200 EGGS PER HEN: How To THEM GET Pric^e ,56 jtr~" YEAR A Cents. ; -._t.-. PUBLISHED BY fl)GAR WARRElCHamptbi*, N\ I9O4. Standards of Perfection. Old Homestead Incubators Brooders. and for Practical Practical Machines People Why?? BROODERS. Hover Open center rated " all at seen " oil " heat drum no " chicks " do by opening door once capacity aluminum sweats space easily cleaned therefore " huddle largefloor " lamp " never " in not full gets hot " rusts. or INCUBATORS. An incubator in incubator an therefore unaffected " by changesof outside temperature perfectregula** " tion " but cannot be overheated controlled " chamber egg moving current of ventilation " warm surrounded air " Cataloguefree. HOMESTEAD BROODER with In fact the up-to-dateincubator. OLD positive, CO., Vine Street MIDDLEBORO, MASS. a only FOURTH 200 a Year Per to Get Them. Eggs How EDITION. Practical A Hen: Treatise on Egg Making and Its Conditions and Profits in Price 50 PUBLISHED EDGAR Poultry, Cents. BY Hampton, WARREN, 1904. N. H. . COPYRIGHT w 1899, 1900, 1902, BY EDGAR L. WARREN. CHAPTER THE We hear with "dodo. fabulous Others is but by in appear than that so chicks; and -extinction One There yet I White 2999 There the 250 others that I do how not eggs many wild beat a while over TOO; why stop here ? why a work, I am without where she in some that the and that than 150 in the poultry business, as ideal. eggs The Year can, will make more who is content to year who man a Eggs a Per in in a is raised from what and comes have extra along. than for the pay age aver- an I believe But as to have "Two near to lay will hen a will not banner, year prepared also am fun ducing pro- a eggs other, it is well more see kept steadily lay 200 comes not time. in that then But egg an for and his not 150. profitableto get on in hen I do ; and year a to say hen farmer's average I every and The year. larger number. inscribes here. lay more a Hen," money take be it may apiece. eggs v/ill be intelligentcare and say high 214 in of eggs number a me 14 total arbitrary line, and intelligent care. cases of already talking of are will not hen reasonably flock a the on an eggs a is gave than average 200 is myth. no tribe I had it she ; the ten the of that not may least at has this constant consumed, draw the October Men 365 days are that realize is veracity to this. farms admit and that time lay constant admit and fully matured, that comes is properly fed and cared to of danger hen is prepared weaken vigorous constant egg little better six to egg not may in about, and can or may There pullet that rather healthy and 200 oath we man a on be truth a before hen strain,that at can lays from state should if she misfortune a hatch October from who how see that instances, production would the make to of hen, and egg for average an eggs, are her wjlling Wyandottes be her phoenix and isolated contend would scattered reputation am in egg- class to the as 200 success. of them My birds not certain, however, many increase. good; is own the existence, and egg would about days would hen HEN. appeared excessive egg her thing has it eggs 200 from are her the her Others numbers large system she common. otherwise, for such her of that means these in deny to EGG semi-fabulous or admit no said disposed are such HUNDRED deal good a Some hen. TWO I. a dred Hunit will the he as man THE HEREDITY When I OF was performance it was by by lived means any to less than the What place for the monarch. It may be the as The blood the ancestral until it has cannot trot to woman a pedigree a lines until and Heredity horse? generations of of for down and down record has now that horse good a down horse I have but " man track. minute two trotting horse the on A old an young and had drove man a not am am down mark. regarded I that me come minute brought has looking is whenever I great a that I remember few. were out cry as horses were it,two-forty !" wrife tells two 2:40 .out of There to trottingrecord below drive, but A urchins us my " the see dropped in for regarded was under, but they much 2:40, slashing gait, "Go a in 2:40 mile a trottinghorse. a the custom at yet for under trotted boy a HEN. EGG HUNDRED TWO THE long as flows trotters in the converge handling! European a as are men in his veins. Messenger great himself. Heredity for the 200 bred No old breed thorns no or the how breed minute must from get take 200 a eggs clo not The 200 feed flock apiece from year By carefullyfollowing the largelyincrease the egg yield of instructions book he such must not it too 200 to get the strongly upon a eggs year 200 reader's apiece from his hens he impress to expects in with start must this flock, but he a if he that mind them. of I cannot apiece. year a eggs of any of hens impossible. expect how or It is can egg egg-producing may a necessary Men an man a scientifically and as thistles. come cannot are horse. figs from house, he may things two two nor lay. She to matter hygienicallyhe These for as from be must strain. hen egg gather grapes hen handling ! and get great a laying strain. WHAT is There dum, which those who this in : In the an Latin old I will take have matters poultry been out business combines defects. that There general it may is be no there best for is a all the breed said for no BEST? gustibus non translate some that that the man which excellences does most for time. not the Its This Other he benefit of is meaning is as true things being likes best. and have disputan- est argument. it is elsewhere. as is libertyto of school of taste is the breed proverb, De the equal that breed no IS BREED has There of the none its admirers. profitable breeds are In to be found in the In : Asiatic, American the Asiatic class and the Buff and Partridge Cochins; Buff and White Rhode Plymouth Island Minorcas, Reds; Brown, money-making fowls and sitters inclined be well, and machines, the on of brown mothers. breeders. into the The hands varieties if he a would buff " Wyandottes or to and birds the will have In a case minimum, contour. of of for than show the mers far- when standard great KEEP? I but of and confine make more dissipates variety one clusion con- to will if he he the to come results he may the best poultrymen the most successful varieties several of color one one family Where Rocks. the characteristics same get are I kept principleof unity determining some all be all be Plymouth treatment. reduced comb the be farmers it will not the with some Where there and have than third; a for poultryman success and sitters of deterioration. average a even one. let them or family they and to that Let choice. made eggs. points rather for then egg birds, good is that SHALL varieties, and many suggest same has man themselves confine for energies cold Americans poultry business will get better He his another, handle not breed danger the stand American The birds the carefully,I for are and table, good bred the fowls, matter concentrates add perhaps the variety. After them. for without it is better one be good are all-round are table white-shelled table. the every and They Asiatic are VARIETIES studying to day up MANY that money kept of the They Mediterraneans important thing, pure-bred be may After or fanciers great a more HOW himself be for with is the fat. the well, and danger of the It will keep the cold utility. Stamina card. do stand The They excellent Black are clumsy. on the are They eggs. for the favorites. eggs, They and for the are the excellent as fowls good as and Asiatics take well as Barred, These quantities great cold not are whole layers out the class somewhat layers. class are lows fol- Langshans, Leghorns. brown readily winter stand not and breeds, The although good turning do They varieties. dark Black Wyandottes Buff sluggish and make all the and of classes,as American Mediterranean mothers, to in the the prolificlayers and Light Brahmas, Rocks, in White great Mediterranean an the accidental birds are " white, black say like fowls and mix-up all of the are Leghorns, all of respond the the one the to damage same is size, 6 HOW Some is time enthusiastic an I received ago number because kept the she resist the More has hen that has hen a if drained her the flock hens some for past this case her is for themselves and hatched for breeders WEED from nests used are of the in egg laid 251 eggs one eight. A White This flock out fact The coming maturity to has THE If you second than in a pen duction pro- egg the and earlyMarch, April in winter layers. NON-LAYERS. Station, Experiment under while reward a as moderate a want kept,show the another where Barred in the trap that among conditions same production. One year, in your have year chickens you records kept an lay that it is axiom mothers, put them your OUT Maine as a temptation record. pullets that lay, breed, if and great difference in Get individual breed same typical. so in the hens year. a more the the and for look that. keep and It is the May, according to Reports desire to do not pulletsat it is not temptation when a since year one could ever and them. old big egg a laid well had because second the was laying so well again. She requiresrecuperationbefore she can from services,or record was lowered better, but always is in quest of that you from or knew moderately. You may set it down pullets that give the big egg records. even by There laid well system, she by keeping wrecked one incapacitatesher that she that which hens dozen a said she who lady young a but that her I mention way! to keep laid well be resisted must said are other half over She records in any in which of eggs, temptation. egg than had before. year letter from a poultrywoman, gettinga goodly WRECKED. ARE RECORDS MANY hens is there Plymouth a Rock flock laid but same while pullet laid 219 eggs, another of the breed laid These same absolutely none. the most as figures are they do significant,showing absolute necessity of weeding out the non-producers. Suppose you have other other none. words, It costs away two a hens in The average the dollar if the Wyandotte hen a non-layer a year does to not identifyingthe layers and nest and pen, ; but this takes one lays 200 for the has reduced feed lay. a The many 100 the and one non-layers time, and is two hen, eggs is do not pen a eggs year and apiece. record this money the use In one-half. is thrown absolutelysure by the of way the feel that it pays. of trap Still without the one open, the trap nest, of use pick can practical purposes, THE was maxim a of learn fulness. often The wild he Why? production Warmth, at of the season any should poultryman in the and keep In of state in Nature with state the will be this fact in mind conditions? these conditions The likelyto lay. and of conditions these Reproduce Nature tion? produc- egg the the in which of are fowl of semi-Nature summer fruit- Nature, the to open and to season What that men that in order go exercise. and year greatest study we is the present. food proper the in vain. go Because are PRODUCTION. continually kept, what are Summer. egg live,or fowls If all through. teacher, and great must will not fowls of one ears for accuracy I get EGG and eyes suggestions of great value us poultryman farmer's the is the give great teacher, and in which Bacon, interrogateNature. will she eyes Nature must we OF Lord one's sufficient before CONDITIONS lived, that ever layers with I shall show as THREE It the out by keeping himself govern accordingly. IS Before I pass Some type? But I we that a underline The with a within body the is words to on plenty while in seek. to a hen of room in a well, breathe there perform the far short a part " is be must their with of the a a there well, and This fowl) that of a If I believe have hen breeds than underline. confined are long, deep and and assimilation is to for all the there increase these body lay well large ovaries; to straight lay better short, curved a we type of hen a curved breast broad egg is not. cow eggs. organs explains why egg-producing is will and vital inside room cf an there type of the organs with hen plenty of functions. claim so body The for Is there opinion know subject a up long, deep body and a "wedge-shape" necessarily constricted. are eat must there as breast, breast, narrow reproduction; organs called so body, and there to take to large production with broad a is not reason ought opinion that associate (the with one of large production of milk, may hen difference who TYPE? I wish chapter next wide a those the with associate that of of am is EGG AN the to there which upon THERE in great is a she other organs tendency in size. CHAPTER THE HOME Much will of Where do almost and possible as their profitto The there windbreak of becomes it location ideal. Such it is not forage, but otherwise he also carefullyconsider others his that stars the very buildings he they may tions condiof not the wise was start, and not in or time have the the up fowls with which excrement ground. a nail does or mind. his in build if the when to time waste them But down have a ience conven- lives and man will to have thank his plan a at moving money and if he reference I say, he and build is to poultryman's But come he So work, situation,and it with years. filled in. will his expert. an the of stroke a If consult to in future tearing portion of uriant produces a lux- it : far-seeing enough and is nor " soil, provided any only provides filled in at be a considerable a takes him up is location find to almost on soil where the is hard of possibilities the be never may about put may grows he bers num- If there northwest house, he should small one details business they sandy on advantages not drives might pay it that or " its prospective plant only The plan. for the poultryman once is to build water its roots by should his kept which the out and be has contaminate might largely at to with grass which north can Before lay range, and loss southeast. or location, however, a clay soil of south the on Poultry a growth the to saturated Even year. free of source a plant. favorable as poultry plant is a kind some indispensable. the for gentle slope a prove his of kept in large are have must business poultry given they HEN. owner. best is will they or and where confinement, they in the construction and numbers ; but in failure location anywhere EQQ HUNDRED or in small kept are TWO success the upon hens well man's a depend THE OF II. replacing them others. with There The plan three are first of these is that five to of keeping fiftyhens intervals over methods is the in the a PLAN. COLONY THE of keeping hens colony plan. hens house. farm, and in small These are The in principleof segregated houses visited large scattered are two houses or three numbers. the colony twenty- " at times regular a day by attendant. an found that when less, flocks The inexpensive. house Colony and ground, nailed up the to orchard has deal the hens hens deal houses is perils of may the wake of his roof. dangerous each day blizzard is neighborhood up some fowls a in is feet eight but It is pick square on roof the No year the boards are is the is the the to to marks vanished. discover that ; but of Then, for two too, thieves; the or a in the appreciate one exceptionally honest, to plan requires rounds the out the flocks scattered expedition. shining it an eat break hand weather make and trees likely to other make in located are around pleasant raging, Polar houses on visit to are morning have borhood neigh- kind. of the frame, no even in the cheapest house is disease But calculated of houses This or advantages. seasons There ground Even hardships keep its the If the living. experience isolated, detached unless their No fowls. 25 of of apart, been baseboards. plank to to 12 apex fertilize the time a an and to drawbacks. when winter, floor will has certain at kept in colonies. serious good of fruit. wormy among and hens from from be It has range. yards flock plan may The accommodate feet ridgepole good a the to eight each This houses required. are but free hundred one house. own given are are mingle, not its hens houses will of yards The the these and poultryman three dred hun- 10 The I may community The majority name. are constructed of originalcost the erected this on is economy plan than of cost and found length roof, and there is often in cold doors and Where gates. breaks out found almost germs traveling in another in in fenced The of the a long for more The exercise under to shed than more become now the from many or one feet. roup been " to pen With which parks, the be can The fowls so with it is winter, length, I laying shed will the pay for the building were a ing scratch- certainlyadd should many to than more claims if I room, has indispensable The that valid implies, is name the and output. egg seem feet in in its as scratching that of many integralpart an roof same claim increased 60 ing requir- cost. who house houses compartment the or scratching shed, of the long will, it has that to yards weather. the advocates an stick may and houses shutting of being conveyed or narrow has houses. in scratching house long, it to the walls like cholera disease confine which go comfort and itself for air, and it sometimes as to considerable at open enthusiastic health the scratching shed place but a impossible plan only virulent where compartments, opening been long the cleaning out central the compartment, one excrement community and It has the on plant is however, are, in these that so In the reach walk long a There collects congeals, The greater the perfectly dry, houses frost. when initial cost. the Moisture weather difficult to it does the keep coating of a besides plan is somewhat plan of favor in land. plan ; but colony country in economy saving begins. feet. sixty it is somewhat as this labor, community the this great argument in the the difficult to exceeds The plan. by described sufficiently is and is what numbers large in large poultry plants in of plant on a equipped very plan, plant*on a hens keeping economy " objections to some of call the the this method second PLAN. COMMUNITY THE sheds. It is that impossible will suit every cut of what and give Gardner a in and purse I consider brief article like this to an the best descriptionof Poultry Farm, of every place. community it. Auburn, give The N. is for only can house house Y. I plan a I have on the a house submit yet a seen, Dunning- 11 12 The 180 house feet 18 long by Each feet. of nine The between is and foul air but forms let down with long, sowed each the THE present and more 10 feet wide wide, and portion four two are three will be added as they since the next from from cool and the from This the to rear, the an feature it materiallyincreases area of the roof." In with ideal greatly to the place the the for side floor. the it is two this makes cut half the low fine, and sun the distance dusting and ing. scratch- space of a down are raised The underneath space floor,and doors great southern other double usefulness floor of is there. the than more way the summer, the the passage on in inches main snow is the 18 and the roof on four a long is for in tana. Mon- with stone of lodge shown the from feet 12 roof ground a doors This so feature sills. 