How to use this comparison chart - Proposed uses are indicated by red text in the left-most column. Proposed zones are in red text in the top row. - Current uses, their categorization, and current zones are in black text. - Read across a row to see where a use is currently permitted by right (P) or is a special exception (SE). - Look at the last row in each proposed use to see where a use is proposed to be: P: a use permitted by right L: a limited use, which means permitted, if the use meets certain standards; or C: a conditional use, which is equivalent to the existing special exception. - ^ denotes that one (or more) footnotes is associated with the use. The proposed codes aims to take the information found in the footnotes and incorporate them into the body of the text. -In the residential zones, an O denotes a use that is currently allowed only under Cluster or MPDU optional method - Printing the tables works best on legal-sized paper (8.5”x14”) Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-O O-M L C-P LSC L EOF I-3 C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 GR CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL Community Garden New Use Farm building supply and construction L L Commercial P^ Farm Supply, Machinery Farm implements, storage Commercial and sales Sales, Storage, Service Feed and grain, storage Commercial and sales L L P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P Garden supply shops Commercial Horticultural nurseries and Resource Production and commercial greenhouses Extraction P P P L P P P P P P P P^^ P P P L P P P Nursery (Retail) Nursery, horticulturalretail or wholesale Agricultural Farm, limited to crops, vegetables, herbs and ornamental plants Agricultural P P Urban Farming P P P P L L P P L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L P L ACCESSORY AGRICULTURAL USES Farm and country markets Agricultural L Farm Market, On-site P P L L L L L L TEMPORARY AGRICULTURAL USES Agricultural Vending Farm products, sale of P Christmas trees, sales of, between 12/5 and 12/25 Resource Production and Extraction Seasonal outdoor sales Agricultural P P P P P Seasonal Outdoor Sales P L PHED DRAFT P L P L Page 1 Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones LSC I-3 P P SE P^/ SE SE P SE P P P P SE C-O C-1 P O-M C-2 P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) C-P C-3 P EOF CR P NR LSC TMX -2 P CBDR2 P CBD-3 P CBD-2 P GR CBD-1 P CBDR1 P^ (S) (O) CBDO.5 TSM P^ C-4 P C-2 P C-1 P H-M P O-M TSR CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL HOUSEHOLD LIVING Dwellings Single-Unit Living Residential P P^ Dwellings, one-family Residential detached Embassy Residential Guest rooms, for not more Residential than 2 roomers in any dwelling unit P P P P P P^/S E SE P^/ SE P SE P P Dwellings Two-Unit Living Residential P Guest rooms, for not more Residential than 2 roomers in any dwelling unit P P^/S E SE P^/ SE Townhouse Living Residential Multi-Unit Living P P P P P P^/S E SE P^/ SE P P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P Dwellings, one-family Residential attached Dwellings, multiple-family Residential Guest rooms, for not more Residential than 2 roomers in any dwelling unit P^/ SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P P P^/ SE SE P P SE P P^/ SE L P P P P^/S E L P P P^ P P SE P Residential P P P P^ P P^/S P^ E P P Guest rooms, for not more Residential than 2 roomers in any dwelling unit Dwellings P P P Dwellings P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P^/ SE SE L L L SE P L L SE P L L SE P L L SE SE SE L P^/S P^ E L P^/S P^ E L P^/S P^ E L GROUP LIVING Dormitories Residential P Dormitory P Independent Living Facility for Seniors or Personals with Disabilities PHED DRAFT Housing and related Residential facilities for senior adults or persons with disabilities P L P P P P P P L P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ L Page 2 P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P L L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones P (Up to 50 Individual Living Units) (Over 50 Individual Living Units) Adult foster care home (up to 8 persons) (9 to 16 persons) (over 16 persons) PHED DRAFT P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ P P P P P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ L L L C C C C C SE^ SE^ p P SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Residential Services/Residential (CR) C-O O-M C-P I-3 EOF P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ L P LSC C-1 P C-2 P C-3 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC L Services Domiciliary care for more Services than 16 residents Domiciliary care home for Services no more than 16 residents Group home, small Residential Group home, large Residential Care Facility (based on number of Hospice care facilities residents- see categories below) Housing and related facilities for elderly or handicapped persons Life care facility Nursing and care homes P^/ SE^ (S) (O) AGRICULTURAL GR CR Residential CR TMX -2 Personal Living Quarters Personal living quarters CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P SE^ P SE^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P P SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P P P P^ P P^ P P P SE^ SE^ P^ P P Residential Residential