F or 30 years we have been successfully growing in Rootmaker® containers for customers across the country. The last three years have brought some trying times to our industry, to say the least. Today we realize the importance of diversity, efficiency and “thinking outside the box” more than ever. As you review our catalog you will see a number of new listings, many in the native category and even some that do not fall into the woody ornamental or tree category. In talking with customers, we have discovered some holes in the supply chain for many items that we can successfully grow. If you are having trouble finding certain items, ask us about producing it – whether by seed or cuttings. You never know, we might have a source for cuttings or seeds, or we just might have it growing here on the farm somewhere. Our Commitment to You: ■ Exceptional quality - the industry leader in superior root systems: — Rootmaker® Certified Plants. ■ Expert advice - Friendly, knowledgeable staff available as your reliable resource for industry questions and growing tips. ■ Innovation - We continue to experiment with advanced methods of growing, and conduct trials of new and improved plant varieties. ■ Your success is our greatest accomplishment - We are proud partners with many of the best growers in the industry. Here’s How to Contact us: 1025 An. Co. Rd. 2810 • Tennessee Colony, TX 75861 Phone: 903-928-2921 Fax: 903-928-2161 Toll Free: 1-888-898-7337 or 1-888-89TREES email: sales@rennerwood.com or shara@rennerwood.com website: www.rennerwood.com Rennerwood is a member of these associations: Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 1 LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal 3 Gal ACER buergerianum - Trident Maple. To 30ʹ. Bronze to purple new growth maturing to glossy dark green. Orange-red fall color, acid soil. Beautiful, exfoliating bark. Zone 5. palmatum - Japanese Maple Green-leafed seedling to 25ʹ in height with spread equal or greater. Green summer leaves, yellow, bronze, orange to purple fall color with many variations in leaf shape and color. Zone 6-8. palmatum var. ‘atropurpureum’- Red Leaf Japanese Maple - To 25ʹ. Red-wine in Spring, turning . scarlet in Fall. Vigorous, upright tree. Moderate growth rate. Zone 6-8. rubrum ‘Brandywine’- Brandywine Red Maple To 40ʹ. Cross of October Glory and Autumn Flame. Brilliant red-purple autumn color. Prefers slightly acidic soils but adaptable. Produces only male flowers. Zone 4. rubrum ‘Summer Red®’ - Summer Red® Red Maple To 40ʹ. Burgundy-red new foliage, fall foliage yellow to orange or purple. Adaptable to wide range of soil and climatic conditions. Head Ornamentals. Zone 5. rubrum var. drummondii - Drummond Red Maple To 40ʹ. Native to Southeast. Beautiful fall color and spring color when seeding. Acid soil. Zone 6. rubrum var. drummondii ‘San Felipe’ San Felipe Drummond Red Maple To 40’. Native to Southeast. Compact growth habit. Tom Williamson selection. Beautiful fall color. Zone 6. truncatum - Purpleblow or Shantung Maple To 25ʹ. New growth reddish-purple. Fall color yellow to orange to red. Can handle alkaline soil. Drought and wind tolerant. Zone 4. x freemanii - ‘Autumn Blaze®’ - Autumn Blaze Maple To 50ʹ. Rapid-growing silver-red maple cross. Excllent orange and red fall color. Poplar Farms P.P.# 4864. Zone 3. 