'extend making adds the not houses Bozeman, at of the floor into in winter long HOUSE. into pens slope does and plowed 14 feet wide the feet 150 are variation foundation has when sunlight to to and This snow basement while open, long which poultry building drier, while through ground way halldraws canvas a ridge coming just above important is each needed. are Station slope of and shady place front since the pens the portholes enables The warmer the of these main rapidly melts sun most building. feet is the a wall. rear the it feet upon steep that the so "The exit high. the making is feet into are desirable ways It is divided is set In STATION house and from advantage slope many rear. paper feet. yards each, and there the south, the to feet incline in EXPERIMENT in the passage The out. trees building is 72 with ceilingwhich the front, with in Agricultural Experiment "The foot snow At important and in ordinary scratching shed the the year. An at open fruit MONTANA use are of plant boarded six length. same draught. row a height through cut no keep to of the of shed scratching ventilatingwindow small a. scratching sheds be the at sections, each a material, double is view the 10 into roosting room overhead ventilatinghole a The on ceiled divided turn of the best large window, a off the is in laying and a is made and can section into is divided and of foreground the in wide, 12 feet,and house pen shown of the without building, affecting 14 The third method keeping originalwith plan. The plan "detached with houses yards It has the to of or shut shovel half and a a the reach doors poultryman the middle houses and .alike, long, seven rear are houses that very pen I feet wide, ; and is seven designed he streets, with in the simple in to so to visit the at can high in front accommodate or shut yards in his house the ends. yards running Each fifty litter the of pen open and open with front a for the remove to are he must alleyway an yards There to the rear. colony-community plan construction. feet do But so. along easilyas in to the run rear. wishes to along do drive arranged to it is necessary can as use in order another, one front. the to wishes pens can of pass he he of the in small the hens close to poultryman and or When feet. Colony-community in the long house, dozen keep to far is, so munity colony-com- the great mistake a the called situated instead when : instead me house of gates before rear The to large numbers be may and rear into the middle sand number the of hundred one hen occasions in the middle and built in streets a in in brief is this running always seemed front hens and me, to the innumerable a of I know, :as PLAN. COLONY-COMMUNITY THE house and is are all 12 feet five feet high 50 brooder chicks,20 16 the roof boards, and ing is then laid over shingleslaid along the lower edge of the roof. of shinglesis to throw from the water course the house. and on will The allowed house one door supposed front,and few Neponset forms out Indeed, all who paper. two dows, win- There be After the house is raised or the house of dark green the brick-red with see are can coat a flap finish. end. yard. receives effective contrast an There This the place by into the this from away ends. which rear woodwork all the outside paint,which remark of the how neat pretty it is. and CONSTRUCTION. INTERIOR The interior learned house from have of hard the the house that poultrymen the said, faces is half as above the boards, which soon built,is as roosts, that the placemy and one spruce, cut old with the foot from 2x3, with out of covered Red mites houses used ; matched frame end as etc. Hampshire The cost in the all from feet and There I which removable. the sockets being I as a pine platform,as two are forgotto enables foot from one house, The tar. wide, as matched dry platform. The rounded, slightly are are say to me wall the back of perches are and ets set in sock- The in which perches are they set. are severely alone. in the pine (board measure), 100 sheathing,250 feet; Neponset hardware, feet advertised two level. same hen of of the They hot tar, materials boards, 500 feet edge boards. let my the on is three the upper with of hot coat a a The boxes. dry goods in end, away of is constructed foot apart, and perches one also The platform roost things platform is roost perches,paralleland or the in the west are The covered of roosts, instead The case, I get from little furniture as I have simplest. very reallyhindrances. are floor,and the have many south. commonly the of draughts. possibility rear, is of experienceto possible,and as helps for New in the panel the roof the east on objectof The the south. one of course Paroid, carefullyput at in held face to at will to let the hens is finished inches side and a with covered in and turned the south on in lowered is is then projecta to eventuallybe The a roof double a house for are as follows Hemlock doors, trimmings,etc.,60 feet; windows; red rope, of such : a 250 feet: house, to-day would be not far working together,can complete the house Neponset Paroid, 100 exclusive from in two $20. of feet ; black feet; labor, in Two men, days. Such a 17 always finds house of town out case be may go enlarged as a I have short and would not say Three are that Dollar it cost in who invest desire Poultry Houses. a $20 in house move sell can dimensions feet; will preserve floor space. more BOXES. a house for to can be made in a warm but remain stock, young building. a than cheaper house buildings, and summer suitable he This they expect wish or even Good one-half even be the feet. 5^ PIANO good temporary a any to feet; width, 8 14 rear, It may are, at time is wanted, give nearly some wishes owner him. Length, FROM they to care business height described. where time do ; MADE Possiblythere ones follows: proportions and HOUSE if the larger house front, 7^ feet the the half what somewhat a in height of the hen out for about the honee In or ready sale,and a To such from I two climate for winter. simplestway to make two joists is as follows : On such a house a level place lay down the boards eightfeet long. Take the boxes and carefullyremove that the open so the tallest side. on Spike the boxes to the joists, piano boxes at ends will face close up a door panes cover each a other. pane of $3. With the boards the boxes glasson The on you the back have and taken roof. either side of the door, itself, complete laying the floor,put in buildingwith good roofing paper, and you have cost. hens at a trifling accommodate a dozen in the door that will of about between the gap in front, the cost a out Put or two a roost, a house 20 movable and in the cobwebs floor,if house off the have you be walls, windows of hot whitewash, put good receiptfor whitewash coat of lime, slack Let putty. then reduce of crude a combination or the boxes board water with coat a Take : few a to pump or of hot tar LICE AND Add the lice will have the house give the floor with paint roosts, killer,cover in short " thick a days, and one pint and you pailful, lice. Sprinkle the of good some few a 12-quart death A time. into desired. the thickness generous save make to hours a the sufficient quantity a disinfectant, kerosene other with spray enough wet receive then follows as acid to every some a shape to that will be napcreol nest in this it with carbolic is slowly and it it stand with on and should walls The one. dust Sweep the ceiling. Sweep outside. taken should dropping thorough a cleaning. Relentless and mites. red won, foe The I have that there is described who "Lice," "I'll candid too a says keeps give you a dollar !" he exclaims. hens her be seen that is not There comes the takes cause. nant. indig- waxes find you fluff around the so, fallingoff on off the nest, and hen a The is the louse itary san- case. a poultryman lice battle is the what wonders light. "Pull apart The poultryman does in the cutting to cover vent/' he commands. of lice may friend in the for every apiece The his house Such the toward up The against think is apt to friend. waged be must to do. nothing more in hiding; it is not destroyed. production, and the poultryman in egg holds persistentwar poultryman condition is my and MITES. RED and, lo ! dense the covey a of soft jungle feathers. Where big a to rid themselves from time powder are than it will not Cyphers Lice poultryman wishes I. liquid Take be he pay him pint carbolic acid. ground tobacco wherever lice are and will do to hens his own be must his dusted insect own few hens "Death to Lice" preparations. If powder left a only Lambert's so. be not must here are two the las formu- : upon of slacked Add to mix where standard are to make depended one buy it,but can Powder and that may the efforts,but by their own The poultryman can make time. to is desired of lice cheaper kept record egg lime and stir into this mixture thoroughly. kill them. 2. three This Take five it one ounce pounds finely powder dusted pounds strong dust, one tobacco lene mix " lice,lice well is paint fumes The recommended. A night kerosene forth with Close require that so a three in burned there these apply a the match a case feel any you the fumes go sprayer in once each, you well These have been food, in, one with some at and by not to see the have house can sprayers one, are hens the work are and now and anxious as that each good insecticide. sending the bought simply to for wide in return enters in the to catch of half All open. well. hand a kerosene a dollar the time yard outside, their home. her five through out, with for ing clos- house, look invaluable. been have put position, again spray a sand, or vessel be thrown driven be must everything is going been be pounds, in vessels can will kerosene, and house fire,you 100 10x10 each hastilyleave the for every gravel with the cracks no are two on saturated open necessary. sulphur set should about sulphur of will last for years, without them while a and death becomes house a fire.. Into window and anxiety through everywhere. Do you. door every window shavings, behind door After the to be Place sprinkle the sulphur. there The from danger no house 20x10 on. carpenter'sshavings, hours, when In be The sure are thus one must by them. sulphur of house: so vessels, which can of upon and but thoroughly fumigated. that see sulphur; and victims. measures pound a in the pounds, iron handful air. Burn of of the roosts neglect a be and highly are VERMIN. or should lice. oil. their of radical window, space kill the quiet by day, are OF then house pound one 30x10 one floor feet of .square HOUSE and the admit to apertures or painting dissolving one by exterminate to carelessness and door every for already described, is I have A vermin, place made is life blood follynot through first the etc. Paint the underside on the which RID Sometimes In naptha- lice,plant and gallon kerosene one suck it is TO in Lice adjacent. They to and mites, infested is used of the bird paint their home treatment, red lice flakes crevices and come and Surekil Cyphers good make mites in cracks to and napthalene Red hen to bugs, ants, moths, penetrate the feathers Killer pound death sure liquid preparation, a Lice Lee's is pound etc. nests, roosts, This together. lime, one-half cattle,sheep ticks,bed on Lice air-slacked pound and dust Let her 22 GIVE is There catches begins to If to increase paid puts in 50 birds, birds have more lose money losses The He would him sickness has and retire from about cause. farmer would not plant not shut displaythe This and work to that the year 50 laid have More them. no men the think putting two of his potatoes in rows that 10 feet of square in cows foot one one stall. apart. He should Why family in one room. in dealingwith good sense same $100." They rife among been I have birds. goes did. 12 his up shown has the as All poultrybusiness in disgust from birds into one by putting too many pen other not well so any would me of the end find at the to and brought from than paid not eggs, only the of my the number prospectivepoultryman He in this pen apiece. will pay pective pros- laid well. have hens 12 dollars two me "24, 50 hens me the logical,and seems kept is to increase income my have hens 12 netted they have and past year to do like this: "I have reason The birds. the nearly all : it is to crowd poultryman has a small flock and they which poultrybusiness the beginners in for spread snare a ROOM. OF PLENTY HENS THE his fowls? floor space he not ence Experi- is about the needed the by each hen if she is to do her best. Where is kept perfectlyclean,and where the hens have house chance a doors to get out pleasant day, they can get along with a every amount smaller somewhat there apiece two with to and pens for of plenty October from between be must record phenomenal But space. happy hours that the biddies Soil out of the best Next to garden, this I rank place, or other will not material one cereal grocer for of those foods come for the dust a in the use ducing pro- the 214 " the out double bath. eggs partitions room. They earth But through bath a that The foot from shallow in, which asking. I knocked of winter ashes. a Wyandottes warm lice. dust a year do will and the bath bath tub the bottom square may boxes to the dust so cold is often in their work. coal I know sieve,makes anything be may and many selves them- keep trust not common spend will it,and then lice will get sifted coal off about barrel, sawed the with wallowing in egg I made BATH. reasonably free from entirely,for in the dead bath the hens your White " results The the flock gave best room. my October DUST Provide the set that generallybe in about. a sugar a sunny and "Force" obtained of 23 EXERCISE. Hens need do need be to need hens kept have free not confinement the to " when exercise hen with be made to morning keep them it is very do They until in be hot or not night,but they trim. good of litter in cold. very for provided scratching or six inches work from must house, carpeted exercise. Where the to of matter they will attend although a hen having free range knows Tange work to of amount jump exercise themselves enough of the on enough exercise in reasonable a shed, But when them. The floor should be kept winter, and the fowls should for all the This litter, I have as grain they eat. and already said, should be frequently shaken occasionally up renewed. the best litter. Straw, fresh hay and dead leaves make Dry planer shavings are good if they are not allowed to become too fine. THE In does the summer need not enough to POULTRY hens should be very to yard is better than kept clean. Much money foundation better some kind and swept should be and other every week spaded the big time less that has is fowls with their food food from crop for the intestines through the by flintyparticleswhich supplied with prepared, and grit the the as into the trituration gizzard it of shade raked be It removed. the spring should face sur- removed be cleaned. OYSTER masticate the the much to be it should inches netting laid out should In AND they cannot passes four or wire droppings time. never provided not surface to for is small be replacedwith fresh earth. If this danger of sickness with a small yard CHARCOAL GRIT, There large forage,a likelyto more be could for yard is yard is needed year The and garden one the of three depth is much a Nature and that yard the for it is one, way. If the from up the on there with some yard. spread is done than in yards. unless is spent each for fences in the soil to large a boards advantage in their out stuff that green small and be large. Indeed, all the grow YARD. is ; can that triturated,or result is passes consequently teeth,and the higher is, as ground Unless into the indigestion. It it is the a prepared food passes the up, by the fowl intestines is The animals. gizzard,where line that~member. food SHELLS. little is well improperly great mistake not 24 to the keep and Oyster fowls and should are necessary nothing can be before their take of drinking fowls it is as should be scalded from out Have better. than the two-quart the by and if which dish water a shelf little a with water your better on the to needed all the time. for the egg of the of house hen of acid the much There ing is noth- galvanized and be carbolic so possible. as should scalded are and beings, dishes drops made measure, door few comfort and human water a simple as health of they iron, inches six set from floor. SANITATION It been has houses and than in for making And yet in lime the The time, to hens comfort and abundance. time the to necessary as health in supplied added are the to ative alter- WATER. is water an is place. DRINKING Pure the supply to Charcoal grit. with supplied and tonic, shells shells, well observation my suffer yards the with built already described, as soon warm- as air circulate the outside the on there is weather freely of ideal are the a window comes lack of for is creature community houses in I for the take through the window frame hen house. keeps summer from summer as and both the the on windows Poultry hot day outspread, comfortable. such plan, cool. it a wings far front out on in up printed making and open in directions a wide shut kept are sanitation one watched mouth colony that to has poor hens hundred a warm the. that Houses winter, are who anyone realize from more house mid-summer, must that There winter. SUMMER. IN wire biddies I as well have as for end. As letting the tacked in and on the 26 FEEDING The but FOR problem, as how much. your favorite give a do poultry paper flock of believe and ask him hens, and 15 great deal of skill to food will he feed,, to of the editor to much how what see shall you It takes say. the overfeeding on between steer this write not what is not poultryman knows, every If you MUCH. HOW EGGS: a hand one that there is I believe however underfeeding on the other. scientific principle underlying the matter, and think that after the great deal of study and experimentationI have discovered and a a principle. In order determine to how again interrogateNature. of the hen ascertain of was all its breed, justbefore and that she would corn far from six passed.from the crop been the given all the would weigh not been with itscontents of food Allowing that two ounces into the gizzard during the day, and crop it will be seen that when gizzard into the intestines, the range, of food, she will on suppliedwith abundance about eight ounces of food in the course of 24 hours. therefore that this is about all the demands But of her system and before we things to be taken had bulky and probable she at to into consideration. less nutritious the range on not need so much food of food of of food ounces But a a day moment. contains we The dismiss hen's in some has tissue is more in her exercise is freely so concentrated, more she as therefore does to when be ample in confinement. hen a weighing In 10 pounds matter as is not is are vegetables. It not one-fourth quantity. the food far less nutriment for does supply tion. produc- receives and grass day ought a hen the It would the hen food is consume supply the to range her food by hen first before food the hen where sight an enormous weighing 160 would consume at the the from hen to there have a for egg the range food more On than and needs margin a On larger proportionof liberty. Six ounces supply all the needs Six needs that in the pen, where she does does a hen a to this conclusion in confinement. It contains pen. as when leave settle down plenty of exercise, and lost than the amount to taken was the seem crop in the fields running killed had been must we dissect to which had feed put it in the scales had from if she she had began we we eat, her crop ounces. the Before If the hen weight. should we killed,suppose American an day had we much so the six ratio same of food absurd concentrated proportion to pounds bulk. every let us 24 seems a hours. consider the man's. as A man a It considerable 27 proportionof it will be voided the hen task has a She creatures. two ; and ounces food of be an for waste that seen only the generous diet,and of state two an six body. doctrinaires few other less than of food production,and repair the two it will tissues and The laying hen needs advocate keeping her who in support no Then of the richest one ounces left to are have is knows, for egg of the semi-starvation of excrement. imposed upon weighing not egg the ounces ounces those is as lay from temperature form everyone Deduct two such to as egg, and maintain a expected products. ounces perform to is in the for reason a in their theory. FEEDING FOR Having given I purpose readers my tell them to now EGGS: I desire to state to to apply common other things; There said in it adopt in not or the describe. not Into two quarts and one as cut I then where take the metal heaping teaspoonful of sprinkle in -the mash to feed in have I have and hens to no after the or the food they it must become it into as I feed I about am to bran, wheat or first quarts two put and fingers. in Some just as accustomed the mash and and advocate but it (or before I think to just right it feel have that so nourishing to weather particleand every dry enough a added is then hand on stir in in the coldest water it set I next warm. my and house the Boiling up moistened, the beef scraps, salt,and readilyenough; be you mash A is made become can some is leave I ground bone or ingredientsare thoroughly mixed pepper. take can palm doubt will eat digested follows: green kettle (not hot), pleasantlywarm adhere as just sufficient quantity to moisten it stickyand sloppy. I consider when and mine, you quarts mixed coarse-fine little black a give holding 12 quarts The the As good as mine. possiblecombinations as many mash quart one I of wisdom. monopoly a best. clover, two. meal, are I da production,as have methods The iron kettle of egg to I feed May quart table scraps. range not think you to an corn together. yet claim I aim patent methods. no problem other morning. (dry measure) the I do doubtless are October From thing the preceding section, there produce good results. a that will to but that I have to METHOD. that apply to feeding, principles I put these principles into practice. the how here sense WINTER it will not dry feeding. without starved the it better the into food and I water, it) the can safer be to 28 it for the moisten do believe not after there. body when to use the pens and to collect the eggs apples onions or has day. At and look shown me in the afternoon up that temperature. CLEAN. clean in I make On through into the kettle, of the pens round a reasonable a I go Then (ifanything )back o'clock 1 1 bird's the little higher) she UP hour. an it goes leave in each the birds will eat up of and " will eat ture mix- tripI take mangel wurzels, cabbages, the amount that experience pen food green EAT I so. dry of temperature WILL half to is left what empty be fed the next me the hens of before can mornings, a in raisingit to heat 15 minutes from I as cold HENS THE to with her up the is about (or, on all the mash say " it is fed ALL I feed mash evenly so crop do to handful large a them allow to moisten can the if the have FEED time it enters than myself bird the Then will not birds I make after the