DISEASE OF THE MONTH Acute Interstitial DONNA M. MICHEL Department Acute renal associated exhibit this with article, we presentation, (AIM) most within In the final summarize portion decrements the the and approach pertinent in renal San Diego, and etiology, and for AIN. experimental treatment of Ricketisia. tious agents AIM In clinical treatment we discuss and and function as well. epidemiology, to diagnosis pathogenesis cause of acute glomenubonc- tububointerstitium of the article, to the J. KELLY of California, is an important forms of acute significant inflammation CAROLYN University ne- occur Epidemiology and/or renal proteinunia, interstitial evaluation (2). of acute accounted for biopsy for approximately ncphnitis evaluation 1% were In examining renal 15% failure, of lesions however, The diated of AIN drug hypersensitivity diseases, Drug of AIM can to have biopsicd interstitial for gboruerular reactions in the antibiotic era. in clinical cases drugs implicated its for drug-induced propensity clinical to cause practice. These cases ncphnitis from in drug-induced sulfonamides, and (NSAIDs). that have Table been it is groups AIM include nonstenoidal 1 provides associated common drugs in areas miscellaneous of the causative this with widely. The (4-6). rarely used most been As a result of anymore in impli- listing world agents organisms with of drugs ready such access to bacteria, as antibiotics viruses, Toxoplasma, it is important of interstitial Clinical Presentation (7). and other Leishmania, The unifying of renal seen of on renal described typically lesion. in the contribute Because more closely of glomerular include biop- gboruenubonephnitis renal to func- with interstitial pathology, we “gbomerulonephnitis” San Diego Drive. San and dysfunction. Many Diagnosis of AIN in AIM is that of an abrupt physicians who have training in ncphrobogy believe that AIN only after initiation of therapy with an offending invariably associated nophilunia, and drug with that fever, prior as a potential rash, tolerance cause and occurs drug, 2 to 3 wk that it is cosinophilia/cosi- of a medication of AIN. onset not received eliminates All of these assumptions arc false. AIM is a heterogeneous disorder not only in etiology, but also in presentation, laboratory findings, and outcomes. The diagnosis is most commonly considered in hospitalized patients who experience a progressive The etiology of acute renal failure unclear, especially if they arc naruic 1046-6673/0903-0506$03.00/0 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Copyright © 1998 by the American Society of Nephrology in conjuncinterstitium. ncphnitis. presentation medications, Correspondence to Dr. Carolyn I. Kelly. University of California, and Veterans Affairs Medical Center I I 1-H. 3350 La Jolla Village Diego. CA 92161. biopsies in etiology. not gboruenular to formally as a cause that AIN. include of the inter- renal is usually it does synfinding idiopathic cases, antibodies of the forms finding report, essen- which prototype commonly detailed various be found or as a defin- so-called of such is frequently pathologic biopsy classification believe cause have with may as an isolated autoirumune tionab deterioration correlates pathology than with the extent penicillins, cephabosponins, anti-inflammatory agents a more with cate- immune-rue- the frequency is methicillin AIN, general Numerous infections have been reported to cause AIN, but infection-associated AIM has become increasingly uncommon Reported Although the illness, ncphnitis patients isolated ncphnitis-uvcitis” presents number are presumably Tububointerstitiab idiopathic. many varies Medication cated and of AIM, AIM five arc the most Although implicated arc into infection, disease, hypersensitivity individual agent In a small or an syndrome, cirrhosis, exhibit anti-tubular basement membrane tion with mononuclear cell infiltration (3). reactions, biliary AIM of a defined as AIM Sjogren’s of heruatunia sies be classified cases, absence of infec- kidney-limited occur lesions. primary nephnitis. list crythematosus, although most in systemic lupus crytheruatosis gbomerular In some pathologist’s causes either of the “tububointerstitial (7). stitial detailed It can in the of AIN gonies: with 1 % of total personnel in found patients a more of sarcoidosis, cryogbobulinemia, (8). Etiology Center, AIN. processes. accompanying ing component reported to occur in approximately ( 1 ). In a series of male military with in association as a manifestation drorue undergoing Medical 2 provides autoimmunc occurs work interstitial Table renal lesion in systemic lupus commonly interstitial nephritis tial Finland Affairs associated can systemic phritis. AIM has been biopsy material Veterans California. interstitial