1.25 4.25 8.80 (MT)12.00 1.55 - - 1.55 - - 2.30 5.00 9.00 2.80 5.80 10.00 1.25 4.25 8.80 1.80 4.45 9.00 1.35 4.45 9.00 2.85 5.80 10.05 1.25 - 3.00 - BETULA nigra - River Birch To 60ʹ. Yellow fall color. Exfoliating bark reveals pink to white trunk. Full sun. Deciduous. Zone 4 nigra ‘BNMTF’ Dura Heat™ - Dura Heat River Birch To 40ʹ. Glossy, green leathery foliage and dense canopy. Holds leaves longer than other birches. Good heat tolerance. Tree Introductions. From tissue culture. Zone 4. *9.00 **9.55 *12.20 *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 2 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm LINING OUT STOCK BETULA (continued) nigra ‘Heritage®’ - Heritage River Birch To 45ʹ. Leaves are large, glossy and dark green. Exfoliating bark opens to white, salmon-white. From tissue culture. P.P. # 4409 Cully. Zone 4. CALLICARPA americana - American Beautyberry Loose open shrub to 8ʹ. Light lavender-pink clusters of flowers turn to brilliant purple berries. Zone 7. 1 Gal 3.00 - 1.25 4.25 3 Gal *12.20 **12.55 8.55 CALLISTEMON lanceolata - Bottlebrush 1.25 Seedling selection found locally.Very cold- and droughttolerant. Blooms bright red spikey flowers in Spring and again in August. Small tree or shrub to 15’. Zone 8 viminalis- ‘Red Clusters Bottlebrush’ 1.25 Vigorous small tree or shrub. Light green foliage and bright red flowers in spring. Drought, soil & cold tolerant. Zone 8. CARPINUS Caroliniana - American Hornbeam 1.35 Also known as Blue Beech, Ironwood or Musclewood. Medium size tree to 30ʹ. Usually grown as multi-stem or brushy shrub. Performs well in moist soils. Prefers rich, slightly acidic soils. Native to Texas. Zone 3. CARYA Illinoinensis - Native Pecan 1.25 To 70-100’. Long-lived tree thought to have been planted (Tree Band) by Comanchee Indians. Prefers deep, moist well-drained 3.25 soils. Nuts important as wildlife food. Zone 6. CEPHALANTHUS occidentalis - Buttonbush 1.25 Rounded shrub to 6ʹ. Glossy summer foliage with creamy white flowers that endure for a long time. Zone 5. (MT)4.00 (MT)8.80 (ST)4.25 (ST)9.55 (MT)4.00 (MT)8.80 (ST)4.25 (ST)9.55 4.55 9.05 5.05 10.05 4.25 8.55 1.25 4.25 8.55 1.55 4.55 9.55 1.35 4.55 9.05 (MT)11.80 linearis - Desert Willow 1.25 4.25 8.55 Small deciduous tree to 20ʹ. Narrow light green leaves and beautiful trumpet-shaped purple flowers. Zone 7. linearis ‘Bubba’ - Bubba Desert Willow Strong form from San Antonio Botanical Gardens. Darker green foliage and muscular trunk and branching. Dark purple flowers. Zone 7. 2.05 4.65 8.80 CERCIS canadensis - Eastern Redbud To 25ʹ. Purple-red flowers cover the branches in spring. Zone 4. canadensis var. mexicana - Mexican Redbud To 15ʹ. More drought-tolerant than Texas Redbud. Tolerates poor soils. Zone 7. canadensis var. texensis - Texas Redbud To 20ʹ. Glossier leaves than eastern redbud. Red to pink spring flowers. Zone 6. CHILOPSIS *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 3 LINING OUT STOCK CHILOPSIS (continued) 1 Gal 3 Gal linearis ‘Burgundy’ - Burgundy Desert Willow 2.05 4.65 8.80 Large shrub or small tree to 25ʹ Loose gangly growth habit. Burgundy, purplish-red colored flowers bloom on new growth June-Aug. Requires well-drained, dry soils. Drought tolerant. Zone 7. x Chitalpa tashkentensis ‘Pink Dawn’ - Chitalpa A cross between Desert Willow and Catalpa. Small multi-trunk tree grows to 15ʹ tall with a loose, open habit. Light pink flowers with a pale yellow throat on new growth. Prefers well drained soil; is drought tolerant. Zone 6. 