birds. sort some About clean. o'clock two again. I have told I keep a male and 12 females,and on this you that in each pen I throw down in the deep litter one trip in the early afternoon kind. The three grains I quart (dry measure) of grain of some feed are and oats. I study to give variety. wheat, cracked corn On a mild afternoon I feed all oats or all wheat, on a moderately "cold afternoon,about half cracked and about half wheat corn or oats, and " I get home hens on a have dishes, pause to gone afternoon, cracked all any moment each breathing right (no are feel If the crop is of is about the to crops right so far the as other l"ut I vary given these same thing for birds do. meal for green About to nor see neither " ground a see that the nests, the birds distended that on the one, hand the grain ration concerned. of my ingredients, ingredientsfrom time twice in VARIETY. the breakfast be sionally occabronchitis) and if I am feeding enough. I conclude quantityis STUDY I have may colds " on When it is house comfortablyfull nearly empty nor that eggs in alone. corn generallydusk and the Before I go through each pen to supper right for the night. I empty the water roost. are collect a of the pens making pastoralcalls that the birds see cold very from the round " this every week bone standard to time. morning, and I substitute or meat scraps morning mash, I don't I don't gluten meal ; and once want the believe my linseed or in a while 29 I give a be and by bulk bone The variety to Biles' table FEEDING it is in wheat hens of quarts made grass and weeds mixed that with of tons load of seaweed of small from and is are what this method and his fast flock,and mash. The heavy and however, are my do not ; in the in birds my been one other, I case am I fed am after give my instead here in of food A hauling. greedily. the of the beach on for the hens to list and will breed eat as lions milThese than wheat, dailybill of fare. CAUTION. method my of individual to The he feeding, but made exercise fed the so much with I feed is that his too enough. Bear in mind, Birds that laying stock. things same and and eggs fertile eggs study must brains mix must hard No cases. poultryman will be after up summer addition talkingabout are fat and same supply for the the fowls down. for breeding kept over laying stock, but are not In yard given that food, washes be had adapted criticism in meal. fortunate are may " make We EGGS" I have rich Very too, I summer, storm by experience that I have more. them learn large a cheap laid be can add corn inexhaustible an which to be of for green onions. FOR will need rule morning, METHOD. said to be better before goes green and the substantially struck entirelyoff my garden which very a grains. its bulk place. In its into FEEDING In every distillers' northeast worms,, certainlyform with season " is hand at dumped maggots, or worms, green eat quarts bran one potatoes fowls two or I feed one-third summer the seaweed, white the SUMMER corn take to Hampton in having close not usuallyfound. Every and feed from by-product a mangels, cabbages,apples and tons and potatoes, potatoes, which EGGS" winter, except oats mashed bra-n,which mixed feeding in and they give a ration. FOR method My where plenty of small boiled four food, when new stove night Occasionally I I have or scraps, is (XXXX) valuable of the the bulk of Biles' Fourex* feed quarts standard my Fourex A protein. two back by of composed and hot. serve When scalded oats morning. meal. I put in about avidity. ground in the mixed the " the on parts dish and bone stand oats of three corn a scalded nice up of up ground * to made make I allowed warm breakfast part of and before will breakfast " are a that I feed made to good many that will hatch cise exer- of strong 30 chicks. If you "drop an occasional of the birds set hands. your soft-shelled as the time feed you mash feeding the once it don't on make noon or rightthings. FEEDING. FOR RULE at hens morning, the feed and enough feed you dead : lazy, instead the ration will have you whether GOLDEN THE of fat and that their combs purple,reduce otherwise " becoming are and egg, dull a difference of night, so long are work to About cent's worth birds that your being a healthy red and a notice quantityto meet all the needs of her system and leave a margin for egg production. A mash in the morning, all she will eat with good relish in 15 warm minutes hour. to half an Enough grain during the day so that Give she the will hen the on roost to go sufficient varietyand a with nor food, either in mash or In general it may and more of it than in summer. one ounce of food a day for each pound she weighs hen. for the average SUCCESSFUL SOME HOW tended dis- nearly empty on the other. Green] heatingfood in winter separately. More hand one crop moderately full, neither a MEN said,that be is about right FEED. Salisbury,N. H." One of the most remarkable poultrymen that I know anything about is Mr. B. F. Dunlap of West Salisbury,N. H., who keeps from 450 to 500 Island head of laying stock (White Wyandottes and Rhode Reds) and clears up a profitof $1,000 yearly. Mr. Dunlap is B. F. MR. can devote Mr. Dunlap his proprietorof and postmaster West DUNLAP, to his hens country store, and a is what lives five miles he from the nearest profitsfrom eggs, which he markets "Every day something different,"is as expressed he names in his from the words. own enough Boiled 1. soaked over quarts ; corn 2. quarts; Waste corn He The oats. kettlesful being In the night, 3 quarts. oats, ground bread, soaked and oats, 2 over and over quarts. makes in Boston. the each up he his business. railroad,and principlehe four four mixed potatoes, soaked and has leading article in bread, clover hay, whole from snatch can all the time : on, combinations, which Boiled potatoes, combinations to goes feed night, 8 the are whole quarts; \vaste as lows, fol- flock : gluten, feed, 2 morning add mixed mixed together,2 quarts. night,8 quarts; beef scraps, 2 31 Clover 3. flour quarts and corn hay, middlings, soaked oats, over night,4 quarts. beef and bone, mash The at "comes The he The day he day he feeds The grain hens have all the and Mr. breakfast G. M. breeds feeds next given in The 200 much all last meal wheat. Mr. and 9.30 At way. given kept are it. Station is doing originatorof records. individual Rocks, and follows as time, they want Plymouth feeds a : in each lot. pint of wheat, in the deep litter one-half A.M. pint of oats is fed one-half P.M. I before. are He and all the pens is the keeps the hens crop when Gowell Barred cockerels At the the digest and can empty an food book, and one they as and pen, give not Experiment hen. egg receives same does Dunlap hens. two the litter as At 3 all the P.M. pint of in winter and corn in 4 P.M. will eat they mash cracked clean, up hour. an mash is made wheat Part scraps. of bran pounds ; 100 of its bulk of clover water. The clean grit and mash the linseed meal The is made water and leaves are The ; 100 meal mash clover is all times pounds before " wheat is omitted, and the from meal one-fourth the thoroughly soaked Cracked : fine meat contains heads, secured meals or pounds ; 100 quite dry. at meal corn the linseed doubled. of following mixture pounds ; 100 of the year meal meat of floor in the cattle barn. " and litter in each of green taste in this 200 22 and as Wyandottes they middlings amount a with the in the pounds meat given are potatoes the hens have of the Maine morning. summer in half second morning with turnips are kept in get work of in the is hens kind. some Mr. the described pen them the quarts 2 bread eat, but GOWELL White to the The boiled for it. Twenty pulletsand Each of can can found ago early bone, quarts shorts, I quart 2 and minutes. into the sand scratch the trap nest long and 2 oats. morning, grain waste is thrown excellent He add morning they have wheat or cracked corn. feeds clover hay they have cracked And the corn. cracked buckwheat. oats and glutenthey have corn or that the hens some and in ten is grain they MR. beef add morning corn good appetite. Whole so the Dunlap feeds to to come the night,8 quarts; gluten,soaked over in the clean up day day quarts 2 noon, The In is fed will eat they boiled quarts 2 In night. over oats. Whole 4. soaked feeding with hot bone, oyster shells, them. Two large 32 mangels food green C. has fed are birds plenty in in more hen, 2OO-egg and but of his White some " who man figure. Dr. any specialbill of feeding,as this upon his method is excellent. words, own than inheritance upon gettingthe in his Andover, Mass., is another of obtainingthe 2OO-egg hen having considerably exceeded relies of fare in daily in winter, pen in Wyandottes Bricault in each summer. BRICAULT, M.D.V., succeeded given the to followinggrains is scattered in the handful hens. litter: oats, wheat, corn, barley,about one to two We then water the hens, giving warmed water on very cold days ; "Morning. that of the the with is,water "Noon." One " off. chill taken morning, but less,about one handful We At this feed a different grain at every meal. to three hens. meal we give the green food of the day (cabbage one day, beets the next, scalded clover or whatever have on hand), but they we food every day. Sometimes we give a feed of green get green do not feed cut bone as a varietyin place of grain; but we cut bone regularly. "Night. Our mash is fed at night,and we give the hens all meal, they will eat. We make the mash as follows: bran, corn ground oats, equal parts by bulk, well mixed together. These meals to make are put in the trough with enough boilingwater 'wet dry/ and covered with a bag and left to cook the mass over Grain in the as " " in their heat ; when own second day. We eat clean in half up omitted we to each hen. "A feed in the mash, mixture to "We 2 : in serve mixture a and lunch as keep one a pick at. This inches apart. feed days mentioned half give grains " placed in every there is grit, in the of meat the mash which on is between and the grain. This pen, other every all they will the mash is one handful divided into oyster shells, ground grains last makes a used good meals. piece of rock salt in each pen be placed in a slatted box, with small can We troughs,and The of the above half meat also to "We contains long hour. self-feeding trough the third about it in an give one three compartments hens cool it is fed. for the the slats believe in in feedingand practice it. regularity "After the hens have gone to roost at night,we scatter morning feed in the litter so the hens can go to scratchingas off the roost in the morning." as they come the soon CHAPTER FOODS Readers coming of the comprehend. teids" this in read is cases much he why fed he as justifieditself in enable a for substitute feed so that loss of time or waste make the he food first is repair and is THINGS is eaten In up. being replaced by is to besides this going on be out, and the of and the elements to the sufficient body Old on. price, and ter chap- that simple so without in this purpose one any- considerable and and is built egg is formed. food body the are life and quantities ; that or is taken also of the called health being they milk of the and that and cow They animal, death and will the feathers their to the are must ensue. exact an But be may for chick, are ing com- daily increment. Now go down eaten. process In largely enter proteids. decay another rapidly, the up if be must and waste breaking that manufacture. growth being repair of are food The perform. process a It is evident ones. waste UP. to tissues the the These in the often can is after he functions three receive build " great he as BUILD muscles elements product of lower feeding and in the up results flesh hen laying value. the animal new of instance, the frame In the preserved process that " had be THAT has continually going balance his ration it. that build to could may much and who of It is my foods many knowledge one way. All little economically, secure of a with one that fact feeding food in any PROTEIDS" The yet more can matter understand can feed high-priced to the foods." talked found rarely from scientific to man a have dimly rations, "pro- "coarse I have And experience. also to but did, apart elementary principles of It will Greek. and but they "wide" and continually are which "concentrates" intelligentpoultry keepers, tell of meaning "narrow" of so VALUES. agricultural press the "carbohydrates," most FOOD and poultry They and AND expressions across V. there repair into egg the of are the waste tured manufacthe absolutely be tain cer- hen. sary neces- furnished in 33 CARBOHYDRATES" Besides warm buildingup The up. that of the is burned 70, and body body chill from a There of sugar, extract"),and of we 28 all noticed starch gums and cellulose do it. never in the these the on of And use feed justas a cold a room to hen Such burns In that the case, well is burned serves the the The to of ers farmsive, exces- when we fuel which body at 103. house snugly-built apparent. once purpose is do we cially espe- the crop is the warm, a are of her temperature at double corn corn establishment manufacturing a up the result this,or preciselywhat importance conducted in that go when winter. fuel bills becomes down a that is maintain to being the keep hens our day recover. food in years in the coal directlyto the called carbohydrates. They are (sometimes called "nitrogen-free fibre (the coarse or woody part or Nebraska, for fuel ; and corn corn the and ture tempera- yet the temperature degrees above may elements maintain to " 98 degrees; in the stomach required to heat, and the To purpose is body the temperature keep UP. for another human the have kept WARM plant) which, however, is indigestible. The cereals rich in carbohydrates. We sometimes read that a in Kansas to of be burned which certain are production include be must required You fuel is THAT degrees. must furnace. much of the is 103 difficult it is to how will be body, food in the how food temperature hen's of the winter THINGS : the fuel the only generates it not building,but it also generates the steam that drives the machinery. Perfectlyanalogous to this is the service rendered carbohydrates. by the food elements that we denominate They not only keep the body at a proper temperature, but they steam that also furnish the warms FATS" "live from from coal day vegetables but them content she lays by that a reserve a to are each amount invests is not so his flour needs certain or of the thriftywage-earner a bank as cellar, in which The saves mouth," day, to he as well-stocked time. to UP. STORED household On use. is not the does a week which which not Nature, shall they live can he from his his has for a some he earns, deposits in our draw buy time, and contrary he to content enough suppliesto last does not spend quiteall children from a is done. saying is. He few pounds at in life insurance. her work ARE prudent head and hand the THAT THINGS careful The which by the energy a ings sav- thriftymother, day by day; in time of need. 36 This reserve with which There food is the she is But place. curious they is not York State upon food from to of the which and tissues place of the Station each fat had been other, to extracted fats. their At the for 95 days thoroughly as fat the some take can fed was of food this absence similar cow a different of the proteids. Nothing carbohydratesand the Experiment milk secrete the is true of the true possible. In spiteof as the around wraps thing that take can it is true New she of the organs. some very " This extent. encases one elements fat which ued contin- cow ration. produced on a normal was yielded in the milk during ing gained forty-sevenpounds dur- that to Nearly sixty-threepounds of fat the ninety-five days, and the cow that time, being judged a much fatter cow at the end than at the beginning. This conclusive to be seem experiment would that the milk fat was from produced quitelargely,if not entirely, the carbohydratesof the food. On the other hand, so well is it settled that fat may be converted into carbohydrates,that it is the common practiceto multiply the fat by 2.25 to get its equivalent in carbohydrates in making up an equation. Besides these three principalfood elements which I have enumerated there are subordinate the mineral ashes consist ingredientsafter follows as food a : Ash, is burned. resenting rep- These of Fibre or cellulose,the the under (already mentioned appropriatelycoming here). A elements lime, potash, soda, magnesia, iron, phosphoric sulphuric acid. Water, present in all foods to. some acid, and extent. food BALANCED coarse head RATION. woody part of a plant carbohydrates,but more or of WIDE AND NARROW RATIONS. We ration the needs in now are is of ration a the It will ration a is not balanced ration that fixed and all the elements invariable for chicks fattened definitions. our for is not thing. balanced laying stock for market. A for anced bal- to meet present in right that ration a balanced that is rectly cor- laying stock, and is not It has A required for the time being are seen by this definition be that is balanced being in which animal proportion. frame positionto a been balanced found a for birds by experience that the ration 1.2 (one part protein to two parts carbohydrates) is about rightfor chicks; the ration 1.4 is about rightfor laying stock ; and the ration i .6 is about right for fattening. In are 37 making the and A the ration up ingredientsare weighed, not measured, hydrates. multipliedby 2.25 (or 2^) to reduce it to carbo- fat is wide the ration is in which one the proteinis largelyexceeded the ration is one in carbohydrates; a narrow and carbohydrates are more nearly equal. As anything exceeding 1 : 6 would be called a wide by under it a narrow SOME must sense for on a on as than wider feed efforts to draws upon power of for this take her of a one food; will goodly output if value and it is not much too It is the great, but the the has she only can way in now ratios with hens this your sure are succulent, nutritious to respond with a of eggs. is that it makes it too of by drawing on her reserve. see why it is that one poultryman another, and both have good results. is to get your is the value makes keep body unassimilated. feeding generously. Nature FOOD. GREEN What instance, coal to adjustment, bungling and imperfect do not feed enough, she power feed we through another do if you and as much deficit is a principalthing The For next. same considerable I advocate and way, the on and surplus if MIND. in midsummer. or excess reader, too, The thing any- day the flock would (more carbohydratesor warming up and reserve; meet can twice well-meaning but If we scientifically. that reason she feeds her fact, ration, and IN for the burn we has hen passing the care which day the our a ration mild survives so of matter lutely carefullywill see how absoflock of hens by rule. Common be correctlybalanced that would balanced be not day; a protein me ration mild Fortunately and A in winter a on feed day much require a food) would cold very warm in. BEAR followed it is to come day one TO has who impossible a the one. THINGS reader The which of green it more possiblefor particle. Then, too, the a Its often soluble and contains great the ration gastricjuices to permeate food green need, in salts that the birds dailyration? digestible ; it lightensup in the food certain form. digestible every mineral Green in the portion of the dailybill of fare, either mash or separately. "In the winter and early spring months, mangel-wurzels, if properly kept, may be fed to good advantage. food should form a 38 In these feeding simply will then localities and fresh and almost crisp, any in food, green soft food, they as the eat can it in is best. little and It the be alone boiling do. short into at cut there have Or It meal say it is is not just a as during the all about have the it be excellent, and of mixed in to necessary but tender of an inch, the steep somewhat for over care should hens and fed with mash night be be may expensive. a leaves Great morning it or green dry. Clover crop. bloom, into coming woody one-fourth may is clover Second-crop profusion become curing lengths, water. fowls excellence. par is not in noon. Clover be when taken the FOOD. A AS food, green should stalks The with fed separately the that quantities such feed to fact, in profit. and fine cut good as and, with be can equally fed many time." one the before, should cut is be in they suitable, be the from as are also can better CLOVER Clover leaves may is long so are food green rule, a day, at apples instances, many but, of middle Sweet fresh, beet and fowls cheaply grown food green Kale eaten. be food crisp fresh, can The knife. large is practice good very a a the all out excellent crisp. hens with Cabbages make readily are pick to and of lengthwise surface. cut flocks to root able be exposed kept the split to beets as some " CD JQ 8" 3 H B Gc P O oo OB "5" ' " P 3 S Cr O ct- 2 " kJ 5 f I QQ B O ' O B MI P-3 8S5J go SS^S q '*",?" .r-S 2.2. 