Journal of Consumer Marketing and Library Management are downloaded on average 75,000 times each month. Emerald has world-wide representation in: Nagareyama City, Japan; Boston, USA; Malaysia, Asia Pacific; Beijing, China; and India. • Authors from 98 of the top FT 100 MBA schools have been published by Emerald. Chairman: Martin Fojt Web site: CEO: John Peters • The average monthly downloads for Emerald stands at 1,159,049. Number of employees: 190 • Approximately 500 items are added monthly to our Emerald Management Xtra database. Status as a company: Privately held Contact for additional information: Gillian Etienne, Head of Corporate Communications, Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK. Tel: 44 1274 777700 Fax: 44 1274 785201 E-mail: • Approximately 1,500 items are added monthly to our Emerald Management Reviews database. • Emerald journals address a world-wide audience. This is reflected in our sales figures, which at the end of 2006 stood as follows: UK 10 per cent, Europe 22 per cent, USA 27 per cent, Far East 18 per cent, Australia/South Pacific 8 per cent, and the rest of the world 15 per cent. 13 4. Committed to theory and practice and application of management research Emerald: our publishing policy and philosophy Our policy: “Committed to theory and practice” means that we ask editors and review board members to focus on application, and beneficial implication of theory for practice. This reflects the need of our suppliers and consumers – the applied researcher, the reflective practitioner, the students of business and their faculty, the MBA schools. Our publishing policy makes us different and unique amongst scholarly publishers. It is based on eight core principles, all of which inter-relate to form our distinctive philosophy: 1. Internationality Our policy: “International” means that we are never parochial. We encourage excellence wherever in the world it originates. We set targets for international representation of our journal contributors, and we measure our performance against these targets. We also set targets for themed issues that take a specific international perspective on a subject, topic or industry. This is because we operate in a transnational world of scholarly ideas and we believe that encouraging authors from all parts of the world creates a richer and more valuable ecology of knowledge and scholarship that will benefit all our constituents. All Emerald journals publish papers which have a direct application to the world of work. 5. Committed to high quality journal publishing Our policy: “High quality” means that all papers published by Emerald go through a quality-assured review system. All papers published by Emerald journals make, in some way, an explicit original contribution to the existing body of knowledge. All papers published by Emerald journals are accessible to a wide range of students, scholars and practitioners in the fields in which we publish – and are beneficial in some way to researchers, to practitioners, or to both. In 2006 we published more than 58 issues with a specific international theme. In 2006, 7,068 papers from 117 different countries were published. 36 Emerald journals are Thomson Scientific-listed. 2. Diversity 6. Dedicated to continuous improvement of reader, author and customer experience Our policy: “Diversity” means that we seek – and actively encourage – excellence, wherever it is. We ask some editors to take a section within a journal to cover practitioner-authored papers, or new researchers’ papers, or to specifically encourage such papers. We set targets, and ask for (and measure) special issues on interdisciplinary approaches, or new/emergent themes. We do so because this gives us better, stronger and more vibrant journals, and a clear leadership position in our industry – to help us to be the “publisher of choice” for our target authors, end users and customers. Our policy: Continuous improvement means that we are never satisfied with the status quo. We ask “Are we as good as we could be?” in our effort to improve reader, author and customer experience. We continue to invest in enabling technology to increase efficiency and effectiveness in content and customer acquisition, servicing and management. We benchmark against others’ and against our own standards. We are as clear as possible in our policies, measures, targets and achievements and we do not hide shortfalls, but confront and learn from them. In the past year we published more than 26 themed issues dealing with interdisciplinary approaches to a subject or industry. Emerald retains the status of an ISO 9001:2000 certified production process, in recognition of adherence to quality systems and processes when preparing print journals. We encourage themed issues on leading edge and innovative research topics, and in the past 12 months published some 51 such issues. Emerald retains the Investors in People (IIP) accreditation. IIP is a business improvement tool designed to advance an organisation’s performance through its people. 3. Supporting scholarly research We were judged as being Best Customer Service provider by the scholarly library publication The Charleston Advisor. Our policy: Emerald seeks to make the process of getting research to publication more transparent by providing help and advice on the process via our online contributor community portal, the Literati Network. We provide a service to authors whose first language is not English. We do so in order to help remove barriers to publication and to reinforce our policy of diversity and internationality for customers, end users and authors. Emerald is COUNTER-compliant, meeting the international code of practice for reports that allow clients to measure usage of online information products and services in a consistent manner. 7. Copyright Our policy: Our industry-leading copyright policy combines the protection of rights, benefits for authors and readers along with high levels of service for anyone seeking to use published material. We give papers at conferences which address scholarly publishing themes, and provide author workshops for researchers. Emerald offers ongoing support to the research community with its annual research fund award programme in 12 disciplines. Emerald is a RoMEO Green publisher, and we keep accurate records of copyright assignment in perpetuity. Through a partnership with the EFMD, Emerald also runs the annual Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards – awarding ten cash prizes in ten research categories for the improvement of management research. Emerald is a founding signatory to the ground-breaking Zwolle principles and follows the Publishers’ Licensing Society’s Principles of Good Practice in Scholarly Journal Publishing. 