Services Nursing home Services Respite care home Services P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P SE^ SE^ P P SE^ P P L L P P L P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Page 3 P P P P P P P P P P P P SE^ P L L SE^ P L P C Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-O P O-M P C-P I-3 EOF LSC NR LSC C-1 C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 GR CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL ACCESSORY RESIDENTIAL LIVING Dwellings, for caretakers Residential or watchkeepers and their Dwellings for Caretakers/ families or for bona fide Watchkeepers agricultural operations P P P Home Health Practitioner (Low Impact) Home Health Practitioner (Major Impact) Home Occupation (No Impact) New Use Live/Work Units PHED DRAFT L L L L L L C C C C C C C New Use Home occupation, no impact Services P P^ P L Home occupation, Home Occupation (Low registered impact) Home Occupation (Major) L Home occupation, major Services P SE Residential P P^ P SE^ P P P^ P^ P P L P P P P SE SE SE SE C SE P L L L L L P L L SE C C C C P P P P P P Page 4 L SE C P P P L P P P L C Live/Work Units P L L Services P Revised 1/3/14 O-M C-O P C-P P EOF I-3 C-1 P LSC C-2 NR LSC C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached TOMX2.0 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones P SE P P P P CIVIC AGRICULTURAL AND INSTITUTIONAL Ambulance, Rescue Squads (Private) Ambulance or rescue squads, private Ambulances or rescue squads, privately supported, nonprofit Commercial Sales and Service Services L P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L Charitable or philanthropic Services/ Institutional and Charitable, Philanthropic institutions Civic (CR) Institution P P P P P SE P Cultural Institution Cultural Institutions less than or equal to 5,000 square feet GFA Cultural Institutions greater than or equal to 5,000 square feet GFA Libraries and museums Libraries and museums and similar institutions of a noncommercial nature Libraries, scientific or technical SE P P P P P SE^ SE^ P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE C Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Institutional and Civic SE Institutional and Civic Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L PHED DRAFT P P P P Art or cultural centers P P P P Page 5 P P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-1 LSC I-3 C-P O-M C-O P^ EOF C-2 P NR LSC C-3 P CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C GR TSR Child day care facility in a Services residential building: Family day care home Child day care facility: Family day care home Child day care facility in a commercial or mixed use building^: Family day care home Day care facilities and Family Day Care (up to 8) centers with up to 30 users Day care facility for senior adults and persons with disabilities Services P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ Institutional and Civic P P P Services P P P P P P P P P Services P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P Child day care facility in a Services residential building: Group day care home Child day care facility: Group day care home Child day care facility in a commercial or mixed use building: Group day care home Day care facilities and centers with up to 30 users Day care facility for senior adults and persons with disabilities P Services Day care facility for not Services more than 4 senior adults and persons with disabilities SE P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P SE SE SE SE SE P P P SE P P SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Services P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ Institutional and Civic P P P Services P P P PHED DRAFT (S) (O) CR AGRICULTURAL DAY CARE FACILITY Group Day Care (9- 12 persons) RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P P P P Page 6 P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-1 LSC I-3 C-P O-M C-O SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ C-2 SE CR CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 P^ TMX -2 TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD P EOF P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P AGRICULTURAL P P P P P SE SE SE SE SE P P P P P P SE P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Services P P P P P SE SE SE SE SE P P^ SE SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ Services Day Care Center (over 30 Child day care facility: Services persons) Child day care center Day care facilities and Institutional and Civic centers with over 30 users Day care facility for senior Services adults and persons with disabilities P P P P P P SE P P L P P P L P P L PHED DRAFT (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC Services Child day care facility: Services Child day care center Day care facilities and Institutional and Civic centers with up to 30 users Day care facility for senior Services adults and persons with disabilities Child day care facility in a commercial or mixed use building: Child day care center Child day care facility in a residential building: Child day care center (S) (O) GR C-3 Day Care Center (13-30) Services CR TSM Child day care facility in a commercial or mixed use building: Child day care center Child day care facility in a residential building: Child