3 en ftj* h-fe "i -^ ^ p^ ^ O 5 (.w ft -k p 00 OCOO r* ^p- C g:;3 o p _ s" 8 S" ^% O % Ed w 40 TABLE SHOWING AND COMPOSITION PRINCIPAL FOODS. VALUATION OF 42 of themselves. Get out first great rule for winter The chicks your early they break the she'lldown in the fall. breed breeds has to will be the Americans Mediterraneans are conditions. drop to to lay until well to zero. pulletsof the American times No wonder hatched until out if he will fills his pens few The hand, get ready not winter wants matured well with the cause other the who man ESSENTIAL. hens not were they June, and did expected not! They handfuls of corn too for them down up to ing nights, roost- into the noisome thrown were pick to in not were cold the barn lay to expected were livingin the fields. After it become in trees they were allowed to stay in roost thrust down the big beams, or were on A often they do " their cellar. given where surpassed the susceptibleto very snap ment state- will stand. Asiatics,on The HOUSE olden winter. cold are this class. WARM A and in mistake no equalled or maturing spring. The slow towards on will make In sudden that the statement feathered A feathered,but thick eggs thin ican rule the Amer- a will be instances have production; but are product egg that As I know layers. Asiatics or in egg climatic winter it. with do to challenged,and Mediterraneans BEST. BREEDS best : from the day keep them coming the day they go into the laying pens something the are follows as and AMERICAN The is eggs to them barn from they could break the ice in the horse trough. It is a marvel eat snow or they lived through the winter, to say nothing of laying eggs. ever Even better understood, to-day,when poultrykeeping is so much the importance of a warm house is not half enough appreciated. The West tifically VirginiaExperiment station a few years ago scien- time to time, and if demonstrated of winter similar in houses had roofs. Before they the eggs. all respects been the inside with all the cracks. for five the wanted to quench of importance "Two were constructed houses selected with a their thirst warm matched in the production by side and the experiment. The siding and shingle situated for house side sheathed on experiment began, one house was boards and then thoroughly papered so as to cover The experiment began November tinued 24th, and coneach. of The flocks fed two were periods 30 days 43 the kind same produced cold and house hens 100 in favor was a for expense Readers of to in if and them and increasingthe in the production the substance winter, or, indeed, with the at winter's work with what for I have foods hand there I suppose, used hindrances to much his that bank a man 1 as not 1 or make that no eggs 8 hours at Nature reserve. he But, into the life of every 6 up the allows a harm to are deficit as responds. as yield; egg to able profit- a great rule for food to the and give expediency wanted. are their On the on use; it would I suppose to a each consume matter to or a use very to do as he is day only can. so- come compelled todraw upon condition- on is like Nature a It occasionallyto overdraw. healthy,well-grown bird a little and condition stimulants powders purpose she this,but only he be better of fact, there when man soon customer stimulate, habituallyis to defeat the they either kill the hen supply stretch, day after day, and a him high ; but must good a eggs recommend busy allows good as winter but overwork, made. he nothing,, condemn. Theoretically,. unqualifiedly them ; but, actually, to use they may be who to never sary neces- TONICS. where who some get "Overcrowding the second in this connection tonics are those are energy will do when there it is better occasions work and no- for serious "hindrance AND up To it is he making. egg to good advantage. occasionally for house it will do said. year, his hens So FOODS but get something from the question comes using egg other the will need eggs, of the cannot materials raw this book season plenty of eggs EGG one that EGGS. layers." is: Give plenty of good wholesome eggs winter layers. variety,if you want the ance bal- in the seen of winter of worth eg"s warmth of winter of any One generously. is to get one The eggs- in the time,,a same It is thus WINTER underfeeding are two serious underfeeding is by far the more but $22.06. preceding chapter of repeat feed to in the flock of 1,103 or of 5,239, while was 4,136 eggs FOR the specialinstruction eggs total number profitableinvestment." very harm The house warm dozen, per FEEDING no food. house warm cents 24 additional in the laid but of the local market the hens TOO per of amount becomes for which they immune and are no made " longer 44 in GOLD $100.00 Some years "Gold a Coin of WON FOX S. D. MR. the manufacturers ago advertised powder HOW : IT. condition well-known a Premium Contest/' for the best during the winter months, in which $200.00,in gold There first prize of to be given to 16 contestants. was was one $100.00, five prizesof $10.00 each, and ten prizesof $5.00 each. egg record The contest each contestant was dollar's worth one months' trial. N. H. powder, for time first prizewas the Mr. by Fox kept conditions 12 hens, and must of close won Unfortunately Mr. The less than not of condition The The April i. keep must world. the to open no buy must make the of least at set was Wolfeboro, other records at full four a contest S. D. Fox that were than those generalclearingup of the central office a short time since all records were destroyed. relating to the contest it may be unable to give the figures, but Consequently I am Mr. Fox of contestants enough to state that out of hundreds the first prize. I-will give his methods, as nearly as possible won he sent in in,and in his a words. own fall,"said Mr. "That Fox, "I had a fine lot of hens, master " make Wyandottes, with justa dash of Leghorn blood in 'em to 'em lay. They were hatched early,and I began to get eggs from them White in October. When I the saw I advertised contest I didn't expect to get the first prize,but thought I would enter. So I bought a thought possiblyI might get one of the others. dollar's worth of condition powder of C. W. Hicks, who then I remembered Drug Store, and started in. kept the Wolfeboro is nothing : 'There reading in an old book the followingsentence that will make a that cow milk and started parts of I made cayenne clean. 'em days a three times sour; when of 20 and they of linseed meal and had this mash it to no 'em water in the " it to form nothing we scraps skim warm 'em sweet; the had milk. hens I gave of curd. There milk. Lay? but I so a I gave night corn. I gave thing any- teaspoonfulof they would eat up all the mash at take. with up know days, and what into the milk I shook the hens would I gave they in those oats, and I fed noon I didn't bran. bone week a giving about 16 quarts of of the likeliest lookingpullets, morning a mash made of equal in the I mixed I had milk.' was ground I gave pepper. At pen or handful the table. all the milk to meal meat put in instead or a up and pepper cayenne meal, ground oats, corn left from to fall,which I fed them in. about Two lay equal in that came day. a hens were You it 45 never anything saw laid. they Anyway of $100.00. they Give what but like it ! I me hens MR. "I give can that anxious I one vouch can pounds fenugreek, half pound Put a that TO about It costs pounds. When some slight shock those who range as rear as early as from range should This the and the not October range do or 1st and off in " if not soon "bred-to-lay" kind. " the introduced More meat into induces egg meal their or or production, free directed be ingly Accord- pulletsshould bone may stimulant a condition they be their Here ground if of is correct. to ration, and pepper need near as put into the laying houses. given in the shape of cayenne treatment before 30 majority exercise. useless is lay they This months. summer if you FALL. The range, and it." not in. free them run be restricted. advantageously be give When scraps, THE IN one- keep. hens. right make to and and ingredients the them start to 20 64 five scraps, meat or half lay But I got Mix they get their growth their energies need taken may chickens production egg change to flock mixture of a was day got one beef for LAYING enough possible,during after be or and I persuader I know salt. get the weight killed pounds charcoal, meal meat food of it. much pounds ten will egg it had same morning, TO old pulletsare the pound will dollar a an 72 hens, and to that Maybe greatest hen from no PULLETS START too every combined the fed meal, You for lay, and one-half mash mash. the salt not bone prize I'll risk tonic once name. succession food, feed egg off and the winter one many first milk, and food egg pounds sulphur, two in the pint me give you It is the pepper, the the first thing I knew 'em it two cayenne this feed have how PERSUADER. Fox. pounds ten half remember to time." I won't in days Take But every HEN for. eggs. do skim "I sent I fed Five eggs. you and Mr. to about. anything 68 pepper an I guess No, little too this said bring receipt for a remember to highly advertised, and was five hens. a you I could enough lay FOX'S the business," do laid cayenne make can I wish are powder. of the CHAPTER THE Why SEX do that ELEMENT hens lay confronts thought even uniform will be It is evident for their who has has taken hemorrhage, must has man one "do not for lay for an in the species birds rear lays her wild lays them in reproduction, but ten have -of this to to the lay. it stimulated as makes so do Anyone internal some by there so Nor do who or egg, egg lay not hen is there is a Doubtless but is when hens a lay to complaint, and hens lay only dear! are when hens No, of their owner ; at the be and plants, animals to imperious is this the nature "Multiply addressed of of design cost. any is the living thing every to some if imperious lays lower of instinct orders not We that we egg ever instinct six to from in the nook eggs many largely forgotten, that were never twentyfold instinct the hen If it there agate prop- lives. own secluded some an account of seems So man. and purpose. command gratify state would hen a their little brood. the from of In her It an common bank center that irresistible, cost hen The :She the the to perpetuated to as of they when large them. from truth, that of down and be is well as reproduction, so at deal a hens gives it a has between. stained It is its kind. earth" replenish the fun get that extracted. owner. add to core shall observer " tooth good or reproduce to the fun far and expelled is egg shut and to tematically sys- occasionally,but passage altogether different Implanted desire their a few the tion ques- it, or answer agreeable operation. the is cannot hit blood that tion ques- the answer condition the nest ulcerated there can strainingto discharge a realize cheap they lay and of out an in which are hen a profitsof the to eggs that " altogether an had for he a casual most of relief when sense .add the watched ever egg a be amusement own for her will momentous and proceed intelligently no make most If he Jf is in PRODUCTION. is the to may eggs to an not it,he He when years position a of yield. egg This production. egg EGG poultryman. is in with IN all? at the correctly he never VII. of ten the as taken domestic her knew, of this she may tion reproduc- now of lays ancestress it is the production possible. year. instinct fowl aboriginal that a eggs jungle, that for this instinct have tion. reproduc- presence ; 47 CONDITIONS What they the conditions are are Maturity. The is greater steadilydeclines the eggs subsequent does .after her should is too as Darwin have with often the the for reproduction state, and fowl a maturity to the upon needs will than feels vital desire a The rest. consideration, and The for immediate lay in any forces as incubate to broody hen not ruthlessly effect of disease reproduction. the labor of A sick hen is plant must a in individual than one fed. reproduction. regular and The well domesticated our searching for animals. be animals, copious supply it,are fertile more of food amount ; thus affects sheep, which lamb He to a on birth, when twins. pastures, frequentlybear As and moderate "High feeding, care in induce warmth habit of profligacy which becomes some a tion, Domesticameasure hereditary." (Animals and Plants Under vol. ii,chap, xvi.) and Sanitation. Sanitation profoundly affects vitality, 4. without sanitation the other conditions cannot produce their full effect. The should hen house be kept perfectlyclean, the birds free from supplied parent with and organism. each kind. the is, the of male by should not everything necessary In that " together remarked, parasites; they Sex. 5. asexual has to more lowland to or principalfactor habituated produce down bird exception an been never Dixon she animal, corresponding wild of even the same fertility Mr. desire is why the bird case. the brought This draws the desire hardly long mountains The of this intermediate coming why great The without food, is nutrition "With which decay. be in the intermediate hen. makes says: the after completed" Nutrition. 3. five,and are life. weaken to laying a They plant must or its end. This act. treated injury is than of her and beginning first year litter is be abused, of the towards year other no not at growth bird Vitality. Reproduction 2. or reproduction? animal, between state more of REPRODUCTION. follows: as 1. OF distinct form very to be comfort lowest forms life is produced new of female, but by fission But all male is sexed higher and animals female should and crowded, and health. life reproduction is not by cleavage and plants the forms, and of coming the or the greater its power be from are more the sented reprepletely com- reproducing its 48 THE The been SEX importance the hens that has fowl. lay the but the is the of study that he field is in the The reviving the I type. is about birds the are for trap nest, and have her bird a the third of ivory white I could than and so not laid very process have given pushing what comes eggs satisfied. a year allowed the used the smaller that is the I most in When The hen After her keep for big conditions are hens apiece from my best and then she had tab egg upon tab such one- ; it an was as egg days more became broody, 10 the completed much had time her with I again. take production,but and on some it about right I get layers I did From larger end was the use keep nest. chicks, so to my It months sit. attempt not the 14 In to to not to ring around a building records. me trap size. weaned and I did 200 that had her lost that along. individual appeared. eggs been up egg mistake. well incubation of type that distinctlyfemale most give of medium and foolishlyallowed I egg" an egg the male is the the egg from distance in color an to if I had the ovaries of these 300 that able not am that once peculiarityof The sex. is are me. accurately as as But is. there not or believe writers Poultry principlein mind I have succeeded birds that are splendid layers. I do of strain a on female the birds! this By keeping up based one and male distinctly there think to productionI egg whether to yield egg BIRDS. SEXED best sexed question as biology labor. and uniform large and that be subject of the uniform and large a BEST THE inclined am most care old tainty; cer- it is 'here that but mastered has man of cost from the mathematical poultrymen; a the Nutrition been obtain to of secret select to them. almost of study neglected. It may knowledge of physiology and when never ment experi- at the us from with of most case FROM great being done is breed to has sex amount this: Breed be of lies,and BREED reproduction has has, enabled feed can we condition a and requiresa sex work nest trap eggs, study the minimum with to The most lacking in richest sex Splendid studied, until been in element sex by independent investigatorsin and domestic REPRODUCTION. IN of the fully understood. stations the ELEMENT from that 150 I to am 50 i number in the short be under such kept that be these at of the and what once all the of sex, problem stages field the a as be varied may through days, that the parent 'the investigator may 21 conditions conditions followed of space its business the wish development, and for presents takes on a ize real- you " poultry business and may will, that the embryo may at of fowls study a dignity new interest. Some The point on nutrition insects facts bearing on sex have been gathered. which investigatorsare more fullyagreed is that a sex. profound influence upon Beginning with important very has it has found been entering the chrysalisstate males, while females. others With of the the starved caterpillarsare resultant butterflies brood same the bees, too, well if that relation moths or are nourished highly nutrition between before are and sex established. with Experiments equally tadpoles, which were suppliedwith a diet steadilyincreasingin sumptuousa steady and corresponding increase in the number ness, showed of females produced. The proportionof females to males, which and more was steadilyas the diet became originally 57 to 43, rose females more highly nutritious,until out of 100 tadpoles 92 were and 8 males. Coming up in the scale of life it has been found mammals that among the same principleholds, although of course seems influences other Another is the time in come feature of than more that is believed The impregnation. should The Where relative atinglymale letters ; and with reader should the where age, the when ovum sex upon ized fertil- that the parents is believed the ages the would-be cockerels. give it a are in my pulletshatched plant lice fruit-trees,and affect the to It is easy feature a that is smaller which the theory very his yards." in the than multiply so like,and to be cold are receive from to test, and with. reckoned the months rapidly upon known I find eggs it is later in the which way. I sometimes for a preponder- is the other held. sex. the mother where purchasers asking yards own or even, preponderance trial in is also Temperature of influence an fresher theory quite generally a from mated noticed have parent is the older the offspringare superior in this is that of the age the male is the to orders. lower offspringwill be a female. laid at the beginning of a litter conclusion is correct eggs laid later. hatch a larger proportion of pulletsthan eggs the greater the likelihood If this the among to the I have proportion season. the hens Take rose-bushes, science as 51 aphides. "During these dant, In in that the warmth produce in famines the and years, In there One birds the the up by to place their I know a let Now : the number who mated and some up to summer, for on go lowered males. of and constructive of element the to to the rich been has these and that or said in the pullets. of out language of food, abnormal we for an production of may also include low perature, tem- obviously such repair, over tend conditions is, make in the uncertainty will get.. more a " result to Similarly,the approved set lightand nutrition, abundant result males. hens, and 118 is females. deficient as male ensue place of pulletsyou a ; but kept stirred are excess an more roosters were processes, conditions these hatch to tented, con- thing frequently from shifted hens that and Another hens by found frequent quarrels Where eral sev- mentioned production of females and sure two found happy are and the like, are light,moisture of waste induce a preponderance of body" abundant the or all that conditions "Such found birds of females 107 sum me production favor proved was I have not the fear. keep your can habit katabolic and quite are hatched tend would as temperature largely males. of strangers deficient such to affinity. I have is be likelyto eggs man chickens the been continued I have mated well not presence greater another it has observations right for are are quieter you 135 the and these disturbance from freedom The female perfect affinityand is offspring are The of that of conditions the the fact aphides enjoy perpetual experiments authorities. where this stopped only when own my where as of where things influencing sex the is abund- diminished." food and food parthenogenetically nothing but of later autumn they give birth to parthenogenetic successsion four when summer, striking confirmation Conservatory a of insects females, while males. the of in factors, moisture, anabolic habit, females. With the influence of the period physiologicalprime of either sex, and of is tolerablysecure, the general conclusion But of fertilization. influences inducing katdbotisnt of sex that in the determination the age and (or waste) of tend to favoring anabolisrn production of males, as those the probability (or repair)similarlyincrease result in the of females." This is the law of sex, so far as it can be stated at present. CHAPTER THE Within been the of the the hand one they they It friends. has those who The of that breeds popular time recent be It wishes that the the poultryman breeding at times hens as round, year to or in certain laying, and are their fancier The breeding layers. the also He offspring will of The trap nest and then by markings eggs it is easy to make enable have may in on tell them good him a most ties. varieif only the