nephritis failure. In addition, phritis and of Medicine, Diego. San Nephritis undergoing instability. In such diuresis, and/or settings, placed low renal if there is no concomitant ophilia, suggest excluding on or cosinophiluria. AIM when the diagnosis. the their In some hemody- interstitial nephnitis diagnosis fever, these skin of acute rash, accompanying absence series, creatininc. exhibiting differential Although present, in serum patients is frequently receiving multiple complex is frequently failure rise in such infected, is the triad not cosinsigns helpful of rash, in fever, Acute Table I. Drugs Beta-bactaru associated with Table AIN antibiotics 2. Infections with Nephritis 507 lactam-associated AIM AIN Bacteria ructhiciblin Streptococci ampicillin Staphylococci penicillin dipthcnia oxacillin Brucella nafcillin ccphabosponins begionella Other associated Interstitial Campvlobacter antibiotics/anti-infectives Viruses sulfonamides cytoruegalovirus rifampin polymyxin Epstein-Barr virus Hantaan virus cthambutol HIV tetracycline rubeola vancomycin Other erythromycin Toxoplasma ciprofloxacin Mvcoplasma acycbovir Rickettsia indinavir Leishmania alpha-interferon syphilis NSAIDs leptospirosis fenoprofen indomethacin naproxen ibuprofen tial nephnitis (10,1 1). tolmetin and, In the original diflunisal of renal piroxicam therapy. ketoprofen time course, dicbofenac kinetics. Diuretics after onset a medication chborthalidone plc, many tniamtcrene use have has been with a drug previously people also who develop the described AIM has with months NSAID to years. AIM frequently in response discontinuously (e.g. to rupted therapy In addition albopuninob ciated AIM aspirin tions. For carbaruazepine 80% phenindione association cbofibrate rash, phenylpropanolamine aldomet AIM ( I 2). In addition to the atypical time course noted above, patients with MSAID-induccd AIM arc usually older, although phenobarbitab this azathiopnine ation diazeparn NSAID-induccd captopril cian to take tients with inflammatory interstitial nephritis; NSAIDs. nonsteroidal anti- agents. and These eosinophilia symptoms can was seen in less common than 30% of in drug-associated patients (9). intersti- scnibed also example, with display varied presents renal with are reflect the of acute renal failure AIM is strong a careful a variety not medication medications. report of but Although of NSAIDs, and MSAIDs usage should The prompt over when limit most patients relapses have associwith the NSAID rather in (fever, syndrome presentations. NSAID history, usage. ncphrotic regarding clinical signs to MSAID-associated of NSAID and history consistent of discontinuation prevalence with (up proteinunia Extrarenal uncommon inter- presenta- frequently ncphrotic-range insufficiency. may will AIM . drug-asso- clinicopathobogic MSAID-associated cosinophilia) availability arc most with rifampin for tuberculosis). to exhibiting heterogeneous kinetics, of the time) patients their taken to For exam- in association more been in response cimetidinc sulfinpyrazone acute arc individual de novo for of some AIN, they types 2 to 3 days) diphenylhydantoin a when “classic” other by the individual. medications to occur to this (within an occur onset 1 0 to 20 d of drug exhibit rapidly tolerated taking drugs can to which It can AIM, after in addition AIM it can occur sensitized. been that of For example, furoscmidc occurred recognized the rechallenge beta on methicillin-associated typically It is now previously drugs reports dysfunction thiazides Other in particular, usage Given the physiin pa- the wide counter, many questioned about their will been report to pre- recover after reported after 508 Journal reinitiation the American of of therapy or different class AIM can with Society different MSAIDs of compounds also occur one of Nephrology in patients with patients, rapid than expected decline in renal function. patients are on many medications, they may for this chronic renal lated to drug renal dysfunction suggestive cytcs. and and of AIM. Many that decade this their have gressed, in one Neither case, was has Another over (13), caused country, 6 wk (and itantly, It rare) have The syndrome. renal from forms appeared uveitis insufficiency. to drug disease, Current Diagnosis ncphritis, by culture the stain, the diagnosis found positive predictive in which urine conditions eluded prostatitis, in bladder carcinoma, gran- is typically and modwell but most in tent with AIN, there arc no single laboratory commonly which interstitial nunia FcNa associated our AIN, temporary practice to patients the sponses. pathology utility Patients creased test can diagnose consisAIM, and one AIM gbomerular of display of with of patients patients useful positive skin prohibit ultrasonic with Some have in the