3/27/12 How to Market Yourself as a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Presented by: Kathryn Benson, LADC, NCAC II, SAP March 28, 2012 – The presenta6on will begin soon. Earn Free Con*nuing Educa*on thru NAADAC -‐ www.naadac.org/educa*on How to Market Yourself as a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Presented by: Kathryn Benson, LADC, NCAC II, SAP March 28, 2012 Earn Free Con*nuing Educa*on thru NAADAC -‐ www.naadac.org/educa*on Using GoToWebinar ì Control Panel ì Asking Ques6ons ì Mu6ng Your Phone 1 3/27/12 Produced By Obtaining BH Credit ì The educa6on delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. ì CE credit cannot be offered for this webinar because the topic. ì If you wish to receive a Cer6ficate of Comple6on for one Business Hour credit, you MUST complete and pass the online Quiz posted at: www.naadac.org/educa6on (under “Webinar Series” then “SAP”) ì 1 BH is FREE to all par6cipants, both during the live event and if watching the archived version. ì Successfully passing the Quiz is the ONLY way to receive a cer6ficate. Earn Free Con*nuing Educa*on thru NAADAC -‐ www.naadac.org/educa*on Webinar Materials ì Webinar webpage: www.naadac.org/component/content/ar6cle/45-‐knowledge-‐ center/630-‐march-‐2012-‐sap-‐marke6ng-‐webinar ì Take the online Quiz: www.proprofs.com/quiz-‐school/story.php?6tle=how-‐to-‐market-‐ yourself-‐as-‐a-‐substance-‐abuse-‐professional-‐sap-‐quiz ì Download the PowerPoint presenta6on: www.naadac.org/component/content/ar6cle/45-‐knowledge-‐ center/630-‐march-‐2012-‐sap-‐marke6ng-‐webinar Earn Free Con*nuing Educa*on thru NAADAC -‐ www.naadac.org/educa*on 2 3/27/12 Webinar Outline Overview of DOT Tes6ng Process and SAPs ✓ Provide specific recommenda6ons on how to market yourself as a SAP and get referrals ✓ Outline ways to reach out to poten6al referral sources ✓ Presented By Kathryn Benson Clinical Consultant DOT Drug Testing: A Point of Intervention Section One 3 3/27/12 Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program Safety is the #1 priority of the U.S. Department of Transporta6on. A cornerstone of their safety policy is ensuring that transporta6on providers across all modes employ workers who are drug-‐ and alcohol-‐ free while performing safety sensi6ve du6es: ü roads ü rails ü water ü in the air ü over land ü underground Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program ì 49 Code of Federal Regula6ons (C.F.R.) § 40 ì First published in 1988 and finally implemented in 1990, last update 2011 ì Adopted from The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Tes9ng ì set scien6fic and technical standards for drug tes6ng for federal employees and for federal cer6fica6on of drug tes6ng laboratories Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program The Guidelines established the legality of and procedures for removing employees from safety-‐ sensi6ve du6es immediately ajer they violate drug and alcohol tes6ng rules. Removed employees are not permiked to return to safety-‐sensi6ve duty un6l they are referred for evalua6on and have successfully complied with treatment recommenda6ons. 4 3/27/12 Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program They give an employee who works in a DOT covered safety-‐ sensi9ve posi9on the opportunity to return to a safety-‐ sensi6ve posi6on once compliance to an SAP’s recommenda6ons has been documented. This gives the recovery community addi6onal valida6on that individuals can be in recovery from substance use disorders and re-‐enter the workplace as produc6ve, vital employees. Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program The Guidelines contain procedures for: ì collec6ng urine specimens ì analyzing the specimens ì establishing classes of drugs of abuse ì implemen6ng a physician review of the drug test results, called medical review officers (MROs) ì evalua6on, referral and return-‐to-‐duty services by the Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Overview of the DOT Alcohol and Drug Testing Program Current DOT regula6ons are accessible through the Department of Transporta6on’s website: www.dot.gov/ost/dapc (click on Drug and Alcohol Tes9ng Regula9ons) Or, requested by phone at 800.225.3784. 