14 8. Upholding editorial integrity plagiarism and do not duplicate previously published work. Our policy: “Editorial integrity” means that Emerald journals do not take advertising, they are not influenced by private agendas, pressure groups or political bodies. Emerald journal editors and managing editors ensure that individual editorial objectives are in line with Emerald’s publishing policy. Emerald is taking steps to ensure that papers accepted for publication are free from In September 2006, Emerald partnered with iParadigms, developers of the Turnitin plagiarism detection product for academic institutions and the iThenticate plagiarism detection product for content publishers. This will help Emerald address the problems of plagiarism and copyright infringement. Emerald Group Publishing Board of Directors 15 Journal of Educational Administration Multicultural Education & Technology Journal On the Horizon Quality Assurance in Education The Emerald family of journals We publish the following journals in the subject areas below: Accounting and Finance Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal Asian Review of Accounting International Journal of Accounting & Information Management International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management International Journal of Managerial Finance Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change Journal of Financial Crime Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting Journal of Investment Compliance Journal of Money Laundering Control Journal of Risk Finance, The Managerial Auditing Journal Managerial Finance Pacific Accounting Review Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management Review of Accounting and Finance Studies in Economics and Finance Electronics Manufacture and Packaging Circuit World Microelectronics International: An International Journal Soldering & Surface Mount Technology Enterprise and Innovation European Journal of Innovation Management International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research Journal of Chinese Entrepreneurship Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy Journal of Knowledge-based Innovation in China Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development Social Enterprise Journal Health Care Management Clinical Governance: An International Journal Health Education International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance International Journal of Workplace Health Management Journal of Health Organization and Management Leadership in Health Services Nutrition & Food Science Advanced Automation Assembly Automation Industrial Robot Rapid Prototyping Journal Sensor Review Human Resource Management Career Development International Employee Relations: The International Journal Equal Opportunities International Gender in Management: An International Journal Human Resource Management International Digest Journal of Management Development Journal of Managerial Psychology Personnel Review Strategic HR Review Business Ethics and Law Corporate Governance International Journal of Law and Management Social Responsibility Journal Society and Business Review Computational Mathematics COMPEL Engineering Computations International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow Industry and Public Sector Management British Food Journal Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal info International Journal of Energy Sector Management International Journal of Public Sector Management International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management International Journal of Service Industry Management International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy Economics China Agricultural Economic Review Humanomics Indian Growth and Development Review International Journal of Development Issues International Journal of Manpower International Journal of Social Economics Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies Journal of Economic Studies Education Management Campus-Wide Information Systems Interactive Technology and Smart Education International Journal of Educational Management International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Information and Knowledge Management Industrial Management & Data Systems Information Management & Computer Security Information Technology & People 16 International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications International Journal of Web Information Systems Internet Research Journal of Enterprise Information Management Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society Journal of Intellectual Capital Journal of Knowledge Management Journal of Systems and Information Technology Kybernetes Records Management Journal VINE Management Science/Management Studies International Journal of Conflict Management International Journal of Managing Projects in Business Journal of Management History Journal of Modelling in Management Management Decision Management Research News Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal Managing Quality Benchmarking: An International Journal Business Process Management Journal International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal Managing Service Quality: An International Journal TQM Journal, The International Business Baltic Journal of Management Chinese Management Studies Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal critical perspectives on international business Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues EuroMed Journal of Business European Business Review International Journal of Commerce and Management International Journal of Emerging Markets Marketing Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics Corporate Communications: An International Journal Direct Marketing: An International Journal European Journal of Marketing International Journal of Bank Marketing International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing International Journal of Wine Business Research International Marketing Review Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Journal of Communication Management Journal of Consumer Marketing Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal Journal of Product & Brand Management Journal of Services Marketing Marketing Intelligence & Planning Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal Young Consumers Learning and Development Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal Education + Training Industrial and Commercial Training Journal of European Industrial Training Journal of Workplace Learning Training & Management Development Methods (print journal only) Library and Information Studies Aslib Proceedings Bottom Line, The Collection Building Current Awareness Abstracts Electronic Library, The Interlending & Document Supply Journal of Documentation Library Hi Tech Library Hi Tech News Library Management Library Review New Library World OCLC Systems & Services: International digital library perspectives Online Information Review Performance Measurement and Metrics Program Reference Reviews Reference Services Review Materials Science and Engineering Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal Anti-Corrosion Methods and Materials Forthcoming International Scientific and Technical Conferences Industrial Lubrication and Tribology International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics Pigment & Resin Technology Operations and Logistics Management International Journal of Logistics Management, The International Journal of Operations & Production Management International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management Journal of Technology Management in China 17 Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology Journal of European Real Estate Research Journal of Facilities Management Journal of Place Management and Development Journal of Property Investment & Finance Property Management Structural Survey Strategic Outsourcing: An International Journal Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Organization Studies International Journal of Organizational Analysis Journal of Organizational Change Management Leadership & Organization Development Journal Learning Organization, The Strategy Business Strategy Series foresight Journal of Business Strategy Journal of Strategy and Management Strategic Direction Strategy & Leadership Performance Management and Measurement International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Measuring Business Excellence Team Performance Management: An International Journal Property and Real Estate Construction Innovation Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management Facilities International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis Journal of Corporate Real Estate Tourism and Hospitality International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research Tourism Review 18 19
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