AIM of six patients comparable distinguish diagnosis acute tubular had with intensely acute wide- imaging of failure. with In in- to or higher AIM proposed positive from that of AIM, necrosis tubular limited (10). are no distinguishing that tests re- and currently undergo it from (6), in con- hypersensitivity standardization frequently failure. a methiciblin- on presentation. demonstrate AIM There Isosthe- rarely of AIN for testing echogenicity in cases (12). as part of an evaluation of acute renal size is typically normal-to-enlarged renal patients in AIM, with in up to 50% test (15). Some except reports consistent available imaging be with diagnostic cortical ultrasonic h (15), AIM 20% will lack in- as a diagnostic test characteristics. vary considerably of this with of the liver guishing findings agent, of drugs their kidneys AIM, kidney cases AIN Unfortunately, numbers seen (17). found disease. eosinophibs associated than speci- 30% gloruerubonephritis, 1 g/24 are obigunic with offending were in early less a condiseases, of 40%, cosinophils Patients was is that with renal of only may arc sensitive finding of cosidiagnostic for atheroembolic Although oliguria impression mononuclear gborucrular laboratory (15). or Hansel’s more other of NSAID-induced in AIM. Eosinophils value urine lesions setting is common spread correlates by many renal it is less than as in the (see below). In focal glomerulan cell and be I 5). in patients progressive abandoned can stain a sensitivity because of the aforementioned The magnitude of protcinuria low Steroids are effective and ocular disease, to have rapidly have ( times with was of the concom- its presence and in AIM, by bacterial in an interstitial been proposed that the specific and possibly ficity cells cosinophibunia five to those beu- blood reported Wright’s approximately are not as ncphritis. be sterile of AIN by either of AIM of 72%, been and cosinophilunia test in such being renal of dis- red leukocytes diagnosis in comparing (16), acute of A/N clinical and latter acute displays free have urinary be detected (16). Although it has nophilunia is relatively firmed Pubertal be massive. This function exhibited of can to typically should Eosinophilia in the presumptive urine precede, to treatment type process. AIM syndrome) interstitial AIM urine the with Patients occasionally The sepsis. at which of dysfunction cell casts rare. or rate related with if one is to implicate in the injury, the red blood inflammatory associ- may contrast), categories.) and less to ncphrotoxins in the characteristic casts, extremely Some patients, approaches arc nephrobogists marrow intravenous in patients display creatininc. is, in our experience, abnormalities bcukocyte may Although urinalysis AIM and secondary variation abnormalities unequivocally with nitrogen failure in all of these Although they The diagnosis is often as malaise, weight boss, Bone urea or for patients rises renal electrolyte but standard” blood is a wide rises display AIN of unother ne- occur acute there failure renal in aminoglycosides creatininc Other described Its pathogenesis of the interstitium can the rapid decline in renal Laboratory First hypersensitivity such as the infiltration well with dictated as “gold Typically, the creatinine with (Obviously, (14). in HIV-infected arc usually present. is that in the literature. may seen patients. iru- as well.) by acute interstitial sclerosis such with “immunoin the HIV- acute gbomenubonephnitis with acute gbomenubonephnitis AIM due of renal disease. that lymph node granulomas to the initial report, occur accompanying in any patient crate-to-severe (such helpful “pro- two HIVthat pro- of AIM nephnitis. AIN present differ some subgroup criterion. nephnitis can of for was nephnitis the interstitial relapses first rate renal is possible is not a major diagnostic for both the interstitial although at which than (15). the the high and better-maintained of renal disease seen cosinophilic fever. or follow rate rapid The infrequently explanation to end-stage is characterized cases and The beukocy- immunity are most commonly affected. by systemic symptoms such myalgias, uloma therapy despite to interstitial syndrome of similar increases the diagnosis. crete tubular segments (such as Fanconi’s prominent in AIM as they are in chronic leuko- change, and interstitial nephnitis may (It is important to point out that linked by a diffuse females preceded progressive failure, interstitial within remains the can findings have recently seen interstitial nephnitis ated with bone marrow and known cause (14). Subsequent ports ne- accelerated how A possible nephnitis-uveitis this on patients proteinunic. interesting tububointerstitial 1975 membranes, cell-mediated therapy the types been with