1.80 4.55 9.05 1.55 4.55 9.55 CORNUS drummondii - Roughleaf Dogwood Small deciduous tree 16ʹ at maturity. Creamy yellow flowers in early spring followed by cream-colored berries in Fall. Good for erosion control. Zone 4-8. florida - Florida White Dogwood Small deciduous tree 15-30ʹ at maturity Deep green leaves turning dark red in fall. Creamy white flowers in early spring with red berries late summer. Best in acidic soils. Zone 5. CUPRESSUS arizonica var. arizona - Arizona Cypress To 40-50ʹ tall by 30ʹ wide. Pyramidal habit with finetextured foliage. Prefers dry, hot locations. Zone 7. DIOSPYROS virginiana - Eastern/Common Persimmon Up to 60ʹ. Large fruit turning pinkish orange when ripe. Tolerant of diverse soil types. Zone 4. ELAEOCARPUS decipiens - Japanese Blueberry Large evergreen shrub to 40ʹ tall. Pink to white flowers in late spring. Attracts bees, birds, butterflies. Zone 8-b. FEIJOA sellowiana - Pineapple Guava Shrub or small tree to 12ʹ tall. Red to white flowers. Tolerates some shade. Attracts bees, birds, butterflies. Zone 8-10. 1.25 N/A N/A 1.25 4.55 9.55 1.85 4.80 10.05 1.35 4.30 8.80 1.55 4.55 9.05 americana ssp texensis - Texas Ash 1.25 4.50 9.50 Small tree to 45ʹ tall with dense canopy. Dark green leaves have brilliant fall color. Zone 5 velutina - Arizona Ash Medium to large tree to 50ʹ tall. Glossy dark green leaves turn gold in the fall. Fast growing. Zone 6 1.25 4.35 9.00 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 FRAXINUS ILEX aquifolium ‘Mary Nell’ - Mary Nell Holly Dense and compact shrub or small tree. 15ʹ mature height with 10ʹ spread. Excellent screening plant or as specimen. Zone 7. *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 4 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm LINING OUT STOCK Ilex (continued) aquifolium x I. cornuta ‘Nellie R. Stevens’ Nellie R. Stevens Holly. Large evergreen shrub or small broad pyramidal tree to 25ʹ Lustrous dark green leaves with red berries. Zone 6. x ‘Christmas Jewel’- Christmas Jewel Holly PP#14477 Dark polished green foliage with apple-red berries that last until spring. No pollinator required for berry production Zone: 6. x ‘East Palatka’- East Palatka Holly Produces abundant large berries. Growth habit looser than Fosters and less cold-hardy than Fosters or Savannah. Zone: 6-7. x attenuata ‘Eagleson’ - Eagelson Holly Upright, vigorous shrub form which matures into a pyramidal shape. Medium to dark green oblong leaves with red fruit. Larger than Foster Holly. Zone 7-9. x attenuata ‘Fosterii’ - Foster Holly To 25ʹ. Small, spiny, glossy green leaves. Evergreen. Pyramidal habit. Zone 6. x attenuata ‘Savannah’ - Savannah Holly To. 30ʹ. Light green foliage with spines. Abundance of red berries. Zone 6 opaca ‘Greenleaf’ - Greenleaf Holly To 30ʹ. Strong-growing pyramidal form with glossy medium green, spiny foliage. Bright red fruit at an early age. Zone 5. JUNIPERIS virginiana - Eastern Red Cedar To 50ʹ with 8-20ʹ spread. Variable in habit, texture, foliage and fall color. Zone 3. KOELREUTERIA paniculata - Golden Raintree To 30ʹ. Yellow fall color. Yellow flowers in early summer. Drought tolerant. Zone 5. 1 Gal 3 Gal 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 2.55 (F)5.55 (F)11.55 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 1.30 (T)4.80 (F)4.80 (T)10.55 (F)10.55 1.55 4.55 10.05 1.25 4.50 8.95 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 LAGERSTROEMIA (CRAPEMYRTLE) ‘Acoma’ Low spreading semi-dwarf. Pure white flowers with dark green foliage turning dark purple in fall. Mildew resistant and cold hardy. Zone 7. ‘Arapaho’ To 20ʹ tall. Dark red flowers fading to pink. Dark green foliage tinged with marroon. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Biloxi’ Upright growth habit to 20ʹ tall with pale pink flowers and continuous recurring bloom. Exfoliating dark brown bark. Fall color yellow to orange-red. Zone 7. ‘Basham’s Party Pink’ - To 30ʹ. Light lavender-pink flowers. Very fast growing. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 5 LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal LAGERSTROEMIA (CRAPEMYRTLE) ‘Catawba’ Medium growth habit. Dark purple flowers, dark green glossy foliage. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Centennial’ Dwarf, compact globular shrub 3-5ʹ Bright purple flowers. Orange fall color. Zone 7. ‘Centennial Spirit’ Upright shrub or small tree. Dark red-wine flowers. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Choctaw’ Large, vase-shaped habit. Bright pink flowers. Cinnamon-brown bark. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Comanchee’ Upright habit with spreading crown. Coral-pink flowers, dark green foliage. Brilliant fall color. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Country Red’ Upright habit to 15ʹ. Bright red flowers. Dark green foliage turning yellow in fall. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Hopi’ Spreading semi dwarf 8ʹ x 10ʹ wide. Pink flowers. Dark green foliage. Early bloomer. Zone 7. ‘Lipan’ Multi-stemmed shrub. Medium lavender flowers leathery foliage. Gray-green bark exfoliates to almost. white. Zone 7. ‘Miami’ Large multi-stemmed shrub. Dark pink flowers. Burgundy new growth becomes dark green and turns russet in fall. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Muskogee’ -To 20ʹ. Lavender flowers. Medium brown exfoliating bark. Zone 7. ‘Natchez’ -To 25ʹ. White flowers. Cinnamon-brown, exfoliating bark. Zone 7. ‘Osage’ Rounded habit. 12ʹ x 10ʹ wide. Fast grower. Light pink flowers, chestnut brown bark. Dark red fall foliage. Zone 7. ‘Pocomoke’ - True miniature crape myrtle with deep rose-pink blooms. Retains compact mound-shaped habit without pruning. Highly resistant to powdery mildew. Bronze-red fall color. Zone 7. ‘Powhatan’ Compact 10ʹ x 10ʹ. Abundant medium purple flowers. Glossy foliage. Zone 7. ‘Royalty’ Upright up to 5ʹ tall. Dark purple flowers. Cold hardy. Zone 7 ‘Sarah’s Favorite’ - To 20ʹ or more. Large white flowers, rich cinnamon-brown bark. Considered hardier and the flowers are produced over a longer time frame than Natchez. Fall color red-orange. Zone 7. ‘Sioux’ - To 20’. Upright, narrow growth habit. Dark green leathery foliage. Medium pink flowers. Brilliant orangered fall color. Mildew resistant. Zone 7 3 Gal (MT)1.30 4.00 8.95 (MT)1.30 4.00 8.95 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.90 4.50 8.95 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 6 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal LAGERSTROEMIA (CRAPEMYRTLE) ‘Tonto’ - Semi dwarf to 10ʹ. Fushia red flowers, cream colored bark. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Tuscarora’ - To 30ʹ. Coral pink flowers, light brown bark. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Tuskegee’ - To 10-20ʹ with upright, rounded growth habit. Flowers are dark pink, bark is grey and fall foliage is red-orange. Zone 7. ‘Twilight’ - Large upright to 20ʹ. Dark purple flowers. Tan colored bark. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Whit VI’ Burgundy Cotton® -To 15ʹ. White flowers with burgundy foliage changing to dark green with wine tint. PP#14438. Whitcomb. Zone 7. ‘Whit II’ Dynamite® -To 20ʹ. Cherry-red flowers. Vigorous upright grower. New foliage is crimson, changing to dark green; Orange fall color. P.P. #10296. Whitcomb. Zone 7. ‘Whit III’ Pink Velour® -To 10ʹ. Bright pink flowers with burgundy-wine new leaves that eventually turn dark purplish green. Orange fall color. P.P. #10319. Whitcomb. Zone 7. ‘Whit VIII’ Rhapsody in Pink® -To 15ʹ. Vigorous grower with dark wine new growth and soft pink flowers. Mildew resistant. Whitcomb. P.P. #16616. Zone 7. ‘Whit I’ Raspberry Sundae® -To 20ʹ. Flowers are cardinal red to pink with a touch of white. Thick, leathery dark green leaves. Orange-red fall color. Upright grower. Whitcomb. P.P. #10297. Zone 7. ‘Whit IV’ Red Rocket® -To 20ʹ. Cherry-red flowers in large clusters. New leaves red to red purple. Current season’s stems are red. P.P. #11342. Whitcomb. Zone 7. ‘Whit VII’ Siren Red® -To 12ʹ. Oxblood red buds and flowers. Crimson new foliage quickly changing to dark green and leathery. P.P #14975. Zone 7. ‘Whit IX’ Double Feature™ Sterile but reblooming semidwarf at 8ʹ (H) x 5ʹ (W). Red-wine leaves followed by constant show of ruby red flowers. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘William Toovey’ - Vase-shaped habit to 20ʹ. Pink-red flowers, good fall color. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Yuma’ - Upright habit to 20ʹ. Lavender bi-color flowers. Young foliage bronze-tinged, turning dark green. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. ‘Zuni’ Globose semi dwarf to 20’. Lavender flowers, good fall color. Mildew resistant. Zone 7. 3 Gal (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.90 4.00 4.30 4.50 8.95 8.75 9.25 (MT)1.90 (ST)1.85 4.50 4.80 9.25 N/A (MT)1.90 (ST)1.85 4.50 4.80 9.25 N/A (MT)1.90 (ST)1.85 4.50 4.80 9.25 N/A (MT)1.90 (ST)1.85 4.50 4.80 9.25 N/A (MT)1.90 (ST)1.85 4.50 4.80 9.25 N/A (MT)1.90 4.50 9.25 (MT)1.90 4.50 9.25 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 8.95 8.75 (MT)1.30 (ST)1.20 4.00 4.30 8.95 8.75 *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 7 LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal LIQUIDAMBAR styraciflua - Sweetgum 3 Gal 1.25 4.00 8.95 1.25 4.30 8.95 1.25 4.30 8.95 To 100ʹ. Various fall colors - yellow to orange to red to purple. Requires moisture. Full sun. Deciduous. Zone 4. LIRIODENDRON tulipifera - Tulip Poplar To 100ʹ. Yellow fall color. Green to yellow flowers late spring. Zone 4. MAGNOLIA grandiflora - Southern Magnolia To 100ʹ. Lustrous dark green leaves. Creamy white fragrant flowers. Zone 7. grandiflora ‘Bracken’s Brown Beauty’ To 50ʹ. One of the most cold hardy of magnolias. Relatively compact and dense. Zone 7. grandiflora ‘Claudia Wannamaker’ To 50ʹ. Flowers at an early age. Medium broad pyramidal habit. Zone 7. grandiflora ‘D. D. Blanchard’ To 60ʹ. Pyramidal form, dark orange velvety undersides. Zone 7. grandiflora ‘Little Gem’ To 20ʹ. Small leaves, bronzy brown undersides. Columnar form. Prolific bloomer. Zone 7. Available in 5 gal. 15.00 Rootmaker® - 17.00 * All new crops will be RM3 Available in 5 gal. 15.00 Rootmaker® - 17.00 * All new crops will be RM3 Available in 5 gal. 15.00 Rootmaker® - 17.00 * All new crops will be RM3 Available in 5 gal. 15.00 Rootmaker® - 17.00 * All new crops will be RM3 lilliflora ‘Ann’ To 12ʹ. Clump form. Dark purple-red flowers in spring. Good grower, likes acidic soil. Zone 5. (ST)1.85 (MT)4.85 (MT)9.30 lilliflora ‘Jane’ To 12ʹ. Rounded shrubby plant. Flowers purple outside and usually white inside just before leaves develop in early spring. Acidic soil. Zone 5. soulangiana - Saucer To 25ʹ. Purplish-pink flowers in early spring. Prolific bloomer. Acidic soil. Zone 5. virginiana - Sweetbay To 50ʹ. Light green leaves, silvery undersides. Creamy white flowers from May on. Lemony fragrant flowers. Zone 5. virginiana var. australis - Sweetbay To 90ʹ. Evergreen to semi-evergreen. Lemony fragrant flowers. Zone 6. MALVAVISCUS drummondii - Turk’s Cap Native to South Texas; extremely drought-tolerant; will thrive in dry soils. Performs well in sun or shade, wet or dry, acidic or alkaline soils. Butterflies and hummingbirds are attracted by the red, white or pink flowers which last May thru November. Zone 7. (ST)1.85 (MT)4.85 (MT)9.30 (ST)1.85 (MT)4.85 (MT)9.30 (ST)1.35 (MT) – 4.45 5.30 8.70 10.05 (ST)1.45 (MT) – 4.70 5.55 9.40 10.55 1.25 4.05 8.45 *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 8 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal METASEQUOIA glyptostroboides - Dawn Redwood To 100ʹ. Beautiful exfoliating cinnamon bark. Rapidgrowing deciduous conifer. Thought for many years to be a fossil. Zone 5. MORUS rubra - Red Mulberry To 70ʹ. Large dark green leaves turn subdued yellow in fall. Zone 5. MYRICA cerifera - Southern Wax Myrtle Beautiful, wispy, broadleaf evergreen to 20ʹ. Tolerant of salt spray. Can be planted in full sun or half shade. Zone 7. NASSELLA tenuissima - Mexican Feather Grass Native drought tolerant grass with very fine texture. Stays green during the growing season and turns straw color as it goes dormant in the summer. Its feel and texture is like a horse’s tail. Grows to 2ʹ tall and requires extremely well-drained soil. Zone 7. NYSSA sylvatica - Blackgum To 100ʹ. One of the best trees for fall color. Brilliant red to maroon fall color. Zone 4. 3 Gal 1.40 4.55 9.30 1.25 4.30 8.95 (MT)1.45 (MT)4.30 (MT)8.55 1.20 4.05 8.25 1.25 4.30 9.00 1.25 4.55 8.95 1.25 4.55 8.75 1.25 4.55 8.75 1.25 4.55 8.75 1.25 4.50 9.30 1.55 4.50 9.00 2.00 5.30 10.05 1.55 4.65 10.05 PINUS eldarica - Afghan Pine To 50ʹ. Tolerates poor soils, drought conditions. Zone 7. elliottii - Slash Pine To 100ʹ. Fast grower. Zone 7. taeda - Loblolly Pine To 100ʹ. Slower growing than slash pine but branches better. Zone 6. thunbergiana -Japanese Black Pine To 60ʹ. Dark green foliage. Good landscape character. Zone 5. PISTACIA chinensis - Chinese Pistache To 40ʹ. Brilliant orange to red fall color. Drought tolerant. Good urban tolerance - native to China. Zone 6. PRUNUS caroliniana compacta - Compact Cherry Laurel To 30ʹ. Pyramidal-oval shape, dense foliage with small leaves. Disease resistant. Evergreen. Zone 7. mexicana - Mexican Plum To 25ʹ. Prolific bloomer in very early spring. Fragrant white flowers. Dark red to purple fruit in early summer, excellent for wildlife and jellies. Adapts to soil conditions. Drought tolerant. Deciduous. Zone 6. PUNICA granatum ‘nana’ - Dwarf Pomegranate To 4ʹ. Leafy shrub with trumpet shaped flowers, bears miniature fruit. Zone 8. *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 9 LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal PUNICA (continued) granatum ‘Wonderful’ - Wonderful Pomegranate 3 Gal 1.55 4.65 10.05 1.25 4.45 9.25 1.25 4.55 9.55 1.25 4.55 9.55 1.45 4.65 10.05 1.85 4.65 10.05 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 2.05 5.55 12.05 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.55 10.05 Attractive shrub or multi-trunk small tree to 20ʹ Glossy green leaves, showing red-orange flowers from June to October which produce large fruits that remain on the plant until December. Requires full sun and well drained soils. After established heat and drought tolerant. Zone 7. QUERCUS acutissima - Sawtooth Oak To 60ʹ. Has distinctive leaves. Fast growing, yellow to brown fall color. Zone 4. alba - White Oak To 100ʹ. A massive, long-lived tree. Red to orange to wine-red