5 3/27/12 Overview of a Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) Section Two What is an SAP? Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) = a trained professional who evaluates employees who have violated a DOT drug and alcohol regula6on. SAPs: ì determine the employee’s level of chemical use & treatment need ì establish and refer to required treatment, including educa6on ì document completed evalua6on and treatment ì establish follow-‐up tes6ng plan ì communicates to the employer any recommended addi6onal con6nuing care What is a SAP? SAP func6on = protect the public interest in safety by professionally evalua6ng the employee and direc6ng appropriate educa6on and/or treatment, follow-‐up tests, and con6nuing educa6on. A SAP operates as a “gatekeeper” of the return-‐to-‐duty process and provides an important service to the employee, the employer and to the traveling public. 6 3/27/12 What is a SAP? In your counseling work, you view the person walking through your door as your client. As a SAP, the public is your client, too. Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) ì Licensed: Medical Doctor ì Licensed or Cer6fied: Social Worker Psychologist Marriage and Family Therapist With knowledge of and clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of alcohol and other drugs of abuse ì Employee Assistance Professional ì NAADAC, NCC ì ICRC, Creden6aled Addic6on Counselor ì Na6onal Board of Cer6fied Counselors and Affiliates/Master Addic6on Counselor (NBCC) Training Requirements NAADAC offers a home-‐study course for your convenience: ì Bound manual ü teaches the required domains and regula6ons ü easy to read and organized format ü future desk reference ü example forms and reports ì Validated, wriken examina6on ì www.naadac.org 7 3/27/12 Other Important SAP Information ì Note: Employers are not required to provide an SAP evalua6on or any subsequent recommended educa6on or treatment for an employee. The employer is required to provide the employee with no6ce of required SAP services and contact informa6on for SAP services. ì However, if the employer offers the employee an opportunity to return to DOT safety-‐sensi6ve duty, the employer must ensure that the employee goes through the en6re return-‐to-‐duty process that includes successful compliance with the SAP’s requirements. ì Payment is lej for employers and employees to decide and may be determined by exis6ng management-‐labor agreements, employer policies or health care benefits. DOT Operating Administrations ì Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administra6on (FMCSA) ì Federal Railroad Administra6on (FRA) ì Federal Avia6on Administra6on (FAA) ì Federal Transit Administra6on (FTA) ì United States Coast Guard (USCG) ì Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administra6on (PHMSA) Audience Polling Question #1 On average, how many DOT Evaluations do you do per year? 8 3/27/12 How to Market Yourself as a SAP Section Three Spreading the News ì The key to any successful Substance Abuse Professional (SAP) prac6ce is genera6ng new clients and providing quality service. ì Some6mes word-‐of-‐mouth alone is not sufficient to keep a steady stream of new clients who need your SAP services coming through your door. News… ì Just like with other counseling services, SAPs must adver6se themselves to poten6al clients and companies. ì So how do you do that? ì Let’s jump right in! 9 3/27/12 Ways to Stimulate SAP Referrals Section Four Ways to Stimulate Referrals ì Referrals from DOT – NOT!!! ì Referrals from former clients – Yes! ì Referrals from former employer DER – Yes! ì Referrals from Tes6ng/Collec6on Companies – Yes! Ways to Stimulate Referrals Educate yourself on service agents in your state/area: ì Consor6a ì Laboratories ì Third Party Administrators ì Medical Review Officers 10 3/27/12 Ways to Stimulate Referrals Research DOT regulated industries that need your service: ì Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administra6on (FMCSA) ì Federal Railroad Administra6on (FRA) ì Federal Avia6on Administra6on (FAA) ì Federal Transit Administra6on (FTA) ì United States Coast Guard (USCG) ì Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administra6on (PHMSA) Ways to Stimulate Referrals Research substance abuse treatment programs that admit individuals whom, under DOT guidelines, need SAP evalua*on prior to admission Ways to Stimulate Referrals ì Educate yourself on state laws regula6ng Drug Free Workplace (DFWP) ì Contact state employees/departments overseeing the state DFWP enforcement 11 3/27/12 Ways to Stimulate Referrals Adver*sing on NAADAC’s website ì A lis6ng on our website helps your visibility Ways to Stimulate Referrals ì Inquire about being hired by a specific company to handle their SAP work ì Ask the company to place you on retainer Ways to Stimulate Referrals Word of mouth ì Clients will talk with each other, even though its supposed to be confiden6al ì Human Resource managers talk with each other 12 3/27/12 Ways to Stimulate Referrals Word of mouth ì Your product speaks for itself – Make it a quality product. ì Be professional: know the laws, requirements, process ì Make 6mely, comprehensive and quality reports ì Set your office up to be efficient -‐ Architectural diagram of how your office should look like, where should I sit, how much space should be between myself and the client Ways to Stimulate Referrals Develop marke*ng materials ì Develop a marke6ng pamphlet or brochure informing of your prac6ce ì Brochure should address your creden6al, length of 6me as an substance abuse professional, loca6on of your prac6ce and available services which may include… Ways to Stimulate Referrals Develop specific service literature for DOT-‐regulated companies including: ì assessment and evalua6on ì treatment referral and monitoring ì follow-‐up tes6ng plan ì final return to work evalua6on ì comprehensive report ì future availability to DER regarding this employee ì company policy and procedure development and modifica6on ì employee educa6on ì supervisor training ì human resource technical assistance ì liaison with DER, cer6fied laboratories and medical review officers 13 3/27/12 Ways to Stimulate Referrals Interchange your DOT services with state DFWP-‐regulated companies ì Brochure should address your creden6al, length of 6me as an addic6on professional, types of companies you’ve served in this role, loca6on of your prac6ce and available services: • company policy and procedure development and modifica6on • employee educa6on • supervisor training • human resource technical assistance • assessment and evalua6on • treatment referral and monitoring • follow-‐up tes6ng plan • final return to work evalua6on • comprehensive report • liaison with cer6fied laboratories, workers compensa6on insurance companies, and MROs ì Expand your available services to include SAP work, Alcohol and Drug Educa*on for Employees, Human Resource Personnel, DERs and Supervisors/Managers Example Marketing Materials ì Brochures ì Business cards ì Lekers of introduc6on OK, But How Does One Do the Outreach? Section Five 14 3/27/12 Outreach A huge part is developing rela*onships: ì DER ì Collec6on and Tes6ng Companies ì Treatment Centers Audience Polling Question #2 What services do you wish to expand in your SAP practice? Outreach ì Direct your best efforts (HR, collec6on companies themselves) ì Trucking companies, schools, u6lize yellow pages and contact all HRs for trucking companies, collec6on sites, highway department, police departments ì Adver6se with trucking industries within your area, Human Rela6ons personnel with the police department (mechanics are under DOT regula6ons) and airline hubs within your area. 15 3/27/12 Outreach Introduce your services to key personnel (HR, DER) within the company Important Points to Make: ì Professional creden6al, length of experience ì Exper6se with DOT regula6ons ì Philosophy of Treatment: • safety of public • quality of care for employee • return to work ASAP • insure company in compliance with DOT Outreach Invite individuals to pass their informa6on along to others: ì Employees: Stay in touch, let me know how you’re doing; If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me, preferably before there’s another problem ì Employers: If I can be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me, be happy to talk with you any 6me about situa6ons you may have ques6ons about; feel free to share my contact info with other employers that you feel could benefit Outreach ì There is a list of SAPs provided to each poten6al client. ì Get on that list – call employers, express your desire to get on the list – they may need a bit of educa6on on the process. Employers: “I’m aware you work under DOT regula9ons and wanted you to be aware that I am an SAP in your area. I’m going to send you my contact informa9on so that you can see how I can benefit both you and your employees who you may need to refer for services Happy to help you however I can, I provide all DOT-‐mandated services.” 