urinary basement exposure. population will more prominent. Indinavir no of chronic context, we with marked patient infected become in this drug proved antiretrovirab competence” that with were commented depressed In this patients a Because be at in- patients setting in HIV-infected and is that exhibits biopsy establishing kocytcs, of the epidemic tective.” infected In or laboratory there tubular diagnosed hospitalization renal failure. (presumably presented physical in the seen AIM who In particular, nephrologists was have superimposed no other fibrosis and thickened tuna is less likely. if a patient We hypersensitivity) It is possible AIM AIM complication. failure the same renal more these risk suspect chronic such creased should in either (12). than on other of forms gallium scanning particularly ( in distin- 1 5). In one gallium necrosis that characteristics series, scans, had nine but not a positive Acute scan I 1 ). The ( by its tial nephritis, scans its lack were minimal ity utility of gallium scanning in cases of subacute unpredictability also change of false severe in disease, results disease (since to transferrmn and with patients series, with gallium (15). Renal Biopsy The dominated by interstitial positive foci and the possibil- iron overload resembles fernitin) croscopy. intersti- In current ferric or iron and Treatment undergo a percutaneous biopsy in patients whom probable eliminated. tion, and how in whom for therapy. are either instability, must ogy renal with is the infiltrate infection, can is a mixed and, cell one, comprised occasionally, cells and ruonocyte/macrophages. predominate in the infiltrate blood. In some mononuclear can need ology. AIM cases cell Granubomas not Most of the in a CD4/CD8 of infiltrate implicate with is typically exhibit assume an positive II major histocompatibility teins, intercellular adhesion cular cell kines adhesion released heightened cells. By electron of the tubular thickened In from infiltrating microscopy, basement and microscopy is that and of there fusion lesion, of the efficacious it seems in renal variations and suspected drug function. It is not test, and case of drug-induced if one of dialytic therapy with an would with could be much reliably AIM, renal determine insufficiency may may be required result areas logic therapy in T therapy of continuity as other autoirumunc biopsy of , electron palight mi- be drugs. of AIM present. In delayed, there Such disease many nephnobogists patients patients may The and have by First, before purpose a rapidly associated the below). the diagnosis degree from sys- It is rarely AIN. pharmacologic for biopsy degree biopsy, with phanmaco- that initiation the be a substantial benefit either we believe of the to assess rarely favor particularly on renal (see AIM. in whom pharruaco- gbomerubonephritis, appropriate performed not produce consider who and measure. involvement and the significant, must nephnitis in the patients, does manifested of interstitial in drug-associated suppressive sis. as or diffuse if it agent, as a supportive in patients nephritis, is usually quite in the setting of infection-associated are several important guidelines should diagnosis exhibsimple noninvasive which be In addition, creatinine In forms appropriate There to cyto- AIM. therapy interstitial teruic docu- and In some pharmacologic or both. be these specific is responsible. early serum to a and explained to cases in which straightforward and basement rising to the that drug more a sensitive for by activated familiar because therapy severe scenarios emphasize offending logic fre- or withdraw two needs function in primary or 1gM less toxic, taken. diagnosed degree arc of the more these to in renal of AIM be drugs to first making one may several) with decision function, expressing (or reaction rechablenged deterioration were the substi- If multiple for important in renal in AIM, suspect Between hypersensitivity were a rapid easily associated with AIM and determine, there is evidence of stabilization or improvement IgG be reasonable in clinical nephrobogist. one be substituted agents, In patients cli- cells by only practicing could membrane. processes suspect, can in being approach. discontinuation the gbomerular-associated i.e. normal gloruerubar foot potentially If all drug epithebial be a loss as well basement AIM, nil can are suspects can is a reasonable those should agent drug medication. that it offending approach individual suspected another for, Treatment the as the cells with clinical each is value are potentially in whom tubular and substituted steps T cells to that secondary epithelial membrane multilayered NSAID-associated thobogy cells of tubular for ited , is likely of any situations multiple a reasonable whether tuted patients