fall color. Zone 3. bicolor - Swamp White Oak To 60ʹ. Native to swampy locations. Requires acid soil. Yellow to red-purple fall color. Zone 3. buckleyi - Texas Red Oak To 30ʹ. Distinctive leaves turn scarlet in fall. Good in rocky soil. Zone 6. canbyi - Canby’s Oak To 60ʹ. Semi evergreen qualities, but is deciduous. Heat, pest, drought, and poor soil tolerant. Zone 7. falcata - Southern Red Oak, Spanish Oak To 70-80ʹ with rounded form. Tolerates poor, dry soil. Fall color is brown with a tinge of red. Zone 6. falcata var. pagodaefolia - Cherrybark Oak To 110ʹ. Faster grower of the red oak group and among the largest. Zone 7. laceyi - Lacy Oak Small tree to 30ʹ. Blue-green deciduous foliage. Likes alkaline soils. Hardy in low water conditions. Zone 7. laurifolia - Laurel Oak To 60ʹ. Common throughout coastal Plain in the South, occupying sandy well-drained soils. Rapid growth. Seeds from trees originating at Shady Grove Plantation. Zone 6. lyrata - Overcup Oak To 90ʹ. Acid soil. Orange to red fall color. Adapts well to poor sites. Zone 5. macrocarpa - Burr Oak To 80ʹ. Broad shade tree with large acorns. Tolerant of varying soils and moisture conditions. Performs well in alkaline soils. Zone 3. marilandica - Blackjack Oak To 30-40ʹ. Scrubby tree. Tolerates dry, sandy or sterile soils. Wood used for posts, fuel, and wildlife love the fruit. Zone 6. *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 10 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm LINING OUT STOCK QUERCUS (continued) michauxii - Swamp Chestnut Oak Majestic oak to 120ʹ. Does not like standing water but tolerates periodic flooding. Zone 5. muehlenbergii - Chinkapin Oak To 60ʹ. Crimson to orange-yellow fall color. Drought tolerant. Performs well in alkaline soils. Zone 3. nigra - Water Oak To 100ʹ. Dark red fall color. Semi-evergreen in South. Zone 6. nuttallii - Nuttall Oak To 100ʹ. Brilliant red-maroon fall color. Acid soils. Zone 6. palustris - Pin Oak To 100ʹ. Dark red fall color. Acid soils required. Zone 3. phellos - Willow oak To 100ʹ. Prefers moist acid soils. Yellow to red fall color. Finely textured leaves. Zone 4. polymorpha - Mexican White Oak Large, evergreen shade tree. Thick blue-green leathery leaves. Drought tolerant. Performs well in alkaline soils. Zone 7. rubra - Northern Red Oak To 90ʹ. Rapid growing (for an oak) round crown. Beautiful fall color of russet red, yellow and tan. Zone 3 rysophylla - Mexican Evergreen Oak To 60ʹ. Thick evergreen leaves. Drought tolerant and cold hardy. Zone 7. shumardii - Shumard Oak To 100ʹ. Excellent red to red-orange fall color. Performs exceptionally well in alkaline soils. Zone 3. virginiana - Live Oak To 100ʹ. Extremely adaptable to soils and water conditions. Evergreen. Zone 7. virginiana - ‘SDLN’ P.P.#12,015 Cathedral Oak™ Dense canopy, dark green foliage, pyramidal in youth, spreading with age. The foremost clonal oak available today. Shadowlawn Nursery. Zone 7. RHAMNUS caroliniana - Carolina Buckthorn To 20ʹ. Small flowers in late spring produce showy drupe fruit. Glossy oval leaves turn yellow in fall. Zone 3. RHUS lanceolata - Prairie Flame-leaf Sumac Small shrub or thicket to 32ʹ tall. Whitish flowers produce red clusters of berries. Native to dry, alkaline soil. Zone 4. SALIX babylonica - Weeping Willow To 30-40ʹ with comparable spread. Very graceful tree with a short stout trunk and broad rounded crown of weeping branches that sweep the ground. Prefers moist soils. Zone 5. 