one from these how possibility box nest may to it may the used be doing not it use if all the ascertain are hens well so shapen lay small, mis- that a he him the from to desires pick the the the of unusual hen feet of use select to pen which enable that and the necessary to of supplement to ; but pens ing mat- comparatively trap least mals ani- eggs. may to season, hens of told always It is not they ought, poorly-colored or out of matter a breed have good advantage weed to think owners I at it in all the to pens ence influ- different of The time a is a must is mistaken. use the therefore, that he there observation. poultryman's personal all the individuals strain But for it, who careful some within axiomatic, pen its those of by It world made of be and all breeders to preceding chapter may on other tried been is that established. been out. : judicial a never often known heavy-laying picked in the used have the on it have rests poultry almost a In be layers may the opinion needs transmitted, and combination seem layers. well be in to-day establish of cal practi- way. permanently that the would to heavy of by fact the to its enemies too invention traits may knowledge common the a both it have financial a It is may As nest ridiculed have which desirable strain a who in has poultryman nest. trap unfortunate it in heredity. the difference The advocated principle on of trap wide a condemned. been in is USES. enthusiasticallyadvocated; are have interested are of the there ITS outfit the addition of those Many AND years nests scornfully are appraisal. and these NEST few past enlarged by value be TRAP VIII. of to out eggs nest of the beauty eggs hatched in the individual keep for his chicks rest. trap this or own hen from lence, exceluse. lays, these S3 THE There are nests, with three dollars. plans Through of the my box here trap many these readers GOWELL with Maine the described TRAP nests the on for their their nest that is illustrated words own "The certain cover; The construction,costs G. Experiment Station,I plan for a made was boxes excellences market. the courtesy of Mr. nest by avoid here, and Gowell the M. right to from to Gowell, agriculturist charge. after use one able to am free of a present The careful nest study Box. the market, and on and box Mr. Single Nest of the various NEST. their is intended defects. of description to bine com- is the This it is in Mr. box Gowell's : nest box is very in its action. and is simple, inexpensive,easy It is a box-like twenty-eightinches structure, long, thirteen to attend,and without inches end wide or and 54 thirteen with inches placed across the box from Instead of the close a inches end. door at The the inch and half stuff is covered The is ten door does and fifteen proper. inch one and is of inch inches ten of two space and is the nest nettingof wide a end lightframe a wire board in diameter the back entrance, inches division inches section back fillthe entire entrance, not from with one-half and one-half and twelve front A measurements. " circular a inches deep inside opening seven by mesh. and high half inches a being left at the bottom and one and a half inches at the top, with If it filled the entire side to avoid friction. a good margin at each It is hinged at the top and it would be clumsy in its action. space The hinges are placed on the front of the opens up into the box. rather door than, the center at closingaction. "The trip consists of inch an of piece of stiff wire and eighteen and one in diameter bent long, piece is nailed partitionand the box, and the board is [fj wire 1 jj*V "*** \) the through down center of the Small as hold to "When round the A marked The' so connection hen presses with down section of trip wire a hard the the wire door. in wood into is driven passes half through to one The inch the the lower door the of the inch six-inch board the easily. of edge cular cir- staplesare into tack circular side,and slot, and the section a slipped half a over or peg and in front yet let it roll sidewise is set, the under which nearly and place door comes head, frame. doing it in board wire driven the trip inch and seven of the wire the close, to and passed in the quarter of this tripwire section of inch an of the board edge across opening. so of the placed long part the top of only to support is ^ % the purpose six-inch box of the partition. The The place. just the in front below the A and across inch left between being inches drawing. of one-fourth space a teenths three-six- wide flatwise one plete com- one-half reach to secure about six inches of board inside to in shown as long enough "" the better back, or with of wire the a large the opening and trip slipsfrom promptly swings door down in its and 55 itself in fastens a edge strikingthe lightend of latch or lever, pressing it down and it; slippingover immediately coming back into place and lockingthe door. wooden the lever The latch is five inches and is fastened so The latch It door the pieces of for the to bird a front and would has the catch to noise hens, so instead at the thick, to the side of the when it is closed. door of before the arising from nailed belting were box with laid and remains be the door half inch a closing wooden outside it stops entrances strike against. double when she rubber door "The startle the and its center justinside that the feared was might old is end wide from inch quickly enough acts rebounds. inch long, one looselyone that the outer box, of its lower place by there likelyto in nest crush Nest rear to leave desires until the released. the egg Boxes in end is necessary, the nest, she With one steps section by standing upon Position. it." as to the only, CHAPTER BREEDING Most some wild New York Central of type old. of extinct. a shores of the the wild to be through identical have with size and the the bird which we Bantam. Even form in has that have of fowls have production by breeding from the ; in this pigeon, Europe the to Islands, Canary fowls prolificlayers. importance to Indian this bird the in have statelySpanish, the elegant Leghorn, and tive diminu- the for continued selection, differences. differences the a lay brought fowls smaller From " ning run- is believed somewhat the bout In by improved other to difference jungle of vast our the fowl nutrition feeding subject in of is tic domes- increase chapters I have and care call attention some This 300. over of while and plumage is the this wild as year, 2 in by breeding Bankiva, to bird a all domestic Wyandotte about eggs lift their black-breasted the Asia, to go find shall which artificial than ten been I wish rock jungles, which from snowy all these to sufficientlythe and become Himalayas we domestic and known has thousands have must we the lordly Brahma, Callus been fowl and type brought six of jackals the the horizontally. our created production. egg forests more Rock, been called, lays from egg tail remarkable more of eastern all familiar, albeit Natural years, horse tives representa- are that to and Here sky. parent are varieties practicalPlymouth many the Polish, the crested and closely resembles the carrying all the come with back where India dense the The come. Game, into up wild and dogs domestic our northern far wild and Hamburg hundreds wolves Madeira to that of Japan. of prototype crests snowy of northern Mediterranean, especially to must of primitive be ancestry from and descendants are little brutes that their range India the species of two trace vast Abyssinia, For of descendants are or Pigeons has horse Dogs one which and of birds YEAR. A zoological gardens the funny, big-headed " EGGS and living specimens are years HUNDRED animals In prototype. some perhaps to domestic our Asia of TWO FOR of IX. in and sized emphaegg duction pro- breeding. 58 and summer fear winter,hot or cold, wet to they will lay themselves making proposition for win cannot the at FROM MATURE to her, if use out flock than a You often by meant from the that the 75 to 100 male the a in the eggs THE MALE. But should an as tenfold,is a poultry keeper that begin to neighbor for mix to look of some his hands. than birds There is thoroughbreds,and as much as side ! for breed It is generations, indiscriminately haphazard methods past, egg production has such the to of the male the value to one a If he he gets will a buy entirelydifferent popular the method possible. part of the the on fall he will have result will be that the next on to tendency alike,ten dollar a but from and CROSSES. his birds. up has been increase? the nutrition not laid lays from hen made graphs para- state yield. the egg strong a It is few wild the male on tribute remarkable CONCERNING will find has under prevailedin running pen." A in her improved have not offspringwill come is highly important farmer's What fact that of way bird. good a The agent in buildingup You it case all been has litter one it is better is half the average said, from with cock a least at then of the the time. same is in surer no rooster be The the selection females. they birds. blood being year. I have as laid out of the fact that the hen eggs keeping fowls increased as immature Such spoke if even to that ; next is practiceon the farm, and I doubt keep the best male to breed from, from of I There the best Even from cockerel or money- good health mating is a vigorous, that one pen. it said that "the side. cock come, selection. to hear six to ten It has the to breed this that one-half back from breeding a help it. can you a times some- BIRDS. only bird fit to breed from is and thoroughly mature. Probably the well-grown cockerel with year-oldhens mature pullets. A pulletshould have is put into customers, my The she are I shows. big BREED before that lay so They " death. for and me dry or belief of a of rooster breed, whole that of fowls flock a average and a the poultry show crosses procedure is to lay mix better up the 59 This Some whole good subjectof crossingneeds from come crossing,or must Where practiced. the invigorationthat blood. it is the is The cross-breed of egg introduction the of it " the farmer when you the better. He blood does It The breed is converted to of new because and stand farmer's flock his best. The quently Conse- tendency. belief in the a from comes more from this versally uni- so its mother average counteracts be introduction assimilate not understood. not from? come and eat can out. new it would pulletlays better than production constantlyrunning it follows always largerand stronger strain does be better to superiorityof cross. But they as say reversion. beyond the first cross strike another you " The mixing characters. ancestral the go red The tendency bloods there the " tendency to bringing out in far is not criss-cross, you results criss-cross and jungle fowl, of up when " from removed inevitablycomes in egg drop a production. All the secured by the the as years. Suppose mating will Next find you him to male matings for that is without necessity to first and eggs resort not promote where the than is his own three the caloric,where so cold first take the the with along two If pen. years. have a chart of impossible competition It is has of this book no is, if he is after that TO HOW AND things are in the that the fowls all the are the food THEM. GET necessary breeding vitality. Where maximum is " The breeding in the hottest procedure in two once entirely unrelated. follow reader It pure. get, and every of frills. and conditions The house yards the But such any feathers get fertile eggs comfort. to to EGGS FERTILE To like that will win birds breeding. in in and his from he in the other you kept be can male a this fall. cockerel pulletsof that be may fancy points breed in and in, and intricate as a bicycle road map. as show produce to a from oftener which the hens of birds breeder, getting a Breeders with the best with mate to for away blood new blood new birds with strain a send of the breed and own, crossing from come infusion introduce you be fall mate best cockerel your to necessary that results occasional breed same is not valuable " pen ity, maturity, vitalmust male eaten alive with vermin is goes or be such as immature, to rotten tain mainwith 60 will disease,the fertility So the does be low. tends Inbreeding also lack of exercise and overfat condition tility. to infer- of fowls in breeding pen. Doubtless element every infertile needed that week food valuable Where hard the for them I fed fine and wanted are production. My the first year. and the hen the best reserve method own kinds promote sexual twice a is also a mash Clover pushed too push my pullets be not is to breed layers to some in the must will be egg are during the breeding season. fertility. fertile eggs for egg There genital organs chopped Unless fertility. is present, the embryo will die in the shell. onions excellent are for the stimulate activity. Raw effect upon important an the chick or food of diet has and from, do not They things easy. have made When the breeding their record and deserve rest. a comes season they are in prime condition,and lay large, highly colored eggs which hatch hardy chicks. ing It pays to alternate males where is desired,allowhigh fertility in active service and three males for two pens, keeping two push the third male one males are Many the second shut with runs poor results their eggs several them that when all an hatch times and day. a frozen be must egg is that put under kept in a a EGGS The incubator result is so books The is low hard hen. farmers reason careful not are properly cared not are to get gather of from should 60 moved be degrees. in the of temperature extremes as WINTER. IN FERTILE to 40 acquaintancebuys an The and starts in to raise broilers for the citymarket. inevitablydisappointment. The percentage of fertility winter every and show reason where opinion is common among enough to crack the shell Eggs should be gathered temperature NOT ARE neglected;but One they they shipping eggs to customers middle of the day and protectedfrom much as possible. Almost are they In WHY where be served. because in winter it is unfit to warm hens some favorites,and their have likelyto are take but little to kill the germ. such before flock fail to eggs Cocks rest. a alternated It takes for. to up let them year ; but the a the of my person the mortality among loss instead why "The some of a is so fertility chicks profitat low testicles of birds vary the so end in winter greatlyin great, that the of the season. logical. purely physiosize according to is 61 the of season they are five in reached." blood To be warm, or the times- the with weight during winter, the and each him the get fertile eggs be must eggs height in imported ARTIFICIAL AND layers in the fall. of chicks is specializationshould not no must NATURAL. conducted There house the South. X. poultrybusiness is now poultryman to get out enough great law from tended dis- are activityis winter,therefore,the the with vessels functional of CHAPTER INCUBATION" As In winter they are observed. a comparativelyinsignificant blood supply breeding season comes on, they enlarge with spring,as ten or in which year small very ; but to the it is the in the spring to supply however, why the reason, obtain practicefor in the poultry ness busi- in nearly every other, and why in the future we should not entire plants devoted stock and have the rearing of young to At presother plants devoted wholly to the production of eggs. ent, how to for the poultryman to know however, it is necessary as raise his It is chicks, if he wishes own a rule good of the 300 him are get put cull out likelyto females. and poultry farm pullets. Suppose on a laying stock head of laying stock always to be The accident. out males poultryman of the way. The lucky if he man has 200 gets standard USE Pullets when to they are to have then a hand, " Of the count watch keep it will be necessary for he that out 600 bred LEG pulletsin the 30$ disease better off and carefully in down in the by are his flock principleslaid but will have deaths ones (or 300) one-half some the chicks intends to start on least two-thirds at man these weak some he should Then who at must will be closely,according VII. that ; so There on chicks. least 600 at succeed. to spring Chapter will be fall. BANDS. put in the layingpens should with be marked numbers bands ; to use It is not necessary leg bands. mark to plainbands are just as good. It is my personalpractice be divided by two) that can in the even birds hatched years (years with 62 with band a odd the on right leg; (years that cannot leftleg. In this way I old bird a is,and INCUBATOR Sooner which him this to an an be to illafford. are subject to There equal the this matter, both on Chickens fewer is diseases mother no Some old hen. an country heris use for on favor It costs at hens of the $25 have is natural install to that many expense stamina more brooded of young of the most help to now least an with question others, there In brood a in most chickens than the purpose this is by band year-old hen. face as sides. brooded a glance just how a a it is my fpr artificial incubation,and can way. said and with in the WHICH? must is firstof all economy. there outfit headed, In answer. something method is paragraph tell at HEN, poultryman hatched are by two) pulletand a OR later the or that always can confuse never birds be divided years the and and in any chickens other that can in progressive poultrymen exclusively, settinghundreds of them at a time. The disadvantageof under or may and not may method no does one's not chickens her chickens at feet. a At time. to a to make sit when hen a largest profitsin the she poultry, kept growing from the day always possibleto have a supply of the best After to the of eggs she can the while a is liable to amount no she crushes come pletely com- qualitiesa hen full-grown,large-sizedwill; sittinghen is done, and certain almost The Sometimes clumsy never early and It is not hand. task her to return. her shell. is that it is mental discovered realize hatched be they leave the sittinghens on before To has she possess, to. must Whatever control. has yet been want method the natural leave her nest persuasionwill induce chicks under or young bring out but a few up-to-datepoultryman is conclusion that he have must an incubator. The advantage under time. The chance is best than The control. machines trouble require much chickens is greater. incubator The are comes more brooded Especiallyamong "slaughterof the innocents" is that artificial method so eliminated, practically incubated. chickens one's of the in under fertile every and hens. are more The per beginners there that is frightful. at any element egg chickens. rearingthe attention the pletely com- so be started may adjusted that and it is may of be Brooder subjectto ease dis- of loss cent, is sometimes a 63 To sum up quantitiesand get If : has the time to incubator. an earlychickens wants one GET give to them, Otherwise A GOOD he would and them wants he should by in all means best stick to the hen. INCUBATOR OR NONE. ^ In purchasing A cheapest. oftener incubator. and to pull out But a a so at that they young work from plans that The or that somewhere while and leap upward, he it ought to be. church, at was when where near he returned hatches at his chickens least a the operator and know how to by the the work it is to be at design for be two natural feet 18 inches is shown hen 180 chickens Some of valuable should on with the now bought in order eggs, familiar be time that machine feet call may a be natural greatlyreduced hen incubator, here. Natural incubator deep, two wide. I may of what which the thermometer noon INCUBATOR. HEN A This started caring for sittinghens construction ture tempera- right. NATURAL of the in incubators, and incubator thoroughly it run An hens. become may A The with before month lost confidence has man he found during the day three times a night to trim the lamp or the surplus heat might escape, he was Sunday, young of the intervals at degrees. As a consequence prematurelyroasted,and nearlythree weeks lost. is the Beware registered120 were best but satisfactorily, than ordinary more of man machine the price. any incubator an the temperature warm took two plugs keep one I know constructed by getting up able to is dear the By visiting paper. a remember Sometimes they do not. ingenuitywho in machine poor home-made incubator an Incubator. Hen may be of any high, and prefera door length; but should divided into compartments to each compartment, but I 64 find it that one convenient more enclose may hinged at the in the cut; back, but with covered do can If ordinarilyit if hen a Each wishes latched except in the off,fed and according the hens the to and hen a While it is true so be shown in front should As may soon is be in two temporarily she when Nature hot weather. she has become The be for should soon as a encouraged. prepared for china it dark. let out entrust her an hen shows symptoms She should be in her and eggs, The form next for food a taken that be covered morning and with real eggs. the water. % bag are mer? sum- by Because can we so kept for should be goes are fed she should placed in nest to be nest a should