complex (MHC) glycopromolecule1 and, occasionally, vasThis and easily reactions for either Tubular phenotype molecule. recognition inter- granulomas. kidney the staining pattern. “activated” CD4 similar by Occasionally, on granular the inflamma- nephritis, of the cases, AIM although to its baseline clinical taking likelihood followed, to return difficult is be discontinued, promptly, ruented well in the patient’s medical record the patient. We have seen several unfortunate pathol- or tuberculosis staining culprit, are function more such the are many hypersensitivity sarcoidosis negative. may in a linear quently circum- cosinophibs interstitial drug In The patient should If diagnosed guidelines renal improvement renal associated with T lymphocytes is accompanied be seen Immunofluorescence membrane class primary drugs. for Such and time, ratio the less of T lymphocytes, plasma if these the agent most commonly after several days, whether The B). In the interstitial nephnitis disease, the infiltrate is typically gbomerular is although is supportive therapy. diagnosis of AIM has drugs treated. hemodynaruic within or patchy. below). offending infections weeks which is critical microscopic infiltrate be diffuse (see likely basis. of the bight take agents is contemplated 1 , A and (Figure and biopsy percutaneous on an individual inflammatory nephnitis atrophy, remain. treatment in AIM (or biopsy-proven) potentially reversible may is unclear drug AIM for we diagnosis Renal insufficiency. aspect lesions monocytes, in the diagnosis in whom ongoing advanced These made, consider contemplated, offending candidates of prominent in AIM tory good be easily of AIN most stitium. the in discontinua- persists. in whom patients not be dealt Pathology The inflammation because or is renal and can drug to establish the potentially Frequently, as a diagnosis stances much AIM do not likely, use, after biopsy in patients in those as drug therapy a renal with seems to improve interstitial and tubular can 509 of AIN or underlying Diagnosis We do not advocate diagnosis immunosuppressive indicated biopsy, biopsy. such fail recommend is also in the of patients the precipitants, determine and renal in whom If patients strongly and the majority cells The mainstay of After a presumptive usually practice, in “chronic” fibrosis of inflammatory been Role of Percutaneous of A/N pathology Nephritis gboruenulonephritis, pycboncphnitis), in however, or chronic (in Linton’s patients and positive liver binds of specificity noted is limited, Interstitial of a renal irumuno- is to confirm of interstitial of AIM of interstitial treatment with the fibrosis has been fibro- irumuno- 5 10 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 1. Fatal Figure acute interstitial nephritis in a patient with scarlet fever. Glomeruli are normal. Magnification. X246. (B) The cells infiltrate. eosinophils. are rare. in Cabot RC, Halbory Focal tubular invasion by mononuclear TB: Case records of the Massachusetts cells is present (arrows). Magnification, General Hospital. N Engl J Med 200: from Colvin RB, Fang LST: Interstitial nephnitis. In: Renal Pathology BM. 1st Ed., Vol. I, Philadelphia. Lippincott. 1989, pp 728-776). suppressive drugs and are potentially at more risk for wit/i side effects. Second, although used immunosuppressive remember trials dcncc small, that there corticosteroids drugs have been for are the most commonly AIM, it is important no prospective, uncontrolled, nonrandomized of 14 patients with studies (3). methicillin-induced to randomized performed to assess the efficacy of this treatment. for efficacy has come from anecdotal case reports tive analysis Eviand In a retrospecAIM, average serum creatininc at follow-up. peak serum crcatininc to new baseline and a shorter (9.3 versus Clinical eight time 54 d) and X615. 142-145. Functional fall in serum creatininc returned Of the slowly, insufficiency. There edited by Tisher examined with onset within to near to 90 mI/mm. renal function (Original slides from case reported 1929) (Reprinted with permission Correlations, (6). Pusey et al. retrospectively biopsy-proven AIN treated nisolonc. All responded with function of 14 patients received prednisonc therapy, with an average daily dose of 60 rug for a total mean duration of 9.6 d. Prcdnisonc therapy was associated with a higher percentage of patients returning to their previous serum creatinine level, a lower from (A) The interstitium is edematous and contains a dense mononuclear are chiefly lymphocytes and plasma cells. Granulocytes. including seven high-dose of diuresis with Brenner patients with IV mcthylprcdor a spontaneous 72 h. In all treated normal, CC. patients, creatinine clearances renal 60 two patients not treated, one recovered and one progressed