1 Gal 3 Gal 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.85 4.65 10.05 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.85 4.65 10.05 1.25 4.45 9.55 1.25 4.45 9.55 N/A 7.25 13.05 1.85 4.65 9.55 1.55 4.55 9.05 1.25 N/A 8.80 *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. Rennerwood • A Tree Farm 11 LINING OUT STOCK 1 Gal SASSAFRAS albidum - Sassafras 3 Gal 1.55 4.35 8.90 1.80 (Peat Pot) 5.05 10.05 2.05 (Peat Pot) 5.05 10.05 distichum - Bald Cypress 1.25 4.35 9.00 To 100ʹ. Adaptable to soil conditions with sufficient moisture. Zone 4. mucronatum - Montezuma Cypress To 100ʹ. Bluish foliage. Drought tolerant; free of insect and fungal problems. Zone 5. 1.70 4.65 10.05 1.25 4.55 9.55 1.25 4.55 9.55 2.55 5.80 10.05 2.55 5.80 10.05 1.85 4.65 10.05 1.45 4.55 9.05 1.45 4.55 9.05 (ST)1.45 (MT)4.25 (ST)4.75 (MT)8.55 (ST)8.95 Root beer scented tree with three distinctive type leaves. Produces yellow flowers. Bark is used for tea. Zone 4. SOPHORA affinis - Eve’s Necklace Tall shrub to 18ʹ. Deciduous. Hanging Wisteria-like pink flowers produce black segmented seeds. Zone 7. secundiflora - Texas Mountain Laurel Multi-trunked evergreen to 18ʹ. Glossy dark leaves and showy Wisteria-like flowers. Zone 8. TAXODIUM ULMUS crassifolia - Cedar Elm To 80ʹ. Very adaptable to poor and alkaline soil conditions. Drought tolerant. Zone 6. parvifolia - Lacebark Elm To 60ʹ. Extremely adaptable to alkaline soils. Exfoliating bark. Zone 5. parvifolia ‘Dynasty’ - Elm To 30ʹ. Distinctly vase-shaped. Red fall color in cooler climates. Exfoliating bark. National Arboretum selection. Zone 5. parvifolia ‘Frontier’ - Elm To 25ʹ. U. carpinifolia x U. parvifolia. USDA selection. Vase-shaped growth habit with dark green foliage, red fall color. Zone 5. UNGNADIA speciosa - Mexican Buckeye Tall shrub or small tree to 32ʹ. Small fragrant pink flowers produce lobed shiny brown nut. Yellow fall foliage. Tolerates dry conditions. Zone 7. VIBURNUM dentatum - Arrowhead Viburnum Large shrub or small tree to 24ʹ. Small white flowers and ovate deciduous leaves. Tolerates different soils. Zone 3. nudum - Possomhaw Viburnum Also called Nanny-berry. Irregularly branched shrub rarely over 20ʹ. White flowers produce fruit consumed by birds. Prefers sandy, acid swamps in pinelands. Zone 3. VITEX agnus-castus - ‘Shoal Creek’ Chastetree To 20ʹ. Large blue-violet flowers 12-18ʺ long, leaf spot resistant. Zone 6. *Multi-cane liners; **Multi-cane one liner; (T)=Tree form; (F)=Full Form; (ST)=Standard Tree Form; (MT)= Multi Trunk P.P. Prices for these patented and trade-marked plants include royalty fee. Designates Texas Native. 12 Rennerwood • A Tree Farm Visit our booth at: ■ TNLA - Texas Nursery and Landscape Association Expo at Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, August 19-21, 2011. Booth # 3021. ■ MANTS - Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show at Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, MD, January 11, 12 and 13, 2012 – Booth 2550. ■ Gulf States Horticultural Expo at Arthur Outlaw Convention Center, Mobile, AL , January 19 & 20, 2012 – Booth 537. ■ NTNGA - Northeast Texas Nursery Grower’s Association 18th Annual Trade Show at Mesquite Rodeo Center, Mesquite, TX, February 3 - 4, 2012 – Booth 301. Poems are made by fools like me, But only God can make a tree. – Joyce Kilmer Currently Working on for 2012 & 2013 Possomhaw Holly Yaupon Holly Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum And Many Other Natives 1025 An. Co. Rd. 2810 Tennessee Colony, TX 75861 PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Tennessee Colony, TX Permit #3
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