removed back food. their burlap bag a sitters closelyand This with active that of hens night and If she in not are of broodiness at state a if important part of dark, quiet place. should In that they radicallydifferent from the treatment layers. They should be confined more differently.Corn incubation incubation. hasten of hens treatment aged. encour- litter out. It is evident make stimulated been has laid her has be Why summer. sitters,because the best ones. In early. to result. desired the can we discovered philosophy of the sit? hatched be instinct may the that about she conditions which for her. ready may yet been has sluggish. fat and make hens young should Because these chicks the hen the difference no As back. it is by the natural method sittinghens on hand in March, true bring minutes, 20 driven taken on reproductiveinstinct the the Old to be kept hens to 10 be HEN. understand we does Because reproduce is also the utilize to should opened, In from will find eggs of that time one door it makes method no work to go as it is SITTING order that The time She supply a at set should is carried will,it sit at hen hen door nest hens same enters. incubation be when the weather, important to have April and May, in As top should desired,as The her left to dust. all set at the are Where kept leave door. a morning THE as down. should behind watered compartment of if compartment to hens possible,enough compartments we is shut longer, The so. all the a somewhat be lifted up can wire. doors of divisions. that it so the number a chicken divisions,so have to tain con- make and the it is safe to CHAPTER CHICKS Poultry keeping more in pride with at the have and in out my for the get knack a them keep often I take only as same too principles how I get such just first,but well they chicks keep as you chicks of Installed an of neighborhood under hens admirer her an and conduct as exalted The brooding a opinion best hen mother in brooder, and costing chicks, one built not generally satisfactory,as for in 200 it when eggs the or a so left are ages ones younger only out as flocks, small other any to as as am but man, such not out gets I be may hatching " brooders. in brooder a who man spring every as do not in the them all great an I confess impress that with me mentality. TOO enough I know is often of her employed is not them do at BROODER? A chicks 1,000 bator incu- chicks the into them are themselves. INSTALL American of the divide by age the get the gether alto- out fill up the for of eggs and fine birds want I select when different of after chicks for room house" for, good advantage. to chicks If you incubator of to or crowded are "rough same broody plenty when room chicks keep temptation a is they NOT where that older have the is VII. Chapter my me I want simple. I and who for what poultry keeper gets is much on is very for There stunted. WHY Even hen growth a room in is not those chicks I select down reason There Then is too become they and grow laid I do to eggs but personal pay. hatch Then average every more. together, there many set to they ought. as and The chicks. once as The I have as supply weaned. hands. my of matter a let them the many well hatching but and are livelihood, poultry keeping with together. age It is chicks, business chicks many make to of means a they into CARE. recreation. a own wonder them me until accordance People of THEIR with however, me, present AND is not nature XL about my $12, just thereabouts. as the The it is difficult temperature is opinion, ranges best incubator is brooder is out-door to keep low. for built one chicks The warm brooder UNIVERSITY should be house brooder described Be in brooder a set the brooder house a will now hours chicks the And I from be your purpose. warm but have to brought to from does not pen to or a the transfer be it or part of it for if you nate fortu- are is used as woolen old this Over warmed. lay when the chickens over of tance dis- some be cold piece of a the ways basket, such with and hen some may food " there than the place them of when has to been man one other hens has few been if you as take the chicks you away expressedit to me, the hen But, fortunately, Place forgets. soon periodof incubation, and in a singingas merrilyas of yore. will feel sensibilitiesyou in the face." she its place it lice,and in the hover, which will feel,as are anoint degrees. 100 manstealer she hen is full take the chicks the basket When hen a under from vaseline, to kill head or You long where varied " you, shallow a out of tender man look suffer with the the nest. warmest blanket,to put temperature a the bottom is taken their mother. mean more are " into while mother it may day wife your Take and kidnapper "too sunny house a business your may in the basket. chicken brooder brooder, which choose times in the the nest. his entrance shell from previously been lightlywith lard quicklyin the basket. a in pleted, com- the shell,and the up is from three whole line the has pkced If you it, on 60 chicks incubation important and can one. of broke or egg choose piece of warmed each period the to take head were broken of you Better blanket, which the house BROODER. gently lifted cannot marketing, and As the most the nest " enough TO that two the You may they are better no shine than more hardy pioneer made assume comes away. another put ready to be removed are hatching you fragments of now the chicks for will not sun at least since the last chick disagreeablepart most do not that assume since the first were removed is colony community the CHICKS sinful world. our where ; and that the chicks It is 24 hours 48 the there brooder. and be than and II. REMOVING We house, opinion my Chapter to sure loo-chick a in it in installing in in placed and a her a bright, male, supply her with accustomed days in she will be during the scratchingand to 68 SECRETS TWO The two great heat proper overhead, air. the temperature gradually lowered, degrees if the weather For the as is and be should until hot great deal a it of of his three or then degrees ; grow, are from come the first two be 95 chicks chicks the temperature " should FEEDING. should needs place warm in the brooder be chick degrees. 103 heat method, young a AND raisingbrooder The natural the from body being in success most that come HEAT feeding. this is the has mother's of proper in mind He SUCCESS" secrets and as Bear heat. OF days it may drops to 80 and pleasant. "The best rule to follow is to observe If they arrange the chicks. selves themat the edge of the brooder, and separate, by spreading out, the heat will be just what they desire. If too cool they will come closelytogether and cro\vd. Many operators have left their chicks apparently contented at night,only to find in the morning warm . of them some dead and the chicks more warmth, to be under the brooder, this, too, when lowered heat the because themselves trampled among and . . effort to in the secure seemed (to the operator) there sufficient." OF CARE The brooder of the is to be the home least six weeks brooder BROODER. THE old. house It is until idea good a and August, then chicks the on they the brooder keep to until cold, wet at are in the days which give the chicks a little heat. The floor of the brooder should be kept sprinkled with sand, and house floor of the brooder should be cleaned every morning. The sometimes we should also should be have be kept opened to get the chicks to spend The for They there, but be in a placed outside should be the week day. There windows the is it is better no hurry for them with chicks the their first feeds brooder, the feed but close get far away. cannot in the brooder tray and to watered and fountain Grit it. of boards fence low a of may some be kind supplied. method or and ; indeed enclosed that so sunny sand, of their lives indoors. little while TO HOW My be clean ground weeks days, given and the on should first few with warm every the first four should summer covered out brooder the in ten of days FEED feeding brooder I feed rolled CHICKS. BROODER chicks oats and is as follows : The first nothing else, just the " 69 kind same of rolled oats I feed them dry. and brush the out the foundation of in the first few feed I do and as else and variety. parts corn and of its have the chicks decrease chicks are or feed small a quantity of old month growth it is cheaper in the thrive than corn end feed to thing some- this in and weaned to from day so that when day to the the rolled oats from them two the rolled place of corn oats, little a part wheat one " wheat rolled I have to is laid introduce begin to quantityof quantity of the I believe future I days cracked seem die. and ten ; but the dish, It may pound a keep I take and live and week the a life,and of I increase oats. constitution and broom. at five cents weeks wheat whisk a stunted and " with them I take and the hens' chick's a for the purpose, oats have the end At I feed them two troughs a table. own my Every day or remaining in them into feed rolled oats to extravagant, on all the time. empty the and troughs use in littletroughs made the chicks before oats that I When feeding them on whole wheat and cracked corn. the chicks are ten days old I begin to give them green food, a from little at first, but increasingin amount day to day. I feed ing if I can onion tops, cabbage chopped fine,clover tips, or get nothin small I give meat and cut in two. better a potato baked and am " quantitiestwo I put water meat times piece of cheap a adhering,and keep liquid and take off the pour three or Into week. a meat or until well it there the and meat ble considera- cooked. Then grind up the bone in my bone cutter, and throw chicks. They eat it greedily. I put a little salt in need certain a I feed I two feed out" I themselves when cool fresh keep charcoal and much of food keep Writes C. they before " will. before water them I them to add from a chicks the that I ered "feath- are help careful am to first,a'nd also very grit. WHAT A. Stone in the Poultry incubator about heat in the "I Standard: through hatching,and meanwhile practically chicks THINKS. MAN ANOTHER hours the and mash, warm time, lettingthem all the ought out," when "feathered are 24 leave so chicks I think because I do my hens, day. Until my as grain a CHICKS" BROODER chicks until the them feeds three or the water of salt. amount in this way begin to little to the a or I bits, it into fine chop that it will get into the fibres of the meat, boiling with bone soup a kettle of a after a generally they brooder to are 95 70 degrees for front " water two with 60 or fine chicks. grit, and Cyphers screeningsor they will eat eat At first I then Chick Food bread them give However, for their first feed in littlelitter, and a make will kill young all the " after the first two them the strew and give them justwhat up clean I generally feed about five times a day they want. three days, and graduallydrop off to three feeds or weeks. the wheat or 50 every of the brooder crumbs feed about the first three at days I scatter their for it. Nothing under and letthem ting stuffing three or hustle chicks quicker than them stand around. I also give them food of some green three days a mash sort and or containing8 per cent, or every two of meat meal. But above ling. cent, all things keep them hust10 per sun ''After the first two I aim to half and I mean I days drop the temperature to 90 degrees. degrees in the first week and a I can As near to 70 degrees in eightor ten days more. as about one to drop the temperature degree a day until 70 get the heat down 80 to is reached. "For maintain mostly,and while we uniform heat,by close watching we can keep a temperature, as my experienceis that after a a even has been chilled gettingthem learn to on a chick outdoor use or brooders heated over the in and run frequentlyam But I myself ground of the out obliged to will stand a as warm shovel it is poor soon the out lot of cold if he of the keeps on chick brooder the in chicks part of the brooder, and snow paratively com- I believe property. possibleafter as not can- very runs. Of move. be watched they must closelyin cold weather and if they show signs of huddling shut, in until thoroughly warmed. of my best flocks have been raised on wheat "Some screenings of the prepared with some alone, but I have had good success in of year chick foods. We be governed by the season must moving to the cool brooder, as earlychicks must be suppliedwith heat a long time; but along the latter part of April I get them course hardened they are to go practically past lice and given WHEN CHICKS There without are proper many care ARE who by hens, and to them I of my good friend, Mr. heat the in about weeks. three danger point,and will live and RAISED IN if At kept this age free from thrive/' THE GOOD OLD WAY. prefer the "good old way" of brooding the pen the following from recommend A. F. Hunter: "For the first 24 hours 71 after not has hatchingchicks do justbeen taken into the abdomen and then has 'justbeen the chick too have a "The first food johnnycake. grit. The rolled oats, food little well liberal To for cooked meat supply of fresh should have week. For other little cracked "From corn hot, and weather comes exercise on be and busy, happy must plenty of snch exercise to often,to give coops TO WHEN Chicks chicks of the who want out chicks September. a hen fresh breeds May, she taking season wants other When Earth.' Keep them If you overfeed. to give them to care egg in hatched chicks of the year production. Poultrykeep ting getin again in well to will do ;" and the who man will find that chicks will not hatched months before March, terranean of the Medi- to of them of CHICKS. April, and set warm and be round is sun freedom come that had not time has hatched in amiss. White breeds the case Change the location ground to run on." for winter tew a for sand June and then start Josh Billingsquaintlysays that "the best March from and plenty of not should in the good digestion. weather. THE breeds clover and large enough grow. them old nights in Wyandotte pulletsof my strain,hatched pen were begin laying in January, when in the same known to any and a water, pure oats, wheat shelter in Mother coops all the year eggs iz when facilities for almost in week, and a six cut or careful HATCH Asiatic of the American breeds men the make up, room get A crumbs. be six weeks to is essential to of 'Old egg, always. provide a Be hungry. them coop bosom times hulled have in; exercise the green cracker or protectionin stormy have that they can sure for boiled sprinklingof chicken should be johnnycake, supper litter of chaff quarters, and sunny hard a three food green a and add for they should fresh scratch to them too food " the bread mash off let (not too cold); digestiveorgans of the the chicks When its seldom on conies food, grit,charcoal, and green cooked a the hatch weeks and the fact that he to is started crumbs first few fullydigested; fresh water finelyminced the first have chicks Give set of pure oatmeal, they the When pint of food the essential to health. are life. be bread each coarse been get accustomed drink should portion of yolk that has not invigoratesthem and helps clear from digestedyolk. waste the food, as before his little crop borned' the littlefellows or should journey through empty this need in tew the at I have August, pulletsof begun to lay. CHAPTER SOME OF There THE fowls this is subject give shall HOW TO beginnings health and is alert their THE Certain manifest diseases birds this of the on labored, is is bird tipped is in with the perfect there is the of bird and odor, health that needs disease at can of the be be advise hospital, to case of a which all roup detected contagious disease to may this the is If the a is thing some- The hen. Where in color, green it is is soft light examination 4. the Odor. by in green passing through grit. is breathing excrement If upon by gested, undiSome sive offen- an smell. the BIRDS. SICK fowls of accompanied are " poultrymen all sick health with detect to Excrement. 3. trouble. supplied and snoring sound, Where food tion. Respira- roost. to if the time, or in bright eye time is dark disturbed. fowl 2. best Where moist. discover may red, gone excrement serious once and " generally dumpish, The to considerable to this respiratory organs time SEGREGATE I would the attention. the especially " is have index digestion is shows so SICKNESS. A comb fowl birds from needs of In appearance. smooth, affect the somewhat danger are ailments poultryman rattling,bubbling a diseases OF breathing. pretty good a the excrement kinds in and white, watery color is these if But beings. purple, appetite poor. disease sneeze wrong excrement and roost try poul- domestic our common the sick or is after sort if there A of themselves the consideration. General i. pale kinds of more active, plumage comb rough, human as into which sickness, and give that BEGINNINGS by ways of it said many the need treatment. clear, appetite good. plumage the for four are heard taken only DISCOVER There the be that diseases greatly doubt) not DISEASES. POULTRY diseases many mention rules some few I have as need they I chapter to I (which so that rare alarm. much are COMMON comparatively are keeper MORE XII. fit up at once a small be building removed. especially important, for a In the for the 74 DIARRHOEA Feathering out corresponding to tax the upon be must It is the even the When ordinary be life of the child. a must There is demands covered with careless poultryman lazy poultryman or like away double a growth feathers. must expect must not before snow chick, a of careful most his flock melt see springtime. the littlebody the when surprised to trying period in very chick's system: and fatalities, some a ENTERITIS. teethingin the life of met, and time a is OR the be in sun the poultryman goes to feed his chicks he notices one in a listless, or two, perhaps more, standing around dejectedway, wings drooping or outspread, with possiblya white threadlike substance which has from the bowels just exuded throw the vent. The chick may clingingto the fluff around up its head and is system Diarrhoea It is deranged, few and it is The poultryman about is, and what sufferingfrom in cholera makes what strive to meet Nor add cases critical a he let them the become all house one drams two or In very by pain, opium serious fever and of or two period chilled and sulphateof brooders get dry iron to should are lows fol- as little cinnamon, bran." a be air-slacked mild In pint of the diarrhoea where cases or precautions,chicken and milk drink, boiled to to attempt it. If, in spite of its appearance, water water. as Especiallyshould he be chicks,making no sudden changes should shower. a his what to thoroughly cleaned, all drinking vessels scalded, and lime sprinkled lightlyabout. Some good remedies rice upon which has been sprinkleda : "Boiled lime digestive is known than disease realize should he feeds in their bill of fare. drenched Its it will be dead. hours better,far better,to avoid this featheringout careful a Enteritis. or it. cure In gape. ing drink- is accompanied bloody discharges,give 1-8 grain grains subnitrate of bismuth every dered pow- four hours. COLDS Fowls are that working would be so a man built that in winter the the hardest. were The the shines the interior is often temperature The sun conditions obligedto wear is is, I reason subjected to great changes are Poultry houses are and at midday even is generallywhen colds. susceptibleto very they BRONCHITIS. AND of temperature. full upon very highest that the are analogous to a heavy fur coat pose, sup- them, warm. fowls what It are they all the time 75 day and 70 degrees,and and night at Such extremes would not windows then would be nearly them room a a room affect the so if common the where it fell below mercury in winter when in the was zero. constitution. poultrykeepers would o'clock 1 1 where hardiest day every from open in sleepin in their houses keep and exercise the Colds the open shines, sun until four morning in the afternoon. The of cold sneezing,bubbling at the nose, Colds generallycure selves themwatery eye and perhaps diarrhoea. without any especialtreatment, but there is always a possibility that colds if neglected may into something serious. run Ten is a simple drops of aconite in two quarts of drinking water and good remedy when administered in season. For mature birds Laxative Bromo a one-grain quinine pillor one Quinine Tablet, given each night for two or three nights,will generallydo the tablet should business. The be greased,so that it will slipdown symptoms Here easily. parts mix is together a with and pea, for remedy Bronchitis human is the throat. bad a The is by of result now a introduced or believed to be of germs outside; in many and " : ways will remain of roup hen house, been within the catarrh Each unless by with a or are under lantern case as one formerly thought was as of means bird a can spores floatingin that it is so that comes goes up the air. the mistaken is often with should of a roup careless buy disease has seeds old an for roup, be isolated. the on The safe to is not be can brought never absolutelysure it But