16 3/27/12 Expanded Service Role ì View others as a customer who may need services they haven’t even been aware of prior to your call: troubled employees, family concerns, brain-‐storming person to run ideas by ì View yourself as a promoter where you receive benefits beyond just a check: referral source, consulta6on and training contracts, benefit to community at large Scenarios ì HR with new employee who tested under another employer who did not enforce follow-‐up tes6ng ì Employee job searching – applica6on techniques, generic reports ì Consulta6on with treatment center admissions departments ì Consulta6on with other SAPs, EAPs Some Final Thoughts… Section Six 17 3/27/12 Final Thoughts Have confidence that it will pay off – You’ll see it when you believe it. Find that balance between gewng clients and managing your work load so your work remains a quality product. Know your 6me frames, philosophy of treatment, quality services, fees that reflect your 6me, exper6se and community norms Resource NAADAC offers a home-‐study course for your convenience: ì Bound manual ü teaches the required domains and regula6ons ü easy to read and organized format ü future desk reference ü example forms and reports ì Validated, wriken examina6on ì www.naadac.org Have a Gentle Day! Kathryn Benson, LADC, NCAC II, QCS Pleiades Clinical Consul*ng Services 45A Rutledge Street Nashville, TN 37210 615.476.2931 615.902.0465 Fax Lightbeing@aol.com 1001 N. Fairfax Street., Ste. 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 phone: 703.741.7686/800.548.0497 fax: 703.741.7698/800.377.1136 naadac@naadac.org www.naadac.org/educa6on 18 3/27/12 Upcoming Free Webinars • April 18, 2012 -‐ ShiNing from Cogni9ve to Behavioral Approaches in CBT • May 2, 2012 -‐ Message from the President and Execu9ve Director: Highlights of NAADAC’s Four Pillars • May 16, 2012 -‐ Access Granted: Building a Therapeu9c Alliance with Adolescents • 2012 Webinar Series in Development ü New webinars each month! ü Educa9on is free to all professionals. ü CE credit available for purchase. ü Informa6on and Registra6on at: www.naadac.org/educa6on Archived Webinars ì Building Your Business with SAP/DOT ì Ethics ì Medica9on Assisted Recovery: What Every Addic9on Professional Needs to Know Billing and Claim Submission Changes ì ì Screening, Brief Interven9on and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) ì Co-‐occurring Disorders ì Test-‐Taking Strategies ì Conflict Resolu9on ì Clinical Supervision: Keys to Success Archived webinars: www.naadac.org/educa6on CE credit s6ll available! www.naadac.org 19 3/27/12 Obtaining BH Credit ì The educa6on delivered in this webinar is FREE to all professionals. ì CE credit cannot be offered for this webinar because the topic. ì If you wish to receive a Cer6ficate of Comple6on for one Business Hour credit, you MUST complete and pass the online Quiz posted at: www.naadac.org/educa6on (under “Webinar Series” then “SAP”) ì 1 BH is FREE to all par6cipants, both during the live event and if watching the archived version. ì Successfully passing the Quiz is the ONLY way to receive a cer6ficate. Earn Free Con*nuing Educa*on thru NAADAC -‐ www.naadac.org/educa*on Thank you for Participating! Kathryn Benson, LADC, NCAC II, QCS Pleiades Clinical Consul*ng Services 45A Rutledge Street Nashville, TN 37210 615.476.2931 615.902.0465 Fax Lightbeing@aol.com 1001 N. Fairfax Street., Ste. 201 Alexandria, VA 22314 phone: 703.741.7686/800.548.0497 fax: 703.741.7698/800.377.1136 naadac@naadac.org www.naadac.org/educa6on 20
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