day care center CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P P Page 7 P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-P O-M C-O EOF I-3 LSC C-1 P NR LSC C-2 P C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P AGRICULTURAL Education Institution (Private) Educational institutions, private Educational institution Trade, artistic or technical schools Universities and colleges providing teaching and research facilities Services, Institutional and Civic (CR) Services Services Hospitals Services/ Institutional and Civic (CR) L P P P P^ P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Parks and playgrounds Parks and playgrounds, private Private Club, Service Organization Private clubs and service organizations Service organizations P P P P P P P P P P SE Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Institutional and Civic P P P SE P P Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational/ Institutional and Civic Cultural, entertainment, and recreational P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P SE SE SE P P SE P SE SE P P P P P P P P P P SE C P P P P P P P P P L SE P P P P P P P C P P P SE P P SE^ SE SE P L PHED DRAFT P P P P Private clubs P SE L Playground, Outdoor Area (Private) P P Services L Hospital P P P P Page 8 L P L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Services Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Services/Institutional and Civic (CR) P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Religious Assembly Place of worship Religious institutions Swimming Pool (Community) PHED DRAFT Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C-P CR TMX -2 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE^ P P P SE CBDR2 P P P P CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 TSM CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 CBDO.5 P P P P Services Services/ Institutional and Civic (CR) P P P Swimming pools, community RMX-2C P I-3 P P P LSC P P C-1 P C-2 P P EOF C-3 P P Place of religious worship Services RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD P P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC C-O Fire stations, publicly supported Parks and playgrounds, publicly owned Publicly owned or publicly operated uses AGRICULTURAL P GR O-M Public Use (Except Utilities) (S) (O) CR TSR Ambulance or rescue Services squads Ambulances or rescue Services squads, publicly supported CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P P P P SE SE C Page 9 C Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-O C-P O-M EOF I-3 P^ LSC SE NR LSC C-1 C-3 SE C-2 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 GR CBD-2 SE CBD-1 SE CBDR1 TSM SE CBDO.5 TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL COMMERCIAL ANIMAL SERVICES Animal Boarding and Care Animal boarding place Veterinary hospitals and offices with boarding facilities Services Commercial Sales and Service (non-residential) Hospitals, veterinary Services Hospitals, veterinary, when in a soundproof building Veterinary hospitals and offices without boarding facilities Services SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE L C Veterinary Office/ Hospital SE P C SE P SE C P^ SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE L SE SE P^ P^ C SE P Commercial Sales and Service P P L P L L L L L COMMUNICATION FACILITIES Cable Communication System Cable communications system Public utility buildings and structures, telecommunications Media Broadcast Tower facilities Radio and television broadcasting stations and towers Telecommunications Tower PHED DRAFT Telecommunications facility Transportation, Communication and Utilities/ Commercial (MRR) SE^ SE^ P SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ C C Transportation, Communication and Utilities C SE^ SE^ SE^ P^ C C SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ C P SE Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P^/ SE SE SE SE/ P^ P P SE P^/ SE SE P^/ SE SE SE Page 10 SE SE SE SE SE/ SE/ P^ P^ P^ C L P^/ P^/ SE SE SE P^ L/C C L P^/ SE SE/ P^ C P^/ SE SE P^/ SE L/C Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones EATING AND DRINKING Commercial SE^ Commercial/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Eating and drinking Commercial establishments, excluding drive-ins SE^ L SE^ P P P SE^ SE^ P P/ SE^ P P^ P C-O C-P O-M EOF I-3 LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C P P P P P P^ P P P^ P P^ Funeral parlors or undertaking establishments P^ P P P^ L Funeral Home, Undertaker (S) (O) CR AGRICULTURAL Delicatessen Eating and drinking establishments Restaurant RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P SE^ P P P SE^ P^ P P/ SE^ SE^ SE^ P P Services SE SE P SE P SE SE L SE P L P SE P SE C LODGING Bed and Breakfast Hotel, Motel New Use Conference centers: With Services lodging facilities Hotel or motel Residential/ Commercial Sales and Service (TMX, CR) Tourist homes Residential L L L L SE P P P P P P^ SE SE P^ P P P P^/ P^/ SE SE P^^ P P^^ P P^^ P P^^ P P P P P^ P P P P^ SE P^ SE^ P P P P P MEDICAL AND DENTAL Clinic Clinics/ offices, medical or Services dental Clinic Services/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Emergency health care Services facility P P^ L P^ P^ P P^ P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P^ P^ (up to 4 medical practitioners) P P P P P P P (more than 4 practitioners) L P P P C P P Laboratories Medical, Dental Laboratory Services/ Research and Development and Biotechnology/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Laboratories, medical and Services dental P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P PHED DRAFT P P Page 11 P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones O-M C-O EOF C-P LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD (S) (O) CR I-3 OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL Life sciences Life Sciences CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P^ P^ P^ P^ AGRICULTURAL Manufacturing and industrial. P P Chancery ... Offices for companies principally engaged in health services, research and development or high technology industrial activities Services Services General offices International organization, public Offices for companies principally engaged in health services, research Offices, banking or financial Services Services Offices, business Offices, insurance claims Services Offices, general Services/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Services Office Offices, professional P^ P^ SE^ P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P^ P P^ P P^ P^ P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P^ P^ P^ P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P Services P Services P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Offices, professional and business Services Offices, professional nonresidential Services Offices, professional including banks and financial institutions (excluding check cashing stores) Offices, real estate Services P P P P P P P P^ P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P^ P^ Services P P P Physical and occupational Services therapy facilities Radio and television Transportation, broadcasting studio Communication and Utilities Telephone office or Transportation, communications center Communication and Utilities PHED DRAFT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P Page 12 P P P P L P P P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones EOF P P^ P^ P^^ C-O O-M P LSC P C-1 P NR LSC C-2 P C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD GR C-P Research, development and related activities (S) (O) CR I-3 Research and Development Advanced technology and Research and biotechnology Development and Biotechnology/ Commercial Sales and Laboratories Services/ Research and Development and Biotechnology/ Commercial Sales Life sciences Manufacturing andand CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P industrial. I. Uses of a light industrial nature Services/ Manufacturing P or Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature/ P P P^ P P^ P P P P P L P PARKING Parking garages, automobile Structured Parking Parking of automobiles, off-street, in connection with commercial uses Parking of automobiles, off-street, in connection with any use permitted Transportation, Communication and Utilities/ Other (CR) Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P SE P P P P P P P P Parking lots, automobile, commercial Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ L PHED DRAFT P SE P Parking of automobiles, off-street, in connection with commercial uses Parking of automobiles, off-street, in connection Surface Parking for Use with any use permitted Parking lots, automobile Allowed in the Zone P L P^ P^ L Page 13 P^ P P P P P P L L P P P P P^ L L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-O P C-P P O-M EOF I-3 C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD (S) (O) CR LSC RECREATION AND ENTERTAINMENT Adult entertainment Adult Entertainment business CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL Commercial P P^ P^ L Conference Center Auditoriums or convention Cultural, Entertainment halls and Recreational Conference center Commercial Sales and Service Conference centers: Services Without lodging facilities P P P^ P P^ P P^ P P P P P Corporate training center Services P P Golf courses and country Golf Course, Country Club clubs Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational P P P P SE SE SE C Health club Health Clubs and Facilities Health clubs and gyms Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational/ Services Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational/Commercial Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Auditoriums or convention Cultural, Entertainment halls and Recreational Baseball driving ranges Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Billiards parlors Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Bowling alleys Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Recreation & Fairgrounds, circuses and Cultural, Entertainment Entertainment Facility amusement parks and Recreational (See Categories on next Golf courses, miniature Cultural, Entertainment page) and Recreational Golf driving ranges Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Miniature golf Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Racquet ball, squash, Cultural, Entertainment indoor tennis and handball and Recreational courts, commercial P^ P PHED DRAFT Commercial Sales and service P^ P^ P P P L P^ L P P P P P P P P SE^ P SE^ SE/ P^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P^ P P^ P SE^ P^ P L SE/ SE^ P^ P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE^ SE SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P^ P^ SE Page 14 P^ P^ P SE^ SE^ SE^ P P^ SE^ P P SE P P P SE^ P P P P P P SE^ P P P Amusement centers Recreational facilities, participatory P C SE^ SE^ P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Recreation and Stadiums or arenas Entertainment Facility (See Categories Below) Swimming pools Swimming pools, commercial Theaters, indoor Theaters, legitimate Theaters, outdoor Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational SE^ Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational AGRICULTURAL P SE^ SE P P P SE ^ P^ P^ P SE^ P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ SE P SE ^ SE SE^ P SE^ P P SE^ P^ P SE SE P SE P SE^ SE^ P^ SE P P^ SE P^ P^ P P P SE SE P P P P P P P P^ P P^ P P^ P P P P SE P P C L/C P P C C Outdoor (Capacity up to 1,000) C C P C C C C P C C C Major (Capacity over 1,000) Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational C-O P^ Indoor (Capacity up to 1,000) Rifle or pistol ranges, Shooting Range, Indoor indoor EOF O-M C-1 C-2 C-3 CR TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC C-P P^ (S) (O) GR I-3 Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational CR LSC Recreational facilities primarily for the use of employees Recreational or entertainment establishments, commercial Roller and ice skating rinks CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P SE C SE C PHED DRAFT Page 15 Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Combination retail store Commercial P Appliance repair shops Appliance stores Automobile parts, supplies and tire stores Banks and financial institutions Barber and beauty shops Duplicating services Express or mailing offices P C-O O-M C-P EOF I-3 LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR TMX -2 CBDR2 SE Services Services C P^ P P P P P P P P P^^ P^ P Services Commercial Commercial P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P SE^ SE^ P P^ P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P C P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P/ SE^ P SE C P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P^ P^ P P^ P P P P P P P P SE^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P^^ P P P^ P P P P P P P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P SE^ P^ P P^^ Commercial P P P P P Services P P Commercial Commercial Commercial Commercial Services/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Services Services Florists Commercial Food and beverage stores Commercial Furniture or upholstery repair shops Furniture stores CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C SE P Beauty shops, special Services provision Book stores Commercial Building material and Commercial supply, wholesale or retail Retail/Service Building materials and Establishment (see new supplies stores categories on page 18) Computer programming and software sales and services, including data banks and data retrieval Consignment store Convenience food and beverage Department stores Drug stores Dry cleaning and laundry pick-up station GR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) C Antique shops Commercial Antique shops, handicrafts Commercial or art sales Antique shops, handicrafts Commercial or art sales and supplies PHED DRAFT (S) (O) CR AGRICULTURAL RETAIL SALES AND SERVICE Combination Retail RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached Services P P P P P P SE^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^^ P P SE^ P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P^ P P^ P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P SE^ SE^ P^ P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P^ P^ P P P P P P P SE^ SE^ P P P P P P SE Commercial Page 16 P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P^ P P P SE^ SE^ SE^ P P^ P^ P^ P^ P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Retail trades, businesses, and services ... with each tenant footprint up to 5,000sf PHED DRAFT P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Commercial Services Commercial P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P^^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P P P P P P SE^ P^ SE^ SE^ SE^ C-P P I-3 LSC P CR P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P^ P P^ P P^ SE^ P^ P P P Commercial P P P^ P TMX -2 CBDR2 P^^ P^ SE CBD-3 P P^^ P CBD-2 P P^ SE CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M P C-O SE^ P Services Commercial Radio and television repair Services shop Retail sales and personal Commercial services Retail sales and personal Commercial services, dealing primarily with employees in the zone, in accordance with section 59-C-5.23 Retail trades, businesses, and services of a general commercial nature SE^ P EOF O-M Retail/Service Pet shops Establishment (see new Photographic studios categories on page 18) Photographic and art supply stores Photographic supply store Commercial Commercial Commercial Services P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC C-1 Millinery shops Newsstands Office supply stores Offices, professional including banks and financial institutions (excluding check cashing stores) Pawnshop Pet