the duced be intro- only bought of excrement means inated is,dissem- that " never but in present. Roup may generallysleeps with wing, and by going through the pen at night in which other way The easilyfind her. may in two her it disease originatewithin. Catarrh peculiarsmell discovered her head you not cold. common a If this is so, roup for years, its walls. new the ROUP. bacterial a it cannot of germs means for as same SCOURGE" DREAD breeder, by irresponsible feet,by be is the neglectedcold. from " (This is not a bad give one every 24 hours. trebling the dose.) beings, doubling or cold accompanied by coughing or rattlingin treatment means equal pelletsabout into mould Take sulphateof iron of quinine and gentian; extract is effective. pillthat sulphate THE Roup are home-made pepper, cayenne size of a a ways. A roupy bird 76 a bird roupy of her eye, there cases be told is may is smell roup a All suspects should there is which be mouths slightmoisture that with in the lower In well there. known once Two given three or times their day a ner cor- developed be mistaken. never can quarantined, fed lightlyon little ginger, and a disinfected vessels. and a littlebubbles perhaps or by mash warm a in drinking water in their nostrils spray the followingsolution : Extract witch hazel,four tablespoonfuls; water, two tablespoonfuls acid, three ; carbolic Use drops. nostril twice and under It is the mouth. KEROSENE The five times bird will if the it will be bird for each often before doctor to will be she recover ROUP. severe a into as breeder, a s'hapeto lay again. for roup cure of the case worthless comes the best is about FOR it pays lives she time some sharp hatchet if you Still, TREATMENT whether question a Even roup. A for the bulb squeeze this treatment. THE and atomizer, and an I know that of. ment, give the bird a chance, try the kerosene treatin my known. judgment, the simplestand best treatment Take a wooden pailand fillit two-thirds full of water, and then cupful of oil. Take bird by the feet and dip her pour on one-half head three. under water, lettingit stay there while you count Wipe the bird well with a piece of soft cloth,and return to the hospital. Some of the kerosene will percolatethrough the outer to want " skin, and clean will be taken some her up feathers. in it,and into the bird's mouth The kerosene few she as tries to uniting with the pus coagulates scales off,leavingthe tongue days the mass pink and clean. The patientis still weak, and should be kept the hospitala while longer before she is returned to her mates. The best throat is roupy bird but to had would not spout the She that I put hasten picking up dishes. ate on her advise and She doors out hint the made the that a and down ran gave her a if the her when bread sunshine warm the about wife soaked sink washed in milk. fine recovery. to the disease keep breaks some out standard to a mash, but warm my The doing well, be to in I had swallowed. with I noticed poultryman when see milk. with seemed her to Soon cure. be cannot I tried to tempt the crumbs I took hand, food kerosened. her heartilyand I would remedy that hard I had moistened is bread roup appetite. avail. no diet in tender so no a use roup the medi- 77 cine according to directions. that can with be administered pillsor powders In in the that you purchasing a remedy food water, and or have give to to select do one bother not the individual bird. CHOLERA. Next called to hot than it birds of cholera the part of the birds discoloration the urates the as with disease distended flock. a the or food birds Sprinkle the Nine-tenths to get eggs He The acid and of the by means the of of the some loss of appetite first Diarrhoea in a bird in in. sets The when follows, and yellow, tude dejectedatti- asleep. the is ; in health at are green. seems cholera is crop aroused is short a it so that deep the up has time discovered. been when placeby themselves, and dogs yards with floor and gallonswarm three foxes or a one dig cannot yards, and and house OF bury the made of solution appliedwith water, it is necessary poultryman not to that afflict laying stock feed must value LIVER. THE digestiveorgans Fortunately the he must and of the liver. highly,and this reacts In order if he finds one dead from the upon and then expect every now of the individual hen is not be disheartened from come to lose great, time to they will in the spring" immediately begin to revise his methods. poultryman must and feed a less stimulatingration, give more green food, must time. the upon the excrement rest, stands and a of the diseases derangements and damp, watering pot. common hen. to and for DISEASES a of or but by the urates weakness body or bury Thoroughly clean pint carbolic health. fowls more first definite symptom tipof the plumage, the excrement. to The progresses with the infected dies burn a time is transmitted generallyheralded satisfactoryremedy Remove one even is dies. No it up. be disease a dry a the domestic in cholera extremely thirsty. Great the bird poultryman would It is cholera itself from roughened generally in white, but bird separates The is of the urates, are changing Cholera common. only that the well. as Approach on as roup it affects not and disease disappears quickly in and of frost. Like approach wild serious is cholera. were roup weather, germs, combat to upon serious the most roup When hens begin to drop off" as 78 his hens compel to for a each month to take shown the tonic. good a by the color black even give " A teaspoonfulof sulphatemagnesia pint drinkingwater, given for a week, then followed by adding one-fourth grain sulphatestrychnia to two quarts water, is be exercise. Where of the comb teaspoonful of a sulphateof magnesia and mopes crop condition spoonful if she as mass make a had pass that may be in the way: will take removed use, and time. some and a by pen If it does away. The name. to Give herself her for a is make that obstruction no table- hours, 12 With a of the everything insert your sharp inch in feathers skewer, the contents sure her it will be necessary not hardwood small a remove To that there of bird examination assist you. to someone Take begin and f longitudinalincision three-quartersof an upper part of the crop, first plucking out any the butchers dark day, instead a base ball. a in put will need length in will BOUND. swallowed oil and may You to operate. knife once is of castor the when oil castor described sufficiently by the and upon around, dejectedin appearance, feels affected,as purple, becoming " strychnia. CROP This the liver is such It crop. has as been little finger gizzard. Rinse Sew up the opening in the the crop with warm out water. ting tying and cutcrop with silk thread, making each stitch by itself, Do the same the thread before making another. thing to the feed skin. Put the bird back .in the pen by herself,and outside lightlyon soft food for a few days. into the outlet of the crop, where the food SCALY is "Scaly legs are the contagious. There depends three upon are for care tablespoonfulsof a a quite a few lard into the LEGS. of work passes minute number weeks and and parasite, add of than to it the trouble remedies, but more anything else. Take two tablespoonfulsof glycerine;then drop into the mixture not hot) two drops of carbolic warm, (which should be mixed the mixture the legs of the fowl and wipe dry, rub on acid. Wash not overlooking any part. thickly,having it warm, very Repeat this twice a week for two or three weeks and the legs will kerosene soon oil and become clean one and of perfectlysmooth." 79 There times are poultry yard. After its appearance and when a the is used Put should be is of great winter when or value disease makes reinforce the to given. in the health Douglas Mixture by poultrymen everywhere. is of the one of It is made as bottle a soon as quart of must jug or the as is clear tonic, oz. gal. i into mixture this tonic : Water, every good long, cold Sulphate of iron, 8 Sulphuric acid, " oz. iron; TONIC. it is desirable fowls, a good follows GOOD a tonic best, and A iron gallon water, one is dissolved add add the the sulphateof acid. When the it is ready for use. Dose, a tablespoonfulto The drinking water. drinking vessels while using be glass or glazed earthenware. MOULTING. Moulting abnormal a unnatural or of discomfort state birds should or should be made Remove for is not ; but disease in the it is dis-ease; a For from it is best for both about the flock the males and that sense best helped through brief as possible. as Feed the be all males this time. disease,in in egg moult, soon and a tion producthe time moulting begins, as females something that it is sense results the as it is be to separated at plentyof meat or ground bone is given in the dailyration,and that plenty green of green food is always at hand. Three in dry, times a week bright weather put a tablespoonfulof flowers of sulphur in the for every 50 fowls, and on alternate days a tablespoonful mash of carbonate of iron to white of iron. Do not give the carbonate fowls, unless you are indifferent as to the purity of their plumage, for it will give the new feathers a creamy or brassy tinge. If this treatment get any is up EATING: Egg eating is the kept during Where hens are the a HOW vice that eggs are supplied with that sure the entire moult through easily,as there will be no loss of them hang in the moult, but keep on EGG cure. usual, only be as TO is much of will will strength,nor completed. until IT. PREVENT easier the birds to prevent than to gathered at frequent intervals,where plenty of material for making shells, 80 hens the where is only applied or beak upper difficult for makes to best method "My hens work to of breaking in the flavor, that The they I know but " it of dose The didn't give another eat 'em I day next never next so Wall, 'em? out a rumple little the 'em far no, soft " a feather, I as I far didn't Didn't that good is as I end another. 'em see soap, house hen They never to took the on know. a went soft the give soap so has and with third. a ; but efficacious. end on I laid Raw I stuck egg day men habit. one egg is keg hens "and pepper, cayenne dropped and off nail being it is as the up A it below. says, chipped filled I egg. Hurt guess. cleaned have Then that referred, times he spring," done known the novel as her be can egg-eating several so make will after egg the bleeding, have contract to egg, an of receptacle the eating one got plaster, eat and that, the of pare laid. I hens. Two plenty Then has she this vice. arranged for have and pain so after into egg eggs stiff good that. eat of I court eat Might hens white. and They and them I nest, Something that hole whom to eating to a the cure. so allow to them. white They you Fox, got small a never D. yolk floor. nest, the signs eggs egg Before floor. shows egg-eating for each fine, is recommended S. sprinkled with is eating egg stop to the place the at in it a dark a nest is cure the out effect get through thing Mr. to chopped pork, the china double-decked drop salt in hen the will nests the a would nests, hatchet. made upon until the is p!aced bird at this excellent an make the on be litter the strikes the be guilty Generally having by in she should should the of when stop. not eating egg effort eggs strewn eggs for cure an china these that sure however more when unknown. practically The busy kept are for could like it did. that, see." 82 as would one Clubs article. with their of eggs gladly soda There color. the poultryman store, and in cash. pay one can berries and other The The is always poultryman the supply a of eggs, them them pay for to of having private poultry,vegetables, eggs, products of the farm and garden. EGGS. spring when are eggs cheap. very time relieve and at the same profits by improving this opportunityto lay his to home for for consumption the to year believe in not and eggs spring when the best fresh eggs, per sight. There are "both of which I under method when I know eggs. lays down for a 400 about in six months cent, absolutelysure print. These methods the convenient. more the Of sun will two Bear keep dozen $60 by Wall leaves two eggs methods the are I man a dozen, and little less per clearingup methods. lime water and fresh cheap sells them profit of 150 cleaner not are eggs Thanksgiving as beside will " preserved the eggs have that sellingthese preserved eggs for fresh but there is no reason why the poultryman should not use in his own family. Neither is there any objectionto selling in the fall,provided they are sold for just what they are I do come. for add can families advantage sell them in in the market congestion down time a good price for a price they PRESERVING There pay private are same is,that customers cream, will often trade, and good the pay at the eggs in cooking they use cold storage eggs. good customers, and will pay a fancy price for a fancy of brown Druggists use a large number tion eggs in connec- are fresh think,because of every then about than the is asked A deal. Street of out keeping eggs, glass and soluble glass, soluble prefer the in who mind, however, that fresh which are not no fresh laid down! LIME METHOD. WATER ring lime, and then add four pounds salt,stirStir and leave to well together. Add eight gallonswater. has settled settle. The next day stir again. After the mixture the clear liquidtime off or carefullydip out the second draw of tartar, saltpetre, each of baking soda, cream Take two ounces Slack and a four pounds littlealum. boiling water. stone jar,small and Pulverize Add end this to down, one mix, the lime layer on and water. dissolve Put in two the eggs top of another, and quarts in pour a 83 on solution. the been has Set the in the jar away in the past, and a This place. cool recipe has process been widely sold method for $5. The is quite satisfactory, although not so good of preservingin soluble glass,as the eggs are liable the method as to have a somewhat limy taste. secret SOLUBLE Soluble GLASS sodium glass,or METHOD. is silicate, readilysoluble slipperyconsistency, for coating bandages, from injuredpart at part soluble one use eggs in until the end then jar is filled, the add case, gallon. a down, until the water SALICYLIC If the specific is as times some- just sink. STORAGE. COLD AND ACID will the top of another that of the eggs, eggs eggs Put water. solution. the on pour gist drug- any preserving layeron one by physicians through For smooth, protect the to parts pure 10 is greater than the solution gravity of It is used be obtained glassto about jar, small stone a rather a it is desired may cents 75 liquidof in water. where air,and of about cost a the a VirginiaAgriculturalExperiment Station has been of preservingeggs, and finds that the treatment studying methods with acid followed salicylic by cold storage is quite efficacious. has passed the experistation does not claim that the method mental The The West does stage, and fresh acid salicylic of ounce on removing a dry in 5 one There ashes conducted hand. and follows in a solution : while store in does not a one diately imme- they box go merge "Sub- of ; and an are rel bar- or above 60 may per salt. be cent. kept Wood Salt also is desire such ashes Wood the National to SALT. OR who and described, or by that eggs at as solution,and of which ASHES however many are of these only 20 the the temperature room is quart of strong alcohol in sterilized cotton WOOD wood minutes 10 it except in use Fahrenheit." degrees any or from the eggs them still wet, wrap in for eggs to anyone trying,and It is worth experimental way. the advise not a simpler method I would are recommend excellent. AgriculturalSchool in than either Experiments Germany show of packed in wood ashes, with a loss convenient and always ashes are cleanly, good. Use a grade of salt a little coarser a year 84 than a so do not jar in a keep a year, jar is cool and if laid but a POULTRY is called coarse-fine in first a let them the as Put until the on and " jar. stone what salt, table layerof salt,then filled. Stand to be I have few as the Cover touch. place. good days salt. Pack eggs them known layerof the small upon packed eggs in eggs and eggs, completelywith the end at a the ends, Set salt. in this way of that time for to cooking before. A MANURE" BY-PRODUCT. VALUABLE is an Poultry manure exceedingly valuable by-product. It is try PoulIt is also a rich plant food. a highly stimulating manure. than is more twice valuable as manure as sheep or hog and more than three times as valuable as ordinary stable manure, the following table will show : as manure, Poultrymanure applying it. It with the but dissipated. The hen which ashes are is to find earth drive it off worse to must care tact con- applied in When in be taken into direct come growing plant. the the soil. with is not than substance some good, on destructively act The of the allowed be never that great suppliesnitrogenin largequantitiesin the form ammonia being a highly volatile product is rapidly problem of the poultrymen, therefore,in dealing manure Sifted powerful so be well mixed Poultry manure with should roots hill it should of ammonia, is the for that will fix the it is apt to ammonia nothing, for they do contain compounds. not hold nia. ammo- bacteria Wood ammonia, by their caustic alkaline properties. the ammonia best thing I have found to preserve but in hen 85 is gypsum manure cents plaster,which Scatter pounds. 100 per land or few a them droppings before you remove it is thoroughly incorporated. The in one year, when in this way, treated CHAPTER THE END The a and see compound droppings are worth 50 plasterover morning, result is The of for bought a one-half that able valu- as from the fowl what it her. to feed costs handfuls in the fertilizer. commercial any as be may OF THE who poultryman XIV. TWO HUNDRED HEN. EGG of head laying if a good poultry to dispose of, especially he follows my for advice in this book to keep pullets, principally, layers. It will be quite a problem to disposeof this stock to the best advantage. In passing I would that the poultryman remark should table well juicy keep his own supplied. Plump and will have stock broilers and else. not rejoiceonce There there summer poultryman time deal is should have " will sell for Take i. those from he wishes to keep the bird from shut this until it is killed. will add the fowl at hand what for breeders. the and the roost at Let The and of the all the water fowl's confinement emptying hours night,36 in comfortable it have MARKET. FOR FOWLS it up greatlyto the bowels. for be may quarters. morning give it a good breakfast, but nothing water fowls over ing moult- about disposed of among poultryman keeps a popular breed cockerels DRESSING is to be killed,and his flock, and price. AND KILLING 500 up," sellingthe "round fall if the fair a to of steadilycull grand a in the 300 are they will bring, except of live Quite a number farmers from just as good for him as they are for any is no reason why the poultryman's table should week broilers or with roasters. During the a for poultry. The market in most towns a good roasters one keeps comfort more and it The next eat after it will drink. assist in is for the purpose the crop. to before of The ating evacu- having 86 Suspend the fowl by 2. a soft cord, the end upper ceilingor beam the Lock 3. the this Do Take 4. Grasp of the head fowl that through with enough the to hook a left the on nail in or ping. prevent flap- to dislocated. be with and hand, with head the stick a of the concussion produce to back, will hot in the 6. bone blood long brain from feathers will come should case rents about be inch an which long them sew is to be back off the fowl's inch of the neck 8. should "For the draw bone, pullthe Boston right This and in Pluck The torn. In minutes. thread. white intestines. and shape of a removing the a round Remove sac may until circle, hole about the intestines the skin and take skin forward and tie. England egg half back New stripthem quickly the be 10 sides sharp knife cut a slit parallelwith it,through will make After and a it into the slit in the silver half dollar. then will not of the intestines of the vent. head, clear throat, and vent. If done neatly with and by enlargingthe a up of the vent end around feathers of with be removed the size of the skin finger,hooking lower from drawn, The wings, and plucking. Finish intestines. ends in the the breast up the feathers easilyand entirelydenuded insert index joins the Unlock out made are under profusely. Remove If the fowl 7. flow back. the blade twist it to the blade withdraw you tail feathers. the feathers markets off about the be "Plumping dipping the carcass 9. in water nearly or cut an poultry markets York For the New picked perfectlyclean. Do not singe the bodies tip feathers of the wings are left on. the purpose of removing any down or hair, as the heat from flame will give them an oily and unsightlyappearance." in or the back at right insert the bone, severing the artery to feathers. bird with pluck immediately. Pluck to Remove tail. and When the feathers by or justback of the ear lobe,on the parallelwith it. Run the blade in the neck the neck Begin the comb by the left hand, and the neck. angles with causing the it they blow smart a fowl side of the neck of behind tip of the wings the sharp knife a to is secured height with head. so carefully, the convenient a unconsciousness. 