to chronic renal were no detectable adverse effects from the short courses of steroids used in either study ( 18). There have been no trials that establish the optimum dosing or duration of corticosteroid therapy. Because detected 10 to 14 d after onset and a duration of azotemia greater be likelihood dow of recovery of opportunity, of renal if one interstitial fibrosis can of interstitial inflammation than 1 to 2 wk decreases the function, is going the appropriate to treat with steroids, winis Acute probably narrow, (19). Prednisone daily has tamed been by that should have and treatment of approximately response the drugs Some 7 to 14 d after onset dose of approximately recommended, for a period significant and i.e., within in an oral time, recommended is based nience, are many failure of nisone as first-line Usage of both AIN on but efficacy with time. this has cyclophosphamide is supported by investigations basement renal biopsy. membrane plasmaphcrcsis anti-glomerubar basement using exchanges day 3- to 4-L for another reports We tion atcd week are not aware regimens interstitial continued adjunct in those daily of reports in patients ncphritis therapy reported disease. of drug that drug. It may well come The (22). Kida along antiin the biopsy-proven logic changes, Most AIM of the available patients with drug-associated in serum long-term information missed several end weeks, is derived come a lesion hallmarks characterized of chronic or even lesion by fibrosis interstitial from ncphnitis, the serum if the diagnosis is mistakenly lenged with a drug and develops a hypersensitivity rapid in onset and severe in intensity, the patient with significant renal dysfunction placement therapy. The inflammatory it is of AIM. discontinued, to baseline of the spectrum, on if a patient and is rechal- may response be left require renal of AIM can tubular rebe- atrophy, if the inciting factors persist. Arc there clinician and Bohle cases specimens, or all to morphologic prognosis compared of AIM, provide nosis clinical to predict clinical of which determine factors for patients and morphologic had whether been with confirmed histologic conclusive information regarding of AIM ( 1 ). Serum creatinine values by expression were I to 6% an adverse acute renal of vimentin not found prognostic (as an to predict factor out- is the severity and prognosis by analyzing clinical of 14 patients laboratory features course (23). They both noted data, early and histo- bate in the two phases to the recovery following year. In their series, half of the patients ultimately displayed a higher baseline serum creatininc. GFR correlated with the degree of early improvement, gesting that prognosis. the latter Age GFR, whereas initial renal may at onset be a reliable of AIM other indices such and gender to outcome. Severity closely with predictor correlated symptoms, as extrarenab had no studied Final sug- of long-term inversely with final manifestations, significant of the interstitial final relation- lesion was noted to GFR. Pathogenesis of AIN Insights from Animal AIM. In general, if (within 1 wk of the rise and the drug is promptly is favorable for a return At the other for etiologies, for all causes on outcomes accompanied of dcsensitizadrug-associbenefit from be feasible. diverse prognosis probable drug-associated AIM is detected early creatinine), outcome creatinine. with a general presence with the long-term AIM of what that enable AIM? findings by in 30 pathologic findings the course were used the Laberkc could and progas clinical and Prospects Models we know been is associated to establish The correlated those (22). examined with ship of AIN Because difficult tubular important fibrosis et al. Prognosis had a poorer prognosis for complete The phenotype of infiltrating cells, damage) most and infiltration. latter. AIM and of tubular Most Prognosis with of tubulitis, infiltration diffuse also failure of >3 wk duration recovery of renal function. correlate who have experienced and who could otherwise with Patients diffuse from AIM: an initial phase of rapid improvement in GFR (the first 6 to 8 wk) followed by slow improvement in GFR over the of (3). of the use the Their histobogi- models Anecdotal 1 9). for of disease. disease The use of to its use in ( with infiltrate assessment prognosis 5 11 A to treat Plasruapheresis then every other 5 d and mixed better Nephritis to differentiate incompletely in the of interstitial on. therapy in whom recommended been irumu- arc demonstrable for been the the potent occurrence. be analogous membrane have Given cycbosporin antibodies has on its success any in experimental This is an uncommon in this setting would is significantly degree expe- after of not been and interstitial nephritis (20,21). Plasruaphcrcsis may be considered with prednisonc or cycbophosphamide tubular In our agents the in nec- cases and/or and it is important AIN patchy prognosis. cycbophos- cell-mediated immune reefficacious agent than pred- a more therapy, not is no improvement therapy (3). This cytotoxic diminishes cycbophospharuide it may well be be with experience. to use because therapy of will course that between with neutrophils therapy anecdotal corticosteroids, nosuppressive effects sponses, on no evaluating indicate cally has been probably for findings (3). adjunct hesitant criteria be main- If there there phamide at 1 to 2 mg/kg per d if there serum creatininc after a trial of steroid ommendation should 4 wk. be discontinued of azotcruia 1 mg/kg Interstitial culled from (24,25). Although induced interstitial about the T cell-mediated nephritis membrane with antibody deposition and mononuclear cell with tial basement immunization) systemic [29], purpose disease interstitial new classify ferent of the different models antigen-nonspecific. Antigen-driven interstitial mice); and intersti- discase/protcinuria with amino[30]). The of distinct model systems is useful for disease that is diverse in both etiology phenotype. and interstitial of therapy (26); [28], treatment gbomenuloncphnitis of developing systems types has induced with antigen ncphnitis associated gbomcrular tems is to discover better ways Identifying the relevant mediators model nephritis (MRL-fas’’ with protcinunia crcsccntic availability of a variety the study of a human and in irumunopathologic The of AIM along the tubular basement infiltration of the interstitium membrane (27); associated (protein-overload nuclcosides pathogcncsis interstitial autoirumunity ncphnitis Therapy experimental work in animal model systems there is no good model system for drugncphnitis, there arc model systems of spon- taneous, (anti-tubular in adjuvant for in such types of interstitial of model sys- treating of renal human injury disease. in rodent ncphnitis has facilitated testing model systems. It is useful immunopathology nephnitis irumunopathobogy characterizing of as either is the seen antigen-driven end product to in dif- or of an 5 12 Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Antigen Inactivation Activation Antigen specific activation Nonspecific immune cell activation :1II Cytokines gamma Class II IFN, TNF alpha VCAM ICAM-1 MHC Figure 2. Diagram depicts antigen this antigen (depicted of mechanisms uptake are presented as a triangle). and underlying processing by cell-surface For the Th cells immune by professional major injury in acute histocorupatibility to be activated, interstitial antigen-presenting they cells, complex must receive nephritis. such (MHC) a second The portion as a dendritic cell proteins costimulatory of the figure to the antigen signal above the dashed or ruacrophage. Peptide receptor on the T helper (depicted as the circle-ellipse line fragments (Th) of cell couple). Acute immune response mark of such cells that bear These organ A general receptors mechanisms. for responses activation. The human interstitial related AIM, haptens, may that bind to serum been be abbe (3 1). Once tionally to helper of B cells of specific induce as those bind ncphnitis represents responses arc ultimately and and by the Freund’s and evidence This immunization cells. IgG Within is detectable both deposited antibody At these early time infiltrate studies In the absence line within along points, of neutrophils performed of this second depicts time of signal, effector from a the and circulation interstitiuru. demonstrate a Func- a depressed the Th cell is inactivated, mechanisms of injury that such oxide (as depicted along the tubular basement membrane) strong antibody epithelial recruit so-called nonspe“antibody- Activated macro- a number of these, the rcmembrane are renal macrophages cells. The oxide, robe the can nitro- unresolved. evidence participant result of reactive is currently injury, is a critical rather thase inhibition Renal injury In is convincing in epithebial than This may be in the setting an effect cell injury. basement cells cells, can or deposit and present under tubular Th epithelial I MHC cells T cells on the left side of the figure. cell activation. as antigen-antibody These include circumstances to T cells, CD4 II MHC manner. These The portion and Antigen-specific which can react can in (CD4)T induce or cells of the figure antigen-specific Th cells tubular resulting and CD8 T cells These cells recognize a class killer (NK) cells. and make antibody, complexes. model, the target antigen is synthesized by some in either syn- T cells. antigen (CD8)-rcstricted oxide disease recognize glycoprotcin this nitric by antigen-specific membrane the