sales and supply store P^ GR C-2 Hardware stores Commercial Jewelry stores Commercial Laundromats, self-service Services P (S) (O) AGRICULTURAL CR C-3 Furniture stores, carpet or Commercial related furnishing sales or service Gift shops Commercial Grocery stores Commercial MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached SE P P P P P P P SE P P SE P P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE^ SE^ P P P P P P P^ P P Commercial P P P P P P P P P P Page 17 P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Shoe repair shops Specialty shops Tailor or dress making shops Telegraph or messenger service Tire, battery and accessory stores located in an integrated shopping center Variety and dry goods stores Wearing apparel stores Wholesale trades limited to sale or rental of products intended for industrial or commercial users P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P L Services P P P P L P SE^ Services Commercial Services P Services P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE^ SE^ Commercial SE Commercial Commercial Commercial SE P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P SE P^^ P^ P P^ P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P^ (Up to 5,000 SF) P P P P P L L (5,001-15,000 SF) L P P P P L L (15,001-50,000 SF) L P P P P L L (50,001- 85,000 SF) L L P P (85,001 - 120,000 SF) L L L L (120,001 SF and Over) L L C C PHED DRAFT C-O P P O-M P P C-P P^ P^ EOF I-3 P P LSC P P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) CR P P^^ (S) (O) C-3 TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD NR LSC C-1 Retail/Service Establishment (see categories below) GR AGRICULTURAL Retail trades, businesses, and services ... with each tenant footprint between 15,000sf and 60,000sf Retail trades, businesses, and services ... with each tenant footprint over 60,000sf Roofing contractor CR C-2 Retail trades, businesses, and services ... with each tenant footprint between 5,000sf and 15,000sf CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached Page 18 Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Heavy Vehicle Sales and Heavy Equipment, sales Rental and service C-O O-M C-P EOF I-3 LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 GR CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C (S) (O) CR AGRICULTURAL VEHICLE/ EQUIPMENT SALES AND RENTAL Automobile, truck and trailer rentals Automobile, truck and trailer rentals, outdoor RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached Services P^ Services P SE SE Commercial Mobile homes and trailer sales Commercial Automobile rental Services Automobile rental services, excluding automobile storage and supplies Automobile sales Services/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Automobile sales, indoor Commercial/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) P P L Light Vehicle Sales and Rental (Indoor) Automobile sales, indoors and outdoors Automobile sales, retail showroom Automobile sales and service mall Automobile, truck and trailer rentals Boat sales, indoors SE P P^ Commercial P P P P P P P P L P Commercial SE Commercial P SE P P^ P P P P Commercial P^ Services P^ Commercial P L PHED DRAFT P P P Page 19 SE P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Light Vehicle Sales and Automobile sales and Rental (Outdoor) service mall Automobile, light truck and light trailer rentals, outdoor Automobile, truck and trailer rentals Automobile, truck and trailer rentals, outdoor Boat sales, outdoors P P C-O O-M C-P I-3 LSC SE C-1 P^ EOF L P SE Commercial/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) NR LSC SE L Commercial Commercial CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM GR C-2 AGRICULTURAL TSR (S) (O) CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD Services Commercial Sales and Service CR C-3 Automobile rental Automobile rental services, including automobile storage and supplies Automobile sales Automobile sales, indoors and outdoors Automobile sales, outdoors CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached SE P SE P P L P Commercial P^ Services SE SE SE Services P^ Services P SE SE Commercial P L P L C VEHICLE SERVICE Automobile Storage Lot Car Wash Automobile storage lots Services SE SE C Car wash Services P SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P Highway fuel and food service Services Automobile fluid maintenance stations Automobile repair and services Services SE^ P SE^ SE^ SE^ P Automobile repair and services, indoor Automobile sales and service mall Boat repair and services Services/ Commercial/ Commercial Sales and Service Services(CR) SE L P P P P SE^ SE SE SE SE SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ P SE SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE C Repair (see categories below) SE C Automobile filling stations Services Filling Station P SE^ C P SE^ P^ SE^ P^ P^ SE^ P P^ SE^ P^ P^ SE^ L SE P SE P C SE P P P P^ P^ P^ C C SE^ SE SE Commercial P^ Services SE Major C C L Minor L L L PHED DRAFT C P Page 20 C C C L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Amateur radio facility Transportation, Communication and Utilities P^/ SE Antenna on Existing Structure P^/ SE P Transportation, Communication and Utilities/ Other (CR) Transportation, Communication and Utilities P^ P