5. of of which over cudgel. Strike hard and feet at wings together the right strike the the for the dealers,and consists by some soon as as thoroughly picked for 10 seconds quite boilinghot, and then immediately into is recommended 87 ice-cold water." This "The drawn. be drawn be look Massachusetts of laws require poultry to the meat plump and siderably fattcon- its appearance. improving 10. makes In if there and New former the is food York do not State however in it at the time the of killing. Custom, quite as potent as statute law, requires that poultrymarketed in Massachusetts be drawn; and carefullydrawn better more poultry will sell so much readilyand for so much prices,that it pays well to comply with this demand." must crop which is TO the fowl Where SCALD is to be eaten immediate consumption, scalding. There is right way section. take is follows as After pail,or full of boilingwater, reduce the fowl by the neck with the breast remove wrong way and and a it is sold for the feathers this. do to described manner in by The preceding stopped dripping from the wound other receptacle, fillit three-fourths into this pour a pint of cold water to little below a where has some temperature or prefer to Kill in the : blood the wooden a many home, at right and a FOWL. A legs downward and dip and once the it into the water with the boilingpoint. Take twice, once " gettingit in the back, " quickly as possible. Hang the fowl up the feathers have been removed again, and begin to pluck. When from the and the intestines drawn, dip out two quarts of water in its place. Put the pail,putting two quarts of boilingwater and of the out into carcass This, a as let it stay this,and put it in water carcass water nearly if and plump very ful of salt into the cold Hang Fowls will the up fowl in a water cool in this way treated at clean animal or and in cool heat boxes then excellent an is all rents as layer of poultry in or sold. and appearance, SHIPPING. AND straw, is put in. discoloration. or torn placeson wipe dry and hang in entirelyout, before packing. clean utes. min- tablespoon- the fowl time water, with a up same a 10 gives the and until it is to be cooked present PACKING sew ''Carefully the place days without several keep explained,is "plumping," Put invitingappearance. and it out take quite ice cold, lettingit stay not has been as seconds, then 10 follows the same : first a cool Pack a thin the skin, wash place until in clean barrels layer of posture in which the straw they roost, then layer a barrel be and address of letter that the take and express, receipt from the freight market alive. shipped kill can fancy or large and them live poultry. killed strawberry off crates they save In to been in or places the given do firms of them it that a a loss of the whole harm, he be stalls of in If if it Men they they ill afford. or all are are is not who all lars circu- the and make to markets right and eat reliable safe old being out who quarters for in will a unless Before are public now express men the demand sending that years. obscure and can said suit fowls, they corn They are eat sort. some these of who by continually occupy in ship are to constant a boxes may term and way. them not shipped Some business no makes are investigated. be shipper this all be. market this Jews, cities, will our men general business should will be of may to in The light shipments. not. are started small or barrels agent, dress can generally are or and and Commission consignments offices in postal case sent them customers. rabbi, a shouM soliciting have their the are prefer desired, element by that men as Fowls watered. some of important are be lots caprice they sent in by your ALIVE. fowls Commission name Friday." FOWLS of the or express or th" forgetting boxes as Nail with dealer more the which straw sides. not the than later not majority great or or SHIPPING The one freight the ship, notify him of the until on so carefully you ; and shipped in mark whom to and layer a crevices any shipper as with by reach to as a into dealer have you poultry, of full, finishing securely, on poultry Always another firmly address and dressed quite tucked head name so is or corners and straw box or should of or who have their have lately tion investiga- right it may 90 EGGS HATCHING. FOR safelybe kept ? To stolen her nest. in the eggs and She of from to 60 should medium-sized a was for "old you why. than A bird dressingten dressing four part of the fowl, fowls medium-sized call for than when hen. a calls now the demand I will tell forever. legs or wings more of case least at under or time large fowl a is still an There one. the but ture tempera- a plate. In the case of a just right for an order. to buy two more profitable is large one weeks, kept market the has the on that it is large fowl, a a In The " In wing or learned have buyers leg a incubator day has gone pounds has no five. or that hiding away safelybe may was is left uneaten meat medium-sized Shrewd that been chick. a FOR. There fowl. hoosiers,"but bird a CALLED old has hatching hen for at least three hatch to for eggs the that she the barn egg FOWL may ask degrees,eggs before they are put in an be turned every day. 40 MEDIUM-SIZED for under or expects every They and will tell you that she weeks -long find out, go haymow three How " smaller the are ones sional occa- better sellers. GENTLE. BE timid becomes having among them them lose his temper, a unkindly not only a source not to be of she a is naturally she however fowls comes work owner should never "Blessed beatitude as are meek, the cipline dis- they shall for poultrybusiness in the true becomes of moral means a her treat or do, poultry keeping may is hen owner's her get angry to pleasureand profitbut despised. earth,"is inherit the allows himself what matter no tries sorely often and reasoning creature patience. But if he never not hen great the provocation. The how matter One at his will. them handle even no treated pleasure in keeping that they will let their tame so and kindly of the Much tame. The birds. your When easilyscared. and from gentle with Be " as it is elsewhere. pulletsseldom Dry planer shavings make -Precocious Select Don't to go breed of fowl into the as the you do best a poultry business material wife " to unless for nests. pleaseyourself. you have "call" a it. There to a phenomenal layers. make is little danger of overfeeding hens after they begin lay. Clear plasterto poultrymanure, fix the ammonia, lightlysprinkledwith is worth a dollar a coal ashes barrel. or land 91 method If your because assimilated The her no and you she harm. ! If your If market, better If you her the cat, but scare Go the prize at a and do In these thou do fair, county If you record, cackle. have days publicityand bother not the with perity pros- for this the effect upon plausibletheory that of the chick chick, and long, rangey is worth much after Should He he sooner I know man a them distinguish can he is better off to claims them. is the determines a a " short, round egg a more will influence egg long egg the giving a blocky more the of the A it contains. life in it, of sex shape The mistake. of the shape of a it is there what will discover follow, and special a alone,the eggs of the germ sex begins its a and as egg a hurry in their house the roost find out This the have you cost chick. investigating. be in too Put keep of the the is that soon each. to shape the extra the better. "crowers" that is to be hatched. no everything long to bring a capons. cents than sum Unless care. his cockerels, as 10 about this,as for eggs, surplus pullets,for think About opinion. It takes so gain in size is offset by in the business are Some night. under torpedo of nothing of disposesof chick taken big egg a that the get rid of your Don't will a cackles. she egg caponize? difference a for food, to say them the neighbor will appreciate the joke, and keep your neighbor'sgood will have made to maturity to has This sell,cackle. to it pay else,there is roost. experience and by together. go Does the an birds they have fine stock sell them The has- laid hen a cackle. capon learns man time. same likewise shape wise his by feeds again until you have thoroughly follow its teachingsthe more lars dol- around. will get rid of the cat After This and closer you comes permanent at the egg learns man time over The it. tail whenever chick The get rid of the neighbor'scat, explode To from with. begin wisest else who someone change it differently. will make. you who of it all to this book Read you read results don't others. experience of some to fool knows experience. his feeding gives good happen you The of it after few there a weeks be any to have one foot from for themselves. while and the whole your chicks adventurous it; others flock will be laggards drive them let the floor and Some get upon begin to will roosting at about with the 92 soft end of the broom the on with roost The 366. be hens and and after well difficult to get demoralize the whole business and monotony What a made than love on in the the regular and trade. And poultry the Not home, health, and the who men have rather breeders careful,industrious a and work has pleasant being from comes into it gone living, a good that independence men the these to eggs But real a not it; otherwise for poultry business. intelligently, may has will into the go fingers,almost, your likingfor the reasonably expect a who one man, who intolerable. by sellingbirds by catering to sitting plantsit is small days, should man become count money few a real a On and well-equipped poultryman expect? a can fortunes their No have not may You made have step in for thing. the chicks times. other at slaverywill rewards fortune. collected,and as to man does who of the as a glad to get rest. the eggs watered, looked nights until they are two or poultry business is its slavery. The deck 365 days in a year, and in leap years on holidaysbring little relief ; for the stock must be must Sundays fed the feature worst poultryman one one's master. own WAY NOVEL other every method avail,just tie there that wilt be flutter behind. She she tail,if method, By Or not I mean whole time to as the rest observes if she at two not a to tary seden- going to a will stop ; then she When night the ribbon Take This so long, in was again. run it seem may off heroic an : grown appliance relieved, are all." " In preparing considerations : time. fowls business, but I are must this the not able combine I have of money, use aware am book practicability. economy, only frugalityin frugalityin the use of majority of those who keep also short desperate desperate governed by economy six inches the roost, cured. PRACTICABILITY. ECONOMY, By on tail. Tie lose all interest once of the house a hen, without a her to about got it off herself. not "Diseases been will at Shakspere as ends, each after in and she has but stringor tape out will find her you red up tried have you of to break until she is tired out, when run will start comes her will After " think hen will start HEN. A can loose two The life,and fire. you piece of a UP BREAK TO the great devote their that to but poultry keeping 93 other with book, and have the book has with been from tested To DUST legs,and her lay Work the and the hen her around take another. After fallen the that has One kills application week never her and so hen a by causes, Apoplexy, eyes damp dyspepsia " package. or time, but mend recom- week a in apart, filthyand which as and Costiveness crop Canker overcrowding. " " " epilepsy overfeeding. Sore and constipation improper overfeeding. Indigestion and " " quarters. Bronchitis damp " damp cramp is the United as damp " Bumble eggs " Leg houses. foot " same. Black overfeeding. weakness " high perches. Scaly " quarters. There is made duced intro- Diarrhoea overcrowding. runs, fowls, " overfeeding. by Roup " " and " that used and follows: indigestion. Soft-shelled of and up filth and " diseases of " Pip same. WHITEWASH. than summed swelled rheumatism inbreeding " can powder poultrymen troublesome more vertigo and result legs be houses. Soft Gout, the at the the hen lightly the roost to shake the best her the Diphtheria roosting in draughts,also damp throat neglected Consumption same. Ulcerated cold. " The " Cholera filth. and houses. rot into under hands your the pen The the neck. the and least three times, at intervals at may germs. dampness food. sides Return on brood. houses, filthyhouses " are by The about keeping back the lice that DISEASE. OF their damp the on going through newspaper the hen ing admitting a strange hen into the pen without first dustall the rest, thoroughly. One lousy hen will contaminate one's guard all the time. it is necessary to be on CAUSES with on ify to mod- depart radically to feathers get away. will be another there dusting and cannot I live and relied powder a perforated cover. the vent, rubbing it around moment, a be may grasp and the feathers stand that she so into powder in statement newspaper. handle a into the powder Let wings. with profit pages. a upon of Every as left hand your writingthis maximum expect never into the feathers the Work long as in these breast-down Sprinkle the powder in well. down in experience, and learn With " tin box a actual to the of effort. time, but to HEN. A be in should a by principleslaid the how the minimum time details from this class in mind show to implicitly.I expect upon had endeavored be obtained may I have pursuits. better whitewash no States follows : Take government half a for outside for bushel work ings, publicbuildof unslacked 94 lime and over a slack it with boilingwater, covering during the process Strain the liquidthrough a fine sieve or strainer, to keep in steam. and add a peck of salt previouslydissolved in warm water ; three pounds of ground rice boiled to a thin paste and stirred in while hot; half a pound of Spanish whiting,one pound of clean glue. Before the glue is added it should be dissolved in cold water and then brought to a state where it will flow freelyby being placed being filled with stir into it. square color fire in slow ochre yellow to of pounds A FIELD to HOME. in the engage to limited his thoroughbred afford can $2 For add cream lampblack four pounds proportionately of Indian of red color and pound one add who does of established breeders does who large scale,or a the capital have not not reputation, within profitsby imitatingtheir methods are ing waking up to the importance of keep- stock. to pay color lead or man on with asdesired. proportionately pounds lampblack. two The compete Farmers area. to " " stone common business largelyincrease may pearl common umber raw NEAR feel competent he of pound a be added may color add lampblack; for four the largerpot largerone, Add five gallonshot water ture, to the mixdirt can stand a few days where no get will whitewash of this cover one pint ; for ; for fawn one common a let it in set pot Apply hot. One yard. Coloring matter add umber water. well, and ivoryblack or small a farmer The, average or for $i even does of sitting a feel that not eggs, but he will introduces and promwho The new man a gladly pay 50 cents. ising strain of who into his has a or variety neighborhood, any established breed noted for egg production,can count on a large sale of eggs for hatching around It is more home. to profitable sell eggs for double consumed TO break to well and If it is forage in a pen customers the UP BREAK the needs for herself built for out all the water and come back to " She of the Don't she and house few she will in be laid the In drink. the flock with the a a same week in latter time hurry a and long in starts again. yard and let or spring,put days. If it is winter broodies, give her a light feed a sell them to ; for has before breakfast, nothing for dinner, and her HEN. hen. vacation a of town out SITTING sitting put her summer eggs A sittingthan a advertisingand baskets, the and in correspondence. for expense packing up for 50 cents to sum is the in How farmers that there case the to for she of mash supper. will be and good appetite, her her for Give cured in another 95 week the that desire a few a feel is in The brains The stunted fat and of not clutch two and laid eggs good that to them sit she requisitesof consume expects winter go poultry up of it. a when on It used are times they are they for stored eggs three as the in has nest or is forgets her some no time success a method little hungry to where every she go are under day, they the nest. business are pains. who poultryman pulletsis going develop her this to gathered two likelyto get broody nearly so of eggs her of and uneasy condition a it will do hen hurt generallyknown the food, good to if she philosophy the days, for are a makes It won't fact not hens The lay. to scanty ration where and begin for incubation. plenty is will she and care winter When her shell to maturity her Tyin' rags say While to natur' Hen, his Liked to a raise a brood^ its way, hen ; off the made a thumbnail yanked twitched he shooed neighbor, Penn, her though, Grabbed hard kinder and wants my yank to 'twas gettin'gay ago Went pail, yard. slammed bustin' up Started Penn and wants Jest 'cause fright, tail, the though it's skursely right tin around as she I sh'd her old an her kicked 'Cause 'twas around on Chasin' Seems chill. a dreadful a Poundin' till with though Givin' set, 'tain't etiket in water connected as to the nest, peck and jest good and stout, thing darn away out. then and again to grab the hen. But, by ginger, she had spunk, Tried she 'Cause Big's a bean Swallowed Histed "Sounded up took and nipped a junk right out his palm, it,and cool and calm and yelled "Cah-dah like she said !" "Hoo-rah!" done that hen that, sir,.when took off his hat, he bowed, bet can Spunk jest suits him, you SET." "Set," says he, "gol darn ye, Wai, Penn " " " Holman F. Day or requires good HEN. is bound though as Seems Bein' SETTIN' hen a Dowsin' She's " from It immature layers. Seems " badly disappointed. good steady growth a A " be to from eggs in Lewiston Journal. INDEX. A Best Breeds lerican K PAGE 42 Killing and 48 Leg Bands. Lice and Red Mites Liver, Diseases of PAGE Dressing. " 85 B Birds Sexed it :eding for Birds Best :ed from 56-61 Eggs 200 57 68 "oder, Care of 66 "oder, Install One 67 "oder, Removing Chicks to "oder, Secrets of Success with.... 68 Author Feeds. .68 "oder Chicks, How Man's Way. 69 "oder Chicks, Another bohydrates 35 66-71 Care Their and cks cks, Diseases of cks, with Hens to Hatch cks, When 73 70 71 77 74 8 )lera ds and Bronchitis Plan ony nmunity Plan ony-Community Plan 10 14 /8 58 Bound p "sses D rrhoea of f js, and. Winter j Production, Conditions Wrecked j Records, How s of Experiment Station House.. Natural Hen N Incubator 12 63 Non-Layers 6 Packing 87 Piano Prize 44 and Shipping Box Houses Method of Feeding and Products By-Products Preserving Eggs, Methods Pullets, to Start Laying 17 81-85 82-83 of 45 R Rats 89 36 etc of Element 47 in 48 75 S Scalding 43 Sex 35 .: Way ding, a Woman's :ding, Caution......! for Rule ding, Golden Much ding, How Method ding, Summer ding, Variety Necessary Method ding, Winter * Values 33 29 30 26 Dressing in Egg Production Fowls in Element 79 23 Food Montana Reproduction, Sex Roup 7 )ds and 58 79 Reproduction, Conditions 85-88 Hen* Egg from 74 25-33 41-45 7 6 Type 1 of 200 ircise Birds, Breed and Sanitation js in Fall f Mature Moulting Salad for Feeding 58 84 . 22 Tonic and Male, Importance of Manure, Poultry. ., 24 Eating. f Foods 77 93 72-80 Common the More nking Water Bath st eases, 20 M Rations, Balanced, , Causes eases, 61 i Men -. How . 87 46-51 78 88 64 Up Some Sanitation in Summer, of Sex, Law Sex, Selection by Sick Birds, Segregate Sickness, Beginnings of Feed... 94 30 24 49 49 72 72 T Tables 39-40 29 28 Testing Eggs Tonic, A Good Things to Bear 27 Trap 34-4" " 18-24 Egg Production. Scaly Legs Shipping Live Fowls SittingHen, Care of SittingHen, to Break Successful 89-95 Two Nest and Hundred 65 79 in Mind 37 Its Uses Hen 52-55 Egg 3-7 V t, Charcoal :en and Oyster Shells.... .23 Food 37 Varieties, How Vermin, to Rid 45 Water H 4 . ubation, Artificial and ubator or ubator, Get Good 5 of 8-17 Natural. 61-65 Test 21 One 63 65 Winter Pullets Eggs from Winter Eggs, Feeding for Winter Eggs, Not Fertile Government Whitewash, 62 Hen a House W Persuader, Mr. Fox's redity. '. of 200 Egg Hen. me i . Many 41 43 60 93 Y Yard, Poultry 23. THIS BOOK IS DUE ON STAMPED AN INITIAL WILL BE THIS BOOK WILL DAY ON INCREASE AND OF DATE THE $1.OO SO TO THE DUE. CENTS ON ON THE CENTS 25 FAILURE FOR TO TO I DATE BELOW FINE ASSESSED LAST THE THE SEVENTH RETURN PENALTY FOURTH DAY OVERDUE. *its-Certainprofit certain incub; satisfaction 'nal and all Internatio other CY makes .4* BROODERS Don't you '"' can risk losse" obtain a c mothers for EquippedIncubat . in Poultryme Chick Fo" Qd, Scratching F0" ers "ver, y Mealed CIov Houses, Brc Practical Poul Remedies,
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