activation of the latter (33). Both arc present within the tububointerstitium. class from epithelial cpithclial attributable to an augof nitric oxide synthase of inducible within the kidney. can also be initiated mechanisms. The nonspecific mechanisms include activation of macrophages and natural include activation of both B and T cells. B cells are induced to differentiate into plasma cells antigen is no tubular can via activated as nitric of ischemic nitric from to epithebial functional levels (32). mented immune response as depicted result species, tubular as There membrane pathways. that infiltrate the interstitium within the interstitiuru. This B cells antigen- site, publi- to the the loss of an intact basement membrane of the tubular segment. The release of species In the anti-tubular in the T and to the for injury of antigen-spe- to renal cytotoxicity” injury inhibition, complete results submitted of antibody cells F. Gabbai. In anti-tubular basement membrane disease, treatment of immunized animals with selective inhibitors of the cytokincinducible nitric oxide synthase (such as L-MIL) results in marked augmentation of disease, at both the histologic and of with gen that disease in oxygen models and We immunization, the effector cellular in oxidant interstitial of rodents in injury deposition the hyper- tububointer- a combination basement results Kelly, phages within the interstitiuru can release potentially harmful secretory products. Among lease of enzymes that can degrade basement antag- data from mechanisms. reactive a variety rat, At and with irreversible effector the cytotoxic dependent the tubular basement memthere additionally may be a within at this alone C. anti-tubular such with of antigen-specific 7 to 10 d after the However, cific cytotox- membrane process that T cells, mechanisms strains nonspecific deposition they of emulsified and nephnons in autoimmune points, cells. fall in GFR to compensate Norway time results likely crucial, because will hamper regeneration with information preparation differentiation the host. dashed cific Brown killer The functioning the replaced of T cells, natural depressed. of (in been comprised and changes later tububointerstitium in the production basement susceptible antigen adjuvant. activation this these have S. Thomson, in the At immunization infiltrate, nephrons hemodynamic ncphnitis and a loss addi- by summarize stitial of cells and disease Anti-tubular immunizing tubular tional cation). like model system of AIM of interstitial ncphnitis. to briefly supplement systems. is induced effector regulated studied model system then model diffuse of the removal of antigen from the system, death of immune cell populations, idio- is the most widely an antigen-driven disease linearly branc. Hammond, Gboruerular both cell is significantly (T. filtration MHC- resulting T helper hypersensitivity interactions, use this model specific to GFR remaining such are activated, cells, onistic, inhibitory cytokincs. Anti-tubular basement membrane within directly T cells of other delayed-type anti-idiotypic renal drugs, point, after Nephritis the interstitium macrophages, of the molecules some Activated the differentiation mediating These other by MHC to plasma antibody. mechanisms, including the programmed cell will behave proteins cells, result be in 2 to 3 wk mononuclear plasma failure In drug- drugs or cellular presented a largely is the forms defined. Alternatively, with By within 2. (24,25). in most the relevant and may differentiation typic elsewhere GFR. the neutrophils an- that have direct effects on target cells and activate nonspecific effecton cells, such as natural and macrophages. Activated T helper cells induce production icity. not nephron rat), B cells, cytokines additionally killer cells the have peptides. complexes produce B in parcn- in Figure antigens likely sulfaruethoxazole, pcptidc detail target are processed as hapten-modified T and , tissue-injurious in more single this time is summarized relevant it seems i.e. result or one cross reactive with it, must to T cells in a manner that results nephritis which subsequently as understanding is outlined First, the target antigen, expressed and presented T cell several can hall- of immune for antigen, through immune The expansion cells framework information antigen(s). cbonal antigen-specific injury tigen-dniven This to a specific is the cell-surface lymphocytes. chymal mounted a response Interstitial can below the -nonspecific mechanisms with a kidney effector T cells, which may be cytotoxic to tubular epithelial cells (T(.TL) leading to necrosis or apoptosis or inflammatory (Tt)TH) leading to mononuclear cell infiltration and occasionally granulorua formation. 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