SE Eating and drinking Commercial establishments, including drive-ins * allowed, subject to standards (not in use table) Helistops Helistop P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE Lawn Maintenance Service C-O O-M C-P I-3 EOF P^ P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P SE P^/ SE SE P^/ SE SE P^ P C P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ L * SE P SE SE SE SE^ SE SE SE SE P^ P^ P C P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P L P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L/C * L/C Transportation, Communication and Utilities P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P * P C P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^/ P^/ SE SE SE P^ P^ P^/ SE SE P^/ SE L L L P^ P SE L/C SE Services P P^ P P L SE P P P P L P C P C L SE L/C L/C P^/ SE SE C Home occupation, registered LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC GR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) P C L Drive-Thru RMX-3C P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE SE P C up to 65 ft over 65 ft Rooftop mounted antennas and related unmanned equipment building, equipment, cabinets, or equipment room Telecommunications facility (S) (O) CR AGRICULTURAL ACCESSORY COMMERCIAL USES Amateur Radio Facility (see categories below) RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached SE SE SE P P C C P SE P L L L L P P L TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL USES Temporary construction Construction administration or sales Administration or Sales office (Sec. 59-A-6.11) Office Transitory use Transitory Use P P P L Commercial P/ SE^ P/ SE^ L PHED DRAFT P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P/ P/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ L Page 21 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P L P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ L P P P P L L P/ P^/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ L L L L P P L P/ P/ P/ P^/ SE^ SE^ SE^ SE^ L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones C-O O-M C-P EOF I-3 LSC NR LSC C-1 C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 GR CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL Animal Research Facility Animal research service facilities Commercial P P Dry Cleaning Facility up to 3,000 sf Dry cleaning and laundry Services/ Commercial establishments, consisting Sales and Service (CR) of no more than 3,000 square feet of gross floor area P^ P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P L P^^ P^^ P^^ P^^ P L P^ L P^ P L L MANUFACTURING AND PRODUCTION Artisan Manufacturing and Production Manufacturing and production, artisan Industrial P P Blacksmith shops, welding Manufacturing and shops, ornamental iron Industrial: I. Uses of a works, and machinery Light Industrial Nature shops, excluding drop hammers and punch presses over 20 tons rated capacity Electroplating and Manufacturing and manufacturing of small Industrial: I. Uses of a parts such as coils, Light Industrial Nature condensers, transformers, and crystal holders Light Manufacturing and Production Manufacturing and Manufacturing and assembly of electronic Industrial: I. Uses of a components, instruments Light Industrial Nature and devices Manufacturing and Manufacturing and assembly of semiIndustrial: I. Uses of a conductors microchips, Light Industrial Nature circuits and circuit boards Manufacturing of light sheet metal products PHED DRAFT P Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature P P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P P P^ P P P P Page 22 Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Manufacturing of musical Manufacturing and instruments, toys, Industrial: I. Uses of a novelties, and rubber and Light Industrial Nature metal stamps. Manufacturing, fabrication Manufacturing and and/ or assembly of Industrial: I. Uses of a aircraft or satellite parts, Light Industrial Nature components, and equipment Newspaper, printing and publishing shops Light Manufacturing and Printing and publishing Production Printing and publishing shops, excluding establishments using heavy duty equipment such as newspaper printing Sign making shops Manufacturing and Industrial Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature/ Commercial Manufacturing and Industrial C-O C-P O-M EOF I-3 LSC C-1 C-2 C-3 CR TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) NR LSC AGRICULTURAL P P P P P P P P P P P^ P P Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature GR CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P P^ L PHED DRAFT Page 23 Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones P L P P P P P P C-O P O-M P C-1 P C-2 P (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) C-3 P TSM L TSR P CR-T P (S) (O) C-P CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD EOF I-3 Research and Development and Biotechnology/ Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature NR LSC LSC Manufacturing, compounding, processing or packaging of cosmetics, drugs, perfumes, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and products resulting from biotechnical and biogenetic research and development GR CR Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature/ Industrial (CR)/ Research and Development and Biotechnology CR TMX -2 Medical/Scientific Manufacturing and Production Manufacturing and assembly of medical, scientific or technical instruments, devices and equipment CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached AGRICULTURAL Manufacturing of yeasts, Manufacturing and molds, and other natural Industrial: I. Uses of a products necessary for Light Industrial Nature medical and biotechnical research and development P P P P P P P^ P^ L P P^ P P L P TRANSPORTATION Bus terminals Bus, Rail Terminal Transportation, Communication and Utilities Bus terminals, non-public Other SE SE Helipad, Heliport SE SE P Transportation, Communication and Utilities SE SE SE P P L Heliports SE L P SE SE P SE SE C Railroad tracks Railroad Tracks Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P PHED DRAFT P P P P P P P P P P Page 24 P P P P P P P P SE SE C C P P SE P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones Taxi/Limo Facility Taxicab stand, not including storage while not in use Taxicab stands Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P P P P P P P P P L P P P P^ P^ P P P L P P P P C-O C-P O-M EOF I-3 LSC C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) AGRICULTURAL CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P P P L UTILITIES Electric power transmission and distribution lines Electric power transmission and distribution lines, overhead, carrying 69,000 Distribution Lines (Above volts or less Electric power Ground) transmission and distribution lines, overhead, carrying more than 69,000 volts Telephone and telegraph lines Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities Electric power transmission and distribution lines Electric power Distribution Lines (Below transmission and distribution lines, Ground) underground Telephone and telegraph lines, underground Transportation, Communication and Utilities Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P P P P P P SE Transportation, Communication and Utilities P P P P L P P L P P P P Transportation, Communication and Utilities P SE P P P P P P P P P P P P Page 25 L P P P P P P P PHED DRAFT P P P P P Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones SE Pipeline (Below Ground) P P SE P SE SE SE SE P SE SE P P P P P P P P P P SE SE SE P SE SE SE P SE SE SE SE SE P P P SE P C P C-O SE C-P P O-M EOF P P P P P SE C-1 C-2 C-3 CR TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 C P SE NR LSC P P P Public Utility Structure RMX-2C P C Transportation, Communication and Utilities Public utility buildings and Transportation, structures Communication and Utilities Public utility buildings and Transportation, structures, Communication and telecommunications Utilities facilities Public utility buildings, Transportation, structures, and Communication and underground facilities Utilities/ Other CR) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) AGRICULTURAL C Pipelines, underground RMX-2 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD P (S) (O) GR I-3 Pipeline (Above Ground) Transportation, Communication and Utilities CR LSC Pipelines, aboveground CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-1 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P P P P SE SE SE SE SE P P C P P P L P L C C WAREHOUSE Self storage Self-storage Services/ Commercial Sales and Service (CR) Warehousing and storage Services, Manufacturing service: Self-storage and Industrial: facility P P P P SE P^ P C Fuel storage yards Ice Storage Storage Facility Warehousing, not including self-storage, less than 10,000 sq ft Warehousing and storage services: Industrial and commercial users Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature Manufacturing and Industrial Commercial Sales and Service Manufacturing and Industrial: I. Uses of a Light Industrial Nature Warehousing and storage Services services: Industrial and commercial users, enclosed P L P P P P P^ P P P L P P P^ SE P L PHED DRAFT SE P^ L Page 26 L L Revised 1/3/14 Comparison of Uses in Existing and Proposed C/R and Employment Zones P C-O P^ O-M L C-P LSC L EOF I-3 C-1 NR LSC C-2 C-3 CR (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) (S) (O) TMX -2 CBDR2 CBD-3 CBD-2 GR CBD-1 CBDR1 CBDO.5 TSM TSR (S) (O) CR CR-T TOMX2.0 MXTC RMX-3C RMX-3 RMX-2C RMX-1 C-4 C-2 C-1 H-M O-M MXPD CRT MXN Current Category CR-N Current Use CT New Use/ Use Group CRN RMX-2 ^= Use has 1 or more footnotes attached P^ P MISCELLANEOUS AGRICULTURAL L Solar Collection System ACCESSORY MISCELLANEOUS USES Accessory buildings and uses Cafeteria, dining room, snack bar, or other such facilities as an accessory use … Signs … Miscellaneous uses/ Other (CR) Commercial L P P P P P^ P^ P^ P P L P P P P P^ P P P P P P P P L P P P P P P P P P P P^ P^ Miscellaneous uses P P P P P^ P P P P P P P Accessory Structures Accessory Use L P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P USES NOT RETAINED PHED DRAFT Dwelling, Carriage house Residential Landscape contractor Opportunity housing projects Swimming pools, private Commercial Services Cultural, Entertainment and Recreational P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P Page 27 P P P P P P P P P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P^ P P P P P^ P^ P^ P P^ P Revised 1/3/14
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